Wheat spikelet. The structure and features of an ear of wheat

An ear is one of the varieties of inflorescences of angiosperms and consists of an elongated main axis with flowers on it. The type of spike depends on the number of flowers. TO simple type an ear with the presence of single flowers is attributed, and a complex one is already represented by several flowers. The second type is the ear of wheat - one of the most important food crops.

Characteristics of the cereal

Wheat (Latin triticum) is one of the brightest representatives of the family of cereals, belongs to the class of monocots and is the first cereal cultivated by humans. The place of origin of the culture was disputed for a long time, but as a result of careful research, the city of Diyarbakir, located in Asia Minor, was still recognized.

The stem of the plant has a hollow, straight structure with the presence of nodes. Its growth is carried out due to an increase in internodes, the number of which varies from 5 to 7. After the stem outgrows the sheath of the last leaf, the earing process begins. Up to 12 such stems can grow from each fibrous root, each reaching a height of one and a half meters. Wheat leaf is flat, with pronounced fibrillation and rough to the touch.

The leaf width varies from 1.5 to 2 cm and depends on the wheat variety and growing conditions. The presence of hairs on the leaf blades also depends on the variety. The ears are up to 15 cm long and are composed of several flowers, which, in turn, consist of two spikelet scales, two films, a pistil, three stamens and a stigma. The fruit of wheat is the caryopsis. Pollination of flowers occurs naturally with the help of the wind.

Wheat is propagated using seeds that are capable of sprouting with four roots at once. After the appearance of the first leaves, a secondary root system is formed, capable of penetrating into the ground to a depth of 1 meter. Lateral shoots are formed from the nodal roots, and their number can reach up to 5 pieces.

Wheat is used to produce flour used for the manufacture of bakery and pasta products. Ethyl alcohol is produced from the grains, and drugs are made from the bran that help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. And also culture is a raw material for the production of compound feed, immunomodulating drugs and rejuvenating extracts.

Spikelet structure

Each of the wheat varieties is distinguished by the peculiarities of the spike structure, which in general view looks like this: at the mouths of the cranked rod, spikelets are located on both sides, in which flowers are located under the spikelet scales. The segments are arranged in a spiral manner, which ensures the formation of a platform in the upper section. Each area is filled with a spikelet, the arrangement of which is alternate: the first looks to the left, the next to the right, and so on. Thanks to this structure, 2 rows are formed on the sides, and on the front, one spikelet rests on the other. In color, the ears are white, red, black and gray-smoky.

Spikelet scales are considered one of the important components of an ear: it is by its structure that wheat is classified into varieties. The scales are represented by two wide plates, separated in the middle by a keel. In order to determine which kind of wheat, the scales of the middle part of the ear should be evaluated, since they are not subject to change under the influence of external factors.

According to their shape, ears of wheat are divided into several types:

  • fusiform is represented by a wide middle, with a gradual narrowing towards the upper and lower sections;
  • the prismatic ear is the same over the entire width;
  • clavate expands towards the top, for which it got its name.


Wheat fruit is presented in the form of a single-seeded caryopsis with a high content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starch, disaccharides and dietary fiber. In addition, the grains are rich in mineral substances, vitamins, pectin, phytoestrogens and linoleic acid.

The grain size depends on the growing conditions and varies from 5 to 7 mm or more. The shape of the seeds is also varied. Distinguish between oval-elongated, ovoid, oval and barrel-shaped grains with square, rectangular, rounded and oval cross-sections. The number of grains in a spikelet also depends on external factors and ranges from 20 to 50 pieces.


Wheat is classified according to a number of characteristics, among which the color of the ear and grains, the presence or absence of awns and pubescence are distinguished. Spinous species are represented by coarse, thin and intermediate types of awns, the properties of which directly depend on the amount of moisture. So, in the most humid areas awns are tender and soft, and in more arid ones - rough and brittle. In relation to the spike, the awns can run parallel or move to the sides under different angles... The color of awns also depends on the amount of moisture, and is gray-red with normal moisture, and black - with a lack of water.

Wheat is also subdivided into winter and spring types.

  • Winter is the most widespread species and is sown in autumn. Plants are distinguished by rapid development and maturation periods, in which they are significantly ahead of spring wheat varieties. Winter wheat is harvested the next summer after sowing. The number of spikelets depends on the variety and varies from 16 to 25. The most productive is "Mironovskaya Jubilee", which has the highest rate.
  • Spring wheat, in contrast to winter, is characterized by a sharper ridge of spikelet scales and a long awn on the lower floral scales, which can reach 20 cm. The species is picky about external factors and is quite thermophilic.

Wheat and rye crops - how are they different?

Wheat and rye are the most famous cultivated grains and have provided humanity with food for many years. However, despite their prevalence, many city dwellers cannot distinguish between the two cultures.

Rye (lat. Secale) is a member of the cereal family, and has 12 wild and one domesticated species. The plant is characterized by an erect, hollow stem of a knotty structure, the height of which can reach two meters, and gray, sometimes fleecy leaves, reaching 30 cm in length. The ears have a two-row structure and grow up to 15 cm, the flowers contain 3 stamens. Root system the rye is very powerful, extending two meters deep, which makes it possible to grow crops on sandy soils. In terms of their chemical composition, rye grains are very rich in gluten, carbohydrates, B vitamins and trace elements. Flour is widely used for making bakery products, and young shoots of plants are excellent food for animals.

While wheat and rye have so much in common, there are differences between the two.

  • Seed color. Wheat has a golden hue, while rye has green or greenish-gray seeds.
  • Spikelet structure. Rye has a thin spikelet covered with long whiskers that grow quite densely. Wheat, on the contrary, is distinguished by a thick ear, on which whiskers completely break off at the time of grain ripening.
  • Plant height. Rye often reaches two meters, while wheat does not grow above one and a half meters. However, due to the large length of the stem, rye often "lies down", which causes certain difficulties during the harvest season.
  • Nutritional value and chemical composition. Wheat flour is the most nutritious in comparison with rye, and it produces more delicious bakery products... In addition, the nutritional value of wheat is much higher than that of rye. However, the calorie content of both crops is practically the same. Thus, the energy value of 100 g of wheat grains is 339 calories, while in rye this figure is 338. In rye, proteins are 8.9%, fats - 1.7, and carbohydrates - 60.7%. Dietary fiber is present in an amount of 13.2%, and the proportion of mineral components is 1.9% of the total. Wheat, on the other hand, contains 13% proteins, 2.5% lipids, 67% carbohydrates and 10% dietary fiber. In addition, wheat grains contain a lot of starch and sugar.

Therefore, the nutritional value of wheat exceeds that of rye, which is rightfully a dietary food.

  • Cultivation and care. Both species are grown for winter and spring crops. However, wheat is the most vulnerable species and does not tolerate well very coldy and lack of snow. Winter wheat can die in completely snowless winters. This is because the tillering of wheat stalks is very low. Rye is superior to wheat in terms of adaptability and frost resistance. The plant is able to withstand 30-degree frosts and is well tolerated by the complete absence of snow cover. In addition, rye can easily grow on depleted clay and sandy soils, while wheat requires extremely fertile chernozems and podzolic soils. He does not like wheat and high acidity, while this indicator does not have such a significant effect on rye.
  • Susceptibility to disease. Compared to rye, wheat is prone to more diseases. So, when the soil is waterlogged, the plant is exposed to fungal diseases, while they are not terrible for rye. Despite the differences, both wheat and rye are a valuable source of nutrients and have fed humanity for centuries.

For the properties of winter wheat, see the next video.

Olga Konovalova

I would like to present to your attention my work on making ears of corn for matinees, evening entertainment. We used them at the autumn matinee "Bread Land", a dance with ears of corn... For making one spikelet will be needed: balloon rack, yellow corrugated paper, santipon, pencil glue (13 grains: 1 top and three for each row; rows should be 4).

cut off a thin strip of corrugated paper, coat with glue and wrap obliquely around the stick. Prepare in advance the blanks of "seeds" for spikelet... Cut into rectangles (6x12, roll balls from centipon and wrap like candy. Twist one side - this will serve as a spine.

Can be collected spikelet... We wind one "grain" to the very top, having previously greased the lower part with glue.

Then we glue 3 "grains" in each row.

The side of the "grain" which is closer to the stick is also glued with glue and pressed. This is so that the "grain" later does not stick out to the sides (doesn't look pretty).

Ear - a kind of inflorescence angiosperms... It has an elongated main axis and flowers planted on it. Depending on their number, a simple ear with single sessile flowers (orchid, plantain) is distinguished, and a complex ear with several (rye, barley, wheat).

Each type and variety of wheat has its own differences and features in the structure of the ear.

Wheat is the main representative of grain crops. It is a self-pollinated annual plant. Some types can be cross-pollinated.

Propagated by a caryopsis (seeds), they germinate with an average of 4 roots. When the first wheat leaves appear, the underground node begins to form a secondary root system. It can penetrate up to 1 m deep. The formation of lateral shoots begins up to the nodal roots. In the process of tillering, 1 - 5 shoots appear.

The stem is represented by a hollow straw, which is divided into internodes (5-7). From below they are held by the sheaths of the first sheet. Further, they gradually diverge and at the top are transformed into sheet plates. They are smooth, located freely, have a width of 1-2 cm and a length of 25-35 cm. After the end of tillering, shoots grow, due to an increase in internodes from the bottom up. This process is called stalking. As a result, the spike passes higher along the shoot and leaves the sheath of the last leaf. Heading begins.

General structure of the ear

The structure of an ear of wheat is a cranked rod with several segments, at the mouths of which there are spikelets on both sides. They include wide spikelet scales, flowers are hidden inside them. The latter have two flower scales - outer (lower) and inner (upper). The lower one is a spine of wheat.

The segments are attached to each other in a spiral manner, as a result of which a platform is formed in their upper part. The place in each of them fills a spikelet.

Wheat spikelets are arranged strictly alternately: one - to the left, the second - to the right, etc. Therefore, two rows are formed on the side - a two-row side, and in front one spikelet rests on the second - a tiled side.

A spikelet of wheat has two outer spikelet scales. There are 2-4 flowers between them.

The number of spikelets in an ear, its length, vary depending on the season, humidity, agrotechnical and territorial conditions.

The shape of an ear of wheat is:

  • fusiform (the middle is wide, tapers upward and slightly downward);
  • prismatic (the same width along the entire length);
  • clavate (expansion towards the apex).

Spikelet scales

One of the main features that distinguishes wheat varieties is spikelet scales. It has two wide surfaces that are separated by a keel. The wider one is facing outward and judging by it the shape and size of the scales. To determine the variety, evaluate the middle part of the ear. At the top and bottom, they change under the influence environment.

The color of winter wheat flakes is red and white. At cold temperatures, the coloration of the spike becomes more pronounced; at warm temperatures, it fades.

The length is distinguished:

  • short 6-7 mm;
  • medium 8-9 mm;
  • long 10-11 mm.


  • narrow - 2 mm;
  • medium -3 mm;
  • wide - 4 mm.

By form:

  • oval (width is almost 2 times the length);
  • ovoid (narrowed upward and widened downward);
  • lanceolate (narrow, elongated, tapering downward and upward, the length is 2 times the width).

The keel has a tooth and shoulder, runs along its entire length or does not reach the base. It can be narrow, weak, straight, or curved.

The shoulder may be absent, beveled, straight or tuberous, and of varying width.

The tooth differs in awnless and spinous forms in length, in the former it is short and obtuse, in the latter it is long and sharp.


The grain has an embryo, endosperm, aleurone layer, beard, fruit and seed coats. It is assessed by size, color, weight, ability to stain with phenol, glassiness.

Divided by size:

  • small up to 5 mm;
  • average 6-7 mm;
  • large 7 or more.

By form:

  • oval-elongated;
  • ovoid;
  • oval;
  • barrel-shaped.

By type of cross-section:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • rounded;
  • oval.

The number of grains in an ear of wheat

On average, 7 grains are laid in one spikelet. This figure varies with environmental conditions. Most of the weevils are laid in the middle part of the ear. And there are fewer of them at the top and at the base. For example, at the base - 2, in the middle - 4, at the top - 2. Therefore, in one spike there are from 20-50 pieces of grains.

Species differences of wheat

There are signs that distinguish different types wheat:

  • pubescence of the ear;
  • spinousness;
  • the color of the awns;
  • spike color;
  • the color of the weevil.

The wheat core is pubescent along the edges with a thin and short hair. The longer one is at the base of the spikelet scales. This trait is important for the approbation of varieties. The pubescence can be sparse and dense. The color of the straw under the ear becomes dark purple during the ripening period. But this phenomenon is not present in all varieties. Some do not change color.

There is awnless and awnless wheat.

The spinous form has a long, medium ooze, short awn, they are also:

  • rough (tough);
  • thin (delicate);
  • intermediate (medium).

The more moisture, the softer the awn and vice versa. Rough, more brittle. According to the location of the awns, they are either parallel to the ear, or diverging from it at one angle or another. The awnless form has osteopodiform cusps.

The awns are red, white and black. When the soil is moistened, the black color of the awn is replaced by a gray-red, dry, it becomes blacker.

The spike color is white, red, black and gray-smoky. White means straw yellow. Under red - all shades from pale tones to bright red. Smoky gray is found as an addition on the white and red coloration of the ear. Black is found when grown in the south. It is paler in a humid, cool environment.

The grain is found white, red and purple... White-grain varieties are white, amber, glassy in color. Red-grained - pink, bright red, brownish red. The color of the grain is determined if their number is at least 1000.

Main types and varieties of wheat

There are two main types of wheat:

Winter wheat is the most widespread type of wheat in the world. Sown in the fall. It begins to develop earlier than the spring, ripens faster and is much higher in growth. Selective to soil. Wheat is harvested next summer. Depending on the variety, the number of spikelets in winter wheat is different:

  • Mironovskaya Jubilee - 23-25;
  • Mironovskaya 808 - 15-17;
  • Aurora 16-18.

Spring differs from the winter variety in a sharper ridge of spikelet scales and a long awn (10-20 cm) of the lower floral scales. Whimsical to temperature conditions... Spring spikelets can be: pale yellow, gray, pale brown. The weevil color is yellow, pale yellow and pale red.

Two varieties of wheat are most common in the world:

  • soft;
  • solid.

In the structure of the ear, they have a number of differences:

Soft Solid
Ear spinous or awnless spinous
Ear density
loose <16 <23
medium density 17-21 24 — 28
dense 22-27 28>
very tight 27>
total length
shallow 9 mm 6 mm
average 9-11 mm 7-8 mm
elongated 9-11 mm
large 11 mm
Ost divergent,

equal or shorter in length


longer than an ear

Spikelet scales has multiple depressions and wrinkles has no indentations and wrinkles
Keel narrow, poorly expressed wide, pronounced clearly
Keel tooth long, pointed short, pointed at the base
Kernel not covered with spikelets covered with spikelets

Thus, we can conclude that the ear of wheat has a complex structure. Each of its components has its own characteristics, as well as species and varietal differences.


Once upon a time there were two little mice, Cool and Vert, and the cockerel Vocal neck. The mice only knew that they were singing and dancing, spinning and spinning. And the cock would rise a little light, first wake everyone up with a song, and then set to work.
Once the cockerel was sweeping the yard and saw a spikelet of wheat on the ground.
- Cool, Vert, - called the cockerel, - look what I found! Mice came running and say:

You need to thresh it.
- Who will thresh? - asked the cockerel.
- Not me! - a rooster cock with a broom cried out one. - Not me! shouted another.
- Okay, - said the cockerel, - I'll thresh. And he set to work.
And the mice began to play rounders. The cock finished threshing and shouted:
- Hey, Cool, hey, Vert, look how much grain I have ground! The mice came running and squealed in one voice: - Now you need to take the grain to the mill, grind the flour.
- Who will carry it? - asked the cockerel.
- Not me! - shouted Cool.
- Not me! - Vert shouted.
- Okay, - said the cockerel, - I'll take the grain to the mill.
He put a sack on his shoulders and went. And the little mice, meanwhile, started a leapfrog. They jump over each other, have fun. The cockerel returned from the mill, again calling the mice:
- Here, Cool, here, Vert! I brought flour. The mice came running, they look, they will not be praised:
- Oh yes cockerel! Hey, well done! Now you need to knead the dough and bake the pies.
- Who will knead? - asked the cockerel. And the mice are again their own:
- Not me! - Krut squeaked.
- Not me! - squeaked Vert. He thought, thought the cockerel and said:
- Apparently, I have to.
He kneaded the dough, brought firewood, lit the oven. And when the oven was heated, he put pies in it.
The mice do not waste time either: they sing and dance.
The pies were baked, the cock took them out, laid them on the table, and the mice were right there. And I didn't have to call them.
- Oh, and I'm hungry! - Cool squeaks.
- Oh, and I want to eat! - squeaks Vert. Rather, they sat down at the table. And the cock says to them:
- Wait, wait! First, tell me: who found the spikelet?
- You have found! - the mice squealed loudly.
- Who threshed the spikelet? the cock asked again.
- You thrashed! - both said more quietly.
- And who brought grain to the mill?
- You, too, - Krut and Vert answered quite quietly.
- And who kneaded the dough? Did you carry firewood? Did you heat the stove? Who baked the pies?
- All of you, all of you, - the mice squeaked almost audibly.
- What did you do?
What to say in response? And there is nothing to say. Steep and Vert began to crawl out from the table, but the cockerel does not hold them back. There is nothing to treat such idlers and lazy people with pies!

Russian folktale

Wheat is rightfully considered one of the most ancient cereal plants belonging to the class of monocotyledonous and flowering.

Description of the cereal

Absolutely all plant varieties existing today have the main characteristics characteristic of all. The height of the stem in wheat varies from 30 to 150 cm. The stems are extremely erect, hollow and at the same time with clearly visible nodes.

Most often, as practice shows, about ten stems grow from one plant in most cases. If you look at a photo of wheat, you will notice that the width of its leaves is about 2 cm. Their shape is flat, often linear, and also with additional veins located in parallel.

If you decide to touch the wheat varieties, you will notice that its leaves are quite rough. The root system of this plant is fibrous.

Wheat varieties

If we talk about wheat varieties, the first thing worth noting is their incredible variety. Plants have a really rather complex classification, which includes various additional species, sections, and about a dozen intergeneric and even intrageneric hybrids.

At the same time, most plant breeders, of course, know more than other types of winter wheat. Nevertheless, wheat can be found: two-year or one-year, not only winter wheat, but also spring wheat.

Most often, spring wheat seeds are sown from the beginning of spring to its end. It ripens for about a hundred warm days. It is customary to remove it with the onset of autumn. Spring wheat is much more drought-resistant than winter wheat, and in addition, it has good baking properties.

It is customary to sow winter wheat in August. In this case, wheat yields can be obtained as early as next summer, so you don't have to wait long.

Most growers note that the cultivation of this type of wheat allows to achieve a larger yield, but it should be noted that she prefers only those areas in which the winter is quite snowy and the climate in general is mild.

Where can wheat be grown?

If you have ever thought about how to germinate wheat at least once, you probably already learned that it grows almost everywhere, with the exception of the tropics, since the variety of newly developed varieties makes it possible to use almost any soil conditions, not only climatic, but also everything else.

The plant is not afraid of heat, it is cold-resistant.

What is the difference between wheat and rye?

The most popular and at the same time irreplaceable cereals are wheat and rye.

Despite the fact that outwardly they are quite similar to each other, they also have quite a lot of differences.

  • First, rye varieties are not as diverse as wheat varieties.
  • Secondly, rye has a narrower scope than wheat.
  • Third, the grains are different chemical composition as well as appearance.
  • Fourthly, rye makes more serious demands on both the climate and the chosen soil.

Many people are interested in wheat at home, or rather the germination of its grains. Indeed, it is quite easy to germinate wheat grains on your own.

  • Place a small grain in a quart glass jar(Note that the grain should never take up more than 1/3 or even 1⁄4 of the can.)
  • Top up the jar almost to the brim with water.
  • Leave the grains for about 7-8 hours.
  • Drain the water through cheesecloth, rinse the wheat and add fresh water for another three hours.

Similar actions must be repeated several more times, and then let the water drain and put all the grains in the jar again.

After 24 hours, the seedlings should reach a height of a couple of millimeters and the sprouted grains should be ready to eat.

Beneficial features

Since wheat is a food crop, it has great amount various useful properties with which she pleases many buyers in stores. This is exactly the cereal that occupies a significant place in the production of most countries.

Wheat flour is used to prepare a wide variety of pasta, as well as bread and confectionery products. Also, over the past several decades, wheat has been used in the preparation of beer.

Wheat photo