Supplicatory prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos. Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Quench my sorrows"

January 12 (25 *)- icon Mother of God"MAMMER" - nursing mothers pray during childbirth.

Troparion, voice 3:
Without a seed from the Divine Spirit, / by the will of the Father you conceived the Son of God, / from the Father without a mother exists forever, / for the sake of you without a father, / you gave birth to the flesh / and you nourished the Baby with milk, / also do not stop praying / get rid of the troubles of our souls.
Receive, Madame Mother of God, the tearful prayers of your servants who come to You. We see Thee on the holy icon, carrying in her arms and nourishing Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ with milk. Even if and painlessly you gave birth to Him, both the mothers of grief and the weakness of the sons and daughters of Zrisha. In the same warmth, falling to your celibate image and affectionately kissing you, we pray to Thee, All-Merciful Lady: we sinners, condemned to give birth to illnesses and to nourish our children in sorrows, mercifully spare and compassionately intercede, our babies, who also gave birth to them, and from heavy Deliver bitter sorrow. Grant them health and prosperity, and they will be nourished from strength by strength, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and consolation, as even now, through Thy intercession from the lips of infants and pissing, the Lord will accomplish His praise. O Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men and on your weak people: heal the diseases that beset us soon, quench the sorrows and sorrows that are on us, and do not despise the tears and sighs of your servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow before your icon, those who fall, and on the day of joy and deliverance, receive the grateful praise of our hearts. Lift up our prayers to the throne of Thy Son and our God, may it be merciful to our sins and weaknesses and add His mercy to those who lead His name, and we and our children will glorify Thee, the Merciful intercessor and faithful hope of our family, forever and ever.

January 21 / January 3- the icon of the Mother of God "VATOPEDSKAYA", called "OTRADA" or "COMFORT" - pray for healing from ailments.

Troparion, voice 3:
Quench the sickness of my long-breathing soul, That quenched every tear from the face of the earth. Thou shalt drive away people of illness and destroy sinful sorrows: Thou shalt have all hope and affirmation, Holy Mother Devo.
Hope for the whole end of the earth, Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Consolation and Joy! Do not disdain us sinners, we trust in Your mercy. Quench the sinful flame and sprinkle our withered hearts with repentance. Cleanse our minds from sinful thoughts. Accept prayers from soul and heart with sighing offered to You. Be the Intercessor for us to Thy Son and God and turn away His anger from us with Mother's prayers. Strengthen the Orthodox faith in us, put in us the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of humility, patience and love. Mental and bodily ulcers heal, calm down the storm of evil attacks of the enemy. Take away the burden of our sins and do not leave us to perish until the end. Give us Thy mercy and His holy blessing to all those who come and pray here, and always be with us, giving those who come to You with joy and consolation, help and intercession, may we glorify and magnify You all to our last sighing. Amen.

January 25 / January 7- the icon of the Mother of God "WEARED MY SORROWS" - pray for deliverance from diseases and bodily sorrows; from sinful passions that overwhelm the human heart.

Troparion, voice 3:
Quench my sickness / my long-breathing soul, / quenched every tear from the face of the earth, / You can drive away sickness as a man / and destroy sinful sorrows, / You can hope and affirmation with all your zeal, / Holy Mother Devo.
Hope with all the end of the earth Thou art, Most Pure Virgin to the Lady Theotokos, my consolation! Do not disdain me, filthy one, in the bold prayer of my unworthy lips, and I pray: extinguish the sinful flame and sprinkle it with repentance, heal, relieve, the Lady, illness, calm down the storm of evil attacks, Most Pure, remove the burden of my sins, Preb and quench my sorrows that break my heart. Thou art the erection of the human race, and in sorrows, an ambulance Comforter. For a fraction of Your mercy, until my last breath, praise the Imam, O All-Blessed One! Amen.

February 5 / February 18- the icon of the Mother of God "Catching up the Dead" - they pray for headaches and toothaches, fever, eye diseases, for the education of children who have fallen away from the Orthodox faith, perishing children, for a grace-filled marriage and for drinking wine.

Troparion, voice 4:
Seek us, the perishing Most Holy Virgin, / punish us not for our sin, / but for philanthropy, please: / save us from hell, sickness and want / and save us.
Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, the Lady of the Theotokos, the Assistant of sinners and the Seeking of the lost! Look with Your merciful eye on us, who stand before Your holy icon and pray to You with tenderness: raise us up from the depths of sinfulness, enlighten our mind darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Not the imams of any other help, not the imams of any other hope, except for You, Lady: You weigh all our weaknesses and sins, we resort to You and cry: do not leave us with Your heavenly help, but appear to us always, and with Your ineffable mercy and mercies save and have mercy us perishing. Grant us the correction of our sinful life and deliver us from sorrows, troubles and diseases, from vain death, hell and eternal torment. You are Bo, Queen and Lady, an ambulance and intercessor to all who come to You, and a strong refuge for sinners who repent. Grant to us, most blissful and all-blameless Virgin, the Christian end of our belly is peaceful and unashamed, and grant us with Your intercession to dwell in the heavenly habitation, where the ceaseless voice of those celebrating with joy glorifies the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

February 12 / February 25- the icon of the Mother of God "IVERSKAYA" (celebrated on the Tuesday of Bright Week) - they pray for deliverance from various misfortunes and for consolation in troubles, from fire, and for increasing the fertility of the earth.

Troparion, voice 1:
From Thy holy icons, / about the Lady of the Theotokos, / healings and celibacy are given abundantly / with faith and love to those who come to her: / visit my infirmity / and have mercy on my soul, Good, / and heal the body with Thy grace, Most Pure.
Oh, Most Holy Lady, the Lady of the Theotokos, accept our unworthy prayer, and save us from the slander of evil people and from vain death, and grant us repentance before the end, be merciful to our prayer, and grant joy in the sadness of the place. And deliver us, O Lord, from all misfortune and misfortune, sorrow and sorrow and from all evil. And vouch for us, thy sinful servants, at the right hand of the article in the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and heirs of us to be vindicate the kingdom of heaven and eternal life, with all the saints for the endless ages of the ages. Amen.

February 21 / February 6- the icon of the Mother of God "KOZELSHCHANSKAYA" - they pray for various bodily injuries and traumas.

Troparion, voice 4:
Have fun, the land of Poltava / and all of our Orthodox Fatherland: / behold, like a radiant sun, / your wonderful icon appears, the Most Blessed God, / the world is illuminated by the multitude of your wonders, / with those we gain, even on earth, all good and useful, / and We are honored with treasures that exist even in Heaven. / For this, for the sake of crying Ty: / Rejoice, Praise is our ever-worshiped, / Save us, those who pray to You, / one Hope and Eternal Joy singing Thee.
Mother of God the Virgin Most-Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, the Intercessor of the entire Christian race! Thy miraculous icon is waiting in awe, we pray to Thee, hear us praying to Thee: accept our unworthy thanksgiving for all Thy ineffable to us fornication, in this place and in many lands and cities of the land of Russia, manifested and manifested: Thou art sick healing, grieving consolation, correction and admonition of the lost. Give us all protection and consolation, a haven from all evils, troubles and circumstances, from gladness, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, deadly ulcers and from evil people anger. O Merciful Mother, always be a loving prayer book for the well-being of this holy temple, for the peace and quietness of the sowing community, strengthen and support those who serve and serve in this holy temple: the builders and beneficiaries of the holy abode in this holy temple are the builders and beneficiaries of the holy abode with eternal gifts : intercede from any misfortune and preserve with faith and reverence those who flow to your miraculous icon and those who pray to you with love here and in every place. Lift up our prayers, like a fragrant censer, to the Throne of the Most High, which gives us health, longevity and haste in the works of the pious, so govern Your nourishment, and overshadow Your cover, glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and Your Mother, always about us for our Mother and ever and ever. Amen.

March 2/15- the icon of the Mother of God "STEALING" - they pray for truth, heartfelt joy, unhypocritical love for each other, for peace in the country and the preservation of Russia.

Troparion, voice 4:
Angels' faces worship You with reverence, / and all the Heavenly powers are silent voices of You please, Virgin Mary, / we earnestly pray to You, Lady, / may Divine grace be / on an honest icon of Your Sovereign, / and a radiant ray of glory of Your miracles may descend from her / on all who pray to You with faith / and cry to God: Alleluia.
O Peace, Intercessor, All-chanted Mother, with fear, faith and love, falling before your honest icon of Thy Sovereign, we earnestly pray to Thee: do not turn away Thy face from those running to Thee, pray, Merciful Mother of Light, Thy Son and our God, the Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, may it preserve our country in the world, may it affirm our state in prosperity, may it deliver us from internecine strife and strengthen our Holy Orthodox Church, may it preserve it firmly from unbelief, schism and heresy? Not imams of more help, not imams of other hopes, except for You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the Almighty Christians, the Intercessor before God, softening His righteous anger. Deliver everyone who pray to You with faith from sinful falls, from evil slander, from hunger, sorrows and diseases. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of our sinful life and forsaking of our sins, so that all thanks to the glorious majesty of Yours, let us be vouchsafed to the Heavenly Kingdom and there, together with all the saints, let us glorify the Most Pure and Magnificent Name in the Trinity of the glorified Spirit: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ... Amen.

March 6 / March 19- the icon of the Mother of God "GRATEFUL SKY" - pray for guidance on the path leading to salvation and the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Troparion, voice 6:
What shall we call Thee, O Blessed One? / Heaven? - as if the Sun of Truth shone; / paradise? - as if the color of incorruptibility has vegetated; / Virgin? - as if you were incorruptible; / Pure Mother? - as if thou had in Thy holy embrace the Son, all God. / Him pray that our souls be saved.
What shall we call Thee, O Blessed Bogomati the Divine Mother, Most Immaculate Mary? Let us exalt Ty, exalted by Heaven and earth, by angels and men, in our chants? Appear to You, unheard from everlasting on earth and unknown to the Angels in Heaven, a sacrament, more than mind and word, the incarnation of God the Word, born from the beginningless Father without a mother and incarnate in Your womb and with the imperishable seal of Your virginity who was born. Oh, the miracle of all ancient and new wonders! The immutable word of Samago God about the victorious seed of the wife and be fulfilled and made perfect in the Unmanly Virgin. Oh, the immeasurable depth of the wisdom and greatness of God! We shall call the names of Kiimi Ty, O Unmarried Bride? Shall we call the dawn of the rising sun in the sky? But Thou art Heaven itself, from Thee the Sun of Righteousness ascends, Christ our God, the Savior of sinners. Do we call Ty the gate leading to the paradise lost by the ancestors, abundant in all blessings? But You Yourself are a blessed paradise, which has grown the Blossom of incorruption, healing the stink of sin and the stench of the ancestral corruption. What shall we call the one who knows marriage? But Thou didst abide even to old age Unmarried and virgin before birth, and in birth, and after the birth of the Son, Thou art abode. Shall we call Thee Pure and Holy Mary, who excelled in her purity all mothers and mothers? But You did not only give birth to That Infant Christ, but You also carried Him with Your perseh and nourished Your mother-in-law milk, the One that nourishes every creature. Heavenly powers stand before Him with fear and trembling, and He is praised by every breath and creation. Oh, truly, You are wondrous in wives, wonderful in virgins, inimitable in mothers! To You, before Your holy feet, we cast and lay down all our thoughts, desires, intentions and feelings. Consecrate them with Thy Mother of God and exalt them, like a sacrifice of our humble heart, like an insignificant contribution to our spiritual poverty, to the Throne of Thy Son, our Savior, and our message of destinies will govern our path to salvation and the inheritance of His Kingdom, which has no end for ever and ever. ... Amen.

March 7/20 / May 29/11- the icon of the Mother of God “THE ASSISTANT OF THE SINNED” pray during the time of sinful obscuration, in all despondency, despair and spiritual sorrow.

Troparion, voice 4:
Now all despondency is silenced / and the fear of despair disappears, / sinners in sorrow of the heart find consolation / and Heavenly love illuminate with light: / now the Mother of God extends to us a saving hand / and from the Most Pure image of her she is broadcasting the verb: / I am the Surety of sinners for them, my sirs heard I will take it out. / The same, people, burdened with many sins, fall at the foot of Her icon, crying with tears: Intercessor of the world, sinful Companion, pray with Your Mothers' prayers the Redeemer of all, / Yes, with Divine forgiveness covers our sins / and the light of heavenly faith will open to us, / You are Thou art the representative of the truth of the Christian.
Prayer 1
Oh, Most Blessed Lady, Protector of the Christian race, refuge and salvation of those who come to You! We, truly we, as if sinned and anger exceedingly have mercy on the Lady, the Son of God born in flesh from You, but the Imam has many images before me who angered His benevolence: tax collectors, harlots and other sinners, who also gave forgiveness of their sins, repentance for the sake of confession. Thou ubo the images of my sinful souls who have been pardoned by all eyes, presenting also to a bit of God's mercy, one that has inherited, beholding, daring and I, a sinner, will resort to repentance to Thy benevolence. Oh, All-Merciful Lady, give me a helping hand and ask your Son and God for forgiveness through your mothers and your holiest prayers for my grievous sin. I believe and confess that the One who Thou hast given birth, Thy Son, is truly Christ, the Son of the Living God, Judge of the living and the dead, reward him according to his work. I believe in the packs and confess to You to be the true Mother of God, the source of mercy, the consolation of the crying, the recovery of the lost, the strong and unceasing Intercessor to God, an exceedingly loving Christian clan, and the Confidant of repentance. Truly, there is no other help and protection for a person, unless you, Merciful Lady, and no one, trusting in Thee, will be ashamed when and, by Thee, begging God, no one is left byst. For this, I pray Thy innumerable goodness: open the doors of Thy mercy to me, lost and fallen into the crown of the depths, do not abhor me, the filthy one, do not despise my sinful prayer, do not leave me, accursed, as if the evil enemy is looking for death to kidnap me, but pray for me to me, born of Thee, Thy merciful Son and God, may he forgive my great sins and deliver me from my harm; as if yes and I, with all who have received forgiveness, will sing and glorify the immeasurable mercy of God and your shameful intercession for me in this life and in the never-ending end. Amen.
Prayer 2
To whom shall I cry, Lady, to whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to You, Queen of Heaven? Who will receive my cry and my sighing and heed our prayers hastily, if not You, the All-Merciful Confidant, Joy of all our joys? Hear the present hymns and prayers, and you are offered to you about me, a sinner. And wake me Mother and Patroness and Thy joy to all of us the Giver. Arrange my life as you like and as you weigh. I entrust myself to Your protection and providence, so I always joyfully sing to You with everyone: Rejoice, Blessed One; Rejoice, Delighted. Rejoice, Blessed One; rejoice, glorified forever. Amen.

March 9 / March 22- Albazin icon of the Mother of God "WORD FLESH IS" - those who are expecting a child pray even during difficult childbirth.

Virgin Mary, Most Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, Intercessor of the Christian race! Before the miraculous icon of Thy coming, our fathers pray for Thy, that Thy protection and intercession of the Amur country are revealed. In the same way, we now pray to Thee: our city and this country from finding aliens and keep from internecine warfare. Grant the world peace, the land of fruit abundance; preserve in the sanctuary of our shepherds, in the holy temples of laborers: autumn with your all-powerful protection of your builders and their benefactors. Confirm in the orthodoxy and unanimity of our brethren: give reason to those who have gone astray and deviated from the Orthodox faith and unite Thy Son to the Holy Church. May all those who flow to the miraculous icon be Thy cover, consolation and refuge from all evils, troubles and circumstances, Thou art healing the sick, consolation grieving, lost correction and admonition. Accept our prayers and lift me up to the Throne of the Most High, as if by Your intercession we will be observed and be overshadowed by Your protection, we will glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

Troparion, voice 4:
By the coming of Your honest icon, the Divine Mother, / the God-protected city of Kostroma, rejoiced today, / like ancient Israel to the nod of the Covenant, / flows to the image of Your face / and incarnate from You our God, / Yes, Your Mother intercession to Him / always intercede / shade of thy shelter to those who flee, / peace and great mercy.
Oh, Merciful Lady, Queen, Mother of God, accept our humble prayer, and do not reject us, our intercession and refuge, and do not despise us unworthy, but, as if Merciful, do not stop praying, You have given birth to Him, may grant us the forgiveness of many sins ours, may he save us, the image of the news of destinies. Have mercy on us, Lady, have mercy on us, for us to be saved from works. The same is true with the cry of Ti: have mercy on Thy servants and our barren heart, show fruitfully good deeds. Look upon us unworthy ones, Thou art our hope and protection, life and light to our hearts. As if you raised up the Everlasting Light from Thy womb, illumine our soul, Pure, and ward off every darkness of our heart. Grant us tenderness, repentance and contrition of the heart. Grant us, for all the days of our life, to do the will of Thy Son and our God, and in all to please Him alone. Oh, Bogomati, do not stop praying Who is born of You for everything that flows with faith to this miraculous image of Yours, and give them ambulance and consolation in sorrows and misfortunes and misery, deliver them from the slander and malice of man, from the enemy of the visible and invisible and all needs and sorrow. Save our fatherland, this city and all cities and countries from all troubles and needs and create mercy for us to be our God, turn away all His anger on us moved, and deliver us from His imminent and righteous restraint. Oh, God-loving Lady, adornment of angels, glory to martyrs and joy to all saints, pray to the Lord with them, may he vouchsafe us to end our life in repentance. In death, the hour, Most Holy Virgin, deliver us from the power of demons and condemnation, and response, and terrible ordeals, and bitter ordeals, and eternal fire, yes, being worthy of the glorious Kingdom of God, we magnify Thee and glorify Christ our God incarnate from You, To Him be glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

March 16 / March 29- the icon of the Mother of God "Ilyinsko-CHERNIGOVSKAYA" pray for healing from paralysis, smallpox, leg disease, attacks of dark forces, from sudden death.

Troparion, voice 5:
The Most Pure Lady of the Theotokos, / the hope of all Christians, / other than the other hope, are not imams for you, / my all-immaculate mistress, the lady of the virgin, / the mother of Christ my God. / Also have mercy and deliver me from all my evils / and pray to your merciful Son and God mine, / may he have mercy on my accursed soul, / and may he deliver me from eternal torment, and vouch for me His Kingdom.
Oh, Most Holy Lady, my Lady Theotokos, heavenly Queen, save and have mercy on me, Thy sinful servant, from vain slander, from all misfortune and misfortune and sudden death. Have mercy on me in the daytime hours, both morning and evening, and at all times preserve me: while standing, sitting, observe, and walking on every path, and at night sleeping, supply, cover and intercede. Protect me, the Lady of the Theotokos, from all my enemies, visible and invisible, and from every evil of the situation. At any place and at any time, awake, Mother Abiding, an invincible wall and a strong intercession. Oh, Most Holy Lady, Lady, Virgin Mary, accept my unworthy prayer and save me from a vain death, and grant me repentance before the end. Holy Mother of God, save us. You are the guardian of all life to me, Most Pure One! Deliver me from demons at the hour of death! You will rest after death! Under Your mercy, we resort to the Virgin, Virgin, do not despise our prayers in sorrows, but save us from troubles, one pure and blessed. Holy Mother of God, save us. Amen.

April 3 / April 16- the icon of the Mother of God "UNFADERABLE COLOR" - pray for the preservation of a pure and righteous life. She also helps in choosing the right spouse. A pure and ardent prayer to this icon helps in resolving difficult family problems. Many sick people are healed.

Rejoice, God-bride, secret rod, Fadeless flourishing color, rejoice, Lady, We are filled with joy and inherit life.
Oh, Most Holy and Most Immaculate Mother Devo, the hope of Christians and a refuge for sinners! Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groaning, incline Your ear to our prayer. Lady and Mother of our God, do not despise those who demand Your help and do not reject us sinners, give us reason and teach us: do not depart from us, your servants, for our murmuring. Wake us Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; let us pay for our sins. Oh, Mother Mary, our good and fast Intercessor, cover us with His intercession. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us. Oh, Mother of our Lord our Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we can see the paths of God's righteousness. By the grace of Thy Son, strengthen our weak will in the fulfillment of the commandments, so that we may get rid of all misfortune and misfortune and be justified by Thy wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Thy Son. To him we give glory, honor and worship, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

April 12 / April 25- the icon of the Mother of God "MUROMSKAYA" - pray for the gift of the spirit of reason, piety, mercy, meekness, purity and truth, for the preservation of the city and the Christian country.

Troparion, voice 4:
Today, the city of Murom flaunts brightly, / as if a sunny dawn, perceive, to the Lady, / Your miraculous icon, / to her now we are flowing and praying, we call out to You: / O Most Perfect Lady, Mother of God, / pray from You to our incarnate Christ our God, / yes will deliver this city and all the cities and countries of Christianity / unharmed from all the slander of the enemy / and save our souls, as if Merciful.
Oh, Blessed Virgin Mother of the Lord of the Higher Powers, Heaven and earth to the Queen, our city and country, Omnipotent Intercessor! Hear us praying to You and ask God, Your Son, our shepherd - zeal and vigilance for souls, the ruler - wisdom and strength, the judges - truth and impartiality, the mentor - reason and humility, the spouse - love and harmony, the child - obedience , offended - patience, offending - fear of God, grieving - complacency, rejoicing - abstinence. We all received the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and righteousness. To her, the Most Pure Lady! Have mercy on Thy weak people: gather the scattered ones, guide the wrongs on the right path, heal the ailing ones, support old age, young brave ones, raise babies and look upon all of us with the charity of Thy merciful intercession. Be merciful to us here and at the Last Judgment of Thy Son. Thou art, Lady, the glory of the Heavenly and the hope of the earthly, You are our hope according to Bose and the Intercessor of all who come to You with faith. We fear You and You, as the Almighty Helper, to ourselves and to each other, and we betray our whole life, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Friday of Bright Week- the icon of the Mother of God "LIVING SOURCE" - those who suffer from bodily ailments, passions and mental infirmities pray, who turn to Her with faith receive healing.

Troparion, voice 4:
Let us draw, people, celibacy for souls and bodies with prayer, / The river foretolds all - the Most Pure Queen, the Mother of God, / exuding wonderful water to us / and washing away the hearts of blackness, / purifying sinful scabs, / sanctifying the souls of the faithful / Divine grace.
My dear Queen, my hope to the Mother of God, the refuge of the orphan and the strange to the Representative, the grieving joy, offended by the Patroness! Behold my misfortune, behold my sorrow: help me as I am weak, feed me as strange. My grievance is weighing, resolve that, as if you will: as if there is no imam of any other help except for You, not for another Representative, not for the Good Comforter, only for You, O Bogomati, as if you can preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

May 5 / May 18- the icon of the Mother of God "THE UNEXPECTABLE BOWL" - pray for the healing of those obsessed with the ailment of the passion of drunkenness.

Troparion, voice 4:
Today, by the flow of faith / to the Divine and wonderful image of the Most Holy Mother of God, / giving to the faithful hearts / the heavenly Inexhaustible Chalice of Her mercy / and showing miracles to the faithful people. and the passions / pray to Thy Son Christ our God / to save our souls.
Oh, Merciful Lady! We are now resorting to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but hear us graciously: the wives of children, mothers and the grave illness of drunkenness of those who are possessed and from the Mother of the Church of Christ and the salvation of falling away brethren, sisters and our relatives healed.
Oh, Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and soon raise them up from the falls of sinful ones and bring them to saving abstinence. Pray for your Son Christ our God, may he forgive us our sins and not turn away His mercy from His people, but may he strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.
Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers, shedding tears for their children, wives, for their weeping husbands, children of the orphaned and poor, abandoned by the lost, and all of us who fall to your icon. And may this cry come our prayers to the Throne of the Most High.
Cover and keep us from the crafty catching and all the enemies, in the terrible hour of our exodus help us to go through an unexpectedly airy ordeal, so by Your prayers we will get rid of eternal condemnation, and may we be vouchsafed to the Kingdom of Heaven forever and ever. Amen.

June 11 / June 23- the icon of the Mother of God "BEING" or "WORTHY IS" - they pray in case of mental and physical illnesses, at the end of any business.

Troparion, voice 4:
As a priest, faithfulness, with boldness / to the merciful Queen Mother of God / and affectionately cry out to her: / send down upon us your rich mercy: / keep our church, / keep our people in prosperity, / save our land from every situation, / grant peace to the world / and salvation to our souls.
Prayer 1
Worthy glorified and righteous from all the higher ranks, gratified, as if she surpasses them without comparison, giving birth to God and the Creator of all, exalted most of all, the Most Perfect Lady! Pray from You to our incarnate Christ our God, may unrequited people look upon us, may preserve us unharmed from all the slander of the enemy and evil slander, much more can Your Mother's prayer, according to the saying: ask, my Mother, I will not turn away, but I will fulfill all Your requests ... For this sake, with the joy of this fulfillment, we cry out to Ty: save, Lady, your perishing servants, enlighten the darkened supernatural wisdom of this age and bring us to the sweetest Jesus, but forever rejoicing we cry: Glory to the Father, glory to the Son, glory to the Holy Spirit, glory to Thee. and the Most Immaculate Virgin of the Mother of God, blessed and blessed forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer 2
O Most Holy and Gracious Lady Theotokos! Falling to Thy holy icon, we humbly pray to You, listen to the voice of our prayer, see our sorrow, see our troubles and, like a loving Mother, begging for help to us helpless, pray Thy Son and our God: may not destroy us for our iniquity, but reveal our mercy is benevolent to us. Ask us, the Lady, from His goodness for bodily health and spiritual salvation, and peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of air, and blessing from above for all our good deeds and undertakings ... Thy before Thy most pure icon and Thou sent an Angel to him to teach him to sing the song of heaven, the Angels praise Thee with it; so also now accept our fervent prayer offered to you. About the All-chanted Queen! Stretch out to the God-bearing Your hand, in the image of the Infant Jesus Christ you wore, and beg Him to deliver us from all evil. Reveal, Mistress, Thy mercy to us: heal the sick, comfort the grieving, help the needy and grant us this earthly life piously, receive the Christian shameful death and inherit the Heavenly Kingdom by Thy motherly intercession to Him, born of His Father, Christ without our God. and the Holy Spirit befits all glory, honor and worship, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

June 18 / June 1- the icon of the Mother of God "BOGOLUBSKAYA" - they pray during epidemics of pestilence, plague, cholera.

Troparion, voice 1:
God-loving Queen, / Inexperienced Virgin, Mother of God Mary, / pray for us who loved you / and born of you your Son, Christ our God, / give us the forgiveness of sins, world peace, land abundance of fruits, / shepherd shrine / and salvation to all mankind ./ Our cities and the Russian country from finding foreign intercessions / and save from internecine strife. / O Mother God-loving Virgin! Oh, the All-Singing Queen! / With Your Robe, cover us from all evil, / protect us from visible and invisible enemies / and save our souls.
Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Mother God-loving, the hope of our salvation! Look mercifully on those who are coming with faith and love and worshiping Thy most pure image, accept our laudatory singing and pour out Thy warm prayer for us, sinners, to the Lord, yes, despising all our sins, He will save and have mercy on us. Oh, Precious Lady! Show us your wonderful mercies: deliver us from all sorrow, guide us on the path of all virtue and benevolence, save us from temptations, troubles and illnesses, remove slander and quarrels from us, save us from lightning thunder, from fiery incineration, from gladness, cowardice, flood and deadly ulcers, give us Your merciful help on the way, in the sea and on land, so that we will not perish by fierceness. Oh, All-merciful God-loving Mother, with firm hope we offer our wretched prayer to You! Do not cast away our tears and sighs, do not forget us in all the days of our belly, but always abide with us and give us comfort, consolation, protection and help, so that we will glorify and magnify Your blessed and all-singing name. Amen.

June 23 / June 6- the icon of the Mother of God "VLADIMIRSKAYA" - pray for deliverance from the invasion of aliens, for the strengthening of the Orthodox faith, for the preservation from heresies and schisms, for the peace of the warring, for the preservation of Russia.

Troparion, voice 4:
Today the most glorious city of Moscow flaunts brightly, / as if I was dawning sunny, perceive, to the Lady, your miraculous icon, / to her now, flowing and praying to You, we call out to this: / oh, wonderful Lady, Theotokos! / Pray from Thee incarnate Christ our God, / may this city deliver and all the cities and countries of Christianity are unharmed from all the slander of the enemy / and save our souls, as if Merciful.
To whom you cry, Lady; Whom shall we resort to in our sorrow, if not to You, Queen of Heaven; Whoever weeps and receives our sighing, if not You, most blameless, is the hope of Christians and a refuge for us sinners; Who is more in your mercy; Incline Thy ear to us, Lady, Mother of our God, and do not despise those who demand Your help: hear our groaning, strengthen us sinners, give us reason and teach, Queen of Heaven, and do not depart from us Thy servant, Lady, for our murmuring, but wake us Mother and intercessor, and hand us over to the merciful cover of Thy Son: arrange for us, whatever will be Your Holy Will, and lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life, so we mourn for our sins, so we rejoice with You always, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

June 26 / June 9- the icon of the Mother of God "TIKHVINSKAYA" - they pray for the enlightenment of the blind, the healing of the possessed, with diseases of children, relaxation of the joints, with paralysis, epilepsy, from the invasion

Troparion, voice 4:
Today, as the bright sun, / ascending to us in the air Thy all-honorable icon, Lady, / with rays of mercy, the world is enlightening, / southern great Russia, / as a certain divine gift from above is reverently received, / glorifies Thee, Bogomati, all the Lady, / and from You He glorifies the born Christ of our God joyfully. / Praying to Him, for the Lady the Queen of the Theotokos, / may he preserve all the cities and countries of Christianity / unharmed from all the slander of the enemy / and save by faith those who worship His Divine / and Your most pure image, / Virgin Insecure.
We thank Thee, O All-Blessed and Most Pure, Most Blessed Virgin, Lady, Mother of Christ of our God, about all Your good deeds, I have already shown you to the human race, especially to us, the Christ-named people of the Russian people, about them, below, the most angelic language will be pleased with praise, as if and now you have amazed your ineffable mercy on us, unworthy of your servants, by the natural self-coming of your most pure icons, you have enlightened the whole of the Russian country with it. The same we, sinners, worshiping with fear and joy, crying to Ty: oh, Most Holy Virgin, Tsarina and Mother of God, save and have mercy on the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, bishops and all people, and give the country victory over all enemies, and save all cities, and Christian countries, and this holy temple from every slander of the enemy, and give all for the benefit of all who have come in faith and your praying servant, and worship your holy image, as if you are blessed with the Son and God born of you now , and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

June 28/11 / July 12/25- the icon of the Mother of God "TROOTHERESS" - they pray in case of diseases of the hands, feet, mental anxiety, in case of fire.

Troparion, voice 4:
Today, the universal joy of exaltation to us is great: / giving to the holy Mount Afontey / your celibate, the Lady of the Theotokos, an icon, / with the image of Thy three-numbered and indivisibly pure hands / in glorification of the Holy Trinity, / calling the faithful and praying to You about this knowledge, / like two Keep the Son and the Lord, / show the third one for refuge and shelter to those who honor Thee, / from all misfortunes and misfortunes, / so that all who come to You, by faith accept freedom from all evils without scanty, / from enemies, protection, / for this sake we too coupled with Athos crying: / Rejoice, Blessed One, the Lord is with You.
Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin Mary Mary! We fall and worship Ti in front of Thy holy three-handed icon, remembering Thy glorious miracle by healing the truncated right hand of the righteous John Damascene, sown from the icon, its sign is still visible on it, in the form of a third hand, attached to Thy image. We pray to Ti and ask Thee, the All-blessed and All-Blessed Kin of our Intercessor: hear us praying to Ti Xia, and like Blessed John, who cried out to You in sorrow and illness, you heard, so do not despise us, grieving and sick with wounds of many different passions and To you, from the heart of the broken and humble, who diligently come running. You see, O All-Merciful Lady, our weaknesses, our anger, our need, I will demand our help and intercession, as if from everywhere the enemies of the environment of Esma, and there is a helping one, lower than the intercessor, if not You have mercy on us, the Lady. To her, we pray Tis, take our painful voice and help us to preserve the patristic Orthodox faith to the end of our days immaculately, walk steadily in all the commandments of the Lord, always bring God the true repentance of our sins and be vouchsafed a peaceful Christian death and a good answer at the Last Judgment of the Son Thy and our God, for him, pray for us by Thy mother's prayer, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he have mercy on us according to His great and ineffable mercy. Oh, all-good! Hear us and do not deprive us of Thy sovereign help, that Thou hast received salvation, let us sing and glorify Thee on the lands of the living and born of Thy Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, Glory and power, honor and worship, purchased with the Father and the Holy Spirit, should be Him. always, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

July 8/21 / October 22/4- the icon of the Mother of God "KAZAN" - they pray for the enlightenment of blind eyes, for deliverance from the invasion of aliens, is an intercessor in difficult times, she is blessed by those entering into marriage.

Troparion, voice 4:
Zealous intercessor, / Mother of the Lord Vyshnyago, / for all pray to Thy Son, Christ our God, / and create for everyone to be saved, / in Thy sovereign protection to those who come running. / Intercede all of us, O Lady, Queen and Lady, / like in misfortune, and sorrow, and in the sickness of those burdened with sins by many, / those who are forthcoming and praying to You with a tender soul / and a contrite heart / before Your most pure image with tears / and irrevocably the hope of those who have in You, / deliverance of all evils, / grant useful to all / and save everything, Mother of God Virgo: / You are the Divine cover of your servant.
Oh, Most Pure Lady of the Theotokos, Queen of Heaven and Earth, the highest angel and archangel and all creatures, the most honest, pure Virgin Mary, the Good helper to the world, and affirmation to all people, and deliverance from all needs! Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, on your servants, praying to you with a tender soul and a contrite heart, falling to you with tears to your most pure and celibate image, and asking your help and intercession. Oh, All-Merciful and Most Merciful Virgin Mary honored! Behold, the Lady, your people: we are not imams of any other help for sinners, unless you and from you born Christ of our God. You are our intercessor and intercessor, You are the protection of the offended, the joy of the grieving, the sire refuge, the keeper of the widows, the glory to the virgins, the weeping joy, the sick visit, the weak healing, the sinful salvation. For this sake, O Bogomati, we resort to You and to Your Most Pure Image with the eternal infant held on Your hand, by our Lord Jesus Christ, looking at you, we bring you a tender singing and cry: have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our petition, all of the essence is possible Thy intercession: for the glory befits Thee now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

July 23 / July 5- the icon of the Mother of God "POCHAEVSKAYA" - they pray for protection from heresies and schisms, from the invasion of aliens, for healing from blindness, both physical and spiritual, for release from captivity.

Troparion, voice 5:
Before Thy holy icon, Lady, / praying healings are vouchsafed, / faith, true knowledge is accepted / and the Hagarian invasions are reflected. / The same for us, who fall to You, / ask for forgiveness for sins, / thoughts of piety of our hearts, enlighten our hearts / and offer up prayer to Thy Son / and the salvation of our souls.
To You, O Bogomati, we, sinners, prayerfully flow in Your miracles, revealed in the Holy Lavra of Pochaevsty, remembering our contrite sins. Vema, the Lady, vemy, as if it is not befitting us, sinners, to ask only for the hedgehog Righteous Judge of our iniquity, leave us to us. Everything we endured in our lives, sorrows, and needs, and diseases, like the fruits of our falls, we, this God, allow our correction. Even so, all this, by His truth and by His judgment, the Lord guided His sinful servants, and in His sorrows to Your intercession, Most Pure One, and in tenderness of our hearts we cry out to You: sins and iniquities of ours, Good One, do not remember, but more honorably lift up Your hand. Come to Thy Son and God, let the fierce deed by us let us go, but for the many unfulfilled promises our face does not turn away from His servants, so He does not take away His grace, helping our salvation, from our souls. To her, Lady, wake our Intercessor to our salvation and, not abhorring our cowardice, look at our groans, even in our troubles and sorrows before Thy miraculous way we exalt. Enlighten our minds with affectionate thoughts, strengthen our faith, confirm hope, grant love to the sweetest gift to accept us. These ubo, Most Pure, by gifts, and not by sickness and sorrow, let our belly be raised to salvation, but, from despondency and despair of our souls, protect us, save us, the weak, from the troubles that find us, and needs, and the slander of mankind, and intolerable diseases ... Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian life through Your intercession, Lady, and confirm the Orthodox faith in our country and throughout the world. Do not betray the Apostolic and Cathedral Church to belittling, the statutes of the holy fathers are forever unshakable and save all those who come to You from the ruinous moat. Also, bring the heresy of our deceived brethren or the saving faith in sinful passions that ruined the packs to true faith and repentance, and together with us, they will confess Your intercession to Your miraculous image, worshiping. Grant us, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, even in this belly, the victory of truth by Thy appearance, the victors and enlighteners of the Hagarians, have shown you, so that we all are with a grateful heart, together with the Angels, and the prophets, and the apostles, and with all the saints, Thy mercy is glorifying, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to God the Father who is sung, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, voice 4:
To the Mother of God, now we are diligently pricking, sinning and humble, and let us fall, in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having mercy on us, sweating away we perish from a multitude of sins, do not turn away Your slaves vain, You are the only hope of the imam.
Oh, the Most Splendid and Highest of all creatures, the Queen of the Theotokos, the Heavenly King of Christ, our God, Mother, Most Pure Odigitria Mary! Hear us sinners and unworthy in this hour praying and falling to Your Most Pure Image with tears and tenderly saying: take us out of the moat of passions, Lady Abiding, deliver us from all sorrow and sorrow, protect us from all misfortune and evil slander, and from unrighteous lutago slander of the enemy. May you, O Graceful Mother of ours, save Your people from all evil and supply and save with every benefit; Are you not a different Representative in troubles and circumstances, and a warm Intercessor for us, sinners, are not imams. Pray, O Most Holy Lady, Thy Son, Christ our God, that He may merit the Kingdom of Heaven; For this sake, we always glorify Thee, as the culprit of our salvation, and we exalt the holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, forever and ever. Amen.

July 28 / July 10 / July 19 / July 1- the icon of the Mother of God "TENDERING" or "JOY OF ALL JOYS" - the revered icon by the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, according to faith, those who ask them give them healing.

Troparion, voice 4:
We will fall to the Mother of God with tenderness, / all, burdened with sins, / her miraculous icon of Tenderness kissing / and cryingly with tears: / Lady, accept the prayer of Your unworthy servants / and give us, asking, / great Your mercy.
Prayer 1
Oh, Most Holy Lady Mistress, Virgin Mary! Accept our unworthy prayer, save us from the slander of evil people and from vain death, give us first and grant us joy in sorrow. And deliver us, O Mistress Theotokos, from all evil, and vouch for us, thy sinful servants, to the right hand of the article in the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and heirs of us to be vouchsafed to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with all the saints forever. Amen.
Prayer 2
Accept, all-powerful, Most Pure Lady, Lady of the Mother of God, these honest gifts, applied to You alone, from us, unworthy of Your servants: chosen from all generations, of all creatures of heaven and earth, the highest appeared, for the sake of you, the Lord of Forces is with us, and with You. The Son of God by knowing and being made worthy of His holy body and most pure in His blood; The same blessed art thou in the birth of generations, God-blessed, the most luminous cherubim and the most honest seraphim. And now, all-chanting Most Holy Theotokos, do not cease praying for us, unworthy of Thy servants, hedgehog to get rid of us from every advice of the evil one and every situation and keep us intact from every poisonous admonition of the devil; but even to the end, by Thy prayers, not condemned, observe us, as we save us with Thy intercession and help, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to one God and all to the Creator, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

August 8 / August 21- the icon of the Mother of God "TOLGSKAYA" - pray for deliverance from drought, lack of rain.

Troparion, voice 4:
Today shines brightly on the Tolga / Your image, the Most Pure Virgin Mary, / and, like an unsettled sun, will always be given to the faithful. / Seeing him in the air, / invisibly Angels, like no one, I hold, / Right Reverend Bishop of the city of Rostov Tryphon / flowing to the manifested luminous a pillar of fire, / and along the waters, as if on dry land, pass, / and praying Ti is true about the flock and about people. / And we, flowing to You, call: / Most Holy Virgin Mary, / faithfully save those who glorify, / our country, Bishops / and all Russian peoples from all troubles deliver / according to Your great mercy.
Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mary, the Highest Cherubim and Seraphim and the holiest of all saints! Thou, All-Merciful, on the Tolga, Thy multi-healing icon to the blessed Saint Tryphon was fieryly manifested by Thou art, and with it Thou didst perform many ineffable miracles, and now do You, according to Thy ineffable mercy to us. To you, before your most pure image, we fall and pray, Blessed of our kind to the Intercessor: in this earthly journey, many sorrows and many reigns, do not deprive us of Your intercession and the protection of the sovereign. Save and protect us, Lady, from the kindled arrows of the crafty enemy of our salvation. Strengthen our feeble will to make the commandments of Christ, soften our petrified hearts with love for God and our neighbors, grant us heartfelt contrition and true repentance, yes, having cleansed ourselves of sinful filth, we can bring the Creator the fruits of good deeds that are pleasing to Him and win the peaceful response of Christian death right on His terrible and impartial Judgment. To her, All-Merciful Lady! In the hour of the formidable mortal, first of all, reveal to us Thy powerful intercession, then hasten to help us, the helpless, and by Thy sovereign hand, take us out of the power of the world ruler, for truly Thy prayer can do much before the face of the Lord, and nothing is impossible for Thy intercession, if only in awe ... The same, at Your holy image, tenderly gazing and before him, as if you live with us, worshiping, with good hope for ourselves and each other, and our whole belly to you, according to Bose, prayerfully betray and magnify you with our savior born of you By the Lord Jesus Christ, Himzhe, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, all glory, honor and worship befits, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

August 13/26- the icon of the Mother of God "SEMISTRELNAYA" - pray for healing from cholera, lameness and relaxation, for the peace of the warring.

Troparion, voice 5:
Soften our wicked hearts, Mother of God, / and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, / and resolve any tightness of our souls, / looking at Your holy image, / With Your suffering and mercy we are touched / and kiss Your wounds, / Our arrows, You tormenting, we are terrified. / Do not give us, Mati the Merciful, / in our cruelty and perish from the cruelty of our neighbors, / Thou art truly evil hearts softening.
Oh, the Long-suffering Mother of God, who surpasses all the daughters of the earth in her purity and in the multitude of sufferings that you brought to the earth! Accept our much-painful sighing and save us under the roof of Your mercy, another refuge and warm intercession, unless You have us, but, as you have boldness to the One who was born from You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we can reach the Kingdom of Heaven without fail, where with all the saints let us sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

August 13/26- the icon of the Mother of God "PASSIONATE" - they pray for healing from cholera, blind and relaxed, from a fire.

Troparion, voice 4:
Today, ascending to the ineffable reigning city of our Moscow / the icon of the Mother of God, / and like a radiant sun, the coming of that will illuminate the whole world, / The heavenly forces and the souls of the righteous mentally triumph, rejoicing, / we, looking at nude, cry to the Mother of God with tears: / o All-merciful Lady, Lady of the Theotokos, / pray from Thee to the incarnate Christ, our God, / may he give peace and health to all Christians / according to His great and ineffable mercy.
O Most Holy Lady, the Lady of the Theotokos, Thou art above all the Angel and the Archangel and all creatures most honest, Thou art Helper of the offended, hopeless hope, the poor Intercessor, the sad consolation, the hungry Nurse, the naked garment, the sick healing, the sinful salvation, the help of Christians and the intercession of all Christians. O All-merciful Lady, Virgin Mary, Lady, by Thy mercy, save and have mercy on Thy servant, Great Lord and father of our Holy Patriarch, and the Most Reverend Metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and all priestly and monastic orders, our God-guarded country and goodwill, and all Orthodox Christians with Your honest robe, and pray, O Lord, from You without seed the incarnate Christ of our God, that He will gird us with His power from above against our invisible and visible enemies. O All-merciful Lady, Lady of the Mother of God, raise us up from the depths of sin and deliver us from hunger, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from the sword, from finding aliens and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attack of the enemy, and from pernicious winds, and from a deadly ulcer, and from all evil. Grant, Lady, peace and health to Thy servant, to all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten with them the mind and eyes of the heart, hedgehog for salvation, and vouchsafe, Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God, as His kingdom is blessed, with His Beginning Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

O Most Holy Lady, Virgin Theotokos, our good and fast Intercessor! We sing of all Thy grateful wonderful deeds. Let us sing a song from the ancients to your inalienable intercession to Moscow and our country, which is always shown in a miraculous way by Your Don: regiments of strangers turn to flight, hailstones and weights are preserved unharmed, people are saved from fierce death. The eyes of the tearful are dried up, the groans of the faithful are silent, the weeping is transformed into common joy. Wake us, Most Pure Mother of God, consolation in adversity, revival of hope, an image of courage, a source of mercy and in sorrowful circumstances grant us inexhaustible patience. Give someone something according to his request and need: educate babies, young ones, be wise and teach the fear of God, cheer up the discouraged and support the weak old age. Visit in the ills and sorrows of existence, soften evil hearts, strengthen brotherly love, fulfill peace and love for all of us. Reconcile, Merciful Mother, hostile and justify the slanderous. Eliminate vices, so that our sins do not ascend before the Judge of all, so that the righteous wrath of God does not overtake us. By your prayers, by your omnipotent cover, protect us from the invasions of the enemy, from gladness, destruction, fire, sword and all other misery. We hope by Thy prayers to receive from the Most High God of sins forgiveness and eradication and reconciliation with God. Pray for us to acquire the Kingdom of Heaven and at the end of our life, our right hand of the Throne of God, where You, O All-chanted Virgin, the Holy Trinity stand in eternal glory. Honor us from the faces of Angels and saints tamo to praise the Most Holy Name of Thy Son with His Beginning Father and His All-Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

August 22 / August 6- the icon of the Mother of God "GEORGINSKAYA" - they pray during an epidemic of pestilence, plague, for the healing of those suffering from blindness and deafness.

Troparion, voice 5:
The Orthodox people rejoice, / seeing, the Lady of the Virgin Mary, / Your wonderful and miraculous icon, / and they always accept healing spiritual and bodily by Your mercy. / and deliver us from all evil and slander of the enemy, / pray to Thy Son, the Lord Jesus, / yes, having been saved here, we will receive Heavenly residence / by His love and grace.
Accept, O All-Powerful Most Pure Lady, Lady of the Mother of God, these honest gifts from us unworthy of Thy servants, to Thy celibate image the singing of those who are sending out with tenderness, as if You are the One who is that and listening to our prayers, give with faith to those who ask for some sorrowful sorrowful fulfillment: , granting health to the weak, healing the weakened and sick, and driving away demons from demons, saving them from offenses, saving those who are raped, forgiving sinners, cleansing lepers, and giving mercy to small children, and allowing the barren from infertility. Also, Lady Mistress, you free yourself from bonds and dungeons, and you have healed all many different passions, and you have cured internal diseases, and you have delivered from deadly ulcers: everything is possible by Thy intercession to Thy Son, Christ our God. O All-chanted Mother, Most Pure Mother of God! Do not cease to pray for us, unworthy servants of Thy, glorifying Thee and worshiping, and worshiping Thy most pure image, and the hope of those who have it is irrevocable and unreasonable faith to Thee, Ever-Virgin, Most Glorious and Immaculate, glorifying and honoring and singing Thee for ever and ever. Amen.

September 1/14- the icon of the Mother of God "CHERNIGOV-GEFSIMAN" - pray those suffering from the ailment of demonic possession and eye disease.

Troparion, voice 5:
The Most Pure Lady of the Theotokos, the hope of all Christians, / other than the other hope, are not imams for you, / my all-blameless mistress, the lady of the virgin, / mother of Christ of my God. / Also have mercy and deliver me from all my evils / and pray to your merciful son and my god / may he have mercy on my accursed soul, / may he deliver me from eternal torment, and grant me His Kingdom.
Oh, Holy Virgin! Mother of Christ our God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Listen to the painful sighing of our souls, look down on us from the height of Thy saint, worshiping Thy Most Pure Image with faith and love: behold, immerse ourselves in sins and overwhelm with sorrows, gazing at Your image, as if You live with us, we bring our humble prayers, not imams more help, no other intercession and consolation, only to You, O Mother of all those who grieve and are burdened. Help us weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us lost on the right path, heal our painful hearts and save the hopeless. Grant us the rest of our life in peace and repentance to spend, grant a Christian end, and at the Last Judgment of Thy Son, a merciful Representative appears to us, may we always sing, glorify and glorify Thy Good Intercessor of the Christian clan, with all who have pleased God. Amen.

September 2 (15), (October 12 (25))- the icon of the Mother of God "KALUGA" - those who suffer from the ailment of relaxation, ailments of the ears - hearing pray.

Troparion, voice 4:
To the Intercessor from the enemies of the aliens Invincible Kaluga lands, / and the Redeemer from the deadly ulcer, Merciful! / Deliver your servants from all troubles and diseases, / with faith and love resorting to your miraculous icon, / and save our souls.
Oh, Holy Virgin, Mother of Christ of our God, Wonderful Queen of heaven and earth! Take in the painful sighing of our hearts; look down upon us from the height of your holy one. with faith and love those who stand before your miraculous icon and with tenderness praying to You, Lady! Do not betray the Orthodox Church to belittling, help us, Most Holy Theotokos, to preserve the Orthodox patristic faith to the end of our days immaculately, walk steadily in all the commandments of the Lord and deliver us from the harmful teachings of the soul.
In Thy, Wonderful Queen of heaven and earth, Thy servants hope for mercy: cleanse our minds from sinful thoughts, spiritual relaxation, overwhelming passions, from temptations, temptations and falls: Thou art, Lady, a strong refuge for sinners who repent. Raise us from the depths of sinfulness and sprinkle our withered hearts with true repentance, enlighten our heart's eyes to the sight of salvation, and teach those who are deceived by demonic delusion to the right path; destroy every evil and godly deed; teach and advance every good and godly deed; put, Lady, in our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of meekness, humility, patience, gentleness; soften our wicked hearts and do wicked blessings, give us zeal for the salvation of our neighbors.
Give understanding and teach us, O All-Merciful Our Intercessor, how sinlessly you walk along the path of this earthly life, as if You, Most Holy One, weigh our faith and see our hope, Lady of the world! Console those who grieve, help those in need; save from lightning thunder, pernicious winds, fierce diseases, deadly ulcers, internecine strife, invasion of alien enemies.
Most Holy Theotokos! Deliver us from sudden and violent death; Grant to all of us a return to the true path and the Christian death of our belly, painless, shameless, peaceful, I will partake of the Holy Mysteries. During our exodus, appear to us, the Virgin Mary, and deliver us from the power of demons, airy bitter ordeals and eternal fire. For those who died suddenly, the mercy of being Thy Son, pray for all the dead, who have no relatives, for the repose of Thy Son, those who plead for the rest of Thy Son, Wake Yourself an unceasing and warm Prayer and Intercessor. For those who have reposed in faith and repentance from this temporary life, our fathers, brothers and sisters, by Thy intercession, indulge in the abode of heaven with angels and with all the saints, where the voices of those who celebrate and joyfully glorify the Most Holy Trinity of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in now eyelids of centuries. Amen.

September 4/17- the icon of the Mother of God "INSANE KUPINA" - relieves the houses of those who worship and pray to Her from fires.

Troparion, voice 4:
Even in the fires of the bush neopamenaya, anciently seen by Moses, / the mystery of His incarnation from the Unarticulate Virgin Mary, the prototype, / That and now as miracles the Creator and all Creatures, the Creator of Her holy icon, glorify many miracles, / granting you to the faithful for healing from illness and for protection fiery incitement. / For this, for the sake of crying the Most Blessed: / Hope for Christians, from fierce troubles, fire and thunder, rescue those who trust in Thee, and save our souls like Mercy.
O Most Holy and Most Blessed Mother of our sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! We fall and worship You in front of Your Holy and Most Holy Icon, by which you do wondrous and glorious miracles, save our dwellings from the fiery ignition and lightning thunder of our dwelling, healing the sick, and fulfilling all our good petitions for the good. We humbly pray to Thee, the Omnipotent of our kind, the Intercessor, vouchsafed to the weak and sinful, Your motherly sympathy and welfare. Save and preserve, Lady, under the roof of Your mercy, the Holy Church, this abode, the whole Orthodox country, and all of us who fall to You, with faith and love, and tenderly asking with tears of Your intercession. To her, O All-Merciful Lady, have mercy on us, who are overwhelmed by many sins and do not have boldness to Christ the Lord to ask Him for mercy and forgiveness: but we offer you to Him for supplication, His Mother in the flesh: You, All-Merciful, stretch out to Him God accept and your hand , and intercede for us before His goodness, ask us for forgiveness of our sins, a pious peaceful life, a good Christian end and a good answer at His Last Judgment. At the hour of the terrible visit of God, when our houses are kindled with fire, or we will be frightened with lightning thunder, show us Your merciful intercession and sovereign help: yes, we are saved by Your almighty prayers to the Lord, we will avoid God's temporary punishment here and we will inherit the eternal bliss of paradise, and there we will inherit with all the saints let us sing the honorable and glorious name of the worshiped Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your great mercy to us, forever and ever. Amen.

September 8 / September 21- the icon of the Mother of God "ZAMENIE" Kursk - pray for healing from blindness, cholera.

Troparion, voice 4:
Like an invincible wall and a source of miracles / Thy servant who have acquired Thee, / The Most Pure Mother of God, / we overthrow the resistance militias.
Oh, Holy Virgin, Mother of Christ of our God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Listen to the painful sighing of our souls, look down on us from the height of Thy saint, worshiping Thy Most Pure Image with faith and love: behold, immerse ourselves in sins and overwhelm with sorrows, beholding Your image, as if You live with us, we bring our humble prayers, not to them more help, no other intercession and consolation, only to You, O Mother of all who grieve and burdened. Help us who are weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us lost on the right path, heal our painful hearts and save the hopeless. Grant us the rest of our life in peace and repentance, give us a Christian end, and at the Last Judgment of Thy Son, a merciful intercessor appears to us, may we always sing, magnify and glorify Thy Good Intercessor of the Christian clan, with all who have pleased God, forever and ever. Amen.

September 18 / September 1- the icon of the Mother of God "HEALER" - pray for healing from various diseases.

Troparion, voice 1:
To love, Pure Virgin, to those who worship your holy icon, and to the true Mother of God who glorify, and faithfully worship the Healer, appear, removes all evil and disease from these, like the Almighty.
Prayer 1
Oh, Most Holy Lady, the Queen of the Theotokos, the Highest of all heavenly powers and the Most Holy of all saints. We fall and worship You in front of Your pious and celibate image, remembering Your wondrous appearance to the ailing cleric Vincent, and earnestly pray to You, the All-powerful of our patroness and Helper, as in ancient times she gave healing to that cleric, so now we have healed our souls and sins with wounds, sickness Deliver us from all sorts of misfortunes, troubles, sorrows and eternal condemnation of many different passions. Save yourself from soul-destroying teachings and unbelief, from flattering and impudent attacks of invisible enemies. Give us a Christian death painless, peaceful, not ashamed, Holy Mysteries and I will partake. Grant us, at the impartial judgment of Christ, the right hand of the All-Righteous Judge and the blessed voice of Him to hear: Come, the blessings of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the folding of the world. Amen.
Prayer 2
Accept, O All-Blessed and Almighty Lady, Lady, Theotokos, Virgin, these prayers, with tears now brought to You from us, Your unworthy servant, to Your celibate image the singing of those who send with emotion, as to You who exist here and listen to our prayer. For some reason, the fulfillment of your work, relieving grief, granting health to the weak, healing the weakened and ailing, driving away demons from demons, delivering them of offense, cleansing the lepers and the little children of mercy: still, the Lady Lady of the Prison and the Mother of God, and the Mother of God you treat all the many different passions: the whole essence is possible by Thy intercession to Thy Son, Christ our God. Oh, All-chanted Mother, Most Holy Theotokos! Do not cease to pray for us, unworthy of Thy servants, who glorify Thee and worship Thee, and worship Thy most pure image with tenderness, and the hope of those who haves is irrevocable and the faith is unrepentant to Thee, Ever-Most Glorious and Immaculate, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, voice 4:
Today, faithful people, we lightly celebrate, overshadowed by Thy, Bogomati, coming, and to Thy gazingly Most Pure image, we tenderly say: cover us with Thy honest Cover, and deliver us from all evil, pray to Thy Son Christ our God, to save our souls.
O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the Highest Powers, Heaven and earth to the Queen, city and country, our all-powerful Intercessor! Accept this praiseworthy singing from us, unworthy Thy servants, and lift up our prayers to the Throne of Thy Son God, may it be merciful to our unrighteousness and add His grace to those who honor Thy All-Honorable Name and worship Thy miraculous image with faith and love. Do not deserve to be merciful from Him to be, if you do not propitiate Him about us, Lady, as all of You from Him is possible for the essence. For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and sooner Intercessor: hear us, who pray to You, overshadow us with Your all-powerful Cover and ask God your Son for our zeal and vigilance for souls, the ruler of wisdom and strength, for judges truth and impartiality, a mentor reason and humility, a spouse of love and harmony, a child of obedience, offending patience, offending the fear of God, grieving complacency, rejoicing in abstinence; to all of us, the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and righteousness. To her, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on Thy weak people; Gather the scattered, misleading on the right path, guide, support old age, young and healthy, raise babies and look upon us all with the grace of Your merciful intercession, raise us from the depths of sinfulness and enlighten our heart's eyes to the vision of salvation; Be merciful to us here and there, in the land of the earthly arrival, and at the Last Judgment of Thy Son: reposed in faith and repentance from this life, the fathers and our brethren in Eternal Life with the Angel and with all the saints of life create life. Thou art, O Lord, the Glory of the heavenly and the Hope of the earthly, Thou according to Bose is our Hope and the Intercessor of all who come to You with faith. We pray to You and to You, as the Almighty Helper, to ourselves and to each other and to our whole belly, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

October 12/25- the icon of the Mother of God "JERUSALEM" - they pray during a fire, an epidemic of cholera, for deliverance from the death of livestock, for healing from blindness, paralysis.

Troparion, voice 3:
The assurance of your intercession / and your mercy appearance / the icon of Jerusalem to us, the Lady, has shown / before her our souls in prayer we pour out / and crying out to you in faith: / look up, Merciful, on your people, / all our sorrows and sorrows satisfy, / consolation send down good in our hearts / and eternal salvation to our souls, O Most Pure One, ask for it.
Most Holy Lady, Lady of the Theotokos, the hope of all those who trust in Thee, the Patron of the sad, the refuge of the desperate, widows and orphans, the Nurse! Hear and have mercy on us, your sinful and unworthy servants, who fall down with tenderness to your most pure image: pray, the Merciful Lady, your Son and our Lord Jesus Christ, may your righteous anger turn away from us, may you forgive our sins and iniquities, as if we were honored by His goodness, end our life in repentance and receive His mercy with all His chosen ones, as you are blessed and glorified forever and ever. Amen.

October 15/28- the icon of the Mother of God "THE BREAD CONTRACTOR" - pray for deliverance from drought, death of bread, hunger.

Oh, Blessed Virgin Mary, Merciful to the Lady, Queen of heaven and earth, every Christian house and family, the Benefactor, the working Blessing, those in need of inexhaustible Wealth, orphans and widows and all people to the Nurse! Our nourisher, who gave birth to the Feeder of the Universe and the Contestant of our loaves: Mistress, send Your Mother's favor and blessing to the holy monastery, our city and villages, and cornfields, and everyone who has trust in You. With reverent trepidation and a contrite heart, we humbly pray to You: Oh, Merciful Mother of the Christian family, wake us sinful and unworthy servants of Your wise house-builder, who makes our life kindly. But every society, every home and family in piety and Orthodoxy, like-mindedness, obedience and contentment, observe. Satisfy the needy and the needy, support old age, raise babies, and educate everyone, sincerely cry out to the Lord: "Give us this day our daily bread." Save, Most Pure Mother, Thy people from every need, illness, gladness, destruction, fire, evil of the situation and every disorder. Holy monastery, city, our weight, home and families and every Christian soul and our whole country, seek peace and great mercy. May we glorify Thee, our most pure nourishing and nourishing, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

October 24 / October 6- the icon of the Mother of God "ALL SORRY HAPPY" - all the offended, oppressed, suffering prayers; suffering from seizures, hand relaxation, sore throat, tuberculosis.

Troparion, voice 8:
To the source of ever-flowing mercy, / Blessed Virgin Mary, / a priest, all people, priests and monks, / husbands and wives, and children, health and sick, / crying in repentance and sweetly saying: / Lady, help your sinful servant, / manifest as Thy good glory, / always strive to have mercy on us, / ask for the cleansing of our souls and bodies / from the Source of our life, God, / You gave birth to Him, the Blessed One.
O Most Holy Lady and Theotokos, the Highest Cherub and the Most Honorable Seraphim, the Divinely Chosen Young Woman, Perished Punishment and Joy of all who grieve! Give consolation to us, in perdition and sorrow for those who exist; Is it not the Imams for another refuge and help for You? You are one, thou art our joy, our Intercessor, and like the Mother of God and Mother of Mercy, stand by the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, can you help us, no one else will flow to You, ashamed departs. Hear us now on the day of perdition and sorrow in front of Your icon of those who fall down and pray to You with tears: drive away from us the sorrow and misfortune that comes upon us in this temporary life; Our God. Amen.

November 9/22- the icon of the Mother of God "The Haunt of the Ear" - they pray for many ailments - blindness, lameness, relaxation, those in captivity, in a shipwreck.

Troparion, voice 4:
To the Mother of God, who is in trouble, / and to the Holy Icon of Her now we will fall, / with faith calling from the depths of the soul: / soon hear our prayer, Virgin, / like a Quick-to-hearted woman: / For you, Thy servant in need is a ready assistant of the imam.
Oh, Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Vyshnyago, Quick-obedient intercessor of all who come running to You with faith! Look from the heights of your heavenly majesty on me the obscene one that falls to your icon, hear soon the humble prayer of the sinner and bring it to your Son: pray Him, so that it will illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind of vain thoughts, so it will calm my suffering heart and heal its wounds, may it teach me to do good deeds and strengthen my work with fear, may it forgive all the evil that I have done, may it deliver eternal torment and not deprive it of His heavenly kingdom. O Most Blessed Theotokos: You have deigned to be baptized in your image of the Quick-hearer, commanding all to come to You in faith: do not look at me who is sorrowful and do not let me perish in the abyss of my sins. On Thee according to Bose, all my hope and hopes of salvation, and I entrust myself to Your protection and intercession forever. Amen.

November 27 (10) - the Novgorod icon of the Mother of God "ZENENIE" - pray for the end of disasters, from thieves.

Troparion, voice 4:
I am an invincible wall and a source of miracles / who have acquired Thy servant, / the Most Pure Mother of God, / we overthrow the resistance militias.
Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Mother of the Sweetest of our Lord Jesus Christ! We fall and worship You in front of Your holy miraculous icon, which recalls the wondrous sign of Your intercession, to Great Novugrad from it, revealed in the days of the ratnago nan invasion. We humbly pray to Thee, the Omnipotent of our kind to the Intercessor: as if our father was ancient and help then accelerated, so also now we are weak and sinful of Your Mother's intercession and welfare. Save and preserve, Lady, under the roof of Thy mercy, all Russia, and all her Christ-loving army. Establish the holy church, your city, and our entire Orthodox country and all of us, who fall to you with faith and love and tenderly ask with tears of your intercession, have mercy and preserve. To her, All-Merciful Lady! Have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins, stretch out Your God-accepting hand to Christ the Lord, and stand for us before His goodness, asking us for forgiveness of our sins, pious peaceful life, Good Christian death of a good answer at His Last Judgment: let us be saved to him by all. , we will inherit the bliss of paradise, and with all the saints we will sing the most honorable and magnificent name of the venerable Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, and Your great mercy to us forever and ever. Amen.

December 9 / December 22- the icon of the Mother of God "UNEXPECTED JOY" - people who suffer from the ailment of deafness turn to it

Troparion, voice 4:
Today, faithful people, we are spiritually triumphant, / glorifying the zealous Intercessor of the Christian clan, / and, flowing to Her most pure image, we call out to her: / o Gracious Lady Theotokos, / give us unexpected joy, / burdened with sins and many sorrows, / and deliver us from all evil, / pray to Thy Son, Christ our God, / to save our souls.
Oh, Most Holy Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the City of Moscow, the Patroness, of all who are in sins, sorrows, troubles and diseases, Faithful to the Representative and Intercessor! Receive this prayer singing from us, unworthy Thy servant, Thou hast exalted, and, like an ancient sinner, who prayed many times before Thy honest icon, Thou didst not despise, but gave him the unexpected joy of repentance and bowed Thou and Thy Son to many of Him. By intercession for the forgiveness of this sinner and lost, so even now do not despise the prayer of us unworthy of Thy servants, and pray to Thy Son and our God, and to all of us, who worship Thy celibate image with faith and tenderness, will grant joy, unexpected by every need: a sinner, mired in the depths of evils and passions, all-effective admonition, repentance and salvation; to those in sorrow and sorrow - consolation; to those found in troubles and anger - this perfect abundance; faint-hearted and unreliable - hope and patience; in joy and abundance to those who live - continuous thanksgiving to the Benefactor; to the needy - mercy; to those who are in sickness and longevity and abandoned by doctors - inadvertent healing and strengthening; for those who are dependent on the disease, the mind - the mind's return and renewal; departing into eternal and endless life - mortal memory, tenderness and contrition for sin, a cheerful spirit and hope firm in the Judge's mercy. O Most Holy Lady! Have mercy on all who honor Thy honorable name, and reveal Thy all-powerful protection and intercession to all; in piety, purity and an honorable life, remaining until their last death in goodness; do evil good; guide delusions to the right path; To every good deed, and to Thy Son, advance; destroy every evil and godly deed; in bewilderment and difficult and dangerous situations to those who are gaining invisible help and admonition from Heaven descended; save from temptations, temptations and destruction; protect and save from all evil people and from enemies visible and invisible; float; travel travelers; to those in need and gladness, awake the Nourishing; for those who have no shelter and shelter, awake cover and shelter; put on a robe naked; offended and unrighteously persecuted - intercession; Invisibly justify slander, reproach and blasphemy of the patient; slanderers and blasphemers in front of everyone; Give to those who are fiercely at odds with inadvertent reconciliation, and to all of us to each other love, peace and piety and health with longevity. Preserve matrimony in love and like-mindedness; spouses, in enmity and division of existence, subdue, unite me to each other and give them an indestructible union of love; mother, children giving birth, get permission soon; raise babies; young survivors, open their minds to the perception of all useful teachings, the fear of God, instruct abstinence and diligence; protect from domestic warfare and enmity with peace and love. Motherless motherless orphans wake up Mother, turn away from every vice and filth and teach everything good and God-pleasing, deceived and fallen into sin and uncleanness, having devoured the filth of sin, lead out of the abyss of destruction. Wake widows Comforter and Helper, wake old age with a rod, save us all from sudden death without repentance, and grant us all the Christian death of our belly, painless, shameless, peaceful and a kind response to the terrible Judgment of Christ. Having reposed in faith and repentance from this life with the Angels and all the saints of life, create Thy Son who died a sudden death, pray for the mercy of Thy Son, and for all the departed, who have no relatives, for the repose of Thy Son, those who plead for the rest of their Son, Wake up the ceaseless and warm Walker Herself , so that everyone in Heaven and on earth lead Thee, like a firm and shameless Representative of the Christian clan, and, leading, they glorify Thee and Thy Son, with His Originless Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and forever and forever. Amen.

December 20 / December 2- the icon of the Mother of God "The Savior of the Drowning" - those who have to hand themselves over to the power of the water element are converted.

Zealous intercessor, Mother of the Lord Vyshnyago! Thou art help and intercession to all Christians, even more so in those who are in trouble. Look now from the heights of Thy saint and on us, worshiping Thy Most Pure Image with faith, and manifest, we pray to Thee, Thy speedy help on the sea to those who are sailing in sorrow. Encourage all Orthodox Christians to salvation in the waters of the drowning, and reward those who struggle for this with Your rich mercy and bounty. Behold, looking at Your Image, as if mercifully with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams are not for any other help, or another intercession, or consolation, only to You, O Mother of all those who grieve and parting. You are our hope and intercessor, and trustingly in You, ourselves, and each other, and we commit our whole life to You forever and ever. Amen.

December 26 / December 8- the icon of the Mother of God "THREE JOYS" - pray for the acquittal of the accused, for release from captivity, for the return of what was lost.

Troparion, voice 4:
From your holy icon / unspeakable joy, you filled the heart of a pious wife. / O Most Pure Lady of the world, / Almighty Queen of joy, ever-present creature, / this has returned both her husband and her son, and her property, / so mercifully and all of us, grant mercy good desires, / exuding an ever-flowing source of joy to those who pray to You and to those who cry out to you: / You gave birth to joy to the whole world, / fulfill joy in those who worship You.
Oh, the Most Holy Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of Mother the All-Good, the reigning city and the holy temple of this veil, faithful to everyone to be the representative and intercessor! Do not despise the prayers of us, your unworthy servants, but beg your son and our God, so that all of us, with faith and tenderness before the miraculous image of your worshipers, according to every need, will give joy: to the sinner all-effective discipline, repentance and salvation; consolation for those who exist in sorrows and sorrows; in their troubles and anger to those who abide, this is perfect abundance; faint-hearted and unreliable hope and patience; in the joy and abundance of those who live, unceasing thanksgiving to God; healing and strengthening in sickness. About the Most Pure Lady! Have mercy on all who honor Thy honorable name, and reveal Thy all-powerful protection and intercession to all: protect and preserve your people from the enemy of the visible and invisible. Confirm matrimony in love and like-mindedness; educate babies, young courageous ones, open their minds to the perception of every useful teaching; protect one-blood people from domestic swara with peace and love, and give to all of us love, peace and piety and health with longevity, so that everyone in heaven and on earth will lead You, like a firm and shameful representative of the Christian race, and these leaders, glorify Thee and Thee of Thy Son, with His beginningless Father and His consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Icon of the Mother of God "ALL TSARITSA" - pray for healing in case of cancer.

Troparion, voice 4:
In the image of a joyful honest Tsaritsa, with a warm Desire of those who seek Your grace, save the Lady; Deliver those who come running to You from situations; guard your flock from every adversity;
Prayer 1
O Most Pure Bogomati, All Tsaritsa! Hear our much-painful sighing before the miraculous icon of Thy, from the Athonite inheritance to Russia brought before, look upon Thy children, those who suffer incurable illnesses, who fall to Thy holy image with faith! As the krilom bird covers its chicks, so now Thou art everlastingly alive, cover us with Thy multifunctional omophorion. Tamo, where hope disappears, wake up with an unmistakable Hope. Tamo, where fierce sorrows prevail, Appear with Patience and Weakness. Tamo, where the darkness of despair has entered the souls, may the ineffable light of the Divine shine forth! Faint-hearted consolations, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal your sick people, O all-merciful Queen! Bless the mind and hands of those who heal; may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if you live Ti existing with us, we pray before your icon, about the Lady! Stretch out Your hand, full of healing and healing, Joy of the mourners, Consolation in sorrow, and soon having received miraculous help, we glorify the Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer 2
All-merciful, all-wonderful Mother of God, Pantanassa, All Tsaritsa! I am not worthy, but come under my roof! But like the merciful God, the gracious Mother's word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened. Imashi is an invincible power, and every verb will not wear you out, about the Tsaritsa! Beg for me. Beg for me. May I glorify Your glorious name always, now and forever. Amen.

September 16 / September 29- Icon of the Mother of God "SEE ON HUMILITY" Kursk - pray for healing from blindness, cholera

An impenetrable wall is Your image and the source of miracles, as long ago as from Him, Your intercession to the city of Pskov was given by you, and now, mercifully save us from all troubles and sorrows and save our souls like a loving Mother.
Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mary, the highest Cherub and the Most Honorable Seraphim, God's Chosen Young Woman! Look from the heights of heaven with Your merciful eye upon us, unworthy of Your servants, praying with tenderness and tears before Your Most Pure Image; do not deprive us of Thy intercession and of the Sovereign protection in this earthly journey, mournful and many rebellious. Save us in the perdition and sorrow of those who exist, raise us from the depths of sin, enlighten our mind, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies! Oh, All-Giving Mother of the Human-loving Lord! Surprise us with the abundance of Thy mercy, strengthen our feeble will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our petrified hearts with love for God and our neighbors, grant us heartfelt contrition and true repentance, so that we have been cleansed of sinful filth, let us become worthy of a peaceful Christian death and a good and kind response to all glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever, befits all glory, honor and worship by impartiality to the Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, Himzha with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy, Good and Life-giving Spirit. Amen.

People pray to the saints to help them in some difficult matter, to heal them from ailments. When we turn to the Mother of God, we ask her to hear us and fulfill our request. The Mother of God is the mediator between the human world and God. She conveys our words to God and prays to him for our happiness.

The Mother of God is the earthly mother of Jesus Christ. In the Catholic tradition, it is customary to call her the Queen of Heaven. The Mother of God gave birth to the Savior after the Immaculate Conception: the Holy Spirit descended on her. The Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos every year. People who come to the temple sing prayers of praise and praise her image.

The Theotokos rule is the prayer "Virgin Mary, rejoice ..."

This short prayer has another name. It includes the address of the Archangel Gabriel to the Theotokos with words of joy that the Savior of the human race Jesus Christ will soon be born to the Blessed Virgin:

"Virgin Mary, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you: blessed are you in women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if you gave birth to the Savior, our souls."

People turn to this prayer when trouble threatens loved ones. If someone from your family is sick, and the doctors are unable to help him, then read this rule. If your prayer is sincere, then the Blessed Virgin will definitely respond and help you get out of a difficult life situation.

Even if you are not in danger, you can still read this rule to protect yourself from difficult life twists and turns. Thanks to the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, you will avoid many temptations and illnesses.

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov, being in the Diveyevo monastery, decided to remind the inhabitants that if you read this rule 150 times and walk around along the groove, then the Mother of God herself will descend from heaven and cover you with her bright omophorion.

This appeal has miraculous power because it points out a way out of a dead end and softens evil hearts. Even if there is no place to wait for help, this rule brings comfort and gives hope for the triumph of justice.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for healing from ailments

Prayer is a sincere appeal to God. This is the call of a person's soul when he is confused and does not know who to turn to for help. If a person is seriously ill, then you can read next prayer Mother of God, and soon a miracle will happen:

“My beloved Queen, my Hope, the Theotokos, Friend of the orphaned and strange to the Representative, the grieving Joy, offended by the Patroness! Behold my misfortune, behold my sorrow; help me, as if I am weak, feed me, as if it is strange! My grievance is weighing - resolve that, as if you volish! As if it is not an imam of any other help, except for You, not for a different Representative, or for a good Comforter, only for You, O Bogomati! Yes, preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen".

It is best to know the prayer by heart. This is necessary for the words to accurately reach the ears of the Mother of God. The petitions are presented in the sources in the Church Slavonic language, and there is also a translation. It is easiest for a person to remember a prayer written in modern language. But you can also write the prayer on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet to wear as a talisman. Let no one know about this, otherwise the Mother of God may turn her back on you.

It should be understood that if you decide to embark on the path of religious education, then you must observe the church charter. If you have made a choice to read prayer in the morning and evening, then try to avoid eating meat.

Prayers to the Mother of God have great strength... If you read them periodically, then what you want will come true. It is necessary to believe in the power of prayers, then their impact on your life will be felt. Remember that if there is someone else in the house besides you, then it is best to read the prayer silently so that you will not be heard. Communication with God is an intimate affair of everyone. Always remember the holy prayers and do not forget to press the buttons and

12.07.2015 09:26

It is extremely important for every Orthodox Christian to pray and live his life righteously, accomplishing as much as possible ...

The long-said prayer to the Mother of God for help was a powerful talisman against any misfortune, being called upon to help in any matter, whether it be the need to embark on a long journey or to do any other matter.

It is known that the prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary helps everyone who turns to her, doing real miracles. There are many cases when the spoken words of the prayer service healed ailments, and also helped in seemingly hopeless cases.

Many mothers strive to make a relentless request to the Mother of God.

It helps to save children from problems, to keep them on the road, to give them happiness and to direct them on the right path. Today many children are diagnosed with hyperactivity by psychologists. Believers say: they say, demons torment. It is known that the uttered prayer of the Mother of God works miracles, calming the child. Also, the prayer service to the Mother of God will help in any other situations.

Help from the Mother of God

The main condition for any prayer is Faith. Prayer to the Mother of God for help will help everyone who has let God into his heart and loves him gratuitously. At the same time, prayer can be the simplest.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "For help on the way"

“Oh, my Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mary, Hodegetria, patroness and hope of my salvation! Behold, on the way that is presented to me, now I want to be absent, and for a time I entrust to You, my merciful Mother, my soul and body, all my clever and material forces, entrusting everything to myself in Your strong watching and your all-powerful help. Oh, my good Companion and Protector! I earnestly pray to Thee, that my path will not crawl, guide me on it, and direct it, O All-Holy Hodegetria, as you bear Himself, to the glory of Your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ, be a helper in everything, especially in this distant and On a difficult journey, keep me under Thy sovereign protection from all finding troubles and sorrows, from the enemy visible and invisible, and pray for me, my Lady, Thy Son Christ our God, that He may send His Angel to help me, be peaceful, faithful instructor and guardian, yes as if in ancient times he gave his servant Tobiah Raphael to eat, in every place and at all times he kept him on the way from all evil: thus, having managed my way safely and preserving me with heavenly power, may health return me, peaceful and whole to my dwelling for glory name of His Holy One, glorifying and blessing Him all the days of my life and magnifies Thee now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

You can pray to the Mother of God for help at any time, when you want it. If you want to let the Lord into your heart, why not turn to him right now? Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary will be appropriate even if you just want to thank her.

The icon of the Virgin will help you better concentrate, and church candle- making the petition much easier. It is not necessary to memorize exactly the words that are suggested by sacred sources. It is highly desirable, however, to learn them, because their strength has been tested by time, however, if you want to pray, but do not know the words, this does not prevent you from pronouncing words coming from your heart.

The request for the Mother of God will be especially strong in the temple of God. The sacred place is the best conductor of human thoughts. True, no one bothers or forbids asking for the help of the Most Holy Theotokos even outside the church in any situation.

Help in all human affairs

The Mother of God loves the children of God, that is, she will help every person on earth who turns to her. Exist great amount texts addressed to the Blessed Virgin. Here are a few of them:

Blessed Virgin Mary and help along the way. Will help every traveler. It can be pronounced both by himself and by his mother. In the latter case, it is a blessing. When reading it, it asks for help on the road and direction on the right path. A traveler with such a prayer will never go astray, he will be avoided by adversity, illness and trouble. It is not necessary to read it just before the big road. It is also pronounced when a person just goes to work, study or for a walk.

There is also a prayer service in which the Blessed Virgin Mary asks for help in guiding on the true path.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "The true path"

“Theotokos Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with You; blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born by You, because You have given birth to the Savior of our souls. "

Mother of the Virgin, helping to find love. Helps every girl who dreams of finding a loving spouse.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "About love"

“Blessed Mary, Mother of our God Jesus Christ, I beg Thee, look into my soul, Find my beloved, Bring him to me, the One who is also looking for love, the Spouse of my soul, the One whom I will love, And who will love me until the end of our days, You, who knows the sufferings and secrets of a woman, I beg you humbly in the name of our God "

The Mother of God will help when pronouncing the words addressed to her for salvation from war or any misfortunes that may happen to a person. In fact, there are a huge number of holy prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Mother of God is known all over the world, and therefore they pray to her in all languages, and not only Orthodox Christians.

Everyone will receive help

Prayer to the Mother of God will certainly help those who have faith turned to her. By offering prayers to her, a person completely concentrates on love for the Lord, mentally materializing the result. It is this materialization that will allow you to realize what you want.

It is the power of faith that is the driving factor that helps to achieve the fulfillment of the desired. The icon of the Mother of God itself will help to better imagine the Blessed Virgin, imbued with the relentless power of love for her. There is a well-known saying “to everyone will be rewarded according to his faith”.

But why does the Mother of God help us? The answer is simple - we are loved by her Son. It is because of the love and reverence of our Lord our God that she is always invisibly with us, tirelessly fulfilling human desires and helping to find happiness, as well as to solve any problems.

Video: Prayer to the Mother of God "For help"

The "Theotokos rule" is the reading of the Arkhangelsk greeting 150 times a day: " Virgin Mary, rejoice Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, blessed are You in women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, as if you gave birth to the Savior of our souls! "
There is a church tradition that the Queen of Heaven herself gave people this rule in the 8th century, and it was once fulfilled by all Christians, but over time it was forgotten.

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov recalled this rule, instructing to walk along the groove circled around the Diveyevo monastery, reading 150 times " Virgin Mary, rejoice…»

In the elder's cell, they found an old book describing the miracles that happen to people who fulfill this rule of reading 150 times of the Archangel's joy to the Queen of Heaven.

In his conversation with Motovilov about the goal of the Christian life, the Monk Seraphim of Sarov said:
“Although the enemy, the devil, deceived Eve and Adam fell with her, but the Lord not only gave them the Redeemer in the fruit of the seed of a woman, death of the traitor by death, but also gave all of us in the Ever-Virgin Woman the Mother of God Mary, who erased in herself and in all the human race the head to the serpent, the persistent Intercessor to His Son and our God, the unashamed and invincible Representative even for the most desperate sinners. Therefore, the Mother of God is called the Plague of demons, for there is no way for a demon to destroy a person, as long as the person himself does not retreat from resorting to the help of the Mother of God. "
Many shepherds of high spiritual life themselves fulfilled the Theotokos rule and blessed their spiritual children for this work.
Here is an excerpt from a letter from the meekest Father Alexander (Gumanovsky), in the monastic life of Daniel, nicknamed for his love and constant service to the Ever-Virgin Mary the Mother of God: “I forgot to offer you substantial saving advice. Read the "Virgin Mary" 150 times daily, and this prayer will save you. This rule was given by the Mother of God Herself around the 7th century, and it was once fulfilled by all Christians. We, the Orthodox, have forgotten about it, and the Monk Seraphim reminds us of this rule. I have in my hands a handwritten book from the cell of the Monk Seraphim with a description of many miracles in prayer to the Mother of God, and in particular from the reading of the Virgin Mary 150 times. If out of habit it will be difficult to overcome 150 times daily, read the top 50 times. After every ten, read once "Our Father" and "Open the doors of mercy to us." No matter who he spoke about this miraculous rule, everyone remained grateful. "
Bishop Seraphim (Zvezdinsky), now glorified in the host of the holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia, performed the Rule of the Theotokos every day and knew its mighty power from his own experience.

In 1926, Vladyka Seraphim (Zvezdinsky) lived in the Diveyevo monastery. During the winter he lived in the rooms of Elena Ivanovna Motovilova, in their building, behind the "groove". Abbess Alexandra reassured: “Live in peace, the Bolsheviks will not touch this place. The Monk Seraphim said that the groove will become a wall from earth to heaven, and the Antichrist will not cross it. " “You do not understand the words of the Reverend that way,” Vladyka answered. - He taught to read one and a half hundred times "Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice ..." and said: "Whoever fulfills this rule, his soul will never overcome the Antichrist."

Here is what he wrote from exile to his spiritual children: “I am doing a long and long journey with transfers, tiresome parking lots. But this whole path from Melenki to Moscow, from Moscow to Alma-Ata, from Alma-Ata to Uralsk, coming from Uralsk to Guryev on the Caspian Sea, is a marvelous and unforgettable path. To put it briefly, this is the path of miracles from reading 150 times "Virgin Mary, rejoice!" Sometimes it seems that the Lord deliberately sent me this way to personally show me how strong the prayer of His Most Pure Mother is before Him and how effectively the Archangel's greeting brought to Her with faith: "Virgin Mary, rejoice!" I believe and confess, as I know, as never before, on the path I am making now, all the warmth, all the protection, all the cover of this wonderful greeting "Virgin Mary, rejoice!" This appeal in the most impassable places paved a smooth road for me with my faithful companions, in hopeless circumstances it gave a way out, disposed those who were not disposed to me, wicked hearts were repeatedly softened, and those that were not softened were burned and shamed. Like smoke to disappear for them. Arkhangelsk greeting "Virgin Mary, rejoice!" complete helplessness suddenly gave unexpected help and, moreover, from such a side, whence it was impossible to expect in any way, not to mention the inner peace amidst storms, about the inner arrangement with the surrounding disorder from this Archangel's greeting, the righteous anger of God removes from our head the very the judgment of the Judge of the Heart is overturned. O great boldness! O terrible intercession! He removes from the fire of passions, from the bottom of the fall, grief to heavens delights. Protect yourself more often and more zealously, my dear children, with an unbreakable wall, with an unbreakable fence, "Virgin Mary, rejoice!" With this prayer we will not perish in any way, we will not burn in the fire, we will not drown in the sea. If Satan, who hates us, stumbles us on our way and knocks us down, then sending forth the Archangel's greeting, we will rise, rise up to goodness, darkened we will be enlightened, the sick in soul will be healed, we will be cleansed by sin, as if snow with purity, with the prayer “Higher heaven and of the Purest Sun Lordships. " The dead, killed by passions, will be resurrected, revived and, in the ecstasy of the spirit, cry out: “Christ is risen! Truly he is risen! "

Prayers to the Mother of God

First prayer

O Most Holy Lady the Lady Theotokos! Elevate us, servant of God (names) from the depths of sin and deliver us from sudden death and from all evil. Grant, O Lord, to us peace and health and enlighten our mind and eyes of the heart, even to salvation, and vouchsafed us, Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God: as His kingdom is blessed with the Father and His Most Holy Spirit.

Second prayer

Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord, show me, ubot, and the servants of God (names) of Your ancient mercy: send down the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and righteousness. To her, the Most Pure Lady! Be merciful to me here and at the Last Judgment. Thou art, Lady, the glory of the heavenly and the hope of the earthly. Amen.

Prayer three

Unclean, Unseen, Imperishable, Most Pure, Unbelievable Bride of God, Mother of God Mary, Lady of the world and my Hope! Look upon me, a sinner, at this hour and for Him from Thy pure blood Thou artlessly gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ, mercifully make Thy mothers prayers; That ripe condemned and wounded by the weapon of sorrow in the heart, bite my soul with Divine love! She who mourned the Highlander in bondage and desecration, grant me tears of contrition; with the free Lead to death with a heavily sick soul, free me diseases, yes I praise Thee, worthy of praise forever. Amen.

Prayer four

Diligent, blessed Mother of God to the intercessor! I am running to You, a cursed and most sinful man: listen to the voice of my prayer, and hear my cry and my groaning. For my iniquity has surpassed my head and I, like a ship in the depths, sink into the sea of ​​my sins. But Thou, All-Merciful and Merciful Lady, do not despise me, who is desperate and perishing in sin; have mercy on me, repenting in my evil deeds, and turn my deluded, cursed soul to the right path. On You, my Lady Theotokos, I lay all my hope. Thou, Mother of God, preserve and keep me under Thy roof, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Fifth prayer

The Most Holy Lady Theotokos, one purest in soul and body, one who surpasses all purity, chastity and virginity, one who has completely become the abode of the total grace of all the Holy Spirit, the most immaterial forces here are still incomparably surpassed by the purity of the body and an abomination of the soul and an abomination of soul and the body of my life that has been blackened by the filth of my passions, cleanse my passionate mind, make my wandering and blind thoughts blameless and beautify, put my feelings in order and guide them, free me from the evil and vile habit that torments me over me to unclean prejudices, stopping and all passions sin acting in me, grant to my darkened and cursed mind sobriety and prudence to correct my inclinations and falls, so that, freed from sinful darkness, I might be honored with boldness to glorify and praise You, the only Mother of the true Light - Christ, our God; because you alone with Him and about Him are blessed and glorified by every invisible and visible creature now, and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer six

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Intercessor and Protection of all who come running to You! Look from Thy holy heights on me, a sinner (name), falling to Thy most pure image; hear my warm prayer and bring it before Thy Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; pray to him, may he illumine my gloomy soul with the light of his divine grace, may he save me from all need, sorrow and illness, may send me a quiet and peaceful life, bodily and mental health, may he pacify my suffering heart and heal its wounds, may he instruct me for good deeds, my mind must cleanse me from vain thoughts, teach me to fulfill His commandments, and save me from eternal torment and not deprive me of His Heavenly Kingdom. O Most Holy Theotokos! You, "Joy of All Who Sorrow," hear also me, sorrowful one; Thou who are called "Satisfaction of Sorrow," soothe my sorrow; You, "Kupino Burning", save the world and all of us from the harmful fiery arrows of the enemy; You, "Seeking of the lost," do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins. On Bose all my hope and hope. Wake me in temporary life the Intercessor, and for eternal life before Thy Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Intercessor. Teach me to serve you with faith and love, but you, Most Holy Mother of God, Blessed Mary, reverently honor until the end of my days. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God in front of the Inexhaustible Chalice icon

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos

Prayer to the Virgin Mary, Rejoice
Bo-go-ro-di-tse De-vo, rejo-hu-hia, bla-go-dat-naya Mary, Lord with To-Bo, Blessed are You in the same and blah-ho -wen is the Fruit of thy womb, as Spa-sa gave birth to our souls.

It is worthy to eat
It is worthy to eat like in-is-ti-well, bless thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Beloved and Most Immaculate, and the Mother of God of ours. Honest-ney-shuyu He-ru-vim and most glorious without comparison Se-ra-fim, without the decay of God the Word born, the present Mother of God Thou ve-li-cha-em.

My queen abiding
My tsa-ri-tse Abiding, Na-dezh-to my, Bo-go-ro-di-tse, When-I-do-li-si-ry and country Representative, soon-to-be-come-to-ra those, common-di-myh Patroness!
See my misfortune, see my sorrow; help me, as I am weak, feed me, as a country! I’m grieving, I’m letting you, as Vulishi: as if I’m not any other in power, raz-zve Te-be, nor any other Representative, nor the goodness of the Comforter, then Te-ti-be, oh Bo-go-ma ! That you may preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos
Not imams of any other help, / not imams of other hopes, / not to Thee, O Lord. / You help us, / we hope in You, and we boast of You. / Thine are the slaves, so we will not be ashamed.

Kontakion to the Climbed Voivode victorious
To the victorious Voivode, victorious, as out of the blessing from the evil, blah-dar-s-naya let us write Ty rabbi Thy God-ro-d-tse: but I who have keep the invincible, from all of us free-bo-di, yes zo-wem Ti: Ra

Song of the Virgin
Great is my soul of the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in Boz of My Spa.
The most honest cherub and the most glorious without comparison to the seraphs, without the decay of God the Word begotten, the Mother of God, we magnify Thee.
As a sight to humility, His servants, behold, from now on, all families will please Me.
Honest cherub ...
For you have done me great Powerful, and holy is His name, and His mercy for generations of generations that fear Him.
Honest cherub ...
Create with thy hand, scattering pride in the thought of their heart.
Honest cherub ...
The one who was put down from the throne, and the one who was taken up humble; Fulfill good things for those who are rich, and let the rich man go away.
Honest cherub ...
Israel will receive his servant, remember mercy, as I spoke to our fathers, Abraham and his seed even to the ages.
Honest cherub ...

Orthodox veneration of the Mother of God

The Orthodox Church contains about the Mother of God what Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture reported about Her, and daily glorifies Her in her churches, asking Her for help and protection. Knowing that only those praises that correspond to Her real glory are pleasant to Her, the holy fathers and songwriters of Her and Her Son prayed to instruct them how to sing Her: "Protect my thoughts, my Christ, for I dare to sing Thy Pure Mother" ( Ikos of the Assumption). "The Church teaches that Christ was truly born of Mary the Ever-Virgin" (St. Epiphanius of Cyprus. The True Word of Faith). “We need to confess that the Holy Ever-Virgin Mary really is the Mother of God, so as not to fall into blasphemy. For those who deny that the Holy Virgin really is the Mother of God are no longer the faithful, but disciples of the Pharisees and Sadducees "(St. Ephraim the Syrian. To the Monk John).

From Tradition it is known that Mary was the daughter of the aged Joachim and Anna, moreover, Joachim came from the royal family of David, and Anna - from the priestly family. Despite such a noble background, they were poor. However, it was not this that saddened these righteous people, but the fact that they did not have children and could not hope that their descendant would see the Messiah. And so, when one day, despised by the Jews for their infertility, they both offered up prayers to God in sorrow of their souls, Joachim on the mountain, where he retired after the priest did not want to bring his sacrifice in the temple, and Anna in her garden, mourning her sterility , then an angel appeared to them, and said that they would give birth to a daughter. Overjoyed, they promised to consecrate their child to God.
After 9 months, their daughter was born, named Maria, who showed the best spiritual qualities from early childhood. When She was three years old, her parents, fulfilling their promise, solemnly took little Mary to the Jerusalem temple, who herself ascended the high steps, and who met Her by the High Priest, according to the revelation of God, was introduced into the Most Holy of Holies, taking with Him the grace of God that rested on her hitherto a graceless temple (Kontakion of the Introduction. It was a newly built temple, into which the glory of God did not descend, as in the Tabernacle or Solomon). She settled in the premises for virgins that existed at the church, but she spent so much time in prayer in the Holy of Holies that, one might say, she lived in it (Stichera of the Introduction, on "Lord I have cried" 2 and on "Glory and now"). Adorned with all virtues, She set an example of an unusually pure life. Submissive and obedient to everyone, She did not offend anyone, did not say a rude word to anyone, was friendly to everyone, did not even allow a bad thought. (Abbreviated from St. Ambrose of Mediolana. On the Ever-Virgin Mary).

“Despite the righteousness and integrity of life that the Mother of God led, sin and eternal death manifested their presence in her. They could not fail to manifest themselves: such is the exact and correct teaching Orthodox Church about the Mother of God in relation to original sin and death "(Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov. Exposition of the Teaching of the Orthodox Church about the Mother of God). "A stranger to the sinful fall" (St. Ambrose of Mediolan. Interpretation of Psalm 118). She was no stranger to sinful temptations. "After all, there is only one God without sin" (St. Ambrose of Mediolan. Ibid.), And a person will always have in himself what still needs to be corrected and improved in order to fulfill God's commandment: "Wake up holy, for I am holy, the Lord your God." (Lev. 19: 2). The cleaner and more perfect a person, the more he notices his imperfections and the more unworthy he considers himself.

The Virgin Mary, who gave all of Herself to God, although she reflected from Herself any inclination to sin, felt the weakness of human nature more than others and fervently desired the coming of the Savior. She humbly considered Herself unworthy to be a servant of the Virgin who had Him to give birth. So that nothing would distract Her from prayer and attention to Herself, Mary made a vow of celibacy to God, in order to please only Him all Her life. Betrothed to Elder Joseph, when Her years did not allow Her to stay at the temple any longer, She settled in his house in Nazareth. Here the Virgin was honored with the arrival of the Archangel Gabriel, who announced to Her about the birth of the Most High from Her. “Rejoice, gracious one: the Lord is with you. Blessed are You in women ... The Holy Spirit will find on You and the power of the Most High will overshadow You; the same, and the one reborn, holy will be called the Son of God ”(Luke 1: 28-35).

Mary humbly and humbly accepted the angelic message. “Then the Word, as He Himself knows, descended and, as He Himself willed, moved, entered Mary and dwelt in Her” (St. Ephraim the Syrian. Song of the Mother of God). “As lightning illuminates the hidden, so Christ purifies the innermost nature. He cleansed the Virgin, and then was born to show that where Christ is, there is manifested purity in all power. He cleansed the Virgin, having prepared it by the Holy Spirit, and then the womb, becoming pure, conceives Him. He cleansed the Virgin with Her integrity, which is why he was born a Virgin. I'm not saying that Mary became immortal, but that, shining with grace, She did not resent sinful desires. " (Venerable Ephraim the Syrian. Word to heretics, 41). “The light has settled in Her, washed Her mind, made Her thoughts pure, made her cares, sanctified Her virginity” (St. Ephraim the Syrian. Mary and Eve). "Pure in human terms made grace-pure" (Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov. Exposition of the teaching of the Orthodox Church about the Mother of God).

Mary did not tell anyone about the appearance of the Angel, but the Angel himself announced to Joseph about the miraculous conception of Mary from the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1: 18-25), and after the birth of Christ, with the multitude of the heavenly army, he preached the good news to the shepherds. The shepherds, coming to worship the Newborn, said that they had heard about Him. Having previously silently endured suspicion, Mary now silently listened and “wrote in her heart” the words about the greatness of her Son (Luke 2: 8-19). After 40 days, She heard Simeon's prayer of praise and the prediction about the weapon that would pass through Her soul. After that I saw Jesus progress in wisdom, heard Him teaching in the temple at the age of 12, and “kept everything ... in His heart” (Luke 2: 21-51).

Although gracious, She still did not fully understand what the ministry and greatness of Her Son would be. The Jewish concepts of the Messiah were still close to Her, and her natural feelings forced Her to take care of Him, protecting Him from seemingly excessive toil and dangers. Therefore, unwittingly, She first stood in the path of Her Son, which caused His indication of the superiority of spiritual kinship over bodily (Matt. 12: 46-49). “He had care about the honor of the Mother, but much more about Her spiritual salvation and the good of people, for which he put on the flesh” (John Chrysostom. Interpretation of the Gospel of John, Conversation 12). Mary understood this and, “having heard the speech of God, kept it” (Luke 11: 27-28). Like no other person, She had the same feelings as Christ (Phil. 2: 5), resignedly enduring the mother's sorrow when she saw Her Son persecuted and suffering. Delighted on the day of Resurrection, She was clothed with power from on high on the day of Pentecost (Luke 24:49). The Holy Spirit who descended on Her “taught her all things” (John 14:26), and “guided her into all truth” (John 16:13). Enlightened, She began to labor even more zealously to create what She had heard from Her Son and Redeemer, in order to ascend to Him and be with Him.

The end of the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos will be the beginning of Her greatness. "Adorned with Divine glory" (Irmos of the canon of the Assumption), She stands, will stand on the day of the Last Judgment and in the next century, at the right hand of the Throne of Her Son, reigns with Him and has boldness towards Him, as His Mother in the flesh and as one of the same spirit as she did the will of God and taught others (Matt. 5:19). Loving and merciful, She manifests love for the Son and Her God in love for the human race, intercedes for him before the Most Merciful and, bypassing the earth, helps people.

Having experienced all the hardships of earthly life, the Intercessor of the Christian clan sees every tear, hears every groaning and entreaty addressed to Her. Especially close to her are those who work in the struggle with passions and are jealous of a godly life. But in everyday cares She is an irreplaceable helper. "All those who grieve for Joy, and those who are offended by the Intercessor, and those who hunger for the Nursery, strange Consolation, overwhelmed by the Shelter, the sick Visiting, the weak Cover and the Intercessor, the Rod of old age, Mother of God the Most Pure, Thou art the Most Pure" (Stanza of Hodegetria). “Hope, and intercession, and refuge of Christians”, in “the prayers of the unrelenting Mother of God” (Kondak of the Assumption), “saving the world by her unceasing prayer” (Theotokos of the 3rd voice), “day and night prays for us and the sceptres of the Kingdom are affirmed by Her prayers "(Everyday Midnight Office).

There is no mind and words to express the greatness of the One Who was born in a sinful human race, but became the Honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim. “The unspeakable God’s and Divine mysteries are in vain in the Virgin grace, manifested and fulfilled clearly, I rejoice and the image is perplexed, strange and ineffable, how the chosen Pure One is one more than all visible and understood creatures. Even so, praise this though, I am terrified terribly, but with the mind and word, both daring, I preach and magnify: This is the heavenly village ”(Ikos of the Entry into the Temple). "Every language is perplexed to praise according to property, but amazes the mind and the premium petit Ty, the Theotokos, both, Good being, accept the faith, for we weigh our Divine love: Thou art the Representative of the Christians, we magnify Thee" (Irmos of the 9th song of the Epiphany).

Hieromonk John (Maksimovich), monk of the Milkovo monastery of the Presentation of the Most Holy Theotokos in the temple. Yugoslavia, 1928

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There are a lot of prayers to the Mother of God. This is due to the fact that there are also many names for the images of the Mother of God. Prayer books contain special canonical texts that are used before any Mother of God image. To read prayer requests it is possible without icons.

Biography of the Most Holy Theotokos

The Mother of God is mentioned in Christianity as the mother of Jesus Christ. She is the greatest saint and revered person. In the Bible, she is referred to as Mary. She lived in Galilee, in Nazareth. There was a prophecy that it was Mary who would conceive a child from the holy spirit. Her husband Joseph was warned of this by the angel Gabriel. This is how the great Jesus Christ was born.

According to the scriptures, Mary lived for the first three years with her parents, St. Joachim and St. Anna. The upbringing of the child was righteous, at the age of three she was already "brought into the temple." There, in the Jerusalem Temple, Mary remained. She was brought up and studied with the rest of the pure virgins. She was engaged in needlework, studied the "Holy Scriptures".

When the girl came of age, a husband was chosen for her, who became Joseph. According to some scriptures, the annunciation occurred during the reading of prayers.

Orthodox prayers of the Mother of God for help and intercession

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos can work miracles, it inspires, protects from evil, helps even in insurmountable situations that may occur on the human path. More than 500 prayers of the Mother of God are known. Each image has its own history and meaning. Every Christian believer carries with him, albeit a small, but such a native icon of the Virgin Mary.

How to read prayers to the Holy Mother of God correctly?

There are no special rules for reading. It is not so essential to memorize the texts by heart. To communicate with the Mother of God, you only need:

  • Be sincere;
  • Have pure thoughts and a desire to pray from the heart;
  • It is necessary not only to always ask for help, but also not to forget about the words of gratitude.

In order to understand which particular image you need to pray, it is best to talk with the priest in advance. It is important for prayer and time, it should always be constant. There are no definite rules. The most powerful prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos must come from the heart, the texts are read from the heart and must be pure.

Prayer "Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice"

Blessed Virgin Mary, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, Lord with Thee, Blessed are You in women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, as Spasa gave birth to our souls.

Prayer for the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the highest powers, heaven and earth to the Queen, our city and country, Omnipotent Intercessor! Receive this laudatory and grateful singing from us, unworthy Thy servant, and lift up our prayers to the Throne of Thy Son God, that our unrighteousness will be merciful, and add His grace to those who honor Thy pious name and worship Thy miraculous image with faith and love. Do not deserve to be merciful from Him to be, if you do not propitiate Him about us, Lady, as all of You from Him is possible for the essence. For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and sooner Intercessor: hear us, who pray to You, overshadow us with Your almighty cover, and ask God for Your Son: our shepherd is jealousy and vigilance for souls, the ruler of wisdom and strength, the judges are truth and impartiality , a mentor of reason and humility, a spouse of love and harmony, a child of obedience, offending patience, offending the fear of God, grieving complacency, rejoicing in abstinence, all of us are the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on Thy weak people; Gather the scattered, misleading on the right path, guide, support old age, young and healthy, educate babies, and look upon all of us with the grace of Your merciful intercession, raise us from the depths of sinfulness and enlighten our heartfelt eyes to the sight of salvation, be merciful to us, wake up here and there. the land of the earthly arrival and at the last judgment of Thy Son; Having reposed in faith and repentance from this life, the fathers and our brethren in eternal life with the Angels and with all the saints create life. Thou art, Lady, the Glory of the heavenly and the Hope of the earthly, Thou according to Bose is our Hope and the Intercessor of all who come to You with faith. We pray to You, and to You, as the Almighty Helper, to ourselves and to each other and our whole belly, we betray, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers to the Mother of God for every day of the week

On Sunday

Oh, All-Merciful Virgin Mary, Mother of generosity and humanity, my dear hope and hope! Oh, Mother of the sweet, glorified and every kind of superior Savior Jesus Christ, Humanity and my God, the light of my darkened soul! To You, I, many sinful and hopeless, I fall, to You, my source of mercy, Virgin Mary, who gave birth to the abyss of mercy and the abyss of generosity and philanthropy; have mercy on me, have mercy on me, crying Ty painfully, have mercy on me, all wounded, into the fierce robbers who fell and from clothes, in a nude cloak of me Father, alas, naked for me. By this I lie naked from all goodness, having died and burned my wounds from the face of my madness. My mistress Theotokos, I humbly pray to Thee, look at me with Your merciful eye, and do not abhor me, everything darkened, everything defiled, everything in the mud of sweets and passions submerged, the fierceness of the fallen and by the way not able. Have mercy on me, and give me a helping hand, raise me out of the depths of sinfulness, about my joy, deliver me from those who have consumed me; enlighten Thy face against Thy servant, save the perishing one, cleanse the defiled one, raise up the fallen fierceness: you can do everything, like the Mother of God Almighty. Pour the oil of Thy mercy on me, and give me the wine of tenderness: For thee, indeed, there is one hope for the bonds in my belly; Do not reject me, who flows to You, but see my sorrow, Virgin, and desire of my soul, and accept this and save me, Intercessor of my salvation. Amen.

On Monday

Accept prayer from bad lips, oh, unclean, pure and pure Virgin Mary, and do not abhor my words, oh, my joy, but look at me, have mercy, Mother of my Creator! During my belly, do not leave me: weigh it, Lady, as if I put all my hope on You, and all my hope is in You. By this and at the time of my death, present yourself, my Helper, and do not put me to shame then. Wem bo, wem, Virgo, as I am guilty of many sins, accursed and trembling, thinking of this hour: but, my Joy, then reveal Thy face, surprise me Thy mercy, Intercessor of my salvation; Change me, Lady, from the fierceness of the demonic, and the terrible and formidable test of the air spirits, and rescue them from their malice, and all the sorrow and sorrow of that time, to the joy of Thy enlightenment. And make me worthy to pass comfortably to the beginning and the power of darkness and reach to worship on the throne of glory to the seated Christ and our God with His beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.


Oh, my Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos, Angels and Archangels, Cherubims and Seraphims, the most honorable, and the most holy of all saints, Virgin Mother of God! Save me, Thy humble and sinful servant: You weigh more, all-merciful to the Lady, as I put all my hope in Bose on You, and there is no other refuge for me, only You, the All-merciful: You are my fortress, Lady, You are my strength, You are my joy in sorrows, You are my refuge in temptations, You are my correction in my falls. You and my all-reliable salvation, O Mother of the Creator and my Lord. Help me, who swims in the abyss of this life, who is overwhelmed and distressed by the sinking of the sinful. Give me a helping hand, my helper, and deliver me from the darkening of the depths, so I will not get bogged down in the abyss of despair: a storm of sins and passions rises upon me, and waves of iniquity plunge me. But you, merciful Mother, guide and save me, hopeless hopes and intercessor of my salvation, in the abode of dispassion. Amen.

On Wednesday

Mother of God, Thou art my hope, Thou art a wall and a safe haven and a salutary refuge to the weary of the passions of finding. Save me from all my enemies, persecuting my soul and catching various temptations on the path of God, I walk along the same path, hiding me with many nets; many temptations, many inconveniences, many delights, many mental and bodily infirmities catch me in the fall of sin. And already I, accursed, fell into the nets of the enemy, and I am bound and held by them: and that I will create a desperate I, I am perplexed. If I will delight to repent, I am possessed by insensibility and bitterness; If the posters are compelled, it is not the imam of the contrition of the heart and not even a single drop of tears. Alas, my curse! alas, my poverty! alas, my deprivation! Whom shall I resort to other guilty ones? Tokmo to You, blessed Mother of the Lord and Savior of ours, unreliable hopes, walls and cover to You who flow! Do not reject me, the prodigal, do not abhor me, the filthy one: you are united in my life with joy, Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, and I resort to you alone in every need with boldness: do not leave me with fear in this life and at the time of my death come to help, my helper, so that they will see Thee, fool me and be ashamed of Thy defeat, the Lady, the intercessor of my salvation. Amen.

On Thursday

Who can please you before the heritage, Holy Virgin, whose lips are sung capable of Your greatness, which surpasses all meaning? All the glorious sacraments done about You, the Mother of God, are higher than meaning and words are the essence: the beauty of Your virginity and Your bright purity, amazed at the Cherubim and horrified at the Seraphim; For the miracle of Thy Christmas incorruptible, neither human nor angelic tongue can rip apart. From Thee is the flightless and only begotten Son of God, God the Word, ineffably incarnate, born and live from men; and Thy, like Thy Mother, greatly magnify, The Queen of Thy show all creatures, we know the refuge of salvation. Therefore, under Thy roof, the one who flows in, with various sorrows and diseases of obsession, receives richly consolation and healing from You, and You are saved from troubles: You are truly the Mother of all those who grieve and burdened, sad joy, a sick healer, a young guardian, a rod of old age, righteous praise, hope for sinners of salvation and a guide to repentance: always helping everyone through Thy intercession and intercede with all, All-Merciful, who come to You with faith and love. Help me too, desperate deeds for my sake. Intercessor of the zealous Christian clan, intercede with me, but I will not completely perish in sins, for there is no imam of another refuge and cover, except for You, Lady of the Mother of the Belly: do not leave me, do not despise me, but save me by your fates, save me, as you are blessed. till the end of time. Amen.

On Friday

I give you my belly for protection and, according to Bose, I place all the hope of my salvation on You, the Lady of the Virgin Mary. I pray to Thee, Thy servant, do not despise me for the many sins of those who have it, but see my grief about this and bewilderment and give me weakness and consolation, so that I will not perish completely. Stretch out Thy right hand, Pure One, remove me from the burden of my deeds and put me on a pure pasture of the commandments of Christ, my King and my God, so I do always, we strengthen by Thee. Deliver me, Lady, from my cruel sins, and salutary repentance has been sent down to me, to Your Son and God by Your motherly intercession. Inexpressible light that shone forth, enlighten my spiritual darkness, which came to her of sins, My Joy, deliver me from invisible enemies who have eaten me; my sins are more and more grave, foil my fiercely, death is near, my conscience denounces me, fiery hell frightens, the worm is unrelenting, the gnashing of teeth, the pitch-black darkness trembles me, for they expect me to accept, my evil deeds for the sake of Alas to me ! what will I do then, and to whom will I resort, may my soul be saved! One to Thee, sweet Mary the Theotokos, delighting those who trust in Thee, the grief of death, and delivering those who cry to Thee from the cruel hell. You help me too, All-Good, who does not have any other help then, only You, All-Singing. Save me from the horrors of the hour of death and the fierceness of then the demonic, save me from the power of evil spirits in the ordeals of the air after death: Reveal, I pray to Thee, then reveal Thy bright face, Lady, and do not leave me helpless. Oh merciful Mother! Bow to mercy on me, deprived of mercy from my deeds and beg Him, you have given birth to the flesh of Christ, our Savior and our God, for our sake on the cross you have poured out His most pure blood, and I will partake of the merits of His godparents before His Father and for their sake I will receive forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation and I will glorify Thy ineffable mercy, Mother of God, and Thy merciful intercession for everlasting eternity. Amen.

On Saturday

Rejoice, Virgin Mary, refuge and intercession of my poor soul, sweet hope of my salvation! Rejoice, having received the joy from the Angel in the annunciation that God has the Word to incarnate from You! Rejoice, having carried all the Creators in Your decks! Rejoice, having given birth to God in the flesh, to the world of the Savior! Rejoice, for you have preserved your virginity at birth! Rejoice, having received the gifts from the Magi, and having seen their worship from You who were born, and having heard the glorious words about Him from the pastors, and composed them in Your heart! Rejoice, child Jesus, Thy Son and God in the temple, among the teachers of the law, having found joyfully! Rejoice, cruel illness in the suffering of the cross, the crucifixion and death of Thy Son and God, having seen with His disciples in heavenly glory! Rejoice, from Him sent down the Holy Spirit, in the upper room of the Zionstei in the form of fiery tongues descending, receiving from the disciples of the Lord! Rejoice, you who lived an angelic life on earth! Rejoice, for the purity and holiness of all angelic ranks and all saints superior to the faces! Rejoice, glorified by the glory of the coming to You of Your Son and God! Rejoice, for you joyfully betrayed my soul to the holy hands! Rejoice, Thy gloriously exalted to heaven with the body ascending! Rejoice, being represented by Thy God-seer, the Apostle, appeared on the third day! Rejoice, crowned in heaven from the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with the diadem of eternal kingdom! Rejoice, singing of all heavenly powers! Rejoice, enthroning the throne of glory near the throne of the Most Holy Trinity! Rejoice, the culprit of God with the man of reconciliation! Rejoice, Queen of the heavenly and earthly ones! Rejoice, for it is impossible for Your intercession to eat anything! Rejoice, for all who are faithfully flowing to You are saved! Rejoice, for the grieving ones receive consolation, the ailing healing, and the needy receive help in good time! I pray to Thee, delighted to the Lady, consume sinful sorrow in me and give me the joy of salvation, give me comforting tears, everlasting tenderness, true repentance and perfect correction. Do not despise me, Lady, but graciously accept these joyful voices that I bring to the poor, and come to help me during my helplessness at this terrible hour, when my soul is separated from my accursed body; Then, I pray, come to help and deliver me, guilty of sin, eternal punishment for them, so that the delight of demons and the food of fiery hell will not appear. To her, my Lady, do not allow me to see the soul of my terrible and formidable rebuke and torture of the demonic, prepared for sinners, but beforehand and save me Thy servant in this terrible hour, let I praise Thee forever, my hope is one and the Intercessor of my salvation. Amen.

Five-numbered prayers

Getting started with these prayers

Glory to Thee, Christ My God, who did not destroy me as a sinner with my iniquities, but even who suffered from my sin until now. (Bow)

Grant, O Lord, to us to be saved without sin on this day; Grant me, Lord, but not by word, deed, or thought I will anger Thee, my Creator, but all my deeds, advice and thoughts may be for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name. (Bow)

God, be merciful to me, a sinner, in all my life: in my outcome and after my death, do not leave me. (Bow)

This, prostrate yourself on the ground, the verbs:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, accept the deceased with my soul and mind. Accept me a sinner, a fornicator, a filthy soul and body. Take away cold dislike and do not turn your face away from me, not rtsy, Master: “We do not know who you are,” but listen to the voice of my prayer; save me, for you have many bounties and do not want the death of a sinner; I will not leave Thee, my Creator, and I will not depart from You, continue to listen to me and grant with all my sin forgiveness, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, the intercession of the Honest Heavenly Forces incorporeal, the holy glorious Angel of my guardian, the Prophet and Forerunner and Baptist John, God-speaking Apostle, bright and good-victorious martyrs, reverend and God-bearing fathers of ours and all Your saints, have mercy and save me a sinner. Amen.

Heavenly King ..., Trisagion ..., Our Father ... As Yours is the Kingdom and Power and Glory forever. Amen. Virgin Mary, rejoice ...

For this:

Prayer 1st

O Mother of the Merciful, Virgin Mary, I am Your sinful and obscene servant, remembering Your illness, when You heard from Simeon the Prophet about the unmerciful murder of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, I offer You this prayer and the Archangel's joy, accept in honor and memory of Your diseases and pray to Thy Son - our Lord Jesus Christ, that He grant me the knowledge of sins and pity for them. (Bow)

Prayer 2

Our Father ... As Yours is the Kingdom and Power and Glory forever. Amen. Virgin Mary, rejoice ...

Oh, God-blessed and Most-Immaculate Maiden, Mother and Virgin, accept from me, your sinful and indecent servant, this prayer and the Archangel's joy in honor and memory of Thy illness, when I forgot Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in church and for three days He was not you saw; beg Him and ask Him for all my sins forgiveness and forgiveness, One Blessed One. (Bow)

Prayer 3

Oh, Mother of Light, Blessed Virgin Mary, accept from me, your sinful and indecent servant, this prayer and the Archangel's joy in honor and memory of your illness, when you have caught and heard your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and was bound. Pray Him to return my virtues, through the sin of bending, and I magnify Thee, Most Pure One, forever. (Bow)

Prayer 4th

Our Father ... As Yours is the Kingdom ... Virgin Mary, rejoice ...

Oh, Source of Mercy, Virgin Mary, accept from me, your sinful and indecent servant, this prayer and the Archangel's joy in honor and memory of your illness, when on the Cross between the robbers you saw your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, pray to him, mistress, may he give me the gift of His mercy at the hour of my death and may nourish me with His Divine Body and Blood, and I praise Thee, Intercessor, forever. (Bow)

Prayer 5

Our Father ... As Yours is the Kingdom ... O Mother of God, Rejoice ...

Oh, my Hope, Most Pure Virgin Theotokos, accept from me, your sinful and indecent servant, this prayer and the Archangel's joy in honor and memory of your illness, when you saw your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the grave we put. Beg him, Lady, that he will appear to me at the hour of my death and may take my soul into my eternal belly. Amen. (Bow)

Oh, Merciful Virgin, the Lady Theotokos, child-loving Turtle, heaven and earth Autocratic Queen, dear Receiver of all who extend their prayers to You, sad Comforter, accept from me, your sinful and obscene servant, recollected this heavenly prayer, in him Your joys, sweetly crying to Your tit:

Earthly joys

Rejoice, conceived in the womb without the seed of Christ our God. Rejoice, in the womb you bore Him without disease. Rejoice, you who gave birth to a wonderful look. Rejoice, O thou who didst receive gifts and worship from the Magi-Kings. Rejoice, for you have found your Son and God among the teachers. Rejoice, for your Christmas is glorious from the dead east. Rejoice, you who saw Her Creator ascending, to Him you yourself ascended in body and soul.

Heavenly joys

Rejoice, virginity for your sake, more than the Angel and all the glorious saints. Rejoice, radiant near the Holy Trinity. Rejoice, our Peacemaker. Rejoice, Ruler, possessing all the Heavenly Powers. Rejoice, most of all you have boldness towards your Son and your God. Rejoice, merciful Mother, to all who come running to You. Rejoice, for Your joy will never end!

And I am unworthy, according to Thy false promise, on the day of the departure of my mercy, appear, may I be guided by Thy guidance to the Heavenly Jerusalem, in which you gloriously reign with Thy Son and our God, All glory, honor and worship with the Father and with the Most Holy One befits Him. The spirit of the endless centuries of the ages. Amen.

From my dirty lips, from a vile heart, from an unclean tongue and from a defiled soul, receive, Lady Queen, this praise, my Joy. Accept, as the widow took these two mites, and grant me to bring Your goodness a gift worthy. O my Lady, Most Pure Virgin, Heavenly Queen, as if you want and will, but teach me what is fitting for You, Mother of God, to speak to You, the only sinful refuge and consolation. Rejoice, Lady, and I, your sinful servant, joyfully call to You, the all-singing Mother of Christ of our God. Amen.

Looking at Your Most Holy Image, as if I see the Mother of God the very true Thy, I fall with heartfelt faith from my soul and worship with the Eternal Child held by Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ, I worship and pray to You with tears: cover me with Your cover, from the enemies visible and invisible, You have brought the human race into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

For this:

It is worthy to eat, as indeed ...

Glory and thanksgiving to the Lord for everything!

Thanksgiving prayer to the Mother of God

We praise you, Mother of God; Ty, Mary, we confess the Virgin Mary; Thee, the eternal Father Daughter, the whole earth dignifies. All Angels and Archangels and all Beginnings humbly serve You; All Power, Thrones, Dominions and all the excess of the Power of heaven obey You. Cherubims and Seraphims rejoicingly stand before you and cry out in an unceasing voice: Holy Mother of God Mother, the heavens and the land of the majesty of the glory of the fruit of Thy womb are full of them. The Mother praises you the glorious apostolic face of her Creator; For you many martyrs magnify the Theotokos; To you the most glorious confessors the host of God the Word names the temple; The polls of virginity are preaching to you the dominion; All the heavenly armies praise you the Queen of Heaven. The Holy Church glorifies you throughout the whole universe, reveres the Mother of God; Thee of the true Heavenly King exalts the Young Lady. Thou art the Angel of the Lady, Thou art the door of heaven, Thou the ladder of the Kingdom of Heaven, Thou art the King of glory, Thou art the ark of piety and grace, Thou art the abyss of bounty, Thou art the refuge of sinners. You are Mother Savior, You have perceived freedom for the sake of a captive man, you have perceived God in your womb. The enemy has been trampled upon by you; You have opened the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven to the faithful. You stand at the right hand of God; You pray to God for us, Virgin Mary, He will judge the living and the dead. We ask thee, Intercessor before Thy Son and God, Redeem us with Thy blood, so that we will receive a bribe in eternal glory. Save Thy people, Mother of God, and bless Thy heritage, as we may be partakers of Thy inheritance; God forbid and observe us even for ever. For every day, O Most Holy One, we wish to praise and bless Thee with our heart and lips. Grant me, Merciful Mother, now and always from sin for us to be saved; have mercy on us, Intercessor, have mercy on us. Be your mercy on us, as on You with hope forever. Amen.

Prayers before the icons of the Mother of God

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source"

Blessing my queen, my hope, the Mother of God, the refuge of the sages and strangers, the Representative, grieving with joy, offended by the Patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow: help me, as I am weak, feed me as a country. I will insinuate my weight, permit that, as you do not; for I will not help you any other way, nor any representative, nor the goodness of a consoler, then to You, O God, I will preserve me and cover my eternal life. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Maximovskaya"

Undefiled, neblaznaya, incorruptible, immaculate, pure Virgin, Bride of God Lady, the man of God which is shed in thy Glorious Christmas connected and otrinuvshego nature of our kind heavenly sovokuplshaya, which is shed unreliable one hope and Borima assistance and training to the intercession you have recourse and refuge of all Christians! Do not disdain me a sinner, a bad man, bad thoughts, and words, and the deeds of all you do not need to have done, and by the intelligence of grace, the sweets of the life of a slave have been. But like chelovekolyubivago God Mother, chelovekolyubne have mercy on me, a sinner and prodigal, and, receive my hedgehog from filthy usten brought by Thee prayer, and of Thy Son, our Lord and God, Matern Your confidence upotreblyayuschi, moths, but opened unto you and I chelovekolyubnyya womb of his goodness , and contemptuous of my uncountable sins, turn me to repentance, and His commandments of the giver will perfectly reveal me. And stand before me for ever, like a gracious and merciful, and blagolyubivaya in this slaughter Life of warm Predstatelnitsa and assistant, soprotivnyh invasion otgonyayuschi and salvation nastavlyayuschi me, and while the outcome of my damned my soul soblyudayuschi and temnyya SPAR wicked demons far away from the ney otgonyayuschi in terrible day vechnyya Court on me izbavlyayuschi flour and ineffable glory of your Son and our heirs of God on me pokazuyuschi: yuzhe and yes seizing Mistress mine, the Blessed Virgin Mary, thy petition and intercession, grace and love for mankind begotten Son, our Lord and God and the Spas of our Jesus Christ, all glory, honor and worship befits Him, with His Beginning Father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Ostrobramskaya"

To whom shall I cry, O Master? Whom shall I run to when I grieve, but not You, Queen of Heaven? Who will hear my cry and receive my sighing, if not you, the Most Immaculate, a hopeful Christian and a refuge for us sinners? Who will protect you more in adversity? Hear my groaning, and incline Thy ear unto me, the Sovereign and Mother of my God. Do not despise the one who seeks Your help, and do not reject me sinful, Queen of Heaven. Teach me to do the will of your Son to do, and grant Him the will of Him to do the holy commandments. But the murmur of my father, in the hassle of the past, do not depart from me, but let the little faith be covered and interceded. Cover my transgressions with your intercession, protect the enemies from the visible and invisible, soften the hearts of those who enmity with me, and warm this Christ's love. But to me who are weak, grant Thy omnipotent help, to prevail over my sinful passions, and through repentance and my life by good correction I was purified, the other time of earthly passion of my Son in obedience to you. In the hour of my ending, present me, all Christians have the hope, and confirm my faith on this difficult day, and on my way out, lift up your all-powerful prayer for me. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Chernigov-Ilyinskaya"

O Most Holy Lady, my Sovereign Mother of God, Heavenly Queen! Save and have mercy on me, your sinful servant, from vain slander, from all misfortunes and misfortunes and extraordinary death. Have mercy on me in the daytime, and in the morning, and in the evening, and keep me at all times: as you stand, sit, observe, and on every way that walk, and in the night hours when you sleep, supply, cover and step. Protect me, the Lady the Mother of God, from all my enemies, visible and invisible, and from every evil situation. In every place and for all time, you will be mi, Mati Abiding, the invincible wall and strong intercession.

O Most Holy Lady, Vladyka Devo Mother of God! Receive my unworthy prayer, and keep me from an extraordinary death, and grant me repentance before the end.

Holy Mother of God, save us!

Thou art the Keeper of life of all I appear, Most Pure; Save me from demons at the hour of death; Thou shalt rest me when I die.

Under Thy mercy we have resorted, O Mother of God Devo: do not contemplate our prayers in sorrow, but save us from troubles, one Pure and Blessed One.

Holy Mother of God, save us! Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya"

O All-Merciful Lady, Queen and Sovereign, chosen from all generations and pleasing by all families Heavenly and earthly! With mercy on the one who stands before Thy holy icon and earnestly to Thee this praying people, and create Thy representation and intercession with Thy Son, and gave Thy God, therefore, I have given him all the hope. according to the will of his heart, and according to his need and demand, for the salvation of the soul and for the health of the body. Look down gracious, Vsepetaya Mother of God, and abode plain, thy name is called by, yuzhe of years old has loved art Thou, elected her to the treasure himself, and neoskudno istochayuschi currents healings from wonderworking icon of yours and of prisnotekuschago source, in the wake of the foot of Thy us otkrytago and Preserve you from every addendum and hint of the enemy, as I have preserved Thy tree by Thy manifestation, and unaffected by the Luthag's Agar-ian ours, so that the Holy Father is sung and praised in her and the Most Holy. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Iverskaya"

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Listen to the long-suffering sighing of our souls, look from the heights of Thy holy one upon us, who worship Thy holy image with faith and love. I am immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as you live with us, we offer our humble prayer. Imamy for no other help, no other representation, no consolation, then to Thee, O Mother of all who grieve and burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, insist on the right path for us who are deluded, heal our painful heart and save the hopeless, grant us the other time of our belly in the world and in the silence of Christ , so we always sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as I am a good Intercessor of the Christian family, with all who pleased God. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "The Contestant of the Breads"

O Most Holy Virgin Mother of God, Gracious Lady, Queen of Heaven and Earth, every household and family of the Christian Benevolent, toiling blessing, needing inexhaustible sufficiency of all Our Nourisher, who gave birth to the Nine of the universe, and the Contestant of our breads, Thou, Sovereign, send down Thy Maternal blessing to our towns, villages and nivs, and to whom I wish to trust them. Even with reverent trepidation and a contrite heart, we humbly pray to Thee: be also us, your sinful and unworthy work, wise House-builder, who makes our life good. But every community, every house and family in godliness and Orthodoxy, like-mindedness, obedience, and contentment should be observed. Satisfy the poor and the needy, support oldness, educate the children, admonish everyone to cry out sincerely to the Lord: "Give us this day our daily bread." Save, O Most Pure Mother, Thy people from every need, sickness, gladness, destruction, hail, fire, from every evil situation and every disorder. Inhabitants of ours (weights), to the houses and families and to every soul of Christians and throughout our country, exodus peace and mercy, may we glorify Thee, the Gracious Nourishment and Nourishment of ours, ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Kazan"

O Most Holy Lady the Lady the Mother of God! With fear, faith and love before the honest (and miraculous) Thy icon falling, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who run to Thee. Pray, merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, that you may preserve our land in peace, and let His Holy Church obey the unshakable principle, so give and give from obedience. Not imams of any other help, not imams of any other hope, except for Thee, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful Christian Helper and Intercessor. Save also all those who pray to You with faith, from the falls of sinful people, from the call of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, illnesses, troubles and from extraordinary death. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correcting grehovnyya life and remission of sins, yes, all ye, are grateful we sing the greatness and mercy of thy yavlyaemyya over us zde on earth, be worthy and the heavenly kingdom, and tamo with all the saints praise the most honorable and the splendor of the name Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

O Most Holy Lady and Mother of God, the highest Cherub and the most honest Seraphim, the Chosen Child of God, Joy of all who grieve! Give comfort to us, who grieve in sorrow: for Thou art no other refuge and help. You are one in our joy Khodataitsa, and as the Mothers of God and Mothers of mercy, who stand at the Holy Trinity, you can help us: no one is flowing to you, keh is delighted. Hearing us also, now in the day of mourning before Thy image, falling and praying to Thee with tears: warding off the mourning that lies on us and grieving in this day of life, in this day and in the present day, and in the present time of the day, the incessant and incessant covenants Our God, all glory, honor and worship befits Him, with His Beginning Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hearken"

O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord Vyshnyago, hasty Intercessor of all who come running to You with faith! Look down from the height of the heavenly majesty against me nepotrebnago, to the holy icon of Thy pripadayuscha, hear soon humble prayer mene sinner and bring th to thy Son: begging him, so light up the gloomy soul of my light Bozhestvennyya grace her and cleanse my mind of thoughts vain, yes my suffering heart will die and heal his wounds, may he teach me to do good deeds and strengthen him to work with fear, may he forgive all evil that I have done, may he redeemed from the great anguish and not O Blessed Mother of God! Thou hast blessed that I was baptized in Thy image The Quick-Hearing, commanding all to come to Thee in faith: do not disdain me too hasty and do not allow me to perish in my sin. In Thee, according to Boz, all my hope and hope of salvation, and I entrust myself to Your covering and representation for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy"

O Most Holy Virgin, the All-Good Son of the All-Good Mother, the reigning city and holy temple of this Protection, of all who are in sins and hurts, misfortunes and ill-faith to the Representative and the Warden! Received this prayer song from us unworthy Thy servants, which Thou hast exalted: and I am like the tree of a sinner, every day many times before an honest Thy idol that I prayed, I did not despise my son's way, and I hated that. I bowed down, so and now do not disdain the prayers of us, Thy unworthy servants, and entreated Thy Son and our God, and indeed to all of us, with faith and tenderness, before Thy purposeful manner, Thou dost worship the unworthy person who despises and passions for those who are consumed by them - all-powerful admonition, but repentance and salvation; to those who are in sorrow and sorrow - consolation; in trouble and anger to those who abide, this is abundance; to the faint-hearted and unreliable - hope and patience; in joy and abundance to those who live - continuous thanksgiving to the Benefactor God; to those who are on the run, mercy; to those who are in sickness - healing and strengthening; to those who were dependent on an affliction mind - mind return and renewal; departing into an eternal and endless life - the memory of death, tenderness and contrition about sins, the spirit is cheerful and firm in the mercy of the Judge hope. O Most Holy Lady! Have mercy on all who honor Thy honorable name and to all manifest Thy almighty cover and intercession: in piety, purity and honest living, remaining until their last death in goodness; do evil good; delusions on the right path insist; to every good deed, and to your pleasing Son, hurry; destroy all evil and godly beginnings; in perplexity and wicked circumstances, they sent invisible help and admonition from Heaven; save from temptations, temptations, and perish; from all evil people, and from the enemies of the visible and invisible people, you protect and preserve; float; travel companions; to those who are in need and gladness will be the Nourishment; for those who have not, blood and shelter will be cover and refuge; let us provide a garment, for those offended and unjustly persecuted intercession; justify the slander, abuse and blasphemy of the one who endures invisibly; slanderers and blasphemers before all accusations; To those who are bitterly hostile, give reconciliation, and to all of us love and peace to each other, but piety and health with longevity. Keep marriages in love and like-mindedness; spouses, in enmity and division, be humble; mother, giving birth to children, soon give permission; educate babies; young survivors, open their minds to the perception of all useful teachings, the fear of God, and abstinence and hard work insist; from the home of the swara, the one-sibling people in peace and love for the fence; To the orphans you will be Mati, from every vice and filth I have abhorred, and all that is good and divine, teach, but those who were deceived both into sin and into uncleanness, the fallen ones perished from the endlessness; widows will be the Comforter and the Helper, old will be a rod; from an extraordinary death without repentance, save us all and give us all the Christian end of our life, painless, shameful, peaceful and a good answer to the Terrible Judge Christ; who died in faith and repentance from this life with the angels and all the saints who lived, who died the extraordinary death of the mercifulness of being Thy Son, begged for all who died, and who died more than they did not die. and Khodataitsa: Yes, all of you to Heaven and on earth lead You, as the steadfast and shameful Representative of the Christian race, and this is the thing, they glorify You and You, Thy Son, with His Fatherless and Fatherly Father. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Mammal"

Receive, O Lady Theotokos, the tearful prayer of Thy servants who flow to Thee. We see Thee on the holy icon, bearing on her hands and nourishing thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Even though she gave birth to him painlessly, both the Mother of the sorrow of the weight and weakness of the sons and daughters of men. Wherefore warm pripadayusche to tselbonosnomu the Image of Thy and tenderly this lobyzayusche, we pray Thee, the All-Merciful Lady: us sinners, convicted in bolezneh gives birth and in pechaleh pitatsya children of ours, mercifully merciful and compassionate atonement, babies as ours takozhde and rodivshiya them from tyazhkago disease and give me a bitter sorrow. Grant them health and well-being, so that we will nourish from power to the power of growth, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and comfort, as even now Thy representation is from the lips of the children and the priests of the Lord. O Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mothers of the sons of men and on your weak people: heal the sickness that befall us soon, the grief and sorrow that lay upon us, and do not overlook the tears and sighs of your labors. Hear us, in the day of mourning before your icon those who fall, and in the day of joy and deliverance, receive the thankful praise of our hearts. Raise up our prayers to the Throne of Thy Son and our God, so that He may be merciful to our sins and infirmities, and show His mercy to those who lead His name, I have given Him mercy, and I have given thee Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Quench my sorrows"

Devo Lady Theotokos, contrary to nature, and the words rozhdshaya only-begotten Word of God, the Creator and Lord of all vidimyya and nevidimyya creature edinago of the Trinity of God, and God and Man, the abode of the Divine yavlshayasya, the receptacle of any sanctity and grace, in Whom we are on the good pleasure of God the Father , cooperating with the Holy Spirit, the fulfillment of the Divine has been dwelt in bodily; tsarist and bogolepnym dignity much vaunted and over every creature's advantage, glory and consolation, and the ineffable joy of the angels, apostles as prophets royal crowning martyrs supernaturally and marvelous courage, champion of in podvizeh and giver of victory, prepared the ascetic crowns and retribution is eternal and bogolepnaya, all excellency, honor and glory of the saints, infallible to the Traveler and Mistress of Silence, the door of revelation and spiritual sacraments, the source of light, the gateway of miraculous life, the merciless of all the merciful You ask and you pray, compassionate Mother chelovekolyubivago of the Lord: Blessed be merciful to us, humble and unworthy of thy servant, Prizren gracious to captivity and humility for us, I will heal crush our souls and bodies, Pascal vidimyya and nevidimyya enemies, wake us unworthy of the pillar is strong before our enemy, a fraudulent weapon, a powerful militia, a Voivode and an invincible Defender: now Thy ancients and divine mercies appear on us, that Thou shalt warn the iniquity of the Lord, Thou hast reigned against the Lord, I am God and Thy Son True God, for all you are able to be, and all that is possible for you, O Sovereign, the power of yours to do all this in heaven and on earth, and for every request to give Traveling DRC sputeshestvuy and save me, plenennyya saves from gorkago slavery comforted pechalnyya, alleviate poverty and every other bodily suffering affliction: all the freedom from mental illness and passion unseen thy intercession and guidance, Thou yes bezporochno and without offense till the way sowing vremennyya life committed an, Heritage thee and this eternal blessing in the Kingdom of Heaven. Saved by Thy prayers, O Master, this is the most dedicated flock to Thee, every city and country, from gladness, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, our patronage of foreigners, an internecine son of God, and a godly of gods Yours, all glory, honor and worship befits Him, with His Beginning Father, and with His Eternal and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost"

O Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, the Lady of the Mother of God, the Companion of sinners and the Punishment of the lost! Behold with your merciful eye upon us, who stand before your holy icon, and with tenderness who pray to you: raise us up from the depths of sinfulness, enlighten our mind, darkened by our passions, and heal the souls and souls. Not imams of any other help, not imams of other hopes, except for Thee, Sovereign: You are the weight of all our weaknesses and sins. We run to Thee and cry: do not leave us with Thy heavenly help, but present us as ever, and with Thy indescribable mercy and generosity, save and have mercy on us who are perishing. Grant us the correction of our sinful life and save us from sorrows, troubles and illnesses, from sudden death, hell and everlasting torment. Thou art the Queen and the Sovereign, the fast Assistant and Intercessor to all who come to Thee and the strong refuge of sinners who repent. Podazhd DRC us Preblagaya and spotless Virgin, the Christian end of life nasheja Mirren and nepostyden And grant us thy petition vselitisya in obiteleh Heavenly, idezhe incessant voice celebrating the joy praising the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and eyelids eyelids. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Reigning"

About the world Intercessor, Mother of all! With fear, faith and love falling before the honest icon of Thy Sovereign, we earnestly pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who flee to Thee. Pray, merciful Mother Sveta, Thy Son and our God, the sweet Lord Jesus Christ: may he keep our country in the world, may he confirm that I hold us in good fortune and bless us; let him strengthen our Holy Orthodox Church and keep it firmly from unbelief, corruption and heresies. Imamy of no other help, only to Thee, Most Pure Virgin: You are the omnipotent Christian Intercessor before God, softening His righteous anger. Deliver everyone who prays to You in faith, from the falls of sinful people, from the wind of wicked people, from gladness, sorrow and sickness. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correcting grehovnyya life and remission of sins our, yes, all ye, are grateful we sing the greatness of Thy, be worthy of the heavenly kingdom, and tamo with all the saints praise the most honorable and the splendor of the name in the Trinity slavimago God, Father, Son , and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Theodorovskaya"

O Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mary, one hope for us sinners! We have recourse to You, and We have prayed for you, for it is the greatness and the boldness of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who is born of Thee according to the plane. Do not disdain our tears, do not abhor our sighs, do not reject our sorrows, do not disgrace our trust in You, but with Thy prayers prayed to the Lord God, let the fears and the souls of the sinful and sinful souls be freed from us. die, but He alone will live all the days of our life. O Most Holy Lady Mother of God! To those who travel, travel and protect and protect them, save the captives from captivity, free those who suffer from troubles, comfort those who are in sorrow, grieve and pite us, relieve poverty and all the mercifulness of all mercy and all the mercy of the body Save the Lord, all the countries and cities, and this country and this city, and also this miraculous and holy icon of Thy was given for comfort and protection: relieve me from gladness, destruction, cowardice, dream, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire and turn away all wrath that is righteous against us. Grant us time for repentance and conversion, save us from an extraordinary death, and in the time of our exodus, I appeared to us, Virgin Mary, and save us from the airy winds of our graces of the past, the same age of Christ. let us glorify the great name of Thy Son and our God with His Beginning Father, and to His Holy and Glorious and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"

O Merciful Lady! We now resort to your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but hear us graciously: wives, children, mothers, and a grave malaise of the piety of those who are possessed, and that rejoice from their mother, the sister of Christ and the Father of God. O Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise up from the falls of sinful ones, bring them to saving abstinence. Beg your Son, Christ our God, that he forgive us for our transgressions and do not turn away His mercy from His people, but may strengthen us in sobriety and integrity. Receive, O Most Holy Mother of God, the prayers of mothers, for their chadeh shedding tears, for wives, for their husbands weeping, for the children of the saints and for the poor, who have deceived the left, and for all of us who have fallen to thy shedding. And may this cry of ours come, by your prayers, to the Throne of the Most High. Cover and keep us from the evil trapping and all the gnomes of the enemy, but in the terrible hour of our departure, help us to pass through the unstoppable air taxation, with Thy prayers, save us for everlasting condemnation, endlessness to cover Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Zhirovitskaya"

O Merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God! I will touch Thy holy things, or with words of words, we confess Thy generosity, which are manifested by people: no one else, flow to Thee, departs lean and will not be heard. From my youth I seek thy help and thy intercession, and I have never been deprived of thy mercy. See, Lady, grieve my heart and the plagues of my soul weigh. And now, kneeling before Thy most holy image, I offer my prayers to Ti. Do not deprive me of Thy all-powerful progress in the day of my sorrow, and in the day they grieve me, intercede with me. So do not turn away my tears, O Lady, and fulfill my joy in my heart. The refuge and presentation will be to me, Merciful, and Thy light will shine my mind enlighten. And not only for myself I pray to You, but also for the people flowing to Your intercession.

The Church of Thy Son, in goodness, have kept it, and I will protect the enemies from the malicious prompts that rise up against nude. We are our archpastor after Thy help in apostleship, and keep them healthy, lasting long, rightly ruling the word of the Lord's truth. Ask God, Thy Son, with a pastor, the zeal and vigilance of the souls of the flock of words entrusted to them, and the spirit of reason and piety, purity and righteousness divine to them.

So ask the Lord for wisdom and strength from the Lord who is in power and ruler of the city, for judges of truth and impartiality, for all who flow to You the spirit of wholeheartedness, humbleness, patience and love.

And yet another prayer Thou, most gracious, I will fall on our country with the blood of Thy goodness, and I will save from the calamities of nature, our foreigners and internecine disagreements, so that we all live and live in peace and love. Thy inherited, they will be able to praise God in heaven with Thee forever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya"

O All-merciful Lady Mother of God, Heavenly Queen, omnipotent Intercessor, our shameful hope! We thank Thee for all the good deeds, the Russian people who were from Thee, were removed from the miraculous icon of Thy manifest. And now, abiding in the Lord, look upon us, your sinful and unworthy servant, Thy mercy is revealed to us, and we pray Thy Son, Christ our God, for him to get rid of us from every kind of evil and every kind of evil. , from gladness, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, our foreigner and internecine warfare. Preserve and make wise the pastors of the Church, it is even worthy to shepherd the flock of Christ and the right to rule the word of truth; Strengthen the Christ-loving All-Russian army, give the spirit of advice and intelligence with a military commander, a city governor and everyone, Who is in power; send down Thy holy blessing and to all Orthodox Christians who worship Ty and pray before Thy blessing icon. Be us Intercessor and Khodataitsa before the Throne of the Most High, where you stand. To whom shall we come running, but not to You, Master? To whom will we bring tears and sighs, but not You, Holy Mother of God? Not imams of any other help, not imams of any other hope, if only for You, Heavenly Queen. Under Thy cover we flow: by Thy prayers send us down peace, health, fruitful earth, goodness of air, save us from all troubles and sorrows, from all illnesses and illnesses, from the unbearable diseases and illnesses. Enlightened and taught, O All-Merciful Intercessor, the path of this earthly life to pass sinlessly. You are weighty for our weakness, weight and our transgressions, but also the faith of weight, and the hope of the Vidish: also grant us the correction of sinful lives and soften our wicked hearts. Strengthen the right faith in us, put into our hearts the spirit of fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, patience and love, prosperity in good deeds: save us from temptations, from evil desires, disgust You will be forgiven, Most Blessed Lady, and the honor that falls before your holy one, we pray: have mercy on us and have mercy on us, on the dreadful day of Judgment by the way and by the intercession of thy testimony to him by the grace of thy God worship, with His Beginning Father, and the Most Holy and Good and One of His Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "It is worthy" (Merciful)

O Most Holy and Gracious Lady the Mother of God! Attributing to Thy holy icon, we humbly pray to Thee: behold the voice of our prayer, see scorbie, see our troubles, and I love us, who hath died for us without the help of God. He will show us His mercy in a humane way. Ask us, O Master, in His blessing for bodily health, and spiritual salvation, and living in peace, fruitful earth, good air, and blessing from above for all the good of our deeds and beginnings. And as He has looked drevle Thou mercifully to praise humble novice Afonskago, vospevavshago Thee before the icon of the Most Pure Thy, an angel sent to him Thou, but teach him to sing to the song celestial, eyuzhe glorify Thee Angels, tacos and now, receive our fervent prayer books, you may bring. Oh, the All-Centered Queen! Thy hand was stretched out to the Lord of God, Thy hand, in the image of the God-child Jesus Christ, I bore, and I prayed Him to deliver us from all evil. Shew, O Lady, your mercy to us: bolyaschiya heal, skorbyaschiya comforted, distressed Pomozov and vouchsafe us piously life these things earthly sovershiti, Christian honorable death poluchiti and the Kingdom of Heaven naslediti, Matern intercession Thy to rozhdshemusya from Thee Christ our God, Emuzhe with Unoriginate His Father and the Most Holy Spirit, all glory, honor and worship befits, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Softening Evil Hearts"

O long-suffering Mother of God, who surpasses all the daughters of the earth in Thy purity and in the multitude of sufferings Thou hast transferred on the earth! Take our long-suffering sighs and keep us under the blood of Your mercy. Other refuge and warmth of representation, because of You, we do not know, but as I have boldness for the One of Thee, help and saved by Your prayers, let the mind of God never fail to reach the Divine Ideas of the Divine and ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Tikhvin"

We thank Thee, O All-Blessed and Most Pure, Most Blessed Virgin, Lady, Mother of Christ of our God, about all Thy good deeds, she has already shown you to the human race, especially to us, the people of Christ named in Russia, about them, the most angelic language will be pleased with praise. We thank Thee, as even now Thou amazed Thy ineffable mercy on us, unworthy Thy servants, by the natural self-coming of Thy Most Pure icons, with it Thou didst enlighten the entire Russian country with it. The same we, sinners, worshiping with fear and joy, cry out to Ty: O Most Holy Virgin, Queen and Mother of God, save and have mercy on Thy people, and grant them victory over all their enemies, and preserve the reigning cities, and all the cities and countries of Christianity, And deliver this holy temple from every slander of the enemy, and grant everything to everyone for the benefit, to those who have come in faith and to Your praying servant, and to those who worship Your Most Holy Image, as blessed are you with the Son and God born of You, now and ever and ever and ever. ... Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Three-handed"

O Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, Mother of God Mary! We fall and worship You before your holy icon, remembering your glorious miracle, by healing the cut off right hand of St. Pray Tee and ask Thee, O auspicious and Bountiful sort our Advocate: hear us praying to you, and as He the blessed John, in sorrow and sickness to You vozopivshago, hear Thou, tacos and us, mourners and disease injuries desires manifold, not disdain, hard to Thee from the soul of the brokenhearted who flee. You see, Madam All-Merciful, our weakness, our anger Her, we pray Thee, ATTEND, O voice of painful our and Pomozov us patristic Orthodox faith for the rest of our immaculately Saveor, all zapovedeh LORD steadily walks, repentance true of sins did our always God prinositi and may be accounted worthy mirnyya Christian's death and dobrago answer on Judgment Son Yours and our God, His prayers for us by Your mother's prayer, may not judge us because of our iniquity, but may have mercy on us according to His greatness and indescribable mercy. O All-good! Hearing us and not depriving us of Thy sovereign help, that Thou hast received salvation, let us praise and glorify Thee on the living earth and who came from Thee and redeemed us, having received the Lord's graciousness and reigned in Christ. always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Smolensk"

Oh, the most wonderful and superior of all creatures, the Queen of God, the Heavenly King of Christ, our God, Mother, the Most Holy Odigitrie Mary!

Hearts, sinful and unworthy, at this hour praying to You with sighing and tears in front of Your most holy image, who fall in love with you, and gracefully glorify us, rejoice us from the blood of all passions, O thank you. and evil slander, and from the unbelievable hint of the enemy.

May you, O Blessed Mother of us, not to save Thy people from all evil, but also to provide and save with every good deed: for you are not afraid of other representatives in our troubles and circumstances, and for the warmth of Christ ... He prayed, O Master, to save us and grant the Kingdom of Heaven, that we may glorify Thee for salvation, and in the coming wind, as for the salvation of our guilty one, and I am most grateful to the God, who is most gracious and great. eyelids eyelids. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" Seraphim-Diveevskaya

About Lady Mother of God, my soul delight, izsohshago my heart jet Bogotochnaya, potemnennago my mind illustrious svetilniche, lenivyya will moeya Putevoditelnitse, weakness moeya silo, nudity investment, poverty, wealth, incurable wounds powerful and speedy healing, tear drainage, weeping quenching, implementation woes , sickness relief, bond resolution, salvation hopefully! Hear my prayer: give me the time of repentance, the zeal of salvation, strength in the thrill of God’s delight; save me from misfortunes and all kinds of evils, but in temptations and adversities stretch out Thy hand to help, so that I may rise up in a fall and not perish fierce. Dondezhe abide in this painful life, do not deprive me of your gifts of mercy. Give Thy goodness to all the Christ-loving brethren who come and pray here. Bring up the young, insist on the young, support the old, faint-hearted consolations, delusions of reason, behold and protect widows and sires, pour out your abundant mercy on all those who love and hate us. And at the end of my life, I am, at the time of my departure from the body, be a Representative: a mortal sickness softened, melancholy, and my poor soul will be brought to a great dweller, but let me be To her, Abiding by the Lady the Mother of God, my soul is tenderness! Warm the cold in faith and love my heart with tears of tenderness: by the lows, to the grieving and burdened with sin, for the prayers of the reverend father Seraphim, Thy revered, the need and comfort. May I not be deprived of Ubo, God-beloved, of the hope of my fruit, but may I be vouchsafed in Boz and my Savior, Thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, accept this. That is glory and power, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father, and All-Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Donskaya"

O Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mary, our good and fast intercessor! We sing of Thy all thanksgiving for thy wondrous deeds. We sing a song from the ancient years of Thy inalienable intercession to the city of Moscow and our country, the miraculous Image of Thy Donskoy always appears: regiments of aliens turn to safety, hails and weights are saved unharmed by people, they laugh, they laugh. The eyes of the weeping are dried up, the groanings of the faithful are silent, crying is transformed into common joy. Bless us, O Blessed Mother of God, consolation in adversity, revival of hope, an image of courage, a source of mercy, and in painful circumstances grant us inexhaustible patience. Give to everyone according to the request and according to the need: educate the young, teach the young survivors and teach the fear of God, who are despondent and support weak oldness. Visit those who are in sickness and sorrow, soften wicked hearts, strengthen brotherly love, make us all peace and love. Reconcile, blessed Mother, who are hostile and justify the slandered. Destroy the vices, so that our sins do not ascend before the Judge of all, so that the righteous wrath of God does not come upon us. By your prayers, by your omnipotent cover, protect us from our enemies, from gladness, destruction, fire, sword and all other malice. We trust in Thy prayers to receive from the Most High God of sins simplicity and eradication and reconciliation with God. Pray for us to acquire the Kingdom of Heaven and at the end of our life I will be at the right hand of the Throne of God, where You, O All-Sentient Virgin, are the Holy Trinity in the ever-glorious glory of coming. Honor us from the face of the Angel and the saints tamo praise the honorable name of Thy Son with His Beginning Father and All-Holy and Glorious and Life-giving His Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa"

O Most Pure Bogomati, All Tsaritsa! Hear our long-suffering sighing before the miraculous icon of Thy, from the lot of Athos to Russia brought to Russia, behold thy children, who are unhealthy who are suffering from the sick, who are inspired by the Holy Spirit! As the krilom bird covers its chicks, so you are still alive nowadays, cover us with your multipurpose omophorion. There, where hope disappears, the hopeless Hope will be. There, where the fierce grievances prevail, I appear with patience and weakness. Tamo, where the darkness of despair dwells in the souls, may the indescribable light of the Divine shine forth! Faint-hearted comforts, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal your sick people, O All-Merciful Queen! Bless the mind and hands of those who heal, that they serve as the instrument of the All-Mighty Physician, Christ our Spa. As if you live with us, we pray before your icon, about the Sovereign! Extend your hand, fulfilled with healing and physicians, the joy of the mourners, consolation in sorrow, and soon received miraculous help, we glorify the Life-giving and Holy Trinity, the Son of God, the Father of the Father. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Savior of the drowning" (Lenkovskaya)

Zealous intercessor, Mother of the Lord Vyshnyago! Thou art help and intercession for all Christians, even more so for those who are in trouble. Look now from the height of Thy saint and on us, worshiping Thy most pure image with faith, and manifest, we pray to Thee, Thy quick help floating on the sea and suffering from stormy winds of grievous sorrow. Encourage all Orthodox Christians to salvation in the waters of the drowning, and reward those who struggle for this with Your rich mercy and bounty. Behold, looking at Your image, to You, as mercifully existing with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams are not for any other help, or another intercession, or consolation, only to You, O Mother of all those who grieve and are attacked. You, according to Bose, are our Hope and Intercessor, and trustingly in Thee, ourselves, and each other, and our whole belly we commit to You forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the granting of children

O Blessed Virgin, All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the city and holy temple of this Patroness, faithful to the Representative and Intercessor of all who are in sins, sorrows, troubles and illnesses! Receive this prayer singing from us, unworthy Thy servant, Thou hast exalted, and, like an ancient sinner, who prayed many times before Thy honest icon, Thou didst not despise, but gave him the unexpected joy of repentance and bowed Thou and Thy Son to many of Him. By intercession for the forgiveness of this sinner and lost, so even now do not despise the prayer of us unworthy of Thy servants, and pray to Thy Son and our God, and to all of us, who worship Thy celibate image with faith and tenderness, will grant joy, unexpected by every need: by a sinner, mired in the depths of evils and passions - all-effective admonition, repentance and salvation; to those in sorrow and sorrow - consolation; to those found in troubles and anger - this perfect abundance; faint-hearted and unreliable - hope and patience; in joy and abundance to those who live - continuous thanksgiving to the Benefactor God; to the needy - mercy; to those who are in sickness and longevity and abandoned by doctors - inadvertent healing and strengthening; for those who are dependent on the disease, the mind - the mind's return and renewal; departing into eternal and endless life - mortal memory, tenderness and contrition for sin, a cheerful spirit and hope firm in the Judge's mercy. O Most Holy Lady! Have mercy on all those who honor Thy honorable Name and reveal Thy all-powerful protection and intercession to all: in piety, purity and honorable living, abiding to their end in goodness; do evil good; guide delusions to the right path; To every good deed, and to Thy Son, advance; destroy every evil and godly deed; in bewilderment and difficult and dangerous situations to those who are gaining invisible help and admonition from Heaven sent down, save from temptations, temptations and destruction, protect and save from all evil people and from enemies visible and invisible; floating rafting, traveling travel; to those in need and gladness, awake the Nourishing; for those who have no shelter and shelter, awake cover and shelter; For the naked give a garment, for the offended and persecuted unrighteously - intercession; Invisibly justify slander, reproach and blasphemy of the patient; slanderers and blasphemers in front of everyone; Give to those who are bitterly hostile, give reconciliation and to all of us - to each other love, peace, and piety, and health with longevity. Preserve matrimony in love and like-mindedness; spouses, in enmity and division of existence, subdue, unite me to each other and give them an indestructible union of love; give permission to mothers of childbearing soon, bring up the babies, young ungainly, open their minds to the perception of all useful teachings, the fear of God, abstinence and hard work instruct; protect from domestic war and enmity with peace and love; Motherless motherless orphans wake up Mother, turn away from every vice and filth and teach everything good and godly, but who have been deceived into sin and uncleanness, having eaten away the filth of sin, bring out of the abyss of destruction; Wake the widows, the Comforter and the Helper; wake up the rod of old age; from sudden death without repentance, save us all and to all of us the Christian end of our life, painless, shameless, peaceful and a kind response to the Terrible Judgment of Christ, grant: repose in faith and repentance from this life with the Angels and create life with all the saints; to those who died suddenly, the mercy of being Thy Son, pray for all the departed, who have no relatives, for the repose of Thy Son, those who plead for the repose of Thy Son, Wake You Yourself a ceaseless and warm Prayer Book and Intercessor: may all lead You to Heaven and to earth, like a firm and shameless kind Christian, and, leading, glorify Thee and Thee of Thy Son, with His Beginning Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for healing from various diseases and ailments

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Blessed Mother of Christ our Savior God, all those who grieve, Joy, visit the sick, the infirm veil and intercessor, widows and orphaned patroness, sad mothers, all-reliable consoler, infirm infants for the fortress, and all the helpless always ready help and faithful help! You, O All-Merciful, given from the Almighty grace in the hedgehog to intercede and save everyone from sorrow and disease, you have endured the fierce sorrow and sickness, looking at the free suffering of Your beloved Son, and He is crucified on the cross by sight, the foretold weapon of Simeon come through. Even so, O Mother loving children, listen to the voice of our prayer, comfort us in the sorrow of those who are, like a faithful intercessor of joy: stand by the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, at the right hand of Thy Son, Christ our God; For this reason, with heartfelt faith and love from the soul, we fall to You as the Queen and Lady and we dare to cry out to You in psalm: hearing, O Children, and see, and incline Your ear, hear our prayer, and deliver us from current troubles and sorrows; You have fulfilled the petitions of all the faithful, like those who grieve, joy, and have given peace and consolation to their souls. Behold our misfortune and sorrow: show us Thy mercy, send consolation to our wounded sorrow, show and surprise us sinners with the riches of Thy mercy, give us tears of repentance for the cleansing of our sins and quenching the wrath of God, but with a pure heart, a good conscience and We resort to your intercession and intercession with an unreasonable hope: accept, all-merciful our Lady Theotokos, our fervent prayer offered to You, and do not reject us unworthy from Your mercy, but give us deliverance from sorrow and illness, protect us from all slander of hostility and human, wake us an unrelenting helper throughout all the days of our life, as if under Your motherly cover we will always remain purposeful and preserved by Your intercession and prayers to Your Son and our Savior God; By the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for health

O Most Holy Lady the Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honest icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who have come running to Thee, pray, merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, may preserve our peaceful country, may establish the Russian state in piety, let the Church keep her Holy One from unbelief, heresies and schism. Not imams of more help, not imams of other hopes, except for You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Christian Helper and Intercessor. Deliver everyone who pray to You with faith from sinful falls, from evil slander, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful life and forsaking of sins, so that all, thankfully glorifying Your majesty, let us be vouchsafed to the Heavenly Kingdom and there together with all the saints let us glorify the glorious and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong prayer to the Mother of God for healing from cancer

O Most Pure Bogomati, All Tsaritsa! Hear our much-painful sighing before the miraculous icon of Thy, from the inheritance of Athos to Russia brought before, look upon Thy children, those who suffer incurable illnesses and fall to Thy holy image with faith! As the krilom bird covers its chicks, so do You now, everlastingly alive, cover us with Your multifunctional omophorion. Tamo, where hope disappears, wake up with unreasonable hope. Tamo, where fierce sorrows prevail, appear with patience and weakness. Tamo, where the darkness of despair has entered the souls, may the ineffable light of the Divine shine forth! Faint-hearted consolations, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal your sick people, O all-merciful Queen! Bless the mind and hands of those who heal, may they serve as an instrument of the all-powerful Physician Christ our Savior. As if you live with us, we pray before your icon, about the Lady! Stretch out Your hand, full of healing and healing, Joy of the mourners, Consolation in sorrow, yes, having received miraculous help soon, we glorify the Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Virgin from fires, natural disasters

O Most Holy and Most Blessed Mother of the sweetest of our Lord Jesus Christ! We fall down and worship You in front of Your holy and most honorable icon, which works miracles with it, from the fiery ignition and lightning thunder of our dwelling, save us, heal the sick, and fulfill all our good petitions for the good. We humbly pray to Thee, the omnipotent kind of our Intercessor, worthy, weak and sinful, of Your Mother's sympathy and welfare. Save and preserve, O Lady, under the roof of Thy mercy our God-protected country, her power and army, the Holy Church, this temple (or: this abode) and all of us who fall to You with faith and love and tenderly ask with tears of Your intercession. To her, O All-Merciful Lady, have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins and having no boldness to Christ God to ask Him for mercy and forgiveness, but we offer You to beseech Him, His Mother in the flesh; You, O All-Merciful, stretch out your God-receiving hand to Him and intercede for us before His goodness, asking us for forgiveness of our sins, a pious peaceful life, a good Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment. At the hour of God's terrible visitation, when our houses are kindled with fire, or we will be terrified with lightning thunder, show us Your merciful intercession and sovereign help, may we be saved by Your almighty prayers to the Lord, we will avoid God's temporary punishment here and we will inherit the eternal bliss of paradise, and there with everyone we will inherit Let us sing as saints the Most Honorable and Magnificent name of the worshiped Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Thy mercy that is great to us forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the reconciliation of the warring

O many-sided Mother of God, Surpassing all the daughters of the earth, in her purity and in the multitude of sufferings that you transferred to the earth, accept our many painful sighs and preserve us under the roof of your mercy. Inago bo, refuge and warm intercession, do we not know to You, but, as you have boldness towards the One who was born from You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we will unambiguously reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where we will sing with all the saints in the Trinity to the One God, now and forever, and till the end of time.

Prayer to the Mother of God from enemies and evil people

O who will not please Thee, Blessed Virgin, who will not sing Your mercy to the human race. We pray to you, we ask you, do not leave us in the evil of the perishing, dissolve our hearts with love and send your arrow to our enemies, so that our hearts bite with peace to those who persecute us. If the world hates us - you stretch out your love to us, if the world persecutes us - you accept us, give us the blessed power of patience - without murmuring to endure the trials in this world. Oh Mistress! Soften the hearts of the wicked people who rise up against us, so that their hearts do not perish in evil - but pray, Graceful One, Thy Son and our God, that the devil - the father of wickedness - be put to shame! We, chanting Your mercy towards us, evil, obscene, let us sing to Ty, O Most Perfect Lady, Graceful Virgin, hear us at this hour, broken hearts of those who have, protect us with peace and love for each other and for our enemies, eradicate from us every malice and enmity, let us sing to Thee and Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Prayer to the Mother of God for help in love and marriage

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven and Earth, the highest angel and archangel and all creatures, the most honest, pure Virgin Mary, a good Helper to the world, and affirmation to all people, and deliverance from all needs! Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, on Your servants, praying to You with a tender soul and contrite heart, falling down to You with tears and worshiping Your most pure and celibate image, and Your asking help and intercession. Oh, All-Merciful and Most Merciful Pure Virgin Mother of God! Look, O Lord, at Thy people: we are not imams of any other help for sinners, unless Thee and from Thee the born Christ of our God. You are our intercessor and representative. Thou art protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the sire, the keeper for the widow, for the virgin glory, for the weeping joy, for the sick, for the sick, for the healing, for the sinful, salvation. For this sake, O Bogomati, we resort to You, and to Your Most Pure Image with the Eternal Child holding onto Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ, gazing, we bring you a tender singing and cry: have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our petition, all of it is Thy intercession is possible, as for Thy glory befits now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for help in work

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord above, the hasty intercessor of all who come running to You with faith! Look from the height of Your heavenly majesty on me, obscene, falling to Your holy icon, hear soon the humble prayer of me, a sinner, and bring it to Your Son, pray Him, so that it illumines my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanses my mind of thoughts vain ones, may my suffering heart pacify and heal its wounds, may enlighten me to good deeds and strengthen my work with fear, may forgive all the evil that I have done, may save me from eternal torment and not deprive me of His heavenly kingdom. O most blessed Mother of God! Thou hast deigned to be baptized in Thy image Quick-heed, commanding all to come to You with faith, do not despise me, the sorrowful one, and do not let me perish in the abyss of my sins, on Thee according to Boz all my hope and hope of salvation, and Thy cover and intercession I entrust to myself forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God from sorrow and sorrow

Virgin to the Lady Theotokos, who, more than nature and words, gave birth to the Only-begotten Word of God, the Creator and the Lord of all creation, visible and invisible, One from the Trinity of God, God and Man, who became the abode of the Divine, the repository of all holiness and grace, in the same way with the favor of God and the Father, with the assistance of Of the Holy Spirit, bodily inhabiting the fullness of the Divine, incomparably exalted by divine dignity and prevailing over all creatures, glory and consolation, and the ineffable joy of angels, the royal crown of the apostles and prophets, the prenatural and wonderful courage of the martyrs, the champion in the ascetic and the giver of victory, preparing the wreaths eternal and divine retribution, surpassing all honor, honor and glory of the saints, infallible guide and mentor of silence, door of revelations and spiritual mysteries, source of light, gates of eternal life, inexhaustible river of mercy, inexhaustible sea of ​​all godly gifts and miracles! We ask You and We beg You, the most compassionate Mother of the philanthropic Vladyka: be merciful to us, your humble and unworthy servant, look mercifully at our captivity and humility, heal the contrition of our souls and bodies, scatter visible and invisible enemies, wake us unworthy faces our enemies a strong pillar, a cursed weapon, a strong militia, a Voivode and an invincible champion, show us now your ancient and wonderful mercies, that our enemies may know the iniquity, as your Son and God is One King and Lord, as you are truly the Mother of God, who gave birth to of the flesh of the true God, as all the essence is possible for You, and even if you admire, Lady, and the power to do all this in heaven and on earth, and for any request, grant something for the benefit: health to the sick, silence and good sailing for the sea. Travel to those who travel and protect them, save captives from bitter slavery, comfort the sad ones, alleviate poverty and all other bodily misery; Free everyone from mental ailments and passions, invisible by Your intercessions and suggestions, as if yes, kindly and unstoppably completing the path of this temporary life, we will take advantage of You and this eternal good in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Faithful, venerated by the terrible name of Thy Only Begotten Son, trusting in Thy intercession and Thy mercy and in everything who have Thy intercessor and champion, strengthen them invisibly against existing enemies, scatter the clouds of despondency, I save them from spiritual trouble and give them bright complacency and joy, and renew the peace and serenity in their hearts.

Save with Thy prayers, Lady, this flock dedicated to You, the whole city and country from gladness, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of aliens and internecine warfare and turn everyone righteously anger against us, according to the goodwill and grace of the Only Begotten Son and Thy God, All glory, honor and worship befitting Him, with His Beginning Father, with His Eternal and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the strengthening of faith

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, Lady Theotokos! Look with Your merciful eye on us, who stand before Your holy icon and pray to You with tenderness, raise us from the depths of sinfulness, enlighten our mind, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Not imams of any other help, not imams of other hopes, unless You, Lady, You weigh all our weaknesses and sins, we resort to You and cry: do not leave us with Your Heavenly help, but appear to us everlastingly and with Your ineffable mercy and mercies save and have mercy on us dying. Grant us the correction of our sinful life and deliver us from sorrows, troubles and diseases, from vain death, hell and eternal torment. You are Bo, Queen and Lady, an ambulance Assistant and Intercessor to all who come to You, and a strong refuge for sinners who repent. Grant to us, Abiding and Most Immaculate Virgin, the Christian end of our life, peaceful and unashamed, and grant us with Thy intercession to dwell in the Heavenly mansions, where the unceasing voice of those celebrating with joy glorifies the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy One , and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God from mental anguish

Hope to all ends of the earth, Blessed Virgin, to the Lady Theotokos, my consolation! Do not disdain me, sinner, I trust in Your mercy: extinguish my sinful flame and sprinkle my withered heart with repentance, cleanse my mind of sinful thoughts, accept the prayer from soul and heart brought to You with sighing. Wake for me the Intercessor to Thy Son and God and tame His wrath with Thy motherly prayers, heal mental and bodily ulcers, Lady Mistress, quench the sickness of the soul and body, calm the storm of enemy attacks, take away the burden of my sins, and do not leave me to perish until the end and comfort my broken heart with sorrow, may I praise Thee until my last breath. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the forgiveness of sins

My Abiding Queen, My Most Holy Hope, the Assistant of sinners! Behold, poor sinner, is before You! Do not leave me, forgotten by all, do not forget me, forgotten by all, give me joy, to the ignorant of joy. Oh, my troubles and sorrows are heavy! Oh, my sinful falls are immeasurable! As the darkness of the night is my life. And there is not a single strong help in the sons of men. You are my One Hope. You are my One Shroud, Refuge and Affirmation. I boldly stretch out my feeble hands to Thee and pray: have mercy on me, All-Merciful, spare, spare the redeemed Blood of Thy Son, quench the sickness of my many breathing souls, tame the rage of those who hate and offend me, raise my strength, fade away, renew , do not let yourself get weak in doing the commandments of God. With the heavenly fire, touch my confused souls and fulfill the shameful faith, unhypocritical love and well-known hopes. May I always sing and praise You, the Most-blessed Intercessor of the world, our Protector and the Assistant to all of us sinners, and I bow down to Your Son and our Savior Lord Jesus Christ, with His Beginning Father and Life-giving Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the protection of children

O Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, young women and babies, baptized and nameless and worn in the womb of the mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son, that he may grant them that which is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy Maternal gaze, as Thou art the Divine Cover for Thy servants. Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly patronage. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for help in childbirth

O Most Holy Mother of God, our merciful Mother! Reveal on us, in the sorrow of those who exist and in the sins of your always abiding servants (names), your mercy and do not contemplate us, your sinful works.

We have recourse to Thee, Most Holy Mother of God, many many, realizing our sins and pray: visit our weak souls and ask from our beloved Son, Thy servant and God given us the names One Most Pure and Blessed One, we put all our trust in Thee: Most-hearty Mother of God, keep us under His cover.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the preservation of the family

To the Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my spouse and our children peace, love and unquestioning about all that is good; do not allow anyone from my family to parting and grievous parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance.

And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery heat, thieves' attack, all evil of the situation, different kinds of insurance and devilish obsession.

Yes, and we, separately and separately, openly and intimately, will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

Prayer to the Virgin from drunkenness

Oh, merciful Lady! We are now resorting to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us - wives, children, mothers and the grave affliction of drunkenness of those who are possessed, and for that for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those falling away, brothers and sisters and our kinsman heal. Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and soon raise up from the falls of sinful ones, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray for your Son, Christ our God, that he forgive us our sins and not turn away His mercy from His people, but may strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; wives who weep for their husbands; children, the orphan and the poor, abandoned by the deluded, and all of us, who fall to your icon. And may this cry of ours come, by Thy prayers, to the throne of the Most High. Cover and keep us from the evil catching and all the intrigues of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us go through the unstoppable airy ordeals, with Your prayers save us from eternal condemnation, may the mercy of God cover us for the endless ages of the ages. Amen.