Second SIM card for one number. Double number mts

Question: " Judging by the settings and descriptions of the last of both my phones, you can register several numbers for one SIM card (well, two at least). Well, this is a free interpretation of the fact that a phone can communicate on more than one line at the same time (even with one number, I have been using it for 5 years), and in addition to the line number, you can set a phone number on this line. Explain to the people? ;) And then an attempt to contact the central center with a question causes childish bewilderment from the other end of the phone."

Short answer

There are several ways to use several phone numbers, carrying one device / SIM-card, but there is no standard for this matter and everything, in general, depends on the goodwill of the operator.

Long answer

It may sound strange, but even with the creation of third generation mobile communication standards, the needs of subscribers who require phones with multiple numbers were not considered. And this despite the fact that users need such an opportunity, everyone has known this for a long time, and nevertheless, things are still there.

Why? Let's assume that there is a standard method that works always and everywhere to combine several mobile numbers in one SIM-card. Now let's think about which mobile operator will be happy that he "shares" the SIM-card with the account for the second mobile number, which, perhaps, belongs to a completely different operator.

It may turn out that the subscriber will start comparing tariffs, services, quality of coverage, and then, you see, he will completely go to competitors. Disorder? Disorder.

Now let's add to this a number of purely technical problems: for example, the phone will have to support operation on two different frequencies at the same time - after all, if the numbers are from different operators, then the frequencies of the broadcast channels of the base stations will also be different at any point in space. And if the numbers are from one operator? Even in this case, everything is not smooth - a number of GSM network processes include searching in HLR-e for a unique identifier (IMSI) of a SIM card by phone number, and standard HLR allows you to assign only one phone number to the "telephony" service of a specific SIM card ... In addition, the standard does not have a way to specify which phone number to use for outgoing calls.

In sum, all this leads to the fact that solutions that allow a subscriber to have two numbers exist, but (with rare exceptions) have half the functionality:

  • Or only one number out of two works, and the subscriber can choose which one
  • Either both numbers work, but they must belong to the same operator. At the same time, the solution often works only within the network of this operator and does not work in roaming.

What are these solutions?

Solutions that aren't really solutions

If the operator allows you to assign three different numbers to the services "telephony", "data transfer", "fax" (who said "UMC"?), Then the subscriber can receive calls (regular, data and faxes) to any of these three numbers. True, outgoing calls will always use the number assigned to the "telephony" service. The disadvantages are obvious - the solution is suitable only for those who want to use alternative numbers only to receive incoming calls.

Solutions from phone manufacturers

Certain phone models allow the use of two phone numbers with one (special) SIM card, while the phone provides the user with the ability to choose which number is "substituted" for outgoing calls, and incoming calls and SMS are delivered to both numbers.

However, one phone with a clever firmware is not enough - such functionality requires support from the operator. In particular, its HLRs must be able to store two telephone numbers for the network services "voice", "data transfer", "fax" and carry out on both numbers.

Some time ago there was an attempt to make this solution (called ALS, "alternate line service") part of the GSM standard, but the committee rejected the proposed changes on the basis that they were tied to specific hardware manufacturers (for example, Nokia) and specific operators (for example , Orange in the UK).

Apparently, the author of the question stumbled upon this functionality. If you have a Nokia with firmware that supports ALS, you can try pressing and holding the "#" key. The phone should write something like "Line 2 selected" and you will lose the ability to make and receive incoming calls until you press "#" again :)

In general, this decision has practically outlived its own. In the vastness of the CIS, there are no operators who would support it.

Programmable multisim cards allow you to record several pairs (IMSI, Ki) on them and thus get a SIM card that can present a particular set of identifiers in the process. True, there is a catch here - you can't just take and "merge" data from two standard SIM-cards into a programmable disc. The reason is that the secret key (Ki) cannot be read from a standard SIM card, but you can only try to pick it, and then only if the A38 algorithm used in the card is known to the picker. In addition, the Ki-picking protection built into most SIM-cards can block it irreversibly, and for some time (until you change the SIM) you will be completely deprived of the opportunity to use the corresponding phone number.

Solutions from manufacturers of IN platforms

If there is an operator in the network, then he can implement in his network a variant of the solution described at the very beginning of the story, but not tied to a specific phone manufacturer.

To begin with, the operator (as already mentioned) will need to change all their HLRs so that they can store several phone numbers for one SIM card. Then the operator needs to implement a special IN-service that will remember (store in the database on the operator's side) which of the subscriber's numbers is currently "active" and which is "additional", and provide the subscriber with the opportunity to choose the active number - via voice (IVR) menu, via USSD request.

After that, the operator must configure his network (or the accounts of all subscribers) so that all incoming and outgoing calls of all subscribers are processed by the IN-platform, which will check: 1) whether the subscriber has the "multiline" service; 2) which number should be substituted for an outgoing call, or to which number at the moment calls and SMS should be delivered. Based on the results of the checks, IN will "on the fly" change (if necessary) the telephone numbers in the signaling information, which will create a complete illusion of two simultaneously operating independent numbers. If both parties support the "CAP roaming" functionality, the solution will work even in the networks of other operators.

However, here it was not without a fly in the ointment: firstly, all traffic will have to be "wrapped" through the IN-platform. If it is not designed for such loads, then the operator will have to invest in an upgrade (and this despite the fact that the service is not monetary, but working for the image) or put up with a deterioration in the quality of communication. Secondly, this solution does not get along well with any other IN-services.

After all, if the multiline service needs a trigger on any outgoing call and the control is transferred to IN, and the prepaid service needs the same, then it turns out that either the implementations of these services must know about each other and be content with one trigger for two, or there is the need to organize the so-called double triggering, which, if I'm not mistaken, is impossible by the standard at all. And even if a specific manufacturer of IN platforms and HLRs allows you to organize double triggering, provided that only its equipment is used in the operator's network, this is still bad and leads to a significant increase in the amount of signal traffic and, consequently, to a greater network load.

To summarize, if you really want to - then you can provide yourself with two numbers with one (or two) SIM-cards, but this in any case is fraught with problems and limitations.

Any cellular subscriber can make a duplicate of a SIM card, however, it all depends on what reason is to duplicate a SIM card from MTS, Beeline, or MegaFon. So, most users use a duplicate SIM card to connect several numbers of different operators in one phone, or, conversely, duplicate a SIM of one number on several devices. You can also order a new SIM card from the operator in case of loss or breakdown of the main one.

Today we will tell you about how to get a duplicate SIM card yourself, how to use duplication of one number for several phones, and how to order a SIM-duplicator from MTS, MegaFon, Tele2, and Beeline operators.


Regardless of the reason why it was required to duplicate an MTS or Beeline SIM card, you can try to do it yourself, but this will require a duplicator of sim cards. It is inexpensive, and you can buy it both in stalls with mobile accessories and via the Internet.

However, it should be borne in mind that no one guarantees the successful cloning of a SIM card, since today even card manufacturers set certain restrictions on reading information from them. If you decide to try to duplicate the map, then you can try to do it.

The duplicator looks like a card reader, which is connected to a computer via USB. In addition, you will need a clean SIM card, which is purchased separately, but may be included with a duplicator.

When choosing an empty “blank”, it is necessary to take into account what kind of double is needed. It can be either just a clone of one sim card, or writing data from several cards to one.

Before starting the procedure, it is important to disable the PIN code request if it is used on your SIM card. Without this, it will not be possible to duplicate data from it. After that, you need to install the card in the programmer, connect it to the computer, and start. Next, it remains to follow the instructions for your cloning device.

When buying a duplicator, you should pay attention to the availability of complete software for its operation. If there is no program for it in the kit, then you can try to find the one you need via the Internet.

After receiving a successful duplicate, which will be registered in the operator's network, it is necessary to take into account the rules of use. It all depends on the operator, and there may be certain restrictions. So, in some cases, simultaneous registration of two SIMs with one number is not allowed, or you can use calls from the second only at the moment when no call is made from the first.

How to get a duplicate from an operator

If you fail to receive a duplicate SIM card from MTS, Beeline, or MegaFon, and the original has stopped registering on the network, then you need to contact the operator to get a new card. Also, this option is used when it is necessary to replace a lost or failed card.

You can buy a duplicate SIM card of MTS, MegaFon, or Beeline at any operator's office, but without the owner's passport this will not work either in Moscow or in Kursk. According to the rules of any cellular operator, the receipt of a replacement SIM card is allowed only to those for whom the number is registered.

The question of how much a duplicate SIM card costs is not relevant, since the price for obtaining a copy of a SIM card from MegaFon, Beeline, and MTS is zeroed. This allows users to contact the telecom operator at any time and get a new SIM card for free.

You can get duplicate SIM cards not only in the operator's store, but also use delivery. Delivery should also be used in case of receiving a new card of another region, since obtaining a duplicate SIM of another region through a store is available only on Beeline.

The process of obtaining a new sim card does not take much time. After writing the application, a card is issued, which becomes active in a few minutes.

Alternative to cloning a sim card

Many users resort to duplicating their SIM card to use it in multiple devices. For some Russian operators, this is available without obtaining a duplicate of one SIM card, and when using several.

So, on Beeline and MTS, you can use services that allow you to use service packages from one number on several SIM cards. The cost of the service ranges from 50 to 100 rubles, but its use is not available on all tariff plans. Among the advantages is the ability to use packages not only on your own rooms, but also to connect those that are designed for other people.

But you can split the Internet package between several devices at any cellular operator for an additional fee. This will allow you to use the traffic package on your additional devices, and not pay extra for the data transfer service from them.

Double number MTS

Very often, in the process of buying a new mobile phone, many of us have a question related to the possibility of using 2 SIM cards at the same time on one mobile device. Today, there is no need to purchase such devices, since now it is possible to connect 2 SIM cards to the same phone number. This service is called "Connecting TWIN-card", which makes it possible to use the so-called double number, but at the same time it is fixed on one SIM card.

What are the advantages of this service?

In the event that you have a card and you are an Internet user, you have the opportunity to connect several different mobile numbers for 1 SIM card. At the same time, such a service for numerous subscribers has its own advantages:

  • use of two numbers from the mts operator in one mobile device at once;
  • the ability to separate work and personal communication;
  • the ability to combine several completely different tariff plans;
  • in spite of the transition to the second number of the mts network, it is possible to completely preserve all incoming communications.

The feature of this service allows you to connect two SIM cards to one number from the mts operator and at the same time receive and make calls, receive and send ordinary and multimedia messages from any number that is connected to this card.

How can I connect 2 numbers to one SIM card?

In the event that you have a question about how you can connect 2 different numbers to one SIM card, you should know that this service is currently only available for corporate clients. In the event that you want to receive this service, you should just ask for help from a manager who will offer you to purchase a card with a similar service. To do this, you will need:

  • purchase a SIM card on which a similar service is preinstalled, which allows you to connect several numbers;
  • exchange an existing card for one that already has a pre-installed service that makes it possible to connect two numbers;
  • buy two ordinary SIM cards for one that has this service.

Therefore, if you have a need to use such a service, you can safely connect it using one of the proposed methods.

How can you disconnect such a service?

In the event that you have been a user of such a service for a certain period of time and now want to refuse to use it, you can take the following actions:

  • send a message with the text 21962 to the toll-free number 111;
  • make a call to the help desk, which will explain in detail the algorithm for disconnecting such a service;
  • send a request in which to specify the combination * 111 * 2196 * 2 #.

Using any of these actions, you will be able to easily and quickly unsubscribe from this service.

MTS "Double number" service

Description of the service « Double room»
MTS launched a new service for corporate subscribers of MTS - "Double number", which will allow all users to simultaneously use two MTS numbers connected to a single SIM card. Soon the service will be introduced for individuals. This is great news.

“Today, many Russians use multiple SIM-cards, so phones with support for two SIM-cards or SIM-cards with dual numbers are in demand. MTS offers its subscribers a convenient and at the same time profitable solution, which allows them to be in touch on two numbers at the same time using one telephone set. At the same time, users have a unique opportunity to separate their communication on personal and business issues, and effectively control communication costs "

Noted the vice-president of MTS for commercial issues Mikhail Gerchuk.

The main advantage MTS services« Double room» consists in the fact that you can simultaneously use two MTS numbers on a regular (phones that do not support two SIM-cards) telephone set. Regular mobile phones without dual SIM support are generally much cheaper.

In addition, the service « Double room » provides an opportunity to separate the work and personal communication of employees (i.e. the ability to share the cost of cellular communication between the employee and the employer).

Advantages of the "Double number" service

  1. Use two MTS numbers at the same time in one telephone set
  2. Separate your personal and work communication, which means sharing the cost of cellular communication between the employee and the employer
  3. Simultaneously combine different MTS tariffs on one SIM card: profitable calls and cheap Internet access
  4. Save incoming communication (calls, SMS-messages) when switching to a new MTS number

This is a unique SIM card with a service that includes a service for using and switching between two MTS numbers:
MTS number 1 - your main MTS number;
MTS number 2 - your additional MTS number.

Service "Double number" will allow you to make and receive calls, receive and send SMS / MMS messages, as well as use other MTS services from any of the two numbers connected to one SIM card. In this case, invoices for communication services can be issued, both together and separately, in accordance with the tariff plan you selected earlier.

With the "Double Number" service, you can separate your work and personal communication.

How to connect « Double room» ?
Answer: At the moment the service is available only for corporate subscribers
To activate the "Double Number" service, you need to contact your personal manager and get a new special SIM-card for free. With this you will need:

  • buy a SIM card with the service "Double number"
  • or exchange your old SIM-card for a new card with the MTS "Dual Number" service and buy a new second SIM-card
  • or replace your two old MTS SIM cards with one with the "Dual Number" service

How to deactivate the service « Double room» ?

Answer: If you need to disable the MTS "Double Number" service, you can do it like this:

  • you can send the code 21962 to a free number 111
  • or by typing a free request *111*2196*2#
  • or call the MTS help desk

How to reissue a Tele2 SIM card to yourself without an owner and without a passport

Do you want to assign a number to another Tele2 subscriber? If he does not mind and is ready to personally confirm his consent, the re-registration procedure is carried out quickly. But what if the number holder is away or does not have free time to deal with this issue? How to re-register a Tele2 SIM card without an owner? Is this technically possible? What documents to prepare? Let's figure it out.

Is it possible to reissue the Tele2 SIM card to another person

The operator tries to adapt as much as possible to the needs of customers, therefore, it leaves for each subscriber the opportunity to transfer the number to a third party. The service is called "Renewal of the contract" and individuals are provided free of charge. To use it:

  • Make sure the subscriber number is different from zero.
  • Prepare the necessary documents.
  • Check that the power of attorney (if you are a representative of the subscriber) is notarized.

Note! If the majority of Tele2 offers are available online, you can change the owner of a number only in company stores. Third-party services presented on the network are fraudulent.

How to reissue a Tele2 SIM card to another person

In order to change one subscriber to another in the contract, you should contact any of the operating salons of the operator. If the change in the owner of the Tele2 number occurs between two individuals, the transmitting and receiving parties provide the consultant with passports and draw up a corresponding application. Those who do not want to waste time can download a model of the application on the operator's website, print it and fill it out in advance. However, it is better not to fill in the columns "date" and "signature" (to avoid problems).

If the assignment of a telephone number occurs between an individual and a legal entity (the direction of the transfer is not important), then the consultant will ask you to provide:

  1. An individual's passport.
  2. Documents that you could confirm the identity of the company representative and his right to carry out such operations.
  3. A statement asking for the re-registration of a physical person's number is legal (or vice versa).

If initially the holder of the phone number transferred to Tele2 from another operator, an agreement "On the transfer of rights and assignment of obligations" is additionally drawn up.

Note! The assignment of rights to a phone number is possible only if the receiving party is also registered in the home region where it (the number) was purchased.

How to reissue a Tele2 SIM card to yourself without a passport

As mentioned above, the presence of a passport is required for re-registration of documents. However, re-issuing a Tele2 SIM card to another person is also possible in his absence. The main thing is to document your identity to the consultant responsible for preparing the papers. In addition to a passport, documents of the following categories are suitable for this case:

  • A certificate issued to a citizen of Russia by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the time of the change or restoration of the passport.
  • RF serviceman certificate.
  • Military card of a conscript, contract soldier, cadet.
  • National / foreign passport - for foreign citizens.

Those who applied without a passport or other documents will be denied the service. Sometimes a driver's license is enough for an employee. However, this type of documents is not listed on the Tele2 website for personal verification. Such concessions are considered the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, you should not rely on them on an ongoing basis.

How to reissue a Tele2 number to yourself without an owner

Concluding the topic, let's talk about how to reissue the Tele2 SIM card to yourself without an owner? The absence of one of the parties when renegotiating the contract is not a new situation for the operator. The rules of the service on the site clearly state that this is possible, but only if the absent participant is replaced by an official representative. Moreover, the person in whose presence the contract will be renegotiated must have a power of attorney confirming his rights and obligations.

An additional nuance: the submitted power of attorney must be notarized. The need for such a requirement arose, since in recent years, attempts to fraud with documents have become more frequent among Tele 2 subscribers. Therefore, make sure that you have a power of attorney to perform such operations, and that it has not expired.

If you are interested in a way to reissue a Tele2 SIM card in the absence of the owner (without his knowledge), we hasten to upset. There is no such opportunity in the list of offered services. Translation of the number is possible only if both parties (or their official representatives) agree and have documented their desire.

If you have any questions - let us know Ask a question

Question: " Judging by the settings and descriptions of the last of both my phones, you can register several numbers for one SIM card (well, two at least). Well, this is a free interpretation of the fact that a phone can communicate on more than one line at the same time (even with one number, I have been using it for 5 years), and in addition to the line number, you can set a phone number on this line. Explain to the people? ;) And then an attempt to contact the central center with a question causes childish bewilderment from the other end of the phone."

Short answer

There are several ways to use several phone numbers, carrying one device / SIM-card, but there is no standard for this matter and everything, in general, depends on the goodwill of the operator.

Long answer

It may sound strange, but even with the creation of third generation mobile communication standards, the needs of subscribers who require phones with multiple numbers were not considered. And this despite the fact that users need such an opportunity, everyone has known this for a long time, and nevertheless, things are still there.

Why? Let's assume that there is a standard method that works always and everywhere to combine several mobile numbers in one SIM-card. Now let's think about which mobile operator will be happy that he "shares" the SIM-card with the account for the second mobile number, which, perhaps, belongs to a completely different operator.

It may turn out that the subscriber will start comparing tariffs, services, quality of coverage, and then, you see, he will completely go to competitors. Disorder? Disorder.

Now let's add to this a number of purely technical problems: for example, the phone will have to support operation on two different frequencies at the same time - after all, if the numbers are from different operators, then the frequencies of the broadcast channels of the base stations will also be different at any point in space. And if the numbers are from one operator? Even in this case, everything is not smooth - a number of GSM network processes include searching in HLR-e for a unique identifier (IMSI) of a SIM card by phone number, and standard HLR allows you to assign only one phone number to the "telephony" service of a specific SIM card ... In addition, the standard does not have a way to specify which phone number to use for outgoing calls.

In sum, all this leads to the fact that solutions that allow a subscriber to have two numbers exist, but (with rare exceptions) have half the functionality:
* Either only one number out of two works, and the subscriber can choose which one
* Either both numbers work, but they must belong to the same operator. At the same time, the solution often works only within the network of this operator and does not work in roaming.

What are these solutions?

Solutions that aren't really solutions

If the operator allows you to assign three different numbers to the services "telephony", "data transfer", "fax" (who said "UMC"?), Then the subscriber can receive calls (regular, data and faxes) to any of these three numbers. True, outgoing calls will always use the number assigned to the "telephony" service. The disadvantages are obvious - the solution is suitable only for those who want to use alternative numbers only to receive incoming calls.

Solutions from phone manufacturers

Certain phone models allow the use of two phone numbers with one (special) SIM card, while the phone provides the user with the ability to choose which number is "substituted" for outgoing calls, and incoming calls and SMS are delivered to both numbers.

However, one phone with a clever firmware is not enough - such functionality requires support from the operator. In particular, its HLRs must be able to store two phone numbers for the network services "voice", "data transfer", "fax" and to route incoming calls to both numbers.

Some time ago there was an attempt to make this solution (called ALS, "alternate line service") part of the GSM standard, but the committee rejected the proposed changes on the basis that they were tied to specific hardware manufacturers (for example, Nokia) and specific operators (for example , Orange in the UK).

Apparently, the author of the question stumbled upon this functionality. If you have a Nokia with firmware that supports ALS, you can try pressing and holding the "#" key. The phone should write something like "Line 2 selected" and you will lose the ability to make and receive incoming calls until you press "#" again :)

In general, this decision has practically outlived its own. In the vastness of the CIS, there are no operators who would support it.

Programmable multisim cards allow you to record several pairs (IMSI, Ki) on them and thus get a SIM card that can present a particular set of identifiers during registration in the network. True, there is a catch here - you can't just take and "merge" data from two standard SIM-cards into a programmable disc. The reason is that the secret key (Ki) cannot be read from a standard SIM card, but you can only try to pick it, and then only if the A38 algorithm used in the card is known to the picker. In addition, the Ki-picking protection built into most SIM-cards can block it irreversibly, and for some time (until you change the SIM) you will be completely deprived of the opportunity to use the corresponding phone number.

Solutions from manufacturers of IN platforms

If the operator's network has an IN-platform, then he can implement in his network a variant of the solution described at the very beginning of the story, but not tied to a specific phone manufacturer.

To begin with, the operator (as already mentioned) will need to change all their HLRs so that they can store several phone numbers for one SIM card. Then the operator needs to implement a special IN-service that will remember (store in the database on the operator's side) which of the subscriber's numbers is currently "active" and which is "additional", and provide the subscriber with the opportunity to choose the active number - via voice (IVR) menu, via USSD request.

After that, the operator must configure his network (or the accounts of all subscribers) so that all incoming and outgoing calls of all subscribers are processed by the IN-platform, which will check: 1) whether the subscriber has the "multiline" service; 2) which number should be substituted for an outgoing call, or to which number at the moment calls and SMS should be delivered. Based on the results of the checks, IN will "on the fly" change (if necessary) the telephone numbers in the signaling information, which will create a complete illusion of two simultaneously operating independent numbers. If both parties support the "CAP roaming" functionality, the solution will work even in the networks of other operators.

However, here it was not without a fly in the ointment: firstly, all traffic will have to be "wrapped" through the IN-platform. If it is not designed for such loads, then the operator will have to invest in an upgrade (and this despite the fact that the service is not monetary, but working for the image) or put up with a deterioration in the quality of communication. Secondly, this solution does not get along well with any other IN-services.

After all, if the multiline service needs a trigger on any outgoing call and the control is transferred to IN, and the prepaid service needs the same, then it turns out that either the implementations of these services must know about each other and be content with one trigger for two, or there is the need to organize the so-called double triggering, which, if I'm not mistaken, is impossible by the standard at all. And even if a specific manufacturer of IN platforms and HLRs allows you to organize double triggering, provided that only its equipment is used in the operator's network, this is still bad and leads to a significant increase in the amount of signal traffic and, consequently, to a greater network load.

To summarize, if you really want to - then you can provide yourself with two numbers with one (or two) SIM-cards, but this in any case is fraught with problems and limitations.

Surely, many of the MTS subscribers thought about why the cellular operator cannot put into operation such a service as providing a client with several SIM cards with the same number. Well, what would be great, one in the phone, the other in the tablet, is used purely for the Internet, and the third, which would be ideal, in the car, provided that there is a built-in gadget there. It would be an ideal solution: you replenish the only account, and use the devices at your discretion.

At the moment, this option does not exist. Neither MTS, nor any other mobile communication company in the Russian Federation provides services for duplicating sim-cards. You can't do this on your own either.

What is the reason for this? A number of subscribers would gladly take advantage of this offer. In fact, at the moment it is impossible from a technical point of view and undesirable from a practical point of view.

Can I clone a SIM card myself?

Such an opportunity was in the distant two thousandth, from the beginning to the middle. Technically, creating a clone of a card at home was not difficult. This required elementary equipment, some kind of programmer, and, of course, a personal computer. At the moment, law enforcement agencies and mobile operators are fighting for the so-called "purity of the air". That is, modern SIM cards are so perfect compared to their ancestors that it is simply impossible to clone them. The encryption protocol makes it impossible for even the most advanced hacker to guess the key.

In general, of course, you can try, but trying to make the main sim become an unnecessary piece of plastic... Therefore, here it is worth thinking about saving your time and acting officially, that is, purchasing cards with different numbers for all your gadgets. In fact, this will not cause any difficulties, since you can now replenish your account without leaving your home, and a huge selection of tariff plans allows you to optimize your expenses and reduce them to a minimum. Even with different personal accounts of MTS numbers.

And yet, thinking about such a possibility as a duplicate sim, just think about the risk you are exposing yourself, your data, and funds too, given that now most bank cards, accounts, commercial activities are tied to phones. If a clone of the card turns out to be in the hands of a dishonest person, then at least you can lose money, and in the worst case scenario, be suspected of some crime.

What is a TWIN card

MTS TWIN card - this is a special service offering its users to get two SIM cards with the same number. At the moment, it is officially impossible to purchase a TWIN kit on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, on the territory of Belarus, you can take advantage of such an offer. To do this, you need to contact the office and write an application for the provision of the service.

The cards can be used in one telephone set, or in two different ones, while there are two modes of operation of Twin-cards:

  • Simultaneous, when both SIM cards are active in the network and can receive calls. Here cards can be of different sizes, both standard and micro, their size must be indicated in the application for receiving the set. Dialing in this case can be parallel and sequential, this is also indicated in the application.
  • Alternate - when the first card is working, the second loses activity in the network, that is, the equipment where the second is installed will need to be turned off while the first is operating. In this case, SIM cards will only be of standard sizes.

The mode is determined by the subscriber himself when purchasing the kit. It can only be changed when contacting a communications salon, which will probably require replacing the entire set.

Reception of messages, text or multimedia, is available only for one of the SIM cards. You can buy a set in any of the MTS communication salons in Belarus, it costs 12.5 rubles in the currency of the republic. You can refuse from Twin-cards by visiting any nearest salon.

There is also a limitation on the use of Twin Cards on a number of tariffs, these are:

  • Unlimited;
  • Corporate unlimited Internet;
  • Internet for home.

The impossibility of purchasing a duplicate SIM card and Twin-set on the territory of the Russian Federation presupposes the search for other ways of establishing communication, for example, the special offer "Double number", but we will talk about this next time.

Today there are many Internet resources on which you need to leave contact information. To be precise, almost everywhere you need to leave a mobile phone number. Such a publication is not always beneficial, because after a while, spam or advertisements may come to the phone. In addition, by leaving the site, fraudsters can use it for their own purposes. In order to protect yourself, you should use a special service from MegaFon. It is called "Number Two".

Further, the article provides a detailed description of the function, which is relevant for residents and subscribers of the Moscow region. Since all the present values ​​are valid in the article specifically for Moscow and the region. Subscribers located in other territories should check the payment information before using the option. The check can be done on the company's website or use the services of MegaFon employees (specialists of brand salons and call center operators).

Description of the "Second number" service

Using the second number will be useful if you need to leave contacts on different resources or dictate to strangers. You can also leave such a phone number when filling out different questionnaires or announcements. MegaFon allowed subscribers to be secured without buying a new SIM card. Option "Second number" can be stopped, if no longer needed, it can be completely deleted.

The second number is tied to the main one, while only one SIM card is used. As for the calls, they go to the phone to two numbers at once. The limitation of the second number is only data reception. In other words, it will not be possible to call or send a message from it. It is designed for incoming services only. Also, you cannot connect additional services from the company to it.

The service can be used by MegaFon subscribers on any tariff plan that can use voice calls. Tariffs that are not provided for voice communication cannot activate the service.

The option is provided on a paid basis. Subscribers will need to pay a subscription fee, which is debited every day. You should also know that customers will also need to pay a certain amount to activate the service. If there is not enough money on the balance to charge the subscription fee, the option will temporarily suspend its effect. Accordingly, calls and messages will not be received on it. After replenishing the balance, the subscription fee will be debited, and the service will be activated again.

Using the service "Change the dial tone" on the main number, the caller to the second phone will hear a melody instead of beeps. It should also be noted that the spare number used may have previously been in the possession of another subscriber.

Service usage cost

Customers who want to use the function will need to pay 30 rubles for activation. In this case, every day there will be a write-off of funds for a monthly fee in the amount of 1 ruble.

After activating the option, the number will be provided in a chaotic manner. But if you need to select a specific set of numbers, then the company provides such an opportunity. True, you will have to pay extra for such numbers. Payment for a room depends on its category and is a one-time payment:

  • The choice of the usual combination of numbers is 970 rubles.
  • For a silver set you need to pay - 1490 rubles.
  • The gold number is the most expensive - 14970 rubles.

How to connect the Second number on Megafon

Several methods can be used to activate the service:

  • To simply activate the service with the provision of any number, you will need to dial the service combination * 437 * 1 # and press the call button.
  • If necessary, select the desired set of numbers, you need to enter * 437 * 5 # on the phone and make a call.
  • You can also activate the service through the self-service center on the company's website.

After the option is connected, subscribers will need to write down some more combinations that allow them to manage the service:

  1. If the client has forgotten his second number, you can dial the request on the phone * 437 * 2 # and the required information will appear on the screen. You can also use the code * 205 # .
  2. If the spare set has coped with its task, and there is no longer a need for it, then you can temporarily stop the service by entering the combination * 437 * 3 # and then make a call. It should be noted that such a code entry does not disable the service, but only stops its operation. The subscription fee will continue to be debited, but people will not be able to reach the phone.
  3. To restart work after blocking, enter the command * 437 * 4 # and make a call.
    If you have any questions about the work or clarification of commands and other information, you can call a special help on the service. To do this, enter * 437 * 6 # .

Subscribers who have a negative balance or who use the "Credit of Trust" service will not be able to connect to such a service. In addition, if you have any questions, you can contact the call center operator by calling 0500 for help.

How to disable

When the need to use a spare phone has disappeared, the function should be disabled so that the monthly fee is not charged. To do this, you need to enter the service command * 437 * 0 # ... This will completely deactivate the service.