Formation of the skill of correct posture from preschoolers. Education of the right posture in preschool children

The preservation and management of preschoolers' health is one of the most up-to-date problems of our time.

Speaking of health, we use the definition that offers the World Health Organization - "The state of full physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease ..."

On the health of children have a significant impact as unfavorable social factorsand environmental, demographic, climatic conditions, namely:

  • heredity
  • unfavorable environmental setting
  • electron beam and "metal-sound" radiation of children ( computer games, long stay in front of the TV, watching movies)

No less serious influence on the health and development of a preschooler is deviations in the musculoser, which are the root cause of many diseases that are not amenable to drug treatment.

For example, a violation of posture is combined with violation of the work of many organs and systems of a growing body. Children, as a rule, suffer by poor vision, diseases of the respiratory, nervous system, digestion. They usually marked high fatigue and poor well-being.

Why does the modern child develop posture disorders?

Obviously, among the most important reasons, a high percentage of fertility of weakened children, diseases in neonatal and more late period Development of a child related to restriction motor activity. All this adversely affects the state of skeletal muscles and spine. Much depends on heredity, but not in the sense that children inherit from parents already curved spine. No, usually children are born with a normal spine, but it is very often adopted from parents a habit of improperly sitting, standing and walking, as well as forced uncomfortable postures, for example, when reading or writing. Overloading the spine overweight.

The right posture is made to call the familiar pose of a relatively sitting person, with small natural bends of the spine: in the cervical and lumbar departments, in breast and sacrats - back. In the explanatory dictionary V.I. Dahl recorded: "Under the posture, meaningfulness, magnifier, decency and beauty." Developing this definition, it is necessary to add and "the basis of health".

With the right posture, the physiological bends of the spine is well pronounced, have a uniform, wave view, the blades are located in parallel and symmetrically, the shoulders are deployed, the legs are straight. Proper posture has not only aesthetic, but also physiological importance - it contributes to the normal activity of the internal organs, since deviations in the posture are reflected on their functions.

The posture is formed from the earliest childhood and depends on the harmonious work of the muscles, the state of the bone system, the binder and the articular and neuromuscular apparatus, the uniformity of their development, the physiological bends of the spine.

The most frequent violations of posture in children preschool age There are lagging blades, shutders, asymmetry of adven, stubbornness.

With sluggish posture, the head is lowered, the chest is flattened, the shoulders are reduced, the blades are lagging behind, the legs are slightly bent in the knees. With stubbornness, the head is nominated forward, the shoulders are strongly reduced, the stomach is sucked. For Lordic posture, an increased deflection of the lumbar spine is characterized, for kifotic - an increase in the depth of both cervical and lumbar bends (the spin round, the shoulders are omitted, the head is tilted forward, the stomach is sucked).

Most of these disorders is purely functional nature and is bounded mainly with a violation of symmetry of muscle tone (weakness of muscle tone). The reasons for these functional disorders of the posture can be the overall wealth of the body, an irrational organization of the regime, violation of vision, reduction of hearing, lack of general physical development and weak motor activity. A much more serious violation refers scoliosis, which is based on the lateral curvature of the spine with twisting (torsion) of the spine.

It is important to start the prevention of defects as early as possible, or the correction of the existing type of its violation, so that in school the child has no problems with increased fatigue, headaches and pain in the muscles of the body. The best means for the prevention of posture disorders: movement in all kinds, moving air games, morning gymnastics, hardening, sufficient lighting and properly selected furniture, continuous monitoring of the child's pioneering during the game, classes, special exercise complexes.

Prevention and elimination of posture disorders - the process is long-term, requiring a conscious relationship and active participation.

The basis for the use of special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct posture and eliminating its defects should be the following principles: an individual-differentiated approach to each child and the gradual increase in the difficulty of performing physical exercises. When selecting and using exercises, it is necessary to take into account the level of physical development, the state of the health of each child and, in accordance with this correct posture, special exercises are applied.

It is very important to convince children to engage in systematically special exercises. The growing body of the child is not yet formed, so it is necessary to ensure that the classes do not cause overvoltage. If the child is unstable in some pose, it is best to get out of it, relax and go to another exercise. Weak children can try to perform poses on the choice. Beginners are not worth overwhelming to achieve the posture of posture. It is important that at least 2 hours after meals before starting classes. It is advisable not to mix energetic exercises and games with practice. The complex is designed for 2 days: the first day - exercises in the standing position, the second day - the exercises in the situation lying.


Walking with objects on the head (cubes, pads filled with sand, shallow pebbles, sawdusts) installed on the peculiar, closer to the forehead, contribute to the upbringing of the reflex to keep the head and ability to strain and relax separate muscle groups. These exercises include walking, while the hands are reduced to the breast and bred on the parties; Walking on socks, semitted legs, walking on a log, bench and jumping.

Exercises performed in the standing position

  1. Pose of Mountain

Main stand - Stand firmly and just like a mountain. All postures standing below begin, begin in this rack with hand-leaning.

Technics. Stand straight, connecting the stops so that the heels and thumbs are in contact. The belly is drawn, the chest forward, the neck hold straight. It is impossible to carry body weight only on heels or fingers, and should be evenly distributed between them.

Effect exercise. The correct posture is formed, the ability to manage your movements.

  1. Running forward, hands up

Technics.From the main rack to raise the hands up, folding the palm together. Make a deep lunge forward right foot, raise your head and look at folded hands. The corner in the knee joint of the right leg is about 90 0, left leg - straight. Keep pose 20-30 seconds. Breathing free. Return to its original position and exercise with a fallen leg.

Effect exercise.The muscles of the back, legs, shoulders are strengthened.

  1. Fucking

Technics.From the main rack to make hands on the sides. Make a deep lunge towards right foot. Torso keep straight. The corner in the knee joint of the right leg is about 90 0, the left foot is straight. Keep pose 20-30 seconds. Breathing free. Return to its original position and exercise with a fallen leg.

Effect exercise.The muscles of the back, shoulders are strengthened. Promotes the prevention of posture disorders.

  1. Stretching back

Technics. Stand in the main rack. Connect palms behind your back. Raise palm up at the level of the blades. Legs spread wider shoulders. Bind the torso forward to the knee of the right leg. Save pose 20-30 seconds, breathing is normal. Back to the main rack, removing your hands from the back. If you fail to fold your hands behind your back, you can capture the wrist and make the specified movements.

Effect exercise. Muscles of legs and backs are strengthened, the mobility in the shoulder belt increases.

  1. Pose of triangle

Technics. From the main rack by jumping to spread the legs wider shoulders. Hands raise on the side at the shoulder level, palm down. Rotate the right and left stop to the right, the left leg is stretched. Tilt the torso to the right, touch right palm The right ankle, you can put the palm on the floor. Pull out the left hand up. Keep pose 30-40 seconds, deep breath, even. Return to the starting position. Perform an exercise to the other side.

Effect exercise. The mobility in the hip joints and the vertebral post increases, the chest expands.

  1. Pose "Hands behind the back"

Technics. From the main rack, make hands behind your back and connect the palms together. Walk back and keep a pose 20-30 seconds. Return to the starting position.

Effect exercise. The flexibility of the spine is improved. Muscles develop, defining a beautiful straight posture.

  1. Pose "Swallow"

Technics.From the main rack to lean forward. Pull the right leg parallel to the floor, stretch your hands forward. Hands, torso and left leg make a straight line. Hold the position of 20-30 seconds, return to its original position. Repeat the exercise with the lifting of the left leg.

Effect exercise. The muscles of the back, the back surface of the thigh, shoulder belt are actively train.

Exercises performed in the lying position

Having mastered the exercises performed in the standing position, you can go to the execution of the next complex from the source position lying on the back or on the stomach. To do the exercise, you can use any mats or litters. Having finished any exercise, you need to rest for 1-2 blowjob in the lying position (Pose 5). The complex is completed with relaxation lying for 3-5 minutes.

  1. Pose "Tilt forward sitting"

Technics. Lie on the back, legs together. Slowly sit down, lean forward, trying to touch the arms of the stop. To lean forward as low as possible and grab off. Lower the head and relax in this position. Hold the pose of about 20 seconds. Get out of the posture, sit right, then lower your back on the floor. Hands along the body palms up. Legs slightly breed apart. Relax.

Effect exercise. Pose has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the back, the caviar of the legs and the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen.

Pose of "Boats" (burning back)

Technics. Lie down the stomach to the floor. Hands are reserved back. Raise the head at the same time, chest, legs as high as possible. Neither the palm nor the edges should touch the floor, on the floor only belly. Stay in this position 10-15 seconds with normal breathing.

Effect exercise.Violations of posture are corrected, the spine becomes elastic, the pelvic muscles train.

  1. Pose "Cobra"

Technics.Lie on the stomach, legs together. Put the hand brushes on the floor at the shoulder level palms down. Slowly climb up and routine as much as possible, without tearing off the bottom of the abdomen from the floor. To look up. Save the pose about 20 seconds, breathe normally. After that, slowly omit on the floor first the chest, and then head.

Effect exercise.Beneficial effect on back muscles. The spine is strengthened.

  1. POST "Luka"

Technics. To lie on the stomach, keep legs together. Bend legs in the knees and grab the ankle. Hands to keep straightened. Try the legs and feet to keep together. Slowly lift the legs. Try to get back so that the belly is only touching the floor. To look up. Keep a pose about 10 seconds. Slow down to starting position. Remove the whole body.

Effect exercise. The beneficial effect on the whole body, especially on the spine and the stomach.

  1. Pose to relax muscles lying

Technics.To lie on the back, spreading the foot of about 40 cm. The head of the head concerns the floor. Hands put the palms up and push them away from the body. Close your eyes and relax. To breathe deeply, gradually slowing the breath. Stay in this position 3-5 minutes

Effect exercise. This posture is useful for relaxing the entire body.


It is very important that a weakened child firmly learned corrective exercises. Subsequently, he will be able to perform them independently, and not mechanically, but intelligently. This will increase the effectiveness of classes several times, because in this case mental work is connected to the technique, the child listens to its feelings.

Posture in children of preschool age / kid. All parents want the child to have a slim figure, good health, graceful movements.

However, you need to know that the beauty and harness of the body depends on the posture.

And it is formed precisely during the growth and development of the kid.

Right posture in children very important. After all, the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular system is well working well.

Posture in preschool children

But if there are some violations, then the child can be:

  1. Labored breathing
  2. Head and muscle pain as a result of an insufficient inflow of blood and oxygen to the cells of the body
  3. Increased fatigue, fatigue, bad mood.

During the year, parents need to inspect their child 3 - 4 times. This is done during swimming, and it is not scary that the examination is not quite qualified. After all, it is the parents first can notice the slightest changes. Such an inspection of doctors is recommended from a distance of about 1.5 m - front, side and rear.

In front. When a child stands face to you note:

  • contours and the level of arrangement of the shoulder (maybe one slightly higher);
  • form chest. Ideally, it should be wide, "deployed";
  • bending or sealing one of the parties to the body;
  • the correct position of the stop. Put them together, the internal surfaces must completely come into contact.

Rear . Note:

  • the vertical position of the head (the uche uche must be at the same level);
  • neck lines, shoulders and backs. If everything is fine, then the shoulders should be slightly set back, the blades slightly protrude back and at the same time firmly adjacent to the spine. The spine line is clearly visible when tilting forward.

Side . Pay attention to the contours of the abdomen.

  • Scattered or dispersed belly - the child's weak muscles of the abdominal press.

Among the initial posture defects in preschool children, such as stuff, round spin, concave spin and scoliosis are found. Consider each of them. Slouch

  • It is found in many children of preschool age.
  • In this case, the spine is a little bent only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe blades, the shoulders are raised.
  • Classes of physical exercises and mobile games quickly eliminate this defect.

Round spin (Kifotic posture)

  • The weak muscles of the neck and back cannot hold their heads and shoulders in the right position.
  • And the habit of sitting, bent, walking with a head-down head can lead to narrowness and round back.
  • The shoulders at the same time go down and go ahead, the head and neck bend forward, the thoracic is slightly blossoming, the stomach is sucked forward, the legs in the knees are slightly bent.

Concave spin (Lordotic posture)

  • It is rare, but still meets.
  • In this case, the chest and pelvis are fed back.
  • Belly acquires a convex view
  • The bentness of the spine in the lumbar department is strongly expressed.

Eliminated by exercising exercise.


  • This side curvature, resembles the letter "s". At the same time, one shoulder is raised, the blades are one above and farther from the spinal column, and the second is lower and closer to it. One bit side of the body is convex, and the other is placed, the vertebrae twisted around its axis, as a result of which the ribs are repeated or a hump is formed.
  • Scoliosis of the first degree is eliminated if they do therapeutic physical education. But sometimes the treatment takes a lot of time and strength, so when identifying the first signs urgently to the doctor - orthopedic.
  • With severe forms, we need to wear special corsets for a long time. Better to this is not allowed.

But in addition to the listed features, there are other "signals", which parents should pay attention to:

  • if the child complains of pain in his legs, does not want to play rolling games, sluggish;
  • but the most important thing is when the baby is slouching, the parents should be applied to the doctor.

It is clear to everyone that to prevent the disease is much easier than healing it. Thaws such as exercise, mobile games contribute to the formation of proper posture. Throughout the preschool period, the child needs to be accepted:

  1. properly sit on the chair and at the table;
  2. go to go;
  3. sleep in the appropriate posture.

Let's look at what means « sit down».

  • The baby needs to teach the head to keep vertically or slightly toning forward, the shoulders are smooth, the elbows are freely placed on the table, the torso vertically, the feet are put on the floor.
  • The distance from the surface of the table to the eye is 40 - 50 cm. When a child eats, draws, examines the drawings in the book not allowed to sit at the table, the baby relied on it with a breast, turned her torso side, bent under his foot or both legs.
  • It is desirable that the child has its own "working" place (table, chair, shelf), where he could do. The lighting at the same time should fall on the working surface on the left side. On the table, put the table lamp.

In many families, children can watch TV, while sitting in an uncomfortable posture. Parents need to follow this and limit the TV shows. Sleep in the appropriate posture.

  • Soft bed, high pillow, the habit of sleeping constantly on one side can lead to the spine clearing, and the dream "Kalachik" - to the round back.
  • Doctors recommend to children to sleep on beds with a flat solid, elastic mattress and a low pillow.
  • According to doctors, the perfect posture for saving the posture is to fall asleep on the back, holding hands over the blanket.
  • If the child loves to sleep on his side, the doctors advise young parents to be very attentive, to watch the kid not tightened his legs to the stomach, did not bended to the eagle and did not hide a blanket with his head, often turn him into a crib. But we note that in most cases this task, unfortunately, is difficult.

Posture in preschool children Strengthens simple physical exercises, moving games. We will talk about them in the next article.

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Proper posture is a normal pose when standing and sitting: the shoulders are deployed and are on the same level, the blades do not protrude, arranged symmetrically, the stomach will be pulled out, the legs are not bent at standing, the heels together, the head holds straight. The man's posture not only affects the beauty of his figure, everything is an external appearance, but also has direct influence on his health. With its deterioration, the function of respiration and blood circulation is disturbed, the activity of the liver and intestines is hampered, oxidizing processes are reduced, which leads to a decrease in physical and mental performance.

The main thing effective tool Prevention of posture defects is the right and timely initiated physical education.

Since the growth and formation of posture is influenced by the condition ambient, Parents and staff of pre-school institutions should control the poses of children when sitting, standing, walking.


Timely proper nutrition;

Fresh air;

Selection of furniture in accordance with body length;

Optimal illumination;

The habit of correctly transferring heavy items;

Relax body muscles;

Follow your own gait.

Developing and securing the skill of the correct posture occurs during the execution of various overall exercises, under which the correct position of the body is preserved; Exercises in equilibrium and coordination.

In the first month of classes should begin work with children from walking, crawling, climbing. Consider examples.

1) without a task - 16 steps;

2) on socks, hands on the parties - 8 steps;

3) on the heels, hands behind the head - 8 steps;

4) on outside feet, hands on the belt - 8 steps;

5) stepping through the modules - 8 steps.

Guidelines. When you perform walking on the socks of your knees, do not bend, the steps are small, the hands are accurate to the side, the head is not omitted, looking straight. When performing a walk on the heels, it is not stupid, put the leg gently, the hands behind the head, the elbows of dilute, look straight, the pelvis does not retard. When overpanding through modules, raise the thigh, pulling out the sock.

Comment. It is necessary to regularly repeat different types of walking, which helps to eliminate the shortcomings such as: excessive shoulders voltage, insufficiently straightened torso, uncorrected work of hands and legs, shrinking legs. In addition, walking contributes to the strengthening of the foot muscles, which prevents the development of flatfoot, forms the right posture.

Walking barefoot, on a rigid surface, in mats, in pebbles or buttons, by rope, rubber massage rugs, Stepping through items, according to a gymnastic bench, hemispheres, modules, etc. Effectively develops a reflexian gait.


Crawling on all fours:

1) crawling forward, back, zigzag;

2) crawling heterolaterally ( right hand - left leg) .

Crawling lying on the stomach:

1) "Lizard";

2) lying on the back, pushing out the feet bent feet;

3) Roll, the method of "brevbnashko".

Guidelines. Note proper execution crawling. Movement, standing on his knees, forward is performed with a variepete hand and foot, with a turn of the head towards a moving arm. The same when performing a crawling back. The task of the teacher is to control the cross work of the arms and legs with a simultaneous turn of the head aside ahead of the hand.

Comment. This exercise refers to the mandatory and stage. If a child can do this exercise, then more complex coordinated exercises, running, etc. will be ineffective and problematic. Crawling positively affects the formation of the correct posture. It is recommended to check the gymnastic bench; on the inclined surface; on pebbles, rubber massage rugs; In the stop, standing on the knees, in the stop at the forearms, in Plastanski, the "snake", etc. It is recommended to include crawling into each lesson, both in the form of a separate exercise and during the game, relay.

Lazagne: on the stepladder, the gymnastic wall.

I.p. - standing on the floor, holding a rack at the height of the breast: sit on the elongated hands, return to and. P.

Move the side step on the rail with the transition to other walls of the wall.

Combination of vertical climbing with short-term vessels.

Guidelines. Pay attention to how the child makes the capture of the rails with his hands (thumb from below the rail, the rest from above) and how correctly puts on the rake legs (middle of the foot). The child climbs up to a certain height, intercepting the hands of the next rail, and then rearrange the legs. Peep motion is peeling - first overslets both legs on one rail, and then intercepts the rail hands.

Comment. This type of exercise is designed to overcome the fear of height, mastering the complex coordination of movements.

1) Easy running on socks;

2) Running "Snake" with walking on walking;

3) Running with overcoming obstacles.

Comment. A relatively fast change in the direction of movement forms the coordination of the work of the right and left hemispheres. Running develops stamina in children, speed quality, ease, ease of movements.

The main stand (about. P.) - Standing, feet parallel to each other, hands along the body.

Guidelines. The severity of the body is evenly distributed on both legs; Muscles hips are tense, the knee cup is raised; The abdominal press in tone, the stomach is slightly drawn; Buttock muscles are tense; The shoulders are deployed and omitted; Head is raised, looking forward.

Comment. Hold the main rack from 15 to 30 seconds. The main rack should specifically teach children, since the ability to correctly stand in the future can work out the reflex of the correct posture.

Exercises for forming and securing the skill of correct posture

1. Stand up to the wall, touching it with a population, shovels, buttocks, heels, elbows. Keeping the right position, take a step forward, then back, return to and. P.

2. Take the right posture by the wall, lift on the socks, to keep in this position 3-4 minutes.

3. The same, but without a wall.

4. Stand up to the wall, take the correct position, raise your arms to the side - up, drop in and. P.

5. Take the right posture by the wall, sit down, breaking the knees apart and keeping the position of the head and the spinal column. Slow in and. P.

6. The same, but without a wall.

7. Stand up to the wall, take the correct position. Alternately lift the legs forward, without bending in the knee, without taking off the pelvis, shoulders, heads from the wall.

8. I. p. - Standing, hand on the stomach. Inhale - inflate the belly - exhale. Slow.

9. Walking with a bag on the head.

10. Lying on the back - lift your head - check the correctness of the location of the body.

11. Lying on the back, take the right pose, close your eyes - relax all the muscles - become like a "rag doll". Open your eyes, take the right pose.

These exercises can be given in any part of the lesson and as control between the exercises to strengthen the muscular corset.

Work with a large gymnastic (orthopedic) ball.

One of the most effective means of development and empty correction for preschool children are exercises on large balls. Classes with balls have their own characteristics. First, it is an unstable support, forces those or other muscle groups into operation. Work on the mobile, constantly "wishing to drop it" the ball, becomes more complicated by the fact that the child is forced to balance, playing with the ball, trying to resist him. A lot of important role The emotional component is played here - the ball is a toy, he is partner, it is beautiful and, most importantly, is immobile, that is, interacts with the child.

Exercises with a gymnastic ball

The gymnastic ball is a multifunctional "simulator", a good assistant in the formation of posture. It also helps to develop the symmetric muscular power of the body, which facilitates static work to maintain vertical posture.

Exercises on an unstable support (hemispheres)

Exercises contribute to improved movement coordination. Education and fastening the skill of correct posture, restoring disturbed statics. The more often the position of the center of gravity of the body is changing, the more differentiated the work of the muscles and the clearer production of coordination of movements.

Rubber harness

Effective tool for amplifying muscle corset. The main requirement when working with a harness is an indispensable pulling. Gives a good burden on the muscles of body extensors, hands, legs. This is exactly what is needed to develop proper posture. Harness makes the baby's muscles work and work.

Systematic physical education and sports activities - the best means of preventing the posture disorder.


1. Vavilova E. N. Learn to run, jump, climb, throw. / E. N. Vavilova, -M. : Enlightenment, 1983

2. Heating physical education. Educational motor programs for children 5-6 years / ed. M. M. Bezruchy. - M.: Vlados, 2001

3. Osokina T. I. Physical culture in kindergarten / Moscow, Enlightenment, 1986

4. Sulim E. V. Classes on physical education in kindergarten. Game Stretching / Creative Center, Moscow 2010

5. Organization of recreation and preventive work with children of preschool age in educational institutions with impaired musculoskeletal system (posture) using complex methods medical physical education (balancing boards, physiomychi, etc.). Toolkit, NP Center for Health Saving Pedagogical Technologies, N. Novgorod, 2009

6. Let the child be healthy / ed. L. F. Ostrovskaya. - M., Enlightenment, 1979

Consultation for educators "Formation of posture in children of preschool age"

The posture is called the familiar pose of a relatively standing person, which he takes without unnecessary muscular tension.

Posture - the usual pose of the body during peace and movement; Forming from early childhood in the process of growth, development and education. The correct posture makes the figure of a person beautiful and contributes to the normal functioning of the proprietary system and the whole organism.

Proper posture indicates a good general physical development.

The posture value is difficult to overestimate: a healthy spine, a properly formed chest, well-developed muscles are a pledge of physical health and psychological well-being.

To date, a lot of preschool children have different kinds Violations of posture. Against the background of these violations, such serious diseases are developing as scoliosis, kyphosis, osteochondrosis. ... In addition, the deformation of the skeleton, even minor, adversely affect the development of internal organs, lead to various disorders of their activities. Therefore, teachers are so important to take this issue with maximum attention and responsibility.

In kindergarten, in the family, children are carried out most of the time in a static position. This increases the burden on certain muscle groups and causes their fatigue. The strength and performance of skeletal muscles decreases, which entails a violation of the posture, the curvature of the spine, flatfoot.

In order to prevent possible disorders of the posture of preschoolers, it is necessary:

In all groups, furniture fee for the growth of children;

Take into account the landing of the child at the table;

Pay attention to the pose of the child and if it is wrong, ask to change it;

Observe the motor mode;

To develop a conscious attitude towards maintaining and maintaining proper posture in children.

Age features of the formation of posture

Pre-school age - the period of active formation of posture. At this age, the formation of the structure of the bones has not yet been completed. Skeleton of a child B. more than It consists of cartilage tissue, bones are not sufficiently strong, there are few mineral salts in them. Muscles - the extensors are not developed enough, so the posture in children of this age is unstable, is easily disrupted under the influence of the wrong position of the body. The formation of posture in humans continues throughout the entire growth period. By 6 - 7 years, there is a doubling of the body mass of a one-year-old child and clear, natural bends of the spine. They play a very important role in the prevention of internal organs and brain from the jokes and concussions, as the spine acquires the ability to spring when the stop moves.

The set of foot in preschoolers continues to be formed, so it is important to select the appropriate shoes (on the height, use exercises to strengthen and proper formation of the foot of the foot. The foot is support, the foundation of the body - its violation is necessarily reflected on the formation of the entire body.

Causes of posture disorders:

1. Furniture inappropriate age, especially when a child spends a long time in a forced pose. Missing chairs and tables.

2. Permanent hold of a child when walking for the same hand.

3. The child's habit stand with a support for the same leg.

4. Incorrect posture during sleep, if the child sleeps, pursing his legs to the stomach, "cutter", etc.

5. Incorrect Pose at the seat (leaning forward, throwing his hands for the back of the chair, putting his leg under itself)

Disorders of the posture more often develop in sedentary, weak children of asthenic physique, physically poorly developed.

Incorrect posture contributes to the development of early degenerative changes in intervertebral discs - osteochondrosis, and creates unfavourable conditions For the functioning of internal organs. SUTUGY SPIN MUST MUST MUSW MODE MOVEMENT OF THE BRAIL, weak abdominal muscles also do not contribute to the deepening of breathing. The consequence is a smaller flow of oxygen to the tissues. Defects of posture negatively affect the activity of the heart, the position of the abdominal organs: stomach, liver, kidneys; Adversely affect the basics of the pelvis, the upper and lower extremities.


Violation of posture is not a disease, this is a state that is subject to correction. The main means of prevention and rehabilitation are exercise, massage and natural factors of nature.

Work on the formation of posture from preschoolers should include a whole range of events:

Constant motor activity: walking, walking, moving games.

It is very important to follow the posture of the preschooler and educate the ability to sit correctly and stand.

The seat is not a vacation, but a static voltage act. Children at the seats, unlike adults, produce considerable work (muscular). Muscles are still weak. Children from sitting quickly get tired and try to change the pose or run faster. We, adults, often do not understand this and scold children for nonsense.

In the upbringing of the right posture plays a role and clothing. It should not be cramped, interfere with the direct position of the body, impede free movements.

It is necessary to follow the correct posture of children during class, meals, games at the table.

Proper pose when landing:

The furniture must comply with the growth and proportions of the body, the child sits deep on the stool;

Feet stand on the floor or on a strap at a straight or dull angle;

Elbows should not be on weight;

Head slightly tilt when drawing, designing; distance from eyes to working surface The album must correspond to the distance from the elbow put on the table to the fingertips concerning the temple;

Lighting should be left of the child.

The bed on which he sleeps should be moderately soft, with a low pillow. Too soft mattress and high pillow contribute to the formation of the so-called round back; On the contrary, too rigid bed smoothes the physiological bends of the spinal column and contributes to the formation of a flat back.

The older child, the more important For the formation of posture acquires the right posture during classes with toys, when reading and writing.

Restrictions in movements, significant static load on the spine and the muscles of the body, monotonous postures during activity - all this contributes to the development and consolidation of incorrect posture.

Education of the sensations of normal posture is acquired by repeating the correct position of the body: lying, sitting, standing.

For any work and conscious work out of the skill of proper posture, motivation is necessary. Without constant control by the adult, the children will not be in children.

It is necessary to teach children to take the correct position of the body according to the verbal instructions of the educator, control its post.

Throughout the day in the group room and for a walk, it is necessary to constantly observe the children, recalling that they retain the correct position of the body, and sometimes help to correct a careless pose.

Physical sessions are the main organizational form of recreational work. Exercise develops and strengthen the musculoskeletal system, contributing to the growth and proper formation of the children's body.

The upbringing of the right posture in children is mainly the problem of pedagogical, as well as the formation of all the vital motor skills. Many researchers come to a common opinion that preschool institution It may be the prevention of posture disorders. Therefore, it is so important to take this issue with maximum attention and responsibility.

Thanks for attention!

Formation of proper posture | Pre-school education of children

§ Improper nutrition, because The growing body requires calcium and phosphorus;

§ violation of vitamin metabolism;

§ incorrect landing of the child at the table;

§ Furniture inappropriate growth and proportions of the child;

§ Hereditary predisposition.

In order to prevent the violation of the posture of your child need prevention of posture disorders . Here are some preventive actions Violations of posture:

1. Conduct morning gymnastics and mobile games.

2. Do not allow the child to sleep on a very soft, easily premined bed.

3. The baby's bed should be hard, up to two years old the child should sleep without a pillow, or you can use a special flat pillow, which practically refers to the seat of the pillow, later the children's orthopedic pillow is applied.

4. Until three months you cannot hold a child for a long time in a vertical position, it is impossible to plant for up to 6 months, and it is impossible to put on the legs for a long time until 9 months. If there is a predisposition of the child to the violation of the posture, it is better to eliminate jumpers and walkers.

5. Preschoolers can not stand on one leg long, pelvic bones can change.

6. Up to 7 years old, the child cannot be worn and lifted up, only to two kilograms after five years.

7. Watch out for the posture of your child when he sits at the table, make comments if he sat down wrong.

8. Furniture must comply with the growth and proportions of the child.

How to choose the right furniture for the child of the desired size?

For a child aged 7 months. - 1.8 years, if the growth of the child is up to 80 cm, the height of the table should be 34 cm, and the height of the chair seat is 17 cm;

For a child 1.5 - 2.8 years, with its growth, 80 - 90 cm The height of the table should be 38 cm, and the height of the chair seats is 20 cm;

For a child 2 - 4 years old, with its growth 90 - 100 cm, the table height should be 43 cm, the height of the seat is 24 cm;

For a child 3 - 6 years old, with an increase of 100 - 115 cm. The height of the table should be 48 cm, the height of the seat is 28 cm;

For a child 5 - 7 years old, with a height of 115 - 130 cm, the table height should be 54 cm, the height of the seat is 32 cm;

For a child 6 - 7 years old, with growth more than 130 cm, the table height should be 60 cm, the height of the seat - 36 cm

Another measure prevention of posture disorders - right landing of the child at the table :

If the child just sits at the table and, for example, listens to you, then his spine must have 3 points of the support: the sciatic bumps, the lumbar back of the child should touch the back of the chair, the legs should stand straight, the heels are pressed to the floor, knees must be under direct or blunt angle;

If a child writes or draws, it appears one point of the support - the forearm of the hands;

Between the edge of the table and the body of the child should be a distance of 4 - 5 cm;

The back of the chair should be at the level of the lumbar bend of the child's spine;

The width of the chair should be 2/3 of the thigh of the child;

The height of the chair should be equal to the length of the baby's shin + 2 more cm;

The edge of the chair should go under the table cover for 4 - 5 cm.

More detailed and specific information can be viewed in specialized literature dedicated to the formation of proper posture. And most importantly - it is better to form posture in early childhood than to correct it in maturity !!!

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More than

Wave on the wave rid

  • What kind of sound creates the image of silence?

Cherry! Cherry! Cherry! Cherry!

Sleeping a bunny family in the forest ...

Not in a dream, but in reality

From the branch of the Christmas tree flock of cones

Mildly jumps into the grass.

In warm lands, mice are sleeping,

Mother shakes kid ...

In the laptops are mice

Along paths a little breathe.

Adults easily cope with such tasks. In children, they cause certain difficulties. It follows the conclusion: the child needs to be learning to listen and hear.)

In each age period there are its own characteristics, priority directions in the development of speech. In the younger preschool age, this is acquainted with the outside world.

At middle age - accumulation vocabulary, Active formation of the grammatical side of speech. In the senior preschool age, the raising of auditory attention is of particular importance, interest in sound decoration of speech and the pre-school period is the development of the ability to syroll and sound analysis and synthesis.

And, of course, throughout the almost entire preschool childhood - work on the right sound test. It is it that causes the greatest concern among the parents, as this is the most noticeable defect. Others, including peers, will not notice the limited vocabulary or features grammatical building Speech, but the wrong pronunciation is like on my palm.

The work of the teacher on the formation of the sound side of speech includes several stages:

1. Preparatory;

3. The stage of assimilation and automation of sound (proper sound pronunciation in connected speech)

The first two phases of speech work include:

  • development of the auditory attention of children;
  • development of shallow motility fingers in children;
  • development of the mobility of the articulation apparatus;
  • clarifying the articulation and pronunciation of sound or his imitation call.

Exercises for the automation of sounds in the syllables:

1. Each finger greets with a thumb. When contacting a syllable with an automated sound. Movement to perform both hands at the same time and alternately.

2. Bending alternate fingers, uttering syllables.

3. Sell syllables, pressing the pillows of the fingers of one hand to the fingers of the other.

4. Help steaming to get to the island, spending your finger over the waves or drawing a wavy line.

5. Similar tasks: help the animals get to their favorite food, butterfly to sit on the flower, draw the path of the aircraft. And then instead of toys and drawings, put or write letters, then easily the child will lie down the sludge reading.

6. We play in the palm: L, and, together - LA, etc.

7. Use toys from Kinder Surprise: Tell me so many times a syllable, how many toys. Etc.

The transition point from the syllables to the words, and then and the proposals serve as cleanrs that can be invented by:

la La La Lap, varnish, palm, saw;

lo-Lo - spoon elbow, forehead, warm;

ly-lies - purely washed ... (floors);

lu-Lu-Lu-Luz - wiped meat on ... (floor);

al-Al-Al - Volodya ... (Mal),

el-El-El - he porridge ... (ate), etc.

And now try to come up with the reader for yourself: Ra-Ra-Ra ..., or-or-op ...

Children love to compete very much, play the "auction of words". To automate the sound in words and suggestions, you can pick up a lot of games and game exercises: "Name items with the sound of L, which is in the kitchen" (in the room, in the picture); "What did not become", "leaserage of the word", "rhymes", "fourth extra", guessing the riddles; "So it happens or not?" (The wizard accidentally enchanted the sentences, the words in them were confused, correct mistakes - the bathrobe put on Mom. The Christmas tree was sitting. The palms were blocked by Alla with soap.); "I will start the proposal, and you finish" (on the street warmly, because ... I will not go to walk, ... when the summer comes, ...).

And at the last stage - the introduction of sound in a coherent speech, an invaluable value is memorizing poems, inventing mysteries, dramatizing familiar works, inventing stories, changing the endings of fairy tales, which can also be turned into a game.

Preschoolers are widely used with finger games that help to activate speech development and the development of speech sound.

The famous teacher V. A.Sushellinsky belongs to say: "The child's mind is on the tips of his fingers."

In essence, finger games are a massage and gymnastics for hands, and sometimes for feet. These are movable physical attacks right at the table or at the desk, funny poems that will help your children become kinder. You can just read their kids and ask to move your fingers as they want it.

The main goal of finger games is to switch attention, improving coordination and shallow motility, which directly affects the mental development of the child. In addition, when repetition of poetic lines and simultaneous movement, the kids are formed correct sound, the ability to quickly and clearly speak, the memory is improved, the ability to coordinate movements and speech.

In children with whom finished games often spent, even the handwriting is much better than others. A unique combination of good poems and simple massage techniques gives an amazing effect of active mental and physical development.

Finger games for children are no innovation of the twentieth century. They existed B. different nationsTheir history has many pages.

Small motor skills are accurate general and special movements of fingertips. It is closely related to the development of arbitrary attention, eye-motor coordination, visual-effective thinking and development of speech.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the formation of an oral speech of the child begins when the movements of the fingertips reach sufficient accuracy. In electrophysiological studies, it was found that when the child produces rhythmic movements with fingers, he dramatically enhances the coherent operation of the frontal (motor speech area) and the temporal (sensory zone) of the brain departments, that is, speech areas are formed under the influence of pulses coming from fingers.

Therefore, from the earliest age, adults are trying to teach the child to carry out exact movements with their hands and fingers to take large and small items, to use them according to their function (spoon, fork, ink and other objects), open and close the boxes and vessels, unscrew, Screw tubes and nuts, tie and unleashing.

I would like to note that finger games have always been loved by children, appearing in ancient times, they reached our days almost unchanged. For example, who does not know the game "Forty-Beloboka", or the games "Ladushka - Ladushki", or "Goat". Playing with children in these games, we develop attention in children, expand the horizons of their knowledge, stimulate speech and intellectual development.

What happens when a child is engaged in finger gymnastics?

Exercise and rhythmic movements with fingers inductively leads to excitation in speech centers of the brain and a sharp strengthening of the agreed activity of speech zones, which ultimately stimulates the development of speech.

Games with fingers create a favorable emotional background, develop the ability to imitate an adult, learn to listen and understand the meaning of speech, increase the speech activity of the child.

Highly an important factor For the development of speech is that in finger games, all imitative actions are accompanied by verses. Children love poems, love to listen and pronounce them.

We know how early the child begins to be interested in the world of sounds, respond to him, to show early sensitivity to the perception of rhythm. The laws of rhythm it comprehends easier and faster than the world of forms and colors.

A good poem is the same music. Younger preschoolers easily comprehend its rhythm, able to enjoy the convening of its stanza, beauty of construction. These musical hearing perceptions, which are sometimes associated only partially with an understanding of the content in them, in them.

Poems attract the attention of kids and easily remembered. The rhythm and unchanged order of words, the rhyme for the baby are something magical, comforting and soothing.

Maximum useful for the development of a child - a preschooler Finger games developed on folk material. They are meaningful, fascinating, are literate in their didactic filling.

The artistic world of folk songs and flows is built according to the laws of beauty. It is very complicated, although this complexity is not always striking. At these words, the recognition of the right of the artist for the creation of their world and at the same time a call for his knowledge, understanding, judgment about him.

The essence of folk texts - action. The actions of the characters, the movement of events, the birth of conflicts and their permission create the only one in their kind, amazing, moving element of life.

Finger gymnastics:

Contributes to mastering the skills of shallow motility;

Helps to develop a child's speech;

Increases the performance of the cerebral cortex;

Develops psychic processes in a child: thinking, attention, memory, imagination;

Removes anxiety.

Finger games are a necessary activity for kids. In such games with other children and adults, the child uses and develops many of its abilities, in particular:

1. The general physical development is improved, the muscle corset is strengthened, posture is formed.

2. The skills of verbal and / or non-verbal communication are formed.

3. The child learns to make decisions, seek mutual understanding, to make compromises, it develops emotionally, he has readiness and ability to act in the team.

4. The child's memory develops, as he learns to memorize certain positions of the hands and the sequence of movements.

5. Imagination and fantasy develops. Mastering with many exercises, the child will be able to "tell the hands" whole stories.

6. As a result of finger hands, hands and fingers acquire strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will further facilitate mastering the skill of the letter.

Exercises can be divided into three groups.

I group. Exercises for hands - develop absorbency; - teach strain and relax muscles; - develop the ability to keep the position of the fingers for some time; - They teach to switch from one move to another.

II group. Exercises for the fingers are conditionally static, improve previously obtained skills at a higher level and require more accurate movements.

III group. Exercises for fingers dynamically developing accurate coordination of movements; - teach to bend and blending your fingers; - Thought to oppose the thumb as the rest.

Stages of learning games:

1. Adult first shows the game the kid himself.

2. The adult shows the game, manipulating the fingers and the pen of the child.

3. Adult and child perform movements at the same time, adult progresate text.

4. The child performs movements with the necessary assault, which pronounces text.

5. The baby performs the movement and prompts the text, and the adult suggests and helps.

Do not play with cold hands. Hands can be warm in warm water or rubber palm.

If in new game There are not familiar with kids characters or concepts, first tell us about them using pictures or toys.

Finger games with children up to 1.5 years spend as shown or as passive gymnastics of the hands and fingers of the child.

Children over 1.5 years old can be offered from time to time to perform movements together.

If the plot of the game allows you to "run" with your fingers on your hand or back of the child, tickle, iron, etc.

Use the most expressive facial expressions.

Do in suitable pause places, say that quieter, then louder, determine where you can speak very slowly, repeat where possible, movements without text.

After choosing two - three games, gradually replace them with new ones.

Conduct lessons fun, "do not notice" if the baby at first does something wrong, encourage success.

How much the game will like the game depends in many respects from the performance of an adult. For the smallest important, calm and affectionate mood and careful, careful touch. For the children of three to five years, expressive facial expressions and a speech of an adult are of great importance.

Of course, for expressive execution, adult should learn poems by heart.

Thanks to these games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, it develops attentiveness and the ability to focus. Such games form good relationship between children, as well as between an adult and child.

Basic principles of finger games:

Exercise should be done with the child, while demonstrating their own passion for the game.

When re-conducting games, children are often starting to pronounce the text partially (especially the beginning and end of phrases). Gradually, the text is learned by heart, children utter it entirely, correlating the words with the movement.

Selecting two or three exercises are gradually replaced with new ones.

You do not need to put several complex tasks in front of the child (for example, show movements and pronounce text). The amount of attention in children is limited, and impossible task can "repel" interest in the game.

It is impossible to force a child to the game, but be sure to deal with the reasons for failure, if possible, eliminate them (for example, changing the task) or change the game.

Examples of games, poems and songs accompanied by movements:

Ratched on the track

Material from

Violation of posture in preschool children

Physical education treatment

Most often, the violation of posture is observed in weakened children, sedentary. Such children are prescribed special physical culture. LFC, in disruption, the posture is aimed at strengthening the chest muscles, muscles of the back and abdominal press.

Below are some exercises that will help your child to achieve perfect posture. All the above exercises are recommended to do with the child and follow the correctness of their fulfillment in order to avoid child injury. Each exercise should be repeated up to 5 times.

You do not need to redistribute the child if he is tired - it is necessary to stop classes.

  • Sitty directly and maximize the blades. Hold the position of 10 seconds and relax. We make several approaches.
  • Take a bottle with water in hand. Pull your hands right in front of yourself, hold for a while, let go. We repeat the exercise.
  • Lyzha on his back, bend the legs in the knees and pull up on yourself. Slowly lower legs, repeat the exercise.
  • Going on the stomach, hands along the body. I alternately raise and lower the legs, holding them at a maximum height of 5-7 seconds.
  • Another effective exercise is a walking book on the head. It is very simple and can be done at home at any time. The child is put on the head not very hard book and ask to walk slowly around the room so that the book does not fall. Thus, the child is formed posture + beautiful gait.
  • Exercise "Boat". Lokia on the stomach, bend the legs in the knee joints, pull the hands along the body back and take the "feet in hand," we try to rage a little.

Also useful to walk in the right position and swimming. The latter positively affects not only the development of posture, but also breathing. As you can see, the treatment of therapeutic physical education in violation of posture, strengthen all muscle supporting posture.

How to sit and stand right?

The correct position of sitting means that the thighs must be fully perpendicular to the spine and the heads. Feet get to the floor. The back holds precisely parallel to the back of the chair.

The forearms must have a support, sitting at the table of the brush must lie on the table, it forms the correct position of the blades and promotes normal breathing.

Long standing, especially in a certain pose, tedious to the child, the back muscles are quickly relaxing, without holding such a load, so the child tries to lean against something, crosses from foot to foot.

IMPORTANT! When you, punishing the child, put it in an a corner for a long time - you form it an irregular posture.

The posture in children of preschool age is unstable and exercises should be done regularly and, of course, it is advisable to buy right furniturecorresponding to the child's age.

Additional Information


Formation of proper posture in preschool children

The posture in children of preschool age depends not only on the influence of pathological factors on the vertebral pole, but also from the anthropometric indicators of the child. The length of the body, the height of the head, the size of the legs is important for the formation of smooth back in children. Based on these indicators, some scientists are recommended to form structural segments that affect the maintenance of the back in the correct position.

How the posture is estimated from preschoolers

In the process of growth of the child, the proportions of the body change:

  • The newborn body and head have minimal sizes;
  • Active increase in body length begins only with 7 years.

To estimate the correctness of the posture in children of preschool age, it is necessary to estimate the proportional relationship between these indicators. To do this, we divide the entire length of the body on the upper and lower half. Evaluate will be 2 indicators:

  • The intensity of annual growth;
  • The ratio of growth in the sitting position, to the growth in position standing.

Preschoolers have increasing body length occurs for the most part due to the growth of the limbs, spine and a minor increase in the head. The annual dynamics of the process is reflected in the diagram: it can be seen that, on average, the growth of the child's body is 4-5 cm per year (growth plateau), but there are 2 jumps (Rostoy Spur): in 4-5 and in 12-15 years.

The first jerk occurs at anticipation and is very important for the correct bookmark of the further formation of the spine axis. The scheme shows that after this period there comes a long-lasting growth plateau until 12-13 years.

Fully the growth of a person ceases to 16-19 years, when the ossification of the spinal column is completed (replacing the cartilaginous vertebral tissue on the bone).

The average annual growth of the spine in preschoolers in the lumbar department does not exceed 0.8 cm per year, in the chest - 1.4 cm, and in cervical 2.2 cm. It is obvious that up to five years there is a faster increase in the upper half of the chest. These anatomical features are important when evaluating posture in preschool children to prevent coarse deformations of the spinal column.

To simplify the analysis of anthropometric indicators of preschoolers, scientists have introduced a proportional growth ratio in various age periods to the predicted growth (see Table).

Despite some generalization of approaches to the formation of proper posture in preschoolers, in the process of the growth of each individual, some features of the anatomical structures appear. Therefore, when changing changes in the inconsistency of the growth of the spine age, the vertebral pole on radiographs is evaluated.

The formation of the correct posture in preschool age is x-ray is accompanied by an increase in discs and the pointing of the bodies of the vertebrae. In average, the increase in the height of the vertebrae in the chest department is 1-2 mm per year, which is difficult to track down in the picture. The beginning of the pathological curvature of the axis of the spinal column is evidenced by the uneven increase in intervertebral discs and bodies at different levels.

Another indicator of the assessment of the vertical axis of the torso in preschool children is a disk-vertebral coefficient. It reflects the ratio of the height of the vertebral body to the height of the disk in the estimated segment. Normally, its value is 4 or 5 to the 1st.

This ratio decreases with any pathological changes in the spine.

The formation of proper posture in preschoolers can also be assessed by the timelyness of the appearance of poles (foci of calcium salts deposition) in typical growth zones. They are very well traced when performing magnetic resonance imaging or spinal radiography in straight and lateral projections (the method is harmful).

The most common way to identify changes in the vertebral pillar of the preschooler is an apophizar test (risser). It is estimated to be assessed by the prevalence of apiomic conventions (edge \u200b\u200bpart) of the vertebra (see Figure).

The technique allows you to determine the correct or pathological posture of preschoolers in the early stages, since the formation of the vertebrae directly reflects on maintaining the vertical axis of the torso.

For the test of the risser, it is necessary to conditionally divide the comb bost on 4 parts. Features of the estimation of posture from preschoolers for apofizar test:

  • The first points of ossification occur in the front sections of the crest;
  • Their absence is regarded as an unfavorable sign (points of ossification in the spine appear according to age).

At the preschool age, the first zones of ossification in the field of the front section of the ridge should appear at the age of 4.5-5 years. The remaining zones arise later (in 10-11 years).

What spin deformations are observed by small children

Preschoolers often occur the deviation of the spine to the parties. Since they are not expressed physiological lordoses and kyphosis, the correct posture is maintained in this age gap with muscle backs. The spine up to 7 years is soft and plastic, so it is easy to shifts.

What types of spinal curvature appear in children under 7 years old:

  • Rotation - displacement of the spinal column in the horizontal plane;
  • Toria - rotation of the vertebrae around the axis;
  • Flat spin - smooth vertical plane;
  • Round spin - excessive spine stripping;
  • Lack - pronounced bulge in the thoracic department.

Appears in preschoolers and the displacement of the axis of the spinal column in the side plane - scoliosis. It happens 2 types:

  1. Scoliosis in the younger age (up to 2 years of life) is observed more often in boys and is characterized by a left-sided displacement of the axis of the spinal column;
  2. Juvenile scoliosis is traced at 3-4 years of child's life. More characteristic of girls and has a progressive course.

The formation of the right posture in children of preschool age in anatomical and functional features is different from analogues in adults. Children's spine is more moved, which postpones the imprint on the clinical features of this pathology.

In secret

  • Do you have problems with the neck or back?
  • You suddenly you can feel the bouts of pain ...
  • And sitting work and low physical activity By no means promote the right posture ...
  • Perhaps you tried a bunch of funds, but nothing helps ...
  • Now you read these lines only because you didn't help you ...
  • And you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity to help you get rid of ...
  • Believe me, the remedy for the pain in the back is found! Follow the link and find out how to cure your back with an orthopedic plaster ...


The curvature of the spine today is the most common chronic pathology of the musculoskeletal system among children of children's and young age. Violation of posture in children can have an innate nature. However, the pathology is more often acquired and develops after the start of the child's teaching in kindergarten or school. This is due to a long seat at the desk in the absence of control over the correct position of the body.

At the heart of the acquired posture disorder in the child lies a long irregular position of the body. The predisposing factors include:

  • inconsistency of the sizes of tables and chairs to the growth of the child;
  • constant carrying portfolio or backpack only in one hand;
  • asthenia;
  • low physical activity;
  • too early attempts to plant a baby;
  • constant wearing a baby in one hand or in one position;
  • obesity;
  • power failure.

Disorders of posture in children of preschool age and babies can be congenital or acquired in childbirth. Pathology develops in generic injuries, violation of the process of formation of a skeleton, congenital sublifting of cervical vertebrae, insufficient development of connective tissues and so on. Correction of posture in such children is more complex and not always ends successfully.

Congenital improper posture can develop with improper mother power, starting from the 4th week of pregnancy. It is in this period that the repetitiveness of the spine is formed - chord.

Violations of the posture line are more common in adolescent girls. This is due to more fast growth tissues and organs than that of boys of similar age. Bone structures often do not have time to develop with the necessary speed and exposed deformation.

Classification of the disease

There are several classifications that allow you to identify the disease. Disorders of the posture in children of preschool and school age can occur in two planes - sagittal and frontal.

Curvature in the sagittal plane:

  • flooding of physiological bending in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt with an excessive mixing of the breast bend (stuff);
  • sealing all spinal bends (flat back);
  • compaction of the thoracic department in the normal development of lumbar lordosis (planed spin);
  • strengthening breast bend throughout the breast (round spin);
  • increasing the chest and lumbar bends (a round-covered back).

The curvature in the front plane can be due to the muscle hypertonus in one half of the body without organic change in the structure of the vertebrae. This phenomenon is called scoliotic arc. True scoliosis is not. Scoliosis, the main diagnostic feature of which is changes in the structure or location of the vertebrae, may have 4 severity:

  • 1st degree - a sign of true scoliosis is some rotation of the vertebrae. Signs of the disease are visible only on the radiograph. Curvas does not exceed 30%.
  • 2nd degree - Pathology is visible visually. The level of curvature is 31-60%. The body of the child is obviously curved to the side.
  • The 3rd degree - the vertebrae acquire a wedge-shaped form. Changes reach 90%.
  • The percentage of curvature is more than 90%. There is a displacement of internal organs.

The 3rd and 4th degree of scoliosis, as a rule, leads to the fact that the child has to be prescribed disabilities. Such children have pronounced changes in the work of the internal organs, experience difficulties in walking and implementing physical work, suffer from a variety of chronic diseases associated with the improper arrangement of the kidneys, liver, intestines.


The main diagnostic feature that the formation of the posture is incorrect, is the appearance of the kid. Such children may have a fusion of one or another body, the compaction of the buttocks, the protrusion of the abdomen, the wonderland of the blades, the omission of the shoulders, the stuff. Such symptoms are characteristic of the pathology of the sagittal type.

With scoliosis or scoliotic arc, curvature is manifested in the form of an asymmetry of the body. At a different level, nipples can be, shoulders, the head can be constantly tilted aside. In some cases, the muscles are noted, the weak development of skeletal muscles.

Indirectly causes of dysfunction in children can affect the overall health. So, a sign of scoliosis or curvature of the spine in the sagittal plane is often frequent bronchitis, a reduced tours of the chest, back pain, the omission of internal organs, chronic constipation, headaches, back pain. Often against the background of the wrong development of the spine is formed osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias.


Diagnosis of posture disorders is based on a visual inspection of the patient. However, a radiographic study of the spine, CT or MRI is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis.

We visually a sign that the posture began to incorrectly form, is the asymmetry of the child's body. The main features of asymmetry were described in the previous section of this article. For a more accurate installation of the degree of asymmetry, the distance between the corners of the blades and the seventh cervical vertebra can be measured, the distance between the blades, the calculation of the shoulder index.

Radiographic techniques allow you to evaluate the severity of changes, as well as eliminate errors caused by the excessive subjectivity of the visual diagnostic method. The pictures are clearly visible to the affected areas, as well as changes of the vertebrae caused by curvature.

Treatment of posture violations in children and adolescents

The basis of conservative methods, which are commonly used to correct posture in small children, is the formation of a full-fledged muscle corset, eliminate provoking factors, developing habits smoothly to keep the back. In some cases, external spinal support is used in the correct position. It uses a corset for posture that supports a deformed area.

Speaking how to fix the posture in a child, it is impossible not to mention the techniques of therapeutic physical education. Competent physical activity allows in a short time to adjust the initial stages of curvature, preventing severe consequences of the disease. One of the most effective exercise Is Vis on the crossbar.

To correct a scoliotic arc, methods apply to remove excessive stress from muscle layers: electrophoresis, massage, peeloidoraterapery, heat medicine. To increase the tone of the lagging muscles, impulse treatment, and massage shower, low-frequency electrotherapy are used.

The posture corrector, made in the form of a corset, is used at 2-3 degrees of scoliosis. It performs two main functions:

  • contributes to the redistribution of the load by removing it from the spine;
  • tears the child to keep the back.

Wearing a corset may continue from six months to 2-3 years. In this case, the device is not constantly used. It is enough if the corset will go to the child for 5-6 hours a day.

The use of the corset is considered effective if the alarm angle decreased by 5 or more degrees for the first 2 months.

Operational treatment of the disease is shown in congenital pathology. At the same time, the doctor records the spine and reduces the angle of its bending. Complete recovery after the operation, as a rule, does not occur.

Treatment at home

On the initial stages Diseases It is possible to stop the progression of violations, as to fix the female of the child at home. It is necessary to ensure that the baby always keeps the back and has not been long in the same position. So, to explore homework Instead of the table, you can use the pose lying on the stomach, laying under the chest pillow.

Of course, the child should be engaged in physical education. At home will be enough daily charge and some gymnastic exercises. Also in the classes program should include VAC on the horizontal bar.

Sleep should be sleep on the back, on a rigid bed. The pillow must be flat. In this case, the optimal position of the back is achieved and the voltage from the muscles is removed. Use beds with a pacar grid or overly soft mattresses are unacceptable.

Prevention of disorders and formation of correct posture in a child

Like almost any disease, it is easier to prevent the posture disturbance than to deal with the correction. Prevention lies in the creation optimal conditions. So, the formation of the right posture in children of preschool age is possible only if the following rules are followed:

  • refusal to carry a backpack on one shoulder;
  • straight back of the back at the seat;
  • rejection of excessive physical exertion;
  • creating a child's favorable working and recreation conditions;
  • wearing suitable in size and shape of shoes;
  • regular examinations of the doctor for early diagnosis of scoliosis when it appears;
  • mandatory physical activity, mobile games, sports suitable by age.

In general, the forecast for scoliosis at the initial stages is favorable. With timely, the beginning of treatment, recovery occurs in the absolute majority of cases. However, even when using home methods of combating spinal curvature, it should be previously consulted with a doctor to confirm the diagnosis, evaluating the severity of the disease and choosing a suitable exercise program.

Pre-school age is the most important period in the formation of man's posture.

At the present stage of the development of society, a tendency to deterioration of the health of children in different regions Russian Federation. The number of diseases increases every year, despite all the achievements of medicine. At the same time, every year already among the pupils of kindergartens: most children suffer from chronic diseases, mental and emotional inhibition, disruption of the musculoskeletal system.
One of the often encountered deviations in physical development during preschool age are posture defects. The man's posture not only affects the beauty of his shape, everything is an external appearance, but also has a direct impact on his health. With its deterioration, the respiratory function and blood circulation is disturbed, the activity of the liver and intestines is hampered, oxidizing processes are reduced, which leads to a decrease in physical and mental performance. The posture defects often cause violations (astigmatism, myopia) and morphofunctional changes in the spine leading to scoliosis, kifosam and osteochondrosis. Their warning-task is not only pediatricians, but also teachers.
Pre-school age-period of the formation of posture. At this age, the formation of the bone structure has not yet been completed. The skeleton of the child more consists of a cartilage tissue, the bones are not strong enough, there are few mineral salts in them. The muscles of the extensors are not developed enough, so the posture is unstable.
In this regard, the importance of organizing preventive work is increasing directly in dOU conditionswhere the child is almost daily, and where, therefore, it is possible to provide timeliness and regularity of influences.
It is in preschool age that the child begins to know the world around. During this period, hygienic skills are easily produced, a habit of daily gymnastics and the correct body keeping in classes, standing and walking. Therefore, the formation of the correct posture should be carried out mainly in preschool and younger school age and continue throughout the whole life.
The goal of the project: to acquaint children with the concept of "Right posture" and measures to prevent its violation.
introduce children with the concepts of "posture", "Right posture", "royal posture", "scoliosis"; methods for the prevention of its violation;
develop the ability to carry out exercise that prevent the development of scoliosis;
encourage children to self-experimental
activities to experimentation with plasticine men;
develop fine motility of fingers and hands;
To bring up careful and attentive attitude to your body, the desire to take care of it, about your health and health around.

Essential importance to such factors as:
timely proper nutrition;
fresh air;
Selection of furniture in accordance with body length;
optimal illumination;
The habit of correctly transferring heavy items;
habit to sit at the table correctly;
relax body muscles;
Follow your own gait.
One of the components of the regime is the mandatory conduct of physical attacks in classes. Fizkultminutka is carried out at the time of the first signs of the fatigue of children. Fizkultminutka carries an activating nature, does not require complex coordination and power load. It is represented by several physical exercises (3-4P.), Which are performed by children standing on their tables or in a free place in the group room. Fizkultminutka can be carried out in the form of the exercise of the overall view, didactic game With different movements, dance, gaming, imitation movements. The physical exercises used in Fizkultminutka, suggest the participation of the muscles of the shoulder belt (rise and rotational movements of the hands and head), back, abdomen (tilting in four directions), legs (squats, jumping). All these exercises improve the mobility of the shoulder belt and spine, develop static endurance of the muscles of the neck and back, contribute to the development of the feeling of the right posture
Working with children kindergarten I have been observed a constant need of children in motion. Compared with the younger age, the children of senior preschool age are more mobile, hardy. Movements are coordinated and accurate. But, despite these changes, conducting educational activities requiring concentrated attention and mental load, there is often a sluggish posture and an improper position of the body, which in turn leads to the rapid fatigibility of children.
Based on the interests of children, in educational activities We often use physical attacks, accompanied by text. When choosing physical attacks, I do not care about the type of activity and its subject.
Parents can be brought to work on learning the physical attacks. To do this, I put a list of physical attacks for a month in the informational corner for parents to the section "Teach with us". Also using mobile and low-alignment games, such as:
"Master of the ball"
The goal of the game: strengthening muscles torso and limbs; Development of agility, accuracy, coordination of movements in large and small muscle groups; Formation of correct posture.
"Long skap"
Games of the game: Improving breathing function, cardiovascular system; Strengthening the ligorous muscular apparatus of the Stop; Education of dexterity, speed of reaction, respiratory coordination. Other.
Attract parents K. joint work For the formation of the children of the right posture. Helps master classes with parents, consultations, visual material, voice spectacle, joint holidays, tournaments.
Summing up, it should be said that the correct posture does not arise by itself, like any motor skill, it must be formed. It is known that the upbringing of the feeling of normal posture is purchased through multiple repetition of the position of the body: lying, sitting, standing. We adults must teach the child to the right posture, as well as to teach him to relax. Therefore, physical attacks and games can be unquestionably called the prevention of posture disorders. I am sure that only the correct compliance and organization of motor activity, including the holding of physical attacks, games can lead to the preservation and strengthening of children's health!