The highest military rank in the navy. Naval ranks and shoulder straps

Excerpt from the order Federal agency sea ​​and river transport dated December 5, 2013 No. 84 “On the approval of the uniform, wearing rules, insignia, norms and procedures for providing clothing (uniforms), including uniforms, for students of federal state educational organizations subordinate to the Federal Agency for Maritime and river transport "


8.1 The insignia of officials of the Federal Fisheries Agency are subdivided into:
a) sleeve insignia;
b) shoulder marks;
c) chest patches.
8.2. In accordance with the position to be filled, following signs differences of officials of the Federal Fisheries Agency:
15 job category - 1 wide and 3 medium braids;
14 job category - 1 wide and 3 medium braids;
13 job category - 1 wide and 3 medium braids;
12 job category - 1 wide and 2 medium braids;
11 job category - 1 wide and 1 medium braid;
10 job category - 1 wide braid;
9 job category - 4 medium braids;
8 job category - 3 medium braids;
7 job category - 2 medium and 1 narrow braid;
6 job category - 2 medium braids;
5 job category - 1 medium braid;
4 job category - 4 narrow braids;
3 job category - 3 narrow braids;
2nd job category - 2 narrow braids;
1 job category - 1 narrow braid.


9.1. The insignia of officials of the Federal Fisheries Agency are:
a) sleeve insignia:
b) shoulder marks:
Shoulder insignia are removable woolen fabric black, on which insignia of gold galloon are sewn on according to job categories.
Shoulder insignia are located on the shoulders when wearing a uniform wool jacket, tropical suit, shirts and women's uniform blouses. It is allowed to wear a shoulder badge with a field white on a shirt (blouse) in white.
Dimensions of the shoulder badge: length 14 cm (for women - 12 cm), width 5 cm. Shoulder badges are made removable and are attached with a small shaped button.
The width of the braid: wide - 3 cm, medium - 1.3 cm and narrow -0.6 cm. The clearance between braids is 0.3 cm.
The upper braid forms a loop in the form of a rhombus with a horizontal size: for the middle braid - 4.5 cm, for the narrow braid - 4 cm.
On the shoulder badges, the distinctions are placed: for the 14th job category - a large emblem of the Federal Agency for Fishery, and for the 15th job category - a large emblem of the Federal Agency for Fishery framed by two laurel branches superimposed on the braid stripes at the bottom of the shoulder strap according to the figure.
The shoulder insignia of the rank and file do not have galloon stripes.

10.1. FLEET.
10.1.1. Self-propelled transport, dry cargo, passenger and oil tankers for long-distance and short-range navigation, transport railway and car ferries, icebreakers, rescue ships (with a capacity of more than 2000 electric power), hydrographic (over 1000 BRT) and training ships, transport tugs long voyage

Chief mate, first mate, chief engineer officer, training mate

Second mate, mate passenger, senior operating engineer, hydrological engineer, second mechanic, general electrical equipment electrician, senior electrician, electrical radio navigator, radio station manager

Third mate, third mechanic, second 5 electromechanic, second general ship electrical equipment, refrigerator mechanic, first radio operator, passenger service administrator, fire department assistant

Fourth mate, fifth mate, mate housekeeping, fourth mechanic, third electromechanic, fourth electromechanic, third general ship electrical equipment, repair mechanic, crane mechanic, ship systems, radio mechanic, electrical radio navigator, second radio operator, boatswain

10.1.2. Small-range transport tugs, rescue vessels (less than 2000 hp), non-self-propelled long-distance transport vessels, hydrographic vessels (less than 1000 BRT).

10.1.3. Non-self-propelled transport vessels for small navigation, tugs, ferries, boats and boats, self-propelled dry-cargo and tankers of the port and service-auxiliary fleet, floating self-propelled cranes and reloaders

10.1.4. Boats, motorboats, motorboats with engines low power, non-self-propelled dry cargo and tankers of the port and service-auxiliary fleet, non-self-propelled cranes and reloaders

10.1.5. Self-propelled dredgers of the technical (dredging) fleet

Bagermeister Captain

Senior mate bagermeister, senior mate, senior (chief) mechanic

Second Mate Bakermeister - Second Mate Captain, Second Mechanic, Senior Electrician

Third mate buermeister - third mate, third mechanic, second and third electromechanics for general ship electrical equipment, head of the radio station

Fourth mate buermeister - fourth mate, fourth mechanic, fourth electrician, head of the radio station, boatswain, radio operator

10.1.6. Non-self-propelled dredgers, self-propelled dredging scows of the technical (dredging) fleet

10.1.7. Guardhouses, non-self-propelled scows of the technical (dredging) fleet

10.1.9. Floating docks


10.2.1. Head of the shipping company

10.2.2. Deputy Head and Chief Engineer shipping company, head of the fleet department as part of the shipping company (on internal cost accounting)

10.2.3. Deputy Head of the Fleet Directorate; head of service: transportation and movement of the fleet, port facilities and sea routes of the ship economy, navigation, icebreaker fleet and Arctic operations, logistics, commercial, technical, maintenance of the transport fleet; head of the department: personnel, organization of work with overseas sailors, technical, second; chief: dispatcher, navigator, technologist, and head of HEGS, assistant to the head of the shipping company for safety

10.2.4. Captain mentor

10.2.5. Head of Department of Fleet Management, Deputy Head of Service, Department specified in clause 3 of the section; chief: electro-radio navigation camera, base of the reserve crew, base Maintenance fleet, department in service; chief specialists in the services specified in clause 3 of the section; senior marine inspector, mechanic-mentor

10.2.6. The head of the sector in the service specified in paragraphs. 3 and 5 sections, senior deviator, marine inspector, group dispatcher engineer, group mechanical engineer; senior: fleet dispatcher engineer, HEGS engineer, passenger service engineer, port service engineer, HR inspector (engineer), technical department engineer, safety engineer; head of the radio center, radio station, head of the office

10.2.7. Fleet dispatcher engineer, HR inspector (engineer), passenger service engineer, HEGS engineer, safety engineer, deviator, deputy head and chief engineer of the radio center, radio station

10.2.8. Fleet dispatcher, senior operator of the fleet traffic dispatcher, dispatcher (shift dispatcher), head of the city ticket office, senior cashier of the city ticket office

10.2.9. Cashier and duty officer of the city ticket office


10.3.1. Head of Department

10.3.2. Deputy Head and Chief Engineer of the Department

10.3.3. Chief navigator, captain-mentor

10.3.4. Head of Service: Transportation and Movement of the Fleet, Ship Facilities, Navigation, Logistics, Maintenance of the Transport Fleet; assistant to the head of the department; head of department: technical, second, personnel; chief dispatcher, head of HEGS

10.3.5. Deputy head of the service and department specified in paragraph 4 of the section; seniors: deviator, group mechanical engineer; senior: fleet dispatcher engineer, ship management engineer, marine inspector, technical department engineer, safety engineer, personnel inspector, mentor mechanic

10.3.6. Head of the electro-radio navigation camera, safety engineer, deviator, fleet dispatcher engineer, personnel inspector

10.3.7. Fleet dispatcher, senior operator of the fleet traffic dispatcher, dispatcher (shift dispatcher)


I cat.

II cat.

III cat.

10.4.1. Harbor master

10.4.2. Deputy Head, Chief Engineer of the Port

10.4.3. Harbor master

10.4.4. Head of the department: mechanization, cargo and commercial work, assistance to the head of the port on safety measures, chief dispatcher, head of the port fleet; head of the section: communications, cargo area, oil-loading area, cargo and passenger port station, seaport, deputy harbor master

10.4.5. Senior pilot

10.4.6. Senior: inspector for investigation of ship accidents, dispatcher, safety engineer, captain of port supervision; deputy: chief dispatcher, head of department, subdivision specified in paragraph 4 of section, shift supervisor of port supervision, deputy head of the sea terminal

10.4.7. Pilot

10.4.8. Dispatcher, senior inspector and port surveillance inspector, head of the passenger port, safety engineer

10.4.9. Marine on duty


10.5.1. Head of Department

10.5.2. Deputy Head and Chief Engineer of the Department

10.5.3. Bagermeister - captain-mentor, head of the dredging caravan

10.5.4. Head of Service: Ways, Mechanics and Ship; head: technical department, marine inspection; assistant to the head of the safety department; Chief technical area

10.5.5. Deputy head of the service and department specified in paragraph 4 of the section; head: sea channel, track distances; mentor mechanic, senior safety engineer

10.5.6. Party leader, marine inspector, group mechanical engineer; deputy head: sea channel, track distance; deviator, safety engineer


Detachment I group

Detachment II group

10.6.1. Squad leader

10.6.2. Deputy chief and chief engineer of the detachment

10.6.3. Captain mentor

10.6.4. Head of department: chief mechanic, rescue and towing operations, head of the territorial group of the detachment, mechanic-mentor

10.6.5. Deputy head of the department specified in item 4, head of the coastal base; senior: diving specialist, contractor, marine inspector; senior engineer: underwater engineering, ship lifting, underwater explosive and rescue operations, safety engineering

10.6.6. Fleet dispatcher, diving master, diver instructor, safety engineer


10.7.1. Head of the Hydrographic Base

10.7.2. Group captain, mentor captain

10.7.3. Deputy head and chief engineer of the base

10.7.4. Head of: pilotage service, expedition, detachment, party, electro-radio navigation camera; mentor mechanic, group mechanic, senior engineer of the ship supervision service for the prevention of pollution of the Arctic seas; deviator; Senior Dispatcher, Class I Beacon Chief, Senior Pilot

10.7.5. Deputy head of the expedition, detachment, party, head of the pilot's watch, lighthouse II and III classes; senior: dispatcher, safety engineer; topographer; pilot


10.8.1. Register Office

Deputy Director

Chief Engineer

Department head

Deputy Head of Department, Chief Specialist

Lead, senior engineers

10.8.2. Inspection of the Register of the Russian Federation
Head of Basin Inspection

Deputy Head of Basin Inspection, Head of Inspection

Deputy Head of Inspection, Chief Engineer-Inspector

Senior Inspector General

Inspector Engineer



10.11. V / O "SOVSUDOPOIM".

10.12. В / 0 "MORPASFLOT".

10.12.1. Association chairman

10.12.2. Deputy Chairman of the Association

10.12.3. Head of Department: Operations and Commercial Operations, Passenger Services, Operations of the Local Passenger Fleet

10.12.4. Assistant to the Chairman, Head of the Central Marine Cashiers

10.12.5. Deputy heads of departments specified in clause 3 of section

10.12.6. Senior Ticket Operations Economist, Senior Passenger Operations Dispatcher

10.12.7. Passenger Operations Dispatcher

10.12.8. Senior ticket clerk, cashier of the central maritime ticket offices


10.13.1. Head of the school, rector

10.13.2. Deputy head of the school, vice-rector, head of the educational department, head (dean) of the faculty, head (head) of the department, professor of the department, head of the research department, head of the branch of the school, institute

10.13.3. Deputy head (dean) of the faculty, head of the personnel department, head (head) of industrial practice, deputy head of the branch of the school, institute, head of the training and consulting center, head of training workshops, associate professor, senior lecturer, head of graduate school, scientific secretary

10.13.4. Teacher, training master

10.13.5. Floating inspector

10.13.6. Laboratory assistant, commandant, boatswain


10.14.1. Head of the school, director of the technical school

10.14.2. Deputy head of the school, deputy director of the technical school, head (head) of the department by specialty

10.14.3. Head of physical education, head (head) of workshops, head (head) of industrial practice, chairman of the cyclic commission, head (head) of the training and consulting center, deputy head of the department by specialty, senior teacher

10.14.4. Head of HR Department, Master of Industrial Training

10.14.5. Laboratory assistant, commandant, boatswain


10.16. В / 0 "SOVFRACHT".


10.17.1. The minister

14 with coat of arms

10.17.2. Deputy Minister

10.17.3. Member of the Board

10.17.4. Head of Directorate, Main Marine Inspection, Head of Chancellery

10.17.5. Deputy Head and Chief Engineer of the Directorate, Deputy Head of the Main Marine Inspectorate, Chancellery; chief navigator of the MMF; Deputy Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council; head of an independent department, assistant minister

10.17.6. Deputy head of an independent department, head of a department in management and in the Main Marine Inspectorate, Assistant to the First Deputy Minister, Scientific Secretary of the Scientific and Technical Council, Deputy Head of Department, Lead Inspector of the Main Marine Inspectorate

10.17.7. Deputy Head of Department in Management, Chief Specialist, Assistant to Deputy Minister

10.17.8. Leading engineer of management: operation of the fleet and ports, technical operation of the fleet and shipyards; Lead Safety Engineer

Perhaps in your student years, a military training teacher told you about the various ranks that are used in our army, but it is unlikely that you absorbed this information with the same eagerness with which frantically "neighing" in class, smoking in the school yard or tugging at pigtails of girls from their class.

Nevertheless, knowledge about this subject should be in the head of every man, so that he, without hesitation, understands who is "the real major" and who is "ensign Shmatko"., Military ranks in the Russian army.

Rank categories in the Russian army

There are two main groups of ranks in the Russian troops:

  • ship (refer to those who serve at sea);
  • military (go to representatives of ground forces).

Ship ranks

  1. Navy (both under water and over water). The sea form has always been to the face of men. It's not for nothing that girls like sailors so much!
  2. military naval units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It sounds unusual, but there are police officers at sea.
  3. protection of the coastal (border) service of the Russian FSB.

They do not chase unscrupulous fishermen who have caught a couple of buckets of crucian carp without permission. Their direct responsibility is to catch illegal immigrants and other criminals on the country's water lines.

Military ranks

It is not so easy to see sea captains in snow-white uniforms on the streets of cities, especially if there is no sea nearby. But this is not a reason to be upset!

Titles are also given in:

  1. Armed Forces.
  2. Ministry of Internal Affairs (servicemen from the category of "police" or precinct).
  3. Ministry of Emergencies (daredevils rescuing people in trouble).

Vadim, an Emergencies Ministry employee from Khmelnytsky, says that many imagine the Emergencies Ministry workers as real heroes-rescuers who live all day as if in a thriller. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. The life of the Ministry of Emergency Situations consists of daily visits to some priests in order to carry out explanatory work, otherwise they will inadvertently burn the church and everyone who came there. And rescuers remove cats from trees, teach old women to heat the stove so as not to die from carbon monoxide... But employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations still assess their work positively. This is facilitated by titles, uniforms and social benefits.

  • foreign intelligence service (Yes, yes! Imagine - new Stirlitz!);
  • and other military units of our country.

Rank table

In order to make the description of titles not so boring, we decided to present information about them like a cheat sheet (military and naval ranks located on the same line are analogous):

A type Military Ship
Unofficial private,
Lance Sergeant,
staff Sergeant,
Senior Warrant Officer
senior sailor,
foreman of the second article,
foreman of the first article,
Chief Petty Officer,
Chief Petty Officer,
senior warrant officer
Junior officers junior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
junior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
lieutenant captain
Senior officers major,
lieutenant colonel,
1st rank captain,
captain of the 2nd rank,
captain 3rd rank
Senior officers major general,
lieutenant general,
colonel general,
army General,
Marshal of the Russian Federation
rear admiral,
vice admiral,
admiral of the fleet

Shoulder straps

  1. Soldiers and sailors. There are no insignia for shoulder straps.
  2. Sergeants and foremen. Stripes are used as insignia. Warriors have long called them "snot".
  3. Warrant officers and warrant officers. Cross-stitched stars are used as insignia. Shoulder straps resemble officers, but without stripes. Also, there may be edges.
  4. Junior officers. There is a vertical clearance and metal stars (13 mm).
  5. Senior officers. Two stripes and large metal stars (20 mm).
  6. Senior officers. Large embroidered stars (22 mm), located vertically; lack of stripes.
  7. General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet. A large star with a diameter of 40 mm, not metal, but embroidered.
  8. Marshal Russian Federation... One very large star (40 mm) is embroidered on the chase. Silver rays diverge in a circle - the shape of a pentagon is obtained. The pattern of the coat of arms of Russia is also noticeable.

Of course, when reading the text, many people hardly try to imagine appearance shoulder straps. Therefore, especially for them, there is a picture in which all of the above is clearly depicted.

Unofficial shoulder straps

Officer's shoulder straps

  1. Marshal of the Russian Federation is the highest rank in the ground forces, but there is also a man above him who can give him orders (even command him to take the emphasis while lying down). This person is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who is also the President of the Russian Federation. Remarkably, the title of Supreme Commander-in-Chief is classified as a position, not a military rank.
  2. Vladimir Putin, who is now in this position, left the Federal Security Service as a colonel. Now, while in office, he gives orders to the military with ranks that he has never achieved in his entire career.
  3. Both the naval and ground forces are subordinate to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the admiral is the highest rank in the hierarchy of the Navy.
  4. Writing the names of the ranks of the RF Armed Forces with a capital letter in order to show respect to seasoned campaigners is a completely unnecessary matter. All ranks from private to admiral are written with a lowercase letter.
  5. The prefix "guard" adds a special prestige to how this or that title sounds. Not everyone is destined to receive it, but only those. who serves in the guards regiments.
  6. The campaigners who have retired from military affairs and calmly dig potatoes at their dacha do not lose their title, but continue to wear it with the prefix "in reserve" or "retired."

Without holding back his laughter, a military pensioner from Kharkov, Alexander, says that a colonel, whether he is retired or in reserve, will bring fear to any traffic cop who brakes him on the road for violating traffic rules. The guy will get away with a hundred sweats while he pretends to scold the violator, and then completely release the colonel without a fine. So, the title always helps in life.

  1. Army doctors are also endowed with special titles. For example, "Major of the Medical Service." The situation is similar for lawyers - “captain of justice”.

George Clooney from Ambulance, of course, is far away, but it still sounds worthy!

  1. As soon as they got on this path and entered the university, young guys become cadets. For now, they can only dream of how they will receive their first title, and then one of the highest ones. There is another group of students. They are called listeners. These are those who have already received a military rank.
  2. While there is a one-year conscript service, you can become a sergeant at most. Not higher.
  3. Since 2012, the ranks of the chief ship sergeant and foreman have been canceled. Formally, they exist, but in reality servicemen receive the following ranks, bypassing these ranks.
  4. We all know that the major is higher than the lieutenant, but for some reason this logic was not taken into account when ranking the general's ranks. Lieutenant General is higher in rank than Major General. This is such a system in the armed forces of the Russian Federation.
  5. To get a new rank in the Russian troops, you need to have a certain length of service and personal achievements. Before assigning the next rank to a candidate, commanders judge the soldier's moral character and skills in combat and political training. The table below describes the lifespan requirements required to move from one rank to another:
Rank Position
Private All those who have just been called up for service, all lower positions (shooter, driver, gun crew number, driver-mechanic, sapper, reconnaissance officer, radio operator, etc.)
Corporal There are no regular corporal positions. The title is given to soldiers in the lowest ranks, with a high level of training.
Junior sergeant, sergeant Squad leader, tank, gun
Staff Sergeant Deputy platoon leader
Sergeant Major Company Chief
Ensign, Art. ensign Logistics platoon commander, company foreman, warehouse chief, radio station chief and other NCO positions that require high level preparation. Sometimes they work in lower officer positions with a shortage of officers
Ensign Platoon commander. This rank is usually awarded when there is an acute shortage of officers after completing accelerated officer training courses.
Lieutenant, Art. lieutenant Platoon commander, deputy company commander.
Captain Company commander, training platoon leader
Major Deputy battalion commander. Training Company Commander
Lieutenant colonel Battalion commander, deputy regiment commander
Colonel Regiment commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade commander, deputy division commander
Major General Division Commander, Deputy Corps Commander
Lieutenant general Corps Commander, Deputy Army Commander
Colonel general Army Commander, Deputy District (Front) Commander
Army General District (Front) Commander, Deputy Minister of Defense, Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff, other senior positions
Marshal of the Russian Federation Honorary title given for special merit

Ranks in the Russian army is a topic that I was able to understand only thanks to my service in the army. I remember how in the OBZh lessons the teacher forced all the guys to learn them by heart, but even after a long cramming, only empty sounds were deposited in my head.

Now I have the opportunity to compare these words with real people whom I meet around. Thanks to this, I managed to structure this knowledge very simply and intelligibly so that each of you, dear readers, could easily and for a long time remember what soldiers sometimes take a whole week ...

What are the ranks in the Russian army

As you already understood, before joining the army, I almost did not understand military ranks in any way. I only knew the basics. The service forced me to learn them by heart, so that I could easily determine who I am turning to, or, conversely, who is turning to me.

As always in articles like this, I want to start by defining a basic concept. Let's figure out what ranks are in the Russian army.

In our country, there are two types of military ranks of military personnel - military and ship.

Naval military ranks are assigned to sailors:

  • surface and submarine forces of the Navy;
  • naval military units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Coast Guard of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia.

Military ranks are assigned to other military personnel performing military service in:

  • Russian Emergency Situations Ministry;
  • Federal Security Service;
  • Foreign Intelligence Service;
  • Federal Security Service;
  • Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • other troops, military formations and bodies.

Excellent. We figured out the concepts. Now let's go ascending. From a lesser rank to a higher one. What is their hierarchy?

Unofficial ranks in the army

  1. Private ~ Sailor.
  2. Lance corporal ~ Senior sailor.
  3. Junior Sergeant ~ Sergeant Major of the second class.
  4. Sergeant ~ Sergeant Major of the first article.
  5. Senior Sergeant ~ Chief Petty Officer.
  6. Petty Officer ~ Chief Petty Officer of the Ship.
  7. Warrant Officer ~ Warrant Officer.
  8. Senior Warrant Officer ~ Senior Warrant Officer.

What did everyone think? What are all the ranks in our army? No, my friends. The most interesting thing is ahead - the officers. It is divided into several parts:

  • Junior officers.
  • Senior officers.
  • Senior officers.

Officer ranks in the army

Military rank ~ Ship rank.

  1. Junior Lieutenant ~ Junior Lieutenant.
  2. Lieutenant ~ Lieutenant.
  3. Senior Lieutenant ~ Senior Lieutenant.
  4. Captain ~ Lieutenant Commander.

This was the junior officer corps. Now let's move on to the elder one.

  1. Major ~ Rank 3 Captain.
  2. Lieutenant Colonel ~ 2nd Rank Captain.
  3. Colonel ~ 1st Rank Captain.

And finally, the senior officers.

  1. Major General ~ Rear Admiral.
  2. Lieutenant General ~ Vice Admiral.
  3. Colonel General ~ Admiral.
  4. General of the Army ~ Admiral of the Fleet.
  5. Marshal of the Russian Federation ~ There are no analogues.

As you can see, the number of naval ranks is exactly one less than the number of military ranks. But what!

Oh well. We figured out the titles and their order. How can we now distinguish them from each other? And for this, dear readers, people have come up with epaulettes and sleeve insignia (the latter are only for naval ranks).

We will analyze them now. First - in words, then - graphically.

Shoulder straps

  • Soldiers and sailors

They do not have any insignia on the shoulder straps.

  • Sergeants and petty officers

They have insignia in the form of cloth galloons - stripes. In the army, these stripes are called "snot".

  • Warrant officers and warrant officers

They have insignia in the form of small stars located vertically. Shoulder straps are similar to the officer's, but without gaps and may have edging (for more details, see the pictures below).

  • Junior officers

One vertically located strip is a lumen. Small metal stars (13 mm).

  • Senior officers

Two gaps and large metal stars (20 mm).

  • Senior officers

Vertical embroidered stars big size(22 mm), no gaps.

  • General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet

One large embroidered star 40 mm in diameter.

  • Marshal of the Russian Federation

It has one very large embroidered star (40 mm) against the background of radially diverging silver rays, forming a pentagon, and the coat of arms of Russia (without the heraldic shield).

For those who find it difficult to perceive the text and just to consolidate the information received, I suggest taking a look at the pictures corresponding to the above.

Unofficial shoulder straps

Officer's shoulder straps

Russian army command

The next point in our analysis is faces. Those people who lead our army.

First of all, of course, I would like to name the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - the President of the Russian Federation.

Supreme Commander-in-Chief - President of the Russian Federation

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief is not a title, but a position. The only position that allows you to lead the Marshal of the Russian Federation.
Interesting fact that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin finished his service in the FSB with the rank of colonel, and his current position allows him to lead representatives of the highest officer ranks.

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

Please note that Sergei Kuzhugetovich bears the rank and shoulder straps of an army general.

The Minister of Defense combines the commander of both the ground forces and the Navy. That is why there is no rank higher than admiral of the fleet in the navy.

By the way. How many of you, friends, noticed that I began to write such high ranks as admiral and marshal with small letters? Think this is a mistake? I have to disappoint you. Not! Why? Read the next part of the article.

Interesting facts about ranks in the army

  • The prefix "guard" (for example, "guard major") is applied to the military ranks of the military personnel of the guards units.
  • With regard to military personnel of legal and medical services, the words "justice" and "medical service" are added accordingly.
  • For military personnel in reserve or retired, the words “reserve” and “retired” are added, respectively.
  • Military personnel studying in a military educational institution vocational education, are called: officers who do not have a military rank - cadets, and those who have a military rank - listeners.
  • Citizens who did not have a military rank before entering the military educational institution or those who had the military rank of sailor or soldier, upon admission to study, they are assigned the military rank of cadet. Other military ranks assigned before entering the military educational institution of vocational education are retained.
  • Military ranks are given upon expiry of the required time of service and for personal merits. If everything is clear with merit, then let's figure out how much time you need to serve in order to reach the desired rank. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 22 "Provisions on the procedure for passing military service" for military service in military ranks, the following terms are established:
    - private, sailor - five months;
    - junior sergeant, sergeant major of the 2nd class - one year;
    - Sergeant, petty officer of the 1st class - two years;
    - Senior Sergeant, Chief Petty Officer - three years;
    - ensign, midshipman - three years;
    - junior lieutenant - two years;
    - lieutenant - three years;
    - senior lieutenant - three years;
    - Captain, Lieutenant Commander - four years;
    - Major, Captain 3rd Rank - four years;
    - Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank - five years.
    Further - for 5 years.

An important point. The title can only be obtained if there is a suitable position in the unit. About positions and what ranks you can reach in this or that position, in the next article.

  • The titles of sergeant major and chief ship sergeant have not been awarded since 2012. They still exist in the documents.
  • All military ranks - from private to marshal of the Russian Federation - are written with a small letter.
  • The rank of major is higher than the rank of lieutenant, but a major general< генерал-лейтенант.
  • The highest rank that can be obtained in a year of military service is now sergeant.

Dear Readers. I hope that while reading this short but very important article, you have formed an understanding of what ranks are in our army, and in what order they are located.

Regardless of the number of draft dodgers, which is annually recorded after the completion of draft campaigns, at all times there have been enough of those guys who would like to devote their lives to the army craft. There are usually two career trends here. The first is to remain in the army under a contract after military service. However, under such a set of circumstances, one cannot count on an officer's rank. The alternative is to enter a higher military educational institution.

It should be recalled that service in some power structures, which is equal to military service, is no less prestigious and desirable, but it is often possible to get into such a structure after completing military service. Moreover, everyday life in the elite troops is the key to any employment.

In the dreams of young men, the navy occupies the same status as the Airborne Forces, special forces or MP. A dream can not only come true, but also lead to serious career growth, if you fulfill several not so difficult requirements.

  • The presence of secondary education is considered compulsory. A diploma of graduation from a naval school will greatly increase the chances of being in the Navy.
  • Height restrictions are positioned at around 165 centimeters. These are the limiting minimum indicators. When conducting a medical examination, a psychiatrist's conclusion about stress resistance and the absence of pathologies will be required.
  • The category of suitability, which the members of the draft board will put in a personal file, cannot be lower than A2. That is, certain deviations are still allowed. In this respect, the severity is not the same as in the security forces.

The next step, which can significantly bring the guy closer to serving in the navy, is a statement at the military registration and enlistment office. And yet, the decisive moment will be the demand for young recruits, which is already determined at the distribution point. As they say in army slang, it all depends on the availability of the buyer.

The importance of the navy in the country's defense

Even having devoted the article to the issue covering the ranks in the navy and in, one cannot do without mentioning the merits of this type of troops in the defense of the state. Considering the fact that the length of Russia's maritime borders is about 40 thousand kilometers, only a reliable powerful fleet can prevent a threat from the sea.

Depending on the basing points, a distinction is made between the northern fleet, the Black Sea, the Pacific, the Baltic and the Caspian. The sovereignty of a country is a guarantee of the security of each of its citizens. The Navy has a rather complex structure, it is represented by submarine and surface forces, naval aviation and marines. Each unit has its own personal task, servicemen wear distinctive uniforms, and there are also certain differences in ranks.

Military ranks in the Russian army

In the army, there is a clear distribution of the rights and responsibilities of all personnel. Moreover, a strict hierarchy is implemented through military ranks. All these ranks can be divided into two types: military and naval. Moreover, military ranks are not necessarily assigned only to the ground forces. On the other hand, ship ranks are not limited to those who serve on the ship.

The two types of titles only differ in pronunciation, but the overall structure of the hierarchy is the same. So, it is possible to distinguish the non-officer and the officer corps. Each military rank will correspond to a certain naval rank. Shoulder straps allow servicemen to observe the chain of command.

Naval ranks ascending

For greater clarity, one should not only list all ship ranks, but also draw an analogy with military ranks, since it is the latter that are studied in sufficient detail even in the OBZh course of the section of initial military training. It becomes clear why confusion arises among the younger generation precisely when trying to arrange the hierarchical ranks in the Navy in ascending order, because there is no time at all for naval ranks with their epaulettes at school.

The youngest rank that a sailor receives when enlisting in service is a sailor. Since 1946, this title has been renamed from the previously existing "Red Navy", which still corresponds to a private in the ground forces. On the chase of the sailor, only the letter "F" flaunts, corresponding to the belonging to the fleet.

A sailor may be promoted to a senior sailor for excellence in military service. They stand on the same step as the corporals and can be appointed to the position of squad leader. The shoulder strap of the senior sailor contains one metal strip or a golden cloth stripe.

Raising the rank in the navy implies the assignment of the rank of "Chief of the 2nd article". The sergeant staff begins with him, and in the military names it is positioned as a junior sergeant. The two stripes on the pursuit are absolutely analogous to the corresponding land rank. The only difference is in color.

The sergeant major of the 1st article in the navy is equal to the sergeant. In the navy, as in any ground forces, the rank of sergeant is assigned only to units from the entire personnel of conscripts. The candidate must have high moral principles, organizational skills, be grounded in theoretical terms, be an excellent student of physical and combat training. The foreman of the first article has three stripes on the pursuit.

The limit to which you can reach, being called upon by the call, is the chief petty officer. It is this rank that goes in the order of seniority, and not the foreman of the 3rd article, as some mistakenly think. The last title, by the way, is fictitious.

The chief naval sergeant major closes the category of sergeants and foremen. His shoulder strap is indicated by one wide and one narrow strip. With this rank, you can be a platoon commander. Ship ranks are found in the border guard troops, which also belong to the Russian Navy.

Until now, the ship ranks under consideration were in some way consonant with those of the land. Purely nautical term- midshipman means a rank that is awarded to a soldier after graduating from the relevant school. On land, similar provisions apply to warrant officers. The midshipman and the senior midshipman on shoulder straps have two or three stars, respectively, located along.

Officer ranks start with lieutenant. At this stage of the ranking, there are no differences, even the shoulder straps are the same. There is a golden stripe along the shoulder strap, which denotes a group of junior officers. The junior lieutenant has one star, the lieutenant has two, and the senior lieutenant has three. Three stars are arranged in a triangle, two across the shoulder strap and one along.

The naval rank crowning the group of junior officer ranks, in contrast to the combined-arms rank of "captain", is listed as lieutenant-commander. Two stars across the shoulder strap and two along them give the right to receive the position of commander of a battleship. Awarded the rank of lieutenant commander to senior lieutenant only after 4 years of service.

Senior officer ranks begin with Captain 3rd Rank. Logically, it is clear that it corresponds to the rank of major. In the slang of sailors, the title sounds like "captri". Accordingly, it is followed by "kapdva" or "kaputorang", as well as "kapraz" or "kaperang". The origin of these abbreviations is quite understandable. Shoulder straps in the number and arrangement of stars resemble lieutenant ones, only the status of a senior officer is emphasized by two stripes running along.

It should be noted that not only in Russia, but also in a number of other countries, the ranks of the navy are defined in a similar way. The highest officer rank begins with Rear Admiral. We can say that the vice admiral is the third most senior in the fleet. Next are titles such as Admiral and Admiral of the Fleet.

Now let's move on to military ranks. They are presented in ascending order in sequence: Major General, Lieutenant General, Colonel General, and Army General. Their shoulder straps do not contain stripes, but the stars denoting gradation are larger in size than that of senior officers. It is noteworthy that the number of ranks from sailor to admiral of the fleet is the same as from private to general of the army. The military and naval ranks have to be brought into line for two reasons: they are all under the same subordination to the marshal; in operations involving several types of troops at the same time, a chain of command must be clearly established for effective interaction.

Seafarers are always respected and serious people, for whom work comes first. But at the same time, they all have families who truly await and love them. The profession of a naval sailor is not only responsible and serious, but also interesting. Navy personnel have a lot to see in their careers. Although there is also a risk to life.

What are the military ranks in the Navy

Let's start with the fact that in the Military navy RF military ranks are divided into two categories: military and naval. The first have categories:

  1. The staircase begins with soldiers and foremen, who, in turn, are divided into a soldier, a corporal and a foreman.
  2. This is followed by ensigns. This rank is divided into warrant officer and senior warrant officer.
  3. Officers. Here the subcategories are:
  • junior officers: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain;
  • seniors: major, lieutenant colonel, colonel;
  • the highest: major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general and marshal of the Russian Federation.

Ship ranks have slightly different names:

  1. Soldiers, sergeants, sailors. Here the ranks are in ascending order: sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the 2nd class, 1st article, chief, chief ship officer, foreman.
  2. Warrant Officers: Warrant Officer, Senior Warrant Officer.
  3. Junior officers: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant commander.
  4. Senior officers: captain 3rd rank, 2nd rank, 1st rank.
  5. Senior officers: Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, Admiral, Fleet Admiral, Marshal of Russia.

The uniform of servicemen in the Navy does not always provide for shoulder straps on which ranks are determined. Often, sailors have stripes on their sleeves that determine their position and rank.

More about the order of conferring titles

As with the ground forces, the naval forces are awarded the ranks of employees on the day of the expiration of the term of his military rank. The legislation establishes the following deadlines:

  • to become a private or a sailor, you need to serve 5 months;
  • a year is required to serve in order to become a junior sergeant or a sergeant major of the 2nd class;
  • three years must be served to obtain such titles as senior sergeant and chief sergeant major;
  • the same number of years is given to become an ensign or midshipman;
  • two years have to serve up to a junior lieutenant;
  • three to lieutenant;
  • three more to the senior lieutenant;
  • 4 years before the captain and lieutenant commander;
  • 4 - up to major and captain of the 3rd rank;
  • It takes 5 years to become a lieutenant colonel or captain of the 2nd rank.

To receive the rank of senior officer, you must have served in your previous position for at least 1 year. As a rule, the naval military receives the next military rank 2 years after receiving the last rank. The deadline includes:

  1. Break time (if any) due to criminal prosecution of the military for unreasonable reasons, as well as in the case of illegal dismissal with subsequent restoration.
  2. The time of stopping military activity.
  3. The number of years spent in reserve.

Note that for special achievements, a naval soldier can receive an early military rank ahead of schedule.

What are the duties of the Navy

Like any other troops, the Navy is working for the good of the country. The main functions of the naval personnel are as follows:

  • using military force in the event of a threat to the country from the sea side. Also, the Navy is obliged to contain and suppress possible threats to Russia;
  • to protect the sovereignty of their country by any means;
  • creation of conditions for ensuring the security of the state;
  • by order of the commander-in-chief to participate in various operations.

Speaking specifically about the divisions, each of them has its own responsibilities. For example, naval aviation is engaged in delivering missile and bomb strikes, as well as providing cover. Coastal units defend the coast and lead land fighting protecting the sea border.

How to get into the Navy

Many young guys dream of working for the good of their homeland, namely, protecting it. In order to become a military navy, you must meet all the categories. More specifically, to become an employee, you need:

  1. Have a complete secondary education. But it is preferable, of course, to graduate from the naval school.
  2. Be at least 165 cm tall, and also have at least the second group of mental stability.
  3. Have a suitability category of at least A-2 (although you cannot get into the military infantry with such indicators).

Conscripts with tall and good looks, they are often taken to the company of the guard of honor. However, secondary specialized education in this case also does not hurt.