We sew your own pillow for pregnant women on finished patterns. What a cushion for pregnant women is better and what they are sewing a pillow for pregnant women with their own hands

Pillow for pregnant women is a real find for women in position, since this invention greatly facilitates the process of having a child, relieves the load from the spine, helps to take a convenient position and finally relax. Unfortunately, such accessories are pretty expensive, not every woman can afford to buy it. Therefore, we will tell you how just a pillow is made for pregnant women with their own hands. The process of sewing such a product is simple and occupies quite a bit of time. As a result - you will get a high-quality and comfortable pillow for small money.

The main purpose of the cushion for pregnant women

Pregnancy is wonderful and with nothing comparable time for each woman. However, with an increase in the period of pregnancy begins to grow and tummy. In this regard, women begin problems with sleep due to an increase in the load on the spine. Accordingly, it does not receive a full-fledged rest and does not fill its forces that are so necessary for further toaling the child.

The cushion for pregnant women helps women in a position to sleep on the side comfortably, as it can be used for himself, throw her leg on her and put the belly. It creates comfortable and full conditions for recreation and sleep, contributes to the removal of muscle tone and improves blood circulation.

Important! Pillow for pregnant women will be a reliable assistant and after the birth of a child. It can easily turn into a pillow for feeding, border, so that the baby does not roll from the sofa or on the playpen.

Advantages of self-sewing

If you are still in doubt whether it is worth it to sew such a pillow or easier to purchase already ready product, We offer you a number of advantages of independent manufacture:

  1. You will have the opportunity to choose a convenient size yourself and place a product in your beloved. color gamma.
  2. You can use environmentally friendly materials of those manufacturers that trust.
  3. Significant economy budget savings.
  4. The manufacturing process will give you creative relaxation.
  5. The ability to express your fantasy and creative.

Important! Pregnancy - not at all reason to wear extremely shapeless things and abandon it looks beautiful and neat. Having certain sewing skills, you can easily cope and in order to make for yourself some interesting things that will be with pleasure. And our master classes will help you:

How to choose the desired form?

Before you sew a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands, it is very important to determine the form and size of the future product.

Classic pillow

It has the form of the letter U. Such a feature allows pregnant woman to take the most convenient position for her body due to the fact that the head is located on the rounded area, and the legs and hands are on the side parts.

The main advantages of such a pillow can be attributed:

  1. Uniform load distribution.
  2. No need to shift it if you turn to side on the side.

Important! Unfortunately, such a shape of the pillow is quite cumbersome, respectively - it will take a bed of large sizes.


Such an option of the pillow is able to give relaxation not only during night sleep but also day rest. It can be turned under the stomach, head, hug your feet or just rely on. The G-shape perfectly copes with the removal of excess tone and voltage from the muscular system.

Pillow Rogliac

Due to its form, it helps to remove the load not only from the back and abdomen, but also from the legs.

Important! Sometimes such an accessory will have to shift, because if you turn on the other side, your tummy will strive in the back of the pillow, while the back will turn out to be without fully support.

Banana pillow

This accessory will be your salvation, especially in late pregnancy. It does not take up a lot of space and ideal for sleep on the side, as it supports only belly or back.

Important! Also on it you can relax in the position of half-sidew or half a litage.

M-shaped pillow

It has the form of an ordinary roller bent on one side. Such a pillow takes quite a bit of space and is quite comfortable. Her main drawback is that turning over to the other side, you will also have to shift it.

I-shaped pillow

It is the easiest, compact and inexpensive option. Despite this, the pillow of such a form is able to unload the spine and relax muscles, which will allow the body to fully relax.

Important! Preparing for a meeting with his baby, prepare it all necessary for him in order not to be distracted by the solution of household issues after childbirth. Tips from our articles will help you to cope with all questions:

What size should be a pillow for pregnant women?

In this case, you should proceed from the size of the bed, the growth of women and your favorite posture during sleep. Basically, the size of such a pillow is measured, based on the size of the roller, its width and length.

Important! Standard width The roller for women of the middle set is 35 centimeters. Sometimes in the early grades of pregnancy, women in the position reduce it to 30 centimeters.

How to sew a pillow for pregnant women?

Initially, the filler and material for the manufacture of pillowcase should be purchased.

Choose filler

When choosing filler, draw your attention to the fact that the material must be absolutely environmentally friendly and is safe for both women and baby. Most often for these purposes use the following fillers:

  • Hollofiber. This is a synthetic fluff that consists of spiral threads. When complicated, they are compacted, and when removing the load - acquire an ordinary shape. Due to this property, holofiber is an excellent material for the manufacture of orthopedic pillows.
  • Syntput. This is a soft spring filler, which is easily frozen, and after - again acquires its shape. In addition, the syntputs perfectly saves heat and passes the air.
  • Polystyrene balls. This type of filler is represented as a diameter of 1 millimeter. Such pillows are pretty tough. Nevertheless, due to this property, they better hold the form and make it possible to do different bends. In addition, polystyrene blocks heat loss, so you can call a pillow for pregnant women with such a filler.

Important! For sensitively sleeping pregnant women, this filler does not fit, as they will hear the rustling of balls, which will subsequently call discomfort and irritation.

  • Buckwheat husk. It is an absolutely environmentally friendly and natural filler. Unfortunately, he is pretty heavy, and it is expensive.

Important! When going to sew a pillow for yourself, do not forget about your future kid. See detailed master classes On themes:

We select material for pillowcase

In order to sew a pillow for pregnant women with their own hands, it is very important to choose the material for the pillowcase. It should be hypoallergenic and natural. therefore best option For these purposes, there will be a coarse or cotton.

Important! Make two pillowcases at once. Thus, in the case of contamination, you can remove it in order to wash it, and to wear the second.

Additional tools and materials that you need

In addition to the material for pillowcase and filler, in the process of making a cushion for pregnant women, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Needles;
  • Threads in color;
  • Paper for pattern;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • Portnovo pins;
  • Lightning.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of a classic Pillow for pregnant women:

  • Build the pattern or download the ready-made online.
  • Cut two pieces of fabric and fold in such a way that the angles come into contact.
  • Using the surplus or the Portnovo marker, transfer the pattern pattern and make all the necessary marks.
  • Round the edges of both parts, as a result - you will get two rectangles. Fold them in half.
  • Cut the middle of the pillow from the paper, which in the form will resemble a pear. Attach it to the fabric, retreating 35 centimeters from above. Recover the contours and cut down gently.

Important! In order for the fabric to be better fixed and did not slip, use yourself to help your scotch or portno pins.

  • From the fabric of the contrasting color cut 6 long and 2 shorter stripes.
  • On the front side from the narrow edge, we wish long stripes. Do the same with the rest.
  • Rates from the top of one of the short bands of 1 centimeter, attach zipper and sustain.
  • In the same way, we enter the second strip to the side of the lightning.
  • Turn the zipper on the front side and scroll all the seams so that the lightning does not dug.
  • As a result - you should have 3 long stripes and already sewn lightning.
  • To each edge of the lightning, a trick on one long strip. For this fabric, place the involve side up and, retreating from the edge of 1 centimeter, fix the pins. A similar action should be done on the reverse side.
  • Sew the cloth to zipper, scrape the seams again.
  • Cut the cloth on zipper in such a way that it corresponds to the width of long strips.
  • Put on a flat surface the main workpiece face up. Spread along the contour of the strip in such a way that the zipper is on top, fasten them with tailor pins.
  • In the same way, put the strip in the center. Sust all together.
  • Thoroughly align the blanks and cut the residues of the bands at an angle of 90 degrees so that they are on the same level with the main part.
  • Attach the second part of the main billet to the strips, secure the pins. Take the second part to the main workpiece, remove it on the front side.

That's all, a pillow for pregnant women is ready! You can only fill it with filler.

Many pregnant women tormented discomfort during sleep, numbness of limbs and back pain. Significantly reduce or even get rid of these symptoms will help a special cushion for pregnant women. This pillow can be sewed, especially since it does not require special skills and skills.

Pregnancy period is one of the most significant in the life of every woman. But quite often, except for pleasant moments, this time is connected with some problems. With an increase in the period of pregnancy, most women are hard to choose a convenient posture for sleep and rest. Because of this, there may be legged, sick spin, felt numbness in different parts Body and other uncomfortable sensations appear.

You can get rid of this problem with the help of a special cushion for pregnant women. This pillow will help not only during pregnancy, but in the future after the birth of the baby, for his feeding. And also she can serve as a support during the period when he is just learning to sit. Modern shops are offered a large number of different options Pillows for pregnant women, however, it can be sewn independently, this does not require much time and special skills. Start work is better from selecting the model of the pillow and its patterns.

Pillow for pregnant women: pattern

All cushions for pregnant women can be divided into several types, the most common horseshoe, in the form "G" and a long straight model.

Horseshoe pillows can be different sizes, so it is necessary to immediately decide on the desired product size. The most popular option is not too large with-shaped pillow, which does not take too much space and, while, very convenient in use. The cover is better sewed from genuine soft tissue. Perform the pattern better on millimeter paper. In the manufacture of patterns should not forget about the allowances for the seams.

The width of the pillow is usually chosen within 25-40 centimeters. The inner diameter is chosen no less waist girth. Also, for its definition, you can measure the distance from the shoulder to the middle of the hip or a little more, in this case the resulting pillow will allow conveniently located for a holiday.

When choosing a long I-shaped pillow, the pattern make a lot easier. To do this, only you need to apply the desired size on paper or even immediately on the fabric and make the allowances for the seams. There are many other options, from which every woman can choose the most suitable.

How to sew a pillow for pregnant women?

After the pattern is made, it is necessary to transfer it to the fabric, as a result, two identical details should turn out. They should be folded together with the invalid side to outside and strain on the typewriter, leaving on one side a small breach for about 20 centimeters for subsequent stuffing. For greater strength and long Service You can see the pillow throughout the perimeter double seam. After the pillow is packed with the selected filler, the distance left is sewn.

In addition to the cover for the filler, you can also sew a few pillowcases using the remaining pattern. When they are sewing, it is worth leaving a little large allowances on the seams than when sewing the pillow itself, in this case the pillowcases will easily wear and remove. You should also provide a place for the lock, with which the pillow will change.

When choosing materials, preference is desirable to give natural tissues as silk or cotton. You can approach the choice of color more individually, but it is necessary to take into account that the bright alaty pillow is unlikely to help relax rest and rapid falling asleep. Although everything depends on the personal preferences of a pregnant woman.

What filler to choose for pillow

To determine the amount of the required filler, you can go to the store and hold the pillow of the desired size in your hands or simply ask the seller its weight. But the filler itself can be different. The most popular in pregnant women enjoyed polystyrene foam. This material is characterized by elasticity, which gives the opportunity to give the pillow the necessary form, while it is not remembered. In addition, he is hypoallergenic, not afraid of washing and bacteria. Polystyrene foam is environmentally pure Material. The pillow is remarkably suitable for feeding the baby's first months of life.

It is worth mentioning about the lack of this material: after a few months the volume of the filler slightly decreases by about 20%, due to the air from the bubbles.

One of the options for filler is Hollofiber. It is noticeably cheaper than polystyrene foam, but less elastic and afraid of wets. It should be borne in mind that the pillows from this material are rather soft and poorly hold the attached shape, so they are extremely undesirable to use in the future for feeding kids. Syntputs are largely similar in its properties with holofiber.

Pouch care for pregnant women

If the cushion is used as a polystyrene filler, then it can be pulled out it with a typewriter or manually. When choosing in favor of synthupuha or holofayber, it is better to take it from extra contaminants. Pillowcases should be changed as pollution, therefore it is better to have them in reserve at least 2-3 pieces. The pillow is worth hit as needed. Artificial fillers, as a rule, do not cause allergic reactions, but the cloth for the cover and pillowcase is desirable to choose natural.

Pillow for pregnant women will help to sleep fully at night and relax in the daytime clock to a woman in position. And if you sew it yourself, then you can not only save money, but also to choose the most preferred size, model, color, filler and fabric for the product. Such a pillow will serve not only a pregnant woman, but also in the further kid born. It will create a comfortable and cozy nest, which will be comfortable and mom, and a child.

Surely many have heard about such wonderful pillows that make the life of a pregnant woman more comfortable, and help you stay with the convenience of staying on the bed, keeping the volumetric stomach. After all, everyone who hasndensed, or at the moment shees the baby, unanimously agree, how difficult it is to take a comfortable position and relax to relax.

Such pillows today can be purchased in many stores, including on the Internet. However, if you do not have a desire to spend a considerable amount on this product, and there is even a drop of free time and sewing skills, then you can easily make such a roller yourself. And in this article we will tell you how to sew a pillow for pregnant women, pick up the most successful patterns, and help with the choice of the form of this product.

I would like to notice that this, at first glance, an outstanding belonging has many advantages:

  • it allows you to find a comfortable location not only during sleep, but during reading, food, etc., and in the future - and during the feeding of the baby;
  • prevents the pains in the back, the swelling of the legs and fatigue, which are lack of sleep.
  • There are several options for such a pillow, which differ in shape:

    • Horseshoe pillowwhich is considered a classic version of such a product. It evenly supports stomach and back, and therefore the load on the spine is properly distributed. Particularly suitable for those who love to spin with a side on the side, as it is not necessary to shift it. However, it is necessary to take into account that such a product is quite bulky, and it takes a lot of space on the bed.

    • C-shaped. It is convenient to accommodate on such an affiliation, putting one of her bending under the head, and the other is under the knees, that is, it removes the load not only from the back and abdomen, but also from the legs. It is also convenient for the fact that you can safely put the baby to sleep inside it in the first months of his life, and it will feel great in such a limited space. The only minus is that it will have to turn over when you decide to turn on the other side.

    • Mr.. It is a long roller with a curved end. You can put either head or legs. If you like to ripe from side to side, then such a pillow you also have to shift. But she is not so cumbersome.

    • Banana pillow. Its form fully corresponds to the name. Such a product will not take a lot of space, and it can be easily taken with you on the journey. However, despite the mobility, you can conveniently place your head, stomach on it, and throw the leg.

    • I-shaped. The easiest option of such a product is a smooth roller on which you can accommodate as it is convenient for you.

    • Pillow-boomerang. The most compact and mobile version is couchwhich you can put either under the neck or under your feet or under the stomach. It will not take a lot of material.

    What will be needed for manufacture, and how to choose materials

    For the manufacture of this product you will need:

    • paper for pattern;
    • pencil;
    • scissors;
    • zipper;

    • pins;
    • threads;
    • needles;
    • sewing machine;
    • the cloth;
    • filler.

    And if, on the first points, everything, in principle, is understandable, then about the last two questions arise: what fabric and the filler is better to choose?

    The main criteria for choosing fabric are its naturalness, hypoallergenicity and, of course, it should be pleasant to the touch. For the pillow itself, you should choose a hazard, flax or cotton. For pillowcases, you can buy knitwear, plush, velor, fleece, fur, or even tie it with knitting needles - it all depends on your imagination and preferences.

    From the filler, first of all, it depends on how the product will hold the form, and how much will be useful for you.

    It should also be hypoallergenic and enough elastic. As a rule, for the manufacture of such pillows uses:

    • Hollofiber - Enough cheap MaterialWell keeps the form and does not cause allergies. He also does not absorb smells and not afraid of wetting.
    • Synthetic Pooh - According to the characteristics, it is very similar to holofiber, however, in contrast to it, it keeps heat, but does not delay air, and therefore it does not cause a sweating.

    • Polystyrene foam - It is the most popular, but not the cheapest filler. It perfectly supports the shape, is environmentally friendly, does not require much care, it does not let mold and bacteria. But it is important to know that over time it decreases slightly in volumes.
    • Husk buckwheat - Is, of course, the most environmentally friendly filler. However, it is not suspicable, and the product with it will have a lot of weight.

    Making a classic horseshoe pillow

    The manufacture of such a product has the following steps:

    1. A pattern is drawn on paper, and then cut with scissors. We suggest you choose this option.
    2. The fabric at the same time must be folded twice (the face of the inside), and then place the pattern about the bend on it, and fix it.
    3. Then you need to transfer the pattern to the fabric and strictly fix it with pins in order not to shift.
    4. Thus, two identical horseshoes are cut out of the tissue (left when cutting into the seam in the area of \u200b\u200b15 mm), which are attached to each other.
    5. Then they need to be filtered between themselves and strain the typewriter with a straight line along the contour. Not being built up only small plotThrough which the filler will be held.
    6. Then our case is turned outward, through the left hole we fill it, and then this hole is sewn.
    7. According to the same scheme, the pillowcase is also sewn, only when cutting it is necessary to add 1 cm everywhere so that the pillow can be placed inside. Also on the pillowcase, it is necessary to leave the hole (about 50 cm) and insert a zipper there.

    Banana Pillow Production

    Such a pillow is manufactured similar to the previous one, only for this you will need another pattern. We recommend that you use this.

    It should be noted that it is more simple in the manufacture, and it will take the materials to it much less.

    Production of feeding pillows

    The cushion in the form of a horror will be able not only to facilitate the life of a woman during pregnancy, and in the future it will help to conveniently stay in the feeding of the baby, and the baby himself, when he will learn to sit, can be attached to it.

    It is also possible to make such a pillow according to the scheme described above, however, it is necessary to choose the appropriate pattern. It looks as follows.

    We want to give you a few practical Soviets Regarding the manufacture and operation of this product:

    • Since the pillowcase you will be erased by hand, and quite often, its inner seams we strongly recommend to spend.
    • When choosing a shape of a pillow, pay attention to whether you are experiencing discomfort in specific places or a general nature, as you may need only a small pillow under a specific part of the body. Production of such a product will save your time and means.

    • If you make a sleep pillow, when choosing a cloth color, give preference to a calm color scheme, as bright colors affect nervous system Not the most positive way.
    • Remember that pain in one or another places is not always provoked by an inconvenient position, and if the use of the pillow does not help you eliminate it, then you need to contact a doctor or accept (for example, or). If you just can't pick up right pose, spin from side to the side and can not fall asleep, then in this case, you may need to contact the doctor to appoint a sedative (read more about).

    Video on making pillow for pregnant women

    In this video, it shows how to sew a comfortable horseshoe pillow for pregnant women, as well as given practical recommendations Regarding its manufacture.

    We hope that this article was useful for you, and you have received comprehensive recommendations on how to sew a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands using patterns. If you happen to do this - share your experience and leave comments.

    Pillow for takeit is a special invention, the purpose of the development of which is to simplify the course of pregnancy, reduce the overall fatigue, remove the load from the spine, it can be subsected under tired legs. It allows you to choose a comfortable posture for sleep, help you relax as much as possible. Manufactured pillow for takeits hands and patterns for her will subsequently will not remain unclaimed. The pillow will come in handy mom during feeding, for this, ribbons or clamps connecting it on the ring are attached to the pillow. When the child is growing, it is placed inside the pillow as in the playpen.

    This valuable product can be purchased in a specialized store. Big choice a variety of options Simplifies the case. Only much more valuable things made. Especially if it concerns everything that surrounds the future mother. Products, to create not only the strength of the hands, but also the depth of the soul, bring benefits much more. The instruction below will help make it yourself.

    Why do it yourself the pillow is always better:

    1. For the manufacture, you can choose your favorite color, pick up the best style, to show creativity, fill with positive emotions.
    2. For the manufacture, you can use specially selected materials, only environmentally friendly, which trust.
    3. Production of the product with your own hands saves family budget.
    4. Creativity relaxes, and it is very necessary during the waiting period.

    Select model

    The form may be any, even a simple long thin pillow will be wonderfully performing its functions. The most popular forms are reminiscent of the horseshoe, Rogalik or C-shaped. They, as it were, hug a woman behind the waist, maintain a growing tummy during sleep or rest, occupy little space. The master class below examines this option.

    Also pillows differ in size. Small, such as a banana pillow , Take on the road, press to the body while watching TV. It supports either back or belly. On large bagels, you can comfortably sleep at night, gladly watch TV. Their size with difficulty allows you to find a place in a small bed. On the round part of the pillow there are heads, on long sites there are arms and legs during sleep. New G-shaped support during sleep back and stomach at the same time.

    For practicality, it is better to further sew pillowcase. Material for pillowcase choose natural: hazard, flax, sitz, satin, you can try fur, knitwear, fleece. It is convenient if zipper is provided on the pillowcase, it will easily open it. You can go on and place on the application of the application, pockets for small things, bows, braid and lace. Add everything, the pillow must cause lunizing. These minor decor elements will cause positive emotions in the future mother.

    Pattern - Serious Case

    Small knowledge of the school course is enough to build patterns. We take a sheet of paper and draw half of the future pillow. The inner diameter should be no less than the waist of the future mother. Width 20-40 cm. The length of the direct sections is chosen at its discretion.

    We sew ninente

    This is an almost finished pillow for pregnant women with your own hands. Put the pattern by twice the folded fabric, creating needles. We supply, providing a centimeter on the seam. Cut out, we get two identical blanks. Fabric strips are placed in front of the front. Connect the blanks on sewing machine. Do not hold the seam at a distance of about 40 cm, through this hole will fill out the form.

    For strength to see the seam again. Subsequently, after filling in the altar, this hole can be sewn manually. We treat overlock seam, it will look careful. Turn out the product, fill the filler.

    How to sew a pillowcase on the resulting pattern? Like a nail, only the allowances should be more. Do not forget about lightning.

    Choose filler

    Requirements for filler are the same as all materials for pregnant women: it should be environmentally friendly. The weight of the required filler can be determined when weighing a similar product or experimentally.

    Types of fillers:

    • Polystyrene foam. This elastic hypoallergenic material is well holding the form, long does not lose. Unattractive for bacteria, does not absorb smells. It is necessary to consider that after a few months the volume of the filler will decrease on the fifth part. Not afraid of water. According to reviews, polystyrene foam rustle during sleep, which causes discomfort.
    • - Cheaper material, well preserves the form, does not absorb odors, it does not cause allergies, but moisture is afraid. When feeding the kid, apply it will not work.
    • Sinteputs for its properties resembles hollofiber.
    • Buckwheat husk. The filler is expensive, the product will be heavy. But the quality is excellent.
    • You can replace the specified fillers to CamForel, Fileberk.

    How to care for a product

    Caring for the pillow depends on the filler. Polystyrene foam is well erased manually. When washing, special balls are added to the typewriter to prevent the formation of lumps. Does not like water, it is better to try not to pollute. The list of materials that are used for filling is constantly updated. Before buying, it is better to clarify the characteristics from the seller.

    The pillowcase will, of course, get dirty, so it is better to have several pieces. The pillow is whipped as needed - it gives it volume and makes it elastic.

    A beautiful pillow can give a neighbor, girlfriend or sister. This gift will not only make a pregnancy period more comfortable, but will also give the warmth of your hands to the future mother, and through it and baby.

    Selection of material and sewing instructions

    Even more pregnancy, the harder it becomes a comfortable posture for sleep. Pulling back pain and spine, constant fatigue - the main satellites in the later dates, so you need to provide the necessary comfort during the rest. To do this, it will be suitable, which will help take the right and convenient position of pregnant during sleep and rest, suitable for, and will also be good as a means of protecting the baby from falls.

    For proper use The pillow will ensure the relaxation of the muscles, restore blood flow, will reduce the load on all parts of the body. With pains in the lower back and back it is better to sleep on my side, throwing the foot on the pillow, and when the legs are tired, you need to put the pillow under the ankle.

    Remember that on the back to sleep pregnant women, especially in the third trimester, is not recommended!

    In the process of using the pillow, you will choose the optimal position of the body is already intuitive.

    Sew the pillow itself will not be much difficulty. You can choose right size And the width of the rollers, given the growth and features of the figure. You need to choose materials for pillows with special care, because it depends on them the form, density and durability of the product. A wide variety of fabrics will make the pillow not only comfortable, but also beautiful.

    For sewing you will need:

    Selection of material

    For the trim, you need to choose a natural, pleasant to the body fabric. Here are the most suitable:

    1. Tricat - Soft, unpretentious, well stretches.
    2. Percale - Simple in care, will last for many years, without changing the structure and not a line.
    3. Satin - Very nice to the touch, reminds atlas, but more tender. Proposed to hooks.
    4. Biaz - dense, wear-resistant, unpretentious in care.


    The shape and density of the pillow depends on the selection of the filler.

    1. Feather - Natural filler, which, however, can cause allergies. The pillow with this filler is soft, not deformed.
    2. Buckwheat husk - Provides massage effect. Of the minuses - rustle. The service life is 1-3 years.
    3. Silicone balls - Filler - "Antidepressant". Good accepts fit form. Durable.
    4. Hollofiber - The most common filler. Hypoallergenic, unpretentious, durable material. Not afraid of washing.

    When materials are selected, you can start work.

    Banana pillow

    The simplest for sewing form - the product will not take much space on the bed and will perfectly serve on trips. If the upper round is put under the neck, and the bottom - between the legs, it will avoid swelling, and the spine will be in the correct position.

    The pillow can be used as a baby's safety, which is not able to crawl.

    For the pattern, you will need to remove only two standards - the length and width of the roller. The product will leave 1.5 meters of fabric.

    Build the pattern in a full amount on paper - measure the length of the future pillow. Given the width of the rollers, repeat the shape of the banana, slightly rounded the ends of the pillow.

    Swim the cloth, fold in half. Rign down the pattern and jump with pins. Cock the shallow by adding 2 cm on the seams.

    Cut. There should be two identical details.

    We fold the details of the front side to each other. We sew, leaving free 10-15 cm: through this hole we will fill the pillow with the filler.

    Turn out the product on the front side and begin to fill. In the remaining opening of the lice zipper - so you can add or subscribe the filler for sensations.

    To the ends of the cushion of the tape.

    Using the pattern you can sew pillowcases - it will only be added to 3 cm from all edges.

    The most common and multifunctional form. Bend the pillows must be put under the neck, and the rollers will support both the stomach, and the back. Such a posture will minimize the uncomfortable feeling during sleep and relax the whole body, and is also perfect for those who often turn into everything. Seal the edges of the pillow - it will get a comfortable chair for recreation, reading and working for a laptop.

    Need to take into account big sizes pillows that may not come for your bedroom.

    Also with the help of the horseshoe pillow, you can feed the baby, putting a baby one way: it is convenient, as the baby is at the chest level.

    To sewing a U-shaped pillow, you will need 2 tissue meters.

    For pattern Take standard dimensions: Total width - 90 cm, length - 160 cm, roller width - 35 cm.

    The pattern can be built immediately on the fabric. We fold the cut in half, the top of the pillow is 90 cm, and we spend 160 cm down - the total length of the product. From the conducted inside, we mark the width - 35 cm, connect the resulting tags, repeating the shape of the horseshoe. Curl corners. We add to the seams pattern to the seams - approximately 1.5-2 cm on each side.

    Cut the obtained parts. So that the fabric does not shift, secure it with pins.

    We sew the details of S. invented sideleaving the hole for packing.

    Soak the pillow and fill through the left hole. The remaining plot is sewn by a secret seam.


    To the pillow served for many years, you need to ensure proper care:

    1. Washing is done manually or in washing machine On delicate mode. Only manual spin.
    2. Erase by gentle means, such as children's powder.
    3. Immediately after washing, straighten the pillow with your hands. Dry only in painting to avoid deformation.

    Sew a pillow at home can be simply and quickly, saving the amount tangible for the wallet. It is important to pick up qualitative materials - This will provide long and safe use.