Whispering is the easiest way of conspiracy. Whispering for money: to attract wealth, good earnings, big salary, successful trading, on a wallet

Money have their own energy therefore, those people who know how to handle their finances correctly (earn and competently spend them), always live in a good mood.

Agree when you have enough money, then the mood is always good.
Monetary rules Anyone understands and uses differently. There is a magic of money, amulets for money, whisper, signs, and so on. Few people ever thought about how it works, but it is impossible to deny this in our life.

Love for money

Seriously, the money feel your attitude towards them. If a person is engaged in thoughts that he always lacks money, then the situation will be. These people themselves attract a lack of finance. But if you carefully contact your money, folding their bills to the bill, then you may not be suspecting, you can use money magic.
A person must understand that all the actions he performs with money will lead him to success and financial well-being. You should always think about money, as something good and positive, then you will have everything, in this regard, in order. Money must be loved, be grateful what they are in our lives.
You can never scatter money, fold them right into the wallet. Then finances will feel your positive energy and will treat you as well. "Money for money" - everyone knows this phrase. Always fold money in the same place. Try try, too, as needed, on useful things and goods.

7 whispers for money

1. It is believed that in order for you not to have a lack of money, it is necessary after a big purchase to get a face in the direction - against the wind. If you calmly on the street, then the face should be turned towards the West. At the same time, you should say words - "blowing, turns, Balamutitis, will come, will leave, will take it back back. Amen!" This will be the first monetary whisper.
2. Also, so that you accidentally do not relieve money or have not been a victim of scammers, you have to say such words - "I carry wealth, I go with money. I hold hard with your hands. I am not not for others, but for your own. Amen!" It is suitable when you need to convey a certain amount, and you are afraid that you are robbed. It is not worth paying attention to bad thoughts, do not attract a failure.
3. If you wish your income to become more, you need to hold a rite. It is done in the new moon. To do this, you take a bucket with water, put the coin there, wait for some time, and then jump water on the threshold. During this procedure, you need to say text - "Water water, money - river. Amen!"
4. In order for in your home there is always wealth, it is necessary to scatter the wheat grain around the building. If you live in a private house, make it quite simple. Even if you live in multi-storey house, raw near your entrance and under the windows, on the other side of the house. But the millet must be pre-charged with positive energy. Shephotes will be like that - "Ptashchi, fly, collect grains, bring I'll bring wealth. Amen"!
5. If you have a complete lack of money, this situation is repeated from time to times, then do not despair, the output is always there. You need to bake a loaf, make a conspiracy at him and hand out the poor. The text of the conspiracy is such - "Peace, a height, rich in himself. The world is bread, I am a lifeless life. "
6. There is another whisper for money so that they only arrived to you. Revenues should always exceed costs. The text - "I carry Polon's wallet coin, they leak, and the slaves of God (name) - no."
7. If you have a constant shortage of money, then you need to make a plot of holy water. Drink the sip and say - "Saint Water, and I, the slave of yours, Lord, rich. Help in need, Amen! "

Whispering is used by tests for many purposes. Very often, special conspiracy in the form of whispers are used to treat ailments.

Whispering for money can save you from financial problems and establish a financial situation.

Rules and features of financial whispers

The main difference of whispers from other magical actions is its brevity. Such a conspiracy is pronounced by chance and whisper when they want to achieve some kind of purpose. All such small conspiracies, and including whisper to attract money, are made by memory and very quickly, so as not to attract someone else's attention.

The simplicity is that they can pronounce anywhere. So, whispers on a wallet can be done right at work, for this it is not necessary to create special conditions For statement and prepare the attributes of the ritual.

Such mini-rituals work no worse than long magic rituals, the main condition is your targeted thoughts and the right attitude.

Conspiracy whispering for money. Urgently need money? Conspiracy to attract money.

Whispering on the wallet to make money always

Whispering for money. Much money!

Whispering for money.

Nevertheless, when contacting such a simple statement, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules their execution.

  • Whispering for money is made in conditions of extremely need. Do not resort to such witchcraft to multiply the available wealth. Mantility is not a helper here.
  • You should not do whisper for curiosity: it will come true - it will not come true.
  • Faith in magic should be a companion for leading, otherwise the achievement of the result will be impracticable.
  • Whispering to attract money can not be aimed at harm to anyone, do not need to make someone else's success.
  • Before you choose something, you need to concentrate on your thoughts without being distracted by an outsider. There will be this meditation or just a calming attitude - no matter, the main condition is to tune in to the desired way.
  • Pay attention to the marked signs sent. They warn that at the moment there are no whisper for money.
  • The whisper made to attract money should become for all surrounding the secret.
  • Do not resort to Russian statement alcoholic intoxication. Good time - After three days after the feast.

You can not engage in whispers to pregnant women: lost forces are very hard restored.

Claims on the wallet

There is a belief that the old shabby wallet must be changed, as he will not attract any money, nor the preserving will not be able to preserve. The house for money needs to pick up carefully: coins and bills love a good and beautiful purse. Acquire a wallet for the arriving moon, it is better to schedule a purchase on the middle day of the week before the New Year holiday. Before starting them to use, you can make a whisper to make finances in the purchase. Do it, holding a purse in the left hand:

"... whether the money houses and many of them ...".

To B to new wallet The money was drawn, there are whispers for his conspiracy:

"... Conspiring and yourself, and a wallet for wealth so that the money multiplied and arrived ...".

During the whisper you need to put several silver color coins. Whisper on a new wallet three times.

You can use the philed wallet the next day.

Financial whisper for money

  1. In order to bring a large amount to the house in order, trenching on it:

    "... I carry money, I hold hard, for your own, not for others ...".

  2. Money does not like to be spent after receiving them. Start the rule to leave the received salary for the night in the house, for what, before you go home, whisper on the threshold:

    "... a full wallet of coins, who leak, and I have no!".

  3. Large purchases will noticeably empty the wallet, but so that they are successful and have not caused the accompanying expenses, before going to the store you need to make a whisper:

    "... everything that is scheduled to buy, and it is worthwhile ...".

    Whispering on good shopping Severate, putting the desired amount in the wallet.

  4. Very often, the monetary signs are needed quickly, and sources where to take them is not planned. For such a case, there is a conspiracy on urgent money, which is done only in case of extreme necessity, when all the options are moved, and the output is not found. For such a whisper, you need to go to church and squat consecrated waterwhispered:

    "... Lord, help to get rid of the need ...".

  5. To multiply your wealth, there is a strong whisper, which is done in the new moon. In the bucket with water, they throw a coin and splash a little on the threshold of their housing:

    "... water with water, and the money to me the river ...".

  6. During the arriving moon, take a rich man in debt, but cash bills Do not waste, but save, hiding at home and pre-making whisper:

    "... They walked coins from the roads, arrived at the slave of God ... threshold."

    Debt refund must be made in accurately agreed time, but for this exchange previously removed monetary signs on the bill of other dignity.

  7. To attract wealth, pets can also help, especially cats. While your pet is tasty, you need a cat to iron your ear and chip:

    "... You, a cat, eat, Words listen, money in the house Primani."

Whispering on earnings and good work

Without good work and decent earnings to ensure permanent income of one whispers are difficult.

Conspiracy for money from work can be read at any time, only an indispensable condition - at the time when you pass the surrender after shopping. Reviews of those who resorted to such a whisper say that the purchase does not affect the result, but the store needs to choose more. Words for whispering:

"... Your wallet is your money, your income is my income ...".

If you have a new source of income, then before taking for work, we have been told three times to attract earnings:

"... I take the case and I will make it skillfully, waiting for me to the entriety."

To find a worthy job, during the arriving moon, purchase a handkerchief in the store white color, without decors and appliqués. On a purchased handkerchief, they whisper three times:

"... Slava God ... will be luck and on the road, and in work. Where to go, there it will find it ... ".

Such a philantal handkerchief is worn with you.

It is financially independent to become financially supported from outside will help whispering for money. Witchcraft, tied to obtaining wealth, existed at all times, and today the secrets of monetary good luck are available to many people. The main thing is that we use the rites to make money, maybe everyone.

With the help of a whisper for money, you can attract prosperity

Wallet bills are not just paper leaves. This is the energy that can be activated, turning to magic correctly. You can attract wealth with the help of effective rituals. Whispering for money will help to call up the highest strength and makes large sums in the wallet.

It is important to listen to very simple advicethat help to hold the specified rituals and always have money in your pocket:

  1. Leave at least a small bill in the purse to make money always.
  2. Smoothing bills before putting in the wallet. Respect for sufficiency - the main rule of money handling.
  3. Thought only to those who return debts. If you give money, always follow them in the wallet.
  4. To be able to be able to be able to - feed the bill in the store to calculate the purchase should only facial side up. If the bill is folded, the corners should be sent to the seller.
  5. To talk about how much money received, in no case cannot. If necessary, voice the salary size, call an ambiguous figure.
  6. Submit alms to those who need at least once a month.

Another feature of monetary whispers is that no one should know about the need for material assistance. Wealth is only in the house where harmony live and respect for money.

Practices are offered in free access ready-made complex of 12 whispers for wealth and prosperity, which is able to change the financial situation in life. However, sometimes the ambulance words should be applied in specific cases, and here are that such conscriptions.


Exist folk waysWith which you can do so that wealth grew up like on yeast. An excellent moment to attract financial succeed It falls when you have to visit the house of people living albeit. View up and read the whisper on the ceiling:

"How you have a way and treasure, what you will have and us. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This method can be used at least every visit to rich people. Such a whisper on attracting money to his house is known since ancient times and earned attention.

With the help of a whisper on a new wallet you can keep wealth

Hold wealth with me will help whispers on a wallet. In order to open a cash flow, you should purchase any thing, and then put a small piece of red matter in the wallet and with a perfect purchase. Say the words to make money:

"The money is found, does not end, but only arrives."

The fabric can not be pulled out of the wallet, because it is she attracts the state.

When the need comes in changing the old wallet to a new one, you must take a clasp in hand whispering on it:

"I conclude in you wealth forever! Money arrives, the wallet will not be empty. "

Put inside the beautiful bill of high nominal and close the wallet. This item is hidden from prying eyes. Such a rite will make a profit, additional income.

With the help of a whisper on a new wallet you can keep wealth. For this, after purchasing a new reservoir for money, to be happiness, read money, good luck:

"We are talking about myself and your wallet on constant cash wealth. So that in it constantly multiplied money, as in the sky of the stars. To grow their number, how arrives the moon. Who my wallet is stolen, let him take 33 misfortunes with a deaf retaileness, which I never see. Amen".

After prayer in the wallet, it is necessary to put several silver coins before the first quarter of the moon.

How to avoid financial losses

If by coincidence wage Came to a growing moon, you can protect your finances from rapid waste, theft and loss. To do this, on the way home I should say:

"I carry wealth, I go with money, keeping tightly with my hands. I am not not for others, but for your own. Amen".

Once at home with payday per day, it is impossible to spend money until next morning. Ritual on a growing month, so that money was found, you can spend several times a year. It will not only provide financial stability, but also will save from meaningless large expenses.

If it happened so that the robber managed to steal the property, it should be said:

"In the forehead of the eye, and in the corner of the image, and the day is a quarter. Whoever offended me is offended, the white light will undertake. Amen".

To punish the offender, it is necessary to imagine the stolen thing, whispering:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. As a stolen thing, the fire is burning and harvested, so would the thief of the harrow and cobble. His thoughts were intimidated, the fears were crazy, there would be no peace of rest in one hour or one of the minute. Everyone would have thought and suffered, I would have walked and wondered how to come to obey, heave what he stole. How smoke goes, so, like him, the thief would have been hung, wriggled. Stone stronger, the words talked tightly. The key is in the sea, the language is in the mouth. Amen".

You can not doubt that the new owner of the stolen will regret the perfect act, and a person who has something disappeared will receive compensation from the higher forces soon.

To maintain stability and increase savings

There are whispers for wealth, which improves business, prosperity

During the younger month, poured into a bowl pure water. It is advisable to use well or river water. There we put a coin. Let the Tara eases under the light of the moon all night, and in the morning to splash water on the threshold of the dwelling, whispering:

"Water-water, money - river. Amen".

There are whispers for wealth, which not only retain financial success, but also improve business, prosperity. According to the famous, only seeing a pregnant woman who comes to meet the pregnant woman:

"To give birth to you, and I will move good."

There are cases in life when a person on the coin road or bill will find. To find money on the street, not to lose your own, it follows, lifting the bill, put it in the wallet, say:

"Money for money!".

These words can be pronounced every day several times at the moment when any purchase is performed.

Higher power Calculate that it was your money, and will not take them in the future.

Gypsy magic is actively used. Roma believe that the moon helps change the monetary position. Before the ritual you need to take a silver coin in my hand, scroll it, look at the moon, say urgent conspiracy:

"Moon as a coin, my coin!".

Coin hide into pocket and wear as a talisman. Soon the money will burst into life.

So that rituals work must be sincere and conscientious personality

Symbol of wealth, a decent salary is considered grain. A special mark of money is a barley or buckwheat. For a ritual, which will increase the payment of labor, you will need to rinse the grain three times, read the words:

"How many sun has shone in summer, how many rains watered the summer, so much money will be in the house, so much let it be enough. Casha on the table is not standing for a long time, but I do not know the grief and poverty. Mouth - castle, hip everything. Amen".

Cook the product twenty minutes and eat porridge without residue. Soon the person is waiting for career growth and wages.

The next whisper can be used at least every day, coming to the workplace:

"Flowers all in full moon bloom, the moon is listening to the Round, and I am the Slave of God (Name) I ask the Luna of Light of Clear, the consent of the complete. So that my salary is round, like you now, and with your increasing, it increased, and how you will decrease, so it will stabilize. Light is long, the month is full, my golden wallet. "

Workplace can be crossed. This rite guarantees not only the increase in payment, but also protects from evil forces, negative energy and evil colleagues.

Whisper for debt return

Sometimes people ask for money in debt. Some help is really needed, but others provoke situations that finance from good-natured personalities. In order not to get caught on the tricks of ill-wishers, to avoid such peculiar stealing, you need to say, transferring to the debt:

"As you take, you give up."

This is an effective and proven whisper, which guarantees the return of funds exactly to the agreed period and in the indicated volumes.

Whispering on wealth in life is good opportunity Open a new energy channel that will attract financial stability, happiness and good luck. However, it is important to understand that magic rites are only human assistants. In order for rituals to work, it is also necessary to apply their own efforts: to be sincere and conscientious personality, to fulfill the duties at work and believe fate.

Whispering is special conspiracies, with the help of which you can also attract, and to protect yourself from trouble. But unlike conspiracies, whispering can be pronounced at any time anywhere, more precisely, when the situation requires. This is a kind of magical ambulancewhich will always help in a difficult moment.

As read conspiracy-whispers.

Whispering is a short but very effective conspiracy, which, as if randomly pronounce in a whisper, when they want to achieve something, not attracting someone else's attention, as this attention can not be reduced to no.

As a rule, whispering is pronounced in specific situation. For example, in order to get rid of the negative after a quarrel, a person speaks in the back of whisper. Homemade whispers are aimed at attracting good luck, love and well-being. They are pronounced on things that a person uses every day. These things are charged with positive energy, which creates a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Morning whisper:

* Stop on the right foot in the morning. Touching the floor with the foot, say the whisper: "I get to meet your happiness!"

* Leaving the house, be sure to look in the mirror and tell me: "My reflection is good luck, and smile.

* If you drink tea or coffee in the morning and you want to cheer up and gain strength, then tell your mug: "I drink strength, drink health, drink the energy of this day."

Evening whisper:

* Washing or taking a shower, tell me: "I wash off the negative, wash offense, wash the longing." This will help you withdraw the tension and stress received during the day and will lead your emotional condition in order.

* Establishing bed, tell me: "Blanket, a sheet - here is my defense, and the pillow is my girlfriend, everything that she will not tell, will come true." After these words, you can safely go to bed - neither insomnia, nor nightmares will disturb you. And if you, lying on the pillow, you will think about your desires, they will quickly come true.

* Closing my eyes, say whisper: "Let in a dream and in reality will be the way I want."

Whispering for good luck:

If you want to attract good luck, then, crossing the threshold of the house, whisper: "The truth is that my strength is my".

If you want to protect yourself from the wrath of the head: "I'm on the left bank, you are on the right. Krycki - do not shout, still do not finish it. " This whisper needs to be pronounced before talking to the head, if he is not pleased with something.

If you want the day to go well, stand in the morning with the right leg and say: "Wherever right leg, there and left. Where I, there and good luck. "

Whispering for money:

Getting money, whisper: "Cash in pocket, will soon be a whole suitcase."

Whispering on the wallet: "My wallet rings, get fat from money. Every day my good luck is greener. "

If you give money: "I give money, but I'm waiting back back."

* If you see a passing woman undergoing a pregnant woman, then do not miss the chance to pronounce whisper to attract money: "You give birth, and good to multiply". Meeting with a pregnant woman is considered a good admission.

Whispering in the back:

Whispering in the back is pronounced in order to punish the offender or protect against its evil intent.

If you wished something bad, then tell me: "What do you want, take yourself."

If you were heated in a public place: "Your negative, you live with him, and I don't need someone else."

Whispering in the back of the enemy: "Your speech to you in the shoulders."

Whispering for love:

If you want to attract the attention of a person, say it after love whisper: "How much the grass is sprinkled in the spring, so you will shave before me."

If you want to dare your beloved from another woman, put the head of garlic imperceptibly in his pocket and tell me: "Throw garlic, you will throw away from the heart and (name rival)." Naturally, finding garlic in his pocket, a man will reach him and throw it away.

If the husband leaves, followed by him: "How water from the earth is returned to the sky, so you are destined to return to me."

From cash losses, theft and losses:

So that money is always safe and preserved, as well as for their rational use, on the day of profit, on the way home, say whisper: "I carry wealth, I go with money, keeping tightly with my hands. I am not not for others, but for your own. Amen".

To increase profits:

Take a bowl of water to the new moon. Put the coin there. Meld a little bit of this water on the threshold of your home with the words: "Water-water, money - river. Amen."

So that in the house there is always awning:

Take a grain or barbell, scatter near your home or under the window with the words: "Ptashchi, fly, collect grains, bring ultrasound to me. Amen."

To launch the lack of:

If you want to get rid of financial problems by whispering for money, bake the pie, put the coin inside. Putting the cake in the oven or oven, say: "The bake, a bake, rich in Herarek. The world is bread, I am a lifeless life. " Pie cut into several pieces and distribute people.

To attract money:

This conspiracy-whisper is read on the day of receipt of money. Returning home with money, keep your wallet in your hands and say words: "I carry Polon's wallet coins, they leak away, and the slaves of God (name) - no."

Wheemed in the age of:

There is a whisper for the people who whose work is dangerous. Whisper the conspiracy words in the back of your husband when he will go to work:

Your mercy, Lord, I hope and entangle you, our keeper, the slave of God (name). Amen.

In bed for love:

You are the lion, I am your lioness, you are my dove, I am your boyfriend. Love me, as myself, and most of all in the world. Amen.

Whispering on the ceiling (for wealth):

To be happy and rich, go to the house, where it is good and richly live, look at the ceiling and can whisper:

How you have a way and treasure, what you will have and us. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whispering on the wallet so that money is not translated:

As stars in the sky, there is a lot of water in the sea, so and my wanted, so that there was a lot of money and always grabbed. Amen.

For a successful purchase:

Whispering on a wallet where money is lying, seven times: "Everything is forgotten, everything is purchased. Yes, it will be so! Maybe it will be so!"
Whisper is pronounced before going out of the house for purchase.

Whisper on the wallet

On Friday, looking at the flying birds, you need to repeat about yourself as often as possible: "How many feathers on the birds will be born, such a lot of money in the wallet is not translated."

To the case aroused:

Before starting a new case, either when continuing the previously, very correctly set up yourself, and then everything will turn out. Speak this whisper to the instrument of your work (handle, computer) "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Agazhd, teach, Lord, helping the servant of God (name). Yes, your name is yours today, tomorrow, always. Amen, Amen, Amen ". Cross in tricks three times.

* If you were heated Or a very good conversation took place, say the whisper towards the interlocutor, preferably looking into his neck from the back: "Go with the world, and I will go". Or: "I give you free to you by you. Someone else's evil is not necessary. "

* If stumbled Or hit something, say whisper: "I stand on my feet firmly, as a repka in the ground."

* Ringing in the house, Tell me: "I clean my house, good luck, money and love I fill it".

* When you take money, do not be lazy to read the whisper for money: "How many fingers on my hands will increase money in my wallet in so many times".

* Before putting clothes, shake her with hand and tell me: "Shake, hurt me"! Then things in your wardrobe will begin to bring good luck.


With cutting Cabbage- Cabbage in violation, I add money. Baby dug, the money to the wallet in the wallet.

Soup- Vary soup so that everyone ate, heaped and rich, whatever my soup will be, happiness and love will know.

On the kashu.- Kashka to boil money to drive, multiply, add. (stirring)


Dust I washing - everything is bad (evil, negative, etc.) I clean. Dust erased all the bad (or what you want to remove) will be removed.

Flowers Watering - you grow me in wealth to bloom, how to grow me so much money for me.

Well, on everything - I bring in order a house so that happiness (here, too, who needs something) lived in it. (Good during the tidy of smaller, decoration).

If you wake up salt:
Take from a crowded pinch or grappling, right hand And throw through the left shoulder with the words: Salts of salt salted, pain pain painor, and I don't have cholevo. Amen.

there is good way To accelerate hair growth:
On the growing moon, cut off a small strand of hair and with the words "Grow my hair so fast - how this water flows" throw them into a strong flow of water ... For example, say words, throw in the toilet and wash off .. acting 100%

Before leaving the house for shopping, Whisper, speak right at the front door:
The door opens, the door closes, and (your name) with what is intended to return.

To make money back after large purchases.
After the purchase, to become face against the wind and exhale to speak: it came, gone, twisted, turning, brought back. Yes, it will be so!

Words to the wind when he blows on you:

"Dui, ponder, brother wind wind
Digging and carrying out of me all the devoid.
So that I was lyful and bad did not hold
With the wind so that it goes and not returned.
Amen Amen Amen. "

Conspiracy for good luck:

Want to have happiness and luck in your home. Then take a dusting rug, handful of potato peel and broom. Potato peelings it is necessary to rinse as you should rinse under the crane, squeeze and scatter on the carpet, and then we save a broom, but in no way to the side entrance door. During this procedure, it is necessary to have a chant: "A broom is walking around the carpet, walks from the corner to the corner, the old Dage houses, not offended by me!"

By ancient reference, the keeper of the house should like such a song, and he will definitely make you a gift.

These whispers will help in complex situations, set up to the right way and will attract good luck. Remember that uttering any whisper or conspiracy, it is important to invest in your words all energy and strength.

Whispering for money is a variant of short folk conspiracy that help solve financial problems quickly with the help of the strength of thought. Shephotes used in ancient times: they were known to the signs, shamans, healers, our great-grandmothers and grandmothers.

It is important to know and understand what whisper is, and how they work before you begin to use them.

What is the difference between whispers from ordinary conspiracies and what is their feature:

  1. They are very short: if the text of the traditional conspiracy is usually a very long, full metaphor and comparisons, then whispers can be quickly leaning and pronounce literally for half a minute.
  2. To use whispers, you will not need to carry out some complex rites. It is a simple magic manipulation that does not require special attributes (rare exception) and large number time.
  3. Read the text of a short conspiracy need quickly and necessarily whisper. As if you are talking about tying, but not loud.
  4. The text must be learned by heart before you begin to use whisper in everyday life.
  5. If you read whisper in your back, but do it most carefully so that the person does not hear and not turn.
  6. It is very important not to attract attention when there are conspiracy. You may simply not understand, but the whisper will not work. Therefore, be extremely attentive and careful.

In principle, these are all the necessary rules that need to know and comply with the urgent monetary whispers you have worked and helped in a critical situation.

Urgent whisper for money

Magic fuss does not tolerate. Therefore, whispering that allows you to fulfill the desires instantly, it is better to use more thank and in truly critical situations. If you urgently needed money: pay debt, pay for credit, buy something necessary, you can apply this method.

But first try to find funds with your efforts, do our best. And only with the complete absence of success, resort to the help of magic. The whisper will only help when there are no other ways to get the desired amount.

This option is a short conspiracy for emergency attraction of money you need to read in the church:

It is important before making a rite, swelling a bit of consecrated water. Water is a wonderful keeper and conductor of information laid down in it, it enhances the conspiracy and increases the result several times.

It is very important to believe that God will find the opportunity to send you money. They can come from a completely unexpected source. Your task is not to think and not guess where you get the right amount. Just rely on the highest strength, and the money will appear at the required moment.

How to earn a lot

If you work a lot, and the money is still not enough money, you need to use conspiracies to increase income. Then the universe will send you many possibilities: they can offer work with a higher earnings, unexpected cash sources will appear, you will win the lottery or get money as a gift.

The peculiarity of this monetary whisper is that it needs to be read at the moment when the seller gives you a delivery in the store or on the market. So try to pay not bank cards, namely in cash.

Do not forget to utter cherished words every time you buy something. And then very quickly the money will come to your life in much large quantitiesWhat it was before.

Options for monetary conspiracies

There is a lot of cash whispers, each of which has its own characteristics.

Here is the list of the most common popular conspiracies that you can use:

  1. Every time you take on the hands of bills, say: "Money for money." It doesn't matter at what point it will happen. The main thing is that when contacting with bills you read a plot constantly.
  2. At the time of returning the bill to someone (sellers in the store, in machine guns and coffee, when buying tickets, and so on), pronounce a return whisper: "Covers give you, but I am waiting for them back soon." Then all spent amounts will very quickly appear in your life.
  3. If you saw a pregnant woman on the street, it is very good signwhich sin does not take advantage. Take a look at the girls live and say quietly: "You will give birth soon, and I will bring wealth." And all monetary magic will come into force.

Check the video on the topic:

How to talk a wallet and money in it

Many people underestimate the importance of such an ordinary and usual object as a wallet. Namely, it is the center of your money energy. Therefore, that the bills in the wallet are not translated, you can speak with the help of whispers.

To "activate" a plot, you need to read the whisper immediately after you received a salary and put money in the wallet. You can also use a plot after receiving any large amountthan it is more, the better. Repeat every time in any suitable case.

And to avoid risk while making large purchases, use this option of a monetary whisper:

He is reading every time you plan to buy something expensive, for which the money has been postponed. Conspiracy will save yours family budgetwill help make it so that big expenses do not make hard to save or put in debt.

Already after you read the whisper three times, you can get money and go to the store. The same words can be painted on the pocket money that you give children, sending them to school.

And remember that in order to folk conspiracy They acted as efficiently as possible, to use them constantly.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map: