List of allowed 72 products under attack. Protein foods for weight loss by ducan list

Following a diet for a long time, or adhering to proper nutrition, there comes a period when you especially want to eat something tasty and flour. But you can forget about the usual baking, otherwise the kilograms will go up again. But you can pay attention to delicious recipes dietary oatmeal cookies. These homemade cookies will provide the body with energy for a long time, satisfy hunger and do not provoke weight gain. And in order not to forget about proper nutrition, the calorie content of the finished dish is indicated in the recipes.

Oatmeal cookies with banana and coconut


  • Oatmeal - 1 tbsp.
  • Kefir 1% fat - 1 tbsp.
  • Banana (it is better to take the ripe one) - 100 g
  • Coconut flakes - 10 g


  1. Oatmeal is poured with kefir and left in this state for 20 minutes.
  2. Once the oatmeal is swollen, coconut flakes are added to it.
  3. The banana is kneaded with a fork and mixed with the oatmeal.
  4. From the resulting mass, medium-sized cookies are formed, which are baked in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Rye cookies with oatmeal and coconut flakes

(154 kcal / 100 g, B-5 ​​g, F-5 g, U-23 g)


  • rye flour - 200 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - ¾ glass
  • butter - 100 g
  • oatmeal - 4 tablespoons
  • coconut flakes - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • baking powder - 2 tsp.
  • salt - a pinch
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife


  1. Beat eggs with sugar, add softened butter, flakes, shavings, salt, vanillin and baking powder. To mix everything.
  2. Add flour, knead the dough. The dough should be of such consistency that it can be spread out with a spoon (not very thick)
  3. Grease a baking sheet with oil
  4. Put the dough on a baking sheet with a tablespoon
  5. Send to the oven preheated to 170-180 ° С (for 15-20 minutes)
  6. You can sprinkle with powder and oatmeal on the finished biscuits.

Diet oatmeal cookies with kefir

(253 kcal / 100 g, B-7 g, F-6, U-44 g)


  • Oatmeal - 300 g
  • Low fat kefir - 300 ml
  • Dried fruits (dried apricots and prunes) - 100 g
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • Vanillin pinch


  1. Oatmeal is poured with kefir, mixed and left to swell for 40 minutes.
  2. Dried fruits are thoroughly washed with boiling water, cut into small pieces and attached to the flakes.
  3. Cinnamon with vanilla is added to the resulting dough and the finished mass is thoroughly mixed. Cakes are made from it, which are baked in a preheated oven up to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Oatmeal Oatmeal Cookies

(170 kcal / 100 g, B-9 g, F-5, U-20 g)


  • Hercules - 270 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Apple - 300 g
  • Pear - 1 pc.
  • Pinch of cinnamon


  1. The oatmeal is lightly fried in a hot skillet without adding oil.
  2. The apple is peeled and grated on a fine grater. The same is done with the pear. It is better to choose ripe fruits in order to give the liver a natural sweetness.
  3. The oatmeal is combined with the resulting fruit puree and the whole mass is thoroughly mixed.
  4. At the very end, the dough is added chicken eggs and cinnamon.
  5. The baking sheet is covered with parchment paper, cookies are made from oatmeal by hand, which are then baked at a temperature of 150 degrees until fully cooked.

Oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese

(161 kcal / 100 g, B-10 g, F-3, U-25 g)


  • Oat flakes - 170 g
  • Cottage cheese 3% fat - 250 g
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Dates - 50 g
  • Banana - 50 g


  1. The oatmeal is whipped in a blender to a powder.
  2. Cottage cheese is added to the crumbly mass and everything is thoroughly mixed together.
  3. The banana is pounded with a fork and also sent to the dough.
  4. The dates are washed, cut into pieces and added to all other ingredients.
  5. At the very end, honey is sent to the dough, after which it is mixed again, and round cookies are made from it, which are then baked for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Oatmeal cookies with apples

(170 kcal / 100 g, B-9 g, F-5, U-21 g)


  • Hercules flakes - 200 g
  • Boiled water - 70 ml
  • Apple - 2 pcs. medium size
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Cinnamon - 5 g


  1. The oatmeal is poured with water and left to swell for 10 minutes.
  2. The peel is removed from the apples, the core is peeled, and they are rubbed on the finest grater. Then they go to the oatmeal.
  3. An egg and cinnamon are added to the resulting dough, the whole mixture is thoroughly mixed, and small round livers are formed from it, which are baked at 150 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Oatmeal cookies without flour and sugar

(260 kcal / 100 g, B-16 g, F-4, U-40 g)


  • Oatmeal - 120 g
  • Jar of baby apricot food
  • Low fat - cottage cheese 150 g


  1. Put the flakes together with the cottage cheese in any container and beat with a blender until smooth.
  2. Add baby food to the resulting mixture and mix everything.
  3. Form thin cakes from the finished dough, which are laid out on a baking sheet and baked at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Diet oatmeal cookies at home

(246 kcal / 100 g, B-6 g, F-5 g, U-45 g)


  • Oatmeal - 200 g.
  • Dried apricots or prunes - 60 g.
  • Milk - 100 g.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Chocolate (or cocoa) - 10-20 g
  • Crushed nuts - 30 g


  1. Mix the oatmeal with chopped dried fruits, nuts, coconut, chopped chocolate and grated apple.
  2. Beat the banana with milk until smooth, with a mixer.
  3. To mix everything
  4. Form the dough into balls and place on a baking sheet (oiled)
  5. Bake in a preheated oven (180 degrees) for 25-30 minutes

Oatmeal cookies with honey

(170 kcal / 100 g, B-6 g, F-2, U-15 g)

During a diet, with proper nutrition, you really want to eat something sweet. It is especially difficult for novice athletes and those who have just started their journey to a beautiful, slim, fit figure. Constantly controlling and limiting your desires can reduce any motivation. To avoid breakdowns, you need to learn how to cook healthy sweets that you can eat without harming your figure.

One of the most simple recipes sweets in PP - oatmeal cookies. But it was cooked on their own, and not bought in a store. Pick up a pack, look at the calorie content: about 450 calories per 100 grams, and the composition contains margarine and sugar, which have a high glycemic index!

We will learn how to make homemade low-calorie cookies using only healthy ingredients. Do not think that it is long or difficult, on average, active actions take 5-10 minutes, and the technique is so simple that those who do not know how to cook can cope with it.

What ingredients can i use?

Having mastered 2-3 recipes, you can easily combine them, add something new, experiment with tastes and additives. It will still be delicious. So, commonly used are:

  • Oatmeal or rolled oats... Not instant flakes, which are brewed with boiling water in a minute, but normal flakes, often - "Extra", which need to be boiled for 5 minutes in a saucepan.
  • Oat flour... It's not that common in stores, but that's not a problem. It can be made at home from oatmeal using a coffee grinder or blender. If the mass does not grind too well, and sometimes pieces will come across, it's okay.
  • Banana... Perhaps the main fruit for homemade cookies. Firstly, it imparts sweetness, and secondly, it has binding properties, like an egg, and therefore does not allow the liver to disintegrate. Choose well-ripened bananas so they can be easily kneaded.
  • Fruits and dried fruits... Almost any, especially good for oat cookies, dried apricots, raisins and prunes. Something relatively dense that won't flow like berries. Keep in mind that this does not include candied candied fruits, they cannot.
  • Cottage cheese... Better to take fat-free. If the lumps are large, you can either grind with a blender, or rub with a spoon through a sieve, this is quick. This will give a more homogeneous mass.
  • Nuts... It is possible and necessary. Walnuts are especially useful and good, besides they are inexpensive. You can grind them in a blender, or wrap them in a towel and roll them over it with a rolling pin.
  • Eggs... If you consider BJU, and are not sure whether you can have an extra yolk, and how to calculate it all, you can refuse the yolks. Take two squirrels. Although, in one cookie, there will be so little yolk fat that you can neglect it. Everyone decides for himself.


Top 5 cooking ideas

Keep in mind that the mass does not roll out and form well, so you can either roll the balls or spread the dough on a baking sheet with a spoon. Use baking paper or a heat-resistant baking mat. There is no oil in the dough, and the cookies can burn and stick.

Since we cook without sugar, you can optionally add a sweetener tablet to all the ingredients. So, recipes step by step.

Banana cinnamon flavor

Perhaps the simplest and most famous fitness cookie with a banana. It is easy and quick to prepare. Immediately turn on the oven 180 degrees.

1 cup oatmeal flakes 1 large banana 1 egg; 1 teaspoon cinnamon

In a deep bowl, mash the banana with a fork until puree, add the cereal, add the egg and cinnamon, stir. Put the cookies on a baking sheet, leaving a free space between them, and bake for 10 minutes to become tender, and if you want drier and crisper, leave in the oven for another 3-5 minutes, so that they do not burn.

Kefir-fruit pleasure

Not the fastest recipe, but very tasty, yogurt-based cookies melting in your mouth will appeal to everyone. And by the way, no eggs!

3 cups of cereal 1 cup low fat kefir; Half a cup of nuts or dried fruit; 3 tablespoons of honey.

Preparation starts early. Pour cereals into a bowl and cover them with kefir. Cover and set to swell for an hour. At this time, grind nuts and dried fruits. When the hour has passed, add them to the bowl. There - honey, and if you wish - vanillin, cinnamon, nutmeg. Stir to make a thick dough, roll up the balls, flatten them and place them on a baking sheet. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes, if the cookies are soft - another 5-10 minutes.

Curd tenderness

In this recipe from rolled oats with cottage cheese, an unusual taste is obtained, just for those who are already tired of oatmeal in all its manifestations. However, therefore, the recipe can also be used to make curd oatmeal cookies, but you should definitely try the oatmeal cookies. We cook with whites, we don't need yolks.

100 grams of rolled oats; 100 grams of cottage cheese (if there is no fat-free, take with the lowest fat content); 100 grams of dried fruits (raisins or dried apricots are especially good here); 2 squirrels; A tablespoon of honey.

Turn the oven 180 degrees. Mix all the ingredients together, you can add cinnamon or vanillin (not vanilla sugar!). Take a little dough and roll the balls in your hands. Place them on a baking sheet. Press down on each ball with your fingers or a tablespoon. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

Chocolate cheat

Imagine, this is also possible on a diet. The fact is that there is very little chocolate, and if you stretch the amount of cookies for two or three days, it will not harm your figure. Of course, we bake something for those who are losing weight only with dark chocolate.

130 grams of oatmeal; 30 grams of dark dark chocolate; 100 ml of milk; 1 banana; 2-3 prunes (if not, replace with dried apricots or take a larger banana); 2 tablespoons of honey.

Grind half of the oatmeal in a blender until flour. Grate the chocolate, chop the prunes to a small cube. Mix milk, banana and honey in a blender. Place all ingredients in a bowl, make dough, and shape into cookies. Oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes, the top should be browned.

By the way, life hack: you can make chocolate chip cookies according to any recipe by adding 2 tablespoons of cocoa to the dough.

Protein sweetness

For those looking for fewer carbs and even more protein, we make Oatmeal and Oatmeal Protein Cookies. It can be eaten in place of protein bars before working out at the gym to energize your body. The calorie content of 1 cookie is about 75 kcal.

50 grams of oatmeal; 50 grams of oat flour; 25 grams of casein protein, can be flavored; 2 egg whites; Sweetener; Can be made with raisins, apples, nuts, dried fruits.

Turn on the oven at 190-200 degrees. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Spread on a baking sheet one by one, with a teaspoon, leveling so that the maximum thickness is about 5 mm. 10-15 minutes is enough for the top to brown. Let cool and taste!

Keep in mind that even such healthy cookies should not be eaten more than 2-3 in the morning. This is not an option for cheat mil, but for emergencies, when you crave sweets unbearably. Control yourself and be slim and beautiful!

Delicate, tasty and sweet oatmeal cookies do not need to be purchased at the store. You can cook it yourself. Moreover, it will cost much less than a factory one. In addition, the resulting product will not only be tasty, but also healthy. After all, it is far from a fact that manufacturers do not add any flavors and stabilizers to their product. In homemade cookies, all the ingredients are guaranteed to be natural.


  • Oat flour-400 grams
  • Butter- 150 grams
  • Sugar- 100g
  • Chicken egg- 1 piece
  • How to make oatmeal cookies at home

    1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator and let it stand at room temperature for 30 minutes to soften. Drive an egg into a cup, add sugar and add butter (in our recipe, half and half chocolate butter and regular butter).

    2 ... Stir with a fork.

    ... Add flour.

    4. Knead the dough. It turns out to be soft, pliable and does not stick to your hands.

    ... Spread a sheet of foil or baking paper on a baking sheet. Form a cookie, 5-7 mm wide. Brush each one with egg yolk on top.

    ... Sprinkle with sesame seeds (powdered sugar, coconut, etc., of your choice). Send the sheet to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 10-15 minutes.

    Delicious oatmeal cookies are ready

    Bon Appetit!

    Oatmeal cookies with sour cream

    You will need oatmeal for homemade cookies. Finding it in the supermarket is easy. But if suddenly this product was not in the nearest store, then ordinary rolled oats, ground into flour using a blender or even a coffee grinder, are quite suitable for baking. In general, for the manufacture of such cookies, you will need the following products:

    Oat flour - 250-300 g;
    wheat flour - 50-100 g;
    eggs - 1 pc.;
    sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;
    butter - 50 g;
    sour cream - 150 g;
    drinking soda - 1 teaspoon.

    Grind sugar with softened butter, add an egg and mix thoroughly until a more or less uniform structure is formed. Add sour cream to the mixture and mix thoroughly again. Sift both types of flour into the resulting mass, add soda and knead the dough. The finished product should stick slightly to your hands.

    Form cakes from the resulting dough. You can do this with your hands or by rolling out the dough and cutting out the circles with a glass. Place the uncooked biscuits on a greased baking sheet or baking paper and bake for about 20 minutes in the preheated oven at 180 ° C.

    Homemade Oatmeal Cookie Tips

    This recipe can be called basic. On its basis, you can bake a wide variety of confectionery products. For example, you can add cinnamon or vanillin to the dough for more flavor. You can make cookies with nuts or raisins. And instead of sugar, it is not forbidden to put a little honey.

    Well, in order for cookies to always turn out, it is advisable to adhere to a few simple rules:

    When preparing the dough, you must first mix all liquid products and add sugar to them, then separately dry products, and then combine them;
    butter or margarine should not be melted, in this case the baking will turn out to be harsh, it is better to just soften them at room temperature;
    The dough will be softer if, after kneading, it is put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

    Video recipe "Flourless Oatmeal Cookies"

    The Dukan Diet of 72 protein foods was developed by professional nutritionist Pierre Dukan and instantly became popular in many countries. The second name for the food system is the protein diet, because the protein foods in the Ducan diet are the basis.

    The secret of popularity

    The Ducan Diet of 72 foods that you can eat is highly effective due to a number of features:

    1. The list includes mainly protein-rich foods that contribute to weight loss.
    2. The list of foods is very wide, so you can make your diet varied, and you are unlikely to get bored of it.
    3. The diet does not have strict restrictions on the amount of protein and vegetables consumed, which greatly facilitates the process of losing weight.
    4. Dukan's diet is based on 72 products for Attack; Dukan's protein products were specially selected. They normalize the digestive system and make you feel good throughout the entire period of weight loss.

    Allowed Protein Foods for the Attack Phase

    The most stringent, and requires strict adherence to the diet. As we already said, protein foods are the basis for the Ducan diet, we give you a list of them:


    You can eat veal cutlets and chops, lean beef tenderloin, rabbit and horse meat. Beef and poultry liver, veal and lamb's tongue, the front part of the cow's tongue are allowed.

    A fish

    You can eat any kind of fish in different cooking options: baked, boiled, canned, smoked and even raw. Crab sticks are also allowed.


    This group includes crabs, shrimp, seaweed, mussels, crayfish, shellfish, lobster, oysters, scallops, squid, and more.


    Homemade chicken and turkey meat, partridges, quail, guinea fowl and pheasants. It is important to remove the skin immediately, as it is too oily.


    The list of 72 protein products of the Ducan diet includes lean ham with a fat content of up to 4 percent: chicken, turkey, pork, basturma and other varieties.

    Dairy products and eggs

    Skim milk, cottage cheese, cheese, natural yoghurt without additional additives. Boiled and fried quail and chicken eggs.

    Complementary Products

    A large list of foods falls into this category, including tofu, cumin, herbs, garlic, vinegar, milk powder, tomato and soy sauce, onion, adjika, natural sweeteners, lemon, spices, salt, vanillin, yeast, gelatin, and more, but within reasonable limits.

    Protein foods (list): Ducan table

    These protein foods according to the Ducan diet are considered optimal in order to lose weight and not spoil your health:

    Popular recipes for the Ducan diet

    Of the 72 products that can be eaten on the Ducan diet, it is really possible to prepare many healthy and tasty dishes that will make the diet varied. Consider a few popular recipes developed by Pierre Ducan himself.

    Baked tofu

    To prepare the dish, you need to preheat the oven to 230 degrees and cut the tofu into cubes, dip in soy sauce and spread on a hot baking sheet. Place the chopped bell pepper between the cubes. The dish will be baked for about half an hour, and the pepper should be crusty during this time. Turn the ingredients over gently and wait until cooked through. After cooking, pour the sauce with three ingredients: chili sauce, lime juice, and soy sauce.

    Ducan's mayonnaise

    Separate the yolks from three boiled chicken eggs and cool completely. Add ground pepper to taste, a small spoonful of vinegar and two small spoons of mustard, and salt to taste. Grind the ingredients well and begin whisking the mixture, gradually pouring in the edible paraffin oil (75 ml). As a result, you should have a thick, snow-white sauce, which can be used as a substitute for traditional mayonnaise in different dishes.

    Cheesecakes from cottage cheese and bran

    Mix 350 grams of cottage cheese with two eggs and half a teaspoon of sweetener, and add 3 large tablespoons of oat bran and a pinch of salt to the mixture. You can add some vanillin if you like. After that, stir the mixture thoroughly and form the cheesecakes, which must be fried in a hot pan on both sides until golden brown.

    Now you know several recipes for the Attack of the Ducan diet, but 72 products from the allowed list will allow you to prepare much more delicious and healthy dishes - you just need to connect your imagination.

    Hello friends! Today we will return to one of the most famous diets again. In the article "" I described in detail all 4 phases and an approximate diet for each of them. And now I want to dwell in detail on the products that can and cannot be included in the diet. Ducan's Diet - Permitted Foods by Stage. Let's carry out a thorough check of the refrigerator. Join the discussion of the article and write your feedback on these product lists.

    For convenience, I made each stage in the form of convenient tables. In the first stage, basic products. And in other stages, the range of products expands. Therefore, for all subsequent stages, I write only those products that are added to the existing list.

    Almost all weight loss systems have a beginning but no further recommendations for weight stabilization. The method proposed by the French doctor Pierre Ducan is characterized by a smooth "exit" from the diet. The method can really help to get rid of the hated pounds forever. But again, observing the simple rules of the author himself.

    The diet has 4 stages. With each step, you gradually learn to eat right, enjoy food and lose weight. Each stage has its own duration and the “grocery basket” recommended by Dukan. You will not feel any deprivation thanks to the gentle introduction of healthy dietary changes.

    As with any diet, a breakdown or the slightest deviation from the rules can cancel out all the efforts made. But who gets it right the first time? We do not even learn to walk right away, but gradually. Often gaining more experience and knowledge. If I am encouraging, let's get down to the permitted products.

    Stage One - Attack

    In the first phase, you start eating only those foods that are rich in protein.

    My personal observation: Prolonged intake of high-protein foods can harm the kidneys. If everything is in order with you, then 4-5 days will not cause any harm.

    Meat Lean meats are welcome - beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal. Sometimes eat offal (tongue, liver, kidney) or natural ham.

    Goose and duck are prohibited.

    Meals must be cooked without oil. Cook, stew, bake.

    Egg Protein is preferred. Reduce yolk intake.
    Seafood, fish All seafood is allowed. Cook without frying.

    Any fish - river and sea breeds.

    Steam well, boil, simmer. Fried foods are not allowed.

    It is better not to use canned food, but if it is natural and without oil, then you can.

    Allow yourself to occasionally eat smoked fish and crab sticks in small amounts. We eat everything without oil.

    Dairy and fermented milk products We eat and drink everything fat-free - up to 0.5% fat. Yogurt, kefir, milk (up to 1.5%), fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. No added sugar or artificial additives.
    Beverages Teas: green, black, herbal weak tea. Weak coffee, chicory, clear water.

    According to Dukan, soda and light drinks are not prohibited. My personal opinion: this is a slippery slope. Soda Light or 0 Calories is sugar free and contains unnatural sweeteners. These are very harmful additives, it is better to bypass them altogether.

    The amount of liquid per day - not less than 1.5 liters

    Condiments Any onion other than leeks, soy sauce, garlic, fresh and dried herbs, basil, tomato paste (not much because it contains a lot of sugar). The salt needs to be cut. Season salads with vinegar, 3-4 drops of lemon.
    Oils no more than 1 teaspoon of olive or rapeseed (allowed by Dukan from the end of 2016)
    Other Nuts - no more than 1 handful (also an innovation since 2016)

    Shirataki noodles are low in calories and can be eaten without restrictions.

    Vegetable - whatever you want, but no more than 1 coffee. spoons.

    Tofu, seitan ("vegetarian meat", made from dough).

    Ducan writes that he increased the amount of oil because that amount of fat will have a beneficial effect on the intestines. This means there will be less constipation. Plus you get in the diet. As he himself says: "His main enemy is sugar, not fat." So now you can cook protein foods or add to salads.

    Second stage - alternation

    The set of products is the same as on Attack. Plus, new products are introduced into the menu - vegetables. It turns out protein-vegetable nutrition. This phase is also called the Cruise stage.

    Drink liquids up to 1.5 liters per day. Drink everything the same as on the "Attack". Also increase the amount of oat bran to 2 tablespoons per day.

    Anything that contains starch is prohibited at stage 2: potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, lentils, corn, pasta and cereals. Avocados are also banned, because too greasy.

    Do not forget the strict rule - do not report yourself a supplement. And for convenience in calculating the portion size, I recommend purchasing a kitchen scale.

    At this stage, withdrawal may begin and there is a high probability of quitting the diet. You will see how the weight will go down. Hold on and move forward. Write in the reviews to the article what are your dietary results and what does not work out. Let's figure it out 🙂

    Stage three - Anchoring

    You can eat everything the same as on the "Cruise". But now you can diversify the menu even more - from now on you can eat fruits, bread, some potatoes, etc. Divide this phase into two parts.

    In the first part, you can use 1 serving of starchy foods per week + 1 holiday meal.

    Bread Rye-wheat, whole grain. 2 slices a day (or 50 g).
    Fruits Any - no more than 200 grams per day.

    Excluded only: grapes of any varieties, cherries, all dried fruits, bananas, cherries.

    We only eat 1 thing a day.

    If the fruit is small - apricot, plum - eat 2 at a time.

    Cheese Only 40 g per day allowed. 16-20% - the maximum permissible fat content of the product.
    Starchy foods They can be used only once a whole week and in small portions - 150 - 220 g

    Prepare dishes with: bulgur, lentils, pasta, rice, potatoes, legumes, polenta, couscous, chickpeas, peas

    No frying, no oil.

    Cereals Up to 200 g buckwheat without oil

    Up to 125 g of white rice

    Meat Ham, lean pork, lamb, bacon. Allowed 1-2 times a week
    Holiday food

    It can be breakfast, lunch or dinner.

    Allow yourself 1 time a week on any day, except for protein, add a treat to the menu.

    It can be a slice of cake, a salad with mayonnaise, or anything from a forbidden food. And no additive.

    In the second part of the stage, 2 servings of feast are allowed per week + 2 starch-containing dishes.

    Thus, by stage 3, you should eat 6 days a week of fruits, vegetables and protein products, and 1 day - only a protein menu.

    Ducan advises in the book to eat exclusively protein meals on Thursdays. By the way, he has a very handy assistant book. Pierre leads you step by step to lose 10 kg in 60 days.

    Fourth stage - Stabilization

    The power supply must be the same as the 3rd phase. Make adjustments only on the day of solid protein intake (Thursday).

    Physical exercise

    Be sure to include in the schedule a visit to the pool, gym. Aerobic exercise and cardio should be your lifelong companions.

    Eating wisely and exercising are the most important habits of a healthy person. It is with their help that it is easy to keep fit and maintain the result. With them, other important changes in the lifestyle are acquired: healthy sleep, absence of stress.

    Duration of stages

    Diet time is proportional to the kilograms you want to lose.

    • At the "Attack" stage, you need to stay from 2 to 7 days.
    • At the second stage, 7 days for each extra kilogram.
    • At the "Fixing" you should stay in the calculation of 10 days for each extra kilogram.
    • The fourth stage "Stabilization" - here your goal is to get used to eating consciously and correctly throughout your life. Duration - infinite 🙂

    Was the information helpful to you? blog and write your reviews on approved diet foods. I wish you good plumb lines. Bye Bye!