Prayers read before bedtime. Prayer for the night before bed protection short

Complete collection and description: Prayer for the night I go to bed for the spiritual life of a believer man.

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Prayers for sleep coming short and before bedtime

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Many accumulate after the past day negative, fatigue, conceivable and unthinkable sins are committed under the influence of bad people. All this and not only reflects on your dream. It will be anxious, intermittent. Or maybe you will not be able to fall asleep under their severity. Brief prayers for the coming dream will help sleep good sleep.

You can read one or more, you can pray in your own words, turning to the holy and kings of heaven. If you have completely broken sleep because of various reasons, whether it is even stress, then it is recommended to read all prayers for the coming dream. Read is worth every evening. Nothing you should distract and interrupt. Contact the mother of God, to the guardians angels, the kings of Heaven, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary, and others. Holy Likov.

Short prayer for the night before bedtime

What to pray before bedtime? What can I ask? We will reply you to these questions. You can pray:

  • about salvation soul and body;
  • ask for interpreters (protection);
  • ask for the forgiveness of sins;
  • blessed sleep to give;
  • get rid of enemies and a detrimental effect;
  • satana from yourself;
  • on the message of the Angel of Peace
  • about chaste life and obedience;
  • about the deliverance of eternal torment;
  • about getting rid of temptation and failing;
  • to prevent the good idea;
  • about patience and repentance;
  • to save you from bad people and their impact on you.

Pray not only when you have problems and misfortune, and every God's day. Thank your prayers about the day, because it is important. Ask patronage from God when you go to bed. The desired will be to a truly believer man.

Read prayers for sleep coming

There are prayers in which there are all the petitions, and it is them that needs to be read before bedtime. For monks - Orthodox prayer. Not only in the evenings you need to pray, but in the morning. Necessarily every day. Take advantage of this with full seriousness and responsibility.

If you have not prayed before, start with five prayers and add another ten days each one. Read meaningfully without hurrying, mock every word. Sincerely and from the pure heart, it should go. There are such cases when you do not have the strength and time to read the full rule. Remember that it is better to briefly and thoughtfully prayer than hurrying, "for a tick." Such a speed will be a big mistake.

Here is one of the pasts to the Lord about a good dream:

"God is the eternal and king of all sland of creating, a fairness of this day, forgiven, forgiveness of sins, Yazh, in this day, the day, word and thinking, and cleaning, Lord, humble my soul from everyone's bad flesh and spirit. And Lady Mr., Lord, in Narchi, have this dream in the world, yes, with the Smrennago Lodge, the warking of the Holy Name of Your name, all the days of my belly, and I apart the bunning enemies of the enemies and fearless. And save me, Lord, from Thiege Thiege, Determining Me, and Flying Luxury. Yako is your kingdom, and the strength and glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen."

Prayers for sleep coming with Andrey Tkachev

Who is Andrei Tkachev? From a thousand nine hundred and ninety-third-year-old two thousand fifth, he was a priest in the St. George Temple. From two thousand sixth - the abbot of the Kiev temple of Agiability of Pechersky, with two thousand seventh he became the abbot of the stone temple of Luke Krymsky. Two thousand fourteenth moved to Russia to serve in the temple of the Sunday of the word.

Some know it from video on the Internet, where a man leads various lectures, including prayers that read before bedtime. This program helps to know the Sacred Scripture. On the web pages there are many prayers that you can download for familiarization, including the coming dream. Read the petitions with Andrei Tkachev not once and you will achieve a positive result.

Short prayer for sleepy dream

Prayer helps us in a difficult moment, we awkye or sleep. Often we sleep badly, because we anticipate a bad event or trouble. Pray and in a dream. This is possible. So you can prevent trouble.

Little kids often sleep not calmly. The morning begins with whims, and the parents are completely inaccessible. In this situation there is an output. In order for the child to sleep calmly and firmly, there is a prayer for a baby's sleep towards the Virgin. She will relieve him from nightmares. Mother after putting the baby to sleep, must read the head of the crib to the Pozhanskaya Mother of God:

"O, Major Vladychitsa, the Tsarice of the Sky and the Earth, the Higher Angel and Archangel and All Creatures are honest, pure devo Marie, the world of the Helper, and all people are a statement, and in all kinds of need to get rid of! You are an intercession and our concern, you are offended by the defendant who grieves joy, sirama refuge, the guardian widows, the devies of glory, crying cheerlery, sick visits, weak healing, sinful salvation. Have a lot of us, Mother of God, and our perpetration of our fulfill, the whole thing is possible by your petition: Yako, Glory is appropriate to you now and dream and forever. Amen".

Dear parents, often bad sleep - the cause of fright. Be kind, attentive and gentle. In case of fright, it is recommended to read a special conspiracy for two to three weeks.

If the baby is still restlessly sleeping, most likely he was smoothed. Then you should read the prayer from the evil eye.

After reading, you will see the result. The kid will wake up at night just once to eat. When your child is growing, teach him to pray alone.

Prayer for sleep coming Optina desert

This appeal to K. Higher power Optina elders from the male monastery. Rev. Joseph says that if you are not in force to adhere to the rules of petition, it is worth come to the church for the service. At the same time add five hundred. What it is? This is the most cable rule. Rev. Anatoly says that after prayer it is worth thanks to God. IN otherwise You will condemn yourself. If you do not have the opportunity to read, put an audio recording that you can hear below in the video.

Strong prayers for the night before bed

According to the Orthodox tradition, it is necessary to thank God for every day in the morning and in the evening, before bedtime. Prayers help to feel the love of the Lord and save away from nightmares and misfortunes.

It is known that contacting God follows not only in the moments of spiritual misfortune and grief, but also in free time. Morning prayer Help tune in happy and good day. And the evening appeal to the Creator: Through words, we thank the Most High for everybody day and save our soul from evil.

Orthodox prayers for sleep coming

Most people looked off from such a beautiful tradition, how to pray for the night. In the fuss of days we forget to express love for God, and it is necessary to do it. Prayer helps not only to reclaim the creator and ask for help: it has a beneficial effect on our mood, soul and sleep.

A person who performs such actions everyday, has great happiness and luck in life, rather than one who appeals to the Almighty only asking for the permission of his problems. However, that the prayer acts, read it is necessary correctly.

Appeal to God greatly affects our lives and consciousness. With the help of holy words, we can drive off from ourselves, change the coming and attract happiness. Not every person knows the Church Slavonic language, so difficulties may arise in reading powerful words. Especially for you we transferred some prayers into Russian: they did not lose their strength, but they became accessible and understandable.

Prayer to God before bedtime:

"Father of all living things, help me at this hour, let my sins, which I (name) created by negligence today. If a person offended by a word in a word, or an act inadmissible, I pray for forgiveness. Clean the soul My from the thoughts of the bad things, and the flesh - from the desires of sinners. Relive, God, from the bustle of earth and Javi their grace in a dream. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Prayer for the Lord and Jesus Christ for Sleep coming:

"Our father and Jesus Christ, give me (name) to my mercy, do not leave me on the path of life. We kneel and pray for help in tomorrow, keep my sleep and sanctify my life. Let my and love your love disappear on my bed to me.

Release my sins per day and direct the path of repentance and light. All adversity let them pass as the day passed. My God and the son of your Jesus, humbly believe in virtue of your and power over evil. Remove your slave (name). Yes, your kingdom will be on Earth Eternal. Amen".

Evening prayer for the Most Holy Spirit:

"Lord, my soul comforter. Javi Grace your own and save your slave (name) from misfortune. Through your help, God, I want to clean my soul from the sins of daytime. My duma and my words are unwashed, and therefore sinful. Relieve me from longing, sadness, despondency, grief and all evil intentions.

The corrupted acts of my replacements by the grace of God and let him repent in the affairs of their happen. Mix me before bedtime and forgive the pregrition. Give your intercession before the evil force. I glorify you forever. Amen".

Prayer for the guardian angel at night:

"My keeper, my soul and the body under the patronage of yours stay. Forgive me (name), if I sinned and neglected your trust. For the affairs of my daytime, I apologize and pray to get rid of sin. Not with evil, but in captivity anger to the Lord God and you, my defender. Show me grace and mercy your. In our glory of our Lord. Amen".

In order for God and his aspirations to hear your prayers, they should be pronounced with pure thoughts and love in the heart. You can choose one prayer, memorize it and read every day before bedtime, because it's not in quantity, but in your righteousness. With the help of prayers, you can fulfill your desires, the most important thing is to know the sacred text and have faith in God.

Prayer for the night - the strongest prayers read before bedtime

For believers, prayer is a way to communicate with God, during which they open their heart to fill it with light and grace. Prayer for the night is considered an important ritual necessary in order to thank the Lord and analyze the past day.

Orthodox prayers for the night

More often people read prayers before bedtime, when there is time to devote yourself to the Lord. In order for the pronounced text of the prayer to be heard, it must be treated seriously.

  1. You can not allow fantasy to go away, be distracted by anything or changing words. All feelings and thoughts should be directed to the Lord.
  2. Prayer for the night before bed can be read for himself and for loved ones.
  3. Great importance It has a clean heart and no bad thoughts, for example, harm someone.
  4. First you need to repent and ask the Lord forgiveness not only for the actions, but also for bad thoughts.
  5. You can spend the prayer of ours in the evening, but there are other prayer texts intended for a particular situation.

Prayer for the night for love

It is difficult to meet a person who would not have dreamed of real and sincere love. Rarely, who can boast that she met his soul mate without problems. Evening prayers before bedtime help a person to meet a man to whom the soul seeks. They will help not surrender, do hope and take away from sin. Of great importance is the unshakable faith in the fact that the Lord will certainly hear and help find real love.

  1. Lie into bed and think for a while about how the lover should be. You can visualize relationships with it.
  2. After that, you should free yourself from all extraneous thoughts and read the prayer three times.

Prayer for the night to get pregnant

Many girls to conceive a child successfully, looking for help from higher strength. The best assistant in this matter is mother of Godwho gave the world of Jesus Christ. It is important to know which prayer to read for the night before bedtime to get pregnant, and how to pronounce it. Best before you go to bed, put next to the bed icon and a candle. Say the submitted text several times, and then, hide the candle, and go to bed.

Prayer for the night for children

The task of parents to protect and defend their children who are the gift of the Lord. Children's prayer before bedtime should be uttered by her mother or father and do it best near the bed, where the child sleeps. It is worth noting that parents can ask for their children regardless of how many years they are. You can ask for wisdom, mind and memory. Miraculous prayer Heads the child to the right way, will help to avoid problems and find a place for yourself.

  1. It is necessary to take a regular sheet of paper and carefully in every corner to write the text of the prayer so that in the end there are four of them.
  2. Run into four parts so that each of them contained the text, and spread the baby in each corner of the bed. After that, stand next to the burning candle, read the prayer, putting my love into each word.
  3. The prayer for the night will not only protect the child in a dream, but the guardian angel will be located next to him.

Prayer for the night of health

Although medicine has many advantages in some situations, doctors still remain powerless. The only thing that remains to people is to assist the Lord God. Exists great amount confirmation, as strong prayer For the night helped people who were given a mortal diagnosis. You can contact the highest forces not only for your own cure, but also in order to help you close.

  1. The text needs to be pronounced over a person, putting a near the icons and a lit candle.
  2. You can read the sacred text on the holy water, and then give a little to drink the patient and spray it.
  3. You need to turn to the Lord every day.

Strong prayer for weight loss at night

Throw off extra kilograms dreams of a huge number of women and for this they use miscellaneous methods. There are miraculous prayer at night for weight loss, which will help throw weight, but only subject to other recommendations important for weight relief.

  1. First you need to go to the temple and order yourself a prayer friend about health. After that, go to the icon of Matronov Moscow and consult her for help by reading Prayer No. 1.
  2. Crossbid, take in the Church of the Holy Water, take nine candles and go home. If there is no icon saint, then it will also be sure to buy it.
  3. Before you lie down in bed, he burn three candles in front of the way, putting a tank with holy water. After repeatedly repeat the prayer for the night, and then, the water you need to drink and you can go to sleep.

Prayer for the night to calm the soul

IN modern world People are faced with numerous problems that make nervous and worry. All this leads to the fact that equilibrium and harmony is lost in the shower. In this case, prayers read before sleep come to the rescue, which are designed to calm the soul. With daily reading, you can normalize the work nervous system, get rid of stress and improve emotional background. Prayer is allowed to repeat not only before bedtime, but also during the day when it is necessary. You can repeat the text as much as possible, the main thing is to calm down.

Prayer for the night before the exam

Many students experience severe stress before passing exams, so they resort to different tricks. In such a situation, it will be useful to know which prayer to read before bedtime to succeed successfully. Exists a large number of Texts aimed at the guardian angel, holy and God. One of the main assistants of the believers is Nicholas the Wonderworker, to whom you can treat various requests. He will be able to find support for him and students who are afraid before the exam. It is important to note that you should not hope only for prayer, since it is not a magic wand.

Prayer charm overnight

During the day, a person can face different troubles and a numerous negative. If a energy defense Insufficient, then it can all be the cause of the disease. To avoid this, you need to know how to correctly pray for the night to get protection. You can seek help to the guardian angel, holy and directly to the Lord. If you say every day prayer appealsYou can create an invisible shield around yourself, which will save from all adversity.

  1. Before you go to bed, sit on the bed and say the first of the texts presented.
  2. The second prayer read by night is pronounced after the person crosses and connect the palms at the chest level.

Prayer in front of bed guardian angel

A huge force has a prayer directed to the guardian angel who was sent by the Lord to protect, help complex situations and provide daily support. You can contact him with different requests so that it gives them to the Almighty. Prayer for the night of the guardian angel is designed to give his soul and consciousness under his protection. The clergymen recommend contacting a personal advocate before bedtime to thank him over the past day. It is recommended to teach the presented prayer to the child.

  1. Call text can be pronounced in beds already immediately before deploying to sleep.
  2. Another option is to sit at the table or in front of the images, if they are in the house, light the candle and contact the guardian angel.

Prayer for the night before bedtime from fear

A huge number of people is experiencing strong fear before falling asleep. In most cases, this is associated with demons that are frequent guests of dreams. Because of them, a person sees terrible, sinful and evil dreams. As a result, he may feel bad in the morning, as if he didn't sleep at all. Short prayer At night is strong protectionwhich will help protect against demons and bad dreams. As a result, the coming morning will be bright and happy.

  1. Lie into bed, try to relax as much as possible and get rid of extraneous thoughts.
  2. After that, read the prayer, you can repeat it several times. Immediately after that, you should try to fall asleep.

Didigital prayer read overnight

To establish your personal life and influence concrete personMany enjoy magic, but often rituals have negative consequences. In such a situation, it is best to know what prayers to read at night to shock a man. No additional attributes are needed, the main thing is sincerely the desire to be happy with the chosen person, the lack of malice and bad intent, that is, it is impossible to contact the highest forces to lead a man from the family.

Prayer for the night can be used to restore the lost relationships, strengthening the Union, the origin of love feelings from another person. It is worth noting that she can cause the object of adoration, both warm and disgust feelings, and it all depends on the mood of the reading, purity of thoughts and the sincerity of his feelings. There are several advice, how to pray before bedtime, and how to prepare for this work:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to clearly clear what we go to the church and coming up. In the temple, be sure to put candles "for the health of the beloved.
  2. In the afternoon it is impossible to quarrel with anyone. In the evening before going to bed first, be sure to read "our own". This prayer favorably affects the human biofield.
  3. After that, pronounced prayer for the night. It is necessary to repeat it repeatedly. It is recommended to contact the highest forces every day until the desired result is obtained.

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For believers, prayer is a way to communicate with God, during which they open their heart to fill it with light and grace. Prayer for the night is considered an important ritual necessary in order to thank the Lord and analyze the past day.

Orthodox prayers for the night

More often people read prayers before bedtime, when there is time to devote yourself to the Lord. In order for the pronounced text of the prayer to be heard, it must be treated seriously.

  1. You can not allow fantasy to go away, be distracted by anything or changing words. All feelings and thoughts should be directed to the Lord.
  2. Prayer for the night before bed can be read for himself and for loved ones.
  3. Of great importance is the pure heart and the absence of bad thoughts, for example, harvest someone.
  4. First you need to repent and ask the Lord forgiveness not only for the actions, but also for bad thoughts.
  5. You can spend the prayer of ours in the evening, but there are other prayer texts intended for a particular situation.

Prayer for the night for love

It is difficult to meet a person who would not have dreamed of real and sincere love. Rarely, who can boast that she met his soul mate without problems. Before bedtime, help a person to meet a man to whom the shower is committed. They will help not surrender, do hope and take away from sin. Of great importance is the unshakable faith in the fact that the Lord will certainly hear and help find real love.

  1. Lie into bed and think for a while about how the lover should be. You can relationship with him.
  2. After that, you should free yourself from all extraneous thoughts and read the prayer three times.

Prayer for the night to get pregnant

Many girls to conceive a child successfully, looking for help from higher strength. The best assistant in this matter is God's Mother, who presented the world of Jesus Christ. It is important to know which prayer to read for the night before bedtime to get pregnant, and how to pronounce it. Best before you go to bed, put next to the bed icon and a candle. Say the submitted text several times, and then, hide the candle, and go to bed.

Prayer for the night for children

The task of parents to protect and defend their children who are the gift of the Lord. Children's prayer before bedtime should be uttered by her mother or father and do it best near the bed, where the child sleeps. It is worth noting that parents can ask for their children regardless of how many years they are. You can ask for a gift, mind and memory. The miraculous prayer will instruct the child to the right way, will help to avoid problems and find a place for yourself.

  1. It is necessary to take a regular sheet of paper and carefully in every corner to write the text of the prayer so that in the end there are four of them.
  2. Run into four parts so that each of them contained the text, and spread the baby in each corner of the bed. After that, stand next to the burning candle, read the prayer, putting my love into each word.
  3. The prayer for the night will not only protect the child in a dream, but the guardian angel will be located next to him.

Prayer for the night of health

Although medicine has many advantages in some situations, doctors still remain powerless. The only thing that remains to people is to assist the Lord God. There is a huge number of confirmations, as a strong prayer for the night helped people who were made deadly diagnosis. You can contact the highest forces not only for your own cure, but also in order to help you close.

  1. The text needs to be pronounced over a person, putting a near the icons and a lit candle.
  2. You can read the sacred text on the holy water, and then give a little to drink the patient and spray it.
  3. You need to turn to the Lord every day.

Strong prayer for weight loss at night

Throw off extra kilograms dreams of a huge number of women and for this they use different methods. There are miraculous prayer at night for weight loss, which will help throw weight, but only subject to other recommendations important for weight relief.

  1. First you need to go to the temple and order yourself a prayer friend about health. After that, go to the icon and refer to it for help by reading Prayer No. 1.
  2. Cross, take in the church, purchase nine candles and go home. If there is no icon saint, then it will also be sure to buy it.
  3. Before you lie down in bed, he burn three candles in front of the way, putting a tank with holy water. After repeatedly repeat the prayer for the night, and then, the water you need to drink and you can go to sleep.

Prayer for the night to calm the soul

In the modern world, people faced with numerous problems that make nervous and worry. All this leads to the fact that equilibrium and harmony is lost in the shower. In this case, prayers read before sleep come to the rescue, which are designed to calm the soul. With daily reading, you can normalize the work of the nervous system, get rid of stress and improve the emotional background. Prayer is allowed to repeat not only before bedtime, but also during the day when it is necessary. You can repeat the text as much as possible, the main thing is to calm down.

Prayer for the night before the exam

Many students experience severe stress before passing exams, so they resort to different tricks. In such a situation, it will be useful to know which prayer to read before bedtime to succeed successfully. There are a large number of texts aimed at the Guardian Angel, Saint and God. One of the main assistants of the believers is Nicholas the Wonderworker, to whom you can treat various requests. He will be able to find support for him and students who are afraid before the exam. It is important to note that you should not hope only for prayer, since it is not a magic wand.

Prayer charm overnight

During the day, a person can face different troubles and a numerous negative. If the energy protection is insufficient, then this can all be the cause of the disease. To avoid this, you need to know, at night to get protection. You can seek help to the guardian angel, holy and directly to the Lord. If every day to pronounce prayer handles, you can create an invisible shield around yourself, which will save from all adversity.

  1. Before you go to bed, sit on the bed and say the first of the texts presented.
  2. The second prayer read by night is pronounced after the person crosses and connect the palms at the chest level.

Prayer in front of bed guardian angel

A huge force has a prayer directed to the Guardian Angel, who was sent by the Lord to protect, help in difficult situations and provide daily support. You can contact him with different requests so that it gives them to the Almighty. Prayer for the night of the guardian angel is designed to give his soul and consciousness under his protection. The clergymen recommend contacting a personal advocate before bedtime to thank him over the past day. It is recommended to teach the presented prayer to the child.

  1. Call text can be pronounced in beds already immediately before deploying to sleep.
  2. Another option is to sit at the table or in front of the images, if they are in the house, light the candle and contact the guardian angel.

Prayer for the night before bedtime from fear

A huge number of people is experiencing strong fear before falling asleep. In most cases, this is associated with demons that are frequent guests of dreams. Because of them, a person sees terrible, sinful and evil dreams. As a result, he may feel bad in the morning, as if he didn't sleep at all. A short prayer for the night is a strong defense that will help protect against demons and bad dreams. As a result, the coming morning will be bright and happy.

  1. Lie into bed, try to relax as much as possible and get rid of extraneous thoughts.
  2. After that, read the prayer, you can repeat it several times. Immediately after that, you should try to fall asleep.

Didigital prayer read overnight

To establish your personal life and have an impact on a particular person, many enjoy magic, but often rituals have negative consequences. In such a situation, it is best to know what prayers to read at night to shock a man. No additional attributes are needed, the main thing is sincerely the desire to be happy with the chosen person, the lack of malice and bad intent, that is, it is impossible to contact the highest forces to lead a man from the family.

Prayer for the night can be used to restore the lost relationships, strengthening the Union, the origin of love feelings from another person. It is worth noting that she can cause the object of adoration, both warm and disgust feelings, and it all depends on the mood of the reading, purity of thoughts and the sincerity of his feelings. There are several advice, how to pray before bedtime, and how to prepare for this work:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to clearly clear what we go to the church and coming up. In the temple, be sure to put candles "for the health of the beloved.
  2. In the afternoon it is impossible to quarrel with anyone. In the evening before going to bed first, be sure to read "our own". This prayer favorably affects the human biofield.
  3. After that, pronounced prayer for the night. It is necessary to repeat it repeatedly. It is recommended to contact the highest forces every day until the desired result is obtained.

Prayer for every Orthodox Christian - there is a moment of communication with heavenly father. Recreasing in prayer humility to the Most High, we open it our heart, so that he filled him with his light and goodness. Prayer before bed - this is one of the most important rituals, which not only gives the tribute to the Lord, but also allows us to analyze, look back on the past day and ask for the Most High protection against ill dream - calmness of the soul to sleep coming.

The Holy Scripture says that the prayer is a debt of every Christian before God. Pray when you are awake, pray, leaving for sleep or starting any matter, and learn your child to the same, for our life is a gift of the creator, for which he asks only that small tolik. The duty of pious layman is imputed to the morning and evening prayer - this is a rule in which there is the source of wisdom.

Optina wise elders commanded all the baptized Orthodox - prayer should not be tedious and take a lot of time, but it is our duty before the Almighty and Son of His Jesus. To chapter from the Gospel, the Apostle is yes to one cafia from the Psalmier, add prayer from the heart - and your duty, like a Christian, is fulfilled, and the Lord, dying, gives you my mercy and blessing.

  • The morning prayer serves to awaken the soul, in order to remember it in the continuation of the day - God is next, he cares about the children. Every matter is caused by the Most High and under His Piece Ok. Nothing and no one is able to hide from the Lord, who is the essence of everything. Slavs the king of heaven in the morning, we show what the whole day we need his grace and blessings, show our humility and zeal to glory.
  • Prayer for the night is the moment when you need to look back. Recognize your mistakes and ask for forgiveness for all sorts of pregressions. Strain God to remove the cargo of the deed, calm the heart from longing, anxiety and torment - who, like he, will listen to you and put on the path of truth. Only in his power to free from fear, give hope, send and prompt, returning to sleep peace and serenity.

Opening the prayers, you can learn a lot of wisdom, which is given to the Almighty and gone to the Holy Holy Holy Help and Torzany. Including there is a place of prayers who call for the intercessors of saints - they are given the power to ask for God for you, begging for help. Acquish a child to prayer whenever you give tribute to the Most High.

This little sacrifice from you is enough to live under the auspices of him, not knowing the sadness in the afternoon and soaring without fear at night. And if in the morning it is considered reasonable to devote prayer a little longer, in order to bless the Lord accompanied the whole day, then, leaving for a dream, you can use brief prayers. They are considered to speak of Thanksgiving for the past day and mention their guardian angel for his patronage, asking for instructions in life. The same admire the child, Ichko clean soul, so that the Lord always had a place in his heart.

Prayer - antidote from nightmares

Of course, Orthodox Christians in most understand the power of the word prayer. But it will not be superfluous that prayer is also a wonderful medicine against any trouble. Nightmare - These are the mistress of demons who seek torturing the soul of human, depriving peace. Make people to turn to the beagle of salvation, clouding a wax mind, directing the sinner.

However, there is no medicine better than a prayer that will return to sleep peace and serenity. We just need to let Jesus and the Holy Spirit in your heart and read a few prayers for the dream.

Turning to the king of Heavenly for the salvation of the soul and the peace of sleep, we will gain peace of mind and bliss that night. The Almighty of His will protect his slave from the demons of fear, which prevent our rest at night.

  • Do not neglect the candle or lampada - this is a launch of burning hope. Light, which breaks through the darkness to God.
  • "OUR FAVE", read by the dream, will strengthen your faith in the Most High and will repay him due from the Christian heart.
  • If nightmares are toounder, then, leaving for sleep, will complement the prayer reading of psalms to calm and protect against demons. Their medicine is great and recognized even by the sacred synod of the Holy Orthodox Church.
  • If nightmarish dreams are tormented by a child, then prayer for his calm dream is the debt of each parent. Do not leave the child alone with fears - show him the road to salvation in the Most Him.
  • Keep the prayer at hand - it is a storehouse of wisdom to every everyday case. He will open you great universal love and mercy.
  • Prayer for sleep coming can be read, being in bed. The Lord is merciful and does not consider it sinful, for evening vocities occur after the day of labor. However, try to find strength and pronounce the prayer with a proper way - in the Smoked Pose of Good Christian.

Prayer for the coming dream

"Lord, the king of Heaven, the comforter, the soul of the truth, soaring and nimble the sinner of your slave, and let go of the unworthy, and forgive the whole, Elika, the sinners of Yako, the person, and not the same man, but also in the cattle, free my sins And unwanted, led and unknown: Like from youth and evil science, and the essence of incigested and despondency. Those who are named your swirls, or pour my throat; or whom Wocherch; or silence of whom anger mine, or sweeping, or what did they do; or lilts, or imaginary spa, or a prison of me, and his condoms; or my brother of my seals, or wadi, or someone condemned; or divorced, or inherited, or accepted; Or standing on prayer, my mind is about the sore of the world of this movement, or corruption of thoughts; or somehow, or asked, or crazy; or shuffle thoughts, or kindness alien to Vidovev, and thieved by heart; or the surrender of verbs, or sin of brother of my instantly, my essence is a critical sinner; Or a prayer is not the Radia, or it is so that Soda is soda, I do not remember that Bo All and Bolshaya Soda. Miscellaneous me, the work of yours, Ullago and the unworthy of your slave, and leave Mi, and let go, and I'm sorry, I am a good and a humans, yes with the world, wept and so much, the flared, sinful and the opeyny Az, and worship, and I! And I will glorify your progressive name, with his father, and the only begotten of his son, now and dream and forever. Amen"

Guardian Angel will protect your dream

Great force has a prayer to the guardian angel. He is our patron in all sorts of terrestrial things. His concerns are given to the human soul, in order to instruct her in love for God and worked on the path of life. By contacting him in prayer, leaving for sleep, we give our Teles and consciousness under his protection, in order to drink about our security.

The guardian angel is made to mention every time before going to bed and thank him over the past day, which he arranged to us with his works. The text of the prayer to the angel is quite simple and one of the very first in our lives. Any child has been taught from jourge to this prayer, so that Choo knew that the keeper always stands behind his back and talk about good.

  • Do not forget one condition - in order to call the soul of the child, it should be baptized. Otherwise, the child has no own angel who gives us God to service.
  • Do not be lazy and read the prayer-appeal to the keeper of Heaven with Chad, wanting both good sleep.

Prayer Holy Guardian Angel

"The Angela of Christ, the keeper my holy and the patron soul and my body, all sorry, I sorry, sorry for the last day, and from all sternsion of the opposite enemy to get rid of me, and I don't fuck my God in Coch; But moths are for me sinning and unworthyNago Slave, Iko yes deserves me showing the goodness and grace of all the Trinity and Mother of the Lord of My Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen"

The Mother of God - patroness mother and child

Every mother with a small chance needs to be responsible to their duties. In order to find a calm dream to yourself and the baby, the pray for the Virgin - she is defense and challenging the patroness of the child and his mother.

Shelting a child in a crib, read any short canonical prayers that contains prayers. Turning to the Queen of Heaven, call the good of the child's sleep, so that his uniform coating was not died and was the subject of maternal dignity, because the Virgin Mary will be in the night. No better care from mother Chad than blessing to sleep.

  1. The Mother of God is rejoice.
  2. Estimate.
  3. The benefit of the king of the Good Mati.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary

"Bleago Tsar Belshai Mati, the most preching and blessed by the Mother of God, the mercy of your son and the god of our sickness to passionate my soul and your prayers to hurt me on the Acts of Honor, yes, the time of the belly of my belly without a vice, I will give and you Paradise, one Clean and blessed. "

Prayer for the Most Holy Virgin Estabornice

"Oh, Mother of God, the help and protection of our own, we ask our savings to you, we hope to be so we urge and always call: soaring and pumping, spares and get rid of your ear and our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and the sorrowfulness of Khoshchi , soothing and give us, loving your original son and our God. Amen"

Conspiracy from unrest in a dream

Orthodox Church All sorts of pagan chants and philanthrops are rejected, Jaco's work Beshovskaya. It seeks to protect SNA from the unrest, it is customary to seek the Word of God in Prayers. However, if the dreams are picked up by nightmares, or insomnia does not allow resting after the work of hard, then you can use a conspiracy to a strong dream, in which there is a mention of the name of the Most High or His Saints.

There are such conspiracies not from the forces of witchcraft or magical, but they are born by the soul of light, from God given. Often, these conspiractions become words pronounced in prayer to those who are chopped by heart, and his plea was heard by the Lord and received in the award last.

This conspiracy encourages a blissful dream and gives peace of mind for the night. He is read three times and quietly fall to rest, for the Lord will arrange everything and give you a serene rest.

"In the name of the Most Holy Lord, you see the power of heaven!

To me, Savior and Saints Baptists,

For the soul of grace, refer to it!

Merize me, yes the righteous sleep, please

Tempter da seductors from me away,

Beszo tribe in the night.

In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Psaltry - a storehouse of wisdom and an assistant for the soul

Whenever spiritual flour deliver fairness, contact the Word of God. Psaltry is the part of the Bible, which gives help in any everyday adversities or helps in cure from heavy cargo on the heart.

Psalms can be like independent moles, and speak in addition to other canonical prayers. For those who are looking for calm in the night and a rest from daytime worries, the psalter gives several saving songs.

  • Psalm 90 - protection from demons. To read the one with the nightmares and fears.
  • Psalm 70 - to gain mercy and peace of mind from the Holy Spirit.
  • Psalm 65 - in defense against suffering in the shower, in no way at night, the man did not torment insomnia.
  • Psalm 8 - from fears of a child in a dream.
  • Psalm 116 - on the preservation of the night of the Christian soul alone and serenity.

Let the Lord grants you in dreams to lose and grace, and all sorts of fears will go away. Communicating prayer with heavenly forces, you will enlose their support when the soul and body rest. Angels and Cherubami will be a favor of over-earning your dream from the invasion of all the uncleanness of the Besnowian tribe.

According to the Orthodox tradition, it is necessary to thank God for every day in the morning and in the evening, before bedtime. Prayers help to feel the love of the Lord and save away from nightmares and misfortunes.

It is known that contacting God follows not only in the moments of spiritual misfortune and grief, but also in their free time. Morning prayers help tune in to a happy and good day. And the evening appeal to the Creator: Through words, we thank the Most High for everybody day and save our soul from evil.

Orthodox prayers for sleep coming

Most people looked off from such a beautiful tradition, how to pray for the night. In the fuss of days we forget to express love for God, and it is necessary to do it. Prayer helps not only to reclaim the creator and ask for help: it has a beneficial effect on our mood, soul and sleep. A person who performs such actions everyday, has great happiness and luck in life, rather than one who appeals to the Almighty only asking for the permission of his problems. However, that the prayer acts, read it is necessary correctly.

Appeal to God greatly affects our lives and consciousness. With the help of holy words, we can drive off from ourselves, change the coming and attract happiness. Not every person knows the Church Slavonic language, so difficulties may arise in reading powerful words. Especially for you we transferred some prayers into Russian: they did not lose their strength, but they became accessible and understandable.

Prayer to God before bedtime:

"Father of all living things, help me at this hour, let my sins, which I (name) created by negligence today. If a person offended by a word in a word, or an act inadmissible, I pray for forgiveness. Clean the soul My from the thoughts of the bad things, and the fleshfrom the desires of sinners. Relive, God, from the bustle of earth and Javi their grace in a dream. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Prayer for the Lord and Jesus Christ for Sleep coming:

"Our father and Jesus Christ, give me (name) to my mercy, do not leave me on the path of life. We kneel and pray for help in tomorrow, keep my sleep and sanctify my life. Let my and love your love disappear on my bed to me. Release my sins per day and direct the path of repentance and light. All adversity let them pass as the day passed. My God and the son of your Jesus, humbly believe in virtue of your and power over evil. Remove your slave (name). Yes, your kingdom will be on Earth Eternal. Amen".

Evening prayer for the Most Holy Spirit:

"Lord, my soul comforter. Javi Grace your own and save your slave (name) from misfortune. Through your help, God, I want to clean my soul from the sins of daytime. My duma and my words are unwashed, and therefore sinful. Relieve me from longing, sadness, despondency, grief and all evil intentions. The corrupted acts of my replacements by the grace of God and let him repent in the affairs of their happen. Mix me before bedtime and forgive the pregrition. Give your intercession before the evil force. I glorify you forever. Amen".

Prayer for the guardian angel at night:

"My keeper, my soul and the body under the patronage of yours stay. Forgive me (name), if I sinned and neglected your trust. For the affairs of my daytime, I apologize and pray to get rid of sin. Not with evil, but in captivity anger to the Lord God and you, my defender. Show me grace and mercy your. In our glory of our Lord. Amen".

In order for God and his aspirations to hear your prayers, they should be pronounced with pure thoughts and love in the heart. You can choose one prayer, memorize it and read every day before bedtime, because it's not in quantity, but in your righteousness. With the help of prayers, you can fulfill your desires, the most important thing is to know the sacred text and have faith in God. be happy And do not forget to click on the buttons and

03.05.2017 06:15

The Icon of the Lord Almighty is one of the most important symbols in Orthodox believers. The famous image of Jesus Christ ...


The prayer rule of Miryanin consists of morning and evening prayerwhich are performed daily. This rhythm is necessary, because, otherwise, the soul easily falls out of prayer life, as if waking up only from occasion. In prayer, as in every big and hard matter, one inspiration, mood and improvisation is not enough.

There is a full prayer rule designed for monks and spiritually experienced laity, which is printed in Orthodox prayer.

However, those who are just starting to skip prayer, it is difficult to immediately start reading registered Rule All entirely. Usually, the conformists advise to begin with several prayers, and then every 7-10 days add to the rule on one prayer so that the skill to read the rule produced gradually and naturally.

In addition, the laity sometimes emerge situations when there is little time for prayer, and in this case it is better to read a brief rule with attention and awe, which is hurried and superficially, without a prayer mood, mechanically subtract the full rule.

So, raising a reasonable attitude to the prayer rule, saint Feofan Reasanizerwrites one family person:

"Bless, Lord, and continue the prayer according to your rule. But never knit yourself with the rule and do not think that there is something valuable in the fact that you have such a rule or always commit it. The whole price in the heart of the god of fallen. Won Saints write that if someone from the prayer does not leave the convict worthy of any punish from the Lord, then such a statement from her Pharisees. Another said: "Standing on prayer, stand as on a terrible court, when it's ready to be a strong definiteness about you. Definition: come out or arrive."

It is necessary to avoid the formality and mechanism in prayer. Let it be every time there will be a case of a thoughtful free solution, and make it with consciousness and feeling, and not something like. In case you need to be able to reduce the rule. Lie B. family life Accidents? .. You can, for example, in the morning and in the evening, when there is no time, read on the memory of only prayers Morning and sleep for the coming. You can even read them all, but for several. You can not read anything at all, but put a few bows, but with the true heart prayer. With the rule should handle full of freedom. Be Ms. Rules, not a slave. The slave is only God, obliged to devote all the moments of life to fell to him. "

For such cases there is a set brief prayer ruledesigned for all believers.

In the morning it includes:

"King Heavenly", Tricedy, "Our Father", "Virgin Delo", "From Sleep Reza", "Verify me, God", "believe", "God, clearing", "To you, Vladyko", "Holy Angela "," Most Holy Vladychitsa ", the appeal of the saints, prayer for living and deceased.

In the evening it includes:

"The king of heaven", the tris and "Our Father", "Merry," Lord "," God's Eternal "," Blesha Tsar "," Angela of Christ ", from the" sweepy governor "to" worthy. "

Prayers Morning

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Presenter prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother Mother and all saints, have mercy. Amen.


Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us.
(Read three times, with a congestion and waist bow.)

Prayer of the Lord

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Devo, Having rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

From a dream, I thank you, the Holy Trinity, Yako, many of the sake of your goodness and long-suffering did not hesitate for me, Lenivago and Sinvenigo, following myself, I ruin myself with my defiance; But people were usually a person usually and in the imprisonment of Lyzhechko, I erected myself, in the hedgehog of Mother and Slavorachi, your power. And now I will enlighten my eyes mental, my melting is getting tuned by the word of yours, and you understand your commandments, and you will create your will, and Petta in confession of heart, and chasing all your name, The Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly in the eyelids. Amen.

Purchase, bow to the prince of our God. (Bow)
Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. (Bow)
Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our. (Bow)

Psalm 50.

Miscellaneous, God, in the greatness of your grace, and the many generaries of your cleanse of my lawlessness. Napa Oph Moon from my lawlessness, and from my sin of cleaning me; Yako lawlessness my Az know, and my sin one is for me there. You have a single sorry and deer progress of coat, IKo and justified your word-to-see, and we wonder the fraud is fragile. Behold, in lawlessness, they are conceived, and in Gresh, Mother Mother. Che Bo, the truth loved the ESI; Listening and the secret wisdom of Tween Yalvi. Okropyishi, Issop, and clean; Omrochemisms, and smelling snow. Hearing my dasy joy and merry; The bones of the humble will rejoice. Write your face from my sin and my whole cleaning is clear. The heart is purely creating in me, God, and the Spirit of Rights upgrade in my womb. Do not reject me from your face and the Spirit of your saint, not by me. The joy of the joy of salvation of your and the spirit of the rule of law. Scientific lawlessly by yours, and wichas will turn to you. Relieve me from blood, God, God's salvation; My truth is reyielding to your truth. Lord, the mouth of my openings, and my mouth will praise your praise. I would like the victims, it would have raised the victims, would gave birth to unfortunately: all the offensions do not favor. The sacrifice of God is crushed; The heart is crushing and humbly God will not humiliate. Declauses, Lord, in favor of your Zion, and the Walls of Jerusalemsk will create. Then favor the victim of the truth, the permission and the discovered; Then you will lay on the otar of your Tales.

Symbol of faith

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away. For the sake of the sake of the person and our sake of salvation of Szedsago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin and in the smallest. Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried. And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end. And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-waggnogo, izh from the father of the outgoing, and with the father and son of Spoklans and Saglivima, Glagolavsago prophets. In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

Prayer First, Saint Macaria Great

God, cleanse the sinsmano, Yako Nikolizh coordinate the good before you; But you save me from Lucavago, and yes will be your will of yours, yes, it's not hard to open the mouth of my unworthy and praise your sacred, father and son and the saint spirit, now and died and in the eyelids Amen.

Prayer of the same saint

To you, Vladyko is humanituly, I resort to sleep, and I will hurt your mercy on your business, and pray for you: at night, in every thing, and get rid of me from all sorts of harees, and save me, and Enter your eternal kingdom. You boat my co-creation and every good blessing and a submitter, about you all hope mine, and you reveal the glory, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer for angel keeper

Holy angel, the oppression of my soul and a passionate my life, do not leave me a sinner, below retreat from me for the confusion of my. Do not give the place to the deception of the demon with me, the violence of the mortgago television; Inhapping the distinguished and thin my hand and put me on the path of salvation. She, holy angel of God, the keeper and the patron athannnya waters of the soul and body, all I'm sorry, a foolishness of my abdominal, and it is still that I was sinful in the preceded Nosta, the face of the right day, and save me from all the temptation Yes, yes, I don't hurt God in any Gres, and pray for me to the Lord, so I will approve in my passion, and it will be worthy of the Slave of his good. Amen.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin

The Most Holy Vladychitsa is Motherod's Motherod, the saints, the saints and all-plating pliers of Mena, Smrennago and Okayannago, despondency, despondency, oblivion, nerazuma, the nerack, and all the bad, shook and the wiggle of the Okayannagigago my heart and from my mind of my mind; And there is a flame of my passions, Yako Nisch Esm and Okyanen. And save me from many and jubilant memories and enterprises, and from all the evil freedom. Yako is blessed with everyone from all kinds, and the precessive name is yours forever. Amen.

The prayer call of the saint whose name is

The moths of God about me, the holy waters of God (name), Yako Az diligently, resort to you, quick assistant and prayer about my soul.

Prayer for living

Save, Lord, and survive my father's spiritualague (name), my parents (names), affinities (names), bosses, mentors, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians.

Prayer about Usophest

God, the Lord, the souls of the deceased slave of yours: my parents, the affinities, benefactors (names of them), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all the sins free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven.

Ending prayer

It is worthy to eat Cako truly Bunity to the Virgin, the subjection and foremarital and mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother of God, the Mother, the Reverend and the Godproof Father of our and all the saints have mercy. Amen.

Prayers for the dream coming

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Three times)

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.


Mighty us, Lord, have mercy with us; Somebaging a response is not smaller, this prayer is the sin of sin, we bring the sin: to have mercy.

Glory: Lord, have mercy on us, on the boost, Do not proceed at us beer, Below the lawlessness of our lawlessness, but the proud and now Yako prudettake, and save us from our enemy; You bless our God, and we are people of yours, VSI is your hand, and call your name.

And now: the doors of the door of the door to us, blessed by the Mother of God, hoping on the hell, will not die, but yes, you will get rid of you from the troubles: You bless you are the salvation of the genus Christianskago.
Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Prayer 1st, Saint Makaria Great, to God Father

Goodness the eternal and king in any companion of creating, forgiven me even at the time of this time, forgiveness, forgiveness, you are shitting this day, a word, a word and thinking, and clean, Lord, humble my soul from all sneakers of the flesh and spirit. And Lady Mr., Lord, in Narchi, have this dream in the world, yes, with the Smrennago Lodge, the warking of the Holy Name of Your name, all the days of my belly, and I apart the bunning enemies of the enemies and fearless. And save me, Lord, from Thiege Thiege, Determining Me, and Flying Luxury. Yako is your kingdom, and the strength and glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin

Bleago Tsar Belshai Mati, the Mother of the Mother of God, the mercy of your son and the god of our sickness to passionate my soul and your prayers to hurt me on the Acts of Honor, yes, the time of the belly of mine without a vice, I'll give you a clear, the Virgin of Devo, one is clean And blessed.

Prayer for Holy Angel Keeper

Angela of Christ, the keeper my holy and the patron soul and my body, all sorry, I sorry, sorry in the last day, and from all slander the opposite of the enemy to get rid of me, and I do not fuck my God in Coch; But moths are for me sinning and unworthyNago Slave, Iko yes deserves me showing the goodness and grace of all the Trinity and Mother of the Lord of My Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Kondak Virgin Mary.

The winner of the victim, the victorious, who was delivered from the evil, thank you by the absorption of our robies, the Virgin, but I can have an invincible power, from all our troubles freedom, but call; Rejoice, bridesly nonsense.

Preslavnodelo, Mati of Christ of God, bring our prayer to your son and our God, and will save our soul to you.

All hope for my hope, Mother of God, Save me under your telescope.

The Virgin Delo, do not disappear, Greshnago, demanding your help and your intercession, my soul's soul, and a lot of me.

Prayer of St. Joannikova

Hope My Father, refuge my son, the cover of my spirit Holy: Saint Trinity, thank you.

It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunitia, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother of Treating Mother, Rev. and God's Father and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

* From Easter to Ascension Instead of this prayer, the tropar is read:

"Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and I guessing the belly in the tombech. (Three times) From Ascension to Trinity, we begin prayer with "Holy God ...", omitting all preceding. This remark also applies to the prayers for the dream.

All the bright week instead, the Holy Easter watch is read.

** From Easter to Ascension instead of this prayer, chorus and IRMOS 9th songs of the Easter canon are read:

"Angel is a graceful thanks: Pure Devot, rejoice! And Paki River: Rejoice! Your son is resurrected by Tiddneven from the coffin and the dead erected; People, having fun! Glowing, glowing, the new Jerusalem, the fame of Bo Lord on you. Likui now and have fun, sion. You, clean, sneak, the Virgin, about the christmas christmas. "

These comments also apply to the prayers for the dream to the coming.

Compiled using materials books:
How to learn home pray. Moscow, "Ark", 2004. Trifonov Pechengsky Monastery