Razorings on salt and challenges. Love spell on a salt of a married man and a tie from the rival - the texts of the conspiracy

Lapel to salt will help in those situations when you want a person's attention to focus specifically on you, and not on another person. Especially they are good when you know for sure that the person was kept.

How efficient is effective

Salt itself is very magical seasoning. This substance remarksably absorbs information, so it is possible to impose the strongest conspiracies. At the same time, this ingredient is incredibly accessible to all. It can easily be bought at any store or on the market for pennies.

If you understand, to which elements this seasoning belongs, it is associated with the elements of the Earth. After all, salt is nothing more than the natural mineral of the Earth. This means that the same strong and powerful energy has been concluded in the salt, which the Earth itself has.

Just so the salt is so popular among the magicians.

Feature of salt rites

The singularity of the salt is that it is wonderful guards people from unclean power. Lonch husband on salt will have the highest effect if another woman kept him with a black spell.

Salt circle is very popular, which is easy and simply draw. In this case, the salt needs to be scattered in a circle slowly and senses with a specific conspiracy. If you periodically carry out such a ritual, then it will be impossible for your family to act like some black magical rituals.

Rules for salt

There are rules, observing which when carrying out a discharge to salt, you will increase its effectiveness several times:

  • The very first I. an important rule It is that you need to be holy to believe in what you do. If you spend this tick ritual, do not look for the result. You need to be absolutely confident that this action will certainly lead you to the desired event.
  • You must understand every word that is conspicated. If you do not know the meaning of at least one, look into the dictionary, know its meaning and only then use in conspiracy. When you consciously pronounce every word in a spell, then its action increases several times.
  • Lapel to salt is best carried out in a period of decreasing moon. So the moon seems to be taken by the energy of the black love spell, which was produced per person.
  • It is also important that the lapse to salt is carried out in the appropriate setting. There should be no foreign people and even pets, silence is important. It is necessary because only the energy of your soul should be present in the room.

Buy salt in advance

How to make a lapse on salt even more efficiently? To do this, it is necessary that the salt has absorbed the energetics of a person who will make a lapse. So that it happens, you need to buy salt in advance. You can even choose that pack, which will be more responsible for your energy. To do this, simply put your hand over the packs of salt and consider your feelings with the palms. Most of all such a pack, over which you will feel more heat. Buy this pack and go home with her.

Let it break through in your room, you can, for example, put it under the pillow to you, so it is as much as possible with your energy, from it will be stronger.

In which cases is it used?

Lapel made on salt will help deploy the situation in their direction as follows:

  • If you are in a relationship with a man and noticed that his interest goes towards another woman, then apply the grade to salt. Especially if you suspect that a woman who has paid attention to which your man took advantage of black magic to attract attention to himself.
  • You can only apply salt with salt to use and then when your husband or beloved person has already gone to another woman. In this case, if the tip is applied, then the husband begins to feel that in the new relationship it is incredibly longing for you. Another woman will feel that the internal attention of the man is not drawn to her, she will be angry and annoyed, to show their irritation. As a result, the relationship will deteriorate. Accordingly, the man in this relationship will be uncomfortable, as a result, he will simply return to you.
  • The latch made on the salt applies also if your cavalier is too loving. What does it mean? In your environment, a man appeared, which draws his attention to too a large number of Women, including you. You really want him to be sprayed and focused specifically for you. You want to build a relationship with him. In this case, the lapse on salt will help unscrew it from other women, all attention will be drawn to you.
  • Lapel on salt can be carried out and, for example, in order to unsubscribe the son from the unloved daughter-in-law. Or if the mistress wants to turn her husband from his wife. But in these cases it is very important to think about the consequences. If the Son is to the daughter-in-law, and the husband is experiencing real sincere feelings to his wife, then such a lapse will turn against the one who did it. So it turns out if you are pursuing exclusively by selfish goals.

Here is a simple version of the discharge on the salt, which will help on their own part of the husband and return to the family.

To carry out the ritual, you will need a new pack of salt, photos of your favorite man, a photo of a woman from which you want it to be lit, a new church candle.

For challenge, it is best to choose a period of decreasing moon. Then the passion of your man to you will decrease with the same speed as the moon decreases in the sky.

Salt should be poured into the palm, then take a deep breath, and on - read the following text to light up:

"Earth-Mother sees everything, the Earth-Mother, everything knows, she sees her salt, as you love me, only a passion for it. I ask you, salt of land, help. I ask you to return the slave of God (her husband's name) in the family, in the nest of love. You help me more places To take in his heart, so that for her, the slaves of God (the name of another woman), the place and not left. As stated, so it will be different and can not be. "

You need to read the text with the most deep feelings, then it is almost impossible to remove the outc. After that, it is necessary to throw one half of the salt of the salt in the photo of the husband, and the other - in the photo of the mistress. Pack the photo of a husband and mistress with salt in different packages and spread different corners at home. Just do it so that none of your home packets can find. When a month passes, these packages must be buried at different ends of the city, about the same time and the ritual for his wife will begin to operate for his husband.

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We speak her on a decreasing moon, in the open sky. It will take a little, just a teaspoon.

But there is a condition. You can take it only from the new pack (portion). The rest is washed into the sewer.

Do not use the magic salt yourself. Otherwise, there is a chance to get a negative program in its field.

Conspiracy words:

"I will stand, you jump into the window. There, on the street dark. Stars in the sky are not burning, the features descended directly to hell. I call him back, appears in the smoke. I will send it not to hell, where he is always happy. I am a path to him in the house of Lord slaves (names). There, damn, get out of his devil. Let the horns concern, the hooves blooms, pushing everyone with grasp. So that the Lord slaves (names) forgot that each other is Luba. Let them sweep and bite, fight and divorce. Then the damn I will let go, then vodka treats. Amen!".

Oil on salt and pepper

This lapse is made to fall spouses forever. (You can read -)

  1. On the descending Moon after midnight, spread a beautiful napkin or handkerchief on the table.
  2. Pour on it along the pinch of salt and pepper.
  3. Read the twelve times conspiracy, then, tie a nodule.
  4. He's immediately need to make out of the house.

It is best to scatter immediately under the threshold so that everyone enters into this mixture. And leave the handkerchief near their home.

If it does not work out immediately (go far or scary), then derive for the next day. But not later, but then the conspiracy will lose force.

These words say:

"Who will get in salt with pepper, his soul will deceive himself. Who was mil and loved, it will only fight with him. Quarrel and swear, bang and dying. So it will continue until (names) do not have to part. Said not cut. How Velu and Be! "

On the night of Tuesday on Wednesday on a decreasing moon, sprinkle a thing (photo) salt, saying such words:

"The devils are evil, the forces lose as the salt will be seen, so dogs are lit. So you (the name of the rival) on (the name of your loved one) Lai, and you can not, so Kusai. Let you be afraid, goes by, wakes away. Let his features sit in the mind, she bursts. Your name is horrified! Amen!"

The salted thing needs to be kept in the moonlight all night. It would be nice to put it in the open-air, on the windowsill, opening the window, or the balcony.

The ritual works significantly better if the thing is returned by the hostess. If you use the photo, then do not be lazy to hold a rite three times.

Lapel from mistress on salt

Water should be pouring "between" lovers to the ground. In fact, just pour it next to one, having in mind that the second is located in the direction you are destructed from the first.

Consider a conspiracy in detail to remove the rival - with detailed description All magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Rival, lover, these words for each woman, cause a sense of disgust and fear. How many destroyed families, nights without sleep, tears in the pillow, suffering from the loneliness and betrayal of a loved one. But it is impossible to endure all this with impunity. It is necessary to compete for his happiness, for this there are magical rituals, how to get rid of the rival, how to punish it, so as not to crumble in the family and did not cherish other people. If the husband left the family, saying that he loved another, you should take any actions to return it to the family. Apply magical rituals to return your former love and remove the opponent from your path, to leave it and punish it. There is another option that the husband was kept, then the spell must be removed.

Conspiracy to eliminate the rival and return her husband in the family.

For this conspiracy, you will need his shirt, which he put at least several times. Put it on your married bed, cover the pillow on top. After that read the words ancient conspiracywhich will help eliminate the rival and return the prodigal husband:

After reading a conspiracy, take a shower, and scroll through your body removed from the pillow, pillowcase. This magic rite, it has an attractive force, he will return her husband and will delete his opponent.

Conspiracy to remove the rival from his life.

How to make the rival anymore bothered you? You can spend such a rite, it is carried out on a decreasing moon. For this rite you will need: a clean sheet of white paper, handle, dried hawthorn fruits. Discern, clear letters, on white paper Write the name of your rival. After that, cut it into small pieces with scissors. All pieces of cut paper, put on the table, sprinkle with a hawthorn, pre-crawled it into a fine powder. Read the conspiracy three times, a quiet voice:

After reading the conspiracy, collect pieces of paper and burn. Do not tell anyone about ritual.

Conspiracy on how to get rid of the rival.

To get rid of the mistress, you need to read the conspiracy on the straightwork of your beloved with the opponent. In order to separate them, you will need: three candles, pen and white sheet of paper, a mortar with a pestle, a broken glass, a handful of land, taken from the church, wool from a dog and a cat, vinegar and salt. The ritual must be carried out on Wednesday to a decreasing moon. Open the window before it closes the curtain. On the table spread the dark tablecloth, preferably without a picture. Put a broken glass into the mortar, put wool, earth, salt and vinegar drip. On a white paper sheet, write a conspiracy words:

You need to read three times. Light a candle, and burn the words of the conspiracy over the flame. Ashable Collect and add to the mortar, mix everything cover with a black handkerchief and put in front of the open window. Next, put three church candles, burn them, and quietly in the previously written plot. Candles Leave to get to the end. At the dawn, pour the mixture into the bag, and take and crumble at the rival threshold. Pass the mixture, wrap in the rag and enter your husband's clothing.

Leave her husband from the rival.

Walking down the street and seeing the excrement of animals on earth, say these words:

After reading a conspiracy, spit three times and leave without turning around.

Effective plot will forever get rid of the rival.

If your husband has a mistress, it will get rid of it is very difficult. And if the spouse is still in love, it is almost impossible to keep it. But there are very strong conspiracies, here is one of them. For him you need: a bottle of green glass, vinegar, salt, mustard, black pepper, photography of rainbits. On the back of the photo of the rival, nine times write her name, adding words of such a conspiracy:

Put a photo in a bottle, as well as all other ingredients, fill it all with vinegar. Close tightly, and quag the bottle nine times, while reading the words wound written conspiracy. Watch the bottle, in such a place where no one has found it. After that, the husband will return to you, and from the mistress you get rid of forever

A very strong conspiracy to eliminate the rival. Not death.

This conspiracy is read on her husband's mistress so that it disappeared forever from your life and did not spoil family relationships. After reading the husband will definitely return to the family. For this magic riteYou will need: a bunch of grass with a cemetery, a red twine, a black plastic cross, holy water, a candle taken in the church, a nail and a hammer. The rite is very complex, and will require extreme attention from you. Go to the cemetery, dial dry grass there. When the time comes, and the moon will decline, from dry grass we are gossipped a doll, taking it at the same time, with a red twine. If you managed to get some hair rivals, pass them into a doll. It is very important, doll rushes without hands. Bottom dolls. In the form of a skirt. You need to put the finished doll on the cross, burn three candles and sprinkle with holy water three times, the cross on the cross. For each cross, read the conspiracy:

Then remove the doll from the cross, and tell me:

After that, make a cross from the pluts from the crush, tying them with a red thread. When the sun begins to break down to the sunset, take a nail and hammer with me and go with a doll to the church. Put the cross near the fence. Put the doll on the cross and score a nail into it. Read the words of the conspiracy nine times:

Read the conspiracy so that the last word coincided with the last blow of the hammer. Throw the doll to different trash, go home and do not look back. The result will not make you wait long, and justify all the wishes.

Conspiracy to a husband with a mistress.

To make her husband with her mistress, read this plot:

After such a conspiracy, the result will come immediately.

Conspiracy to the brief, read on the trail of the rival.

Take the land from the track of the rival and squeeze it into the linen bag. Put three on the table church candles, Put the bag near and read the words of such a conspiracy:

Take a bag in a secluded place so that no one has seen and found it.

Conspiracy to remove the rival from the beloved

Thanks practical magicThe person becomes literally omnipotent - you can cure the disease, attract money to the house, affect relationships with relatives and loved ones. But, perhaps, the most popular magic region is love conspiracy. Estimation of the ages of the girl used them to be wary of her beloved or eliminate rival. The female floor has a person's nature, and this is absolutely normal; When an opponent appears on the horizon, an explanatory desire to save its own family.

The essence of rites against mistress

There are quite a lot of ways to break the connection of your man with an outsider. The principle of action of most such rituals is reduced to cool the relationship between two people, in particular the sexual passion. Often they also cause durable long hostility. If the guy has already gone to live to another woman, then after the ritual, the tag will also need a spell.

Outlines do not belong to complex rituals, they are subject to even beginners in matters of magic, so any girl can try to fulfill them, do not be afraid of negative consequences. We will first analyze the rituals produced using food.

Conspiracies for food

Preditly prepare a delicious dinner for your loved one, while in all details presenting his appearance. It is better that this was his favorite dish - if the food does not bring pleasure, then the plot does not work. Say a prayer facing the patron saint of a husband / boyfriend, and then get down the food as much as possible and tell me the following words:

I will go to the blue sea, to the black stone,

In that pit sits Leshe, and it is scorn with Leshovitsa.

And Satan himself sits on them and swears with Satanitsa.

And over them is a wonderful seating, but it looks into the water.

I run all of them, but look at the sky.

And in the heavens of the angels and saints, yes Jesus with the Virgin.

They will sorry for them.

Do not refuse my request, be affectionate! Amen!"

There is another method associated with food, he implies a conspiracy on bread and the subsequent feeding of his birds. It is necessary to read the same words on bread, but at the end you still need to say:

"Fly birds, higher, carry the news to your beloved that they are waiting for him at home that love has not cooled."

Do it best at dawn; And the birds must shove the treat, leaving nothing.

Ritual held with fish

From the morning before the product of the ritual, acquire recently caught fresh fish. Sleep the loss and throw their stray cat. Then, continuing to keep the fish in front of them, let out:

"There is no gut from this fish, there is no bubble, and head, fin and tail. I will get my rival (name) Desired, how back the intestine in this fish is growing like fins to swim ones, as the eyes open. But until then, not to become her happy, do not take possession of her love (the name of the man). What is said, will come true. Amen".

Having finished with the fulfillment of the rite, the fish should be frying and eat in the company of her beloved husband.

There is also a very powerful spell on the usual salt, allowing for forever to ember rival with your spouse. It will take only a handful of a large salt, and a conspiracy uttered:

So that my favorite also loved me.

Not a day to day, no one hour, no minute minute.

I would have walked for me and admired me. "

Getting rid of a mistress using a photo

You will need three photos - all three participants love triangle, as well as a red woolen thread and packaging new needles with large ears. It is desirable to produce a rite during the full moon, during this period all magic rituals are particularly effective. Get all the doors and windows, extinguish the light, burn candles and post photos.

Next, using a needle and pieces of threads, connect each image with others to formed a triangle. Place your hands above it palms down and focus on the desired - thoroughly imagine how a man rejects his mistress, and she finds another love. The latter necessarily - the ritual must be impregnated with good wishes towards both.

Now won the thread between the photos of yourself and rivals, saying:

"I'm not pleased with you! And you do not take mine! Amen!"

After that, it came through to break a string between her and a guy, saying:

"Who can be appointed, happiness is always doomed! Do not encroach on him, our fate is not lying! Amen!"

The image of the mistress will burn in the fire of the candle, and the two remaining photos attach each person to his friend and walk through the edge. After that, do not pull the needle, but leave it. The ash, remaining from the burned photo, must be dispelled in the wind.

Conspiracy with the egg

This ritual will help to cool the feelings of the girl's lover itself. If you know, as her name is, take the face of my husband during sleep raw eggBy typing during this phrase:

"Do not love him, the slave of God (name)! Forget it, leave him! Amen!"

There are light rituals, designed not for challenge, but simply to protect their family life From lover to smell with a married man. But the same effect will be from a romantic evening and passionate night of love. It is necessary to keep in mind that husbands are usually extremely negative about feminine experiments in the field of magic. Having learned about this, a man can be quite offended or arrange a scandal.

There is also the so-called "white" lovety, conducted using holy water and church candle. On the middle of the surface of the table, put a container filled with holy water. To install a church candle behind him, put a photo of my favorite on the table. Create visualization as the fire conveys your soul to your power, promising without difficulty allowing trouble. Then take a look at the burning flame attentively, say this conspiracy three times in a row:

"Like me, the slave is your God (name), cut, break my nails without any pity, without pain, I do not say, I don't remember about them, so God would be a slave, (the name of the husband), my evil deliberate and The rival did not remember, did not regret, did not love, my beauty did not change my love. I do not keep angrily on my husband, but I return the god to my place to my place, I wrap the laid, the Lord is blessed. Words are not weddings, do not turn, righteous yes okay. Amen!"

Having finished talking spell, it is necessary to drop some wax from the candle in the dishes with water, then lower the candle itself. Pull out, wrap, wrap into a light web, and fluid to pour into some bottle. Tomorrow in the morning the conspiracy water splashed into the pond or another nearby reservoir, the candle is saved in a safe place near the house.

What needs to be determined before the conspiracy?

Rites - the case is quite serious, and it is necessary to approach this issue with a cold head. There are a few questions that can help figure out our thoughts. First of all, ask yourself - what exactly do you plan to fight? Is it worth it? Maybe everything is not done - all for the better? What is the basis of the desire to return the man? Are there any rivals in front of you?

Much in life depends on him relationships and perceptions. The appearance of a man of another woman may well be associated with your permanent jealousy and fear of losing it. After all, this way you set up the universe for this turn of events. We need to urgently discard all these feelings away. Leave in yourself only happy, joyful thoughts, positive attitude. You must sincerely wish that all the three of you are all in life in the best way. Against such powerful power Suggestion no one will be able to survive.

Keep in mind that magic will work only if there is a guy of real strong feelings between you and the guy of real strong feelings and desires from almost extinct coal of the bonfire of passionate love. Forward love can turn into catastrophic consequences for all who touched the conspiracy. Giving a conspiracy, never express the wishes of illness or death to other people; Preferably, in general, do not talk about the mistress of bad things.

Love magic is an unusually powerful tool. Hazardous use will lead to harm not only mistress, but also a man, as well as the most deceived wife. The ritual texts are better not to read from a leaflet or phone screen, but to learn the izubok. If he is too long and difficult, you can write beautifully and large on a large sheet of paper. The main thing is not to be knocked back during pronouncing. And it is impossible to tell someone about the rite or followed by the results - it can reduce all efforts to not.

One of the main conditions is the ritual, you need to believe in all the soul. In no case do not use rituals just for the sake of interest. IN best case It just does not work, at worst - will make the opposite effect.

What to do in case you yourself have undergone ritual?

To begin with, thoroughly analyze the situation, rub in the reasons and consequences of relations between people. If it turns out that you really became an obstacle to someone's happiness - it will be better to leave. The wife will take it for the action of the ritual, and your health, well-being, and maybe life will remain safe.

In especially complex cases Consultation of a magician professional may be required. Tell it in detail about the situation and about your thoughts, ask to help you. Most likely, the magician will hold the rite of purification from the conspiracy, but it is better to still refrain from the use of magic against magic, this can lead to unpredictable consequences. It is recommended to visit the temple, coming up and go through the confession procedure. God's defense stronger than anyone Porch.

Conspiracy to remove rival

Woman will look for a way to protect her cute from third-party relationship, as soon as another woman appears on the horizon, applying for his attention.

This reaction is normal, and magic can help protect your happiness. Magic methods are diverse and very effective, a lot of women kept or returned to the family of a thorough spouse.

Nevertheless, think a thousand times before applying magic. There is a huge difference between the strengthening of really existing feelings and attempts to restore the bonfire of love from the cooled ash. Violence love does not accept, and the plot will turn the catastrophe not only for the rival, but also for you.

The features of the conspiracy claim to remember

It is possible to remove the rival as quickly as possible with a conspiracy and submitted means, in the role of which can act like anything - from the red-bodied apple purchased in the market to completely free lunar light. For example, a rite spent on a decreasing moon, contributing to parting and healing, will very effectively help.

Do not want death, making a conspiracy against another person. Do not even just talk about the rival bad or evil evil.

Love magic - a strong tool, and its ineptly use will be a disaster for all participants love relationship. It is unlikely to punish it without prejudice to himself.

The text of the conspiracy is better to learn by heart, and if it is too long or complicated (for example, it is very strong plot, designed not only to dare a husband, but also punish it new woman) - Write beautifully and clearly on a sheet of paper.

Do not talk about the conspiracy, its results - even about the fact of his commitment should not be spent even in the closest people - the consequences will be imminent and negative.

Conspiracy, no matter how strong it is, can remove the rival from the way or punish it only if you believe in it very much. So that everything went as conceived - believe, you can't believe - it is not worth it and take a conspiracy from the rival.

Get rid of the rival using magic, in several ways, different by type of action: cooling of the senses of both people, cooling the rival to your man, cooling the senses of a man. The conspiracy to get rid of the rival is usually carried out not just against the deliberate - its effect is usually fixed love spell - To bind your loved one.

What are rituals?

Conspiracy from rival - powerful and popular tool insecure women, and can be held different ways. The text is read on food, for example, to a regular apple or a cook salt. So, to cool the sudden feelings of a man to another woman, you need to read on a handful of salt the words of the conspiracy, after which salt to salute generously food, and to file her man.

Do not overdo: so that the rite has running out, he must eat everything to the last crumb!

To cool the mutual feelings of your husband and rival, you need their joint snapshot (if it does not exist - write on the pure sheet of their names). With the candlelight after midnight, drop the snapshot in half, sharing images or names. Obtaining - repeat the words of the conspiracy, and breaking - hide the image or the written name of the man in secret place.

The image of a woman to bear on small pieces, repeating "throwing out, separating, dividing!", And throw away to the wind.

You can still cool the feelings of the rival itself. To do this, learn her name, and take the head of a hunger-sleeping man with a chicken egg, reading the words of the conspiracy.

This method is well suited for cases of initiative and arrogance rival when the husband does not show much interest.

Repeat the words twelve times, and leave the egg for the night under the bed, from the beloved side. Conspiracy will work in a couple of weeks.

The consequences of the magical elimination of the rival

Here there is a fundamental difference: Does your man love you, or no more feelings? If you are happy in family life, and a woman just flies, without having a real chance of achieving love from your man - then an easy conspiracy will protect your family life. Also, it is accurately accompanied by a stormy and passionate night or a romantic evening - the husband must remember that he already has a loved one.

Everything else during the ritual should be very attentive - if a man finds out about it, you will not last.

But if you are trying with the help of magic on an apple or with the help of other ways to resurrect the outstanding love, preventing a new sincere feeling of a man, "the consequences will not make himself wait, and will be disastrous for you. God forbid you to try to eliminate the opponent physically, bring damage to it or call death. Such sin will immediately be punished, and very severely.

How to get rid of witchcraft?

If you yourself became a victim of a conspiracy - analyze the situation very carefully. Build the scheme of causal relationships between events, feelings and people, and if you really grumble someone else's happiness - go. Let the conspiracy work (this will explain his wife so much), it will protect you, your health and life.

In other cases, it should be consulted by a specialist, explaining in detail the situation in detail, ask for help. You can spend any rite of cleansing from Argent - but it is better to refrain from this, the mechanical use of magic is dangerous and categorically not recommended! Better to visit the Church, confess and coming up. The one who is under God's defense, no conspiracies are scary.

Conspiracies that will help you get rid of the rival

Correctly performed plot from the rival will help you get rid of misunderstanding in personal relationships. It is on women's shoulders that lies the duty to protect the family hearth, including from the change. Often meet situations when traditional methods Do not help get rid of the problem on corporate rivals. In this case, we advise you to refer to folk magical rites, how to get rid of the rival. They simply make them enough, and the result will not make himself wait.

If there was a similar problem in your personal life and your man is trying to lead another woman, you should not get into panic. Family life is often pretty thorn, but each problem can be found to find your solution. Folk conspiracy How to remove the rival will help you quickly and effectively return your family life in the older.

Features of Ritual

If you have already made the effectiveness of such conspiractions and even chose the ritual, do not rush to start the rite yourself. You should first find out some features of such obsets so as not to get an unexpected result.

Conspiracy from rival - Basic rules of implementation:

  • It is best to spend a ritual from the rival to the phase of the outgoing month. In this case, its strength will contribute to the effectiveness of the rite.
  • As far as you have experienced negative feelings for another woman, in no case do you not want to wish her evil and harm. It can cause a reverse strike, both by the integrity of your energy and your man. Therefore, it is necessary to clear your thoughts from the negative in advance and only after that begin to the rite.
  • The words of prayer should be memorable by heart, so that during the ritual there was no need to be distracted.
  • In no case, do not tell about the ritual to other people, even very close to you. Also, it is not necessary to disclose and its results, especially if they turned out to be very effective.
  • Begin to the conspiracy to remove the rival, follows only if you are absolutely confident in its effectiveness.
  • It will be very good if you find the photo of your rival.

Types of conspiracies

At the heart of any conspiracy from the rival is to stop the feelings of one side. Depending on which a ritual is sent to, conspiracies can be divided into such types:

  • The rite, which is designed to cool the feelings of both your favorite and his passion. It is carried out only by joint photo.
  • A ritual who will help your man get rid of dependence and feelings for a rival.
  • Conspiracy capable of cooling the dust in another woman.

Before proceeding with the rite itself, analyze the situation and pick up the corresponding ritual. In addition, in any case, one should not forget the observance of all established rules of such conspiractions.

Rite of break

Such a conspiracy will help to cool the feelings at once from both members of the unplanned union, which means it has much more efficiency. Therefore, this ritual is somewhat more popular with customers.

You will have to find the photo in advance, which depicts your favorite and rival together. If this opportunity does not appear, you can use a sheet of paper on which they will be written full names. You will also need wax candles.

The ritual should be carried out immediately after midnight in the phase of the decreasing moon. Light candles and take a photo in the hands. You need to break it in such a way that your husband remains on one half, and the other part is delivering. This action should be accompanied by the words of the conspiracy:

"I do not tear the photo, but the feelings of the slaves of God (names). To be together not to be, children do not baptize, the grandchildren do not wait! Happiness do not see the happiness together, dawns do not meet, do not ferre sleep! Gray! Break forever! Amen!"

After that, you need to break part of the photo, where another woman is depicted with the words:

"Throw away! I clean! Separate! "

Throw the remaining pieces to the wind. The second half of the photo is hiding in the cache, where it will not be able to find your home.

Ritual for a man

With this conspiracy, you can make a man cool down to another woman and return to the family. To do you need a small handful of salt.

Take salt in the palm and read it three words on it:

"Against the spinning of salt speak, so that the servant of God (name) did not look at her side, so that he did not go to her, happiness did not know with her! Let all the feelings for the lease will be held with him and as salt salty, and she is not sweet! Amen!"

Such a conspiracy seasoning should be used when cooking dishes for your husband. It follows as much as possible, but at the same time so that he will eat everything with pleasure. Soon it turns away from the direction forever.

Rite on rival

But this ritual will help turn away the woman itself from your halves. The rite is quite effective, but it should be aware of her name. You will also need egg, preferably fresh.

Late night, when your favorite sleeps, spend this egg over his head, accompanying his actions like this phrase:

All material contains exceptionally introductory character provided by our visitors! The administration does not check the phone numbers and email addresses, be careful and do not get on the fishing rods.

Salt - a frequent element of all sorts magic rituals. It is applied when performing obtasses. Turning rites with salt are characterized by simplicity and efficiency. It is how to read the latch to salt will be devoted to this material.

Features of the wavelength for salt

In magic, salt acts as a powerful absorbent absorbing energy (primarily negative). She is associated with the elements of the Earth and attribute enormous potential.

Lapel on salt is part of rustic black magic. At first glance, it seems fairly harmless, but caution and accuracy of compliance with the instructions when it is superfluous will never be. Do not care for its conduct impulsively, and if you doubt in your abilities and magic abilities - Better trust the ritual to a professional.

In rustic magic, instead of the term "lag", the concept of "Razorka" is used - these two words are interchangeable. In this title, slip contact with a friend to everyone people's Primea, Strked, that the scattered salt leads to a quarrel. Little salt can be applied in order to return the spouse who went to the rival or embroil her husband with his wife.

The principle of operation of all types of turn-free rite with salt use is the same: the salt is first pronounced, and then she will secretly be satisfied with those who need to be separated, embroil, unscrew from each other.


To turn out to be high-quality and effective, its main attribute is salt - it is necessary to prepare well to the ritual. Preparation includes slightly simple conditions:

  • clean salt from all unnecessary information, pumping it in a frying pan;
  • after calcination, sprinkle with water from the spray with water from the spray - this technique will increase the effect of white crystals, since the water is characterized by the ability to memorize information;
  • conspiration to read on a wet salt;
  • sweep the already dried salt.

Some cutting rites with salt require sputter. If this condition is indicated in the instructions, in no case ignore it, otherwise you risk getting strong rollback.

How to make a lapse to salt?

Method number 1 - embroil the spouses

The described ritual is very simple. His goal is to turn away from each other her husband and wife. In addition to sololi.For the rite will need more ground black pepper and tight fabric bag.

Salt and pepper neatly pour into the bag (it is not very desirable to scatter a mixture in your home). Then, on both components, draw 2 crosses - they act as a symbol of separation of loving spouses. In the process of their drawing, say the conspiracy:

"Like this salt saline, and the pepper is bitter, just let life (Names of spouses) it will be salted and bitter. "

The spoken mixture is made to gradually plug in front of the spouses. It is necessary to do it in the form of a cross and so that the husband and wife do not notice and do anything suspected. Do not forget to read the spell in the progress process.

Method number 2 - divor into lovers

The goal of the rite is forever embroil the people in love with each other. A ritual is held in the full moon phase, at midnight. In a small bag of fabric, salt is poured and inspired by the following spell:

"Do not become an angel to hell, do not crawl the eagle, not to fly a snake, not to be ( male name) from ( female name). I wake up salt, we excite the wall. To be in my opinion! "

Claimed salt must be salted food intended for the victims of the ritual.

Method number 3 - in the photo and salt

For the rite you need fresh together couplewhat needs to be separated needle, black threads and salt.

The photograph is cut in half - so that the man and the woman are in different halves. Then the halves of the photo need to be folded back, sew them along the contour by black threads, leaving the notchy one of the sides. Salt salt (for the greatest effect to repeat 9-12 times):

"The forest is black, the marsh of the old, on the crude grass, the wolf of a barbed grow would be gray, behind her - the dog is angry, behind the dog - the cat is old. Everyone would have stopped, but a ball with one twist. Wool would flew with them, I would look at them. So that the slave (male name) and the slave (female name) swear, fought, the ball was twisted, each other would love the same as a wolf's dog loved, and the dog is a cat. Amen".

The conspiracy salt is poured into an envelope from the photos, which is further stitched. The envelope with salt bursts under drying tree.

Method number 4 - to disperse a husband from the rival

For the challenge you need to buy salt in the store, which is located at the opposite end of the settlement, where you live. It is advisable to take a cardboard pack. Packaging with salt should stand on the counter closer to the exit. After buying, return home and do not start talking with anyone.

At home, the salt burst into the salt in half over the table, no conspiracy is needed. What remains in right handwill be yours, the fact that in the left is your husband. That salt that woke up on the table, remove and throw away - it will not need it.

Solita magic Solu. Any dish before serving on the table: a portion of her husband's own salt, his portion is a salty of her husband. After a few days of such a ritual, the opponent should go to no.

Another challenge look in the video:

I want to divide my father with his mistress. In old age, I found myself some Salawa, left the house, and my mother now suffers, and they lived together for 27 years. I want to believe that the lapse will help and his father will return home to his mother again.

What kind of fools you sometimes have, women. One such special tried to embroil me with my beloved girl. And indeed at the same time, we had a difficult period in relation to us, I almost went to that abnormal. But she somehow confessed to drunk that she made a lapse. I then applied to one grandmother, so that helped take this conspiracy (the benefit of Ta lives in the village where I often rest). It seems to help, with your beloved you are together again. And that fool after that completely spoke, and did not build his personal life. Melt apparently now for its sin.

In childhood, the grandmother was heard about conspiracies on salt. At the moment, I am interested in one lapse at the moment (I know what they were brought to the guy. How I myself from burning from him). Unfortunately, here I did not find such a challenge.

And here is curious why precisely salt? As far as I know, sugar has a property of accumulating energy, but n no salt. Or in black rituals everything is different?

I believe that such actions will not lead to anything good, since everything has its consequences. But if they still decided, I think that you need to contact knowledgeable personbecause you can accidentally hurt yourself

My former civilian husband was attached to my daughter! Unfamiliar how to get rid of she hates him

Natural salt is a very popular attribute when conducting a variety of magical rites. This is explained by its ability to accumulate and transmit information. Often, with the aim of returning a loved one is used to salt. It is very effective and at the same time a simple rite that can be conducted independently at home.

The rite in which the lapse is used with salt is preferably carried out after midnight. Since dark forces are involved during the ritual, it is believed that they are most active at this time of day. In addition, it is important to carry out a lapse on salt in a period of decreasing moon. As for the day of the week, it is optimal at midnight from Friday on Saturday.

It is necessary to spread the napkin on the table, slowly pour salt on it and try the following magic words three times:

"In the sky, clean is clear and beautiful month, the pot of his throne, the stars bright sprinkled. On the grant of the throne - my help is sitting. She in one of her hand big and beautiful house Holds in which a naked dog live, a cat and a rooster fire, not the holy of the Virgin. Animals together gnaw, fiercely bite Yes, everything is immediately bleeding. I will come to that house not cleaned yes, I will turn back to them, but I will not be visible. So the slave of God (the name of the woman) with the slave of God (the name of his beloved) in the same house will not come together and will not see, together they will not drink, nor will there be. The sun is warm and bright in the north harsh and cold does not bake and the slave of God (the name of his beloved) to the servant of God (the name of the woman) will no longer go anymore. My words are strong and no one can reconcile them. Amen!"

After that, it should immediately include a part of the conspiracy salt to the threshold of a woman and scatter it in such a way that she, leaving the house next morning, has come to her. Be sure to also pour out a little salt in the pockets of the husband's clothing. Salt residue needs to be used when cooking for a beloved man.

The effectiveness of the wavelength with salt is entirely depends on the energy force, which was able to convey the natural attribute of the ceremony. That is why it is important to properly prepare and be in complete confidence in the correctness of the actions.

The consequences of the salt

With the help of a wavelength using salt, violent intervention in human energy is performed. The consequences of this magical action are entirely dependent on the goal.

If the rite was carried out for the benefit, in which the lapse was used on the salt, then the consequences are not negative. As a rule, the executor of the rite has a slight indispression for several days. Very is very dangerous to salt spent for mercenary purposes, and the consequences of it are unpredictable.

SAME frequent problemswhich may arise after the magic ritual are:

  • Development chronic diseases At the performer of the rite and her beloved person;
  • The development of aggressiveness in a person who returned, forcibly breaking the connection with his beloved woman.
  • Depressed by a woman from whom a man left, often leading to nervous breakdowns.