Conspiracy So that the Client agreed to immediately place an application. How are the cash magic to attract more buyers

Maintaining your own business - The occupation is currently very popular. And any practically business is associated with the promotion on the market of any goods and services. Only here is not every businessman boasts the successful strength of his case, even if there were a lot of strength and financial resources in it. Sometimes and expensive advertising, and attempts to improve production do not lead to the desired result - customers, as it was not, never observed. What to do businessman in this case?

Whatever impudent and unpromising did not seem to be a prevailing position, you should not immediately give up and throw the work started. In any case, you can try to improve the situation not quite traditional method, namely, contacting help magic Forces And to read a conspiracy to attract customers. This species The witchcraft was popular in the oldest time - he was actively practiced merchants, and quite successfully.

The ritual helps in a short time to attract buyers, and thus increases the profit of a businessman. Its a special beauty is that everyone can use it: those who only make their first steps in the business world, and those who have already accumulated a solid experience and built a prosperous company. After all a large number of Buyers are one of the components of an income company.

Like other magic ritualsConspiracies have certain requirements for implementation. Their mandatory observance by the Contractor acts as a guarantee of the success and effectiveness of the applied rite. When using rituals, it must be paid all, even the most, at first glance, minor, little things.

Especially strong they turn out if they are in full moon. To this day, the moon accumulates the maximum amount of energy, which favorably affects the impact and outcome of the ritual. But this does not mean that all conspiracies should be pronounced at this time. Suitable for a specific rite, the period is usually always indicated in its instructions.

There are quite a lot of rites. Some of them are quite strong by themselves and are able to lead to the result after one-time application, others need to be updated regularly.

One of the most important conditions - Absolute secrecy. The fact that your success in business has been achieved with the help of magic, no one should know.

How to attract customers with a conspiracy?

Below are the most efficient conspiracy capable of raising the client base. Their effectiveness was convinced of a lot of businessmen, whose business flourishes to this day.

Easy way

Suitable for newbies, just opened its business. As soon as the first customers appear and the first revenue will be followed by money through the rest of the goods, reading:

"We are your money, you have our goods."

Money from the first revenue is not very desirable to spend or give as passing to the following customers. It is best to keep them in a safe place so that they continue to continue to attract buyers.

Call the moon

This conspiracy is spent on some small subject in the night when the moon is in its full phase. Next, the conspiracy will be the amulet.

Exactly at midnight of any small size, the subject placed on the windowsill. From the window it should be clearly visible to the moon, the light should fall to the future mascot. The performer should continuously look at the lunar face and read the conspiracy (it is better to learn in advance by heart):

"To you, Moonlight, I appeal to you, the body of heaven, I appeal. You are famous since ancient times you will force. So we got out and I have it three times. I was sent clients of convocation yes, acts of unaffected. Failure in the deeds of Orini, the power of the amulet item to this charge. As soon as His harness, I will attract customers right away. Like heavenly body shines, it is so difficult to arouse the case. So be it! Amen!"

Spoken, it is necessary to hide in your pocket or bag. Having come to work, the talisman needs to be left there, in a place hidden from prying eyes. To tell anyone about him, it is impossible to show it. The ritual requires a periodic update so that the strength of the full moon always helped you.

On comb or new comb

On the young moon, buy a new comb (comb) made of bone or tree. Speak it with the following words:

"Scallop with frequent cloths, to me and lead people with swingings. As each of my stroking hairs, so all the clients are led by the threshold. Lud will come, visit. He is good luck, and I am a passing. Client - GOB, and I am a profit in my wallet. Amen!"

A conspiracy comb should always be worn with me. If things suddenly become worse, they need to comb their hair. And if it happened so that you have no hair on your head, it will be enough to spend them several times on Lysin. The stream of buyers will increase after that. Magic ritual Saves your power for a month, then it will need to be updated.

Another effective ritual for a successful business Look in the video:

The success of the enterprise is not always possible to explain logically, because influencing factors do not possess stability. But you can contribute to increasing profits. Especially if you apply a bright magic for this. In order to circumvent competitors, raise sales and, accordingly, get more money, you can perform special rites. And today we will give several spells that contribute to business development. In particular, these conspiracies are used to attract customers (buyers) to their store.

Previously, to improve trade, relieve damage and attract buyers turned to magicians, leaders and sorcerers. However, there are also those conspiracies that can be done independently accompanying their performance with special rites.

If you wish your store to visit literally crowds of customers, spend the next ritual. He works for attraction potential buyerswho will definitely get something from you.

On Thursday early in the morning go to the store threshold. Copying a few drops in front of him, say the words of the conspiracy:

"How people love the sweet naked, so they will love this threshold. Bees are flown on honey, and customers run away to this store. Amen".

To attract more potential buyers to the threshold of your store, you need to follow privacy. It is important that no one knows and have not seen what you do.

We speak the coin to linger customers

There is another conspiracy to attract customers. It is suitable for newcomers in business business. The ritual with reading this conspiracy will help avoid the most common mistakes that every inexperienced businessman faces.

So that in the office of the company, the store or the enterprise there were many customers, spend this rite of one day with a growing moon. In this case, follow privacy and make all actions yourself, alone. At the same time, keep in mind that the conspiracy should be read before the first opening of the store, branch, office, etc.

Having waited for the planned day, prepare the following items:

  • gold (can be gilded) coin;
  • bought in the church candle;
  • glass S. spring water;
  • bottle with eucalyptus oil;
  • branch of fragrant rosemary.

By bringing this set to the store, wait for midnight. At exactly 12 nights, install a candle on the coin so that the melting wax glasses just for a penny. Light a candle, and when the first drops of wax fall on the currency symbol, immerse in a glass with spring water prepared rosemary twig and drop there by several drops of eucalyptus oil. To attract many new customers, partners, buyers in this room, say the following words of conspiracy:

"How the wax of this candle is melted, as it flows and spreads, so let the gold be in the pockets of my and the wallet milk. Wax candles are soft, and I will make it hard. As in the water he will freeze, so my wallet will fill my money! Amen"

Read this conspiracy until the candle burns. When she does, take a neat coin so that the wax remains on it. Lower a penny into the water and wait for the soft wax to freeze. After that, remove the coin and carefully remove the wax from it, trying not to crumble it into small pieces. Take the wax to the casket, the envelope or other closed object and hide in the most secret corner. Put the coin to another secret place, away from the eye of visitors. Water pour under young treelocated close to your office, trading places.

In the morning, open the store and wait for the first customers. As soon as the foot of the first buyer crosses the threshold of the room, say the following plot:

"It will increase my wealth, like water will germinate with wood, as soft will become solid, as gold stretches to gold. Coins will flow to me the river. Amen".

Making this rite, you will not only be able to attract many customers, but also make your business successful. Buyers, as well as profit, will be many from the first day.

Please help the power of nature

This conspiracy to customers involves connecting the forces of nature. For a ritual to attract more buyers to your store (customers in the office), you will need to go to the forest to a large anthill. You need to take a few sticks, trying not to disturb the insects at the same time. Place these items in a small clutch bag and go home. Returning, prepare a clean paper sheet and pencil.

Taking out the pouch sticks, put them on the edge of the paper sheet. On the remaining space, write your wishes about the involvement of people. Removing the sticks again into the bag, fold the four-fold sheet, saying the words of the conspiracy:

"So that in my store there were many customers, as in the forest of ants. Amen".

The resulting square put to the wands. Take a bag with strange items in commercial premises and put in the most secluded corner, away from the eye of visitors.

Today we learn how to make independently magic and witch rituals, rites and conspiracies for success in trade, attracting rich customers. Magic and rituals for profitable trading and increasing the stream of customers that can be done on their own

For profitable trading - a powerful ritual.

Look at the buyer, smile and rub your hands, say out loud:
"Please take. Inexpensive!". And about yourself: "My you take, give your own. Amen"

Ritual to attract customers:

Do better on the growing moon, on Wednesday or Thursday.

Buy in three shops, where the stream of customers is big, a bit of goods. Consider from these purchases and put on the four corners of your shopping stall. Then get into the center of the stall, and turning to four sides, say four times:
"In rich shops, people went, their money was worn, they took the goods, bought. So let me now go to Hurt, money is carried, my goods are taken. Amen.Amin, Amen."

Watch that no one remove this trifle and did not spend. If accidentally descend, you need to do everything again.

Rite to increase customer stream:

Put the first revenue per day under the counter, saying on it:
"Money for money, the first buyer came, five cited. The second came - ten led, the third came - the whole world he led. My words - the key, the castle, and the case - lesson!"
You can do this any day when you want. Every day do not necessarily.

At the end of the day, the first revenue from under the adjustment is removed, put on the cashier and say:
"Money here are comforted, money for money is running, people money is carrying me, and my goods are taken for money for money. As I said, so it will be."
Business ritual and magic to attract customers

Green Candles for Pouring (Income)

Manka- 1 tsp

Sugar - 1 tsp.

Rice (for business, well-being) - 1 tsp.

Salt on the tip


Ritual Description:

We write on advertising:
"As the bees of a journal on honey flies, run away and to me (or the name of the client or the company name) clients run down, fly down (hereinafter free: money is paid - the goods are taken away .... money pay - the order is done .... ) I have money, you have goods (or order). So I want a sorceress (name). In the name of the father of my devil. May it be so"

We turn into the tube. We drink all wax, reading V.U. conspiracy. We make a wax bottom. I fall asleep inside: 1 tsp. - Manka I Ch.L. - Sugar 1 tsp. - Rice salt at the tip of the knife - up to top pour honey.

We close the wax, put the print (1st - on defense, 2nd - for money, welfare (on printing, a tree, rock abundance, spikes, flower can be drawn. Throw into the current river or tear into the grave with the name of the customer.

Video YouTube.

The ritual is sent only on a profitable moon
(On growing!)

There are many conspiracy on trade. It is impossible to use such conspiracies too often. When trading luck Will go to the decline, then you can use magic. In addition, conspiracies for successful trading should not be read in a drunk and women in their "critical days".


One of these conspiracies is honored at salt:
"Hiking-dries, go here; here you place, food and water. I am money, you - the goods." Then you need to get up in front of the spine to your product and throw right hand Noteby back through the left shoulder a small handful of salt. Try to nobody saw you for this occupation.

"Gold-Goldo, Running to me, like peas in the crust, like barley on the gum, as rye on the current! Gold-Zlatto, Lipni to my hands, that flies to honey, butterflies to the light, grass to the sun! Gold-Goldo, are a friendly with me like ice with water, like a nightingale with the spring, like dew with grass! I am not Torgash - Morgash, but a merchant-well done, I sell for honor, I hang with an excess, measuring with a sprinkler, cutting with an increase, Lew with the residue. Whether in my barn, the treasure da legs, and in all the ardor, without a detention, without a ripping, without a foam and without a slot all the days and the years of my bazaar. "

Conspiracy for good luck

And this conspiracy is crucial (on the growing moon or on an angel day) to a new golden ringwhich then wear as a talisman attracting money:

Gold, gold, raw me,
Like peas in the crust, like a barley on a gum,
How to ry the current!
Gold, gold, leeping to my hands.
What flies to honey, butterfly to light,
The grass to the sun!
Gold, gold, rushing into my pockets without a score.
Without a measure, grievillars!
Gold, gold, hold with me,
Like ice with water.
Like a nightingale with the spring like a fish with grass!
I am not Torgash-Morgash, but a merchant-well done
I sell on parts, hang with an excess.
Measuring with a powder, cutting with an increase,
Lew with the residue.
Be in my barn treasure da legs,
Yes, in all the ardines.
Without beats, without torn
Without ugara and without a slight,
All the days of my bazaar.

Ancient rite for attracting profitable customers

After sunset, go to the crossroads and throw the Cross-Land on him, taken from the threshold of his office or firm. At the same time you need to sort:

"Neither equestrian nor hiking is not passing! Anything going and riding, come to me! May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After that, take a new broom bought on Thursday of the new moon, go around the company, hot corners and sentencing:
"With this broom will leave my misfortune and failure! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

This is a conspilation of at least three times. After throw away this broom at the intersection. When you yourself will be returned home, do not look back, whoever you can have, and do not talk to anyone.

When you yourself see at the crossroads of a broom, do not touch it, and pass by, mentally sentenced: "I don't put me, I'm not prepared for me! Amen! Amen! Amen!" And split through the left shoulder.

Rituals to attract customers

To attract customers, buyers.

1. Thebell iron colander, dry bees honeycombs (must be delivered).
In the colander we throw a crumpled newspaper, or it is finely tearing it, on top of dry honeycomb.
All this is setting on, smoke, we deliver the store clockwise, reading the plot, windows and doors are closed.
"I, the merchant is always well done, your money in my wallet.
How many bees are pioneering in honeycombs, so many people go,
We hurry, come to my store.
Fly people like bees on honey,
Let money be pioned by the river,
Let everyone always be with me.
On the sweet life, on the arrival of buyers,
For profit and income, for good luck and wealth. "
Open the doors, windows.

Conspiracy to success in trade.

It is better to pronounce when the sun arrives in earth signs - Taurus, Virgin or Capricorn. Better days For this conspiracy - Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
Try to find clothes yellow color, Take into hand a handful of any grain and, slowly speaking it in a cooked saucer, pronounce such words:

"Gold-Goldo, Running to me, like peas in the crust, like barley on the gum, as rye on the current! Gold-Zlatto, Lipni to my hands, that flies to honey, butterflies to the light, grass to the sun! Gold-Goldo, are a friendly with me like ice with water, like a nightingale with the spring, like dew with grass! I am not Torgash - Morgash, but a merchant-well done, I sell for honor, I hang with an excess, measuring with a sprinkler, cutting with an increase, Lew with the residue. Whether in my barn, the treasure da legs, and in all the ardor, without a detention, without a ripping, without a foam and without a slot all the days and the years of my bazaar. "

This ritual is repeated three times, do not throw out grain - give out the street birds or animals.
3. Communication for successful trading

Conspiracy is read by heart eight times on Wednesday night and every time before starting trade.

"I spell you, the servants of the Great God. God knowledge of trade and secret sciences! I assist, to help, help your in defense. Replace in my craft! From the envious eye, my goods will save, attract people and make it buy all that I prepared for sale for them (a). I will be all I am lucky in the matter of my own. Oh, great Mercury, your surroundings will correctly serve me in your glory. "

Conspiracy for good luck

Washing around before trading, read, wrapped with a handkerchief, take a handkerchief with you to the bazaar.

"The stars do not count, the plowing with his hands do not smash, my word is not removed from me.
I am a merchant, my crown with me. Like bees on honey fly, so everything is on my goods
Looks. Pick want. Amen".

Hide under the threshold of 3 new coins (brilliant), chasens in not leap yearAnd tell me:
"Gold to gold, silver for silver, money for money to this threshold to this house."
In a small green color Pouch, put 10 pinch of basil, 5-mint, 3-large salts, 3-copper coins, 1-white metal, dried and exterior to powder peel 3x apples (green). Correct a plot on the bag:
"Affairs behind, things ahead, profit in the middle."

At the beginning of the week, take a bag in your hands and turning around, repeat the plot. Wear with you, keep near work. 3rd assemble into a bag (green) coins of different dignity (all that in the go), every coin lubricate with eucalyptus oil. Sack hide in the northern part of the room.

A person associated with trade understands that his success depends on the ability to find and interest the buyer. But little constantly inspire the skill, visiting trainings, practicing the studied techniques. I need good luck. And it is to create conspiracies to attract customers. Have you heard about such? If you are interested, do not regret a few minutes of time to explore the following information. It is able to significantly increase sales with proper introduction into practice. Do not believe?

What are the conspiracies for attracting customers (list)

You know, burn, especially in such an important area, as an impact on other people, you need a good heart. And this means that the ritual should be chosen in harmonious so that it resonates with your energy. Make it easy. Read what are the conspiracies for attracting customers, imagine that everyone practitioners look at your own sensations. If the description causes a smile, inspiration, optimism is your rite. His and use it in the magical work on creating a stream of buyers. When the ritual generates a tender distrust, fear or discontent, refuse its implementation. This subconscious suggests that he will not lead to good. Rituals of exposure to large masses There are:

  • remote;
  • contact;
  • black and white.

The first are held alone, the second - where trade is coming. Oh let's forget. They will not bring good, although they contribute to enrichment. But for Zlatto will have to pay health, if not life. We do not want to die ahead of time? Then we will study only harmless conspiracies for attracting customers.

When to burn?

This is another important question. The fact is that the day of the week and the moon phase in our situation are of paramount importance. Conduct customers only at a certain time. Choose a day associated with the egregor of money (Thursday or Wednesday) on the increasing moon. If you become burning at a decreasing night Queen - you will attract a failure, lose time and money. Used in rituals different magical instruments. Very often apply:

  • church attribute;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • holy water;
  • incense;
  • honey and more.

Choose, as already mentioned, follows with a heart and soul. For example, if you do not believe in the Lord, do not pray, go for the forces of nature. Ensure to scatter the poppy in front of the welcome - spend the rite with honey and so on.

Vintage rite with sugar

In ancient times, only the merchants knew and used a conspiracy to attract customers. Sugar, they considered to be precisely those delicacy (and it was very rare), which can magically change the opinion of people, attract their attention. Let's describe an old rite option. You need to take a piece of sugar from the Christmas table, from a vase that guests used. On the other day, melt until dawn aspen lamps. And in confused place your sugar. While the firewood is cheerful, read the conspiracy twelve times. Sugar remove and, not cleaning from ash, hide into a linen bag. Store it is put in the commercial premises (or next to the computer, if they are engaged in sales via the Internet). Before the next christmas, throw this piece on a fruitful healthy tree. The rite should be repeated.

Trade conspiracy to attract customers (on sugar)

You need to say such words: "Fire crackling, frost spiny! Sugar do not touch, save let me. People move, to my counter the counter. Let you come with good that you need to find yourself. I gave money without evil, we are glory to the people. Amen!". And when you swallow this piece under the tree, say another formula. Here she: "I helped, good saved. Now let the flower forces give. Fruit sweet people present. Amen!". Together with sugar, scare the coin that the first in my hands got from the client after the rite. This will increase the effectiveness of this magical impact. Energy through the fruit will be reborn and spread throughout the world.

Prayer for successful trading

Believers do not particularly trust their business to sorcerers, and they themselves do not like to burn. It will help them conspiracy and prayer for attracting customers. Read it relies when you come to workplace. The text is very simple. Need to say: "Lord Jesus! Help the slave to her (name) to sell the goods to people with the good, in need of it. Not profit, but for the Lord is everything! Multiply good luck to all the works of shopping and merchant. In the name of your holy work! Bless and help, Lord! Amen!". When you become praying, be sure to think about those people who help. After all, buyers come not entertainment for the sake, but to purchase something useful.

Ritual with honey

The conspiracy of the rite to attract customers to the store is a way not only to influence people, but also to clear the energy. Often, the evil eye prevents normally trade, repels potential buyers. So that this does not happen, you need to buy a little honey, black pepper and salt. On Thursday, on the increasing moon, burn candles in the kitchen. Place all prepared attributes on the table. Put honey in the pot. Put pepper and salt into it. Stir everything with a wooden spoon, reading a plot. His words are: "On honey sweet any beast falls. Pulls the paw, so that the sweetness is chearamed. So everything is running with the bazaar to my product. Praise, buy, fails do not know. Honey on the door - buyer inside. Amen!". In the morning, carry the pot with the contents of the trading room. Dry (symbolically) the door frame with a computer and wait for the tributary of customers.

Ritual with Poppy

This is another popular rite, which many homemade magicians respond with admiration. It is used by people who are not engaged in professional sales. For example, we decided to change the car or housing, the old need to put on the market, and how to do it, do not understand, there is not enough experience. So it helps the rite with the mask of luck to compensate for the lack of knowledge and practical skills. Get a pack of poppy without passing. It follows the day when the Night Queen is growing. In the evening, read directly in an open pack of prayer Nikolai Wonderworker. In your own words, ask him to help the holy in your business. And how will the buyer come, in front of the threshold (around the car) scat out a conspiracy poppy. Whisper to yourself such words: "Who will come on the poppy, that (the name of the goods) will buy me! Amen!". It works practically trouble-free! And professionals scatter the poppy in front of the counter every morning so that customers do not go around the goods side.

We looked at the most popular conspiracies and rituals for attracting customers. All of them work perfectly and give a pleasant and tangible result. However, magicians advise not to overdo it with a burning. It's one thing when you appeal to the magic sometimes, the other is to rely on him constantly. Your skills and strength should also be developed, otherwise you will receive failures and failures. The main thing is that specialists in the field of magic are recommended, to raise the confidence that everything will happen in the best possible way. If you wish to sell the goods, then it will go so quickly as possible. If the money is needed, get as much as required. And do not give in panic when temporary stagnation occurs. This test for the soul is on the ability to take so much good luck and money as the universe allows. Create - you will celebrate victory, rest and enjoy profit. Successes and good mood!

Not always things in business go well. It happens that you are all doing right, but money is not added. The stream of customers went to the decline, the costs increased, and incomes do not grow. Appeal to Magic - true way Return business prosperity. Rituals are fully safe, since they are aimed at well-being to come big money. Strong conspiracies for attracting customers were known in Russia.

Magical rituals will help business flourish

In addition to reading conspiracies, you can resort to another way - cosmomatrix. For success in affairs, a number of numbers that read in a certain sequence will help.

To attract customers, you will need to make some effort and fulfill right all simple recommendations:

  1. It is important to choose a certain time and day of the week. Promotional days of the week: Wednesday and Sunday. Moonlight attracts the flow of cash, so rituals are conducted on a growing moon. Do not neglect this rule, it has a strong action.
  2. Competent training. Clarity and confidence in voice. It is advisable to conspire conspiracy literally, you can read from the sheet of paper, then there should be no chandelier.
  3. The power of the word and thoughts works as it is impossible. All thoughts should be directed to the positive outcome of the case. Think of pleasant business meetings, trips.
  4. Remember that conspiracies are read only for a good deal. If the purpose of your rituals is to take revenge on partners or competitors, forget about business prosperity, things will go even worse.
  5. Try searching green candles - greenery color attracts money.
  6. So that buyers come in more often, you can attract aromaslas. In the cafe, restaurant or dining room spray the oil of vanilla or cinnamon. In place of sewing clothes - Sandal or orange. In store stores, use vanilla oil.

Conspiracy on the first profit

The opening of a new business needs a stream of customers. This conspiracy to attract customers will give good start To the successful business.

First profit can not be spent, you need to spend a special ritual

As soon as you brought money for the first purchase, distribute bills in order and fold them in the fan. Start foaming them over your desktop or welcoming, pronouncing words:

"My - money, and your goods", or "mine - money, and your services."

The secret is that it is impossible to use these money. To take yourself, settle with buyers, you can not even put on your account. Just remove them so that no one has seen. You can use a month later.

Conspiracy to the first client

Also used for just opened business so that customers go to the crowd.

Beautifully pretend delicious culinary dish. It can be candy handmade, Cakes, cake. Separate several options for a festive plate and say:

"I urge the conscription treats, will be sweet with me, and business will lead to money."

Make from this tasting for the first client. The buyer will be delighted by such a surprise, and will definitely bring money.

Ancient conspiracy

Not in vain honey has drig. In the old days it was used, attracting buyers. "Flowed like flies on honey" - spoke about this unique product.

You can make a plot of honey, and then smear the store threshold

Buy a bank of real honey, better at the farmer, on the market. Also need black pepper and several candles. Mix in the clay dishes ingredients. For the office enough to drop honey on the threshold, saying:

"Everyone likes a delicious honey, which gives people bees. I, (Name), firmly sure (a), that and buyers will also love my store. How the bees fly to floral nectar, so buyers will draw a queue to the store. "

The hairdresser or beauty salon is treated differently. The hairdresser mirror is cooked plenty of honey, and beauty workers are their workplace or cosmetics.

This is a very simple conspiracy to customers, and attracts buyers to be sureless.

Conspiracy for taxi drivers

As soon as the passengers have collected money and stretch you, tell me the word "let's" so loudly so that everyone you heard. Remember the prayer that they say to yourself:

"Now, and confessed, and let's let the centuries! Yes, with the Lord Jesus Christ in the heart stay! He and you, and me, the slave (driver's name), retains on the way, sends the guardian angels on the road. For joy, light, peace, love. Amen".

After reading, count the amount, check with the number of people in a taxi and put money into place.

Rite at salt

Simplicity is not inferior to a conspiracy with honey. Not only a businessman or director can take advantage, but any employee.

In the morning, before going to work, you need to put a little salt in the bag. As soon as the place of work will remain a few steps, pour salt through the left shoulder, saying:

"Sypt Salt conspired, sow salt sprocket. On the magic pollen, from the beginning and to the end, and from the end again at the beginning of the buyer leads. In the circle salty lures, buying everyone forces. You good, and me money. Amen".

During the axle salt, think about profits. Continue to step to work without turning around.

Ritual with the bell tower

You can attract customers using a bell. Purchase a beautiful, ringing bell small size.

Ringing bell can bring profit business

At work, when everyone leaves, silence them and tell me:

"I call people, come, here are waiting for you. I am good luck and profit, you - have a nice shopping, good goods. Come on, my guests, but come out not with empty hands, but with the things acquired! ".

Return home with a good mood. Already very soon ringing will bring cash benefits. With the help of this strong conspiracy Attracting customers waiting for you a cash flow.

Poppy ritual

Resume even amount to buy a package with poppy. It is necessary to read the prayer of St. Nicholas over the Pray.

Sprinkle in your office or store so that people can step on the grain. The ritual spells must be said during the mooring poppy:

"Coming on Mac - bought."

This conspiracy to attract clients has the strongest effect, the store will start making a profit 2 times more than usual.

Conspiracy on the moon

In the full moon you can talk any small subject. Choose what will continue to serve as a talisman.

Make a conspiracy to any object-amulet in full moon

At 12 o'clock at night, the amulet is put to the window so that the moon illuminated it. Check out a plot I need to look at the subject:

"To you, the Moonlight, I appeal to you, the body of heaven, I appeal. You are famous since ancient times you will force. So we got out and I have it three times. I was sent clients of conspiracy and acts of unaffected. Failure in the deeds of Orini, the power of the amulet item to this charge. As soon as His harness, I will attract customers right away. Like heavenly body shines, it is so difficult to arouse the case. So be it! Amen!".

Bring the mascot to work and do not talk about it anyone. Magic action will gradually stop, then repeat the rite again.

Conspiracy on anthill

Venue - Forest. On the anthill you will see a few sticks that need to be collected in a handkerchief. At work sprinkle a handful, saying:

"Let such a lot of buyers come to me, as Muravyov lives in an anthill."

Remember the moon, it should grow, and not decrease.

Conspiracy on a coin

It will take a coin I. essential oil. The color of the coin is definitely yellow. Immerse it in a glass with butter and tell me:

"Trading roads, lead customers to the store. Take money, good luck! To make customers and good luck to me, they brought a lot of money, the profits increased! Amen!".

Throw the coin so that it fell to the threshold. If someone makes a purchase on it, the effect will be better.

Conspiracy on comb

Another option, how to attract customers. In order for customers to go crowd, an easy way with the comb is proposed. There may be several options.

When the business in business is beginning to go bad, you need to calculate the consistent comb

Buy a new wooden comb with rare teeth. Standing at the mirror, say words:

"The scallop has frequent sharp teeth, let him lead me to people who have big rings. You stroke the scallop, every my hairs, so as to bring a lot of new customers to me on the threshold. People go to me and go, do not depart from me. Joyfully give me rings for my goods. I am good luck, and the buyer will pass. The client is all of the future, and I have money in the wallet. All thanks to the hair and scallop. "

As soon as you feel that things deteriorate, combing a conspiracy comb. It is recommended to carry out the rite every month and only for the new moon.

We all want to get high incomes. But fate is not always favorable. Failure can pursue you, and it is important to stop it on time. In such cases, rituals and spells effectively help. Attract buyers will be much easier. Try to experience the power of the magic influence.