Brain Ring "Well healthy to be!" (Joint activity of children of senior preschool age, parents and educators). Music Brain - Ring between children and parents

Ecological Brene - Ring for children senior group
"Alone with nature"
. consolidate knowledge of children about nature;
. To form in children elements of environmental consciousness and culture;
. summarize the knowledge of children about natural communities;
. To form the ability to solve riddles of natural communities, call natural communities (field, meadow, forest, etc.) on the components of their plants and animals living in them;
. continue to form speech, to learn it is connected, concisely respond to the questions raised;
. Activate vocabulary children;
. develop the speed of the reaction, intelligence, logical thinking, erudition;
. captivate children and cause a joyful experience from joint team activities;
. Relieve a sense of partnership, respect for partners and rivals on the game, to learn to follow the rules of the game, the ability to listen to the answers and complement them.
Materials and equipment:
pictures from the life of nature;
equipment for the game "Guess Who?";
phonogram "Forest voices";
pictures with rules of behavior in the forest;
chambers with estimates for the jury;
prizes for rewarding children;
emblems for teams;
sound recording - Voices of birds and animals
Preliminary work:
conducting environmental education (games, observation, etc.);
memorizing poems, proverbs, make riddles of nature and weather;
conversations with children about the disappearing animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book;
desktop I. didactic games About nature and weather: "Edible and inedible", "Field, Forest, Garden", "Fisheries and Fish", Lotto "Home and Wild Animals";
Consider the encyclopedia "Animals and Plants of Our Nature".
Opening conversation.
- Guys, today we will talk .... And what you yourself are guessing.
Five kingdoms in which there are many organisms
We call Mother -... (Nature) about nature. A wonderful writer and a large lover of Nature M. Svaren wrote: "We are the owners of our nature, and she is a storage room with great treasures of life for us. Fish - Water, Bird - Air, Beast - Forest, Steppe, Mountains, and man needs homeland. And protect nature - it means to protect the Motherland. "
What do you think, what is ecology?
Ecology is a science of the house, about nature. And nature is our big houseAnd we all must support order in it.

Good afternoon dear friends! Welcome to our Brain Ring "Alone with Nature" the educator reads motto:

"You are a man, loving nature
Even sometimes her regrets
In entertainment hits
Do not tramples its fields.
In the vocational bay century
You rush her.
She is your longtime good leak
She is the allied soul.
Do not burn her
And do not exhaust until the bottom.
And remember the truth is simple
A lot of us, and she is alone.

Presentation of jury members.
Jury, as you can see, we are worthy of respect.
They had, and more than once, evaluate battles!
For each jury competition will award one score.
Teams please take your places. Many secrets and riddles hides nature from us. But we are with you inquisitive people and we open any secrets! We start the game. So - forward to victory!
"Representation of the teams" (name, motto, emblem)
The game involves two teams: "Earthlings" and "Naturalists" headed by captains.
So, I ask the team to greet each other.
1 team - "Earthlings". Children's response choir.
Our motto: "Take care of your planet - after all, there is no other in the world."
2 Team - "Naturalists" Children's answer by the choir.
Our motto: "Everyone knows, you and I cannot offend the nature!"

1 Competition "Workout" (question-answer)

Represents blitz poll. I will ask questions to teams, and you will be answered on them. It is impossible to shout, the scores will decrease for it. For one minute you need to answer as many questions as possible. The beginning and end of the competition informs the jury beep.

Questions for the "Earthlings" team:
. When does the protein nuts stock? (autumn)
. What word is called birds that fly into warm edges? (migrable)
. Crucian, catfish, pike, perch? (fish)
. When does Malina sleep in the garden? (in summer)
. What kind of beast can be called longuhim? (hare)
. How many legs of a spider? (eight)
. What bird treats trees? (woodpecker)
. When does the white snow sparkle in the sun? (winter)
. How in a word called animals that live next to a person? (home)
. Which tree has a white trunk? (Bereza)
. When will the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (spring)
. What is the butterfly eat? (nectar)
. What plant helps to cure the wound? (plantain)
. What basically feed migratory birds? (insects)
. When foliage from trees is popping? (autumn)
. What is the name of the house for birds made by the hands of a person? (Buncher)
. Who is in the forest weave web? (spider)
. When is the earth under the snow resting? (winter)
. How in a word called animals that live in the forest? (wild)
. What is the green cover of the earth? (grass)
. Which insect ears on the legs? (at the grasshopper)
. What does Yozh do in winter? (sleeping)
. What birds fly to us first? (Graci)
. Who was the summer of redhead, and in winter it becomes gray? (squirrel)
. Who carries her home on his back? (snail)
Questions for the Team "Drop"
. When is the potato grandfather digging? (autumn)
. What tree grow acorns? (on oak)
. Crow, Skzorets, Sparrow, Swallow - Who is it? (birds)
. When is the icicle dripping and melts? (spring)
. What is the beast red fur coat? (proteins, foxes)
. How many legs from the beetle? (six)
. Who is sleeping in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)
. When the water on the river freezes? (winter)
. Which bird has a red breast? (in bulk)
. Lion - wild or pet? (wild)
. Which insect has red wings with black dots? (U. god's cow)
. When does the strawberry sleep? (in summer)
. What bird takes chicks in winter? (crossbill)
. Muha, Mosquito, Butterfly, Dragonfly, Ant - Who is it? (insects)
. What is the name of the Muravyev House? (anthill)
. Which beast has a needle? (hedgehog)
. When are harvesting from fields and gardens? (autumn)
. What word is called birds that you have? (Winter)
. When does the butterfly fly over the field? (in summer)
. What bird is called "Forest Radio"? (magpie)
. What is the name of a person who protects the forest, watches order? (forester)
. What mushroom is the name of the forest predator? (chanterelle)
. What kind of beast looks like hedgehog? (porcupine)
. What flowers are human names? (Rose, Lily, Ivan da Marya, Vasilek).
. What kind of bird throws his eggs in other people's nests?

The word is given a jury that calls a common account.

2 contest. (Riddles-Descriptions of Natural Communities)
1. Guess where we came?
- around high grass, beautiful flowers, not at all visible trees and shrubs, butterflies flutter, busily, bumblebee. (meadow)
2. It became darker and cooler. Grass became less dense. Birch is growing, here is the oak, and there is a lot of deciduous trees. (forest, grove)
3. See, now there are no herbs under their feet, deciduous trees come across less often. On Earth - prickly cupllies, bumps. (coniferous forest)
4. Here is the forest, the trees broke up. What does it shine ahead? Playful, playful,
Cattle, speaking.
In a blue shirt
Runs on the bottom of the ravine.
5. The river is all slower, the flow is all smaller. Smells of tina, squabble frogs.
Mosquitoes fly entire flocks. (swamp)
6. Runs without legs, not knowing grief,
And gets to the sea. (river)
At the end of the competition, the jury is provided.
3 Competition "How to behave in nature." Situations for each team
1st situation
Girls walked in the forest with early spring in the morning.
- Oh, see what I found. Nest!
- And in it, the testicle.
- Maybe we take it home, and we will have a chick.
- We will take care of him!
Girls took the testicle with them.
Leading. Is the girls right?
Children. Wrong. The chick will die, as he needs maternal warmth.
2nd situation
Two sisters walked through the forest.
- What beautiful flower! I wonder how it is called?
- I know it is a valley. He smells so good!
"Let's give it up and take his mother."
Girls rushed flower and went home.
Leading. Did the girls come correctly?
Children. The valley are listed in the Red Book, you can not rip them, otherwise they will disappear.
3rd situation
The boy walked along the forest path, saw the hedgehog and decided to take it home.
Leading. Corrected the boy?
Children. Wild animals can not be taken home, they may die in captivity
4th situation
After the rain, the children went to walk into the courtyard.
- Look how many worms!
- Let's collect them and girls scare!
- Let's go see where the girls!
Leave the jar with the worms closed.
Educator. Did you do the guys?
Children. Worms cannot be assembled, they have their own role in nature. They loosen the land to breathe roots of plants, they feed some animals.
The jury appreciates the competition.
And now a little rest. Close your eyes.
The music of F. Schubert "Ave Maria" sounds. Held
Relaxation "If I were a tree" (to the music).
"Our legs are roots. Hold us tightly on Earth, they are looking for water to us to drink. They grow deeper and deeper (they are sitting on a chair, firmly putting their legs). Our skin is the bark. She is solid and tough, all in the fights and furrows. She protects us from wounds. And everyone will understand that it is impossible to cut inscriptions and signs on this skin, which is called the bark (stroking yourself with your hands). Our hands are branches. They stretch, stretch to the sun. They can relax the birds and even tweak the socket (raise hands up). Our cams are kidneys. Every spring our kidneys are revealed and leaves appear.

"I am all people and birds
Green good friend
I pull all my palms
And a lot - a lot of hands "(compress and squeeze the cams).
How wonderful to be trees! In the summer heat to give coolness and shadow. And the light breeze blows down, and we grade left to the right, a little audibly talking between themselves (swinging with hands raised up).
My trunk, my branches stretch to the sun.
These are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shook.
The wind knives the dew.
Smoothly with the hands of one.
This birds fly to us.
How they will sit down, show -
Wings folded back
4 Competition - "Guess, whose voice?"
Sounds audio recording of various animals.
Representatives of teams are called birds. Participants recognize singing
nightingale, crows, cuckoo, owls, bear, boar, foxes, wolf, mosquito, bees.
5 Competition "Answer Quick"
You must only answer or not.
If I come to the fishing rods and a chamomile? (not)
If you eat a piddle and take a piece of paper? (not)
If the bread is a piece on hemp leave? (Yes)
If the branch is wearing, I put the peg? (Yes)
If I will restore the fire, but I will not wear? (not)
If he is strong, and remove for forget? (Not)
If the garbage will remove, I drip the bank? (Yes)
I love my nature, I helped her (yes)
6 Competition "Environmental Signs".
- Each team receives 5 characters. The guys must determine the name of each of them.
1st team:
1) - You can not spoil the bark of trees.
Do you know that oxygen is highlighted by green plants. Especially useful are large milled trees. It was estimated that one 60-year-old pine stands for a day so much oxygen, how much per day is necessary for three people.
2) - Do not leave trash.
Do you know that most of the garbage decomposes for a very long time, for example:
. Orange peel - 2 years;
. Plastic bags - from 10 to 20 years;
. Tin cans - from 80 to 100 years;
. plastic bottles Do not decompose!
3) - do not destroy mushrooms, even poisonous.
Do you know that even mushrooms, poisonous for humans, are useful because they are feed for some animals, moreover, some plants can not live without them.
4) - you can't cut down trees.
Do you know that a person uses trees for paper production. Saving paper, you save the trees from cutting down!
5) - you can not make noise in the forest.
Do you know that in the forest you can see many interesting animals, provided that you will behave quietly and do not be frightened. Sulna, deer, protein fear noise.
2nd team:
1) - Do not catch butterflies.
Do you know that you can not kill any animals, because they are part of our natural environment. Under special protection there are such animals that require special attentionbecause they are either very helpful or very rare.
2) - Do not break the branch.
Do you know that plants are delayed great amount Atmospheric pollution and dust, in addition, they quench the noise. Trees, absorbing pollution, purify the air, but they themselves get dirty. Remember that if you break at least one branch, the tree can dry!
3) - do not touch the avian barrels.
Do you know that the birds throw the nests that the man touched, and no longer return to this place. If there were eggs in the nest, then the chicks will appear. If there were chicks in the nest, they would die without her mother.
4) - carefully belong to water.
Do you know that all living organisms need water. Healthy person It consumes about 2 liters of water daily. People get water not only in the form of beverages, but also contained in food. For example, an apple contains 80% water. A person can not live for a week without water.
5) - Do not RVI flowers.
Do you know that people over the past 100 years have threatened the disappearance of 25,000 species of plants. Among them are the valley, bells, snowdrops, aubravnaya anemone, Venusian shoe, which blooms only for 18 years of life, and many others.
(Summing up the results of the competition "Environmental Signs")
- Let's think together: whether our forest will be worse if, passing along the path, you will break the twig, or come to the amansor; Make a wreath of flowers that grow in the meadow? (Children's responses)
- Yes, nature will be worse! After all, each twig, broken in vain, or a fused mushroom is a small wound caused by nature. And the nature is difficult to heal even the smallest wounds. Try to remember the "Forest Rules".
Let's take care of our beautiful land, our common house. Bear and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a particle of nature! Forest or river sick, and we will be bad. Do not hurt either a tree nor a cat or an ant! Do not hurt each other! A person must be kind!
1 child:
Take care of the ground! Take care!
Love your native nature:
Lakes, forests and sea.
After all, this is ours with you
Forever native land!
2 child:
On her we were born with you,
We live with you on it.
Children choir:
Let's, people, all together
We treat her kinder!
3 baby:
Let's take care of the planet -
In the whole universe there is no similar,
In all universe only one
For life and friendship, she is given to us!
4 child:
Our planet Earth
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields
House our birth guys!
5 child:
Let's take care of the planet,
There is no other such in the world.
Dispel the clouds and smoke
Withdrawn her no one!
6 child:
We will be Birds, insects, animals.
From this we will become only kind.
Decorate the whole earth with gardens, flowers.
Such a planet needs us with you!
The jury summarizes.
Award is held
Thank you for fate
Brain Ring is completed, friends, goodbye!
I want everyone I say to Farewell:
We live so much on earth
And about nature - one - we can take care quite!


Tretyakova Lyudmila Anatolyevna -


Yarkkova Tatyana Ivanovna -


Savchenkova Tatiana Nikolaevna -

music leader

Madou Sladkovsky Municipal District

kindergarten "Tale"

Leading: We welcome the command "Bells". The captain of the team of Chubykina Nina, and the team "Bubareniki", the captain of the team of Bobova Olga Viktorovna.

Material and equipment: checkboxes, cups, chest, baby stroller, Cheburashka, presentation (on an interactive blackboard), Shirma, Parsley, musical instruments.

Greeting teams.

  1. We have a ray of ray and teases

We now have fun in the morning

Winter gives us a ringing holiday

And the main guest on it is a game!

  1. She is our friend big and smart

Will not let me be bored and lose heart.

Spent the argument of funny, noisy

It will help a new learn.

Leading: Before the start of the game, I want to raise everyone a good mood, and to make it will help us a song : Smile (all participants sing ).

Well, now I see you in a good mood, smiles play on the faces, it's time to start the game. For each correct answer, the checkbox is given. At the end of the game, our jury will calculate the checkboxes and will be clear who won. Be careful. I declare first tour:

Attention , Magic chest! (guys): There is a toy, and what you know, guessing the riddle. Riddle Team "Bells"

In the forest you will not find it, it looks like a bear very much,

He has big ears, with a crocodile genoma is friends.

Smiling, face. This is a doll .... (Cheburashka).

Setting the team "Bubakers".

Is there a song about this toy? Name the author and composer of Children's Song "Chung-Chang", "Smile", "Blue Wag", "let them run awkward", etc.? (Shainsky, "I was once strange ..." (Portrait V.Ya.Shainsky appears on an interactive chalkboard)

All sing the song "I was once strange ....".

2 Tour:

1.Roders - Team "Bubareniki" - name the genres of musical works? (Listening - Song, Marsh, Dance, Suite, etc.)

2. "Bells" - determine what genre does this music belong to? (Kids guess the sound with a melody: a song, march, dance)

1. Transfer the movements to the shift parts. (Kalinka)

Leading: So that the fervor is not fading, so that time went faster,

Friends, I invite you to go to the mysteries rather.

3 tour.

(Teams in turn are made by riddles, pictures appear on the slides - answers to musical riddles)


He look at the bayan brother, where fun, there he.

I will not tell me, all familiar .... (Accordion).


Which tool has a key tool and a pedal,

What is this? Undoubtedly, this is a glorious .... (piano)


Movement smooth bow leads in the trembling strings,

The motive sounds from afar, sings the lunar about the evening.

How clear sounds overflow, joy and smile,

It sounds a dreamy motive, its name ... (violin).


I put it on my lips a tube, drove in the woods,

The tool is very fragile, called ... (Swirl).


The knee box is dancing, it sings, then bitterly cries (bayan).


Top leather, below, too, is empty in the middle.

Wooden girlfriends are danced on his painter.

They beat him, and he rattles, in his leg everyone will say ... (drum).


He loves when he is beaten,

Rest does not give him -

He dances in his hands and rings,

AND good people High! (tambourine)

Leading: And now we will get acquainted with new for children with musical instruments, I will make riddles of puzzles, and they will try to guess them.

Touch - came to life

Transparent wing

And we are with you in a fairy tale

Easy so worn.

From wood cut down,

Smoothly discharged

Sing, pour

What are called ... (husli)

Leading: What's with your feet, I do not understand. Right, left to the left.

They do not stand in place, so dance and ask.

Dance of small ducklings (together with parents dance children)

Leading: Go to 4 tours. Competition for captains.

(Parsley appears because of the screen)

Parsley: And here I am a parsley - a fun toy.

I parsley, parsley -

Cheerful boy

Always cheerful and sing,

I have a hurry to meet you.

I love to have fun and play. And you? Now I will play musical and tall, and you guess what I play?

There is a game "Guess what I play" (alternately sound: spoons, buboins, tambourine, rattle, sweater, etc.)

Parsley: Well done! What are you intelligent! All tools guess, respected parsley. I will come back to you next time. Bye.

All together dancing the dance "Dance with me a friend"

Leading: Here is the last 5 round. "Question answer". (alternately)


Who writes music? …(composer).


With what music is written? .. (notes)


- Who performs music? …(musician)


What is the name of the simultaneous sound tool? …(orchestra).


What is called a person who leads the orchestra? ... (conductor).


- What orchestras do you know? (Spirit, Symphony,)

Leading: So far jury summarize, we will organize our Russian folk instruments orchestra "Lee in the garden, in the garden."

(parents with children play on musical instrumentslike in the orchestra)

Announcement of the results of the game (the word jury).

Song: "Fear together".

Leading: Thank you all for your attention, behind the enthusiasm and friendly laughter.

For the fire of competition, which ensured success.

That is the moment of forgiven, my brief speech.

I speak everyone goodbye! And to new meetings, friends!

Note app on 6 sheets,

Phonograms, children's songs 7 pcs.

Municipal Institution additional education Children

Center for the Development of Children and Youth Creativity

Kolchchka G.N.

methodist Mootod Tsrtdia


holding brain - ring

"Visiting a fairy tale."

Purpose:Activate knowledge about fairy tales in children.

Educational: Expand and deepen the knowledge of children about oral folk art.

Developing: Continue enriching the dictionary of children with new words.
Educational: bring up in children love for folk and literary fairy tales; Make leisure students interesting, informative, form communication skills.
Book exhibition "Fairy Tales".
Beautiful inscription on the board: "Brain-ring" Fairy Tales ".
Tuben instead of gong.
Tape recorder with records for musical pauses.
"Magic Chest", from which the "black box" is retrieved, etc.
Items for the "black box"
Envelopes with game questions.
Prize chips for the right answers.
Merry music sounds.
Vedas Good afternoon, participants and fans of our today's "Brain - Ring" game, just those present here should not be. True, it should make a reservation that there are people in the hall, who cannot be counted on to the players or the fans are our jury. And I want to introduce you to members of our jury:

E. V. Engelbrecht - Director of TsGDI

A. A. Muradyan - Methodist TsGDI

Zubenko O.S. - parents of children studio "Rainbow".

Vedas In our ring today there are 2 teams of the Rainbow Studio. To start the game, we will draw a draw.

Vedas I invite the 1st team to Ring. Go for a table by the window

I ask the team to imagine yourself, Captain.

Vedas For the table at the mirror, the 2nd team is invited. Imagine yourself and captain.

VedasWe met with the participants of the first half, and now attention, I want to introduce you to conditions of the game:

1. The commands are asked the question to which they must respond either within a minute, or after the expiration of the checksum. The first command is responsible, which is the first to give a readiness signal. The captain of the command gives a signal only after the hammer blow sounds. The team, which earlier than the hammer blow will give a ready signal, deprives the answer to this question.

2. If both teams simultaneously fill the readiness signals, then the draw is taken between the commands.

3. Any team player can answer the question. If the team doubts the answer or does not know the answer, the captain is obliged to nominate its version. Thus, the answer must be necessarily.

4. The game goes up to 3 points. The score of the points will be shown on the scoreboard. For players sitting by the window of the scoreboard red, for sitting at the mirror - the scoreboard is green.

5 . Once both teams do not answer the question, then the question is removed and can be repeated in the game of other teams.

6. The loser team leaves the game table and her place occupies a team under No. 3, etc.

7. Wins not the team that plays in the last half, and the one that scores large quantity Points.

8. The jury has the right to give an extra team with a team for a more complete and fast answer.

9. At the end of the game, the winning team is awarded with memorable prizes.

10. If the last team, serving the table, wins in the last half, she is given the right to answer a number of questions, until the team can answer one of the questions.

VedasConditions are understandable to everyone and we begin.

So, friends, let's start the program

We have a big stock

And for whom they?

For us!
We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances,

But there is nothing more interesting

What our magic fairy tales.

You in Brain - Ring came to play,

Answer questions.

One hundred questions, one hundred answers

Everyone is preparing for him, answer why?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Fairy tales need to be recognized.

Doors in a fairy tale open

Answer questions.

Vedas Before the first time we will warm up.

I read the first rows of quatrain, and the team should remember 2 last.

Poem A. Barto.
1. The bull is swinging,

Sighs on the go ....

(Oh, the destruction ends,

Now I fall).

2. Tanya loudly crying

Dropped a ball into the river ....

(Quieter, tanya, do not cry,

Do not drown in the river ball).

3. I love my horse,

Has her shrent smoothly.

(Comb Thoughtfully

And I will go to visit the right).

Poem S. Marshak.
4.i, do not stand

too close...

(I'm a tiger

And not a pussy).

5. Added to an elephant shower.

He took a shoe one ....

(And said: "We need sewn

And not two, but all four ").

Vedas So, 1 half. (Sound a hammer blow)

There is a game after 3 half a musical pause.

1. What are things, items are shown here in pictures?

What kind of fairy tales, who used them?

a) boots from the fairy tale sh.perro "Cat in Boots";

b) the coin from the fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Fly - Codochoha";

c) the golden key from the Tolstoy fairy tale of the same name;

d) crystal shill.

2. " Learn us».

a) pounded, yes pounded on a plate with a nose.

Nothing swallowed and remained demolished.

("Fox and Zhuravl")

b) There is no river nor a pond where the water will get drunk.

Delicious water in the hole from the waters.

(Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka)

c) mouse home found itself

The mouse was good

And in the house, in the end

Many residents have become.


d) with the letter goes to school

Wooden boy.

Fits instead of school

In a linen bolav.

What is this book?

How is the boy himself call?

("Adventures of Buratino" or "Golden Key" Tolstoy)


d) a girl appeared

In a cup of flower,

And there was that girl

Slightly no longer.


e) someone for someone

Grabbed hard

Oh, not to pull out!

Oh, sat down firmly!

But still assistants

Soon resorted

Wins stubborn

Friendly common work.

(R.N.S. "Rack")


g) now ceiling about the book another

There is a blue sea, then the shore of the sea ...

The old man went to the sea and the nehel will throw

Someone caught about something as soon as

About the greedy old story here will go,

And greed guys do not lead to good.

And the case will end the same truck,

But not new, but old, broken.

(A.S. Pushkin "Tale of fisherman and fish").

h) near the forest, on the edge.

Three live in the hut.

There are three chairs and three circles,

Guess without tips,

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

("Three Bears").

and) fat man lives on the roof

He flies all above.


3. What song sang ...

a) bun?

"I'm on the box scraper,

On sour cream furniture,

Yes in the oil liver,

On the window booze

I left my grandfather .. "

b) Mom - goat?

"Goats, children,

Spring, discouraged.

Your mother came,

The milk brought. "

c) Vini - Pooh?

"Well lives in the light of Vini - Pooh.

Therefore, he sings these songs out loud. "
d) turtle and lionok?

"I'm lying in the sun

And the ears of the sheer.

I'm lying and lying

And the ears of the chapel. "
e) Bremen musicians?

There is nothing better in the world,

Than to wander to friends in Bella.

Those who are friendly, are not terrible anxiety,

We are any roads roads.

4. Because the fairy tale from which the passage is taken.

a) "Grandfather Bil, beat,

Not broken.

Baba Bila, Bila -

Not broken.

Mouse fled,

Tail waved

The egg fell

And broke. "

("Ryaba chicken").

b) "I am a mouse - Narushka,

I'm a frog - a cuckoo.

And who are you?"


c) "took the old woman wing, the box screamed, in Suski gave a loss and scored a flour of a handful of two. I knead the dough on sour cream, fried in oil and put it on the window to cool ... "


d) "bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for ..."

e) "The girl came to the house, the door was converted. In this house there were two rooms: one - dining room, the other is a bedroom. In the dining room stood at the table 3 stools, on the table - 3 cups with pussy, the spoon lay beside each cup. Then she went to another doors, there was 3 beds. "

(L.N. Tolstoy "Three Bear").

e) "Tired Bear was hungry.

Eh - Says, - Sad - Syad on Penc, eat - eat a pobe

("Masha and the Bear").

g) "The geese - swans, let's shout, let's gagwood, picked up Ivanushka on the wings and took .. (" Geese - Swans ")

h) "Ivan - Tsarevich could not find his arrows for a long time. Two days went through the forests and in the mountains, and on the third day I went to a viscous swamp. Looks - Sits there on a frog button - a cuckoo, he holds his arrow. "

("Princess Frog").

and) "Light my mirror tell me,

Yes, tell the whole truth:

"I am in the light of all Miley,

All stocks and whiter. "

And heard in response:

"You are beautiful, no dispute,

But the prini all is Mile

All the rosy and whiter. "

("Tale of the dead princess and 7

bogatychikh ").

k) "Balda says:" I will serve you nicely,

Diligently and very well.

Per year for three clicks to you on the forehead.

I have a boiled policeman. "

("Tale of the Pop and his Bald employee").

l) "The girl sits under her, trembling, chills pierced her. Suddenly hears, unpriment of Morozko crashes on the christmas trees, with the Christmas tree, it rows on the Christmas tree, clicks. I found myself on that ate, under which the girl sits and on top of it asks:

Do you warm your maiden, whether you, red?

Heat, Morozuschko, Heat, Batyushka.


m) "Do not cry, girl! Do not cry beautiful! Wrestle to me into one ear, in another - get out. " The girl will fit into one ear, to another will get out, it will be better than the old: and the eyes of blue and braid longer, and the sundress brighter. It looks, and on the grass already lies with a web and lowered, and in the pipes of the scolan. "

("Tiny - Havroshchka").

h) "Beyond the mountains, for forests,

Beyond wide seas.

Not in heaven on earth

He lived an old man in one village.

Three sons have 3 sons.

Senior smart was a kids

Middle Son and Syak,

The younger was the fool at all.

Brothers sowed wheat,

Yes, they took the capital to the city:

Know the capitol

Near the village.

There Wheat was sold

Account received money

And with a silence

Returned home.

Long time, Al soon

Adventure Mount to them:

Someone in the field began to walk

And the wheat move.

("The Little Humpbacked Horse").

5. What fairy tales these illustrations?

Name the fairy tale and the main characters
a) "Red Hood".

b) "Thumbelina".

c) "Teremok".

d) "Rack".

e) "Ryabina".

e) "Kolobok".

g) "Three Bear".

h) "Masha and the Bear."

and) "Geese - Swans".

k) "Tsarevna - Frog"

l) "Cat in boots", etc.

6. The telegrams from the fabulous heroes are on the game, but they forgot their telegrams to sign their own. Find out from whom the telegram?
a) "From grandfather left

From grandmother left,

From the hare left

From the wolf left,

I will soon have you. " ("Kolobok").

b) "Save me a gray wolf ate me,

There was only a hat. " ("Little Red Riding Hood").

c) "Sorry, I can not come, lost a shoe." ("Cinderella").

d) "I live without any glory, an environment of green dubrava,

at seven brothers. " ("Tsarevna").

e) "urgently required walnut, blue violets and petal

roses ", (" Thumbelina ").

e) "I leave. Meet!

Signs - a little boy, very remote. " ("Tom Thumb").

g) "Come, Doctor,

In Africa soon

And save, doctor

Our kids. " ("From Hippo - Dr. Aibolit").

7. What did the fabulous heroes move?

(It is carried out as auction. Whoever will name the latter and gets 1 point).

*carpet plane

* boots - swords


*Swan geese

*flying ship

8. Which fairy tale lives ...
a) Baba - Yaga?

("Morozko", "Geese - Swans", "Vasilisa lovely", "Finist - Clear Falcon" ...)

("Teremok", "Kolobok", "Fox and Wolf", "Wolf and Seven Cats" ...)

("Teremok", "Kolobok", "Lisa and Crane," Cat, Rooster and Fox "," Hare Hut "...)

9. Final contest "Guess the melody"

(for fairy tales and cartoons).

Summarizing. Award.
Vedas That ended our meeting. I wish you all good mood and good luck.

Abstract Final Node "Brain Ring"


1. Implementing the control of the learned knowledge of children for the current school year.

2. Develop memory, speed of reaction, resourcefulness, intelligence, mixtalk.

3. Relieve a sense of partnership. Expand the cognitive interests of children.

4. Develop the ability of children to think freely; Touch the joy of communication with adults and each other.


Envelopes with tasks; Chips for counting points; Emblems (for each child); Black box.

Game traffic:

Leading: Dear Guys! Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you on our intellectual game "Brain - Ring". And although you have to go through a lot of difficult, but interesting tests to show your seamless and knowledge, we wish you to pass them with joy and smile!

Educator: Two teams meet on our intellectual ring:

Team "Melniki" - team captain

Team "Experts" - team captain

And now the greeting of teams:

The "Melniki" team, our motto: "One mind is good, and two better."

The team "Experts", our motto: "Knowledge is power!"

We ask the team to take our places.

And judging you will be members of the jury - our respected guests. (Presentation of the jury)

For each correct task, the commands get one chip. At the end of our game, we consider chips. Whose team will score more chips, she will be the winner.

1 Round:


suggest children as quickly as possible to answer questions, while all members of the team can express their opinions.

Tell me what day the day of the week?

What day of the week will be in two days?

What is a stool and stool?

What is the difference between the butterfly from the dragonfly?

What happens on the street after the rain? (puddles, rainbow)

What day did the last day?

How many sun on the sky?

What is the name of a geometric figure without angles?

What geometric shape is less than all angles?

Where does clown work?

2 Round:

"Russell residents"

Each team is given an envelope with various geometric figures, Children must fill in the table so that the figures would not be repeated not vertically horizontally.

In the meantime, the jury counts points for the first 2 rounds with us "experimental pause"

Experimental pause

3 Round:


Question: Why does a man need a dream?

What is the old person different from the young? (call signs)

4 Round:

"Dorisui subject"

Each team is heard a card with a picture of different shapes, children should look at what they look like and trying the subject.


5 Round:

Game "Item-Action"

The host says: "I will say a word denoting any subject, and you have to quickly come up with what can be done with this subject. For example, scissors-cut, calculator - clean, shovel - buck. "

Words: Rake (collect fallen leaves), fork (eat), hammer (clog nails), cup (drink), pan (cook), needle (sew), legs (walk), hands (take), eyes (watch), Nose (breathe), ears (hear, pen (write), felt-tip pen, paint (draw), watering can, drowning (spin screws), drill (drill in a hole wall), bag (wearing things), saw (saw) , powder (wash), soap (wash), iron (iron), braid (mowing grass), matches (breed fire), frying pan (fry), glue (glue), fence (caressing the territory), book (read), thermometer (Measure the temperature), clock (find out time), telephone (call).

6 Round:

Competition Captain

"Connect the numbers" Children are distributed cards with numbers, their task to connect numbers in order so that it turned out the picture.

Experimental pause

7 Round:


Now I will ask questions to the teams how the beep teams discuss the question if they know the answer of the captain, raises the hand., And answers the question. Fans do not suggest.

1) How many paws have two cubs? (eight)

2) At seven brothers on one sister. How many sisters (1)

3) Grandmother Dasha granddaughter Masha, a cat gun and a dog of his friend. How many grandchildren's grandchildren? (one granddaughter Dasha)

4) Birds flew over the river: dove, pike, 2 tits, 2 steps and 5 acne. How many birds? Answer soon! - (5 birds)

5) How many ears have three mice? (6 ears)

6) 7 candles burned. 2 candles repaired, and the rest continued to burn. - How much candles left to burn? (five)

8 Round:

"Black box"

The presenter asks the question to both teams, the children confirming the answer.

Which animal people go and drive cars? (zebra)

Educator: So our game came to the end. While the jury considers your chips, I want to talk to you a little. Tell me, did you like the game? What task you remember most? What was the most difficult for you?

Now we learn the bill, but who would not have won, I can say for sure that the friendship won, email.

For the announcement of the results, the word is provided with the jury.

(Children receive prizes).

Great interest preschoolers and their parents called us brain Ring. The hall was made accordingly. On the wall posters with the name of the "Brain Ring" event and the maiden program "Our House - Nature", as well as signs depicting the rules of conduct in nature . Tables are covered with a red and green tablecloth, on each - the light bulbs of the corresponding color. Near the boards with labyrinths and stands that visual benefits are exposed during the game. Children of two groups take part in the game kindergarten. Before starting the host presents the team "Green World" and "Red Book", the jury and introduces participants with the rules.

  • If a child knows the answer to the question, he raises his hand, and the captain presses the button.
  • The question is answered by the team, the captain of which was the first to turn on the light bulb.
  • Penalty glasses are charged by a team whose captain pressed the button until the end of the question.

Leading.Our Brain Ring is dedicated to nature. Nature - our Common Home. It must be preserved, as far as the strength is enough! With aimlessly torn branch or flower, with a caught butterfly, who did not pick up the garbage in the forest begins her destruction. Remember always about it and take care of nature!

Brain Ring consists of three rounds.

First round. Inanimate nature

2. On Earth there is a place where, wherever you turn, from all sides of the south. What is the name of this place? (North Pole.)

3. Where does day and night come from? (The land spins, like a top, and substitutes the sun, then one side, then another?)

4. Warning: black box! What is in it? "There is one object in the world, in which the white light is hidden, you will feel better arrow and you will get home without difficulty." (Compass?)

5. How to determine the parties of light on the sun? (If you become the right side to the sun, the east will be right, to the left - west, ahead- north, rear- south. But this is true only for the morning hours - the Sun indicates the West.)

6. Because months of the year (a circular diagram is displayed on the scoreboard, the multicolored sectors of which symbolize the seasons and months) (photo3).

7. List the types of precipitation. (Rain, snow, hail, dew, fog?)

8. What is the clouds from? (From water droplets or ice crystals?)

9. Why do we hear thunder after we see zipper? (The sound spreads slower than the light?)

10. Name the rules of behavior in nature (There are signs on the scoreboard that symbolize the rules of behavior in nature, and the responding describes each of them).While the jury consults, physkultminutka is held "What grows in native edge? ". The presenter lists the plants growing in the Belgorod region and not growing in Russia. Children should clap your hands when they hear the name of the type that we do not meet.

Second round. Mammals

1. What is the name of the animal feeding the young milk? (Mammal)

2. Why Belka is such a magnificent tail? (To plan and steer when jumping from branches on a branch and from a tree on a tree)

4. Why are the mice all nibble? (They grow teeth all the time - they need to be constantly allowed. If this is not done, the teeth will grow so big that the mouse will not be able to close the mouth, which means that it will not be able to eat.)

5. Who is superfluous and why? (On the scoreboard, drawings depicting a wolf, hare, proteins. The child answers: the wolf is superfluous in this case.- he is a predator and feeds on all other painted animals.)

6. Dolphin is a fish? (This is a marine mammal)

7. Where whose mark? (On the scoreboard exhibit a drawing with the image of a bear trace, deer, wolf, hare.)

8. Who does say? (Pets are displayed on the scoreboard: pigs, pigs, cows, horses, sheep, dogs, cats. The child shows them and calls the "speech" of animals, such as a cow miracle, sheep shoes ...)

9. Why is the dog when she is hot, puts the tongue, and the horse is not? (We have no swelling glands on the body, and there are no dogs. Therefore, to cool, the dog gives up a language)

10. What is a red book? (On it puts on plants, mammals, birds, insects under threat of disappearance)

While the jury consults, held play with parents.

Exercise 1.Who will quickly hold a bowl along the labyrinth to the flower, and then home.

Task 2.Whose team gaves more riddles.

  • Which fields do not grow grass? (In the hats fields)
  • What branch does not grow on a tree? (Rail)
  • How many apples on the birch, if there are eight knots on her, on every bitch on five apples? (There is no apple on birch)
  • What crest will not spread your head? (Petushin)
  • Can an ostrich call himself a bird? (No, he does not know how to say)
  • What finish the day and night? (Soft sign)
  • Name five days without using nor numbers or names of days. (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow?)
  • When the sky is lower below the earth? (When it is reflected in water)

Before the third round is held music pause "Do not hurt the ant", in the process of which children dressed in insect costumes read fragments of poems, dance and sing.

Third round. Birds and insects

1. When will the last ducks fly away from us? (When all reservoirs are freezing: lakes and ponds)

2. What do the pigeons feed their chicks? (Milk, which is produced into the goiter of an adult pigeon; chicks stick their head deep into the throat of the parent to get to the milk)

3. Why does Flamingo pink feathers? (They feed on red races)

4. What can I give a bird for lunch? (Images of grains, bread, bass, rowabins, etc. are displayed on the scoreboard. The child connects the feed lines with the corresponding image of the bird.)

5. Recognize the number of the bird name. (Images of birds are displayed on the scoreboard: graphic, rooster, ducks, striking, bullfinch, dyatla, crows, philina, bottom of colored mugs, near the numbered bird names. The child is in the circles number corresponding to the name of the bird)

6. What is the name of the birdhouse made by a man? (Buncher)

8. How do insects warn animals that they are inedless? (Bright coloring, like, for example, in God's cow.)

9. How does the grasshopper eat? (Leaves of plants, caterpillars, adult insects)

10. What will happen if insects disappear? (Plants will disappear: their insects are pollinated; Fish, frogs, birds will disappear: they feed in the insects)

At the end of the brain rings, the results are summed up and the winners are announced. Children are awarded prizes - books on an ecological theme.

T. Majakov, Associate Professor,
Belgorod State University,

T. Yaroshevich, Educator,
DOU№ 12, Belgorod

Basic concepts: ecological education of parents, environmental game, brain-ring

Zhilorova T., Yaroshevich T. Environmental development in the process of familiarization with the surrounding // Pre-school education. 2005. No. 7. . P. 3-9. Brain Ring. P. 6-8.