Simple recipes from potatoes. What can be cooked from potatoes - delicious recipes

We have collected several for you interesting recipesWhat can be prepared from your favorite potatoes. These will demonstrate that it can not only cook and fry, but also prepare completely in a new way.

The most popular and favorite product in many families. Without it, we can not imagine any big feast, picnic and even family dinner. It is understandable, because it is satisfied, tasty and useful. But what if your favorite potato began to bother? Prepare something new that will reveal the taste of the vegetable completely on the other side. We collected the most delicious so that you had a choice for any lifetime: from breakfast to a festive lunch.

Potatoes can be both a side dish and a completely independent dish. Much in the preparation of potatoes depends on your imagination and ingredients, so do not be afraid to experiment by adding sauces, different additives and spices. As long as your chosen dish from potatoes will be preparing, see where you too can learn many new recipes for yourself.

Recipes of simple potato dishes

If you like baked potatoes with a crispy crust, but crumbling the middle, then this dish will delight you. Potatoes in the peel wash with the brush, cut each of the 6-8 poles. Lower potato slices into salted boiling water and tailor 3-4 minutes. Drain the water from potatoes. Mix oil and spices in a deep bowl. Immerse potatoes in this mixture and mix so that each slice is covered with marinade. Let's notice, then lay out potatoes on a baking sheet, leather down, and send to the oven. Bake Potatoes Idaho 25-30 minutes.

Diani. Familiar to each of us since childhood dish. To prepare a classic recipe, the egg must be whipped with spices and gradually pour flour and add grated onions. All this thoroughly mix before the formation of a homogeneous mass. Potatoes clean from the peel and rub on a large grater. We mix all the ingredients and fry Dianki in a frying pan with vegetable oil until they get a dark golden shade. Also in Dranias you can escape oatmeal, and you will get a completely new taste. Serve with sour cream or joine and bacon.

Potato fritters. This is something resembles Dianci, but has their differences. Such a recipe will be useful if there are many boiled potato mashed potatoes after the holiday. To make potato pancakes, in the residues of mashed potatoes, add grated cheddar cheese, finely chopped green onions, egg, a few teaspoons of flour, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Stir all the formation of homogeneous mass and roast as a diancan or pancakes.

Potatoes baked with egg. This dish from potatoes will be an interesting option To breakfast and will certainly surprise relatives. Pre-dare a few biggest potato tuber. Cut carefully the tops and a spoon get the middle. In the formed "boats", pour grateful cheese, pieces of bacon and take it into each egg. All sprinkle with salt and pepper from above, and put it in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Potato harmonica. Another option of baked potatoes, although there are only two main ingredients: potatoes and cheese. In the Big Potato Club, do shorts, as in the harmonica. In each section, put on a piece of cheese. You can bind potatoes toothpick or put it in so. Ready potatoes sprinkle with bacon pieces, green bow And paint the sauce to your choice.

Stuffed potatoes. Such a potato will become an interesting garnish to meat dish. Either will be quite independent. Boiled in peel potatoes, cut in half. Spoon neatly clean the middle. Muffle a potato flesh and mix with grated with cheese with grated, add spices to taste. Each of the halves of potatoes are stuffed with stuffing. From above, lay a broccoli and sprinkle all times with cheese. Send a few minutes to the oven. Enjoy the delicious baked potatoes from broccoli.

Potato. This gentle soup will like even those who do not complain first dishes, because in front of his thick, creamy texture, incredible aroma and divine taste is simply impossible to resist. Such cream soup made of potatoes, onions, a little flour, cream and Cheddar cheese. From above ready sprinkled with fried bacon. The secret of this dish in a fairly long-term straignment on fire or in a slow cooker - 4 hours.

Mashed potatoes. Even such a classic dish, as it can become a real discovery during dinner, if you add milk or cream instead of water, and sprinkle with parsley on top. And yes, the longer beat, the air will be mashed. In addition, grind potatoes follows a wooden "brush" so that the dish does not have a metal taste.

Kartrush with garlic and parmesan. If a multicooker has become your main device in the kitchen, then prepare potatoes with garlic and parmesan in it. You will need small potato tubers, on a teaspoon of dried basil, oregano, parsley, 4 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and grated parmesan. All the ingredients pumped into the multicooker's bowl and put it ready for 3-4 hours. This garnish will exceed all your expectations.

Baked. This requires only 15 minutes of your time, and the rest will make the oven. Place each potato on wooden board And do shorts without cutting to the end. Olive oil, melted butter, garlic, 1 tbsp. Honey, 2 tbsp. l. Balsamic vinegar, crushed rosemary, salt and pepper mix in a separate ass. In a deep bastard, lay out potatoes, pour the sauce and mix well. Bake potatoes within an hour.

Potato roses. This dish will become not only an exquisite decoration of the festive plate, but also will give an unforgettable, warm, oil and crisp taste.

Very subtly cut the potatoes to get slices-petals. Take 15 petals and twist them as much as possible with a sliced \u200b\u200bof bacon, then drop into the cake for cakes in the form for baking. To complete the roset, add a few more petals. Cover the resulting melted oil. Then sprinkle with grated parmesan, salt and pepper. Bake for 20-30 minutes while the edges do not get a brownish gold shade. Leave the rosets to cool for 5 minutes.

Potato spiral. Such a crispy and fragrant snack is preparing easier than it seems. Boiled potatoes should be crushed, add whipped eggs, 2 tablespoons of potato crumble, salt and pepper to taste, grated cheese and a little milk. All mix until homogeneous mass. The resulting dough fill in the plastic bag, cut the tip on it and squeeze the dough from it with the spirals directly into the pan with a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. Lay each finished potato spiral on the paper napkin to remove the extra oil. Serve with homemade mayonnaise, ketchup or mustard.

Potatoes baked with chicken thighs and lemon. To prepare a delicious, satisfying and fast family dinner, take chicken thighs, potatoes, parsley, garlic, one lemon, salt and pepper. All ingredients, except chicken, turn and lay out everything together on the baking sheet. Bake about 50 minutes before the formation of a crisp.

. Another version of the satisfying dinner, which is preparing at once or twice. Garlic, potatoes, asparagus, carrots, onions and sausages cut into pieces, lay out everything on one baking sheet and mix. Plush spices to taste, and also sprinkle with olive oil. Bake in the oven 30-40 minutes.

Potatoes with vegetables and chicken folds. To prepare this dish with potatoes, you will need only asparagus beans, lemon and chicken fillet. Cook the folds from the fillet, cut the potatoes with slices, sparky beans and lemon also cut. Lay out all the ingredients on the baking sheet together with chicken folds, sprinkle and bang until vegetables are ready.

Now you have several new recipes that can be cooked from potatoes, and interesting ideasHow to update old variants of potato dishes. Bon Appetit!

Secrets of cooking delicious potato dishes at home

Dishes from potato - This is one of the most popular categories of garnish all over the world. First, potatoes with any method of culinary processing is obtained very tasty, secondly, it is extremely useful, thirdly, the preparation of this vegetable at home is quite simple, and, fourth, the product is quite inexpensive.

You can cook from potatoes, both simple dishes for every day and quite original festive. In addition, it is combined in one form or other practically with any products: with meat, bird, fish, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables.

Potatoes can be called universal vegetable for cooking, which, however, has predetermined its popularity and demand.

The only minus potatoes and dishes from it can be called high calorieness, and especially in fried form. By this indicator Vegetable is ahead of even pasta and flour products. Therefore, it should be consumed within the limits of reasonable, and otherwise the hobby of delicious potatoes will soon lead to a weight gain.

The main secret of cooking not only delicious, but also useful potatoes, who will not reveal any recipe, is to clean the potato peel as a thin layer. The fact is that it is under it concentrate the greatest number Useful elements. In addition, in order to avoid losing these substances, potatoes must be cut directly before cooking and store it in water can not be more than one hour.

Potato dishes in any form of culinary processing can often be prepared on an ambulance hand. Therefore, they are ideal for those owners who, after a long working day, need to quickly feed their family and at the same time make it so that it turned out tasty and satisfying.

Since potatoes can be added various ways Culinary processing, in each case, in each recipe there are features and secrets of cooking. We will not summarize them, and more consider them more, as it is right at home to cook roast, baked, boiled hand, stewed, and potatoes, puree and potatoes.

Boiled potatoes and mashed potatoes

Boil potatoes for cooking dishes by two main ways: in purified form and in uniforms. The first method is used for the preparation of garnings, and the second most often in recipes for the preparation of any other dishes in which potatoes are included as one of the components components.

In order to prepare boiled potatoes in a cleaned form, you must first clean it from the peel. As mentioned earlier, cut upper layer It follows as thinner. Purified small tubers can be left integer, and large should be cut. In this case, pieces of potatoes should be approximately the same. Thanks to this, they are evenly welded. Yes, and the cooking process will go faster. However, it is not worth the smashes with pieces, because in this case the loss useful substances Vegetable will be much larger.

So, purified and cut potatoes are poured cold water So that it only covers vegetable. On a high heat, the water is brought to a boil. Potatoes are solid and continue to cook, having lost fire. Readiness is checked with a knife. If it is easily in boiled potatoes, then the vegetable is ready.

Many dishes, such as vinaigrette or herring under the fur coat, are offered to boil potatoes in uniforms. Make it is not harder than in the previous case. So, potatoes are thoroughly wash and sent to a cold water container. The salt immediately add salt. She will not give a potato to fall asleep during cooking. Cook until readiness.

Boiled potatoes in uniforms will be easier to clean from the peel, if at the end of the cooking it is immediately pouring it with ice water.

As for potatoes in the form of mashed potatoes, there are many recipes for its preparation. However, some general recommendations It is still on its cooking. So, more tastier and fragrant potato mashed potatoes, if when cooking potatoes add a whole, but purified bulb in a pot. By the way, potatoes are welded in this way, it is possible to breed not with milk, but a potato-onion decoction. It turns out no less tasty.

Such a dish as a puree from potatoes requires zeal. To knead the finished vegetable brush should be as long as possible.

In no case do not spare butter In a homemade mashed potato, and then it will be no less tasty than the professional chef cooked.

Fried, stew, baked

Dishes made of fried potatoes are particularly popular among all other potato. They are obtained very tasty, and besides enough calorie. Therefore, with their consumption it is better not to cherish.

At home, prepare fried potatoes are absolutely difficult. First of all, starting with the selection of a variety of vegetable. The most suitable are those that contain less starch. It is such a potato that gets a roasted with a crispy crust. However, it is possible to use starchy varieties, but then such a vegetable must be pre-soaked in water and rinse several times.

Cut the potatoes for frying it is necessary for pieces of the same shape and size. The size of pieces should not be very large, but not too small.

Laying potatoes should be on a well-hot frying pan, and fry on fire a little less than average. At the same time, it is necessary to use a sufficient amount of oil, but not so that the vegetable floats in it.

For the entire cooking process, potatoes interfere with no more than three or four times. If you do it more often, it will simply fall apart. For the same reason, it is sulking it literally a couple of minutes before readiness. Spices are also added at the very end, as in otherwise They are reroyed and burning.

That's all the main secrets of recipes for cooking fried potatoes!

Stewed potatoes are a wonderful dish on an ambulance hand, which for its preparation requires a minimum of effort. Prepare it on the same principle as fried potatoes, that is only an abundance of oils replace with water. In case the recipe for such a dish assumes the presence of juicy vegetables, the liquid is not added at all. Especially good stewed potatoes with meat.

Solo stewed dish of potatoes follows closer to the end of cooking, and otherwise the vegetable in the cooking process can fall apart.

As for baked potatoes, it is possible to prepare it in perfect different recipes - In the peel, in the sleeve, in foil, with the addition of sauce or vegetable oils and spices. Options There are plenty. All peculiarities of this or that method of baking potatoes at home can be found in the appropriate recipes. Here an important rule It is, as in the two previous cases, the use of non-private vegetable varieties.

Frying, quenching, baking - these are the methods of culinary processing of potatoes that make it particularly tasty. More details with them can be found in the appropriate recipes with step-by-step photos of this section of the site.

Potato in fryer

Recently, with the advent of Fast Foods, Potato Fri has become extremely popular. Traditionally, it is prepared in special devices - fryers. The principle of preparation is such - potatoes fall asleep in a special grid and lowered in a container with boiling oil. Preparedness are removed and salted. Here is such a simple recipe. However, such a potato is even more fat and a calorie than potatoes fried.

However, in order to cook at home, really delicious Potatoes FRI should be taken into account such nuances:

  1. potatoes should not be too starchy, but otherwise it will fall apart during cooking;
  2. for preparation, it is best to use special oil for deep fryer, but if there is no such, it will suit any refined and deodorized vegetable oil;
  3. before sending fryer potatoes, it is necessary to dry it, and in addition, the oil in the fryer must be warm up to 170-190 degrees;
  4. add salt and spices to FRI potatoes only after it is extracted from the fryer.

Delicious fries can be prepared using not only the fryer, but also an ordinary pan, a slow cooker, microwave. At home, it can be prepared even in the oven.

Mass of detailed recipes with step-by-step photos for the preparation of potatoes Fries can be found in this section of the site.

In custody…

What kind of potato dish you did not conceive to cook on the side dish, it will definitely get tasty. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the selected recipe with step-by-step photos, as well as the recommendations that are shown in this article.

More information about cooking at home or other potato dishes to an ambulance hand can be found in step-by-step photos of recipes collected in this section of the site.

Potatoes - universal Product, Favorite and revered by the hosyrats around the world. Agree, it is inexpensive, besides perfectly combined with all sorts of ingredients - meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms. Pluses of potatoes also in her rapid cooking, the possibility of choosing any method of thermal processing, variational selection of spices. Potatoes are called "second bread." It is not surprising that dishes from it are frequent guests on each table.


It is very the best way It is for those owners who, come from work, detect a blank refrigerator home. At the same time, in almost every storage room, you can always find several potatoes, which were placed there from the best times. Therefore, the question of how to cook from potatoes for dinner in a pan, disappears by itself. After all, almost every woman, rejuvenated by fidelled roasted potatoes and banal mashed potatoes, makes a choice in favor of all your favorite pankers with a crispy golden crust, which are simply melted in the mouth, especially if they are fed by fresh sour cream.

For the preparation of this yummy, you will need 8-9 medium-sized potatoes, two bulbs, as many carrots, as well as several eggs and a little flour. All vegetables need to grasp two or three eggs to the resulting Cashitz and pour several tablespoons of flour - exactly so much so that the mass has gained a bit thick consistency. Finishing touch - Spices to taste. Deuts need to fry on a well-hot frying pan, pre-watered with sunflower oil.


The name of the dish occurred from the Polish word ZRAZY, which is translated as a "sliced \u200b\u200bpiece". Despite this, it comes from Lithuania, where it was known in the Middle Ages. Cooking options are very much, but the so-called egg-onion is most often used when the question arises about to cook from potatoes for dinner - quickly and without special efforts. To begin with, the stuffing is harvested: drunk four eggs screwed, finely cut them and fill with a chipped onion, which is previously roasted in a frying pan.

Simultaneously on the plate boiled about ten potato tubers in uniforms. After it is cooled and kneaded in a thick puree, adding two eggs, salt and pepper into it. The zrazy themselves are formed very simply: in one hand, the hostess sculpts from the potato mass of the pancake, in the middle there is a filling and covers the second half, reliably fixing the edges. Egg and onions are inside the potato shell. The zrazy rolls in breadcrumbs and fry until the formation of a crisp crust. Served hot. What to cook from potatoes for dinner if you are allergic on eggs? The same zrazy, that's just as a filling, you can use stew vegetables or greens.

Milestones with mushroom gravy

When you break your head over what to cook from potatoes for dinner, remember this recipe. It is very popular in Ukrainian Transcarpathia: the locals adopted him from Hungarians, which has long been living here. The dish by the method of preparation is very similar to zrazy, but it does not provide for the use of the filling - in this case it replaces the pouring. But let's not run forward.

First you need to boil potatoes in uniforms - on the average family of 4 people usually goes about 10 tubers. Cooling the welded potatoes, carefully clean it from the skin and rub on the grater. You will get something like a puree, that's just the mass will be inhomogeneous, but as if crushed. Drive several eggs into it, pour out 3-4 tablespoons of flour, salt and pepper to taste and fry in a skillet from two sides to a ruddy crust. Serve pancakes along with a fiddle. For her preparation, finely chopped mushrooms and onions stew together in the skill until readiness, after which they pour sour cream sauce, flavored spices.


For this, a slightly exotic, but very beautiful dish, the following ingredients will be needed: Polkylogram of potatoes, two tablespoons of starch, one spoon of mankey, 100 g rice vermicelli, some vegetable oil, pepper and salt. Potato tubers need to be cleaned from the peel and cook about half an hour before readiness. Then they are smeared by a fork to the state of the puree, in which the starch is added, manna Crup and spices. Everyone is well mixed and form round balls from the resulting mass.

Vermiecel crumble and roll in her crockets. It follows them in a small pot: ready-made "barbs" get golden color. Then they are laid out on a paper towel to save balls from excess fat. Served both hot and cold. In the first case, they can be poured by any sauce, in the second - to use as a snack. The main thing is that this recipe is suitable for those cases when a visitors unexpectedly looked at the flames, and you are getting lost in guess that you are cooking from potatoes for dinner. The photo of the finished dishes, presented in any culinary book, demonstrate that crockets are exquisite, so they are not ashamed to serve even the most famous guests.

Stuffed potatoes

Nutrient dish for the whole family. What to cook from potatoes for dinner in a slow cooker? Of course, this is a terrific delicacy for which you need a dozen small potato tubers, a bit of vegetables, several spoons of sour cream, tomato sauce, a handful of greenery and spices. To begin with, clean the potatoes and cut the machine from it using the fixture to remove the core in the apples. Then prepare the stuffing that you will fill the void formed. At the same time, "tubes" do not throw out: they can be baked with a dish.

By the way, for the filling you can take all sorts of vegetables, which will only be able to find in the refrigerator. Good combined with potatoes zucchini, eggplants, peppers, carrots, onions, tomatoes, celery. The main thing is finely chop them, after which it is mixed with several spoons of sour cream and spices. This mixture is tightly starting the potatoes and lay it into a bowl of a multicooker, lubricated with vegetable oil. Fill the dish with water mixed with tomato paste and seasoning, and prepare about half an hour using the "Baking" mode. You still do not know what to cook from potatoes for dinner? Then try this wonderful recipe.


Unlike the previous dish, it is preparing in the oven. Take a few potatoes, cut them in half, put on the baking sheet and put it in the oven to readiness. At this time, prepare the filling: it can be crab sticks, mushrooms or other vegetables. They need to be betrayed with heat treatment - fry, extinguish in a saucepan or boil. Finished components finely cut and mix with a small amount of any sauce.

What to cook from potatoes for dinner to please the child? Of course, this is a dish. Potato's crumb adores almost all children, so you can improvise and start the tubers those ingredients that the kids to taste. To do this, get potatoes from the oven, a fork carefully burst the mass without damaging the skins, and complete it with a stuffing. It turns out very nutly, unusual and at the same time homely. The resulting "slide" can be decorated with drawings made by tomato paste, or supplement fragrant greenery with twigs.

Potato salad

What to cook out of potatoes for dinner without meat? Of course, potato salad is simple, but at the same time delicious and satisfying. For this cold snack you will need: 500 grams of potatoes, 3 eggs, one big bulb, two apples, 5 salted cucumbers, 150 grams of low-fat milk, a little mayonnaise and chopped parsley. The tubers are drunk in the uniform, then remove the peel from them and cut the slices. Cucumbers and apple shining fine straws, onion - cubes.

Components lay out in a salad bowl, salt, pepper and refueling mayonnaise. Milk is brought to a boil and poured into a salad. Mix all the ingredients once again and put for 6 hours in the refrigerator. Before dinner, you need to boil the screwing eggs, chop and decorate them salad, at the same time sprinkled with a sliced \u200b\u200bparsley. Everything is ready for meals. This is a treat, like other above, will allow you to save a lot of time, as it is done quickly and without much effort. Now you know that you cook from potatoes for dinner and what interesting dishes are pleased with loved ones.

Who does not like baked dishes, it can easily stew potatoes by adding mushrooms, meat, vegetables into it. Although in a saucepan, even in the microwave, it will be very tasty and satisfying.

Potatoes with meat

  • Potato (small) - 1-1.5 kg
  • Pork without bone - 500 g
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Oil - Two (creamy) spoons
  • Onions white - 2 heads
  • Pair of laurel sheets
  • Salt pepper

Cut the meat with pieces, wash and leave in the colander, so that the water is gone. In the Kazan, melt oil, lay out meat, add pepper and salt. Fry overtaking minutes 20-25. Cut the straw onions and carrots. From Kazank to remove meat and fry onions with carrot in fat from meat. Return a pork again, add hot water And lay out the whole potato cleaned entirely. Salt Yushka, throw a laurel, close the lid tightly, reduce the fire and grieve until potato and meat is ready.

Stewed potatoes with chicken


  • Chicken - 1-1.5 kg
  • Carrot - 2 big
  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Bow Red - 2 Heads
  • Garlic - a few polek
  • Refined oil
  • Bay leaf - 1-2
  • Salt pepper

The chicken is divided into 8 servings, wash each piece and dry, flushing with a paper towel. Heat in a frying pan with a thick bottom of a small amount of oil and fry, for a few minutes on each side pieces of chicken. Fold in Kazan. On the oil where the chicken roasted to fry the onions, sliced \u200b\u200bwith straw and grated carrot. Send to Cossacks, pour oil from the frying pan, add sliced \u200b\u200brandomly potatoes, bay leaf, salt and of course peppers. Pour with water, about three fingers above the products. Stew on medium heat under closed lid..

Potatoes with vegetables in a slow cooker

Who has little time and there is a multicooker, this recipe is for you.


  • 3 Potatoes are large
  • 200 g of white cabbage
  • 1 Tomato is large
  • 1 onion onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 zucchini
  • Vegetable oil (olive)
  • Salt pepper
  • Seasonings for vegetables
  • Greenery

All vegetables cut into cubes. Turn on the multicooker on the "frying" mode, pour some oil and put out a couple of minutes. With tomato, remove the skin, and then grind. Add it to the bow, put out together. Throw into the bowl of chopped cabbage, spices, greens, a little more. Now lay out all the remaining vegetables, add a glass of water and turn on the multicooker to the "quenching" mode, time to set for 35 minutes.

Potatoes with chicken hearts in a slow cooker


  • Kilogram potato
  • Paul kilogram of by-products
  • 200 g of carrots
  • 150 g Luka.
  • Three spoons of vegetable oil
  • Seasoning for chicken
  • One spoon of flour

Hearts wash, remove fat from the bottom and cut along into two parts, onions and potatoes - cubes, carrots on the grater. Enable a multicooker, set the program in the "frying" mode for 15 minutes. In the bowl of pour the oil, throw the onion and stirring the plastic spoon to put out a bit. Add Carrot, Salt and Pepper.

Extinguish for five minutes, lay out hearts, continue to extinguish another 5 minutes, pour flour, mix and pour sour cream. Prepare until the slow cooker turns off. Now pour three glasses of water, add potatoes, turn on the "quenching" mode for half an hour.

Potatoes with mushrooms

Beautiful combination that never fails! Potatoes with mushrooms is pleasantly contacting, and they give a friend of his friend a unique taste. Be sure to try such simple potato dishes.

Potato with mushrooms in foil

  • 0.5 kg. Champignon
  • 1 kg. potato
  • Salt pepper
  • 3 spoons of butter
  • 2 spoons of olive oil
  • A little dill

Mushrooms wash, if large cut into two parts, small can be left completely. Potatoes clean and divide into four parts, if large, then on eight parts. Stop everything in a bowl, sprinkle with dill, save and add, without sorry to peppers. Pour oil, add water, approximately a glass. On the shape, spread foil, lay out the products and put several pieces of oil. Wrap the second sheet of foil, close tight. Bake 50 minutes by placing a baking sheet on the middle grid, at a temperature of 190 degrees.

Potatoes with mushrooms in the oven

  • Shampignon mushrooms - 500 g
  • Potatoes - 5-6 pcs
  • Onions - 2. large heads
  • Soy sauce - one spoon full
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Olive oil (can and refined) - less than half a cup
  • Salt pepper
  • Spices dry - a little Basilica, Orego, Parsley
  • A little fresh dill
  • Sleeve for baking

Mushrooms and potatoes prepare - cut into two parts of champignons, four-part potatoes along. Bow straws to cut, garlic crushed large or finely, it's like you like. All lay out in a bowl, pour oil and sauce to add all spices and seasonings, leave a little dill. Mix well with your hands and put in the sleeve, which is placed in a baking sheet. Prepare at 180 degrees about an hour. Serve sprinkling fresh dill.

Potatoes stuffed with mushrooms


  • 6-7 potatoes
  • 500 g of mushrooms (any)
  • One bow and one onion
  • One carrot big
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices - Some Basilica, Orego
  • Salt pepper

Potatoes wash and put cooking in the peel almost until readiness. Drain the water and postpone to cool. In the meantime, cut finely champignons, two types of onions and carrots, put out until readiness. From potatoes to remove the peel and a teaspoon to make removing in the form of a boat. Inside, put stewed vegetables, spice, put potatoes on the baking sheet, lubricated slightly oil and bake for 30 minutes.

See now: , step-by-step recipe with photo.

Potato casseroles

Combining various products with potatoes. You can create gentle, juicy, magnificent dishes that diverse the menu and delight households.

Casserole with potatoes and cheese

Potato dishes are always tasty and satisfying, they are simply prepared and easy.


  • Potatoes - 700 grams
  • Fresh Milk - Glass
  • Cheese (for pizza) - 250 g
  • Creamy butter - a piece of grams on 50
  • Garlic - 3 slices
  • Eggs - 2.

Potatoes cut into plastics with a thickness of no more than 3 cm. Stay in the baking sheet of small half a portion. Garlic crush, mix salt and sprinkle potatoes, put the remaining portion of potatoes. Eggs to beat with milk and pour into the tray to turn on the oven to warm up. Solid oil rubbing on a potato layer, sanding with grated cheese, bake 45-50 minutes.

Casserole with minced meat

If you do not know what to cook for lunch from potatoes, then this simple recipe for you.


  • Minced pork - 300 g
  • Middle Size Potato - 4 pieces
  • One tomato
  • One egg
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • One big bow
  • Cheese (better solid) - 150 g
  • A little vegetable oil
  • Salt pepper

Baking shape to lubricate with oil and lay out potatoes chopped with plates circles. In the mince add an egg, save and pepper. Mayonnaise is breeded with boiled water (3-4 spoons), salt and pour into potatoes.

Onions cut into rings or semirings, put on a layer of potatoes, on top of a sliced \u200b\u200btomato and over to decompose meat minced meat. Fill the surface with cheese. Send to the oven for 35-40 minutes at 200 degrees. Potato and meat dishes are always satisfied and tasty.

Potatoes with stuffing in the oven


  • 400 g of boiled pork
  • 6-7 Potato pieces
  • Milk - a little less than half a glass
  • 2 salted or pickled cucumber
  • One onion, better white
  • 3 eggs
  • One melted chemale
  • One spoon mustard
  • A little green
  • 3 spoons with a hill mayonnaise

Sliced \u200b\u200bpotato plates lay on the baking sheet, pre-lubricated, pour into milk and lubricate mayonnaise, send to the oven for 20 minutes. Meat chopped with a meat grinder or a combine, with the help of a blender to beat eggs, cheese, mustard, parsley.

Half the resulting sauce mix with minced meat. Potatoes get, sprinkle onion, sliced \u200b\u200bstraw and slices of pickled cucumber. Share mince and pour the remaining sauce. Bake before the formation of a crust, about 20 minutes. Cut when you cool slightly.

Potatoes with minced meat and tomatoes in the oven

  • Potatoes - Polkilo
  • Pork - 400 g
  • Tomatoes ripe - 2 pcs
  • Sourled oily or cream - 3 spoons
  • Cheese (better solid) - 100 g
  • Garlic - 3 teeth
  • Milk - 50 ml

Potatoes and meat cut into small pieces, or rather cubes. We mix with sour cream (2 spoons), seasonings and pound garlic. All this is poured into a small shape, on top of tomatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin plates, a bit of the remaining sour cream and sprinkle with cheese. In the oven for an hour, the temperature is 190 degrees. Then we get a baking sheet, make a knife five holes and pour milk in them. Poison back to a quarter of an oven.

Potato Pie.


  • 1 kg potato
  • Half kilo pork minced
  • 1 big red bow
  • Salt pepper
  • Chopping kary
  • 3 spoons of flour
  • 2 spoons of mayonnaise
  • One egg
  • Vegetable oil odor
  1. Potatoes boil and make a puree from it without adding water, only a little salt and pepper. The chick-shallow onions fry to transparency, add mince to it and stew until readiness. In case the mince is dry, add some warm water. At the end of add spices and more. Stuffing is ready to make it cool.
  2. Turn on the oven to warmer at 180 degrees. Now you need to prepare potato dough. Add an egg and flour to the cooled puree, the dough should be not very tight and plastic.
  3. In a small shape and baggage, lubricated with oil to lay out half a puree, to form sides, put the filling and top of the potato dough from above. Lubricate mayonnaise and can be sent to the oven. Cooking time is about 25-30 minutes. Delicious potato cake ready.

Potato casserole with mushrooms and cheese


  • Champignons (you can and other mushrooms) - 700 g
  • Potatoes cooked in the peel - 1 kg
  • Cheese of solid varieties - 300 g
  • White ground pepper - 1 h. Spoon
  • Eggs - 2 (if small, then 3)
  • Onions - 1 large
  • Cream 30% - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Vegetable oil - 4 spoons

Boiled to half-preparation potatoes cut into circles. Mushrooms cut on the plates, cheese to lose, the bow is finely chop. On the oil to fry the onions, add mushrooms to it and pass to readiness, at the end of the end and arrived. Beat eggs with white pepper and salt, pour cream and pour cheese. To put potatoes, mushrooms and pour sauce dive into the shape of baking. Cover the foil and in the oven for half an hour. Then remove the foil and leave another 7-10 minutes.

Baked potatoes with milk


  • Potatoes - 600 g
  • Milk - Glass
  • Creamy butter - 50 g
  • Garlic - 3-4 teeth
  • Eggs - 2.
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Salt pepper

Potatoes cut into thin round plates, put in the form, sprinkle with grated garlic and salt. Eggs to beat with milk, add pepper. Share the second layer of potatoes, pour with milk and sprinkle with cheese. Bake 40-45 minutes at 190 degrees.

Other potato dishes

No matter how tasty dishes shown by us are above, but there is still a mass of recipes from potatoes, and some of them offer for consideration. To breakfast or dinner, at a satisfying dinner or a festive table.

Mashed potatoes


  • More Half Milk Glass
  • One kilogram of potato
  • Creamy butter 70 g

Potatoes cleaned chopped with slices (small) lay out in the container and pour warm water for half an hour. Then boil the kettle of water, pour into the pan and put the potatoes. When will be ready, water to merge. In a small saucepan, heat the milk (no need to boil) add to it oil and stirring waiting until the oil melts completely. Pour into potatoes, add salts and manual mixer to turn potatoes in mashed potatoes.

Potato pancakes with zucchi

  • Three medium zucchini
  • 5 large carrots
  • One onion
  • Two cloves garlic
  • 4-5 spoons of flour
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt pepper
  • Dill fresh

Zucchini and potatoes are crushed with a large grater, squeeze with hands from excess liquid. Mix them with fine onions, dill and flour. Of course, salt and pepper in your taste. Heat on heavy oil oil, then slightly reduce, lay out vegetable datragas on the pan and fry on both sides. Serve hot with sour cream.

See now step by step photos recipe:. Very tasty and satisfying for any lunch or festive table.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

Well, who does not like fried potschka, and even if it is sized with mushrooms. Yes, a lot of calories, but you can sometimes pamper yourself with such a delicious and simple dish.

  • Pieces 10 Cartoshin
  • 300 g of mushrooms of any
  • Several poles garlic
  • Butter
  • Salt pepper

Potatoes clean and cut into long bars, glow well oil and fry in three stages. On another frying pan, fry until the mushrooms are ready, spilling them and adding ground pepper. Potatoes are all folded in the pan, sprinkle with garlic, pepper and salt. Potatoes lay on plates, and on top of champignons.

Young potato with mushrooms


  • 300 g champignons
  • 700 g of young potatoes
  • 2 Lukovitsy
  • 3 eggs
  • A little parsley
  • 150 g sour cream
  • Salt pepper
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Select small potatoes to cook it entirely. Wash from the ground and lay out on the towel. Onions cut into rings, mushrooms with plates or two parts. In the scenery to put out onions, add mushrooms and greens. To shift into a small shape or leave it in the saucery, if you can put it in the oven. Beat the eggs, add sour cream, salt and a little punch. Put half an hour in the oven.

Potato with meat in tomato sauce

MEAT Stew With Potato


  • Pork - 500 g
  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Ripe tomatoes - 2
  • Tomato paste - 2 incomplete spoons
  • Bay leaf
  • Salt pepper
  • A little red paprika

Meat split into small pieces and fry in the cauldron, add spices. The onions are crushed to lay out in the Casanes and put out with pork. Add rubbed tomatoes and tomato paste, under the closed cover to stew a quarter of an hour. Cut the large potatoes and send to the Kazanok, throw a bay leaf, pour water so that the products slightly covered the products. Reduce fire and cook another half hour.

Stew with meat and potatoes


  • Pork with a bone (ribs) - 1 kg
  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs
  • One sharp pepper
  • Vegetable oil - Half glass
  • Two Bulgarian peppers
  • Some parsley and dill
  • Bay leaf
  • Garlic - 2-3 slices
  • Pepper

Cut meat and fry to ruddy crust on a big fire in Kazan. Send to him bulgarian pepper, onions and sharp peppers. Masters 5-10 minutes, we spit and add black pepper. We leave to put out another 10 minutes and put the potatoes to the products. Fry a little, add chopped tomatoes, bay leaf, greens. Pour a glass of water and shops to the full product readiness.

Potatoes with cutlets in sour cream sauce


  • Pork mince - 500 g
  • Potato small - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 4 teeth
  • One egg
  • 400 g cherry bread
  • 0.5 liters of milk
  • Salt pepper
  • 2 spoons of flour

For sauce:

  • 2 spoons of sour cream
  • One spoon ketchup
  • Some salt and pepper
  • Half of a glass of water

Bread to soak in cold milk, grind and add to mince, there onions, garlic, egg. To knead the minced meat on the cutlets and leave a watch for half an hour. Mix all products for sauce. In the form, put the cutlets on the edges, loyering them in the flour, lay out the whole potatoes in the middle. Pour over the products of a bit of oil and send to the oven for 20 minutes. Then pour the sauce and put in the oven for another 20 minutes. Bon Appetit. A simple potato dish and a kitlet is ready.

This dish is perfect, look at the recipes with photos to choose from, many options.

Stuffed potatoes


  • Potatoes - approximately a kilogram
  • Farm - 300 g
  • Onion onion - 2 pcs
  • Salt pepper

For sauce

  • Sour cream 100 g
  • Tomato paste - 1 spoon
  • Spoon of shaken butter
  • Glass of water
  • Salt pepper
  1. Potatoes take so much to fit, standing in a small man or in a glass refractory form. Approximately calculating how many potato you need, reflect as far as possible the same value.
  2. Using a small knife, it is necessary to remove the middle to make a place for stuffing, but the pre-potatoes are cleansed from the peel, the recess can be done until the day, even if you protrudes it, not trouble, the mince will not "run away."
  3. Having done the holes in all potatoes, boil it until half-welded in salted water.
  4. Farsh salute, pepper and add grated onions, to taste you can add other spices.
  5. Mix all products for sauce.
  6. The cooled potatoes stuff and lay out on the shape, side and tight, so that during cooking did not fall down. Then a spoon to water each potato, the remaining sauce pour to the bottom, to prepare an hour at 190 degrees.

Potato zrazy

This recipe from boiled potatoes, it can also be prepared with yesterday's mashed potatoes.


  • 6-7 potatoes (large)
  • 500 g beef minced
  • 1 h bustle spoon
  • 0.5 - 1 cup flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 Luk
  • Salt pepper
  • Oil for frying

Cooking method:

  1. Potatoes boil, merge water, add salts and pepper. To make mashed potatoes, knock the eggs, pour a baking powder, add flour gradually. Potato dough should be tightly, if you have a liquid, then add more flour.
  2. In the mince add grated onions, salt and pepper. Dough split into small pieces and roll off, sprinkling flour. On one hand put the dough, on top of mince and close Zrazu. So do with the rest of the potato test. Heat the oil, on a small fire to fry on both sides. Then fold the increasing frying pan, close the lid and switch for 10 minutes.

Potatoes with green beans and ribs

  • 800 g ribshek
  • 1 kg. potato
  • 1 green and red pepper
  • 250 g Green beans
  • 1 Luk
  • 1 Carrot
  • 1 tsp of red sweet pepper
  • 4 garlic teeth
  • Tomato sauce (small bag)
  • Salt, peas
  • A little parsley
  • 3-4 laurel sheets
  1. In Kazan, heat the vegetable oil (50 g), throw a couple of garlic teeth and fry a minute, oil will thus acquire an amazing fragrance.
  2. Further roasting ribs, crossing and spilling.
  3. Cut on onions and carrots with cubes, send meats to the steroid.
  4. As soon as the bow becomes transparent, add two types of peppers, the red pepper is ground and continue to fry.
  5. Plill tomato sauce.
  6. Green beans cut in half, chop potatoes and lay out everything in Kazan.
  7. Add a tablespoon salt, pour boiled water and throw several peas of black pepper and laurel leaves.
  8. As soon as the dish boils, reduce the fire and cook for about 30-35 below the closed lid. At the end, throw two cloves of garlic and parsley greenery, let's get drunk a couple of minutes and turn off the plate.

Potatoes with Harmoshka cheese

Very simple, but very tasty dish.

  • Potato pieces 8.
  • Cheese, any - 200 g
  • Refined oil - a little less than half of the glass
  • Creamy - approximately grams 30
  • Garlic - 4 teeth
  • Provencal herbs
  • Salt pepper
  • Green Luc
  • Sour cream
  1. Potatoes wash, not cleaning from the peel and put on a towel.
  2. In a mortar to mix olive herbs, chopped garlic, salt and pepper ground. Everyone will be confused, immediately from garlic and herbs will be an amazing fragrance. Add vegetable oil.
  3. Lay one on one on cutting board potatoes. Now you have to cut potatoes so that in the future it turns out to look like a harmonica.
  4. To make it easier to do cutting on the potato tubers, put two spoons on the sides, so the knife will not be able to cut completely potatoes until the "bottom". Cut at a distance of about half a centimeter over the entire potato length, across.
  5. Now chopped with plates chilled oil and insert into the slot. Each potatoes lubricate with fragrant oil with seasonings.
  6. Potatoes lay out on the form for baking, close the foil and put in the oven. Baking time is about 40-50 minutes, it all depends on the size of the potato itself, the temperature to set 200 degrees.
  7. Time passed, you can get the harmonica to make sure that the potatoes are ready, pour into the toothpick. If it easily enters, it means ready.
  8. Give a little cool potatoes, so as not to burn, and put in a thin piece of cheese in a thin piece. Pour salt and pepper and send another 10 minutes in the oven to melt cheese. Serve watering sour cream and green.

Potato soup


  • One big bow
  • Two carrots
  • One medium zucchini
  • 4-6 Cartoshin
  • Red sharp pepper - pinch
  • Vegetable oil odorless - 3-4 spoons
  • A little green loaf

In a saucepan on the bottom, pour some oil and throw onions cut into several parts, putting it a little add a carrot, sliced \u200b\u200blarge. Extinguish all for a few minutes, add a zucchini, close the lid and put out 5-7 minutes. Cut large potatoes, add to vegetables and pour boiling water. Water should cover vegetables on two fingers, do not forget to salute. Cook until readiness. Open the lid, give to cool and beat all the vegetables in the puree in the blender. Jug to add gradually to bring the Soup to the consistency you need. At the end, add spices, feeding to sprinkle with green and add to the guy.

Time passed, and this vegetable has become simply indispensable for Europeans - it was called "second bread". Try 10 simple and delicious recipes from potatoes for every day.

Breakfast potato

We take: 4 boiled potatoes, 100 g of solid cheese, 150 ham (or sausages), 2 raw eggs, 1 tablespoon of flour, vegetable oil for frying, green onions, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking: Potatoes, cheese and sausage three on the grater. Add eggs, green onions, pepper and salt. Add flour and mix well well. We collapse into the flour, we form the backs and fry in a frying pan on the vegetable oil. Let's drink hot, watering sour cream.

Baked potato

We take: Potatoes, spices to your taste, some vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Cooking: Clean the potatoes and cut the slices, drunk in water for 5 to 7 minutes, spray oil and baked in a predetermined oven until golden color. Young potatoes will be ready after 15 minutes. Small potatoes can be baked entirely. If you want, the spices are evenly distributed, fold the potatoes, spices and oil into the cellophane package, clamp your hand on top and well there shone there.

Potatoes "Dofine"

We take: 9 medium potatoes, 9 teaspoons of butter, 9 cheese plates ("Dutch" or "Gaud"), salt and ground pepper to taste.

Cooking: Potatoes clean, cutting off a small piece from one edge so that you can put it vertically. On the entire potato length, the knife is made by cuts, as if you were cut for FRI potatoes, but do not be angry to the edge of approximately 1 cm. Solim, pepper, inside each potato, put on 1 teaspoon of oil, but you can fit a bit of garlic in context. We put potatoes into a baking form with high edges. From above on every potato put on a sliced \u200b\u200bof cheese. We bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees about 45 to 50 minutes (until readiness). On the table eating hot, sprinkled by greens.

We take: Potatoes, bacon, cheese, garlic clove, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking: Potatoes are not chosen very large, elongated shape. We make cuts throughout the potatoes, unreported to the end. Slightly failing salt. In each section of potatoes insert the sliced \u200b\u200bof bacon and cheese, alternating them. On top of pepper, wrap in foil (put the clovel of garlic in foil). We put in the oven for 40 - 45 minutes.

Roast with homemade potatoes

We take: 0.5 kg of chicken meat, 5 - 6 potatoes, 1 bulb, 1 small carrots, 2 tablespoons flour, salt and pepper to taste, vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking: The bulb is cut by semirings, clutching on a large grater, fry them until golden color. Chicken meat cut into medium pieces, forbid almost until ready with onions and carrots. Potatoes are cut by large cubes or rings. We add 2 tablespoons of flour into potatoes, mix. Add potatoes to meat. Pour roast water so that it covers potatoes. Solim and peppercaths under the lid until potatoes are ready.

Potatoes baked with tomatoes and cheese

We take: 0.5 kg of potatoes, 200 g of solid cheese, 350 g of tomatoes, salt to taste.

Cooking: Potatoes clean, drunk in salted water until readiness (about 20 minutes after boiling). Enjoy. If the tomatoes are small, cut them with circles, if large - semi-bugs. Cheese cut by plates. Potatoes are cut along into two parts, lay in a lubricated oil form for baking. On potatoes lay cheese and tomatoes. We put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. We bake for 20 - 25 minutes.

Potatoes with cottage cheese cream

We take: 1 kg of potatoes, 200 g of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons sour cream, 2 cloves of garlic, greens, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking: Potatoes clean, drunk in salted water until ready. Greens finely cut. We mix cottage cheese and sour cream. In cottage cheese, add greens and squeezed out garlic, mix, salt and pepper. Hot potatoes are cut along into two parts. I put the curd mass on potatoes. When applying with greenery.

Potato fried with mushrooms

We take: 1 kg of potatoes, 500 g of mushrooms, 300 g of bow, vegetable oil, greens, salt to taste.

Cooking: Onions are finely cut, mushrooms cut into small pieces, potatoes cut by storces. In vegetable oil, fry onions, add mushrooms, fry 5 - 6 minutes. Add potatoes, fry until readiness (about 20 - 25 minutes). Solim to taste. When applying with greenery.

Potatoes baked with quail eggs

We take: 5 medium potato tubers, 10 quail eggs (you can use small chicken eggs), 50 g of cheese, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking: Potatoes are drunk (without cleaning) in salted water, clean. We cut into two parts, it cut a bit from the bottom so that the potatoes can be put. With the help of a teaspoon, we make a deepening in potatoes. We smack and pour a quail egg into the deepening in potatoes. Put potatoes into the form for baking. Solim, Pepper. Cheese rubbed on a shallow grater. Spring potatoes with cheese. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees to a golden color (about 30 minutes).