If the mother curses children. Symptoms, Protection and Methods of Mother Curse

Mother curse is a very strong degree of magical impact that can seriously spoil a person's life. Consider signs of such a curse and talk about how it can be removed.

What is the power of the maternal curse?

When a woman puts out a child, an incredibly strong energy relationship is born between them. Due to the fact that on a thin plan, the mother is a strong protector of the fetus, the one, accordingly, feels full and unconditional trust in relation to it.

After the birth of the baby, during the care of him and care, this connection is only enhanced, becoming more powerful and more powerful every year. Therefore, the maternal curse is such a terrible one - it strikes a completely defenseless person, the soul of which is not waiting for an attack, because the confidence in the maternal soul is unshakable.

All these processes occur on a thin plan, at the energy level. If they were transferred to the physical plan, the damned man would just die in the same second.

The worst thing is that the maternal curse is almost never conscious. Often in the anger mommies completely unconsciously curse their child, making a huge, irreparable act, for which the child will then pay the whole remaining life.


It is possible to determine what the parent curse is imposed on you, according to the following signs:

  1. You are very dependent on parents and can not "break away" from them. A person can be adults, but at the same time be under the strong influence of the mother, in no way becomes independent. This is not a direct sign of curses, sometimes it may indicate that psychotherapeutic separation from parents is necessary.
  2. Everything that your mother says and wishes you in strong emotions, quickly comes true. For example, an irritated mother can say - but you will not work in this matter. And you really wick failure.
  3. You constantly feel bad, problems in life are not stopped, and depressed your satellite every day. Weak health and unstable psycho-emotional state.
  4. it general signswhich is easy to confuse with those indicating the usual damage. But there are other, more specific signals that will definitely indicate the maternal curse:
  5. A pregnant damned girl can suddenly leave her husband, throwing all the instincts of self-preservation. After the divorce, she returns to the father's house, where he is constantly criticized and condemned the mother. As a result, there is a miscarriage or baby is born sick.
  6. Mother without end repeats the daughter that the university she chose is terrible. That the profession will not bring money. As a result, the daughter succumb to persuasion and goes to learn to the specialty that Mom advised. But her life in the end is the semi-nesting existence without money and normal operation.
  7. Sometimes the mother launches the program of the crown of celibacy, if she does not like the groom's daughter. In this case, the crack bursts, it does not reach the wedding, and the girl remains lonely for life.

It is far from full list Maternal curse options. Any other words abandoned in hearts, on strong emotions, can lead to a no less sad result.

How to remove the curse of the mother

If you definitely determined that you have a maternal curse, it is necessary to remove it. Methods set, we will look at some of them.

Highlights of psychotherapeutic treatment:

  1. In psychotherapy, there is no such thing as the "maternal curse" does not exist. But the existence of children's injuries is recognized, after the healing of which the patient's life improves.
  2. For example, in childhood, the mother offended you with some words. For example: "Yes, you are safe, and nothing will come out of you." Becoming adult, you no longer remember, but the situation and negative tested emotions remained deep in the subconscious.
  3. With the help of psychotherapy technician, these emotions need to get, live, and let go. The injury is healed, "Curse" is removed. And gradually life comes back.
  4. And if before treatment, the patient really lived badly: nothing special did not reach in life, fulfilling parental Installation, after healing injury, everything can gradually change.

In the video you can listen to psychotherapeutic technique, relieving the negative from the mother:

Folk ways are completely different. In order to remove the maternal curse with their help, you will need to perform a certain ritual.

For example:

  1. Prepare wax, a handful of metal coins and a container filled with cool water.
  2. Wait for a decreasing moon. During this period, the lunar energy is aimed at carrying out of the life of a person, everything that his owns, which prevents him and does not allow him to move on.
  3. Melt the wax in the water bath and very slowly, dropped, pour on the water (casting wax). At this time, try to feel like from your body together with waxing are dense, black energy bunches from that negative, which left the mother with his curse.
  4. After the wax completely turns out to be in the water, it must be reached and blind from it the figure of a newborn baby. It concluded all the power of the maternal curse. So that it ceases to act, you need to get rid of the figures.
  5. Go to the cemetery at night. In the entrance, put a handful of coins, and scream with a wax doll from any burial.
  6. After you immediately go home to sleep. In the morning stand at dawn and, without talking to anyone, go to church. Put the mother's health candle. Feel how to forgive her, how fill with gratitude and love.

Most likely, after getting rid of the curse, not only your life will be changed, but also significantly improves relationships with mom. Between you will stop standing negative, resentment, evil emotions. Your souls will feel this on a thin plan, which will certainly affect the existence of a physical body.

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For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

I'm what I want to tell! Me and my brother hated my life all my life. If there was a lot and even wanted to death. She cursed, wishing me all his life in bloody tears. In general, I wished in addition to death, saying it will be in joy. The bang once said that in childhood, when he was still very small, the Gypsy approached him and said that he was damned, would live a little, sick with cancer, and would not just die, but he dwells. And now he is like coils Floored: became aggressive, he wants to die, the attacks of rageery happen to Parkenson sick. There is almost 40, and the brother 43. I was tired of this. I don't know what to do with my moral breaking. native Mother I was cursed, then what can be expected from life! I begin to seem to seem to me that I am not needed. Liberty atheist. And I'm a believer, but I feel that I will not cope. Everything has turned to you. I did not suit my life And it's too late to give birth to children. So nothing is holding me on this light. Yes, and who needs me!
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without Nick, age: 38/12/08/2015


Hello, you know, I have the same mother according to your description and cursing and more than once, there are no curses and spanking and other things, do not believe it! You believe the believer to all the more. Why didn't you contact a psychologist or psychotherapist for example earlier if you have long felt bad? The lack of inner harmony is the first sign that much is not okay and it is necessary to fix it and as soon as possible to be able to establish your life, as many say everything in the hands of His people, everyone himself of his happiness and misfortune. Of course, there is probably the fateful something, but the development and roads are set and we choose either the right path or wrong. Despite the age you can still well and a man find and adopt a child to adopt and see and live in perfectly, you need to fight this inner bad state and then everything will start to be fulfilled !!!

Hope, Age: 000000 / 12.08.2015

The heroine of the famous film assured that in forty years, life just begins. You can change your life at any age. Over the years, some possibilities go, but others appear. Find yourself a business. Take yourself by ballroom dancing, painting or deltaplanery, it doesn't matter what, it is important that you have new acquaintances and interests.

Ugly - grave sin. Do not give in to him. Do not believe the gypsies and predictors - they do not know anything, they simply determine the inspired people. Spit on all gloomy predictions and build your new happy life. Sorry your mother, spare her as an unfortunate sick person and forget about curses. Pray, God will hear you and give you strength to experience difficulties.

Martha, age: 42 / 12.08.2015

Hello. Try to pull yourself out of negative, on the contrary to the light. Speak yourself that everything will overcome. Speak yourself that you still have a lot of good waiting ahead. Plus new discoveries, understanding. If there are wines before the mother, shook the confession, make a good deed for her. If your guilt is not, then forgive your mother that loved little you. Do not dwell on the curses, ask for a blessing from God. Try to see everything good will be a good mood. You will be positive and cheerful and you can overcome the crisis and achieve success.

Nina, age: 40 years / 13.08.2015

Hello madam! There is a wonderful priest Vladimir Golovin, somehow I listened to his sermon and he just told about the curses, the curse can only come true in one case, if the child raises his hand on his parents or insults them.

It's good that you are a believer, about a year ago I had information about prayer under the agreement - this is a prayer when people pray at the same time, the same prayer. She helped me solve one life question. I heard that it helps many. Maybe help you. If you want to find out in more detail in Yandex "Prayer by Agreement Vladimir Golovin" - there will be its website, there are all the detailed information, I also recommend listening to listen to his basic sermon, will help see your mistakes.

Give God to save your soul! I wish you the joy and the world of spiritual and all the best!

Sergius, Age: 40 / 13.08.2015

I hope that you will not be offended, but you are just saying that about the mother. Why don't you do your life? Mother can be anything, suddenly your mother was mentally ill and it was necessary to force it. Well, this for example. And is it possible to take seriously the speeches of the mentally ill?
After all, you are already an adult, try to look at this situation removed, as if from afar.
Now everything is already in your hands. So that your hard childhood does not serve as if justifying what you are doing nothing now for yourself and your life. I still read your text, I thought that I wrote a 13-year-old girl who lives with an angry mom.
Brief is responsible for your life myself. Atheist He or drunk, what? It was his free choice. Before God, you will answer only for your actions.

Margarita, Age: 30 / 13.08.2015

Hello! God you need! It is faith that will help you cope with despondency. Consider, communion, follow posts. Take a look at the Orthodox dating sites, maybe there you will meet a person who could give their love, care, tenderness and affection. Forget you about curses, better believe in kind, merciful, beautiful. My mother's girlfriend, about your age, was alone (the accident happened to the son, the marriage fell apart), not knowing how to live on, she went to the dating site with foreigners, met a man and went to Oxford, learned the language, found a job, Zauli huge PSA, now they live very worthy and happily! There are not enough such wonderful fate! Brother advise to go to a psychotherapist, an adult uncle, and believes a random gypsy. Do not be dirty, everything is in your hands, with God's help Come with all the difficulties!

Irina, Age: 27 / 13.08.2015

Nice woman! It hurts such an attitude of mom, but please try to forgive her (it doesn't even need it, you need it). Of course, forgive her it will not be right away, and it will not do it on their own. After all, you are a believer? We also said to us - bless you curse you. I know that I do not want and can not! But you look at my mother as an unfortunate patient who does not understand what is creating and says. After all, God looks at us so much! You and we all need God, only you ourselves are degraded from communicating with him offend and obstinate. Even if you do not want (and I understand you, I don't want to) forgive mom, just aware that it is impossible and here and pray: Lord, I can't and do not want to forgive, but I know that it is wrong, help , you are welcome! Here you need to start with this. And a personal life and 40, and for 40 people arrange, I know a woman who first gave birth in 46 years.

Star, age: 32 / 13.08.2015

Thanks again thanks again for the responses. I will describe them to change them and start changing something in your life. In the best side, of course. If my fault was before my mother, then, of course, I will definitely ask God forgiveness. It's better to build your life better, rather than live by past insults. I would have such behavior on the same forum. Do me, it looks like children! And in order not to caring the topic, I propose to close it. I think that there are people who are people who are people who are Psychological assistance is needed more than me. You are very responsive people and I will always be very grateful to you. Everything is good!

I would like to add. If you can, of course. I want to make clarity to my story about help so that people mistakenly do not think that this teenager was indulge in. I can't explain in two words that exactly it worries me now. I think (yes forgive me God is, of course!) That my mother's mother simply did not wake up maternity feelings towards their children. Assice, grandmother got married or 12, or at 13 years old! What kind of maternal feelings at this age can we talk about ! This is the first! The second! My mother said that her father was against it to marry my father. But she still came out, after his death. And he said that there are no paternal blessings on our family. I'll find my grandmother and grandfather on the part of my mother, then I would be the most hated granddaughter on the whole globe :-( I probably worries the feeling of unnecessarily, the feeling that I am a conversion of society, whom even my mother could not love to love himself. unworthy love. And perhaps the month does not leave loss of meaning in life I.YI precisely for this and appealed to the Orthodox site. Sorry me))) I wanted my mother badly. I even think that her brothers, her nephews all hated me. Don't know who and what I so many The appearance of the light, but I often catch myself thinking that I am a mistake of nature, that I don't even need God that I am so completely unnecessary and unnecessary. There are only units, you will probably understand me. I will not understand me. And sorry that I excuse me You have time. And I will definitely think about your responses. I hope my response comment will reach the right addresses and here they will understand correctly. Very wanted to throw out all this. Good to keep it all.

Cute girl, I understand you, and sympathize with you and your brother. Well, that, that he is 43 years old, in the soul we are all children, and remember our children's shocks. And for him the little word of this gypsy it was a shock. What she said, it seems to me, was not true. Apparently, it was an evil unhappy woman who decided to break on the resulting child. Disgusting act. So, let your brother do not believe her! If you are a believer, pray for yourself, mom, and your brother. Prayers of native people are strong. It seems to me that you are good and good people with my brother. And God will help you. And I mentally send you my warmth and good. ;)

Tanya T., Age: 30 / 15.08.2015

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Get rid of the maternal curse required cashing.
It is dismissed either, by a person who was cursed or one of this kind.

The damned person must stand in an hour before dawn, and turning to the east to read prayers, and ask forgiveness by the one who cursed it.

First read three times "Our Father":

"OUR FEW" OUR FOCTE, иже и и и и в техсечные, you will hurt your name, let your kingdom and your own, will be your will, Yako in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent gone to us and leave us our debts, Jokese and we leave our debtor to our and do not enter us in temptation, but save us from Lucavago. Yako is your kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen.

Once "Prayer Cross":

"God will resurrect him, and the guise of him will rise, and yes, besides his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax from the face of fire, so will the bees perished from the face of those who love God and marked the glory sign, and in the fun : Rejoice, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, to hell to hell, and the strength of diatling, and we have a casset for you, our honest to the defendance of any soup. Oh, the pretensible and life-giving cross the Lord! Help with saint mistake the Devolution of Virgin and with all the holy events. Amen. "

Once "Live in the noise" :

"The Lives in the help of Vysnyago, in the word of God's Heaven to Range, Recovers, Mother: My Essential and Refair, my God, and I hope for him. Yako Tom will save you from the network of Catch and from the word of rebellious: the shoulder of the Network is dying, and under His wing hind himself: the weapon will be created by the truth of him. You will not be wondering from the fear of a nice, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in the TMA passing, from the split, and the demon who is half acend. Falls from the country of Thousand and TMA. It's approaching: Obachech is the cleaning of your wrath, and the rings of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope My: Vynyago put your refuge. Do not come to you evil, and the wound will not approach your television: Sakhroniti angel in all Your ways are taken on your hands, yes, yes, you once are pushing about the stone to the leg of yours: at aspid and Vasilisk Nastouchisha, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and Ibvev and: Covered And IKO know my name. Call to me and hear His: I am in grief with him, Izisim, and I will glorify him: I will fulfill the longitude of days His, and I will declare my salvation. "

And finish it follows "Prayers to St. Guardian Angel ":

"Prayer to St. Angel Keeper" Holy Angela, the oppression of the appearance of my soul and passionately to my life, do not leave me a sinner, below retreat from me for unemployed with mine. Do not gone away the place of the evil demon with the violence of a mortal body; strengthened my mind Hand and Nastya Saven Saved. She, Holy Angel God, Keeper and Patron Okayanna Muya Soul and Body, I'm sorry, I am insulting all the days of my belly, and whether they are sinned in the preceded one day , and save me from all sorts of opposing opposity, yes, in any way I don't fuck God, and pray for me to the Lord, but I will approve in my passion, and it will be worthy of my servant, Amen. "

I go for Jesus Christ
And behind the mother of the Virgin
By sea, blue, on the sea sneezing.
I go from the edge to the edge,
From the day of the Mountains until the day of Captain,
From the instance of essay to the eternal hour.
I am a trail in the next mother of God,
For the Devolution of Virgin.
Mother Virgin, wrap,
Mother of the Virgin, there is a lot about me
Son to Jesus Christ.
Mother of the Virgin, Veldyard Vella,
I worship, your slave (name),
You are in the knives to the ground.
Mother Virgin, help me.
Mother me conceived
Under heart shelled
On white light through meat gates
Released, falsely cursed.
Mother of God, help,
Take off me, God's slaves (name),
Mother's curse (name).
How are you sick of your jesus christ
Loved his heart on him grief,
Tears at the cross shed,
Help, Mother of God,
Me, God's slave (name),
Remove blood curse from blood,
Fate from destiny, from the navel to the spool.
There is no higher than the words of Jesus Christ,
There is no higher than the Word of the Virgin,
No mother's curse
With this hour, from this dawn
Removing fracture of fate
From the case of evil, from the heart of black,
From the word Maternal.
How firmly Mother of the Virgin
Lord loved
So rightly descended from my body,
From fate, with legs, with hands, from roads,
With eyes, with eyebrows, with baking and business,
From the night, from the day, from the star, from the blood
The word is damned, the word is black.
How true the sun will go to morning,
So true curse will fall
With roots, with branches, with fruits,
From the tree, from the wrap, from the trace, with the last.
The cause and word to my Amen.
I love your love
The word of her break.
The cause and word to my Amen.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Words that mother speaks to their children is particularly powerful. It is enough to remember the tradition of blessing a child, giving him powerful generic support. But often instead of helping a person there is a negative. So the mother's curse acts is a terrible program that always reaches its goal. What is the essence of this impact? Is it possible to get rid of it?

Mother's curse - what is it?

The usual curse is consciously consciously. His goal is to harm a person, punish for misconduct, revenge. The sorcerer conducts a special rite, creating an energy channel among themselves and the victim. Just opening the way, the black magician can pass the negative.

But the mother curse is an impact that does not require any rituals. After all, the relationship with children in a woman is formed while conceived. From this point on, the thoughts and words addressed to the child have an impact on him.

In fact, the woman can only formulate the necessary promise, and with his transmission there will be no problems. Mother to raise enough, angry, irritated, get out of himself - and every word aimed at the child, powerfully hit him by running the curse.

Most often, women are ill-impenetively rushed by such phrases: "So that you die!", "Disappearance!", "Probs of the propagation!", "So that your devils took!", "Rise, damned!", "Will you will not be happiness!".

Not necessarily mother hates her child. In many cases, it expresses aggression due to incontinence, excessive emotionality, fatigue. Perhaps a woman will regret the outstanding words and will try to block the guilt. But nothing will help: the curse of the mother of his son or daughter is guided precisely at such moments of the loss of control. And the more often such incidents are repeated, the stronger the negative program will be.

How to protect yourself from maternal curse:

The child is absolutely defenseless before his mother. He at the subconscious level perceives her words as truth and does not feel necessary to resist.

The mother curse acts even in cases when:

* Man has already grown and lives separately (the connection is still preserved);

* Woman sincerely repent and wanted to pick up his words back (do not come back);

* The family does not believe in magic, including in curses (impacts exist independently of the opinions of people).

Because the curse of the mother is considered as terrible: it is extremely difficult to protect against it, although it is not impossible.

The main thing is to realize that relations with parents are devastating and what to resist, forgetting about family feelings.

Put full protection from the curse really only if the impact has not yet entered into force (for example, a mother often says something unpleasant and offensive, but it has not yet come to real threats). Also take advantage of the ritual is permissible to prevent exacerbation of the situation (new curses will not overtake a person).

You will need:


* Mother's Photo;

*church candle.

It is necessary to lean the picture facial side To the mirror. Then you need to light the candle and read the conspiracy:

"You gave birth to me, I wore him in the womb, I defended from others, I did not save myself. Once, from now on, your evil with you remains, and it does not concern me, the mirror is reflected. "

It is necessary to wait until the candle will do to the end. The mirror is always recommended to keep with him, especially during conversations with the mother. This is a talisman who will serve as a defense of the curse. The used photo is desirable to give a parent; Do not keep it at home.

Motherful curse: signs of impact:

It is very important to recognize the induced negative as soon as possible. Usually, people felt that the mother curse takes over them: the symptoms of such an influence are quite obvious.

Basic signs of maternal curse:

* Feeling dependence on the will of the parent. Even adults who have their own families and different strong character, Feel that their mother suppresses them. They may not understand why this is happening and what it is expressed: the feeling is purely intuitive.

* Words told by mother in anger or irritation come true. Review does not come immediately, but at some point a person realizes: he lives the life that he had once predicted the parent.

* General bad state of health, constant problems, depression.

Since the maternal curse acts in the same way as damage, then in one way or another it affects all areas of life. The main focus is on the sphere that the parent "smoothed", but part of the power of the destructive program is sent for the overall destruction of the full existence of a person.

Examples of maternal curse mass.

Most often there are such situations:

* The girl leaves her husband's husband and returns to the parent house, where it is not too loved. Mother says all the time: "Yes, so that you, nor your rating here!" The result is a miscarriage, the birth of a sick child, and in the worst case a generic curse;

* The son enters the university for a specialty that does not like the mother. She constantly repeats: "You will be without a crust of bread with my diploma to sit, you will not earn money." Result - the guy leads a bench existence and can not get a normal operation;

* The daughter goes against the will of the mother and wants to marry the "unsuitable" person. The parental in the hearts shouts: "Yes, better would be in girls left forever!" The result is a guy leaves, and the girl remains lonely until the end of his life (the program of the crown of celibacy is turned on).

The curse of the mother exists, and it faces much more peoplethan you can imagine. In no case cannot be the situation on the samonek: to cleanse from negative you need as soon as possible.

How to remove the maternal curse yourself:

Get rid of the curse of the mother is difficult. Many signs and magicians refuse to carry out a ritual, since the removal of such an impact gives a very strong rollback. It is recommended to search for an experienced black sorcerer, who specializes in working with relatives magic influences And it will not be afraid to take risks.

If there is no opportunity to ask for help, it remains only to try to remove the mother's curse on your own. The procedure is sufficiently long and complicated, but it is necessary to fulfill all the conditions.

You will need:

* sharp knife;

* Church candle;

* Capacity with water.

The rite involves gradual cleansing from the curse. The rite is carried out on a decreasing moon.

It should be lit a candle and pronounce a plot:

"The mother of the child norodila left in her pure field, the dark threw in the forest, I gave the beasts to the ripple, the word was blessed with a black one, I didn't baptifier in the name of God, I left the forces to Darku. Fire Clean unkind words Maternal burns, the child in the flame might purify, the curse dismisses from the shackles, the animals are angry, the darkens will drive his strength, the light of life is illuminating, from attacking the maternal. The wax melts, flows, disappears, so the parental one leaves me, my life does not touch, the troubles will lead their trouble, forever leaves me, so that the word bad power must have no longer, so that the evil has ever said to me anymore. The light of the heavenly existence of my lips will be lit, the mother will return, and I will not touch me more, the words of black, from now on, they are not climbing, like the candle of this to the end, and the curse will disappear. "

Next, you need to make a deep incision on your left hand and squeeze some blood in a vessel with water. Also, a knife should be cut off the curl, burn it, and the ashes throw into the water. The ritual will end when the candle of the knot. Water must be pulled out under dry wood.

Repeat the rite every day until the phase of the decreasing moon. Then take a break until the next one period. It is necessary to clear until the feeling that the mother curse ceased to operate. It is advisable to combine this ritual with a protective rite of the mirror to prevent new magic attacks.

How to remove the curse of the deceased mother:

Death does not stop the negative program. The curse of the mother on the child continues to work, even if the woman has long died. The resulting magic influence is removed using a special rite.



* Capacity C. cold water;

* Handful of coins.

The rite is carried out when the moon will decline. It is necessary to melt on a water can wax and slowly pour it into a vessel with water. At the same time it is necessary to read a plot:

"The wax is a soft curse takes, black pulls out of me, the maternal attack stops, it frees me from trouble."

It is advisable to visualize how dark clots come out of the body. The procedure can be repeated several times: you should be guided by your own sensations. From this wax, pre-softened, you need to make a figurine resembling a newborn. The doll should be the same sex as the sorceress.

The resulting Volta must be frozen. Then you should go on the grave of the mother. Entering the cemetery, it is recommended to leave a few coins from the wicket to the purchases of the horses. On the burial you need to bury Volt, saying:

"My mother in the cradles of Kolya, the milk fed, in the ailments, I knew, I knew my curse, my doubled my head. I will leave my mother, my child is damned, out of evil in me made, the black of your fed, so that it was fed to curse it and further fed, but I did not touch me. "

After forecloser, it is desirable to immediately go to the church and put a candle for the mother's rest. It is necessary to at least try to forgive it: it is in the best world And it will not be able to harm more.

It is difficult to live with the knowledge that the most native person has become the main inadequate. It does not always provide a solid spiritual relationship, but it is precisely because of the proximity of the blood to remove the maternal curse so not easy. But it is impossible to give up: while the person has not lowered his hands, he has every chance of correcting the situation.

Mother's curse is a terrible program that always reaches its goal. What is the essence of this impact? Is it possible to get rid of it?

Mother's curse - what is it?

The usual curse is consciously consciously. His goal is to harm a person, punish for misconduct, revenge. The sorcerer conducts a special rite, creating an energy channel among themselves and the victim. Just opening the way, the black magician can pass the negative. But the mother curse is an impact that does not require any rituals. After all, the relationship with children in a woman is formed while conceived. From this point on, the thoughts and words addressed to the child have an impact on him. In fact, the woman can only formulate the necessary promise, and with his transmission there will be no problems. Mother to raise enough, angry, irritated, get out of himself - and every word aimed at the child, powerfully hit him by running the curse.
Most often, women are ill-impenetively rushed by such phrases: "So that you die!", "Disappearance!", "Probs of the propagation!", "So that your devils took!", "Rise, damned!", "Will you will not be happiness!".
Not necessarily mother hates her child. In many cases, it expresses aggression due to incontinence, excessive emotionality, fatigue. Perhaps a woman will regret the outstanding words and will try to block the guilt. But nothing will help: the curse of the mother of his son or daughter is guided precisely at such moments of the loss of control. And the more often such incidents are repeated, the stronger the negative program will be.

How to protect yourself from maternal curse

The child is absolutely defenseless before his mother. He at the subconscious level perceives her words as truth and does not feel necessary to resist. The mother curse acts even in cases when: the person has grown and lives separately (the connection is still saved); The woman sincerely repent and wanted to pick up his words back (do not return); The family does not believe in magic, including curses (exposure exist independently of the opinions of people).
Because the curse of the mother is considered as terrible: it is extremely difficult to protect against it, although it is not impossible. The main thing is to realize that relations with parents are devastating and what to resist, forgetting about family feelings.
Put full protection from the curse really only if the impact has not yet entered into force (for example, a mother often says something unpleasant and offensive, but it has not yet come to real threats). Also take advantage of the ritual is permissible to prevent exacerbation of the situation (new curses will not overtake a person).
You will need:
Mother's photography;
Church candle.
It is necessary to lean the snapshot of the face to the mirror. Then you need to light the candle and read the conspiracy:
"You gave birth to me, I wore him in the womb, I defended from others, I did not save myself. Once, from now on, your evil with you remains, and it does not concern me, the mirror is reflected. "
It is necessary to wait until the candle will do to the end. The mirror is always recommended to keep with him, especially during conversations with the mother. This is a talisman who will serve as a defense of the curse. The used photo is desirable to give a parent; Do not keep it at home.

Mother curse: signs of impact

It is very important to recognize the induced negative as soon as possible. Usually, people felt that the mother curse takes over them: the symptoms of such an influence are quite obvious.
Basic signs of maternal curse:
Feeling dependence on the will of the parent. Even adults who have their own families and distinguished by a strong character feel that their mother suppresses them. They may not understand why this is happening and what it is expressed: the feeling is purely intuitive.
Words told by mother in anger or irritation come true. Remarking does not come immediately, but at some point a person realizes: he lives the life that he had once predicted a parent. The general poor health, constant problems, depression. Since the maternal curse acts in the same way as damage, then in one way or another it affects all areas of life. The main focus is on the sphere that the parent "smoothed", but part of the power of the destructive program is sent for the overall destruction of the full existence of a person.
Examples of maternal curse mass. Most often there are such situations: the girl leaves her husband's pregnant and returns to the parental house where it is not too loved. Mother says all the time: "Yes, so that you, nor your rating here!" The result is a miscarriage, the birth of a sick child, and in the worst case a generic curse; The son enters the university for a specialty that does not like the mother. She constantly repeats: "You will be without a crust of bread with my diploma to sit, you will not earn money." Result - the guy leads a bench existence and can not get a normal operation; The daughter goes against the will of the mother and wants to marry the "unsuitable" person. The parental in the hearts shouts: "Yes, better would be in girls left forever!" The result is a guy leaves, and the girl remains lonely until the end of his life (the program of the crown of celibacy is turned on).
The curse of the mother exists, and it faces much more people than can be represented. In no case cannot let the situation on the samonek: to cleanse from negative you need as soon as possible. How can you remove the maternal curse yourself
Get rid of the curse of the mother is difficult. Many signs and magicians refuse to carry out a ritual, since the removal of such an impact gives a very strong rollback. It is recommended to search for an experienced black sorcerer, who specializes in working with related magical influences and will not be afraid to take risks.
If there is no opportunity to ask for help, it remains only to try to remove the mother's curse on your own. The procedure is sufficiently long and complicated, but it is necessary to fulfill all the conditions.
You will need: a sharp knife; Church candle; Water container.
The rite involves gradual cleansing from the curse. Conversion to a decreasing moon. It should be lit a candle and pronounce a plot:
"The mother of the child norodila left in her pure field, the dark threw in the forest, I gave the beasts to the ripple, the word was blessed with a black one, I didn't baptifier in the name of God, I left the forces to Darku. Fire Clean unkind words Maternal burns, the child in the flame might purify, the curse dismisses from the shackles, the animals are angry, the darkens will drive his strength, the light of life is illuminating, from attacking the maternal. The wax melts, flows, disappears, so the parental one leaves me, my life does not touch, the troubles will lead their trouble, forever leaves me, so that the word bad power must have no longer, so that the evil has ever said to me anymore. The light of the heavenly existence of my lips will be lit, the mother will return, and I will not touch me more, the words of black, from now on, they are not climbing, like the candle of this to the end, and the curse will disappear. "
Next, you need to make a deep incision on your left hand and squeeze some blood in a vessel with water. Also, a knife should be cut off the curl, burn it, and the ashes throw into the water. The ritual will end when the candle of the knot. Water must be pulled out under dry wood.
Repeat the rite every day until the phase of the decreasing moon. Then take a break until the next one period. It is necessary to clear until the feeling that the mother curse ceased to operate. It is advisable to combine this ritual with a protective rite of the mirror to prevent new magic attacks. How to remove the curse of the deceased mother
Death does not stop the negative program. The curse of the mother on the child continues to work, even if the woman has long died. The resulting magic influence is removed using a special rite.
Required: wax; Capacity with cold water; Handful of coins.
Cold you can when the moon will decline. It is necessary to melt on a water can wax and slowly pour it into a vessel with water. At the same time it is necessary to read a plot:
"The wax is a soft curse takes, black pulls out of me, the maternal attack stops, it frees me from trouble."
It is advisable to visualize how dark clots come out of the body. The procedure can be repeated several times: you should be guided by your own sensations. From this wax, pre-softened, you need to make a figurine resembling a newborn. The doll should be the same sex as the sorceress.
The resulting Volta must be frozen. Then you should go on the grave of the mother. Entering the cemetery, it is recommended to leave a few coins from the wicket to the purchases of the horses. On the burial you need to bury Volt, saying:

"My mother in the cradles of Kolya, the milk fed, in the ailments, I knew, I knew my curse, my doubled my head. I will leave my mother, my child is damned, out of evil in me made, the black of your fed, so that it was fed to curse it and further fed, but I did not touch me. "
After forecloser, it is desirable to immediately go to the church and put a candle for the mother's rest. It is necessary to at least try to forgive it: after all, it is in the best world and will not be able to harm anymore.
It is difficult to live with the knowledge that the most native person has become the main inadequate. It does not always provide a solid spiritual relationship, but it is precisely because of the proximity of the blood to remove the maternal curse so not easy. But it is impossible to give up: while the person has not lowered his hands, he has every chance of correcting the situation.