What did Zeus do? Zeus: Greek Pantheon of Gods: A Mythological Encyclopedia

The message about Zeus for children can be used in preparation for the lesson. The story of Zeus for children can be supplemented with stories from myths and legends.

Report on Zeus

Zeus is the main and powerful gods Ancient Greece... Zeus is the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, the father of gods and people. Zeus was the son of Kronos and Rhea and belonged to the third generation of gods who overthrew the second generation - the titans. Zeus' attributes were an aegis (shield), a scepter, sometimes an eagle, and Olympus was his place of residence.

Kronos mercilessly devoured all his children, fearing that they would rebel against him. Rhea saved Zeus, her sixth child, by letting Kronos swallow a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes instead of a baby. Matured Zeus forced his father to return the children he had swallowed.

As a token of gratitude, the brothers and sisters gave the possession of thunder and lightning to their savior. And a little later, Zeus fought with Kronos and other titans in order to gain unlimited power. When the Titans were defeated, Zeus and his two brothers, Poseidon and Hades, shared power between themselves.

Zeus left the sky for himself, Poseidon got the sea, and Hades - the underworld of the souls of the dead. And Zeus began to reign on Olympus, surrounded by a host of gods. Next to Zeus on the throne sits his wife, the majestic goddess Hera.

In addition, Zeus distributed good and evil on earth, put shame and conscience in people. He can foresee the future. He announces the destinies of destiny with the help of dreams, as well as thunder and lightning. The entire public order was built by Zeus, he is the patron saint of city life, the protector of the offended and the patron saint of those who pray, gave people laws, established the power of kings, also protects the family and home, monitors the observance of traditions and customs. Other gods obey him.

At first glance, Greek mythology appears to be complex and confusing, which is very difficult to understand. Still, you won't find so many gods, their wives and children anywhere else. Our task is to figure out who Zeus is, therefore, without going into unnecessary details, we will try to do it.


In order to continue his family, the supreme god of all gods, Kronos, was forced to enter into a relationship with his sister Reya. The latter came from a clan of titans, who were considered the very first gods who settled on earth.

Zeus was born from this union. The birth took place in an atmosphere of secrecy and secrecy, because the father killed the previous five of his children, swallowing them as soon as they were born. Initially, he did not want to have children, especially sons, as he was afraid that his son would grow up stronger than himself and could encroach on the status of the main ruler. He was so predicted - to die from his own offspring.

The mother did not want to put up with this state of affairs and, on the advice of her parents, she decides to leave her son and escapes to a secret place to give birth to the future king of the gods. Kronos knew about his wife's pregnancy and the imminent birth, so he waited at home to act in a known way. Rhea deceives her husband and takes him a stone wrapped in a diaper. Suspecting nothing, he swallows the bundle and calms down for a while. But that's half the battle. How to keep a life, raise and raise a son?

Mother decides to hide him in one of the caves on the island of Crete and sends people to guard. This is how the life of a young god passes. He grows up, learns, gains experience, not forgetting about his goal - the overthrow of the despot of his father and the seizure of all power. Everyone is on his side. The guards, drowning out the screams of the baby, knock loudly on their shields. They are fed only with selected products. Prepare for great things.

The overthrow of the king of kings Kronos

Zeus understood the seriousness of his plans, realizing that in case of victory, he will receive everything. But, if he loses, he will forever find himself in the kingdom of Hades at the lowest level. This place was called Tartarus, where all who dared to offend the gods were exiled. Knowing that he himself will not be able to defeat a powerful father, Zeus decides to free the brothers, who were swallowed earlier. All this time, those in the stomach grew, developed and accumulated strength. In the future, Prometheus and Hades helped him to climb the throne.

To carry out his plan, he prepares a poisoned drink, sneaks into the bedroom and pours the potion into the goblet of the drink. Kronos gets sick and he vomits the stone given by Rhea, and after him all the brothers.

Now it remains to convince and unite all relatives into one powerful, strong group capable of resisting the supreme ruler. The brave young man manages to do it. Having assessed their capabilities, the latter understand that the available forces are not enough for a complete and final victory. It is urgent to make a decision and attract even more powerful supporters to our side.

The solution is found very quickly. The young god recalls the old enemies of his father, who were contained in the lower world. These were the Cyclops and the hundred-handed creatures called the Hecatoncheires. By hook or by hook, he manages to free, and then attract new allies to his side. Now, the united coalition is becoming a real force.

The decisive battle

The plain, located between the mountains of Othrys and, was called Thessaly, and it was in this place that the battle was supposed to take place. It all starts as expected. Zeus and his army begin to fight the titans that Kronos has set up. Thunder and lightning, fragments of rocks fly towards the giant giants, splitting the ground under their feet with a crash. Such strength and power makes you retreat. It is getting harder and harder to contain the onslaught. Victory is closer than ever, but not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

The giants decide on a last, desperate attempt and show their remaining trump card. From the lower world, the titans call to their aid the most terrible monster of the largest size, which was called Typhon.

The battle begins with new strength... For a while, it seems that the scales are tipping on the side of the losers, but this is just not for long. Gathering all his strength and power into a fist, Zeus, with a new fierce fury, strikes the enemy with the strongest discharges of lightning. As a result, unable to withstand such an onslaught, the titans, along with their monster, plunge into Tartarus, where eternity will be.

Thus, the young god becomes the most important king among the gods, who possessed the gift of throwing thunder and lightning in anger.

You can read about his love affairs in another article. Had a lot of descendants. The most famous among them:,.

He is the supreme god of Olympus, the god of all gods. But how much do you know about Zeus beyond that? So, we bring to your attention 10 interesting facts about the main character of Olympus.

Dolce & Gabbana's spring / summer 2014 men's collection - Sicilia Mitologica - is literally infused with Greater Greece and its amazing temples, such as those in the Valley of the Temples of Agrgento: the temples of Taormina and the Temple of Apollo in Syracuse have become a source of inspiration for all collection. Here is a fantastic triumph of prints of the ancient gods: Zeus, representing strength and creation in Greek mythology, and Apollo, representing light, sun, kindness and beauty. But did you know that Zeus had almost 70 children? We offer you 10 facts that you probably did not know about the king of all gods and goddesses.

1. Zeus's father wanted to eat him.

Kronos and Rhea had several children: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. However, he ate them all as soon as they were born, because Gaia and Uranus predicted to him that he would be overthrown by his own son, just as he himself overthrew his father.

Rhea, pregnant with Zeus, found Gaia to ask her to save her son, who could punish Kronos for crimes against Uranus and his own children. Rhea gave birth to Zeus in Crete, and gave Kronos to eat a stone wrapped in a baby's clothes.

2. Zeus was brought up by ... things.

For example, a goat named Amalthea. And the Koribants - soldiers and petty gods - at that moment danced, shouted and knocked with their spears on their shields so that Kronos would not hear the cry of the child.

He was also raised by a nymph named Adamantia. Kronos ruled on Earth, in the heavens and at sea. Adamantia hid Zeus by hanging him on a rope from a tree, so that he hung between earth, sea and sky and was inaccessible to her father's eyes.

He was also raised by the nymph Kinosura. In gratitude, Zeus then placed her among the stars.

He was also raised by Melissa, who fed him with goat's milk and honey.

He was also raised by a shepherd's family on the condition that their sheep be saved from the wolves.

3. Zeus saved his brothers and sisters.

Becoming a man, Zeus forced Kronos to vomit first a stone, and then his brothers and sisters in the reverse order of swallowing. In some versions of the myth, Metis gave Kronos an emetic to force him to do it, while in others, Zeus ripped open Kronos' stomach. Zeus then freed the brothers of Kronos - the Giants, Hecatoncheires and Cyclops - from their dungeon in Tartarus, killing their guard Kampa.

As a token of gratitude, the Cyclops gave Zeus thunder and lightning. Together with his brothers and sisters, as well as the Giants, Hecatoncheires and Cyclops, Zeus overthrew Kronos and the other Titans into great battle Titanomachia. Then the defeated titans were exiled to a dark corner underworld- Tartare. Atlas - one of the Titans who fought against Zeus - was punished by having to hold the sky.

4. His wife Hera was his sister and his other wives were also his relatives.

In most ancient myths, the firstborn had to marry each other, despite the relationship, because there were few people with whom the family could continue. Therefore, Zeus married his sister Hera (who, according to some versions of myths, was also his twin). A nymph named Pluto was the mother of King Tantalus of Lydia (from Zeus), and since Pluto's father was Kronos, this means she was also Zeus's sister (or at least a paternal sister). Zeus cheated on Hera with one of his sisters, but it was not Demeter. According to Hesiod's Theogony, Zeus was married six times before he married Hera.

5. Since he had so many wives, he had dozens of children.

He had many children from goddess wives or demigoddesses or mortals. In total, he had about 70 women, respectively, there were even more children.

6. Zeus has many names.

Olympian Zeus refers to the rule of Zeus over all the gods. Zeus Panellenios, Zeus Gorky - i.e. Zeus, oath-keeper. Zeus Agora: Zeus oversaw the affairs of the Agora and punished dishonest merchants. Zeus Xenius, Philius and Gospid: Zeus was the patron saint of hospitality (Xenia) and guests and was ready to take revenge on anyone who harmed strangers. Zeus Egioch - this term comes from the word αἴξ ("goat") and is taken from the myth of how he was nursed by Amalthea.

7. Many mountains are connected with Zeus.

Many mountains were dedicated to Zeus: in the Thessaly region, Olympus, Pelias and Eta; in Arcadia - the Lyceum and Mount Itoma in Messinia; in Attica - Parnet and Imetto; in Boeotia - Kiteron; in Phocis - Parnassus; in Troy - Ida, another mountain called Ida in Crete and many others.

8. Zeus was represented in different ways.

Zeus was represented in different images, but one detail was always present: he was always depicted with the symbol of kings and gods - a scepter, which mortal kings received from him to administer power and justice.

9. He was NOT SO good.

Zeus was also revered as a plural god with a two-sided soul, and therefore he was both a good and an evil god.

10. Zeus is a truly unique type of god.

For all its vicissitudes, the image of Zeus cannot be compared with any of any other Indo-European gods with the same powers or names (for example, Varuna, or Wodan). The trait of the father of the universe, expressed by the epic phrase "father of mortals and gods", dates back to prehistoric times, as well as power over the weather.

Supreme God, lord of gods and people; the son of the titans Kronos and Rhea, hence one of his names - Kronid. Having overthrown the rule of Cronus and the gods of the older generation - the titans, Zeus ceded power over the sea and the underworld to his brothers Poseidon and Hades. For himself, Zeus left the supreme power over the world and control over all celestial phenomena, above all thunder and lightning, hence his epithets Zeus the Thunderer, Zeus the Thunderbolt.

J. Jordaens. Childhood of Zeus

Zeus was revered as the guardian of public order and family; he was credited with establishing laws and customs. Olympian was considered the permanent seat of Zeus, hence the epithet Zeus-Olympian. Zeus' attributes were an aegis, a scepter, sometimes an eagle. As the giver of victory in wars and competitions, Zeus was portrayed with the goddess of victory Nike (Roman Victoria) in her hand. Zeus was considered the father of the younger generation of the Olympian gods: Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Hebe, Iris, Persephone, as well as muses, harit and a number of heroes: Hercules, Perseus. The noble families of Ancient Greece originated from Zeus. The most important places of the Znvs cult were Dodona (Epirus) and Olympia (Elis), where the Olympic Games were held in honor of Zeus. Some episodes of the myths about Zeus are given in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, in Hesiod's Theogony, Apollodorus's Mythological Library. In ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter corresponded to Zeus.

Initially, in each region of Greece, a special deity was worshiped, in charge of heavenly phenomena - thunder and lightning. When a common Greek culture developed, the local gods merged into the image of Zeus, who was in charge of the change of seasons, sent a fair wind and granted clear days. When he shook the aegis, storms and rains came. Sometimes Zeus is identified with fate, sometimes he himself was subject to moiras - the goddesses of fate. Zeus announced destiny through dreams, lightning and thunder, through the flight of birds and the rustle of leaves sacred trees... He gave the people laws, established state power, patronized popular assemblies. Zeus guarded the family and home, monitored the fulfillment of customs and rituals.

The main sanctuary of Zeus was Olympia in Elis, where the temple of Zeus was located and the Olympic Games were held in his honor. According to the main version of the myth, Zeus was saved by his mother from Crohn, who swallowed his children, and was covered by her in a safe refuge. When Zeus grew up and matured, he rebelled against his father and overthrew his dominion over the world. Zeus forced Crohn to vomit the swallowed children - his brothers and sisters.
Having overthrown the titans to Tartarus, Zeus shared the dominion over the world with the brothers Poseidon and Hades. Hera became the wife of Zeus, who gave birth to him Ares, Hebu and, according to some versions, Hephaestus. In addition, Zeus had many children from other goddesses: from Lethe - Apollo and Artemis, from Demeter - Persephone, from Maya - Hermes, from Dione - Aphrodite, from Themis - Ora and Moira, from Eurinoma - Charita. Zeus had children from mortal women: Semele gave birth to Dionysus from Zeus, Alkmena - Hercules, Leda - Helen and Polidevka, Danae - Perseus. In Dodona, Zeus was revered as the god of fertility, the lord of the ether, who revealed his will with the rustle of the leaves of the sacred oak. Dione was considered the wife of Zeus.

On Crete, Zeus was revered as the god of the secret forces of nature. The Cretans believed that Zeus was born by Rhea in secret from Cronus in Crete. Reya hid Zeus in Crete, the nymphs Adrastea and Ida fed him with the milk of the goat Amalfea. In Crete, the tomb of Zeus was shown, he was honored in orgies as a dying and resurrecting god of vegetation. In Rome, the cult of Zeus merged with the cult of Jupiter. In ancient art, Zeus was portrayed as an almighty ruler, seated on a throne with a scepter and Nika in his hands, with an eagle near the throne.

The god of ancient Greece Zeus is known to us as the main Olympian god, who rules the whole world, the sky, thunder and lightning. The God of Ancient Greece Zeus is associated with real rock, destiny. This is justified by the fact that people were protected by it: those who ask and pray. Zeus obeyed not only subjects, but also kings and other gods.

Ancient Greek God Zeus

The Greek god distinguished between good and evil, introduced people to the concepts of shame and conscience. Zeus - the supreme god of Olympus, had three brothers with whom he shared power. The location of the god was Mount Olympus, therefore the patriarchy of Zeus was called Olympian. The power of the patron did not satisfy the other gods, therefore they tried to overthrow him from the throne. They failed to carry out a coup d'etat, therefore all violators were punished.

What does the god Zeus look like?

The god of ancient Greece Zeus was the father of all people and gods, and Roman mythology identified him with Jupiter. Thanks to Zeus, Greece had an established social order. The traditional description of the god Zeus is an image of a mature man with a noble face, thick snow-white curls, a beard and a strong powerful body, strong slender arms. Later artists depict God in a huge variety of guises, among which Zeus appears as a deceiver of women, a character in love affairs.

What did Zeus patronize?

The third son of Kronos was different from the rest of the Gods. He was not only a just, honest and decent leader, but also responsible for the welfare of the entire population. The main tasks of Zeus were:

  • protect city life;
  • avoid disorder and chaos;
  • direct life in the right direction;
  • to protect all the offended;
  • protect the family hearth;
  • monitor compliance with laws and customs.

This is not the whole list of what Zeus was responsible for. Ancient greek god sky and thunder was able to solve any pressing issue, calm and pacify everyone who needed help in a certain moment own life. Thanks to his "power", everyone was confident that justice would always prevail. The energy of God spread throughout Olympus and delighted in its purity.

Attributes of the god Zeus

Each attribute gave Zeus the Thunderer strength and was an integral part of the overall image. The main association with Zeus is considered to be lightning, which is in the hands of the patron and serves as a material weapon. However, these are far from all the attributes of God.

  1. The first and one of the main symbols of power is the eagle, which is associated with Zeus.
  2. Zeus's Shield is a symbol of anger and rage.
  3. Chariot drawn by eagles.
  4. Scepter.
  5. Hammer or labrys.

Zeus family

Zeus belongs to the generation of titans. His father Kronos, even before birth, learned that his own son would overthrow the power of his father, because he swallowed every baby born by Rhea. As the myth of the birth of Zeus testifies, his mother deceived Kronos and gave birth to a baby, hiding it. It is impossible to find out the exact place of birth of a child, but the island of Crete is considered the leader among all versions. So that the clever Kronos did not notice the birth of his son, he had to swallow a stone in a diaper. Born Zeus laughed for a week - after that, the number 7 began to be considered sacred.

The Cretan version of the myth insists that Zeus was raised by kurets and koribants, fed on goat's milk, and ate honey. It is difficult to consider this information to be the only correct one. Another version of the legend says that the boy fed with goat's milk was guarded by guards every minute. On occasions when the child cried, the guards banged their spears on the shields to deceive Kronos's ears.

The grown god created a potion with which he freed his brothers from Kronos. The powerful brothers started a struggle with their father, lasting 9 years. After a while, it was not possible to determine the winner. But, the savvy Zeus the Thunderer found a way out, freeing the Cyclops and the hundred-handed. They helped bring down the titan and topple him. After a protracted struggle, the three brothers finally took over the rule of the island.

Father of Zeus

By ancient greek mythology, Kronos was the supreme deity. Another version insists that Kronos is the titan god, the father of Zeus was the god of agriculture, was identified with Chronos. The reign of Kronos is considered the golden age in Greece. The main attribute of Kronos is the sickle. Kronos was the supreme god, and due to seniority, he became king.

Zeus's mother

The mother of the god Zeus, Rhea, was considered the goddess of the earth, was a titanide and the daughter of Gaia and Uranus. Rhea was the mother of Hestia - the goddess hearth, Demeter - the goddess of fertility, - the goddess of families, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus. Rhea is remembered by mythology as a brave and brave titanide who was able to go against the will of her husband, secretly giving birth to a child. Rhea possessed the power of healing, which was useful to her to keep Dionysus alive.

Zeus's wife

According to some myths, Zeus was strongly attached to Thetis, he wanted to part with his wife for her sake. The only obstacle to this was prophecy. Zeus seduced the chosen ones, taking on various forms: a swan, a bull, a snake, a rain, an ant, a bird, a beetle. Zeus was not distinguished by constancy and had many wives and lovers, including:

  • Metis is the only consort of Zeus who was swallowed;
  • Themis;
  • Hera is the last wife of God;
  • Demeter;
  • Thebes;
  • Phtya;
  • Aytos;
  • Ganymede.
  • Calliroya.

Son of Zeus

Zeus contributed to the birth strongest sons who made their mark in the history of ancient Greek mythology. But, strong and brave sons are opposed to the gentle, intelligent and fertile daughters of Zeus. The sons of Zeus were:

  • love god Eros born by Aphrodite;
  • the god of struggle Ares;
  • the fiery god Hephaestus, who patronized the blacksmith's craft;
  • Hermes patron of trade;
  • the horned baby Sabazy;
  • wine god Dionysus;
  • Apollo is the son of Zeus, the god of light, music, medical craft.
  • Egipan;
  • patron of the herd Pan;
  • Karpos.

Daughters of the God Zeus

Zeus is the father of most known to the world goddesses. Based on their number, it was divided into groups according to the tasks performed.

  1. 9 muses of Zeus, headed by Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichora, Erato, Polyhymnia, Urania and Calliope. The goddesses were responsible for science, poetry, art.
  2. Charites responsible for fun, life joy and pleasure.
  3. The Moiraes, including Clotho, Atropos, Lachesis, were responsible for.
  4. Orami controlled the seasons.
  5. The Erinians committed acts of revenge and rebellion.
  6. The elder muses include Telksiopa, Aeda, Arhu and Meleta.

The Greek god Zeus was the lord of the earth and the dungeons, he judged the dead. A just and strong Zeus performed both good deeds and real deeds in the name of universal good. Zeus is not only a real supreme god, patron and leader, he was a symbol of brotherly love, intelligence and logic. From an early age, Zeus differed from his peers by his thirst to live, to fight for justice, to win. The legendary titan was a true fighter and builder of the general order.