Thyme creeping photo, care and planting plants. Chabret (thyme): landing and care at home, beneficial properties and contraindications Medicinal and useful properties

Buy dried spices in the store is completely optional. You can easily grow thyme at home, taking advantage of our recommendations. We will tell you how to sue the seeds of thyme for growing fragrant grass On the windowsill and in the open soil.

You will learn how to properly care for Timyan to get a rich harvest of greenery, and you can also watch photos and video instructions on the topic.

Self-cultivation of thyme from seeds at home

Timyan (Chabret) - perennial shrubhaving a pleasant aroma and containing a large number of Essential oils. He is unpretentious and hardy. It is used as decorative plantand also applied in medicine, perfumery and cooking.


Couches of the chasty reach a height of up to 40 cm. Its stems with small leaves grow up on the ground. The plant in June-July is small inflorescences and fruits in August-September in small nuts (Figure 1).

Picture 1. Appearance Thyme (Thyme)

It has a strong aroma attracting insects, and sharp, very spicy taste. The plant loves sandy soil and space.

The chamber prefers neutral or weakly alkaline soils, resistant to changes in weather conditions. It can also grow on the windowsill, so grow a chamber in the country will not be difficult.

Dates of landing

It is possible to grow a chamber from seeds as in spring and autumn. If you decide to sow it in the spring, then choose for this warm, not too wet day.

Since the chamber grows slowly, it can be grown and ensure. In this case, sowing begins with the second half of March. In summer, the plant can be multiplied with green cuttings, and in the fall - the division of an adult bush.

Care rules

There are simple rules, following whom you can grow thyme from seeds on home Groke (Figure 2):

  • Select light and warmly heated by the sun;
  • Fall overcoat and fade up the soil with reworked manure or compost;
  • In the spring, it is once again to move the plot immediately before sowing with the introduction of urea;
  • Sow seeds on the surface of the soil and sprinkle them river sand;
  • Cover crops by film;
  • Regularly pour and shallowly loosened land;
  • Watering, avoiding water stagnation.

Figure 2. Correct care Behind the plant at home

All these manipulations will allow you to get abundant yield Fragrant culture, which will be an excellent addition to his favorite dishes.

Varieties of vibration

There are many variety of thyme varieties, but most popular are: ordinary, creeping and lemon.

Description of varieties

Timyan Creeping - a long-term semi-stabiliar with numerous flutter stems that are well rooted and treed with age. They are small leaves. In the middle of summer, the plant is covered with a purple, red, pink or purple colors. Such a plant is well tolerating the temperature decrease and lack of moisture. It is used as a decorative soil plant.

The chabral ordinary refers to medicinal plants. Unites different kinds, among them and dwarf. Leaves ordinary variety Founded from the bottom, the flowers have a lilac color. They begin to bloom in July, and the flowering process ends in September. At the same time you can proceed to the collection of medicinal raw materials.

Figure 3. Basic varieties of vocabulary: 1 - creeping, 2 - ordinary, 3 - lemon

One of the most beautiful species They call the lemon, which is most often used in decorative purposes. He received its name through a specific citrus aroma. Unlike previous varieties, it is more susceptible to frost. But perfectly tolerates drought and is not afraid of direct sunlight. The plant blooms with purple flowers in June-July. The main varieties of the videos are shown in Figure 3.

Growing conditions

The cultivation of thyme from seeds is simple, as it is relatively unpretentious culture. However, this does not mean that he does not need to care.

Note: It should be known that this is a light-loving plant prefers non-acid or neutral soils with good drainage. Culture tolerates a transplant well.

Since thyme has a surface root system, the soil beneath it does not need deep loosening. It is much more important to fight weeds, as he slowly germinates, and its sprouts can be muffled with weed herbs.

It is also important to establish watering plants. Culture needs moisture, but it is very sensitive to its excess not only in the soil, but also in the air. Therefore, it is impossible to make stagnation of water in the roots, as it causes them to rot.

Beneficial features

Folk Medicine has long been familiar with the beneficial properties of the Thyme. It is used as a sedative and anti-infinite agent, to improve digestion and combat worms.

In the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract We use the decoction of grass, and the compresses based on the videos are useful in injuries and pains of different etiology. It is external used when inflammation of the eyelid, for wound healing. Cabinet's baths have a soothing effect, as well as shown in pain in the joints and problem skin.

Timyan Growing from Seeds

The reproduction of the plant occurs through the planting of seeds or the method of separating an adult bush. Consider the features of sowing the most common species in open sad.

Timyan Creeping: Cultivation of Seeds

The cultivation of crawling thyme from seeds at home begins in early springAs soon as the opportunity to explode the soil appears. It must be prepared in advance to spring work: Dispossed with the introduction of organic fertilizers and is released from weeds (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Growing Technology in Open Ground

Seeds are placed in the soil at a depth of no more than 5 mm and sprinkled with river sand. Shoots appear 25 days later. Young stroke need to break. Next you need to carefully follow the appearance weed herbs And destroy them so that the sprouts of Thyme can fully develop.

Thyme lemon - cultivation of seeds

Since thyme is a light-affiliated plant, then its seeds also prefer a sufficient amount of light and heat. Therefore, they need to be sown a shallow, slightly sprinkling the earth. Seed germination begins at temperatures ambientexceeding +20 degrees.

Shoots appear very slowly, so it is necessary to take care of good air access to the root system, as well as to remove appearing weeds so that they do not shadow shoots. Watering is another prerequisite Growing. It is important not to rearrange. After all, too high soil moisture contributes to the root rotting.

Vendors of spices can grow a chamber and on their windowsill. Since the plant is low and has a near-surface root system, it will not take much space. For growth, it will be great for the small flower pot And the sunny windowsill with good ventilating (Figure 5).

So, on the bottom of the prepared pot it is necessary to put drainage with a layer of 2-3 cm. The drainage falls asleep with the substrate and moisturize. On the surface of the soil, seeds are laid and poured them with a thin layer of soil (approximately 1 cm), then repeatedly moisturized.

Note: In the future, it is necessary to maintain a soil wet before the appearance of the first sprouts and a few diminishing light access. Shoots appear 10-20 days after sowing, and after a few months it will be possible to leave the fastest plants in a pot, and weaker transplanted.

Figure 5. Growing spices on the windowsill

Control so that the plant always obtained a sufficient amount of light and heat. The lack of lighting leads to the stretching of the plant and the loss of their specific aroma. Do not allow the ambient temperature to fall below 5 degrees. Regularly process and loose the soil on a small depth.

Create a crop can be starting from the flowering period round yearAt the same time, not a depletion of a plant with abundant cuts of leaves and stems.

In the video, it is shown in detail how to grow thyme from seeds.

Chabret: landing and care in open soil

The chabret is fully developed in well lit, open place And does not like shaders (Figure 6).

Seeds It is desirable to plant in porous soil with neutral acidity. It is necessary to conduct pre-sowing preparation of the soil. In the autumn period of time you need to switch the plot to a depth of up to 30 cm so that it is possible to remove the roots of weeding plants. In parallel with the patching, the soil is carried out with a stroke of a riveted organic, as well as fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

Note: In the spring, the fertilizer area should be accurate once again with the introduction of urea solution (20 g per 1 liter) and after a day you can begin sowing.

Successfully selected time, sowing plays an important role for the growth and development of the plant. Best seeds germinate with warm and not too wet weather.

The seed is seeded on the surface of the soil with rows at a distance of 40 cm from each other to ensure future bushes enough free space. The crops are saturated with large sand for additional nutrition, then covered with a film for speedy germination.

Figure 6. The cultivation of thyme (chablie) in the open soil

If the shootings that appeared after 2 weeks are too thick - they can be switched, leaving the strongest plants, the rest can be transplanted.

In addition, the chabret can be grown by a seaside. In this case, the seeds are sown in the second half of March for the previous technology. After 2 months, the fastened shoots are planted with rows at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other.

To get healthy and strong warehouse shrubs, you need to follow the following rules:

  • On time to remove weeds that drowning young shoots;
  • Do not overcoat the soil and regularly carry out loosening for better evaporation of moisture;
  • In dry days, on the contrary, it is abundantly moisturized soil;
  • Regular watering start with the advent of buds to start abundant flowering;
  • The bustling bushes should be trimmed;
  • Collecting a crop, cut off (mowen) green leaves to prevent damage to the blooming cover;
  • Follow the videos of the chasty only after the cleaning of the greenery. In the spring, as a rule, the urea solution is made, the autumn is organic fertilizers. At the same time, the introduction of fresh manure should be avoided;
  • For the winter months, shrubs should be inspired: to emphasize or mulch with natural materials.

In the same place, the chamber can be grown not more than 3-4 years. After that, you need to grow young bushes or transplant already available to a new place. The author of the video will tell in detail how to plant thyme in the open soil.

Chabret: benefit and harm

The benefits and harm of the thyme as a medicinal plant is widely known. Due to the content of a large number of essential oils, the chamber is an effective means in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, including asthmatic.

Oils from thyme will help to overcome insomnia and disorders nervous system. And tea from its colors is an indispensable means for migraine and the depressed mood. The chamber normalizes digestion: it is successfully used in fermentation in intestines and meteorism.

Note: With outdoor use, the tincture of the voca is used as compresses in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.

However, when arrhythmias and cardiosclerosis, and atherosclerosis use thyme and its derivatives are not recommended. Contraindications for use are also diseases of the kidneys and liver, as well as the increased acidity of the gastric juice.

As for pregnant women, they should be cautious, using a chamber in the form of lightness of lights or borrowing.

Many gardeners seek to plant healing grass - Thyme creep. This is absolutely unpretentious plantit transfers well very coldy and drought. Grow thyme, landing and care for which is quite simple, maybe on any site. The soil is prepared as well as for many other plants. The best yields Healing thyme can be obtained by planting a plant on a well-lit plot, where cold air flows do not fall.

Landing Timyan

This plant is developing rapidly on loose without weeds. If you have chosen thyme, landing and care will not give much trouble. It is difficult to grow seedlings at home enough, so it's easier to buy ready-made flowers in a specialized store or nursery. Small seeds germinate for a long time - almost a month, and in the first year the plant develops extremely slowly. If seedlings are sown on the garden, shoots are easily lost among weed grass. If you have chosen sowing seeds, better time For this there will be an early spring or late autumn, under the snow. They are buried to a depth of about 0.5 cm. With a limited amount of sowing, they are carried out in a rig or pots of the house, and the handsome seedlings are planted with the onset of heat in the open ground. If you like this way and care does not differ from the cultivation method directly in the open soil.

How does thyme grow?

Timyan grows well at home, on the windowsill in a cool room with sufficient lighting. Reproduce it

it is estimated in a vegetative way - the junction of the bush. In the spring it is divided into separate shoots, each of which should be roots. Prepared seedlings should be planted in a wet soil to a depth of up to 5 cm. At the adult bush of Thyme, the lower twigs are sprinkled on the ground, they can be separated throughout the entire season of the growing season and disembark on fuse in a separate pot or a small nursery. Some varieties of thyme smokely smoothly propagate cuttings with a length of about 5 cm. In the spring, such twigs root in the greenhouses. If the thyme, landing and care is provided for it, as well as for an adult plant. It is important to prevent the soil moistening so that the cuttings do not start. Rooting occurs after 3 weeks,

accessibility is almost 100%. For the shilling, the annual twigs of Thyman Czczuchy, who managed to wave.

Caring for Timyan Creeping

If you planted landing and care for it will not be in a burden. All work is mainly reduced to a timely tidwing from weeding grass, soil looser between rows and periodic feeding with mineral fertilizers. If there was a ripe compost or horn flour when disembarked in the soil, you can not do for two years. Young seedlings in the first few weeks should be slightly contacted from burning sunlight and water in dry days. To prevent the rewarding of the roots and shoots of thyme, when landing makes good drainage, and small gravel.

Fragrant tea with a chamber ... What can be a wonderful of this drink with a cold autumn evening? Chabret (thyme) - a low creeping plant, the shoots of the weird, pink, purple, white or yellow color. Plant contains great amount Essential oils, has a soothing effect, in addition, with its help in the garden plot, you can create a unique landscape. The most advantageous flower looks in rockers, alpine slides. Castabre is more common in southern mountainous areas, but, nevertheless, dackets middle strip Also do not forget about this amazing flower.

Choosing a place on a water cultivation area

Flower loves warm and many sunlight, It is preferable to plant it on well-lit, open glades. In the shade, it develops significantly worse, but nothing terrible if the flowerba is located under the crown openwork treesScattering sun rays. Such trees include rowan, sea buckthorn.

Soil should choose light and rich nutrient substances. When preparing the flower beds, the exhausted substrate on the site should be replaced with a more fertile or add humus at the rate of 4 kg per 1 m². The chamber prefers neutral in the composition of the soil, and even sour. Peat add to the soil to increase acidity.

Favorable affects the development of plants and mineral fertilizers:

  • potassium salt,
  • ammonium sulfate,
  • superphosphate,
  • ammonium nitrate.

When landing through the backyard and care for it, highly concentrated fertilizers are used, focusing on the instructions, or use complex mineral compositions.

Sowing seeds and growing seedlings

The flower is planting in the spring, on the market or in the gardening department, you can buy seedlings or buy seeds in the nursery. Young plants willingly and grow rapidly, so growing seedlings will not work independently.

Sowing begin to spend in the first half of March. For this prepare drawers with drainage holes and fill them with a nutrient substrate. You can purchase a ready-made mixture for growing vegetable or floral seedlings. Seeds are laid out in the box, after which they sprinkle with a thin layer of the Earth and watered. For successful growth in colors, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions, so the boxes should be covered with a polyethylene "cap" or put a transparent glass on top. Further cultivation of the thyase should occur at indoor air temperature not lower than + 20 ° C.

Further, the gardener needs to be patient, the first inputs will appear only on the 15th day, and first grow will be slow and reluctant. In the 20th of May, the graced seedlings are planted on the plot. Before this, it is advisable to temper the plants, making them a few days before landing for a couple of hours on open air. When forming a flower, the distance between the rows of 35 cm should be observed, and between the copies - 20 cm.

Chabret - landing and care will not be too difficult. If the spring was issued early, then seed seeds can be made immediately into the open soil. It is done in the period from March 5 to 30. However, in this case, shoots will have to wait a little longer, at least 25 days. Sowing is carried out by a solid carpet, and as soon as the seedlings go up, planting thinned. Over the summer, the plant will reach impressive sizes, but will bloom, unfortunately, only the next year.

Features of the care of the chamber

The steppe flower does not like strong cold wind and tolerates drought well. However to grow strong and beautiful plant Do not neglect some rules of cultivation.

Watering and soil looser, fertilizer

For successful cultivation Cabinet will require constant control of the soil moisture level. Water better more often, but moderately. Despite the fact that the plant is able to resist the drought, the inflorescences will immediately lose their beauty. They will look dumbbed, the color will become noticeably pale. Dampness will also have a destructive effect, the flower will begin to hurt and can even die. The chamber does not tolerate weed herbs, so the flower leaf will have to be pressed regularly. To provide roots good aeration, the soil loose with the help of a garden hacking.

The chamber is well responding to feeding, but use fresh korovyak or avian litter is not recommended. From organic apply only woodwood Or well overwhelmed manure. After landing, the care is starting with fertilizer. The first subject is carried out 10-15 days after the seedlings landing on the flower leaf, at this time it is best to use urea. In the second year of life, you can begin to introduce complex mineral formulations.

As a rule, the chamber does not need decorative trimming, but adult plants, blinking other flowers, can be a little shorten. The crushes are cut off with scissors, a small garden secator is used to remove the weeds tolerance branches.

Preparation for winter

In the wild, the plants are pilot carry all weather whims. But garden specimens, spoiled by the attention of the gardener, in winter time Can freeze. In October, after the leaf fall, the flower garden is recommended to insulate. Especially if the winter is expected frosty, but low. The plant is low, only about 35 cm, so it will be not difficult to do it. The planting is plunged into a height of about 20 cm and throw a layer of mulch (with fallen leaves, dry wood chips), and from above covered with a sweetheart. The mulch layer should be about 10 cm. As soon as snow falls, you can additionally throw a snowdrift on the flower.


For some cultivation of the thyst - this is a way to decorate garden plotBut many do not miss the opportunity to harvest. Harvesting the grass occurs during flowering period. There is a belief that the flower cut into the trinity has healing forces.

For further use, sprigs are suitable with large quantity Leaves, they are cut at 6 cm from the ground. The plant can be easily injured, so when cutting you need to use a sharp knife. Cutting the grass is dried in a dark, but well ventilated place, laying on dry and clean fabric. You can link the chamber in bundles and tie to the beam in the attic.

Castabre reproduction in vegetative way

In reproduction with cuttings or division of the bush, planting a chastard and care for it in the future also does not represent complexity. The flower is able to grow in one place for at least 5 years, but then it is recommended to rejuvenate it.

Bust division spend early autumn or spring. I dug the rhizome from the ground, it is purified and divided into several parts, but in such a way that there is enough escapes and roots on each fragment. Further, plants are planted into the prepared landing pits in the usual way.

The drawing method is even easier. Slipping-annual shootings are cut into 8 cm long and put in a jar with water. After some time, young roots will appear. A seedling can be raised at home by putting into a container with a nutritional substrate or temporarily shop in the greenhouse.

As can be seen, even steppe plant It can be successfully grown in a moderately warm climate. All that will be needed from gardener is a maximum of attention and a bit of patience.

Video how to grow a chamber

Nice smelling herb, a small size - thyme, is able to cover solar, stony and dry plots on your estate, solid carpet.

On the unusual abilities of this plant (antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral), there were still ancient doctors and scientists. The Greeks assigned him the ability to bring the "breath of life."

This plant continues to surprise people and in our time - modern scientists argue that pathogenic microorganisms over the centuries could not work out resistance to substances contained in Chabstice (Thyme).

If this plant is growing on your estate, the surrounding space is soaked with a pleasant aroma, will become a cozy dense "carpet" from his colors and a modest green greenery. Thyme is capable of successfully combined with various plants In the garden, it is often grown as a garden soil culture.

Plant Description

Thyme different peoples in different time and called differently: Borovy Pepper, Fimiamist, Thyme, Chavor, Chabret, Lemon Souls, Bogorodskaya Grass, Lebyushka, etc. Most of his relatives have the same features:

1. A long-term half-length of a small length (the height of the shoots varies depending on the grade of the plant and its type can be in the range of 5-35 cm);

2. Cleaning or lying on-minded shoots, on which they grow apart roots, stems are covered with brown bore;

3. Flowerons formed throughout the Break of Villages;

4. Hard leaves are placed one opposite the other, the color is light depending on the type may vary until dark green;

5. The dimensions and form of leaves may vary depending on the type (rounded, oblong, etc.);

6. Flowers in inflorescences of small size and different color (the main color is purple, white, pink inflorescences, in hybrid instances, the color scheme contains more different shades);

7. Pleasant (warm) smell, bloom lasts from June to the last decade of August.

Timyan landing and planting material

For the landing of thyme, select a warm and bright area in the garden. The shaded plant will develop poorly and start stretching. As a last resort, you can land plants in a small half.

To increase thyme soil should have an alkaline or neutral reaction. For this culture, fertile, lightweed, drained soil is better. If on the area is wet, heavy soil the plant begins to change it, in this case the drainage eliminates this disadvantage. Mulch the chamber can be fine rubble, gravel or pebbles.

The thymes are planted in the first decade of autumn or early spring, with autumn landing It is necessary that the bushes are well rooted. IN snowy Winter The plant does not require additional shelter, and if the snow was not enough, it is desirable to cover the plot with a chamber pottery.

Timyan reproduction

Seed method. It is convenient if you need to grow, a lot of thyme seedlings. For this, the spring seeds seeds to the garden or in a greenhouse when sowing seedlings will be shown, it is necessary to immediately regret that weed sprouts do not interfere with the development of shoots. Often, seeds are sowing into containers, and has already argued seedlings sit in the garden. Thymes need to plant in a light soil mixture - peat and sand in proportion 1 to 1. Small seedlings need when drying the top layer of the soil, slightly spray from the sprayer. In the early summing of Timyan seeds, you can get flowering plants in the first year after landing. If sow seeds in normal deadlines Plant blossom will come for the next year.

Shining. The cuttings are harvested with a fluttering escape cutting his green part. Modifying thyme on this technology throughout the year. The sharpening varieties of a small height can be multiplied by harvesting short cuttings (up to 5 cm). The easiest way to root them - putting into the container and cover from above the can. It is impossible to water the plants very much, otherwise the risk of roting the roots increases. After 12-15 days of the cutlets will form the first roots.

Dividing bush. The old plant is digging, carefully divided into parts, the decene sit on the pre-prepared place.

Landing Timyan

This culture must be grown on a warm, well-lit plot, in the shade of thyme will develop slowly. He will successfully complement the neighborhood of the pond in the garden, garden tracks and alpine hill. For growing it is better to choose a loose, light soil with a neutral or alkaline reaction.

Before planting plants, it is necessary:

In the autumn period, it is good to dwell, their lands need to choose the roots of weed plants;

Adjust the land with mineral and organic fertilizers, to the place here will be overwhelmed manure or good compost;

In the second decade of April, reappoint the soil again, fence the site, and contribute 20 g // M2 of urea;

On the surface of the garden, you have seeds, covering their layer (1 cm) of river sand from above. Sowing it is desirable to produce a rank of 40 cm with rivers;

Blank film from above.

In rows between individual plants, free space is left for about 30 cm. For the appearance of friendly sections, the temperature of 20 degrees of heat is optimal, then only two weeks will be held between seeds and the appearance of the first germs. Tymeyan is developing slowly, and his seeds are small, for this reason, in the reproduction of this cult, it is better to use emergency method.

Timyan seeds at seedlings, produced in the second decade of March. Seeds do not plunge into the soil (as they are very small), and evenly scatter on the surface and fall asleep with sand;

The necessary age seedlings for transplanting to bed - 70 days;

Thymean grows well in areas where vegetables grew up, but note that this culture grows in one place about 5 years.

Caring for thyme

Thymes first need to loose and pour. Water planted plants, but do not pour them. The chamber is well tolerated low temperatures, but for insurance in harsh winters, it can be covered with its fallen foliage. After cutting the greenery, it is desirable to feed the area of \u200b\u200bthe Azophos. Thyme, which has been growing for more than two years, you need to feed the chabret with a mixture of mineral fertilizers and a two-week infusion of a cow. If cutting the greens to the weeds, then the bushes will become denser and more compact.

Attention! Fresh manure of thyme tolerates badly.

Well, if you adopt the plants with a small dose of horny flour and high quality compost.

Important care surgery:

IN spring period And after the thyme will flash slightly cut their bushes, it will externally make them more densely and give them a beautiful shape. Cut the stalks to the widespread parts, in length it is about 2/3 of the shoot of escape;

Plants develop well in the sunshine, but still during drought it is necessary to occasionally water them;

This culture is unique in that it is not afraid of pests and practically does not suffer.

Harvesting Timyan.

Traditionally, this grass is collected on the trinity.

Folk healers say that during this period, plants are as efficient as possible.

Raw materials are cut during flowering, it is cutting off well-limiting shoots.

Do not injure bushes overlapping or rolling them. Bustic can be just randomly pulling out of the soil.

Prepared raw materials are dried, as well as other healing herbs, it is scattered on dense tissue, unsettled in the shade.

Thymen refers to the category of those plants that will not only decorate your site, but also can be used in cooking, medicine. Thymeyan is also called a chamber. He can act as a beautiful soil plate, which will give the charming aroma of each person passing by him. In this article, we consider ways to cultivate the vocabulary on the site, the peculiarities of care for it, we learn about the beneficial properties of thyme.

Thyme. Description of the plant and its features

  • Thymes in the people can be called a chamber, lemon, Mukhopal, Gadobnik, Versest, Borovy Pepper, Bogorodsky Grass, Chebarca.
  • Timyan belongs to the family of casnotkov.
  • Thyme is distributed in Eurasia, North America, Greenland.
  • Thyme may grow in vivo in various places depending on the variety. Thyme varieties can be found in forests, in glades, on rocky slopes, in the steppe.
  • Thyme can reach a height of 35 cm.
  • Thyme - a semi-stabilization plant or a low shrub.
  • Stems in Tymean are weird, lying or ascending.
  • Root system Thyme is represented by a rod root, which is also unreserved.
  • The leaves in thyme may have a different form depending on the variety. They can be sedentary or grow on short stiffs. The form of them can be both oval, rounded and more oblong. Leaves are very rigid, dense, leathery.
  • Tymeyan flowers are collected in oblong inflorescences. They can be white, pink, purple color. Most often it is the purple shade. Thyme flowers are very fragrant, which, of course, attracts a large number of insects.
  • The period of active bloom of thyme can continue all summer months.
  • At the end of the summer, thyme ripens the fruit - a box with 4 nuts.

Thyme. Facts from history

If you are going to grow in your area fragrant thyme, you may be interested in his rich history. It turns out that this plant came to us from a distant antiquity. You can find the following interesting historical facts about the use of thyme:

  • the most ancient mention of Tymene belongs to the III millennium BC. Suchmers, one of the most ancient civilizations, left after mention of thyme on clinbow signs. They used this plant for various healing plumbers and rims whose recipes were written on signs;
  • in ancient Egypt, Thymeyan was considered the plant of God of Serapis, who was God fertility and health. Ancient healers used this fragrant plant for mummification, for the treatment of paralysis and other serious diseases;
  • in Ancient Greece Thyme was considered a plant of Aphrodite. It was this plant that would fit in the temples at the time of sacrifice. Also, the Greeks believed in the legend that Thyme grew up in the place of spilled tears of Elena beautiful;
  • in ancient Greece, it was also customary to take baths with thyme. Especially recommended to do this to the warriors to give them more courage and courage;
  • in ancient Greece, there was a massage with Timyan oil, used it in recipes for the treatment of memory disorders, meningitis. Thyme also attributed to the means, which perfectly helps with fainting;
  • in ancient Rome, Timyan was associated with God Saturn. This plant was widely used in folk medicine. With it, they prepared funds against worms, for the treatment of diseases of female organs. A beverage from thyme was useful to be given during childbirth, as well as in the treatment of asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system;
  • mention of thyme can be found even in the Bible. Jesus himself was born by the Virgin Maria on the litter of Thyme;
  • at the time of the Middle Ages, Timyan was considered a symbol of courage and courage. The knights decorated themselves with embroidery with the image of this plant, took with them the dried twigs of thyme, drank a drink from this plant;
  • in many European countries, there were beliefs in the mystical nature of Thyme. People believed that fabulous fairies sleep on the bedding from Thyme. And in order to see these magical creatures, it was necessary to wipe the eyes of the dew, assembled from this plant;
  • there was a belief that the smoke of the burned thyme, poisonous snakes abandon their lair;
  • a good admission for fishermen was considered fumigation of thyme fishing gear before fishing. After such a rite of catch was to be rich;
  • one more interesting admissionwhich moved and in modernity was the use of thyme to sting the pillows. Sleep on such a fragrant pillow should be especially sweet and strong;
  • in Ancient Russia Thymeyan was most often called the Bogorod herb. This name plant received due to the fact that icons on the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin are decorated with bunches of this grass;
  • in ancient Russia, Thyme also attached and magic value. It was often used in the pagan rites, they did the heraggie from evil spirits, the unclean;
  • in Russia, it was very important to have a bouquet of thyme in the house. It was believed that this plant retains youth, helps a woman to endure a child, creates a good aura in the house. Women soapped hair with a decoction from the thyme, decorated themselves with wreaths of this fiantly aroma of the plant.

Thyme. Beneficial features

In order to start talking about the beneficial properties of thyme, you need to find out what kind of valuable chemical composition it possesses. And you can find the following useful elements in it:

  • group vitamins in;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C;
  • gum;
  • apple acid;
  • acetic acid;
  • oleic acid;
  • ursol acid;
  • fats;
  • resin;
  • essential oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • minerals.

As you can see, the chemical composition of thyme is really impressive. If you grow this plant in your area, you can use it as a "national doctor." Thyme showed its effectiveness in folk treatment Many diseases. This plant can be used by people to provide various effects:

  • thyme is known as a natural vegetative agent with an anesthetic effect. That is why it can often be found in folk recipes for the treatment of neuralgia, Malgia, pincing the nerve, etc.;
  • the expectorant effect of thyme is also worthy of respect. You can use the ointment of the thyme for the trituration of the chest and the back during cold illness and ORVI. Infusions, decoctions and teas from thyme are useful to use with various diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, pneumonia, with bronchial asthma. Thyme contributes to the salvation of sputum and improves its flipping;
  • assistance in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. It is useful to use teas, champs and chasters from Thimyan to people suffering from problems with sleep, nervous system disorders, emotional overvoltage;
  • thyme is also known as natural remedy against worms. Such an effect is achieved due to the content of thymol in it;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is also possible with thyme. It helps to reduce the scrawl, getting rid of the meteorism, helps digestive processes;
  • thyme - Natural Antiseptic. This plant is often used to treat various skin diseases;
  • thyme - a famous assistant in delivering unpleasant sensations after the bite of bees;
  • thyme has proven its effectiveness and treatment of male diseases. It helps to increase potency, performs excellent prevention of prostatitis;
  • women suffering from the disorders of the menstrual cycle, also worth paying their attention to recipes. folk Medicine With thyme in the composition. Predated this plant was used in the process of childbirth in order to strengthen generic activities;
  • thyme has a positive impact of people who suffer from an increase in blood pressure. Plants gently and naturally expands the vessels, thereby lowering the pressure.

Thyme - truly universal plantwhich can be a real natural "first aid kit" on your site. Of course, you should not forget that any treatment of herbs must be coordinated with the doctor. Hope to cure a persistent arterial hypertension or any other disease is not worth only by Timyan. Do not eat this plant if you have its individual intolerance, a tendency to allergic reactions from medicinal herbs. Forget about the treatment of children under 6 years of herbal medicine recipes.

Thyme. Photo

Tyme and species

Timyan ordinary

The homeland of this variety of thyme is considered the Mediterranean. It has shoots up to 15 cm long, and the plant itself can reach 20-30 cm in height. Leaves have a small size, slightly pubes in the opposite side. Color painting - pale lite or snow-white. The active flowering period begins at the beginning of summer and ends in about august. A variety is not distinguished by increased winter hardiness. If the plant does not hide in any way in a honest and harsh winter, it may be damaged. Thyme ordinary is highly valued for his medicinal properties. Among the popular varieties can be allocated as follows:

  • "ALBA";
  • "Coccineus".

Timyan Creeping

Pretty popular Timyan variety among summer residents. Thyme creeping in the photo looks quite effectively and can be used as a "substitute" of lawn, it is well grown with a dense carpet, which is decorated with small and fragrant colors. Thyme creeping in care is unpretentious. Flowers can be white, pink, lilac, lilac. It is this kind of thyme in Russia that was called a chamber or a Bogorodskaya traveler. The plant is perennial, reaches a height of 15 cm. Its creeping stalks are intertwined with each other. For thyme Czczuchy landing is possible even on stony slopes. Among the well-known decorative forms of Timyan, the following can be distinguished:

  • "Donna Valle";
  • "Kolkhida";
  • "Silver Queen."

Timyan lemonnopharyncing

Timyan Limonnopharyncing is a perennial hybrid plant that is widespread in southern France. Thymeyan reaches a height of 30 cm, and in order for the shrubs to look decoratively, it constantly needs to be cut. A feature of this species is a special fragrance that resembles lemon flavor. The leaves have a spectacular pest in color and rounded shape. Blossom comes in the middle of summer. The disadvantage of this species is that she reacts poorly to sharp drops Temperatures and low temperatures in general. Popular varieties of thyme lemon-chamber:

  • "Golden Duparf";
  • Golden King;
  • Silver Quen.

Thyme Bloshina

This type of thyme can often be found at the rooks of the roads, on rocky slopes, in the mountainous area. Flowers have a pleasant pinkish shade. Stems lying, can reach 15 cm long. The phase of active flowering in Tymeyan flea is coming in the middle of summer. This type of thyme is highly valued for its medicinal properties.

Timyan Dorfler

This type of thyme can be found not so often. IN natural nature It is found in the Balkans. This perennial grows up to 10 cm, has miniature flowers of dusty pink shade. The disadvantage of this type of thyme is its poor tolerant of cold. He prefers to grow at sunny places that are well protected from the wind.

Thyme Subarctic

Subarctic thyme in natural nature is found in forestry arrays of Eastern Europe. The stalks of this perennial semi-staples are weathered. The flowers of the tender purple shade have the shape of the bell and are collected in inflorescences. A distinctive feature Thyme subarctic is a rich content in it of essential oils. Oils not only give the plant a delightful aroma, but also make it valuable raw materials in the recipes of traditional medicine.

Thyme Early

This spectacular perennial came to us from Turkey, the Caucasus. It belongs to the family of Clanotkov, as well as the other types of thyme. The plant reaches a height of 7.5 cm to 15 cm. Prefers to grow on well-lit, well-drained soils, poorly tolerate soil mois. A feature of thyme early, which can be guessing from the name of the species, is its previous blooming. But it is not so long to enjoy spectacular colors.

Thyme. Growing

Step 1. Choose a place to land a thyme in the open soil

How to grow thyme? In order for Thyme to feel as comfortable in your site, take care of the choice have a good place For its landing. The plot must meet the following requirements:

  • the plot should be sunny;
  • the plot must be dry;
  • the plot must be well purified from weeds.

timyan negatively refers to too shady places, it will be intensively stretching up, not giving beautiful blossom and fragrance. Also, this plant does not really like humidity. Too wet should not be both soil and air.

Step 2. Select the soil for the landing of thyme

Ideal for thyme soil is a soil with neutral or alkaline soil. If your site is too heavy and clay soil, then definitely pay time to creating a good drainage. Choose light, fertile soil.

Step 3. When to plant thyme

Due to the fact that the thyme is a frost-resistant perennial, it can be planted both in spring and autumn. Autumn should not be late, as the plant must have time to root well. Most of the grades of thyme do not require any shelter in winter. But in a honest and very harsh winter it is better to cover the plant with a noodle or other sheltering material.

Step 3. Landing thyme by seed method

After you chose a place on your site, suitable for the landing of thyme, you can start landing. Most gardeners prefer to grow thyme with seed sowing. They can be sown immediately into open soil, or grow seedlings at home, and then transplant it to the permanent site.

  • The plot of land before sowing seeds of Timyan is not necessary to loosen too deep, since the root system of this plant is superficial, does not go deep into the ground. Clean the site from weeds thoroughly.
  • You can prepare a plot to landing thyme in advance. If you are planning a spring fit, then autumn after the surpasses of the bed is made there Mineral and organic fertilizers, manure or compost. In the spring, reap the garden again and make the urea in the calculation of 20 grams per 1 sq.m.
  • Not too shuffling in the ground planting materialSeed seeds on the prepared area.
  • The approximate distance between the rows is 40 cm.
  • Seeds slightly sprinkle on top of the river sand layer 1 cm.
  • After the seeds are good, you need to follow the humidity of the upper layer of the soil, not allowing it to dry. It is also important to ensure that weeds do not appear, which can harm the further growth of young seedlings.
  • After the seedlings germinate slightly, rush sowing, leaving about 30 cm between plants in a row.

If you planted seeds at home, so that in the open ground then planted grown plants, then the air temperature is maintained to do not make the plants "greenhouse" and not adapted to street growth conditions. Timyan's crops for growing seedlings can be made in the second half of March. Seeds also do not plunge, but sprinkled with sand. At the age of 70 days, seedlings can be transferred to open ground. If you sew the thyme in the soil immediately, then shoots will appear in about 2 weeks, but under the condition of ambient temperature - 20 degrees.

Other methods of breeding thyme

Tyme reproduction by shifting

One of the easiest and effective ways Timyan breeding. You need to cut off the green escape from an adult plant and put it in the ground. For better rooting experienced gardeners Recommend to cover the cuttings with a can and water it around the jar. In this way of irrigation, you will avoid oveurgement of the soil and provide thyme greenhouse conditions that will help him quickly form their own roots. If you want to multiply a completely low-speed thyme with fluttering shoots, choose a stalk with a height of no more than 5 cm. A huge advantage of such a method of breeding thyme is the ability to land cuttings at any time of the growing season.

Timyan reproduction division bush

The division of the bush is another simple and very effective method The breeding of thyme, which allows not only to get a new plant, but also rejuvenate a bush.

  • Carefully dig a bush.
  • Prepare a place to plant a new plant.
  • Divide the bush on as many parts, as much as its size allows.
  • Spare parts of the bush for permanent growth places.

Thyme. Care

With the cultivation of Thyme, even a beginner in the horticultural business will perfectly cope. This perennial plant is absolutely unpretentious in leaving, and grow it - only pleasure. A huge advantage of this medicinal plant on the plot is its excellent resistance to diseases and pests. Some can be noted important momentsWho is still worth paying their attention if thyme grows on your site:

  • early spring or after the end of the flowering period, cut the bushes of thyme to the weird part of it. After such a pruning procedure, the bushes will grow more lush and compact;
  • thyme - the plant drought-resistant. But in too long drought, it is still worth pouring it;
  • thymen - a plant that negatively refers to weeds, like any other decorative plant in the garden. It is especially important to carefully pour a bed with thyme from weeds at the first time when plants are just beginning to develop. The root system of thyme is superficial and can be easily damaged by adjacent weeds with a too active and powerful root system. In addition, your girling with a fragrant chamber will lose its decorativeness if it touches weed herb;
  • thyme has grown perfectly and develops without fertilizer. Only those plants that are already growing for over 2 years, it is not superfluous to be a feeding of mineral and organic fertilizers, the infusion of a cowboy. Do not make fresh manure, as the plant does not like him.

If you grow thyme with the purpose of its workpiece, then you can collect his crop during flowering. Carefully, without damaging the bush himself, cut the well-fruitful shoots. Thyme can be dried, and then grind. It can also be used in fresh form.

Thyme at home

Thyme in a pot. Rules for growing on the windowsill

If you do not have priceworkBut you dream about fresh greenery, Timyan is a great choice for growing on the windowsill. This plant will not only harmoniously fit into any interior, but will make it possible for year-round access to fresh olive spices, to medicinal plant, to the careport of yourself. Let's look at the order of your actions when growing thyme in a pot:

  • choose a beautiful pot or any other capacitance high no more than 15 cm;
  • fill the pot with nutrient soil. You can use the soil "for cacti" and to add a little blackloom to it. At the bottom, be sure to put the drainage layer;
  • timyan seeds simply decompose on the surface of the wet soil and spray a layer of soil about 1 cm;
  • with the help of a spray gun, moisturize the soil surface;
  • until the appearance of shoots, you should not hold a pot on a sunny place. It may turn searches;
  • first sprouts you will notice after 10-20 days.

It is possible to grow thyme on the windowsill, not only of seeds, but also with a cutting. From an adult plant, the flowering period of which has already ended, cut the escape. Free his lower part from the leaves and plant a plant in a pot. Water it moderately until the appearance of new leaves. Then watering is reduced to a minimum.

Caring for thyme on the windowsill

  • Make sure that the windowsill was constantly warm and sunny.
  • Do not dwell with watering. Remember that thyme in wildlife grows on stony slopes.
  • Cut the twigs at thyme, which grows on the windowsill, you can at any time of the year. But do not too dilute, cut each time with a new plant.
  • Rip the soil, but not too deep. The root system of thyme is close to the soil surface.

Give yourself a pleasure in contemplation on your site of a beautiful and incredible valuable plant - thyme. Caring for this perennial will not take you no trouble. Successes in growing!