Scenario of the holiday "we are for a healthy lifestyle." School evening script - "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Agitation brigade on the topic: healthy lifestyle for high school students. TOBACCO AND ALCOHOL WE CONSIST WILL

Propaganda brigade script: propaganda healthy way life.

Can be used in educational work: to participate in competitions, as extracurricular activity like a fragment of a class hour.

Target: promotion of healthy lifestyles.

- familiarization with the consequences of alcohol and smoking;
- formation of the concept of a healthy lifestyle.

Registration: multimedia, costumes, phonograms, posters.

Characters: presenters, teacher, students, parents, athletes, Alcohol, Cigarette.

Lead 1
If you don't run out of patience,
We will tell you about the dangers of smoking
And alcohol! We'll tell you at least three times
The benefits of a healthy lifestyle

Athletes appear, do exercises. Alcohol and Cigarette pass by with a flanching gait, glancing condescendingly at the athletes

Lead 2

accompanied by slides
And here they are - they want to seduce again,
But who doesn't know what can kill
Horse, friend of cigarettes - Nicotine ...

Lead 1
By the way, imagine: he is not alone there!
Resins, phenol, isotopes and soot,
Arsenic and acids will have their say
They will take away health, add diseases,
They will never leave alone!

Lead 2
See, hasn't it happened to you too?

And make smart conclusions yourself!

information on slides

ulcer, cancer, heart attack, bronchitis, asthma, coronary heart disease, hypertension and other diseases caused by alcohol and smoking.

Leafing through the notes, a student comes out, trying to seduce him Cigarette


Does not matter Galina

You can resist
You can run away
You can fight back
Burn bridges behind you,
But I won't leave you
I will win the fight
Now I, my dear,
I will be with you day and night!

Chorus: You won't get rid of me anyway,
Because I really like you
And you need to remember one thing:
Forever with me now you don't care!

Who are you?

I am a cigarette!
Look how good she is!
Take advice:
Come on, slowly
Meet me
Well, how, did you get the buzz?

Sorry, I don’t need it!

Where did you run?

student fights off a cigarette

Guard! Quickly save!
What to do? Help!
I can't fight her off
It's easier, apparently, to drown yourself!

runs away

the second student appears on the stage, the Cigarette tries to interest him

I am of all my sisters
The worst one:
Wave one of my eyelashes -
Here's a new sacrifice!

Call me SMS group

You've been raving about me since the morning
It's time for you to communicate with me
With longing you looked at the clock,
While the chalk crumbled dejectedly.
Like a man possessed you were waiting for the call
And the change is so far away
I've been seducing you for an hour
So that your interest in me is not extinguished.

Chorus: You get me, light me up,
Get high then until the end of the day
You get me, light me up
Light it up quickly, give me fire!

student takes a Cigarette, doubts

Information on the screen

Every 10th smoker gets cancer;
- die of cancer 20 times more often than those who do not smoke;
- 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris;
- 12 times more often - myocardial infarction;
- 10 times more often - stomach ulcer.

Don't look at this
You smoke me,
You and I are such a couple, (aside)
What am I trying for nothing?

Tea rose Philip Kirkorov, Masha Rasputina

Oh, what a beauty I am -
Just look
Light me up - you will like it
Well, take me quickly.

I sucked tightly to you -
It's good,
If I still smoked in my sleep,
To bliss would have come.
Cigarette Oh e, you won't leave me
Student I won't leave you
Together Let's smoke together, it's fun to live,
Let's start making friends with cancer.
Student Oh e, I won't leave you
Cigarette You won't leave me
Together There is no way without each other,
We will not part now!

You are in no hurry to follow an example,
Look at the slides:
There is no benefit to anyone,
Not health, not mind!

information on the slides on the health and mental health effects of smoking.
The student coughs, pushes the Cigarette in horror

Everything, I give it up forever
I will never touch!

The cigarette writhes

You are the worst enemy, Cigarette,
I will challenge you to answer!

The cigarette recedes, go away

And we still have an enemy,
Every day and every hour
Dreams to capture us,
Enslave forever.
He sneaks up on
And it's called alcohol!

Alcohol appears, a video for the melody of the song of Vodyanoy from the cartoon "The Flying Ship"

I am alcohol, I am alcohol
I am your grief, your pain
I'm friendly with hooliganism,
And we don't need anyone
Oh, what a bullshit!
Everything, your life is a tin,
And sucked into the swamp
You live like a toadstool
Live without me
Live without me
You really don't want to!

against the background of a sounding phonogram, parents are going to the dacha, the student invites friends, they sing and dance
Ukraine has not died yet Serduchka

Dad and mom at the dacha - hurray!
You need to use the time soon,
We will have fun with him until the morning,

alcohol appears

Alcohol Here I am: pour me, drink!

Chorus: Songs are pouring, wine is pouring,
And the smoke from cigarettes swirls in clubs
How easy the drinks are to drink
If mom and dad are not there!

parents appear, they are terrified, drive away friends, scold their son

And here it is, the result,
Look rather:
Scandal, God knows
Will ripen instantly!

the student goes to class, the teacher calls the parents

I believe - I do not believe Alla Pugachova, Maxim Galkin

I am plagued by vague doubts
And there are some suspicions ...

What are you - I have never smoked in my life!

Tell me more that you haven't drunk beer!

I trust my feelings
And I already had an opinion ...

Don't - I beg you on your knees!

I will invite my parents.

Chorus: Parents each other
Father I can't understand
And check, check, check

takes off the belt

I'll run away!

I believe, I don’t believe, I don’t believe, I believe
Well baby hold on!
I'll check all your pockets now ...
What kind of life is this?

What is the bottom line for us to draw from the story?
I think everyone understood that the infection
Creeps silently, easily, gradually:
She is a Cigarette and he is Alcohol,
And if I accidentally fell into their clutches,
Save yourself - otherwise you are definitely lost!

a student runs out, cigarettes and alcohol are chasing him

Oh, oh, help me, I can't do it myself!

He's a coward! Runs away! Shame, shame and disgrace!

Friends are not abandoned, stay with me ...

Hurry, help me, oh, oh, oh!

athletes appear, take the student away from Cigarettes and Alcohol

Better come with us, don't be shy
Become strong and brave, don't you dare give up!
We will teach you to win in the struggle,
Now let's start with us!

To stand, to be afraid

I love physical education, I make a figure
She will help in reality
I don't hear these friends,
I can easily live without them.

Slid off the pedestal, steel unfashionable
A glass and a smoke of cigarettes
After all, without alcohol, the will will be stronger,
I’ll tell them both I don’t!

Stand, fear, fall, push up

Cigarette and Alcohol execute commands
I'll tell you what:
Although you are dangerous, but I'm not afraid -
I am friends with sports.

Athletes and Student

Gymnastics Vladimir Vysotsky
If you want to be healthy
To rejoice in life again
Forget about the cigarette, you better
Hands to feet and faster
Go out to the alley in the morning
Let all dreams begin to come true.

You are the easiest jogger
Please dad with mom
And save your health for the future,
After all, without smoke, the air is cleaner
And the disease is not looking for you -
Always know these truths!

We are for a healthy lifestyle!

Purpose of the event: Promotion of a healthy lifestyle

Tasks: formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, conscious rejection of bad habits and addictions that contribute to the development of various somatic and mental illnesses;

systematization and generalization of students' knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

the formation of an active life position.

Design: large: title and epigraph of the event, posters, visual information signs. Form of carrying out: intellectual game with elements of conversation and student performance

Event progress:

Host: Hello guys! When we meet, we always say “Hello”, which means that we wish each other good health. Have you ever thought about why in greeting people there is a wish for each other health? Human health is one of the main values.

The purpose of today's event is to promote a healthy lifestyle. Let's start with the words of Heinrich Heine: "The only beauty that I know is health."

What do you mean by the word health?

That's right, and also health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases.


Spiritual Physical

Ability to live in harmony with oneself, Absence of illnesses, diseases, injuries.

with family, friends, society.

Results of the survey:

Host: Let's hold a small quiz:

1. What gives a person energy? (Food).

2 "Brave warriors" in the human body fighting against pathogenic bacteria (Antibodies).

3. What great Russian writer, who lived to be 82 years old, adhered to a very strict daily routine all his life? (L.N. Tolstoy).

4. You can't buy it for any money (Health)

5. What fruits, vegetables, and plants are used to treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden, chamomile, sage).

6. Why is it impossible to change clothes, shoes, take other people's hats? (You can get infected with skin diseases, infectious diseases, lice, fungal diseases).

7. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence sun rays... (Vitamin D).

8. This lesson is a natural massage, improves muscle tone, improves heart function (Swimming)

10. Why is it impossible to change clothes, shoes, take other people's hats? (You can get infected with skin, infectious diseases, lice, fungal diseases).

11. The smallest organism that carries the infection. (Bacterium).

12. What was grown on " pharmaceutical gardens"In Russia in the 18th century? (Medicinal plants).

13. In this state, people spend a third of their lives. V Ancient China one of the most terrible tortures was the deprivation of a person from this state. What is this condition? (Dream).

14. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only when exposed to sunlight. (Vitamin D).

15. In order to become a truly outstanding specialist in your profession, you need curiosity, hard work, dedication, perseverance, faith in yourself and ... What else? (Good health).

16. When do you feel unwell who do you go to first? (Nurse)

Svetlana Vasilievna's advice to preserve her health….

Presenter: Scene "Medical examination".

Body check.

The school doctor asked Grisha:

No complaints about your nose and ears?

There is. Ears and nose interfere

Wear a sweater with a fleece.

The school doctor asked Dima:

Is everything all right with your head?

The radiologist took a picture

Didn't find anything there.

The school doctor asked Misha: -

Are there any hearing difficulties?

If you only knew how bad I can hear

I am tips with the left ear!

The school doctor asked Fedya:

Do you want to be cured immediately?

Cheat less from neighbors

And you won't be cross-eyed.

Are there any hearing difficulties? -

The school doctor asked Lyova.

There is. An ear flies into one,

Flies out of another.

The school doctor asked Petya:

How do you, boy, sleep at night?

Petya answered the doctor:

No shoes and pajamas.

The school doctor asked Lyosha:

Are there any complaints?


And for mom and dad,

And there is a grandfather too!

Stage 2.

Host: We understand that in order to maintain health, and to have enough for a long and active life, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, which also implies giving up bad habits - quitting the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Information block.

(Students talk)


Smoking is a voluntary poisoning of your body with nicotine and other harmful substances. All organs of the human body are affected by tobacco. Smokers have poor memory, poor physical health, unstable psyche, they think slowly. Smokers' skin fades faster, their voice grows hoarse, and their teeth turn yellow. Tobacco smoke brings great harm"Non-smoker".

There are several ways to quit smoking. The main thing is that you need to really want to get rid of a bad habit, to show your will.


Alcohol is the most common drug that kills every year great amount of people. It is a poison that destroys the internal organs of a person. A drunken person who has lost his human appearance is an unpleasant, repulsive sight. On the basis of drunkenness, many crimes are committed, families are destroyed, relatives suffer: mothers, wives, children.


Drugs are an even more serious poison, getting used to them, a person cannot live without them, pays a lot of money to die faster. He becomes a drug addict the first time. With its poisons, the drug acts strongly and quickly. A person who uses drugs does not belong to himself, for the sake of drugs he goes to any crimes. Drug addicts have three paths: prison, mental hospital, death.

Host: The questions of the 2nd stage of the game will most fully reveal this topic, we will talk about how these addictions adversely affect a person.

(Tickets with questions are laid out on the table. Players choose a ticket and answer a question without preparation).

1. This mixture consists of 200 harmful substances, among which carbon monoxide, soot, formic acid, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetylene, radioactive elements and others. Name the mixture. (Tobacco smoke.)

2. How does alcohol affect the teenager's body? (Delays his mental, mental and physical development.)

3. What disease is most often associated with smoking? (Lungs' cancer.)

4. With this disease on the basis of alcoholism, there is deception of sight, hearing, hallucinations. What kind of disease is it? (Acute alcoholic psychosis is delirium tremens.)

5. How long does a person live on average after becoming a drug addict?

10 years.

5 years.

12 years.

6. Why do doctors say that a drug addict condemns himself to slow strangulation? (The activity of the respiratory center decreases and then is inhibited.)

7. Drug dealers reason like this: "drug addict cattle will do it anyway" - and add to drugs to increase profits ...



Washing powder.

8. What effect does drug use have on offspring? (To parents who are drug addicts, children are born mentally and physically handicapped.)

9. At what concentration of alcohol in the blood can death occur? (0.6 - 0.7%)

10. What poisonous substances that destroy the body does tobacco smoke contain? (Hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzpyrene, arsenic, etc.)

Host: All the questions of the 2nd stage were answered. Let's count the tokens.

Guys, let's find out with you what it consists of:

Healthy lifestyle.

This is social behavior - i.e. rejection of health destroyers. What can be attributed to the destroyers of health? (bad habits, smoking, drinking, etc.)

This is personal hygiene, which includes skin care, oral care, and clothing hygiene.

This is a balanced diet. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Nutrition should be complete and include vitamins and minerals.

Motor mode. This includes morning exercises, swimming pool, sports sections, hardening. It is not for nothing that they say that movement is life.

In terms of numbers, human health depends on:

15% - medicine;

15% - heredity;

15% - ecology;

50% - lifestyle. Please pay close attention to this figure. Your health, both physical and spiritual, depends on what lifestyle you choose for yourself in the future.

Stage 3.

(In the 3rd stage, students who have collected the maximum number of tokens participate).

Host: I invite you to The final stage students with the maximum number of tokens. It will be short. A total of three questions will be asked to the players to determine the winner of the game.

And so, "Questions from the Hat."

1. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 kilograms of this substance per day. What is the substance in the hat? (Water).

2. In a hat - substances that a person needs in an amount of only a few milligrams a day. But without them, a person gets sick and gets tired quickly. It is not for nothing that their name is derived from the Latin word "life". (Vitamins, vita- life).

3. Name the personal hygiene item that is in the hat. It should be used at least 2 times a day. (Toothbrush.)

4. Such water in its composition is a complex complex of salts, macro - and microelements, it is not for nothing that it is called "living water". What's in the hat? (Mineral water).

5. The hat contains a vegetable that is useful in the prevention of diseases such as the flu. (Garlic).

6. The hat contains a vegetable that slows down the aging process of the human body. (Carrot).

Host: The game has come to an end and while the jury is summing up the results, we present to your attention a fairy tale - a hint called "Turnip".


A fairy tale is a hint.

An oak was cut down by the sea

And they took the chain to the dump,

The cat was settled in the shelter,

The mermaid in the barrel was salted ...

Why did you open your mouths here?

This is a saying, go, -

The tale will be ahead.

In short, there was a grandfather,

He's a hundred years old for lunch,

And he decided to plant a garden,

I decided to plant a turnip.

Grandfather planted a turnip.

The turnip grew - grew

And the big one grew up, the big one.

The grandfather goes to the garden,

Takes a turnip by the tops,

Pulls - pulls

But he can't pull it out.

Where there! All life

I smoked and drank

It would be better to be friends with sports.

The grandfather called the grandmother.

Grandma for grandfather,

Grandpa - for the turnip,

They pull - they pull

But they can't pull it out.

Granny something earlier

I was not friends with sports

And I made so many sores for myself!

Grandma called her granddaughter.

Granddaughter - for the grandmother,

Grandma - for grandfather,

Grandpa - for the turnip,

They pull - they pull

But they can't pull it out.

But where can I help my granddaughter!

He drives the Harley day and night.

It would be better if I went to the gym

I would have accumulated strength.

They called Bug.

The bug barely crawled.

Still would! Look how fat she is!

Sleeps all day and "Chappie" eats -

Here is the fat from it and rushing!

A bug - for a granddaughter,

Granddaughter - for the grandmother,

Grandma - for grandfather,

Grandpa - for the turnip,

They pull - they pull

But they can't pull it out.

Again they did not get the turnip.

Nowhere to go - the cat was called.

But where can I help the cat!

She is on diets day and night -

From these diets there is no longer any strength.

They sit and cry

They don't know what to do.

Throwing all the tricks,

The mouse came running.

It was not in vain that I came running:

I brought a bunch of sports equipment.

Dumbbells for grandfather,

So that your hands do not hurt;

Grandma - a rope,

For the sake of health nothing is a pity;

To the granddaughter and the Bug - the ball -

The solution to all failures.

For a cat - a hoop:

Lose weight at least day, at least night.

They practiced all week

Then they took up the turnip again.

And they pulled it out!

This is how it happens:

Sport always helps!

Output. Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of every person. We all have a desire to be healthy and strong, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy as long as possible, and to achieve longevity. I hope that today's event was not in vain for you, you understood a lot and can say in unison:

"We are for a healthy lifestyle".


Presentation of prizes to the winners and participants of the propaganda team.


Dear friend!
We ask you to take seriously the filling out of the questionnaire and answer all the questions, underlining your chosen answer with a straight line. If you are not sure of your knowledge of a particular issue, then underline the answer with a wavy line or add your answer. Two or more answers can be emphasized.
Your gender: male, female
Your age? …………………….years
1. What are your hobbies in your free time?
-A computer
-Other ………………………….
2. Do positive emotions affect your health?
3. How actively do you practice physical culture and sports?
-From time to time
-I'm not doing
4. What sports clubs do you attend?

5. Do physical education and sports affect your health?
6. Do you work on hardening your body?
-Yes, I'm doing
7. Do you think important condition healthy lifestyle compliance with personal hygiene?

8. Is the use of alcoholic beverages dangerous for your health?

9. Is smoking dangerous for health?


10. Have you faced the problem of drug use?
- No
11. In your opinion, is part of healthy lifestyle rational nutrition?

-Do not know
12. Are you on a specific diet?
13. In your opinion, a healthy lifestyle is…?
-Rejection of bad habits
-Personal hygiene
-Optimal motor mode
-Balanced diet
-Positive emotions
-Physical education
and sports
- Mastering the skills of safe

Success and victory ...

About a healthy sense of life

We must discuss the issue.

How can we live for many years?

How to achieve big victories?

Become cheerful and successful

And to be beautiful, of course!

Do not grumble, do not lose heart,

Do not give up before the difficulty!

Do not be afraid of drafts

Forget about doctors!

There is one simple recipe:

Health - yes!

Diseases - no!

Its posture is easy for you to recognize:

He's like a mattress! What's wrong with that?

The song about Vovochka sounds.

He will eat heels for a walk,

Three sweaters, two short fur coats,

The presenters sing ditties:

1. I was sick all the time.


I only began to temper

I can sleep in a draft!

Holiday script

  1. The topic is very important one

To fight both school and family

  1. We are by the sun and by the wind

They took a fiery enthusiasm

With alcohol and smoking

We are in dispute today.

We develop muscles:

He always brings us closer

Without parents, of course

We are nowhere in sports either.

  1. Together games and hikes

Relay and tournament,

Together we go to nature

We get to know the world of health!

  1. Help to be healthy

We have both a school and a family.

After all, the unity of the spirit with the body -

This is one goal for us!

(Sports dance)



Leading: Contests, quizzes, matinees, evenings, lectures on the following topics:

  • "Our health is in our hands!"
  • "Three whales of health"
  • "Family - a healthy lifestyle"
  • « Ten rules of health "
  • "Travel to the country" Health "and others.

Leading. Work is systematically carried out at the school to combat bad habits.

  • What are bad habits?
  • It's smoking!
  • This is alcoholism!
  • This is an addiction!
  • They harm human health.
  • The saying is true: “I lost money - I lost a little, I lost time - I lost a lot, and I lost my health - I lost everything! "
  • But do we always take good care of our health?
  • No! (Together)
  • Nicotine is one of the most dangerous plant poisons!
  • Remember!
  • Birds die if you just bring a glass stick dipped in nicotine to their beak.
  • The rabbit is killed by one fourth drop of nicotine.
  • Dog from one second drop.
  • Each cigarette smoked reduces human life by 5.5 minutes.
  • Smoking causes great harm to the child's body:
  • Anemia,
  • Indigestion
  • Heart diseases,
  • Deterioration of memory
  • Slowdown of mental and physical development,
  • Another addiction that destroys human health is alcohol.
  • Remember!
  • Alcohol reaches the brain 10-20 seconds after ingestion.
  • Alcohol circulates in the body until it is completely decomposed within 2 weeks. In this case, the heart, liver, kidneys suffer.
  • Remember!
  • The brain reacts even to scanty doses of alcohol: memory, attention decreases, sensitivity, sincerity disappears,
  • Cynicism, spitefulness, aggressiveness appear.
  • Remember!
  • Figures and facts:
  • There are 160 bottles of vodka per man per year in Russia
  • Thousands of people die every year from drunkenness before reaching the age of 30
  • We cannot be at rest when this happens!

It becomes very scary

If you hear that terrible word "plague"!

Over the planet, over the whole world

She pulls black hands!

  • Addiction! One of the most terrible habits and diseases of a person.
  • The drug, like a ruthless executioner, demands: kill, steal, get another dose, take it!
  • Drug addiction gave birth to an incurable and terrible disease - AIDS!
  • Let's say to drugs - NO!
  • Let's bring drug addiction to justice!

For any actions ready

For the lives of lost children.

2. There are stingy fatherly tears in him

And hundreds of destinies ruined,

There is a threat to life to come

And shards of broken hopes

3. This word sounds like a curse,

Bringing only grief and fear.

We must rise to fight it:

Our life is only in our hands.

(Disciples come out with lit candles)

  1. We live in a beautiful age

We are lucky with you

In the 21st century

We are given to live with you.

  1. We dream good things

And we want everything

Didn't get sick and lived

A very long time on Earth!

  • Life is good! This is a gift that is given to a person only once.
  • And it depends on us what content we fill our life with.
  • It's great when a person strives to fulfill his dreams!
  • It's great when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping!
  • It's great when you have real friends and when you are loved and welcomed at home!
  • It's great when you are surrounded by happy and healthy people!
  • It's great when the fire of goodness and faith in the best burns in your soul!
  • Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, struggle, a symbol of faith in the best. Let the sparks from this fire kindle in the heart of every person the belief that the 21st century will be a century of prosperity, happiness, peace, harmony.
  • A century of healthy life!

(Song to the tune of "Hope")

The topic is very important one

Brought us together in this room

To fight both school and family

We stood up for a healthy lifestyle.

We say NO to drugs,

And smoking and alcoholism,

How many troubles they brought us

How many young people have stolen their lives!

Health! It is not more important,

After all, children also know about it.

Let the everlasting light flash

Health on our planet!

Scenario "Agitation brigade for a healthy lifestyle"

  • Mayorova Irina Ivanovna, primary school teacher

Sections: School sports and children's health, Extracurricular activities

1 presenter. Greetings to everyone who took the time
And I came to school for a holiday of health!
Let winter snow knock on the window
But it's warm and light in the hall
We grow up here, we grow up here
And we gain weight, of course!
We are always healthy, we are friendly with charging,
We are sports with physical education,
Like air you need
And with them order, comfort, cleanliness,
Aesthetics. In general, beauty itself!
We take care of our health with small years,

It will relieve us of pain and trouble!

2 presenter Our performance is dedicated to health and sports. It is never too late to start getting better. better to take this step today than tomorrow.

The reader reads a poem, everyone repeats the words "Who will answer why?"

Reader. We run faster than the wind.

Everything... Who will answer why?
Kolya jumped two meters.

Everything. Who will answer why?
We have a smile on our lips.

Everything. Who will answer why?
Julia can make a bridge,
I'm climbing the tightrope
Because with exercise
We are old friends.

Game "Who's Bigger?"

What are the types of emotions. ( Joy, delight, admiration, sadness, sadness, fear, surprise, shock, grief, fear, rage ...)

Learn to manage your feelings and emotions. In difficult times, try to maintain a good mood, self-confidence, fight depression, avoid gloomy thoughts. And then the gloomy day will seem brighter.

Performance of the song "Smile"

Lead 2: So our tree has grown fruit: our decisions for health.

What do you need to do to live healthy and happy for many years?
- Complete the sentence: A healthy lifestyle is ... (reading, decisions taken on the "Decision tree")

Lead 1:(Conclusion) Compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle strengthens health, fosters the will and character of a person.

What new and interesting things have you learned today? What did you study?

Lead 2: Health is an invaluable human asset.

Lead 1: When meeting and parting with loved ones, we wish them good health, since this is the main condition and a guarantee of full and happy life... Everyone from a young age should take care of their health, about how not to harm their body.

Lead 2: The wise man prevents diseases, not cures them. (Ancient Chinese saying). Show the mood in which you are leaving our meeting!

We wish you good health, excellent grades, happiness, vigor and good mood. Be healthy!

Scenario of a healthy lifestyle event health holiday free download

Scenario of a healthy lifestyle event "Holiday of health"

Attention attention! We are starting a holiday of youth and beauty ...

Optimism and good mood ...

Success and victory ...

We are starting a holiday of health!

About a healthy sense of life

We must discuss the issue.

How can we live for many years?

How to achieve big victories?

Become cheerful and successful

And to be beautiful, of course!

Do not grumble, do not lose heart,

Do not give up before the difficulty!

Do not be afraid of drafts

Forget about doctors!

There is one simple recipe:

Health - yes!

Diseases - no!

A grandma runs out onto the stage, holding a scarf, a bag of rolls, asks the hosts:

Granny: Oh, guys, have you seen my granddaughter?

Presenters: Grandma, who is your granddaughter? Maybe he is in the hall or on stage!

Granny: No! These guys are slim and strong. And their posture is not the letter "siu", and they smile enough. And they had breakfast, apparently, in the morning it was normal: porridge with milk or cheese with kefirchik! And those who are in the hall, well, there, in the first row, go, and study well, they wear fives home to the delight of mom and dad, and grandmother, of course!

Presenters: Of course! In our hall, everyone is like that!

Granny: His name, of course, is Vova.

Its posture is easy for you to recognize:

He's like a mattress! What's wrong with that?

When the boy likes to sleep very much.

The plump Little Johnny enters the scene:

Little Johnny: Granny! I'm lost! I'm hungry! I got sick! I'm sneezing now! Apchhi! I won't go to school tomorrow! (Sits on a chair, sneezes, pretends to be sick. Granny is running nearby)

The song about Vovochka sounds.

Granny: I bake him rolls in the morning,

My Vovik loves to chew baked goods.

He will eat heels for a walk,

And he can walk for five minutes!

Three sweaters, two short fur coats,

And then he will freeze, he will grieve!

The presenters sing ditties:

1. I was sick all the time.


I only began to temper

I can sleep in a draft!

Moderators: Our meeting is coming to an end, guys,

But the holiday of health knows no bounds.

And what about health you need to take care of,

We have shown you, and life will show you!

Beautiful smile, slim figure,

The success of your studies depends on us.

To us ailments, sorrow will forget the road,

After all, our health is in good hands!

Holiday script "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

  1. The topic is very important one

Brought us together in this room

To fight both school and family

We stood up for a healthy lifestyle.

  1. We are by the sun and by the wind

They took a fiery enthusiasm

With alcohol and smoking

We are in dispute today.

  1. When only functions are rushing in my head,

When the spelling is frozen in my eyes

Diseases are so easy to treat with us,

We run as soon as possible to the gym.

  1. Physical education helps us to live,

We will become light, like light fluff.

We develop muscles:

In a healthy body healthy mind!

  1. We have been friends with sports since childhood,

He always brings us closer

Without parents, of course

We are nowhere in sports either.

  1. Together games and hikes

Relay and tournament,

Together we go to nature

We get to know the world of health!

  1. Help to be healthy

We have both a school and a family.

After all, the unity of the spirit with the body -

This is one goal for us!

(Sports dance)

Leading: It is not only sports and nature trips that help us to be healthy. Our school is doing a lot of work to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: Communication hours and parenting meetings about the benefits of vitamins, about the need for hot meals

Leading: Contests, quizzes, matinees, evenings, lectures on topics.

To fight both school and family
    We are by the sun and by the wind
They took a fiery enthusiasmWith alcohol and smokingWe are in dispute today.
    When only functions are rushing in my head,
When the spelling is frozen in my eyes Diseases are so easy to treat with us, We run as soon as possible to the gym.
    Physical education helps us to live,
We will become light, like light fluff. We develop muscles: In a healthy body healthy mind!
    We have been friends with sports since childhood,
He always brings us closerWithout parents, of courseWe are nowhere in sports either.
    Together games and hikes
Relay and tournament, Together we go to nature We get to know the world of health!
    Help to be healthy
We have both a school and a family.After all, the unity of the spirit with the body -This is one goal for us!
(Sports dance) Leading: It is not only sports and nature trips that help us to be healthy. Our school is doing a lot of work to promote a healthy lifestyle.Leading: Chatting hours and parenting meetings about the benefits of vitamins, the need for hot mealsLeading: Contests, quizzes, matinees, evenings, lectures on the following topics:
    "Our health is in our hands!"
    "Three whales of health"
    "Family - a healthy lifestyle"
    « Ten rules of health "
    "Travel to the country" Health "and others.

Leading. Work is systematically carried out at the school to combat bad habits.

  • What are bad habits?

    It's smoking!
    This is alcoholism!
    This is an addiction!
    They harm human health.
    The saying is true: “I lost money - I lost a little, I lost time - I lost a lot, and I lost my health - I lost everything! "
    But do we always take good care of our health?
    No! (Together)
    Nicotine is one of the most dangerous plant poisons!
    Birds die if you just bring a glass stick dipped in nicotine to their beak.
    The rabbit is killed by one fourth drop of nicotine.
    Dog from one second drop.
    And for a person, a lethal dose is 2-3 drops.
    Each cigarette smoked reduces human life by 5.5 minutes.
    Smoking causes great harm to the child's body:
    Heart diseases,
    Deterioration of memory
    Slowdown of mental and physical development,
    Another addiction that destroys human health is alcohol.
    Alcohol reaches the brain 10-20 seconds after ingestion.
    Alcohol circulates in the body until it is completely decomposed within 2 weeks. In this case, the heart, liver, kidneys suffer.
    The brain reacts even to scanty doses of alcohol: memory, attention decreases, sensitivity, sincerity disappears,
    Cynicism, spitefulness, aggressiveness appear.
    There are no healthy alcoholic drinks!
    Figures and facts:
    There are 160 bottles of vodka per man per year in Russia
    Thousands of people die every year from drunkenness before reaching the age of 30 We cannot be at rest when this happens!

It becomes very scaryIf you hear that terrible word "plague"!Over the planet, over the whole worldShe pulls black hands!

    Addiction! One of the most terrible habits and diseases of a person.
    The drug, like a ruthless executioner, demands: kill, steal, get another dose, take it!
    Drug addiction gave birth to an incurable and terrible disease - AIDS!
    Let's say to drugs - NO!
    Let's bring drug addiction to justice!

Scene "Trial of drug addiction"

Judge. Dear jury, spectators! Our court received a statement. The injured party - Maternal Pain - asks to plead guilty to the defendant's side - Addiction. I now give the floor to the prosecutor.

Prosecutor. V last years one of the most serious problems is the problem of drug addiction, which is spreading in Russia at an alarming rate. More than 20 thousand crimes are committed on the basis of drug addiction. Over the past 10 years, the number of deaths from drug use has increased 12 times, and among children - 42 times! An emaciated body with punctured veins, a detached gaze of expressionless eyes. Incoherent speech. And most importantly - a complete lack of interest in life, indifference to what is happening around. A drug addict does not need anything ... except a dose: Here he is dragging along, dying a little.
In a minute -
Where did you get it, God knows!On the joys of an artificial paradise The world can Read it on his face! ..And how many of them are now wandering around the world,Whose fate is sweet and hard! ..From this simple powder ...Judge. The floor is given to the accused - drug addiction.
Addiction. I am accused of having a destructive effect on the younger generation. I killed a lot of teenagers and I'm glad about it! Everyone who deals with me does not have to have an education, hobbies - all the same, they will not be able to apply their abilities. You will not live. Friends are also not needed. Drug addicts have no friends. And what a pleasure it is to watch how drug addicts drag everything out of the house for the sake of a dose, even go for murder! And breaking is the pinnacle of my work! This pain is inhuman. As if a whole gang of sadists had climbed inside. Bones flatten, joints twist, entrails are torn apart. You start to go crazy slowly. Breaking up with me is difficult: it is painful and difficult. Even if you are cured, a return can occur even after 10 years! this brain will give the order to return. And next to me is my constant companion - AIDS. So - welcome to an artificial paradise, from which there is no way out, except for one thing - death!
Prosecutor. Now listen to the main witness, to whose words one cannot remain indifferent. This is Mother Pain.
Maternal Pain. Dear ones! From my own experience, I know how hard it is to lose children. Believe me, no mother, no father wants to hurt their child. The pain from the death of a child remains for life. But is it really possible to call life existence without you, without a son or daughter? A child who is a drug addict is scary! Children, don't die, don't make us unhappy! Do not deceive us anymore, do not ride in agony of pain. We no longer have strength and tears! We are tormented by fear when you leave: maybe you are already dead! No!!! Come back, we will save you, we will save you with our love!
Judge. So, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you must pass a fair verdict, it is necessary to rid our world of the grief and suffering that the terrible word brings to people - DRUG ADDICTION!
  1. Addiction is a scary word:
It contains the suffering and pain of mothers,

For any actions ready

For the lives of lost children. 2. There are stingy fatherly tears in him And hundreds of destinies ruined, There is a threat to life to come And shards of broken hopes
3. This word sounds like a curse, Bringing only grief and fear. We must rise to fight it: Our life is only in our hands.
(Disciples come out with lit candles)
  1. We live in a beautiful age
We are lucky with you In the 21st century We are given to live with you.
    We dream good things
And we want everythingDidn't get sick and livedA very long time on Earth!
    Life is good! This is a gift that is given to a person only once.
    And it depends on us what content we fill our life with.
    It's great when a person strives to fulfill his dreams!
    It's great when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping!
    It's great when you have real friends and when you are loved and welcomed at home!
    It's great when you are surrounded by happy and healthy people!
    It's great when the fire of goodness and faith in the best burns in your soul!
    Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, struggle, a symbol of faith in the best. Let the sparks from this fire kindle in the heart of every person the belief that the 21st century will be a century of prosperity, happiness, peace, harmony.
    A century of healthy life!
(Song to the tune of "Hope")
The topic is very important oneBrought us together in this roomTo fight both school and familyWe stood up for a healthy lifestyle.We say NO to drugs,And smoking and alcoholism,How many troubles they brought usHow many young people have stolen their lives!
Chorus: Health! It is not more important,After all, children also know about it.Let the everlasting light flashHealth on our planet!