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Balzac's age is definitely not a few years, because even at 40 you can look 32. It all depends on the specific case and the specific woman. But one thing can be said for sure - women of Balzac's age are especially beautiful and are at the peak of their sexual attractiveness.

Since the period in which Honore de Balzac lived, much has changed, including tastes and priorities. And today the bar has shifted a little, and women of Balzac's age are now ladies aged 40 to 50. Probably, there were some serious changes in the lives of women, which influenced sexual longevity.

How did it happen that female sexuality began to last until almost 50 years?

1. Personal hygiene. Since the time of Balzac, living conditions have improved, and women have begun to pay more attention to their own hygiene. In addition to cleansing agents, various perfumes and eau de parfum, as well as anti-aging agents, have appeared.

2. Women are less likely to give birth. This fact plays a very important role, because a body worn out by childbirth ages much faster.

3. Women started to play sports. Many fitness clubs, yoga and Pilates clubs, sports sections - all this supports the woman's body in perfect shape and slows down aging.

4. The fashion has changed. Appeared in the fashion industry various styles for mature women who are young and sexy.

5. There is a variety of hairstyles. Now every self-respecting woman can choose her own individual style and hairstyle, which will add charm, elegance and youth. Stylists in our time work wonders and can make a mature woman more attractive, prettier and more interesting for the male than a young lady. Medium length hair, layered haircuts, curls, Asian straight, short vamp haircuts - this is just a small part of what exists to give women a spectacular look!

6. Women began to earn money on their own. This is perhaps the most significant reason, because your personal female income opens up tremendous opportunities. A woman with money pays more attention to herself, visits beauty salons and various psychological trainings, useful for self-awareness, and also travels more and learns the world, which makes her simply irresistible.

Balzac age is the maturity of the soul, first of all. Physically, this age has no limit, it can start at 30 and end at 50, or even 55 years old.

It is worth recognizing that a woman of Balzac's age in our time is the dream of most morally mature men, because she is realized in life, interesting to others, exudes confidence, strength and energy. Such traits simply cannot leave indifferent any of the stronger sex. So, if you met a woman of Balzac's age, you are very lucky. Take care of her, appreciate the time spent together, absorb the wisdom that she can give you. And the best thing is that you should never let such a woman go and offer her a marriage proposal in time, because if such a woman is with you, then on her part it is consciously and for a long time, but she will not want to waste time with you. Balzac woman is a lady with high level intelligence and development, and, as you know, smart women are less prone to cheating, and marriage with them is a gift for every man!

In early adolescence, the expression “ladies of Balzac's age” sounds to us like a delicate or, on the contrary, a sarcastic allusion to female old age. Where did this phrase come from and what does it really mean?

Visitors to Internet forums sometimes argue on the topic: "How much is Balzac's age?" Typically, ladies insist that this definition refers to the age of 30-40 years. Most men believe that a woman of "Balzac's age" is much older: 40 and older.

The difference in the interpretation of the meaning of this expression is determined by how modern people perceive the concept of "maturity".

So, "Balzac's age" is how much?

Some of our contemporaries, by the simplicity of their soul, are deeply convinced that a "woman of Balzac's age" is a lady who is the same age as the first mistress of the young Honore.

Today, when young people no longer read the classics, preferring to best case read the adapted summary of the main storyline in an abbreviated version, the question "is the Balzac age - how old?" publication of articles about the stormy personal life of the writer. In pursuit of fried facts, unscrupulous "experts" are in no hurry to verify the authenticity of information. Some argue that Balzac in his youth had an affair with a woman of 42 years old, others insist that she was 53 years old. Consequently, confusion arises in attempts to define the concept of "Balzac's age". How much is it: 42 or 53? But neither one nor the other is wrong.

A bit of history

In 1842, Honore de Balzac published a work called "A Thirty Years Old Woman." This novel about the sublime feeling of "forbidden love", which was opposed to the primitive coexistence in legal marriage, evoked a response in society and increased the popularity of the author.

In our time, few people would think of calling a thirty-year-old woman old. Statistical research recent years confirm the fact that this is where women become the most sexy, and the ability to take care of themselves, combined with the ability to lead an active lifestyle, make our contemporaries irresistible even in a much more mature age.

But do not forget that in the Balzac era, a woman was a powerless creature, and her life passed in a closed space between the kitchen, children and the church. Only a successful marriage could bring happiness to a woman. The girl was considered a promising bride only up to 18-19 years old. At age 20 or older, the chances of getting married diminished significantly. And as an unmarried thirty-year-old woman, very few people were interested, her life dragged on monotonously under the slogan: "Marry is too late, it is too early to die."

But rarely was anyone happy. Since financial was the most important issue, the bride most often remained nothing more than a convenient multifunctional application to the contract. Without the right to her own opinion, the wife became a living toy in the hands of her husband.

A married woman of thirty was considered a deep old woman, although she could well shine at balls, emphasizing the high of her husband. She was allowed to be attractive and at the same time inaccessible to other men. A good upbringing, a broad outlook, a natural mind, a versatile education and the sad need to be the property of an elderly husband who does not care about satisfying the sexual, emotional and spiritual needs of his wife - such is the fate of Balzac's heroine.

Thus, to the question "Balzac's age is how much?" the correct answer is after thirty. It was these women that Honore de Balzac liked. At the age of 30, according to the writer, a woman matured physically and spiritually for harmonious, but, unfortunately, in the conditions of a vicious bourgeois society, she was forced to grow old ahead of time and fade in a legal marriage with an unloved husband or, under pain of exposure, lead a double life.

Recently, at lunchtime in the buffet, a colleague sat down at my table and, looking sideways at a friend standing in line at the cashier, a woman of pre-retirement age and a more than dense physique, dressed in a translucent blouse and leggings, said venomously: “No, just look at how our lady of Balzac's age is dressed up! In her years it is time to think about the grandchildren and about the soul. " I asked, “forgetting” for a moment that Honore de Balzac is one of my favorite writers, what age category fits the definition of “a woman of Balzac's age”? "And Balzac's age is how old do you think?" I asked. “Over fifty,” a colleague replied confidently.

Thirty-year-old Russian women in Russia are usually called "girls."

from forty and older

Meanwhile, the heroine of Balzac's novel, independent and free from prejudice, Viscountess d'Eglemont, was 26 years old at the beginning of The Thirty-Year-Old Woman, and only in the finale - about fifty. The society of Balzac's times, to put it mildly, did not approve of such behavior of women, especially those who were in their mid-twenties. After all, the married viscountess succumbed to the forbidden feeling of love and cheated on her husband. It is not surprising that after the release of the novel, breaking all stereotypes, the expression "woman of Balzac's age" received a sarcastic, ironic meaning among the writer's contemporaries. And then it was forgotten.

But not in our country, where today they call adults, mature women "from forty and older." As for the thirty-year-old Russian women, in Russia it is customary to call them "girls" - for example, in public transport - of course, if they do not look much older than their age.

Marriage is the only meaning of life

Today women of 30-35 years old can sometimes only think about creating a family in the future and having children, giving all their strength to career growth or “life for themselves”. It is not easy for them to imagine themselves in the place of Balzac's disenfranchised contemporaries, who, at best, expected marriage and three “K” (kinder, kirchen, kyuchen - children, church, kitchen). Further than three "K" women were not recommended to stick out their nose, so that they could not change the true female destiny. And the jealous husband was much calmer ...

Before the revolutionary changes of the last century, the overwhelming majority of women could only dream about studies, careers and self-realization. The family remained their lot. And if the representative of the beautiful half of humanity did not manage to acquire a husband and children by the age of thirty, then those around her and she herself were considered hopeless. After all, the chance of marriage - the only possible meaning of life - was reduced to zero for her.

"Haven't you married yet?"

In the classical sense, a woman of Balzac's age is a woman after 30 who does not fit into the traditional scenario, into the framework that society has defined for her. She may not be married, live in a civil marriage, can afford to fall in love. Nowadays, the age range has shifted, but the attitude towards women of Balzac's age has not changed at all. And if society allows women in Europe to remain unmarried and childless for up to forty years or more, then in our country any relative, neighbor or colleague can afford a hint of insolvency in their personal life or open censure of a woman who does not have her own family. They say that the Balzac age has already approached, but for some reason she is not married ...

They do not hesitate to give a couple of tips on how to dress and behave with men, so that, "finally, at least a poor husband for himself" (not an inferior one, of course, has long been dismantled). I was so "lucky" once. At the age of thirty, being not officially married, I once found myself in an elevator with the mother of my former classmate, who lived on the floors above. "How are you? Have you even gotten married? " - instead of a greeting, the ponderous, tastelessly dressed aunt asked contemptuously. And, knowing that I “didn’t come out,” without waiting for an answer, she immediately began to teach me wits about reason, as is customary in our "land of soviets." At that time I was still too well educated to immediately send the counselor to “take a walk” (although over the years my upbringing in relation to such aunts evaporated), so I restrained myself. But by that time I had something to boast of: a university diploma, and an adored profession - the work of life, and an interesting circle of friends, and wonderful friends, and (what is already there) cute adorers. But I silently stood in front of a simple bazaar aunt, unable to put her in her place, and then for a long time struggled with an inferiority complex that had arisen out of nowhere. This is the price of neighborly goodwill.

Over the years, many women only open up like flowers, and reveal their attractiveness, including sexual.

Work on yourself

Of course, ladies of Balzac's age need much more time to work on themselves, if they do not want to be like an “old mermaid”. You need to have the courage to revise and change your fashionable ones, taste preferences, do exercises, especially if you previously allowed yourself to do without gymnastic exercises. It is necessary to choose clothes, get a haircut, make a make-up according to age and social status, for there is nothing sadder in the world of a desperately youthful woman, whose youth remained in the last century. Moreover, this age does not cancel relations with the opposite sex. Over the years, many women only open up like flowers, and reveal their attractiveness, including sexual. And the fact that all ages, including Balzac's, are submissive to love is a well-known fact.