Signs about a new wallet. Wallet that attracts money

We all want to live in prosperity. You can work long and hard, but still not to have financial stability. In this case, cash talismans will come to the rescue, and the most effective of them are the ones that you store in the wallet.

For some people, any desires associated with money and material values \u200b\u200bare considered unacceptable and personify the negative qualities of a person. But it is worth recognizing that many would like to find the most magnet for money that will provide life in wealth and will allow you to purchase any desired thing.

It's no secret to anyone that there are cash talismans that will help you attract money and take away from unwanted voids in the wallet. It is worth noting that even the decent skeptics tend to believe due to such talismans. Site experts The site amounted to you a list of 5 mascots that will help improve your financial position.

Money - Best Talisman

Chinese coin. About the power of Chinese talismans is known all over the world. With their help, people attract good luck, love and, of course, money. Chinese coins are a good and effective talisman to attract money. They symbolize wealth and financial welfare. The action of Chinese coins is based on their strong cash energy, which will not simply save money in your wallet, but also help multiply wealth. Coins are taken to bind each other with a red ribbon, as the red color symbolizes good luck.

You can buy already tied coins or separately buy them and independently associate with the help of a tape. Take several coins and link them fine red ribbon. Put them in the wallet so that you do not accidentally pick up. It is desirable that the talisman will not get into the eyes to other people.

American dollar. Many people traveling to different countries of the world do not know that the money they pay abroad are not just payment means, but also a strong talisman. One of these talismans is one-dollar bill. The secret of such a strong cash energy is the image of the Great Egyptian pyramid on which the Oco is located. However, if in the case of Chinese coins, you can simply link them and put in the wallet, then in order to activate the action of the dollar mascot, you must add it to the triangle so as to give it the shape of the pyramid.

Covers should never be removed from the wallet or deploy her so that the talisman does not lose its power. After the manipulations conducted, your dollar will acquire special strength and becomes a real money magnet.

Piece amulets

Cinnamon. This spice has long been used not only in cooking, but also for various rituals. Make a money talisman is very simple. You will need to put cinnamon sticks in the wallet. And that's enough. Energy properties of this spice and its smell will soon attract money to your wallet. To strengthen cinnamon properties, you can put meat leaves with it. This combination will speed up the effect and will strengthen the result. Cinnamon is both a talisman to attract money and the talisman to attract good luck. About others magic properties You can learn this spice by reference.

Spoon-rhe. Silver spoon-rubberry, which is currently sold in almost every Feng Shui shop, is one of the most effective talismans, symbolizing money and wealth. She is small, so you can easily place it in the wallet. A spoon must be made strictly of silver. It should be kept a spoon separately from bills and not put it together with the trifle, it is advisable to put it in a separate pocket.

To activate the spoon's action, you need to put it on the night in a bowl with water, in which it is pre-dissolved by a pinch of salt. In the morning you need to get it out of the water and wipe it, and wiping, saying words:

"Spoon wipe dry, I attract money. You will be in my wallet to lie, rush money. "

After that, put a spoon in the wallet and do not get it from there. If over time you will get a new wallet, then spend the ritual anew.

Wallet mouse. Many with hostility belong to these rodents and try to get rid of unwanted guests as soon as possible, barely appear in the house. But in the old days the appearance of mice in the house was the news of the appearance of wealth. And if a person was lucky enough to see how the mouse runs into his hole, it meant that life in poverty would soon end. Since then, the mouse has become a good cash talisman.

A wallet mouse, like a spoon-rhe, has a small size, so it is convenient to store them in the wallet. It is made strictly made of natural metals or stones. By purchasing this talisman, it is worth knowing that the tail of the figure should be bent. There is an opinion that a direct tail mouse can "do a hole" in the wallet, and because of this, money from the wallet is flowing.

In the store you can see such a mouse with a spoon in your hands: As you understand, this combination of two talismans is described above the rhe bark and a wallet mouse. Such a talisman will not only help increase your income, but also will contribute to a smaller amount of empty waste.

Many people who believe in the power of talismans will certainly be able to confirm their strength. Now cash talismans can be seen not only in the wallet, but also in the house almost every person. But it is worth remembering that the talisman will only act if you sincerely believe in his help. Happiness and well-being to you and do not forget to click on the buttons and

14.09.2017 02:51

From time immemorial to attract financial succeed AMULES helped. In a cash talisman, providing a stable purse filler, ...

Wallet - the subject in which we store our money. And it was noticed that, even at the same person, in one wallet the money will always be found, the emptiness is constantly engaged in the other. Why is this happening? The fact is that it is from the wallet himself that how much money will be in it. How to choose the right wallet so that money in it is not translated, but only multiply?

Size Wallet and its form

What is the optimal wallet size in order for money always in it? Feng Shui masters have a special line with positive and negative values \u200b\u200bof segments. Do not despair if you do not have such a line. These sizes are well known and accessible.

  • Positive values \u200b\u200bof sizes. Such are all those values \u200b\u200bthat include the specified segments. From 0 to 54 mm, from 162 to 215 mm and from 378 to 432 mm.
  • The most favorable sizes. This includes segments from 0 to 13 mm, from 40 to 54 mm, from 243 to 256 mm, from 378 to 402 mm and from 429 to 432 mm.
  • Unfavorable meanings. These are considered to be segments from 81 to 95 mm, from 95 to 108 mm, from 149 to 462 mm, from 270 to 284 mm, from 297 to 351 mm.

Adverse values, of course, should be avoided. But from positive sizes you can find at least one. That is, so that at least one side of the wallet corresponds to the specified values. In this case, you can consider the purchase very successful. If you get a wallet, some sides of which will fall under favorable meanings, consider you very lucky!

Please note that a small wallet is undesirable for money. It is believed that there will be little money in a small wallet. In addition, in such a wallet it will not be possible to store bills in a decent form. And they must be carefully painted, without curved corners, are not bent in half.

Feng Shui specialists do not recommend to acquire and the so-called folding wallet. The thing is that, even if all the bills are neatly straightened, they will still bend in half, and it will break the cash energy, and, as a result, the influx of money.

The best shape for a wallet attracting money is rectangular. Round wallet is undesirable, it contributes to the absence of stability. Therefore, even if you prefer to wear coins in a separate wallet, look for them also rectangular wallet, on Feng ShuiMeaning the attraction of money.

Material and quality wallet - everything matters

What material and how should the wallet be sewn, can attract money to his owner?

  • First of all, attention should be paid to the quality of the product sewing. Everything should look very careful. There should be no sticking threads, or dutiful elements. All seams must be smooth, without skipping.
  • The painting of the product must be very raven. Try slightly rub the material with your finger. Will there be a trace of paint on it?
  • All used wallet accessories should work regularly. Immediately check all the buttons and zippers at all compartments.
  • Keep in mind that money in your wallet in no case should be visible. Therefore, avoid the presence of any transparent departments or parts.
  • If you like the wallet with exterior finish, Choose this, in the finishing of which are used elements painted with metal colors - under gold, silver, steel.
  • Most. best Material Genuine leather is considered for a wallet on a hair dry shui. This is explained by the fact that it is able to freely pass cash flows and energy through themselves. In addition to the skin, suede has the same properties. If such options for wallets are too expensive for you, pay attention to the products from the fabric. It will be better than a wallet of artificial materials, such as leatherette, plastic and other similar. Artificial materials are not capable of passing energy.
  • Choosing a wallet, try to buy not the most expensive of existing, but so expensive that you can purchase. In case of selection of a decent option, a wallet will serve you for a very long time. In addition, the invested will quickly pay off. And the money will be sunk in the new beautiful "house".

How to decide on the color wallet

Indeed, what color wallet is the most successful? Are there any universal colors?

So, first, you must determine which group you treat exactly Eastern calendar. To do this, pay attention to the last digit of the year of your birth.

  • The last digit of the year 0 or 1. For example, 1950, 1951, 1970, 1981, etc. Born these years belong to the group Metal .
  • Last figure of the year 2 or 3. For example, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1993, etc. Born these years belong to the group Water.
  • The last digit of the year 4 or 5. For example, 1954, 1965, 1974, 2005, etc. Born these years belong to the group Wood.
  • Last figure of the year 6 or 7. For example, 1946, 1957, 1986, 1997, etc. Born these years belong to the group The fire.
  • Last figure of the year 8 or 9. For example, 1938, 1959, 1968, 1989, etc. Born these years belong to the group Land.

Once you have determined which of the groups you feel, you can proceed to the definition color Gamma. Wallet suitable for you.

  • If your group Metal. Golden, silver, gray, bronze, white and copper colors are considered the most favorable colors for this group of people. However, it is worth it in mind that white wallet will need special care.
  • If your group Water. The most prosperous shades for this group of people are blue, black, blue, turquoise, purple. However, these colors are suitable only for the specified category. For all other groups, they will be extremely unfavorable - from blue Wallet and black wallet Money will be treated, like water. Turquoise wallet And purple does not have such a strong destructive energy, but people from another group should still refrain from these color solutions.
  • If your group Wood. For this group, all shades of green are considered the most favorable. It symbolizes growth and prosperity. That is, a permanent increase in money is provided. Moreover, green color - Color of money.
  • If your group The fire. All shades of red, including burgundy suit you. And also colors of flame - yellow and orange. Yellow wallet Able to attract a large number of money, in turn, orange wallet Promuls your capital.
  • If your group Land. All shades of brown, golden, orange, beige and yellow flowers. They contribute to the accumulation of money. In addition, these colors promise the stability of the material situation.

However, there is a universal color that suits any of the above group. This is red. In Feng Shui, he means superiority and powerful energy. And also symbolizes big money. But, red wallet It should look expensive and rich. And the care of it must be appropriate.

Additionally, all sorts of symbols and attributes of wealth can be present on the wallet - an image of coins, crown or metal finish.

What talisman must be put in the wallet

When you decided on the wallet that you need, and acquired it, it's time to think about what mascot you put in it in order to strengthen the energy of attraction of money.

  • The first bill or coin that you yourself earned. If you already have such a talisman, be sure to put it in your wallet. This thing has a very powerful energy. To enhance the effect, you can even lubricate the money drop of honey.
  • In specialty stores Feng Shui, you can always find such a talisman as 3 Chinese coins connected by a red thread. Strong talisman capable of attracting money.
  • From theft of the wallet and in order to avoid rapid waste, you can put the bean pod in the wallet. However, if it will interfere with the money lying smoothly and freely, it is better to put the image of the pod.
  • Money is very loved by the aroma of mint, he literally manites them. Cap 2-3 drops essential oil on the lining wallet.
  • To strengthen the effect of attraction of money, you can put in one of the wallet offices, a picture with the image of any monetary symbolism is a monetary hexagram, a rune or hieroglyph.
  • Another strong talisman for multiplication of money is a special Feng Shui mirror. Check it in a special store, and put next to money.

What and how should lie in it

From how money is lying in the wallet depends, whether they will increase, or will hurry to leave their "house".

  • In the wallet should always be money and only money. Since this subject is bought specifically for them. Only presence is allowed bank cardsBut only in a specially designated compartment.
  • Covers in the wallet must lie strictly ascending, "face" up. Constantly watch this, and over time you will go into the habit of folding money in the wallet right.
  • Make sure that cash bills did not swear, did not fit in the wallet. Otherwise, they will block the entrance to your wallet to other money.

What can not be stored in the wallet

Most people, in addition to money, store many important, in their opinion, little things. However, such things are able to scare the influx of money. What things in the wallet should get rid of immediately?

  • All sorts of tickets, receipts, checks and all sorts of different papers, such as shopping list. They are not a place in your wallet. Start the habit, at home, immediately fold whose paper In a special place for them, from all the others immediately get rid of.
  • Photos of loved ones. It is better to store them separately, not in the wallet. No matter how beautiful people are your relatives, their energy is able to interrupt the energy of money.
  • Do not store in your wallet dilapidated, dirty, outstanding money. Try to spend them first or exchange to cleaner and new ones.
  • Do not leave the wallet is completely empty. Money energy can leave it forever! Leave Always at least one bill or even a coin.
  • Carefully follow the condition of your wallet. It should not have any scuffs, broken locks, filled out accessories and the more holes in the lining. From such an inaccurate old wallet, money will just leave.

Taking advantage of the above rules when choosing a wallet, you will undoubtedly be able to multiply your money and attract wealth! Happiness to you and good luck!

Wallet is the keeper of our money. What should be wallet, attracting money - Today's conversation will go.

  • What color wallet attracting money?
  • What should be in it to attract money?
  • What should never be in it?

These and other questions you will find answers in this article.

There are several mandatory rules whose compliance will allow you to make a real "" from the "money keeper".

  • The wallet must be spacious enough. Your money should fit into it freely, and that the bills do not need to bend. It is very important. If some of the bills are noticed either at her corner bent, be sure to straighten it to everything smooth and smooth. Money is very fond of respectful and caring attitude and strive to where they are respectively.
  • The wallet should be only from natural materials. This is the skin, suede, or some kind of natural fabric. Because only these materials are well carried out by the energy of money through ourselves, and the artificial substitutes cannot be done. A wallet made from substitutes significantly reduces the cash flow coming to you.
  • Color wallet. Best colorWhile attracting money is considered black, brown, gold, yellow or red - these are the colors of the earth and the material world, and it is they attract more money to us.
  • Wallet must "rich" look - Be respectable, expensive and solid. Cheap and inconspicuously looking better not to acquire, because the money needs a worthy storage and they will simply not go to the "insolidate" place.
  • Observe the hierarchy of the bill. The main rule - the bills must be placed in obligatory facial side In order to reduce their dignity. That is, the first bill must be the largest, the last one is the smallest. Also make sure that they do not lay up upside down. It is even better that for banknotes there are several offices - for small and large. Another indispensable condition - for trivia should be a separate place.
  • What should not be your wallet? Money is such an energy that does not like mixing with other energies. Therefore, it should not be photographs of relatives and loved ones, as many of us are accepted. The fact is that such photos carry a very strong emotional and energy charges on themselves, and they will simply interrupt the energy of money, interfering with its free flow. There should also be no checks, receipts, travel tickets And the other "hlama", which is not related to money. All this must be thrown in a timely manner.
  • What can be in the walletexcept bills? It is allowed to store credit and discount cards in it. Make sure that they should not be too much, so as not to turn their "Cash Energy Keeper" in the warehouse plastic cards. It is advisable to wear special talismans in the wallet, reinforcing cash flow. These include Chinese coins woven with red ribbon, it can also be images of monetary hieroglyphs. Good talisman It is a bill in one dollar, on the back of which an ancient Masonic symbol is depicted - "Pyramid with Ovriak Okom", which is considered by itself a very powerful monetary talisman.

That's all the main conditions for the transformation of your wallet from the usual "keeper" into a powerful "monetary magnet".

In a video clip, Polina Goncharov will tell more about them, author of the video course "Secrets of Money Attention"

Follow it uncomplicated rules And after a short time you can notice how your cash flow has increased significantly.

Live rich!

Alain Golovin

Copy is possible only if there is an active reference.

Interesting on the topic:

Someone does not believe, someone laughs, while others are successfully used. This is how it can be said about the teachings of Feng Shui and other traditions that are tested for centuries, and the rightness of which is still not refuted. So with the involvement of money.

It is clear that those who lies and spits in the ceiling, no talismans and rituals will help. First of all, the results depend on the aspirations and their efforts. But it happens that you work like a horse, but money, barely appeared, immediately disappear somewhere. Well, they do not want to linger you. Here and will help faith and the use of tips dictated by experience and wisdom.

Where do we keep money? The very first thing that comes to mind is used daily - this is a wallet. But, as a rule, in the wallets of most people a full confusion. In addition to money there are business cards, credit cards, notes, photos, checks and many more different little things, which, by the way, just repel money from the wallet. Filling space unnecessary thingsYou do not give access to it for money. So, first of all, starting new life, free your wallet. Leave in it only neatly folded bills. For bank cards, photos of loved ones, business cards and other documents you need should start a purse.

And instead of the rubble, take care of putting money talisman in the wallet. It was he who possesses positive energy, will attract money and fill the wallet with new bills.

What monetary talismans can be put in the wallet?

Many different items can attract the energy of money, but, naturally, not each of them fit in the wallet. From the fact that below will be listed, you can choose a cash talisman, which most of all impresses you and for whom you will believe:

Your happy bill is the best cash wallet money mascot.

It is said that the one who will find his bill will keep it gently, will definitely become rich. Everyone has its own bill And you just need to find it. What does it mean? Her numbers must coincide with your initials and date of birth. For example, if the number of IT bills 1302198209, and your data: Tarasenok Inna Anatolyevna, born on February 13, 1982, you found your bill. The extra numbers are not counting, the main thing is that the dates go in order, that is, if the number is IT 1302351982 - the bill loses part of its strength. It is clear that finding your bill is quite difficult, but perhaps if you check all the money passing through your hands.

As the science of numerology explains, there is nothing supernatural about it - the magical numbers of your birth date always play on your side, you just need to be able to use it

Money mascot in the wallet with your own hands

As you know, only what you will do, what to invest in your work, energy, the soul, that fill in your thoughts and desires, will help you best. Therefore, it is better not to rely on purchased mascots - who did them, who touched them that they had time to see in the store - let it all concern you. Create your own mascot yourself, because it is quite easy to do it.

So, for example, you can make a coin with your own hands, which will attract money. To do this, in clay or even salt dough, add the droplet of mint oil, cinnamon, honey, form a coin. It can draw an image of a rune, a round sum, clover, nut, vessels, or just beautiful patterns. Let's dry well, bake a coin and keep as your own money mascot in the wallet.

You can also make talismans from several monetary symbols. For example, having tangled with a red ribbon with coins of bills in one dollar, or putting a twin walnut in a red bag, a cinnamon stick and tea bag.

Protect yourself and your wallets from negative energy, and riche, using cash talismans and knowledge of the ancient wise men.

It is very important for money that they have a "house." They can be a safe where money will feel good and safe, but you can not take a safe with you to the store? So the wallet remains.

Cash wallet safety technology.

So, we have already said that the wallet should be in every person. What he should be lower, and now let's talk about what it should not be in the wallet, how it should not be and much more.

1) Your money wallet should not be round, and any other form, except rectangular. A round wallet, will flicen the bills, or they will be located in the wallet in the folded form, and this is unacceptable for the influx of money.

2) The size of the wallet must correspond to one of the favorable imperial sizes.

From 0 to 5.4cm

From 16.2 to 22.0 cm

From 22.0 to 27.0 cm

From 37.8 to 43.2 cm

3) If your adverse sizes wallet, then you can attach the suspension, as a wallet extension. And it is better that the suspension is in the form of a monetary sign, for example: a dollar sign, euro, sterling pounds, etc., but any other will also fit, the main thing is that you like it.

4) As we have said, bills must be located in the wallet in the detailed form, straighten all the crumpled bills or revealed corners, the whole little thing should be in a separate pocket with lightning.

5) Do not forget every day to browse your wallet, throw away unnecessary checks, papers, straighten crumpled bills, and even better, to recalculate cash every day, because Money is very like to recalculate them as often as possible, remember, as in the saying: "Money is loving the bill."

6) In the wallet, in addition to money, you can wear credit or discount cards, but the photos of their children, relatives, there should not be, as well as any other things, except for monetary amulets or talismans (but, later).

7) Reliable respect and wallet and of course the money in it, even if they are still a bit, still try to love and holy and cherish, their money, and they will reach out to you in large quantities. Here will see! And also, never put your wallet on the table, on the floor or stool - they do not like it.

8) And one more, after buying a wallet (or you presented it, it doesn't matter), it is necessary to clean it with energy (you do not know who I have taken this wallet from which energy?), So take your wallet, remove everything from it. If you have already done it to fill it, put it in front of yourself (with energy cleaning, you can put it on the table on the table.) And refuse (sprinkle) with His Holy Water, then you can, it takes it: Chlo in your hands, above the wallet, almost touching it, before As long as I don't understand that it is enough (I have enough to imagine that someone else's negative energy leaves your wallet, and yours, positive - fills your money wallet. And after flashing, burn the aromatic wand (with which aroma should be a wand , read below, but most importantly, this is what the fragrance should like it, this is a prerequisite), take a wallet in one hand, to another - keep the lit wand, now fry your wallet smoke, on all sides, and even inside, as well Do not forget when This, to represent that both smoke and money energy fills your wallet.

Color for money wallet.

The best color for the money wallet, this is of course red (red - the color of well-being, happiness, he attracts joy, good mood, enthusiasm, positive, and, consequently, the energy of money, wealth). But with the reservation that this color you like or that you are on the horoscope feel about the element of the fire. If neither is neither another, then choose another wallet color. More very positive colors, for your wallet: gold, silver, bronze, brown. Black or blue - water color, undesirable, because Water energy is simply "mocking" energy of money. The color is also not desirable: green, turquoise, blue; It is possible - pink, yellow, white, orange - these colors will also be quite good to attract money. How to choose the right wallet, to attract money. Buy the wallet is preferably before lunch, it should be (if possible), expensive and luxurious (after all, the money love luxury). It should be made of genuine leather or suede, if you can not afford to buy from these expensive materials, then buy a wallet from the fabric (for example, from tapestry), but it should look solid, expensive, luxuriously. Again, do not forget about the imperial dimensions. And also: change the wallet every year, for example: under the New Year.

Smells to attract money to your wallet.

Here are some flavors that will help you, attract money in the wallet. Patchouli - perfectly attracts wealth, wonderfully opens the money channels. Cedar - attracts cash receipts. Carnation - gives prosperity and large wealth. Orchid - brings financial stability. A nutmeg - loves money, helps the successful conclusion of transactions. Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit - all these flavors, the strongest magnets for money, any of them attracts "Golden Rain". Jasmine - wonderfully attracts material abundance. Pine - brings a strong financial situation, as well as the stability and constancy of cash receipts. Ginger - brings courage in making decisions and attracts wealth. Apply a few drops, one of these money fragrances, on your wallet (do not forget to apply a few drops inside the wallet), and of course on your piggy bank, safe, or other container where you keep money.

Activation of money wallet.

Well, we got to the activation of your wallet so that it becomes monetary, that is, to attract big money to you. After cleansing the wallet and filling it with the necessary flavors, let's talk about amulettes and talismans for a monetary wallet. But first, poem:

My wallet is monetary, leather, big,

Attracts money, the method is simple:

Sleeping pockets all, deployment bills,

Three coins, Chinese, laughter Zaezhi,

Mound into the sachet "Cauldron", and dried mint,

Then all these things in the "wallet" put your own.

Magnet will attract the money, and the mint will protect

Will not let you dilute everything, and happiness will give

Chinese coins in pockets put

And cash mantras, on happiness, write down.

So, let's start with cash talismansWhich is in the wallet, will intensively attract cash, and protect your finance.

1) The first thing you need to have in a wallet is a magnet. Magnet is a small piece of alloy, different metals. Magnet has a property to attract different metal subjects, and placed in your wallet, will perfectly attract money, and not only metallic (type of little things), but also large bills. Get a small magnet (big, just not fit in the wallet), and the little will work perfectly.

2) The following that can put in the wallet is three Chinese coins, (such, with a square hole in the middle, and hieroglyphs, on one of the sides) associated with a red cord or a red ribbon. And do not forget about positive imperial sizes, i.e. The laugh or ribbon must be that sizes.

3) It is still very good to have a dried twig or a leaf clover in the wallet (mint, and its fragrance - perfectly attracted money, and protects you from unnecessary spending, clover will attract good luck in all matters and of course will increase money) or a piece of dried shrink. And mint, and clover, and hell better to disrupt and put it with your own hands, then this amulet will even better work for you for the benefit. Yes, and do not forget to change these talismans every year.

4) Manka, full of a tiny bag and placed in your wallet, it is "embarrassing" money in your money wallet.

5) Here are some more things, i.e. Cash amulets or talismans capable of attracting big money to your wallet: 1 dollar; Happy coin; A piece of paper (preferably red), on which you show any monetary rune, for example, the "Fee", or you can eliminate the rune on the fabric, perfect - on red fabric, gold or yellow threads.

Monetary meditation "Light of Light"

And now we will deal with the filling of your wallet, money energy. You hopefully cleared the wallet energy, they prepared the mascots, now we will do meditation. Sit more comfortable, the back is straight (I hope you took care so that no one interfere with you?), Close your eyes, calm the mind (for example, start counting from 10 to 1). Now take your empty wallet in your hands, open pockets up. Close your eyes, and imagine yourself sitting on a chair holding in the hands of a wallet (that is, you must see yourself inner vision). Now imagine that a golden cloud appeared above you, from which the beam of light, begins to shine into your wallet. Your wallet begins to glow yourself and shimmer the golden light. And here you can see that money is starting with your wallet: Metal, gold, bills ... Your wallet is already literally littered with money. Sit so few. Then thank you from the soul Higher powerAnd open your eyes. All your money wallet is ready. Fill it with talismans, amulets, flavors and money, and riche of health.

Mantras to attract money to your money wallet.

Well, we got to cash mantras, which, as well as other talismans and amulets, will help you increase money revenues, to repeatedly increase cash flow, abundance in all spheres of life and much more. At first, let's see what "Mantra" is. Mantra is a certain set or combination of sounds capable, like magic keys, open the wonderful doors of our universe. If you believe Wikipedia, Mantra, is being addressed as "verse", "Spell", "Magic", i.e. The sacred text, the word, the syllable in Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. It can still be said that Mantra is a prayer, appeal to the Almighty, Mantra is the vibration of sounds, syllables capable of giving a man spiritual power to develop higher knowledge. And the mantra is the most powerful driving energy, and as money, also energy, then practicing mantra, you will attract a significant increase in income, and the other areas of life, you will drastically improve! Try, you will not regret!

How to practice mantras.

Since the mantras are similar to prayers, then, of course, it is worth it to clear your mind from thoughts (they will interfere). So, make sure that no one hurts you, turn off all the phones, TV, sit comfortably, relax, and for starters, turn on the entry of the Mantra, which sing others (for example, download on the Internet), it is necessary for you to understand how to sing Mantras, how they sound like vibrate energy. Listen to several times. So, we start. Start with the main word "OM". Try it long, stretching the first sound, passing into the second, which is also pronounced stretched, but muffled "O-o-oh-oh-oh-o-mm-mm-mm-mm" . If there are several words or syllables in the mantra, they are pronounced, just stretched, without spaces and pauses. Mantras should be pronounced 3-6-9 times, it is better and effective, to pronounce them on 108r, in the morning, and as much in the evening, every day, for three months or longer.

Cash mantras

There are many different mantras, to attract money, wealth. Select one that I will be cluttered to you and start practicing it if you will be able to visualize how, for example: "Money will be raw on you: Metal and Paper, Monta different countries, small gold bars or large diamonds ... "If you succeed in it, it is beautiful, if the visualization does not work, do not worry, the money mantra will work so. The main thing, choose, only one mantra, repeat it, remember times, and practicing it, daily, preferably, in the morning and in the evening. Now I choose the mantra: "Om Sri Ganeshia Machnam" (Dedicated to Ganesh, and perfectly attracts profit in business) "Om Gama Gamapatai Namaha" (great attracts money) "Oh Sriim Hrrim Shrimp" (abbreviated monetary mantra, but works fine) "Oh Shrimp Cerm Srimati Kamal Camalalaya Prasid Prasid Sri Nakh "(Complete Monetary Mantra)" Kung Rono Ama Nilo Tu Wong "(this mantra for easy and quickly attracting money)" Oh Sriim Hrim Klima Head Gamapatai Vara Varad Sarva Dzhanam Meja Vashamanai " "Well, actually everything, read the mantras and riche of health !!!

How to make a bait for money

And now we will make a "bait for money." Take a sheet of red paper (you can silver or golden color), roll the sheet in the form of an envelope, you can roll, you can glue, as you can, most importantly, it looks like an envelope or even on a wallet. When you do, tell me any positive statement, for example: "I trust the bills of bait, I get a lot of money!" At the same time we put two bills (any dignity) into your improvised envelope. Now put the bait in the safe, there is no safe, put in the box (the box should look as richer, gorgeous), no casket, put in drawer Cabinet. The main thing is not to place your bait in the hallway, in the bathroom or toilet, in the kitchen or in the hallway. The best place For bait - this is the zone of wealth (south-eastern sector) of your apartment or living room. In the bedroom, the bait is also not a place. So, put the bait so that it is not visible. Everything, the bait begins to work for you, i.e. Actively attract big money to you.

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