Cheap, but stylish repair of a small apartment. Unique ideas of stylish and budgetizing apartments budget designer decisions for an apartment


Little place - Plan a height!

Want to equip a breakfast place in a small kitchen? Use bars furniture. Such techniques enjoy, for example, in small snacks, where you need to solve the problem with a lack of space. The table can be made independently, if you buy separate legs for the table and fasten them to a small worktop.

It is necessary to separate the zone - create a septum!

Today, open kitchens can be found in many apartments, it usually concerns the studio apartments. However, sometimes I would like to separate the kitchen zone from the living room area. In order not to create a deaf wall - put the partition. It can be made, from shelves, just in offices or photo studios or put a thin wooden wall. As material will suit Thick sheet of plywood or MDF. Paint her paint for wood and build metal brackets. Hang frying pan and other kitchenware.

Necessary more places For things?

To get an additional volume for storing things - place the boxes under the bed or under the closet. Just and tastefully old boxes are acquired new role. Such boxes can be taken, for example, familiar who want to part with old furniture. Put boxes with wheels so that they do not scratch the floor.

No money on expensive shelves - find old boxes and show creative!

Instead of spending money on new shelves - work creatively with old boxes. If you urgently need a place to accommodate books and things, but it is not possible to purchase, wooden boxes - excellent alternative. This option is also a wonderful place of residence for your four-legged friend!

Too little color - add a decorative screen!

Your apartment is too simple and monotony, but you do not want to paint the walls or buy new curtains and carpets. Paint a few decorative screens into your favorite colors and place them as pictures on the walls. This will add your dwelling color. Bright outdoor shirma, manufactured by its will also be appropriate.

Little bedside zone - reconstruct bed!

This one is beautiful wooden design Around the bed is a wonderful idea for those in the bedroom not only sleeping, but also spends most of the time in it. A wide "wooden wall" around the headboard will allow you to place a place for books and things in it, as well as put desktop lamp Or a cup of coffee.

Lack of place to work - Find a compromise!

If you do not have a separate room for work, create a workplace in the living room or bedroom. The shelf mounted between two mounted modules or chests will provide you with an excellent compact workplace.

Too many little things - organize the bureau!

Various little things, such as letters, receipts, office, keys, nails and other small items often do not have their own definite place, and it is difficult to find them. In order for such a number of trifles, it did not create a mess - give them a small separate "house". Small boxing of small boxes painted in light colors It looks neat and fresh.

In many children there is no style and beauty. You can solve this problem even with a small budget. Here, naturally, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the child. Children will delight a series of paintings with favorite plots on the wall. To store toys place low boxes, adding them to textile boxes. Boxes or bags of beautiful fabric can be made independently or order in atelier, pre-measuring the dimensions of the shelf.

The dream of each mistress is clean, cozy housewhich is always warm and smells of delicious food. But we all have different financial opportunities, sometimes do not allow dear repairs In our apartments. How to be in this case? Exit this position one is to stop your choice at the interior of the economy class. It does not mean that the apartment after repair will look unprepacently. After all, the main secret is the right choice of materials that may be inexpensive.

First of all, we are determined with the appearance of the apartment in which it should appear before you after repair. Thunderstand the color and view of the floor, wall coating. We also pay attention to doors. It is possible that during the repair process they will need to be replaced with more attractive models or sliding glass partitions. Deciding with the main moments, go to the building materials store. Note that construction hypermarkets and small shops offer, in fact, the same product, but at a given price. Therefore, before buying it is recommended to explore the proposals of several sellers. And after that it is purchased. We offer to see the economy interior apartment in the photo.

Choosing decoration MaterialsYou can save on the purchase of alternative, cheaper at the price of analogs. For example, dear laminate, can be replaced with high-quality linoleum, stylized under parquet board. Imported wallpapers can be replaced by domestic with a similar pattern, but cheaper at cost.

You can save on options for finishing surfaces. For example, the walls are aligned not with the help of plasterboard structures, but using traditional plaster. For getting spectacular finish, it is possible instead venetian plaster Use wallpaper with a similar pattern. The ceiling is fried and painted in white color. Subject to high-quality work, appearance Such a ceiling, as in the photo, will decorate any interior.

Kitchen economy class

Thinking about O. inexpensive repair In the kitchen, remember that the design should be beautiful, and the furnishings are comfortable. Therefore, carefully think about each element of the interior. In the kitchen of economy class furniture, dishes, machinery and accessories must perform any function. Plus, the headset should not take a lot of space, but to be practical. Economy class kitchen interior requires a special approach and attention.

Economical ideas

As a rule, in modern apartmentsThe kitchens do not differ in large dimensions. This means that the furniture must be compact. An excellent option will be purchased corner headset. It is roomy, but it does not take up much space. Options of economy class interiors are presented in the photo.

Planning the location of the objects in the kitchen, do not forget that between the stove, refrigerator and sink, should be as few times as possible. Therefore, place them, closer to each other. Most. good option Location looks like this:

  • refrigerator,
  • washing;
  • cooking surface;
  • cabinet for dishes.

Selecting finishing materials, pay attention to the quality and estimated life. In evaporation conditions that are inevitable in the process of cooking, all finishing materials should not be allocated unpleasant odors, peel and disconnect from surfaces.

Economy living room

To create a beautiful, but inexpensive interior design in the living room, experts recommend using in the design of repeating decor elements. For example, the walls can be saved by wallpaper in a stylish strip and supplement the border in a floral topic. This ornament is desirable to repeat on the carpet of the coating.

Any designer knows what is beautiful - does not mean expensive. And on the contrary: expensive - not always beautiful. With any budget you can get both stylish and cozy interiorAnd a nightmarish misery. By the way, the modest budget of many saves from ugly luxury. Without having a lot of money, a person is forced to strive for something simple, unassuming. But it is simplicity, as you know, the most bonus and Milovoid.

P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote: "Beauty in music consists not in the pinch of effects and harmonic curiosities, but in simplicity and naturalness." These words are valid for most types of art, including architecture and design.

So, a small budget is not an obstacle to creating a beautiful, harmonious interior. But certain difficulties, of course, may arise. How and on what can be saved? How, spending a minimum, squeeze the maximum and reach harmony?

We bring to your attention a few simple rules and secrets. No need to observe them from and to. These are not a dogma, but just tips, following which will facilitate the solution of the problem.

1. Start with the selection of style

If you have to do with a low budget, the luxurious styles are better not to wade. , Ar Deco, Neurokko, traditional classic, moroccan style etc. - In the direction of these directions it is not worth watching. Their low-budget embodiment is unlikely to come out worthy. Pretty capricious and style Provence.

Much less demanding such styles like minimalism, Scandinavian, modern European and industrial.



Modern European with the elements of Scandinavian

Modern style interior

Industrial style. Design: Studio "Force"

Industrial Style (He Loft)

If the soul is sophisticated and strict balance, you can prefer modern classic. This style gives more freedom and allows a lot of liberties, in contrast to the traditional classics. Where fewer frames and conventions are easier to save.

2. Develop a detailed plan

In order not to spend money on the purchase of unnecessary and, in fact, unnecessary items, it is worth a list of all the necessary furniture in advance.

It is desirable to draw the housing plan and make furniture to it, determined with its optimal location. A clear plan will help to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Next you need to decide which materials will be used. If you want to wake the wall behind the bed with wallpaper, in this place it will be possible to do without filigree surface preparation. If the wall fragment in front of the bed will be trimmed by the board, there is no point in the ideal to show this site. Pre-planning and project preparation will immediately note those surfaces that will need to be thoroughly prepared. This work is known to be expensive. Partial wall preparation will save, because payment is taken over the square meter.

The same with the ceiling. If it is decided to use in advance stretch cloth In the bathrooms, it makes no sense to level the surface of the ceiling. It is enough to simply clean and wash it.

Scheduating the construction of embedded cabinets and storage rooms and immediately determined with their location and size, you can save a little on the decoration of the walls and the ceiling. No need to use expensive materials within these surcharges. If you plan to install a large clothes closet, it is also meaningless to separate the wall behind it.

3. Prefer simple furniture

Budget furniture with an intricate design and a luxury claim often loudly "screaming" about its cheapness.

If the budget is limited, it is better to make a choice in favor of simple laconic furniture Restrained tones.

Work with neutral furniture easy. So that she played, it is enough to decorate it with accessories and decorative elements. So, a simple inexpressive table of the VMIG will be transformed if they put an attractive table lamp on it. A gray or beige minimalist sofa will become more comfortable and elegant if you make it with pillows and plaid.

Big cabinets are better not to protrude. Let them merge as much as possible with the situation.

Design: Tatyana Ivanova

For brightness and effects, use small furniture items. Complete, for example, a concise neutral sofa expressive. If an almost imperceptible wardrobe is installed in the hallway, discharge the situation using a spectacular bench.

4. Save at the expense of the built-in wardrobes

The construction of cabinets and storage rooms (for example, from drywall) is usually cheaper than the purchase of finished or custom-made furniture.

Design: Katerina Lashmanova

For such a cabinet it will be necessary to buy only shelves and the door. However, instead of the door can be used curtains, which is relevant for sleeping rooms and bathrooms.

Having built the storage room in the kitchen, it will be a headset. This will significantly reduce its cost.

5. Choose finishing materials with simple design.

Laminate, linoleum, cheap tile - why not? After all, our goal is to make a budget interior beautiful and elegant, not luxurious. But there is one an important rule: che cheaper material - The easier it should be his appearance. Laminate - only under the tree. Linoleum - under laminate or monophonic. However, it can imitate both the tile, but better one-photon.

Inexpensive tile or marble pattern creates Ryabi effect. Such a finish looks alapotato and a pace. Choosing a budget tile, it is better to stop on the simplest, one-color.

Cheap imitation of expensive parquet and valuable stone look ridiculous in budget interior. Such a mismatch deprives him of harmony.

Gently need to pick up and interior doors. If everything around is distinguished by restraint and minimalistness, doors with a luxury complaint just do not fit into the situation. Always and everywhere are appropriate smooth deaf canvases and strict violent doors, including frame-style framework samples. If you want to install the doors with glass, then let it be a traditional rectangular or arched insert from transparent or corrugated glass. Inserts of complex curvilinear forms, including decorated with patterns, are not relevant for a long time. In addition, they are not combined with a moderate budget situation.

6. Combine a cheap finish with more expensive

It is not necessary to flicker all the bathroom - from the floor to the ceiling - a cheap fabric. Yes, it will save, but will this interior be pleased with you? You can buy more expensive tiles and put it the walls only to half, and in the top to paint. Or do otherwise: for example, three walls bonded a cheap fabric or paint, and the wall behind the washbasin, a toilet or bathroom is separated by an expensive tile or mosaic.

Design: Julia Piscarev

Do not be afraid of paint. Unlike wallpaper and tiles, you determine its kel. Thanks to its interesting color, you can achieve a stunning result.

Design: Vera Tarlovskaya

If you really liked the expensive wallpaper or, for example, facing bricks - buy this material in small quantities. Form the accent plots with it. For example, only one wall in the bedroom is saved by expensive wallpaper - behind the bed. The rest of the walls can be saved by budget fliseline wallpaper and put them under painting.

Partial apron

Design: Vera Tarlovskaya

7. If you allow the possibility and selected style, leave some surface without finishing

In new buildings, and sometimes in old houses you can detect a good concrete or good brick masonry. Some of these surfaces can be left primarily, saving on finishing. Of course, some processing will still need, but it will cost incomparably cheaper.

Of course, the decision must be taken depending on the style of the interior. For modern, Scandinavian and industrial styles The presence of such draft surfaces is very characteristic. If you chose a lightweight elegant classic or elegant Provence - this option is not for you.

Design: Studio "Force"

8. Use curtains instead of partitions and doors.

No, it's not yesterday and not grandmother design. The use of textiles is now very relevant. The fabric and holder for the curtains will surely cost cheaper than the construction of the walls and the purchase of doors. There are very decent fabrics in the budget segment. Of course, a thin stente cloth will not decorate the interior, but also heavy velvet curtains will be not here to the place.

9. Think well above the interior palette

Warely solution - neutral gamma. If used as a base white, gray, beige or gray-beige color - It will be much easier to create an elegant interior.

Saturated, deep paints are very obligatory. Everything should be neat and high quality, because any imperfections will immediately rush into the eyes. Neutral gamma, on the contrary, smoothes shortcomings.

Bright paints are better to introduce dosage, in the form of accents. Including in the form of accent sites on the walls and floors.

10. Make a bet on the decor

Any cheap subject with an uncomplicated design can be beaten with the help of decor. Rustic dining group It will be transformed if you decorate it with an interesting suspended lamp, a textile path and a vase with flowers. No opportunity to buy a bed with spectacular headboard? No problem! Choose a simple bed and get a good bedspread to it and pillows. Take the bed textile, and it will take a completely different type - more sophisticated and elegant. Bathroom, lined with white tiles, looks too in Spartan? Choose an unusual mirror, hang neon color towels and decorate the wall with a creative poster.

The decor can be quite inexpensive, even penny. It is important only to choose it in color, texture, form and quality.

In short, if the budget is small, the bet is better to do not on the effect of furniture, but on the expressiveness of the decor.

And finally. Refusing complex cabinets, doors with zagululs, curly suspended ceilings, plasterboard niches And ridiculous arches, that is, from a lot that it has long been soldered asking, you can safely save. It is better to spend this money on good decor: on desktop and wall lamps, pillows, vases, mirrors, posters, rugs, houseplants, wall Clock and others. Neutral discreet base and with love selected decor - this is the secret of success for the budget interior.

At last! Happened. She graduated from the next article.
This time I want to touch on a very burning topic.

Many are in confidence that the design is available only to people with a big wallet, and if the budget for repair is strongly limited, then you can forget about beauty and harmony. I would like to dispel it if possible.

Of course, in the presence of sufficient funds, the beauty is much easier than in their absence. But as the presence of money does not guarantee good resultAnd modest finances - not yet reason to lower your hands.

I want to immediately warn - this article is not about how to save on construction work. Rather, it is about how even with the presence of a very small amount, you can get not only "simple repair", which meets certain practical requirements, but to create a stylish harmonious interior that meets modern trends.

Before revealing simple secrets, I want to separately celebrate three things on which in no case you can not saveif you make an apartment to myself and for a long time .

1. Technical communications. Laying pipes, plumbing, electrician, weakness, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Their repair, replacement and installation after the end of the repair will cost you not only additional expenses, but also nerves.

2. Base preparation: (Paul, Walls, Ceiling) Before finishing. Make a high-quality screed, level walls and ceiling (if you do not intend to use a stretch).

No expensive wallpaper will not be able to distract from oblique, curves and humpbacked walls. And especially noticeably it will be at the joints of the ceramic tile.

Think up in advance how to close the tubes in the bathrooms and in the kitchen, as well as the pipe from the drawing to the air duct. Take care of cable channels in which you can hide the wires running from a TV or computer to auxiliary machinery.
Nothing spoils any interior as none to the place sticking wires and pipes.

3. Redevelopment. I put it lately just because the need for it arises far from everyone. But, in fact, the competent planning solution is what we need to start all thoughts about repairs.

You will probably cope alone, if a:
- The apartment is located in a typical "panel". Opportunations in them are strongly limited and all possible optionstend to find easily on the Internet.
- You are planning very minor changes. A little move the wall or shift the opening ... just make sure that the notorious wall is not capital. And you, with your actions, do not violate the redevelopment law. Do not try, for example, enlarge the bathroom at the expense of the room or vice versa, expand the bedroom at the expense of the kitchen or toilet.

In other cases it is necessary contact specialists, if a:
- You decided to break all the nonsense walls and erect them again, more rationally.
- You bought a free planning apartment, and the planning proposed by the developer does not suit you.
- You want to drastically change the distribution of areas. For example, make a three-in-room burst. Yes, still carve a wardrobe room.
- Your apartment is inept and no options you have found.
- Especially it concerns apartments with original architecture: radius walls and angles other than 90 grams. ( In this case, I mean not the "jamb" of builders, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect)

I will cope with such tasks you will be very difficult. It is unlikely that you can find The best decision For similar objects.

Contrary to the opinion that designers are very expensive, it is possible to order a planning solution for quite imputed money. ( In the Moscow region it is about 200-300 rubles. per sq.m.)

But it will allow you to:
- Evaluate the potential of your dwelling.
- Choose the most optimal option, taking into account the characteristics of your family.
- Squeeze the maximum benefit from each see. Square.
- Act within the law on the reorganization of premises.
Because you will be unpleasantly surprised if after the repair is already finished, it will not be possible to legalize, and it is unlikely that you will have an infrared neighbor, waving a summons on the court, because your toilet turned out to be smoothly over the children's bed.
- Do without beveled walls and ridiculously protruding corners.
- choose the most rational and least costly for further embodiment, solutions.

Suppose we defined with the layout. Now the final result will depend mostly from how correctly we will determine with the style of the direction and the color scheme, we will select the right finishing materials and furniture.

Do not deceive yourself ... Pretty obvious (although, probably not for everyone), that the royal apartments, the interiors of palaces and residences in the conditions of a limited budget will not shine. The race called "Expensive-richly" in such conditions, we never win.
It is not worthwhile and on such "expensive" styles like Art Deco

Modern (i mean the name of the style that appeared at the junction of the 19th and 20th centuries. It is also called Art Nouveau, Liberty or Yighdille)

It is easiest to achieve a good result, and not only morally, but also materially, it will help you MINIMALISM.

Saving for you may be the so-called Scandinavian style.

There are practically no contraindications for them.
Almost always appreciated Contemporary.

To select the rest of the styles, the rule of good tone says:
The style of the apartment should maximize the architecture of the house.
- choice Classics If your apartment is in "Stalinka", it is quite acquitted. But the low ceilings of this style are completely contraindicated.

Also, it should be remembered that the classic will require symmetry in the arrangement. You will have to refuse angular sofa and other asymmetric interior items.

And yet, this choice will definitely increase your budget. Decor, furniture and accessories in classic style It is significantly more expensive.
- will greatly facilitate life and reduce the cost Easy classic - Condemned version of classic interiors.

Style Country- appropriate in the country or in country houseBut not always suitable for apartments. To recreate it in concrete walls, you will also need additional costs.

good old Provence -also best will reveal exactly in a separate house with wooden ceilings Or in the attic, but it easily fits into the interior of the apartment. Easy and elegant - it is more suitable for women. A man can feel a little uncomfortable in it.

Style LOFT, under certain circumstances, it will allow not to sew pipes and ventilation on the ceiling, will help save on finish finish, leaving the brick and old boards open, if they existed there before. But it will be extremely ridiculous to look in a close low panel, in which it was not brick, no boards. And you will still have to spend on their imitation, not always successful, besides.

Style Fusioncharacterizes the "combination of incompatible", i.e. Combining yourself different ideas From different, it would seem incompatible styles, but so that they do not lose the integrity and harmony.

Fusion could seem "easy prey", thanks to the seeming permissiveness. If it were not for the last reservation "not to lose the integrity and harmony of the image." This is a much more difficult task than it may seem at the beginning. Therefore, it is least recommended for independent use.

If you have left the grandmother any rare furniture objects, decor, it makes sense to risk. However, you must be quite a creative person for this and be absolutely confident in your taste. Well, or you will accept, there is such a person with whom you could constantly consult. ( Keyword "constantly".)

Thus, the use of already existing architectural features of the building in the interior, as well as available meaningful Items will allow you not only to better pass the atmosphere, the mood, but also will save your finances.

Conversely, any violence against style entails additional financing.

To the selection color Gamma. Also worth it is reasonable, based not only for personal addictions.
Of course, everyone does not only have their favorite color, but also have their own, there are currently established relationships with each color.

Someone whitethe walls are associated with cleanliness, freshness and scoring. Others, this purity seems too "surgical" and thoughts about the hospital.

(Although, justice for the sake of, little where there are sterile white hospital chambers and even robes doctors in surgery may not be white at all)

Heavenly blue It can carry airiness and ease by one, and others seem cold and uncomfortable.

Also, warm peach, sandy-beige Shades - for some guarantee of comfort, for others - "stuffy, illuminated, beaten."

Someone can exist only surrounded by pastel shades,

and the other is absolutely necessary for the energy of bright colors.

And someone is very cozy in the black and black room.

There are no ugly colors. There are even incompatible combinations. With a skillful approach, you can make friends absolutely all colors.
But for independent work You will need fundamental knowledge on the topic and specific experience. so or perfect taste and errorless intuition. And better both, both, and the third ...

And if you do not have any of this, and there is no time for a detailed study of the problem, nor the desire is the only way to "not hiking" in large - it is to reduce the risks as much as possible. ( Radical way - call for the help of a designer, we do not consider here).

A huge number of people chooses a calm beige palette for their home.

(Designers even the term appeared « baewiness » , not too flattering)

But in principle, they are right. Especially those who prefer serious beige Tone.

Generally, the choice as a background light neutral gamma: white, increasingly less bright shades of gray and gray-beige - most reliable way Easy your life and avoid serious mistakes In the design of space.

They are perfectly combined both among themselves, including various shades and derivatives, and are ready to make friends with almost any other color.

Saturated gray paints, as well as almost black and pure - black It looks as a background for many unusual, but nevertheless, always without problems find a companion in any palette.

But, loved in the people, peach beige And different modifications with the addition of yellow and pink shade are far from being so harmless. Firstly, the yellow-beige brother tolerate cannot tolerate his pink-beige relative (this is also related to "wooden" textures). And both of them do not get along with bright clean colors. From strong contrasts, they are shown only pure-black (he is friends with everyone without regard) and selective shades of dark brown.

But, no matter how seductive the path of least resistance, it must be remembered that the color, its competent use in the interior is a powerful decorative reception, and almost free. (Painting bank with some unusual color costs almost as much as beige.)

But the risk with right choices Colors increase. Especially difficult to combine several saturated colors. Patiently, difficulties arise in the selection of finishing materials and furniture.
There are also whole sites with ready-made palettes.
But to competently use these cribs, too, we must be able to.

Imagine that in the manna porridge recipe, the necessary ingredients are indicated: cereals, milk, oil, sugar, salt - but not a word about how much each product needs and in what order them ...
Immediately remembered "Mishkin Porosha", is not it?

Often, the same "Mishkin Poros" is also in the interior, even if you chose the right combination.
Obviously, besides a good compatibility, many different aspects should be taken into account.

It will absolutely learned to work with the color within one article, but some useful rules Nevertheless you can master.

The first thing to pay attention is the proportion.
- You should not use two colors in the interior of the same saturation equally. At approximately: 2/3 Main color, 1/3 - optional.

- than brighter color, the less needso that he is noticed and notice.

Therefore, bright and clean colors should not be used as background. And even for large items of furniture and interior. You risks soon to wave even the most favorite color.

But, they are gorgeous as a bright stroke: a strip on the wallpaper, a frame or a bright stain on a picture or on the carpet, a vase or a lamp ceiling, pillows on the sofa. And for the background, the muted version is suitable.

- to make the interior bright and energeticIt is not necessary to make a blue floor, painting the walls green and ordering a red kitchen. If the result disappoints you (too dark, too bright, too Pestro, is badly combined) to correct the error will be extremely difficult and very, very expensive.

It is much easier to add paints to a completely neutral interior in the form of textiles and decorative elements. Carpet and curtains, bedspreads on the bed, pillows on the sofa, a bright picture or lampshade - and the result will be no worse! On the other hand, change it radically you can, spent much less effort and funds.

Separately, I would like to talk about zoning premises using color.

Often you have to hear:
- Bought two (or even three) wallpaper type, how and where to stick them?
- I really want to allocate one of the walls, which one? Or maybe two?
So, when it is appropriate to allocate the wall with the color, and when this is not worth doing this?

Rooms - « Extracted rectangle " - The most common option.
- Color we zonail the room into two equal, or almost equal parts, such as a bedroom and a living room, a bedroom and a children's ...

- especially "useful" zoning with color for too long and narrow rooms. Here we can allocate the center of the room, visually "having chopping" the edges, having deprived them of colors.

- Perhaps we will want one of the walls to make accentwith color. It is best for this front wall (that, opposite the entrance to the room or diagonally from the entrance).

- For too elongated rooms, it is advisable to highlight the color short facial wall.

If we want to make an emphasis on long Wall - It is worth allocating not the whole wall, but only its meaningful part.
For example:
1. Zona in the living room, where TV hangs.

2. The woven walls in the bedroom behind the headboard.

Rooms Incorrect form
- Color we can "cut off" lyland Room corners that interfere with us.
- It is quite logical to highlight the niche, alcove or protrusions to other color. ( But it does not necessarily do a priori).

Rooms Square and approximate to the square .
Everything you read above them in most cases categorically contraindicated!
- Do not allocate color one of the walls, do not release a piece of the wall, or angle. By this, we will seriously avoid the original geometry of the room.
"It is worth emphasizing the color of a lone protrusion or an asymmetrical niche.
To emphasize the correct symmetrical shape of the room we can:
- Use inserts of another color or companyon wallpaper in the frame.

For rooms with relatively high ceilings, you can apply horizontal zoning around the perimeter.
It can be applied in rectangular rooms, but it should not be done in too elongated in length.
- Ply medium height The wall is divided as 1/3 and 2/3 of the part.

For higher rooms, it is possible to allocate the top of the wall (approximately 1/4 or 1/5)

Choosing finishing materials, we can not always afford the quality that I would like. It is sad.

But even worse, if the dream of luxury plays with us a sore joke.

Linoleum, which is pretended by a set of parquet or marble.

Cheap small format tile with a blonde marble pattern, the same on each tile.

Plastic panels - "Natural Malachite"

- "samoyar" gold and silver

Such fakes will never be able to create the illusion of an expensive interior in your apartment, but only turn your apartment in the evil and cruel caricature of "expensive-bohatat".
If you are forced to use the materials of the budget segment due to circumstances, your motto will be:
"Beauty in simplicity"

"True refinement is especially noticeable when it is close to simplicity."
Henry Ward Becher

Buy laminate or linolium "tasteful" ordinary board . Neither expensive set of parquet nor exotic breedsnor marble nor skin nor fur will be organically look on the surface of linoleum, cheap tile, plastic panels and budget wallpapers with a foamed vinyl coating.

By purchasing budget tiles, give preference to one-picture collections, do not abuse decor. They are, their own poor performance and tasteless pattern (to the creation of cheap collections good designers Rarely attract), often give out the true price of the tile.

Instead of decors, ( cheap often only by sight, but not for the price) Let the thin strip "cool" mosaic. At a high price, it can be enough for 1-2 meters.

Schwit. Put the tile not to the ceiling, and until the middle of the wall. Currently there are modern, very high-quality paints For bathrooms. They will protect your walls no worse than a tile . Saving on the number of tiles, you can afford a more expensive and spectacular collection.

If you disassemble the models of budgetary doors - then smooth deaf canvas or classic modest panels look much more solid homegrown "typewide" models.



Walls. Do not wake rooms of a small area, and even with low ceiling, wallpaper with large colors, patterns, chic "Damask". You yourself are stealing precious meters, making room even closer and low.

If the wallpaper shoved you in the soul, make small inserts within or insert pieces of you like wallpapers into the frame, like posters. The background will be monophonic wallpaper, smooth or with texture that will not be so clearly to give out their modest price segment than the wallpaper with a pattern.

Using such a simple intake, for inserts you can allow you to buy a roll of expensive and truly chic wallpapers that will decorate your interior better than 10 rolls cheap with an obsessive alapent pattern.

Do not waste money in vain on the complications of embedded furniture designs in the form different materials, exotic colors, inserts, curves and asymmetric forms. A cheap cabinet (here is meant the quality of the materials used and accessories, and not its final price) will not be suddenly presentable from all these decorations, although the price can be off to heaven. On the contrary, try using a laconic design and neutral colors "hide" this work modern art, Maximum drain it with a wall.



Be careful to the trifles.
They, without claiming great costs, however, will help you to create an illusion of expensive repair, and not at all fake gold and marble.

Corrently sewn pipes in the toilet.
Thin neat metal thresholds instead of humpback frets,

- Fantasy zoning of genital coatings divided by the "humpback" by a spawning.

All these arts came to replace the Soviet uniformity in the 90s of the last century, in the era of ambitious, but mostly poorly educated, distant from art, "new Russians", who wish to stand out in any way.
Unfortunately, the belonging of this "antidice" exists and is currently.

Similar "beams" - a serious threat to your budget. The result will be the brutal disappointment from the "KrakoyarBR" who have hung over the most painful, the clumsy partitions that have turned your apartment to a labyrinth, the speedy alapic drawings. And of course, poisonous smiles are more sophisticated in the style of acquaintances.
Instead of this

Improvise. Show fantasy. Decorate your dwelling with original crafts. Use the usual items in an unusual perspective.