The main talismans of Feng Shui and their placement in the house. Feng Shui money talismans

How to create a warm atmosphere in your home? How to attract wealth and money? How to Strengthen Family Relationships? Feng Shui will handle all these questions at home. To ensure that luck never leaves your home, experts in the field of feng shui recommend having 12 powerful talismans that will help you create a favorable environment in your home and solve personal problems.

Red chinese lanterns is a talisman that helps to find love and strengthen relationships. They must be kept in the feng shui love zone - in the southwestern part of the house.

dream Catcher- this is a powerful protection against negativity in the house during the period when we sleep. The dreamcatcher is the talisman of the North American Indians, and it has nothing to do with feng shui, but it still needs to be kept at home in order to drive away evil spirits from yourself during sleep. This talisman is best hung in the bedroom above the bed.

Horse figurine- a talisman for those who strive for a successful life and want a speedy career growth. The most important thing is that the horse statuette is directed upwards, thereby your career will strive to the top.

Fan is not only an elegant accessory, but also a powerful talisman. It is especially needed by those who have many sharp corners in the house. As you know, sharp corners are sources of negative energy accumulation in the house. If you have a lot of angular furniture and sharp objects, then the fan will dissipate negative energy and transform it into positive energy.

Eagle- a talisman for those who set high goals for themselves. It is a talisman for ambitious people hungry for fame, money and influence. If you put it in the feng shui glory zone, that is, in the south side of the house, then it will contribute to your personal growth and success.

A fish is a talisman for attracting money. It is best to place the fish figurine in the wealth zone - in the southeastern part of the house. This talisman promotes wealth, attracts money into the house and protects savings from theft and loss.

Lotus- the talisman of wisdom and health. This amulet is best kept in the center of the house so that its effect is evenly distributed to all household members.

Ship is perhaps the most powerful talisman for attracting success and profit in life. This sailboat figurine will help you find what you desire the most. It is best to keep this talisman near the front door or next to the window. To fully activate it, you should put coins, bills, jewelry and jewelry in it and put it with your nose in the center of the house, thereby creating the appearance that the ship is arriving at your house and making a profit.

The Dragon is a strong talisman that can bring good luck in work and money, as well as improve the atmosphere in the house. It is a symbol of wisdom, success, life, development and well-being. It will work best on the east side of your home, which represents development and financial success.

The fountain- a symbol of inexhaustible energy. This talisman promotes restoration of strength, relieves fatigue and gives a boost of vigor for the whole day. In addition, it attracts cash flows well to the house, as it is also a symbol of abundance.

Elephant- the talisman of good luck in feng shui. In order for it to attract success and luck, it must be placed next to the front door or by the window with a trunk looking at the center of the house, so that it seems to bring good luck to the house from the street.

Three-legged toad- this is not only the most popular symbol in feng shui, but also the most effective. This talisman can be placed at front door or place it in the southeast, in the wealth zone. You should not store it on tall cabinets and shelves, as it is believed that toads are afraid of heights.

These talismans can help you succeed in all areas of life: in love, career and money. They will attract good luck and create an atmosphere of lightness, warmth and love in your home! Helpful article? Then be sure to put and

06.10.2013 12:00

In the feng shui of an apartment, not only the decor is important, but also the view from the window. Counts, ...

Feng Shui talismans came to us from China and quickly gained popularity in our country. They bring love, luck and money, protect family well-being. You will learn how to choose and place such talismans correctly from this article.

In the article:

Feng Shui talismans - rules

In China, it is believed that having achieved correct location talismans responsible for different aspects of life, you can find good luck in all areas of your life. They want to live well not only in China, so stylish and aesthetic Feng Shui talismans can be easily seen on the windows of the respective stores.

Each talisman should have its own place. This is the main rule of Feng Shui. If the talisman is broken, you do not need to glue it, it is better to buy a new one.

Feng Shui symbols and talismans: how to place correctly

Each dwelling has nine sectors, and each sector is responsible for some area of ​​life.

After examining the drawing and putting a plan of a house or apartment on it, you will easily understand which talismans should be located where. Each sector has its own specifics. In order to correctly determine the cardinal points, use a compass.

The toilet has separate meaning... This is a place where negative energy accumulates, but talismans should not be there. You can hang the chime of the wind at the door, which will disperse it, not letting it into the rest of the house.

Wisdom and Knowledge Sector

In the northeast, there is a zone that is responsible for intellectual development and wisdom. What is better to do in this sector: of course, study, reflection or search for answers to emerging questions. A family can gather here to make meaningful decisions, a student's working corner, or a computer for study. In a large house, the wisdom sector will be a great place for a library, books are something that definitely needs to be placed here.

Traditionally, crystals are placed in this area. Crystal suits them perfectly, but you can buy or order a glass imitation. The crystal must be highlighted so that the glare plays on its edges.

The ideal talisman of wisdom is a snake. In the East, she is considered a symbol of hidden knowledge and an assistant to those who wish to gain wisdom. Another good option is an owl figurine. The globe, no matter whether it is a souvenir or a real one, place it in the sector of wisdom. It symbolizes not only the essence of the energy of this zone, but also its element - the Earth.

For this part of the house, you must depict something related to the land - mountains, meadows or deserts. You can support the power of the elements with porcelain, plaster, clay, stone and crystal products. Even completely ordinary objects, such as vases, are suitable. It can be figurines, but make sure that they do not carry a negative meaning. It will bring you good luck in learning and decision making.

Career sector

To the north is the career sector. It is best to place a study there. Most people don't take work home, but desk is in almost every home. It is best to place it in this particular sector, like a telephone - not only a city phone, but also stands for mobile devices. If you have a working mobile, keep it in the career sector.

The talisman that is best placed in the quarry area is the turtle. She brings in money, promotes careers and provides support for important people. The figurine must be made of metal, other materials in this sector will weaken the power of the element of Water.

You can often find a Feng Shui talisman in the form of a turtle carrying three toads on its back. It stands for longevity, prosperity and a rich life and is also suitable for placement in the career area.

If you are pursuing a career, a metal sailboat can become. It brought good luck back in the days when merchants traveled by sea and brought goods dear and desired by people.

The element of this place in the apartment is Water. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that Metal gives rise to Water, so its symbols can be used. Small table fountains symbolize moving water, which will have a great effect on luck. But ordinary aquariums, wind chimes and even a metal bowl with clean water can be good mascots to help build a career. Don't forget about glass and stained-glass windows, which can be symbols of Water.

A mascot in the form of a horseshoe made of metal, images and figurines of fish, Feng Shui coins can be placed to achieve high earnings and the desired position.

Assistant and Traveler Sector

This sector is in the northwest. He is responsible for relationships with friends, travel and useful connections. If there are none, you can properly equip the northwest sector and find what you need.

The best talisman for this place at home is a statuette of Ganesha, as the patron saint of business and busy people and protector from all adversity. The dragon turtle figurine will help protect your business contacts.

A metal box with business cards located in this area will make business contacts more successful.

If you dream of going to some country, post its images in this sector. They will help you achieve this goal. A good example is the Eiffel Tower figurine. According to ancient traditions, portraits of heavenly or earthly helpers are hung here. These are icons of saints, figurines of angels, photographs of friends and relatives. A portrait of the president is also well suited if you really respect this person.

Children sector

The kids and creativity sector is in the west. It is advisable to place a children's room here, and if there are no children, then adapt this place for doing your favorite type of creativity.

The elephant figurine will good option mascot for creative person... Place it in the western part of the house, and the muse will not be long in coming. In addition, elephants, like rabbits, when they are in the children's area. Consider a pomegranate if you're planting indoor plants. It's good for drawing inspiration.

Since the western sector is responsible for the development of children, you can place children's crafts in it. Wind chimes work well, bells, preferably metal, with seven pipes. Not a bad option - figurines netsuke that depict children. There should be seven, this is the number of this sector. There is a Chinese symbol for "baby with a sparrow", which protects children and gives a serene mood.

Since the element of the children's sector turns out to be Metal, place decorations made of this material here - vases, figurines, symbols like a horseshoe. They will work as mascots for children and creative people.

Love sector

mandarin ducks

This zone is responsible for relationships within marriage, love and family ties and is located in the southwest. It is best to place the spouses' bedroom in it or, if not yet married, your bed.

Light two red candles in a paired candlestick at night to bring love to life. The element of the sector is Earth, but Fire gives rise to Earth. Ceramic, porcelain and stone products can become talismans of love in Feng Shui.

In this sector of the house, any paired talismans are appropriate - mandarin ducks, dolphins, swans and paired vases. Paired candlesticks and pillows work too. It will bring love and happiness to marriage. Even if you haven't found the other half, it won't take long.

The best plant for the southwestern part of the house is peonies. They symbolize love and passion. It is not necessary to grow them, a picture of these flowers will also work. But this value is relevant only before the children appear. After that, the peonies will begin to symbolize infidelity.

You can not hang pictures of lonely people, this will only bring misfortune in love relationship... Use images of people who are happy together. Hearts fit chocolate candies and other things related to romance.

This hand-made composition of stones, fumigated with incense, will bring love in all its manifestations. The stones can be found on the sea or near the river, or you can add semi-precious stones from the store to the composition.

Glory sector

The site responsible for fame and success is located in the south of the house. If you want to gain the recognition and respect of others, acquire the appropriate talismans and place them in this sector.

Glory Sector Element - Fire. The energy that helps to achieve fame can be activated by placing a figurine or painting depicting a phoenix here. Besides Fire, it symbolizes glory, success and prosperity. In addition to the phoenix, a rooster, a peacock, an eagle and a horse are well suited as talismans. The horse in the picture should aim upward. All these symbols bring glory, encouragement to purposefulness and optimism.

Twisted shells are famous feng shui talismans that bring recognition and fame. Don't forget about the peacock feathers, which have the same meaning as the figurines of this bird. The sector number is nine, so the number of identical talismans equal to nine has a greater effect.

The fireplace not only symbolizes the element of the glory sector, but glory itself. It must be functional and well-groomed. Sharp-edged items are also good, as are those that tend upward. Good idea the talisman of glory is a statuette of the Ostankino TV tower or the Egyptian pyramid.

Wealth sector

The sector responsible for material goods is located in the southeast. Ideally, this sector contains the kitchen, dining room, living room and other rooms that belong to the whole family.

Sector Release is Wood, so post here Money Tree, mirrors, glass and wood figurines, TV, computer and other entertainment equipment. Green plants will allow income to grow if it doesn't wither. In this case, the plant will have to be replaced.

The number that should dominate this part of the house is four. The talisman of wealth can even be four apples, placed in the southeastern part of the house. Wooden wind chimes and amethyst items such as druses would be a good idea. Fish, an ancient Chinese symbol of happiness and wealth, fit well.

God figurine Hottei will bring not only income, but happiness, harmony and good luck. He is sometimes called the Laughing Buddha.

Family sector

The family sector is located in the east and is responsible not only for family relationships, but also for the well-being of the entire clan. The number is three, so look for talismans in the same amount. A statuette of three turtles standing on top of each other works well, it symbolizes unity.

Wood and Water are the elements that dominate this part of the house. Wooden wind chimes, plants, glass and wood figurines, mirrors, aquariums and table fountains will be good helpers in creating harmony in the family.

The paintings that hang here should depict water, plants and landscapes. A family tree in Feng Shui is not a special photo frame, but a plant that occupies a special place in the room. Provided he is healthy, the family tree will bring prosperity to the whole family.

Jade eggs and crystal balls will provide you with money for family expenses - food, rent, tuition and others. The dragon symbolizes the eternal life of the clan. The dragon figurine will be a talisman that will protect the family from evil. There are talismans in the form of a dragon with a pearl in its mouth.

The heron is a talisman that brings resilience and support to the family. Family photos, even on their own, can serve in a good way strengthen the relationship if placed in a given sector.

Some Feng Shui amulets and talismans

Feng Shui coins are probably known to everyone. Usually they are placed in the wealth sector, but they are appropriate in almost any area of ​​the apartment. For example, under the rug near the front door or in the ground, under the path on your site that leads to the house.

The crystal lotus is a symbol of the divine principle, wisdom, enlightenment, happiness and wealth. It is indispensable in the nursery, the matrimonial bedroom, as well as in the wisdom sector. It creates a harmonious atmosphere, drives away negative energy and attracts positive.

Almost everyone knows the three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth. This is a very powerful money talisman. It can be placed not only in the sectors that are responsible for money, but also near the front door. But at the same time, the toad should be with its back to the exit from the house. This talisman needs to be washed frequently under running water, and in China, the toad is often placed in the bowl of the fountain.

Fu Dogs are paired figures that are placed together. But they do not bring love, but protection from thieves, fraudsters and danger. It is believed that this amulet drives beggars away from their homes. They cannot be placed at ground level, only on a stand. The male should stand to the right of the front door (when looking at the door from the inside of the room), and the female to the left.

Chinese Star Elders are three figures that bring wealth, prosperity, long life and health. Place them in a place where your family gathers, such as a living room. The health zone, which is located in the center of the house, or the eastern room, is suitable.

In Feng Shui stores you can find many different figurines that can decorate your interior, bring good luck, success, love, wealth. Today we will tell you what the popular Feng Shui figurines mean and how to use them correctly.

The meaning of feng shui figurines

Star elders (Lu-hsing, Fu-hsing and Shou-hsing ) endow their owner with happiness, luck, wealth, health and longevity. They bring the energy of good luck and prosperity to the house, give a long and prosperous life.

Laughing Buddha (Hottey) ... One of the key and significant symbols for the teachings of Feng Shui is a statuette of a laughing Buddha. The second name for the symbol is Hottei. To find out the symbolism of the figurine you are holding in your hands, look at what the buddha is holding. If there are coins, this statuette will bring wealth, a staff - a symbol of health, a pumpkin - prosperity, a pearl - a symbol of wisdom, which attract abundance and prosperity to the house.

Stork image symbolizes renewal (the arrival of spring), changes in life, contributes to favorable changes in life. He is the keeper of family traditions and customs, he attracts happiness to the house.

Dog in Chinese ideology - an example of devotion and love. But her main task is to stand guard, to keep the peace. Fu dogs have small horns on lion heads and an exotic deer body covered with scales. They are the protectors of your home and family.

Cat in Feng Shuiattract good luck, symbolize strength and energy, for women, sexual energy and attractiveness. The wondrous animal is a "lunar" symbol, meaning connection with mysterious forces, intuition and clairvoyance.

Horseaffects a person's career growth. It is best to purchase a horse figurine that will be depicted in motion, for example, running forward or stretching upward. This talisman will contribute to your stamina and good reputation.

Phoenixwill bring happiness to the house. It must be acquired by married couples who have long wanted children, but for some reason they cannot have children. The most successful image of this figurine will be - a bird with spread wings, ready to fly. This talisman can be combined with other talismans like turtle, tiger or dragon.

Ducks are tangerines. This talisman should be purchased by a girl who really wants to get married. Ducks will definitely contribute to this. Ducks must be acquired in pairs and they will bring sincere love, unanimity and understanding to your house.

Elephantsattract wealth and luck to the house. If you buy a figurine of an elephant with the trunk pointing up and put it on the window with the trunk to the window, then this talisman will attract financial well-being and happiness from the street to the house.

a lionshould stand at the entrance, as it protects your hearth from the evil eye and negative energy. If you know that there is some negative place in your house, then you can place the lion figurine there, thereby clearing the unfavorable place. In addition, Leo activates the functions of a protector, allows the owner of the house to become stronger, recharge with the energy of fearlessness and greatness.

Turtlewill help you avoid illness and improve your physical condition. The turtle is a symbol of longevity. It is good to acquire it in families where the elderly and newborns live at the same time. The turtle can be placed in the northern part of the house in the living room or in the hall. It is undesirable to put the turtle in the bedroom, as you can spoil the romantic atmosphere in the room.

Three-legged toad- the oldest Chinese talisman used by Feng Shui masters to attract wealth, financial well-being, good luck in business and career to the house. Most often it is found in the form of a figurine of a toad sitting on a hill of coins, with a coin in its mouth.

The Dragon- the animal is usually depicted with an open mouth, holding a pearl in one of its front paws (but sometimes the paws can be empty). This statuette is considered a universal talisman: it attracts good luck, prosperity, well-being, protects from troubles, and helps to achieve success in a career.

Fishessymbolize high ambitions, success and wealth. But fish are different - big and small, peaceful and aggressive. You need to choose a statuette externally for your pace of life, business and economy. Most often, you can see carp, known for their courage and ability to always swim against the current, and therefore it is a symbol of achievement, perseverance, and career success.

Snakeendow the inhabitants of the house with intuition, cunning and spiritual strength; the fair half will allow you to preserve beauty and youth, and the stronger sex will strengthen male strength.

How to use feng shui figurines correctly

If you really want to get practical benefits from Feng Shui, figurines should become not just an ordinary piece of furniture, but one of its most important components, a conduit of your thoughts and feelings to the divine world. Therefore, the approach to them should be special.

1. The statuette works effectively only when it is located in the designated area. ... For example, the wealth zone is in the southeast, the family is in the east, love is in the southwest, and so on, see the picture. Try to place the figures exactly there. And if in your apartment the layout does not correspond to the principles of Feng Shui, put the figurines in the zones that you have in reality - figurines of love in the bedroom, figurines of wealth - in the study, on the safe, protective figurines - in the hallway or on the window. If this is difficult, let the living room become the place for the figurine, where you will always have it in sight.

2. The statuette must always be clean and in a conspicuous place. It is very important ... If you bought a figurine, and then abandoned it, it is somewhere in the dust in the far corner, there will be no effect. Moreover, Feng Shui experts believe that such a figurine may "take offense" at you and, conversely, will hinder you in achieving your goal. Therefore, do not consider it childish play, take the choice of a figurine seriously.

3. Do not turn the house into a Feng Shui shop, forcing it from floor to ceiling with different accessories ... Thus, you will fill your home with different energies, often opposite in spirit, and, as you know, you should not chase after two birds with one stone. Decide what you need in currently, and buy just such a figurine or several, but working in the same direction. Then there will be no conflict of elements.

4. The Feng Shui figurine is just a conduit of your ideas to the divine world, it enhances your energy, but the figurine by itself cannot solve your problem ... If you need a man, and you sit at home all the time, hardly anyone will appear with you. So it is in business - if you are not looking for Good work or do not develop your business, by itself a profitable order or offer will not come, you have to look. For those who are looking, Feng Shui will help, but those who are waiting for the weather by the sea will not.

Three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth.
A symbol of great luck and abundance of money.
The toad of wealth is best located at the door of the entrance to the dwelling so that
as if she was jumping into the house.
You can also place one toad in each room in the Southeast sector, thus activating the wealth zone.
It is believed that toads are afraid of heights, so it is not recommended to put them on high shelves.
The Chinese are very fond of this talisman and use it very widely.

The horse figurine is considered the classic mascot for the zone of fame and career. An upward-looking horse is especially good.
In the South, the horse figurine will activate fame, personifying endurance, impetuosity, good reputation, as well as being a symbol of unquenchable optimism.
The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life.

Birds Phoenix
The phoenix in China is considered a magical animal, the patron saint of all winged creatures. The Phoenix bird has such a powerful energy that it can rise from fire and ash and rise above the most terrifying circumstances. The Phoenix bird figurine very effectively activates the energy of prosperity, glory and success. It is recommended to place her figurine in the South.

Bowl of wealth
is traditionally considered in feng shui as a symbol of wealth and greatness. It is recommended to put it in the South-East to strengthen your material wealth and increase your income. It is recommended to fill a box in the shape of a gold ingot with jewelry made of precious metals or stones.
In Feng Shui, the Bowl of Wealth is the most in an efficient way in attracting material well-being.
However, the presence of this symbolism is very easy to notice in other nationalities: remember the palaces of the maharajas, where the obligatory presence of vases overflowing with fruits is the first sign that prosperity and success are constant companions of this place.
And, for example, at the Russian courtyard, the expected guests are always greeted with full baskets of various treats and sweets, and the surplus of treats is always a sign that there is joy, prosperity and love in the family.

In China, the elephant is believed to attract good luck. It is recommended to place the elephant figurine on the windowsill, then it will attract good luck into the house from the street through the window. A good symbol the elephant is considered, the trunk of which is raised up.

Mandarin ducks
Mandarin ducks are a classic talisman of loyalty in love and inseparability. The statuette of ducks must be placed exactly in a pair in the South-West, thereby activating the zone of love.

Fountains in feng shui are an excellent source of pure qi life energy! Remember that "feng shui" means "water and wind" in Chinese. It is the running water that is the life-giving symbol of endless power. It is customary to place decorative indoor fountains in the East, in the zone of personal development, or in the South-East, in the zone of wealth.

Money trees
A money tree, on the branches of which Chinese gold coins grow, attracts financial flows and favorable energy to the house, stimulating the growth of your income. The money tree is a symbol of prosperity and wealth, as well as a symbol of monetary luck. It is recommended to place the money tree in the wealth zone, in the Southeast sector.

Trees with stones
The tree on which semi-precious stones grow is considered the Tree of Happiness. The Tree of Happiness is a symbol of prosperity, wealth and monetary well-being. Placing this tree in the East contributes to good health, the rapid implementation of plans and the implementation of new projects.

Fruit trees
Peach-bearing trees are a classic talisman of health and longevity. It is best to place such a tree in the East or in the center, and it can also be placed where the whole family usually gathers. Trees with tangerine fruits symbolize youth and ardor in relationships. Tangerine tree perfectly activates the love zone in the Southwest. Also, fruit trees are a great symbol of wealth and abundance.

The Dragon,
holding a pearl of wisdom in his paws, personifies complete harmony, greatness and wisdom. He is considered one of the strongest symbols in Feng Shui.
It is the dragon that gives birth to the life-giving energy of qi with its breath, giving life to all living things.
The dragon symbolizes power, wisdom and kindness, and also brings success in business. In China, a dragon with a pearl was considered a symbol of the emperor, his divine patron.
It is recommended to place the dragon figurine in the East. However, you should not place it above the eye level of the head of the family, otherwise in this case it is believed that the dragon will dominate.

Dragon turtle
it is a mythical Chinese animal that protects your home from mishaps and problems. The dragon-headed turtle is a powerful combination of two creatures that emit life-giving qi like dragons and protective qi like turtles. It is believed that the Grand Duke of the year Tai-Sui likes it when the dragon turtle looks at him, and the prince does not show his anger towards people.

it is a wonderful talisman that attracts good luck in business. This symbol appeared at a time when the sailing ship was associated with the arrival of goods and money.
The ship is a powerful symbol of business success, prosperity and financial wealth.
Accordingly, this talisman means the symbolic "arrival" of good luck. When purchasing a sailboat, pay attention that its sails are raised and inflated, which means a fair wind and no stagnation in business. After all, as you know, the wind in Feng Shui is always a favorable sign. Also make sure that your sailboat is not a prototype for a famous wreck.
When the sailboat is chosen, load it with gold coins, both Chinese and any others, as well as all the same symbols of wealth that were mentioned above: gold bars, stones painted in gold, crystal diamonds, gold products and various ornaments, etc. stones.
Place the sailboat close to your front door or window. For effective work for the talisman, it is necessary that the sailboat is turned with its nose inside the house, that is, it is "arriving". However, make sure that the sailboat does not point its bow towards the front door or window, otherwise all the wealth it carries will float past you. The ship of wealth is perfect not only for the home, but also for the office.

very popular feng shui mascot. The goldfish is very suitable for the wealth zone and symbolizes success in financial affairs.
Also figurines of fish are great for activating the North - a career zone, since the element of the North is water.

Any of the three star elders is an excellent symbol of the family hearth, protecting the home and family, giving happiness, longevity, health and prosperity. Of course, putting the three elders Fu, Lu and Shu together is more effective, but it is possible to place the elders separately.
Chinese star elders are recommended to be placed in the East, in the health zone
or where the whole family usually gathers.
An old man named Fu-hsing personifies happiness, symbolizes great monetary luck and prosperity.
The old man Lu-hsing symbolizes family authority, he is also addressed
for help to give his family an heir.
Shou-hsing is the god of longevity and health, he is almost always depicted with two symbols of longevity, a deer and a peach.
Shaw's statuette is often presented to men as a symbol of the never-ending
source of male power.

Hottey (or laughing Buddha) is considered one of the most famous gods of happiness and wealth. It helps in the implementation of the most cherished desires and personifies well-being, fun, communication and carelessness.
Translated from Chinese, Hottey means "canvas bag".
By the way, the prototype of Hottei was written from a real character who lived in China at the end of the 10th century. At that time, a monk named Qi Qi walked through the villages with a rosary and a large canvas bag, and wherever this monk appeared, good luck, health and prosperity came to people. When asked what was in his bag, he answered: "I have the whole world there!"
Hottei's image is perfect for revitalizing the Southeast, the Wealth Zone.

symbol of heavenly support and protection. It is best to activate the North turtle figurine, since water is considered the mistress of the North.
One turtle will become a good talisman, because the number of the northern sector is one.
Especially good results can be achieved by placing a turtle figurine in a container of water. However, do not forget to consider that the bedroom is a ban on water mascots. The water symbols in the bedroom ruin romantic luck.

The lion in feng shui is, first of all, considered a strong symbol that neutralizes negative influences from the outside.
Usually it is placed in front of the front door or by the window if there are buildings or structures that have an adverse effect (a road, pipes, a lantern on a pole, a large lonely tree, etc.).
If there is a place with destructive energy in the room, then you can also put a lion statuette there, this will weaken the negative impact.
In addition, lions strengthen the authority of the leader or head of the family.

Chinese coins are round coins with a square hole in the center and hieroglyphs. Coins are ubiquitous in feng shui.
It is very effective to tie three coins with a red ribbon with the yang side (hieroglyphs) facing up and put them in the wealth sector, as well as place them in those places that are related to finance.
Many successful businessmen do not hide the fact that they use Chinese coins to increase their monetary luck by placing them under the rug in front of
front door. A good feng shui for a country house under construction would be Chinese coins buried under the path leading to the house.

The eagle soaring proudly in the sky is one of the finest images for the sector of glory. If you have big ambitions, and you need to very powerfully activate the South zone, it is recommended to put an eagle statuette there, this will consolidate your good reputation, bring glory and success in business.

Pi yao
Pi Yao is used to enhance sources of wealth and increase income.
Pi Yao are very fond of their owners, obedient to them and very loyal.
Just like the dragon turtle, Pi Yao is considered one of the few animals that can pacify the prince of the year, who is in the West in 2007.
If you are in business, then Pi Yao will certainly suit you,
since according to legend, Pi Yao has an immense appetite.
Pi Yao should be placed below eye level of the head of the family,
and also refrain from placing it in the bedroom.
If you often leave your home unattended and travel long distances, then you should place Pi Yao near the front door or in the hallway.

are not only a beautiful element of interior decor, but also a powerful feng shui tool that helps to cope with the negative energy of protruding corners, sharp objects and others design features your house. Fans perfectly dissipate energy, transforming it into positive energy.

Dream catchers
A dream trap is hung over the head of the bed or nearby and promotes good sleep and good dreams.
The creation of this device was seen centuries ago among the North American Indians.
A wise people found mutual understanding with nature through meditation and deep study. By inventing a dream catcher, the Indians recreated a woven web of leather ropes.
It was in this way, in their opinion, that she did not let evil spirits through, causing confusion in the mind and, thereby, did not allow nightmares to form.

Fu dogs
symbol of protection of the welfare of the house. They represent courage, selflessness and justice. Fu Dogs are good in pairs, as they combine the harmony of Yin and Yang energies. Figures of these dogs are recommended to be placed in front of the front door or in the wealth area. In this case, they will serve the well-being of the family and the stability of relationships, as well as protect every family member from troubles and failures.

Red Chinese lanterns are a very effective love zone mascot. It is customary to hang Chinese lanterns in pairs, since paired things in themselves are strong activators of the zone of love and marriage, and the red color of lanterns only enhances their effect.

Gourd pumpkin
The gourd or Hu-lu is a powerful talisman of the health zone in the East. Also, the holu pumpkin should be placed at the head of the bed or above the bed of a sick person, and after his recovery, it must be thoroughly washed under running water, wiped dry and a large candle burned next to it.
In addition, the holu pumpkin harmonizes the relationship between children and adults.
and between the spouses who have cooled to each other.

Owner of money
The owner of money or Chen Loban is one of the most revered symbols in China, the keeper of money.
The owner of the money should be placed where you usually keep your savings,
then your money will not slip through your fingers, but, on the contrary, will be preserved and multiplied.
It is believed that the statuette of the Master of money must be inherited,
along with it, financial success will come to your descendants.

In the days of emperors, the lotus flower was associated with royal power,
and in China it was revered as sacred plant... The structure of the lotus flower symbolizes the interaction of the feminine and masculine principles, as well as life, chastity, harmony and purity.
The crystal lotus fills family members with excellent health - put in the center of the room.
For career advancement, it is recommended to put South in the glory zone.
Its transparent petals pass negative qi energy through them,
transforming it into positive, and evenly distributing it throughout the room.

it is a necklace of beads that are touched by repeating mantras or prayers.
The rosary is used to count the spoken mantras and calm the mind.
A person who goes through a rosary not only strengthens his spirit,
but it also becomes more balanced.

Health balls
Chinese health balls are used to maintain harmonious balance
Yin and Yang in the human body.
Targeted stimulation of specific areas with health balls has a positive effect on all areas of the body.
There are three Yin meridians (the meridians of the heart, blood circulation and lungs) and three Yang meridians (the colon and small intestine meridians), which are connected to the organs of the body and the brain.
By rotating the Chinese balls in the palm of your hand, you stimulate many acupuncture points.
Rotating the balls quickly in a clockwise direction increases the Yang energy, while slowly rotating them counterclockwise increases the Yin energy.
The sound produced by the balls during exercise has a calming and at the same time stimulating effect. Regardless of whether you practice with balls for fun or exercise with them in medicinal purposes, such regular exercise will have a beneficial effect on your health.

The music of wind
Music of the Wind protects from unfavorable flows of qi energy, scattering them through its hollow tubes and transforming them into pure and wholesome. With the help of the music of the wind, the room will be filled with strength and harmony, and the soft sound will remind you of purity and wisdom.

Candlesticks are not only an excellent element of interior decor,
but they also carry the energy of fire.
To improve any of the feng shui zones, you need to light candles there at least occasionally. The warm candlelight in the beautiful candlestick will gently diffuse around the room, drawing wholesome Qi into your home.

Cash envelopes
Storing even a symbolic amount in gold money envelopes is a sign of increasing the existing capital.
However, you should never keep money "for a rainy day", otherwise it will surely come.
Save money exclusively for something pleasant (travel, shopping, a happy life)

Heavenly Guardians
are the protectors of man, both physically and spiritually.
Warrior figurines will protect your home from uninvited guests and people with bad thoughts, will protect material well-being and rid your home of gossip and negative energy of strangers.
Many entrepreneurs during important business negotiations keep a warrior figurine close at hand. In China, the heavenly guards are treated with great reverence and respect, as they personify courage and devotion to their emperor.
In China, it is believed that warriors with their fierce countenance can frighten even a robber or an insensitive ghost.

considered the god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles.
He is the patron saint and powerful symbol of business luck, as well as the patron saint of commerce and travel, helping to gain credibility and influence. The Ganesha figurine is best placed in the Assistant Zone in the Northwest.
His figurine can also be placed on the work table. In this case, it will help you increase your income and stimulate professional success.

Crystals are a wonderful symbol of love and wealth.
Small crystal diamonds pass negative qi energy through them, transforming it into positive and evenly distributing it throughout the room.

The element of our planet Earth is associated in the Chinese tradition with stability and confidence in all directions of life.

Feng Shui land animals are distinguished by extraordinary willpower and spirit, so even a simple little snail will become a symbol with great potential in your home.

True, such talismans should be selected taking into account the personal characteristics of the owner, and not only on the basis of general recommendations feng shui.

Tiger in feng shui

One of the most ancient manifestations of courage and strength is the tiger, which, as a rule, has a white color according to Feng Shui. This beast is one of the four main defenders of the home. It is no coincidence that the most famous painting in China depicting a tiger in Feng Shui demonstrates a predator guarding the house.

Tigers also act as good luck charms when placed above the front door on New Year's Eve. Then the whole family is provided with his patronage. In addition, some Chinese provinces believe that the tiger in Feng Shui is important for the birth of healthy children and a successful marriage.

Today, the following types of talismans are distinguished:

  • The dozing tiger belongs to the most balanced characters, so it is ideal for people who are too emotional and energetic. Such a talisman looks appropriate in a small apartment.
  • The beast sitting on a handful of coins represents a successful business. It can be placed in the career zone to acquire a new position or in the wealth sector to increase your fortune.
  • A predator with an open mouth and bared fangs helps add status. It strengthens the leader's energy and helps to defend against evil forces. It is allowed to keep this figurine only if there is a dragon talisman in the house.
  • A feng shui picture of a tiger can be on a woven basis and mean only the head of a predator. A similar talisman in China is hung on the gate. It is also allowed to use paper images as curtains, and Feng Shui is also allowed to take the images of the tiger as a basis in the creation of toys and bedding.

When choosing a tiger figurine, you need to be sure that those born under the signs of a Rooster, Rabbit or Boar are not present in the house. eastern horoscope... V otherwise the risk of premature death of such family members increases.

Please note that any of the directions of light in the apartment will correspond to a certain animal (you can read in our magazine). For the white predator, this is the northeast. According to Feng Shui, the tiger zone for a water rat, for example, is not very favorable, but for dragons it is not prohibited.

Spider in Feng Shui

Feng Shui spider is the invariable meaning of creative energy. Spiral web in this case personifies the entire process of the universe. In a larger sense, the Spinner is the creator of the planet, forming the web of time. In addition, according to ancient legends, spiders are identified with the feminine principle.

Interestingly, feng shui gives the spider a divine and cosmic meaning thanks to the structure of this creature. The eight legs are the sum of the winds of change and the main directions. Therefore, he is identified with the wheel of life. If you choose a spider as a totem protector, he will always warn you about the danger and, conversely, congratulate you on the results of competent decisions.

A sign of impending happiness in China is a descending spider. What is the symbol of Feng Shui in this case, this eternal worker? Of course, family luck and well-being in all areas. A similar talisman is also necessary for individual use, if a person wants to look into the depths of himself and learn to control emotions.

The spider symbol will help you become far-sighted and do only the right things. You can also store a small spider talisman made of expensive materials in your wallet to attract money and preserve your accumulated savings.

Among the Chinese talismans, few animals are honored and respected for their slowness in helping humans. The snail is a feng shui symbol associated with extraordinary calmness and tranquility. This talisman increases financial income and helps to achieve goals, albeit not too quickly, but confidently.

Trying to evenly share the energy of well-being and prosperity in the house, you should definitely find your place for a figurine with a snail. She guarantees success in achieving business goals in the Career zone, and the wealth sector will begin to exist under her protection if it is necessary to save up the required amount. Surround the snail with elements from the element of Water, and she will respond with goodwill.

In addition, you can buy a living creature and plant it in a beautiful and spacious aquarium. For general harmony in life, you can purchase paintings, wallpaper and even a bed with snails.

For the bedroom, in turn, a sculpture of two loving little streets is suitable.

Dragonfly in feng shui

Interestingly, even within the framework of one Eastern tradition, dragonflies are perceived ambiguously. In Japan, for example, it is an expression of courage and victory, an image of luck and courage. At the same time, among the Japanese, the attitude towards the dragonfly as an irresponsible creature is simultaneously growing.

In China, it was the dragonfly that became the concentration of grace and lightness. What is a feng shui symbol for this weak insect? For a start, this is a sign of the onset of summer, which means the arrival of heat and sun. Joyful flying dragonflies fit perfectly into a nursery, a workshop for creativity and even a bedroom. But the sectors of wealth and careers, where carelessness and playfulness are not virtues, will do just fine without this talisman.

Dragonflies are also a sign indicating the salvation of our souls, the personification of rebirth and immortality. They are great at restoring old feelings, so for couples who have been married for many years, this is a great symbol. But even for single girls, this is an effective talisman that adds beauty and grace.

It is worth using this image to activate the love zone only if you are fully prepared for changes. Even a small picture of a dragonfly makes the relationship easy, and also makes changes in the sexual sphere.

Ladybug in Feng Shui

An expression of extraordinary luck is the Feng Shui ladybug. The significance of this tiny creature is very great, because it transforms all negative energy and cleans the house. It must be borne in mind that the strength of the talisman and its specific focus depend on the number of spots on the back of the ladybug.

  • One dot characterizes the symbol as an assistant in a new business, including business, family, and profession. Such a talisman is appropriate in an office or office, on a desktop.
  • A ladybug with two spots is necessary to harmonize relations with the outside world. She grants inner peace good dreams, self-confidence, and also destroys fears and misanthropy. To become a kind and positive person, you should keep a talisman in the bedroom: on dressing table, bedside table or near the very head of the bed.
  • The trinity of spots on the back makes the insect a protector from wrong actions, rash decisions. This talisman is quite appropriate at work, but it is not necessary to keep it on the table, it is better to put it on the windowsill.
  • Four spots on a ladybug are responsible for protecting the house from theft and robbery. Store the figurine in the hallway, but away from prying eyes.
  • A string of five dots symbolizes a creative talisman. But one more spot means the development of learning abilities. Such ladybug should be placed on the school desk, office or living room.
  • The 7-point ladybug helps you achieve success in your personal life. Such a talisman works only for one owner, so it should be kept in his favorite room (you can even in the bathroom).

The Feng Shui butterfly symbol is associated with sincere joy and love. This insect perfectly helps lonely people to meet a loved one, but such a talisman is useful in family relationships... Butterflies bring passion and romance to longtime partners, helping to forget about the routine of days.

Feng Shui butterflies are used to activate the love sector only in pairs. You can also hang a picture with a whole group of butterflies, but one image will not add value to marriage. The ideal arrangement of the butterfly in the bedroom is the ceiling above the bed. Placing the mascot in the southwest also helps to improve communication with all acquaintances in general.

What do Feng Shui butterflies mean for most Chinese people? This is the immortality of the soul and real rebirth. Therefore, in the guise of this insect there is so much divine and supernatural.

In the Chinese tradition, talismans with butterflies are usually divided according to colors, shapes and materials.

  • Many people are interested to know what the Feng Shui butterfly symbolizes in the composition of the wind chime. In this case, we are talking about family happiness, and if the insects are made of metal - about success in personal life and the fire of passion. You need to place such a talisman only on the southwest side of the house.
  • Feng Shui silver or gold butterfly has a more sacred meaning. This symbol fulfills personal desires in love and family, while brooches of this type make girls very confident.
  • Ceramic colorful butterfly... What is a wooden butterfly in Feng Shui? This is the harmony of the spouses and general well-being.

Please note that dead butterflies on pins and needles are bad feng shui with the energy of death. Such an object in the house or office leads to a deterioration in all relations of the owner. Also, do not place sculptures near the windowsill and attach butterflies to the curtains: love and joy will surely fly out into the street.

But Feng Shui butterflies in the workplace are a good option for those who need to establish friendly communication with colleagues.

Feng Shui rhino

According to Feng Shui, the rhinoceros is a brave animal with excellent protective abilities. Talismans with him always look impressive and naturalistic, and they are used to protect the house from accidents, incidents and crimes. Rhinos attract good luck to business, neutralize negativity and make families happy.

  • Gold, silver, as well as black rhinos are not only an important part of the apartment design, but also add stamina and firmness to the owner. If gray and white figurines are made of ceramics, crystal, porcelain, they are intended to protect from the influence of bad people.
  • Wood rhino attracts natural energies with positive charges. This talisman helps to cope with the effects of stress and quickly restores a person's mood. It can be either a plain simple animal or a decorated animal with a multi-colored pattern.
  • The blue rhinoceros in feng shui has the strongest protective forces... It turns negative streams into positive and reliably protects the apartment from uninvited guests and aggressive intrusions. Even from the evil thoughts of secret enemies, intrigue and gossip, he helps to protect oneself. Such a mascot perfectly promotes the owner's career.

Where to put a dragon in Feng Shui? It is necessary to keep the figurines in the living room or near the front door, preferably in pairs.

The dragon in Feng Shui is the fundamental talisman that provides peace and harmony in the house. In China, this is not at all an evil creature, a strong, strong-willed, revered image. The dragon consists of space energy Qi and his every breath gives people hope. This talisman is able to reveal the potential of the owner's mind, soul and body.

As a rule, a feng shui dragon has financial and career significance. This means that it protects the owner from bad partners, competition and brings good luck in new business.

Exists different types dragons in feng shui:

  • Tian Moon or the Dragon of Heaven is the most powerful and has five legs. Typically, this is the golden dragon in feng shui. The sector of its location is east, while the head is directed to the south.
  • Shen Long or the Dragon of the Rain and the Sea is a divine being who determines the weather and rules all the cardinal points. He is responsible for financial prosperity and has 4 claws (previously he had 3).
  • Di moon or the dragon of the Earth is the most generous and sows wealth with the cosmic breath. Sometimes you can incur his anger, and then any business will not lead to enrichment. This is a green dragon in Feng Shui, and in the eastern sector it also helps to strengthen family relationships.

The feng shui dragon symbol can be depicted in different poses or with some animals. This affects the semantic load of the talisman:

  • A dragon paired with a phoenix means well-being in the family and is often kept in the sector of love. In the workplace, he protects against intrigue.
  • A curved dragon with an open mouth and a pearl in its paw. This golden dragon in Feng Shui personifies harmony and helps to achieve goals.
  • The Dragon Turtle with Lots of Coins is a figurine that attracts happiness for children, including wealth and health.
  • An imperial dragon with five fingers. It is a very powerful energetic talisman. Such a golden dragon Feng Shui is not often ordered through the store, because it is very rare and not suitable for home use... You have to put it at work.

Feng Shui dragon symbol: where to put

Most, of course, are very interested in the question when there is already a dragon in Feng Shui: where to put such a symbol so that its powerful energy is fully revealed? It is best to keep it on the east side: in the study, in the living room, on the left side of the door. A dragon figurine in Feng Shui can be activated by the presence of water elements, for example, a faucet in a kitchen or an aquarium. If you are thinking about where to put the dragon in Feng Shui to improve your well-being, choose the central sector so that it feeds you with Yang energy.

Additional activation of the talisman takes place in the hour of the dragon in Feng Shui. It needs to be calculated by Chinese calendar day of this creature from 7 to 9 in the morning local time to put dots on his eyes with black paint. It is important that during the ritual he looks to the east.

The image of a dragon in Feng Shui cannot be put in the bedroom due to the intensification of insomnia and the bathroom due to the loss of luck. Do not use more than 5 figurines. A dragon in feng shui should also be located no higher than eye level, and there should not be any people born in the year of the Dog in the house.

A dragon in a keychain is allowed by Feng Shui, the meaning of the talisman does not change. Such a thing can be carried with you to bring changes in life and attract the forces of heaven or nature. Dragon Feng Shui even through photos helps single girls to attract good luck in love.

Feng Shui giraffe

The Feng Shui giraffe has the meaning of the talisman of wealth. It increases family income and preserves the money already accumulated. Interestingly, not only figurines can be used as an active symbol. Feng Shui giraffe is also effective as a soft toy, drawing or photography.

If you have a giraffe, according to Feng Shui, the question of where to put the talisman is not too acute. It is allowed to place it in the Career zone or in the money sector, and if the animal is chosen as a totem talisman of power, it is suitable for placement in a favorite place in the house.

Note that the giraffe does not value haste; it likes friendly people who can listen to others and their intuition. Such a talisman is suitable for those with the gift of providence and courageous personalities. The giraffe will help its owner to become taller than everyone in best qualities and will make him kind, caring, faithful.

Feng Shui cat

The Feng Shui cat figurine is associated with the secrets of the Universe. This animal brings good luck, protects the home from adversity and increases overall well-being. If we talk about a real beast, then the cat is a feng shui symbol associated with the restoration of energy flows. This creature is able to neutralize stagnant zones of energy and remove all obstacles to the movement of Chi.

In addition, cats and cats are able to indicate to their owners which sector of the house needs urgent activation. True, a lot depends on the color of the pet:

  • Ginger cats help to set up a personal life, but they don't get along well with dark pets.
  • Gray beasts protect from negativity and are useful for people working at constant risk.
  • Feng Shui black cat adds luck only initially successful people... Those who are deprived of fate are unlikely to gain anything, since dark animals only enhance the already existing energy.

A feng shui cat figurine should ideally have hieroglyphs to attract good luck and wealth, and porcelain or ceramics should be used as materials. A twin cat in Feng Shui matters personal luck and drives away loneliness, so you can safely purchase two figurines at once.

Money or lucky cat

The feng shui money cat is of particular importance. It is also called in China Maneki-Neko or Happy Cat. This is a very popular figurine in the East, because it opens the way for a person to new opportunities. In addition, this Feng Shui cat drives away evil spirits at night. Such a figure differs in that one of the animal's paws is raised, and the second holds a tablet with the hieroglyph of happiness and wealth. There are two types of such a talisman:

  • With the left paw raised, the cat in Feng Shui has the meaning of an attracting symbol. It not only attracts financial flows, but also guests and visitors. The figure can be placed in the Wealth zone, in the office, in the northeast sector.
  • If the animal's right paw rises, it is a guard. This means that already accumulated wealth is protected. Such a figurine is useful for those who participate in litigation or is afraid of criminals.

There is also a Maneki-Neko figurine with a kitten. This Feng Shui cat has the meaning of respect. The talisman helps mothers and the elderly.

According to feng shui, the lion is a person's protector from external threats. The talisman brings peace and stability to the family, and also fights well against the envy of other people. This symbol adds fearlessness to its owner.

  • The image of a lion in Feng Shui with an open mouth means a call to submission. The owner of the mascot prioritizes the social ladder.
  • The beast on the pedestal symbolizes the general superiority of the owner over other people.
  • Crouching predator refers to the confidence of a person, develops hunting instincts.
  • The jumping animal reflects the leader's concentration and power.

Where is the best Feng Shui lion to live? Of course, near doors or windows. The animals are charged by the sun and pass all the energy through themselves, transforming currents when necessary.

Feng shui cow

Cows have long been associated with the positive energy of the Earth, and in China they have been associated with wisdom. The Feng Shui cow has a very wide meaning: it is the attraction of material goods, and overall success, and the achievement of the desired goals. Also, the talisman lures family well-being, fertility, follows the fate of the offspring.

It is necessary to place the talisman in the study, in the office, especially if the figurine is made of porcelain, copper or crystal. Even a picture with animals will do. Usually a large female is depicted with calves, and gold bars may be present. You can keep the sculpture in the northeast of the house.

If the figurine is called "Wish-granting Cow", it can be activated in the western sector.

Feng shui horse

The Feng Shui horse has a very majestic meaning. This noble animal attracts success, as a rule, in business and profession. The feng shui horse symbol is associated with courage, perseverance, speed and fame.

Figures are usually divided into several categories:

  • Feng Shui holiday horses are usually rearing up, bringing recognition and popularity, so they are effective for artists and athletes.
  • Running horses feng shui, or, as they are also called, victorious, are symbols of success in career and competition. They are also identified with complete freedom, especially if a herd is depicted.
  • A donative statuette of a horse in Feng Shui with jewelry is needed to attract good luck and wealth. It should be placed in the direction of the apartment. And of the colors, preference should be given to white and gold shades.
  • A feng shui picture of a horse, where a rider is present, rarely has a strong influence. If the animal is saddled by a fly or a monkey, then one can hope for career growth. It is useful to put a gold coin on the saddle of such a figurine.
  • According to Feng Shui, a pair of running horses refers to strengthening relationships. Two graceful creatures establish personal life and work. If they are black, then the power of victory increases, if they are red, luck comes. We are talking about partnership and family with friendship.

Where to place horse figurines

Horses should be placed in the south or in the office on the desktop and walls. Surround the symbol with red objects, sun designs, and candles, but not water elements.

In Feng Shui, a couple of horses running across the field will be a good gift for leading people. But the image should not be looking at a window or door.

Feng Shui elephant

The Feng Shui elephant is an expression of the best human qualities. He is distinguished by willpower, wisdom and kindness. But its main characteristics are stability and general well-being. What does the Feng Shui elephant symbolize? High social status, power and energy. With its trunk, the animal lures good luck and positive vibes, and also absorbs negativity in sharp corners premises.

The Feng Shui elephant, whose photo is found on the Web, does not need to be strengthened in its action. However, it can be decorated with beads, rhinestones, trunk and saddle chains. A Feng Shui picture of an elephant can also be framed with amber beads or cypress beads. Naturally, ivory ornaments, like similar frames, are not desirable.

The feng shui elephant can be represented in the house in several forms, poses and materials:

  • Feng Shui elephant with a trunk upwards attracts material goods. Such a talisman will save the whole family from waste. An elephant with a raised trunk in Feng Shui endows a person with moderation, prudence in financial matters.
  • According to Feng Shui, a female elephant with a baby symbolizes motherhood. The talisman helps conception and improves the relationship of children with their parents.
  • Seven elephants in Feng Shui are very revered in the East. The power and strength of the talisman attracts a full cup to the house: love, luck, wealth. More precisely, 7 elephants express the complete lunar cycle and give seven benefits at once.
  • If you have a Feng Shui elephant with a downward trunk, this is a symbol of abundance and fertility. There is also a version that such an elephant in Feng Shui has a meaning associated with longevity.
  • Rhino elephant in Feng Shui means very strong defense... This is not only the protection of the apartment itself from intrusions, but also the resilience and poise of the family members themselves.
  • Where to place a wooden elephant in Feng Shui? Try to match the material of the talisman with the elements of the sectors. It is useful to keep it in the area of ​​the east, southeast and south.
  • Many porcelain lovers are interested in, the white elephant is a symbol of what in Feng Shui? It should be remembered that this is the personification of protecting the house from negativity and an excellent talisman for preserving the family.
  • Three elephants in Feng Shui are associated with the unity of heaven, earth and man. Such a talisman brings harmony in all areas of life.
  • The personification of maximum financial luck is the Feng Shui toad on the elephant. Where to put such a strong talisman? The best option- the sector of wealth, freed from other symbols.
  • What do Feng Shui mean elephants linked by trunks? It is not only about attracting luck, but also keeping it. Such a romantic couple in the bedroom will remain faithful and love of partners.

Where to place an elephant in Feng Shui

When you have the correct Feng Shui elephant, where to place such an animal? Best of all - on the windowsill so that the trunk is directed towards the positive star. You can direct the trunk to the apartment, but this will mean that there is already good luck in the house.

The Feng Shui elephant is very unassuming when choosing the cardinal points, so you can put it in any part of the apartment. For example, in the northeastern sector, the talisman attracts patrons to the house. What does Feng Shui elephant mean in the southeast? This is support for the head of the family.

Feng Shui land animals often have similar meanings. The specific choice of a mascot depends on personal preferences and the overall interior. Whether it's a huge dragon or a barely visible snail, the Feng Shui symbol works effectively with proper care and attention.