Lesson on the topic of health in the preparatory group. An abstract classes on the topic: "Health" in the preparatory group

Sections: Work with preschoolers


  • introduce preschoolers with a children's body;
  • give information about the benefits of vitamins and proper nutrition;
  • form the desire of K. healthy image life;
  • promoting careful attitude towards yourself and their health and health people with disabilities.


  • air ball with eyes (Hero from the magical country of horselia),
  • balloons by the number of children
  • table (parts of the body of a children's body),
  • objects for the game (drum, rope, balls, spoons, twins, etc.) by the number of children,
  • subject pictures with a different image foods,
  • caps with letters of vitamins A, B, C d,
  • phonogram of merry music.

Structure occupation

Good afternoon guys! Look, we flew to us unusual guest from the magical country of hoshryry.

Hello guys! What are you funny, not at all like the inhabitants of my country, hostery. Consider me and compare with you. What do you have, but absolutely missing me?

Estimated children responses (body)

Right! I do not have a body and you want to learn more about him.

Name parts of the body?

(The child calls and shows parts of the body)

Healthy! Do you know how to manage your body and make various miracles?

Estimated children's answers (yes, no)

Try to task with your hands or legs, and maybe with the help of hands and legs together.

Tasks by the number of children:

  1. play on the drum
  2. play spoon
  3. jump on the rope
  4. cut the circle
  5. put on a hat
  6. wear mittens, etc.

Well done, it turns out great! Imagine that you do not have right hand. Try to perform the same task. When was it harder to perform? Why?

Estimated children's responses (some tasks cannot be performed at all).

Guys, what are the people who do not have any part of the body?

Estimated Answers Children (Disabled)

Is it possible to call these people heroes? Why?

Estimated responses of children (they have to overcome many difficulties, apply more effort than ordinary people)

What do they need most?

Estimated responses of children (in support, understanding, help)

Who helps these people in life?

Estimated children responses (close people, relatives, neighbors passersby and we are with you)

Guys, you are so healthy, ruddy, beautiful. Surely you know some secret and help your body too?

Estimated children responses (yes).

Children read poems about vitamins.

Vitamin A

Remember the truth
Better sees only the one.
Who cares carrots raw
Or drink carrot juice.

Vitamin B.

It is very important to spareware
There is a breakfast of oatmeal.
Black bread is useful to us
And not only in the morning.

Vitamin C

From cold and angina
Oranges helps.
Well, better there is lemon,
Although it is very sour.

Vitamin D

Fish fat all useful!
Though nasty - you need to drink.
He saves from diseases.
Without disease - it is better to live!

Never be sad
And smile on face,
Because I accept
Vitamins. And in S.

Child 1st:

I think you, no doubt you know,
That benefits does not all eat

Child 2nd:

Remember and explain everything is very clear:
The stomach can not be offended.

Child 3rd:

He doesn't need cold food,
And very hot is also harmful.

Child 4th:

And sweets of different and chips, and "cola"
The stomach is afraid of the proc.

Child 5th:

Big slices should not swallow
And carefully you need to go.

Child 6th:

And remember - the stomach of those did not pain
Who since childhood he understood him and regretted!

Now I know your secret, you take vitamins, eat right. Let's play the game? "Useful and not very healthy foods”:

On the table, the card with the image of various foods, add only useful products to the basket, and not very useful leave on the table.

Once, two, three products collect!

(The phonogram of fun music is used).

Well done, quickly coped with the task. I will take this basket with useful products in his country, horse. I will tell the inhabitants of your country a secret of health.

Please explain the meaning of proverbs:

  • Bitter treated, and sweet crumbles.
  • Health is more expensive than wealth.
  • You will be healthy - you will add everything.

Thanks guys, you told me a lot, I learned a lot about you and your health. I need to rush into my country. As a gift, take balloons and good mood! Bye!

1. Hard minute:

(Children sit on the rug) In nature there is the sun, it shines to everyone and loves everyone and heats. Let's create the sun in yourself. Close up eyes and put a hand on a heart. Imagine a small star in your heart. Mentally send a ray to her that loves love. An asterisk increased. We will send a ray to it, which carries the world. An asterisk increased again. We direct the races with good, with tenderness, with caress, with warm, with joy, with health. Now the asterisk becomes big as the sun. It carries the heat to all-all-all (hands on the side in front of them).

Let's say hello to the soul and heart (childrenhello) .

What does the word mean "Hello"? (children's responses)

Right, hello - it means that I wish you health.

And now I want to tell you old legend: A long time ago on Mount Olympus the gods lived.

It became boring, and they decided to create a person. Began to think what a person should be. One of the gods (Danil) said: "A person must be strong."

Second(Hermann) "A person must be smart".

The third: (Kirill) "A person must behealthy» .

Fourth: (Vlad) "If all this is a person, he will be like us".

(get up in a circle and discuss)

And they decided to hide the main thing that there is a person - health. Began to think, decide where to hide it?

Some offered to hide health deep into the sea, others - high in the mountains. And one of the gods proposed

(Vlad): « Health We must hide in the person! "

So there lives a man since ancient times, trying to find his health, but not everyone can find - this invaluable gift of the gods.

So health - it turns out, hidden both in me, and in you, and in each of us.

The human health largely depends on him. Some people care about their health, trying to preserve this invaluable gift of the gods. Every day they "build" themselves. They strive to become stronger, stronger, smarter, kinder. Other thoughtlessly spend their health destroying themselves.

Describe healthy man (Strong, smart, slim, happy, deft, joyful, neat, has a beautiful figure, a white smile, shiny eyes, light gait).

Describe a patient person (lazy, gloomy, sad, angry).

Guys, who helps to recover a sick person?

He sits under the tree.
Come to him to be treated
And cow, and a wolf,
And bug, and worm,
And bear!
All cure, heament
Good doctor ... ..! Aibolit (Children)

2. Aibolit appears to the music.

Aib: Hello guys Are you all healthy? Are you clean? Now check.

I came to you not with empty hands, I have my magic chest.

Species: Suit the chest is closed ...

What is in it in it lies?

Aib: There is a bag in a suitcase, and the bag is not easy, and vitamin.

The game "Vitamin Pouch" (to the touch). The child must say it is useful or not.

(Vitamins of vegetables, fruits, vitamins, candy - apple, carrots, lemon, onions, potatoes, tomato, pepper, chips, chup - chups, candy, chocolate,)

useful foods contain vitamins, and what vitamins our girls will tell us.

Angelina T: "A"

Remember the truth is simple -

Better sees only the one

Who cares carrots raw

Or ink drinking juice.

Talks: And contains vitamin "A" in orange and red vegetables and fruits. This is carrots, pumpkin, apple, bulgarian pepper. And this vitamin is in fish, eggs, in butter, in Parsushka.

Tanya: "B"

It is very important to spareware

There is a breakfast of oatmeal.

Black bread is useful to us

And not only in the morning.

Talks: Vitamin B helps the heart so that it worked well. And he is in black bread, chicken meat, heroles, milk, nuts, peas.

Sofia b "C"

From cold and angina

Oranges help,

Well, it is better to eat lemon

Although it is very sour.

Talks: lemon, orange, rosehip, mandarin, currant, strawberry contains vitamin "C". And still there is in the cabbage, Radish, Luke.

Milan Z. "D"

I am a cheerful vitamin, I can not be alone

I have plenty of friends, with us children health

The one who is fish, meat eats, he is strong as Hercules.

If fish oil love to love, you will be at the athlete

And friends always, everywhere with vitamin glorious d

Talks: He strengthens the bones. And he is in fish oil, eggs, milk. And the vitamin d is a lot of sun and it is generously divided with us vitamin D.

Do you guys have such dishes in which there are a lot of vitamins? (borsch, stew, eggplant eggplant, zucchki)

Beverages? (Morse, compote)

Let's and we prepare a vitinal drink.

Fuss a minute "cook compote" with Aibolit

We will boil compote (Marching in place).

Fruit needs much (Show hands - "Many").

We will crumble apples

We will cut a pear,

I wash the lemon juice,

Drain put both sand. (Imitate how crumbling, chopped, press, put, pour sand).

Cook, cook we compote, (Turn around yourself).

Honest people treats. (Lean forward and dilute hands to the sides).

Compote welded,

And the mouths forgot to wash.

Cleanliness is important for health

Hygiene - We always need

Samples: I think the next magic subject will help us to tell what items are needed for different parts Body. And here he is magical Health Cube.

On the edges of the cube image: hand, hair, nails, teeth and ears, face.

Children stand in a circle as soon as the music stops, the child throws a cube and tells about how and what you need to care for body parts.

4. A strange book, she gives advice on health, and the secrets do not reveal. Let's try to solve them. (Reads the educator)

Aibolit: words. the game "I'll start, and you will continue"

People from the very birth can not live without .... (Movement)

We clean your teeth twice a day, and it does not do it .... (laziness)

In the morning you wake up early, good ... (Wash)

To healthy, strong to be

we must .... (be friends)

To healthy, clean to be

you need hands with soap .... (wash)

Protect against angina

we will help .... (vitamins)

Every day we have guys,
Begin with …..

The sun is air and water our lords ......

Only one is not sick

who healthy and loves .... (sport)


Sport - is life. This is the ease of movement.
Sport causes all respect.
Sport promotes everyone up and forth.
Cheerfulness, health gives everyone.
Everyone who is active and who is not lazy
Can easily make friends with sports.

Guys, we hear friends daily "physical training", « sport » . What do you think, what is the difference between these two concepts?

Children. Physical education can do each, and no sport.

Educator. That's right guys. Physical education can also do small and large. Sports are engaged in the strongest, strong and healthy. But every physical consultancy dreams of becoming athlete.

Educator. Do you know, guys, what are the most important competitions athletes of the whole world?

Children. Main Competitions W. athletes The Olympic Games are called. Everyone athlete Dreams to speak and defeat them.

Educator. What about the Olympics?

Children. Olympiad is worldwide competitions in various types. sport.

the motto of the Olympic Movement "Faster, higher, stronger!" And the emblem of the Olympiad is five twisted rings.

Educator. Guys, what do the rings in the Olympic flag?

Child. This is a sign of unity and friendship. athletes of five continents. Blue ring symbolizes Europe, Yellow - Asia, Black - Africa, green - Australia, Red - America.

For an athlete medal is the main award in life. For each of them, whether it is gold, silver or bronze, - the hard work of daily numerous workouts; Perseverance, Will strength, hardworking ...

So we have been held in Kazakhstan this year the Universiade was held.

Slide story.

    Symbol: Sokol.

    Motto: reprieve wings

    11 gold medals, 8 silver, 7 bronze. Kazakh dancing occupied 2nd place.

To become an athlete and go to the Universiade, you need to play sports, make charging, hardened, educate the power of will and so on.

Well done guys, I believe that the real athletes will grow out of you!

Fizkultminutka :

We put on your shoulders

We start riding them,

So post can we fix

One, two, three, four, five.

Hands put in front of the breast

On the sides are breeding

We will have charging

In any weather.

Right raise your hand

And the other down to lay down,

We change them in places

Smoothly moving hands.

And now let's together

We will play everything in place!

Didactic game "Summer and Winter Sports"

Final part

Let's see what's in the box. "Gulf of health." Guys, now each of you will be taken for a string and talk proverbs about health

(Game "closed thread")

Check your body with benefit for business. Aydin

Do not be afraid of the cold, my belt itself. Artem

Who is engaged in sports, the forces are gaining. Kirill

Who loves sports, he is healthy and cheese. Dilnaz

And the cutter is needed, and hardening is important. Dasha

In a healthy body healthy mind. Yerlesh

Sails Yes Tackle at the athlete in power. Hermann

Spring hardened, we will be used for the whole age. L. Milna

Sun, air and water - our faithful friends.

Start new life not from Monday, and with morning charging.

Fasteners - rich and deed. Madi.

Do not be friends with sports - more than once you will raise. Danil

Walk to walk - long live. Alimzhan

Give sports time, and in return get health. Lisa

It would be health - the rest will be providing Sofia N.

Most large wealth - Health Aylin

No health no happiness alimkhan

We have a closed circle of health. If we do not performeverything Rules, then our thread will break, and we will ill. So let's take care of our health. Health - Samea home value human life.

-And, we still have gifts - Japanese caravliki- symbolhealth and Love.

The educator gives children and guests

I will say goodbye.

To grow and harden

You need to do sports.

There are vitamins with beds,

To do not get hurt at all.

This is the main food -


Download (with photo)

Software content:

Teach children to independently follow their health, know simple techniques of self-treatment, to be able to provide elementary care; Develop the speaking speech of children, the ability to use antonyms, understand the meaning of proverbs. Dictionary: Health, hardening, self-massage; Cheer and educate love for physical exercises, self-massage.

Equipment: Pouch with personal hygiene objects, pictures of food, teeth pictures.

Organizing time.

Music sounds.


Guys, see how much we have guests today! They came to see how we play with you. Let's say hello to them. And you know when people greet, they wish each other health. (I wish a health). Now we will pass at your place and begin our lesson.

Structure occupation:

In: - Guys, today we will talk about health. Who wants to be healthy? Why do you want to be healthy? In your power not only to maintain your health, but also strengthen it. About this and wise proverbs say:

Is there a big trouble, I'm healthy shore,

What diseases and need. I myself will help myself.

Q: - Tell me to learn the second proverb. (Memorizing).

How do you understand what health is?

Children's Answers - Health is power, beauty when the mood is good and everything turns out.

In: -And, let's talk about how we can help themselves to strengthen health. What do you think you can do yourself for your health?

(To engage in physical education, make charging, hardening, eat correctly, observe the day mode, follow the cleanliness, to eat vitamins. scheme watch and pictures from "Alphabet Health")

How much you know! Well done! It needs to be done every day. Let's start from the morning.

Finger gymnastics "Cat"

Here is a fist, but the palm,

Cat sat down on her palm.

And went, went, went

To the little girl reached.

Here is an open palm,

Oh, look, another cat,

Ran down, ran,

Misinza Daezhal!

Now we will catch the cat!

Wall slap in palm!

Q: - Guys, now check, have your fingers become stronger, obedient?

Today, Mojdodar came to us in the group. Do you know who it is? He really wanted to see you. So it's a pity that Moydodyr did not wait for you, because he has so many worries in the morning! But he left you a wonderful bag.

Didactic game "Wonderful Pouch"

Children to the touch guess the objects of personal hygiene that are in the bags. Then they talk about these subjects. Padded items The tutor pulls out of the bag. Next, the teacher makes riddles on these subjects, the children find and show a guess.

Eludes how living, I go, I do not go through the forests,

But I will not let him down. And on the mustache, by hair.

White foam foams and my teeth are longer,

Hands wash not lazy. Than wolves, bears.

(Soap) (comb)

Plastic back, and shines, and glitters,

Tough bristle, it does not flatter none,

With toothpaste friends, and any truth will say -

We are diligently served. All as it will show him.

(Toothbrush) (mirror)

I wipe I try, the tail from the bone,

After the bathroom guy. On the back - bristle.

All wet, everything served - this thing will help us

No dry corner. Clean pants and caftan.

(Towel) (Brush)

In: -th, what a done Moidodar! Let's tell him "Thank you" for such necessary items.

Fizkultminutka. We will jump and jump!
One, two, three, four, five!
We will jump and jump! (Jumping in place.)
Leaning right side. (The slopes of the body to the right.)
One two Three.
Left left side.
One two Three.
And now we raise the handles (hands up.)
And they will be totding to Tuchka.
We sit on the track, (sat on the floor.)
Let's dismiss the legs.
I will shine the right leg, (flexing your legs in the knee.)
One two Three!
I will shine the left leg,
One two Three.
Feet high raised (raised legs up.)
And a little supersed.
Head shaved (movement head.)
And everyone together got together. (Stood up.)
We will jump like a frog
We will jump like a frog,
Behind the jump - another jump,
Above jumping, friend! (Jumping)
Vanka-stand, (jumping in place)
Squat. (Squats.)
Naughty what!
We can not cope with you! (Cotton in your hands.)
Up hand and down hand
Up hand and down hand.
Pulled them slightly.
Quickly changed hands!
We are not bored today. (One straight hand up, another down, jerk change hands.)
Squat with cotton:
Down - cotton and up - cotton.
Legs kneading
I know exactly - it will be (Squats, cotton in your hands above your head.)
Cool-we will put your head
We smear the neck. Pave! (Rotation heads to the right and left.)

Didactic game "Useful - harmful"

On the board depicted various foods (vegetables, candies, fruits, chips, milk, carbonated drink in a bottle, fish, ice cream, eggs, black bread, etc.). The tutor shows the product, if the product is useful children clap, if not Useful - do not clap. The educator explains why it is impossible to eat chips and other harmful foods, why the sweets need to eat moderately.

Q: - Remember and name what useful products you are fed in kindergarten. ( Children list products from the menu kindergarten).

Q: - How much useful products we get in kindergarten!

In: - We told the guys today that you need to harden. And how is it, what should I do?

Q: - There is another very simple way of hardening, which can be done every day. This is self-making. Listen to this word. Massage is stroking, rubbing, pressing. And the first part of the word "self-massage" - "Samo" means that this massage a person makes himself.

"White Melnik"

Face massage for prevention cold illness

White-white miller spend his fingers on the forehead from the middle

Sat on the clouds. to the temples.

From the bag fell easid to knock down the temples

White flour.

Children rejoice, squeezing hands in fists, elevations

Blobs are slaughtered. big fingers Quickly confuse

nose wings.

Sanki darned, spreading index and medium

Ski and skates. Fingers, massage points in front of them

and behind the oars.

Q: - Guys, Mojdodar prepared a task for you! He asked you to draw pleasure vegetables and fruits and send him to the magic country for the inhabitants, so that they knew what was useful and what was not. I also asked to remind you to eat right and always care about your health.

Good health you all!

Health is a reward that

gets a man behind the diligence. Healthy

man is usually educated

a man who learned one simple truth:

"To become healthy,

we must learn to be healthy. "

Integration of educational areas: "Socialization", "Cognition", "Communication", "Health", "Security", "Physical Culture"

Purpose: Development of cognitive activity in educational areas "Health", "Security", "Physical Culture"

Software tasks:

Educational: - to form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of health from the implementation of elementary rules for maintaining their own health;

Secure knowledge O. useful properties Air based on research actions.

Developing: Develop cognitive interest and speech.

Educational: Educating the desire to take care of your own health.

Methods and techniques: Reading fiction, creation of problem situations, conversation, breathing exercise, exercise on the development of coordination of movements and speech, didactic game, massage, fingering gymnastics, appeal to the life experience of children.

Prior work: Consider the children's encyclopedia, conversation about hygiene, day mode, proper nutrition and benefits of physical education, reading fiction, riddling mysteries, the formation of health - saving skills and skills.

Materials and equipment: Model of the Sun, Bottle, Cups, Cocktail Tubes, Basket with products, Didactic game "Day Mode", Demonstration material on the subject of classes, Sun with ribbons.

Guys today are guests today, let's say hello.

Good day!


And you know, guys, we didn't just say hello, we said, hello, it means that we wish you health.

Hello! - You said to a person.

Hello! - He smiles in response.

And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy,

And healthy will be for many years.

Guys, let's get up in a circle and take each other's hands.

We were hand in hand,

Together we are a big power

We can be small (the children are squatted)

We can be big (raise hands up)

But no one will be.

And really you never happen one. Around you are always close people - your parents, your family. When they are next you feel substituted.

Remember - the love of your relatives to you and your good feelings to them help to keep your health and health of people relatives to you.

Today I want to tell you an old legend.

"A long time ago on Mount Olympus lived gods (slide)

It became boring, and they decided to create a person. Began to decide what a person should be. One of the gods said: "A person should be strong." Another said: "A person must be healthy." The third said "a person should be smart." But one God said this: "If all this is a person, he is like this." And they decided the gods to hide the main thing that there is a person - health. Began to think - to decide where to hide it? One offered to hide health deep into the blue sea, others high in the mountains. And one of the gods suggested: "Health to hide in the person". So a person lives for a long time, trying to find his health. Yes, that's not everyone can find and save the invalid gift of the gods. So health is, it turns out to be hidden both in me, and in you, and in each of you.

Guys, do you feel healthy? What does it mean to be healthy? (children's responses) (it means being strong, strong, vigorous, cheerful and energetic)

I will open you little secret! Our health can be compared with a sun, which has a lot of races, these rays live in every cell of our body.

The first ray is physical exercises, or physical education (the model of the sun, the ray is attached to it with an image of exercise)

Let's think about what benefits you bring exercise for our body (strengthen the muscles, harde the body. Give us cheerful, good mood.)

Do you yourself perform exercise? Where and when? (on charging, physical attacks, physical education, playing in mobile games).

When you do the charge, our physical education is growing strong and strong.

To keep patients, you need to respect the patients.

What proverb about sports do you know?

(- Who loves sports, he is healthy and cheese.

Where health, there is beauty. - Move more - you live longer. - Sun, air and water our faithful friends. - Sun, air and water help us always. - Movement is life.)

And now all children stand up, (imitation of movements under the river)

Hands slowly raise.

Squeeze your fingers, then open,

Hands down and so stand.

Rested everything a little bit

And went to the track.

Two hands clap, (cotton hands)

Two legs are trees, (rhythmic tops of the legs)

Two focus rotate, (hands to shoulders, rotational movements elbows)

Two eyes close, (hands down, eyes close)

Handles slammed - (children perform movements according to the text of the river)

Clap, clap, clap,

Clap, clap, clap (cotton in your hands)

Feet flooded - (feeding feet)

Top, top, top,

Top, top, top.

The head is lowered (tilt head forward)

And rectify the back (straighten, hands on the sides)

Well done!

And now I will show you focus, and you will learn how the second health ray is called.

Look insight into this bottle. What is there? (there is nothing there)

Now we will see who is hiding there. Once, two, three, invisible from the Bottle of Runs (I lower the bottle into the water and click on it, bubbles flee from the bottle).

What kind of invisible was sitting in a bottle? (This is air). Right children.

Around us and in each of us there is air. Let's check the children, is it. Now go to the table Take the cocktail sticks, lower in the water and pouted. What do you see? Why are bubbles formed? (Because there is air in our body)

Without the breath of life there

Without the breath flashes light.

Blowing birds and flowers,

Breathing he and me and you.

Let's check if it is. Now you try to take a deep breath and close your mouth and nose with palms. What did you feel? Why could not be for a long time without air? (children's responses) (because our body can not live without air)

That's right, this every cell of your body rebelled and asks "Please come to me. "

Let's remember your breathing exercise with you?

(Complex for breathing.)

And, e, a, o, y, s, e, me, e, yu (do inhale, and on one exhale to pronounce sounds, repeat several times.

For what we carry out a breath exercise (in order for the body to enrich oxygen to heal and strengthen it)

So how is the second health ray? (I take off the second rayon with an air image on the model).

That's right - air.

Children what is it? (show model of hours)

Tell me why you need a clock? (children's responses)

Yes, you are right, we need hours to navigate time (when you wake up when you do, etc.).

Children What do you think is what is the mode? (children's responses)

The mode is when things are performed during the day in time, as in our kindergarten. We have time for making food, classes, walks, sleep, and leaving home. With this kindergarten mode, your parents are familiar and your parents, well, the clock show the time of execution of this day.

The day of the day helps to be disciplined, helps to strengthen health, well and qualitatively fulfill all their affairs.

And now I suggest you, play the game, which is called "stand in order" (children go out with pictures, which depict children engaged in regime activities during the day. In the course of the game, I draw attention that all types of activity must be performed in the same and the same time)

How will the third health ramp be called? (Daily regime)

To stay healthy need to eat correctly.

You do not care sweet chocolate.

Very sour and salty you are bearing.

Only vegetables and fruits, very tasty products.

In stores sell many different products. If Mom asked you to go to the store, could you choose useful products? I offer you a basket in which the products are familiar to you. We split into two teams. The first team chooses useful products, the second harmful. - Well done and with this task you coped.

How will it be called the fourth health ray? (healthy food)

Guys, look at the health model. We have left unopened only one ray. Want to know what name is the last ray? I will reveal it, and you will try to determine how it is called.

That's right, the fifth health ray is called purity.

Prepared fingers.

One, two, three, four, five! (bend at the expense of the right hand, starting with the Misma)

Strong, friendly, (vigorous cotton in your hands on

These are the necessary! every word)

On the other hand again: (squeeze and sprinkle the fist of the left hand)

One, two, three, four, five! (bend on the background to the fingers of the left hand, starting with the little finger)

Fumbties are fast, (cotton in your hands for each

Very - very clean! word).

What do you think are pureliness and health? Why are they saying "cleanliness - a guarantee of health"? (children's responses)

Let's remember the rules of purity (slide)

(children's responses)

And each of you must necessarily follow the purity of your body.

(Facial massage)

She taught mom daughter wash:

It is necessary necessary to wash (stroking movements)

In the mornings and evenings, (rubbing movements)

And the kids are irregular (pinching movements)

Shame and Strel (stroking movements)

Look at the sun smiles, rejoices for you, because you have found, where our health, given to us by the gods hid.

Let's remember how the health rays (children's responses) are called.

And now, take on the sun's radion and tell me what the most remembered and liked.

And I really liked how you worked today, well done! Thanks to all.



Abstract health care classes in the preparatory to school group "Where health hides"

Health is a reward that

gets a man behind the diligence. Healthy

man is usually educated

a man who learned one simple truth:

"To become healthy,

we must learn to be healthy. "

Integration of educational areas: "Socialization", "Cognition", "Communication", "Health", "Security", "Physical Culture"

Purpose: Development of cognitive activity in educational areas "Health", "Safety", "Physical Culture"

Software tasks:

Educational: - to form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of health from the implementation of elementary rules for maintaining their own health;

Secure knowledge about the beneficial properties of air based on research actions.

Developing : Develop cognitive interest and speech.

Educational: Educating the desire to take care of your own health.

Methods and techniques : Reading fiction, creation of problem situations, conversation, breathing exercise, exercise on the development of coordination of movements and speech, didactic game, massage, finger gymnastics, appeal to the life experience of children.

Prior work: Consider the children's encyclopedia, conversation about hygiene, day mode, proper nutrition and benefits of physical education, reading fiction, riddling mysteries, the formation of health - saving skills and skills.

Materials and equipment: Model of the Sun, Bottle, Cups, Cocktail Tubes, Basket with products, Didactic game "Day Mode", Demonstration material on the subject of classes, Sun with ribbons.


Guys today are guests today, let's say hello.

Good day!


And you know, guys, we didn't just say hello, we said, hello, it means that we wish you health.

Hello! - You said to a person.

Hello! - He smiles in response.

And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy,

And healthy will be for many years.

Guys, let's get up in a circle and take each other's hands.

We were hand in hand,

Together we are a big power

We can be small (the children are squatted)

We can be big (raise hands up)

But no one will be.

And really you never happen one. Around you are always close people - your parents, your family. When they are next you feel substituted.

Remember - the love of your relatives to you and your good feelings to them help to keep your health and health of people relatives to you.

Today I want to tell you an old legend.

"A long time ago on Mount Olympus lived gods (slide)

It became boring, and they decided to create a person. Began to decide what a person should be. One of the gods said: "A person should be strong." Another said: "A person must be healthy." The third said "a person should be smart." But one God said this: "If all this is a person, he is like this." And they decided the gods to hide the main thing that there is a person - health. Began to think - to decide where to hide it? One offered to hide health deep into the blue sea, others high in the mountains. And one of the gods suggested: "Health to hide in the person". So a person lives for a long time, trying to find his health. Yes, that's not everyone can find and save the invalid gift of the gods. So health is, it turns out to be hidden both in me, and in you, and in each of you.

Guys, do you feel healthy? What does it mean to be healthy? (children's responses) (it means being strong, strong, vigorous, cheerful and energetic)

I will open a little secret! Our health can be compared with a sun, which has a lot of races, these rays live in every cell of our body.

The first ray is physical exercises, or physical education (the model of the sun, the ray is attached to it with an image of exercise)

Let's think about what benefits you bring exercise for our body (strengthen the muscles, harde the body. Give us cheerful, good mood.)

Do you yourself perform exercise? Where and when? (on charging, physical attacks, physical education, playing in mobile games).

When you do the charge, our physical education is growing strong and strong.

To keep patients, you need to respect the patients.

What proverb about sports do you know?

(- Who loves sports, he is healthy and cheese.

Where health, there is beauty. - Move more - you live longer. - Sun, air and water our faithful friends. - Sun, air and water help us always. - Movement is life.)

And now all children stand up, (imitation of movements under the river)

Hands slowly raise.

Squeeze your fingers, then open,

Hands down and so stand.

Rested everything a little bit

And went to the track.

Two hands clap, (cotton hands)

Two legs are trees, (rhythmic tops of the legs)

Two focus rotate, (hands to shoulders, rotational movements elbows)

Two eyes close, (hands down, eyes close)

Handles slammed - (children perform movements according to the text of the river)

Clap, clap, clap,

Clap, clap, clap (cotton in your hands)

Feet flooded - (feeding feet)

Top, top, top,

Top, top, top.

The head is lowered (tilt head forward)

And rectify the back (straighten, hands on the sides)

Well done!

And now I will show you focus, and you will learn how the second health ray is called.

Look insight into this bottle. What is there? (there is nothing there)

Now we will see who is hiding there. Once, two, three, invisible from the Bottle of Runs (I lower the bottle into the water and click on it, bubbles flee from the bottle).

What kind of invisible was sitting in a bottle? (This is air). Right children.

Around us and in each of us there is air. Let's check the children, is it. Now go to the table Take the cocktail sticks, lower in the water and pouted. What do you see? Why are bubbles formed? (Because there is air in our body)

Without the breath of life there

Without the breath flashes light.

Blowing birds and flowers,

Breathing he and me and you.

Let's check if it is. Now you try to take a deep breath and close your mouth and nose with palms. What did you feel? Why could not be for a long time without air? (children's responses) (because our body can not live without air)

That's right, this every cell of your body rebelled and asks "Please come to me. "

Let's remember your breathing exercise with you?

(Complex for breathing.)

And, e, a, o, y, s, e, me, e, yu (do inhale, and on one exhale to pronounce sounds, repeat several times.

For what we carry out a breath exercise (in order for the body to enrich oxygen to heal and strengthen it)

So how is the second health ray? (I take off the second rayon with an air image on the model).

That's right - air.

Children what is it? (show model of hours)

Tell me why you need a clock? (children's responses)

Yes, you are right, we need hours to navigate time (when you wake up when you do, etc.).

Children What do you think is what is the mode? (children's responses)

The mode is when things are performed during the day in time, as in our kindergarten. We have time for making food, classes, walks, sleep, and leaving home. With this kindergarten mode, your parents are familiar and your parents, well, the clock show the time of execution of this day.

The day of the day helps to be disciplined, helps to strengthen health, well and qualitatively fulfill all their affairs.

And now I suggest you, play the game, which is called "stand in order" (children go out with pictures, which depict children engaged in regime activities during the day. In the course of the game, I draw attention that all types of activity must be performed in the same and the same time)

How will the third health ramp be called? (Daily regime)

To stay healthy need to eat correctly.

You do not care sweet chocolate.

Very sour and salty you are bearing.

Only vegetables and fruits, very tasty products.

In stores sell many different products. If Mom asked you to go to the store, could you choose useful products? I offer you a basket in which the products are familiar to you. We split into two teams. The first team chooses useful products, the second harmful. - Well done and with this task you coped.

How will it be called the fourth health ray? (healthy food)

Guys, look at the health model. We have left unopened only one ray. Want to know what name is the last ray? I will reveal it, and you will try to determine how it is called.

That's right, the fifth health ray is called purity.

Prepared fingers.

One, two, three, four, five! (bend at the expense of the right hand, starting with the Misma)

Strong, friendly, (vigorous cotton in your hands on

These are the necessary! every word)

On the other hand again: (squeeze and sprinkle the fist of the left hand)

One, two, three, four, five! (bend on the background to the fingers of the left hand, starting with the little finger)

Fumbties are fast, (cotton in your hands for each

Very - very clean! word).

What do you think are pureliness and health? Why are they saying "cleanliness - a guarantee of health"? (children's responses)

Let's remember the rules of purity (slide)

(children's responses)

And each of you must necessarily follow the purity of your body.

(Facial massage)

She taught mom daughter wash:

It is necessary necessary to wash (stroking movements)

In the mornings and evenings, (rubbing movements)

And the kids are irregular (pinching movements)

Shame and Strel (stroking movements)

Look at the sun smiles, rejoices for you, because you have found, where our health, given to us by the gods hid.

Let's remember how the health rays (children's responses) are called.

And now, take on the sun's radion and tell me what the most remembered and liked.

And I really liked how you worked today, well done! Thanks to all.

Abstract Conditions for Health Saving

in the preparatory group

subject: "Where does health hide?"

Health is a reward that a man receives diligence.

Healthy person is usually

an educated person who has learned one simple truth:

"To become healthy, you need to learn to be healthy"

Purpose: Teach children cares about their health.

Tasks: To form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of health from motor activity, hardening and cleanliness of the body; To clarify the knowledge of the beneficial properties of air based on research actions. Develop cognitive interest, memory, thinking, speech, ability to reason, make a conclusion. Secure the presentation of children about the routine of the day, the significance of the day of the day, about useful food.

Structure occupation

(Children preparatory group Music included in the group)

Educator: Guys, we have guests today! Let's say hello to them with a soul and heart. (Children say "Hello")

Educator: You know, you didn't just greeted, you gave each other a piece of health, because you said "Hello." This means I wish you health.

Today I wanted to talk to a very important topic of health.

Educator: What do you think is health?

(children's responses)

Educator: Now I want to tell you an old legend (calm lyrical music sounds)

"A long time ago on Mount Olympus the gods lived. It became boring, and they decided to create a person and settle the planet Earth. They began to decide what a person should be, one of the gods said: "A person should be strong." Another said: "A person must be smart." The third said: "A person must be healthy." But one God said so: "If all this is a person, he will be like us." And they decided to hide the main thing that there is a person - health. Began to think- decide - where to hide it? Some offered to hide health deep into the blue sea, others - on high mountains. And one of the gods suggested: "Health must be hidden in the person."

So a person lives since ancient times, trying to find his health, but here not everyone can find and save the invalid gift of the gods!

(Finishes music)

Educator: So health - it turns out, hidden both in me, and in you, and in each of you. I will open you a little secret. Our health can be compared with a sun, which has a lot of races. These rays live in every cell of your body. The first ray of your health is power. (I open the ray)

Question: What kind of people do you consider strong? Is your dad strong? Where is your power? (My power in the muscles.)Educator: Let's check whether much power is in your hands. What are your strong muscles. The strongest muscles at (...), look guys! Tell us, please, what are you doing so that your hands are strong? Guys, and now you all show together how you train your body muscles (run away, get up in a circle).

Who is charging is engaged,

That health is recruited!

Children perform a complex of rhythmic gymnastics for the show of the teacher under the merry melody.

Question: Added strength after charging?Educator: Immediately can be seen, "Silhogu on the Bulgarian Bulvies is running."Question: What muscles have you become?Educator : Guys! And here is the answer to the question: why should a person be strong? Strength strengthens human health!Educator: Tell me guys why a person should do physical education?Children : In order not to hurt, be healthy.Educator : Proper, guys. "So that the patients do not lie, you need to respect the sport." Let's repeat all together (repeat). Remember this guys.Educator: To find out what is called the second ray of our health, I will show you a focus.

Educator: Look inside this bottle. What is there?

Children: Nothing.

Educator: Now we will see who is hiding there. One, two, three, invisible, from Bottles run. (I lower the bottle into the water and click on it, bubbles run from the bottle).

Educator: What kind of invisible was sitting in a bottle?

Children: This is air.

Educator: That's right, children.

Without the breath of life there

Without breathing flashes light,

Blowing birds and flowers,

He breathes, and me, and you.

Educator : In each of us there is air. Let's, children, check if it is. Now go to the table. Take the cocktail tubes, lower the water and pouted. What do you see? Why are bubbles formed?

Where is the air in the human body? Why can't we be without air? (Children's judgment).

Educator: That's right, children. This every cell of your body says: "Please send air, otherwise we die."

Experience with napkin and matches.

Educator: Let's do your breathing exercise with you.

(We carry out breathing exercises).

1. I "get wound." Hands dilute on the sides, then crush them with rapid movements before breasts, clap the palms on the shoulders, say "U-X".

2. "Lost in the forest". Make a breath on the exhale to scream "A-U-U".

3. "Hedgehog". Rotate the head to the right and left at the tempo of movement. At the same time, with each turn to do inhale the nose, short noisy with the tension of the muscles of all nasopharynx. Exhalation soft arbitrary through half open lips. (4-8 times)

4. "Linish one nostrils." Right nostril close index finger right hand. Left nostrils make a quiet prolonged breath. Open the right nostril, and to close the left hand to the index finger. Through right nostril Make a quiet exhalation (3-6 times)

Educator: Children, tell me why we performed breathing exercises?

Children: So that the organism is enriched with oxygen. To handle your body, etc.

Educator : Proper, guys, air is saturated with oxygen - it is clean fresh air.

Educator: So how is the second health ray?

Children: air.

(I open the second ray of health)

Educator : Children, what is it? (Show model of hours)

Children: watch.

Educator : Children, what do you think, why do we need a clock? (children's judgment)

Educator : Yes, you are right, we need watches to focus on time, know when you need to wake up, so as not to be late in the kindergarten on the morning gymnastics to know when lunch will come, walking time and sleep.

Educator: Children, what do you think is the mode? (children's judgment)

Educator : Children, mode - this is when all things are done during the day in time, as in Tel kindergarten we have. You have time to make food, for classes, walking, sleeping and leaving home. With this kindergarten mode, your parents, dads are familiar and your parents. Moms, well, the clock shows the time of execution of the day. The day of the day helps to be disciplined, helps to strengthen health, well and qualitatively fulfill all their affairs and tasks. The mode is when all your deeds are distributed, clearly in time during the day.

Educator : And now I want to suggest to perform a task called "Spoke in order" (the guys go and lay out pictures with images of children engaged in order various species activities during the day. In the course of the game, I draw the attention of children to go to bed and get up and get up, to do the morning charging daily, it is necessary to eat at the same time during the day)

Educator : Children, it means what is called the third health ray?

Children: day of the day.

Children sit on chairs.


Children to be healthy to stay,

You need to eat right.

Food sweet chocolate

You do not care.

Very sour, salty

You are bearing.

Only vegetables and fruits,

Delicious products.

Educator : Children, let's play with you in verbal gameAnd I know you know about useful food. I read the quatrain about the products. If they are useful, then you say all together: "That's right, right right."

If that health is harmful, you are silent. (I read quadruses)

1. Eat more oranges, drink carrot delicious juice. And then you will definitely be very designed and high (right)

2. If you want to be slim to be, you need to love sweet, eat sweets, Zhui Iris, began to be stained, like cypress (silent)

3. To eat right, you remember advice, eat fruit, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes. (right)

4. Drink children milk, will be healthy (right)

Well done guys, I will definitely tell your moms that you know how to choose a useful meal.

A knock on the door, the doctor Aibolit comes.

Doctor: Hello, children, you learned me?

Children: Yes.

Doctor: Who am I?

(children's responses)

Doctor : I never dare, and smile on your face, because I accept vitamins A, B, with. What do you know about vitamins? Responses of children.Vitamin A is very important for vision and growth, and it is in carrots, butter, tomatoes, eggs, parsley (I exhibit product drawings). Vitamin B - helps to work our heart. It can be found in milk, meat, bread. Vitamin C - strengthens the entire body, protects against colds. It is in oranges, lemons, berries, cabbage, Luke. Vitamin D - makes our hands and legs strong. Its a lot in milk, eggs.Doctor: Thank you guys, you know about vitamins.

Children: We always eat vitamins, and we will never hurt.

Doctor : For you there is another task, there are many different products in stores, if Mom asked you to go to the store, could you choose useful products. Let's play the game and find out whether you can trust your homemade care of these products useful.

Educator: So, how is the fourth health ray?

Children: Useful Food!

(I open the fourth ray)

Educator : Guys, see how shone and sparkled our health rays in the sun. How?

Children: brightly, cheerful ...

Game "Tell Rule"

Educator : If you fulfill everything, what we have been talking about today on the classroom (and this is performed physical exercises, to make breathing gymnastics, breathe fresh air, there is a useful food, perform the day of the day), you will be such as the sun, bright, light, funny, perky, i.e. Healthy.

Dr. Aibolit praises children for how much they know about health.

Everybody knows,

Everyone is clear that

Healthy to be nice

Just need to know how to become healthy.

To be healthy to be, taking into account in advance,

That everyone needs useful food.

And remember this, going shopping.

Do not look sweet, look for vitamins.

There is no recipe in the world.

Be with sports is in -ureous.

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret.

Educator: Children, did you like the lesson? And what exactly did you like it? What did you know the new? I am very glad to all thanks!