I have a zodiac sign scales. Scales strong zodiac sign

Planet Weighs

The planet-patroness of the scales is Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and harmony. Scales - sophisticated nature, loving everything beautiful.

Born under this sign always know what to say and how to help others feel relaxed. They are artistic, possess a sense of style and adore the beautiful. But if they are bored, they are immersed in the state of apathy and laziness.

Element of weights

Scales - air sign, And this element gives a person with good intelligence and sociability. Scales love to work head and adore our thoughts with others. Scales are able to lead both convincing arguments and weighty counterproofs, because they live according to the principles of diplomacy and compromise. But they are very easy to convince. Scales prefer to solve pro-blema by negotiation, and they are not offended if they face the opposite opinion.

Scales - Pleasant and Friendly People. But maybe we are sullen, especially when they are commanded. They may be depressed, confusion, irritation. Change of moods - their usual state.

These are active people But rarely do something hasty. May speak for hours, but at the same time they can listen.

Women's scales are completely pretty, sometimes dazzlingly beautiful, and men are slim and elegant. Scales do not like to be sad, mostly benevolent, but do not tolerate, when they are commanded, the weights are high intelligence, but sometimes they are very naive and trust.

Scales, like twins, are a dual sign. Their symbol is two scales that are trying to find a balance. Because there is some amazing change of qualities in this sign. Born under it combine intact - courtesy and almost unacted rudeness, strength and weakness, fun and despondency, huge performance and hopeless laziness. Sometimes it seems that there are two inside each different people. Scales can work hard and stubbornly, and then neo-wondedly, they begin the laziness period. This condition is natural for them, since they need to restore forces, they are difficult to work on such periods to work, but recovering they begin to work with full return.

The main goal Weighs is to find a balance, but rather - harmony in everything. Sometimes it turns into the changeability of the mood. Such a person can be calm, balanced, benevolent, and in a minute to become grumpy, irritable and stubborn. Then everything comes to equilibrium. Becoming soul harmony. Sometimes in an attempt to accept the harmonic and proper resolution of the scale can not accept it. For example, two weights can discuss for a long time, in which metro wagon to meet - at the first or last.

But the symbol of weights has a deeper value - this is an alignment of internal and external. Scales in their essence are peacekeepers. It is primarily important to learn to live in harmony with themselves, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to realize themselves in the world, in the profession. Therefore, the task of weights is the development of ability to more active actions. They have a lot of positive and too little ability to actively do something: defend their point of view, develop the adopted worldview, etc. Their task is to learn how to fight for their beliefs, develop a decisiveness and not to go about others.

Character of weights It consists equally from kindness, tenderness, justice, striving for a clear argument, stubbornly reluctance to capitulate, philosophical logic and indecision.

And they always strive for the truth, to a direct solution, not forgetting at the same time to weigh all the possibilities. But long thinking when making a decision may irritate because they can fluctuate for a very long time. They never take hasty decisions. But if the solution is accepted, then it will be final. They do everything as it should be not to redo anything.

Scales - big lovers argueb Tell some of them that you like some kind of film, and he immediately criticizes him. Start the same film to scold, and it will immediately begin to defend him, but it will always strive for justice.

Scales are quite tied to money. The material of the material often sounds in their conversations. They earn or very much, or very little, and most of the life are on the verge of survival.

Scales do not like extremes. They are very friendly to others, and in response, praise, affection, promotion, admiration, approval are waiting. They need them to admire, you need to feel loved, lucky. The dependence on the world interferes with their originality: they are better working not over their own, but over other people's ideas, improving and improving them.

Scales, as a rule, physically and mentally healthy people. The desire for the golden middle inherent to them usually leads to self-discipline, without letting go to serious violations. However, some scales may abuse food, alcohol, lou-bovy. This is the greatest danger to their health. In general, these people are sick less often, if only do not overeat and disappropriate alcohol, which causes diseases of the kidneys, liver, headaches. But if the scales are ill, then they require attention to the maximum.

The greatest advantage of the scales born under the sign is their desire for justice, peace and harmony. What a lot contributes to their glory diplomats, and thanks to the inimitable sense of style, they are awaiting a wonderful life path.

Male weights

Men's weights need impulse to take the first step. They need approval, positive assessment, moral and material support. This is very important for them. In one degree or another, male scales depend on someone else's opinion and support of the partner.

They tend to seduce each if they are confident that they are in favor of them that they are the point of attention of the elect. There is no partner more charming, generous and adaptable to your feelings than scales. If you do not show interest, the man-scales becomes gloomy and cold.

Male scales are often called the soul of the company. They are combined, friendly, very skillfully avoid acute corners in a relationship.

Men's-scales always have a solution for all your problems and issues. He has excellent intuition, so do not try to deceive it. He is well oriented in life, sees people through and always try to understand you. Will not show excessive emotionality. He hates scene. His sensitive nature is happy when everything is in order and calm.

He uses all his charm during courtship. And although he knows how to handle a woman, on last stage Faces a problem. It all fluctuates before you decide on the last step. The reason for the oscillations is that it is too diligently weighing everything "for" and "against".

If you try to leave him, he will persuade you to stay with the help of such logical and intelligent evidence that it is safe to try to win over it. However, his habit is all rationalized, including love, sometimes can bring to rabies.

His behavior is full of contradictions. Love never bothers him, but he is not the most faithful of lovers. He does not feel deep feelings, and his connection is superficial. At the same time, he does not have anything reprehensible in several connections at the same time. Sometimes such a good sign, as scales, is striking with spiritual worrit.

Life will not be smooth and calm. However, when he is in a state of equilibrium, it is pleasant to live with him, easy and fun.

He can conquer almost any woman. However, having got it, he does not always know what to do with her further. Unwillingness to be cruel can push to conclude an unsuccessful marriage.

He is kind, has a sense of justice, and everything belongs to everyone. Tacty is diplomited, perfectly understands humor. By nature, peaceful, however, is able to fight for justice. Scales keeps the Goddess of Justice in the hands of the Goddess of Justice, so it is like to be unfair for him that kill.

Scales infrequently suffer from a broken heart. If you leave, he will worry, but will quickly forget you. So do not wait for long torments.

Scales are not too interested in your secrets, although at first glance and it seems that he is interested in everything connected with you. However, he does not notice what is happening under his nose. Everyone can notice, but not he.

His findings will be very valid, accurate, intelligent and practical. But he has no desire to find out the motives and identify hidden feelings. It is only interested in the facts.

It is almost impossible to endure a mystery out of it, so you can trust it. But as for your personal experiences, it will be quite difficult with him. You pour him the soul, and he does not notice your inner experiences.

Male scales are quite generous. He gladly spends money on what brings beauty and happiness. But get ready to become a good mistress, since his house will be the center of hospitality at any time of the day and night. However, he does not like too large gatherings. Crowd unfamiliar people Breaks its balance.

The greatest danger in living together and the nearest road to divorce is a mess in the house. For him, it is extremely important how the house is being done. Do not forget about it, otherwise you will quickly lose it. He himself may not be very neat, but believes that you must maintain exceptional purity and order.

He needs harmony to preserve equilibrium. His house should be a beautiful quiet oasis among the bustle of our world.

Scales are always good fathers, and children very benefit from their aggravated sense of justice. They never allow the eldest to offend the younger and support their high prestige discipline. Children get a lot of good, he will always explain to them why he punishes them, and the punishment will not cause anger in the child. He will charm the children with his charm. But in the first place for him there will always be a wife.

And of course, if you fall in love with this man, you ourselves must make absolutely everything for him, right up to a marriage offer.

Woman weights

It is endowed with male logic, able to become a good partner in any discussion. Woman scales can even exceed a man in a conversation, although it is usually very tactful in order to demonstrate its obvious victory over the opposite sex.

It is often the right, so its final decision is always thoroughly thought out. Libra strive to weigh everything twice to make sure that nothing is missed and everything is fair.

Woman scales loved to dress beautifully, having expensive perfume. She is ready to advise anyone who will appreciate her beauty. He loves her body and thinks that it is designed to admire them all. Looking for perfection in trifles. The slightest signs of disorder can lead it to irritation. Scales feel bad in the ugly environment, which is why they seek to earn good to get out of such a situation.

Women scales are gentle and charming, they can get along with any man, reaching this sometimes before self-denial. These are ideal assistants who are happiness in the success of her husband. But if they do not feel loved, they begin to look for happiness on the side and are comfortable pretty quickly. It is impossible to deny her a tendency to inconstancy. She tries to flirt with any attractive man on his way and very quickly moves from one to another, trying to conquer everyone. Her attachment is usually shallow and short. Full-tically, the scales are not interested in a man as such, she just wants her to admire her.

Its the greatest need is to cooperate with a man both in work and love. She is literally not able to live alone. It is created for cooperation. Marriage, from her point of view, this is a joint venture, and the rules in it are the same strict as at any work.

She will take part in all your interests. But do not try to command it. It will not obey, and if you insist, then you will come to even greater stubbornness. The stronger the pressure, the stubborn it becomes. Affectionate words and a soft belief - the only way to overcome its negative attitude.

Its role is to smooth out unpleasant situations and remove you from impulsive actions and ill-conceived solutions.

The most average female scales is very intellectual and has the ability to analyze. She can help in solving your business problems. But her annoying a man talking only about money. She believes that money is intended for spending and shopping, not conversations. Talk about money act on the nerves.

Being a woman is her calling, and here she strives for perfection. This woman is strong, and soft at the same time. At moments of crises, it can manifest steel. But sometimes, hitting a difficult position, can feel absolutely helpless and will passively sit, waiting for help.

She will never break your role in life, and be grateful to her for it. You can always rely on her. Wife-scales are a real treasure, as it has many advantages. For example, she will never open the letter addressed to her husband (this is unworthy); Never belites his secrets to friends, will not lean before the bosses.

One of the most her qualities is the ability to hide your sharp mind for charming femininity.

She will love their children and care for them, but, speaking frankly, they will still be in second place after her husband. However, if you spoil children, it will definitely intervene.

Woman scales can sometimes fall into extremes: either there is too much, or without measure to drink wine, sometimes she will be silent for a long time, and sometimes too much to talk. But such my cops are never delayed for a long time. Scales usually come to equilibrium.

Mutual compatibility

Scales - Aries

Aries persistent and tireless, while the scales are looking for perfection and need calm partners. The radical difference in temperaments leads to the inevitable quarrels. Quite a possible connection and unlikely marriage.

Scales - Taurus

Physically, they are well suited to each other, both emotional, both feel beautiful. But the calf is too big owner and materialist for romantic scales. The scales are reasonable, the stacks and will be able to cope with the fertility and the stubbornness of the Taurus.

Scales - Gemini

Perfect partnership. Both are smart, charming and none of them is distinguished by special jealousy and proprietary instinct. In the character they have a lot in common, and they understand each other perfectly. Excellent connection happy marriage.

Scales - cancer

Cancer prefers to sit at home, and the scales love to travel. Cancer is practical and an economoman. Scales are impulsive and love everything that can be purchased for money. Opportunities for alphabet-bearing a bit. Turning communication and unimportant marriage.

Scales - Lev.

In the collision of characters, scales must give up. This will not be difficult, since scales are basically ready for cooperation. Communication can turn into a very successful marriage.

Scales - Deva.

Virgo can be a grumbling and tedious, with dictatorious inclinations. Scales will not agree with this and will look for approval on the side. Doubtful connection, extremely complex marriage.

Scales - Scales

They have a lot in common. But none of them want to descend from the clouds to the ground. Their love relationship can be somewhat exalted. Communication may turn out, marriage requires a more practical approach.

Scales - Scorpio

Scorpio is too jealous for weights. The carelessness of the scales leads the scorpion into confusion. Scorpio must dominio-deposit, scales - obey.

Between them there is a field of strong mutual attraction. Passionate, violent communication, such and marriage.

Scales - Sagittarius

The problem is that the Sagittarius does not like to stay in one place and seeks to independence. Weighs need a real partner and a pleasant house. If they manage to overcome these differences, that is, a good chance for serious and long-term relationships.

The tendency of weights to laziness annoys Capricorn, accustomed to work without rest. In turn, the scales cobbing the sober practicality of Capricorn. Capricorn will not like the desire of weights to be in society. Too big personal nonsense-style for a successful marriage.

Scales - Aquarius

They must brilliantly approach each other, they have many friends, but it does not prevent them from remembering their personal interests. Sensual connection and good forecast for marriage relationships.

Scales - Fish

Softness, sensitivity and dedication of fish is impressed by the scales. However, fish is a sign that is not prone to dominance, and the scales do not seek to take the leadership. Serious communication is unlikely. Marriage unsuccessful.

Born under the sign of the scales

Bridget Bardo, Mahatma Gandhi, Graham Green, Ferenz Leaf, Mikhail Lermontov, Dmitry Pisarev, Marcello Mastroanni, Eugene about Nile, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde, William Falkner, Dwight Eisenhower, Ivan Pavlov.

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are well understood in psychology and are able to get along with other people due to the congenital tact. They are nice to communicate with them, they are not inclined to exaggerate problems and optimistic. Scales, in contrast to many other people, see the shortest way to achieve their own goal, but in this case it is not about the strength of character. Scales try to surround themselves influential people And find a way to be useful them. If they can not independently cope with difficulties, then with the help of allies they manage to do without much difficulty.

Scales - the most sophisticated zodiac sign, their thrust for grace and art is expressed in everything. If the representatives of this sign of the zodiac have a creative occupation, they manage to receive from work and moral satisfaction, and good income. If things are different, and the chosen profession does not bring them joys, they have a parallel lesson in the shower, which will definitely give their fruits, even if not immediately. Scales slowly, but confidently go in the selected direction, and, as a rule, achieve success.

Weaknesses of character

Scales are indecisive, they are harder to choose from two mutually exclusive options due to the cause. Representatives of the air element are more serious than other people relate to the consequences of their steps, even if there is no real danger. They will fluctuate for a long time in making any decision and consider everything, even unlikely turns of the development of events. If there is a situation where scales do not know how it is better to do, but nevertheless, you need to act, they lose time and exacerbate the problem.

Scales are superficial in communication, but not because of their insincerity. They are self-critical, unsure of themselves, fear comments from the side and do not want to let in their inner world of even the closest people, since very wounded. Similar characteristics have, but, in contrast to the scales, they do not hide their offensive and sincere perturbations. Scales are all kept in themselves, as a result of which they can even get confused and bring themselves to depression.

In personal life

Scales are very charming, pleasant and easy to communicate, and therefore they know how to charming, without pretending to those who are not. It is easy to establish contact at the beginning of your acquaintance, but they are not inclined to show the initiative to approach. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are pleasant presence of the chosen one, but only if we are not talking about his brave behavior. Scales prefer a gradual rapprochement, do not tolerate familiarities, but they know how to appreciate sincere sympathy for themselves. They are incredulous and they need time for thinking.

Scales rarely dominate in love relationship And stretch to decisive and strong people. In their requirements, contradictions are traced in their requirements. We want to be under guardianship and the protection of your beloved, but do not feel pressure from it. At the same time, they are pleased to communicate with soft and delicate people, and such a couple may be on the basis of mutual understanding and tolerant relationships to each other, only when the first difficulties appear quickly, it turns out that it is quickly to solve them.

The most unbearable situation for weights is love triangle. If it happens that the representative of this sign of the zodiac will have to choose between two applicants for his heart, it will fluctuate until the latter and remain with those who show great perseverance. Indecisiveness interferes with the weights in time to put priorities in the right order, as a result of which they often remain unhappy with their choice.

See compatibility of scales with other zodiac signs:

Male scales

A male scales have a flexible warehouse of the mind and easily adjusts to any circumstances. He most often solves their problems with any helpBut one way or another seeks the desired result. He is able to simplify the most difficult tasks, because most of all does not like to complicate life. This person is afraid of difficulties, therefore, what would not be discussed, choose the easiest way, albeit not the most attractive. This applies to relationships with women. It will not spend time and strength, seeking the location of the proud and impregnable representative of the weak gender and is hardly risking to express his sympathy of the one who has a personal life already, even if it is quite appropriate due to circumstances. A man's scales can easily abandon the elect if she cannot cope with its difficulties independently. He does not like unnecessary trouble and does not claim to be a reliable shoulder in his loved one.

A male scales are sociable, there are many people around him, whom he calls her friends, but at the same time he is alone. He is a superficial person who trusts little and is not interested in the spiritual experiences of even the closest people. Despite the seemingly discharge, scales - a very secretive sign of the zodiac, for the external carelessness of which the most unexpected thoughts and intentions can be hidden.

Woman scales

The representative of this sign of the zodiac carefully monitors his appearance: it is elegant, dresses not brightly, but tastefully looks modest, but at the same time charming. The appearance of a woman of scales is a complete display of his inner world. She is intelligent, has congenital tact in communication, he knows how to patiently listen to the interlocutor and delicately give him useful advice. People who are not familiar with it are familiar enough, it may seem like a person who is easy to walk in life, because it is not inclined to exaggerate the problems and sees the shortest way to solve them. In the theory of things, it is exactly that - she thinks soberly, that's just not always knows how to use his own conclusions in practice due to indecision. An ideal companion of life for her can be a man listening to her ideas and helping to embody them into reality.

The work of a woman's weights most often creative, as it is interested in childhood with art and does not like monotonous and boring affairs, even if they are able to bring her good income. The representative of the Sign Sign Likes to surround himself with beautiful objects, elegant souvenirs, and in her house always reigns comfort and order. She is hospitable and sociable, but conversations with her numerous friendlies most often are secular in nature. Woman scales are not inclined to frankly even with the most close people, because it is very raw and few people trust fully.

Video: Scales ♎ Zodiac Sign

Libra This is 7 zodiac sign, male, cardinal. Scalar sign relates to air elements. The sun enters B. libra 23 September. Date (number) of the beginning and end of the scale of scales 23.09 - 23.10. The most pronounced characteristic for all typical signs of the zodiac sign scales are love for harmony in everything, from relationships to life. It is worth considering that the characteristic characteristic of the scale described in this article will be more pronounced precisely in typical scales, i.e. If most personal planets (moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in an individual horoscope are located in the scale of scales.

As a rule, the sign of the zodiac sign scales are friendly and friendly. They easily find a common language with others. Because of his desire for harmony and equilibrium, scales are ready to compromise. But often the desire of the scales to preserve the world and the peace of any price delivers many troubles themselves. People of this sign are inferior to the stronger and decisive signs of the zodiac, it is difficult for them to defend their rights. And due to the unwillingness to go to the conflict, the scales may retreat and surrender. Scales do not tolerate competition and spirit of competitions to them alien, their will is quite weak, which is especially hard for men of this sign.

Libra Slave people, they need support and support in life, need a strong partner next to feel confident. They want to live in love and harmony, surround yourself beautiful things and beloved people. Without a partner or understanding a person nearby, the scales feel lonely and unhappy, especially for women. Weighs need "Tolkach", a person who will not give them too long to think, proditis and imposes confidence in them.

The greatest desire for the sign of the sign of the zodiac scales is a peace of mind. Difficulties and situations of choice, when you need to quickly make a decision knock off weights from the rut. Weighs need quite a lot of time to dare to something. Here, the scales accurately correspond to their symbol - they carefully weighed each option, they think over everything possible paths. But this feature Ensures them in life from many errors that are characteristic of the risky signs of the zodiac.

Libra Diplomatic and tactful people, but these are their superficial characteristics. Due to the desire to like everyone around the people, they try to be with all polite, even with those people who cause their hostility and irritation. For this reason, almost all typical liberal scales. And if the sign of the sign of the zodiac scales smiles to you, even it is possible to say compliments, you should not think that you mean something for him, they can not be different for him, they just need a world with all at any cost.

Creek and Rugan deliver typical pain pain even at the physical level, the scales cannot respond to their opponent and stand up for themselves. In conflict situations, when pressure is pressure, the scales are lost and begin to make a mistake for an error.

In relation to the people around people, the scales are tolerant, they are indulgent to the disadvantages of others, they are easy to concessions, because they believe that "the bad world is better than a good war." People sign of zodiac scales often go to reconciliation first. Peacefulness of weights helps them forgive people.

In relation to their relatives and friends, scales show care, affection and attention. For many misconducts of favorite people, they "close their eyes" often relate to them. But these characteristics are characteristic of a zodiac sign of a zodiac scale, like a keeper of a homemade hearth.

Scales like others aerial signs Zodiac, love communication and maintain friendly relations with people. They can listen, give a wise council and stretch your hand help. But the manifestations of deep heart heat in friendship from typical scales should not be expected. Scales when communicating always keep the distance, perceive their interlocutor with reason and emotionally not involved in his problems. This characteristic is characteristic of all air signs.

In humans, the sign of the zodiac scales have a congenital sense of justice, and it helps them to recognize their own mistakes and ask for forgiveness for weights is not much labor. At high spiritual development Scales objectively evaluate themselves and surrounding people. No wonder the goddess of the fairness of the Femid is depicted with weights in hand and with a bandage in the eyes, symbolizing an impartial assessment. Even the very concept of justice means an unconditional desire for harmony in relations between people. And this is just the basic characteristic of the zodiac sign of the scales.

Justice in astrology is inherent in three zodiac signs - weights, firing and aquarian, but for each of these signs it implies different things. For people, the sign of the zodiac scale justice is the equality of the members of any group, whether it is a family or a working team - no one should humiliate the other, shout, all things should be solved peacefully. For weights, it is important to comply with all the rules of ethics, social norms, law. Because of the fear of breaking the harmony, the scales may not say the whole truth, unlike the Sagittarius, for which justice is synonymous with the truth, sometimes tactless and offensive. And for Aquarius, justice is in the freedom of personality - each individual is free to act as he wants. It can be said that justice for Aquarius is freedom of choice. Aquarius violates social norms and considers it fair.

The justice that personifies libra At the level of the law, cold and reasonable. In fact, with human justice, she has nothing to do. The law is often cruel to people, because Decisions are made formally, mind, excluding all human emotions and feelings. This characteristic rather does not refer not to the qualities of typical weights themselves, but to the concept of law as such, adopted in society (no wonder Planet Saturn in the scales is in exaltation). Although with the low development of the sign of the zodiac scale, such a kind of justice may occur.

Weighs inherent sense of measure, they do not like extremes. Typical scales, as opposed to Aries, a sign that is located in opposition to them will never take risks, it is not characterized by impulsiveness. In life, highly spiritual scales always adhere to the Golden Middle.

People born under the sign of the scalesare capable of not only to love and appreciate the works of art, but also themselves have creative abilities.

Zodiac sign guide Scales - Venus

Venus is a ruler and taurus and weights and also gives the Love Weighs to everything beautiful, which is on Earth. Typical representatives of the sign of the zodiac scales are able to enjoy the beauty of nature, music, poetry, painting. But in contrast to the Taurus, the scales are important not so much physical pleasure from contact with the beautiful, how much is his aesthetic side. Scales get great pleasure by visiting various exhibitions, theaters and concerts. Scales have a good taste. They dress beautiful and elegant.

Libra More than other signs of the zodiac are focused on social norms. Venus helper forces weights to evaluate the world Through their ethical norms that are formed depending on the upbringing, the nearest environment and the spiritual level. People sign zodiac scales are dependent on public opinion, they are afraid of condemnation and rarely go beyond the scope of morality. The management of Venus encourages the scales to behave so that you always like everyone. It is important for them to leave a good impression about yourself. Just this characteristic and does not allow the scales to enter into conflicts, so as not to spoil relationships with others and remain good.

Thanks to his helper, Venus, scales attract attention to a pleasant appearance and charm. And men and women scales very skillfully use this "weapon" in everyday life. Having embarrassed or having granted, they immediately ask for forgiveness, charm their smile and therefore it is impossible to be angry with them for a long time. As the saying goes, "the opposite head, and the sword will not sit"! But with low spiritual development, the scales can use their charm for mercenary purposes.

Career characteristics of zodiac sign scales. Professions, the most suitable weights.

Sign Sign Sign Scales Do not tolerate bustle and hurry, do not work well if you are customized, constantly criticized. Weighs need a calm atmosphere to focus and well execute the assigned task.

Weighs better work in collaboration, because Show the initiative not in their character. Even if the scales will have their own business, then they necessarily need a business partner, more decisive, which will be the organizer, and the scales will be happy to take on the role of the artist, the designer and will be engaged in the creative part of the project.

In general, everyone creative professions Suitable people sign zodiac scales. Among the scales, many famous actors, musicians, artists, writers, poets - actors Sergey Bezrukov and Alexander Mikhailov, poets Sergey Yesenin and Mikhail Lermontov, artists Nikolai Roerich and Victor Chizhikov, author of the Olympic Bears, writer Nikolai Ostrovsky, singer and musician John Lennon, Opera Singer Dmitry Khvorostovsky, etc.

The innate sense of artistic taste allows people to sign the zodiac scales, choose the profession of designer, stylist, makeup artist, fashion designer. Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, born under the sign of the zodiac scales.

The ability to resolve conflicts peacefully, to negotiate, gives them the opportunity to work where they need to show diplomacy. Due to the inherent weight sense of justice, they can choose a profession of a lawyer or judge. And in politics, personal charm of the scales helps them earn the confidence of the people and authority. Bright examples of political figures of the sign of the zodiac scales are Vladimir Putin and Margaret Thatcher.

Characteristics of the financial scope sign of the zodiac. Weight ratio to money.

Typical scales They try to reasonably dispose of their means. Although they will love to spend money on dear paintings, elegant ornaments or campaign to theater, but the scales will always advise with their loved ones or partner for what is better to spend money.

Typical scales are not inclined to accumulation, they love to make gifts with their loved ones, do not regret money on their own people and children, to their home. If the sign of the sign of the zodiac scales is well supported, he will always take it or just give money to need relatives. Typical weights are not peculiar to greed.

What you need to learn the sign of the zodiac scales.

Webly need to try not to manipulate the stronger signs of the zodiac. Due to eternal readiness to compromise, scales are ready to forgive much, but sometimes this trait of character brings weights of grief and trouble. Scales try to evaluate themselves through other people, but the signs of the zodiac scales need to understand that it is impossible to like everyone in the world.

Because of the desire to please everyone, scales may forget about personal needs, causing harmless to yourself. Weighs need to also think about your needs and learn, at least sometimes, to say "no" around.

Publication date of the article " Characteristic zodiac sign scales" 05.07.2012

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The only inanimate symbol in zodiac CircleScales are the second air element sign, writes Para Los Curiosos.

A distinctive feature of representatives of this sign is the desire for harmony in everything. Sensitive to beautiful, inborn diplomats, who have the resistance of the spirit and an increhensible will to victory in any rivalry, scales often act as judges, as well as lawyers at all levels.

Constancy, reliability and creative power - the best qualities of this sign!

1. They converge with others.

Weighs easily like people, because they can make you feel interesting and important. They are beautiful listeners.

Scales are well aware of your feelings and emotions. And they know how to perfectly predict the consequences of their own and other people's actions.

And all because they are very observational and have exceptionally good perception skills. They strive to get closer to people who like them, looking for many friendly relations.

At the same time, they can not tolerate superficial people and exclude you from their circle of communication immediately, if they wonder for you False and hypocrisy.

2. They are very kind.

Scales do not promise to solve any of your problem, but when there is a need - they make every effort to help you. If you need emotional support, refer to the weights. They will dispel your care and doubts!

Nothing disrupts the inner world of weights is stronger than the negative. All people from the environment must have positive energy and avoid conflicts. If this does not happen, the scales are disappointed in humans and stop communicating with them.

3. They are inborn diplomats.

No one copes with awkward situations better than the scales. They are famous diplomats and with ease explain any oddities. At the same time, they hold stylish and elegant.

Weighs likes to be surrounded by other people. Just laughing, discuss all sorts of absurdities for hours or complex questions - that's what makes them happy. Scales - creative souls who need dialogs.

4. They are inquisitive.

Scales - air element, so they always strive for self-development. Of paramount importance is the power of intelligence.

They always retain the ability to think rationally. In any situation, they are looking for and find ways to optimize workers and household processes. It is natural curiosity that allows them not to stick in one place and always move forward.

5. They are disinterested.

Scales are very susceptible and in fact interested in what happens in the life of friends. Even if they have conflicts, they quickly smooth them at the expense of their charisma and kindness.

To help neighbor, weights do not need additional reasons. They are always happy to stretch the hand of help, without requiring nothing in return. But if you try to use them, they will draw you out of their lives.

6. They know how to be friends.

People stretch to the weights when they have problems, because they know how to look at the situation from the outside. Scales are trying to understand all points of view before drawing conclusions.

Naturally, it attracts people, so the scales always have a lot of faithful, reliable friends. And although the scales will not be friends with the scoundrel, for the sake of friends they are ready to negotiate at least with the devil.

7. They have a shared taste.

Scales are under the influence of Venus, which has been identified for a long time from the goddess of love and beauty. Scales appreciate beauty in everything: in friends and loved ones, in art, letter and music ...

Therefore, they pay more attention to the interiors and design. They are proud of their taste and have full right to it! However, they do not hide that they love everything beautiful and high-quality.

8. They are perfectionists.

Scales are always looking for the best, most perfect, the most harmonious way to live life. In their ideal world, everything is balanced and fair. There are no conflicts in this world.

Of course, there is no ideal world. And this is the main disappointment in the life of the scales. Therefore, they constantly seek to achieve personal perfection.

9. They are fair.

Scales are ideal chiefs. They know how to control the energy of other people and at the same time do not use their skill for mercenary purposes.

For weights, justice is very important, so they never require more than those can give.

Scales relate to work with genuine interest and appreciate healthy relations in the team. So they themselves do everything to support harmony and relaxed concentration.

10. These are real romance.

Scales love deep and with all my heart. If you are lucky and one of you loved someone from people born under this sign, you can be sure of: You fell into good hands!

Scales want their partners to know and felt that they care about them. They are capable of small pleasant surprises, and on broad gestures. If you had or continues a novel with weights, know: Whatever happens, you will remember it all my life!

11. They know how to enjoy life.

Scales - as a rule, very cultural people. They appreciate their social environment and nature. They are usually read, well informed and stylishly dressed.

They equally can appreciate the colorful sunset, and a deep educational conversation. It is this ability to find pleasure in everything allows them to maintain relaxation and calm in life.

12. They work on conscience.

Although the scales are often considered lazy, in fact, the whole thing is in choosing a career. If the elected path is suitable for weights, then in your sphere they will achieve any heights!

And the scales always achieve success in social life, because they never stop their achievements on the stairs. They can not tolerate mediocreness and always demand more - and from themselves, and from others.

13. They adore adventures.

Scales can not sit for a long time in one place and do not tolerate monotonousness. For them, life must intervene interesting events, adventures, travel, etc.

Finding a person similar temperament, they can become truly happy. So if you like adventures, hold on to the weighs with both hands! You will not regret!

14. They are very attractive.

Scales often have magnetic appearance, although, of course, not all of them can be called handsome and beauties. Their beauty is in naturalness.

For this reason, they do not need to work hard to make their appearance noticeable. They do not seek recognition intentionally, but still get it. The identity of the scales attracts almost everyone - without exception!

15. They are not egoists.

Scales are loyal partners and lovers who put your needs above their own. But they are not inclined to believe in love at first sight.

In relations, they are careful, and with them you can hardly count on quick sex. They are looking for a truly solid connection. But but finding it, they will surround you with such a concern that others can only dream of.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid - Mystics, specialists in esoteric and occult, authors 15 books.

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Full Common Command Horoscope

Strong planets: Venus, Hiron, Saturn

Weak planets: Mars, Pluto, Sun

Symbol: two scales

Color: Dark blue, green, sea wave, pastel colors

Metal: Copper, Bronze

Landscape:steppe, tundra

Favorable numbers: 33, 7, 16

Adverse numbers: 10, 1

Happy Days: Friday Saturday

Characteristics of weights

Scales born in different decadesdiffer from each other.

On the scales born in the first decade - from September 23 to October 2- Venus affects. These scales are dreaming, benevolent, prone to arts and pleasure.

Important years:

On the scales born in the second decade - from 3 to 13 October- Saturn affects. These scales are balanced, prone to asceticism.

Important years: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.

On the scales born in the third decade - from 14 to 23 October- Jupiter affects. These scales love ceremony, flattery, delicious food. They are ambitious.

Important years: 8, 10, 20, 30, 32, 40, 48, 50, 56, 70, 74.

For all scales are characteristic: diplomatic abilities, intuitive tacty, willingness to make a compromise, the need for emotional interpersonal contacts, the desire for secured, comfortable in all respects of life.

According to the appearance and nature of the scales there are two types:

First type It has the right face features, a small height. As a rule, these are restrained, delicate people. In the crowd, they are easy to learn on the grace of the manner, courtesy. People of this type appreciate and understand the beauty of human feelings and the surrounding world. They are patient and friendly, they love and know how to appreciate beautiful things. It can be said that these are impeccable aesthetes.

People of this type in all strive for harmony and harmony. They know how to solve the dispute, relieve tension in the company, reconcile those who are in a quarrel. And it turns out this is easy and natural. They have undoubted artistic abilities, feel the word, write well. Can give a good advice. Many of them have a singing gift (from Venus). Needless actions they do not commit. To the selected goal go carefully, all silent and weighing.

To physical work they experience hostility. But fond of companies, fun, praise and compliments. Usually focus on the values \u200b\u200badopted in their circle.

Second types Maine, sugary, lazy, usually say with a stretching in a voice. There are often smoky, growth is usually small.

Such scales are subject to mood drops, they are aggressive, hot-tempered in small things. Come on with half turn and quickly cool. These scandalists and Buyan are impossible to stop or shout. For the sake of their own calm, it is better not to touch them for living. In loved ones and children, they redeem their complexes and unrealized ambition, using them defenseless. And their emptiness and vanity mask for goodwill and reluctance to exacerbate the situation.

Exterior of weights

Scales are two types:

First type It has the right face features, a small height. As a rule, these are restrained, delicate people. In the crowd, they are easy to learn on the grace of the manner, courtesy.

Second Type - The mannered, sugary, lazy, say stretching in the voice. There are often smoky, growth is usually small.

Unwanted sign for weights - Double or forked chin, smell on the chin, a big nose, fragile eyebrows.

Sexy horoscope Weighs

Scales - lovers of beautiful, good manners and a calm harmonious setting. In Sex Estet, do not like passions. Not prone to deep feelings, in sex is cool. Sex is not a strong side of their side.

A man born under the sign of the scales

This is a dual nature. On one cup of scales - its grace, elegance, striving for stability, vulnerability. On the other - painful, hidden from all attraction to a woman, thirst for sex. It is dependent on the relationship, from the woman with whom he lives, and which loves. Hence, breakies, jealousy, nervous disorders. Through sex, he drops its constant voltage.

Sex is selfish, seeks to satisfy your own passion. Faithful is not different.

Woman born under the sign of the scales

It is temperamental, but sex is not a goal for her, although it takes a big place in her life. Strong man It is able to subordinate it to himself, and it will be submolded to follow his desires. With a weak partner, she plays a major role. But neither in the otherwise, a man does not get the feeling of completeness, because it is only about physical satisfaction. She is not romantic, cold, selfish, mercenary, loves gifts. Faithful is not different.

Erogenic zones of weights

Sensitive zone of weights - lower back and buttocks.

Horoscope loyalty and change weights

Scales are very hidden and inconsistentSo you need to be prepared for his love novels. They depend on the relationship and if they meet sincere interest in themselves, they will be broken into a love adventure.

Signs of treason: He became indifferent to the family, annoyed, all the time I hurry somewhere - to friends or fishing. From the sense of guilt trying to do something around the house.

Marriage horoscope weights

In charming scales you can fall in love at first sight, they have good tasteThey know the sense in love, know how to conquer verses, flowers, cavities. Scales are happy if their feelings appreciate. They are sentimental and love to leave something in memory of love.

As parents, scales are very tough and demanding.

Male scales- Require love, attention and peace. Large specialists in love, they often give the pleasure of bachelor life. Many of them in marriage become repeated.

Women-scales Feminine and love when they admire. Telling early favorable marriage. Good wives And the mother, if not too twist "nuts".

The best partners for weights - Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Lev, Virgo.

Unsuccessful marriage - Capricorn, Aries.

Horoscope health scales

As a rule, most people do not solve important life tasks that are destined for them, so almost all patroncing planets become weak (flawed).

When departing weights from the line of fate Kidney becomes vulnerable to the nervous system.

Venus, controlling the hormonal system, makes a vulnerable thyroid gland, weakens immunity.

Chiron, responsible for cleansing the bodyThe removal of slags contributes to the development of kidney disease, impaired adrenal functions (which can lead to endocrine imbalance).

Many scales have poor blood circulation, reduced energy. They are often pursued by radiculites.

Weighs need to raise energy, practice the practice of energy collection (qigong, yoga, mowing with cold water, meditation to relax, silence days and privacy, prayer).

Useful herbal teas To strengthen immunity, it is useful to organize apple (unloading) days. Apples are a kind of kidney drainage. In the diet you need to introduce cranberries and lemon.

Professions for weights

Suitable professions for scales:lawyer, judge, lawyer, diplomat, doctor, designer, artist, decorator, designer, hairdresser, beautician, jeweler, gardener, antiquarian, theater agent.

Western horoscope compatibility for weights

Scales - Aries. This is perfect different people. Aries active, emotional, confident. Scales are absolutely not able to make decisions, thinking about them to infinity. As a result, due to the incompleteness of the rhythm of life, the relationship breakslary.

Scales - Taurus. For this pair, complete harmony and happy marriage is possible. (General Strong Planet - Venus). These signs have similar temperaments and goals: household comfort, preparedness for compromise, holidays in a circle of family and friends, quiet, calm joint existence. Common children and joint projects strengthen this union. Quarrels between tales and weights are rare.

Scales - Gemini. Not bad relationship. Difficulties are possible, but they are solvable. Scales and twins are close in spirit, they have a lot of common interests, similar to life looks. Perhaps a great joint future. Stormy passions do not have to wait for the union. Feelings of scales and twins are mutual, but even. It is good, but at times they get bored together.

Scales - cancer. Problematic relationship. Too different people. Disagreements are possible even during the first meetings. Cracks are perceived close to heart. And the scales often twist nuts, can be rigid, indifferent and insensitive.

Scales - Lev.. A complex marriage of two incompatible people. Lion ambitious, scales twist the nuts and seek to limit the freedom of the lion. Different views on life and different goals. Small conflicts can provoke serious problems, up to breaking relationships.

Scales - Deva.. Low-planning union. It will be hard to get along with one roof, although both are about the order in the house and both are realists. But the scales more appreciate the relationship, and the Virgin is attentive to trifles and are ready to sacrifice relationships. Therefore, disputes on domestic issues are a common phenomenon for them. Sex has little compatibility.

Scales - Scales. At the beginning of the relationship everything is fine. But as problems come closer. Scales depend on the partner, they need a reliable support, attention to their problems and friendly participation. These qualities they are looking for a partner, but do not find. Scales are not able to support a partner, so this union quickly disintegrates.

Scales - Scorpio. An unfavorable union, heavy and destructive for lightweight weights. Full dissonance and dissatisfaction with each other. Hence the frequent quarrels, nervous breakdowns, poor well-being, infidelity.

Scales - Sagittarius. Probable Union. Compatibility of elements. Libeles like the wholeness and optimism of the Sagittarius. That's just a shooter may be bored in this marriage.

Scales - Capricorn.. Very heavy union, absolutely destructive for weights. Capricorn Davit, manipulates weights, and the scales are all the time in the role of the victim. From time to time they do not stand and explode. This marriage threatens the scales of the destroyed psyche.

Scales - Aquarius. Good marriage. Strong easy relationship. When they truth to each other, they will be quite happy. Both are hospitable hosts, love guests.

Scales - Fish. Unlikely Union of two different people. They rarely manage to close and create a family. Complete incompatibility and water pressure leads to divorce.

Under the sign of the scales was born: Vergilius, D. Didro, F. Sheet, F. Nietzsche, Y. Lermontov, O. Wilde, D. Verdi, D. Donskoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Eisenhower, J. Gershvin, A. Nobel, N. Bor, P. Merim , N. Rerich, S. Bernard, M. Mastroani.

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