"Euroopt" - Personal account.

It has become even more profitable to buy in the Euroopt retail network, Hypermoll and E-Delivery online stores. The owners of the company decided to use non-standard solution to stimulate sales by creating a kind of game lottery. Since the advertising campaign about this was quite powerful, and many prizes are considered to be really valuable, many residents of Belarus are interested in the offer. We will tell you how to register in the Euroopt game "Good luck to boot" and how, using codes, to get the opportunity to win gifts from shops?

Luck in the bargain - what is it, how to play?

First of all, you need to explain that the possibility of winning the lottery "Luck to boot" is, rather, an interesting bonus to purchases. Not worth making a receipt more codes are the main task, because this is a game and you can lose here. Perhaps this is one of the common reasons that negative statements are often encountered among participants. Winning is a matter of chance, so don't be upset if you didn't manage to win.

To take part in the game you will need:

  • registration on the website igra.evroopt.by;
  • E-Plus customer card;
  • purchase in which there will be a promotional product - "Good Luck";
  • final check for 10 or more rubles.

If the check amount is a multiple of 10, then the buyer will receive the corresponding number of codes that automatically come to the user's personal account on the site. In other words, for a purchase for 25 rubles, 2 codes will come, for an amount of 50 rubles - 5 and the like. Thus, making a large purchase, the visitor of the store receives several codes at once, which seriously increases the chances of winning.

  • Please note that the cost of tobacco and alcohol is not counted even on a large bill. In this case, it is important that among the purchases there is a "Good Luck" product, otherwise participation in the drawing will not be activated.
  • It is also important to present a customer card when paying in a Euroopt store or indicate its number in the appropriate field when purchasing goods on Hypermall and E-Delivery.

How to register in the game "Luck Boot"?

To do this, you need to go to the game website and fill in the appropriate fields. This can be done at igra.evroopt.by/cabinet/registration. Pay attention to the importance of filling in the fields correctly! If you decide not to advertise your personal data and did not use, for example, your real name, then in case of a win, especially a large one, you simply will not be able to get it.

In general, it is quite simple to figure out how to register in the Euroopt game "Luck to boot". If you do not get along well with the computer, then ask a more experienced user to do it. Here is an additional video tutorial for registering in the game:

Codes in the game - how to dispose of them?

In fact, this is the winning combination, since the draw goes directly to their number. All purchases made that comply with the rules of the competition will be eligible to receive them. As a rule, codes automatically appear in your personal account within a day (maximum three) after a fixed purchase.

In the header of the site "Luck in the bargain" you can track the accrual of the code

How do I get my winnings?

The conditions for receiving depend on the specific prize. At the same time, the winners are notified by SMS that they have won and how they can receive a gift. For example, the most frequent prize is 2 rubles to a mobile account. To get these 2 rubles you need to do this.

  1. Log in to the site and enter your personal account.
  2. Go to editing personal data.
  3. Find a menu with a choice of operator and choose your option.
  4. In the next SMS, you will receive a payment code with instructions.
  5. Activate the received winning code.

Please note that this prize cannot be received by owners of corporate numbers and legal entities... It is also impossible to activate the code with the "Hello" tariff.

USSD request to activate a code for popular operators:

  • Life - * 100 * received code #;
  • MTS to your number - * 115 * code #
  • MTS to someone else's number - * 115 * code * 375ААВВВВВВВВ #;
  • Velcom - * 141 * 4 # and call, enter the code.

There are other options, which you can learn more about on the game's website.

To receive cash prizes, you must visit the prize distribution center at the specified time. In particular, this rule applies to an amount of 1000 rubles. Smaller winnings can be used to pay for purchases. To do this, you need to print the certificate that came to your email.

How are the draws held?

The next round of the game takes place every 2 weeks. There is a live broadcast from the E-City shopping and entertainment center. As in the standard lottery, balls are drawn from the reels to form a winning combination. Invited guests participate in the procedure: musicians, cultural workers and others famous people... All in all, nothing out of the ordinary.

The results of the lottery are published on the website, a table of winners is drawn up, where anyone can find out who won and how much. The winners will also receive a corresponding SMS to the specified number, and a message will be waiting in their personal account.

If you have not received a notification of a win or a code in your personal account, then the first thing to do is to check the correspondence and correctness of your personal data. If there were no problems with them, then you need to contact the support center.

Let's sum up

The effective game campaign “Luck in the Bargain”, carried out by a large retail chain Euroopt, provided an additional influx of customers. Many buyers began to choose Euroopt and Internet resources Hypermoll and E-Delivery. It's easy to play, but a lot has been written about how to register in the Euroopt game "Luck to boot". Much of the negativity on the web is caused by the fact that many are so eager to win that they forget about the low chance of winning, scolding the organizers for rigging the results.

    Winning in advertising game It’s not so easy to take Euroopt luck in the bargain. The fact is that the procedure is too clever. If you won, then you should be notified by a letter that comes within two days after the end of the prize drawing itself. Further, you should still be contacted by phone. And here is more about the scheme:

    It's great that someone managed to get a prize in cash.

    If you want to get a prize, you will first need to write to the store's mail:

    Or, in turn, you can call

    Where they will provide accurate information on how to get the winnings.

    As a rule, the organizers hold a drawing of prizes at a certain time, having indicated the date in advance.

    For example, the eighth round of the drawing took place in the Shopping and entertainment center E-CITY. Let me remind you the address of the center: the city of Minsk, Denisovskaya street, house 8.

    You can watch the online broadcast of the draws on this website. This is the official website of Euroopt; where you can find all the information about the draws.

    Also on the ONT channel in the evening there is a replay.

    In addition, there is a telephone hotline, where you can call and clarify all the information. Here it is: +375 17 388 76 76. You can call not around the clock, but from 8.30 to 23.00.

    Olenka, I am sincerely happy for you! Congratulations! As for your question, everything is simple. The amount of Prizes of 1 million and 5 million will be transferred to the Winner no later than July 28, 2016 by postal order to the Winner's address indicated in the registration form on the website. The information is provided by the Winner in one of the following ways: a) by mail to the address: Happy Nation LLC, Republic of Belarus, 220034, Minsk, st. Krasnozvezdnaya, 18b, 4th floor, pom. 4., office 9; b) by letter to the Organizer's e-mail box:; c) personally at the address of the Organizer: Happy Nation LLC, Republic of Belarus, 220034, Minsk, st. Krasnozvezdnaya, 18b, 4th floor, on weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00.

    From Euroopt? This question worries each of its participants. Moreover, in the 21st round, not only cash prizes and cars, but also an apartment in Minsk are at stake. And, as the 20th round of the national game showed, luck can smile even on the biggest skeptics, and in the very first round! And those who act persistently and collect code after code, fortune will notice all the more! By their amazing stories the most successful buyers of "Euroopt" shared, who today were solemnly handed the keys to Renault Kaptur in the Minsk shopping and entertainment center "E-city" on the street. Denisovskaya, 8.

    The names of the main winners of the 20th anniversary round of the national game "Good luck to boot!" were named this Saturday during the drawing of prizes in the capital "E-City". By the way, about 430 thousand people took part in the anniversary tour, and the number of game codes exceeded 2.3 million. TV presenters Dmitry Kokhno and Dmitry Shunin raffled off a magnificent four of bright and comfortable Renault Kaptur and 1,100 cash prizes on air! And they were helped by stars of music, cinema and show business. Thanks to the live broadcast on the Internet and on TV, literally all Belarusians could join the drawing!

    And the stories of the winners this time are really incredible. For example, there were as many as two contenders for a stylish chocolate-colored Renault Kaptur! According to the rules of the game, the off-road vehicle officially went to 40-year-old Ramiz Gakhverdiyev from Mogilev, who has been visiting Euroopt for a long time and regularly, but as it turned out, he did not participate in the game “Good luck!” - he was not a gambler. But recently he shared his E-plus discount card with his 52-year-old sister Fatima, also from Mogilev, who not only made purchases, but also registered in the game. And she won in the very first round, having only 7 game codes on her account!

    “My family and I did our usual purchases and did not even think to participate in the game“ Good luck! ” I am not particularly at ease with the computer, so they helped me register in the game in the store's info center. "

    That's really, really, as in that joke, in order to win, you need to give yourself at least one chance! And then one "E-plus" discount card made two buyers of "Euroopt" believe in luck at once. How brother and sister will share the won car will remain behind the scenes, it's a family matter. But the conclusion is simple. If you have become a member of the game "Luck to boot!", Then forget that you have never had any luck before, and get ready for the most incredible! And more - better use your own discount card!

    The keys to the brand new azure-blue Renault Kaptur were received today by 27-year-old Tatyana Kiseleva from Minsk. This Euroopt customer also won from the first round, and her story best confirms the expression: she speaks the truth through the mouth of a child!

    The Kiselev family purchases regularly at Euroopt. I like that here you can buy everything at once, and even cheaper than everywhere else. It’s even strange that before the 20th round in the game "Good luck to boot!" did not participate. It's good that my 3-year-old daughter, seeing an advertisement for the anniversary tour, suggested: Mom, Dad, I want a car, let's play! “They only began to participate so that the child would not be capricious. We bought all the goods that were painted on that advertising brochure. It turned out 5 codes,” Tatyana recalls. “And I was so lucky right away! lottery, never won. "

    Tatyana has had rights for a long time, and now she will have her own car, and what a brand new, roomy, stylish one! "Until you collide yourself, you won't believe that such a thing is possible," the happy winner smiles, admiring the chic Renault Kaptur.

    As you know, Euroopt loves to make generous gifts to its customers right before the holiday! And when such dates are not one or even two, but as many as five, then one cannot do without a luxurious Renault Kaptur! This is exactly what happened for the young mother of two children, Elena Sazonova from Novopolotsk, who will turn 31 on November 26. In addition, on October 30, the family celebrated 3 years since the birth of their son, and on November 12, their daughter turned one year old. Birthday was November 14th for my sister, and November 11th for my father. That's a parade of dates, you can't imagine that on purpose!

    And now one more reason for the holiday has been added: a new family member has appeared - the snow-white Renault Kaptur! "Everyone is already asking when will we celebrate?" - smiling joyful Elena, squeezing the keys to the car in her hand. By the way, the winner got more than 20 codes in this round. Game codes followed each other, and fortune simply could not pass by!

    By the way, in the game "Good luck to boot!" the Sazonov family is not participating in the first round. "You always buy food, especially when you have children, you always need clothes and food," Elena says with humor. “But before, I won’t win anything in life, neither big nor small,” the winner admits. Be persistent - and you will definitely get lucky too!

    They say that lightning does not hit the same place twice. But in the case of prizes from Euroopt, this well-known rule does not work. The winners of the earlier rounds often win something in the next round. Or, first, someone from your environment can win, and then you yourself. How it happened with 26-year-old Irina Bondar from Lida, who is now on maternity leave with a small child. First, a brand new car from Euroopt was won by their neighbors, and then by the current winners!

    “My husband and I also laughed when the neighbors won a couple of months ago, that now we definitely won't have a car, because it doesn't happen that there are two winners from one entrance at once. And then bam - and we won! shocked ", - admits Irina, examining the bright orange Renault Kaptur, in which she and her husband will now drive through the streets of Lida. By the way, a couple of months ago the family just sold their car, but they decided to wait a little with the purchase of a new one. And thanks to "Euroopt" you won't have to buy now!

    In the game "Good luck to boot!" the spouses have been participating almost from the beginning and have collected a lot of game codes during this time - more than 100. After all, a baby is growing in the family, who is not even a year old yet, and the children need special nutrition and care. And fortune simply could not but reward the participants of the game for their patience and perseverance. Now the Cooper family will drive a luxurious Renault Kaptur for shopping at Euroopt! And they will definitely continue to participate in the game, because an apartment in Minsk is already at stake!

    While the winners are driving home in their brand new SUVs from Euroopt, the rest of the participants in the game "Good luck to boot!" they are already filling real and virtual baskets with might and main, collecting game codes. Indeed, in the 21st round, which started on November 19 and will last until December 2, not only 1,100 cash prizes and three brand new Hyndai Сreta will be drawn, but also cozy apartment in a prestigious area of ​​the capital. Such a New Year's gift is really capable of dramatically changing life for the better!

    Do you want to acquire your own home in Minsk? Then it's time for some big shopping!

    Of course, luck is favorable to every buyer of Euroopt, and a super-lucky one with a single code can win. So, two owners of cars of the 20th anniversary round never believed in fortune, they took part in the game practically by accident - and immediately won a super prize! This means that the biggest skeptics are lucky with Euroopt!

    But in general, the logic of the game is simple and transparent: the more codes, the more chances of success! Indeed, according to statistics, the winning cars, the lucky ones, on average, get more than 100 codes during the game. And when the game codes follow each other, as was the case with Elena and Irina from the 20th round, it is very difficult for Fortune to miss! So be persistent - and you will definitely get lucky! After all, there are no extra chances, especially when an apartment in Minsk is at stake!

    Participate in folk game"Good luck to boot!" easily! Just make the purchases you need at attractive prices in the Euroopt stores, the E-Delivery or HyperMall Internet hypermarkets, as well as on the website dostavka.evroopt.by. When filling your basket, grab any "good luck" item. In the 21st round these are ABC brand products, Nescafe Classic coffee, Curtis tea, Adidas personal hygiene products and Standard 1969 confectionery.

    Do not forget to use the "E-plus" discount card when calculating, on the number of which game codes are credited. For every Br10 in a check (Br100 thousand before denomination) you will receive one invitation to a meeting with fortune! The more codes - the higher the chances of becoming a newcomer!

    Make the necessary purchases at the lowest prices in the country, participate in the popular game "Good luck to boot!" and get fantastic prizes from Euroopt!

    Luck is close! Good luck in every Euroopt store!

    Dear Customers!

    We invite you to take part in tour 114 of the advertising game “Good luck to boot! Tours 114-115 "!

    • Cash prize 100,000 Belarusian rubles;
    • 3 cars;
    • 2 cash prizes of 50,000 rubles each.

    In the 114th round, the following cash prizes are drawn:

    • 100 pieces. cash prizes of 500 rubles;
    • 10,000 pcs. gift certificates for purchases in Euroopt with a denomination of 10 rubles.


    1. The procedure for activating participation in the game in your personal account on the page of the advertising game "Good luck to boot!" - igra.evroopt.by. After activation, you will be able to play in the 114th and in all subsequent rounds. Reactivation is not required.
    2. To participate in the 114th and subsequent rounds, you need to add at least 1 “good luck product” to the order basket, and also indicate the number of your “E-plus” card in a special field on the ordering page and click on the “apply card” link. After that, all your checks with the good of luck will automatically take part in the game. There is no need to re-enter the card number. For every complete 10 rubles in the check you receive one game code. If you do not have an E-plus card yet, you need to add it to your order. After you receive an "E-plus" card with your order, you need to activate participation in the game, and after that all your future checks with the good of luck will automatically take part in the game. Participation in the 114th round accepts checks (orders) received and paid during the period from 03/25/2019 (00:00:00) to 03/31/2019 (23:59:59). Your purchase must be at least 10 rubles.

    The game code is assigned at the end of the day on which your purchase was made. It will be reflected in your Personal Account within two days after the day of the purchase, provided that you comply with all necessary conditions to participate in the game.

    A large chain of stores "Eurotop" invites its customers to take part in the Friday weekly action "Good luck to boot"! Everyone can take part in the quest, it is enough to follow simple rules. You need to make a purchase or leave a request in a supermarket or online store. The purchase amount must be over one hundred thousand rubles. The promotion does not include tobacco, alcohol, low alcohol drinks.

    The next condition is the purchase of goods with a special price tag. It should be marked "Good Luck". At the checkout in the supermarket, the customer must present an E-Plus voucher. If you fill out an application via the Internet, in the section "E-delivery" you must provide your card number in the required line. The meaning of the action is that for every next 100 thousand in the check you are given a number. With its help you can take part in the main drawing.

    Eurotop registration of personal account

    Before starting the quest, you must activate the code. To do this, go to the site evroopt.by. Fill out the required form in which you need to provide personal data, a code and give your consent to take part in the quest.

    If you are already the owner of your personal account, just follow the link http://eplus.evroopt.by/cabinet/ and agree to participate in all quests. In this case, you no longer need to fill out an application. But it will not be superfluous to check how correct your personal data is in the status of the owner of the "E-plus" voucher and, if necessary, make corrections.

    Interesting prizes take part in the drawing. So, having caught your luck, you can become the happy owner of an apartment, a car or certificates for the amount of 100 thousand rubles or more.

    How are game codes accrued?

    Those who want to take part in the "Luck in the Bargain" promotion, for the next 10 rubles used to purchase certain goods from the "Good Luck" category (excluding the cost of low-alcohol drinks and cigarettes), are assigned a unique game number of seven characters.

    Unique codes are awarded one by one. For the first purchase made on the first day of the game, the code is 0000010. The next one is 0000011 and so on. When making a purchase in the amount of 35 rubles, the buyer is credited with 3 game codes, rounded down. The same thing happens further, you buy goods in the amount of 87 rubles and get 8 additional codes. Game numbers will not be credited to the account, provided that there is no Good Luck in the check. Be careful!

    The enrolled codes appear in the buyer's personal account within 24 hours after purchasing the product.

    Rules of the game "Luck to boot"

    This year, the forty-first stage of the "Good luck to boot!" runs from August 26 to September 8 in the shops "Euroopt", "E-Delivery", "HyperMall" and the online store dostavka.evroopt.by. Follow on the website and in your personal account for the next draws

    Come and take part in the game by purchasing the "Goods of Fortune".

    Incredible prizes are waiting for you! Three Renault Capture cars, 200 material prizes of 1000 rubles each and of course the main prize - an apartment in Minsk!

    In order to receive game codes for purchases in the online stores "E-Delivery", "HyperMall" and DOSTAVKA.EVROOPT.BY, you just need to do the following:

    • Checkout absolutely any purchase you like in the stores "E-Delivery", "HyperMall, dostavka.evroopt.by" for more than 10 rubles per check (not counting tobacco products and low alcohol drinks).
    • Add your purchase to the cart product from the category "Good Luck"
    • Specify the card number and confirm the purchase by clicking on the "Apply card" button

    As you can see, everything is very simple. You make purchases and get unique codes in addition for every 10 rubles in your check. Remember! The more purchases you make, the more chances you get of winning. And the higher your chances of winning prizes. You can follow the information on the number of registered purchases in your Euroopt personal account.

    Lottery Luck to boot

    But that's not all! On August 12, an instant drawing of prizes "Good luck to boot 2!" for which you do not need a personal account. Now, for every next 10 rubles in your check spent in Euroopt stores, you also receive a special scratch card as a gift. To win, you just need to erase the protective layer on the card and get the opportunity to win dishwashing detergent, chocolate, as well as many certificates for purchases in Euroopt stores, in the amount of 10 or 100 rubles. You can get your winnings right on the spot, in the store, without leaving the checkout!

    Don't miss your chance to win valuable prizes! Come and participate in the drawing!

    Login to your personal account Euroopt

    Official website of Euroopt: http://evroopt.by/ login
    Login to your Euroopt account: http://eplus.evroopt.by/cabinet/enter/ login
    Hotline phone: +375 44 7 888 880