Stop monthly times and forever. Love spell for monthly blood: consequences and descriptions of removal methods

Love spell on monthly blood - strong, but insidious weapons. Monthly blood - from the most ancient and strong magical substances. Love spell on sacred female blood - double-edged weapon, acts simultaneously as a spell and as a damage, on a man and a woman who made a spell. it effective method: Even by chance that the men's menstrual blood fell into the body will make him pull to this woman with all the creature. Even indestorified to this woman, the guy begins to feel a mighty fading attraction. Blood turns straight to the blood, bypassing the mind.

The consequences of menstrual blood entering the human body:

  • Nausea, dizziness, headache, trembling in hand (menstrual blood - energy poison)
  • If the blood gets into the body of the awesome multiple, it can be seriously ill: blood affects the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys, intestines. Perhaps ulceration, formation of tumors and stones
  • Men's urinary system is often suffering: sexual weakness is manifested, arbitrary urination
  • Favorite falls alternately into passion, longing, bite aimed at the storm. Heavy mental oscillations begins to pour alcohol. Spins gradually, but steadily. Even if you stop pouring blood to him, a man cannot stop his rolling on the inclined plane. Mental longing, the reasons for which he is unknown, fell its physical and mental strength. However, many men, even with underdeveloped intuition, are implicitly understood who are to blame for their misfortune, and often break off on the woman who brought them
  • It is especially dangerous to apply a spell on the blood to an aggressive man, the "testosterone bomb" - such becomes not just rude, but just the most cruel. May rape, beat, keep in captivity. Maybe kill
  • The sacred consequences of the illness on blood for a man are destructive. The spell takes it off his path destined to him, takes a woman intended to him, profession, takes energy and changes fate. The spirit and soul of such a man doubts, he becomes sluggish, indifferent to himself and loved ones

Consequences for a woman who made a spell:

As we have already pointed out at the beginning of the article, the spell on the monthly blood is simultaneously a damage hit not only in a man, but also for a woman. How exactly?

  • Return hitting the woman itself. It can manifest blood disease - thrombosis, blond, anemia, disgraceability and other diseases. If the woman is pregnant, and the monthly continue to go, their use in love magic will affect the child. Possible miscarriages, ugliness, misunderstanding, infertility.
  • Frections of the disease of the genitourinary system of women: inflammation, scarring, thrush, infection, obstruction, infertility.
  • A woman pursues a sense of guilt. Looking at the sufferings of your chosen one, on his own troubles, she wouldingly unscrew the rite ago, but it is almost impossible to do it. The rite of blood is removed very difficult, often only through the cemetery rites. And they are no less dangerous than the "source" rite.
  • Made a "bloody" spell a woman loses sense of security. She sleeps badly, during sleep and wakefulness feels like draft and whose unwanted presence behind his back.

Described negative consequences The illness on the blood is relevant for women and men, married and unmarried, although manifests themselves with different strengths and in different combinations. Strong, unresponsive people carry effects easier. People with a fine organization sensitive, constant break quickly.

What will happen if her husband is pouring monthly blood

If honest, although the terrible previous chapter did not scare you if a love longing so strong that you continue to think about a spell on a monthly blood, then compare the following advantages and cons:


  • Ritals on menstrual blood are very easy to perform. Monthly blood is so strong that does not need wisdom courts
  • This magical practice almost does not require costs.
  • The effect is almost lightning - the next day or in 2-3 days


  • Side Effects in the form of cruelty, rudeness, waxed
  • Reverse blow of the blood and fate of a woman with every ritual and when removing the love spell
  • Long-term impact in need of constant securing (once a month)

How do love spells

  1. Take a new white cloth, drop monthly blood, Dry stain. Loskoks burn, ash add to drink or food man
  2. Several drops of women's blood add to food or drink with sprinkle: "Let's drink my blood, give your will. I will only - Mrs. "
  3. In red wine or colored vodka, whiskey, brandy implous 7 drops of blood with a sprinkle: "Blood and wine will be one like blood in me and you in me". With this drink we open a man
  4. Add menstrual blood into the dough when basting pies or pancakes. Here you can do and without question

What to do if the guy does not eat and does not drink from your hands

  • At sunset, screame your blood in his photo sentences: "How the sun goes into the shadow, so you, the slave of God go to me". Then index finger left hands smear blood according to his photo with sprinkle "Peer, dry, blood, dry, dry, guest". This is a photo with a root blood hide so that no one can find
  • A more complex spell. Take three church or three black candles. Each scratch your name. Light a candle, with their light, pour 7 drops of blood into a glass with water, throw your golden product there, tapping: "My blood is in water, and your blood is in fire, longing, the slave of God (name) for me."Blood solution in water break into the bucket and boil on three candles. Then go at night to the intersection of three roads, pour the solution through the left shoulder
  • There is a spell in the photo when a needle, moistened in the blood, poke the image of a man in the heart and genitals, but this spell is especially strong and destructive. It is good for a short passion and hatred is not for life, but to death. Sometimes it happens

How to remove obscurity

  • Go to the master of magic and remove through the Cemetery ritual - with myself and with a man. It is better not to try
  • Suppose a forty-day post on bread and sanctified water
  • Make repentance in the church, inform a man about his sin. Do whatever father
  • It is believed that the spell with a monthly bleeding is removed using a roll of egg, bread or wax. This is not true. Remove such a spell thoroughly - generally impossible. Master as possible to mitigate his consequences can master or master

Forally sweet you will not

We are far from morality and from calls not to do a spell. Psychologists say that unrequited, drying, strong love The power of exposure, destruction is equal to post-traumatic syndrome (which is experiencing victims of war or violence), the loss of close, loss of work and housing. Sometimes from pain and passion just nowhere to go, the woman is ready for everything to be cute with her - at least for an hour, at least for the night.

The problem is that with a bloody spell a woman still gets a man, but his shell. His true essence, soul, the will is silent, suppressed, rush away.

The spell does not solve the problem, but creates new and more terrible. "Do not pee in the abyss - otherwise the abyss will begin to peer in you".

As a rule, after a year after great Love A woman with horror and bewilderment looks into his past, not understanding how she could create such things for the sake of, in general, ordinary man. But this year still needs to somehow live, but how are you burning and moaning from pain?

Psychologists advise you to take this pain, dissolve in it, to conquer, surrender to it. Do not avoid torment, break through this desert forward and exit the crisis updated, wise, strong. Like a phenix bird.

The following methods work:

  • Pool
  • Massage
  • Spa
  • Gym
  • Additional work, language courses
  • Moving to another city, country
  • Full change of image, clothes, hairstyles, thinking

Is it possible to pour love with alcohol? Yes! But only one-time, when absolutely inadvertent. Space from the heart, but hide your cell phone and computer. Do not write anyone, do not call, go back, open and do not do it anymore.

Poons will not help achieve the goal and improve the quality of life. Only spiritual, mental and physical efforts, the increase in resources - financial and social - will help to get out and with a smile to look into the past.

Someone from loved ones behaves strange, and you think he is awesome? How to expose and learn a spell on monthly blood: the consequences and description of the main symptoms. You do not give peace about the spell about the spell and you are ready to spend it, and you agree to carry responsibility for him? In any case, you will be useful for information from our article ...

Remember, the spell will not remain without consequences for any of the parties. Love spell on the blood of monthly consequences, description, male behavior.

One of the most sought-after types of magical impact is a love spell. He is the most ancient. Something and in the old days encouraged people to try to bind the object of lust as hard as possible.

The mechanism of action of privots on blood

Blood (ore - in Old Russian), first of all, the source of information. Therefore, it is so often used in magical rites. It is rightly said that the whole burken, made on the blood, is very strong.

Women's blood coming out of the body in the form of menstruation (or menstruation in simple), it is "superfluous" blood that worked out. Together with her the body leaves and spent, empty energy. Our malice, aggression, insult, pain also come out with blood.

And now, attention: think if there can be a "light" witchcraft, mixed using such a powerful, but negative resource?

Monthly blood in the property is usually used in combination with other substances. Recall the most basic. If something confuses you in this spell on the blood, you can make love.

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The consequences of the attitude on monthly blood for a man

Love bonds created by artificially, are a terrible danger, at the very case. Only few of the so-called "witches" will tell you about it. None of the charlatans want to lose their benefits, and customers on a love spell always a pond pond.
Let's try to figure out what the danger of such a common spell like a spell on the monthly blood, the consequences of which, firstly, do not have to wait long, and secondly, inevitably collapsed on the head and being involved, and the involved.

Signs of blood rituals and alcohol

Most often, red wine is used for the infertion to blood ... So if a man tried monthly, what will happen?

Alcohol itself is a strong magical substance. Her orientation you can easily guess, responding to the following questions. Does he brought someone happiness? How many people suffered from the influence of alcohol? Is it easy to cope with alcohol addiction?

We hope you have become much clear. It should be noted that blood and alcohol are a combination of thermonuclear, extremely dangerous, almost not removed, having deep and disastrous consequences.

Privotes on red wine

Most often, love spells are carried out using red wine or vodka. Lovers, newcomers, indulgence girls use anyone with hand turned up alcohol.
Love spell on wine is a slightly more "soft" option in our case.

  • Action is a big sexual activity of a man after the love spell. What is called, everywhere, always and everywhere.
  • Activity in sex over time is replaced by apatine, a tendency to aggression, constant clarification of relations.
  • Manifest alcohol addiction. It is usually the case ends with impotence, alcoholism and full indifference to women at all.
  • As an option you can try

Love spell on vodka

Walking on vodka it is easy to know. A spidaying person, inadequate, leading to him as if demons were settled in him. From afar and the unarmed look is noticeable his tendency to suicide.
At first, after the lability, ultra-high sexual attraction towards the suspended lady also takes place.

A man behaves towards her, as servant, absolutely it obeys her, pleases all her desires, gives dear gifts, requires constant presence. "I love her to death. I can not live without it, "often you have to hear from such poor fellow.

Subsequently, sex out of his life goes to the commerce, he can no longer conceive children. The lady of him insanely annoying, if not to say, infuriates, but he cannot break this vampire connection to break this vampire. "Pulls the magnet" - very relevant expression here, and often it pulls it to kill it. She herself would be glad to get rid of him, but also can not.

Then he starts the ribs, terrible longing, unrestricted allegedly nervous breakdowns, uncontrollable aggression. Such a person can easily kill someone in a crazy wrath, and then he himself will not remember the motives of what happened. No matter how sad, most often, he finishes suicide. There is an opinion that the most in this case is likely to suicide hanging.

Signs of blood rituals and food

Love spell on a man for monthly blood: consequences and side effects.

Often, menstrual blood is added to a man in food. It is usually done on a growing moon using spells. Most often, a combination is used: blood and salt, blood and sugar. But they do not face simple food offered to a man for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Blood mixed and in soft drink, tea or coffee.

The effect of such love spells is usually expressed in the loss of sense of measure in a man. If you love, then often, if any, then a lot, if swear, then before whipping dishes and individuals. In relation to the woman, the "positive effect" rather quickly fastens. The most appropriate designation of communication created by means of such a love spell is "suitcase without handle. It is hard, yes quit a pity. " He rushes her all the time, but something as if he stops - a lack of time, money, other housing; Children, malaise.

The consequences for a man wandering with menstrual blood added to food or drink, such:

  • Fast fatigue, early aging;
  • Problems with potency;
  • Probable infertility;
  • Problems with gastrointestinal tract;
  • Obesity;
  • Passivity, loss of interest in life.

The deadly danger for the "lunch" being involved does not represent, however, as any magical intervention, has its own negative consequences.

Signs of blood rituals and body

This type of illness to the blood is the most harmless. The effect can dissipate quickly and without consequences.

The most "innocent" kind of rites on the blood of menstruation. This is the most real "implace". It is done quickly, let go, in general, too. The meaning of the ritual is that a few drops of blood leave to push on their forehead or on the forehead of her beloved, uttering cherished words. You can do it through the photo. According to the power of exposure - the smallest, as in consequences.

Relationships tied in this way, rushing in one day. A man yesterday was ready to marry her and stump on the edge of the world, and today can not look in the direction of this woman without disgusting grimace. "And what did I find it in her?" - It often says when the action is completed. He found, most likely, a drop of blood of menstruation in his forehead while I slept.

Love spell with monthly consequences for a man:

  • Inability to create long-term relationships, family;
  • A squeamish attitude to women, disappointment in them;
  • Lack of vitality, fast fatigue;
  • Tendency to disease, Handra;
  • Unsuception, not successful.

As we saw, if a spell was made for monthly blood, the consequences for a man in any case are disappointing. And can be completely tragic. But it is not necessary to think that a woman who took advantage of the impact on the strong floor, is easily separated itself.

The consequences of the attitude for a woman

Reaching for this action is usually comprehended by the one that has been attracted, and it does not matter, she herself tested it or turned to a specialist.

In the world of magic, the laws of physics also apply. One of them is the strength of action is equal to what? That's right, the strength of opposition. In other words, we will lay, then get married.

Accordingly, the harder the spell was used, the worse there will be consequences. Women are more vulnerable to a response strike, due to the fact that their children and others are often affected. Such a "return" will damage, with a completely unfavorable coating of the circumstances, the closest relatives on the ascending and downward line, up to the third knee.

The most likely direct consequences of love spells for monthly blood for women:

  1. If the plot was on alcohol: female alcoholism, childlessness, lack of failure, loneliness, frigidity, mental illness, incurable diseases, random reliable death, possibly suicide.
  2. If the plot was on a meal: frequent financial losses and difficulties; frequent serious health problems; Frequent poisoning, problems with stomach and intestines. Such a woman is not attractive for men, if the cavalier appears, then it is bad enough, and that will not be delayed for a long time.
  3. If there was a "soup": the nervous, irritable, reargana lady. She will have everything from the hands, always it is plumping into some kind of trouble. Happy life Unlikely.

How to remove an imposed love spell for menstruation?

Quite confidently we can say that if we did without alcohol, a spell on the monthly, even pulled the serious consequences, as long as possible. If they did through a specialist, contact him. If such a "magician" is responsible, then he will return everything to its circles, in requinging this truly large means.

Option number 1: Remove your own spell

The spell on the menstrual blood and alcohol is practically not removed without the help of a professional magician or witches.

You can independently try to shoot, firstly, if you are aware of my own guilt, repent and are ready to bear the deserved cavity. Secondly, have required amount spiritual forces.
To begin with, remember that the shipped energy can only be overcome by even greater energy. Relive in memory, with what power did you exercise a spell, why did you mean passionately? The force with which you should now want a love spell to cancel must exceed the previous one, repeatedly. This is the main and basic.

Rituals that need to be used to remove the lability are now easy to find in general access: mainly the planned multi-day trips to the church, sincere prayer, settling services, magical burning of candles or tensions, cleaning holy water, pilgrimage. It will be suitable for any ritual for which you desperately believed that he would work.

Option number 2: Apply to a qualified MAGA

You can try to contact the MAG, who made it. But such rarely agree to finish. You can try to find a magician superior to the magnitude of the magician, who, besides, agree to eliminate it, without exaggeration, curse. The magician for this should be super-fast, bold and disinterested. Such, for information, units.

A spell on the blood of menstruation, made using alcohol, entailed grave consequences, the response is practically not subject to.

Option number 3: What can I do yourself?

We give examples such actions that will not be worse:

  • Sincere repeating, repent, go to confession, that is, to recognize your sin;
  • Contact the highest forces through prayer. For this you can order long service On the health of the Walking (forty, for example) in good churches. Good churches are not the ones next to the house, and not those that are also painful. These are those located in energy right places, long built and have a "light" history. The number of such churches - 3, 7, 9, 12.
  • Contact the highest forces not through prayer. Complete sincere and disinterested good. Start with the help of patients, disadvantaged, in need, deal with volunteering. Every "Thank you", which is said to you, direct the highest forces with a request to consider this your merit in favor of the sufferer, who suffers after the love spell.

We hope we managed to convince you that you should not use the attractions. The "Black" conspiracy considered by us, crumpled karma - a very destructive spell (on the blood of menstruation), the consequences of his destructive. Feeding advantaged to them posted on the Internet, for example, will not let it be put.

Tip: Do not resort to help higher ForcesIf you can do without it.

In this article:

The spell on the monthly is considered the strongest magical seal. This is one of the most accessible and effective ways Walking a loved one.

Perform a spell on menstrual blood, like other black magic rites, is not recommended independently, since often instead of the expected result can be obtained strong damage. A rare feature of this magical rite is that he has the power of a generic curse and passes through the male line to all descendants.

Magic love spells have long been committed to combine lonely fate.

There were many different rituals, but the most popular among the representatives of the finest was the spell on the monthly. Almost every woman knew how to make it independently, without thinking about the dangerous consequences, which could entail a magic rite.

Currently, the spell on the blood remains one of the most famous ways of exposure.

A lot of centuries passed, and the popularity of the attitude for menstrual blood only increased. However, now many women began to abuse dangerous ritual and hit married men, destroying their families.

Before proceeding with any magical rite, including a spell on menstrual blood, it is necessary to weigh everything for and against, because the consequences touch not only the man, but also the woman itself.

The sorcerers and magicians relate differently to this kind of spells, but everyone believe that the spell on the menstrual blood is black magic, and call it a damage.

It is important to remember that even the random hitting of monthly blood into the body of the object will not cancel its actions. A noticeable result is manifested individually from one to several days - a trained person is tied to a woman whose blood was used in the ritual. This impact causes lust, passion and other hidden desires.

If the girl still decided to order such a ritual and tie a beloved guy to himself, then it is necessary to make it so as not to disturb the harmony of relations. It is important to find out whether the beloved man is suitable for the customers. For this, the sorcerers conduct a scanning of a person's subconscious and, according to the results of the study, they conclude whether it is worth a magical rite on binding or better abandon him.

Love guy love spell can be done only if the future pair is fully compatible. IN otherwise The girl may not get the desired result, and on the contrary, many problems may arise in further relations.

How to make a spell on menstrual blood

Most often the following attributes are used:

  • On a piece of white cloth dripped one drop of monthly blood and dried the spot. Then the fabric was burned, and the ashes added a man in drink.
  • Drops of menstrual blood added to food with the words: "You will drink my blood, give your will. You will listen only to me and do, as I want. Only I am alone - Your Lady. " Thanks to this spell, the man completely obeyed the woman.
  • An even number of monthly blood drops dripped into a drink or food, seniting words: "My blood went down, I don't need, but I need a slave (name)."
  • 2 blood droplets were added to the wine and said 7 times: "This blood is in me and you are a slave (name) go to me." The wine was filled with a man being brought.

Little Person Menstrual Blood

The biggest mistake of women is to apply a spell on your husband using menstruation. If misunderstandings appeared in the family, quarrels and disagreements or a woman is afraid that her husband can leave, then the spell on the blood is not the most best exit From this situation, the more he can not only not save the family, but also to contribute to its early destruction.

This method Used long and is considered one of the most workers.

When making a rite from his beloved husband, you can make an alcoholic and impotent, after which it is unlikely to be all also strongly involved his wife. And when a woman understands a mistake and decides to remove a spell, made on the menstruation, then the husband has an interest in other women after that, which will result in rupture and parting.
If a woman wants to strengthen their marriage or restore former relationships, it is better to take advantage of not black magic, but female.

Irreversible consequences

Menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in ancient times, the concept of "menstruation" was considered to be something alien and dirty, the sorcerers of all directions often made a spell on monthly and other rites. It was used not only in love spells To connect a man and a woman, but also to guide the disease, curses and damage.

The danger of rituals with monthly blood lies in the opposite negative effect. Almost in all cases, even if the magic ritual carries out strong sorcerer, different diseases and depressed states return to the woman who ordered this ritual.

The victims of the spell may also develop mysterious diseases that are not amenable to traditional diagnosis and medical treatment. The man after the magical rite can begin to grow quickly, while it seems that it goes out of it vital energy. In men, there are problems in the intimate sphere - impotence, and in women with a rollback from spell - frigidity and infertility.

The frequent consequence of these Char is alcoholism. A man begins to constantly drink and at the same time cannot stop and explain why he does it. Other pathological habits from which it is difficult to get rid of alcoholism can follow alcoholism.

Another consequence is aggressiveness and inadequate behavior. After the love spell on the menstrual blood, the spell object can start beating a woman and insult, without giving himself a report in the deed. This is explained by the fact that the woman is violently forces the man to be with her, and as a result he is physically tied to her, but some kind of soul particle seeks to break the imposed feelings. This subconscious desire threatens regular family conflicts, in which a woman herself is the culprit and ordered by her magical rite.

By the side effect is the appearance of jealousy in a man to the one that ordered magic ritual. As a result, the life of a woman can become so unbearable and heavy that she herself wants to get rid of her beloved and relieve a spell.

For the magician, this ritual and other rites using blood also have strong and dangerous consequences. If you do not put protection, then such a ritual threatens a generic curse, which is almost impossible to take away.

Existing pluses and cons

The rite of menstrual blood, like any other, has its pros and cons.

The advantages are:

  • ease and simplicity in the implementation;
  • does not require large financial costs if implemented independently;
  • the desired effect comes quickly;
  • the spell is suitable for short-term benefits, that is, if a woman does not plan for a long relationship with a selected man.

Cons of ritual:

  • the effect is short;
  • aggressive, rough impact on all auras of men;
  • requires constant adhesive (preferably every month);
  • the presence of the negative consequences described above;
  • not suitable for building harmonious long-term relationships.

How to remove this magic

Some women holding a beloved man with the help of a magical rite, soon want to correct the error and remove the spell made on the period.

It is not recommended to work with blood where it is absolutely not required, as well as scatter by its biomaterial in a situation that outlines itself

There are several ways to remove the illness on the blood independently.

  • You can remove the damage with the monthly 40-day post, during which the fish and meat are forbidden. Within 40 days, you need to read special prayers every morning. Also during the post you need to visit the church on Sundays and defend the service from beginning to end.
  • To remove the spell in this way you need to find an assistant. A wary man should stand in the center of the room, and the assistant with a burning candle walk around him counterclockwise, counting up 32 circles. A person from whom the damage is removed is necessary during this time to read our father.

There are other methods, but, as already mentioned, it is better to refer to the present Magic Master.

Than this rite can turn

When removing the love spell, perfect for menstruation, a person whose blood was used in magical rite, not to avoid reverse impact, and often it is manifested in the following:

  • In many cases, when performing a bluntness of blood, the blow is inherited, that is, the women who ordered or committed a magical ritual. The most dangerous and cruel rollback awaits those women who used their monthly blood, being pregnant. There are cases when menstruation continues the first months after the occurrence of pregnancy. If this blood was used for the attitude, then the baby receives a return blow to his removal. Often miscarriages, the deformity of the child, infertility, etc.
  • A woman who ordered a spell may threaten diseases in the urinary sphere. In easy cases, this is a simple thrush or other inflammatory processes of the urogenital system. Infertility and severe diseases of this sphere are also quite possible, including infectious, and human immunodeficiency syndrome. In some cases, the reverse strike is reflected in the kidneys.

Love spell on monthly blood - strong, but insidious weapons. Monthly blood - from the most ancient and strong magical substances. Love spell on sacred female blood - double-edged weapon, acts simultaneously as a spell and as a damage, on a man and a woman who made a spell. This is an effective method: even by chance that the men's menstrual blood fell into the body will make him reach on this woman with all the merits. Even indestorified to this woman, the guy begins to feel a mighty fading attraction. Blood turns straight to the blood, bypassing the mind.

The consequences of menstrual blood entering the human body:

  • Nausea, dizziness, headache, trembling in hand (menstrual blood - energy poison)
  • If the blood gets into the body of the awesome multiple, it can be seriously ill: blood affects the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys, intestines. Perhaps ulceration, formation of tumors and stones
  • Men's urinary system is often suffering: sexual weakness is manifested, arbitrary urination
  • Favorite falls alternately into passion, longing, bite aimed at the storm. Heavy mental oscillations begins to pour alcohol. Spins gradually, but steadily. Even if you stop pouring blood to him, a man cannot stop his rolling on the inclined plane. Mental longing, the reasons for which he is unknown, fell its physical and mental strength. However, many men, even with underdeveloped intuition, are implicitly understood who are to blame for their misfortune, and often break off on the woman who brought them
  • It is especially dangerous to apply a spell on the blood to an aggressive man, the "testosterone bomb" - such becomes not just rude, but just the most cruel. May rape, beat, keep in captivity. Maybe kill
  • The sacred consequences of the illness on blood for a man are destructive. The spell takes it off his path destined to him, takes a woman intended to him, profession, takes energy and changes fate. The spirit and soul of such a man doubts, he becomes sluggish, indifferent to himself and loved ones

Consequences for a woman who made a spell:

As we have already pointed out at the beginning of the article, the spell on the monthly blood is simultaneously a damage hit not only in a man, but also for a woman. How exactly?

  • Return hitting the woman itself. It can manifest blood disease - thrombosis, blond, anemia, disgraceability and other diseases. If the woman is pregnant, and the monthly continues to go, their use in love magic will affect the child. Possible miscarriages, ugliness, misunderstanding, infertility.
  • Frections of the disease of the genitourinary system of women: inflammation, scarring, thrush, infection, obstruction, infertility.
  • A woman pursues a sense of guilt. Looking at the sufferings of your chosen one, on his own troubles, she wouldingly unscrew the rite ago, but it is almost impossible to do it. The rite of blood is removed very difficult, often only through the cemetery rites. And they are no less dangerous than the "source" rite.
  • Made a "bloody" spell a woman loses sense of security. She sleeps badly, during sleep and wakefulness feels like draft and whose unwanted presence behind his back.

The described negative consequences of the illness on the blood are relevant for women and men, married and unmarried, although manifests with different strengths and in different combinations. Strong, unresponsive people carry effects easier. People with a fine organization sensitive, constant break quickly.

What will happen if her husband is pouring monthly blood

If honest, although the terrible previous chapter did not scare you if a love longing so strong that you continue to think about a spell on a monthly blood, then compare the following advantages and disadvantages:


  • Ritals on menstrual blood are very easy to perform. Monthly blood is so strong that does not need wisdom courts
  • This magical practice almost does not require costs.
  • The effect is almost lightning - the next day or in 2-3 days


  • Side Effects in the form of cruelty, rudeness, waxed
  • Reverse blow of the blood and fate of a woman with every ritual and when removing the love spell
  • Long-term impact in need of constant securing (once a month)

How do love spells

  1. Take a new white fabric, drop monthly blood, dry stain. Loskoks burn, ash add to drink or food man
  2. Several drops of women's blood add to food or drink with sprinkle: "Let's drink my blood, give your will. I will only - Mrs. "
  3. In red wine or colored vodka, whiskey, brandy implous 7 drops of blood with a sprinkle: "Blood and wine will be one like blood in me and you in me". With this drink we open a man
  4. Add menstrual blood into the dough when basting pies or pancakes. Here you can do and without question

What to do if the guy does not eat and does not drink from your hands

  • At sunset, screame your blood in his photo sentences: "How the sun goes into the shadow, so you, the slave of God go to me". Then the index finger of the left hand smeared the blood according to his photo with a sprinkle "Peer, dry, blood, dry, dry, guest". This is a photo with a root blood hide so that no one can find
  • A more complex spell. Take three church or three black candles. Each scratch your name. Light a candle, with their light, pour 7 drops of blood into a glass with water, throw your golden product there, tapping: "My blood is in water, and your blood is in fire, longing, the slave of God (name) for me."Blood solution in water break into the bucket and boil on three candles. Then go at night to the intersection of three roads, pour the solution through the left shoulder
  • There is a spell in the photo when a needle, moistened in the blood, poke the image of a man in the heart and genitals, but this spell is especially strong and destructive. It is good for a short passion and hatred is not for life, but to death. Sometimes it happens

How to remove obscurity

  • Go to the master of magic and remove through the Cemetery ritual - with myself and with a man. It is better not to try
  • Suppose a forty-day post on bread and sanctified water
  • Make repentance in the church, inform a man about his sin. Do whatever father
  • It is believed that the spell with a monthly bleeding is removed using a roll of egg, bread or wax. This is not true. Remove such a spell thoroughly - generally impossible. Master as possible to mitigate his consequences can master or master

Forally sweet you will not

We are far from morality and from calls not to do a spell. Psychologists say that unrequited, drying, strong love on the power of exposure, destruction is equal to post-traumatic syndrome (which is experiencing victims of war or violence), the loss of close, loss of work and housing. Sometimes from pain and passion just nowhere to go, the woman is ready for everything to be cute with her - at least for an hour, at least for the night.

The problem is that with a bloody spell a woman still gets a man, but his shell. His true essence, soul, the will is silent, suppressed, rush away.

The spell does not solve the problem, but creates new and more terrible. "Do not pee in the abyss - otherwise the abyss will begin to peer in you".

As a rule, after a year after the Great Love, a woman with horror and bewilderment looks into his past, not understanding how she could create such things for the sake of, in general, ordinary man. But this year still needs to somehow live, but how are you burning and moaning from pain?

Psychologists advise you to take this pain, dissolve in it, to conquer, surrender to it. Do not avoid torment, break through this desert forward and exit the crisis updated, wise, strong. Like a phenix bird.

The following methods work:

  • Pool
  • Massage
  • Spa
  • Gym
  • Additional work, language courses
  • Moving to another city, country
  • Full change of image, clothes, hairstyles, thinking

Is it possible to pour love with alcohol? Yes! But only one-time, when absolutely inadvertent. Space from the heart, but hide your cell phone and computer. Do not write anyone, do not call, go back, open and do not do it anymore.

Poons will not help achieve the goal and improve the quality of life. Only spiritual, mental and physical efforts, the increase in resources - financial and social - will help to get out and with a smile to look into the past.