Not noisy hoods. Increased hood noise

It is impossible to imagine a modern kitchen without a cooker hood. The help of this device can hardly be overestimated. Filtration of air, absorption of particles of grease and unpleasant odors, fight against soot - the hood performs all these functions with ease, thus ensuring ideal cleanliness in the kitchen.

To understand where the problem might have come from, it will not be superfluous to study the principle of operation and device design. As a rule, it consists of a metal or plastic body, decorated with elements of glass, wood and other materials.

When turned on, the fan starts to work. It can rotate with different speed. Switching speeds is carried out using special buttons... The fan draws in air from the space above the hob and directs it to the grease filter. Further, depending on the type of hood, the air can either be discharged outside, or returned (already cleaned) back to the room.

Regardless of the model and cost, all hoods consist of such basic structural elements, how:

  • the motor that ensures the operation of the fan;
  • air intake grille;
  • outlet ventilation grill;
  • switches and switches;
  • filters;
  • backlight ().

They are also equipped with special sensors that monitor the operation of the hood and report the state of its elements, for example, that it is time to change filters.

Modern hoods can be of several types:

  • ... Such devices suck in air, filter it and return it back to the room. Their plus is that they do not cool the air in the room, unlike the outlet devices;
  • outgoing... Hoods of this type have an outlet to the general ventilation of the house or to the street, so the polluted air from the kitchen is completely removed. Such devices are more expensive than filtering devices and require more complex installation, but their work is considered more efficient;
  • mixed... Most modern hoods belong to this type. They are capable of both filtering polluted air and removing it from the room.

Why does the cooker hood make noise?

The operation of any fan in the hood is always accompanied by noise. The level of this noise depends on the intensity of the fan speed. As a rule, the noise level of a particular model is determined at the factory during its manufacture and is indicated in technical passport.

If you noticed that the device worked much quieter when it was new, and during its operation the noise increased noticeably, then you must first of all check the fastening of its structural elements. Fasteners could loosen over time due to vibration generated during engine operation. Poorly fixed parts of the hood can create additional background noise.

It is also necessary to check the ventilation shaft and air duct. Perhaps they are clogged or some kind of debris (a piece of plaster, a small pebble, etc.) got into the drain pipe. This foreign object, vibrating in the air stream, can make noise and knocks. The connections at the inlet and outlet of the duct should also be checked. The tightness of these joints could also be broken, and the loose fit of the surfaces contributes to the formation of noise.

If, when checking in a store, the hood worked relatively quietly, and after installation it began to emit much more noise, therefore, something was done incorrectly during its installation. The reason may be hidden in strong kinks in the duct.... In general, you should know that the more obstacles the air encounters in its path, the more noise is generated.

The problem also arises when a powerful hood, for example, with a capacity of 1000 m3 / h, is connected to a ventilation pipe with a diameter of 100 mm, and not 150 mm, as indicated in the instructions. In this case, not only the noise level during the operation of the hood increases, but also its performance decreases.

Similar problems with installing the hood arise when home craftsmen install it themselves, without the necessary experience and knowledge. The likelihood of many mistakes is possible even when a non-professional is invited to install the hood.

How can you reduce noise during hood operation?

To reduce the noise from the hood, it is necessary to check the fastening of the device body to the wall or to the kitchen cabinet, since noise and vibration occur even with the smallest gap between the wall and the equipment.

You can eliminate all existing gaps by sealing empty spaces with polyurethane or foam rubber. It is also necessary to tighten all fasteners, and put a thin isolon substrate in the vibrating surfaces.

When choosing a device, it should be borne in mind that in technical characteristics the maximum power is indicated. That's why it is advisable to choose equipment with a certain power reserve... Then it will be possible to operate the hood not at maximum speeds, but at medium speeds, which will help to significantly reduce the noise level. Indeed, when the equipment operates at maximum speed, the noise is always much higher than when it is operated at minimum speed.

The noise level during operation of the hood also depends on the material from which the air exhaust pipe is made or ventilation ducts. The quietest is a plastic duct, and the loudest is a thin corrugated metal... In this case, you can reduce the noise somewhat by using additional noise insulation... If the outer part of the duct is pasted over with noise-absorbing material, then the kitchen will become a little quieter, but the noise will not disappear completely.

The main noise is created not by the duct pipes, but by the exhaust motor and fan blades. If high level noise is a feature of a particular model (this parameter is usually indicated in the technical passport), then nothing can be done about it. Therefore, you should not believe the promises of some would-be craftsmen who have one goal - to earn more money from gullible clients.

The manufacturers of cooker hoods are constantly working on the problem of reducing the noise of their products. The newer models are already more advanced, so they are able to work much quieter. For example, in stores today you can find devices with a noise figure of 35 dB. This matches the sounds of a quiet conversation., therefore, the noise of a working hood will not be annoying at all.

Rules for the reliable operation of the hood

To avoid the need for frequent repairs to the hood, you can use simple rules operation of this equipment:

  • do not forget to change and clean filters in time;
  • eliminate any possibility of engine overheating. First of all, you should not leave the stove turned on without dishes;
  • do not press the control buttons with dirty, greasy hands;
  • technique must be treated with care.

The hood must be installed at a distance of at least 75 cm from gas stove and at least 65 cm from the electric one. At the same time, the air duct should not have a large length and many turns or narrowed places.... It is also recommended to buy. Cheap Chinese equipment is usually short-lived, very noisy and inefficient, while consuming a lot of electricity.


When repairing an exhaust device with your own hands, the problems that have arisen are solved, based on work experience and special knowledge. If there is no knowledge about the principle of operation of the device, then by its intervention it can be completely disabled and then professionals will have to be called for help, whose services will cost more than usual, since they will have to solve a non-standard problem. Therefore, before proceeding with the repair of the hood, you need to realistically assess your knowledge and strength.

We decided to decide which hood filter to buy. Read on! Recently, a restaurant in Ufa was closed for two months ... smells and smoke from the kitchen hood disturbed the residents around the apartments. The aromas of the kitchen flew past the windows, irritating the olfactory receptors of the hungry residents. Flowers in comparison with what Reutov presented for the new 2015. In violation of the building declaration basement occupied the restaurant. Around the clock, karaoke began to function, which immediately fell in love with the talented singers of the area ... Let's discuss topical issues, along the way, decide which hood to buy for the kitchen.

Kitchen hood problems

The hoods are noisy. Problem: everyone wants a more powerful device, forgetting that asynchronous motors that meet the requirements are expensive. Shaded-pole motors are installed inside, due to the noise they come up with methods for reducing the sound pressure. Compare by state standards with other household appliances using the collector class of power plants:

  1. Vacuum cleaners.
  2. Washing machines on spin mode.
  3. Drills.

Now readers have an approximate idea of ​​the risk of including a collector motor in a household appliance. Residents of Reutov's houses once got fed up with karaoke, until the date of X for months they endured the noise of ... a kitchen hood. The basement took a fancy to the institution, the rumble reaches the lower floors, on the first office rooms... The sound spectrum of the engine is relatively low. For comparison, 50 Hz corresponds to the G-sharp of a controctave. Bass, not every man's throat, even a drunk one, is capable of reproducing - we complement the theme of karaoke. The vibrations of electric motors are in the range that passes through walls.

We get the first rule for choosing a hood for a house:

  • The noise level should not irritate the tenants of the apartment.

Even induction motors make so much noise it can hardly be tolerated. The cooker hood portal resembles a horn. Strengthens vibrations, soundproofing is forgotten. If the director of the restaurant had a talented deputy (the modest servants of the portal are too stupid, according to HR workers), it would be smart enough to cover the premises with stoves, the residents would unsuccessfully try to enjoy the singing of local talents. The works are planned, now the owners of the apartments have decided to go to the end, to close the institution. The arguments are as follows:

Well, other arguments have already been given above. How to keep a cooker hood quiet. In the case of the industrial version used by the restaurant in Reutov, special shock absorbers are installed. The varieties of these devices were discussed, so we will not focus on this. Shock absorbers are appropriate when the mass of the cooker hood is so great that it can communicate vibrations. supporting structure... The weight limit is determined by the wall material.

For example, wood is resilient enough to isolate sound. Obviously, shock absorbers are powerless to help. Will the walls soften the vibration load? This is not the case with concrete. As for the cooker hood, the noise is generated by vibrating the walls. Weight thin steel to block debuff. Wood, cork will do. If you glue on the outside of the walls of the hood decorative elements, the kitchen will become more fun, the steel will stop trembling.

If you have an induction motor stocked up, start it, listen: a well-oiled mechanism runs silently. The cooker hood rattles, hums, it is too expensive for manufacturers to violate the conditions for the system to resonate at audio frequencies. What we recommend.

Listen to tip number two:

  • It is better to buy a cheap kitchen hood of relatively small performance with asynchronous motor... There is a chance to eliminate the noise by reworking the product with your own hands.

Of course, the advice is suitable only for the hand of the public, an asynchronous type of motor. Others adapt on their own. Try to take quiet kitchen hoods, residents of typical apartment buildings don't chase performance. Convenient fixture to remove unpleasant odors sinks when the typical Mole does not help against blockages. The water is running out, the aromas of the toilet are eager to fill the kitchen. At the same time, not everyone has enough patience to endure the hum of the hood. We recommend sacrificing performance in favor of silence.

Choose the right cooker hood for noise level

Work household appliances characterized by the level acoustic noise measured in Hz. For kitchen hoods, the parameter according to ST SEV 4672-84 does not exceed 72 dBA (spectrum C). The device calls the standard an air cleaner. Believe me, 72 dBA (corrected noise level) will be across the throat of an apartment dweller. The norm for a dwelling during the day is 40 dB (determined by the region, country of residence), at night - no higher than 30 dB. The Tomsk Region fined a music lover: in the apartments of neighbors, the volume reached the limit of sound speaker system to critical values.

Avoid using a cooker hood that does not meet the hygienic loudness requirements for living areas.

It is not for nothing that refrigerator manufacturers are fighting for the parameter, they are introducing inverter technologies. Show at least one device where the engine is collector. Say, the refrigerator works day and night, the hood turns on as needed. We indicate federal laws, who say, "making noise after eleven" is prohibited, except for cases when activities are being carried out aimed at preserving the life and health of people. Let's say it smelled at night ... Let's turn it on, will we prove to the court that the neighbors paid with silence for their stench? Arguments will be accepted only at the very top, we will get there when the dissatisfied lose their meaning.

We discussed the issue, given that not everyone knows: the seller is not responsible for the buyer's manner of using the equipment. Let's say the kitchen hood is separated from the bedroom by two doors, through the corridor, no sound comes through the walls. Noise in the ventilation duct will disturb the neighbors. It will be proved that the level at night in the neighbors' apartment exceeded 30 dB, it is not far from the court.

In fact, it seems to be phony fairy tales. Explore the Yandex market, more than two hundred models of hoods are noisier than 70 dB. Roar washing machine when spinning. Have you heard the drum of the neighbor's apartment spinning? This means that the spiteful critics will notice the operation of the equipment at night. Whether the induction motor is installed, with shaded poles, the characteristics should be checked before purchasing. It is useful to find out from the developer the coefficient of attenuation of noise by the walls (a rare idealist will say). If necessary, carry out additional work for sound insulation.

Is there a relationship between the performance of the cooker hood and the noise level. Both parameters can be optimal, the price will increase. Sellers say: the performance of a kitchen hood should renew the air in the room three times every hour. For example, for a typical Khrushchev kitchenette, 100 cubic meters are enough (see calculations). m / h. In fact, the numbers are greatly overestimated. They are given for conditions when renovation has been carried out, snow-white polyurethane foam tiles are laid on the ceiling, the walls are covered with wallpaper (from the conditions not to harm the situation).

However, keep in mind: this method of counting will help to cool the room in winter. Ask - 3-5 speeds a normal range hood will provide. The answer is - why take a powerful one, avoiding taking advantage of the possibilities to the maximum? European models are designed for studio apartments, should work when cooking is in progress. Russian realities are fundamentally different from these conditions. The shells stink, batteries in winter have a temperature slightly higher than the skin of an ordinary person. We avoid looking at Europe with relatively warm winters. There, the batteries, according to the norms, have a temperature of 60 degrees, houses are often designed for forced ventilation... Cooker hoods of the specified dimensions and capabilities will be appropriate.

Do-it-yourself kitchen hood

Ask if you can buy a motor for the hood separately, assemble the device to your liking. You can also create a design that excludes vibrations. An example was given above. That there is a kitchen hood. Engine, a pair of nets that trap grease, odors, plus an outlet for docking with an air duct. Buy an aluminum filter for the hood separately if the recirculation mode is not required. Only fat will be captured. Known designs where air is simply thrown into the channel. There are no standards, the performance of the cooker hood increases. By the way, keep in mind: with each turn of the air duct by 90 degrees, the power of the system loses 10%.

If the parameter is indifferent, the work goes to recirculation, buy a charcoal filter for the hood. Remove odors from the kitchen. It remains to buy a fan for the hood - an assembled structure.

Many owners of kitchen hoods wonder why it makes a lot of noise. Naturally, this creates no comfortable conditions on the kitchen.

There can be several reasons for the loud noise.

A more frequent fault is the features of the hood itself, of a specific model. Cheap ones can be made of less quality, very thin metal - something vibrates somewhere. Here you need to look individually. There was a practical case: the backlight bulb mount vibrated and created unnecessary noise.

Weak or improper fastening / installation of the hood itself. Vibration and noise can also occur if improperly installed or loose. Always read the installation instructions.

Inconsistency ventilation duct... The problem often arises when the instruction has not been read. If a powerful hood, for example 1000 cubic meters / hour, is connected to ventilation with a diameter of 100 mm, when the instructions indicate a minimum diameter of 150 mm, excess noise may occur, as well as performance drops.

Output... The loud noise of the hood is often due to the peculiarity of this model. Minor factors can be a violation in the installation. Special attention must be given to the ventilation duct.

Air purification problem on modern kitchens solved with the help of special household appliances - kitchen hoods. They are distinguished and chosen by size, technical parameters and design. But among the main requirements for this unit, one of the most important is the comfort of use, which means a low noise level. What affects this indicator of the operation of technology and is there absolutely silent cooker hood?

What are we going to take?

It is very difficult to navigate in the varied assortment of hoods that any home appliance store willingly demonstrates, and when it comes to practical choice, then you need to know exactly some parameters. For example, the size of your kitchen, the condition of the ventilation ducts in the house. This affects selection of hood.

  1. Kitchen air purifiers differ in how they work. Exhaust hoods completely remove the drawn in air, leading it out of the room. The air duct of such a hood can be directed into the general ventilation shaft of the house or taken out through the wall of the apartment. Recirculation hoods, also called filtration hoods, draw air in and clean it using a two-level filtration system. Then the air purified in this way is returned to the room.
  2. Hoods are also different in the way they are mounted in the kitchen. The chimney hoods are hotel constructions. They are a bit similar in shape to a truncated cone - this is how hoods for fireplaces once looked. Therefore, this type of fastening of modern cleaning equipment is also called a fireplace or dome. Dome units are very solid, they require a separate place and fastening system. In contrast, suspended hoods are much more compact. They can be built-in or suspended from below under kitchen cabinets. These hoods are different in their principle of operation. But all of them are the best suited for those who are planning a compact and inconspicuous placement of this species. kitchen appliances... Island hoods are designed for large kitchens that have a free-standing island table. These air purifiers are distinguished by a variety of designs, offering in their product range both large, accentuated powerful hoods of antique design, and stylish modern appliances that can even be built into ceiling tiles.
  3. Hoods can be frontal and angled. The latter are perfect for installation in small kitchen where the slab or surface is installed in the corner area. This type of technique will significantly increase the efficiency of space utilization, making the "dead zone" of the corner not only operable, but also very convenient.
  4. The size of the hood must match the width hob, at least be proportional to it. Otherwise, the cleaning unit, which will stick out above the stove, like the visor of a ridiculous cap, will not only not decorate the kitchen design, but will also create a lot of inconvenience. Majority modern devices are carried out in the same size ruler as cookers and surfaces, making selection easier.

Is it noisy or not?

Index of "noise" of the hood depends, first of all, on characteristics such as power. It also affects the performance of the hood.

  • Hood performance is a parameter that shows how much cubic meters the hood will let air through its filters in 1 hour of operation. In order to calculate what capacity of the hood is needed specifically for your forge, use the common calculation method using a special formula.
  • The volume of the kitchen that you get by multiplying its length, width and height of the ceilings, multiply by 12. This is how many times per hour the air must be renewed during the cooking process, according to the sanitary standards existing in our country. If you have planned to install the branch type hoods, then multiply the resulting total value by a factor of 1.3. This is necessary to take into account the length of the duct, the depth of the ventilation shaft and the number of storeys in the building, which also affect the efficiency of your device. If you are installing a recirculating hood, then the amendment does not need to be made.
  • For example, your kitchen has an area of ​​9.5 square meters, a ceiling height of 2.8, and you like the idea of ​​air filtration. Then the estimated capacity of the unit you need will be 319.2 cubic meters of air per hour. If you want a diversion option, then you will need to choose it with a capacity of at least 415 cubic meters / hour.
  • Why are all these calculations needed? The fact is that the performance of the hood directly affects the noise that its motor produces during operation. The more efficient the hood, the more powerful motor it should be equipped with, and the more noise it creates during operation.

The inevitable conclusion suggests itself. Absolutely silent hoods simply do not exist. They all create this or that sound. The trick is how to keep it to a minimum.

Noise level of modern hoods

The technical characteristics of household appliances must indicate the noise level. But each person has his own perception. The sound that one does not even notice will become excruciating for another, like a toothache. So let's try the faceless hood noise figures translate into the language of ordinary human perception.

  1. When music, TV and household appliances are turned off in your room, the noise level is still present. We never stay in absolute silence, especially residents of big cities. Arriving at a place far from the arteries of civilization, the first thing that notes modern man- silence, which can be very unusual. This is because in such places the level of background noise is significantly reduced in comparison with our city. So, your quiet room is filled with a background sound that is approximately 30 dB.
  2. Two people talking in a loud whisper at a distance of 5 meters produce a noise that is about 35 dB.
  3. A conversation in a normal voice at a distance of 10 meters or the sound of quietly switched on music - here's a noise level of 45 dB. Approximately this indicator is modern models kitchen hoods. To be precise, you will find values ​​from 40 to 44 dB in their data sheets.
  4. 50 dB is a conversation between two people in a normal, not lowered voice at a distance of 5 meters. For most of us, such a meaning is perfectly acceptable, and not perceived as overly distracting. Rather, our brains will attribute it to background noise. But, if you have a sharpened hearing, or you work with large nervous overloads, then you better choose a hood with a lower noise level, since 50dB can be too annoying for you.
  5. Sound that exceeds 50 dB is perceived by us as quite loud. Imagine a loud conversation at a distance of 5 meters. This is already 55-60 dB, and this is already annoying.
  6. Depending on the subtlety of perception and state nervous system, the critical level of noise when it begins to cause physical pain ranges from 110 to 130 dB.

Modern manufacturers do their best to reduce the noise level of kitchen hoods. They place the motors in sound-insulating housings and offer a wide range of modes of regulation. Thus, you can select the power of the hood that is needed at the moment. Accordingly, the noise level will also decrease. Then you will not need the full power of the device all the time, and the sound volume will become optimal.

So, if you want to choose the maximum silent hood, follow a few simple rules.

  • Do not buy a hood with more power than is required for your premises.
  • Choose a model with a noise level of 40 to 44 dB.
  • Buy a hood with a regulator of operating modes, then, if necessary, you will lower the power of its operation, and, consequently, the volume of the device.
  • Do not neglect the maintenance of your retractor. For example, clogged filters or long uncleaned air ducts increase the sound background.

Absolutely silent devices do not yet exist. But it is in our power to choose the one that will make your life truly comfortable.

For the premises it is installed special equipment- extractor hood for the kitchen. There are many advantages of such devices, as well as differences - but one of the main ones is the noise indicator. Quiet will provide not only cleaning or odor removal, but also comfortable conditions in this room and in the adjacent rooms.

An extractor hood is installed for ventilation in the kitchen.

Benefits of quiet hoods

The volume of the fan in the exhaust and recirculation system plays a significant role in the comfort of the whole family. And this characteristic is worth paying attention to no less than the performance of the model.

The advantages that the kitchen has are:

  • the possibility of cooking or eating, and other options for spending time (including watching TV, also installed in the kitchen) in the kitchen, without interference from the hum of the ventilation system;
  • quiet sleep of adults and, especially, young children, who are not disturbed even by a temporarily switched on loud hood.

The version with a quiet hood is suitable for combined kitchen and living room areas - kitchen-studio. Or for a small summer cottage, where you have to cook in the living room.

Principle of operation

For a better understanding of the importance of a low noise level, it is worth considering the indicators of the main operating modes. ventilation systems... It should be borne in mind that the normal background value of noise characteristics is considered to be 40 dB, for sleep - 30 dB, for creative activity - 50 dB. And the difference between the noise in the kitchen and in other rooms, depending on the distance, enclosing structures and the location of the doors, is in the range of 10-30 dB. It turns out that 60 dB in a kitchen area will create a bedroom background in the region of 40 dB.

Silent cooker hood Kuppersberg T 969 BOR

Hood operation parameters:

  • idle equipment - 30 dB;
  • operating at minimum power - 35 dB;
  • quiet device in normal mode - from 40 to 45 dB;
  • the average noise level of the hood for the kitchen is 50 dB;
  • standard equipment at full power - up to 72 dB.

Based on this information, the conclusion is that the minimum noise level of the hood will provide a more comfortable stay in the kitchen and in the apartment. At the same time, do not forget that the noise load also depends on the power, so high-performance equipment is not able to work quietly. And in order to increase the powerful fans, you have to sacrifice your sound comfort.

Manufacturers strive to reduce the noise level by changing the layout and number of fans. And, choosing which one, they give preference to innovative solutions. For example, installing the motor in a soundproof box.

By installing not one exhaust fan, but two, they solve several problems:

  1. Increase in the flow rate of the removed air;
  2. Providing intensive cooling of motors, which reduces the level of noise emitted by them.

The third option, used in quiet hoods, is an exhaust fan with a motor outside the appliance. Without being an additional air barrier, the electric motor increases the aerodynamic properties of the duct and reduces noise.

Features of selection and installation

Powerful hood with two motors BEST SP 2196

Taking into account what kind of hoods are on the market, it is difficult to choose a specific model. But, if you already know your preferences in terms of body color, size, functionality, type and performance, it is recommended to pay attention to the noise parameters.

The choice is made as follows:

  • the model must have a noise level not higher than 50 dB;
  • you should not count on the performance of the hood with a margin - the smaller it is, the quieter the device;
  • the number of modes is not less than 3, which will reduce noise, reducing the power of air extraction.

Important : Don't forget about maintenance device. A dirty filter or duct increases the noise.

Suggested options

The ventilation equipment market offers many devices of different performance, type and design. But, if you choose a suitable hood, taking into account also the noise level, the best options some of the following brands and models may become.


Inexpensive hood Ardesia Basic-F 50 W with a power of 200 W costs in the range of 4-5 thousand rubles, representing inexpensive option removing air from small kitchen... The productivity of the equipment is 190 cubic meters / h, which corresponds to an area of ​​up to 8 sq. m.The compact device is not only inexpensive, but also has good sound, no more than 50 dB.


Popular brand of household appliances Indesit-range hood Indesit H 161.2 BK:

The popular brand Indesit also has models that meet consumer requirements in terms of noise performance. Hood H 161 IX worth up to 5000 rubles. and with a capacity of 0.2 kW, it removes up to 250 cubic meters of air per hour. According to the device's passport, the level of noise generated by it is within 50 dB for the most powerful mode. At a lower capacity setting, the hood will make less noise.


Maunfeld offers a wide range of quality products. Among them there are models with two motors, which are quieter than the required level in any operating mode. Moreover, each device is presented in metallic, white and brown colors.

One of the models, the maunfeld Manchester 90 range hood is attractive appearance and small size. With a productivity of 1050 cubic meters. m / h, it serves an area of ​​up to 40 sq. m. and creates a noise of only 46.5 dB at the third speed. Among all the options considered, this is the quietest.

Thanks to its design features, the model saves space in the kitchen. An inclined hood is placed at an angle to the wall and, with a width of 90 cm, takes up space no more than other, not so wide appliances. Touch control and a complete set of two charcoal filters add to the advantages of the technique. And there is only one drawback - the same price corresponds to high quality, from 30 thousand rubles.

Hood for kitchen Maunfeld PRIMA Plus 900mm: stainless steel and black glass

The Maunfeld Gretta Novas 90 hood will cost less - prices start from 20 thousand rubles. Classic design, ivory and decorative wooden elements supplemented by a convenient slider control of operating speeds. With a maximum productivity of 650 cubic meters / h, the hood creates noise in the range of 50-52 dB.


The German brand KRONAsteel offers consumers for kitchens of different performance, functionality and width (from 45 to 60 cm). The choice of the last parameter is carried out taking into account the dimensions of the slab. The exhaust device should be 100–150 mm wider.

Model 600 "with a width of 600 mm and a capacity of up to 550 m3 / h has a push-button control and a sound-insulated motor unit. Thanks to this feature, for a relatively small amount (5,000 rubles), the buyer receives a noise level of up to 50 dB.

Even in a large kitchen, it's worth saving space. And, installing a compact slab, a similar size is selected for it exhaust equipment... The 40 cm built-in hood krona Pamella removes up to 900 cubic meters from the room. m per hour. You have to pay for the convenience - the price of the device is from 27 thousand rubles.


The best option, suitable both in terms of price, performance, and noise level, is the Candy CCE 16 X model. At a cost of about 7,000 rubles. the hood removes up to 450 cubic meters of air per hour and works for at least 5 years. The high reliability of the device is complemented by silent operation. A quiet exhaust hood to the kitchen creates a noise in the room of no more than 50 dB.



The Italian brand Falmec positions its equipment as the quietest. According to the manufacturer's assurances, the systems are developed using computer calculations and innovative solutions in the field of aerodynamics that do not affect the performance of the hoods. The average volume of air removed per hour by a Falmec device reaches 800 cubic meters. And the noise level does not exceed 50 dB at the fourth operating speed. The model of the fireplace type Falmec Plane 90 with a width of 900 mm meets all these parameters - but it costs between 50-60 thousand rubles.