PDD entertainment on the street for preschoolers. Scenario Entertainment on traffic rules in the senior group of kindergarten

PDD entertainment in senior group

"Red, yellow, green"

Purpose: security Prevention road; Prevention of child road traffic injuries.Tasks: 1) consolidate the knowledge gained on traffic rules;2) improving the skills of orientation and coordinating their movements in the current situation on the road, Street;3) Formation of interest in children to learning traffic rules.Material: puzzles with the image of machines and signs, landing racks, Dor. signs pedestrian tracks, Cardboard traffic light, 3 benches, 3 tunnels, mugs of green, yellow, red in the number of all children, large circles of green, red, yellow colors, 3 steering wheel.The course of entertainment . Children enter the hall and searge on the benches.

Lead : Seeking more comfortablePlaces occupy moreFor a holiday to the country traffic lightWe invite friends

The city in which we live with youYou can rightly compare with the letterAlphabet of streets, prospectuses, roadsThe city gives us a lesson all the time.Here she is the alphabet above his head:Signs We see everywhere with you.Alphabet of the city remember always

Light traffic lights traffic . Traffic light traffic : I hurried, fledOh, did I get there?Is it d \\ s №5 "PIN and Gwin"?(Children answer)

Traffic light reform: Oh, sorry, I did not say hello and did not introduce myself! Hello! My name is the traffic light of Migalkin traffic, doctor of road traffic. I am the most important on the road! And here I came to check how the guys know the rules of the road and do they know how to behave outside. And now I will first check which you are quick and attentive.

Music sounds, includes teams in breast cups. They are built and pronounce their river. Red. We are red signals,For the movement dangerous.You rules all observeAnd do not yawn on the road.Green . Green signals ahead,Tell you when the road to go.You remember this, friend, alwaysSo as not to happen suddenly trouble!


Here at any time

Defext is dressed.

He runs at once,

Who in front of him on the pavement.

The relay "Who is faster!" . Children distributes 2-3 set of paper parts with the image of machines and road signs. Collect the mosaic, children should call the car and sign.Leading: Guys, tell me, please when we walk on the street, who are we?(Pedestrians) . Right! And where should pedestrians go around the street?(Guys answer)

Leading: And the next relay is called"Pedestrians." Relay "Pedestrians" . It is necessary to restart all the chips, go through a pedestrian crossing and run back to the team - to transfer the next one.

Traffic light reform: And these are my helpers-lights.You should distinguish you clearlight green, yellow, red.Get acquainted with them.

Stage "Lightfor" (4 children participate in advance prepared) One on the chest is a cardboard traffic light, the rest of the mugs of red, yellow and green flowers on the chest. Children are lined with each other. Ahead is a child with a traffic light.1st child: To help you, the way to go dangerous,We burn and day and night - green, yellow, red!Our house traffic lights, we are three native brothers,We light up on the road to all the guys ...2nd child: The strictest is red light, if it burns.Stop! There is no road further, the path is closed for everyone!3rd child: So that you calmly switched, listen to our advice -Wait! See soon yellow in the middle of the light!4th child : And behind him the green light will flash ahead,He will say: "There are no obstacles, boldly go!

Leading: Guys, tell me, please, how do you need to go around the street?(on the transition) And what types of transitions do you know?(Terrestrial, above-ground, underground) The relay "types of transitions". It is necessary to walk to the bench in Zebra(ground transition ), go on a bench(overhead passage ), crawl into the tunnel(underground pass ) And run to go back, transfer the next to the next. Before each transition is the corresponding signs.

Leading: Well done boys! Well coped! And to proceed to the next task, you must first guess the mystery:Zorkko looks at the stationBehind the wide pavement.How to look at the red eyeAll will stop immediately.And green winningAnd cars and peopleGo ahead! (Traffic light)

Traffic light reform: Here I am now and check how you know the traffic light well and know how to distinguish the traffic lights.Game with all "find your color" . Everyone has a red, green circle or yellow color. While playing music, all run, not touching each other. As soon as the music calms, everyone should stand under large circles of green, yellow and red colors, respectively, their mugs.

It turns out a road sign. On the chest, he is inverted with the back side of the tablet with a road sign. Leading: Guys, who is it?Road sign: I am a road sign. But I can not show the rules of traffic. I can open only when you answer my questions. Competition "What? Where? Where? " 1. How many signals from the traffic light?(three) 2. Is it possible to start moving the street on the yellow signal?(not) 3. Where should pedestrians go?(on the sidewalk) 4. Where should cars ride?(by road part) 5. Where can I ride a bicycle?(only on special tracks ) 6. Where do people expect passenger transport?(At the stop)

Road sign: Well done guys and now I can show the rules of movement! Do you know me?(Opens "Bicycle movement forbidden") Where can you meet me?(Children answer.) Lead : Right. And the next relay is called"Road signs" Game "Road Signs" . Teams are in turn show signs, and children must correctly call, which means this sign. Number of signs in the number of children.

Traffic light reform: And now to break a little,I'm a game for youI ask questions for you - not just answer them.If you do according to the rules of the road, thenreply: "This is me, it's me, it's all my friends"Game with all "That's me! It's me! These are all my friends! " - Which of you go aheadOnly where the transition?(Children answer) - Who flies forward so soonWhat does not see traffic lights?(Children are silent ) - who is that red lightThis means no stroke?(Children answer) - Which of you, going home,Holds the path on the pavement?(Children are silent) -What of you in the tram closeInferior to the eldest place? (Children answer)

Leading: Guys, and if we go on a bus or trolleybus, then we are?(Passengers) Right! Let's now imagine that we are passengers. Where do people have to wait for the bus?(At the stop) Is it possible to try to open the doors on the bus yourself?(No, they opens their driver with a special button) And you can talk while driving with the driver?(No, it can not be distracted. ) Can you hang out from the window?(It is impossible, it is dangerous) Is it possible to go to the bus while driving?(No, you can fall) Is it possible to talk loud on the bus?(It is impossible, it will interfere with other passengers) Well done boys! You know very well the rules of behavior in public transport.

Leading: And the next our relay is called "Sit down to the bus"

The relay "Sit on the bus". On the signal, the last of the column runs to the chip, rushes it and sits on the end of the bench. Such actions perform the whole team. The latter runs the captain with the wheel. He sits down at the beginning of the bench. On this relay ends.Then, while children are sitting on benches, to them, having embarrassed and holding back, Sv.Sv is suitable. Children inferior to him with the words: "Sit down, please!"

Leading: You see, traffic light traffic, as our kids know the rules of the road and the rules of behavior on the street and in transport! They will never fall into the unpleasant situation on the street, truth guys?Traffic light reform: Yes, I see that the guys are well versed in road rules And they know how to behave on the street and in transport, they know road signs. And also they are very clever, attentive and fast. Well done boys!On the street, be attentive, children,Remember these rules firmly.These rules remember alwaysSo as not to happen to you trouble.
Leading: On this, our entertainment ends, and, finally, the guys prepared several advice!
Child 1. : So that there is no trouble,
To become order
Road rules
Do not violate!
Child 2: If you want to be healthy
And live to hundreds of years
You never try
Go to the red light!
Child 3. : Caution on the road!
Take care of hands, legs.
Observe traffic rules,
Otherwise be trouble!

(winner at the city review competition "Green Spark" in 2014)

municipal pre-school educational institution "Kindergarten № 170 Trektorozavodsky district Volgograd"

Compiled: Senior educator of the first qualifying category MOU kindergarten No. 170 Kudryavtseva Natalya Viktorovna Volgograd, 2017

Purpose: Formation in children of senior preschool age The main skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.


  1. Consolidate the rules of road traffic through the game situations;
  2. Summarize the knowledge of children about the rules of road traffic, rules of behavior on the streets of the city, the main road signs studied at this age, traffic lights;
  3. Relieve a competent pedestrian.


Masha - girl preparatory group.

Misha is an educator.


Children of the preparatory group for poems on road signs and to play problem situations.

Equipment and materials:

Suits for heroes;

Layouts of road signs, bus, cars, carriages for dolls, traffic lights.

Set of road signs.

Large outdoor layout with marking "zebra" .

Projector for demonstration. "Magic Remote" With the help of which moves to a fairy tale.

Preliminary work.

Preparation of attributes and costumes to the event. Heading poems, songs, dance. IN dOU groups - repetition and study of traffic rules, signs, various situations on the road and in transport; In the PDD room - reading stories, games on layouts; On the transport site - the repetition of the rules of traffic rules, moving games.

Registration hall.

On the central wall screen for demonstration, backlight for effect "Magic" , bus layout, traffic lights from balloons. The hall with balloons is divided into 2 halves - viewers and fabulous action. Mocklights of road signs are placed around the hall. Later, for a problem situation, a large layout with marking is spread on the floor "zebra" (attached to velcro to carpet covering).

Screensaver-background on the topic of traffic rules. Music sounds, children come to the music and sit down on the chairs.

Educator: Hello Children, Today we will look fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" But our view will be unusual because I have a magic remote! It not only allows you to stop a fairy tale, but also to get into it, and in a fairy tale we will be able to communicate with the heroes. Well, look?

The light goes out, there is a Cartoon Screensaver, then the light turns on the scene. Dance room "Masha and Bears" After dance, everyone leaves, one Masha remains, sits down at the table, and sees the album with the photo, it begins to consider it. Music background sounds, and screensavers of the slide teddy bear in the circus.

Masha: "Oh! Wao, here's fairy tales! This is yes-ah-ah ... Misha, Misha, Misha! (Enters the Bear) Misheka Well, where do you go? That's what I found, Misha, well, let's read! Watch!

Bear: Oh! (scratching the head) Masha is not a fairy tale ... it's a photo album! Look, I used to work in the circus!

There is a video teddy bear in a circus.

Masha: how cool! (slaps in your hands). I also want to go to the circus! Want! Want! Want! (keeps legs)

Bear: Good! I will take you to the circus, but for this, we need to go from the forest to the city!

Screensaver "city" .

Bear: Only around the city streets do not go just like that!

When you do not know the rules, it is easy to get to come!

How would you correctly explain how to behave in the city, on the streets ?! ... The bear thinks and freezes. Over the scene Svetgaznet, turns on the children. The teacher presses the remote, referring to children.

Educator: Well, guys, I invite you to a fairy tale. I think we should help Masha and Misha, because Masha does not know that in the city a lot of dangers awaits her on the road. Are you ready to get into a fairy tale?

Press the remote, the light flashes, the magic music is heard, Masha and the Bear look in surprise.

Educator: Hello, Masha and Misha, and we are from the guys from kindergarten We decided to visit you to come to teach Masha, how to behave on the city streets, as well as the rules of the road. Masha, listen carefully and remember!

Children come out with road signs in their hands and read poems:

1 child:

The city in which we live
You can rightly compare with the host.
Here it is, alphabet over the pavement,
Signs waved above their heads.

Alphabet of streets, prospectuses, roads
The city gives us the lesson all the time.
Alphabet of the city remember always
So as not to happen to you trouble.

Masha: Alphabet! Yes, I know what the alphabet is! We know, scientists, and not need to teach us!

Educator: No, Masha, guys say about the road ABC! In the city you need to carefully look at road signs, they will tell you how to behave correctly! After all, there are many dangers in the city, and in order not to get into trouble you must follow the rules of the road! Listen carefully!

Child with sign "Overhead Pedestrian Transition"

Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember you about the transition!
I am an overhead transition!
I am like a bridge transition!

Safe way will indicate
And How railway Go
VMIG will tell!
Child with sign "Underground pass"

I am an underground transition
Knows every pedestrian!
Nothing decorates
Pedestrians helps!

Both children together:
A pedestrian! A pedestrian!
You're looking at the signs,
They remember

And on the road, do not go,
Hands, legs take care!

Child with sign "No Pedestrians"

In the rain and in clear weather
Pedestrians do not go here.
Says the sign one:
"You have been banned!"

Educator: You see, Masha, our guys know road signs, and now you know them too! Remember them, when you are on the streets of the city! Well, you are going to look at your fairy tale with the guys, but only when we see our help, we will tell you again!

Press the remote, the light flashes, the magic music is heard.

Masha: Oh, how interesting! How I already want to go back soon! Misha, Misha, can I take a ball with me?

Bear: No, Masha, it's dangerous! The ball can point to the roadway - on the bridge, where cars are passenger, cargo cars, buses, trolley buses, hurry there and a ball under the wheels will die forever ...

Bear: You can only play the ball where there are no cars! And we are going to the way!

Masha: And scooter? Scooter can be taken? I quickly fast before the kindergarten! Like this! (Shows how rides on the scooter).

Bear: Yes, what!? Masha, no, of course, no! The scooter will only interfere, because the road is long ahead, long and dangerous!

Masha: Fu ... Well, nothing can be taken with you! I will take the headphones with me that it would be more fun ... possible, Misha? (Masha clothes headphones, dancing. The bear comes to Masha removes one headphone and loudly in her ear he says).

Bear: You can !!! Only the music will listen, when we arrive!

(Masha shoots headphones, puts them on the neck, sighs)

Masha: Oh, how difficult it is! Nothing! All forbid! And I'm a baby yet! I want to play!

(The teacher presses the remote, flashes the light, the magic music is heard).

Educator: And here again we! Masha, let's play with our guys and thereby remember the rules of the road!

(Children spend the game on traffic rules, after her the teacher presses the remote, flashes the light, the magic music is heard).

Masha: Well, now it's time!

Misha: Masha, babe, wait! I have to put your other slam in you!

Masha: Slaughter? No way! What are you? Do you want to remove my golk? I'm not giving it! (Worships his head with his hands, runs away, the Misha catchhes it).

Bear: Masha! Yes wait! Pave! Do not shout! You just look at what she ... (Puts on his head to his head) On it glowing strips, they are clearly visible in the dark of the day from far away to any person: and pedestrian and driver transport. You will be very beautiful in this gash.

Masha: Well, siaria ... Strip say? Glowing, say? In the dark, say? Beautiful, say? Something I don't see anything glowing!

Bear: But now you will see! Because they are glowing only when the ray of light falls on them. Look!

Dance of luminous costumes.

Masha: Okay! I agree! Come on, wear. Just see what I would be beautiful!

(Misha puts on Masha Kosynka)

Masha: Misha, how are you? You also need a slamming?

Bear: Thank you, Mashuchuk, you for care! And I'm talking a vest!

Masha and the Bear go through the forest. On the video screensaver forest. Song sounds songs. Put the buse and sign "Stop" .

Screensaver "Bus stop" .

Masha: Oh, what is it?

Bear: This is a stop, now the bus will arrive and we will go.

(Masha begins to run around the bears and sign, and clap your hands).

Masha: Hooray! We are going, we go! And I will run on the bus too, Misha, and jump on the seats, and also ...

(Bear slaps himself on his forehead and pretends that he is bad. The teacher presses the remote, flashes light, the magic music is heard).

Educator: I think, with the guys, we must explain Masha, what is the sign, and how to behave correctly in the bus!

Children read poems:

Sign "Stop"

For a very long time you stepped
Finally saw
Sign that says -
Your bus is here!

In this place a pedestrian
Patiently transport is waiting
He's tired of walking on foot
Wants to become a passenger!

Children read the rules of behavior in transport:

1. Child:

At the stop, the bus bunnies were waiting,
Jump like balls, fun jumping.
Jump yeschok, circle.
And the old bear was pushed in the side of the elbow.

Waiting at the stop, stand! And not twist!
And the bore of someone - immediately apologize!

2. Child:

The bus came, bunnies Gurby,
The doors were besieged, rhat, as if in battle!
The fusion turned out to be engaged,
Save the road do not want!

Passengers leave the hares do not give.
All rustling, pushed, and on all yell.
First you need to skip.
And then calmly go inside!

3. Child:

I drove the beasts, opened the window,
Immediately some gray cat
Head awailed suddenly wanted -
The public did not mind her.

Rides in the bus proudly she,
And the head from the window is visible.
Sees to meet a truck hurry,
Nearby drove, and in the same moment

The wind loose big on the road
From the cat in the window he ripped off his hat!
Very upset gray cat.
Children, do not seek in the window!

Educator: It's time for us! Have a good trip!

Masha and Misha sit on the bus.

Song "In the bus"

I.We in a bus together
And looked into the window
Our chauffeur Pedal pressed
And ran to the bus.

II. On the way like a bird
Our bus rings quickly.
We are going, we are easy,
We are going to go far.

Still sing, helpers stealth outdoor layout "Crossroads" .

The three-chapted traffic light comes out, gets up in his place, it comes out a two-headed traffic light - gets up in his place, children with large cars come out in opposite sides, signs "Bike is prohibited" , "Ground transition" .

Masha and Misha come out of the bus.

Bear: Going out of passenger transport, be polite, they always keep me behind the paw and look carefully, carefully come out!

Suitable to the layout to zebra, the bear from Masha removes the headphones, try to move the road, but nothing they do not work. Masha is frightened and crying. Misha calms her down.

The teacher presses the remote, blinks light, the magic music is heard.

Educator: But now it's time to explain Masha, how it is necessary to move the road! Well, guys help?

Traffic lights three-chapted:

Here is a three-chapter traffic light!
He controls cars,
When to stand and ride them offers.
Traffic light, of course strict,

He is known for the whole world!
He is wide on the street
The most important commander!
Red Light - Transport will say no!

Yellow light gives advice wait a bit!
And the green light burns: "Drive!" - He speaks.
Traffic light-headed:
Here is a two-chapped traffic light!

He says to pedestrians:
"The red light is no passage!
You never should go to the red light!
And the green light burns -

"Drive" , - He speaks.
Sign "Riding a bike is prohibited"
On the road sign stands,
Strict tone says -

"Forbid in this place
Riding a bike "!
Sign "Crosswalk" :
Walking carefully, looking at the street

And only where you can, go it!
I am a ground transition!
On him my sign will indicate
Zebra will immediately show you

Know that only the transition from trouble will save you!

Educator: Look, Masha, what situations there are!

  1. First, cars go, traffic lights show: green cars, red pedestrians.
  2. Traffic lights change signals: Machines - Stop, pedestrians went.

Pedestrians go:

  1. child looks in the tablet
  2. child playing ball
  3. child in headphones

The bear runs grappling his head, stops everyone.


On the carriage of the children
You do not do these
You do not look at the tablet
And headphones remove

And very, very carefully go back!
Be an example worth always
And it will not happen on the road trouble!

The situation is repeated:

  1. First travel traffic lights show signals: green cars, red pedestrians.
  2. Then the cars are pedestrians go traffic lights show: red cars, pedestrians green.


Observe very strictly
discipline on the road, and the road to you then
will be another forever!
Screensaver: Circus sounds circus music.

Educator: Well, you came, Masha and Misha, in the circus, but you still need to go back, so do not forget everything we taught you with your children! Bye.

The teacher presses the remote, blinks light, the magic music is heard.

Educator: Well, the fairy tale is over, but we helped Masha and the Misha to get to the circus, you are well done!

Screensaver background - rules on road signs or just picture

Music sounds and all go.

Purpose:fastening the knowledge of children about road rules and the creation of a joyful emotional attitude.


1. Recall the studied rules with the children and teach them to apply them in accordance with the situation created.

2. Develop a speech, memory of children, logical thinking, the ability to navigate in the created situation.

3. To bring up goodwill and skill to work in a team.

Methodical support: Models of cars Planny, Desktop Shirma, Flat Tests of Transport, a set of canvas, on which models, road signs are exhibited, envelopes with cut-out cars.


- Guys, I want to invite you today on a trip. This journey is unusual - to the country of road signs and rules of the road. Do you agree to go there?

(Children's responses)

- What can you go on a journey? (Assumptions of children)

- And I suggest going on the hitchhiking trip. Do you know how this is done?

(Children's responses)

- If a person has no car and he does not want to go on public transport, he goes to the road and raises his hand, that is, as if he says the driver "Stop". If the car stops, then the person sits down and goes. Such a trip will be called the hitchhiker. So we will travel with you on all types of transport in the country of road signs by hitchhiking. But transportation will dwell only when you answer the question correctly. And for the correct answer you will receive a prize - model of the machine. And we will see how many models we are making the end of our trip. Ready to travel?

(Children's responses)

- Good mood helps on travel. And the cheerful song raises the mood. I suggest singing a song "On the street, on the street", S. G Boyko, Muses. T. Sovechenko.

On the street, down the street,

We go beyond a couple of steam.

And here before the transition, we

They reached the sidewalk.



Light burns green -

On the street, down the street,

From the edge and to the edge

Run, run buses,

Trolleybuses, trams.

- And here is the first type of transport.

(Because of the desktop shirma there is a tram)

1st stop

- In order for us to sit in this type of transport, you need to answer such questions:

1. Why do tram call public transport?

2. When comes out of the tram, then which side is around?

3. What is the tram look like a trolleybus?

For the right answers, the car model is given and set to a set of canvas.

- While we are going on the tram, tell me how many syllables in this word?

(Child response)

- Come up with rhyme for this word.

(Send, do not yawny, catch up, select)

- Name a deaf sound from this word. ("T")

- It's time to go. As we go around, remind me again, please.


2nd stop

- And now we will move on foot.

(Because of the screen, the "Children" road sign appears)

- What does this sign mean?

- For whom they put such signs on the road?

(For drivers)

- What does this sign mean?

(So \u200b\u200bthat the drivers on the road were careful. There is a children's institution near the road, and children may appear on the road at any time. The driver should reduce speed before this road)

- What group of signs does he apply to?

(To warning signs)

- But another sign. What does it mean?

Due to the screen, a car appears.

3rd stop

Each pair of children is given an envelope with a car cut into pieces.

4th stop

- Travel continues. And on what we will go further, tell me the mystery:

Horse steel with me,

Instead of foot two wheels.

When Pedals twist

Immediately go, where I want.

(After the bike on Shirma, a bike appears)

- How old can you get behind the wheel of this type of transport? (From 14 years old)

- What was the prototype of the bike? (Scooter)

- What material did the first bikes do? (From wood)

- What does this sign mean?

(Bicycle movement is prohibited)

- How to ride a bike through the streets of the city?

(On the right side of the road, not more than 1 m from the roadside)

5th stop

(A sign "Bus stop" appears on Shirma)

- What does this sign mean?

(Bus appears on Shirma)

- We continue the journey through the country of road signs by hitchhiking. So the bus came up. Which door do you need to go to the bus?

(In the back)

- And from which door you can go out?

(From the front)

- What is the bus like a trolleybus?

- What is different from trolleybus?

6th stop

(A traffic light with red light appears on Shirma)

- What makes us a traffic light? (Children's responses)

- We must stop. But so that we could go on on the journey, the traffic light suggested to play with him.

Another child is given a tennis ball, and he will have to get into a traffic light circle from a distance of 3 m. Who could not get, answers the questions:

- In which country invented the traffic light?

(In England, in London in 1868)

- How many colors have a traffic light? (3)

- Why does the traffic light have a sound?

(So \u200b\u200bthat the blind pedestrians could move along its signal)

- The word "traffic light" from Greek means - a carrier ... what?

7th stop

(A minibus appears on Shirma)

- Travel continues. And this type of transport how will you bypass? (Rear)

So that we bored on the trip, the driver of the minibus prepared us questions in verses. It is impossible to talk with him during the trip, and he handed us this sheet with questions and road signs at the bus stop. I will read it to his riddles, and you are looking for that sign about which is in question.

1. What kind of sign is evisted?

"Stop" - it makes the cars ...

Pedestrian, go boldly

On the tracks black and white.


2. Sick belly from Roma,

Do not reach the house.

In such a situation

Need to find what?

(Item First Medical Aid)

3. You can meet such a sign

On high speed road

Where large sizes pit

And walk dangerously straight

Where the area is built

School, House Ile Stadion.

(No Pedestrians)

4. go boldly young and old,

Even cats and dogs ...

Only here is not the sidewalk -

The thing is all in the road sign.


5. You are drawn on it,

But this is not a portrait.

He hangs on the post and guards you

But he is not a traffic light.

(Road sign "Children")

The educator turns the drawings of models of machines (thereof 7), and "Well done" appears on the reverse side.

- That ended our trip by hitchhiking in the country of road signs. You coped well with the task and showed knowledge of the rules of the road. In memory of this journey, I give you a car model that you can paint into that color you like.


- consolidate knowledge of rules of behavior on the street;

- to create conditions for understanding that the health and safety of people depends on the knowledge of rules of behavior on the street, road traffic;

- improve the coordination of movements, the ability to easily and freely navigate in space;

- fix the skill to execute the rules of the game, bring up an exposure;

- clarify and consolidate knowledge of the culture of behavior in public transport;

- develop prerequisites for the semantic and value perception of verbal, musical works on the topic of entertainment;

- promote the formation of creative activity by participating in musical Games, singing and other activities;

- give the opportunity to feel the joy of participation in the event.

Preliminary work: conversations according to the rules of behavior on the streets of the city, in transport; memorizing poems, songs, dance; Movable game "Red, Yellow, Green", Applique "Lightforward", viewing the cartoon "Uncle Stepa - Militizer", drawings "Rules of Movement".

Equipment: Costumes of the heroes of entertainment, pictures with the image of the rules of the road, laptop, pictures with the image of pedestrian crossings, transport, ball.

Leading. Guys, near our kindergarten there is a road on which different cars are passing. But they only go along the roadway, next to which there is a pavement. And in the sidewalk you and your mother go to kindergarten every morning. To get to the territory of the kindergarten, you need to go through the roadway. Tell us how do you go through this dangerous distance?

Talk 2-3 children.

Sample answers:

- It is necessary to move only in a certain place where there is a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing;

- It is impossible to run across the road, before the riding machine;

- you need to keep my mother by hand

To be calm for your life and health, you need to know the rules for the transition of the carriageway of the street.

1st child

Movement Polon City,

Run cars in a row.

Colored traffic lights

And day, and night burn.

2nd child

Stepping carefully

Behind the street follows.

And only where it is possible

Her go.

S. Mikhalkov

Leading. Well, you correctly switched the street and came to kindergarten. And the day in kindergarten begins every morning with a fun dance charging.

Children perform a dance charging (from the T. Suvorova program "Dance rhythm for children").

The music hall includes, withering, Pinocchio.

Leading. Hello, Pinocchio! What happened to you, why are you lame?

Pinocchio.I did not hit the car. Near the kindergarten road, and cars are rushing back and forth, here. And I wanted to run, and so it did not work out.

Leading. And where did you cross the driving part of the road?

Buratino. Where I wanted, there I began to move, or rather to overdo it.

Leading. Pinocchio, and you did not think to get to the traffic light and before a pedestrian crossing?

Buratino. How do I know what a pedestrian crossing is. I do not like to learn, and Malvina did not tell me this. And I was very in a hurry, because I ran away from my book, which stands in the library. And now I think, in vain I ran away, because I can't return back, because there are so many dangers on the street.

Leading. Nothing, we are spending you with the guys, but first explain what a pedestrian crossing and how to proceed to pass part of the road.

Game "Find and explain"

In the pictures depicts the road with the right and incorrect methods transition through it. Pictures lie on the table inverted. The child chooses any picture, turns it over and explains the depicted situation.

Leading. Pinocchio, now you understand how to move the street correctly, and how it is impossible not to happen to trouble?

Buratino. I understood a little, just how I will get to my book in the library, suddenly something confused and again I will be under the wheels of the car.

Leading. Guys, let's spend Pinocchio and explain how to behave in different situations on the road. And we will go to the library by bus. Take place there.

Children sit down on the chairs that are put on the bus, ahead of the driver. Pinocchio sits down with children.

Children play the song "Our Blue bus" (music. A. Filippenko, Sl. T. Volgina).

Leading. Look, Pinocchio, like a lot of different cars on the streets of the city.

Pinocchio. I see a red and small. But big, and roof horns. Oh, what kind of car is this?

Leading. This car is called trolleybus, and now the guys will tell you about cars that help people get to work, in a circus, zoo and other places of the city.

1st child

There is a little clumsy, soft tires rustle.

On the wires riding horns, gloves in the windows shine.

And inside the whole, like a toy - the seats are a soft row.

The place to give way to the old woman, I hope you will be glad.

Without it, it is difficult to get to the kindergarten and movies.

Without trolleybus, we can not do long ago.

N. Knushevitsky

2nd child

At work, who is the whole city in the city of the city?

Will save us a moment, well, of course, a taxi.

Best of all he is known every address, every home,

Do not get lost to him together even in the city of Alien.

Here the green light flashes to us,

No one will be late with him, all taxis will be delivered on time.

N. Knushevitsky

3rd child

For a cheerful chime, it seemed:

Two trains with arc and travel inexpensive.

For him, the way is laid here, only be careful -

Itself does not go on the rails, as soon as they go with them.

Know that the rails only tram help to run quickly.

N. Knushevitsky

While reading poems on the screen, pictures of these types of transport are shown.

Pinocchio. Look, the old woman entered the bus, yes so old! (Continues to sit on a chair.)

Old woman (master puts on his handkerchief). Pretty kids, who will give me a place?

Children are inferior.

The old woman removes the scarf.

Leading. Well done that they gave way to the old woman, but Pinocchio did not even get up. What are you, Pinocchio, do not know that the older place should be given to everywhere, and in transport too?

Buratino. I did not know, but now I will give up.

Leading. And now another game.

Game "Taxi"

Children are divided into two teams, "Driver" in a cap with a hoop in hand. He runs to the team, one player is attached to him, and both run to the rack (stop). "Driver" runs behind the next player. The team wins, whose players will be faster at the rack.

Leading. Here our bus drove up to the "Library" stop. We leave the bus and go through Zebra Street.

Pinocchio. I will not walk along Zebra, I'm afraid of her.

Leading. Listen to what is called "zebra" on the road.


What at the crossroads

Black and white stripes?

It's "zebra", but not a horse,

And the road through the square.

Along the "Zebra" pedestrian

Security is coming.

N. Strozhkov

Leading. And in big cities, pedestrian crossings are there such. (Shows pictures.) Underground - the safest. And be sure to look at the traffic light and on the sides when go on the road.

Children perform the "Light Light Song" (music. N. Petrova, Sl. N. Sifrina).

Moving game "Red, Yellow, Green"

Children on the red light stand still, on green go.

On the way I go, mom by hand leads.

My familiar traffic light shines for a long time.

It stands on the street, gives a signal.

And although it is always silent, here he is general.

We are on the red light stand and do not go to yellow,

I'll see the green and turn the road.

Here is the green light on, look around us.

Brazing cars - Stop! - Boldly we go ahead.

O. Kulakova

Pinocchio plays the ball.

Leading. What are you doing, Pinocchio, because we are near the roadway, and there are many cars.

Pinocchio. So what. They will stop if my ball will pop up on the road.

Leading. Guys, tell Pinocchio, why it is impossible to play the roadway.

Children. Machines can not quickly stop. Play on the road is dangerous for life and health.

Leading. Correctly, you can not play on the road, and on the sidewalk, because pedestrians walk along it. For games in the ball there are special stadiums, platforms. Here are how much you want.

The game "Who is faster"

Children stand in two teams. The first participant runs with the ball in his hands, robes a rack, returns to the team and transmits the ball to the next player.

Leading. Well, here are the library. Buratino, you understood everything about the road, about the dangers that are waiting for us on the roadway, and how to behave outside?

Buratino. I got it. Oh, and what is the sign?

Children come out with signs and read poems about a sign that hold in their hands.

1st child

This is a very important sign,

He hangs not just like that.

Be careful, the driver,

Near the kindergarten, school courtyard.

2nd child

On the way the guys - the road,

Transport goes quickly, a lot.

There is no traffic light

Road sign will give advice.

We need to go ahead,

Where Zebra is on the way.

"Crosswalk" -

You can move forward.

A. Weiner

Leading. Pinocchio so that you remember everything better, we with the guys made pictures. You look at the drawing and remember that the light of the traffic light can not move the street.

Pinocchio considers drawings and comments on some of them.

And it's time for us to say goodbye. Sit down to the bus and go back to kindergarten.

Entertainment on traffic rules in the older group according to the Standards of the FGOS "to the country of road signs"

Lead education area: "Safety"
Purpose: Create conditions for consolidating knowledge of traffic rules and road signs, prevention of children's road injuries.
Secure and systematize the knowledge and presentation of children about the streets of the city, road rules and road signs. Learning to answer questions is full, thorough.
Develop the ability to independently make stories on a given topic. Continue to teach children to compare, make generalizations, arguing, ask questions, intensify the dictionary of children on this topic.
Educational: to cultivate the culture of behavior on the street, goodwill, the feeling of mutual execution, the desire to come to the rescue.
Types of children's activity: Game, productive, musical and artistic.
Organization forms: Frontal, individual, group, work in pairs.
Form of sale: use of benefits, musical accompaniment, demonstration of illustrative benefits; search and problematic questions for children, encouragement, explanation, summing up; Creation of gaming motivation, surprise moment, games, active activities of children, comparison, comparison.
Equipment: Road signs, pedestrian walkways, cardboard light, 2 benches, 2 tunnels, mugs of green, yellow, red colors in the number of all children, 2 scooters

Entertainment course:

Children enter the hall. On the table lies with a message letter
Leading: This is someone's message!
Leading: Look, look at it there is something, it is written ....
Leading: So read the same way that it is written there.
Leading reads, Message.
Leading: "We are residents and guests of the country rules of road and road signs are in a huge misfortune. We disappeared somewhere all road signs and traffic lights lost, so often the accident and mess occur. Help and save us! "
Leading: Residents, some countries ask for help .... And who will go to save them and will help them? Children, can you save the inhabitants and help them? Guys, do you know road signs, road rules? Ready to go on the road?
Answers children
Leading: The path there is difficult, it is not indicated by any signs and no one knows the roads there. You did not change my mind to help?
Answers children
Leading: Where do we move?
Leading: Look at the children, there are split pictures. Very similar to road signs. Let's share two teams and try to collect them and guess what pictures are it?
Answers children
Children to music collect signs.
Leading: Children, what are the signs that you have collected?
Answers children
Leading: they probably brought the rules and road signs from the country. Take them with you, they will be useful to us!
Buratino enters the hall on the scooter.
Leading:Children, look Pinocchio rides on the roadway.
Leading: Hello Pinocchio!
Pinocchio: Hello, hello!
Leading: Pinocchio, do not die, but hello!
Pinocchio: Well, well, hello!
Lead: Pyratino, tell me, please, and rushing on the scooter, do you keep the rules of the road?
Pinocchio: Yes, what rules, as I want, I go. I want to go there, I want to go here. And I can, I still ...
Dunno goes to the hall on the scooter.
Buratino: And here is my friend Dunno.
Dunno: Hello!
Children greets.
Pinocchio: I also, yesterday we rode bicycles on the roadway, hooked for the car ....
Dunno: And rolled with the breeze. It was very cool. Do you also ride children and walk fun?
Answers children
Leading: What a nightmare ... Even riding on the scooter, bike and walking on foot, you need to follow the rules of the road.
Leading: Children, let's tell you what traffic rules must be observed when skating on a scooter, bike and walking.
Answers children
Lead: Pinocchio and Dunno, now it is clear to you that you did not correctly come?
Answers Pinocchio and Links
Buratino: Let's ride with us on scooters. We split into two teams: My team and the team is minted.
Relay on scooters
Dunno: What are you great, strong, fast, clever.
Buratino: And road rules know. And where are you all go?
Lead: We are going to help the residents of the country rules and road signs, they sent us a message.
Pinocchio and Dunno: And we want.
Leading: Well, we will take them with you?
Answers children
Lead: Go further, see, some kind of envelope ... and in it task

"What? WHERE? WHEN?"
1. How many signals at the traffic light? (three)
2. Is it possible to start moving the street on the yellow signal? (not)
3. Where should pedestrians go? (on the sidewalk)
4. Where should cars ride? (by road part)
5. Where can I ride a bicycle? (only on special tracks)
6. Where do people expect passenger transport? (At the stop)

Dunno: What are you smart children. And where did you learn everything?

Answers children
Buratino: Look, there are some kind of circles scattered, and they remind me of something ....
Leading: Children, what do these mugs look like?
Answers children
A crying traffic light appears here
Leading: Hello, traffic light! Why are you crying?
Friendphone friend: I lost my lights, and what a traffic light I am without my lights. And we constantly occur the accidents: there are no lights on the traffic light, road signs flew ...
Leading: We found a message. And we went to the way to help your residents.
Pinocchio: Do \u200b\u200bnot worry, friend traffic! Of course, we will help you now a moment. True, children?

Answers children

Lead: Now we will try to collect mugs with children.
Children to music collect three circles of different, colors.
Lead: So we collected them.
Friendphone continues to cry.
Friendphone friend: collect then you have collected them, but how should they be located?
Leading: Now we will lay them out correctly.
Children arrange mugs as on the traffic light.
Leading: And we found your road signs. Here they are.
Gives signs to a friend traffic
Friendphone friend: Thank you very much! Only I forgot why they mean these three colors ...
Lead: We will now remind ...
Lead: Let's remind the children from Pinocchio and do not know how to move the road.
Children tell the rules.

Leading: And what types of transitions do you know? (Terrestrial, above-ground, underground)

Game "Types of Transitions". It is necessary to reach the bench in Zebra, go through the bench (above-ground transition), go to the tunnel (underground transition) and run to go back, transfer the relay to the following. Before each transition is the corresponding signs.

Friendphone friend: Thank you very much, you also help me very much, I remembered everything!
Pinocchio: And we are very grateful to you guys, for learning the rules of the road!
Dunno: We will remain in this wonderful country of the rules of road and signs!

Traffic light: Stay!
Lead: And it's time for us to say goodbye and return to kindergarten. Goodbye!