2 self-assessment of professional advances in preschool education. Self-assessment sheet of professional activity of the teacher

Self-assessment acts as an important regulator of behavior. From it depend on the relationship of a person with others, its criticality, demandingness to themselves, attitude towards successes and failures. Thus, it affects the effectiveness of the activity and the further development of the personality.

For a harmoniously developed, the mature personality of the teacher is characterized by adequate self-esteem, which, above all, allows us to evaluate its individuality: develop in work, in creativity, in relationships, rejoice in their success and strive for greater development. Adequate self-esteem gives a person self-confidence, allows you to successfully put and achieve goals in a career, business, personal life, creativity, attached useful qualities As initiative, enterprise, the ability to adapt to the conditions of various societies.

Low self-esteem accompanies a man of a timid, insecure in making decisions. The teacher with a low professional self-esteem is experiencing a feeling of insecurity, negatively perceives others through the prism of his stresses, anxiety. As a rule, it is not resolute, shy, with caution is taken for different cases, assesses its capabilities and success is lower than it really is. Such a teacher believes that nothing depends on it, and even when the chance is provided to realize himself, he does nothing. They are easily inspired, they constantly have a sense of guilt (most often absolutely unreasonable).

Too high (inadequate) self-esteem breaks the process of self-government, distorts self-control. The teacher with an overwhelmed self-esteem overestimates its real successes and opportunities. Assesses himself much higher than the assessment that people surrounding him give him. This is especially noticeable in communication, where faces with overwhelmed self-esteem are the cause of conflicts. If the high self-esteem is plastic, changes in accordance with the real state of affairs - increases with success and decreases with failure, it can contribute to the development of personality, as it has to apply maximum effort to achieve their goals, develop its abilities and will.

The results of the diagnosis "Self-assessment personal qualities The educator "Testing the" self-assessment of personal qualities of the educator "allowed teachers to evaluate their work in educational activities as a whole, as well as evaluate civil, spiritual and moral and intellectual qualities necessary for organizing an effective educational process. Teachers could independently evaluate their knowledge in the field of basic pedagogical and educational concepts.

The results of the study of the personality of teachers Methods "Psychogiometry". Symbolism Symbolic meaning Qty Circle People friendly, sincerely interested in good interpersonal relationship, their highest value is people, their well-being. 7 quadroat people hardworking, diligent, hardy, appreciate the order, prone to analysis, are biased to detail, rational and emotionally restrained 1 right coal IR people inconsistent with unpredictable deeds, their main mental state is more or less aware of confusion, confusion in Problems and uncertainty regarding yourself at the moment. 2 Treu-golly people born to be leaders: they are energetic, ambitious, put clear goals and, as a rule, reach them. 4 zigzag people-creators with developed intuition, the dominant style of thinking - synthetic, they are directed to the future and more interested in opportunities than reality. 0.

Self-analysis and self-esteem of the professional activity of the teacher of GDDOU №41

Based professional Standard "Pedagogue"

(Full name of the educator)

The self-analysis of the features of the official functions of the educator of preschool education

In this part of the professional activity analysis, you need to clearly define the features of their official functions as an educator of a particular pre-school educational organization. Results of filling in Table 1 will help you clarify the range of your official functions and in the implementation of self-analysis and self-assessment of professional activities to determine the deficits associated with these functions.

Table 1

Based on what exemplary program in your DOW developed and implemented the educational program
The number of pupils in the group at the time of self-analysis
Which of the following directions are included in your professional activities? (noted) - work with gifted children; -Work in the conditions of implementing inclusive education programs; - teaching Russian pupils for which he is not native; -Work with deviant, dependent, socially launched and fell into a difficult life situation pupils; -Work with children with OVD; -Work in the group of short-term stay of children, full and extended day, around the clock stay; -Work in a group of pre-school training, a pre-school group in a small school; - Ooky (indicate that it is): work in the implementation of the implementation of general educational program preschool education

Self-assessment of professional advances in the educator

In this part of the analysis, you will have to correlate the planned and actually obtained results of educational activities; reveal what kind of targets for the development of your children is strong side Your professional activity; What deficiencies can indicate that you intend to improve?

table 2

Targets in accordance with SFGOS pre-school education Strengths of professional activities Professional deficiencies
Factory targets in infant and early age
The child is interested in surrounding objects and actively acts with them; Emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, seeks to show perseverance in achieving the result of their actions
The child uses specific, cultural fixed subjects, knows the appointment of household items (spoons, calculations, pencil, etc.) and can use them. Owns the simplest self-service skills; seeks to show independence in domestic and game behavior
The child owns an active speech included in communication; can handle questions and requests, understands the speech of adults; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys
The child seeks to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; Games appear in which the child reproduces adult actions
The child shows interest in peers; Watches their actions and imites them

The child shows interest in poems, Songs, we say, viewing the picture, seeks to move to the music; emotionally responds to various works of culture and art
The child has a large motility, he seeks to master various types of movement (running, climbing, stepping, etc.)
Target landmarks at the stage of pre-school education
The child seizes the main cultural activities, manifests the initiative and independence in different types activity game, communication, cognitive development, design, design, etc.; able to choose a deal of classes, participants in jetty
The child has a positive attitude towards the world, to different types of labor, other people and oneself, has a feeling own dignity; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, to empathize and rejoice in the success of others, adequately manifests their feelings, including the feeling of faith in oneself, tries to resolve conflicts
The child has a developed imagination, which is implemented in different activities, and above all in the game; The child owns various forms and types of the game, distinguishes the conditional and real situation, can obey different rules and social standards

The child owns good enough oral speechmay express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express your thoughts, feelings and desires, building a speech statement in a situation of communication, can allocate sounds in words, the child folds literacy
The child has a large and small motility; It is moving, hardy, owns the main movements and, can control his movements and manage them
The child is capable of volitional efforts, it can follow the social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, in relationship with adults and peers and, may comply with the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene
The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, it is interested in causal relations, it is trying to independently invent explanations of nature phenomena and actions of people; inclined
Watch, experiment. He has initial knowledge about themselves, about the natural and social world in which he lives; familiar with the works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; The child is capable of making their own solutions, based on its knowledge and skills in various activities.

Tatyana Isaeva
Self-analysis and self-esteem of pedagogical activity

I, Isaev Tatyana Vostostyanovna since 2003 I have been working in kindergarten "Smile". Our kindergarten is designed for 36 groups, in the state of 71 educators, 7 music executives, 1 psychologist, 4 speech therapist, Lecturer, Buryat language. The implementation of the educational program in our preschool educational institution from September 1, 2014 is built in accordance with the current federal state educational standards for the main general educational program of pre-school education, where four directions of development of preschool children are noted. age: physical, socio-personal, informative-speech, artistic and aesthetic.

The purpose of the Federal Standard for the Development of Education is that each educational area is aimed at developing any children's activities The fundamental principle of integrating educational areas and thematic planning in joint activities educators and children. Goal activities Our institution is to organize work on the integrated development of children.

For my basis work program An approximate basic general education program for pre-school education is taken. "From birth to school" Edited by N. E. Veracs, M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova, one of the main tasks of which - to promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, aspiration independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities in the closest and natural for the child - a preschooler species activities: game, communicating with adults and peers, work. It is in these species activitiesAccording to the authors of the program, there is a formation of such neoplasms as arbitrary behavior, the ability to logical thinking, self Control, Creative imagination, which is the most important base for the start of systematic learning. Therefore, I consider the relevant problem of insufficient use of entertaining mathematical material and didactic games in the development of preschoolers.

Since 2010, I work under the program self-education"Entertaining mathematics" According to FGT, but in connection with the introduction in 2014, the GEF program requires refinement and some changes, which I started working on September 2014.

I remember the famous statement of L. S. Vygotsky that learning should lead the development. And so the main task is to see not to suppress the child by the load of his knowledge, but to create conditions for self Looking for answers to your questions in the process of classes, games with mathematical material. Considering the fact that interest is the best incentive for learning, I try to use every opportunity to unload the children by gaming activities In the educational process. The complexity of using the didactic game to the development of elementary mathematical representations and in the joint activities The educator with children is due to the lack of modern methodological aids on this particular topic.

In general, the formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks. pedagogical Theories and practices at the present stage. And its decision should begin in preschool age. My main task is to choose the most effective methods and techniques for the organization of children who would allow the maximum to use the influential position of the leaders, to create a success situation for each child. Created by me self-realization every child in joint, exciting activitiesThe effective means of expressing his personality in the peer group. Putting forward the assumption that systematically organized didactic games with mathematical content contribute to the improvement of the process of the development of mathematical ideas of children preschool age, set itself target: Promote the development of mathematical ideas from preschoolers through didactic, educational games. Game, in my statement, not only means of optimizing the process of learning and education, but also important aspect Psychological comfort of children.

Gifted children - cultural and scientific potential of society. It depends on how science will develop, the culture of our society in the future. Pre-school childhood The most favorable period of personality development and precisely during this period it is necessary to create conditions for the formation of their individuality, expand the spectrum of opportunities, the realization of interests, inclinations and abilities.

In preschool age, the process of knowledge in a child occurs with an emotionally practical way. Each preschooler is a small researcher, with joy and surprise that opens for itself the world. The better and more diverse children's activityThe more it is significant for the child and meets its nature, the more successful its development is, the potential and the first creative manifestations are being implemented.

Develop creative abilities, create all the conditions for the full development of these abilities, talents - here is the main task of my pedagogical activity! For this, educational space in our kindergarten is designed with the observance of three factors:

Socially organized activities;

Subject - spatial environment;

Emotional and motivated personal interaction of adults and children.

The problem of development of logical thinking is engaged in last years With children who have speech violations. To determine how much these violations affect the development of mental processes, especially thinking, I conducted a survey of children in his senior groupUsing observation methods, conversations and testing. Result takov: Almost all children have difficulty when performing tasks aimed at determining the level of development of thinking. These difficulties are associated with mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, which this category of children is not enough formed. Almost all children to perform tasks requires an adult help. For them characteristic: Low level of attention, insufficient concentration, low level of cognitive activity, low volume of ideas about the environment, the difficulties of establishing causal relations. Logical activity Children differ in extreme instability, lack of compositeness, control over the correctness of the task is missing. They experience difficulties in orientation, there is insufficient coordination of movements in all kinds motoriki: common, mimic, shallow and articulation. In front of me stood a task: Is it possible in children with ONR to develop the flexibility of thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, to do at least simple conclusions. Yes, perhaps! Then I set itself a goal - through the system of games to develop interest in knowledge, strive to ensure that the joy of gaming activities Gradually switched to the joy of knowledge. One of the main pledges of the successful development of preschoolers - creating conditions that stimulate its practical, game and informative activity. Therefore, in the group created a corner "Entertaining mathematics"where the benefits are arranged for joint and independent activity. Game Material I picked up taking an age, complication sequence.

Amounted to for their work with children of senior preschool age partial program: "Entertaining mathematics"where the following are solved tasks:

Formation of cognitive motivation of training;

Development of mental processes (sensations, perception, ideas);

Development of variable and figurative thinking, fantasy, imagination, creative abilities;

Formation of techniques of mental actions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification);

Development of curiosity independence, initiative;

An increase in the amount of attention and memory;

Speech development, the ability to justify judgment;

Build the simplest conclusion;

Formation of the main components of the study activities;

Education of interest in the subject and learning process as a whole.

Knowledge are not given to children in the finished form, and they will be filled with them independent analysis. The child acts as a researcher, "Opening" fundamental properties and relationships, and pedagogue leads children to this "Opening"By organizing and directing their training actions.

When conducting classes, I follow the following pedagogical commandments:

Encourage a child to desire to learn new;

To avoid negative results activities;

Compare the results of the child's work only with its own achievements;

Starting with lagging children new Material earlier than with the whole group.

Forms of organization of classes: Front work with demonstration material, practical work, didactic games, educational games, self The work of children with handouts, laying and solving problem situations, experimentation, elements of theatricalization, etc. The class uses various plans: code cards; chips; models of the seasons, months, days of the week; The model in the form of hours separated by the sectors, etc. Of course, given the increased attention to computerization, the desire to make the learning process is more intense and considering the individual features of children in class and in free activitiesI would like to use children's computers, which gives impetus to the further development of intellectual abilities, but not yet such an opportunity.

Classes are conducted systematically gaming form, what gives emotional setting, increases activity and interest in children.

I love mathematics with a school bench, I am interested in different innovations, and I want to transfer this love to children.

My pupils at school are actively involved in the Mathematical Olympics, learn perfectly!

Self-analysis and self-assessment of the professional activities of the educator of pre-school education based on the professional standard "Pedagog"

deputy Head of MBDOU

"Kindergarten № 5" Aleis

Nikitenko Svetlana Ivanovna

Who looks at himself, sees his face,

Who sees her face, he knows the price itself

Who knows the price, strict to itself happens

Who is strict to yourself - that is truly great!

(Pierre Grengorod)

Components of awareness of pedagogical experience







Example of filling the table according to the results of self-assessment


Self-esteem in the ballats

Comment (justification exposed score)

Achievements: I know how to develop a calendar-thematic plan on the educational area. I can teach this another.

Deficities: I find it difficult to specify target landmarks to describe the planned results

Labor function "CommonGooty function. Training"

Competence (Labor Actions)

Development and implementation of programs academic disciplines As part of the main educational program

Self-esteem in the ballats (0–2)


Implementation of professional activities in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards for pre-school general education

Participation in the development and implementation of the educational organization development program in order to create a safe and comfortable educational environment

Planning and conducting training sessions

Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of training sessions and approaches to learning

Organization, monitoring and evaluation of training achievements, current and final results of development of the main educational program

Formation of universal training actions

Formation of skills associated with information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT)

Formation of motivation for learning

An objective assessment of knowledge of students based on testing and other methods of control in accordance with the real educational capabilities of children

Competence (Labor Actions)

Self-esteem in the ballats

Regulation of the behavior of students to ensure a safe educational environment

Comment (Justification exposed score)

Implementation of modern, including interactive, forms and methods of educational work, using them both in class and in extracurricularity

Setting educational goals that contribute to the development of students, regardless of their abilities and nature

Definition and adoption of clear rules of behavior of students in accordance with the Charter of the educational organization and the rules of the internal regulation of the organization

Design and implementation of educational programs

Implementation of educational opportunities different species child activity (educational, game, labor, sports, artistic, etc.)

Design of situations and events developing the emotional-value scope of the child (the culture of experiences and value orientations of the child)

Help and support in organizing the activities of students of self-government

Creation, maintenance of the structure, atmosphere and traditions of the lives of the educational organization

Development of educational cognitive activity, independence, initiatives, creative abilities, the formation of civil position, ability to work and life in conditions modern Mira, formation of educational cultures of a healthy and safe lifestyle

Formation of tolerance and behavior skills in a changing polycultural environment

The use of the constructive educational efforts of parents (legal representatives) of students, helping the family in addressing the issues of child education

Competence (Labor Actions)

Self-esteem in the ballats (0–2)

Identification in the course of observing the behavioral and personal problems of students related to the peculiarities of their development

Comment (Rationale of the exposed point)

Evaluation of parameters and design of a psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment, development of prevention programs various shapes Violence at school

Application of tools and diagnostic methods and evaluation of level indicators and child development

The development and application of psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive) necessary for targeted work with various contingents of students: gifted children, socially vulnerable children, children who have fallen into difficult life situations, migrant children, orphans, children with special educational needs (autists, children with attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity, etc.), children with limited features Health, children with deviations of behavior, children with addiction

Address assistance to students

Competence (Labor Actions)

Self-esteem in the ballats

Participation in the development of the main educational program of the educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education

Comment (Justification exposed score)

Participation in creating a safe and psychologically comfortable educational environment of an educational organization through ensuring the safety of children's life, maintaining the emotional well-being of the child during the stay in the educational organization

Planning and implementing educational work in the group of children of early and / or preschool age in accordance with federal state educational standards and main educational programs

Organization and conduct of pedagogical monitoring of the development of educational programs and analysis of educational work in the group of children of early and / or preschool age

Participation in planning and adjusting educational tasks (jointly with a psychologist and other specialists) based on monitoring results individual features development of each child early and / or preschool age

The development of professionally significant competencies necessary to solve the educational tasks of the development of children of early and preschool age, taking into account the peculiarities of the age and individual characteristics of their development

Formation of psychological readiness for school education

Results of self-esteem professional activity

Competences (labor actions) rated by the score "0"

Ranging deficits by year their replenishment

Labor function "Commandable Function. Training"


Labor function "Educational activities"

Labor function "Developing activity"

Labor function "Pedagogical activities on the implementation of preschool education programs"

Criteria for determining the level of professional competence

  • 0 points - low level
  • 1 point - medium level
  • 2 points - high level

Analyzing their professional activities

teachers appreciate


confidence in your strength

and interest in work.

Pedagogue, able to analyze their activities is the most important innovative resource of any educational institution.

Yumshhanova Maria Valerievna

04/11/1989 Birthday

Score by criteria: 2 points

Analytical comment:

The use of ICT (information and communication technologies) is one of the priorities of education. Informatization of the education system makes new requirements for teacher and its professional competence. Modern teacher It should not only be able to use the computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also to create their educational resources, widely use them in their pedagogical activities. Therefore, I believe that the use of information and communication technologies is very relevant for our time.

The level of information competence allows me to systematically apply electronic resources:

1. In working with children Actively attract the capabilities of modern information and communicative technologies that allow me tools of multimedia, in the most affordable and attractive, game form to achieve high level Development by pupils of the objectives of the general education program of pre-school education. In accordance with the program implemented in Madone and complex - thematic planning ICT IT applies in continuous educational activities in the directions of cognitive and artistic - aesthetic development, as well as during the organization of the hearing of musical - literary works, conducting physical education pauses, final events and leisure, namely:

Selection of illustrative material to nodes;

Creating presentations in the ROWER ROINT program allow me to efficiently improve efficiency educational activities with children, pedagogical competence of parents in the process of conducting parental meetings, as well as broadcast work experience among teachers of our institution. I created presentations and videos to classes, holidays, pedagogical advice, parental meetings (Appendix 2.2.1, 2.2.2., 2.2.3., 2.2.4., 2.2.7. In electronic version);

Registration of group documentation (lists of children, information about parents, monitoring the development of children, planning, reports, etc.).

Group design;

2.In working with parents I use computer capabilities for making parental corners of various topics (Appendix 2.2.5.), Demonstrations on pedagogical meetings, parent meetings and family clubs created by me Presentations and Viederists on a certain topic held in a group and kindergarten events (Appendix 2.2.7. In the electronic version). Together with parents, we have created a page of our group "in contact" - https://vk.com/club104224436 - Madou number 4, group number 9 (Appendix 2.2.6.).

Site title / Forum / Internet Community Internet address of the site
MADOU SITE "Kindergarten number 4" Syktyvkar http://ssvds4.ru/
Komi Republican Institute for Education Development http://kriro.ru/
Cognitive and entertainment portal for children, parents, Sunny teachers http://www.solnet.ee/
Civil Education Center "Climbing" http://civiledu.ru.
Center for the organization and conduct of All-Russian competitions "Success!" http://konkurs-uspeh.ru/konkursy/
"900 Children's Presentations of Clips" http://900igr.net
Site of pre-school education workers "My kindergarten" http://www.ivalex.vistcom.ru/zanatia.htm.
Electronic magazine "Pre-school education" http://dob.1september.ru/
Site for kindergarten, for educators of kindergartens and parents "Preschool age: pre-school education" http://doshvozrast.ru/ozdorov/ozdorov.htm.
Page of group number 9 in contact https://vk.com/club104224436

4. For the work experience and its publication on the Internet(Appendix 3.2.1.).

5. To participate in contests of correspondence(Appendix 3.7.1.).

Thus, the use of ICT in the educational process makes it possible to motivate children and improve the quality of classes, do educational activities more efficiently due to the high degree of clarity, which ultimately contributes to the development of children's abilities; Provide information to parents of pupils on education issues, as well as raise their professional level, share their experience, get acquainted with the materials of other community members and receive feedback on work, solve professional issues.

Appendix 2.2.1.

Presentation for the game - "Petushka" fun

(in electronic version)

Appendix 2.2.2.

Presentation to the node "Let's help the bear to learn about the spring"

(in electronic version)

Appendix 2.2.3.

Presentation on the Project "Magic Health Items"

(in electronic version)

Appendix 2.2.4.

Presentation Master class "Easter hare"

(in electronic version)

Appendix 2.2.5.

Registration of parental corners

Appendix 2.2.6.

Screenshot of the site MADOU,

page of the group "In Contact" Madou number 4, Group number 9

Appendix 2.2.7.

Slide - film "Happy Defender of the Fatherland!"

(in electronic version)

2.3. Involvement families of students in joint educational activities for the education and development of children of preschool age

Table number 3. - Number of families of pupils involved in joint educational activities

Year Total number of families View and name of the event Event level (kindergarten, municipal, republican, federal, international) Participants of the event
Number of % of the total number of families of the group
2015-2017 Exhibition-Competition "Mamina Hands Don't Know Boredoms" Kindergarten 27%
Photo Competition "My Mom" Kindergarten 77%
Review competition " Christmas decoration Groups » Kindergarten 100%
Competition "The Best Winter Playground" Kindergarten 100%
Project activities Kindergarten 100%
Republican 4%
Master Class Kindergarten 77%
TOTAL: 84%

Analytical comment:

Federal state educational standard Preschool education emphasizes the exclusive role of the family in solving the tasks of the growing of the younger generation. Recognition of the priority of the family requires other forms of family interaction and kindergarten. In our work, we try to most fully use the entire pedagogical potential of traditional and unconventional shapes Interaction, as well as conduct work to find new, current forms of cooperation with parents (legal representatives), allowing to take into account the current needs of parents who contribute to the formation of an active parental position:

To analyze data on the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of its parents, the presence of pedagogical knowledge, the relationship in the family to child, inquiries, interests, the needs of parents in psychological and pedagogical information in their work I use questionings, surveys, home visits, interviewing;

To enhance the joint creative activity of the family and children, the establishment of warm informal, as well as more trusting relationships with families of pupils, we organize joint holidays, entertainment, gatherings, actively attract participation in contests (Appendix 2.3.1.);

To familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the age and psychological development of children, with rational methods and receptions of educating children, for the formation of practical skills in parents master - classes, family clubs, workshops - workshops, with the inclusion of games with pedagogical content, with playback of problem situations, modeling the methods of parental behavior, exchange experience of family education (Appendix 2.3.2.);

To increase the pedagogical competence of parents, their acquaintances with the Organization of the educational - educational process in the DOW in the course of the master class, family clubs, workshops, the parent meetings are actively using the presentations created by us, films, rollers from the group's life (Appendix 2.2.3., 2.2.7.);

To engage parents in project activities (Appendix 2.1.7., 2.1.8..2.1.9., 2.1.10.; 2.3.1.);

To solve the tasks of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of education of children in the pre-school institution, assessing the activities of our work, in accordance with the work plan, we make up parental corners, folders - mobile, group albums, newsletters, booklets, bench-top themed information, booklets, Compiled upon requests and applications of parents (Appendix 2.2.5.);

For the organization of remote communication, in order to involve parents in an educational process, the educational process, awakening their interest in the life of children in preschool institution, activate participation in various events on the website of the institution http://ssvds4.ru/ and group https://vk.com/club104224436 We place various recommendations for parents in the directions of educational - educational work (memo, recommendations), didactic materials for home use (Card files, game, audiotheks, etc.), MADOU Specialist Tips .

Our group has developed sustainable traditions: the active participation of pupils and their families in contests, projects, exhibitions, annually held in the preschool institution - "Bright colors of the fall", "symbol of the year" of the exhibition dedicated to the Day of Mother, etc.

According to Table 3, it can be seen that in joint educational activities for the education and development of children of preschool age during 2015 – 2017 academic years 178 people (84%).

The results of the competitions carried out in kindergarten showed that our children and their parents, creative and active people. In two competitive events, such as "My Mom", "Mamina Hands do not know boredoms," our moms have become winners (1st place), winners in the nominations "in the garden in the garden". In addition, the active participation of parents in such competitions as the "Best Winter Playground" and "New Year's design of groups", contributed to the fact that our group has occupied victims in these events (Appendix 2.3.1., 3.6.1.).

Also, the indicator of the involvement of parents to the educational process is the availability of thanks and positive feedback (Appendix 2.3.3.).

Appendix 2.3.1.

Diplomas, diplomas, gratitude, orders

for the participation of parents in contests

Appendix 2.3.2.

Master - class for parents "Easter hare"

Appendix 2.3.3.

Thanks to I. positive reviews from parents

Yumshhanova Maria Valerievna

04/11/1989 Birthday

Ø Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 4 of the Outlooking Type" Syktyvkar, educator.

Ø Education: Average - Professional, specialty "Special Pre-school Education", Qualification "Educator of children of preschool age with developmental development deviations and with preserved development", 2014.

Ø Common work experience - 6 years, general pedagogical experience - 2 years, experience in this institution - 2 years.

Ø Scientists and honorary titles: no

Ø Result of self-confidence in points: 24 points

List of documents and materials
Self-assessment sheet of professional activity of the teacher
Self-esteem of pedagogical results
Criterion number 1. Identification and development of abilities of children of preschool age to intellectual, creative activity, as well as their participation in contests, festivals, competitions (over the past 2 years)
Appendix 1.1. Achievements of pupils for the years 2015 - 2016 academic year. Copies of diplomas and diplomas. Orders on the results of events
Appendix 1.2. Achievements of pupils for the years 2016 - 2017 academic year. Copies of diplomas and diplomas. Orders on the results of events
Criterion number 2. Ensuring the quality of the educational process
2.1. Organizations of children's activities based on modern technologies, methods, programs and techniques
Appendix 2.1.1. Planning activities for the formation of the younger preschool age of ideas about zozh and valeological education
Appendix 2.1.2. Games aimed at the formation of ideas about healthy education Life from preschool children
Appendix 2.1.3. Complexes of awakening gymnastics "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring" for children of junior and middle preschool age with the inclusion of respiratory gymnastics, point massage, exercises for the prevention of flat-refining in children who harden procedures
Appendix 2.1.4. Complex of wellness games and exercises (finger games, breathing exercises, gymnastics for eyes, dynamic pause) in accordance with comprehensive - thematic planning for the organization joint activity Teacher with children
Appendix 2.1.5. Information - informative project "My friend - traffic lights"
Appendix 2.1.6. Health Project "Magic Health Items"
Appendix 2.1.7. Creative project " Wide Maslenitsa»
2.2. Use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT) in the educational process
Appendix 2.2.1. Presentation for the game - "Petushka" fun
Appendix 2.2.2. Presentation to the node "Let's help the bear to learn about the spring"
Appendix 2.2.3. Presentation on the Project "Magic Health Items"
Appendix 2.2.4. Presentation Master class "Easter hare"
Appendix 2.2.5. Registration of parental corners
Appendix 2.2.6. Screenshot of the Madou site, page of the group "In Contact" Madou number 4, Group number 9
Appendix 2.2.7. Slide - film "Happy Defender of the Fatherland!" (in electronic version)
2.3. Involvement families of students in joint educational activities for the education and development of children of preschool age
Appendix 2.3.1. Diplomas, diplomas, gratitude, orders for the participation of parents in contests
Appendix 2.3.2. Master - class for parents "Easter hare"
Appendix 2.3.3. Gratitude and Positive feedback from parents
Criterion number 3. Professional development of the teacher in the interpretation period (over the past 3 years)
3.1. Information about the advanced training of teacher
Appendix 3.1.1. Copy certificates and certificates. Extract from the order number
3.2. Generalization of pedagogical experience
Appendix 3.2.1. Copies of publication certificates
3.3. Participation of the teacher in the project, organizational and methodological activities at different levels
Appendix 3.3.1. Thank you letter For participation in the festival - the exhibition. Photo
Appendix 3.3.2. Extract of the order "On the organization of work of creative groups in 2016 - 2017 school year"
Appendix 3.3.3. Photo methodical manual "National Park Yighd Va"
3.4. Participation of the teacher in expert activities
Appendix 3.4.1. Extract from the order "On the organization of the competition Garden on the window"
Appendix 3.4.2. Extracts from orders "On the organization of a contest of creative works" This day of victory "," On the results of the competition of creative works "This day of victory"
3.5.Translation of generalized pedagogical personal experience In the form of open events with children of preschool age, master - classes, seminars, webinars (including Internet), conducting classes in advanced training courses
Appendix 3.5.1. Feedback on the event: game - fun "Petushki" using ICT
Appendix 3.5.2. Extract from the Pedagogical Council Protocol
Appendix 3.5.3. Feedback on the event: nodes using ICT "We will help the bear to learn about the spring"
3.6. Participation of the teacher in Competitions of professional skill in full-time
Appendix 3.6.1. Diplomas and orders for participation in contests
3.7. Participation of the teacher in professional competitions in absentia
Appendix 3.7.1.Gramovy and orders for participation in contests

Self-assessment sheet of professional activity of the teacher

Criteria Subcristei Indicators Evaluation of teacher
1. The declaration and development of the abilities of children of preschool age to intellectual, creative activity, as well as their participation in contests, festivals, competitions (for the last 2-5 years); 1.1. The participation of pupils in events of different levels. 0 Points - no participation of children in different kinds of events 1 score-average rate of children's participation in events of different levels ranges from 5 to 15%; 2 points - the average for children's participation in events of different levels ranges from 16 to 30% 3 points - the average for children's participation in the activities of different levels is over 31%
2. Ensuring the quality of the educational process (for the last 2-5 years) 2.1. Organizations of children's activities based on modern technologies, methods, programs and techniques. 1 score - declared technology, method, program, technique in methodical development, the planning of the educational process is not traced; 2 points - declared technology, method, program, technique in methodical development, planning is partially traced; 3 Ballated technology, method, program, methodology in methodological development, planning is presented in full.
2.2. Use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT) in the educational process. 0 scores in professional activity teacher are not used; 1 score-science in professional activities The teacher is used as a modern means of visibility; 2 points - teacher uses electronic educational resources, Internet resources in working with children of preschool age, families of pupils, in professional communication
2.3. Environment of families of pupils in joint educational activities in the education and development of preschool children. 0 Points are no participation of parents of pupils in joint events 1 point - involved in joint educational activities from 5 to 15% of the total family of pupils. 2 points - involved in joint educational activities from 16 to 50% of the total number of families of pupils 3 points - involved in joint educational activities more than 51% of the total number of families of pupils
3. Professional development of the teacher in the interpretation period (for the last 3 years) 3.1. Advanced training teacher 0 Points-raising qualifications are not presented or teacher did not master the advanced training programs in full-time, correspondence, remote form in the form of courses, internships, seminars (short-term webinars do not go to the account); 1 score - advanced training is represented in full-time, correspondence or remote form of training in the form of advanced training courses 1 time in 3 years. 2 points - advanced training is represented in full-time, correspondence or remote form of training in the form of advanced training courses, internships, seminars, etc. at least 2 times in 3 years 3 ballasts, continuous, advanced training in different forms and types of learning
3.2. The fee of pedagogical experience. 0 points - Publications from experience There are no 1 points - teacher is the author, author-compiler, compiler of published methodological materials, didactic materials at the municipal level; 2 points - is the author, author-compiler, compiler of published methodological materials at the republican level; 3 points - is the author, the author-compiler, the compiler of published methodological materials at the federal level.
3.3. Participation of the teacher in the project, organizational and methodological activities at different levels 0 points - the indicator is not disclosed; 1 score - teacher participates in projects, events, in organizational and methodological activities at the level of kindergarten; 2 points - participates in projects, events, in organizational and methodological activities at the municipal level; 3 points - participates in projects, in events, in organizational and methodological activities in republican or Russian, or international levels.
3.4. Participation of the teacher in expert activities 0 points - the indicator is not disclosed; 1 score - teacher is a member of expert groups, jury Olympiad, competitions, competitions, etc. at the level of kindergarten. 2 points -Pedagog is a member of expert groups, a certification commission, the head of the methodological association, the head of the innovation platform, a member of the jury of Olympiad, competitions, competitions, etc. at the municipal level, republican federal, international level
3.5. Broadcast generalized personal pedagogical experience in the form of open events with children of preschool age, master classes, seminars, webinars (including online), conducting classes in advanced training courses. 0 points - information on the broadcast of the generalized personal pedagogical experience in the teacher is not presented; 1 score - generalized personal pedagogical experience was broadcast by the teacher annually in different forms at the level of kindergarten; 2 points - a generalized personal pedagogical experience was broadcast by a teacher in various forms at the municipal level; 3 points - a generalized personal pedagogical experience was broadcast by a teacher in various forms on the republican, federal, international level.
3.6. Participation of the teacher in the competitions of professional skill of the surround 0 points - no participation in professional skill contests 1 point - teacher - Winner, winner (laureate) of professional skill competitions at the level of kindergarten, participant in professional skill competitions at the municipal level; 2 points - Winner teacher, winner (laureate), participant in professional skills in the municipal, republican level; 3 points - Winner teacher, winner (laureate) of the competition of professional skills "Educator of the Year" at the republican level, federal level.
3.7. Participation of the teacher in professional competitions in absentia 0 points - no participation in professional contests 1 point - teacher participant in a professional competition at the municipal republican, federal, international level; 2 points - Winner teacher, winner (laureate) of a professional competition at the municipal, republican, federal, international level.
Total points