MTS "Plus Internet" option: detailed description, cost, how to connect. Add internet to MTS

Analyzing the requests of visitors to our site, I see regular visits for requests like "How much is 500 MB?", "Is 1 GB of the Internet a lot or a little?" or "how much internet traffic is needed for a smartphone per month"? Understanding what users want to find out - which Internet package they should connect for their phone, tablet or USB-modem for a computer, for example, in the country, I will try to give them general recommendations.

First of all, 1 MB (megabyte) - 1024 KB (kilobytes), and 1 GB (gigabyte) - 1024 MB. Accordingly, an Internet package of 500 MB is roughly 0.5 GB, but if exactly, then a little less.

What "weighs" how much today?

1 page of the site. This concept is loose. If you go to a simple text page (for example, the main page of the site "Mobile networks"), then it will "eat" you only about 60 Kb of traffic. If the page contains photographs and other graphic elements, then everything depends on their number. If we average, then a page of an article with illustrations "weighs" usually 200-400 KB. If you have opened, for example, a large smartphone review, then we can already talk about several megabytes! In total, just reading the news, you will spend about 200KB per page load. Mobile versions of sites may consume less, but to be honest, I don't like them.

1 music video. It all depends on the size of the audio clip (we will talk about the mp3 format) - its length and quality (bitrate). Again, if you average, expect 3-5 MB per listen or download.

1 film. The size of a full 1.5 hour movie is very different from its quality (RIP, DVD, etc.) and compression ratio. If traffic is limited or there are speed problems, it is better to look for 700 MB movies as DVDRIP or other RIP. There are still quite a few films of this size, and most of them are of quite decent quality. For viewing on a laptop or tablet computer, this is the very thing. Much more movies come in 1.4 GB. Many of them visually differ little or not at all from their 700-megabyte counterparts, it all depends on the conscientiousness of their conversion and compression. If you have a lot of Internet, the speed of 3G or 4G (LTE) allows you, you are critical of quality, you want to enjoy multichannel sound and have a huge high-resolution screen, then you can download movies in DVD-quality, which already "weigh" 5- 10-15 GB or more.

Streaming video. If you are going to watch online movies (and the speed allows you), for example, from, then keep in mind, although they have the maximum compression ratio there (some services allow you to change it - quality settings), you still watch the movie will reduce your traffic on average by 700 megabytes. With online TV - the same. Video session via Skype is similar, although much depends on the resolution of the web camera. But a few megabytes per minute may well go away.

IP telephony. The traffic for a conversation over IP (similarly for Skype) will go about 128 Kbytes / minute. Maybe more. But "on 5 MB" you can communicate quite well. This is only about audio, not video.

All sorts of little things. Checking mail, ICQ, Skype correspondence, social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter). You don't need a lot of Internet here, unless, of course, you are not regularly sent "heavy" attachments by mail and you are not a very active user of social networks, pressing the F5 key every minute. By the way, the pages of social networks "weigh" the same as other average sites, but at the same time they regularly "self-update", monitoring new messages that there is your traffic.

Memo to users of limited traffic USB modems

If you have purchased a relatively small Internet package for use in a stationary computer or laptop, using a cellular operator for the Internet, and a "whistle" as a modem, keep in mind that you will significantly save traffic (so that later you do not have to pay for all sorts of "turbo- buttons) can be disabled by disabling various system updates of your programs, applications or operating system. And if I advise you to disable the antivirus updates, I will not, then at least temporarily it is quite possible to abandon the very gluttonous Windows updates. And they, at times, “eat up” your traffic many times more than you do, which can be an unpleasant surprise for you after just a few days.

How much internet do you need for a smartphone?

The smartphone lives its own "smartphone life", regularly visiting the Internet for updates in the background, checking your mail, synchronizing, etc. It doesn't matter what platform it runs on - Android, Windows Phone, iOs (iPhone), or even the ancient OS Symbian or Bada. Therefore, it is quite normal to spend 50 MB per day on his affairs. And this is 1.5 GB. per month! Of course, they can be reduced to 1 GB or less if you turn off updates for various programs or turn off the Internet itself for long periods of time, but then the question arises - why do you need a smartphone? As a result, know that if the operator happily informs you about an Internet package of 500 MB (about 0.5 GB) within the tariff, with full use of the device (along with browsing, WhatsApp, social networks, correspondence in instant messengers, etc.) this may not even be enough for half a month. Package 1 GB - at a stretch. Optimally - about 1.5 GB, and even better "BIT" or "Super BIT" (the names of unlimited options from MTS, from other operators they may differ). The latter, although considered unlimited options, have a certain daily traffic quota without speed limit, after which it drops significantly. But, in general, enough for a smartphone. At the same time, "Super BIT" differs from "BIT" in that it works not only in the "home region", but throughout Russia. Otherwise, outside the "home region" you will find roaming charges with appropriate rates.

The more you save on all sorts of different little things, the more money you can set aside for any major purchase. Every resident of Russia spends money on a monthly basis to pay for mobile Internet for a smartphone, tablet or modem, and often the sums turn out to be very impressive. If you give the operator 500 rubles a month, then in one year this will result in the amount of 6,000 rubles, and if there are several such years, this figure will increase several times.

That is why all residents of Russia who do not want to waste money should think about connecting to the mobile operator Danycom, which is free. Every month it gives its subscribers 10 GB of mobile Internet traffic, 500 minutes of calls, as well as 500 messages. All of these services can be used throughout the country, that is, outside the home region. Among other things, every Russian within the Oxygen tariff can count on unlimited traffic for social networks and instant messengers - WhatsApp and Viber.

The catch is that you can use all these services completely free of charge until June 1, 2018, that is, another whole five months. Then you will need to pay for this tariff plan like for any other, but very little - only 199 rubles per month. This makes it the most profitable in Russia, even among closed tariffs. After about the operator Danycom, the editors of the site received a lot of questions on how to connect to it.

In fact, it is very easy to start using the services of the virtual operator Danycom, and all residents of Russia can do it. It is important to note that this company does not yet have its own offices, however, it plans to open them already this year. At the moment, all SIM cards are delivered by couriers, and absolutely every Russian can become a subscriber of this operator. It is impossible not to notice that until June 1, 2017, it provides services in test mode, so sometimes there may be some problems with the availability of the network, although this has never happened before.

In order to connect to the Danycom operator and receive 10 GB of mobile Internet traffic every month for free, you should go to a special page, then select your region and fill out the feedback form. Then, within 24 hours, an employee of the operator will call the specified phone number and inform how quickly the operator can deliver the SIM card to its potential subscriber, and also ask to clarify the information.

Note that it is impossible to send an application for connection before January 9, since the Danycom operator turned off this opportunity due to the fact that most of its employees went on New Year's holidays, this was stated in a group on the VKontakte social network.

Do not miss your chance! Until June 2 inclusive, everyone has a unique opportunity Xiaomi Redmi AirDots, spending only 2 minutes of their personal time on it.

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The Internet has become an integral part of the life of most people for a long time, which is why it is quite difficult to imagine a tariff plan from a cellular operator without the presence of prepaid traffic in it.

Communication from MTS is


However, if you systematically lack traffic, you need to think about changing the tariff package, or about using the "+ Internet" service, new items from one of the leading participants in the modern cellular market.

Actual information. Data updated March 19, 2019.

MTS option "+ Internet": detailed description

The "Plus Internet" option allows you to add some more traffic to the main internet quota for an additional fee.

  • The validity period of any traffic package in the option is 30 calendar days from the moment of activation;
  • Unused package balances are not carried over to the next month;
  • If the service is not disabled, then every 30 days the quota of additional traffic will be automatically updated and the funds will be debited from your account. Be careful, if the service is not needed, disable it;
  • If the funds on the account are insufficient for 100% payment for the option, then the money automatically are debited one and a half (see the table) until there are enough funds on the account to pay the full cost of the service. Daily write-off is about 30% overpayment!
  • When the "+ Internet" service is enabled, priority when spending web traffic is given to gigabytes provided as part of an additional option, after which the standard traffic quota provided to the subscriber within the framework of the tariff plan used begins to be consumed;
  • The option is available on tariffs of Smart lines (including archived ones, except for Smart Unlimited 052016/092016, Smart Unlimited + 092016, Smart Zabugorische, Tariff, My Smart, My Unlimited), For Tablet, Ultra, VIP, X, line "All MTS";
  • If you connect “Plus Internet”, then other options with additional traffic packages will be automatically disabled: “Internet-Mini / Maxi / Super / VIP”, “MTS Tablet”, “BIT”, “SuperBIT”, “BIT Smart”, “SuperBIT Smart”;
You can check the rest of the traffic, enable or disable the "+ Internet" option in the subscriber's personal account, in the "My MTS" mobile application, as well as using USSD requests, which are indicated in the table below.

Summary table on the options and prices of the MTS Plus Internet service

Internet traffic volume: 3 GB. 5 GB. 10 GB. 20 GB.
Cost when paid per month 190 ₽ 250 ₽ 300 ₽ 350 ₽
Cost when paying daily 8.59 ₽ 11 ₽ 13,00 ₽ RUB 15.50
Traffic limit 3 GB. 5 GB. 10 GB. 20 GB.
Validity 30 days
Coverage area The same as in the connected tariff
Command to connect

With the development of computer technology, more and more new terms appear every year. Many people often use the word "gigabyte", but they do not fully understand the meaning of this concept, which is why they cannot answer the question of how much memory is 1 GB.

What is a gigabyte?

Before you deal with the question "1 GB is a lot or a little", you need to understand the essence of a memory unit. Most electronic devices use electrical current impulse processing. This method allows you to process a large amount of information in a short time and has only two values ​​- "Yes" or "No". This minimum informative unit is called a bit.

With the help of bits, all the necessary data is set in the computer - texts, pictures, sound, and so on. To increase the speed of processing pulses, it was decided to split the entire stream into groups - one set of 8 bits was called a byte. With the development of technology, it was required to work with an increasing amount of data, which is why new divisions into larger groups began to appear.

To simplify the process of understanding the number of bits in a given value, it was decided to use prefixes from the SI system of units. As a result, kilobits, megabytes and other values ​​of the amount of memory appeared. But, according to the unified SI system, the value of each prefix was a multiplier in the form of the number 10 to a certain degree. And computer information, due to its binary nature, is represented in the form of two to some extent. Because of this, when accurately determining the smaller value, they often encounter disagreement. Despite the existing contradictions in the exact definition of the number of bits, the differences in values ​​for prefixes with a small difference are insignificant. So, according to these calculations, 1 kilobyte contains not 1000 bytes, but 2 10 - 1024 bytes.

How many are in one gigabyte?

The prefix "giga" on means 10 9, that is, 1 billion. The closest prefix to "giga" is "mega", which is 10 3 times smaller. But on the territory of most countries of the world, including Russia, the exact number of bytes is determined using two to the nth power, so the answer to the question of how many MB is in 1 GB is 1024.

Continuing to consider smaller values, instead of multiplying by 1000, further calculations are performed using 2 to the 10th power. Thus, 1 GB is 1024 * 1024 = 1048576 kilobytes or 1024 3 = 1 073 741 824 bytes. To get the number of bits in 1 GB, you need to multiply the resulting byte value by 8, getting a total of just over a billion.

The largest value for the amount of memory

The range of measurements of memory units has long surpassed the "giga" prefix by several steps. At the moment, the largest value of the amount of information is one yottabyte. In comparison with 1 GB, this is 10 15 times more or, according to the Russian definition, 20 50 times.

Between iottabyte and gigabyte there are 4 more definitions of volume, each of which reduces the power of 10 by three when using the SI system or, in the binary case, the power of two by 10.

Is a gigabyte a lot or a little?

Every day in the world, various calculations are made, for storing the total volume of which 1 GB is not enough. This value is hardly suitable even for the work of one user - now the amount of RAM, which stores constantly used data, is already several times higher than this value. The size of one movie in average quality, lasting about an hour, takes a little more than a gigabyte, which is why the value of the memory volume itself has become relatively small, despite the great value when considering byte-wise.

1 GB flash drives are also relics of the past that are already difficult to find. Now, to transfer information, they use more voluminous devices, including external hard drives, the volume of which can reach ten terabytes, which is 1000 times more than a gigabyte.

After the disappearance of unlimited tariffs from operators, users are again forced to count traffic in order not to exceed the limit and not be left without the Internet until the end of the month.

We analyzed the offers of the "Big Four" and found out how much traffic is needed for a month and what opportunities each package will open.

Up to 1 GB

With this rate, the maximum you can do is browse the web, read news and use the messenger. It is better to compress pictures and other graphics as much as possible, and even better to disable all this in the browser altogether. If you listen to music online, watch GIF animation or video, then the traffic will end by the evening. 10 songs is already somewhere around 100 MB, that is, 1/10 of the tariff.

You can choose a tariff with such a limit if you download all the music and other information to your smartphone in advance. But it will be difficult to find such a valid offer, now packages with a minimum of 4 GB of traffic are available. Everything below is archived rates.

Up to 7 GB

This tariff opens up much more opportunities. You can safely use navigation with it. Also communicate in chats, include pictures on sites. Read any information. But if you listen to music every day, watch gifs and small videos, then the tariff will last for 7-10 days on average.

Up to 15 GB

There is where to turn around. One movie weighs 1.36 GB on average. That is, you can download a couple of films a month, use social media quite actively. networks, navigator, occasionally listen to music online and watch gifs. It will also be possible to play online. WoT blitz consumes about 20 MB per hour, Vainglory - 30 MB, Hearthstone card - 15 MB.

We checked the Internet at home, it turned out that we spend the same 15 GB per month for the whole family. Despite the fact that we actively use the Internet from computers and from all gadgets, and there is also a PS4.

Up to 30 GB

Tariffs up to 30 GB provide ample opportunities. You can distribute the Internet to other devices, download several films, watch videos and streams online, listen to music, play games - in a word, there are practically no restrictions. Unless, of course, you are going to download 5-6 GB HD movies or watch 4K videos.


In conclusion, let's say that a lot depends on how and for what you use the Internet.

If you have Wi-Fi at home or work, then maps for navigation, music and videos can be downloaded or hashed in advance. And here it will be quite possible to get by with the lowest tariff of 4-7 GB.

If this is not possible, then a traffic package of 10-15 GB per month will be enough for everything.

30 GB or more is required if you download a lot from the network or distribute the Internet to other devices.