The prayer of the Holy Virgin about children. Maternal prayer is one of the strongest

The most valuable and expensive, which could be a mother is her child. Therefore, she is trying to protect him with all their forces from the troubles and adversity of this world. And in addition to physical protection, many parents resort to such a method like a mother's prayer about the child's health, his well-being. But is it really so strong prayer? How often should it be used? We will try to answer these and other questions.

Prayer we call the appeal in prose or verses to a variety of higher forces (creatures) for help, with gratitude or praise for their acts. The real power of prayer acquires only when it utters a truly believer man. Therefore, in order for maternal prayer about the children to have an action, a woman must necessarily believe in her strength and that it will help.

Prayer may be:

  • public (when it utters a group of people, for example, to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God);
  • private (when the words read a person alone);
  • also, it can also be pronounced by words or read mentally.

In Christianity, however, as in many religions, prayer is an integral part of the human spiritual life of a truly believer. With it, everyone can appeal to God's strength and get a support for further actions or an indication of the right direction.

The sacred books contain a large number of prayer texts in verses and prose, which are used today for various services. Reading these spiritual sources of wisdom, you will receive answers to many important issues, you will be good and calm, you will receive support in complex situations. As Popular Wisdom says: "If you don't know what to do - Pray!"

Rules of reading prayer

Since we most belong to Christianity, the Orthodox prayers will be raised on our land. the greatest strength. However, there are no territorial borders for the person of the believer, since he can communicate with God at any point of space and even in any measurement. At the same time, the church has established certain rules according to which these special texts need to read.

First of all, it is necessary to pronounce prayer. Your face must be addressed to the east - where the sun gets up. For women, it is necessary to cover the head and the presence of decent clothes (for public prayers).

The sacred texts call on believers to pray constantly, so it is possible to do this at any time of the day and before any icon (for example, it is believed that the icon of Kazan Our Lady has great strength). In today's pace of life, a special rule was created, according to which it is enough to pray three times a day (morning-day-day).

Mandatory is to visit Sunday services (public services in the temple) for grace. You can also come to church when you feel in this need, because the doors of this special place are always open to everyone.

Features of home prayer

To any prayer must be prepared. To begin with, it is necessary to read carefully into the text of the prayers about children. Each word uttered by you, you must understand. It should come not only from your mouth, but also from your heart. All major prayers are desirable to learn by heart, so as not to stuff during their reading.

Before proceeding to prayer, try to drive out all the insults from your heart and any bitterness that is present in it. If you want to see the good of God, then you must feel it yourself what it is - to be kind.

Before starting prayer, you must retire, light the lamp and get up opposite the icons. You can pronounce the text of prayers, both alone and the whole family. Such family reading is a kind of public prayer, but in no way replaces individual prayer.

To begin with, squeerty yourself with the procession and make some bowls of the waist or earthly. After that, try to tune in to the inner communication with God. In silence, the realization of the importance of the rite committed.

After cooking, you can become an icon and start reading prayers. At the same time, it is important to clearly utter each word, linked in its essence not only mind, but also in your heart. An important principle of any prayer, including praying about children, is the ability to understand and feel the sacred text. Only such an attitude to spoken words guarantees a positive result. For example, in the last cleaning from the badge, it is necessary to feel this firm in yourself and truly wait for the deliverance from it. And praying for love, try to find it in yourself and understand what you are waiting for your request.

Also during prayer you need to be very concentrated. It is believed that the one who reads the text diffuse and inattentively will not be heard by the Lord. The human mind is constantly busy, so you need to be prepared for what you can distract. At such moments, try to further focus on the process and lead your thoughts into a quiet state.

No need to look at the clock all the time, so accept such a pose so that you can stand in it long enough. If you find it difficult to call the feeling and feelings about which is going in the text of prayer, try to read prayers throughout the day to penetrate their meaning. General prayers read a lot and is not recommended in a row. It is better to interrupt them with personal appeal to God.

The priests recommend not only to pray (reading the text set by a certain order), but also to talk with God in his own words. So you can tell the Lord about your aspirations, troubles and joy. Communication with God should be carried out constantly to maintain your connection at a sufficient level. The stronger it, the better the result will be from your prayers.

To the question "Is it possible to pray to God in your own words?" Many holy fathers respond to affirmatively. After all, today not only those texts are common that exist in the Holy Scripture, but also those that were uttered by some holy fathers. Over time, they became familiar prayer for many.

It is important to remember that prayer is a work in which four main components must participate: feelings, will, mind and body.

In order to pronounced by a person, the words brought in the future it is desired, then the purity of the heart should be supplemented with the depth of personal faith and the experience of all spiritual life. Under such conditions, the strength of prayer will increase repeatedly.

Maternal prayer is one of the strongest

There are a few parable about how strong maternal prayers are. In this case, it is important to believe in what you do, and ask God for help to protect your children from possible misfortunes.

The stronger your children need help (sick, turned from the right path, cursed), the diligence it is necessary to pray. This explains this as follows:

God cares about his children and even with all our evil or just bad deeds is not turning away from us. So we must constantly think and pray for our children, forgiving them misdeed.

Going through the wrong path, the child, after he grows, will live his life, meet with God and will answer before Most High independently. But for the fact that the mother will curse the child, even if his behavior is unacceptable, already answering the mother. After all, the education of a child is a big responsibility, and going to introduce it into this world, you should be ready to take it on yourself. And if something does not work in the life of your children, then there is also your fault. You need to start more diligently pray for a child and about yourself.

Who needs to pray for children?

In order for prayers to possess the greatest force, it is necessary to contact a specific icon. There are some recommendations to whom and when it is better to pray (for example, the Kazan Mother of God appeals when a person needs intercession in grave times).

The strongest are prayers in front of the images of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Moreover, you can contact any icon in prose or verses, where our Lord is depicted or the Queen of Heavenly. The Mother of God is considered the patroness of women and motherhood, so most and most often with prayers about children are addressed to her. Also, the Maternal Prayers may also give the icon to "Watch the Baby", which is dedicated to motherhood at all.

Mother of soldiers who serve in hot spots often appeal to the Kazan icon. She always prayed the great commander, going to the war or before the start of the battle. In addition to victory, the Kazan Mother of God asked to reduce the losses and preserving the life of soldiers.

Many mothers, seeking to take care of children and protect them from the troubles and misfortunes, treat the icon of the "sign with God's Mother of God", which is one of the most revered in our country.

But the icon of the "sinner backup" is not so popular as the icon of the Kazan Our Lady, but it can become the last hope for those who committed great sin Or needs a quick release of sins (for example, to a complex operation).

Baptism rite - what is it needed for?

Often, so that the child is grew up healthy and has been protected from insidious intentions of evil forces, his parents are sacred. Of course, when baptized, the baby does not get one hundred percent protection, but it contributes to improving its health and ability to resist diseases and negative impacts from.

This rite is one of the seven sacraments, which are adopted in the Orthodox Church. Its essence is that when baptized, a person "dies" for sinful life and is born again to lead the life of righteous and getting salvation. After passing this rite, a person will be able to get to the kingdom of heaven.

This action is referred to this effect because the impact of God's forces on a small person is being invisible, mysterious. Mandatory with baptism is the assignment of the name of the saint that will protect it in life and will become its guardian angel. In the future, he will help parents in care for children, suggest the baby, and then an adult man, the right path, which ultimately leads his soul to salvation. Baptize or not? This decision has always been for parents. But for painful babies, baptism is allowed even immediately after childbirth, in order to help him adapt to the conditions of this world.

Maternal prayer for your cat

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of your mother's most will hear me, the slave your unworthy and sinful (your name).

Lord, in your mercy and in power my child (his name), hindle, please, and save it for your name.

Lord, pray, forgive all the seashests to him, who perfectly or unwittingly, before you.

Lord, put him on the way true, consisting of your commandments and inspire him and enlighten to Christ the Light, to save his soul and body healing.

Lord, in his house bless and around the house, yes on the field and during work, yes on the road and in place of your own.

Lord, save him under your holy cover from the bullet flying, the arrows accurate, the knife of sharp, the sword of the long, poison of a strong, hot fire, the flood of uncontrolled, from the ulcers, deadly and death in vain.

Lord, to protect him from all enemies, visible and invisible, from all sorts of troubles, evil and misfortunes.

Lord, I pray to heal it from various diseases, to clean up from every bad (tobacco, wines and drugs) and facilitate the spiritual suffering of His and sorrow.

Lord, giving him the same Holy Spirit for many years of life and chastity, and health.

Lord, give him a blessing of his pious and happy family life and childbearing.

Lord, giving me, sinful and unworthy of your servant (your name), the blessing is parental for the Chad of mine in the coming morning, day, evening and night, for your name, because the ever kingdom is yours, it is omnipotently. Amen.

Lord, nice me (12 times).

Prayers about children are petitions of parents addressed to God and its ascetic. So, let's understand what a prayer should be so that it turns out to be heard.

"Strong" prayer for children

We begin, perhaps, with such a thing as a "strong prayer for children." Unfortunately, modern mothers and dads, far from church life, misunderstand the meaning of prayer, equating her to the spell. For them, prayer about children is not a living communication with God and His saints, but a set of magical words, saying which their child "automatically" should be happy, healthy, rich (and then on the list). Therefore, if you are talking about a certain "strong" prayer, you need to understand that it does not have an even account for Orthodoxy. However, while maternal prayer, indeed, has an incredible force! Sometimes real miracles occasionally happen on Mothers Prayers. Paradoxically, isn't it? In fact, everything is very simple ... The maternal heart, compassionating and sympathizing with his child, sincerely and with repentance praying to God, can create an impossible! Therefore, if you want your prayer for children to be strong, you need:

- Pray with attention, and not just pronounce words like spells. Innegrated into the text of prayers compiled by the people saints and pious, try to miss them through your heart.

- Pray with repentance, realizing yourself as sinful for " God proud to oppose, and humble gives grace"(1Pet.5: 5)

- Pray regularly and relentlessly, because Christ himself said " Ask, and it shall be given you; Search and find; knock, and dismiss you ..."(MF.7: 7)

- Pray primarily to God. The prayer of the Mother of God, the Holy and Angel Guardian will not replace the Creator prayer!

"Try to lead a pious Christian life, observing the main commandments - to love God with all your heart and love the neighbor. A, sinful - go. We also have a church life: regularly confess, compete, read the gospel. All this brings the Christian to righteousness, and the Apostle Jacob said: " Many can enhanced prayer righteous"! (Jac.5: 16)

What are the prayers for children:

  1. Prayer in your own words (but sometimes the heart asks to pray for a long time, and we lack words to express our feelings. Then it's very good to pray for prayer - those prayers that have already made the holy fathers for us)
  2. Prayer before a certain icon. For example, is great amount Icons of the Mother of God. Each of them has its own story ... By good tradition, some of them pray for children. But, you need to understand - we pray to the Virgin before the icon, which configures us to a certain way. We do not pray the icon itself. This is distinguished by the Orthodox prayer for children from magic spells that make tremendous harm!
  3. Akathists. It is praising (long enough), which pray standing. Any mother can choose akathist who will pray for their children. It may be akathist to the Lord, the Mother of God or someone from the saints.

As you can see, the strong prayer of the mother is primarily spiritual work, and not a set of certain "magical" words. But, we will not be discouraged - everyone this work is under power!

Prayer first:

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mother of God, save and save under the blood of your children (names), all the departments, sorties and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.
Mother of God, enter me into the image of your celebrity motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins are applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestial patronage. Amen.

Prayer for the Children of the Virgin Two (before the icon of the Mother of God "Education")

In front of this image, the Virgin people pray for any needs and problems in raising children

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mary, save and save under the blood of your child of my (names of them), all the details, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters are wearable. The face of your motherhood's face, keep them in the risk of God and in obedience to the parent, the son of your son and our Lord, but gives them useful to their salvation. I hand them with your mother's look at your motherhood, Yako you are the divine cover with your slave. Amen.

Prayer about the children of the Virgin Treater (in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Abbreviation of the mind" (or "the grocery of the mind"))

There is a kind tradition - praying the Virgin before in this way if a child has difficulty learning

The Mother of God is the prechist, the house, the Eagle to create the wisdom of God, gifts of the spiritual surgery, from the world to the premium mind our elegant and all to the knowledge of the mind leading! We receive prayer singing from us, unworthy of your slave, with faith and the aspiration of those who are reputable before yours. Our son of our son and our God, yes gives the authorities to our wisdom and strength, truth and unlocking, the shepherd wisdom spiritual, jealousy and spelling about souls, mentor a humble dancer, hearing obedience, all of the spirit of mind and piety, spirit of humility and meekness, spirit Purity and truth. And now, the haul of our mother, give us the mind of adding, umiri, connecting into the enmity and division of land and put them a lubva community unresolved, all the truths of Christ, fear of God, abstinence and hard work, the word wisdom and degraded knowledge Asking Darui, the autumn of us is forever joy, the cherubes of the honest and seraphim of Slavnya is judged. We, wondrous business and the multi-minded wisdom of God in the world and life of our vidny, eliminate the earthly fuss and excessive everyday care, and the mind, our heart on heaven erected, IKO Yako, and your glory and helping glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for all in Trinity The Slavima God and all the creator is delivered, now and is confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer about the children of the Virgin Fourth (before the icon of the Mother of God "Otrada" (or "consolation"))

Before this mother's icon is asked to the Virgin about any help for their children.

Hope to all the end of the Earth, the Most of the Virgin Mary, consolation and robustly our! Do not be rush to the sinners, we hope for your Bo mercy. Ugashi, sinful and repentance, our hearts, our hearts. Clean your mind from sinful thoughts. We use the prayer from the heart and heart with frosting to you. Budi Guodatais about us to your son and God and turn the anger from us by Mantni Prayers. The Orthodox faith is strengthened in us, put in us the Spirit of God, the Spirit of humility, patience and love. Success and bodily ulcers healed, sculpting a storm of evil attacks of enemy. Bye, the burden of our sins and won't leave us until the end perish. Giving us the mercy of yours and the holy blessing of our all the provision of the upcoming and praying and always staying with us, submitting a fission and consolation coming to you and consolation, help and interference, and Slavim and Major DSI to the end of our rehabilitation. Amen.

Prayer Fifth of the Children of the Mother of God (in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Mammal")

There is a kind tradition - to contact the Virgin before this icon, including mothers who have not enough breast milk

We accept, Mrs. The Mother of God, the tear praying of the slaves of yours, to you driving. Zirima to the Holy icon, on his hands wearing and the male eating your son and the god of our, gentlemen Jesus Christ. Moreover and painlessly gave birth to him, the obscuration of the matery of the weight of the weight and the weakness of the sons and the dashing of human zrishi. TOOLY WHAT FIGHTING TO THE COLLOGY DIRECT DIRECTLY AND DESIGNING TO THAT FORMING, MOLYMA MAY, ALLOWN VORDADY: Us, sinners, convicted in diseases in the disease and in the sovereign Nutrition, ours, are mercifully and compassionately stand out, our babies, Trojkde and the birth of them And bitter grief to get rid. They give them health and blessing, and the centhythmia from the strength due to the age will be, and they will be powered by joy and consolation, Yako and now the victim of your mouth and the missing Lord will make her praise. O Mother's Son of God! Soaring on the mother of the Sons of Human and the Slendy People yours: the diseases of the diseases will soon be healed, putting sorrow and sorrow of quench on us, and do not despose tears and the ripples of your slaves. We hear us on the day of the sorrow before the icon of the fallen, and on the day of joy and getting rid of the grateful praise of our hearts. Ascertaining our molves to the throne of our son and our God, and my gracious will be a sin and weaning our own and try his grandmother's name, IKO and we and we, and they will glorify you, mercifully intercession and the faithful hope of our kind, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for children Nikolai Wonderworker

On all-grade Father Nicolae, Shepherry and the teacher of all, faithfully trying to your intercession and the heat of the prayer for you, soon sweat and relieve the flock of wolves, whipping E, and all the country, Christian fences and save the holy prayers from Mirskago Mircago, Cow, invasion Incillachnikov and internecine brass, from glad, flood, fire, sword and in vain death. And Jacns pardoned the Treek of the husbands, in the dungeon of the grayers, and delivered them to the Tsareva Angel and the post of swordso, taco, in the darkness of the sins of the sins, and save me the wrath of God and the eternal execution, IKO and your petition and Help, with its own mercy and grateful, Christ is a quiet and sinless life will give Mi, an excitement in Either Sech and will relieve the Schuyago standing, it will prompt the Sandago with all the saints. Amen.

Prayer for children angel keeper

Angela of God, the keeper of my Chad ( name) Holy, to comply with his (her) from God with heaven, given! I diligently pray to you: you (her) enlighten it, and from all slander Save, to the good act to Nastavi, and on the path of salvation to move. Amen.

Prayers about children other holy

Prayer Martyr Gabriel Belostoksky

Baby Baby Custodian and Martyr's Martyr's Macre Macre, Blessed Gabriel. The countries of our Adamanta Precious and Jewskago wretchedness to accuse! We are sinful to you prayerfully resorting, and about Gresheh your crushing, the most admitted, the love of the call: our squeezes do not rush, clean the treasure; Our facilitance is not Omeri, long-suffering to the teacher; But now, I have a weakness of our heaven, seeing those healing to give us a prayer, and your thoughts of loyalty to the imitatives of us to teach us. Increes, patiently, the cross of temptations and the malfunction to inconsistencies do not have it, Obache and then mercifully your help is not listened to us, the gentlemen of God, but the Lord's freedom and we will succeed: the same and praying for the children of their mother hear, healthy and save the baby from the Lord Creatibi : Strain the hard heart of the heart, herself hearing about your flour, holy infant, will not fail. And in addition to this Umelennago, the reebellion of the Bolago Act is to bring, but also such a mounted thoughts, our minds and hearts, blessed, transfers, to correct the lives of our gratefulness of God to God: inherent in us about the salvation of the soul and about the glory of God, jealousy tireless, and about The hour is the MEMORY MEMORY COMMUNICAL STANDING POINS us, the very very same in the deaths of our Torzania Demonstice and thoughts of despair from the shower of our concern of your discharge, and this is the hope of the Divine forgiveness of Sprout, but hedgehog and then, and now I give the mercy of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. And your strong intercession, forever. Amen.

Prayer Rev. Sergia Radonezh

To St. Sergius Radonezh addresses and in the event that children have problems with studying

Oh, sacred glavous, reverend and the gardener of our Sergius, your prayer, and faith and love, Lucky to God, and the purity of the heart, on the ground, in the abode of the Holy Trinity of the soul, your arranged, and Angelskago Communication and the Most of the Virgin Away, and Dar The miraculous grace of the adherent, at the expense of yours from the earthly Napa to God approximate and the heavenly forces joined, but from us the spirit of LUVE is not retreating, and honest your power, Yako vessel grace is full and overcome, we are left! Having having a boldness to the furnace lords, moths save his slave, which is graceful in you the believer and to you with love flowing. We succeed as we succeed as a god of the god of our god, everyone and Komugoto well-consistent: the faith is immaculate observance, the hazards of our statement, the world is a dedication, from the glad and the harvester, from the invasion of the invalid conservation, which will be confused, affecting the healing, fallen defending the truth Rescue Return to Protecting Strengthening to Delech Good Surveillance and Blessing, Baby Education, Young Guidelines, Ignorable Experience, Orphans and Widridness, descending from this time of life to eternal good preparation and farewell to the blessed rest, and all of the prospective prayers SPIs on the day of Strashnago Court of Shius Parts Relief, the gums of the same country People's general and blissful voice of the Vladyka of Christ to hear: "Take a blessing of my father, inherit the kingdom of the world." Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Blessed Ksenia Petersburg

Oh, Holy All-Said Mother's Ksenia! Under the shelter of the Most Himmalo, living, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, glad and thirst, the chloride and intense, the urgent and persecution has undergone, the gift of the witness and the wonderfulness of God to be happy and under the senion of Almighty. Now the Holy Church, Yako binded color, glorifies the forthestion at the site of the burial of yours, in addition to your saints, Yako, living with us, pray: We will accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the Milosity Father of Heaven, Jaco Conscription to him , I'm going to run to you eternal salvation, and on the benefit of affairs and undertakings, our generous blessing, from all sorts of troubles and sorrows, getting rid of the saints of your prayers before the Savior Savior Out of Us, unworthy and sinful, Pomso, Holy Blessed Mother's Ksenia, Babies, Saint The Baptism of Ozarith and the sector of the gift of the Spirit of the Holy Administration capture, the rasters and the sorties in the faith, honesty, the god fee and the chastity of raising and progress in teaching them to give; The sore and illuminating heal, family love and consent of the low seeds, the monastic feat of the good, hurt the ward and from the stuffing of the fence, shepherds in the fortress of the Spirit approve, the people and the country in the world and serenesting the saints of the Saints of the Saints of the Saints Hope and hope, soon hearing and getting rid of, thanks to you, with you, with you, Slavs Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Maternal Prayer for Children

Prayer first (blessing of children)

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of the Mother of Tweeching Mother I hear me, a sinful and unworthy slave.
Lord, in the grace of your power of Chado my, hindle and save his name for your sake.
Lord, forgive him all the sins, free and involuntary, committed before you.
Lord, to nasty him to the true path of the commandments of your and the pleasures of him and enlighten it with the light of your Christ, in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body.
Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, at school, in the field, in work and on the road, and at every place of your ownership.
Lord, save him under the root of your holy from the flying bullet, arrows, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from deadly ulcers (rays of the atom) and from in vain death.
Lord, to protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of trouble, angry and misfortunes.
Lord, healed him from all diseases, to cleanse from all sneakers (wines, tobacco, drugs) and facilitate his mental suffering and grief.
Lord, give him grace of the Spirit of your saint for many summer life, health and chastity.
Lord, multiply and strengthen his mental abilities and bodily powers.
Lord, give him your blessing for pious family life and pious childhood.
Lord, Darui and me, unworthy and sinful servant, your parent blessing for Chado at the moment of the morning, day, evening and night name for your sake, because your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnipotently. Amen.

Mother's prayer for children Second:

God! The creator of all creatures, accompanying grace for grace, you have done me worthy to be the mother of the family; Your goodness gave me children, and I dare to say: they are your children! Because you gave them being, revived by the soulless soulless, revived their baptism for life, according to your will, adopted them and took his church in the bowels, Lord! Save them in the gracious state until the end of life; There is someone to be parties to the sacraments of your covenant; consecrate your truth; yes hire in them and through them holy name Your! Nissed me your graceful help in their upbringing for the glory of your name and the benefits of the Middle! Gone to me for this purpose ways, patience and power! Teach me to put in their heart the root of true wisdom - your fear! Ozari them with the light controlling the universe of your wisdom! Yes, you will be in your whole soul and your thinking; And you will flip to you with all my heart and in all my life your words will tremble! Give me a mind to convince them that the true life is in compliance with your commandments; That the work strengthened by piety delivers in this life a serene contentment and in eternity - inevitable bliss. Discover them the mind of your law! Yes, by the end of the days of their own in the sense of all of your own! Nasadi in their heart horror and disgust from any lawlessness; Yes, they will be immaculate in your ways; Yes, they always remember that you, all-god God, Jesetter of the law and the truth of yours! Observe them in chastity and reverence to your name! Yes, you do not spoil your behavior of your behavior, but yes live according to her prescriptions! Forew their hunt for useful doctrine and prevent any kind of good deed! May they acquire a true concept of those subjects that are necessary in their state; Let they enlighten the knowledge of benefactor for humanity. Lord! Umudri me brief with indelible features in mind and the heart of my children's fear of the Commonwealth with those who do not have any fear of your fear, inspire them all the removal from every union with lawlessly. Yes, they do not hit rotten conversations; Yes, they do not listen to people frivolous; Yes, they will not be seduced with your bad examples; Yes, they will not be seduced by the fact that sometimes the way of lawless landscape in the world!

Heavenly! Give me grace in every very much to serve my seduction to my actions, but, constantly having in mind their behavior, distract them from delusions, correct their errors, to curb their perseverance and the incidence of them, to bring them to the desire for fussy and frightness; Yes, they are not fond of insane thoughts, but do not go after the heart of their own, but they will not be ingenected in their distraction, and yours will not forget and your law. Does not destroy the lawlessness of the mind and health of them, but they will not relax the sins of the spiritual and bodily forces of them. The judge of the righteous, punishing children for the sins of parents to the third and fourth kind, turn off such a kara from my children, do not punish them for my sins; But the sprinkles of their dear grace, and they succeed in virtues and holiness, and they grow in favor of your favor and in love of people of pious.

Father generous and all of mercy! By the feeling of the parent, I would like to children with my every abundance of the lot of earthly, wanted them blessings from the dew heaven and from Tuka earthly, but will be with them the Holy Will of yours! Their fate of their favor in your favor, do not lish them in the life of urgent bread, send them all the time for the acquisition of blissful eternity, be merciful to them, when they sin in front of you, do not impute them to the sins of youth and ignorance, bring them to the crushing of their hearts when will oppose your goodness to your goodness; Karai and Millui, sending them to the way well-beneficial to you, but do not reject them from your face! Take them with the favor of the prayer, give them success in every kind; Do not turn your face from them in the days of sorrow of them, and they will not comprehend their temptations above their forces. Autumn your grace, yes, your angel goes with them and keep them from every misfortune and an evil way, all-sell God! Having made me mother, having fun about his children, let them eat my life in the days of my life and I support my old age. Acknowledged me, with a hope for your mercy, to appear with them on the terrible court of your trial and with unworthy daring to say: here I am my children who gave me, Lord! Yes, inexpressible goodness and everlasting love of yours inexuredly with them, excellently overlook the Most Holy Name, the Father, the Son and the soul of the Holy, forever. Amen.

For our readers: Prayer for the Most Holy Virgin about the children of his detailed description from various sources.

For her mother, her child is pride and the only sweat. And in order for the life of the baby to develop successfully, accompanying success, dreams came true and managed, the parent prayer for Pado is needed. It will help in any, even the most difficult and difficult situation!

How to pray

Mothers need to know Orthodox prayers and communicate with God, screamed for his Chad all the best, pray for the salvation of his soul.

Milk follows in a relaxed atmosphere, at home at the iconostasis or in the walls of the temple. It is advisable to keep a candle in your hand or burn the lamp.

The Mother of God is three joy

According to the established tradition, the maternal prayer for children is assumed by the icon of the Mother of God. If the prayer is made in the child, then after reading it should be cutting the child.

Articles in addition:

  • Prayers of God's Mother of Children
  • Mother's prayer for Nikolay Wonderworker about his children

Texts of prayer

Prayer Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Budy your mercy on my children (names). Save them under your telescope, seating from all Lukavago wrapping, unloading from them all the enemy and the sacrup, the ears and the eyes of the heart, donate the dignification and humility of them. Lord, we all create yours, pity the children of my (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy of my children (names) and enlighten your mind the light of the mind of the Gospel of your Gospel and to Nasty them on the path of the commandments of your and teach them, Savior, Create Your Will, Yako you are our God.

Mother's Mother's Prayer for Children

Mother's prayer about his

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother of Mother of Mother to hear me, the sinful and unworthy of your slave (name). Lord, in the grace of your power of Chado my (name), hindle and save his name for your sake. Lord, forgive him all the sinners, free and unwitting, who committed by him before you. Lord, to mention it to the true path of the commandments of your and the pleasants and enlighten it and enlighten with the light of your Christ, in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body. Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, work and on the road and every place of your possession. Lord, Save him under the cover of your holy from the flying bullet, arrows, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from deadly ulcers and from vain death. Lord, to protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of trouble, angry and misfortunes. Lord, healed him from all diseases, to cleanse from all sneakers (wines, tobacco, drugs) and facilitate his mental suffering and grief. Lord, give him grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity. Lord, give him his blessing to a pious family life and pious childbirth. Lord, Darui and me, unworthy and sinful servant, your parent blessing for Chado My in the coming morning, days, evenings and nights, the name of yours for the sake of yours, because your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnipotent. Amen. Lord have mercy.

Holy Great Martyr Varvara

The holy glorious and all-willed Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! The collected in the temple of your Divine People and the Race of the Poles of your twisted and with the love of kissing, the sufferings of your martyr and in their Samago passionworthy of Christ, Davshago, do not sharpen it in him Verovat, but also suffering from him, praise chewing, molim , well-known desires of our ability: moths with us and about us being shovel from our landscaping of God, and graciously hear us, asking him to be alleviating, and the needful petitions will not let from us, and gives the Christian death of the belly to our painless, the restless, Mirna, the Divine Tain is involved, and everyone in every place, in every grief and the circumstances requiring his humanity and help, the great will give mercy, and the grace of God and your warm concept, the soul and body is always healthy, Slavs Divnago in the saints of his God Izrayev, not a removal of helping from us always, now and is dreaming and forever. Amen.

Righteous Simeon God Approach about the patronage of children

Oh, the great waters of God, Simeon! The throne of the Victims of Tsar and God of our Jesus Christ, he was keen to the umashi to him, in the arms of our our sake of salvation, who spent the famous. To you, the taste, the same multi-member concept and strong about us prayer, we are resorting, sinning and unworthy. The moths of his goodness, Jaco, will turn his anger from us, righteously by business on us is driven, and our despite of our contingence, will turn us on the path of repentance and on the path of the commandments of their commandments will approve us. We fence the prayers of our belly in the world, and in all the good, the good achievement is as soon as possible, all the gods need to give us a blessing. Jacques Alder Veliky Novograd phenomenon The miraculous Icons of Tweese from the destroying of the mortgago moved Esi, Tako and now we are all hazards and weights of the country who are interested in all sorts of misfortunes and misfortunes and in vain death by your victim to save, and from all the enemy visible and invisible cover your protection. Yako yes, a quiet and silent life, live in every piety and purity and, taco in the world, a temporary life of the preached, in eternal reached peace, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe celestial kingdom of Christ of our God. He is also apparent to him with his father and the Most His Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer for children angel keeper

The Angela of God, the keeper of my Chad (name) holy, on compliance with his (her) from God with heaven given! I diligently pray to you: you (her) enlighten it, and from all slander Save, to the good act to Nastavi, and on the path of salvation to move. Amen.

Power of maternal prayer

The maternal heart "hurts" due to childhood problems, even when the child grows and is somewhere far away. The Almighty and His Holy Getths do not remain indifferent when loving mothers ask them for help.

Maternal Mollet for a sick child saves even in the case when doctors are powerless to help.

Holy Martyr Trifon

Vera Mother - Great Power! Her appeal to heavenly forces bless the daughter for a successful marriage, will help in difficult births. She is able to hide the sons from enemies and human deception, will save from the demonic goat.

Mother, praying for his Chad in the morning, protects them from trouble for the whole day, and the sled to sleep from his beloved chad the night fears and will contribute to a calm, sweet sleep.

The key to the success of the child is the maternal blessing. Whatever affairs are scheduled for a child, with a blessing they will all go smoothly and successfully.

For help in learning children:

  • Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker on Help
  • Prayer Sergia Radonezh about the success of studies

Heavenly patrons of children

With all sorts of troubles and misfortunes, it is customary to ask for intercession from heavenly patrons.

The main thing is to understand the importance of the problem and know which one of them is better to appeal.

St. Nicholas Wonderworker

The Virgin Mary will save from bodily diseases.

It is she who is famous for the wonderful healing of the ailments. It is recommended to place her holy face over the children's bed to get rid of the killy. It was the Queen of the Heavenly that will contemplate every minute to the patient of Pado and to preserve him before his son.

Martyr Trifon will help the sick child in case, because of a serious illness, he found himself on a hospital bed.

It is necessary to contact him and before the upcoming surgical intervention. The sick child under the auspices of the saint easily transfers the operation and quickly recover.

Savior is unspecified to save the child from a detrimental preference, will arouse him, hens off the bad effect of disadvantaged buddies.

The Creator will send True to the path, exhausted forgotten about respect for the elder child.

The prayer of the guardian angel will be useful for the protection of Chad in his daily concerns, it is he who will constantly patronize the child.

Holy Matron Blessed

After all, from the sacrament of the Holy Baptism and until the Ascension to the Heavenly Resident, the guardian angel leads to salvation, protects against temptations and sends to the right track.

  1. Nikolai Wonderworker on fiery maternal prayer will save Chado in far travel, be it hike, travel, military service.
  2. The Matron Matrona will help in healing from viral diseases, heal the cold will take the frequently encountered seizures of cramps in babies.
  3. About the security of the Son, it is necessary to take Moluba Georgia Victorious. It is he who takes care of the security of boys, young men, men.
  4. Ksenia Petersburg, Christ for the sake of oborudy, will help children suffering from mental disabilities or physical injuries. She will definitely calm the sufferers and facilitate their fate.
  5. The Holy, whose name is the child is baptized, there will be a whole life to follow the Chojo, set up in his honor.

Also see:

  • How to determine your heavenly patron
  • How to instill a child love for God

Starting a prayerful work, each prayerman dreams of an instant result. But it happens very rarely. The Lord Everything knows about the need for every person and decides that he really is required.

Many people weak in faith think that the Creator simply does not hear their prayers. But this is far from that. An ordinary layman is not able to fully realize and correctly interpret the situation in a certain time.

Blessed Ksenia Petersburg council! You can not raise on God, this is a huge sin. He will give a request only when he considers it necessary to do it. Therefore, without Ropot, pray and will be rewarded by each of him.

In the family, the mother and father must bring up faith in the child and love to Christ in the child. Parents are obliged to indicate children that there is truth, and that sin. Children must also learn from their parents.

Interesting articles:

  • How to teach children prayer
  • How to tell children about God
  • What to read children about Orthodoxy

Important! Parental prayer and blessing is the strongest charm. Blessing children, the mother seems to eat the growing soul of the Holy Spirit. And then the favorite child will illuminate the lives of happy smiles, faith and high achievements.

Look at the video O. orthodox prayer For his child.

Prayers of the Virgin about children

Every woman dreams to experience the joy of motherhood. But today, bad ecology, bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle and the mass of other factors do not allow representatives of the beautiful sex of humanity to feel tenderness, affection and selfless love of their children.

When official Medicine Unable to help, the spouses turn to the adherents of folk agents, because, as you know, our ancestors were treated by bravers and infusion from the disintegration. In the modern world, it is not necessary to rely on this grace, as the nature "chips" from poisonous emissions of the industry. Therefore, this method is inffective.

The common option is to appeal to the extrasens and healers. But today, there is a huge number of charlatans, which money on the human mountain earn money. In addition, the Church considers this type of activity sinful.

If the hope is lost on a positive result, you should not take a sin to the soul, turning to the witchcraft, ask the Lord, the Most Holy Virgin and God's defenders "On Pregnancy".

Prechilate Virgo is a patroner of pregnant women and women in labor. The prayer of the Virgin "On the conception of the child" helped thousands of women to get pregnant, to carry out and easily give birth.

"Oh, the Most Holy Devot, Mati of the Lord Vysnyago, a dilapidated intercession of everyone, to you with the faith of resorting! Watch from the height of the celestial grandeur of his uncomplete, falling to your icon! I hear soon the humble prayer of the sinner and bring to our son; his mind, yes, I am angry with a gloomy soul my light. Divine grace, and clean my mind from my thieves, and it will calm down my heart and heales his wounded, yes, I will encourage my kind things and strengthen to work with fear, let me forgive everyone Yes, it will save the eternal flour and will not deprive the heaven of his kingdom. Oh, predicted by the Virgin Mary! You are fragmented by the ESI in the image of your Georgian, who command themselves to try to you with faith, do not conquer a snub of the grief and not to pass to me in the abyss of my sins. All my hope and hope of salvation, and your preservation and the concept of salvation, and your presentation and the concept of salvation, and your presentation and the concept of themselves. Slavly and thank the Lord, that I sent me the happiness of a married state. I pray you, the Mother of the Lord and God and the Savior of mine, and your Mothernie Prayers will send me and my wife to my surrender child. Yes, it gives me a fruit fruit of my. Yes, he will be satisfied with him, in his glory. Moving the soul of my soul on the joy of conception in the womb. Yes, I speak and thank you Mother of the Lord of mine in all the days of my life. Amen"

Sincere, hearty, sensitive words will be heard. The Lord grants the long-awaited child.

If problems are pursued: miscarriage, stillborn children, severe diseases of newborn babies, pray to the queen of heaven about Health Chad.

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the blood of your children (names), all the detachments, sorties and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves. Mother of God, enter me into the image of your celebrity motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestial patronage. Amen

Stay knees before Blessed Virgin Mary And ask for a newly awaited healthy child.

The silent mother of the human race will not leave in trouble, if the intentions are chicted, the words are heartfelt, and the plenty of penetration.

What icon to rely on?

True patroness of pregnant women and feminine - Queen Heavenly and her face "Assistant in childbirth". Full name icons - "Holy Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the childbirth".

Prayer for pregnancy, the preservation of the fetus, prosperous kinds in front of the icon of Our Lady, is incredibly strong, granted millions of women healthy, strong children.

But, if for some reason there is no such icon, you can pronounce prayer and in front of its other miraculous images.

"Mammal" helps women wink a child breast milkChildren gives health, and people are wisdom.

Icon of the Major Mother of God "Add Mind" Gives children a light mind, and adult helps solve heavy everyday problems. Also, before the Face of the Virgin Mary, it is necessary to pray to girls whom the husbands threw during pregnancy.

Icon "Education" Parents helps to develop a child.

"Seven Street", The second name "softening of evil hearts" eliminates women on demolitions from fear, sorrows, sorrows, diseases, and the women in labor gives a light, rapid delivery.

"SPRISPERS" No help in any situation. Praying the face of the Virgin Mary needs women in battles.

Miraculous icon "Healer" He became famous for wonderful acts. It can cure a fatal disease. Women diagnosed with infertility, praying for conception, soon became happy mothers.

"Allzaritsa" Helps seriously ill. If pregnancy is overshadowed with difficulties pray in front of the queen of Heavenly.

"My sorrows quenched" Estimates the harren from the experiences, fear.

Icon "Sparge of Sinners" Gives health to adults and children.

"Increasing joy" - The miraculous image that helps women cure from infertility. Prayer in front of the way contributes to rapid childbirth, helps people in the most difficult situations.

"Feodorovskaya" Icon grants childless families of long-awaited chad, unmarried girls - marriage, women in labor - fast delivery. If a woman suffers in heavy childbirth, close people should read prayer before the "Theodore" icon.

Pray Mother's on the occurrence of pregnancy, taking a healthy baby and she will hear you. Virgin Mary is an indispensable companion of pregnant women.

How to pray to the Heavenly Queen?

Prayers for the gift of children Virgin Mary are strong and efficient. We have evidence worldwide.

If you wish to feel the baby's beat of the baby in its tact, but, unfortunately, the child does not work out, do not look for salvation in dubious means, The Most Holy Mother will help to experience anything with any comparable happiness of motherhood.

Before you bring the request for a molded virgin, visit the church, confess, get the intake of sins. Buy candles, a clutter icon, type holy water.

You should not start prayer with mercenary motives, selfish and evil thoughts, otherwise you have to nice God.

Houses lit a candle, stand up to his knees in addition to the Blessed Virgin Mary and ask the prayer for granting. Request from the bottom of my heart, sincerely, penetrating, selflessly.

Pray daily. When conception comes, thank the Lord and his mother.

Do not forget to take a laudatory words daily to the Savior, and not only in critical situations.

Miracles are possible S. God's help, Believe, pray, and the Lord will reward you according to merit!

  • List element

2 lunar day - new moon. Time to attract good.

Prayers for the gift of children - who pray for the conception of the child

The birth of children - a mystery that is still unavailable to understand scientists. No one can explain how a woman is able to endure and produce a completely independent organism. Believers know that this area is in the hands of God. Therefore, when marriage is, they pray for children to date. After all, without blessing, a miracle is impossible.

What to do if marriage is childless

It takes several years, and the steam still has no heirs. In a sense, education is a feat - you have to refuse our own plans, to take on many tasks, greater responsibility. But according to the priests, the lack of children does not even mean that people in something they guessed. The main case of Christian life is to save your soul. Therefore, you should not worry too much. Often people simply give time to prepare.

The most important thing is to keep the trust of the Creator, he has a plan for everyone. The sacred story knows many cases when the pair poured the children already in old age. Do not leave hope - it is necessary to continue prayers for the declaration of children. If possible, visit holy places, make a pilgrimage. Perhaps in this way the feelings between the spouses are checked. Often, common experiences are very close to people.

The text of the prayer about the conception of the child

We hear us, merciful and almighty God, and by the mâching of our nice will be graceful yours. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember your law about the multiplication of the genus Humanchka and Budi with a gracious patron, yes, you will also have to be given to you installed. You will have a powerful power of anything from nothing and put the beginning of everything in the world of the existing one - created a person in the image of my own and high secretly consecrated the union of the marriage and prediction of the mystery of Christ's unity with the church. Watch, merciful, on the slaves of yours, Aleksey and Yulia, the union of married connected and pleasing about your help, and there will be your mercy on them, and they will be fruitful and they will see the sons of their sons even before the third and quarter and to the desired old age will live and live They will be included in the kingdom of Heaven through the Lord of our Jesus Christ, whom everyone than the glory, honor and worship is submitted to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who pray for the conception of the child

First of all, you need to ask God as a submitter of all the best. Also read the petitions of the Virgin. She, as a freeing mother of all mankind, is able to understand any heartache, can bring requests to her son. What icons to read prayers?

  • Feodorovskaya - is known from the 12th century, but in our time there are many testimonies from previously childless steam, which children are now given.
  • "Blessed Poverty" is an ancient image that is blessing conception and beating.
  • "Increased joy" - Icon saved many sinners from death, but the miraculous image in Moscow is also known for the emergence of long-awaited pregnancy.
  • Prayer for the gift of children, if it is addressed to the Queen of Heaven, can pronounce in any way. Just there are established traditions, which are followed by people. Choose an icon that is more like.

Before starting to start regularly reading prayers for the gift of children, holy fathers advise confession to visit the liturgy. After all, it often happens that the human being is absorbed by envy and condemnation. He sees that a certain "liberter" God sent a child. "How so, because I am better!" - The perturbation is born in the soul. But in fact it is not a thirst for justice, but the most real condemnation of the near, pride. It is better to get rid of these feelings.

Prayer Virgin Mary of Children

Virgin Mary, Delo, Rejoice! Gracious Maria, Lord with you! Blessed you are in my wives and blessed the fruit of your dear, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls! Amen.

Queen is my preparing, my hope, the Mother of God, the priviful hitch of the sirah and strange subsidiaries, which are grieving joy, inspired by patroness! See my misfortune, seeing my sorrow, Pomping Jaco We are impossible, I will be strange for me. My insult is mine, weighing, allowing those who are too volishi: Yako is not imaming your help. Do you, nor a bird's present, nor burglas comforter, tokmo to you, about the Bogomati, IKO and the prevenue of me and covered in the eyelids. Amen.

About Joacima and Anna

People living in marriage can also be ascended by the stairs of virtues. To do this, they need to get rid of passions, subordinate life not flesh, but spirit. So lived saints Ioakim and Anna - the parents of the Virgin. It is them that they are often prayed to give birth to children. Life was so clean that only these two were worthy to lead to the world of Mary Mary. After all, the vessel, which, who, of Christ, should distinguish perfect purity.

  • What spouses differ from others? They trusted all his life to the Lord, did not build plans, they were not afraid, they did not disappear about whether they would have money, food and strength to raise a child. They were humbly asked, and eventually got a reward. It becomes very difficult for this very difficult, but you can at least try.

Holy Anna, when he prayed for the gift of children, did not complain that someone was given. She only wanted to be a pleasing to God in everything, with patience to carry uirras surrounding. These qualities are rewarded by the Lord.

  • The prayer of the Virgin about children - the declaration and conception of the child
  • Prayer for the conception of a healthy child - the strongest - see here
  • Icon "Troyoulist" -

In Russia, it is also accepted to pray to the Blessed Matron, coming to her grave. Many asked for the gift of children, and then came to thank already with the child in their hands. Do not lose faith, remember - the Lord is forces!

Prayer for the conception of the child Ioachim and Anna

On the bias of the Righteousness, Bogottsy Joachim and Ano! The pray for the Milosity of the Lord, Jaco, will turn his anger from us, according to our righteous of us, the driven, and the Disclaimed forelegations of our despay, turn us, the slave of God (names), on the path of repentance, and on the path of the commandments of their own, will approve us. In the way, our life with your life in the world. Save our life, and in all our good good harees ask, all the gods usually required to us from God, from all sorts of misfortunes and troubles and sudden death with our victims of us delivering and from all the enemy visible and invisible protecting and Tacos in the world Temporary Siesta grazing. In eternal reached peace, the ideal of your holy bencer how much of the celestial kingdom of our god of our, Jesh, with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit, is appropriate, the honor and worship of the centuries.

Prayers about given children - Who to pray about conception child. . Prayer about conception child children.



Prayers about given children - Who to pray about conception child. . Prayer about conception child Nikolay Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of all mothers and their children.

People seek help higher power In different circumstances - material difficulties, job search, search for a spouse. The solution of such issues depends largely on the person himself.

Very often, when people are in desperate state, they seek help to the mother of God. In the hope that they will receive long-awaited help and they will have spiritual enlightenment.

All conscientious parents must take care of their kidBut this concern should not be only to give them education, raise, keep clean and do everything.

The continuation of the kind is one of the most powerful human desires. Unfortunately, the health of modern people is often weak, especially female. Then believers should pray for birth child.

Prayers about given children - Who to pray about conception child. . Prayer about conception child Nikolay Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of all mothers and their children.

People seek help to higher forces in different circumstances - material difficulties, job search, search for a spouse. The solution of such issues depends largely on the person himself.

@ 2017 Bogolyub - the first online magazine about Christianity. God loves us.

Strong prayers of spouses about the gift of children and conception

Sooner or later, every married couple understands that for complete happiness in their house there is not enough little man - son or daughter. But it happens that good aspirations are not always realized. The reasons for that great set, the main one is infertility of one of the spouses or the so-called "immunological incompatibility." As a result, people spend years of life and huge funds for treatment.

As a result, almost every desperate pair refers to the Orthodox faith and prays of the saints of devotees about the gift of the long-awaited Chad.

Many know that the prayer for the gift of children is creating wonders. The main thing is to get rid of the negative in the soul, sinful affairs, fellow habits, confess, coming up and start prayerful labor.

If the pregnancy still does not come, it is a certain sign over. Perhaps the Lord made the spouses in a different way - to become the adoptive parents of the kid-fault. It often happens that after adoption in the family, its karapuz is born - thus, the Most High grants the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood.

Prayers of spouses about changing Chad

In his prayers, Orthodox Christians appeal to God, the Most His mother or Saints, having a keenness to ask the Lord about helping in conception on the prayers of the aspects.

We hear us, merciful and almighty God, and by the mâching of our nice will be graceful yours. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember your law about the multiplication of the genus Humanchka and Budi with a gracious patron, yes, you will also have to be given to you installed. You will have a powerful power of anything from nothing and put the beginning of everything in the world of the existing one - created a person in the image of my own and high secretly consecrated the union of the marriage and prediction of the mystery of Christ's unity with the church. Watch, merciful, on the slaves of your current (names), the union of married connected and pleasing about your assistance, will be your mercy on them, and they will be prolific and they will see the sons of their sons even before the third and quarter and to the desired old age will live and live They will be included in the kingdom of Heaven through the Lord of our Jesus Christ, whom everyone than the glory, honor and worship is submitted to the Holy Spirit.

Oh, the duty of the Righteousness of the Righteousness, the bogottsy of Joacima and Anna, the upcoming of the Heavenly Throne of the Great Tsar and he was keen to him of the property, Yako from the District District, the Mary of Virgin and the Mary's preching, embodying the famous!

To you, Yako a multi-member concept and diligently about us a prayer room, we are resorting to the sin and unworthy. Pray for his goodness, Jaco, will turn his anger from us, according to our righteousness, our contemporary is righteous, and there is a curly prejudice, turning us on the path of repentance, and on the path of the commandments of their own way. Also, the prayers of your life in the world will save our life, and in all our good good harees, we ask all the gods to our goddly, from all sorts of misfortunes and misfortunes and sudden deaths to your victim us, and from all the enemy visible and invisible protecting, Yako yes, a quiet and silent life, live in every piety and purity, and such a temporary life in the world of preached, in eternal reached peace, the idea of \u200b\u200byour holy bending be sure to be the celestial kingdom of Christ of Our God, he, with his father and the Most Holy Spirit, pleases All glory, honor and worship in the eyelids. Amen.

On the bias of God, prophesy Zharica and the righteous Elizabeth! The feat of the kind of good launched on the Earth, the truth was perceived on the heavenly of the truth, he prepared him to have the Lord to everyone who loving him. The same looks at the holy image, we rejoice at the Preslav of the condation of your residence and honor your holy memory. You, with the throne of God, bring our praying and bring to the all-melting God to forgive us everybody and help us with anti-goat Diavolsky, and the breakdown of sorrows, diseases, misfortunes and misfortunes and ever with evil, piously and righteously live in the present Evesie and will be advised by the concept of yours, whether and unworthy of the ESMA, video of Voice of the living, the Slavs of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now forever in the saints of his Slavimago. Amen.

If you wish to have a male child

Oh, the sacred head, the angel of the earthly and human heavenly, Reverend and the godly, our Alexander, the fairness of the Holy Most of the Holy Trinity, Many Miliches living in the abyss of your abode and everyone, with faith and loved to you, are. We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Contribute to the concept of yours, the waters of God, the ruler of the country is our Russia. And yes in the world, the Holy Great orthodox Church Christ. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, in every grief and the circumstances are fast. The very same as the hour of death, our conacciance of us, the intercession of the blessing, but do not betray on the solarms of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodigz, but however, they will encounter incomprehension of sunrise to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, do not form our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity, yes, you will encourage you and unworthy of the ESMA, in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and son and saint spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer for the rapid conception of the child, reads before the miraculous icon

We accept, about the Major Master of the Mother of God, the sad oath of prayers, with tears, bringing you away from us, unworthy of your slaves, to your workflow, the singing of those who are heightened with munitions, Yako the most escaped and listening to our sleeping. For some kind of mado-wagtie the fulfillment of CWORSHI, chagrin of facilitates, the weak healthy darueshi, relaxed and missing healing, from the demonstration demon, who outlied from the misfortunes, the lepers of cleansing and small children of Milouseshi, also Mrs. Vladychitsa Virodets, from Uz and Dwarns Multious passion of the doctor: all of BO is possible by the petition to your son to our Christ to our God.

Oh, the full-length mother, the Most Holy Mother of God! Do not come to pray for us, unworthy workers of your who are famous and revered by the taste, and the hope of cautious and faith, the hope of the Virgin of the Preslavney and the most impregnated, the famous and tongues and blatants in the eyelids. Amen.

The predicted Ladychitsa, the Virgin of the Virgin, God of the Words Puchae all the words to save our birth, and grace his preparimo in all reacted, the sea was the enlightened divine tanning and miracles a dedication of the river, pouring goodness to everyone, with faith to you resorting!

The miraculous image falling outwardly, praying to you, having mercy of Mother of Physicious Vladyka: Surprise on us. Helding the grace of yours and our petitions, we bring to you, soon, will speed up everything, hedgehogs benefit to consolation and salvage.

Visit, preparing, the slaves of your gratefulness of yours, the appreciation of the defective Clap and the perfect health, beaten by silence, captive freedom, and various images of the terrible consonants.

Raise, glove by mistress, all sorts of degrees and country from glad, ulcers, coward, flooding, fire, sword and other execution of temporary and eternal, with your daring the wrath of God; and there is no lack of disappearance, dyeing of passions and falls freedom of your slave, IKO, and it is incomprehensible in every piety of foul in Sevech, and in the future of eternal goods will be advised by the gratefulness and humans of your son and God, Jerzhe is pleased with all the glory, honor and worship with the original father and his father and The Most Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Oh, Blessed Mati Matrono, I hear and now we have, sinful, praying for you, who comes up with all the lives of your enjoyment and listen to all those who suffer and grieving with the faith and hope for your intercession and assistance to residence, emerge, and wonderful healing to everyone. Yes, it does not care about the mercy of yours to us, unworthy, rolling in a multi-world world and anywhere who does not acquire conscientation and compassion into the sorrowfulness of spiritual and help in the diseases of bodily sickness, the diseases of our disease, relieve the temptations and the dewing torment passionately, to convey everyday your cross, demolish all the gravity of life and not lose the image of God, faith Orthodox until the end of our days of our preservation, hope and hope for God is strong, and unlimited love of neighbor, in order to take the chance to us on the leisure of the lives of the kingdom of heaven with everyone God, glorifying the mercy and the goodness of the Father of Heaven, in the Trinity of the Slavimoy: Father and Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen

On the all-wide confession, the Holy Father of Our Lukuk, the great waters of Christ. With mongings of the Knee of the hearts of our hearts, and falling to the chase of the honest and multi-purpose power of your own, I am thinking about the sinners to hear our sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and human-loving God, you are now in the joy of saints and from the facial angel of the prestigious. Believe Bo, Yako, you love us by the love of Love Eyuzh, the whole neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth.

As soon as Christ's God will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, native to instruct, nasty pride. We all give the gift of Komujdotously well-consistent, and all the time for the life of the time and the eternal salvation is useful. Grades of our statement, earth fruit, from a glad and a flock of getting rid. Sorrowful consolation, an affecting healing, lost on the path of truth. Return, the parent blessing, Chad in the Strass of the Lord. Education and learning, sipham and poor assistance and intercession.

Give us all your archpastric blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goat Lukavago and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits.

We will put us on the path leading in the village of the righteous and moths about us the All-Fivota of God, in eternally life will be advised with you incessantly the Soviet and inseparable Trinity, Father and Son and the Saint Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for conceiving a child of the Holy Blessed Ksenia Petersburg

The holy blessed of Ksenia Petersburg, with his life it was repeatedly prayed for various family needs of those people who appealed to her. Including people are fruitless.

And after her death, a large number of married couples who do not have kids in her prayers were gifted by God's offspring.

Oh, Holy All-Said Mother's Ksenia! Under the shelter's bed, living, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, hunger and thirst, the cold and heat, renovation and persecution, who has undergone, the gift of the witness and the wonderfulness of God received the Holy and Holy and Saint and Under the Seni of Almighty. Now, the Holy Church, Yako bullshit, glorifies you. The forthcoming place of your burial, in order to your holy saints, Yako lives, escaping with us, pray: to accept our petitions and bring Yako to the throne of the Merciful Father of Heaven, Yako twisting to him of it, we succeed, we succeed to the eternal salvation to you, to the benefit of things and Beginning of a generous blessing, from all sorts of troubles and sorrow to get rid. Pronounced and saints of your prayers before the all-consant savior of our about us, unworthy and sinful. Pomoz, the Holy Blessed Mother Ksenia, infants with the light of the Holy Baptism of Ozarith and the sector of the gift of the Spirit of the Holy Administration captain, the randoms and the sorties in faith, honesty, the God-fearing Education and progress in teaching them to give; The sickness and illustrious heal, family love and the consent of Nisposli, who was commonly hidden by the feat of the good, hurt and from the stagnation of the fence, shepherds in the fortress of the Holy Spirit, the people and the country in the world and serenesting the communion of the Saints of the Holy Taine miscarriage. You are our hope and hope, fast hearing and deliverance, thanks to you, and with you, Slav's Father's son and the Holy Spirit are now and in the eyelids. Amen

How to pray

Someone earlier, someone later, but almost every woman becomes mother. Biological clocks are quickly ticking, and it does not get pregnant.

What to do? You need to go to church.

There God, he responds to all requests, especially sincere, fiery, outgoing from the depths of the heart.

  • before starting reading a prayer, it is necessary to ask the blessing of the priest (the confessor) to prayer labor;
  • be sure to confess in all sins (often infertility is a consequence of the fall) and coming around the Holy Family sacraments;
  • when reading a prayer, you need to delve into each word and invest in it spiritual meaning;
  • you need to read sincerely and with unshakable faith in the assisted;
  • you can not be distracted on third-party stimuli, you need to turn off the TV, radio, computer, telephone;
  • you need to read prayers every day, or rather, the number of days for which the clicrices blesit.

The short life of the Saints of the Righteousness, Migrating Most High about the Giving Children

Saints Righteous Joacim and Anna

Joacim and Anna lived in Nazareth and did not have children to old age, which were very bad. They were subjected to contempt and ridicule, but did not ropat and prayed to the Lord. Once Ioakim brought the gifts to God, as it was relied during the big church holidays. But the priest did not take a sacrifice from a childless man, which was very saddened by the elder. He did not return home, and decided to settle in the desert. Anna, having learned about the decision of the spouse and the shame, which he was subjected to, warmly poured the Savior about the gift of her baby. In solitude Joacim prayed about the same. Finally, their prayers were heard and soon Archangel Gabriel announced them about the early birth of a blessed daughter. Later, the spouse met in Jerusalem, where their daughter Mary was born.

Prophet Zechariah and Righteous Elisaveta

The priest of one of the Jerusalem temples Zechariah and Sister of St. Anne, Elizaveta was the parents of the Holy Prophet John.

They lived disgusting, but were fruitless. During the divine service, Zechariah received an angelic news that his elderly wife would give him his son. Zechariah did not believe the joyful news, and speech lost in punishment, became a dumb.

At the birth of a son, over his order was called John. Zechariah himself, when he was asked to write the name of the newborn on the table, draws the same name. Immediately returned to him

When King Herod learned about the birth of the Messiah, he ordered to kill in the district of all babies up to 2 years of age. He knew about the birth of John, also hoped for his death. But Elizabeth hid with a baby in the mountains. Seeing the pursuers, she checked the god about salvation and the mountain was immediately interlaced. There a woman hid from chase. And the warriors of Herod soon began to torture Zechariah about the location of his son. Without having received the desired, they silent the priest in the church between the altar and the altar, and in 40 days the Elizaveta died.

Saint Rev. Alexander Swirl Wonderworker

Amosa's parents were poor, but pious peasants, children were taught Christian education. The parent guy, the parents wanted to marry, but he did not allow such thoughts, he dreamed only about the salvation of the soul. By the will of God, the guy met the Valaam's inkom, a lot talked with them and went to Valaam. There he accepted the victim with the name Alexander, worried zealously and performed obedience to the glory of God. At that time, his father came to the abode, a long waning son, but the son convinced him and the mother knead the monks.

Later on the bank of the River Svir Alexander founded a monocar prevail and became its abbot. He was given the insight and the ability to heal spiritual and bodily ailments.

Ksenia Petersburg

The blissful wound married for the court singing. Family happiness lasted for a short time, the beloved spouse Andrei Fedorovich suddenly died. Shocked by the grief of Ksenia decided to push the forgiveness for the sins of the deceased husband with his life feud. On the burial day, she put on his clothes and took the feat of the scientist for the sake of Christ. The girl distributed all the property, in the afternoon walked around the city, and at night I prayed. Ksenia krotko demolished all bullying and ridicule of others.

When the costume of the late spouse was worn out, people began to offer Ksenia's clothes, but she refused to everyone, took only a red blouse and a green skirt (in memory of the shaped outfit of her husband). Almighty flatly refused to take, took only copper penny, who immediately distributed the poor.

The woman in secret from the builders helped build a stone church in the name of the Smolensky image of Our Lady. Men noticed that at night someone brings bricks to high forests. At night, they arranged observation and saw their assistant - Ksenia.

The Lord honored a woman in the gift of inspireness. Women's voluntary madness lasted 45 years old, in the face of saints she was overweight in 1988.

Saint Luca Crimea

Valentin Waro-Yasenetsky was born in Kerch in the pharmacy family. He was fond of art, but chose a profession of a physician. He studied at the University of Kiev, was fond of anatomy. At the end of study, a dream about the work of the Zemsky doctor collapsed. The war began with Japan and the young man went to Far Eastwhere I started practicing the role of a surgeon. Here he met his love and future spouse by Anna Lanskaya.

In 1917, the family had to move to Tashkent due to the pulmonary tuberculosis at Anna. Here she died. After the death of his wife, Valentine "With his head" went to work, began to attend church services often, performed at parish meetings.

One day, the bishop of Tashkent was suggested to the War Yasenetsky to take a san priest. Valentine's answer was positive. He served God and successfully engaged in scientific activities, medicine.

In 1923, the priest secretly accepted the monastic tonsure with the name of Luka. During the monoth ministry, he was arrested, visited the link, but there he treated people everywhere. And in 1941 he headed the chief surgeon of the evacuation hospital in Krasnoyarsk as the chief surgeon.

Later, Luke was erected in San Archbishop, and in 1946 arrived in Crimea. He conducted consultations and operated on in a military hospital. With the highest accuracy, diagnoses patients had the ability to foresee the future. His authority among patients and parishioners of the temples was very high: people during worship tried to touch his touchers in the hope of overcome painful ailments.

Prayers of parents about children

Three prayers for the Mother of God

Prayer first to the Mother of God for Children

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the blood of your children (names), all the detachments, sorties and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves. Mother of God, enter me into the image of your celebrity motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestial patronage. Amen.

Prayer Second to the Mother of God

Holy Father, Spanish God, comes from you every gift or any good. I dormantly pray for children who graded your grace. You gave them life, revived their soullessness, revived with holy baptism, so that they inhabit that you inherited the kingdom of heaven, save them for your good to the end of their lives. Saint your truth, but your name is hid in them. Promote me thanks you to raise them into the glory of your name and benefit to the neighbor, give me the required tools for this: patience and power. Lord, enlighten with the light of your wisdom, but love you all the soul, all the thinking, nasadi in the hearts of their fear and disgust from any lawlessness, and go to your commandments, decorated the souls with their chastity, hard work, long-suffering, honesty, , vanity, abominations, sprouts of Rosoy grace, and succeed in virtues and holiness and are growing in favor of your favor, in love and piety. The guardian angel is always with them and keeps their youth from vigorous thoughts, from the elevation of the temptations of this world and from all sorts of shuffles. If, when they sigrate before you, Lord, do not turn your faces from them, but wake up to them with gracious, it is offended in their hearts repentance on the many busy, to cleanse the sinners and not the lisha of your bonds, but to keep them anything for their salvation, keeping They are from any disease, danger, troubles and sorrow, the autumn of them is free to all the days of this life. God, I pray, give me fun and the joy about my children and the way to see me with them on the terrible court of yours, to say with the physical daring: "So I and the children you gave me, Lord. Amen." Yes, we will glorify your father, father and son and saint spirit. Amen.

Prayer Third to the Mother of God for Children

God and Father, the creator and the preservator of all creatures! Express my poor children (names) by the spirit of your holy, and he will award the true fear of God, who is the beginning of the wisdom and direct prudence, according to which who comes, that praise is forever. Referring to their true knowledge of you, keep them from all sledding of idol and false teachings, make it to have increased in the true and saving faith and in every piety, and maybe they will continually fully until the end. Give them a believer, obedient and humble heart and mind, and indebted to the years and in the grace of God and before people. Nasadi in the heart of their love for your divine word so that they were reverent in prayer and in worship, respectful to the servants of the Word and with all sorts of sincere in the actions, shamers in the leggings, shames in the nravas, are true in words, faithful in matters, ditched in classes , happy in the performance of their duties, intelligent and are destinable to all people. Combate them from all the temptations of an evil world, and do not corrupt their thin society. Do not miss them to fall into uncleanness and non-commuting, do not reduce their lives themselves and do not insult others. Budi protect them in any danger, but will not subjected to a sudden diet. Whether we did not see their dishonor and entertainment in them, but the honor and joy, so that the kingdom is multiplied by them and the number of believers multiplied with them, and they will be in the unrest Honor, praise and glorification through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of the Mother of Tweeching Mother I hear me, a sinful and unworthy slave.
Lord, in the grace of your power of Chado my, hindle and save his name for your sake.
Lord, forgive him all the sins, free and involuntary, committed before you.
Lord, to nasty him to the true path of the commandments of your and the pleasures of him and enlighten it with the light of your Christ, in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body.
Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, at school, in the field, in work and on the road, and at every place of your ownership.
Lord, save him under the root of your holy from the flying bullet, arrows, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from deadly ulcers (rays of the atom) and from in vain death.
Lord, to protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of trouble, angry and misfortunes.
Lord, healed him from all diseases, to cleanse from all sneakers (wines, tobacco, drugs) and facilitate his mental suffering and grief.
Lord, give him grace of the Spirit of your saint for many summer life, health and chastity.
Lord, multiply and strengthen his mental abilities and bodily powers.
Lord, give him your blessing for pious family life and pious childhood.
Lord, Darui and me, unworthy and sinful servant, your parent blessing for Chado at the moment of the morning, day, evening and night name for your sake, because your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnipotently. Amen.

Tropear, voice 2nd:
The memory of the righteous with praise, you will also take the testimony of the Lord, the Forerunner: I showed it the most honest, Yako and in the jets of the cropped, the preachernago was encountered in the brunette. The sufferment to the truth is at the truth, the evils of God, and in the hell, the god of God, the root of the world, crushing the sin of the world and suppress us the Grace. Kondak, voice 5th:
Pre-proof nice sense, watching the saint of a kind of divine, and the coming in the hell is rid of the coming; Yes, Irodia Ridgets, scalded murder scraping: not the law of Bo God, nor the Live Age Love, but the pretended, crushed. Prayer:
The Baptist of Christ, the preaching of repentance, Kayuchagosya do not disappear, but copulating with the heavenly, pray to Leldice for me, unfortunately, Ullago, Unreleased and sadnago, in many ways of Wpadsago, in Urezhennagnago the thoughts of the mind of my mind: Az Bo Ember Evil Affairs having the end of the sinful custom; Be boy is my terrestrial mind. What is waving, do not look, and to whom it is resserved, and my soul will be saved? Tokmo to you, Saint John, grace Teso-Genenite, I can be the Lord, on the Virgin, we have a big big born of all, for you have made it possible to touched the tips of the king of Christ, the sins of the world, the Libra of God: the enemy of the sin of my soul, yes ineter In the coming hour, it suffered a good and intimidated MZD with the latest.
To her, the Baptist of Christ, honest to the forerunner, the extreme prophetic, the first in grace of martyr, postmen and deserts mentor, cleanliness to the teacher and the near friends of Christ, I pray, I resort to you, do not remove me from your intercession, but I will stand me, Padshagosya with many sins; Update my soul with repentance, Yako by the second baptism, in progress of both the head of the ESI: the baptism of cleaning sin, repentance preaching in the cleansing of the focus of the fastest Clean the sins of Dexcorennago and Ponudnoy, the scale of any bad, in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

Mother's reeble about their children

God! The creator of all creatures, accompanying grace for grace, you have done me worthy to be the mother of the family; Your goodness gave me children, and I dare to say: they are your children! Because you gave them being, revived by the soulless soulless, revived their baptism for life, according to your will, adopted them and took his church in the bowels, Lord! Save them in the gracious state until the end of life; There is someone to be parties to the sacraments of your covenant; consecrate your truth; Yes, it will be holy in them and through them the holy name is yours! Nissed me your graceful help in their upbringing for the glory of your name and the benefits of the Middle! Gone to me for this purpose ways, patience and power! Teach me to put in their heart the root of true wisdom - your fear! Ozari them with the light controlling the universe of your wisdom! Yes, you will be in your whole soul and your thinking; And you will flip to you with all my heart and in all my life your words will tremble! Give me a mind to convince them that the true life is in compliance with your commandments; That the work strengthened by piety delivers in this life a serene contentment and in eternity - inevitable bliss. Discover them the mind of your law! Yes, by the end of the days of their own in the sense of all of your own! Nasadi in their heart horror and disgust from any lawlessness; Yes, they will be immaculate in your ways; Yes, they always remember that you, all-god God, Jesetter of the law and the truth of yours! Observe them in chastity and reverence to your name! Yes, you do not spoil your behavior of your behavior, but yes live according to her prescriptions! Forew their hunt for useful doctrine and prevent any kind of good deed! May they acquire a true concept of those subjects that are necessary in their state; Let they enlighten the knowledge of benefactor for humanity. Lord! Umudri me brief with indelible features in mind and the heart of my children's fear of the Commonwealth with those who do not have any fear of your fear, inspire them all the removal from every union with lawlessly. Yes, they do not hit rotten conversations; Yes, they do not listen to people frivolous; Yes, they will not be seduced with your bad examples; Yes, they will not be seduced by the fact that sometimes the way of lawless landscape in the world!

Heavenly! Give me grace in every very much to serve my seduction to my actions, but, constantly having in mind their behavior, distract them from delusions, correct their errors, to curb their perseverance and the incidence of them, to bring them to the desire for fussy and frightness; Yes, they are not fond of insane thoughts, but do not go after the heart of their own, but they will not be ingenected in their distraction, and yours will not forget and your law. Does not destroy the lawlessness of the mind and health of them, but they will not relax the sins of the spiritual and bodily forces of them. The judge of the righteous, punishing children for the sins of parents to the third and fourth kind, turn off such a kara from my children, do not punish them for my sins; But the sprinkles of their dear grace, and they succeed in virtues and holiness, and they grow in favor of your favor and in love of people of pious.

Father generous and all of mercy! By the feeling of the parent, I would like to children with my every abundance of the lot of earthly, wanted them blessings from the dew heaven and from Tuka earthly, but will be with them the Holy Will of yours! Their fate of their favor in your favor, do not lish them in the life of urgent bread, send them all the time for the acquisition of blissful eternity, be merciful to them, when they sin in front of you, do not impute them to the sins of youth and ignorance, bring them to the crushing of their hearts when will oppose your goodness to your goodness; Karai and Millui, sending them to the way well-beneficial to you, but do not reject them from your face! Take them with the favor of the prayer, give them success in every kind; Do not turn your face from them in the days of sorrow of them, and they will not comprehend their temptations above their forces. Autumn your grace, yes, your angel goes with them and keep them from every misfortune and an evil way, all-sell God! Having made me mother, having fun about his children, let them eat my life in the days of my life and I support my old age. Acknowledged me, with a hope for your mercy, to appear with them on the terrible court of your trial and with unworthy daring to say: here I am my children who gave me, Lord! Yes, inexpressible goodness and everlasting love of yours inexuredly with them, excellently overlook the Most Holy Name, the Father, the Son and the soul of the Holy, forever. Amen.
This prayer was distributed to believers in the Kazan Amvrosievsky female desert with. Shamordino.

The Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon "The recovery of the dead", or "getting rid of the misfortunes"

Tropar, voice 7th:
Rejoice, the fertile of the Virgin of the Delo, in the arms of his preventer of the infant and God wearing. Asked him to date the world. Defeat and souls of our salvation. Son Bo to you, Bogomati, broadcast, Yako all your petitions for good will fulfill. Now for the sake of the sake and we are plummingly, pray, and hoping on the stage, and you will not die, your name is called: you are Boh, Vladychitsa, the recovery of the dead. Prayer:
The intercession is a diligent, the fragrant Lord Mati, to you resort to Az Okayanny and the sinner of all the sinner man; Won praying to my praying and my scream and the wedding of hear. Yako lawlessness is my forecast of my head, and Az, I am a ship in the Pochin, immersing in the sea of \u200b\u200bmy sins. But you, all-inclusive and merciful laddy, do not contemporary the desperate and ghesh dyingly; Pomemuyu Kayuchagosya in the evil deeme of my, and turn on the way the right loud, the appearances of my soul. On you, Mother Vladychitsa, I have all the hope of my. You, Mother of God, Save and follow your telescope, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

Prayers for the Mother of God

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mother of God, save and save under the blood of your children (names), all the departments, sorties and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.
Mother of God, enter me into the image of your celebrity motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins are applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestial patronage. Amen.
From the female monastery in Shu, Ivanovo region.

Prophet, Forerun and Baptist Lord John

The Baptist of Christ, the preaching of repentance, Kayuchagosya do not disappear, but copulating with the heavenly, pray to Leldice for me, unfortunately, Ullago, Unreleased and sadnago, in many ways of Wpadsago, in Urezhennagnago the thoughts of the mind of my mind: Az Bo Ember Evil Affairs having the end of the sinful custom; Be boy is my terrestrial mind. What is waving, do not look, and to whom it is resserved, and my soul will be saved? Tokmo to you, Saint John, grace Teso-Genenite, I can be the Lord, on the Virgin, we have a big big born of all, for you have made it possible to touched the tips of the king of Christ, the sins of the world, the Libra of God: the enemy of the sin of my soul, yes ineter In the coming hour, it suffered a good and intimidated MZD with the latest. To her, the Baptist of Christ, honest to the forerunner, the extreme prophetic, the first in grace of martyr, postmen and deserts mentor, cleanliness to the teacher and the near friends of Christ, I pray, I resort to you, do not remove me from your intercession, but I will stand me, Padshagosya with many sins; Update my soul with repentance, Yako by the second baptism, in progress of both the head of the ESI: the baptism of cleaning sin, repentance preaching in the cleansing of the focus of the fastest Clean the sins of Dexcorennago and Ponudnoy, the scale of any bad, in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

Prayer 1.

Holy Father, Spanish God, comes from you every gift or any good. I dormantly pray for children who graded your grace. You gave them life, revived their soullessness, revived with holy baptism, so that they inhabit that you inherited the kingdom of heaven, save them for your good to the end of their lives. Saint your truth, but your name is hid in them. Promote me thanks you to raise them into the glory of your name and benefit to the neighbor, give me the required tools for this: patience and power. Lord, enlighten with the light of your wisdom, but love you all the soul, all the thinking, nasadi in the hearts of their fear and disgust from any lawlessness, and go to your commandments, decorated the souls with their chastity, hard work, long-suffering, honesty, , vanity, abominations, sprouts of Rosoy grace, and succeed in virtues and holiness and are growing in favor of your favor, in love and piety. The guardian angel is always with them and keeps their youth from vigorous thoughts, from the elevation of the temptations of this world and from all sorts of shuffles. If, when they sigrate before you, Lord, do not turn your faces from them, but wake up to them with gracious, it is offended in their hearts repentance on the many busy, to cleanse the sinners and not the lisha of your bonds, but to keep them anything for their salvation, keeping They are from any disease, danger, troubles and sorrow, the autumn of them is free to all the days of this life. God, I pray for you, give me fun and the joy about my children and the opportunity to see me with them on the terrible court of yours, to say with the physical daring: "So the children you gave me, Lord. Amen". Yes, we will glorify your father, father and son and saint spirit. Amen.

Prayer 2.

God and Father, the creator and the preservator of all creatures! Express my poor children (names) In the spirit of your holy, but he will award the true fear of God, who is the beginning of the wisdom and direct prudence, according to which who comes, that praise is forever. Referring to their true knowledge of you, keep them from all sledding of idol and false teachings, make it to have increased in the true and saving faith and in every piety, and maybe they will continually fully until the end. Give them a believer, obedient and humble heart and mind, and indebted to the years and in the grace of God and before people. Nasadi in the heart of their love for your divine word so that they were reverent in prayer and in worship, respectful to the servants of the Word and with all sorts of sincere in the actions, shamers in the leggings, shames in the nravas, are true in words, faithful in matters, ditched in classes , happy in the performance of their duties, intelligent and are destinable to all people. Combate them from all the temptations of an evil world, and do not corrupt their thin society. Do not miss them to fall into uncleanness and non-commuting, do not reduce their lives themselves and do not insult others. Budi protect them in any danger, but will not subjected to a sudden diet. Whether we did not see their dishonor and entertainment in them, but the honor and joy, so that the kingdom is multiplied by them and the number of believers multiplied with them, and they will be in the unrest Honor, praise and glorification through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.