Fortune telling on maps for a year. Tarot Maps online

By the way, this is exactly what explains why you should not ask the highest forces of the same question twice. For the first time, provided that you turned to really strong, and therefore I can get into contact with them esoteric, the highest forces give the most honest answer. But after that, they consider their mission performed, and your request for help is satisfied. Therefore, going to guess repeatedly, even to the most severe MAG, you should be prepared for the fact that it would not try, he will not be able to contact with Higher power. Instead, a certain essence or some spirit will contact him, which, as you now know, will only deliver informative information.

But back to fortunate on the results of the sports match, putting on which you decided to increase your capital.

By studying predictive magic, not one decade, I developed my own system, allowing me to increase the likelihood of an accurate answer to the question "Who will win?" up to 85-yati - 95-yati% -the. Knowing that in parallel with me this issue Thousands of psychics are asked around the world, and therefore the exact answer will not receive, I go to my own, not affordable esoteric. Instead of asking "Which of two teams will win?" I study the situation in the families of players after a match or battle, using it as a base for making a solution.

Judge for yourself: two boxers are preparing for the battle for the title of world champion. Each of them has a wife or girlfriend, some have children, almost everyone - friends. The battle passes, one boxer loses, the other - wins. To predict who exactly almost impossible, but to know which mood will be in the house of everyone after the battle is over, you can! So the loser will always have a decline of moods, a certain emotional mourning, an easily readable desire to console and support. Whereas the winning fighter in the house there will be a vacation of the holiday and the joy of victory.

Now you know how it works, and why, in contrast to the overwhelming majority of the strongest esoteric, my predictive methods are almost always accurate? !!

Yes, errors are. After all, some people perceive the loss is not so serious as many. And some, even having won, are so strong devastation that reading it, mistaken, believing that the trouble had happened in the house of the winning athlete. It happens that the athletes with a truly strong spirit can be rejected by their defeat, considering it a chance to become better - a certain step, passing through which they still move upstairs. Then, of course, my technique gives a failure. But, firstly, this happens extremely rarely, because in the overwhelming majority of their people, and even more professional athletes, react to their losses and winnings equally: victory is joy, defeat - sadness. And the same also reacts to any of these events and their environment. .

But I will not immediately warn you: I will not return money because your bet did not win. And only if you provide me with information that confirms that my prediction was mistaken. So as proof of my wrong information, you can make information from large sites (amateur blogs with a minimum visiting - not to the account), from newspapers and magazines, recording television programs. If it will be said that in the house of the athlete, on which I wondered, after the match, the despondency and mourning reigned after the match, whereas I said that I was happy to win, I am guaranteed to return to you. But if it turns out that I was right, then the money will not be returned.

True, over the past 11 years, that I successfully engage in similar predictions, not one client has not addressed me with such requirements, since almost always I was right. And that is why even those who could not win, despite my help, again and again appeal to my magical services. After all, those who cooperate with me on a permanent basis have long been accustomed to the fact that thanks to my magical care Their chance to guess the winning result almost always seeks to 100-one% !!! This means that even 1 or 2 times losing, 10, or even 20 times in a row they won. And it is simply impossible to ruin with such a pattern !!!

And so, how is it all right Order Prediction to a particular sporting event?

First - contact only me, because today only I can get the most exact prediction The results of the battle of you are interested in.

The second is to give up attempts to predict the results of group competitions. Remember that in any championship there will be teams for which the holiday will be the 4-5th place, while permanent champions may not even experience a hint of joy, winning first place. Always order predictions on matches or battles only between two athletes. Or on the competition of one tour - races on races, fights, specific basketball, football, hockey, tennis matches, etc.

Third - try to contact me as quickly as possible. After all, the exact same answer receives the one who appeals to the help of the highest strength first.

Fourth - give up the idea of \u200b\u200brechecking my predictions from other esotericists. Remember that because of this you will definitely get the wrong answer to an important question for you, but it can force the highest strength to change the future, so you have been predicted whose victory, lost. And they can do so to punish you for disbelief.

Fifth - even losing one day, remember that it only increases the likelihood of future winnings, since the statistics of my faithful predictions are so high that putting a few times at my help, you still definitely get a profit!

If you all understood, then feel free to contact me !!! After all, the faster I will spend the prediction ritual, the more accurate answer you will learn on your question, and the higher the likelihood of your winnings !!!

This alignment was born from me because of love for football and the desire to get an accurate answer.

Somehow, on a pair of forums, I came across the discussion of the layouts for football matches. And, since I am not only a terrist, but also an avid fan, this topic has been interested in visiting me.

In the first forum, the dividing "Selection" exoduding used, on the other, the waded just laid out three cards for each of the teams, i.e. The same, only without a signifier. Maps fell very interesting, but incomprehensible. Therefore, the question often arose: "What is all this?". Clearing me for the following thoughts: First, I do it correctly, using another collaboration for selection situations, secondly, if you want to get a specific answer, ask a specific question.

Football, like life itself, the phenomenon is very voluminous. The football match is not just 90 minutes spent players on the field. Preparation for the game begins in a few days, and the players are summarized to the match not only physically, but also in their heads invest some ideas regarding tactics, rival, etc. plus the team should be emotionally charged to the victory. Looking at the field we see only the top of the iceberg. We see how football players move, fragments of phrases come to us, which they scream to each other. But we do not understand what they say what happens to them in their heads, we do not feel their muscle pain, do not hear how the heart of the striker who goes into the gap, not aware of the despair of the team, who plited all the rods, but can not score, not We feel how pressing the coach is jumping. We can't know all this. And maps can. But if we ask general question, we can show whatever. For example, we post three cards on the game "Amkar". And the players do not pay a salary for a long time, and after the game they go to serve. And so with such a mood they go on the field. And the cards can show us this very moment, and we, not knowing the whole down, we will break your head and interpret everything wrong.

To avoid such situations, I made my own alignment.

S. Signifier.

1. Readiness for the first team match.

2. Readiness for the match of the second team.

3.4. How to play goalkeepers?

5.6. How to play protection?

7.8. How will the midfield?

9.10. How will the attack play?

11. The result of the first half for the team 1.

12. The result of the first half for the team 2.

13. The result of the second half for the team 1.

14. The result of the second half for the team 2.

15. The outcome of the match for the team 1.

16. The outcome of the match for the team 2.

17. The work of the Judges Brigade.

The alignment is checked, it works great! Even the color of the goalkeeper form). Use on health!

Football is the Gladiator's battles of our days, one of the few spectacles that are still honest with all their grace. We love football for the beautiful struggle, for the triumph of the Fighting Spirit and, of course, for the complete unpredictability of the result. We are ill with the favorite teams and the budwire of the best players. We charge them in vigor and upset their fatigue, we are experiencing because of their injuries and closely follow their personal dramas. They are for us almost family members.

True football lovers are not alien statistics. And yet even dry tables with the results of the past years they are perceived by the heart. In strict numbers, they see the faces of the players and coaches, recall the epic scrolls, lose in memory, as one footballer argued with the judge, the other turned his leg, and his wife left the third.

Other statistics begins when it is taken for business ... Physics. They do not like football, but they love numbers. Statistics for them just begins with the tournament table, and then the word takes the highest mathematics. They are devoid of team attachments and therefore impartial. And the lack of special knowledge of football only adds them to calculating mathematical objectivity.

The distribution of the probabilities of the ass difference in the matches for a quarter of the season and the full season. The form of the graph corresponds to the Poisson model. Black: full season; Red: quarter of the season.

Scientists of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Westfaline University named after Wilhelm (he is the University of Munster, one of the largest scientific institutions in Germany) Andreas Oir and Oliver Rubner analyzed the results of German Bundesliga over the past half century. The results of their work are discouraged. It is not enough that, according to Oir and the Rubner, football is not so unpredictable, as it seems. The main thing is that a number of concepts, so important for any fan, is a home advantage, a series of victories and lesions or, in the end, Pruh is nothing more than self-deception or a common football myth.

This is not to burst hamburgers!

The most interesting thing in the work of Oir and the Rubner is the findings with which our scheme will help. And yet it is worth saying a few words about the methods, with the help of which physicists tried to squeeze the whole lyrics from a lot of sports. The key element of the study is the distribution of Poisson. By and large, the fact that football statistics submits to the Poisson principle is the main conclusion in the work of German scientists.

The Poisson model is a very complex formula that characterizes the number of random events that occurred during the period of time, provided that these events are performed with a certain average intensity and independently of each other. The model plays a fundamental role in the theory of mass maintenance, on the example of which it is easy to understand its principle.

Suppose it is known that three clients are suitable for the cashier in McDonalds per minute. This does not mean that it is three people who are interested in a minute that interests us, and not one or six. The Poisson model allows you to calculate the exact chance that within a minute, a number of customers will appear at the checkout. With her help, we can find out with which one probability will have to meet two guests, and from what - four. This is an invaluable formula for those who want to reasonably determine required amount Sellers, call centers or consultants.

So, in front of the statistics, score a goal and buy a hamburger is about the same thing. To the surprise of the researchers themselves, the long-term statistics of Bundesligi perfectly met in Poisson distribution. To assess the performance of teams, researchers used an indicator of the ass difference, that is, the number of headed heads in the match minus the amount of missed. They suggested that this indicator most fully describes both the attack and the protection of the team, and he was better fit into the Poisson model.

Deviation and fluctuations

The conformity of long-term football statistics to the distribution of Poisson untied his hands scientists for the analysis of short-term phenomena. If the results of the team in a particular season are stacked in Poisson schedule, it means that it game form constant, and differences in the score on individual matches are caused only by statistical fluctuations (simply speaking, random). If deviations from the graph are observed, it means that any important factor. Buing graphs for changing possible factors in time (the number of victories in the series, home or guest stadium), the researchers compared its dynamics with the dynamics of the account deviations. This correlation analysis made it possible to determine the degree of influence of the individual parameters of the match on the result.

This schedule demonstrates the correlation of the physical form of the team in the first half of the season (abscissa axis) and in the second half of the season (the ordinate axis). The trend line demonstrates almost linear compliance of one parameter to the second. In other words, throughout the season, the physical form of commands remains constant. The schedule has absorbed the results of the game of eighteen teams over the past half century.

The most curious results in the study of Oir and the Rubner are negative. For example, physicists do not believe in changing the physical form of the team during the season, and where the fans see the tired players, they only observe a normal statistical fluctuation ("The chip did not lie!"). Also, scientists deny the existence of "Pruhi", and while fans squeeze the cams for the main weass of the season, Oir and Rubner predict them defeat. Even support hundreds of thousands of fans on the home stadium for them is just a fluctuation.

Scientists themselves note that their research needs further deepening. Even physics is clear that the ball is not a hamburger. Perhaps the researchers gave too much space for these most fluctuations. Perhaps it is in these most "natural statistical deviations" hides the fighting spirit of players, the thinnest nuances of the genius of coaches and Fan support fluids. Oir and the Rubner promised to act with a continuation of the study, and so far scholars over the magic of numbers, we will enjoy the magic of football in the old way.