Philosophy in ancient Greece. Philosophy of ancient Greece

The philosophy of ancient Greece is a bright period in the history of this science and is the most fascinating and mysterious. That is why such a period was called the Golden century of civilization. Antique philosophy played the role of a special philosophical direction, which existed and developed from the end of the 7th century to our era and up to the 6th century of our era.

It is worth noting that the birth of ancient greek philosophy We are obliged to great thinkers of Greece. At their time, they were not as well known, but in modern world We heard about each of them since school. It was the ancient Greek philosophers that contributed their new knowledge to the world, forcing a new one to look at the human being.

Famous and world philosophers of ancient Greece

When there is a speech about an ancient Greek philosophy, Socrates-one of the first thinkers comes to mind, who used philosophy as a way to know the truth. Its main principle was that for the knowledge of the world, a person needs to truly know himself true. In other words, he was confident that with the help of self-knowledge, anyone can achieve real bliss in life. The teaching said that the human mind pushes people into good actions, because the thinker will never make bad things. Socrates's own teachings presented in oral form, and his knowledge was recorded in their writings. And thanks to this, we will be able to read his words in our time.

The "reduratory" way of keeping the disputes made it clear that the truth is known only in the dispute. After all, it is precisely with the help of leading issues that you can make both opponents to recognize your defeat, and then notice the justice of the words of your opponent. Socrates also believed that a person who was not engaged in political affairs does not have the right to condemn the active work of politics.

Philosopher Plato introduced the first classic form of objective idealism in his teaching. Such ideas, among whom were the highest (the idea of \u200b\u200bgood), were eternal and unchanged samples of things, everything. Things, in turn, played the role of reflection of ideas. These thoughts can be found in the writings of Plato, such as "PIR", "State", "Fedr", and others. Wearing dialogues with their students, Plato often spoke of beautiful. Answering the question "What is beautiful", the philosopher gave the characteristics of the most essence of beauty. As a result, Plato concluded that a peculiar idea plays the role of everything beautiful. You can know this person only during inspiration.

The first philosophers of ancient Greece

The philosophers of Ancient Greece also belongs to Aristotle, who was a student of Plato and the pupil of Alexander Macedonian. It was he who became the founder of scientific philosophy, conducting teachings on the possibilities and exercise of human abilities, matter and the form of thoughts and ideas. It was mostly interested in people, politics, art, ethnic views. Unlike his teacher, Aristotle saw a wonderful not in the overall idea, but in the objective quality of things. For him, true beauty was the magnitude, symmetry, proportions, order, in other words, mathematical values. Therefore, Aristotle believed that to achieve a wonderful person should be engaged in mathematics.

Speaking about mathematics should not be remembered about Pythagore, who created the multiplication table and its own theorem with his name. This philosopher was confident that the truth lies in the study of integers and proportions. Even the doctrine of the "harmony of spheres" was developed, which indicated that the whole world is a separate space. Pythagoras with his students wondered by musical acoustics, which were solved by the ratio of tones. As a result, the conclusion was concluded that beauty is a harmonious figure.

Another philosopher who was looking for beauty in science was a democritus. He opened the existence of atoms and dedicated his life to find a response to the question "What is Beauty?". The thinker argued that the true purpose of the human existence was his desire for bliss and benevolence. He believed that he should not strive for any pleasure, and it is necessary to know only the beauty in itself. Determining beauty, democritus indicated that the beautiful one has its own measure. If they cross it, then even the most present pleasure will turn into torment.

Heraclit seen the beauty of the dialectic impregnated. The thinker saw harmony not static equilibrium, like Pythagoras, but constantly standing in motion. Heraclit argued that beauty is possible only with a contradiction, which is the creator of harmony and the condition for the existence of everything beautiful. It is in the struggle between consent and disputes, Heraclit saw samples of true harmony of beauty.

Hippocrates is a philosopher whose works have become famous in the field of medicine and ethics. It was he who became the founder of scientific medicine, wrote essays on the integrity of the human body. He taught the individual approach to the sick person, to lead the stories of diseases, medical ethics. Pupils studied at the thinker to pay attention to the high moral appearance of doctors. It was Hippocrat that became the author of the famous oath, which he gives anyone who becomes a doctor: do not harm the patient.

Periodization of ancient Greek philosophy

As the ancient Greek philosophers replaced each other and became representatives of new teachings, in every century, scientists find bright differences in the study of science. That is why the periodization of the development of the philosophy of ancient Greece is customary to divide into four main stages:

  • diskratovskaya philosophy (4-5 BB to AD);
  • classic stage (5-6 BB to AD);
  • ellinsky stage (6th century BC);
  • roman philosophy (6th century BC-6 century AD).

The Dosokratov period is the time that was marked in the 20th century. During this period there were philosophical schools who led philosophers to Socrates. One of them was the thinker Herclite.

The classic period is a conditional concept that the philosophy blew in ancient Greece said. It was at this time that Socrates, Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle appeared.

Ellinsky period is the time when Alexander Macedonian formed States in Asia and Africa. It is characterized by the birth of the stoic philosophical direction, the work activities of schools of students of Socrates, the philosophy of the epicurist thinker.

The Roman period is the time when such famous philosophers appeared as Mark Aurelius, Seneca, here the Lucretia car.

Philosophy in ancient Greece appeared and improved during the emergence of a slave-owned society. Then such people were divided into groups of slaves who were engaged in physical labor, and the society of people who were engaged in mental labor. Philosophy would not appear if the development of natural science, mathematics and astronomy did not occur in a timely manner. In the ancient time of natural science, no one has yet highlighted as a separate area for human knowledge. Each knowledge of the world or people included in philosophy. Therefore, ancient Greek philosophy called the science of science.

The earliest primitives of Greek philosophy are in the religious and mythical poems of deep antiquity. Philosophical treasures are noticeable already at the great Homer and Hisiod poets. A little later, their development led to the emergence of the mysterious sect of the Offika, with which Eleusinsky Mysteries practiced near Athens were closely connected. Seven famous Greek sages can be attributed to the number of early philosophers.

In the VI century to R. X. Three of its earliest arose in Greece philosophical schools Or rather, three first attempts to understand thinning Silo the mutual relationship of the objects of abstract and explain their attitude to visible to peace. Two of these schools - ionian (Miletskaya) and elaska - acquired only when they were transferred to Athens; Since then, philosophical science began to develop in the capital of Greece near and in connection with other sciences and elegant arts. Early Greek philosophy has belonged to the Ionian school of the early Greek philosophy, Anaximander, Anaximen and, to the Elaska - poet-philosopher Xenofan, Parmenid and the author of Zenon's paradoxes known in the ancient times. The third early philosophical school of Greece - pythagorean - For a long time, there was no direct influence on prosperity in Athens of sciences and arts, but also it had the importance for the development of Greek culture. The Pythagorean philosophy gave the scientific character of mathematics, there were also those mystical dreams that were so common between the Greeks and other peoples. Mysticism is always when people weaken from excessive luxury and as a result of false formation goes not the way that nature points out. Thus, all three schools had a strong impact on the concepts and views of the later Greeks. However, the Pythagorean school did not contribute to the emergence of philosophy developed in Athens, which, in fact, was caused only by Ionian and Eleate schools.

Greek philosopher Herclite. Picture of H. Terbruggen, 1628

Early Greek philosophy also includes the teachings of atomists of Levkipp and Democritus.

Ancient Greek philosophy arose in the era of the highest heyday of Greek culture. At first it was an attempt to comprehend the world, understand the meaning and laws of the universe. Start ancient philosophy Greece takes, most likely, in Egypt and Malaya Asia - after all, it was there who traveled the Greeks for the innermost knowledge of even more ancient civilizations.

What is noteworthy, the main philosophical ideas and principles were expressed by the philosophers of Greece. New names almost did not add anything new.

The main difference between the ancient Greek philosophers from their more modern colleagues is that they did not simply "spoke" about life, they lived so. Philosophy manifested not so much in smart books and treatises, how much in real life. If it was necessary to suffer for his personal beliefs, the philosopher who lived in ancient Greece could and suffer and die for his principles.

Ancient Greek philosophy arose when there were no diverse books in the libraries, while the ruler was honored for honor to be called a philosopher.

The whole European and significant part of modern world civilization is somehow directly or indirectly, are an ancient Greek culture product.

It should be considered that under the "Ancient Greece" means civilization, which included slave-owned states located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula, on the coast of Frakia, on the islands of the Aegean Sea and in the Western Coastal Lapel of Malaya Asia (VII - VI century). The first Greek philosophers were Fales, Anaximander, Anaximen, Pythagoras, Xenofan, Heraclit. In Greek philosophy, there are three periods. The first: from Falez to Aristotle. Second: the development of Greek philosophy in the Rome world. Third: Neo-Platonic philosophy. If you take chronology, then these three periods cover more than millennium (the end of the VII century to our era - the 6th century of our era).

Some researchers The first period of Greek philosophy is divided into three stages - it more clearly denotes the development of philosophy in nature and to solve the study of problems. The first stage is the activity of Miletsky philosophers (from the name of the city of Millet) School: Fales, Anaximander, Anaximen. The second stage is the activities of the Sofists, Socrates and its followers - cuts. The third stage is the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. The activities of the first ancient Greek philosophers did not reach our days, it is possible to learn about it only from the works of subsequent thinkers and philosophers of Greece and Rome.

More on the topic:

"Know yourself and you know the whole world" - Socrates said. Isn't it today and psychologists and psychologists today? The philosophers of Greece came to such conclusions in the VII - VI centuries BC. "Truth is born in the dispute," mathematics, harmony, medicine - the foundation of modern sciences was laid by teachers of many great people of ancient Greece. Which of the philosophers studied the great Alexander Macedonian?

Socrates deeply despised luxury. Walking around the bazar and having missed the upholstery of the goods, he used to say: "How many things are in the world, without which you can do!"

IN public Life This stage is characterized as the highest rise of Athenian Democracy III IV-II century BC. - Hellenistic stage. (Decay of the Greek cities and the establishment of the domination of Macedonia) IV I century BC - V, VI century AD - Roman philosophy. Greek culture VII - V centuries. BC. - This is the culture of society in which the leading role belongs to slave labor, although in certain industries that demanded highly qualified manufacturers, such as artistic craft, free work was widely applied.

Socrates - one of the dealers of dialectics as a method of finding and knowledge of truth. Chief Principle "" Know yourself and you know the whole world, "that is, the conviction is that self-knowledge is the path to the comprehension of the true good. In ethics, virtue is equal to knowledge, therefore, the mind pushes a person to good actions. A person knowing will not flow badly. Socrates expressed his teaching orally, transferring knowledge in the form of dialogues to his students whose writings we learned about Socrates.

Plato was not only a philosopher, but also the Olympic champion. Twice he won Pankration Competitions - Boxing Mixtures and Wrestling without Rules.

Having created a "short-circuit" method of conducting a dispute, Socrates argued that the truth is born only in the dispute in which a sage with a number of leading issues makes his opponents to recognize the malfunction of their own positions first, and then the validity of their opponent's views. The sage, according to Socrates, comes to the truth through self-knowledge, and then the knowledge of the objectively existing spirit, objectively existing truth. The idea of \u200b\u200bprofessional knowledge was essential in general political views of Socrates, from which the conclusions were made that a person who is not engaged in political activities professionally has no right to judge her. It was a challenge to the basic principles of Athenian democracy.

Plato's teachings are the first classic form of objective idealism. Ideas (among them the highest - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe good) - the eternal and unchanged prototype of things, the whole transient and volatile being. Things - likeness and reflection of ideas. These provisions are set forth in the writings of Plato "Pier", "Fedr", "State" and others. In the dialogues of Plato, we find the multifaceted characteristic of the beautiful. When answering the question: "What is beautiful?" He tried to characterize the essence of beauty. Ultimately, beauty for Plato is aesthetically peculiar idea. To know her person can, only being in a state of special inspiration. Beauty concept by Plato is idealistic. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe specificity of aesthetic experience is rational in his teaching.

Alexander Macedonsky subsequently said about his teacher: "I am an Aristotle with my father, because if I owe life to life, then Aristotle, what gives her the price."

Pupin Plato - Aristotle, was the educator of Alexander Macedonian. He is the founder of scientific philosophy, trays, teachings on the basic principles of being (possibilities and implementation, form and matter, cause and goal). The main areas of his interests are man, ethics, politics, art. Aristotle is the author of the books "Metaphysics", "Physics", "About the Soul", "Poetics". Unlike Plato for Aristotle, an excellent not an objective idea, but an objective quality of things. The value, proportion, order, symmetry - the properties of the beautiful.

Beauty, according to Aristotle, enclosed in mathematical proportions of things "Therefore, to comprehend it should be done by mathematics. Aristotle put forward the principle of human commensuity and an excellent item. The beauty of Aristotle acts as a measure, and the person is only a person. In comparison with it, an excellent item should not be "excessive". In these arudes of Aristotle about truly beautiful, the same humanistically and the principle, which is pronounced in the antician art itself. The philosophy answered the needs of the human orientation of a person who broke with traditional values \u200b\u200band turned to the mind as a way to clarify the problems.

The name of Pythagora means "the one who announced Pythia." The predictor of Delphi not only told the Father on the birth of a son, but also reported that he would bring so much benefit and good to people how many did not bring and would not bring anyone else in the future.

In mathematics, the Figure of Pythagora, which created a multiplication table and the theorem that is the name that studied the property of integers and proportions is distinguished. Pythagoreans developed the doctrine of "harmony of spheres". For them, the world is slim space. They associate the concept of an excellent not only of the universal picture of the world, but also in accordance with the moral and religious orientation of their philosophy with the concept of good. Working out the questions of musical acoustics, the Pythagoreans put the problem of the tone ratio and tried to give it a mathematical expression: the octave ratio to the main tone is 1: 2, quints - 2: 3, quarts - 3: 4, etc. Hence the conclusion that the beauty is harmonious.

Where the main opposites are in the "proportionate mixture", there is a good, human health. Equal and consistent in harmony does not need. Harmony performs where there is inequality, unity and complement to diverse. Music harmony - private case Harmony world, its sound expression. "All sky is harmony and a number", planets are surrounded by air and attached to transparent spheres.

The intervals between the spheres are strictly harmonially correlated between themselves as intervals of the tones of the musical octave. From these representations of the Pythagoreans and the expression "Music of Spheres". The planets move, making sounds, and the height of the sound depends on the speed of their movement. However, our ear is not able to catch world harmony of spheres. These representations of the Pythagoreans are important as evidence of their confidence in the fact that the universe is harmonious.

As a means of baldness, hippocrates assigned a pigeon litter with his patients.

Democritus, which opened the existence of atoms, also paid attention to the search for a response to the question: "What is beauty?" He has aesthetics perfectly combined with his ethical views and with the principle of utilitarianism. He believed that a person should strive for bliss and benevolence. In his opinion, "one should not strive for any pleasure, but only to such that is connected with the beautiful." In the definition of beauty, democritus emphasizes such a property as a measure, proportionality. The one who breaks them, "the most pleasant can become unpleasant."

Herclite has a beauty understanding permeated with dialectic. For him, harmony is not static equilibrium, as for Pythagoreans, and a moving, dynamic state. The contradiction is the creator of harmony and the condition of the existence of the beautiful: diverging converges, and the most beautiful consent comes from the opposite, and everything happens due to discord. In this unity of the fighting opposites, Herclite sees a sample of harmony and the essence of the beautiful. For the first time, Heraclit raised the question of the nature of the perception of the beautiful: it is incomprehensible by calculating or distracted thinking, it knows intuitively, by contemplation.

Parmenid was born in a notable and rich family. His youth passed in fun and luxury. When the future philosopher and politician was happy with his pleasures, he began to contemplate the "clear face of truth in the silence of sweet teachings."

Knights of hippocratic in medicine and ethics are known. He is the founder of scientific medicine, the author of the exercise on the integrity of the human body, the theory of an individual approach to the patient, the tradition of conducting the history of the disease, works on medical ethics in which special attention He turned to the high moral appearance of the doctor, the author of the famous professional oath, which is given to all who receive a medical diploma. Until this day, his immortal rule came for doctors: do not harm the patient.

With the medicine of the Hippocrat, the transition from religious and mystical ideas about all the processes related to health and human diseases, to the initiated ionic natural philosophers, their rational explanation is to be changed .. Medicine of priests was replaced by medicine based on accurate observations. Hippocratic school doctors were also philosophers.

The central representative of the school under consideration is Parmenid (approx. 540 - 470 Gg. BC), a student of xenophane. Parmenid outlined their views in the work "On Nature", where his philosophical teaching is presented in allegorical form. In his work, which is incomplete to us, is narrated by visiting. young man The goddess that tells him the truth about the world.

Parmenid sharply distinguishes the genuine truth and opinion relying on sensory cognition. According to his representation, essentially, it is erroneously considered as mobile. The teachings of Parmenide on Being dates back to the materialism line in ancient Greek philosophy. However, the material being has motionless and does not develop, it is spherical.

Zenon Elayky participated in a conspiracy against Tirana Niarg. When conducting interrogation, the requirement to issue accomplices, according to one data, bit off Tiran's ear, in others - bit his own language and spat it in the face of Niarch.

Pupil Parmenide was Zeno. His AKME (the flourishing of creativity - 40 years) falls for the period of about 460 BC. e. In his writings, he improved the argumentation of Parmenid's teachings about being and knowledge. He became famous for clarifying the contradictions between the mind and feelings. He expressed his views in the form of dialogues. Initially, he offers the opposite approval that he wishes to prove, and then argued that the opposite opposite statement is true.

The existence, according to Zenon, is material character, it is in unity and immobility. Fame he acquired due to attempts to prove the lack of multiplicity and movement of the fact. These methods of evidence were named epicerm and aquaries. Of particular interest are the aquistia against movement: "Dichotomy", "Ahhes and Turtle", "Arrow" and "Stadium".

In these apior, Zenon sought to prove not that there is no movement in the sensory world, but the fact that it is conceivable and inexpressible. Zeno raised the question of the difficulties of the conceptual expression and the need to apply new methods that later began to bind with dialectics.

Among all humanities, the philosophy is called the most insidious. After all, the name she asks humanity such complex, but also important questions as: "What is being?", "What is the meaning of life?", "Why do we live in this world?". Each of this topic is written hundreds of volumes, their authors tried to find the answer ...

But most often they confused even more when searching for truth. Among the numerous philosophers noted in history, the 10 most important can be distinguished. After all, they precisely they laid the foundations of future thinking processes, over which other scientists already fought.

Parmenid (520-450 BC). This ancient Greek philosopher lived even before Socrates. Like many other thinkers of that era, he was distinguished by incomprehensibleness and even some madness. Parmenid became the founder of a whole philosophical school in Elea. It was reached by his poem "On Nature". In it, the philosopher argues about the issues of knowledge and being. Parmenid argued that there is only forever and the constant being, which is identified with thinking. According to his logic, it is impossible to think about non-existence, and therefore it does not exist. After all, the thought is contradictory. "There is something that is not." The chief student of Parmenis is considered Zenon Elayky, but the works of the philosopher influenced Plato with Melissa.

Aristotle (384-322 BC). Along with the Aristotle Pipples of Antique Philosophy, it is considered also Plato with Socrates. But it was this person who was also different and his educational activities. Aristotle's school gave a great impetus to him in the development of creativity of numerous students. Today, scientists cannot even understand what exactly from the work belongs to the Grand Thinker. Aristotle became the first scientist who was able to create a versatile philosophical system. Later she will form the basis of many modern sciences. It was this philosopher that created a formal logic. And his views on physical bases The universe has noticeably changed the further development of human thinking. The central teachings of Aristotle was the doctrine of the root causes - matter, form, cause and goal. This scientist laid the concepts of space and time. Aristotle paid much attention to the state theory. It is no coincidence that his most successful student is Alexander Macedonian, so much has achieved.

Mark Azeri (121-180). This man entered the story not only as the Roman emperor, but also as an outstanding philosopher's humanist of his era. Under the influence of another philosopher, his teacher Maxim Claudia, Mark Arellium created 12 books in Greek, united by the common name of "reasoning about himself." The work of "meditation" was written for the inner world of philosophers. There, the emperor told about the beliefs of the stoic philosophers, but not all of their ideas took. Stoicism was an important phenomenon for the Greeks and Romans, because he determined not only the rules of patience, but also indicated the ways to happiness. Mark Azeri believed that all people through their spirit are involved in ideologically common, which has no restrictions. Proceedings of this philosopher are easily read today, helping to solve some vital problems. I wonder what humanistic ideas The philosopher did not interfere with him to pursue the first Christians.

Anselm Canterbury (1033-1109). This medieval philosopher made a lot for Catholic theology. He is even considered the father of Scholastics, and the most famous work of Anselma Kenterbury became "Proslogion". In it, with the help of ontological evidence he led the unshakable evidence of the existence of God. The existence of God spacing the very concept. Anselm came to the conclusion that God is perfection, existing outside of us and outside of this world, surpassing all the imaginable. The main statements of the philosopher "Faith, requiring understanding" and "believe in understanding" then became peculiar devices of the Augustinian philosophical school. Among the followers of Anselma was Thomas Akvinsky. Pupils of the same philosopher continued to develop his views on the attitude of faith and mind. For his work for the benefit of the church in 1494, Anselm was canonized, becoming sainted. And in 1720, Pope Clement XI proclaimed the Holy Teacher of the Church.

Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677). Spinosa was born in a Jewish family, his ancestors after the expulsion from Portugal deliced \u200b\u200bin Amsterdam. In his youth, the philosopher studies the works of the best Jewish minds. But the spinosa began to express orthodox views and became close to the sectarians, which led to the excavation from the Jewish community. After all, his advanced views were in a contradiction with northern public glances. Spinosa fled to Hague, where he continued to improve. He earned his life with grinding lenses and private lessons. And in the free time from these ordinary classes, Spinosa wrote his philosophical works. In 1677, the scientist died from tuberculosis, his short-circuited disease was also aggravated by inhalation of dust lenses. Only after the death of Spinoza came out his main job - "Ethics". The philosopher's works were synthesized together the scientific ideas of ancient Greece and the Middle Ages, the works of the Stoikov, Neoplatonists and Scholastics. Spinosa tried to move the effect of Copernicus on science into the scope of ethics, politicians, metaphysics and psychology. Metaphysics Spinoza was based on the logic that it was necessary to determine the terms, formulate axioms and then with the help of logical consequences to output the rest of the provisions.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860). The contemporaries of the philosopher remembered him as a small ugly pessimist. He spent most of his life with his mother and cat in his apartment. Nevertheless, this considerable and ambitious person was able to make themselves among the most important thinkers, becoming the most striking representative of irrationalism. The source of Schopenhauer's ideas served as Plato, Kant and Ancient Indian Treaty of Upanishads. The philosopher became one of the first who dared to combine Eastern and Western culture. The difficulty of synthesis was that the first is irrational, and the second, on the contrary, is rational. The philosopher paid a lot of attention to the issues of the will of a person, his most famous aphorism became the phrase "will - a thing in herself." After all, it is she determines the existing, affecting him. Main work The whole life of the philosopher became his "peace, like will and performance." Schopenhauer outlined the main ways of decent life - art, moral asceticism and philosophy. In his opinion, it is art that the art can free the soul from life suffering. To others it is necessary to treat how to yourself. Although the philosopher sympathized with Christianity, he remained an atheist.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). This person, despite the relatively short life, I was able to achieve a lot in philosophy. Nietzsche's name is customary to associate with fascism. In fact, he was not a nationalist as his sister. The philosopher was generally interested in life around him. Nietzsche was able to create a distinctive teaching, which has nothing to do with academic character. Proceedings of the scientist questioned the generally accepted norms of morality, culture, religion and socio-political relations. What is only the famous phrase Nietzsche "God is dead." The philosopher was able to revive the interest in philosophy, blowing up the stagnant was the world with new views. The first work of Nietzsche, "Birth of the tragedy", immediately awarded the author a label "a terrible child modern philosophy" The scientist tried to understand what Moral was. According to his views, it is not necessary to think about her truth, it is necessary to consider its service ministry. Nietzsche pragmatic approach is also noted in relation to philosophy and culture at all. The philosopher was able to withdraw the formula of the superhuman, which will not be limited to morality and morality, becoming aside from good and evil.

Roman Ingand (1893-1970). This Pole was one of the most prominent philosophers of the last century. He was a student of Hans-George Gadamera. Ingaden in Lviv survived the fascist occupation, continuing to work on his main labor, "dispute about the existence of the world." In this two-volume philosopher talks about art. The basis of the activity of the philosopher has become aesthetics, ontology and epistemology. Ingaden laid the foundations of realistic phenomenology, which is relevant so far. He studied the philosopher also literature, cinema, theory of knowledge. Ingaden translated into Polish philosophical work, including Kant, a lot was taught in universities.

Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980). This philosopher loves and popular in France. This is the brightest representative of atheistic existentialism. His positions were close to Marxism. At the same time, Sardr was also a writer, playwright, an essay and teacher. The work of philosophers is the concept of freedom. Sartre believed that she was an absolute concept, a person was simply condemned to be free. We ourselves must form themselves, responsible for their actions. Sartre said: "A person is a future person." There is no point in the surrounding world, it is the person who changes it with its activities. The work of the philosopher "Genesis and Nothing" became the most real Bible for young intellectuals. Nobel Prize In literature, Sartre refused to accept, because I did not want to question my independence. Philosopher in Ov political activity Always defended the rights of disadvantaged and humiliated person. When Sartre died, 50 thousand people gathered him in the last path. Contemporaries believe that no other Frenchman gave the world as much as this philosopher.

Mauris Merlot-Ponti (1908-1961). This French philosopher one time was like-minded Sartra, being a supporter of existentialism and phenomenology. But then he moved away from communist glances. The main thoughts of Merlo-Ponti outlined in his work "Humanism and Terror". Researchers believe that it has features related to the fascist ideology. In the collection of their works, the author rigidly criticizes the supporters of Marxism. The influence of the philosopher was influenced by the influence of Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche and Freud, he himself was fond of the ideas of Gestalt Psychology. Based on the work of the predecessors and working on unknown works by Edmund Gusserly, Merlot-Ponti was able to create his body phenomenology. This teaching states that the body is not a clean creature nor a natural thing. This is just a turning point between culture and nature, between your own and strangers. The body in his understanding is a holistic "I", which is a subject of thinking, speech and freedom. The original philosophy of this Frenchman forced to rethink traditional philosophical themes in a new way. It is no coincidence that he is considered one of the main thinkers of the twentieth century.