All being and existence according to the block analysis. Block

Stone-like surface - timeless classic in car polish for old paint interior. Multicolored ceramic tile Sophia jade-ceramics can become the basis for the creation original interior in the bathroom.

No less interesting solutions can be embodied in the design of the kitchen with the proposed warm or cold shades. Decorative elements with graceful floral pattern emphasize the beauty of the finish. Combining a romantic atmosphere and a warm environment with stylish design solutions make this tile one of the most popular with buyers. The surface of the products is glossy and imitates the fabric structure. Today it is one of the leading trends in interior design. This product is presented in beige shades... Perfect for decorating a bathroom, kitchen, corridor.

This product is presented in beige... Perfect for decorating both walls and floors of a bathroom, kitchen, corridor. The surface imitating stone is a timeless classic in interior design. Multi-colored ceramic tiles Sofia jade ceramics can become the basis for creating an original interior in the bathroom. No less interesting solutions can be implemented in the design of the kitchen with the proposed warm or cold shades.

Decorative elements with delicate floral motifs accentuate the beauty of the finish. The combination of a romantic atmosphere and a warm atmosphere with stylish design solutions makes this tile one of the most popular with buyers. The surface of the products is glossy and imitates the fabric structure. Today it is one of the leading trends in interior design. This product is presented in beige shades. Perfect for decorating a bathroom, kitchen, corridor.

This product is presented in beige color. Perfect for decorating both walls and floors of a bathroom, kitchen, corridor. The surface imitating stone is a timeless classic in interior design. Multi-colored ceramic tiles Sofia jade ceramics can become the basis for creating an original interior in the bathroom. No less interesting solutions can be implemented in the design of the kitchen with the proposed warm or cold shades. Decorative elements with delicate floral motifs accentuate the beauty of the finish. The combination of a romantic atmosphere and a warm atmosphere with stylish design solutions makes this tile one of the most popular with buyers.

The surface of the products is glossy and imitates the fabric structure. Today it is one of the leading trends in interior design. This product is presented in beige shades. Perfect for decorating a bathroom, kitchen, corridor. This product is presented in beige color.

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14. "All existence and existence is in accordance with ..."

All being and everything is in accordance
In great, unceasing silence.
Look there sympathetically, indifferently, -
I don't care - the universe is in me.
I feel and I believe and I know
The seer cannot be deceived by sympathy.

All those lights that you burn.
But there is no more weakness, no more strength,

All being and existence froze

I'm here at the end full of insight
I've crossed the line.
I'm just waiting for a conditional vision
To fly off into another void.
May 17, 1901

In the 12th poem, he is on the field for Old Village at first he experienced “the very fire”, but then “someone whispered” that in the fall he would be different: “a poet and a man, and not a seer and owner of a secret”.
In the 13th poem, in the previous one, the post-apocalypse, where “the mother of her son does not recognize”, where “my wandering is hopelessly fading away”, where she - in the distance (at the other pole of the Earth) - closes the last circles already in the current time.
And so, in the 14th, in the current, poem, he proclaims that he has enough of himself, that he is with the one that “closes the circles” - on equal terms:

I am in myself with abundance I enclose
All those lights that you burn ...

And as a proof of equality, he gives a picture, a view of existence from there - from the end, "I am here"! -

... there is neither weakness nor strength,
The past, the future is in me.
All being and existence froze
In great, unchanging silence.
I am here at the end, full of insight ...

From the diary of the 18th year:
MAY 1901:
... A kind of spell follows. The previous absence of an answer forces one to put on armor, which is expressed in the feeling of oneself as a microcosm, in which “the whole universe, all past and future” and “all the fires that it burns in abundance”; “Therefore, there is neither weakness, nor strength,” her “participation or indifference” does not touch, the “seer” does not need “sympathy”. I have already “crossed the borderline” and “I’m just waiting for the agreed vision in order to fly off into another void” (which is also not scary) ”.

Briefly about the place of the poem in the general collection of the book "Poems about the Beautiful Lady".

Al. Block: "From the very beginning, the Symbolist is a theurgist, that is, the owner of secret knowledge, behind which there is a secret action."
Theurgy is the human practice of working with divine entities. "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" - a working diary of Alexander Blok about the course of this practice.
Ten years later, he will write to Andrei Bely: “From now on I will not dare to become proud, as I once did, when, as an inexperienced youth, I decided to disturb the dark forces - and dropped them on myself.”
“Poems about the Beautiful Lady” is just about this - about the dark forces and the pride of trying to cope with them.
It didn't work out. Ten years later, after the death of Blok, Andrei Bely sums up:
“The first volume is a shock: a rapid exit from the bosom of art; and - meeting with the Vision of a Radiant Friend; and - further: the inability to embody this meeting, breaking off all paths "

For Blok, it was important to emphasize the working, realistic nature of the book (“I ask you to treat my words as words playing an official role, like Bedeker [a guide] that a traveler uses when necessary”), therefore, instead of three sections with mystical titles “Immobility "," Crossroads "," Damage "of the first edition in the canonical edition there are six of them, which now have only indications of the place and time of action instead of any philosophy.

Here's a quick summary by section:

I. St. Petersburg. Spring 1901.
"At the end of January and the beginning of February, She clearly appears.", "In this state, I met Lyubov Dmitrievna on Vasilievsky Island ..."
The young theurge finds light and in this state he meets his beloved. And he decides that they are both - "in the guise of one." But, most likely, it is the "fortune teller" from the Dark Temple that appears.
II.C. Shakhmatovo. Summer 1901. The poet learns to work with the acquired forces, but constantly gets confused between the Yasnaya and the fortuneteller, between the Sun and his beloved. Between you and you.
Constant trips from his Shakhmatovo to her in Boblovo. L. D. is always waiting for him.
III. St. Petersburg. Autumn and winter of 1901. The edge of knowledge of God: the attempt is successful! - to see the goddess in his beloved, that is, to reveal in “you” - you! But immediately there are "doubles" who tempt the theurgist with a scattering of worlds.
Regular, supposedly random, meetings with L.D. after her "lessons". Their dates in churches.
IV. St. Petersburg. Winter and spring of 1902. The vision of Moses, the readiness for the Act, the vision of "we traveled with Him through the cities." But what is all this? - messages from You or trickery of "doubles"? And - again the vision of Moses, the vision of the Burning Bush, the realization that You are the Bush, that is, You are a direct call of the Lord to action, as once upon a simple shepherd Moses: “Go! And do the unprecedented. " But again the actors of the lilac worlds intervene - a fortune-teller, two-faced, double. And the poet breaks down into other worlds open to him by his "doubles".
All this against the background of L.D. break with Blok.
V.S. Shakhmatovo. Summer 1902. Summer of winter nightmares, summer of reckoning ... But in response to a direct appeal: "Come, I will calm you down", the poet insists on his right to "stone roads".
All summer LD: "... Out of spite, I flirted ... in Boblov with my cousins"
VI. St. Petersburg. Autumn - November 7, 1902. The hero enters the Path of Worlds - purple worlds. Wanders around her, despairing. He, putting his life on the line, breaks through to the Temple, but, apparently, this is a dark temple. He got confused on his "stone roads".
All autumn LD: "I was free from any feeling for Blok that autumn."
November 7, 1902 is the date of the decisive explanation. L. D. accepts Block's offer.

This poem belongs to the third scene of the first section. There are six scenes in total:
1. The young theurge gains light.
2. And he understands: "You" are the sun!
3.No further into the book - not allowed into the book! - scene: "you" - beckon to the Dark Temple.
4. And the reaction is night! In which - people, animals, a white-faced ghost and "your" hostile force.
5. And heavy forebodings with which you manage to fight.
6.And insertion by strangers - Her! - in handwriting: "She" responds directly and admits: "You are endowed with an alien power."

Three works belong to the scene of this poem:

1. "On a cold day, on an autumn day ..." ()
Memories from the "coming autumn" about the Vision on the "Field behind the old Village".
2. "All earthly dreams fly away ..." ()
"An earthly dream", about a world where t (T) s "close circles" - "lonely", that is, without it.
3. "All existence and existence is in accordance with ..." ()
An attempt at self-affirmation: "I am in myself with abundance I enclose / All those fires with which you burn."

previous poem -

Give an analysis of Blok's poem
All being and existence is in accordance with ...

All being and everything is in accordance
In great, unceasing silence.
Look there sympathetically, indifferently, -
I don't care - the universe is in me.
I feel and I believe and I know
The seer cannot be deceived by sympathy.
I am in myself with abundance I enclose
All those lights that you burn.
But there is no more weakness, no more strength,
The past, the future is in me.
All being and existence froze
In great, unchanging silence.
I'm here at the end full of insight
I've crossed the line.
I'm just waiting for a conditional vision
To fly off into another void.

    A very beautiful poem: I think the meaning and problematics are the immortality of the soul, the infinity of being. Pronouns I and me are often repeated - personal pronouns, singular. numbers, that is, this insight, the truth is achieved only by him, and he is alone, but not quite, he is connected with the universe. Fly away into another void, that is, according to the author, all worlds, civilizations are the same, all are not sinless, not absolutely pure, vile, despicable inhabitants who do not see the truth, digging in the ashes. Sorry, that's all I saw, but if you ask the right questions, then I can open something else :)

    judging by the date - from his early poems, beautiful - but what else is needed? beauty cannot be analyzed, only any feces are analyzed.