Beer business plan. Brewery Opening Guide

Organize your own business and start working for yourself, dreams of almost every person. Many aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering where to find a profitable business idea, how to make money quickly and how to achieve a stable income.

It is no secret that the entertainment business is profitable and does not lose popularity even in times of crisis. Therefore, in today's article, I want to propose for consideration the idea of ​​​​opening a beer bar from scratch. We will talk about how much it costs to open such an institution, what is its profitability and payback period?

Where to start opening a beer bar?

To begin with, it is necessary to define the concept. A beer bar is a themed entertainment venue for lovers of a fresh intoxicating drink. In this cafe, visitors can try different types of beer and have fun in the company of like-minded people. As a rule, sports competitions (football, basketball, hockey, etc.) are broadcast in such establishments.

Institution format

Before you start implementing the idea, you should decide on the concept of the institution.

Stationary beer bar

Such an institution is somewhat reminiscent of which, we discussed in detail in a previous article. This place, as a rule, has a separate entrance, but can also be located on the territory of a supermarket or shopping center. Usually, such an establishment offers customers a wide range of drinks (various types of beer), comfortable accommodation and good service. Everyone can enjoy their favorite intoxicating drink.

Mobile beer tent

As a rule, such establishments can be seen in the warm season on the busy streets of the city. Summer tents come in different sizes, there are also very large ones that can accommodate about 100 people at a time. Such establishments are good because they are located on the street, this attracts more customers, because people have the opportunity to purchase a drink and drink it on the spot at a table or take it with them.

Decide for yourself which format of the institution to choose, while taking into account your financial capabilities. Naturally, opening a themed beer bar will cost you more than opening a summer tent.

Business registration

The beer business, like any other type of activity, is subject to registration with the legal authorities. Therefore, in order not to have problems with the sanitary and fire service in the future, follow all the rules and requirements for opening a beer bar from scratch.

To begin with, you should decide on the form of activity. Alternatively, you can choose to register as an LLC or sole proprietorship.

Beer license

Beer is a low-alcohol drink that is currently not subject to licensing. Thus, the process of opening a beer bar is much simpler than, where a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages is already required.

Required package of documents:

  • Certificate confirming the state registration of the enterprise (LLC or individual entrepreneur);
  • Lease agreement for the premises on the territory of which the beer bar will be located;
  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. It is worth noting that the premises, equipment and cooking process must meet current standards. Also, all employees of the institution must have medical books on passing a medical examination;
  • Permission from the fire service on the compliance of the premises with all fire safety standards;
  • Menu agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Production control program for a point selling beer;
  • Garbage collection agreement, dry cleaning agreement, etc.;
  • Internal documentation.

Only if you have all the documents, you can start work on opening your outlet. Do not forget that specialized authorities, such as the sanitary-epidemiological and fire service, monitor compliance with these rules.

Choosing the location of the beer bar

As noted above, for starters, it is worth deciding on the format of the institution. It is important to understand what you want to open: a themed bar or a summer cafe.

The location of the beer bar is of great importance, attendance and, accordingly, profit depend on it. Therefore, do not neglect such an important point.

Where is the best place to open a summer cafe?

A mobile beer tent is best placed in the central part of the city, in the most passable and crowded places. Therefore, look for a place near the station, in the city center or even in a densely populated residential area. It is important that there are no competitors nearby, otherwise the attendance of the institution will be many times worse.

Beer pub. It is desirable to open a thematic institution in shopping centers or supermarkets. You can, of course, rent a separate room, but this is a more expensive business, in addition, you will have to invest solid money in advertising. And in the case of placing a beer bar on the territory of a large shopping center, you will get customers in a short time with virtually no advertising and PR. It will be quite enough only a bright sign and an originally designed interior.

Restaurant interior

A beer bar is a universal institution that is visited by different people, from businessmen to students. They are united by their passion for quality beer, thematic interior and the possibility of having fun. Therefore, the interior should correspond and have, express the whole essence of the institution.

Furniture. Minimalism and simplicity are welcomed. Expensive soft sofas will look out of place in a beer bar, instead of them it is better to put strong wooden chairs or benches and the same massive tables.

Tableware. No need to serve dishes in porcelain plates and crystal glasses. In a beer bar, it is appropriate to use massive beer glasses and strong utensils that do not break.


Gone are the days when beer bars offered their customers exclusively bottled drinks. In order to stand out from the general mass of similar establishments, you should carefully draw up an assortment. It is very important that the menu contains quality sorts of live beer on tap.

Therefore, you will either have to conclude contracts for the supply of drinks, or where quality products will be produced. What is more profitable, decide for yourself. At the initial stage, you can only sell beer, but in the future, if possible, it is still desirable to open your own brewery, thereby reducing the cost of the drink, but at the same time maintaining its quality.

Beer snacks. In the beer bar, you can offer your customers both standard snacks: sandwiches, chips, nuts, croutons, dried fish, as well as hot dishes that go well with beer, such as pizza.

Choosing staff

A beer bar is a place where not everyone can work. There is no face control in such establishments, the contingent is different, so any situation is possible. Hire stress-resistant people with experience.

To work in a beer bar, you will need the same employees:

  • Administrator;
  • Accountant;
  • Bartender - 2 people, to work in shifts;
  • Cook;
  • Waiters - at least 4 people;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • Security guard.

Be sure to hire a good security guard who will ensure order in the institution, otherwise you may incur quite serious losses, because customers are different and no one is immune from non-standard situations.

The beer bar business plan includes the following costs:

  1. Registration of documents. At this stage, you can save money and independently collect and issue all permits for activities, or leave this case to an experienced lawyer, who, of course, will have to pay;
  2. Rental and renovation of premises. The rental price will depend on the condition and area of ​​the premises, as well as on its location;
  3. Purchase of equipment (furniture, refrigerators, bar counter, shop windows, kitchen utensils, cash registers, etc.);
  4. Purchase of products. A beer bar is a themed establishment, so it should have a wide range of different beers and snacks to go with it. You can set up your own production or enter into contracts for the supply of drinks with local breweries.
  5. Staff salaries. It depends on the region and prices for the provision of similar services;
  6. Monthly payment of utility bills and taxes;

One of the most consumed drinks in our country is beer, so a great solution would be to open a beer point. Because of this, most start-up entrepreneurs who have at least some start-up capital turn their attention to this particular product. And still, even to start such a business, everything should be thought over and carefully planned. First of all, you should carefully study the business plan for selling a range of beer, and only then proceed with its implementation. The business plan on our website covers all aspects of doing business for the sale of beer products.

This business plan covers several types of running a beer business.. This is the opening of a beer point of sale for draft beer; retail beer trade through a stall or a small shop.

Overview section.

This business plan proposes the opening of a nearby beer point for the sale of beer on tap.

It is assumed that the main contingent for the purchase of such a product will be individuals, so the most optimal option for the legal form will be an individual entrepreneur.

Beer is the most consumed drink at any time of the year. Almost any beer outlet quickly reaches a stable income, even though there is a lot of competition in this market segment. Therefore, the project is highly successful.

Description of the enterprise.

With a round-the-clock operation for the sale of beer products for bottling. This is the most optimal mode of operation for walking distance points.

Description of services.

It is proposed to sell live beer for drinking at the counters, which are installed directly on the territory of the point, as well as for private individuals to take draft beer with them.

Market analysis.

In this section of the business plan, you need to analyze the market for beer outlets in a particular area where you want to open a outlet. Indicate all the advantages and disadvantages of competitors and try not to allow the identified disadvantages in your business.

Production plan.

The first step in the implementation of their plans for the sale of beer will be the process of finding and selecting premises suitable for doing business. Most often, a beer outlet that sells beer on tap is chosen from the following types of premises: a small room on the basement or first floor of a building with a separate entrance; renting space in a supermarket or a large grocery store; independent organization of a beer stall. Immediately, we note that the organization of a stall would be the best option, since this type will require the lowest organizational costs.

And yet we will consider all three options.

1) Premises on the basement or first floor with a separate entrance. Pros. The room is separate from others; You can trade beer in any weather. Minuses. Rents tend to be high; The cost of the premises is also high.
2) Rented premises in another store. Pros. The flow of people is large; rent is not high. Minuses. The store sells bottled beer, that is, it is a competitor; most of these stores already have similar points.
3) Own beer stall. Pros. The cost of the stall is low; There are no monthly rental payments. Minuses. In bad, rainy weather, it will not be possible to trade beer on tap for consumption next to the counters.

From all of the above, it can be seen that the last option is the most economical option, so we will focus on it. The simplest solution for purchasing such a kiosk would be to buy a ready-made kiosk (on wheels). But you can still build a kiosk yourself if this option is cheaper.

The next step in the implementation of your idea is the execution of the necessary documents. To organize the work of a beer stall, as a rule, the following package of documents is required:

Permission of the territorial authority to install a stall

SES conclusion

Conclusion of state supervision

Another small detail, from educational institutions, the beer point should be located no closer than 100 meters.

The next important step is recruitment. The following qualities are necessary for a beer seller - conscientiousness, adequacy, cleanliness. Also, the seller must have a medical book drawn up in accordance with all the rules. Otherwise, you will always have financial problems.

So, the point is ready to receive its first visitors. But for the best result, it is better to conduct a small advertising campaign. It is not worth making a big investment in it. It will be quite enough to make an enticing beautiful sign that can be seen from afar; put up an advertising stand at the entrance. And if the beer is always fresh and tasty, then the necessary advertising will be done by people's rumors.

Also, together with the sale of beer, you can engage in the sale of related products such as chips, nuts, various fish products. You can also sell kvass.

Financial plan.

Here we will consider the financial side of the business plan for opening a beer outlet.

What will be the costs:

Renting a room, or your own stall from 100 * 000 rubles

Salary of staff (two sellers - in shifts) 360 * 000 rubles per year

Costs for the purchase of goods 50 * 000 rubles

The total is: 510 * 000 rubles

Income from the sale of beer 120 * 000 rubles per month

Income from the sale of other goods 40 * 000 rubles per month

Total: 1*920*000 rubles per year

From these small financial calculations, it can be seen that the beer stall will pay off in 3-4 months. Therefore, this type of small business can be considered highly profitable and risk-free.

We hope that with the help of our draft beer sales business plan will help you without much hassle.

Business in Russia. Guidelines for starting a business in the regions.
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* Calculations use average data for Russia

500 000 ₽

Starting investments

10 months

Payback period

25-30 sq.m.

Required area

30 - 100%

Product markup

Opening your own draft beer store is the dream of many aspiring entrepreneurs. A positive example of acquaintances and friends talking about how they recaptured the point in a couple of months, small investments, impressive crowds of customers and regulars in pubs can create a certain halo of success around this business. However, it is still not worth rushing to open a beer outlet without at least calculating the approximate price of the issue and without assessing the risks.

The situation in the beer market

Before opening any business, one cannot do without analyzing the situation in the industry as a whole. The beer retail market is no exception. Firstly, novice entrepreneurs should remember that the boom in the opening of live beer outlets has ended for many years. The main reason is the strengthening of state regulation of the industry - the situation for small businesses has become noticeably more complicated. Since 2008, the beer market in Russia has been declining. Increased excises - from 12 and 21 rubles. per liter of beer with an alcohol content of 0.5-8.6% and more than 8.6% in 2012 to 21 and 39 rubles. respectively in 2017. This led to an increase in prices. According to experts, in 2017 the beer market will lose another 2-5% - the industry will also be affected by the ban on the sale of beer in PET containers with a volume of more than 1.5 liters.

In connection with these and other trends, beer consumption in Russia has decreased from 77 liters per person per year (the peak value was recorded in 2008) to 50 liters in 2016. Compared to other countries, beer consumption in our country is relatively low. For example, in the Czech Republic, which is considered the leader in beer consumption, each inhabitant of the country drank 143 liters of beer on average in the same year. At the same time, no matter how pessimistic forecasts are made by analysts, beer still remains the most favorite alcoholic drink of Russians. For example, in 2016, the average Russian drank only 6.7 liters of vodka, 3.5 liters of wine and 1.1 liters of champagne, which is many times lower than beer consumption.

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Beer consumers are mainly men aged 18 to 55, regardless of marital status and income. At the same time, even with a general decrease in the solvency of the population, beer still does not lose its audience. Today, a certain culture of drinking beer has developed in the country - the number of establishment formats is multiplying, and manufacturers offer varieties for every taste and budget. His business of selling live beer is still not losing popularity. Beer is served both in premium restaurants, sports bars and craft pubs, as well as in ordinary draft pubs. However, if not all buyers can afford the first option, then the second option is much closer to the people. It is easier to open a small pub - there will always be some kind of customer flow at the outlet. True, it has become more difficult to enter the market - all profitable places have already been staked out for the most part, the “zones of influence” of beer houses have been divided, so now you need to win your client in part.

Location and premises of the beer store

The key factor for a draft beer store is its location. It is with the choice and assessment of the future point that experienced entrepreneurs are advised to start. The best location for a pub is traditionally considered to be a street with busy car and pedestrian traffic in a residential high-rise area. The search for a future location should usually begin by looking at options in new high-rise neighborhoods where there is either little or no competition. The advantages of this location are obvious - this is a large number of potential customers per square area. In addition, new buildings are places where young people who actively consume beer move. In no case do not place a pub where people do not live - that is, in a business center, remote from "sleeping" areas and from residential buildings in general. The fact is that live beer is bought by people in order to slowly drink it at home.

You can estimate the density of the market and calculate the number of operating pubs in a particular area using electronic cartographic reference books like 2GIS. Even better - immediately evaluate the place yourself, take a closer look at the contingent of residents, their gender, age, approximate level of wealth, evaluate pedestrian and car traffic. It should be remembered that the pub should be located no closer than 100 meters from schools, kindergartens and medical institutions. Also, proximity to sports or cultural facilities, gas stations, military facilities, as well as being in markets, bus stations, airports and other crowded places is not allowed.

Since beer cannot be sold from non-stationary premises, temporary structures such as stalls and kiosks will not work. The building of the pub must have a foundation and be entered in the real estate register. For starters, a small shop with an area of ​​​​25-30 square meters is enough. meters selling at least 10 beers. About 8-10 sq. meters of this area must be given to the warehouse. The rent will depend on a number of factors: the city, the proximity/remoteness of the center, metro stations and bus stops, the presence/lack of repairs, etc. and can vary from 10-15 thousand in small towns with a population of about 100 thousand people and reach 100-150 thousand or more in Moscow. It is worth remembering that these amounts, as a rule, do not include utilities.

Table 1. Rent for 20-30 sq. meters of retail space in Russian cities

* according to announcements on the Avito website as of September 2017

Assortment and suppliers of beer

Even before opening a beer outlet, an entrepreneur must decide on suppliers. It is best to conclude contracts with those beer producers that are in demand on the local market. Accordingly, to begin with, you need to find out which types of beer are more popular with residents of the city or region, what exactly they enjoy their trust. According to the experience of entrepreneurs, if we are talking about a point with 10 sorts of beer, then about 6 of them will be local bottling - unpasteurized unfiltered beer of a local producer is already well known to the buyer. Live beer is stored for a short time, starting to lose its taste after 3-5 days. The rest may be not so famous, but with high palatability premium varieties. This is a pasteurized beer with a long shelf life, which allows you to transfer transport from Europe and storage in a store with low demand. Don't forget that beer suppliers are located close to the store so that you don't have to bear additional transportation costs.

Even for a small outlet selling draft beer, you should not limit the assortment - expand the range of drinks with kvass and lemonade during the season. Also, the store should always sell snacks for beer - dried fish and snacks - crackers, pistachios, chips, squid and more. The more variety of tasty snacks, the better.

The markup for draft beer will be from 30 to 100%, it is advisable to set the markup for a snack at the level of 20-25% so as not to force the buyer to go to the nearest supermarket for it. PET containers for selling beer will cost a small amount. The wholesale price of plastic bottles today is about 4.5-5 rubles. for a volume of 0.5 liters, 5.5-6 rubles. for 1 liter and 6-7.6 rubles. for 1.5 liters. As a reminder, the sale of beer in PET containers with a volume of more than 1.5 liters is prohibited in Russia from July 1, 2017.

Setting up a beer business

The most optimal form for starting a draft beer retail business would be an individual entrepreneur. The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is much faster and cheaper than an LLC, requires fewer documents, and besides, an entrepreneur can freely use funds from a current account for personal needs. It is worth remembering that it is prohibited by law to sell wholesale or sell strong drinks to individual entrepreneurs. For retail trade in draft beer, the following OKVED-2 codes are suitable:

    47.25.1: Retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer, in specialized stores;

    47.25.12: Retail sale of beer in specialized stores.

Since the circulation of alcohol in the country is controlled by the state, even small businesses cannot do without interacting with EGAIS. EGAIS is a state system for controlling the circulation of alcohol. Individual entrepreneurs who sell draft beer are only partly concerned with it - they are required to connect to the system only to confirm bulk purchases from the supplier. To do this, you need to obtain a special electronic signature and register on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website. After that, the buyer will receive his identification number (ID), and the beer supplier will be able to issue invoices for him and reflect them in the Unified State Automated Information System. After accepting a consignment of goods, the supplier writes it off from its balances in the system, and it is fixed by the buyer. Until the fact of receipt is reflected in the Unified State Automated Information System, the products will not be released for sale.

Beer store taxation

The best form of taxation for small beer outlets is considered to be a single tax on imputed income (UTII). Entrepreneurs give it preference due to the fact that the size of the tax under this form is tied to a small area of ​​the pub, while the size of the tax is always fixed. In addition, until recently, the absence of the need to keep accounts and start a cash register was considered as an advantage of UTII over other forms of taxation. However, due to recent changes in legislation, the optional use of a cash register for UTII and PSN was limited until July 1, 2018. From June 1, 2018, UTII and PSN payers will also need to acquire online cash desks with a fiscal registrar.

In other words, now any outlet selling draft beer cannot do without: a computer with 2 GB or more RAM, Internet connection, Windows 7 operating system and higher, a crypto-key with an electronic digital signature (EDS), UTM and software for EGAIS, as well as an online cash register and a barcode scanner. On the one hand, this is a new headache and cost for many entrepreneurs, but there are also conveniences: with a cash register, it is easier to control sales and the integrity of the seller, the inventory procedure is facilitated, it becomes possible to pay with a bank card, and consumer confidence increases. In hard-to-reach areas of the country that do not have access to the Internet, legislators will allow the use of cash desks offline, without transmitting data over the network.

Beer shop equipment

Your beer store will need special equipment for bottling, including a multi-circuit cooler, gas cylinders with carbon dioxide for supplying beer from kegs, defoamers, a gas reducer, hose and fittings, kegs, pallets, a beer column. Also, one should not forget about the refrigerator, which will be needed to store fish, the bar counter and other furniture. For a store with an area of ​​​​25-30 square meters. meters for these purposes can be kept within 200-250 thousand rubles.

Table 2. Approximate list of equipment for a pub for 10 beers

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Equipment should be purchased from a regional supplier. Installation, as a rule, is carried out by an invited specialist. There is also an option to rent equipment free of charge from local beer producers, but at the same time, the entrepreneur will be obliged to sell only factory beer with the prescribed volumes of the strait. This option is well suited for those who do not want to immediately purchase expensive equipment without really getting used to this business. It should be noted that the beer equipment will require ongoing maintenance with circuit flushing.

Advertising and promotion of a beer store

For a beer store, it will be necessary to make a good advertising sign, preferably illuminated, so that the beer house can be seen at night. Saving on this point is hardly worth it. The main flow of buyers falls on the evening. The cost of the sign will be 15-30 thousand rubles. Enticing pavement signs and distribution of leaflets and flyers can also help. If a decision is made to work with one beer-producing plant, the distributor himself will help with promotional materials.

In order to get regular customers at the opening stage, it’s good to arrange some kind of promotion, for example, with a beer tasting or a gift of 0.5 liters when buying 1.5 liters of beer. This will help draw attention to the opened store in the early days. During normal times, customers can be encouraged to buy large volumes of beer. For example, to provide a discount when buying 10 liters of beer.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the best advertising for the store will be two conditions - it's a great location and high quality beer. In the business of selling beer, word of mouth is very important - if the seller at least once sells sour beer, bad fame will spread throughout the area.

Beer store employees

Trade in beer by law (with the exception of public catering outlets) is allowed from 8 to 23 hours. The daily operation of a beer store with a schedule from 10:00 to 22:00 will require two salesmen. If an entrepreneur plans to sell beer on his own, then it will be necessary to hire at least one seller to replace him. High qualification in this case does not matter. It can be either a man or a woman over the age of 18. Beer staff must have a sanitary book.

Starting investments, revenue and profit of a beer store

In addition to the costs of repair, purchase and installation of bottling and cash equipment, creation of a sign, purchase of beer and snacks, you will need to spend money on some other things. Don't forget about security. Any beer store would benefit from having a quick response button and a video surveillance system. For these purposes, it is worth laying at least 15 thousand rubles. A video surveillance camera can do a good job - its presence disciplines sellers, allows you to resolve misunderstandings when working with customers. In addition, do not forget that you are working, if not with strong alcohol, but with alcohol, which means you need to be prepared for any incidents. Additional expenses can be added by non-obvious expenses, such as advance payments to the landlord, the purchase of an office, or paying utility bills. Therefore, for the first time it is necessary to have some kind of airbag. It should definitely include the costs of the first months of rent and the payment of salaries to employees. In this way, investments in the opening of a pub for 25-30 sq. meters will be about 500-600 thousand rubles.

According to the experience of similar stores, to reach zero, that is, to cover all the costs of rent, wages, taxes and the purchase of beer and snacks per month, it is necessary to sell goods for 200-250 thousand rubles. A turnover of 300-350 thousand rubles will allow reaching a net profit of 50-70 thousand rubles. That is, on average, a beer store needs to sell at least 10 thousand rubles a day. Even with such a rather modest sales plan, the beer house will pay off in 10 months. You need to understand that success will largely depend not on luck and “how it goes”, but on all the decisions you make, starting from the chosen place and supplier and ending with the personality of the seller and the availability of one or another type of beer in the assortment.

In this business, I would single out 2 main risks. The first is the absolute unpredictability of the current government in the field of lawmaking. It is not possible to predict it based on ordinary logic, and this is no secret to anyone. It is not known what our legislators will lobby tomorrow. As an option, and even a very serious one, this is the creation of an SRO for beer sellers, another “game” with the areas, with the location, with the number of storeys of the store (they can prohibit their placement in the basement, for example). New requirements for beer storage (temperature, humidity), containers or sellers. All this is sad, unpredictable, and sometimes illogical.

And the second factor that I often point out to aspiring entrepreneurs in the process of consulting is the gradual "blurring of the market." This has already happened to the pharmacy sector, when there are three pharmacies in one house. Blurring of the market, which, in the end, will lead to the fact that the profitability from the sale of 1 liter of beer can be preserved, but sales volumes will noticeably decrease. They can decrease by a factor, which will lead to the fact that the so-called. The "break-even point" in liters will be much higher than the volumes that can actually be sold.

Do not forget that this business is subject to seasonal demand. And given the fact that the conditionally “winter period” in Russia is 6 months or more in some areas, it is advisable to provide for sale and related products, the sale of which would keep it “afloat” in the off-season.

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Legal aspects, equipment selection, assortment formation, premises requirements, production processes, sales. Complete financial calculations.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 15 minutes


The fact that beer is still popular in Russia has long been beyond doubt. Moreover, the popularity is steadily growing. Moreover, many fans of this foamy drink prefer the draft version, choosing it for its natural taste and quality. Opening a store where you can buy beer on tap is a good business idea with the prospect of a stable income.

First steps to open a draft beer store. Carrying out marketing research

Every business starts with marketing research , that is, the assortment is analyzed, possible competitors are studied, a suitable place for the store is selected.

Regarding the range

There are two types of draft beer.

Successful trade in beer can be subject to availability at least seven varieties of drink . It is good if an equal proportion of light and dark is maintained, plus two varieties of imported product.

Complements the variety unfiltered beer . Nowadays there are more and more fans cider, mead, cherry beer . These drinks can also be added to the assortment, thereby replenishing the ranks of buyers with the fair sex.

And, of course, beer related products : dried and dried fish of different varieties, salted nuts and other snacks.

There was a great demand for opening such points in Russia in the crisis years of 2008-2009, when citizens who lost their jobs decided to start their own business. And, I must say, many have succeeded in this.


Who can be a likely competitor for a draft beer store?

  1. Firstly similar shops located nearby, as well as supermarkets and shopping centers.
  2. Secondly, nearby bars, restaurants, cafes and other establishments where they can offer beer products. All of them in one way or another will help reduce the turnover of the outlet, so it is important to assess the level of competition in advance.

Choosing a store location

Undoubtedly, the right choice of the location of the store is one of the most influencing factors on the profitability of this business.

Primarily, be aware of the "no-go zones" where it is forbidden to sell and advertise alcoholic beverages, including beer. These include educational institutions and sports facilities, catering establishments and medical organizations.

Usually local legislation sets the rules for the sale of beer.

human flow also an important aspect for the profitability of the chosen business. What affects store traffic? This is the number of people living within the coverage radius of the outlet (R = 400 meters) and passing or passing by it.

  1. In the first case I mean sleeping areas.
  2. In the second it is important to take into account the proximity to any transport hub, the location near the station, a busy intersection, the market, as well as the availability of parking.

The business center is considered a bad place , remote from apartment buildings and private houses. And this is understandable, because live beer is purchased for leisurely home consumption, and not for drinking at work. In extreme cases, in the city center or at the metro station, you can buy a bottled drink or visit a bar with a beer assortment, where there are cozy tables and helpful staff.

In the same time, residential building (ground floor or basement) - also not the best option. Too close will be the store to the yard shops and garages, which beer lovers often use as a bar and toilet. All this will not contribute to good relations between the inhabitants of this house and the owner of the store.

Requirements and list of documents for opening a draft beer store in Russia

Services that carry out sanitary control and fire safety take into account a list of basic requirements for a store selling draft beer.

List of documentation required to open a beer store in the Russian Federation:

  • A document confirming the registration of a citizen in the status of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • A lease agreement for premises or documents on the right of ownership.
  • Documentary confirmation that KKM is registered with the tax authorities.
  • The conclusion received from the SES and the State Fire Supervision on the compliance of this premises with all sanitary and fire standards, that it is suitable for selling beer on tap.
  • The conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Employment contracts concluded with employees, and their sanitary books.
  • License to sell alcohol.
  • For street trading, a written consent of the local authorities is required, for the location of a retail outlet in a shopping center - a permit for the right to sell beer there.

Costs and calculation of profitability of a turnkey draft beer store + ready-made business plan

First of all, it is necessary to determine and calculate all the expense items of the future business. It is important to find out how much you should have to open a point and what your monthly expenses will be.

Expenses for renting a room

This is one of the main items of expenditure. To sell 10 to 15 beers on tap would require approximately 20 square meters area . The cost of its rent in each region is different, the average is - 80 thousand rubles monthly.

Equipment purchase costs

This is the second, no less important expense item. Although it can be reduced to a minimum if the supplier offers to use the equipment for free or rent it out.

However, in a store focused on long-term activities, it is better to purchase equipment. To buy it you need to spend at least 200 thousand rubles .

This cost will include:

  • beer cooler,
  • rack for placing filling taps,
  • counter,
  • kegs (stainless containers for transporting beer),
  • beer column,
  • refrigerators,
  • showcase for related products.

Probably needed air conditioning, several tables and a music center , which will allow customers to drink a glass of beer right in the store.

Any equipment will require monthly maintenance or repair, the only way to ensure the safety of the goods and uninterrupted operation. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately lay specialist fees preferably monthly.

Expenses for the purchase of beer and related goods

Must spend monthly an average of 200 thousand rubles. for the purchase of beer and goods that accompany it (fish, chips, nuts). But initially the costs will be more than in the future.

In the winter months, this amount is much less, and in the summer months it is more, because beer is a seasonal product. The average will be used for calculations.

It is also an important cost item. Advertising will convey to a potential client information about a new beer store through a bright, attractive sign, flyers, online resource .

Of course, the most effective advertising is the perfect operation of the store and its high attendance by regular customers. But all this is in the future, when buyers appear. To begin with, advertising costs will amount to 70 thousand rubles. and more.

What will be the interior of the store depends on the owner's imagination. Renovation of the store and its design will require at least 90 thousand rubles.

Staff costs

The salary of 2 sellers will be monthly 135 thousand rubles , and the services of an accountant - at least 15 thousand rubles. , total - 150 thousand rubles

Utility bills, taxes, social. deductions and other expenses

Social contributions will amount to 20 thousand rubles , taxes will add more 45 thousand rubles . It will take on average to pay utility bills 15 thousand rubles

Do not forget about the cost of registration, as well as a license to sell beer. It's still 45 thousand rubles to the initial cost.

What is the income from sales?

If we take into account that the margin for imported products is up to 40%, and for domestic products all 100, and it is this product that is the main assortment, then with a properly organized store, you can earn an income of 25 thousand rubles per day, and per month - 750 thousand rubles.

It is important to take into account one nuance - do not buy beer for the future. After all, its shelf life is very small, for some varieties it is no more than 5 days. If during this time the drink is not sold, then its balance can be safely attributed to losses.

Calculation of economic indicators

The cost of starting a business will amount to 965 thousand rubles

  • Rent- 160 thousand rubles. (for two months).
  • Equipment- 200 thousand rubles.
  • Required documents- 45 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of goods- 400 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising, design, repair- 160 thousand rubles.

Current monthly expenses will amount to 530 thousand rubles

  • Rent- 80 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of goods- 200 thousand rubles.
  • Salary payments- 150 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising, design- 15 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes and other deductions- 65 thousand rubles.
  • Payment of utility services- 15 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses- 5 thousand rubles.

The amount of net profit, taking into account monthly expenses, will be 220 thousand rubles .

Thus, the store covers the initial investment in four to five months. This indicator characterizes the brewery only as highly profitable business .

How to properly organize the work of staff in a draft beer store?

Should work in a medium sized store 2 sellers changing each other. The duration of each shift is half day or day .

You can hire a security guard and a person responsible for the cleanliness of the premises, but sellers usually handle these functions.

Accounting is handled directly by the owner of the establishment or uses accounting services during the reporting period.

The seller's responsibilities include: monitor the quality of the goods sold, monitor the correct operation of the equipment, keep it clean. Hoses are washed daily, devices - every month with the help of special solutions.

Moreover, one should not forget about maintenance of units every month and annual preventive maintenance (repair).

Store and area cleanliness around is also the responsibility of the seller.

To stop the possibility of theft at the root, every day during the shift change period reporting is done , where the volume of sold beer and its remains are indicated. Permissible shortage for a point selling 10 varieties of beer products is 3 liters per working day.

Is the draft beer store profitable? Owner feedback on payback

The owners of beer shops are unequivocally talking about profitability of this enterprise if you take this issue seriously.

Much depends on the correct choice of point. In second place is the quality of the offered beer and its range. And then the professionalism of the sellers comes into play, that is, the selection of personnel cannot be treated somehow.

If these conditions are met, any beer store will pay off, if not in three, then in six months.

Opening of a draft beer shop. Frequently Asked Questions by New Entrepreneurs and Business Guru Answers

  1. Firstly, carry out promotional activities within the legal framework, organize a clearly visible, attention-grabbing signboard, distribution of flyers and advertising booklets (in the store), an advertising banner located near the entrance to the store.
  2. Secondly, set lower prices (at least within the framework of the promotion) than competitors, and always provide high-quality goods. This will attract customers, and the effectiveness of word of mouth advertising cannot be overestimated.

What is the best way to arrange a draft beer store? Interior and exterior design ideas

Stores need to be designed in such a way as to make customers feel comfortable.

  • Sales floor dimensions should not be very small (after all, this is not a reserved seat car), and not too large (as, say, in a banquet hall).
  • Showcase it is necessary so that the buyer has the opportunity to freely approach them and examine the products.
  • Definitely needed written information about the available beers with a brief description of each (this is for those customers who do not want or are not in the mood for communication).

The interior of the premises usually reflects the individuality of a particular outlet.

  • Quite often beer shops decorate with wood , ranging from walls, kegs, and ending with furniture.
  • Widely applicable Irish pub style . The combination of a brick structure with wood paneling is always interesting.

You can come up with a special design that is unique.

In this material:

Understanding how to open a beer outlet from scratch, it should be noted that this is a very profitable and profitable business with fairly low “starting” costs. The only problems that a novice businessman will have to face is the legal registration (obtaining a license to sell alcohol) of the object. How much time will all this take? How much money do you need for a startup? Where should everything start? Let's look at a sample business plan for a beer stall.

Preliminary cost and initial calculation

An approximate calculation indicates that it will take from 150 to 600 thousand rubles to open a beer outlet from scratch. The final amount is affected by:

  • the number of planned beers that will be sold;
  • point location;
  • the area of ​​the leased or purchased premises;
  • additional expenses (purchase of a cash register, shop windows, marketing promotion).

And keep in mind that beer can only be sold under a license issued by government agencies. You can get it by contacting the tax office (after registering an enterprise), although it is much easier and faster to hire lawyers who will deal with this issue for a small fee. This will save you 2 to 4 weeks of valuable time when you can start trading. And there is the concept of a license for retail and wholesale trade. To open a regular outlet, you will need one that concerns retail sales.

It is also important where the store is located. The final profit depends on the number of visitors. If the premises are located in an uninhabited place, then you will have to invest many times more in advertising. But it is still more profitable to rent a commercially profitable territory. You will have to pay much more for it, but the excess profit will cover it.

Regarding equipment: this is the simplest topic. As a rule, everything you need can either be bought or rented from a supplier. We are talking about kegs, containers, defoamers, etc. If you buy all this separately, then the costs will increase by 100-150 thousand rubles. However, after that, you don't have to worry about paying rent. Cooperating with a "convenient" supplier, you don't even have to worry about beer storage. It will be possible to order it in small batches, buying additional delivery "if necessary". The delivery of the drink is carried out as soon as possible. By the way, as practice shows, it is recommended to simultaneously sell both draft and bottled beer: it will be more profitable!

Start of activity

One of the most important events is the opening of a beer point. It is at this moment that many evaluate the service, the taste of beer and make decisions for themselves whether they will visit this institution again. For this, at the very beginning, you should take care of everything, introduce some profitable or promotional offers, massively distribute flyers that entitle you to a discount, etc. During this period, the outlet can even work at a loss, but this is part of the marketing promotion . But in the future, the profit will be impulse and you won’t have to worry about the influx of customers. Aggressive advertising is also not required. As practice shows, it always negatively affects the reputation, and even the regulars of the establishment will refuse to visit it again.

An important factor is the assortment offered to the buyer. The larger it is, the more interesting it is to be in an institution. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify the offer, and in the future, the main “price” should be made from the best-selling product.

Naturally, beer snacks should also be sold at the beer point, so an additional refrigerator (industrial type) is purchased. The entrepreneur will be obliged to monitor the quality of the goods sold, which will be checked again by the sanitary and epidemiological station (with a warning about the planned inspection).

Obtaining a license and permission to trade

If you are engaged in obtaining a license and permission to trade, then you need to start with a visit to the tax office and registration of an individual entrepreneur. All this will take up to 20-30 business days.

Since the activity is related to the retail trade in alcohol, a cash register is required.

Only after registration of an individual entrepreneur is submitted documentation for obtaining a license. To do this, you will need an extract from the USR, a certificate from the USREOU, a certificate of ownership (or an agreement on the lease of commercial real estate), an application, a certificate of registration of a cash register. In addition to all this, you need to pay a state duty for a license. It is issued, by the way, for 2.5 years. Requirements for the entrepreneur - the presence of a room of more than 20 square meters, where the sale will be conducted.

Production and registration of a license takes from 8 to 12 business days. After receiving it, you can start trading, according to the established rules. Prior to this, the premises are checked by the sanitary and epidemiological station for compliance with the requirements. For example, if the rented premises are located on the territory of an educational institution, then its activities will be prohibited.

If an entrepreneur plans to engage in wholesale trade (for example, he is a manufacturer of a beer drink), then here we are talking about a different form of license. The principle of obtaining it is similar, but it is issued for 5 years. Plus, all equipment that is used in production must also be registered. The entrepreneur will have to pay an annual fee for the wholesale sale of alcohol on excise taxes.

If the license is not obtained or has expired, the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. And, it is worth noting that violation of this rule is punishable by a rather large fine. In some cases, it is possible to initiate a criminal case.

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