Survived professions for creative people. Professions related to art

In the new century, innovative technologies are actively developing, but, together with this, problems arise related to the psychological state of people and ecology. New professions related to the informational business appear, many of them can be attributed to the category of creative.

Every time opens up new possibilities of self-expression and applying talents. Entry into the XXI century is characterized by the rapid promotion of innovative technologies, computerization, discoveries in the field of medicine. At the same time, a new time outlined the range of urgent problems associated with the psychological state of people and ecology. There were completely new professions, which a few decades ago it was possible to know except from the works of science.

A group of such specialties is related to the informational business. Avalanche of information that fell on us daily from all possible sources, not always reliable and qualitatively framed. It is quite obvious that the information field in the coming decades will be mastered, and for this you will need high-class specialists. One of the advantages of work on the Internet is the lack of reference to the workplace. You can stay in Russia or abroad, your work tools are a computer, the ability to creatively think and possession of several programs.

Creative professions of the XXI century


The work lies in writing texts for Internet resources. The direction can be the most different: advertising, scenarios, information, analytics, slogans. The copywriter must have a skill and comprehend a large amount of information on a specific topic. Of course, creative abilities are needed for writing quality texts, in easy to perceive form and choose interesting information. The level of payment at the beginning of the work is low - about 20 rubles per thousand signs, but the work of experienced copywriters is estimated much higher - up to 1,000 rubles. For 1 thousand characters.

Content manager

The task of the content manager is to fill the site with articles, photographs, etc., as well as coordination of all working on the site - copywriters, moderators. This work is responsible and requiring extensive knowledge. Payment depends on the number of projects, each of which is estimated at about 8,000 rubles.

Web Designer

Designer sites should have creative abilities and have computer programs skills. Creative, who knows and attentive web designer receives for each project about 15,000 rubles.


Webmaster tasks range - administration, support, website update. Such a specialist is able to create a site by replacing a web designer and a programmer. It can be the owner of the site created. Obviously, the volume of knowledge, skills and experience should be at the height. The cost of work depends on the project, but you can safely count on the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

Internet Coach

A specialist who owns fundamental knowledge in any area, and a consulting or online training. Coach psychologists advise on Skype, lawyers work on forums and specialized sites. You can develop a training course and sell it. Each consultation of Internet coach is worth not less than 800 rubles.

Event manager

The organizer of holidays and corporate events should have a developed aesthetic taste, a gift for communication, the ability to negotiate, select sites and teams for organizing events. The Event Manager himself is the scenarios of the holidays, thinks over all the subtleties and ensures.

"Eternal" professions for creative people

Along with prestigious modern, such as an economist, a lawyer, an IT specialist, continue to develop, modifying in accordance with new trends, creative professions. The development of artist, director, actor, writer is impossible without natural abilities that require development.

Enroll in the university preparing representatives creative professions Not easy, but it does not stop young people who have decided to devote their lives to art. Applicants pass creative contests and entrance exams, neglecting the actors and artists earn less computerists, managers and merchants of a different scale.


When a person answers the question about the profession that he is a writer, many questions inevitably arise. For example, as you can control inspiration and work out the habit to work according to the schedule. Most writers prefer to call themselves by writers or literary workers, separating the craft from creativity, as money and talent are not always combined. Not rarely, the writers have another "earthly" profession, which serves as a source of income, but remains the way self-realization.

A natural question arises: "Why do universities preparing writers need, if they are impossible to master the profession in the absence of talent?". Only a writer will be able to enter the literary institute, perhaps not the most gifted. The task of teachers is to polish the ability, teach to distinguish good literature from bad, introductory to professional tools and explain the principles of their action.

At the end of the university, not all certified writers become famous writers, but many can work by teachers, editors, literary agents, etc.

To enroll in the literary institute, you need to go through a creative contest, providing a work of your own essay, according to the end, a list of persons admitted to the passage of exams is drawn up.


Representatives of the fourth government, many consider people approximately "to the yard", influential and a bit dangerous. In Soviet times, the best features were attributed to journalists: a sense of justice, honesty, integrity and insight. Of course, a person who informs the information to the people should have had exceptional intellectual abilities, the ability to extract secret data and interpret them, penetrating into the depths of what is happening. "An international journalist" has grown almost 30 years ago with the same feeling that "cosmonaut".

Now the situation is steeply changed - journalists scold everything and always blame them in sales, immorality and sober. Writing brethren, no doubt, will survive all the periods of persecution and popular contempt, because you can teach any nails to teach anyone, but the fascinating texts are not given from words not everyone.

The jobs for journalists are becoming more and more, new television channels, radio stations and online publications are opening up, so each graduate specialist has the opportunity for employment.

Learn the art of journalism, of course, it's easier than becoming a real writer, but the ability is definitely needed. Usually, a tendency to journalism is found in school years, future press workers will be happy to write writings, easily lumbering thoughts in words.

This is not a good profession and is often dangerous, but a person who has become a journalist on the call, is pleased with such a lifetime.


This profession is not taught almost anywhere, people with higher education, who completed the speaker courses become speakers. One-year training costs approximately $ 4,000, and applicants who have passed the interview are allowed. A professional announcer should be able to perceive extensive amounts of information, possess good diction without an accent, to work on television - telegeny and ability to keep well. At the courses of future speakers teach the technique of speech, acting, plastic and similar skills.


In his youth, many dream of filming a movie or playing on the stage, but inflating in this profession is so noticeable that they are unprofitable to leave the profession naturally. 95% of applicants are chipped back at the first tours of the receipt, the competition has been trained by special disciplines from mastyst teachers.

Contests in theatrical universities are usually huge, but demanding in the actors is reduced, so units can break through and acquire popularity.

Designers of interiors, stylists, makeup artists

These professions are now in demand, as people felt the taste for comfortable and aesthetic life. It became a clear difference between the designer decorated housing, relevant and beautiful clothes, well-groomed appearance and what we are able to do on their own. Creative people create images from unexpected combinations of objects, paints and lines, receiving excellent results close to artwork.

Talented stylists work in fashion magazines, advertising, on television. Politicians and large businessmen rated the effect of attracting professional stylists and now actively enjoy their services when creating an image.

The field of activity of the makeup artist is the creation of images for advertising campaigns of cosmetic firms and modeling agencies, private practices and work in beauty salons.

Ehei, hello! In touch again the novel and today I would like to tell about what exist professions in which you will use drawing skills In order to plunge into this world of creativity with your head.

This post prompted me to write the fact that I myself came to the thought, sort of: "I can draw and be a creative person," through the "spare stroke", i.e. Not drawing.

Here is how it was...

In early 2014, I just returned from the army and decided that I want to make my own website with Blackjack and ... Well, in general, I wanted to learn how to draw through the lessons that translated and published on it.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, but my undertone was not crowned with success and I once again disappointed in the dream to become a steep artist and draw popular arts. And then, first, I wanted to prove to myself what I can earn and exist with creative activities, and secondly, I thought that I could still enter the industry "drawing", but not from the parade, but from the spare stroke.

And my decision was to get somewhere as a designer, the benefit of Photoshop I knew well, and with Corel Draw learned to work in the army. And settled in the book publishing house, the place where it was "its atmosphere" and ... I liked it.

Thus, "Design" until she felt in himself a craving for drawing and did not start doing this case with new powers.

What I want to say this story. If you want to learn how to draw, become a comics, writing pictures or a lot more, but attempts to go to the forehead do not work, well, try to work in this area on that position on which you can. Make the atmosphere, get acquainted with creative people, cultivate new skills in yourself, and do your favorite thing.

There are assistants, editors, footstools, gallery owners, multiplers and many other specialties that will help you: First, gain experience, secondly, immerse yourself in the "world" of your goal, thirdly, to meet new people who will always help you If you have similar goals.

Khm, and now directly to the profession itself.

Skill level - beginner

Skill level - medium

Skill level - high

Skill level - beginner

Let's start with those in which, in my opinion, the drawing is not particularly needed, but if you have basic skills and pull you to creativity and creative, then there you can surround our part of the glory.

Gallery - He is an expert in the field of visual arts, a profession for those who can and does not particularly like to draw, but very loves art. He knows a lot about styles, authors, epochs, know how to distinguish the original from the copy, masterpiece from the base work. The gallery player can easily organize an exhibition of any level, to invite celebrity there and knows how to convince you to buy the works on sale. First of all, this is a man appreciating art, and not his producing.

It is possible to study this specialty in every university where there is a department of cultural studies or art history. But the most prestigious and respected are considered:

  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Razhviz).
  • Moscow State University (Moscow State University).
  • Institute of History of Cultures (former UNIC).
  • Mguyk.

Designer (graphic) - In modern society, a person has a well-owning graphic packages capable of making high-quality advertising material, collect collage, prepare for print printing products and knowing the laws of color, compositions and behavioral factors. Someone can say: "How is this designer not obliged to draw? I must! "No, my dear, myself worked as a designer and ... drawing there and does not smell. The skill of a high-quality collage is very appreciated, everything is taken from Google or the drain, then it is composed of several layouts, of which the customer claims something and further being finalized.

You can learn this specialty in a variety of universities, but in fact most designers do not have an appropriate education. They collected their portfolio in the lessons on the Internet, they were stirred for work and real skills are already gaining there. However, this is me talking about most, the top designers are high-class people with specialist diplomas.

In addition to the graphic designer in nature, there is still a landscape designer and an interior designer who are also not particularly needed to draw drawing skills, and more skills work with three-dimensional graphics editors.

3D moduller - Survived and fast-growing specialty in timely society. The moduller creates volumetric models of almost everything that can be represented in the head: from buildings, equipment and people, to magic and fabulous animals, phenomena and measurements. In most modern games, 3D graphics are used, modulators create entire worlds in which we like to dive so much. Also, three-dimensional graphics are used in most modern films.

This is the general name of the profession, since it has many specialty divided targets: Landscape Modeller, Character Model, Modeller Technology, etc.

Officially, this profession is taught:

  1. Good stuff on this topic: link

Skill level - medium

Calligrapher - A man possesses the skill of a beautiful letter. It may seem that this is not such a "prestigious" profession, but people who can, practical having tools, beautifully portray words very much appreciate. And besides, the skill of calligraphy can be applied in combination with computer programs and ... well, how many popular brands pay for the fact that their name is written not to arial "OM, but a beautiful and unique font. And who in the 21st century does Fonts - Calligraphions ... Modern calligraphes.

The university "Ah calligraphy is trained in a specialty graphic design, however, at the first request, the search engine gives many options where you can learn online, both paid and free.

Engineer Designer - Specialty aimed at creating drawings of objects. When designing their drawing skills, it is necessary as anywhere else, but there is no need for learning all possible laws of drawing. A specialist of such a profile must have a good imagination, create not "dry" drawings, but to embody your ideas into clear, practical schemes that will delight the eyes.

You can learn here:

  • Moscow State Engineering University (Mami)Energy Engineering
  • Faculty of "Energy Engineering"
  • Zhukovsky branch "Strela" Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI) Flying Authority Management Systems
  • Mati - Russian State Technological University named after K.E.SiolkovskyInstitute of Aerospace Constructions, Technologies and Management Systems
  • Moscow State Technical University. AD BaumanFaculty of "Rocket and Space Technology"
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI)Aerospace faculty

Cartoonist - This is an artist specializing in drawing funny and parody portraits, ironically or sarcastically portraying various events caused by resonance in society. Yes, you yourself probably have ever seen how artists sit on the squares and parks and draw funny books for the denyuzhka. Many cartoonists, but whatever it is enough to earn on it, it is necessary to become popular and famous that I would rather grow about you in all sources, etc.

As a specialty university, "you are not trained, but in the network you can find no lessons and courses for the mastery of this skill, but still the main thing here is your desire and perseverance.

Designer-fashion designer - On the one hand, this is a person engaged in creating sketches of new clothes, he comes up with new outfits and even whole collections of clothing, but also in the circle of occupations of the artist-fashion designer, it includes the creation of a new clothing concept in the form of sketches, search for the design solution of the conceived model, developing samples of new models and their preparation for industrial production, organization of show models of clothing. In general, a lot of things. Profession is very exciting and creative.

  1. Generally a very good article on this topic here.

Contover (he is an income) - One of the two professions of the artist necessary to create comics. The contour driver processes the image transmitted to it. Applying a pencil drawing, corrects small flaws using for this or mascara, or (if it works on a computer) dark colors. The contourist handles all drawing lines except text. Profession is not considered quite creative, rather technological.

Unfortunately, I did not find the place where they were taught, or in any case it would be a discipline of one of the specialties.

  1. Useful article on Wikipedia

Skill level is high.

Here you will draw every God's day ... Unfortunately, or fortunately;)

Artist-illustrator - This is a specialist creating pictures that transmitting the meaning of the text. Illustrators can work on books, newspapers, magazines, leaflets and generally where to transfer "Message". From many of those who have already consisted of illustrators, you can hear that the profession is heavy, competitive and not much paid (can lie who know ...). But the majority choose this profession because they like to draw, and not for the sake of the thirst for profit.

I do not even know what to say on the topic that you need to do "what would be a good illustrator" ... probably plow as damned :)

Thought on an illustrator as many universities "Ah and on the Internet there are a huge number of courses and training materials. Google to help!

Artist-schedule - A specialist working only in one contrasting color and, as a rule, this color is black. The schedule for its work uses mostly mascara or pencil. Just like the illustrator, the schedule is a professional for illustrating books, it can work with fonts and text of the book. Working in the publishing house, the schedule is usually engaged in everything connected with graphics, it is here and a designer, and a masterpian, and illustrator ... The main thing is that it all is well paid :)

Where you can learn to the specialty "Graphics":

  • Moscow State University Press. Ivan Fedorova
  • Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts

Artist-painter. - A specialist who creates pictures from nature. The painter can draw portraits, buildings, nature, yes, in general, everything that will see something and draws. In my opinion (and this is pure IMHO), all artists are precisely painters are obliged for fame forever hungry, but creative individuals. In modern society, painting is valued only, I apologize for the puns, connoisseurs. Pictures tend to buy people who can afford it, and not that would like to have a beautiful picture of having fun in the hallway ... For this there are printers :) The painter is not a profession, not work, this is a vocation.

You can study here:

  • Moscow State Art and Industrial Academy. S. G. Stroganova
  • Moscow State Academic Art Institute. IN AND. Surikov
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Scary and Architecture Ilya Glazunov
  • All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov
  • State Academy of Slavic Culture

Artist-copist - Specialist creating copies of paintings. The copies have recently been in great demand, because many want to see on the wall "Monu Lisa" da Vinci, but not everyone is able to pay for it, and the copyist's work may not be cheapest, but certainly cheaper than buying the original. On the Internet there is very little information about this profession, but we can say that this is one of the varieties of the painter artist.

Restorer artist - A specialist who restores damaged pictures. Restorers can work in various techniques and S. various materials, from paintings to icons. Since the works of art are not eternal, and sometimes stored in not the most appropriate conditions, the specialty of the restorer uses a rather great demand, however, from a specialist such great demand.

The responsibility of the restorer includes not only "drawing", but also a thorough and comprehensive study of the object of restoration, the development of the methodology for restoration, selection of materials, documentation during restoration work.

Artist-portraity - Specialist creating pictures with portraits of people. I have previously mentioned that the painter can draw portraits, but he, as they say, "all ample and nothing as follows," the portrait of itself devotes himself to draw portraits and reaches high mastery in this.

It is not taught on the portraitist, but learn, everyone itself masters the method of trial and errors is art.

Multiplier Artist, Animator - Specialist responsible for creating animated cinema and cartoons. An artist-multiplier, this is the general name of the activities of a specialist in creating cartoons, among themselves, multipliers are divided into:

  • The artist-a phaseman (a narrower) - pays phases between different states of scenes and cartoon characters.
  • Character artist - creates a unique image of the cartoon hero and accompanies the further development and use of this hero in the animation.
  • Designer-director - chief artist at the production of an animation film, determines the general style of the future work and monitors its production.
  • The drawer's artist - creates pure frames for final use in a film based on available developments.

There is also: a controversist artist, a phonovsk artist.

  1. Again, useful and detailed material

Colorist - One of the two professions of the artist necessary to create comics. Colorist is responsible for adding color to a black and white picture. Before the appearance of software graphic packages, the colorist painted comics, cartoons, films, advertising in manual, traditional means of visual art. With the advent of powerful computers and programs, this profession began to associate precisely with computer processing.

Separately, the colorist is not taught, this knowledge is either taught as the standard discipline of most specialties or is studied independently in the process of use. various tools, Koi now the great set.

  1. Useful article on Wikipedia

Comicist - A specialist who creates comics. I have already mentioned two professions that are aimed at creating a comic book, "comic psycho" - combines not only the incinerator and colorist, as well as a scenario, director, director and many other specialties that can be useful when creating a comics.

As such a comic profession in Russia has not yet formed, yes there are people who draw comics, earn it and it becomes a matter of life, but no one has a special education "comic". Honestly, I don't know if there are such certified specialists in the West, but the fact that any - unequivocal fact may become a comic. Here the main thing is not to learn to draw, but learn to file your story so that you would like the readers.

Well, in general, all this blog is built around the development - this is a profession so do not forget to subscribe to updates and learn with me :)

Gaming artist - This is a general concept uniting a large number of specialties related to the creation of digital graphics and use of it in the production of games. The gaming industry in recent years is rapidly gaining momentum in the number of games produced per year, here are all mobile games and games in social networks.

Specialty "Game Artist" (Character Artists, Concepts, Game Designers, Artists ambient, artists on visual effects, etc.) is in great demand among the younger generation around the world.

It is possible to learn at the "Gaming Artist" in:

  • Center of Computer Graphic
  • Distance learning center
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology
  • School Computer Graphics Scream School

Fuch! That's probably all that I would like to be consecrated in this article. Of course, about a dozen professions and specialties remained behind the scene (in drafts), which is somehow related to drawing and graphics, but ... not this time, and it turned out to be long.

By the way, if thanks to this list you have decided on your future profession and decided to go where you come, then there is a service specifically for students which performs for students of their work. Check and use on the Pondor, "Get Education" XD

Listen, if you think that I forgot something, well, can some cool specialty or profession, write about it in the comments that I could add it to the article ... We will make a huge reference to professions together :)

Today, everyone, all creative mood friends!

It is not quite true to talk about the most profitable creative profession. It all depends on the person. But still on the labor market there are conditionally established highly paid creative professions that you should know.

Although, of course, only a person himself can make his profession of the most profitable if his ability puts his ability, zeal, perseverance and is given to his profession with all the soul.

What highly paid creative professions exist on modern market Labor? If you choose from the list of creative professions in demand or rare, then, most likely, this profession will be one of the most paid creative professions.

List of most profitable creative professions

Consider the professions that occupy the first places in the list of highly paid creative professions.

Nowadays, everything is rapidly changing, new technologies appear and therefore new professions and specialty appear. And all the modern and high-tech is expensive.

It is not surprising that in the first place in the top of the most paid creative professions was the profession of web designer. According to statistics, the specialists of this region receive an average of 70,000 rubles depending on the direction of work and experience. Graphic Designer, Animator Artist, Web Diezer, Master for Special Effects, Visualizer - This specialties There will always be a place in modern world.

If you have acquired a specialty associated with the use of various modern softwareYou can be sure that your profession is in the list of highly paid creative professions. You will always find a job in such areas like movies, advertising, animation, publishing, television.

Further in popularity and the magnitude of the wage is the interior designer. At least at the initial stage of labor activity, young specialists of this profession, like any other, get a little, the earnings are increasing at times and can reach 120,000 rubles and more. In any economic conditions, people continue to build at home, equip and decorate life, create various things. This profession will bring you a stable and good earnings.

Next to the interior designer, there is a landscape designer in the list of high-paying professions. More and more people move to live in their own homes and cottages, in which almost always there are large household sectors. And I understand the desire of people to decorate our territory, make your yard or garden the most beautiful and original. Landscape designer is invited to this.

Payment of his work is about the same as the interior designer - an average of 40,000 rubles. But, not only individuals hire specialists from this profession. The services of landscape designers are also used by the city administrations and various municipal services, and, consequently, contracts concluded with the city will be much more comprehensive and will pay for an order of magnitude more than with individuals.

Profitable creative professions in fashion

Designer of clothes, fashion designer - these professions are firmly in the top ten of the most profitable creative professions. Payment of these professionals depends on whether it works in some kind of fashion house or creates its own line of clothing. In one well-known clothing company in Moscow, the salary of these specialists varies from 80,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles.

Also with the world of fashion are closely related to such creative professions as stylist and imijer. These are two names of almost the same profession. And the same, and the other create a style, external image and image of a person.

But the stylist is more work on the external appearance, and the image maker is the image of a person as a whole, from external view Before behavior manner. These professions appeared not so long ago and immediately firmly took their place in the lists of the highest paid creative professions - the average salary of the imageaker, stylist 50,000 - 60,000 rubles. Specialists of these professions are especially in demand among persons employed in politics, artists, people often appear in public.

Talking about modern high-paying creative professions, turn to one of the most ancient creative professions. This is the profession of jeweler. The salaries range of these specialists varies from 15,000 rubles from a novice specialist and 100,000 rubles from an experienced master.

The situation in which the jeweler works, its daily communication with precious metals and precious stones, customers who enjoy his services that can not fail to be secure people, all this, as it were, "attracts" money to him and makes this profession one of the most profitable creative professions and one of the most interesting

You can safely attribute professions such as an artist, a gallerist, florist, director, journalist, screenwriter, producer, editor, photographer, artist, leading, architect, and many creative professions can be made to this list. Moreover, every year it only increases.

If you close creativity, if you have creative thinking, if you like to create something new, unique and exclusive, then choosing a creative profession, you will not be mistaken in your choice.

You will receive double pleasure from your beloved business and from awareness that you create a beautiful, unusual, which no one can repeat after you. And if you love your profession, invest your soul, talent and inspiration into it, then it will undoubtedly become a highly paid creative profession.

The concept of art is closely associated with an artistic way, which can be embodied by various means. Depending on this, types of art are also highlighted.

Kinds of art

For plastic species - visual and decorative and applied arts, photographs and architectures - characterized by the spatial construction of the image. The content of dynamic art types, such as literature and music, are temporary compositions. Next group - spectacular arts: choreography, theater and cinema.

What is the main thing for a person's creative profession

Embody artistic images The people of creative professions, which are known great many. Their singularity is not only the presence of knowledge in one area or another, but also the ability to create, build. There are also cases when self-taught, possessing talent and fantasy, not having special education, created genuine masterpieces of art. The poet Leonid Martynov, for example, had only 4 class of education, but showed himself as a wonderful master of philosophical lyrics.

Famous professions

Through the centuries, the wonderful paintings of painters, magnificent buildings reached us. different styles And epochs. And how not to admire the art of the mosselles of the 19th century, creating unique images of the icons in the temple of the Savior-on blood in St. Petersburg! Artists-Restorers and researchers of museums help to save this beauty for future generations.

People of the writing profession in the artistic word reported to us the invaluable experience of the life of ancestors. Famous conductors, singers, vocalists, performers on folk instruments introduce us with the best works of world musical culture, and composers create this music.

Dancers, choreographers, choremisters do not cease to surprise with dance images. Until full self-denial of their profession, actors of the theater and cinema, and sometimes impossible. Great Alexander Ostyzhev in youth completely lost his hearing, but it did not prevent him from playing great. We admire the skill of the circus artists.

Emaged professions

Creative can be a completely ordinary profession, demanded in the labor market. Today it is - and an animator, hairdresser and photographer, and a fashion designer.

Modern professions for girls and men are not very different from each other in the modern world: now it is not yet possible to share work on the gender principle. However, prestigious women's professions may differ in peculiar unique requirements for candidates: there are functions that the woman is easier to perform. Working for girls can be intellectual or applied (for example, hairdresser).

What professions for girls

Many profitable professions are distinguished by a peculiar set of requirements, but they can provide stable career growth and high salary. The next list of directions and specialties is suitable as interesting job for women:

  1. Visage. The work of the makeup artist may require only the end of special courses, however, for a successful career, knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bwill be useful (to familiarize themselves with new trends) and continuous advanced training.
  2. Consulting, accounting. Inexperienced work is suitable Secretary, which is a classic example of a female profession. Higher education can work as economists, lawyers, tourism managers.
  3. Journalism. This field of activity is suitable for young girls having good communication skills. He is a popular destination in many universities of the country.
  4. Technical specialties. Work is conjugate with severe physical labor, unusual professions for women, or may require great amplification, the ability to work with their hands, focus. This includes vacancies of the seamstress, the machine operator. High position here will not be offered, but permanent employment is guaranteed.

High paying

Specialty with high pays are distinguished and high demands for applicants. Such work can be conjugate large quantity stressful situations, serious working conditions. To high-paying professions for girls belong:

  • IT specialist;
  • senior shop manager trading point;
  • lawyer consult
  • service quality auditor;
  • narrow specialization doctor;
  • logistics expert;
  • cosmetologist.


The open opportunities of career growth are not presented in all the works. Such jobs are distinguished by a large contest, high demands, have many directions of lifting over the career ladder. Perspective are considered specialty:

  • pharmacist;
  • su-Chef Restaurant;
  • photographer;
  • choreographer;
  • machine operator, production line.


Many specialties for girls are often distinguished by prestige. There may be hard selection on such vacancies, it's hard to break there, but the result is worth it. List of professions for girls looking for highly paid interesting prestigious work, wide:

  • lawyer;
  • economist;
  • medpiredator;
  • interior designer;
  • clothes designer;
  • television or radio
  • stewardess;
  • fitness instructor;
  • nutritionist.


Many courses for girls will help settle the most fashionable specialties. Their key feature is low education requirements, but increased to customer communication skills. Interesting professions for women and fashion directions may require and get full higher education. Among them:

  • dancer;
  • singer;
  • HR manager;
  • art consultant;
  • artist;
  • stylist;
  • brand Manager.


There are specializations intended only for women, or the best of their respective psychology. These vacancies are not a big contest. Survived women's professions have a narrow orientation, specific working conditions. For example:

  • nurse;
  • waitress;
  • secretary;
  • conduit;
  • carrier company dispatcher;
  • contact Center operator;
  • teacher, teacher.


Good work for women is often very popular. And the girls, facing the choice of profession, are focused on whether it is common, fashionable. Many popular professions and good job For women require the ability to find a common language with the client, attract its attention. List of current professions will provide wide selection Directions of activity:

  • actress;
  • journalist;
  • psychologist;
  • fashion designer;
  • florist;
  • advertising manager.

Professions of the future for girls

In the future, it is possible to change the list of popular professions for women. This means that it will be unprofitable to work as an accountant, and the position of the manager in any field will cease to be so requested. Changes occur due to the inevitability of technical progress, the loss of relevance by many specialties that will be replaced by computer programs. Based on this, you can make a list of workshop types, relevant in the near future:

  • nurse;
  • expert on alternative energy;
  • breeder;
  • urbanist;
  • an expert in the settlement of religious contradictions.

Best professions for girls

Due to some psychological features and predispositions, women and men are peculiar to different specialization. All related activities are considered the best areas of activity for ladies, and some industries that are not conjugate with serious physical labor are considered. This category includes humanitarian and creative areas of activity, work in the office with papers, all types of consulting requiring direct communication with customers.


Specializations, closely related to creativity, are better suited to girls in connection with their greater predisposition to emotional empathy, the ability to properly convey their own emotions. Among these professions there will be many promising areas for women possessing good taste in the field of model business, art. Beautiful sex will not remain indifferent to the acting. The following creative specializations can be an excellent choice for a woman:

  • actress;
  • singer;
  • fashion designer;
  • artist;
  • art Director;
  • interior designer.


The field of activity of many girls is closely related to the production of equipment, work at the factory, adjusting the equipment that is responsible for the stable stamping of the same type of parts. This includes the work of the production operator, the system administrator at a large enterprise, head of the brigade of workers, a researcher:

  • operator tower crane;
  • machine operator;
  • employee NII;
  • assistant Machinist;
  • architect;
  • IT specialist.


Working with documentation, management, operating laws, translation of texts or direct speech, conducting legal advice requires relevant knowledge, higher humanitarian education and takes a lot of effort and time. However, a significant part of professions, closely related to legal services, occupied by girls. This work requires concentration, may differ in a tough schedule of work, but in return suggests the prospects for career growth up to regional leaders, directors of the enterprise, firm, corporations. It can be:

  • lawyer;
  • notary;
  • lawyer consultant;
  • specialist in synchronous translation.

Working specialties for women

Women workers are not so big enough. The list of specializations related to physical labor, but suitable for representatives of the fine sex, is not distinguished by a large choice. Such employment areas will be offered work immediately after graduating from school or the passage of specialized courses, graduation of technical schools, colleges with a reduced program. The standard working day in this area is 12 hours with a schedule 2 \\ 2 with a rare exception. Workers' girls can come in handy in the following areas:

  • cook;
  • seamstress;
  • the hairdresser;
  • maid;
  • driver on public transport;
  • brigadier.

Office professions

The office sphere of activity is considered one of the most suitable for women, as it provides a convenient work schedule, worthy of labor, great opportunities for career growth, communicating with colleagues, for the most part of each other's interests. This work may not bring pleasure, but also not to demand special skills (on starting positions in place). For more serious work, special education is needed:

The predisposition of fair sex representatives to communicate when working with people and thrust for self-expression makes them excellent employees in the field of marketing, art, consulting, synchronous translation, journalism. The following areas of employment are considered the most interesting:

  1. Journalism. Processing and collection of information, providing its wide audience, Communication with interesting people - All this makes this specialization Ideally suitable for girls that thirs of communication seeking self-development.
  2. Psychology. The overwhelming majority of women are inherent explicit empathy, empathy, sympathy. Such qualities are inherent in a good psychologist who can put themselves in place of another person to understand his emotions, help survive difficulties, cope with crowded problems.
  3. Stylist, cosmetologist, nutritionist. The ability to follow yourself and feel the beauty of the well-developed girls are much better than that of men, so you can finish the courses of hairdressers. Ladies are excellent stylists, beauty salons workers, fashion designers, interior designers.

What profession to choose a girl

The choice of specialization depends on the set of subjective factors inherent in any person. For women, key features when choosing a direction of activity are:

  1. Age. In this case, the Law provides a great influence: minors are more difficult to find work even if there is an official permission from parents. Very young girls are reluctant, because they have no work experience. Until a certain age (until 22-25 years), it is worth considering the post of waitress, conductors, secretary.
  2. Warehouse character, image of thinking. Not all fair sex representatives are bright empath. This means that the work inside the Big team may be in a burden. Closed girls will suit the posts of seamstress, an operator engineer, IT specialist. More open - professions of actress, singer, television or radio officers, stylist, tourism manager.
  3. Experience, availability of education. A person with great experience will not be difficult to change one position to another: Employers are always ready to accept a person who is well-disassembled in their work. Man without experience - another thing. Immediately after school, without experience, the girl can get a model, maid, waitress, secretary, nurse.

After grade 11

Full secondary education will continue their studies in the maximum possible number of educational institutions and choose the most interesting future specialty:

  • Medical universities. Moscow State Medical University (MGMU). THEM. Sechenov, Russian National Medical Research University (Rnim). N.I. Pirogov - nurse, doctor, pharmacist.
  • Technical universities. Moscow Engineering and Institute (MEFI), Russian University of Chemical Technology (PCTU). DI. Mendeleeva, Moscow Road Institute (Madi) - Machine operator, driver, chemist technologist, engineer Designer.
  • Humanitarian, legal universities.