Why the soft roof went by waves. Typical soft tiles laying errors

To date, soft roofs do not just occupy leading positions on the market, but have become a real discovery for designers and architects. Many styles, individual solutions and the possibility of easy implementation on a complex roof structure - what else to wish? The main thing is to achieve absolute tightness between the gates, on which the durability of the entire coating depends. And mounting itself flexible tile It will be for you, believe me, even if you first encounter such a type of work!

Therefore, if you carefully read our advice, then with the help of another person you will cover even a large roof in the area. The fact is that in the factory conditions, the shonts are preparing for sticking, causing a special solution to the bottom layer, and even they do four holes so that you know wherever you drive roofing nails. And about all the intricacies of work with soft roofy we will tell you now.

As soon as the roof frame will be ready, install vapor barrier as solid carpet On the inside of the roof, without gaps, and fix to the rafters using wooden planks. On the same planks you will be mounted then internal trim Mansard.

Now take care of vapor barrier. If the attic is cold, then the whole moisture will come out of it itself, with natural ventilation. But in the case of a residential attic, vaporizolation is necessary. For this purpose, the rafters are stuffed with an additional bar, roll off vapor insulation film With the coal and sample with a special scotch (the usual does not fit!).

Next, from the outside on the vapor barrier film, put the selected insulation, it is desirable to rotate. On top, cover the windproof membrane and lock the bars, which will also serve later to create ventilation channels.

As a result, you should get such a "puff pastry", as it loves to call roofers:

We prepared for you detailed master class, as in which order everything should happen:

As you noticed on the above photo, to lay flexible sheets on the expelled lug-haired did not make any difficulty!

Step 2. Installation of solid flooring

For mounting flexible tile, a hard solid base is necessary. Therefore, on a prepared crate, mount a solid carpet from plywood or OSB-plates, with a gap of 3-5 mm, which is necessary for deformation from temperature and moisture, and secure self-stairs to rafters.

The main requirement for the base under flexible tile is a flat area and the possibility of fixing trimming with nails. For this, sheets of glued wooden chips are suitable for the type of plywood or a tipped board, laid in bulk. Only the board should be as far as dry, then the waves did not form when drying. But a big mistake is used for a soft roof only the crate, albeit more participated, because in the first season the entire roof will just go by waves. And the photo with such problems becomes a present property for manufacturers who scare their buyers with similar errors.

As soon as the base is ready, the reinforce the necroma rings with metal straps. Such placed the edge to the edge of the base and fasten with roofing nails, with a step of 150 mm, in a checkerboard order:

Step 3. Selection and installation of the substrate

Now it's time to take care of waterproofing. It is necessary in such complex places as adjoining, joints and endands. Here, the canvases are placed on the bottom up with the allen 10 cm in the longitudinal and 15 cm in the transverse direction:

We recommend that you use a specially intended substrate, not runneroid or similar material, as it sometimes do. The fact is that they have finish roofingdifferent times Operating, and even the terms of use!

And such an attempt to save will soon be shortly to the swelling of the entire roofing carpet. In addition, no manufacturer will give warranty on the roof, in the cake of which the materials of third-party manufacturers were involved.

By the way, until recently, the lining carpets were practically not used in Russia, and today there are a lot of people lying to unrest. It is logical, because by the time of construction of the roof often it turns out that the planned budget is not enough for the whole house, and have to make concessions. But if you want to put roofing from a flexible tile and forget about it for many decades, then do not refuse such an important element.

There is always the risk that water will penetrate into the underpants space, especially in such complex places like bypass chimneys or contact with an installed antenna. There are freelance situations when a strong wind lifts the shoes during a shower.

Moreover, it's not hard to choose a roofing carpet, because It is imposed on the same requirements as tiled: to be resistant to temperature drops, provide reliable waterproofing And serve for a long time. BUT modern market Provides a lot of options such as import and domestic. Moreover, many plants in Russia today work on European equipment and in terms of product quality is not inferior to foreign analogues.

In general, lining carpets are two species: self-adhesive and mechanical fixation. Self-adhesive placed mainly in Enders, and mechanical rolls on the remaining roof area and fixed with galvanized nails:

Here is the process of installing a conventional roofing carpet to be fixed bituminous mastic:

Here is an example of working with more modern self-adhesive roofing carpet:

So, the self-insulating waterproofing carpet is ideal for Endanda. And if the rods have a slope of more than 18 degrees, then think over the carpet laying in all places of probable leaks, and this is: ribs, ridges, frontal svs and all the outputs of roofing elements.

But on the roof with a bias from 12 to 18 degrees, you will need a solid waterproofing carpet. Prior to that, we recommend putting a self-adhesive bitumen and polymeric material, for example, a "barrier", and at the same time strive for the carpet itself without adhesion - solid all over the entire length:

Also in advance to insulate the ventilation passages, zones around mansard windows and chimneys. In front of the installation of flexible tile, wake all the passing elements with a bitumen mastic yourself - it is not difficult.

Before you start laying flexible tile, you will also need to strengthen the cornese skes. It is necessary to fix them with roofing nails with a step of 10-15 cm. Here is a cognitive video lesson from the company:

Step 4. Choosing fasteners

To secure flexible tile, you will need special nails with wide hats. It is extremely important for them to beaming so that the hat is in the same plane with the surface of each shingle, and at the same time she crashed into it. In addition, nails for soft tiles must be galvanized.

Nails for mounted soft tiles are divided into such types:

  • Toler nails. They are so sharpened by the point that when gluing into the bituminous layer, they do not violate its integrity. Such nails are issued galvanized or without a protective layer at all. Of course, unprotected are the cheapest, but they are not practical at all and quickly begins to rust. Such are suitable for the assembly of furniture or the construction of outly.
  • Ground nails. They have special cloves that are directed towards the Hats. Such hardly clogged into the wood, truth to pull them out even a nail-holder is hard enough. And most often, in the process of dismantling, the heated nails simply cut off the hat - and that's it. They are so tightly fixed roofing, which is more often used for slate than for a soft roof.
  • Trephic nails They have longitudinal grooves and jumpers on the working rod, and they are suitable for a soft roof.

We recommend it as roofing nails specifically for the flexible tile, it is galvanized roes, with a diameter of a hat of 8-9 millimeters. We still produce special nails for bitumen shots, and they differ from standard analogues.

Such are made of durable steel wire, which is automatically cut into equal pieces, then on one side, the billet is sharpening, and on the other, it is sprinkled into the shape of the cap. If you met such on sale, you can purchase.

But it is important that the nails themselves correspond to GOST 4030-63: the diameter of the rod is 3.5 mm, and the diameter of the hat is at least 8 mm. The thing is that in working with a specific bituminous tile, the most unpleasant moment - when nails are simply immersed in the bituminous layer and violate the integrity of the coating. But the extended hat is so easy to "drown". And what it is more, the better to keep the shingle, why and high-quality nails for flexible tile reminds the stationery button. Moreover, for single-layer and two-layer tiles, it will be necessary nails with parameters 30x3.5 mm, a for three-layer - 45x3.5 mm.

By the way, some grief builders do not understand why it is impossible to simply warm the canvas of a soft tile and stick them to the flooring, why exactly the nails and all of the opponent with them? In fact, the use of open fire on such a roof is prohibited due to elementary considerations. fire safety. Therefore, forget about this risky idea and rent an automatic device.

Step 5. Placement of the starting strip

And now go directly to laying flexible tile. It begins with the starting strip. As such you can take:

  • pattern from ordinary tiles, such as truncated with cropped petals, if you work with collections " Tango" or " Trio»;
  • universal skate-carnice tile, especially if you work with " Chord», « Sonata" or " Jazz».

If you are more convenient to start with farmery Tile, put it on top of the metal strip, slightly retreating the location of the inflection. Next, quit it with nails, but at the same time consider that the longer the cooler of the skate, the more there should be an indentation from the location of the inflection:

Here's how to lay the starting strip looks in practice:

Step 6. Installation of various types of shots

Now we unpack the shings. The main requirement for their installation is dry, warm weather, because the bitumen tile is undesirable at a temperature of less + 5 ° C, because In areas where it will need to be bend, it will be difficult to do without cracks.

If you still have to fix trunks in such conditions, it will be necessary to prevent: sheets heated construction phenomenon And bend on metal pipe About 10 cm with a diameter. But it is better to do that.

Calculate required amount Shots are not difficult: Take one sheet, measure the area that will be seen, find out the dust of the skate and divide the second to the first. Here is a valuable council on how to calculate and prepare a flexible tile to the installation:

Of course, if you have eye-diamond, you can do and detailed counting, but the laying lines serve as excellent guides for which you can align the tile and vertically, and horizontally. Especially if you put the soft roof for the first time.

Believe me, tear up a few sheets and secure them again to fix the jamb, the thing is not the fun. And quite without marking, if some element or general geometry of the skate is broken into the roof of the roof. In this case, such tools as a belling, plumbing and level will be helped.

As we have already spoken, usually for convenience, ready-made shits in the factory setting are marked with minor holes so that you know where to score nails. If there are no such (for example, the cheapest collections), then simply retreat from the edge of 2-3 cm and focus on this illustration:

In each case, the place of the climbing nail will be directly dependent on the shape of the cutting of the tile itself. It is only important that each nail is simultaneously flashing both the bottom, and the top edge in all sheets, and if you are placing the flexible tile on the rods with an angle of 45 °, then top corners Gone also needs to be fixed.

The entire procedure for laying flexible tile is not difficult, here is the instruction of the process itself:

  1. Before the styling itself, mix the gates of several sticks to minimize the windy. The fact is that even in one mail color may differ so much that you will be surprised, and such incops will be very noticeable on the roof.
  2. If the slope is long enough, start laying the tiles from its center and align horizontally. And the second row is already shifting the gears left or right on half of the sheet. The third and all subsequent rows shift relative to the previous one too half a petal, left or right, depending on what direction you chose initially.
  3. It is necessary to start to lay a tile on a slope with a smaller bias, while entering the coolest slope at least 30 cm. On the sharper scope, it is recommended to repel the chalk lines to not be knocked out. Now cut the tile on the more scath along this new line, and by fixing, mark the bitumen mastic where there is no self-adhesive layer from the back side.
  4. Place the tile from the bottom-up, retreating from the edge of the drippers. Here it will be necessary to put a special skate-carnice tile. By the way, you can replace it with the usual if you doine the petals.

Now lock the shings. For this, a good automatic tool is good, especially if it works from electrical network. The main thing, when choosing a model, take care of your own safety: the trigger must be convenient, with the protection against a random shot and the possibility of removing the jammed nail without any risk. After all, the hammer is usually more designed for minor work on household, and professional roofers enjoy extreme rarely.

The only moment: if special roofing nails do not fit to the gun, take the finished clip with nails with a wide flat hat. Available to be interconnected by thin wire. This tape is inserted into the cartridge and the nail is served one by one. It is much more convenient in work at the height: you do not need to look for a bunch, you do not need to substitute your fingers under the blow and the fastening itself will be better than when you are too tired on the 501st nails. The main thing is to comply with the main technology: the nail must be taken strictly perpendicular to the shingle plane.

Remember, if some kind of shingle was recorded unreliable, then over time it will break your mount and flies with a busting of the wind. And the nail itself, lifted by the wind, will tear the sheet, loosening the neighboring. And all this will lead to leakage and repair Repair. Of course, it will not be possible to completely do without distressed places, why it takes a periodic inspection of such a roof.

Now consider the features of the installation of trim different species. So, from a single-layer tile before installation you need to remove protective filmwhich is always located on both sides of the shingle. Why is she? The fact is that this roofing is transported by conventional wages and in the heat, and in a heat, and it is still going about bitumen.

But in collections with such cutting, like " Dragonfish tooth", No films, it is only important to pick up beautiful drawing Or lay chaotically, just mixing the shings.

And exactly how to work with each type of race cutting, these illustrations will help you:

Next, if you have to work with complex roofyou have two ways to lay bituminous Tiles: Segment and seamless. In the first way, divide the angle or cone to equal segments, and each from lay out separately. And so this way is overcoiled all the roof. The seamless method is already harder: it is important to make the correct markup of the skate and navigate it. Think and choose the one that will seem more convenient for you.

Step 7. Fastening Tiles in Endews

And now - about the most problem places of the roof. Endovma, namely the inner bends of the roof, you can organize in two ways: open and closed, which is also called sub-sized method. The main thing later in the field of the junction of the roof with the wall to make a triangular rail and make a tile.

In addition, if the wall is brick, it must be seen and processed by a bitumen primer. The upper part of the adjunct then should be closed with a metal apron, which needs to be consolidated and started in the shoes, and then sewer:

Step 8. Laying of the Konkova and Rorse Tiles

Next, we'll figure it out with the concepts of the skunk tiles. How easy it is to guess, these are those shings that cover the lip of the roof. All the rest of the tile is called ordinary. By the way, the ridge tile is obtained when they make a skate-eaven into three parts, or cut out from the usual ordinary perforation method.

To properly put a ridge tile, with the help of the cord, take away the dimensions of the future ridge - these are two stripes along it, and lead the laying of the ridge tiles from the bottom up. After that, fix the tile by nails on each side and make sure that the backstage of the overlying shots overlap the nails by 5 cm.

Stay konkovoy tile From the side, which is the opposite of the so-called wind rose (you can learn about the neighbors or on the wind map). Next - all the same as during the masonry of the ridge. If in right places There will be no self-adhesive layer, wake the mastic there.

And now we go to the ribs. Here, ordinary tile should be cut so that the distance from 3 to 5 mm is left between adjacent skates:

Here is another great master class, where you can consider the details of the process:

And finally finish work. Styling flexible tile is always installing the skate aerator. For this, the special groove is cut on all skates, and the aerator is inserted into it. It is fixed with nails and are covered with specially skunk tiles.

Also, for a soft roof, special challenges are manufactured - these are the lower parts of roofing passes, which are called "skirts". And so that the snow does not accumulate behind ventilation and chimney pipes, especially when their cross section exceeds 50x50 cm, you need to organize a slowhead. In a word, you will need such elements:

So, your roof is ready, and it remains only to care for it. For this time in half a year with a soft brush, get the whole garbage leaves and branches from the roof. The main thing is not to use sharp tools, because it is important not to scratch basalt crumb. And from time to time, clean the drainage gutters and funnels.

Fortunately, the roof of a flexible tile has a high maintenance: it is enough to heat the damaged area, remove it and lay new tiles. The case of one day!


If the soft roof is in the waves - this is a sure sign of the violation of the installation technology. The reason for this is a violation of the tile laying or heat-insulating plates located under it. The problem is impossible to eliminate simple repair Roofs: It is necessary to completely cut the damaged area and shift the tile again.

Causes of faults

The cause of waves and swolves should be sought not in the tile - it only performs the function of the coating. Problems usually arise due to crates, thermal insulation or vapor barrier. For example, the case is common when the side faces and ends of the insulation slabs, which are placed only on one side are damaged. Also difficulties can appear in difficult places - where the lamp forms angles or transitions. Incorrect trimming of heat and vapor insulation materials It may lead to the loss of the roof of the form.

The fact that is broken, also evidenced by a diameter of more than 1 meter. The emergence of such air or water "bags" occurs due to the fact that the heat flow raises water vapors to the roof, where they are condensed on materials and absorbed into them. In winter, this is especially dangerous, because the insulation during the cold season is repeatedly thawing and freezes again, as a result of which moisture alternately goes into a liquid and solid state, destroying the roofing carpet. The ice blocks formed in the insulation are separated from the base, and at the same time they increase the pore size in the materials included in its composition.

In the summer, the roof with low-quality vaporizolation is also attached risk. The roof surface in hot sunny days is heated to 80 degrees. A closed space where water drops that are filtered with a roofing carpet are heated even more, so that the water goes into a vapor-shaped state. The volume of water vapor is 15-40 times greater than the volume of fluid. This is the cause of the formation of "bags" in those places where violated vaporizolation.

Solving roof problems

If the roof waves are associated with damage to the insulation, local roof repair is required. To do this, the tile is removed with thermal insulation and shifted again, but not on the whole roof, but only on a damaged area. The base for re-sticker materials is thoroughly cleaned, the thermal insulation is mounted in 1 or 2 layers. The same applies to the difficulties associated with the incorrect trimming of vapor insulation and insulation materials.

"Bags" is eliminated by another way: they are cut by the envelope, turn the corners and dry. Inside The angles are cleaned of contaminants, lubricate with mastic and stick back. The cuts are wiping with a row and closed the patch, it is putty and covered with a layer of mastic. Sometimes the cut is not needed: if there is only air in the "bag", the swelling is enough, but inside the 20 g of kerosene or the White spirit, and then the damaged area is tightly pressing.

Roof - face at home. That is why this part of the structure must be given special attentionBut you may have considerable difficulties in the process of choosing a roofing material, since there are many "rumors" about a soft roof. Let's still find out that there is "truth", and what "lie" relatively.

Myth number 1: Soft roof - this is the same runner only more

Actually Comparison of these materials causes indignation from specialists.

In order to understand what the difference or similarity of these roofing materials, you must first find out what is the basis of the material. Ruberoid base - recycled waste paper - paper! The base of the soft roof - glassball. A glass cholester unlike paper does not rot - this is the first and most important difference!

For production, high-quality bitumen is used with the addition of SBS-innovative polymer, which is covered with glassball from both sides, which makes it a durable material compared to the rubberoid for which the usual bitumen is used.

Upper layer Ruberoid - the surface is not protected from ultraviolet rays Because of what the service life is only 5 years old. Upper layer of soft roof - stone granulate that protects bitumen from any external influencesThanks to which service life is more than 50 years.

Myth number 2: Soft roof is a very expensive roofing material that can only afford very rich people.

Actually One of the most common myths.

First, "very rich people" are ready to buy roofing material for their home such as slate, copper, and, of course, a soft roof ... After all, right?

Secondly, yes - the flexible tile is not cheap, but compared to the above roofing materials, it is highlighted by its democracy in price.

Most likely, the owners of houses with outdated roofs gave rise to this hearing, which is known only one as roofing material - slate. So, after a certain time, each, who has a house, faces the problem of choosing a roofing material. Often the choice drops precisely on flexible tile, because it is a beautiful and reliable material. By comparing the price of an outdated slate or a poor-quality rubberoid with a flexible tile, the difference becomes so obvious that it is difficult not to notice. In this case, of course, the flexible tile is an expensive roofing material. Unfortunately, it does not happen that cheap roofing May be high quality, reliable and durable.

Remember that save on the roof, as absurd as on the foundation. The service life of the entire building depends on the quality of the roofing material.. The question is "cheap or expensive" for every person individual.

Myth number 3: Flexible tile is cracking and breaking

Actually Such an assumption is partly true.

The fact is that each of the materials presented in the market correspond to its own characteristics of production and specificationsSo let's say, "recipe" flexible tile. Some manufacturers of soft roof use an oxidized bitumen, which is the main reason for the fragility of the roofing material, it cracks in the cold and does not withstand mechanical pressure (it is impossible to move on such a roof).

However, if the flexible tile is made on the basis of the bitumen modified by polymers (SBS), it easily maintains the conditions of the Russian harsh winter. SBS is styrene-styrene styrene or artificial rubber. The unique molecular structure of polymers interacts with bitumen, increasing its flexibility, elasticity and strength in a wide range of temperatures and reducing the sensitivity of bitumen to extreme temperatures. Bending of such material when minus temperatures Shows flexibility and absence of cracks at very low temperatures.

Myth number 4: Flexible tile is deformed in the sun and visible boards

In fact, irregularities will take place on the roof only if there were poor-quality (raw) boards, plywood under a solid foundation plates OSB. . We recommend using high-quality OSB plates or moisture-resistant fane, and if the edged board is still used, it should be natural drying!

Myth number 5: Flexible tile fades

In fact, the color of the flexible tile. The sprocket is provided by the surface of the stone granules, which are painted with a thermochemical way, that is, the painting enzyme penetrates into the structure of the stone, and not just punishes from above, so the granules do not lose their own initial color. It is also protection against ultraviolet rays.

Such a delusion is born from homeowners when surveying the roof. If you begin (lift) the tip row, the color of the granulate under it will be much darker and rich. This is a very simple explanation: not those granules are subject to change, and those that are covered by subsequent gates.

The difference in the color of the tile granulate on the upper "petals" and "under the petals" arises due to the fact that bitumen having an oily dark structure, from the upper layer absorbed by the granules of the lower, Therefore, the upper gears and seem to be "faded", more faded. From here and the erroneous opinion is born that the roofing material is fading.

Myth number 6: Very complicated installation in cold weather!

Actually complicated - but it is possible!

Can not be mounted in the rain and snowfall, the presence of a SBS modifier allows you to conduct work when negative temperaturesBut you need to comply with some conditions:

  1. Tiles before laying is stored in the warm room 2-3 days.
  2. For better decisions of the adhesive layer, the tile warms up a construction hairdryer, in extreme cases, the thermopystole is lined.
  3. All metal elements requiring bend are bent only in the warm room.

Bituminous glue for work It is necessary to warm in a water bath (to breed it with acetone and other additives is strictly prohibited).

Myth number 7: the need for additional spending due to a solid foundation

In fact, a solid foundation - constructive feature Flexible roofing.

For both the house requires foundation and for the roof, for example, from natural tile - powerful doom and enhanced stropil designFor the correct functioning of the undercase, competent ventilation is required. Neglect these requirements, perceive them as an extra weight of money, at least incorrectly. Each material has its own mandatory conditions, without which its application is impossible.

We hope that your choice of roofing material will be based on convincing facts, and not on the misconceptions of the majority.

The standard set of tasks of this man, as is known, includes three items: give birth to a son, plant a tree and build a house. And today among representatives of a strong sex, regardless of the profession and status, many those who seek to literally embody them. Especially easy to use modern materials and technology make it possible to successfully lead work on construction and repair country house. For example, to achieve guaranteed reliability and durability scope roof You can, thanks to the use of a lining carpet. It forms a solid waterproofing layer along which the moisture penetrates into the underfloor space simply flows, without harming the design.

Now this progressive specialized material is produced in Russia. Anderep Corporation Tekhtonikol's lining carpets successfully compete in foreign markets and make quality for Russian consumers independent of imports. With their installation, the unprofessional builder may well cope. However, there are a number of nuances, neglect which is fraught with a decrease in efficiency. About them - below.

Preparation of the foundation and conditions of installation

The successful functioning of the lining carpet and the finish coating depends largely on competently prepared bases and conditions in which installation was carried out. Therefore, it is extremely important to prevent errors at these stages. Founding plates -PH, or moisture-resistant Phaneur need to lay no more than 3 mm with a gap. Otherwise, in the process of temperature expansion, the surface may be deformed, irregularities will be created on the lining carpet, and the roof will lose at least in aesthetic appeal. Installation of wet bases or "spring installation" can also be brought to the formation of wave-like folds on the surface or "Spring installation". For the winter design, moisture is inevitably gaining, and at positive temperatures begin to give it. The expert recommends avoiding the rush and start laying the material only when the framework of the building and the mounted surface will be in one temperature mode and in permissible humidity. For the crate designs, the permissible moisture is no more than 20%, for solid wooden flooring (OSP and moisture resistant plywood) - no more than 12%.

Folding and waves on lining carpet can also occur if its installation is produced in different temperature and time frames. For example, a brigade can start working in the evening when the air temperature decreases and the material is hardening. At such a time, even small folds on the material will be invisible. In the morning, with increasing temperature, the lining carpet will softened, it will begin to fit tightly to the surface, and the neurosis allowed will gather in large folds. So that this does not happen, the installation of the lining carpet must be carried out in one temperature mode when it is maximum softness and advantage, that is, during the day and at one time of year.

Alexey Vorobiev

Correct lining carpet

The need for a lining carpet today understands many. But it is important not just to put a lining carpet, but to choose a solution that is most suitable for a particular construction task. A common mistake is a replacement of specialized foods with cheap roofing materials, most often on the rubberoid. Savings in this case turns out very dubious. The strength characteristics of the runneroid below. Unlike the lining carvers, it does not have the function of "self-defense". A huge number of holes formed in the process of mechanical fasteners of its self and roofing material and increased in the process, for example, seasonal deformations, turn such a coating in the "solido". The moisture that fell into the underfloor space almost certainly falls on wooden base and can lead to its rotting and destruction. Lining carpets, unlike rubberoid, create a solid protective layer even on the surfaces of complex geometry. But among them it is important to pick up suitable. For example, any product of the Anderep line is suitable for flexible tile. But the use of specially intended for flexible tiles of economical lining carpets Anderep GL and Anderep GL Plus with other roofing materials - metal sheets, ceramic tiles, etc. fraught with problems.

To do this, it is better to choose the universal ultralight lining carpets Anderep Prof and Anderep Prof Plus, and in the places of the most likely leakage roofs of flexible tiles and tiles it is recommended to use Anderep Ultra.

Anderep GL and Anderep GL Plus are based on glassball. It gives the necessary strength, but does not have resistance to stretching, respectively, materials based on it poorly withstand deformations. For higher loads, Anderep Prof, Anderep Prof Plus and Anderep Ultra are suitable for higher loads, which are based on a solid and capable polyester stretching.

Alexey Vorobiev

Installation of "Selflessness" and Lining Carpets with Mechanical Fastening

Simple and optimal solution for installation is self-adhesive lining carpets, such as Anderep Ultra. For their attachment, you just need to remove the protective film and roll the material to the base. It fits tightly to the surface without forming air sugar. But in working with self-adhesive materials it is extremely important to comply with several conditions. The material must be laid on the maximum dry and clean surface. And the air temperature during work should be no lower than + 10˚C. In addition, in places of elevated loads, for example, in the Undova zone, you must additionally apply a mechanical mount.

The use of lining carpets with mechanical fastening is most common. This method of installation is practical and easy. However, it is extremely important to correctly calculate the required amount of fasteners - if you do not comply with the norm, with strong wind gusts, the risk of separation of the material from the surface will occur. Overalls of material canvases necessarily need to fasten with special roofing mastic. This is a rather laborious process. This year, Tekhnonikol has released modernized Anderep GL Plus and Anderep Prof Plus to the market. Unlike its "older brothers" (Anderep GL and Anderep PROF, respectively), they are equipped with special adhesive (desertless) stripes -for to fasten the canvas, it is only necessary to remove the protective film and glue the following web to the adhesive surface. The use of such materials reduces the consumption of mastic, makes the installation less time consuming and increases the reliability of the joints.

When installing any lining carpet is extremely important to ensure its maximum tension and fit to the surface. Therefore, the installation should be started after the material rolled out of the roll fully plans. The behavior of lining carpets on the roof depends largely on their base. In case of non-compliance with the moisture requirements used in the construction of wood on materials with the base of the glass cholester in the zones of the base junctions, folds may form. So that such a problem does not arise, it is necessary to reduce the fastening step to the base and provide additional mechanical fasteners in the middle, in several rows. Super-thin lining carpets with polyester are flexible and when the folds occur simply, it is simply frozen, without allowing the material to reconcile the roofing surface. But, accordingly, the price is more expensive.

Alexey Vorobiev

Timely protection of lining carpet

Lining carpets are designed for styling under the finish coating. The bitumen mixture without special protection is not calculated for the prolonged effect of ultraviolet. Sand sprinkle on the material is intended only to ensure safe movement of a person who manufactures installation. Without the finish coating, such a material is desirable to leave no more than a week. But Anderep GL Plus, Anderep Prof, Anderep Prof Plus and Anderep Ultra, will not lose their properties under direct environmental impact over six months.

When installing the roof, for various reasons, interruptions may occur. A number of lining carpets may effectively perform the functions of the temporary roof throughout enough long time. Anderep GL Plus, Anderep Prof, Anderep Prof Plus This ability gives protective covering nonwoven polypropylene (Spunbond), and Anderep Ultra-enhanced content of high-quality modifiers contained in a bitumen mixture.

Alexey Vorobiev

In this way, right choice Lining carpet and a clear adherence of the manufacturer's instructions will allow those who are all used to do themselves to ensure reliable and durable protection scope roof at home.

Installation of soft bitumen tiles must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Inattentive study technical documentation, errors when choosing materials for roofing cakeHurry and desire to save themselves lead to various problems, among which: leaks, visual defects, reducing the service life of the coating.

Knowing the most common mistakes will avoid unforeseen situations and serious costs for urgent repairs.

    The use of wet sawn timber. During the operation of the house, the board used for the crate dries and deforms. Skat becomes uneven, it leads to a digestion of the shingles, water flowing, a reduction in resistance to wind loads. For you need to use edged board coniferous rocks With humidity no more than 20%.

    Laying OSB without gaps. This leads to deformation of the soft tiles in the places of OSB of sheets and the formation of elevations, spoiling the appearance of the roof. Compensation gaps prevent sheet pressure on each other with increasing temperature or increase humidity. In the installation instructions, it is said: "There are 2-3 mm gap between OSB sheets."

    Improper storage of lining carpet. Flags and folds, dents and chances are formed on the material. As a result, the laid lining carpet loses the perfect surface geometry. It becomes more complex, it becomes harder to choose the drawing, waves are formed on the surface of the finished roof. Stored lining carpet should in a vertical position when normal humidity And the temperature is not higher + 30ºС.

    Laying a lining carpet at low temperature. When the temperature is raised, a natural change in the linear dimensions of OSB sheets occurs. This leads to the formation of waves on the roof of flexible tile. The defect is more cosmetic and with time it can pass. But is it worth risking? Manufacturers are recommended at a temperature not lower than + 5ºС.

    Error in the selection of material: Thick carpet, thin tile. Such a combination "manifests" all the shortcomings and flaws in the installation of the base and the lining carpet. Overliness, waves appear, resulting in the resistance of the coating to the wind and mechanical loads. It is better to use a soft tile and a carpet of one manufacturer, while the thickness of the tile should be more.

    Errors when installing windscrews. These are provided sealed connection Roofs and frontal buildings. Wrong installation leads to the waterfront of water under the tiles and in. Fronton planks begin to lay from the cornice, making the nourish between adjacent elements of at least 5 cm. Burn the bar roofing nails in a checker order.

    Use for fixing a smaller amount of nails Or nails without notes. Saving on fastening elements or the use of nails not intended for fixing the roofs leads to a decrease in the reliability of the roof. Gonts in this case are easy to break off strong wind. For installation of soft tiles are used, a length of 25-30 mm with a wide hat. For one gear 4 - 6 nails (depending on the angle of inclination of the roof).

    Installation without marking. Laying the shingles "on the eye" leads to the formation of a curve of the picture. The markup plays the role of guides, horizontal lines are applied using a construction lace or use a stretched rope.

    Use of shots only from one pack. This leads to the formation of the "zebra effect", which will negatively affect appearance Roof. Manufacturers recommend taking one show from 5-6 different packs to avoid disintegration in color.

    Installation in hot weather. At a temperature of more than + 25ºС bitumen in the flexible tile softened. This makes it difficult to move on the already mounted tile, the risk of damage to the shoons shoves. Roofing It is better to spend at a temperature of +5 - + 20ºС in dry weather.