Which next sign follows fish. Fish sign zodiac horoscope

According to the Horoscope of her husband, Aries-man candidate for the role of his wife is looking for a long time. Although sometimes it happens that he concludes a marriage, without thinking, acting rashly, under the influence of the impulse.

Fortunately, in our country there is no such city as Las Vegas, where you can wear wedding ring any time of the day. It protects many Men-Aries from nonsense associated with marriage. Some Aries are generally afraid of marriage as the features of Ladan. Even if the chief of the heart is completely suitable for him and he sincerely loves her to bring a capricious partner to the altar, she needs to consider the strategy no worse than Napoleon.

Aries loves to behave in relation to a woman as a knight that protects the lady of the heart from the dragon attacks. This explains why the most strongly man attracts women tender, delicate and helpless in everyday life. Often the very existence in the world of strong and decisive feminists causes a headache from Aries. He would love to send them somewhere in a space link, because practically always gives Dera when a lady with a combat character is found in life.

Aries-man in marriage: What is he in family, home life when he marries?

What is he - Aries a husband? As a rule, a cheerful, honest and faithful companion of life. Under the image of a rustic and rude macho, a sensitive heart of romance is hidden. This man later, many years of living together, is able to arrange a spouse with pleasant romantic surprises.

It is impossible to say that he has a complex character. Any inexperience he frankly hates. Like fire, he should avoid cold and mercenary women, because such can completely morally destroy. Aries cares about appearance, loves movement, to old age is engaged various species Sport, often looks younger than his peers, which flashes his spouse.

But the Horoscope of Musha-Aries warns the second halves that married life with him, despite many advantages, is not so simple. Some features of the character of Aries can be quite tedious. He has a tendency to despotism, his behavior is causing, especially after the skipped cup. It can say more than it is necessary than the wounds of people, including those close.

How does an Aries make a husband?

Brave, enterprising, hardworking, as an ant, Aries husband in marriage is able to take care of family finances. He makes a lot of truly with a barish scope, but its income is significant, so most often this sphere is well balanced. Rarely when Aries is a soul that elames his wife on a penny on cotton disks or a beam of parsley.

Is the Husband of Aries Changes or No, jealous or not?

In his youth, the representative of this sign of the zodiac likes to be happy, to praise and often does it in the process of numerous love adventures. But a man-Aries in marriage sometimes looks around, but rarely passes from words to business. And if all the same Aries, the husband changes, then most often it is only about confirming that it is still attractive in the eyes of the ladies. But no exconse from the wife of his wife-Aries will not tolerate, especially if she is to drive him behind his nose, lined up some clean-free combinations.

A man-Aries: how to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep a man's Aries?

In marriage with a man-auto, "short circuits" often occur, thunder and lightning are molded. How to deal with the character of a Musha-Aries, how to make it up with him as soon as possible? The horoscope suggests that it is best to allow the spouse to speak out, give the opportunity to arrange full drama scene, pull the steam. Most often after the emotions are attended, the partner of such a sign of the zodiac does not remember much of what he said and what they told him. In fact, it's not so difficult to find an approach to my husband and consent, it's not so difficult to live with him: he likes to act at the bottom, loudly, but in nature it is not evil person. Worst of all when the partner is striving for an open confrontation with a impulsive oh-husband, because fire is not extinguished with fire! The appropriate female tactic, calm help to survive frequent family storms in marriage Men-Aries and are creating miracles. Stubborn, with strong horn of lamb, delicately controlled by a gentle female handle, turns into a soft and dedicated family with a heart and a lamb body.

A love and insanely energetic, not able to relax and infecting their enthusiasm of others, while stubborn, stubborn and not knowing how to compromise is all he, a man-Aries.

And he is very wounded, although only those who know him very well can say that. For the rest, this is a tank, stop which can only be nuclear explosion. Solid hard and selfish, which is first place its own interests and ambitions.

Men is very difficult with a man. If in love then the mountains will go through with her beloved, if cooled - no tricks of the "feeling update" type will not be returned to his attention and location.

But next to him is very good and calm. The main thing is to know how it can "hook", and what can in no case do if you want the feelings of the flames for a long time. Here we will talk about this today.

But first, as usual, a few more characteristic features Representative of this sign of the zodiac.

Character and behavior of a man-Aries

Only forward

Aries always go ahead. He has no time for the neighboring paths, drawing up long-term plans and analysis of committed errors. Or rather, he is trying and plans to make up, and analyze, but, as a rule, as soon as he thinks that everything has taken into account and has envisaged, his life makes a steep turn. And now he has new goals, and again he is stubbornly and uncompromising rushes on a new road.

Yes, and feelings of the rest of people for a man-Aries is just a removed concept that should not be considered when achieving your own goal. This property is character, not evil intent, and if you decide to tell him on this "disadvantage", he will surprise and you will not understand - after all, he seeks to do the case, so why he should be exchanged for the thoughts of other people.

Paradox of generosity and greed

A man-Aries is incredibly generous, he does not take away. He can give the latter for a friend or a beloved woman. He can swear a tearful fairy tale of professional beggar, and he shakes all its cash from his wallet.

If Aries comes into the house to his woman, it necessarily brings flowers not only to her, but also her mom. And if it is also March 8, and his girlfriend has a her friend, the representative of this sign can ask in advance how many ladies will be present. And then, let the flower, but each will receive a stake from it.

But sometimes such an attack of greed attacks him, that even the water near his well will not survey. And the most interesting thing is that he then cannot explain what his act was connected with. Well, not with a personal attitude to the encounter, this is exactly how the failures sometimes get even those closer to anyone in principle does not exist.

Pride. Pros and cons

A man-Aries is very proud. He does not know how to ask for help, and if he still has to do this, it gives him almost physical suffering. Moreover, he can even raise the one who helped him. And all due to the fact that the Aries had to be humiliated, and someone had seen this humiliation. And it does not carry it out.

And the pride of a man-Aries is that he will never respond to the invitation of a woman if he has no money. It is easier for him to call at all what to admit that he refuses to date due to financial problems. For him, this is a violation of the status quo, which hurts his pride.

Aries are always right

A man-Aries admits in his insolvency only under torture. He never recognizes his mistakes if he does not "twist his hands" and do not drive the hot needles under his nails. He is always a priori, right.

And if it is not right, then see the first item. But he loves to do all the others. He can beat in the patient, tortured, apply prohibited techniques. And at the same time will not feel like a sadist, since I am sure that it acts in good.

Ability to make money

In a man-Aries, as a rule, intelligence is well developed. This is a person with a potentially laid wonderful future. Aries does not tolerate poverty, he is ready to post all 100%, just to achieve a strong material situation. So he is not bent hard work It may remove several years by attracting its specialty, but if he understands that at the moment it does not bring him desirable income, he easily changes the sphere of activity.

His moving mind helps him to benefit from any favorable situations, from any friendly connections. Aries, like no other (perhaps only calves), know how make money Literally from the air.

And also, despite many disadvantages, it is one of the most reliable and excellent signs of the zodiac. It is very interesting with the Aries, they can provide a comfortable future, they care about their children and parents are not forced, but in the call of the heart. Many of the representatives of this sign are true knights capable of the sake of excellent ladies and on the feat, and on serenades under the balcony.

But, unfortunately, hairs in private life is often not lucky. Sometimes they are used and "thrown out", and sometimes they themselves put on themselves some moral and psychological blocks that do not give them successfully implemented by the Nive of Love.

Nevertheless, it is worth fighting for a place next to such a man. There are disadvantages of all, but the advantages of a Male-Aries most often outweigh the oddities of his character and his inattention to others, if he is busy in some kind of business.

Secrets of Men-Aries

How to like a man-ray

Aries Fall on all unusual. He may fall in love with a woman from whom everyone surrounding the words literally shake. No, in no case should not be a scary kimor - after all, the Aries in some kind of aesthet, so they love their eyes through their eyes. But the character of the lady can be with whatever with twists and beggars. The woman is brighter, louder, an extraordinary, the more chances of mastering the attention of a man-Aries.

Become for a ramp of a pulse

Man-Aries: how he likes

No matter how surprisingly, but Aries, unlike other fiery signs, love when they are guided. Especially young Aries. They need a woman to indicate them the direction, then they will punch their heads of any walls to be decent chosen by their beloved. The same applies to the appearance of the Aries - if a woman does not suit something in his appearance, he, he who is proud to correct it.

However, it is necessary to take into account the previous relations of the Aries with his former passion. The Men-Aries often throws out of extremes to extremes, and if his former directly sent him, then you will have more chances to please him by catching the innocent and helpless "chamomile." So, Aries will raise their self-esteem and will take you with open arms.

Don't press him

You can manage a man-autumn, but it is impossible to put pressure on it categorically. He very quickly gets tired of pressure - in this case, Aries closes, stops calling, refuses to communicate. However, in a month, two or twenty-two two can return, having cooled and busting. But are you ready to wait?

Everything emotions Aries are written on the face, so as soon as you notice that he does not like what you impose him - go to the opponent, turn a conversation into a joke or change the topic of the conversation.

Do not try to talk about Aries

Aries love to talk and do not know how to listen. Want to like him? Become an eternal "free ears" and do not try to drag the blanket on yourself. Moreover, what is characteristic, the patience to listen to the end of the replica in Aries lacks even if the woman speaks of his business, that he would seem to be not only interesting, but also profitable.

But the Aries love to be proud of their women. And here is surrounded by friends of his Aries you can afford to shine. Then, for the entire evening, Aries will not rub one word, he will enjoy the effect that you produce on people whose opinion is very important for him.

Be decent approval

No matter how confident in themselves the Aries seemed, they simply need the approval of everything they make - from you a man-Aries will wait for the approval of his actions, his work, salaries, gifts. And from others - the approval of your candidacy for the role of his girlfriend or wife. If his mother has a great influence on your Aries, then you first need to think about how to like it, and otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. If he doesn't get acquainted with her, then listen carefully what he says about her to, so to speak, fit.

Tireless and stubbornly moving forward, Aries ( March 21 - April 19) A man always believes in herself. The main characteristic of such a person is initiative and rebellion. The representative of this fiery sign of the zodiac does not represent life without competition and activity. His meaning of existence is to conquer a favorable position, to conquer the tops of success or the heart of a woman.

Aries man always full of the most bold plans, ideas. He has enough aggressive energy to implement the most ambitious idea. The straightness of the Aries is often bordered by unceremoniousness, and straight honesty and stubborn character sometimes create a lot of problems in love, career, communication.

Character of a ram of a man

With a man of the first fiery sign of the zodiac will never be bored. To understand his intentions, friends and enemies do not need to guess, Aries man himself loudly declares his desires in friendship, career and love. Many women very much appreciate such frankness. True, to fully tame the stubborn to anyone, it is unlikely to succeed, and to keep nearby, if the interest is disappeared, it is almost impossible.

Sometimes there are a "quiet" Aries, which have made seem modest and soft. This nature of such representatives of the sign of the zodiac is quite suitable for a classic description, but the emotional storm and explosive temperament are hidden deep inside.

Do not be deceived, the external calm is just a mask. To understand this, you just need to conquer the real confidence of the man of a man.

External appearance and health

Representative of the first sign of the zodiac to draw attention to his own person or like a lady will not be difficult. Usually this man has a pretty taped, sports body, the movements of the gusts, women often see in his gestures something boyish.

Aries like being noticeable, their main characteristic, China's energy, manifests itself in a confident gait and burning eyes under thick dark eyebrows.

Behind the fashion, such men follow with reluctance. In order to follow any canons, including in the manner to dress, in Aries are too egocentric. Rather, they themselves will become the founders of the new style. Usually a guy Aries prefers comfortable, but bright clothes. He can't like the sake of appearance to endure inconvenience.

Health and youthful kind of Aries The man retains for a long time, but the life of wear often has consequences. At the same time, to attract the attention of the Aries to the treatment of own aids is almost impossible. Stubborn character, together with fear, becoming helpless does not allow him to understand the need for peace and procedures. Aries guy will hardly not notice the threatening of his usual activity of symptoms and pain up to the emergence of serious problems. But then he tortured all close to his whims and outbreaks of rage on trifles.

Communication and speech

The greatest weaknesses are externally confident in each act of a representative of the active sign of the zodiac - vulnerability, intolerance to critics and doubts. He is constantly required confirmation of his own right and love surrounding. The man of Aries really likes when he was praised, but the rough flatter is not quite suitable here, to tame him so it will not be possible. Such a interlocutor feels very thinly a lie, to reveal the deception of labor will not be. He always sincerely sincere and requires the same from others. False close man Aries rarely forgives. Then to conquer his location and trust, especially in love, will be problematic.

Career and Finance

Aries a man may like professions in which he can apply his irrepressible energy.

Of these people, there are excellent sellers, firefighters, drivers, blacksmiths, actors, military.

The difficulties are not frightened. To win success in the chosen case, Aries will not regret the effort and time, and perseverance, purposefulness, forces and enthusiasm is just enough. Such a person likes freedom in the realization of numerous ideas, often Aries man finds his place in creativity.

The most important thing is that the work is not boring or monotonous, the routine for a long time to attract this man cannot. A rigid labor schedule for the Aries is unacceptable in principle, it perceives any restrictions extremely negative. To keep the independent representative of the zodiac sign on a dull work with strict regulations is problematic, and how to seduce the Aries to engage in such activities no one knows. The stubborn character does not allow him to make it.

The latitude of the soul exhibits representatives of the fiery sign of the zodiac with finances. They spend money and earn incredibly quickly. The wastefulness should be tangled to keep financial independence.

Love, sex, relationship

Emotional Aries man new Love Suggested with all the passion. Typically, the character of feelings is very hot, but he cooles pretty quickly. To conquer the location of a woman, capable of desperate actions, feats, victims, becomes incredibly romantic. Hobbies are often short-lived, but the reason is not in windyness. In love, Aries instead of a real lady sees a certain ideal of a woman, fully correspond to which to like for a long time, simply impossible. The representative of the energetic sign of the zodiac often has an impatient character, to keep it from the reckless manifestations of feelings is very difficult, he wants everything immediately, hurts events. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what girls likers are difficult, their tastes are too diverse. Only boredom and the bore, these men suffer with difficulty.

Almost any Aries in the sex of tireless, is inventive, passionate. In bed, he often researcher, and his fantasies sometimes shock conservative ladies. He is ready for love always and not particularly scrupulous in choosing a place.

A variety in bed is what a man of Aries is often striving for, some call him the best lover in the world.

In sex for Aries, the stormy emotions of both are very important, the coldness of a woman cannot attract it. Boredom in bed easily destroys even close relationship.

Family and life

The irrepressible fiery element of the sign of the zodiac can not be tamed, the flame can only be paid off, closing the life of the air. Aries will not like at all if someone, even a favorite woman, is trying to keep him forcibly. Any coercion causes wild irritation in it, which suddenly goes into rage, and the routine leads to the death of relationships.

Houses Aries Man always seeks to take the position of the leader and can become a real dictator. He is a very caring spouse that all difficulties usually takes on himself, and honesty makes him also a faithful husband, but his jealousy and quick temper can spoil the relationship in the family. Aries incredibly seriously belongs to their own parental duties, loves his children, it turns out a great father from it.


The least, the whole man of Aries is suitable quiet measured life. When a cozy routine, which will like passionate nature of the conqueror, cannot exactly, continues at least any significant time, a character that requires adventure, makes him invent or look for difficulties, including in love. After, successfully overcoming the obstacles created by himself, a typical representative of the fiery sign of the zodiac can again feel himself a real hero and understand the sweetness of victory.

The beautiful floor is always in search of mysterious and unknown. Women need so much in a small fairy tale that even in a potential partner is looking for some astrological magic. And this is not surprising, because the compatibility horoscope is an additional guarantee, caution and an excellent assistant in cordial affairs, which will help you to unmistakably determine the desires of your potential chosen one.

Before you connect your fate with a man, you should know that this is an incredibly confident person, which absolutely does not tolerate criticism (even quite objective) to its address. The second half will not be easy with him, but it is guaranteed to be interesting. So this is not a reason to despair, his depth nature is taking a lot of interesting and mysterious.

  • The person is more self-sufficient than Aries, it is still worth searching. He is always confident in himself and his strength, full of grand plans and bold ideas. True, sometimes pompous self-esteem of a man of Aries at the surrounding impression of a self-made.
  • A man Aries is full of inner energy that is capable of destroying it. They are pretty successful and capable of climbing the career ladder is very high, so they enthusiastically relate to their work. His energy is good to him, but in otherwiseShe can head to self-evolution.
  • People are soft and touchy to do with Aries. This is a very unceremonious sign that is able to loudly declare his discontent out loud. The same can be said about his sense of humor - he does not know how to joke and often hurts the feelings of others.
  • Aries can not be called sociable, but this does not apply to their shy. They are very stupid for a while and will not spend it on unfamiliar or uninteresting people. Often they are limited to one or two faithful friends with which relationships from early childhood are supported.
  • It is not worth provoking Aries to rudeness. They are very hot-tempered and your negligence can pour out in an unpleasant conversation. Men Aries are few and always try to talk in the case, so their insults can hurt you.

Aries Aries in Love and Relationships

Characteristic in love Men Aries is full of passionate forecasts. They are very dusting, impulsive, moderately despotic and slightly insidious when it comes to conquering the heart of your chosen. Reviews about the love adventures of Men Aries could well serve as a prototype of Mexican TV series, so hot representative of this fiery sign.

A Aries man is a very passionate cavalier. Undoubtedly, he will wait for you at the entrance, counting on the gentle kiss of the Lady of his hot heart.

  • The representative of this sign is a real hunter and the conqueror of female hearts. He is interested in the whole process from dating to first sex, he enjoys all the stages of conquest. The most successful tactics will provide your chosen one by hunting, because a very fast start is able to kill the interest of a Men Aries.
  • A Aries man is still a dramatic actor. He enjoyed everything that happens to him in his personal life. The representative of this sign will be glad to become a don Juan on an indefinite period of time, but note that the desire of such a hot handsome should eventually be quenched, so you should not build air locks and give an empty hope man Aries, his endless passion can bring you a lot of inconvenience.

  • Already being in a relationship, you should worry about that his interest in you did not fade. To do this, it is enough to meet your partner in my self-sufficiency.
  • Love in the life of a man of Aries - the concept is very relative, no matter how regrettable it sounds. The representative of this sign is inclined to treason and quickly loses interest in his second half. To keep such a kind of fan almost unreal, much simply time From time to warm up his interest in myself, but this is not the easy task.

Aries Aries in Love and Marriage

A man Aries and marriage are two completely opposite concepts. May have the impression that the representatives of this sign are completely not created for family lifeBut it is not. They are simply very hard to come in long-term serious relationship, because their rapid and stormy novels are extinguished at the same speed with which they once praised:

  • The man of Aries is very hard to decide on marriage, because it means to renounce freedom, which is so expensive to representatives of this sign, so they choose the chief very carefully. The main advantage among the advantages of the future spouse will be its accurateness and understanding of her unborn husband.
  • Do not allow them to allow too much, otherwise you will not have time to wake up how his legs will nice with your understanding neck. It will not be superfluous to immediately put the framework and the rules in your shared life, but at the same time do not climb it into the framework too much, it is a very sturring sign.
  • Learn to solve questions without subsequent scandals and clearly follow the punishment system. For example, if your beloved did not have time to dinner without a weighty reason, and did not consider it necessary to warn you about it, then you will be able to wait for no less satisfying breakfast instead of the usual evening meal, and today it can complete the day evening tea .
  • Representatives of this sign are very ungrateful in marriage, therefore it is not necessary to reduce your life to its non-terminated requirements and discontent. For Aries, MIL will not be. His mood, as well as the attitude to the spouse, is almost never stable. These swings of incredible love and unreasonable irritability can be crazy even the strongest and patient woman.

Aries Aries in Love and Sex

Sex is one of the most efficient and effective waysHow to return to the former love in relation to a man with a man. Representatives of this sign are very pant for intrigue, so often seeking her in someone else's bed. You can raise the level of excitement, simply by owning information that you like a man of Aries in sex:

  • Role-playing games are a simple way to tear consciousness and emotional attachment from the partner. Such nonsense scenarios are ready to start even the most sophisticated Casanov, because the variety of incarnations is infinite and able to clearly embody the sexual fantasy of your partner.

It is important to understand that in role-playing games For a man, Aries is not so important atmosphere, like your reincarnation, so it costs to limit the beaten scenarios of sleeping beauty or a girl in trouble. Rehend to this with enthusiasm: scrap wigs and experiment with manner behavior.

  • A man of Aries does not like aggressive sexuality and sprayed vulgarity. It is better to give the brazards of the board in his hands. It will really felt his praised pride and provide bright sex.
  • To understand what kind of man Aries in sex, you should not adopt the role of seducer. It is unlikely that he will be delighted with such an initiative. Do not forget that your man is a hunter and needs a "victim", not a partner.
  • Be sure to praise your man. It is impossible to say that he needs, because his inner self-esteem So above all praise, but it is your weapon in the instructions of your partner. He will not accept criticism in life, even if it is very soft and delicate, and even more so in bed, so your goal is to praise him strengths, omitting the attention where it gives the slab.
  • All men love their eyes, but this proverb is in a square. Do not forget to indulge yourself beautiful lower lobe and other new underwear. This not only will not give out the desire of the Male Aries, but will be useful for you. After all, we are sexy as much as we feel as such.

Compatibility in love Men Aries

Each sign zodiac horoscope Unique and peculiar, so compatibility in love can be successfully prediable, which will benefit both partners. The characteristic of each sign is individual and unique, therefore the Union of Men Aries will be in its own way special with each elected, which is ready to divide a bright feeling with him:

Ove woman

Woman Aries is a fire and passion that will never be dreed. This striking beautiful floor representative fully corresponds to a portrait of a typical impulsive spanish. This is a very attractive image for many men, but a couple of two lights doomed to turn into a destructive flame:

  • A Aries man will care with interest in such a plump copy, because the prey is more difficult to search. But only further a brief short-term novel, such relationships come very rarely and the reason for this is blind stubbornness, which everyone seeks to demonstrate.
  • Their union, as a joke above, because their relationship is nothing more than an opportunity to look at yourself from the side. Two narcissistic leaders look at each other, as a mirror curve, noticing their drawbacks, which always considered the advantage.
  • In the relations of two Aries, eternal discontent and claims reign, and fundamental stubbornness only aggravates the general state of affairs, therefore, in most cases, parting is a matter of time.

Compatibility Men Aries with Woman Aries 45%

Woman Taurus

Woman Taurus is a very strong, practical and landed nature. She is very perceptive to distinguish a sphere from reality. The man of Aries will have to be not easy with such a straight lady:

  • Woman Taurus is pretty simple, despite its quick temper and stubbornness. Above everything in his chosen one, it will appreciate the actions that will not be accompanied by superfluous words, and a man of Aries is capable of it.
  • They both are very emotionally and almost immediately ready to fall with their heads into complex pools of each other, but excessive straightness of both partners can destroy bright relationships.
  • Taurus woman loves to tell people on their places, so the high self-importance of the partner is able to make a representative of this sign, and provoke very inappropriate comments.

Compatibility Men Aries with Woman Taurus 35%

Woman twins

Twins woman are a set of plenty of roles. She loves to try on masks, and a man of Aries will definitely won't get acquainted by making her elected. This is a very interesting couple, which is capable not only to get along together, but also stimulate each other for feats. The entire paradox of this couple is that they are very rarely completed by Hepping Endom.

  • The twins are always in search of themselves, so can't fully belong to the family. The hunter's thirst will never be completely thickened, which is at the same time angry, and creates magic of mysteriousness in their relationship.
  • Twins Woman can make a lot of things to allow their partner, and a man of Aries undoubtedly uses this gift of fate. It is good that a representative of this sign is worried about little and even to the adventure of the left, it is ready to treat with understanding.
  • Such a coolness is only on hand to such a kind of satellite, only to keep such a woman they are unable. Baby reproaches and overestimated requirements are able to scare impressionable twins and destroy their relationship.

Compatibility Men Aries with Woman Gemini 44%

Woman cancer

Woman cancer is very gentle, sensual and feminine, which is capable of driving a real connoisseur of female beauty crazy - a man of Aries. The shyness and modesty of the woman of cancer can awaken not only the desire, but also the most reverent feelings:

  • The "Cleaway" stage of these pairs ends too early, and relationships develop quite rapidly. A man of Aries feels a desire to take care and protect the fragile half.
  • This is very gentle partners from which there are very cute couples. But the Bunctric Spirit of Aries is able to jeopardize the relationship with his chosen. In such pairs, the treason often occurs, the initiator of which, as it is not difficult to guess, is Aries.
  • The fact is that Azart Oleva rules. It is literally dependent on new sensations, so it is very likely to destroy a good union and lose understanding and patient halves.

Compatibility Men Aries with Woman Cancer 54%

Woman Lev.

The woman of a lioness is a real emotional vampire, which only, that matter, provokes his companion on any suit. For a man, a lioness Aries is an ideal partner with which he will not miss.

  • The main advantage of the lioness is its indulgence. She not just closes his eyes on a lot, rather, she simply does not pay attention to the rest of his partner. It is so egocentric emphasis that does not notice anyone, except for himself.
  • Surprisingly, such a role in the relationship of hot lioness can cause true dependence The man has a ram. This is the most successful steam of all possible options.
  • The lioness is the light that will harmoniously play with the flame of Aries. With such a woman simply impossible to bother, so the relationship of these two pairs will never be fresh: the lioness will always keep them in a tone, like the interest of their chosen one.

Compatibility Men Aries with Woman Lioness 94%

Woman Deva.

Virgin is the true keepers of the focus, which are obsessed with the goal of creating a big friendly family. These are exemplary wives and mothers. Such women on the weight of gold for serious men with traditional family values. It is a pity that the Aries does not apply to:

  • It is pointless to talk about this pair, because it is clear here that their goals, interests and plans for life are so far from each other that they are simply not destined to be together.
  • Aries Male may be interested in such an impregnable and right Verine, but the relationship is hardly possible in this case. A representative of this sign is distinguished by its wisdom, so it will not make relationships with such a windy and non-permanent sign as Aries.
  • Even if you just assume the long existence of this pair, then you should not be extrasensus to understand that for the Virgin is a destructive relationship. She is ready to put up with the difficult character of a man of Aries, but with a negligence attitude towards his family - never!

Compatibility Men Aries with Woman Virgo 35%

Scorpion woman

Woman Scorpio and A Aries Male in many ways look like each other. The unbridled energy of these two fiery signs can revive a strong foundation for a family hearth or a successful and prosperous business, but also at any time can destroy everything achieved. This is a very eccentric couple whose relationship can be compared to the knife blade:

  • This pair definitely has a prospect for a common future. They are both full of bold plans and ambitious ideas. They will never be bored with each other, but a man of Aries will start taking such a rich relationship with time.
  • For the Scorpion woman it is very important to keep the championship in everything. Even in friendship, she decides where to go to eat or in what place to spend the evening, which is already talking about a partner in life. Such a man will have to be not easy with a fervent beauty.
  • A scorpion woman has a pretty despotic character that exactly not like its chosen one in the face of Aries. Any attacks of a representative of this sign better to listen in time, so as not to incur on the anger of its greatness. Such a couple is capable of much together, but only as long as their relationship will not be loved.

Compatibility Men Aries with a scorpion woman 54%

Woman scales

Woman scales have a rather controversial character, which contributes to their image of a mysteriousness. This is very attracted by a man of Aries. The light character of the representative of this sign is able to charm even the most bored man, but this union is difficult to call the perfect:

  • Woman scales are always sociable and friendly. At first glance, it may even seem that it has a little frivolous attitude to life, but it is not. In fact, the scales are guided by reason, rather than in the heart.
  • Woman scales very selectively approaches the selection of a partner, and in relationships too demanding for the Aries. The time that a man will spend outside of the family and work will be regarded as an explicit disrespect and the straight face of the custodian of the hearth.
  • These are wonderful partners for the family. From them are obtained good moms and exemplary hostesses. They will never put a career or friends above family values, but in response will require the same. Otherwise, both partners will be unhappy in this union.

Compatibility Men Aries with Woman Scales 52%

Woman Sagittarius

Woman Sagittarius - purposeful and freedom-loving features. It is able to achieve incredible results in the field of their activities, but their fiery element is so inconstant that its circle is constantly changing.

  • Such a restless woman needs a man who will guide her, inspiring her example. Aries man does not apply to such. He needs a mentor as strong as a representative of this sign.
  • And both are very hard to cope with their energy, so it is very likely that they will send it to mutual claims and quarrels with each other.
  • Woman Sagittarius loves to chit. For narcissistic Aries is a real spit in the soul. Identka, which has no privileges for forgiveness. The contenders on the heart of the Aries should be immediately understood that the self-absorption of your chosen one should remain unshakably like the Chinese fortress.

Compatibility Men Aries with Female Square 56%

Woman Capricorn.

Capricorn woman consists of iron realism. She was not used to building air locks and wear pink glasses. The representative of this sign is distinguished by its pragmatism and a cynical attitude towards things. Its chosen must meet all the items of her list, and otherwise the Union is impossible:

  • Cold impregnable fortress, woman vamp of our time or The Snow Queen In the conditions of the metropolis - so you can safely magnify this unearthly beauty. A Aries man will not miss such a valuable trophy from his species, but the understanding will come with a delay that such a catch is more expensive.
  • Capricorn woman is very demanding to his chosen one. It really appreciates its position and will not allow her companion at least something to her. A man of Aries is too stupid and windy for woman Capricorn.
  • The representative of this sign is quite insightful and straightforward. These two qualities together constitute a rattling mix of reproaches. For a man, Aries is a useful experience in a sheep skins, but no more.

Compatibility Men Aries with Capricorn Woman 41%

Woman Aquarius

Aquarius woman is a creative rebellion, in whose chest is breasting protest every time, as soon as established norms and rules come across. This is a real female riddle. At the same time, it is quite sociable and friendly, although it has a notice of pragmatism.

  • A tribal man will be very comfortable in a couple with a woman with an alarm. She understands how much a person needs a personal space, so I will not even dare to encroach. For a representative of the fire element - it is more than comfortable conditions To create a family.
  • A man of Aries depend on the opinions of others. It is important for him that their union keeps the brand of artificial image, and the woman of Aquarius has a real gift to file himself.
  • Aquarius woman is very selective in search of his second half. A man of Aries will have to sweat to show all the advantages of living together. This is very good option For both signs, but the Aries need to be considered that the above all the Aquarius woman appreciates faithfulness in men.

Compatibility Men Aries with Woman Aquaround 92%

Fish woman

Fish is a rare instance of the embodiment of all feminine qualities in one guise. They are very elegant, naive and female infantile. Such character traits make them close to the princesses of Disney films.

  • Fish is very trusting, so often become victims of unfair cavaliers. For a man of Aries, this is another catch in the drawn networks.
  • Life with fish is quite calm. They are very careful about their hearth and inner calmness, so their lives are practically devoid of unexpected situations that the Aries may seem rather boring.
  • Fish - very vulnerable nature. Directness of a man of Aries, which sometimes borders with unceremoniousness, can hardly hurt a representative of this sign. In such a union, treason is not excluded. It is easy to guess from whom they will come.

Compatibility Men Aries with Fish Woman 36%

A Aries man is the same copy. It is practically not possible to curb or conquer it, because its hot temper and nature of the tempter contradict any encroachment to freedom of narcissistic Aries. Do not count that your place is the center of his attention. Do not be deceive, it has long been employed by them. If you are ready to be in the second plan in a Narcissal Union, then your union may be full of love and understanding.

Video: "Love horoscope Men Aries. What is looking for a man Aries in Love? Topic to think "