Training reading on the syllables of the card. Learn to read in the syllables in the game form

In this article you will find the most simple cards for reading in syllablesThey have only short sentences that contain up to 5 words.

How to read the cards correctly: At first you yourself read in the syllables, leading your finger on the reading word, and as soon as you come to word-Pictures, Give the child to call it. So the child will be all the time chained to the picture and text. This is significant accelerate His learning to read in syllables.

Cards "We read by syllables" can be printed.

Child learning rules to read

Do not forget to maintain child interest in reading Constantly, but without excess pressure. If you read out loud, read the child daily Small stories, offering reading together something or another word, then phrase, and then and the whole sentence.

Read Names on banks And packages: Let it become a permanent activity - then you will very quickly notice the fruits of your work - the child will automatically want to read everything that sees: signs, the names of the chocolate tiles, the names of the streets, labels on labels and price tags, store names, and so on. Such a domestic reading, on the one hand, unobtrusively, and on the other hand, makes the brain of the child actively work and constantly look for new inscriptions to read.

After reading and generally any lessons arrange a child discharge: Laughter, Skolki (game of fishing), positive emotions, tips, games in palms for speed, tumblers and other rolling games should go after mental work. Therefore, you can safely arrange an hour of "moving foolishness" after class.

If a child has no desire to do, offer him to choose 1 task Of 5 different. For example, In the case of reading:

  1. reading by syllables words
  2. reading only syllables
  3. reading short phrases
  4. reading letters
  5. reading on cards.

If the situation is raised several times, see what a child chooses more often: maybe it's hard to do other tasks? Do not rush it, learn playing.

Remember! The child will always take an example with you, so if you read books for yourself And not just for him, he is interested in reading even more.

Full description

The article and tables present a material that can be used:

1) for learning reading;

2) to identify gaps in knowledge and skills;

3) to adjust erroneous skills;

4) for the development of the skill of determining the softness-hardness of consonant and correct selection of vowels;

5) To assimage some rules of the Russian language (Libi, Cha-sch, Chu-Schu, etc.)

The article summarizes the practical experience of learning to read and sound-lettering for preschoolers of the teacher-psychologist Vorobyeva N.F.

Comments on the use of tables:

1. Before using the tables, the adult should help the child to learn all the vowels structured as follows (read on columns):

Possible options:

option 1: B, B, F

option 2: g, d, sh

option 3: Z, K, C

option 4: L, M, F

option 5: N, P, W

option 6: P, C, C

option 7: T, F, F

option 8: X, h, w

option 9: Shch, Y, C

3. It is desirable that the recognition and reading of syllables-mergers communicated to automatism.

4. Rarely encountered syllables are isolated by small font.

5. To replenish gaps in learning reading or adjusting inadequate skills, it can be just reading only some of the corresponding solutions to the tables. For example, the child is trying to soften (pronounce gently) those consonants that always remain solid. So the child in this case is enough reading tables for letters w, sh, ts

6. Habit for reading solid and soft steam consonants (for example, Taha, Tu-Tyo, Tu-Tu, etc.) can help the child in the future proper selection Letters and easily distinguish soft and solid consonant when moving from sound to the letter.

Table 1 (b).

Table 2 (B)

Table 3 (g)

Table 4 (e)

Table 5 (g)

Table 6 (s)

Table 7 (s)

Table 8 (K)

Table 9 (l)

Table 10 (m)

Table 11 (H)

Table 12 (P)

Table 13 (P)

Table 14 (s)

Table 15 (T)

Table 16 (f)

Table 17 (x)

Table 18 (C)

Table 19 (h)

IN children's garden Also the beginning of the school year. Children gradually come from vacations. Many in the summer learned the letters and a little begin to read in syllables.

Where do texts for reading in syllables come from? Of course, from the tank. Interesting old buckwari, for whom still grandmothers studied. Second source - Internet. We also prepare for our pupils of 5-6 years, depending on cash skills, starting with simple and short textiles. It is better to read gradually, but more often.

In the first texts for reading by syllables, each offer begins with a new line. So the guys are more convenient to perceive the text. The first texts for reading in syllables should be typing large.

It is useful to accompany them by painting - the work is familiar to preschoolers. Tasks are such.

  1. First you need to read mom, grandmother or someone else.
  2. Coloring.
  3. Sign subjects in the picture.

Why should I write words? When the child reads, rumor and vision interact. When he writes, - auditory (pronigrating), visual (fix the image of the word) and motor analyzers.

In addition to narrative texts for reading in syllables it is useful to apply short simple poems.

How to prepare texts for reading in syllables?

Parents, studying their child reading, can prepare the material themselves. We must know the following. Texts for reading in syllables may look different. It all depends on how we divide the word on the syllables.

1. We divide the words to the syllables as in the letter of defisals (short horizontal screenshots). Below, several texts are divided into syllables.

2. The words are divided into syllables by vertical lines.

3. The syllables are released from below the arcs.

Like that. It is better to start with the first option with hyphens. The first texts should be very simple in content, as below, becoming slowly .. First, you give a picture for coloring. And then the baby draws himself on the meaning of the text. Reading texts can be downloaded on our website. Just prepare them one of the ways proposed above.

Texts for reading in syllables

Oh, cat ku-zya.

For no-cham Ku-Zya Lo-Vil wea.

The cat slept on di-va-not.

And we are Si Si-de-Lee.

  1. Cat name?
  2. What are his actions?
  3. Why mice sat in mink?


Sa Na-La U-daughter.

Sao-nya-ko-fell Cher-Vay.

He was walking on the speech.

In the speech, Plat-va-Ba.

Sa Nia Lo-Vilf.

  1. Boy name?
  2. What did he do?
  3. How many fish caught?


This is a tree.

At the de re-va trunk.

At the de re-la sheet.

In de re-vet.

Question. On-zo-vi de re-in.


Ko-Ro-Wa eats se - but.

Ko-Ro-va gives Mo Lo-Co.

Maha Lu Bit Mo-Lo-Co.

Maha Lu Bit Ka-Shu.

At Ma-Shi Ru-me-e-e-e-eh.

Question. Why does Masha rosy brushes? (For some reason, all moms thought about diathesis)

In the woods.

De-ti in the forest.

They are co-bi-rai Ma Li-well.

Ray-house in-Trety-Li Kry-you.


And from Cubov, you, Ja-La Coh-Ba-ka bog.

All Stas-Lo-seed.

  1. Where did the children go?
  2. What did they do in the forest?
  3. Who scared children?


Leo Kras-no-e.

So-mu oh, kras-no-e?

Kras-no-e, Krai Kra-Si-e.

Ze-Leo-e le-sa.

Blue sky.

Yar-Ki Cee-you.


Na-Ri-Sui Le something.

  1. Why summer is red?
  2. What forests?
  3. What sky
  4. Which flowers?
  5. Why do you like summer?


Ko-Lo-Ki-Chi Ki in the les-e-e sec.

So, oh, n ne?

There is something raz-here in the world and on Lu-Gu.

Co-Lo-Ki-Chi Si-Ni

Li-la is in the meadow.

Li-Bi-Roma Co-Lo-Ki-Chi.

Li-Shl is up to Ma Vasha.

There Ko-Lo-Ki-Chi.

A-Ri-Sui Co-Lo-Ki-Chi.

  1. Why field bells field flowers?
  2. What color are the bells?
  3. Where does Lisa walk?
  4. Where does Lisa put the bells at home?

Simulator for beginners. Simple words.

The book is wonderful. But the kids do not want to strain and fold the letters in words, it is much easier to look at the picture and on the first letter to guess what is written under the drawing.

Therefore, I propose to download these leaves. There are many words on them and no explanatory pictures. Baby nothing will distract from the reading process. And since in each word only three letters, they will not be very difficult to read.

And how many of them are words consisting of three letters? On these leaves more than one hundred such words. So the child will read what to read.

New cards for testing reading skills. This time in the selection of words of 4 letters, but with one syllable.

That is, in words there is only one vowel letter.

Day, cargo, term, oven, seven, night, and so on.

More than 100 words consisted of 4 letters and 1 syllable on two sheets.

When reading, the child should not just make a word from the letters, but also to comprehend read. Ask the kid to explain every new word.

We continue to work out reading skills.

The next selection is already two-sided words of 4 letters. On the first word card with the so-called "open syllable". You can read them easily. Ma-Ma, Ka-Sha, Nobody, Re-ka, Luz and the like words.

The second card is more comprehensive. The words on it contain both open syllables and closed. Ma-Yak, Ig La, Yu-Tug, Yah-Ta, O-Siel, Eh-ka and so on.

On each card more than fifty words. So the child will have to work hard until all words read.

We read new words by syllables. Words are already consisting of 5 letters. Va-Gon, Ma Lysh, Tu-Man, Mar-ka, Re-Dis, Lam-Pa. Etc. If the child sure reads these one hundred and fifty with the "tail" of words, you can assume that your baby learned to read! Rather, learned to put the words from the letters.

Learning to read by syllables - this stage in teaching children reading is one of the most important and difficult. Often parents simply do not know how to teach the child to pronounce two letters in a punch and "get stuck" for a long time. The charter from the infinite repeat "ME and WA will be Ma", the child is rapidly losing interest, and teaching reading turns into torment for the whole family. As a result, children, already with two or three years knowing letters, even by five years cannot read simple words, not to mention reading proposals and books.

What to do next when the child remembered the letters? Immediately disclaim that the training of a preschooler reading syllables can be started and before he mastered the entire alphabet (moreover, some teachers insist that it is necessary to move to syllables as soon as possible, without waiting for all letters). But those letters that we will connect to the syllables, the child should call without sticking.

In order to start learning to read in syllables, the child is enough to know 3-4 vowels and somewhat consonants. Take first of all those consonants that can be pulled (s, s, l, m, n, in, f), it will help you to teach the child to a migratory pronunciation of the syllable. And this is a fundamentally important point.

So, consider a few, in our opinion, the most effective techniquesthat modern teachers Offer for teaching a child to fold letters into syllables.

1. Playing "Farovosiki"

(Playing from the benefit by E. Baranova, O. Razumovskaya "How to teach your child to read").

Instead of boring bunches, offer the child to "ride a train." On the rails, on which our trays will go, they are written all the consonants, and on the tracks themselves - vowels. We put the trailer on the rails so that the consonant seems to see the window, and call what station we have (for example, BA). Next, move the trailer down the rails - until the next consonant and read the syllable appeared.

There is a similar guide in cards "The game" Locoros ". We read syllables. " from E. Satalee

This game is good because the child is not necessary to specifically explain how to fold the syllables. Suffice to say: "Now we slide the letter A, it will be our passenger, call all the stations on which we will do the stop." To begin, "ride" yourself - let the child move the trailer on the rails, and you are loud and clearly call the "stations": Ba, Va, ha, yes, Ms, for, etc. Then suggest the child to do it with you in turn. In the process of the game, listening to you, children are easily seized, how to pronounce two sounds in a punch. For the third time the child is already without much difficulty "ride" himself.

If the child knows not all letters - stay only on those "stations" that he knows well. Next, change the trailer. Now ride letters Oh, y, s. If the child easily copes with the task, complicate the task. For example, we ride the speed - checking the time, which of the trains will get to the end of the path first. Or another option: stopping at the station, the child should be called not only a syllable, but also words beginning with this syllable (Bo - barrel, side, Boria; Wolf, air, eight; go - city, golf, guests; up - Rain, daughter, boards, etc.).

Please note that with this game you can work reading not only open syllables (with vowel sound at the end), but also closed (with consonants at the end).

To do this, we take the trailers where the vowels are written in front of the window, and act in the same way. Now we have a letter on the trailer is not a passenger, but a driver, she is home, she is ahead. Read first the resulting "stations" with closed syllables themselves: AB, AV, AG, AD, AJ, AZ, and T, D., Then offer the "ride" the child.

Remember that in this, and in other exercises, we first train to fold the syllables with the vowels of the first row (A, O, E, Y), and then enter the vowels of the second row (I, E, E, Yu, and) - So-called, "Yoted" vowels that precedes them the sound soft.

When a child will be good to read the reading of individual tracks with syllables - alternate trains with passengers and machines, while not tiping - what exactly we will roll. This will help the child learn to clearly see exactly where the vowel is worth it (the syllable begins with it or it ends). At the first time of learning reading in syllables, the child may have difficulties with this.

2. "run" from one letter to another

(from "ABC for kids" O. Zhukova)

This is a visual exercise that will help the child to learn how to pronounce two letters in a punch.

We have a walkway from one letter to another. To overcome it, you need to pull the first letter until the finger, which we lead along the track, will not reach the second letter. The main thing is that we work on this exercise: so that there is no pause between the first and second sound. In order to be more interesting to engage, replace your finger on the figure of any beast / man - let him run along the path and connects two letters.

("The tank for kids" E. Bakhtina, "Russian ABC" O. Zhukova et al.).

Many of the authors of the bookwear and the ABC use animated images of the letters that need to be folded into the syllable - they are friends, walk together with couples, pull each other through obstacles. The main thing in such tasks, as in the previous exercise, to call two letters to fit so that two letters of girlfriend remain together.

To use this reception, you do not even need special benefits or buckwarwari. Print a few figures of boys and girls (animals, fabulous or fictional characters), write on each of them by the letter. Let the boys be written in the figures of the boys, and on the figures of girls - vowels. Combine children. Check together with the child that boys and girls or two girls can be friends, but do you make friends of two boys (they say the two consonants) do not succeed. Change pairs, put in them first ahead of girls, and then boys.

Read the syllables first in one order, then in the opposite.

These few techniques are quite enough to teach the baby to fold two letters into the syllable. And training in the form of the game will avoid bunning and boring repetition of the same.

4. Games for securing the skill of folding letters

- Slave lotto

They are very easy to do themselves, for this you need to choose a few pictures - 6 for each card and print the corresponding syllables.

  • Allowance will help you "Sounds. Choose a picture on the first syllable Bat, Va-, Ma, SA-, Ta-. Educational lotto game. GEF to "E. V. Vasilyeva - In this series there are some more benefits
  • "Letters, syllables and words. Lotto with check "A. 0
  • Similar exercises are in the book "Slug tables. GEF "N. Nechava

- game in the store

Spread toy goods or pictures with their images on the counter (for example, fish, dyed, pi-horns, booster, Yab-Loki, My-CO). Prepare "Money" - Paper with the name of the first syllables of these words. The child can buy goods only for those "bills" on which the correct syllable is written.

Make your own hands with a child an album, in which one page will be written a syllable on one page, and on the other - the objects whose name begins on this syllable. Periodically consider and complement these albums. For more efficient learning to read, close one one, then the second half of the reversal (so that the child has no extra tips when calling a syllable or selection of words to a specific syllable).

This will help you "Cards for sound and syllable words."

- game in the airfield (garages)

On paper sheets, we write syllables, lay them on the room. These will be in our game different airfields (garages). The child takes a toy plane (car), and the adult commands - at what kind of airfield (in what garage) you need to plant the aircraft (Park the car).

For this exercise, Zaitsev cubes are suitable or any cards with syllables (you can make them in the form of traces). We build a long track from them - from one end of the room to another. Choose two figures / toys. One play you, the other is a child. Throw a cube - go in turn by your figures on cards on so many moves as it fell on the cube. Being coming to each card, call a syllable written on it.

For this game, you can also use various "flodings" by writing syllables in circles on the game field.

5. Reading ordinary words by syllables

Simultaneously with the development of syllables, we proceed to reading simple words (from three or four letters). For clarity, in order for the child to understand, from which parts is the word, what letters you need to read it in size, and which separately, we recommend the first words from cards with syllables / separate letters or graphically split the word on the part.

Words of two syllables can be written in pictures consisting of two parts. The pictures are easier for perception (the child reads the words written on them, than just the columns of words) plus it is clearly visible, on which parts you can smash the word when reading it in syllables.

Increase the complexity gradually: start by words consisting of one syllable (mind, it, it, already, yozh) or two identical syllables: Mom, uncle, dad, nanny. Then go to reading words from three letters (closed syllable + consonant): Ball, son, varnish, side, house.

It should be understood that even if the child pronounces all the syllables in the Word correctly, it does not mean that he will immediately be able to comprehendly folded them into the word. Be patient. If a child with difficulty reads words from 3-4 letters, do not go to reading longer words and the more offers.

Be prepared for the fact that the child will freely start reading words only after it automates the skill of the addition of letters into the syllables. While this did not happen - periodically return to the development of syllables.

And, most importantly, remember that any training should be in joy - and parents, and children!

Philologist, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature, Pedagogue preschool education
Svetlana Zyryanova