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Sannikova Larisa Petrovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MKDOU Kindergarten"Teremok"
Locality: Novosibirsk region, Kupino
Material name: methodical development
Theme: Leisure in middle group: "KVN for children and parents".
Date of publication: 06.12.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Professional competition of educators All-Russian Internet - competition of pedagogical creativity (2016/2017 academic year)

Leisure in the middle group.

"KVN for children and parents".

Sannikova Larisa Petrovna
MKDOU kindergarten "Teremok"
Novosibirsk region, Kupino

create a positive emotional attitude in children and adults in the process of communicating with each other. To enrich parents with pedagogical knowledge, arouse a desire to perform various tasks together with children.
- Today we have an unusual event - KVN. Two teams will participate in KVN - a team of children and a team of parents. And our teams will be assessed by a jury, which will award points for each correct answer. Which team will have more points at the end of the game - that team and the winner. Are the teams ready? We are starting KVN.
1 Competition
"Warm-up": (questions will be asked to each team in turn, a point is awarded for each correct answer). -What time of year is it? - What is the name of our city? -Who carries his house on his back? - Which tree has a white trunk? - Who draws the pictures? - Is the goose a bird or an animal? -How many eyes does an owl have? - How many ears do two mice have? Well done, everyone did the job!
We pass
to the 2nd Contest.
"Riddles" Heals small children, Heals birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses ... (Aibolit) Like Baba's Yaga Doesn't have one leg at all, but there is a wonderful Flying apparatus (Stupa) Mixed with sour cream, Chilled on the window, Round side , ruddy side Rolled ... (Gingerbread man) Le This tablecloth is famous For feeding everyone to their fill, That by itself it is full of Delicious food (The tablecloth is self-assembled) "We are not afraid of the gray wolf, Gray wolf-teeth snap" This song was sang loudly Three cheerful ... (Piglet) Oh Sweet apples, the aroma lured that bird into the garden, the feathers glow with fire, And it is light around, like during the day (Firebird) And they coped with this task.
3 Competition.
"Name in one word" (for the classification of objects)
- Orange, apple, pear ……. (Fruit)

- Bus, motorcycle, bike ... .. (transport)

- Cat, cow, goat .. (pets)

- Chef, driver, hairdresser. (Professions)

-Bullfinch, swallow, eagle ... ... (birds)

- Milk, bread, biscuits ... .. (food)

- Dress, sweater, T-shirt ……. (Clothes)

- Boots, shoes, sneakers ... ... (shoes)
What good fellows you are. And we are moving on to the next competition.
4 Competition
"Fabulous" Learn from the illustration "what kind of fairy tale is this?" (The teacher shows illustrations to fairy tales, and the teams take turns answer what kind of fairy tale it is) "Little Red Riding Hood" "Thumbelina" "Buratino" "Emelya" "Win the Pooh" "Geese-Swans" "Puss in Boots" "Chippolino"
5 Competition
"Say the opposite" The bush is low, and the tree ... The fire is hot, and the ice ... The river is wide, and the brook ... The elephant is large, and the mouse ... The swan is white, and the crow ... It is light during the day, and at night ... The lemon is sour, and the sugar ... The bunny is fluffy, and hedgehog ... How quickly you cope with all the tasks!
6 Competition

look, on the Whatman for each of the teams are drawn different geometric figures... Let's transform our geometric shapes into various objects. What do you think they might be like? (Children and parents take turns turning the figures into various objects by painting them)
Look at what beautiful drawings we did it!

On this our KVN comes to an end. You dealt with everyone


Summing up the game. Presentation of prizes to all participants.

Target: to teach parents the latest techniques and methods of education and training, to form trusting relationships in interaction: educator - parents, to develop resourcefulness, reflexive abilities of parents.

For all-round education and development, one direction is not enough: educator - child - parent. Great value has a process of interaction between educators and parents. One of the priority tasks is the following: to establish partnerships with the family of each child and to combine efforts for the development and upbringing of children, to create an atmosphere of common interests, to enrich the educational skills of parents.

Hello ritual

Parents stand in a circle. They join hands. In turn, they raise their neighbor's hand and say the words of greeting: "Hello, (name, patronymic), I am glad (glad) to see you."

Game task "My family's motto"

Invite each parent to think and name a motto.

Competition "Do you know your children?"

The teacher reads the statements of the children, and the parents, according to the descriptions, name their children.

Creative competition "Golden Hands"

Purpose: to make a paper toy.

The teacher offers the parents square sheets.

"Do you know children's literature, painting, music?"

Material: Oseeva "The Magic Word", Chukovsky "Fedorino Gore",

Marshak "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse", Tuvim "Vegetables", Suteev "Who Said" Meow ", Tchaikovsky" Disease of a Doll "from Sat. "Children's Album", Mussorgsky

"Hut on chicken legs" from Sat. Pictures at an Exhibition

For example: a child is too lazy to get up in the morning.

We get up together with the sun

We sing along with the birds:

Good morning, with a clear day!

That's how gloriously we sing!

Another option: the child does not want to comb his hair

Grow a braid to the waist

Don't drop a hair.

Grow your head up to your toes

All hairs in a row.

"Show your resourcefulness"

Purpose: to give a witty answer to a tricky child's question

For example: Can a cat come out of the cellar with two heads? (If he catches the mouse.)

Can you light a match underwater? (In a submarine.)

Can it rain for two days? (No, there is night between them.)

"I know how to entertain"

Purpose: to play with the child with movements.

Competition "A parent must be able to do everything."

"Contest of hostesses"

Prepare a dish from the offered vegetables (for a certain time).

Competition "Every parent is an artist"

Say a phrase with 10 shades.

To portray fairy-tale characters: kolobok, Little Red Riding Hood, mother-goat, wolf, etc.

"Say a tongue twister"

Yegor walked through the yard, Yegor carried an ax with him, Yegor walked to mend the fence

At the edge of the forest, the midge deftly catches the midge with its paw.

Competition "Do you know how to relax?"

Parents are encouraged to compose games to be used at the child's birthday party for the invited children.

Game "Ball"

Sitting in a circle, parents pass a ball of thread to each other, talking about how they feel, what they can wish for others and for themselves, and answer questions.

What did you fail during the competitions?

Who was active, passive among the parents, why?

What lessons can be learned from the games, game assignments?

Is this form of conducting KVN effective? Why?

When the ball returns to the caregiver, everyone pulls the thread and closes their eyes, imagining that they are one whole.