Why stumble on Saturday with right foot. Stumble on the right or left foot - what

You go, passionate about the conversation with your friend and in an even place, it is not clear what they stumble over and almost fall. This happens completely and next. It would seem that stumbled that this is that. But there are certain signs associated with this phenomenon.

Stumble on the right leg - unfortunately

What it means to stumble

Many believes have come to this day and will admit who are able to explain every our step. Let them make the life of mystical and sometimes force to be afraid of life, but they take place. Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted with superstitions in more detail and the signs related to the fact that we sometimes often stumble it unclear about what.

Stumble on the right leg means that it is unfortunate or failure in life. Why exactly the right foot? Because right part Cases are responsible for welfare, as the word itself right indicates good. Therefore, stumbling on the right leg, we bring unfortunately on yourself, according to accept.

Such a phenomenon is not a security deposit, but warning from the forces of you guarding. These forces say that you can go wrong by, they stop and suggest that you need to look at your acts.

There are other variations of interpretations:

  • It is important what day you encountered and in which born.
  • If you were born in even, and stumbled into an odd, then the result of the incident means a negative outcome of the events.
  • Let it be superstition, and the fact that you stumbled necessarily mean bad. But according to scientific work, this phenomenon or sign is the result of the brain.

If they stumbled on the right leg, then your left brain hemisphere flags about some kind of failure in the work of logic.

Important which day you encounter

There are splitting units on Wednesday or Resurrection. But regardless of whether it happened on Sunday or when else, the main thing is to follow what thoughts were crowned with this action.

Signals from soul

Our subconscious often controls the actions and decisions made. Due to the fact that it is somewhere deep and we cannot be exactly sure proper choice, the subconscious flames us different ways. Dreams, or stubbing can be signal from the inside.

The right side and stubbiness of the right leg is a signal to the fact that you are incorrect. Accordingly, if stumpped on left foot, you are waiting for good news. It also indicates that you act correctly and think.

The stubbiness is broadcast not only depending on the left leg or right, but depending on the day of the week. Stumbled on Monday, wait for tears. If the incident happened on Tuesday, then you will meet your love. If in Wednesday or your loved ones threatens the disease. Stumble on Thursday to the future praise and achievements. Friday stubbing - a sign of the upcoming meeting. If you stumbled on Saturday, you will change. And they went on Sunday, wait for the letters.

Regardless of Monday, it happened or on Sunday, be attentive and careful. And when it happens, remember what you thought before, which was the signal. So you will understand where your action error lies.

Left foot or right, everything lies in your thinking. So you do something wrong, but if they stumbled on the left, then the solution you think right, or think in the right direction. It happened on Sunday or on Tuesday, your thoughts have become completed in such a signal.

To stumble in a while can each. From a long time, people began to march the influence of some events for the future - the signs were formed. It is characteristic that the signs come true even if the person does not believe in them. What does it mean to: stumble on my right leg? Interpretation will depend on many reasons - places, the day of the week in which the event occurred.

The right side of the body is considered by esoterics as a prosperous and true. World religions argue that it is from the right side that the Guardian Angel is. If something unpleasant happens with the right side of the body, it means that we should not expect well-being.

This interpretation is suitable for stumbling on the right leg - wait for problems. It is believed that otherworldly negative forces send a person obstacles in affairs if he stumbles on the right foot at a level place. Therefore, our ancestors were always baptized if they have come to stumble on the right leg - to avoid trouble and misfortune.

Another interpretation of signs is the warning of the guardian angel to prevent errors. If a person started a matter that a failure can bring, the guardian angel tries to stop him halfway, warning from trouble.

However, the law of numerical vibrations is also entering into force, so our ancestors began to associate the meaning of signs with even and odd numbers of the month. Stroke on the right leg into an odd number - to trouble. In the even number of the month, the dance promises good luck.

Some interpreters clarify the value of signs and make birth bindings. It is believed that it is born in an odd number of luck and stones on the left leg, and born in an even number - on the right foot. Believe in this or not - choose to you. However, check out.

The value of the place of stubbiness

In the people there were belief that the place where the person stumbled into, has its own sacred meaning. For example, stumble about the threshold of the house when leaving - To failure. What needs to be done to "kill" to raise, level its negative meaning? You should return to the house and see in the mirror - then the bad will not come true.

If you stumbled on the road, It is necessary to relate the number of the current day with the number of birthday. If you were born in an even number, wait good luck. If in an odd number - wait for problems. In the event of an unsuccessful forecast, you should simply cross, and also change the route of your movement - the sign will not come true.


These signs refer to any leg on which it happened to be stumbled. In this interpreter, the value has a day of the week:

  • Monday - to troubles;
  • Tuesday - to love passion;
  • Wednesday - to trouble, enemies;
  • Thursday - wait for troubles;
  • Friday - to an unexpected meeting;
  • Saturday - you will betray;
  • Sunday - to news and news.

Opinion scientists

Scientists in their own way explain the cause of the knocker in an even place, denying all mystic and guardian angels. In their opinion, a person stumbles when his brain begins to work slowly and does not cope with the leadership coordination. However, scientists do not explain the reason for the slow work of the brain.

The right side of the body is controlled by the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical thinking. The weakening of the work of the left brain hemisphere will inevitably lead to small mistakes and shortcomingswho will deliver a person in trouble. In the people, these troubles called bad luck.

When notes do not come true

To understand whether you got a warning over, you need to look at the place where you stuffed. For example, a stick on a stone or a shallow hole on the road to the signs does not apply. Also, it is impossible to attribute uncomfortable shoes in which you often stuff.

What else does not apply to the signs? If you are inattentive stuffed about the step, this also does not apply to acceptance. A man in scatleton may not calculate the height of the steps and stumble. However, on the other hand, the scattering can be considered as a way to divert a person and allow a stroke knocking - then this action can be considered as adopted. But nevertheless, it is necessary to consider the knocker in a flat place without visible reasons.

There are people who are confident that all the signs are stuck money. Whatever happens - to money and profits. If you consider the fact that thoughts are material, any sign will make a profit. Maybe you should take it into service and change your attitude to negative signs?

Signs People perceive in different ways: someone considers them in fiction, and someone regularly uses them in everyday life. I received widespread, explaining what means to stumble on the right leg. Basically, all superstitions that relate to the right side of the human body mean something positive. It will take to use interpretation only if a person stumbled on a flat road, and there was no reason for it, for example, uncomfortable shoes.

Specz - Stop on the right leg

In antiquity it was believed that if a person stumbles, then it is some kind of caution that is worth paying attention to. If a person stumbled about the threshold, leaving the house, then on the planned path it is worth expecting problems and trouble. To cancel the action, it is worth returning home and smile in the mirror.

If you had to stumble on my right leg, then to obtain predictions need to take into account the number of birth. An even date means that today you can wait and vice versa. According to the most ancient version, if a person stumbled through the right leg is a precursor of bad luck, since the right side symbolizes everything positive, and stubbing indicates that something fails. This can be taken as an indication that the wrong way was chosen in life and it is worth reconsidering its prerogatives.

Scientists in their own way explain the reason why he had to stumble on the right or left leg. They are confident that it is directly related to the work of the brain. A man stumbles precisely at the moment when the brain activity slows down and one of the hemispheres works slightly slower.

Each person can independently decide to believe in signs or not, many agree that they make our lives more interesting.

In a person's life, nothing happens by chance. Any incident, meeting, a new impression can be regarded as a sign of fate. Interpret these signs are designed by signs - unique everyday wisdom transmitted as the pearl of popular knowledge. Therefore, interest does not subscribe to them, but only increases with time. We do not all be explained by even a superphan, so we appeal for help to the highest forces. One of these most commonly found is to "stumble on the right leg." What does it mean, and what can we expect in the near future?

History of Signs

Folk beliefs say that a person, as a weak creature, consists of two parts: bad and good. To the bad side, or as it is also called half of unclean forces, belong to the left side. Good is the right side.

Everything that is associated with the right side is the territory of the owner of the guardian angel, from the left - the dark spirit. Therefore, if a person is knitted with his right foot, this means caution and a warning about something bad.

Interpretation commence birthday

If the number of birthday is even and stumbled on the right leg of an even number, then it expects a big luck and success in matters. On the contrary, wait for problems and trouble.

Stumble on the birthday itself, mean what remembers you close personwho at the moment wants to be with you next.


Superstition "Stupns on the right foot" has several more values \u200b\u200bif you interpret it depending on the days of the week. Much depends on which day this unpleasant happened:

  • On Monday. Expect unpleasant guests with bad news.
  • Tuesday. Small spending on trifles.
  • On Wednesday. Show caution driving.
  • On Thursday. You are trying to deceive. Need to take care of financial issues. Do not trust unverified and unfamiliar people.
  • On Friday. A man with personal problems will come to your house. Only you can help him.
  • On Saturday. Disease of close relatives.
  • On Sunday. In the near future, a major trouble awaits you.

In some cases, a person is not just stuffed, but also falls. What then will mean signs?

  • Stumble and fall on the right half of the body - soon you will be in an uncomfortable and unpleasant situation. Friends or relatives will help you.
  • Love the right leg, and fell and hit the left side? Changes are coming that will be surprising for you.

In any case, luck left you for a while.

Where can I stumble?

Attention can also attract the place itself, where this unpleasant situation occurred. If the place is sacred, it will affect the person and his fate. What can it symbolize?

  • Stip in the church. Signs says that a person has a lot of sins, and they are. In another interpretation, this case means that the sorceress is located in the room.
  • At the wedding - to a long and happy marriage.
  • At the funeral - to trouble.
  • Going out of someone else's home, - soon again go back there.
  • At the holiday or feast - for the eyes of you they say bad, gossip is disseminated.
  • Moved the right leg when they came out of the car? Ahead is a difficult road and many obstacles.

Not worth S. special attention refer to the moment of stubbing in several cases. If you accidentally clogged about something foot, for example, irregularities on the road or some object, or you have failed uncomfortable shoes.

With an awkward situation of a collision with a person or pain convulsion, the sign "to stumble on the right leg" will not act.

What do psychologists and doctors say?

Stumbling itself - a signal that the brain is tired and demands rest. The trouble may occur and then when a person thinks about something. Therefore, science to similar signs is skeptical.

Sick Sick "Stumble on the left or on the right foot" will work if it happened without certain reasons. Then you can talk about interference Higher Forces, warnings and upcoming troubles. But they can be tried to get around. To prevent bad things, you can look into the mirror or surpass through the left shoulder. Do not be afraid of anything, but should be careful.