How to independently install water meters: installation and connection diagram of a typical meter. Water meters: types, installation and the legal side of the issue

Installing water meters with your own hands is a current issue. On July 1, 2013, a law on the compulsory installation of water meters came into force in Russia, and now, like it or not, every consumer will have to acquire metering devices for the consumption of cold and hot water. True, many have already installed them a long time ago - the savings are immediately visible and tangible in the budget.

Those who hoped for luck and did not know how or did not want to work with their hands will now have to fork out: plumbing firms and individual craftsmen immediately inflated prices for work, referring to the large flow and urgency of orders; there is nothing to object. So it makes perfect sense to learn how to install water meters yourself. Putting the meter on the water yourself is a simple matter, walking through the authorities takes more time.

How to choose counters?

The best option: turbine (with impeller) mechanical - cheap and cheerful. Electronic counter- this may be “cool”, but only electronics tend to break down, and replacing water meters in an apartment means, apart from costs, a new circle of overcoming bureaucratic formalities.

Meters for cold and hot water are needed differently structural performance... This is immediately apparent upon purchase: they are marked with belts in blue and red, respectively. If you put on cold pipe"Hot" meter, there will be no trouble, but "hot" is more expensive. To guess what will happen if hot water it is pointless to put a meter for a cold one, this option will simply not be allowed for operation.

You need to buy ordinary apartment meters water without chasing something exceptional. Water control meters are subject to mandatory certification. Once it is on sale, it means that it has passed the certification. And after checking and sealing, you are no longer responsible for it, unless you accidentally broke it.

When buying a meter, make sure that it is fully equipped: the kit must include a strainer, two connectors with nipples, union nuts and gaskets, and check valve... Unscrupulous sellers (this is often the fault of individual traders in the "iron" markets) sometimes dismantle meters and sell components separately, so it is better to buy meters in a specialized store.

Next important point when buying a meter - his passport. It must be printed with a typographic method, sealed with a factory stamp, and the serial numbers in the passport and on the product must match. A counter with a xeroxed piece of paper, even if you have not been given a substandard, will in fact be accepted, but you still have to pay.


    Kuban621953 said:

    In my private house, a layout was made for the garden and the house ..., that is, there is my own house, and my own water meter for the garden. I have been using such a scheme for almost 10 years. By the way, I naturally coordinated this scheme for connecting water meters in Vodokanal. The controller came, checked everything, installed the seals and for so many years everything was fine. Now, with the next replacement of the water meter (the service life has expired), they force me to redo the connection diagram of the water meters ... We found those conditions for ... 1982 (!) ... .. there the water meters must be connected SEQUENTLY. That is, the first water meter is considered the main one, water flows from it into the house and after it there is a second water meter, which counts the water for irrigation. What's the point???? I have to subtract the readings of the second from the readings of the first device ... ..

    Vitaly said:

    Our riser supplies the apartment in the neighboring entrance. And so in the whole house. When installing the meters, we will also pay for the neighbor. How and through whom will the “technical impossibility” of meter installation be formalized? What tariffs will then have to be paid?

The installation of a water meter in an apartment or house is already mandatory for most housing and communal services and other operators providing collective access to drinking, household cold water and hot water supply. The choice of the metering device by the user is allowed without the need to purchase the model offered by the operator. It is useful to find out the rules for installing a water meter in an apartment, and which one to choose. There is nothing complicated in this, given the nuances that will be discussed below.

Why do you need

Water meter accurate to tenths cubic meter keeps track of water consumption. Since the service is delivered at a fixed rate, this means that the consumer will know exactly how much water he has spent and must pay for this to the operator or housing and communal services.

In the case of a private house and an autonomous well, the meter controls the volume of produced water and, accordingly, timely carry out routine maintenance of the filtering station, which has a limited resource of work.

If in the second case, the metering device is installed only for personal use, then in the first case, strict rules and regulations for the installation of maintenance and metering are applicable to the residents of the apartments. The water meter must be sealed and registered with the operator's subscriber department.

Selection and installation requirements

The general requirements for the installation of a water meter are determined by two regulatory documents:

  • GOST R 50193.1-92: Measurement of water flow in closed channels. Cold meters drinking water... Technical requirements.
  • GOST P 50193.2-92: Measurement of water flow in closed channels. Cold drinking water meters. Installation requirements.

In addition, the procedure for testing water meters, as well as the requirements for water meters and characteristics, are determined by two standards: GOST P 50193.3-92, GOST R 50601-93, respectively.

V regulatory documents are described general rules installation and control of measuring equipment for metering water consumption. However, the full set of requirements is determined by operators and housing and communal services by internal rules that take into account the method of sealing the composition of the equipment, requirements for its individual elements.

The meter is installed at the very beginning of the water supply line leading to the apartment. It could be manifold cabinet in the common area of ​​multiple homes, for example in basement, on each floor separately or directly inside the apartment.

For a private house, the meter can additionally be installed in a separate well, a caisson on the way from the main pipe to the house, already on the site.

A shut-off ball valve and a filter must be installed in front of the meter. rough cleaning... The filter is needed to protect the impeller or other measuring unit from suspended solids that may get caught in the water. Next, the meter is already attached and the water supply line is connected to it for further wiring around the apartment or house.

Meter installation diagram

According to the requirements of the standards, the device is positioned so that:

  • there was free access to it for regulations;
  • the dial was clearly visible;
  • exclude the ingress of water or any other contaminants on the device case;
  • there was a margin of space for sealing and checking;
  • dismantling for verification.

It is optimal to define the device strictly horizontally or vertically at a height above 50 cm, directly near the entrance to the apartment. Above the meter, it is advisable not to have piping with fittings especially clamping, water heaters, water tanks, etc. When installed in a caisson, it is located in the center of the well at an elevation of at least 30 cm and with the possibility of free access, including for insulation for the period of winter frosts.

Which to choose

Now in specialized stores, the buyer is faced with a thousand different models of water meters, and it is difficult to decide. However, knowing about the characteristics makes the choice easier.

A water flow meter is a measuring device that requires mandatory registration in the State Register, which determines its compliance with all standards and requirements. Already this aspect will allow us to weed out some of the water meters, which in no case should be bought for settlements with the official operator, except for installation in a private house, where readings are needed only by the consumer himself.

The choice should be based on the characteristics:

  • Qmax is the maximum volume of liquid passing through the meter per hour.
  • Qn is the nominal volume of passing liquid per hour, at which the manufacturer guarantees smooth operation devices during their service life.
  • Qmin is the minimum volume of fluid flowing per hour, at which the device is able to calculate the flow rate with an acceptable error.
  • Qt is the limiting transient volume of liquid that the meter will pass during the warranty period.

These parameters are indicated in cubic meters.

For individuals and residential premises, a series of meters with a throughput of up to 2.5 cubic meters per hour is determined.

Determined with the required parameters should be based on the estimated water consumption in the apartment and the state of the water supply system. It is best to clarify these points in your housing and communal services.

For installation, the dimensions and diameter of the connection pipe are decisive. These two parameters are interrelated if the device meets the requirements of GOST. The size of the connected pipe for apartments and houses can vary from 15 mm to 25 mm, inclusive. Everything above belongs to the class of industrial meters, which in residential buildings installed only on the highway as a group flow meter.

The landing size is selected from a range of standard values ​​from 110 to 190 mm. In the case of replacing the old counter, this becomes the main selection criterion, according to which it is already easier to sort the assortment available in the store.

Water meter design:

  • tachometric;
  • vortex.

In addition, there are: electromagnetic, ultrasonic, electronic, but they are not used to account for water in apartments and residential buildings.

Tachometric, otherwise mechanical- a common design in which the channel groove flows through the chamber with the impeller installed. The water flows and the impeller rotates around its axis, transmitting the motion to the measuring unit. The main advantages of this design are: reliability, durability, high accuracy even at low water pressure. Among the advantages is also non-volatility, with the exception of devices with a pulse output, if it is the only counting unit.

In a vortex water meter not an impeller, but a turbine. The flow of water is not directed perpendicular to the blades of the movable element, but at an angle other than 90 °. The advantages are the same as for tachometric models, with the exception of accuracy. Vortex meters perform well with a consistently high head and a large volume of flowing water. With a decrease in the speed of fluid movement below a certain threshold, the measurement error sharply increases.

For tachometric meters, it is important to determine the type by the way the data is read:

  • wet;
  • dry.

If the counter is in contact with water, then the counter is called wet. Such a design is simpler and cheaper, suitable in most cases and does not cause any complaints, however, if the water flows through it heavily contaminated with suspended solids, then the mechanism can quickly fail due to wear. The problem is solved by filters of coarse and, if necessary, fine cleaning, located in front of the counter.

In "dry" type meters, the impeller rotates in a closed sealed chamber, where there is only access to water in the water supply system. It is completely isolated from the counting mechanism, and information is transmitted using magnets attached to the impeller blades. Such models will cost more, but will also last longer in conditions of poor water quality.

Distinguish also: single-jet and multi-jet meters... Dividing the input stream into several separate ones makes it possible to increase the accuracy and reliability of metering, however, the design becomes more complex and the cost of equipment increases. For an apartment, there is no need to spend money on a multi-jet option, which is more suitable for a private house with high water consumption.

Counters with pulse output are relevant if a housing and communal enterprise or another operator uses an electronic metering method with automatic data transfer to the subscriber department console. Another case is the inclusion in the “smart home” system.

The operating temperature is distinguished:

  • for cold water (up to 30 ° C);
  • for hot water (up to 90 ° C).

Most models are equally suitable for hot and cold water. However, it is better to choose models that indicate a specific purpose, since in any case a large error in measurements is allowed for hot water, and devices designed only for cold water much more accurate. The meters are marked for cold and hot water with a blue or red stripe on the body.

Some devices are assembled in a sealed protected case with a hinged cover on the dial. Used for installation in a caisson or a well when it comes to a private house. The housing will protect the device even from flooding or mechanical impact.

Last but not least, the check interval. Counters must be handed over for inspection by licensed specialists who check the accuracy of measurements and reset if necessary. This interval is 3-6 years and is set more often by the rules of the operator supplying water. The requirements of the utility company and the value indicated in the passport for the selected meter should be compared.

The cost of testing is often comparable to that of simple models of water meters. This leads to the simple idea that it is easier not to choose an expensive water meter, but simply to change simple models every time the due date approaches.


It is possible to use the readings for calculating the received and consumed water only after sealing and registration. The seal is a marker, if it is intact, it means that no illegal actions were carried out with the device. Sealing should only be done by a licensed specialist who has permission to perform this work.

Registration includes drawing up an act on the work performed, fixing the initial readings, from which the calculation will be carried out in the future, an entry in the technical passport of the device about putting it into operation and setting the deadline for the next mandatory check.

The meter must have an original passport, a certificate of registration in the State Register.

Permits are available from workers in the housing and communal services, the subscription department, as well as from many private firms engaged in plumbing, and which are easy to find through advertisements in the local media.

Sealing and registration is required in the following cases:

  • initial installation;
  • checking on a schedule;
  • change of the owner of the apartment with the subsequent re-registration of accounts;
  • failure of the device for any reason;
  • breakage of the ball valve at the entrance to the apartment;
  • performance renovation works associated with plumbing.

For sealing, the shut-off valve at the entrance to the apartment, as well as the coarse filter, must have a special eyelet into which the wire from the seal is threaded.

Installation cost

According to the law in force in the Russian Federation, the initial sealing and registration of the water meter is free of charge. All subsequent ones, if necessary, are carried out for a fee, which is set by the communal services or another operator. Typically, the cost of work is up to 2500 rubles.

Register yourself

The installation itself can be done independently, although many farms require that it be done by their specialists or employees of licensed companies. However, this is essentially an illegal requirement. If you install it yourself, you should assemble a ball valve, a coarse filter and a meter from the entrance to the apartment, taking into account all the requirements described above. Next, it remains to apply for registration and wait for a specialist who will only pick up the seal and fill out the documents.

You can install a water meter:

  • on one's own. After installation, be sure to contact management company so that its employees can seal the meters and draw up a commissioning certificate. The management company has the right to refuse you registration of meters if it considers that technical requirements were violated during their installation;
  • with the involvement of a specialized organization. You can choose it yourself or contact your management company for a recommendation. After installation, the organization must issue you a commissioning certificate and other documents for the meters. Apply with these documents to the management company to draw up an agreement for settlements by meters.

You can view the contacts of your management company on the portal.

After the meters are put into operation, starting from the 1st day of the next month, you will be able to pay for water supply and wastewater disposal according to the readings of the devices.

After a certain time, it will be necessary to calibrate the water meters to make sure that they work correctly.

2. How to install electricity meters?

Rules for installing water meters

"The economy must be economical!" - the slogan of the Soviet era is more popular than ever in the light of today's prices for the services of housing and communal enterprises.

Heating, water, light. Just imagine - the water utility charges a fee for 5.5 cubic meters of water per month! Real consumption rarely exceeds 2.5 - 3.0 cubic meters. Consider the overpayment yourself.

Photo: the economy must be economical!

In addition, on July 1, 2013, a law came into force on the compulsory installation of water meters in residential and non-residential, domestic and industrial premises.

So every homeowner and owner of a city apartment, like it or not, will have to attend to the purchase and installation of metering devices for the consumption of hot and cold water.

Also, due to the fact that government services and private companies installing meters are quite heavily loaded with work, and for this reason they have inflated prices for their services, I will give a few simple examples do-it-yourself counter installation.

V state register measuring instruments Russian Federation about five hundred types of water meters have been registered.

According to the principle of action, they are divided into:

  • tachometric, in which the flow of water passing through the meter directly affects the impeller or turbine installed inside the housing.

Photo: tacheometric water meters

The rotational movement of the latter is converted by a special mechanism into digital indicators of water consumption. By their design, they are "wet" and "dry".

In a measuring device built according to the "wet" scheme, the mechanism - the transducer is washed by the flow of water passing through the meter. The circuit is cheap, accurate, and reliable.

The only drawback is that it is sensitive to the presence of mechanical impurities in the water. Meters built according to the "dry" scheme are relieved of this drawback;

The "accounting" mechanism is located in a sealed box made of non-magnetic material, and the turns of the impeller or turbine are recorded using two magnetic inserts. A slightly more expensive device.

  • electromagnetic, in which the body of the device is a kind of Faraday coil, and the passing water flow plays the role of a movable core. By the strength of the induced current, it is easy to determine the flow rate, and knowing the cross-section of the inlet pipe, to calculate the volume passed through the meter per unit of time. Precise instrument but expensive and practically, not repairable;

Photo: electromagnetic meters

  • ultrasonic, in which the water flow rate is determined by comparing the speed of sound along and against the direction of movement of the liquid. Accurate, reliable and insanely expensive.

Photo: ultrasonic meters

For home use I advise everyone to purchase the simplest tachometric meters of cold and hot water of the "wet" type.

It is important to remember that not in all regions of the Russian Federation it is allowed to install water meters with your own hands. By contacting the local branch of "Vodokanal" it is easy to get advice on this matter.

If self-installation is allowed, we write a statement and within ten calendar days we receive permission and a list of requirements that should be adhered to during installation.

The most common ones are:

  • meters must be certified on the territory of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, you will simply be denied registration;
  • a coarse filter must be installed in front of the meters. It allows you to intercept large mechanical inclusions (sand, scale formed during the operation and repair of pipelines);

This installation scheme reduces the likelihood of mechanical damage to the impeller, therefore, increases the accuracy of the device.

  • sometimes there is a requirement to install a check valve. In this case, it is impossible to rewind the counter back with a vacuum cleaner;
  • meters should be installed no further than twenty centimeters from the entrance to the highway. In this case, it is practically impossible to make a tie-in into the pipe bypassing the measuring device;
  • the temperature in the room where the meters are installed must not drop below +5 degrees Celsius throughout the year;
  • all meters must be sealed by a representative of the managing organization, otherwise their readings will not be taken into account in calculating the payment for water, and an additional amount will appear on the receipt - a fine.

When buying a meter, you must check the availability of a passport and verify the serial number of the device with the data indicated in it.

In the event of a discrepancy, the representative of the responsible organization will simply refuse to seal, as a result - frayed nerves and money wasted.

For the same reason, I strongly advise against making such a responsible purchase at the "iron" ruins of flea markets and flea markets.

If there are any indicators on the scoreboard other than zero, it does not matter, they will be entered into the accounting card and the used volume will be counted from them.

How to make drainage around the foundation with your own hands, read the article: foundation drainage.

About species storm sewer, find out here.

The standard set consists of a shut-off valve, an adapter coupling, a coarse filter, and, in fact, the meter itself. If it is necessary to switch from metal to a metal-plastic pipe, it is necessary to purchase the corresponding fittings.

If the meter body is made of silumin or similar alloys, it is better to immediately abandon the purchase. Alloy adapters and shut-off valves must be replaced with one made of brass.

The measuring device must be screwed into the flax sleeve for at least five turns. The installation of the rest of the connections is easiest to carry out with the help of cap nuts "American" and rubber gaskets.

Important! If the set includes paronite seals, they should be replaced immediately. Cold water meters are marked with a blue stripe and remain operational at temperatures up to +40 degrees Celsius.

When installing the measuring device, strictly adhere to the direction of flow indicated on the body by the arrow - in otherwise the counter will not work correctly.

Photo: cold water meters are marked with a blue stripe

Gauges that record hot water consumption are usually marked with a red stripe. The number of meters installed in a dwelling depends on the number of hot water risers.

The rule is simple - one riser, one meter. The technique is practically no different from the one described above, with one exception. Upper bound temperature regime operation of this type of meters is +130 degrees.

Consequently, the same requirements apply to the materials used for installation. Sealant and rubber seals must be designed to work in this temperature range.

Photo: hot water meters are marked with a red stripe

Do-it-yourself water supply of a private house. accomplished is an object of close attention from the side of regulatory authorities.

Not even though, the owners leave so many "holes" and opportunities for theft that the organizations responsible for water supply were forced to put forward stringent requirements regarding the installation of meters.

Let's consider them in comparison with the requirements put forward to the owners of city apartments:

  • a meter in a private house is installed no further than 20 centimeters from the point of entry into the highway, and in a city apartment - no more than 20 centimeters from the place where the pipe exits from the floor or wall. It would seem - what is the difference? The fact that from the point of entry to a private house there may be another half kilometer of pipe, for which the owner of the "hacienda" is already responsible. And in the event of a crack or leak, he will have to pay the entire amount that the meter will "wind up";
  • if the water supply comes from a well or a well located on the site, the latter must also be sealed by a representative of the controlling organization. Without the right of free access, with the exception of force majeure. The owner of the apartment, for obvious reasons, is spared such "joy"
  • stopcock. It makes it possible to shut off the water in the room in case of an emergency in the water supply system. The use of cranes of any design is allowed;
  • coarse filter. Designed for catching large debris. It can be oblique and perpendicular. The first one can be used both vertically and horizontally, the second one - only horizontally;
  • actually, the counter itself. It is used, it is clear why.

Photo: installation diagram of water meters

Before starting the installation, we lay out the parts so as to avoid confusion during assembly. Threaded connections are sealed with flax, nuts "American" - with plumbing paste. We carry out a tightness test.

Firstly, the direction of movement of the water flow. It must match the arrow on the body of the device. Otherwise, the counter will wind in the "other direction".

Location of the coarse filter. It should be installed with the cover facing down in an easily accessible place. After all, the moment will come when it will have to be cleaned.
Do not use sealant for sealing. As it cures, it shrinks, which can lead to leaks.

The process of building a cesspool with your own hands from concrete rings, described in the article: cesspool do it yourself.

The device of the septic tank Topas, shown on the page.

How to choose washing machine with a sink included, find out here.

It's not a secret for anyone that the so-called water meters allow not only to control the water consumption, but also to pay only for the consumed Natural resources... Actual savings family budget noticeable after a month of operation of the water meter - as a rule, a payment for tap water decreases by two, or even three times. The cost-effectiveness of these devices is obvious, so their installation in your apartment is only a matter of time.

Do you want to bring this hour closer and save today? Then read on this article and study the question of how to install water meters with your own hands.

Installation of water meters photo

Vodokanal requirements for the installation of water meters

Oddly enough, but the water utility puts forward only three basic requirements for the installation of water meters.

Firstly, it is the presence of protection of meters from mechanical damage by large and small debris, which is in abundance in tap water... To prevent the ingress of foreign particles into the meter and, thereby, to protect it from premature failure, a coarse filter must be installed in front of the water meter. You need to put it in your own interests - most modern plumbing fixtures also need such protection.

Secondly, the installation of water meters in an apartment, in order to avoid unwinding them by some irresponsible persons, should be accompanied by the installation of a so-called check valve. It is installed immediately after the meter and does not allow some craftsmen to start up the air flow against the movement of water through the meter and release it through the filter. At one time, there were many such precedents.

Thirdly, this is the sealing of the meters. Immediately after their installation, an application is submitted to the local water utility, the specialists of which perform the sealing. Along the way, they also check how correctly the water meter installation scheme was followed in your case.

How to properly install a water meter with your own hands

Self-installation water meters, as a rule, are combined with a complete or partial replacement of a water supply system - it is almost impossible to embed water meters yourself into an existing water supply system made of metal pipes without special tools.

First you need to correctly determine the installation location of the water meter. Usually it is located on the pipes that drain water from the riser. But this is not important - by and large, the meters can be taken anywhere in the apartment. Another thing is, is it necessary? And it's easier to install them directly on the nozzles immediately after the shut-off taps - in this case, you don't even have to turn off the risers and deprive all residents of the entrance of the water supply.

But if the crane is old and needs to be replaced, then shutdown is indispensable. To do this, we call the plumbing and turn off the water supply. Then we safely dismantle the entire water supply system or part of it, screw the old valve and install a brand new ball valve in its place, which on one side has internal thread, and on the other - external. Please note that a tap marked DN15 is used for cold water, and DN25 for hot water. At first glance, there is no difference between them, but if you look at it, it will be found in the materials used in their manufacture - a tap marked DN15 will not last long on hot water.

Do-it-yourself water meter installation photo

Go ahead and screw a coarse filter onto the external thread of the tap. Pay attention to the arrow on this product - it indicates the direction of the water flow. The filter must be installed in accordance with this arrow - the tip of the tap. This is what is required correct installation water meters. For sealing threaded connections either tow, or FUM tape, or a special thread is used. The seal is wound in a clockwise direction.

Self-installation of water meters

After the filter, a branch pipe with a union nut is installed - as a rule, two of these products are included with the meter. Like the filter, the union nut is installed using tow.

Water meter installation technology

Further, by means of a union nut and a rubber or paranitic gasket, a meter is attached to the already assembled fittings structure. As with the filter, it has an arrow to indicate the direction of the movement of the water.

How to install water meters

Now we take in our hands the second branch pipe with a union nut and connect it to the check valve. The valve also has a certain direction of installation - screwing it up with a union nut, pay attention to the fact that the arrow points in the direction from the nut.

How to install a water meter correctly

And again we take a rubber or parasite gasket, through which we connect the check valve to the other side of the meter.

The last step, which provides for the technology of installing a water meter, is to connect the entire recruited structure to the apartment water supply. In the case of partial dismantling of old pipes, it is very easy to connect them to the meter with a metal-plastic pipe - for this you only need a couple of keys.

How to install a water meter yourself photo

This is how the correct installation of water meters is done with your own hands. As soon as the work is done, and all connections are checked for leaks, you can safely go to the water utility and apply for sealing the meters.

Installation of water meters in the apartment: the requirements of the water utility

do-it-yourself water meter It is known that installing water meters with your own hands allows you to completely control the costs of consumed water, as well as pay only for the resources used. As a rule, the positive effect is visible after a couple of months - the payment for water is reduced by two, or even three times. But how to independently perform such a procedure, what exactly is the installation of the meter?

Vodokanal requirements regarding the installation of meters

It should be noted that there are certain vodokanal requirements for installing a meter:

  • it is necessary to protect the meter from damage by small or large debris in the water supply system;
  • a check valve had to be installed. It is used to suppress all attempts by the owner to rewind the counter;
  • sealing by a specialist. After the meter is installed, you must submit your application to the water utility at the place of residence, after which a specialist will come and carry out a sealing.

  • Installation diagram of a water meter in accordance with the requirements of the water utility

    Counter selection

    One of the most good options counts turbine meter with impeller, common mechanical counters - they are very inexpensive and easy to use.

    Electronic counters are also a good option, but the electronics can fail, and replacing such a counter again will lead to a bunch of bureaucratic formalities.

    It should be borne in mind that meters for hot and cold water differ from each other: they are marked with belts of red and, accordingly, blue.

    It is not worth taking the risk and buying a meter that is not suitable for water: for example, putting a “cold” meter on hot water will be a completely meaningless undertaking - a specialist simply will not put it into operation.
    When buying a water meter, you need to make sure that it has a complete set. Particular attention should be paid to technical data sheet product, correctly, so that it is printed by typographic method, the serial numbers on it and on the water meter must not match. In addition, such a passport must be sealed with a factory stamp.

    Accessories required for installing meters:

  • stopcock. It is necessary to pay attention that such a crane is of high quality, otherwise it may break through and lead to a flood. If you have such an old tap in stock, it is better not to risk it and replace it with a new one.
  • cleaning filter. There are two varieties: straight or oblique. The second option needs to be cleaned periodically.
  • the actual water meter.
  • check valve. It is necessary so that in the event of a water supply interruption, the meter does not "unwind" back.
  • Shut-off valves

    Such a shut-off valve must have one feature: there must be an eyelet with a hole on the outgoing branch pipe itself. If such a shut-off valve is complete, check if it is silumin. The point is that such cranes are highly susceptible to intergranular corrosion, and it may happen that soon you will have to save the room from a flood. An ordinary metal-plastic crane is not a bad option.

    shut-off valve diagram

    When purchasing, it is also recommended to purchase another shut-off conventional tap. It is installed after retraction on itself flush cistern... It will come in handy when in the kitchen or in the bathroom if there is a renovation - in this case, you can use the toilet as usual.

    Place in the house for a counter

    It is advisable that the water meter is located as close as possible to the inlet of the pipeline itself in the room. When putting such a meter into operation, a specialist from the water utility will see if it is possible to somehow cut into the pipe itself before the meter. In practice, questions do not arise if a water meter is installed in the toilet near the toilet, even if the shut-off valve is located half a meter back. If the pipes run along the floor in the room, then the installation of the meter will also be approved, because in which case it will be almost impossible to hide the traces of work on the pipes.
    The situation is stricter when checking a private house. Here the rule must be followed: installation should take place at a distance of no more than 20 cm from the outlet of such a supply pipe. If there is a well on the territory of the house, it is necessary that it be capital and with a lockable cover, otherwise it will also be sealed.

    Technical features during installation:

    • if there is a fire drainage system in the room where the meter will be installed, it is necessary to install a valve on the bypass pipe. When a specialist comes from the water utility, he will also seal her.
  • rarely, but it happens that DHW system works on two-pipe system... For such an apartment, when installing a meter specifically for hot water, you will need to buy a bypass valve for a circular pipe. Otherwise, the counter will constantly wind too much.
  • the temperature regime of the air in the room where the meter will be installed should not be lower than + 5 degrees Celsius. Such a temperature issue may arise if the installation is carried out in an unheated and cold basement of a private house. At the same time, the issue must be resolved with the water utility, perhaps it will be easier and cheaper to insulate the pipe in the basement, and put the meter in the toilet itself.
  • Installation process

    Before proceeding with the process called installing the meter with your own hands, you need to read the instructions for all of its components. It is necessary to check in the meter's data sheet exactly what distance the straight pipe should be before and after it.
    The installation process consists of several stages.

  • In order not to get confused, initially it is better to put all the products in a line: a check valve, then a counter, a filter, and then a shut-off valve. All parts have arrows, they must be positioned so that they point in one direction.
  • Then connect all the parts "dry" in order to calculate the turns. To do this, you need to take the filter and screw it onto the tap, while counting the turns. Usually there are no more than five of them. Pay Special attention, on which of the turns the sump will be at the bottom. Then unscrew everything again, take the seal and carefully wind it around the filter of the shut-off valve itself. It is necessary to wind it so that all grooves are completely closed. After that, it will already be possible to apply plumbing paste from above and carefully turn on the shut-off valve.
  • In the event that the water meter is used specifically for hot water, it is better to purchase paronite gaskets, if it is needed to control cold water, you should take rubber ones. Very often, seal rings and American women are included in the same set with the meter. Such rings will not work, it is better to buy new ones, but American women (special pipes used to connect pipes) will do. Such a pipe must be screwed to the filter, again using a sealant (ordinary linen tow is also suitable), and then a counter. The second pipe should be connected to a non-return valve.
  • The resulting structure should be attached to the water meter. As a result, it should turn out so that the filter sump, the counter dial and the shut-off valve switch "look" up, and the impeller - down.
  • After all the parts are connected, you can already embed them into the pipeline itself. At the same time, do not forget to turn off the water in advance, if your house is multi-apartment - you cannot do this procedure yourself, you should call the master from the water utility.
    Measure how long the structure is. The same distance should be measured on the pipe to the very joint. Putting the bowl on the floor (residual water may pour out), cut off the measured area.
  • In the event that the pipeline is metal, it will be possible to fix the structure to the supply pipe using a thread. At the same time, it is very important to correctly measure the distance, because such a pipeline will not bend. Whole site can be replaced polypropylene pipes, while the metal pipeline can be connected to plastic using special fittings for connection.
  • After completing a procedure such as installing a meter with your own hands, it is necessary to check the performance of the system. Turn on the water and slowly unscrew the ball valve. Need to check the following points: is there a leak somewhere, is the meter working correctly and does it fail. After that, you can already call a representative of the water utility for sealing. As a result, you are given a registration certificate and a document confirming the sealing of this meter. After that, you will already pay for water only in accordance with the readings of the water meter.
  • psg 11:10 04/09/2015

    A few words, I would like to say, about ball valves, you should not save on this. You need to take brass ones, because others fail very quickly. This is especially inconvenient when the central crane breaks down. Call the plumber again, wait for the water to be cut off. These taps do not yet like to be opened halfway and left in this position for a long time. Scale or plaque may form on the spherical locking element, which will soon cause it to break.

    Lana71 13:24 05/12/2015

    Sufficiently capacious, informative information. I just want to add that if you live in apartment building, then before starting work to turn off the water through the riser, it is necessary to invite not an employee of the water utility, but an employee of the housing office. It is the employees of the housing office or the management company who have access to common house communications and basements. Although if you are not a plumber, then you shouldn't violate the integrity of the plumbing system in an apartment building on your own. Otherwise, in the event of a possible leakage accident, the damage will also have to be compensated independently.

    Max 13:26 05/12/2015

    I was worried about installing the meter on cold water. And all due to the fact that the shaft with pipes is located behind the toilet.
    I had to remove the toilet. Further, it is even more fun - there is not enough space for the entire structure in the mine if you install all the details in sequence. As a result, I had to do everything in an upright position, with the help of metal-plastic pipe, bending it to the limit.
    But still installed! Although I was busy, I am ashamed to say - two days. The technician came from the water utility - sealed it, did not find fault with anything.

    Installation of water meters, which will record the used water, both for the whole house and for one apartment, allows you to save a large number of funds. The amount indicated in the receipt will depend on how you will use cold and hot water and in what volumes. In addition, by installing such a water meter, you will not pay for water losses due to deterioration of pipes and systems, which are very fond of attributing to ordinary people water utility employees.

    You can install such a counter yourself or with the help of a wizard. After the installation procedure is completed, the water meter must be sealed and registered. How to register a water meter, install it and where to go, we will tell you in this article.

    Self-installation of the counter

    Before installing the meter on the pipe, you should prepare it. To do this, you need to attach a cleaning filter to it, which will protect the device from debris. It is also imperative to install a non-return valve. It will prevent the meter from rewinding the reading. If you install it, the water utility inspector will not allow you to register it. In addition, you will need tow or FUM tape, which will ensure the tightness of the nuts.

    Next, the procedure for direct installation of a meter begins, taking into account the amount of water consumed. The easiest way to do this is on pipes made of metal-plastic or polypropylene, which can be easily cut even with a kitchen knife. It will be possible to connect the pipeline using a compact soldering iron.

    The procedure for installing the meter is as follows:

    If you have metal pipes, then it will be very difficult to install the meter yourself and you cannot do without the help of the masters.

    Choosing a company for installation

    If you do not want to bother with installing the counter or are afraid to get confused in the order and do something wrong, then you can invite a special wizard who will do it for you. When choosing a company to install meters for water metering, you need to take this seriously. Good companies are different:

    If the water utility inspectorate refuses to register such measuring device, then the responsibility for all the shortcomings will be borne by the company. Experts will do everything necessary work right and in shortest time, after which they will give you documents with which you will later apply to the management company for registering and sealing it.

    What you need to register

    Before registering a meter with a management company or in the Unified Information and Settlement Center (EIRTS), you will need to obtain documents from the company that installed it. The list of required securities will include the following:

    If you installed the meter yourself, then you still have to contact the service company that installs them in order for them to check whether the water meter was installed correctly and the procedure for connecting it. If there are no problems, then it will be sealed and you will be given all the papers that are necessary for registering a water meter in your hands.

    Where to register the meter

    The registration of metering devices for the amount of consumed water is handled by the EIRTs and the management company, which you will have to visit personally with the package required documents... You cannot register a meter via the Internet or by mail. However, you can report its performance in the future using your phone or online service.

    After you submit the documents, the EIRTS will check them and certify them with seals. Data from them will be entered into the information base.

    When registering water meters, the following will be recorded:

    • Serial number of the water meter;
    • The year in which this device was manufactured;
    • Counter installation date;
    • The amount of water passed through it.

    After the registration of water meters is completed, it will be put into operation. Every month, the user must report his indicators to the management company or to the EIRTs, which in the future will issue a receipt to the person for payment of the consumed water.

    Availability of benefits

    If the family or one of its members is eligible for payment benefits utilities, then information about this must be indicated in the contract, which was concluded by the company supplying the services. At the same time, in order for the benefits to begin to accrue, you will need to write an appropriate application and attach papers to it confirming the right to the benefit.