How great is my earth as wide spaces. Conversation "How great my land, how widely its expanses"

Penalty period is already behind, preschool childhood flew and very soon your child will go to school.

Child arrival in school - A turning point in the life of every preschooler. The beginning of training in school radically changes his entire lifestyle. Property carelessness, carelessness, immersion in the game is replaced by life filled with many requirements, restrictions.

Now the child should systematically work intensively, to clearly observe the day of the day, obey various standards and requirements school Life, fulfill the requirements of teachers, engage in the lesson in what is determined by the school program.

ABOUT ready to school a lot of scientific articles are written, where teachers and psychologists lead the main criteria for the school maturity of the child.

Many parents believe that for development and preparation of preschooler to school, it is enough to teach it the basics of mathematics, reading and writing. Although in fact, so that the child correctly understood and absorb these basics, first he needs to develop thinking, memory, attention, imagination, perception and speech.

Preparing for school in preparatory group kindergarten is of great importance.

During the time of stay in children's garden Teachers develop imagination, memory, logical thinking guys enriched them vocabulary, It is taught to compare and expand the ideas about the world around.

Children learn to sculpt and draw, dance and sing, learn many new fairy tales, poems, stories, learn to consider within two dozen, learn the letters of the Russian alphabet.

The development of the cognitive sphere of the child must begin to engage as early as possible. And the reason here is not at all that he will soon become a student. Knowledge, as they say, will always be useful. If from childhood we will bring up an erudite, creative person, then in the future, most likely, he will become so. BUT creative person It fully reveals himself in everything so that he does, he is always interesting to the world, and peace, and, finally, he feels more confident in life.

The desire of a child to knowledge and creativity cannot pass in itself, it needs to awaken. Adult must learn to look at the world through the eyes of a child. Trust more, advise with the baby, explain calmly, try not to issue your excitement, because the child intuitively will feel it. More cheerfulness and optimism! The baby always sees how nice and interesting to the adult to communicate with him. And feeling indifference, he will cease to show any activity.

Speak the child that everything will succeed, but for this you need to make efforts. And you will always be near. And even if something does not go out like this, then it will surely turn out later.

Consistently, step by step, the baby will receive life experience and acquire confidence in his abilities. If there are adults next to the time for a child - with the development of the baby everything will be fine. The most important thing is to understand thatpreparation for school - It is a long and creative processWho does not need to be turned into training and dull conversations. It is only necessary to start it in advance and gradually, individually for each child, because each kid has its own development scheme.

And here you can give the will of your fantasy, to fulfill the tasks proposed by teachers or invent our own - in any case, the child will grow up, gaining life experience and confidence in their abilities.

Success to you, dear parents, in education I. Let the preschool childhood period be with a child without extra stress and disappointment. Love our wonderful preschool people who will soon go along the ladder of knowledge. Be careless, attentive, patient to a small student - and everything will work out.

Consultation for teachers

"Preparation of preschool children

to school learning

Admission of a child to school - significant event. This is the beginning of a new stage in life. There is a high-quality jump - the preschooler becomes a schoolboy.

The circle of responsibilities is expanding, mental loads increase. To its new position, the child must be most prepared for a kindergarten. Therefore, the task of kindergarten and educators is to prepare a child so that he can assimilate the school curriculum.

1. Motivational readiness

Under motives, they understand the motivating causes of actions and actions of a person. Motives arise on the basis of needs. IN preschool age Increased actions, actions are mainly motives incentives. A significant role in children of this age is played by social motives that manifest themselves in gaming, educational, labor, sports and artistic activities. Children want to learn well to become pilots, captains, tractor drivers, machinists, to benefit people and their homeland.

Social motifs encourage the actions of a sense of duty, duties, responsibilities and before the elders. Motives encourage actions, actions. However, the same activity can be caused by different motives. So, for example, the task of the teacher to draw a tree of some guys will be performed to earn praise, others - to draw the best of all and be the first, and the third is to learn how to draw and be artists when they become big.

The value of the motives of activities for the formation of the identity of the child is very large. Therefore, the motivational preparation of children 6-7 years old to school training is one of the most important tasks of kindergarten. L.I. Bogovich and L.S. Slavina, studied motifs learning activities Children 5-7 years old and first-graders, found that among students I class, there are many children who, possessing a large margin of knowledge, skills and relatively high levels Mental development, nevertheless, learned badly. In these children, interest in classes appears only when they are entertaining in form and interesting in content. When work is not interesting, it is very important to carry out it from a sense of duty, duties and responsibilities. Such children do not show interest in her and fulfill her carelessly, reluctant, do not even seek to earn the approval of the teacher, which is usually characteristic of children of this age, this indicates an insufficient formation of the child's personality during his stay in kindergarten, social motives and activities. A fairly strong incentive for learning is the awareness of the learning goal - a clear formulation of a learning task, it increases interest in work.

Motivational incentives in teaching can manifest itself in the form of adult answers to curious children's questions.

Motivational preparation


  • formation of the right attitude towards school, training, teacher;
  • desire to work;
  • creating interest in knowledge; to the book;
  • the desire to know the new, acquire knowledge;
  • excursions to school.


  • bringing positive examples from your own experience - what needs to be learn at school;
  • reading fiction;
  • execution with children of simple tasks.

2. Wallave readiness

Will - one of the properties human psyche, expressed in conscious actions aimed at achieving their goals, the implementation of which is associated with overcoming both internal and external obstacles. Senior preschoolers in the preparation of children to school should be formed such village qualitiesas dedication, excerpt, organization, disciplinary, determination and perseverance. In children 6-7 years, the ability to brake their actions and aspirations is sufficiently developed. They may already force themselves by the power of the will tear away from the desired to fulfill the instrument of an adult. For example, abandon the fascinating game and watering the colors, cleaning the corner of dolls, table serving. So, knowing that on the festival he is to fulfill an interesting role, the child will prepare for it for a long time. The organization and methodology for conducting classes, with the help of a systematic and intensive impact on a child in the direction of developing volitional qualities, has a great influence on the formation of the will of children.

Will raising:



  • Through the game
  • Labor orders
  • Dramatic games
  • Explore poems
  • Practical actions in classes
  • Repair of books
  • Classes
  • Games with designer
  • Games "Puzzles"
  • Labor in vegetable garden
  • Consider an interesting book
  • Browsing children's gears

3. Moral training for children in school

This preparation includes the formation of a feeling of collectivism, discipline, friendship and mutual assistance, a friendly attitude to peers, habits of cultural behavior, courtesy, preventability, distrecy, accuracy, careful handling of things, modesty, truthfulness, honesty, kindness and feelings of patriotism. The experience of moral relations, evaluations of the forms of behavior accumulates continuously, is hourly, during the regime moments, walks, games, work in the family, on the street, regardless of whether these process managed or not.

Moral training

4. Physical training for children to school

In working with children, 6-7 years old are of particular importance to physical development, worldwide health promotion, protection and development of hearing, vision and voice, improving all the functions of the body, the formation of motor skills and skills and other physical qualities, developing proper posture and encourage active physical activity. By the time of arrival in I class, children should have a strong health, good physical development, sufficient volume of motor skills and skills. All this will help faster to join school life, associated with the need for a long stay in a monotonous posture and quite tense mental activities on the lessons.