Deciphering cell phone number. Phone number numerology - your happy mobile numbers

Any mobile phone number of every cellular company that provides its services includes ten digits. It is important to understand that cellular numbers, even one mobile operator will differ depending on their location (region). In this case, such a situation may occur when sms messages and calls are started with unfamiliar cell numbers. In connection with this circumstance, many inquisitive citizens have a desire to find information about how exactly the operator mobile communications Or what local item came an SMS message or a phone call.

However, there are not much information in the phone number itself, as other citizens are suspected of. In this article we will introduce you to what exactly the digit in the telephone number of cellular operators of the Russian Federation means.

Figures of cellular operators

1. Let's start with the first digit number of the phone number "8" or "+7". In these numbers the country code is encrypted, in our case it the Russian Federation. The figure eight differs from the seven with a plus only the fact that the latter implies the connection to the connection between the countries, and the number 8 allows communication within the Russian Federation and allows you to dial the subsequent code.

2. The next point is two digits denoting cellular operators. It is this number that determines from which operator a call was made, for example, 91x - belongs to MTS, and 92x - by MegaFon.

3. The next digit from the numerical series denotes the region from which the challenge was carried out. However, there is no clear gradation. For example, the phone code "963" Beeline may be present in all regions of our immense country. You also need to know that the first three numbers are called "DEF" - code. So the code "903", appeared in Bilena one of the first, then followed the code "905". for example full list Beeline codes such:


Everything flows and changing and there is nothing eternal in this sublunary world. What is me for? Yes, in the fact that the law appeared in the Russian Federation, according to which anyone can move from one mobile operator to another and at the same time to fully save its number. Therefore, now it is impossible to determine with great accuracy from which cellular operator was the challenge. However, it is worth noting that although this service exists, but it also took advantage of it, probably she does not use much popularity.

What can you mean your phone number

Numerology today allows people to solve people many questions in which they are not fully confident. Among the significant directions should be noted numerology and business.

Esoterics are enough a large number of Concepts proving the influence of numbers on the vital processes of people, their fate. If you go to practical application Numerological values, you can disassemble what means the concept of numerology phone number, and how it affects the achievement of success in affairs.

Simply put, numerology we call the knowledge system that allows you to manage certain events in our lives and in one way or another to influence their move.

There are quite a lot of people when buying a new mobile phone or replace the SIM card seek to get a "beautiful" number, and it is important that it is easy to remember. This is not connected with bad memory, but rather with the desire to increase personal prestige in the eyes of others or emphasize the company's status. Indeed, in the modern society, the "beautiful" room containing combinations of type 1111 or 7777 belongs to successful businessmen and companies that occupy leadership positions.

What are the most part numbers of phones with the same and repeating numbers for business? Practice shows that such combinations are easily remembered, it looks spectacular in advertising, on business cards, playing a big role in business development, leave positive impressions about their owner.

Among the "beautiful" there are also paired and mirror sets of numbers, arranged in an increasing order (or decreasing). For example, 448-44-844, 333-55-99.

Such combinations definitely bring good money to the owners. According to statistics, if, when conducting some kind of action, the company resorts to the broadcast of advertising and the number of the same digits is specified in the running line, the number of appeals increases by 25%.

Naturally, many in order to increase profits are ready to pay major amounts for prestigious numbers. Interestingly, Sichuan Airlines, China's airline, posted for the telephone 888-88-88 of 285 thousand dollars.

Many people try to choose happy numbers phones unconsciously (just liked the numbers, or the combination coincides with some an important date), others follow the magic numbers, addressing pre-numerologists for advice.

The Chinese declare that choosing a home or mobile phone number follows according to the rules of Chinese numerology, where all the numbers are divided into Yin and Yang (extra and odd harmony).

Analysis of phone number

If you wish to learn what magic and the value are the numbers of your phone number, draw a numerological analysis.

All figures from the combination must be folded, without taking into account the codes of the country, city, mobile operator. Then to reduce the sum of the method of numerological addition to one significant number. The result of simple summation will be unambiguous.

You can take, for example, number 341-10-44 \u003d 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 4 + 4 \u003d 17 \u003d 1 + 7 \u003d 8. So, according to the calculations conducted, the numerological value for the phone number 341-10-44 is number 8. This scheme is a simplified analysis.

An experienced numerologist when performing such manipulations, takes into account a very impressive number of factors, if the client wants to choose a phone number to communicate with family, for business, etc. It is easy to make a similar procedure in our time: you can make an appointment with a numerologist, or get advice in online mode.

For those who want to independently choose a "beautiful" and "happy" combination, will be useful to interpret the numbers obtained by addition.


  • 1 - Such a phone is achieved to assign personal dates, important meetings, employment, to develop long-term projects.
  • 2 - the number contributes to the resolution of important controversial issues, building a partnership relationship, favorably affects conversations with colleagues.
  • 3 - By choosing a phone with such a number, you are doomed to success in monetary issues: Investors will never say "no."
  • 4 - Such a numerological number of the telephone number means that its owner must become an artist, a musician, a fashion designer or another creative person.
  • 5 - Be sure to pay attention to a similar set of numbers to a person, often exiting travel, business trips, travel; It is recommended to make online purchases on it, order tickets.
  • 6 - the phone is extremely successful for conversations with native people, to obtain spiritual councils.
  • 7 - If you are a careerist, you do not have a family, this combination will bring good luck, will strengthen the financial position, it will help in resolving working moments.
  • 8 - Having received the eight in the estimates of its number, be sure that things related to buying real estate are crowned with success.
  • 9 - a combination that gives the nine digit when calculating the number is designed to solve legal issues, For successful results in ship injections.

Numerologists note that each figure has its own time segment when it has the strongest effect. Now the period when the events of the G8 is the eighth period. Its beginning was in 2004, and the completion will be in the 2024th year.

The following values \u200b\u200bare recognized as positive today:

  • 1 - update in affairs, achieving leadership.
  • 6 - financial stability.
  • 8 - prosperity, luck in affairs.
  • 9 - Profit, multiplication.

Numbers carrying neutral effects:

  • 2 - Caring for people of close environment.
  • 3 - Competitive impulses, aggressive mood.
  • 4 - dating with useful people.
  • 5 - self-analysis, confidence, now this figure is in a weak impact on affairs.
  • 7 - Self-knowledge digit, learning.

In the next few years, it is recommended to purchase phone numbers with combinations of type "986" - to become richer, "861" - get a prestigious purpose at work.

In Feng Shui, numerology explains the effect of numbers as the ability to attract light energy flow into a rimperation of life events. And phone numbers are the most effective tools in this matter.

Naturally, the character of a person and his fate is already predetermined by the numbers embedded in the date of birth. However, to make some adjustments and turn things into a successful track, we still can.

That is, using a specific counting system and acquiring the "correct" number, you can establish workers and family relationships, increase the state, make successful dating and partnership, even avoid some trouble. Posted by: Lyudmila Doroshenko

Tightly entered our life. Look around - everything is surrounded everywhere great amount Different numbers. Rooms in the passport, car marks, apartments, various accounts come with a man side by side. And all this huge number of numbers has a certain way affect our destinies.

Some of them we cannot change (for example in a passport), and some have the right to choose yourself. Among the numbers that we can choose for yourself, our phone number belongs.

Is it important?

The phone refers to those things of a person who are near him around the clock. Thoughts, words and actions of people who call you are associated with the phone number and have a rather strong impact on your destiny. therefore numerology phone number really has great importance And it should be checked.

The process of checking the numerology phone number

To begin with, write a full phone number (with the country code), for example, it can be + 79164442211

If the sum is double and if it is not 11 , 22 , 33 , I. 44 (Special numbers), it must be brought to the unequivocal way by one more addition.

In our example 41=4+1=5

5 - This is a numerological number of this phone number.

What does Numerology speak about this?

Everyone may turn out to be different, but in any case, she has a hidden meaning, which should be determined.

The value of the phone number in numerology

1 (unit) - For business people. As a rule, various business calls come to it, meetings are assigned to it, they are building plans and advice are given. However, it does not contribute to the creation family life and love relationships.

2 (Two) - This number can be called executive. Without him, no meeting passes, orders come to him, it contributes to the successful solution of various cases. Holders "Twos" have every chance to make a successful career.

3 (Troika) - For creative personalities, which are open to peace and friendly with all people.

4 (Four) - Helps his owner to get together with thoughts, gain patience and restraint to accomplish the various cases.

5 (Five) - Numerology claims that she inspires confidence and decisiveness in any business.

6 (six) - As a rule, people with such a number are highlighted with great diligence and prerequisites.

7 (seven) - This figure in numerology helps to develop intuition, premonition and concentration on the inner sensations in man.

8 (eight) - People with such a number have a huge sense of debt, as a result of which they are caring and conscientious.

9 (nine) - Helps the owner to gain confidence and hardness in their views and decisions.

11 (eleven) - The main task of the owner of this figure is the achievement of harmony in all its affairs. Only so you can succeed.

22 (twenty two) - the number of well-deserved recognition of others and good luck in affairs.

33 (thirty three) - This figure indicates the presence of a large hidden talent in its owner, which needs to be correctly implemented.

44 (forty four) - The number of integrity and invulnerability.

Friends now you all know about numerology by phone number. It remains only to make the right conclusion - is it worth it to leave or maybe better change to more suitable?

Happy guests!

Arthur Golovin

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