Venison cutlets with lingonberry sauce. Venison cutlets

Venison recipes with photos will help you choose a dish for lunch or dinner. Recipes for cooking venison are not particularly complex and depend on what kind of deer you are preparing. To prepare dishes from venison (wild deer), the meat is pre-soaked and marinated. To prepare reindeer dishes, the meat does not require any special processing - it is already soft, without any foreign odor. Venison is suitable for frying; it makes an excellent stew; minced venison is used to fry cutlets and immediately with fillings. Venison dishes are served with sauce, often berry (lingonberry and cranberry).

To prepare venison cutlets, use the pulp from the hip part of the carcass. The meat is minced through a meat grinder along with pieces of raw lard. Lard will make the finished cutlets more juicy. Flour breading will also provide additional juiciness. For this d

chapter: Cutlets (minced meat)

Reindeer meat is rarely found in stores and is not cheap. But if you are lucky enough to get your hands on a piece of venison, then this recipe for fried venison with red currant sauce is a must-do. It's very simple to prepare and it turns out delicious.

Venison is an incredibly healthy and at the same time dietary meat; it contains almost no fat. Usually, for juiciness, a little fatty pork, cream, and butter are added to venison cutlets. But we will prepare light and juicy cutlets without fat - with turkey meat, a small amount of bread soaked in milk, and grated zucchini.
In addition, although venison has a fairly pronounced aroma and taste, it develops best if it is pre-marinated. Again, this will add tenderness to the meat.
For the cutlets, I suggest preparing two types of lingonberry-based sauce. Since our goal is to prepare a light dish, we will use stevia instead of sugar and agar-agar instead of gelatin.

Author's note
Stevia is a natural, calorie-free sugar substitute made from the leaves of the honey herb, characterized by the absence of side effects on the body, and is 250-300 times sweeter than sugar. Available in the form of dry herbs for decoctions, liquids, tablets, and fine-crystalline powder. For culinary purposes, it is convenient to use processed stevia in the form of white crystalline stevioside powder. Under the SWETA brand in 1 kg packaging you can buy it in online stores.


for marinade for 1 kg of venison:

  • 2 tbsp. l. Dijon mustard
  • 3 tbsp. pomegranate juice
  • 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice)
  • 100 g olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce (can be replaced with soy sauce)
  • 1 tbsp. blackcurrant juice or liqueur
  • 3-5 sprigs thyme, rosemary (or 1 tsp dried Provençal herbs)
  • 1 pinch black pepper

for minced meat:

  • 1 kg venison
  • 500 g turkey breast
  • 250 g Darnitsa or whole grain bread (crumb)
  • 100 g skim milk
  • 200 g soft low-fat cottage cheese or soft low-fat goat cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 onion
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 small zucchini or zucchini
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • 1 pinch black pepper
  • salt to taste + 1 tsp. for zucchini
  • 1 tsp olive oil

for the lingonberry sauce base:

  • 350 g fresh or frozen lingonberries
  • 500 g pomegranate juice
  • 2 apples
  • 2 pears
  • 1 orange, zest and juice
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • 2 sticks or ½ tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. stevia
  • 4 tsp agar-agar
  • 4 tbsp strong alcohol (preferably half orange liqueur such as Grand Marnier and half blackcurrant liqueur)

for unsweetened lingonberry sauce:

  • 350 g lingonberry sauce base
  • 1 onion
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • 4-5 stalks of celery
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 3-5 sprigs of thyme (or 1 tsp dried Provençal herbs)
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic Dry garlic ½ tsp or fresh 2-3 cloves
  • salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method

Whisk Dijon mustard with salt and spices, add pomegranate juice and vinegar, stir until smooth. Continuing to beat, add olive oil in a thin stream. You should get a thick mass, the consistency of mayonnaise. Pour in alcohol and stir.
If the venison is frozen, before defrosting, place the piece of meat in a tight bag, pour in the marinade, tie, distribute evenly, place in a deep bowl and refrigerate until completely defrosted. Turn the piece over several times during defrosting. If we marinate fresh meat, the procedure is the same; you can marinate from several hours to 1-2 days.

Lingonberry sauces
First we prepare the base. Most of it will become sweet lingonberry sauce, the smaller part will go into unsweetened sauce.
Pour pomegranate juice over fresh or frozen lingonberries, add stevia, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, salt, finely diced apples and pears without peels and seeds, and bring to a boil.
Peel half the orange (only the orange part) into ribbons and chop into very thin strips. Grate the second half of the zest on a fine grater. Add to base. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 2 minutes.
Squeeze the juice from the orange and add to the base.

Dilute agar-agar with a small amount of hot water (about 50 ml), mix into the base, bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute to reveal the gelling properties of the agar. Pour in alcohol. Measure out 350 g for unsweetened sauce, pour the rest into jars and close with lids.

After cooling, you will get a sauce with a consistency similar to thin jam. If it is served to children, alcohol can be poured before the agar-agar - the alcohol base will evaporate, leaving the flavor component.
For a savory sauce, lightly fry finely chopped onion, then add finely diced celery stalks, then diced bell pepper. Season with salt, pepper, thyme or Provençal herbs, dry garlic (if fresh garlic, add before the sweet pepper). Mix with lingonberry base, transfer to a jar, close until cool.

Ground meat
Finely crumble or chop the crustless bread, pour in milk, leave for half an hour, then stir until smooth.
Grate the zucchini on a fine grater, add salt, place in a sieve and leave for 10 minutes, then squeeze well.
Chop the onion and lightly fry in olive oil, add garlic, salt and spices, mix with the bread mixture, add soft goat cheese or cottage cheese and grated zucchini.
Remove the marinade from the venison and cut into small pieces. Slice the turkey breast in the same way. Prepare minced meat using a meat grinder or food processor.
Combine the two parts of minced meat and mix well. Add 1 egg, mix again. Add a second egg if necessary.
Beat the minced meat, lifting it and throwing it back into the bowl 10-15 times, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Frying cutlets
Heat the pan well and grease it with a small amount of oil using a brush. With wet hands, form cutlets and place in the pan, leaving gaps. First, fry over high heat on both sides, then reduce the heat and cook until done. You can fry for the last 2-3 minutes under the lid over low heat.

Serve venison cutlets with two types of lingonberry sauce. The cutlets are very filling, so you can serve them without a side dish or garnish them with sauerkraut and pickled apples.


Experts recommend adding a small amount of lard and garlic to the minced meat; this will give the meat a more piquant taste and become juicier. The only drawback of wild deer meat is its smell. But you can get rid of it; to do this, you will need to marinate it in advance using spices and vinegar, or mustard and dry white wine.

  • First you will need to prepare the minced meat; for this you will need to grind the venison through a meat grinder along with lard. After this, the mass must be salted and pepper to taste. You can add your other favorite seasonings if you wish.

  • Take white bread, cut off the crusts from it and place it in a container with water or milk.

  • Now you need to add a chicken egg and softened bread to the minced meat. Finely chop the onion and also add to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.

  • Time to shape the minced meat into cutlets. They should not be too large and have a slightly oblong shape (see photo). Pour flour into a plate in advance, we will coat the cutlets in it before sending them to the frying pan.

  • Place the frying pan on the fire and pour a small amount of vegetable oil. Place the cutlets in it and fry them on both sides. Now let's move on to preparing the sauce. To do this, you will need to dilute the tomato paste with water and add pre-chopped onions and carrots to the mixture. Simmer the cutlets in the sauce for fifteen minutes.

  • That's the whole step-by-step photo recipe! As you can see, everything is very simple. So, we take out the ready-made homemade venison cutlets and put them on a plate. Serve them with a side dish or berry sauce. Believe me, it turns out very tasty! Bon appetit!

Game, and venison in particular, is not such a common occurrence on our tables. Only residents of remote areas, taiga dwellers, can relatively often get this wonderful meat fresh. So, if you got into the wilderness and shot a deer, or bought meat from a hunter you know, you can prepare many wonderful meat dishes from venison. Yes, you can cook deer meat cutlets.

Venison meat is dark. By the way, it is very dietary and healthy, on par with veal and young beef. So, it is a delicacy and a very valuable food.

For game cutlets we will need deer fillet. By autumn, the deer gains a fair amount of fat. For cutlets, do not take too fatty a piece. But adding a little deer fat wouldn’t be bad.

While the meat is still frozen, cut the venison into medium pieces so that it is convenient to twist them in a meat grinder. Grind the venison in a meat grinder to obtain minced meat for the cutlets.

We also pass through a meat grinder: onions, garlic, dry white bread. Per kilogram of minced meat add 2 large onions and half a head of garlic. From the volume of minced meat, we take a third of the volume of white bread crackers, previously made in the oven.

Salt and pepper the minced meat with all its additives. You can add one chicken egg. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass.

We form cutlets from minced reindeer meat. Heat the frying pan. Add a little refined vegetable oil there for frying. Dredge the cutlets in flour. Fry on both sides until nicely golden.

Afterwards, place all the cutlets in the same frying pan where they were fried, or in a suitable cast-iron pot. Add a little water and simmer for another 20-25 minutes.

The result is cutlets with a bright, specific smell and taste, dark when cut. A very original and, at the same time, simple game dish.

Serve venison cutlets with a side dish of mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge, crumbly rice side dish. Decorate the dish with finely chopped herbs.

For some peoples, deer meat is familiar and commonplace; it is eaten almost every day and no one is shy about cooking it. But still, for many people, venison is a delicacy, an unusual and unusual meat, so it goes without saying that few people know how to cook it. And the meat itself is quite complex and requires adherence to certain rules when cooking and the presence of minimal skills. In modern supermarkets you can buy anything, so if you got your hands on real venison, and now you look at this piece of meat in bewilderment and don’t know what to do, this article is for you. Here you will find the most popular and successful recipes for cooking deer meat and learn tricks on how to make it juicy, soft and edible.

Characteristics and properties of deer meat

Venison can be called a dietary and healthy product. A deer carcass is cut in almost the same way as beef, and the most valuable meat is the tenderloin.

Venison is rich in vitamins A, B, C and nician, and it does not contain cholesterol. It contains 2.7-7.6% more protein than the best beef. It has a fairly low fat content, the amount of fatty acids is about the same as in beef, but it contains much less unsaturated fatty acids.

Tricks for cooking venison

  • Before cooking, venison must be marinated in red wine, salt and spices. This meat is great for stewing.
  • Venison is not very suitable for grilling or open fire - it contains very little fat. If you decide to try cooking it this way, then constantly pour oil over it.
  • Deer tongue has a very delicate taste; it must be boiled in water with spices for 2 hours, then placed in ice water, removed the film and cut.
  • Venison will remain juicy even when fried, just do not dry it out by cooking it for too long.

Venison stroganina

We will need:

  • fresh or frozen young deer meat;
  • spices - salt and pepper;
  • onion and garlic.

Cooking steps:

  • Separate the meat from the bones and rinse thoroughly under running water. Let the water drain and dry the meat with a paper towel.
  • It is necessary to cut the meat correctly - this is the whole secret of the delicious taste of stroganina. Cut it into strips 2 mm thick, 30 mm wide and 100 mm long.
  • Finely chop the onion and garlic.
  • Take pieces of venison, salt and pepper, roll in a mixture of onion and garlic, roll into rolls and secure with thread.
  • Place them in a spacious dish (tray, bowl) in one layer and pour 3% vinegar so that all the rolls are covered with liquid.
  • Place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.
  • Before eating, squeeze the rolls. Venison stroganina is ready!

Stewed venison in tomato

The meat according to this recipe is juicy and flavorful. Be sure to try it - it's very tasty!

We will need:

  • venison - 2 kg;
  • pork lard - 400 g;
  • cooking fat - 200 g;
  • tomato paste - 200 gr;
  • - 200 gr;
  • onions - 4 pcs;
  • garlic - half a head;
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp;
  • pepper, sugar, salt to taste;
  • water for soaking meat and stewing.

Cooking method:

  • Preparing the marinade. The volume of water in the marinade should be equal to the weight of the meat - that is, for two kilograms of meat we need to take two liters of water. Pour water into a saucepan or bowl and add vinegar there. You should get a weak vinegar solution.
  • Preparing the meat. Cut the venison into portions and rinse them well under running water.
  • We thoroughly clean the meat from veins and films and place it in the marinade for 6 hours. You can leave the meat to marinate overnight.
  • Cooking venison. We take a sharp knife and make punctures in the meat, into which we insert small pieces of lard and garlic. Don’t skimp on any lard or garlic; you can make up to 5 punctures for an average serving piece.
  • Rub the meat with salt and spices.
  • Heat the cooking oil in a frying pan and fry the meat on both sides until golden brown.
  • While the meat is frying, cut the onion into half rings and add it to the meat. Stir and continue frying.
  • Add tomato paste to the meat and onions and continue frying for another 10-15 minutes.
  • Transfer the contents of the frying pan to a cauldron or other heat-resistant dish.
  • Rub the cranberries with sugar and add to the meat.
  • Pour water into the cauldron so that it completely covers all the products.
  • Place on the fire and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer in the traditional way for about one and a half hours.
  • “Stewed venison in tomato” is ready! Please come to the table!

Venison roast

This is the most common recipe for preparing deer meat.

We will need

For meat:

  • venison – 1.5 kilograms,
  • carrots – 5 pieces,
  • bay leaf – 1–2 pieces,
  • green peas – 1 cup,
  • vegetable oil – 1 cup,
  • parsnip - to taste,
  • salt - to taste,
  • black pepper – 4–6 peas.

For the sauce:

  • water – 350 ml,
  • beer – 100 ml,
  • bouillon cubes - 2 pieces,
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon,
  • thyme – 1/4 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  • At the very beginning, in a deep bowl, combine sugar, thyme and bouillon cubes. Pour in water and beer. Mix. Leave for half an hour. After the specified time, the sauce is ready.
  • We wash the meat, remove veins and films. Cut into pieces approximately 3x3 centimeters in size.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan (you must use refined oil). Fry the meat over high heat until golden brown. Salt and pepper.
  • Pour the sauce into the cooked meat. Bring to a boil.
  • Add laurel leaves and peppercorns. Cover with a lid and simmer, stirring occasionally, for one and a half hours. If the liquid boils away during cooking, add a little water.
  • 20 minutes before cooking, add the diced carrots, green peas and parsnips. Stir.
  • Before serving, do not forget to remove the bay leaves from the dish. Try it!

Venison roast. Another original recipe

You will need:

  • venison – 600 grams,
  • apple - 1 piece,
  • onion – 1 piece,
  • lingonberries – 50 grams,
  • water – 80 ml,
  • Jagermeister liqueur – 50 ml,
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Cut the venison into small pieces, removing veins and membranes. Rinse and dry with paper towels. Salt.
  • Wash the apple. Remove the seeds. Cut into small cubes.
  • We clean the onion. Mine. Finely chop.
  • Fry the meat in heated vegetable oil.
  • As soon as an appetizing golden brown crust appears, add onions and apples. Season with spices to taste. Mix.
  • After the apples become soft, add water and liqueur, and also add lingonberries (if you use frozen ones, you do not need to defrost them first). Cover with a lid and simmer until done.

Venison cutlets in the oven

You will need:

  • venison – 500 grams,
  • pork – 400 grams,
  • mayonnaise – 40 grams,
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml,
  • egg - 2 pieces,
  • dill greens - to taste,
  • ground black pepper - to taste,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • We pass venison and pork through a meat grinder.
  • Add eggs. Salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. The minced meat is ready.
  • Forming cutlets. Place them on a baking sheet, which must first be greased with vegetable oil.
  • Lubricate the cutlets with mayonnaise (if desired, you can replace it with cream). Place in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 20 to half an hour.
  • An excellent addition to the cutlets would be boiled rice and/or mashed potatoes.

Venison Beef Stroganoff

You will need:

  • venison – 1 kilogram,
  • mushrooms – 300 grams,
  • onion – 1 piece,
  • sour cream – 100 grams,
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml,
  • ground black pepper - to taste,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash the meat. Let's dry it. Cut into strips.
  • Peel the onion and finely chop it.
  • We clean the mushrooms. We rinse. Cut into strips.
  • Fry the meat in vegetable oil for 15 minutes.
  • Add onion and mushrooms. Season with spices. Mix.
  • Fill with sour cream. Cover with a lid. Simmer for an hour, remembering to periodically add water. Note: Venison is a tough meat, so the beef stroganoff may take longer to cook.
  • Serve venison beef stroganoff with mashed potatoes or boiled pasta. Take a sample!

Venison stewed in a pot

You will need:

  • venison – 500 grams,
  • potatoes - 2 medium-sized pieces,
  • onion – 1 piece,
  • lingonberries – 1 tablespoon,
  • cranberries – 1 tablespoon,
  • black pepper - to taste,
  • favorite spices - to taste,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • We cut the meat into small pieces.
  • Grease ceramic pots with vegetable oil and place pieces of venison in them, cover with a lid. Place in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees, simmer for 40 minutes.
  • Peel the potatoes. Cut into large cubes.
  • We clean the onion. Finely chop.
  • After the time indicated in the second paragraph, we send the prepared root vegetables to the meat. Simmer for another 50 minutes. Then add the spices and berries indicated in the list of ingredients. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 10-15 minutes.
  • Take the finished yummy out of the oven and let it brew a little. Serve directly in pots. Bon appetit!