“A selection of folk outdoor games for preschool children. Card file of folk games for kindergarten

Through play, children learn to interact with each other, with adults and the world around them. In the context of modern educational programs, attention to folk games is special, since these games contribute to the preservation of national traditions, cultural heritage, and also help to form national identity. To achieve these goals, it is important to develop a methodologically correct system for including samples of folk art in the daily educational process, which is achieved not only by providing suitable equipment, but also by a special creative atmosphere that the teacher must create.

What are folk games

Folk games are fun, rooted in antiquity, based on ethnic traditions (round dances, manipulations with a folk toy, etc.). These traditions are a source of wisdom that helps younger generations to assimilate universal human values. The section of the all-Russian kindergarten program contains a set of recommendations "Introduction to Russian traditional culture", which implies the education in children of respect for the Motherland and devotion to their people. The folk game is one of the best ways to accomplish this task.

There is a famous saying that has become popular: "If you want to know the soul of the people, take a closer look at how and what your children play."

L. A. Lyamina

Folk games in kindergarten. Guidelines... - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

National games promote courage in boys and femininity in girls

Goals, objectives and principles of working with folk games

For the correct use of folk games in the educational process, you need to clearly understand the goals of this type of activity:

  1. Expanding cultural boundaries.
  2. Activation of the child's mental activity.
  3. Development of memory, speech, imagination.
  4. Fostering respect for the cultural heritage of their people.

To implement this theoretical basis, it is necessary to perform the following methodological tasks:

  • awakening children's interest in the folk culture of various ethnic groups (Russian, Bashkir, Crimean Tatar, etc.), the history of their people, traditions;
  • the development of children's cognitive abilities with the help of folklore works (shouts, fairy tales, counting rhymes, etc.);
  • the development of feelings of aesthetic nature with the help of various artistic images;
  • fostering a sense of partnership in joint activities.

Compliance with the following principles of introducing games into the process of education and training helps to implement the tasks:

  1. Sufficient visibility. It must be remembered that children perceive information best of all visually.
  2. Demonstration should be consistent, it is also necessary to provide for the possibility of a variable combination of its elements. That is, for example, first, children learn to choose a leader using counters, and then this becomes an integral part of the beginning of most games.
  3. It is imperative to include children in the analysis of observations of certain objects of the game (for example, retelling the actions of the presenter in the game "Woodpecker").
  4. The need to comply with the culture of display and visualization (accuracy, suitable size etc.).

Game rules

A number of factors affect the success of playing activity:

Classification of folk games

To implement didactic tasks for each age group, a kind of catalog of suitable fun is created, which can be divided:

  1. On a plot topic. For younger groups - children's games associated with the eternal struggle between good and evil. For the middle group - with an attitude to nature. For senior and preparatory - with everyday topics.
  2. By the intensity of physical activity. For safety reasons, it is worth adhering to the rule: the higher the mobility, the older the children.
  3. By the type of movement. This parameter is defined by the previous one. Games can be with a ball, running, throwing at a target, etc.
  4. By the complexity of the content. The simpler, the younger the children.

Amusements can be divided into groups according to the ethnic composition of the peoples of Russia, that is:

  • Russians;
  • Bashkir;
  • Tatar;
  • Chuvash, etc.

And also the games differ in the principle of holding:

For children of the younger group (first and second), the most relevant are also persecution. For the middle group, fun games and games with a choice are interesting. For older children and preparatory groups s - sedentary, games with dialogue.

Preparing to play

The main principle of creating an environment for object-play activity is the realization of the child's right to play, that is, the free choice of a theme, toys, etc. In addition, for the organization of the game, it is important:

  • consistency (harmonious correlation of all elements of the game with each other, as well as games in general in common system education);
  • versatility (so that, together with an adult, children can transform the space for the implementation of a particular idea).

The structure of the gaming environment

The possibility of holding a particular game directly depends not only on the age of the children, but also on the availability of the necessary attributes. Therefore, the subject-playing field includes:

It is very important that all materials are safe for babies.

Visual material

As visual material, in addition to toys and paraphernalia, you can imagine:

General method of carrying out

Most games require a host. If in the younger groups this role remains with the educator, then in the middle, senior and preparatory groups it is worth giving Special attention the choice of the leader. Otherwise, resentment and tears will not be avoided. Most The best way to choose a presenter - to offer a counting rhyme: to whom the case will show, he leads. Here are some examples of such rhymes:

As with any element of the educational system, games must be carefully planned and competently woven into the general framework of the lessons. They can be used like:

As for the time frame, in general, you should not spend more than 10 minutes on the game, and in the younger group, no more than 3-5 minutes. And even for such a short period of time, it is worth making a plan.

  1. Introduction to the rules of the game - 1-2 minutes.
  2. Choosing a leader - 1-2 minutes.
  3. The game is 2–4 minutes.
  4. Summing up - 1 minute.

Table: an example of a synopsis for the game "Drake"

Name "Drake"
general characteristics This game is appropriate when studying migratory birds in middle and senior groups.
  • The drake was catching up with the duck,
    The young duck drove:
    "Go, duck, home,
    Go, gray, home! "
Rules of the game
  1. Choosing a drake and a duck.
  2. We stand in a circle, walk holding hands, and sing (see the lyrics above).
  3. The drake walks clockwise, the duck counterclockwise.
  4. When the song ends, the drake catches the duck, and when it is caught, it leads it into a circle and kisses it.
Introduction Sounding out the rules of the game (1-2 minutes): the teacher explains the rules, asks if everyone has understood them.
Main part Game activity (3-4 minutes): the actual gameplay.
Final part Summing up (1-2 minutes): the teacher praises the children, asks if they enjoyed playing, etc.

Folk amusement card file

The determining factor in the choice of fun is the age of the children; therefore, it is appropriate to organize the card index of games according to this principle.

Games for the first junior group

For children of the younger group (first and second), the most relevant are round dance and pursuit games.

"At Granny Malanya's"


Children repeat the movements of the leader-educator, which illustrate the poem.

  • At Malanya, at the old woman,
    We lived in a small hut
    Seven sons
    Seven daughters
    All without eyebrows
    With noses like this,
    (show with gestures)
    With beards like this
    They all sat
    Didn't eat anything
    They did it like this ...
    (reproduce the actions shown by the presenter).



  1. Children become pairs (preferably a boy and a girl).
  2. The one who did not get a couple passes under the arch of the arms and chooses a partner for himself.
  3. The new pair is at the end of the brook.
  4. The remaining loner is looking for a pair for himself in the same way.

V folk games you can play outside



  1. The presenter is chosen by the reader.
  2. At his command, the players scatter.
  3. Salka catches up with one and pisses him off.
  4. This member is now the presenter.

Games for the second youngest group

In the second youngest group, the plots of the games are already a little more complicated compared to the first.

"Give me a handkerchief"

The homeland of this game is Azerbaijan.


  1. Children are divided into two teams and are built in two lines opposite each other.
  2. Hands are put behind the back.
  3. The selected captains take a handkerchief and, going around their players from behind, put a handkerchief in the hands of one.
  4. The teacher gives the signal: "Give me a handkerchief!", And those who have it in their hands should do it as quickly as possible.
  5. The first one earns a point for the team.


  • Tryntsy-bryntsy bells,
    Gilded ends.
    Who plays the bells -
    The blind man's buff won't catch him!


  1. We choose two guys, we tie a handkerchief to one over his eyes, and give the other bells.
  2. The rest stand in a circle and sing. A child with bells rings the instrument, walks in a circle.
  3. The blindfolded player tries to catch him.
  4. When the musician is caught, we change the pair.

This is interesting: churilki is a derivative of the word "chur".

"Woodpecker" (fun on the street)

  • A woodpecker walks on a plow,
    Looking for a grain of wheat
    I didn't find it and hammers bitches
    A knock is heard in the thicket. Knock-Knock!


  1. Determine who will be the woodpecker.
  2. The rest of the players sing.
  3. The woodpecker taps on the tree with a stick as many times as he intended.
  4. The players are counting.
  5. Whoever calculates correctly first won - you can change.

Games for the middle group

In addition to those already mentioned above, several options can be offered for children of this age.


  • Oh, you little owl,
    Golden head,
    That you don't sleep at night
    Are you all looking at us?


Games for senior and preparatory groups

In games for this age, tasks become more diverse and cover more areas of development.


  • Ring, ring,
    Step out on the porch!
    Who gets off the porch
    That ring will find!


  1. Children sit on a bench and close their palms with a shell.
  2. The presenter approaches everyone and puts an object for one person, which imitates a ring.
  3. Then he sings a song.
  4. The task of the one with the ring, after these words, run away, and the rest of the players - to guess who has the "ring" and hold his hands. If successful, then the "ring" is transferred to the same leader. If the player ran away, then he becomes the leader.

"Baba Yaga"

  • Grandma Hedgehog-bone leg,
    She fell off the stove, broke her leg.
    And then he says: "My leg hurts."
    She went outside -
    Crushed the chicken.
    I went to the bazaar -
    She crushed the samovar.
    I went to the lawn -
    Scared the bunny.


"Silent woman"

As an option for a pastime for children of senior and preparatory groups in anticipation of the arrival of their parents, especially in the cold season, you can offer the fun "Molchanka".

  • Horses, horses, my horses,
    We sat on the balcony
    We drank tea, washed cups,
    In Turkish they said:
    -Chab-chalyabi, chab-chalyabi.
    The cranes have arrived
    And they told us: "Freeze!"
    And who is the first to die
    He will get a bump in the forehead.
    Don't laugh, don't talk
    And stand as a soldier!


  1. We choose the host with a little bit - 1 minute.
  2. Players sit around him and start singing - 2 minutes.
  3. With the last word, the presenter begins different ways make the participants laugh (with funny grimaces, movements). Whoever laughed is eliminated (3-4 minutes). To complicate matters, the loser can give the leader a phantom, and at the end, in order to redeem their things, the players complete the tasks of their leader.


  • Olya, Kolya, green oak,
    Lily of the valley is white, bunny is gray.
    Give it up!


  1. The player with the ball in his hands sings.
  2. On the word "Drop it!" tosses the ball. Whoever picked it up sings and repeats the manipulation of the ball.

Video: Russian national outdoor games with older children

https://youtube.com/watch?v=x2rZ7OzTLRg Video can’t be loaded: Russian folk outdoor games film (https://youtube.com/watch?v=x2rZ7OzTLRg)

Entertainment with folk games

Such fun is a great way to organize leisure time in kindergarten, which allows you to unite the kids, reveal their leadership qualities, and, most importantly, organize an interesting pastime. At the same time, games can be part of the educational process, as already mentioned, or they can be used as:

  • a way to while away the time until lunch, if because of the weather they didn't go outside or there were no classes;
  • an integral part of a thematic holiday (for example, "Ivan Kupala Day", "Birch Holiday", etc.);
  • transition from one type of work to another (from studies of the surrounding world to music);
  • matinee element;
  • numbers for the competition best project on folk games;
  • component of the festival of folk games, etc.

Leisure Festival

In the classroom or in the intervals between them, the teacher can use no more than 1-3 games, and under such conditions it is difficult to show the kids all the variety of traditional games. Therefore, in the calendar-thematic planning of the group's work, time is also allocated for the festival. folk fun, the format of which allows you to use up to 5-6 games. At the festival, children get acquainted with the fun of some specific peoples or with games built according to the same principle (round dance, sitting, etc.). It is also useful if children and educators prepare costumes that correspond to the topic.

Elements of the national costume make the festival of folk games a colorful and vibrant event

Table: fragment of the entertainment script "Festival of Folk Games", author Marina Zheliba

Name of the game Fishing rod
Description A fun children's game with a rope or rope for endurance and coordination of movements. It can be played by a very large group.
Inventory Of the additional items, you will need a jump rope (you can also use a rope, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied).
  1. Before the start of the game, the driver is selected.
  2. All the guys stand in a circle, and the driver goes to the center of the circle with a rope in his hands.
  3. He begins to rotate the rope so that it slides on the floor, making circle after circle under the feet of the players.
  4. The players jump, trying not to hit any of them.
  5. A player is considered caught if the rope touches him no higher than the ankle.
  6. Players should not approach the driver while jumping.
  7. The one who touches the rope, stands in the middle and begins to rotate the rope, and the former driver takes his place.
  8. You can use another version of this game, which will be competitive in nature - the player who touches the rope is eliminated from the game.
  9. The last 2-3 players who did not touch the strings become the winners.
Go to the next part of the event The first buffoon says to the second: “Maybe you and I will fight, find out who is stronger than you or me? And you guys will be able to play this game on your own later. "
2nd buffoon: “Let's play the Russian folk game“ Cock fights ”. A circle with a diameter of 2 meters is drawn on the ground. From each team, one participant enters the circle and, jumping on one leg, hands behind their backs, try to push each other out of the circle with their shoulder ... ".

Folk games are a tool that not only entertains kids, but is also a full-fledged educational and educational element. Whether it is a warm-up between other activities or a whole festival of folk fun, with proper planning and taking into account the age characteristics of his pupils, the teacher is able to organize a useful and beautiful event that meets many of the tasks of a preschool institution.

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Play is an important part of raising children of all ages. This is why parents, teachers and educators should take their selection seriously. The study of the world of childhood is one of the most actively developing areas of modern humanitarian knowledge. How do outdoor games affect preschoolers? Is it necessary to include them in children's leisure? You can find out this and much more in our article.

Developing a child's personality through games

Folk games are games that served to entertain the children of a particular people in the old days. The Russian people have created many interesting and educational fun. Their rules have been passed down from generation to generation. However, over time, these games are forgotten. It is important to preserve traditions and national culture. That is why it is necessary to accustom modern preschoolers to folk games.

Each institution of preschool education should have a card index of folk outdoor games. This is no coincidence, because it is known that they allow you to shape the personality. In folk games, there are many comic phrases. The movements are often accompanied by unpredictable moments, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, songs, and also dances. They are able to preserve the unique game folklore. They contain centuries-old folk wisdom, which includes

Children's outdoor folk games contribute to self-realization and self-expression of the individual. This is one of the best sources for the moral cognitive and speech development of children. It includes the foundations of education, which have been developed over the years by folk pedagogy. They are time-tested.

The nursery developed together with the adult. It is the children who preserve in their games those traditions that have long gone out of use.

Entertaining game situations bring up children. They contain dialogues and songs that characterize the hero and his actions. They must be skillfully emphasized. That is why vigorous mental activity is required from children.

Getting used to this or that image, the child forms his personal qualities. Folk outdoor games for preschoolers allow you to develop dexterity and attentiveness. They help to open up insecure children. Thanks to this, they are not afraid to communicate with their peers, and over time they easily find a common language with unfamiliar people. Such games also allow you to build a team.

Using folk games to foster tolerance. Tasks of folk games

The use of folk games allows children to be taught to be tolerant. They are a kind of source of education. Folk outdoor games in a preschool educational institution include the way of life of our ancestors, their way of life and customs.

The games of the peoples of the world, together with other educational methods, constitute the basis for the very first stage in the formation of tolerance. They allow the child to become a multifaceted personality, combining spiritual as well as moral principles. Tolerance is the willingness to accept a person as he is and to interact with him.

In order for tolerance education to be effective, it is important to use folk games:

  • in the process of education;
  • during rest;
  • in theatrical activities.

When choosing games, it is important to consider:

  • the age of children and their characteristics;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • the number of preschoolers; conditions for the games.

For children, play is one of the main forms of his activity. That is why it will be easiest to cultivate tolerance in this way. Outdoor games for preschoolers also expand their horizons and provoke active mental activity.

Folk games allow you to solve the following tasks:

  • the formation of a sense of rhythm;
  • improving dancing skills;
  • development of the ability to get used to the game image;
  • personality formation;
  • development of taste;
  • improvement of all mental processes;
  • understanding the beauty of literary speech;
  • the formation of a respectful feeling for the Motherland;
  • development of the emotional sphere;
  • improvement of physical qualities and health;
  • familiarization with folk values ​​and customs.

Folk games and the development of spiritual morality

Absolutely all children have a need for an exciting pastime. Unfortunately, in recent years, children increasingly prefer computer entertainment programs... That is why parents should pay due attention to them and teach them folk games. It is a kind of means of knowing the basis of correct human relations. Russian folk outdoor games for children show that they should be built on a humane attitude towards the weaker.

Tradition is what is passed down from the old generation to the young. These include customs, rituals, songs, fairy tales, holidays, etc.

Russian folk traditions are one of the components of the cultural heritage of a particular people. They provide children with knowledge and life experience. As one of the main means of education, all components of folklore are used, namely songs, fairy tales and tongue twisters, etc.

Folk outdoor games reflect the way of life of the people, as well as their traditions and personal qualities. They retained the color of customs, the unusual self-expression of the people, the originality of the language, as well as the forms and features of colloquial speech.

The value of traditions and customs is quite high. Unfortunately, their loss cannot be replenished in full. They are a guardian of folk culture. It is important to appreciate and remember them. It is believed that if folk traditions are lost, then the very existence of the people is called into question.

The process of the game and its features

The very process of the game begins from the beginning. Thanks to him, children invite other children. The origin is also often used to identify the driver. If there is no one who wants to become a presenter, children use a counting rhyme. The initiation will help to distribute the roles. It serves to form independence in children.

If folk outdoor games are used by children 3-4 years old, then the beginning is pronounced by adults. They must assign roles to children. In this case, the child will spontaneously memorize the course of the game and, over time, the help of adults will not be needed. It is worth noting that children love it when older people take part in the game.

Memorizing all the counting rhymes, songs and poems that are used in a particular game happens by itself. As a rule, the child remembers them for the rest of his life and later transfers the knowledge to his children.

Folk outdoor games for children often include counting rhymes. They are characterized as small poems with the help of which the driver is selected. Thanks to them, you can also assign roles. Counters are one of the most popular, colorful and expressive types of children's creativity.

Junior children preschool age do not understand the meaning of counting rhymes, but there is nothing wrong with that. They hear stanzas that are spoken quickly. All attention is paid not to the counting system itself, but to the final result. This has a positive effect on the development of memory, attentiveness and hearing.

Many outdoor folk games are based on combining songs with specific movements. They are considered round dance. Such games can often be found on holidays. They are all about rhythm and words. The song is closely related to folk playing.

Folk pedagogy has defined a series of games from infancy to adulthood. However, there are those that guys of all ages play. These games include "Hide and Seek", "Cat and Mouse" and the like.

Types of folk games

Russian outdoor folk games are quite diverse. Among them there are round dances, and dances, and well-known catch-ups. The best qualities are manifested in them. Human life has long been closely linked with nature and the surrounding world. Previously lived in the forests great amount a wide variety of animals. In our ancestors, work in the field, hunting and trades were associated with weather conditions and the natural cycle.

Previously, it depended on nature whether people would be well fed, or they would face hunger. The connection with nature is clearly visible in the culture, customs and holidays of all Slavic peoples. Children have always strived to imitate adults. That is why the connection with nature is also observed in folk games. This type is characterized by the presence of animals. In children's folk games, a wolf, a bear, a fox and others are often present. They are often the main characters.

The second type of games is associated with a religious and cult motive. This topic can be seen in all varieties of folklore. Outdoor folk games often include brownies, mermaids, sorcerers, and similar characters. They make them more colorful and vibrant.

The third type includes all games that reflect the daily activities that our ancestors did. There you can find hunting, fishing and a variety of trades. Thanks to such games, you can find out how our ancestors used to live. It is important to preserve this kind of folklore.

The fourth type includes games that allow you to form coordination, dexterity and quick wits. They improve the physical fitness of the child. Folk outdoor games in kindergarten of this type have a feature. On the one hand, running and jumping are common to all children, and on the other hand, their design in the form of a game makes such an activity more interesting. They have a playful enthusiasm and elements of rivalry. These are one of the main components of the Slavic folk games.

Military games also play an important role. For all the time they have not undergone major changes. They have reached modern children almost in their original form. The game implies a competition between two teams. The criteria for choosing the winners and methods of struggle are determined in advance. For a long time, military-themed games have been a favorite pastime for all young men.

Introducing children to outdoor folk games

Self-education is important for every teacher. To our great regret, folk outdoor games are less and less offered for use in school and preschool institutions. They perform important educational functions. It is important to use them in children's pastime.

Acquaintance of children with folk outdoor games takes place at entertainment, which are held monthly in the afternoon in all preschool institutions. When organizing them, you can use musical accompaniment.

Outdoor games have the same requirements as physical education. The beginning is organized, the pace gradually increases, and by the end of the lesson it decreases. Some games require additional attributes.

Outdoor games for environmental education of preschoolers in the older group

The Russian people have always been sensitive to nature. Games with elements of environmental education form a kind and thrifty attitude towards the world around children in children. Thanks to them, children also get to know nature. That is why, in the process of environmental education, one can safely use folk outdoor games. They are often associated with imitation of the habits of animals, as well as their way of life. In such games, manifestations of inanimate nature can also occur. Thanks to them, children develop an interest in the world around them.

Thanks to folk games with elements of environmental education, children learn to distinguish between living and inanimate nature. These include "Grandfather Mazai", "Running along the trunk", "Geese" and others. It is important that these games take place on fresh air.

Learning games

Popular outdoor games of the younger group of preschool and school education are often subjected to research. A.M. Gorky believed that such fun is a source of worldly wisdom. Particular attention is paid to the need to enrich the modern kindergarten with long-forgotten, but very educational games.

Russian folk games were first collected and processed by E.A.Pokrovsky in a book that was published in 1895. Its name is "Children's games, mostly Russian". It describes the meaning of fun and their role in the development of the child's personality.

Scientists have long noticed that the most contrasting traditions of our ancestors are reflected in children's games. They allow you to reveal the wisdom and life experience of the people.

Many scientists argue that thanks to folk games, the child gets acquainted with the habits and characteristics of the population, as well as with family values.

Several folk outdoor games

There are many popular outdoor games, the rules of which are not known to everyone. One of them - "Shoes are lost". For this game you need to assemble a team of 5-10 people. The idea is that everyone takes off their shoes and puts them in a common pile, mixing them thoroughly. Then, after waiting for the command, the guys must find their shoes. The winner is the one who coped with the task first. It is important that children do not push each other when looking for shoes.

Another game that includes elements of environmental education is Small Birds. While playing it, children should take turns depicting the bird that they like. It can be both domestic and urban or forest. The rest must guess which bird the child is showing.

"The Bear in the Forest" is one of the most popular games... One child is selected for the role of forest predator. He, according to the plot, must guard his forest. When other participants sneak up on him, he must not let them go beyond a certain line. The one who is caught by the bear is eliminated from the game.

Summing up

All folk games, including outdoor games, are extremely valuable. It is important not to forget about them. These games reflect the customs, traditions and folklore of our ancestors. They shape the personality and develop the positive qualities of the child. They are of considerable value in environmental education... Thanks to such games, spoken language also improves, logic is formed and the level of physical fitness of children improves. It is important not only to include them in preschool education but also apply at home.

Although games in Russia have always been considered fun, our ancestors attached great educational value to them. Where else, if not in a game, a child learns the world, relationships between peers, relationships between seniors and younger ones, learns to follow the rules, obey them.

Nowadays everyone knows that play is the basis of a child's life. Psychologists say that through her the baby receives the necessary knowledge and skills. Thanks to the game, he is formed as a person, acquires social skills. Everyone understands this very well, but often parents do not find the opportunity to actively play with their children. A lot of interesting children's fun has been replaced by a computer. Unfortunately, psychologists record the fact that the influence of play on a child's personality is weakening for various reasons.

Usefulness of folk games

Caring parents, realizing their busyness and the inability to fully communicate with the child, try to surround him with a variety of toys. This is good, since the baby should be able to learn the world around him through the toy. But, more often than not, with the purchase of toys, everything ends because adults consider their mission to be fulfilled. Meanwhile, in order for a preschooler to play, he must be taught this. When the kid knows how to play on his own, then he will not need a large number of toys.

What are the best games to offer children? How to find a game that will unite an adult and a child? These questions will help to solve. They have been selected for centuries, the most beloved and popular ones have come down to us, which are easy to organize in any setting: on vacation, at home. It's time for modern parents to find out what games great-grandfathers played, how they are useful for our children.

Holiday fun

Even in the old days, folk games were united in different groups. They differed in purpose, the number of participants, the complexity of the rules, and the age of the children. However, most folk games are so unique that each of them, according to its characteristics, can be included in any group.

For ease of use, you can divide all games into holiday and everyday games. Festive folk games for preschoolers are good because they bring a lot of pleasure and entertainment to the participants. Preschoolers enjoy the gameplay itself, the opportunity to communicate with peers or older children without any conventions.

In such entertainment, there is a minimum amount of simple rules that are easy to follow, so they are great for different kinds festivities when many children gather: birthdays, family celebrations, festive events.

It is easy for children to participate in Russian folk games, as they contain simple plots, familiar characters act there, the rules are clear and accessible to kids. All this arouses interest among preschoolers, a desire to take part in a common game.

In addition, in the age of computers, when there is a lot of talk about improper posture in children, a sedentary lifestyle that causes all kinds of diseases, folk games are an excellent opportunity to encourage children to move, instilling in them such qualities as ingenuity, dexterity, agility, resourcefulness. Another one positive side such entertainment - children of different ages can participate there, from toddlers to high school students.

In the universal fun "Fight of roosters", "Cockerels and hens", "Ducks and geese", "A trap with a goat", "At a bear in the forest", which reflect the living world in their theme and imitate the habits of animals, preschoolers and older guys. Everyone loves games that give an opportunity to run from the heart, to show their resourcefulness. They actively develop motor skills, acquire new skills.

Game "Rooster Fight"

In the fun "Fight of the roosters" the players, with their legs tucked in, trying to maintain balance, push each other with their shoulders.

The winner is the player who forces his opponent to fall to his feet.

Game "Cockerels and Chickens"

Fun "Cockerels and Chickens" is a steam room that allows the child to feel responsible for his peer. Having united in two, for a certain time, players collect large seeds (for example, pumpkins), scattered on the ground.

The players who have collected the most of the beans are considered the winners.

You can also watch the old jogging entertainment.

The game "At the Bear in the Forest"

The amusement "At the Bear in the Forest" is a classic of the genre, well known to both children and adults, has become a part of the program preschool institutions... To conduct the game, two lines are drawn on opposite sides of the court. One has the driver, imitating a sleeping bear, the other - the rest. An adult gives a signal, and preschoolers leisurely, "picking mushrooms and berries", go to the "bear". You can't run until all the words have been spoken. The quatrain that accompanies the players' actions is simple, easy to remember, and therefore pronounced in chorus:

“The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I pick berries. And the bear does not sleep, everything is looking at us! ".

The end of the rhyme is a signal to the "bear" who runs after the children. He catches players until they reach their line. Then he drives the child who has been caught.

For a change, you can use a more complicated nursery rhyme:

“I pick mushrooms-berries in the forest of a bear. And the bear does not sleep, everything is looking at us. And then how it will growl and run after us! But we take berries and don’t give the bear. We go to the forest with a club, beat the bear in the back! ".

Game "Ducks-Geese"

The entertainment "Ducks-Geese" helps children to show endurance and dexterity, because according to the rules, one has to go "duck step" towards the goal. While playing, the participants form a circle with their hands behind their backs. With a ball in his hands, the driver walks in a circle and utters the word “duck” several times, then, unexpectedly for everyone, changes the word, saying “goose”. The ball is quickly put into the hand of one of the players. Then the driver and the child with the ball go left and right, moving towards each other in a circle. Everyone strives to be the first to reach the “empty” place from where the movement began. When they meet, the players greet: “Good morning (afternoon, evening)! ".

The first player to arrive wins. The one who came last becomes the leader.

The game "Trap - goat"

An outdoor game "Catcher - a goat" consists of traditional content and rules, which are in any similar game. As an option, you can use the image of different animals, for example, "Trap - wolf". A “goat” is selected, the players say a nursery rhyme: “A gray goat, a white tail, We will give you a drink, We will feed you, You don’t gore us, But play with a trap.” Having said the nursery rhyme quatrain in chorus, the players run away, and the "goat" catches them, trying to "gore", imitating the movements of the animal.

Taking into account the age of the kids, their interests, similar games can always be found in different sources.

Traditional Russian fun

Pull the rope game

In the game "Pull the String", two hoops are placed on the sides of the site. A rope is pulled along the ground so that its ends are in the middle of each hoop. Preschool children are divided into two groups. Participants of each of them, in turn, stand in their hoop, then at the signal of the driver (adult or older child): "One, two, three, run!", Change hoops, trying to reach the opponent's place as quickly as possible and pull the rope. The one who completed the actions faster and without errors becomes the winner. The first pair is followed by the second, then the third, and so on until the end.

The winner is the team whose members were faster and pulled the rope more often. An adult must participate in this competition to ensure that the rules are followed.

Burners game

In the classic game "Burners", players stand in pairs in a column. Hands raised upwards form a "gate" through which all pairs pass. Ahead of all, with his back to the other players, stands the driver, who is also called "the burning one". The players recite the nursery rhyme in chorus: “Burn, burn clearly, So that it doesn't go out! Look at the sky, Birds are flying, Bells are ringing. Ding-dong, ding-dong, run out quickly! ". On the last words, the children in a pair, who are in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in chorus: “One, two, do not crow, but run like fire! »The driver turns and catches up with the children running away.

If the players manage to take each other's hands, and the “burning” one is left with nothing, then they again stand behind the column. The driver again catches or "burns" another pair: the game is repeated.

If it turns out to catch one of the fleeing players, then a new pair is formed. The player without a pair becomes the driver.

Game "Chains"

In Chains, players also form two teams. With a little bit, for example: “The cuckoo walked past the net, And behind it the children were small. Kukushata is asked to drink. Come out - you drive! ”, The“ split ”is selected, which will split the“ chain ”. The teams are located opposite each other, the participants hold hands tightly. The driver scatters, runs to the rivals' "chain", trying to destroy it.

With luck, he takes the opponent into his group, if it does not work out, he himself remains with the rivals. The team with more players is the winner.

Quite a lot of similar entertainments have been collected and preserved in the people's piggy bank. Most of them are relevant and loved to this day, for example:

  • "Geese-Geese";
  • "Hide and Seek";
  • "Cossacks-robbers";
  • "Salki";
  • "Zhmurki";
  • "Ring".

Others - "The wattle", "The bell ringer", "Lapta" and others are forgotten, have more complex rules that you need to memorize with the children beforehand. Each parent can prepare exciting fun, fun, entertainment for children's parties. It all depends on the interest and desire of the adults themselves.

Folk games in the daily life of a preschooler

For everyday leisure, you need to choose games that the child could play on their own, but in them the gameplay must capture him. The following entertainments will help this:

Game "Malechina-Kalechina"

Fun "Malechina-Kalechin" is an old fun. According to the rules for action, they take a smooth stick, which is placed vertically on the tip of the finger and begin to count: “Malechina-cripple, how many hours until evening? One two Three…" . Count until the stick falls. Alternatively, the stick can be placed on the palm, forearm, or knee. When falling, the stick should be picked up with the other hand for the action to continue.

Useful fun for the development of preschoolers' motor skills, dexterity, perseverance.

Game "Spillikins"

Traditional folk entertainment is Spillikins, small wooden sticks or figurines. The player with two fingers or a special hook snatches out any figure without touching the adjacent sticks. It is necessary to encourage the child to strive to diligently choose the figures. Some children lack patience.

Such fun fosters perseverance fine motor skills, which is very important for a child.

Game "Fanta"

Known is very exciting for preschoolers if they know how to play it. It does not require a special place or equipment. It is useful for preschool children, as it both entertains and helps to develop memory, speech, imagination. An adult can play with a child. The presenter begins: "They sent you a hundred rubles, Buy what you want, Black, white do not take, Yes and no, do not say!" The child listens carefully to questions, tries not to use forbidden words when answering. For example, to the question: “Will you go to the ball? ", You can answer:" I will go. " Sample questions and answers can be in the old fashion: “What dress will you be in? “I’ll wear a beautiful dress”, “Will you go in a carriage? - I'll go on foot. Or modern: “Are you going to the bakery? Will you buy bread there? ". If the player gets confused, he gives the host a phantom (any object), and then at the end of the game "buys" it back. To "buy out" forfeits, you can invite the preschooler to sing a song, read a poem, you can use other exciting tasks.

The game "hide and seek"

Children especially love the traditional "Hide and Seek" fun, the content and rules of which are well known to everyone. It can be organized outdoors and at home. For the interest of the kids, a nursery rhyme is used: “One, two, three, four, five, I start looking. Those who did not hide, I am not to blame. Those who stand behind me have three horses to drive. " Then everyone hides, and the presenter tries to find. The choice of another moderator may have several options. For example, the participant who is discovered first can become the leader, or use a counting-rhyme.

Poems, counting rhymes, which are an integral part of fun, one might say their calling card, help to captivate preschoolers, develop their speech skills, imagination. Therefore, when choosing folk games, it is better to give preference to those where there is folklore.

From the list of the games presented, it can be seen that, despite the simplicity in the plots, rules, actions, many issues of education are being resolved. When the preschooler learns the rules of the old game, he will be happy to play it. Much depends on the parents, who can captivate the child with folk games.

Russian folk outdoor games in kindergarten

"Empty place"
Children of all ages (independently), from 6 to 40 people, play in "Empty Place".
Description. The players, except for the driver, stand in a circle, the driver - behind the circle. Everyone puts their hands behind their backs or simply puts them down. The driver walks around the circle and touches someone, touching the back or hands. This means that he challenges this player to a competition. Having touched, the driver runs in any direction around the circle, and the called out - in the opposite direction around the circle. Having met, they either simply walk around a friend or greet (squatting, bowing, etc.) and continue to run faster in a circle to take the vacant seat. Whoever takes it remains there, and the one left without a place becomes the leader.
The driver has no right to hit the callee. He can only touch him.
The driver can immediately rush to 1C to run in one direction or another. The summoned follows him and, as soon as he sees in which direction he is running, he rushes in the opposite direction in a circle.
When they meet, perform different tasks(by agreement). Whoever does not fulfill, he becomes the leader.

"Third wheel"
The number of participants is from 8 to 40 people.
Description. The players stand in pairs in a circle, facing its center so that one of the pair is in front and the other is behind him. The distance between the pairs is 1-2 m. Two drivers take a place behind the circle. One of them runs away and the other catches him. Fleeing from the pursuit, the runner can stand in front of any pair. Then the one standing behind turns out to be "the third superfluous". He must run away from the second driver. If the one who is catching up catches (touches, bruises) the fleeing person, then they change roles. Thus, the drivers are changing all the time.
This game, well-known and loved by young people, becomes even more interesting if we supplement it with the following: when the escaper is in front of any pair, the “extra third”, who is behind, does not flee from the one who is catching up, but begins to chase him.
Varieties of the game:
- the players stand in pairs facing each other and join hands. The fleeing person, escaping, becomes under the arms of someone with his back. To whom he turns his back is the "third extra" who must run away;
- the game is played to music. The players walk in pairs, holding the arm, and put their free hands on the belt. The fleeing person, fleeing from pursuit, can at any moment take one of the walking by the arm. Then the person standing on the other side of the pair becomes an evader.
Rule. A person who escapes from pursuit must not be hindered.

"Golden Gate"
In countless varieties and variants, this game exists among almost all peoples. Among the Russians, the following varieties are most common.
6-20 people play, more often preschoolers, junior schoolchildren, and sometimes adolescents, young men, young people.
Description. Pick two stronger players. Those step aside a little and agree which of them will be the "sun" and who will be the "moon" ("month"). Those who have chosen the roles of the moon and the sun face each other, hold hands and raise them, as if forming a gate. The rest of the players take up the Hands and walk in a line through the "gate". Often at the same time, the songs favorite by the participants are sung. When the last of the walkers passes through the “gate”, they “close”: the raised hands are lowered, and the latter is between them. The detainee is asked quietly which side he would like to take: behind the "moon" or "sun". He selects and stands behind the appropriate player. The rest again go through the "gate", and again the latter falls into the group of the "moon" or "sun". When everyone is distributed, the groups will pull up by holding hands or using a rope, stick, etc.
A variation of this game (which has become more widespread in recent decades than the one described above) is that those walking through the "gate" do not sing, but the players representing the "gate" speak in a recitative:
The Golden Gate is not always admitted: The first time is forgiven, the second is prohibited, and the third time we will not let you in!
The "gates" close at the last word and "catch" the one who is in them. In order not to be caught, those walking involuntarily accelerate their steps, sometimes switch to running, and those who catch, in turn, change the speed of the recitative. The game becomes more mobile and fun. It also ends with a drag.
Another variation is that there are two “gates”. The players who portray them say the rhyme at the same time (in tune). The caught do not choose where to stand, but immediately join the team of the "gate" that caught them. The depicting gates compete in who will catch the players the most. The competition ends with a tug.
The player who must go through the "gate" must not stop in front of them (for fear that they will close). The person who stops is considered caught.
Walking or running people must not unhook their hands; they must hold hands with at least one player. Whoever runs without holding hands with anyone is considered caught.
You can lower your hands (“close the gate”) only at the last word of the recitative.

Hitting the string
A rope closed in a circle is required to play. The players grasp the rope with both hands. outside... One driver is selected, who must be in the center of the circle formed by the rope. The goal of the driver is to add some salt, i.e. hit the hand of one of the players who are on the outside of the circle. Those who are on the outside of the circle, during the driver's attack, can release only one hand from the rope. If the player lets go of two hands from the rope or one of them hits the driver, then it is he who gets into the circle and the game continues.

Big ball
A game in which you need to form a circle. Children join hands, and one driver is selected, who stands in the center of the circle and near his feet is big ball... The task of the player in the center is to kick the ball out of the circle by kicking the ball. The player who misses the ball goes out of the circle, and the one who hits takes his place. At the same time, everyone turns their backs to the center of the circle and tries not to miss the ball already in the center of the circle. An important condition is that the ball must not be held in hand during the entire game.

Ball in the hole
A game that has many varieties. To play in the ground, a shallow hole is dug into which a ball is placed. All players must have straight sticks about a meter long. An executor is chosen by lot - the player who will guard the ball. All other players move beyond the conditional line, at a certain distance from the hole and begin to throw sticks in the order of the established turn, trying to get into the ball. For all those who threw past, the sticks remain in place.
If no one hits, then the performer rolls the ball with his stick in the direction of the one closest to him, trying to hit it. If he succeeds, then he runs over the starting line for shots, also called home. The executor becomes the one in whose stick the ball hit. If, in the course of the game, someone manages to knock the ball out of the hole, at the same moment, those players whose sticks are in the field run to pick them up, and the performer must set the ball in place. Thus, the players get the opportunity to make an additional roll. When throwing sticks, the performer is recommended to be slightly away from the ball in order to avoid getting the stick into it.

The game is played in an open space. Of all the players, one hunter is chosen, all the rest represent hares, trying to jump on two legs. The task of the hunter is to catch the most agile hare by shoveling it with his hand. But there is one important condition in the game, the hunter has no right to catch a hare if it is on a "tree". In the context of this game, a tree will be any sliver or stump. This condition greatly complicates the life of the hunter, which often makes him indignant during the game. However, as soon as one of the hares can be killed, he immediately becomes a hunter, taking on the unenviable duty of catching hares.

Jumping with tied legs
All participants are tied with a thick, wide rope or scarf. After that, everyone stands near the starting line and, upon a signal, begins to jump towards the finish line. The winner is the one who covered the distance the fastest. The distance should not be too great, as jumping with your feet tied is quite difficult.

Salt-free salt
For this game, two drivers are selected, who sit on the ground opposite each other, so that the soles of their feet are in contact with each other. The drivers are blindfolded with a thick cloth bandage. The drivers' hands are behind their backs. All the rest are players in the field. The field players, coming up alternately from one of the sides to the drivers, shout "No salt" and freely jump over their legs. On the way back, you need to shout "Salt" and try to jump over the legs of the drivers again. The only difference is that the drivers are trying to catch the jumpers with their hands. If they succeed, then the driver changes. The one who was caught sits down in the place of the one who caught him, and he is already blindfolded.

Children taking part in this game stand in one row, join hands, thereby forming a chain. On the right side of the chain, a leader is appointed, who, on command, starts running with a change in direction and the whole chain begins to move after him. However, no one except the leader knows the direction of movement, so it is quite difficult to maintain balance and not disconnect the chain. The further the player is from the leader, the more difficult it is for him to maintain balance, not to fall or break the chain.

Burners (Burners, Pole, Steam)
For this game, a driver is needed, and he is chosen before the start of the game. All the rest form pairs, mainly a boy - a girl, and if adults also take part in the game, then a man - a woman. Couples stand one after another, and the driver has his back to the first couple at a certain distance and he is strictly forbidden to look back. After that someone alone or all together begin to say: "Burn, burn clearly! So that it does not go out. Look at the sky, there are birds flying!" (There are also other rhymes.) Then the driver looks into the sky. The back pair then runs across the sides forward, one person across the right side, the other across the left side. The task of the back pair is to try to stand in front of the driver, holding hands. The driver is trying to catch or at least bruise one of the moving couple. If this happens, the one who was assaulted becomes the driver, and the "old" driver takes his place in the pair. The game continues until the players lose interest or become tired.

The bear in the forest
A game for the little ones. Of all the participants in the game, one driver is chosen, who is appointed "bear". 2 circles are drawn on the playgrounds. The first circle is the "bear's" den, the second is the house for all other participants in the game.
The game begins and the children leave the house with the words:
The bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
And the bear does not sleep
And growls at us.
After the children say these words, the "bear" runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. If someone does not have time to escape into the house and the "bear" catches him, then he himself becomes a "bear" and goes to the den.

Wild Beast Tamer
On the playground, stumps are placed in a circle or soft rugs, if it is a hall. Hemp (mats) are placed in a circle, but one less than the players taking part in the game. The one who does not have a hemp is an animal tamer, and all other animals. Before the start of the game, children choose who will be a wolf, who will be a fox, and who will be a hare. The animals sit on the stumps. The animal tamer walks in a circle from the outside and names one of the animals. The one who has been named gets up and follows the tamer. And so the tamer can name several animals, they get up and follow the leader. As soon as the tamer says: "Attention, hunters", the animals and the tamer try to sit on a free stump. The one to whom free space is not found, becomes a tamer and the game continues.

Highly interesting game, which has become widespread in different regions and has several modifications. All the players are close to each other (on the lawn, in the yard, in the field) and dig small holes, each for himself. Then they stand with one foot in the fossa. Except for the driver, who has a meter-long stick and a ball (ball) in his hands. All field players also have sticks. The driver strikes the ball with a stick and tries to hit the rest of the players with it. As soon as the players in the field see the ball rolling in their direction, they try to hit the ball by throwing it with a stick. If the player does not hit, then his comrades can help him. As soon as the ball is hit, the driver runs after the ball, touches it and tries to take the place of the one who threw the stick and must pick it up. If the driver manages to take the "empty space", the hole, the player of which ran away for the stick, then the driver changes.

In leg
The folk Cossack game, which became widespread in the 19th century. The game requires the display of accuracy and dexterity from its participants. Children are divided into 2 teams of equal number. Circles with a diameter of about 30 centimeters are drawn along one of the lines, according to the number of players on one team. After that, the players of one team line up in a line with one foot in the drawn circle. Players of the opposing team stand opposite, at a certain, predetermined distance. Their task is to hit the opponents with soft balls. The game lasts according to the number of established throws (for example, 5 each), after which the teams change places. You can earn points for each hit. The winner is the team with large quantity points. During the game, it is forbidden to throw the ball in the face, and the players in the circles must not lift the leg that is in the circle from the ground.

Children are divided into 2 teams. A circle is drawn in the center of the site. The players, one by one from the team, go into a circle, raise their left leg back, take it with their hand, and right hand pulled forward. At the signal, the players begin to push with the palms of their outstretched hands. The winner is the player who manages to push the opponent out of the circle or if the opponent stands on both feet. The team with the most individual victories wins.

Cock fight
The game is played practically according to the same rules as the game Geese. The main difference is that the players, jumping on one leg, put their hands behind their backs and push not with their palms, but shoulder to shoulder. The winner is the player who manages to push the opponent out of the circle or if the opponent stands on both feet. The team with the most individual victories wins.

All children who participate in this game are divided into 2 equal in the number of team members. One person is invited from each team. There is a meter stick in the center of the site. The participants who come out grab the stick, each from their side and, on command, begin to pull the stick, each in his own direction. The winner is the one who pulls the opponent to his side. Further, the following team members go to the center of the site. The team with the most individual victories wins.

Wolves in the moat
This game will require "wolves", no more than 2, 3 people, and all other children are assigned "hares". In the center of the site, a corridor with a width of about 1 meter (ditch) is drawn. "Wolves" occupy the space inside the corridor (ditch). The task of the "hares" is to jump over the moat and not be greedy by one of the "wolves". If the "bunny" is nailed and he comes across, he should leave the game. If during the jump the "hare" stepped into the territory of the moat, then he fell through and also leaves the game.

Crossing horse
Both adults and children can successfully take part in the game, especially during mass holidays. All participants are divided into two teams: some - "horses", others - "riders". The "riders" sit on the "horses" and form a circle. One of the "riders" is given a ball. The riders pass the ball in a circle in one direction or another, for example, to the right. And the ball needs to go through several circles, as agreed before the game. After that, the teams change places, but, as a rule, the game develops differently. If, during the throwing of the ball, he is on the ground, then the teams instantly change places: "horses" become "riders", and "riders" - "horses".

12 sticks
12 sticks is a game in which a large number of children can take part. An important condition for its implementation is the terrain on which it is held. There should be a lot of bushes, trees, or other cover so that you can hide. All players must know each other by name. To play, you need a board about 50-80 centimeters long, 12 short sticks (about 15 centimeters long) and a round log. The board is placed on a log and the sticks are placed on one edge of the board. It turns out a construction similar to a swing.
Of all the players, the driver is selected. He closes his eyes, counts, for example, to 20. All other players must hide. The sticks are on a log. The driver must find the players, but not forgetting about the sticks. As soon as he finds someone, he must name the player, run up to the board and kick the end opposite to the sticks, so that they fly apart, after which he can hide, and the one who is found becomes the driver. The game continues on.
If the driver has gone far from the board with sticks, then someone from those who are hiding can run up and hit the board so that the sticks fly apart. In this case, the driver must collect the sticks and only then go to look for other areas of the game.

Fishing Rod (Fish, Catch a Fish)
All players form a circle. One driver is selected, who stands in the center of the circle. The driver is given a rope. An adult can also be a driver. The driver begins to rotate the rope. The task of all the players in the circle is to jump over it and not be caught. There are two options for the development of the game.
1st option: without changing the driver (adult). In this case, those who fall for the bait drop out of the game and go outside the circle. The game is carried out until the most dexterous and jumping children (3-4 people) remain in the circle.
2nd option: with a change of the driver. That "fish" that falls for the bait takes place in the center of the circle and becomes a "fisherman".

Hen and kite
Before the start of the game, out of all its participants, 2 of the strongest are selected: one is appointed as a kite, the other is appointed as a brood hen. All the rest are chickens. The kite is on the sidelines and, according to old Russian rules, pulls out a small hole. Behind the hen, one after the other, the chickens stand and take each other by the waist. After that the queen with the chickens come up to the kite, and the queen begins to say: "Kite! What are you doing?" - "I'm digging a dimple." - "Why do you need a dimple?" - "I'm looking for money." - "Why do you need money?" - "Buy a needle". - "Why do you need a needle?" - "Sew a bag". - "Why a bag?" - "Put pebbles." - "Why pebbles?" - "To rustle-grumble in your kids." - "For what?" - "They climb into my garden." - "You would make the fence higher, but if you don't know how, then catch them. After that, the kite tries to catch the last chicken. The hen protects its chickens, not allowing the last chicken to be bitten, which also tries to dodge. The caught chicken sit on the bench, and play continues until the vulture catches everyone The game can be played and the mother's sentence is running.

It can be said to be a "classic of the genre". Players are arranged in pairs, holding hands and forming a column. The driver stands in front. All chorus loudly speak or sing:
Burn, burn clearly
In order not to go out.
Burn, burn clearly
In order not to go out.
Look at the sky -
The birds are flying.
The bells are ringing!
One, two, three - run !!!

Another variant:
Burn, burn, clear
In order not to go out.
And one, and two, and three.
Last couple, run!
In any case, at the word "run", those in the last pair open their hands and rush to the beginning of the column, running around it from different sides (one on the left, the other on the right), and the driver tries to catch one of them before the pair, having met, he will again join hands.
If this works out, then, together with the caught player, the driver gets into the first pair of columns, and the one who was not caught becomes the driver.

Frost - Red nose
Around the edges playground the boundaries of two "houses" are outlined. Players gather in one of them.
Leading, i.e. Frost - Red nose, stands in the middle of the site and says:
I am Frost - Red nose,
All ice cream indiscriminately.
I'll deal with everyone soon
Who will decide now
To embark on a long journey!
The responders chant:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost!
And then they run to the opposite "house". Frost tries to catch up with them and "freeze": those whom he manages to touch with his hand freeze in place.
At the end of the dash, they either drop out of the game or remain in a “frozen” position for subsequent rounds. In this case, the winner is the one who remains the last to avoid the touch of Frost.

Malechina - cripple
Putting the stick on your finger, palm, leg, etc., you need to keep it in balance while they say the words: "Malechina-cripple, how many hours until evening?"
One, two ... ten.
Golden Gate
A pair of players stand facing each other and raise their hands up - this is the gate. The rest of the players take each other so that a chain is obtained.
The gate players say the rhyme, and the chain must quickly pass between them.
Golden Gate
Not always skipped.
The first time he says goodbye
The second is prohibited.
And the third time
We will not let you pass!
With these words, hands are lowered, the gate is slammed. Those that are caught become additional gates. The "gate" wins if it succeeds in catching all the players.

Along the edges of the playground there are two "houses", in one of which the players - "geese" gather. Chosen for the role of "wolf" is placed in a circle, symbolizing his lair. The presenter goes to an empty "house" and starts a dialogue with the "geese":
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- So fly home!
- We can not:
Grey Wolf under the mountain
Doesn't let us go home!
- Well, fly as you want,
Only take care of your wings!
"Geese", flapping their wings, try to cross to another house, and "the wolf catches them." The caught player becomes a "wolf".

Game "Guide"
This is more than just a game. This is an acquaintance of souls, when such factors as appearance and sight are not distracted.
Men stand in the inner circle, facing the center of the circle, hold hands and close their eyes. In the outer circle, girls dance in a round dance to the music. After some time, at the signal of the host, the clap or the whistle of the girls begin to take apart the guys - any of those that they like who are closer. They take the guy by the hand and lead him in a circle, the guy walks with his eyes closed all this time. It is desirable that the number of girls and boys coincide, so that no one is left standing alone in the inner circle.
At the signal from the presenter, the girls neatly line up the guys again in the inner circle, and they themselves go on in a round dance. This is repeated three times. When, after the third time, the guys are again put in the inner circle, the presenter gives a signal - "You can open your eyes." The hack begins. The guys describe their feelings, name which of the three girls they liked, whom they would like to see. Girls are usually happy to admit and show off.
Then the girls stand in the inner circle with their eyes closed, and the guys in the outer one and everything is repeated.

This game is the most ancient one (as pointed out by academician B.A. Rybakov, and also mentioned by V.Ya. Propp).
The driver is Yasha (i.e. the Lizard is the master of the underwater and underworld, one of the incarnations of Veles) sits in the center of the circle formed by the rest of the participants in the game. Holding hands, they move in a round dance, singing:
Yasha sits-sits
Under the walnut bush.
Yasha gnaws and gnaws
Roasted nuts,
Gifts for my dear ...
After that, a dialogue takes place:
- What does Yasha want?
- I want to get married.
- Take yourself a girl,
That you want.
The participants in the round dance scatter, and "Yasha" catches someone: if he catches the girl, he kisses her, if the guy, he becomes the driver.

Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands - this is a mousetrap. One or two are "mice". They are outside the circle. Holding hands and lifting them up, they move in a circle with the words:
Oh, how tired the mice are
They ate everything, ate everything!
Beware, cheats,
We'll get to you!
Let's slam the mousetrap
And we'll catch you right away!
As the text is spoken, "mice" run in and out of the circle. With the last word, "the mousetrap slams," they lower their hands and squat down. Those who do not have time to run out of the circle of "mice" are considered caught and stand in a circle. Other "mice" are selected.

"Salki" ("Fifteen", "Catch", "Lovishki", "Lyapki", "Lepki", "Dumplings", "Salo", etc.)
This game has different names and rules, but the main content is the same: one or more drivers catch other players and, if caught, change roles with them.
The game can be played in the most different conditions: Indoors, outdoors, by children of all ages, young people and adults. The number of participants is from 3 to 40 people. The game does not require leaders or referees.
One driver is chosen by lot or by counting - "tag". The boundaries of the game area are conventionally set. Everyone scatters within this area. The driver announces: "I am a tag!" - and begins to catch the players within the established limits of the court. Whoever catches up and pisses (touches), he becomes a "tag" and announces, raising his hand up: "I am a tag!" He begins to catch the players, and the former "tag" runs away with everyone. The game has no definite ending.
Varieties of "Salok"
- "Salki with a home". For those fleeing, a "house" is drawn on the site, in which they can escape from the "tag", but they have no right to stay there for a long time.
- Salki "Feet off the ground". Fleeing from the "tag", the players must take their feet off the ground (floor). For this purpose, they climb on any object or sit down, lie down, raising their legs up. In this position, the "tag" has no right to pork them.
- Salki "Give me a hand." In this game, the person running away from the "tag" shouts: "Give me your hand!" If one of the comrades takes his hand with him, then the driver has no right to grease them. If, on the other hand, another player joins, that is, there will be three of them, the driver has the right to beat any extreme.
- "Crossing Salki". The runners can help out each other by crossing the road between the catching up "tag" and the one who runs away. As soon as someone crosses the road, "Salka" must catch him. Here again someone seeks to help out a comrade and runs across the road, the "tag" begins to catch him, and so everyone strives to save the comrade, after whom the "tag" is running. The driver ("tag") must quickly switch and catch a new player crossing the road.

Children gather, up to 16 or more, in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room and throw lots among themselves. The one chosen by lot represents the hawk. The rest of the children join hands and become pairs, forming several rows.
Ahead of all is a hawk, which can only look ahead and does not dare to look back. On this signal, the couples suddenly separate from each other and rush in different directions, at which time the hawk catches up with them, trying to catch someone.
The victim, that is, who finds himself in the claws of a hawk, changes roles with him.
While running, children tend to throw a handkerchief or a rolled-up tourniquet at the hawk - if they fall into it, he is considered killed and another is chosen from among the children to take his place.

Cats and mice
The best place for this game is a spacious area on outdoors.
Participants in this game, up to 25 or more, without distinction of gender, put forward one of their peers in the role of a mouse and the other two in the role of cats.
The rest of the children take each other's hands and form an open circle, in one place of which two adjacent participants lower one of their hands, thus forming a kind of open "gate", and cats are allowed to enter the circle exclusively through this "gate" , the mouse, in addition, through all the other gaps formed between the children.
This game is based on the fact that cats strive at all costs to catch a mouse; as soon as this happened, these three most active participants join hands and join the rest to form the same circle, and a new mouse and cats are put forward to replace them, etc. until all the children are in these cast.
With this game, children are given ample opportunity to frolic and run in the open air, which is of great importance for the development and strengthening of their physical strength.

Tag games take place in the open air, where children gather in any number, starting from 4-5 and ending with 25 or more.
Gathering, the children from their midst choose one, and give him the nickname "tag"; his role is that he closely watches those running along different directions children and tries at all costs to catch one and stain it, that is, to touch it with a hand.
The caught is delayed in this way and turns into a "tag," while his name is pronounced publicly so that the comrades know whom they should beware of.
As soon as he, in turn, catches one of the participants, he immediately passes on his role to him, moving himself into a group of children fleeing.
This game should be continued until the children retain a keen interest in it and do not feel tired.
Tag games are mainly based on movement; however, they can be varied by introducing various elements, for example, throwing a ball and the like.

Wolf in a circle
The number of participants can be as large as you like. Children gather in the spacious yard.
A circle is drawn on the floor or on the ground, and a wolf is chosen by lot from among them, and it is placed inside the outlined circle.
The children participating in the game burst into the circle and try to run out of it, without being tarnished by the wolf, which strives with all its might to tarnish them.
The victim changes roles with the wolf and takes his place in a circle. This game is not difficult, giving children great entertainment. The main element included in it is running.

Children, in any number, up to 30 and more, take with them an ordinary ball, average size, and go to the yard.
The children taking part in the game, all but one, are set up in a circle, with their faces facing the center of the circle. They fold their hands behind their backs, thus passing a ball to each other, which in this case serves as a bunny.
One of the participants, located in the very circle, seeks to grab the ball from hand to hand, and he has the right to demand from each participant to show him his hands.
As soon as he notices the ball at someone or one of the children absent-mindedly drops it, he picks up the ball and takes the victim's place, and he enters the circle, changing roles with him.
The one who is in the circle is called "the leader"; as soon as he finds himself with his back to the participant who has taken possession of the ball, he has the right to touch the back of the "driver" with it, that is, to stain him, and staining is allowed only in the back, and not in some other place.
The stained one picks up the ball and rushes after the one who has stained it; with great dexterity, he takes revenge, that is, he also tries to tarnish him; on success, they exchange roles.
In the event that he fails to overtake the enemy, he again goes to the middle of the circle and becomes still the driver.
In this game, besides running, important element throwing the ball is, - both of these conditions are extremely useful for children, as they give them the opportunity to develop the maximum of their muscular-nervous energy; with prolonged running and throwing, muscles develop and grow stronger, breathing becomes frequent and deep, the chest develops and blood circulation is significantly improved.
The game should be paused as soon as fatigue becomes noticeable.

The number of players can be as large as you like.
The participants in the game by lot choose one comrade from among their midst, who is entrusted with the role of a bear, and they supply each with tourniquets - the latter are easy to make, by folding handkerchiefs accordingly.
On one of the sides of the space allotted for the game, a small place is arranged or, rather, limited by a line, which serves as a den for the bear.
On this signal, children run from one end of the yard to the opposite one, and the bear, not armed with a tourniquet, rushes at them, trying to touch one of them with his hand, that is, to stain it.
The stained one also becomes a bear and is taken away to a den. The game continues in this order until there are more bears than the remaining participants in the game.
As the number of bear's helpers increases, they all go out with him to prey, are set in a row, and only those at the edges have the right to catch the players. The main element of the game is running.

Children gather in a spacious place. It is most convenient to start this game as soon as dusk begins to approach.
Participants choose from their midst one who is distinguished by agility and agility, and entrust him with the role of a cat. The cat carefully hides behind a tree or bush, trying to remain unnoticed by his comrades.
The latter, at the signal of one of the elders, rush in all directions to find the cat; the cat, on the other hand, meows from time to time, letting him know of his presence, and quickly hides so as not to be open.
The game is continued until the cat is found, then another cat is again appointed by lot and the game is played until the children get tired or lose interest in it.

Lame fox
The number of children involved can be as large as you like. Gathered in a spacious yard or in big room, they choose one of the participants, who is given the nickname of the lame fox.
At the place chosen for the game, draw a circle rather large sizes, which includes all the children except the lame fox. At this signal, children run in a circle, and the lame fox at this time jumps on one leg and tries at all costs to stain one of the running people, that is, to touch him with his hand.
As soon as she succeeded, she enters the circle and joins the rest of the running comrades, while the victim takes on the role of a lame fox.
Children play until everyone is in the role of a lame fox; the game, however, can be stopped earlier, at the first appearance of signs of fatigue.
To play correctly, you must observe following conditions: children who entered the circle must run only in it and not go beyond the outlined line, in addition, the participant, chosen by a lame fox, must run only on one leg. The main elements of this game are running and jumping.

Children often and willingly play blind man's buff, especially young ones, since this game is very simple. A large, spacious room or a clean courtyard is chosen as a place for it.
Children choose one from their midst, put a bandage on his eyes, using a clean handkerchief or the like. At this signal, those participating in the game rush in different directions, and a boy with a bandage on his eyes, standing in the middle of a yard or room, tries to catch someone - any of the running people.
The one who gets caught changes roles with him, that is, they put a blindfold on his eyes and he, in turn, also tries to catch one of his comrades.
While running, children should still make sure that the one with their eyes blindfolded does not bump into any object; at the sight of danger, they warn with a cry: "fire"!

The tube resembles a blind man's buff, only it is of much greater interest to children.
There can be any number of participants - children gather in a large room or in a clean yard. One of them gets the nickname "blind man's buff", they throw a handkerchief over his eyes and tie him up, and give him a rolled paper tube. The blind man's buff stands in the middle of the room, and the rest of the participants take each other by the hands, forming a circle, in the center of which is the blind man's buff. On this signal, the children walk 2-3 times around the blind man's buff, after which the latter approaches one of them and calls him a word or asks: who are you?
The person asked should mutter something indistinctly in response, and the blind man, hitting him with a pipe, should name his comrade. If they are successful, they exchange roles. The main element included in the game is walking, and if it is in the fresh air, then the benefits from it are obvious, since walking is the best gymnastic exercise for the body.

Children gather in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room, squat, hands on their sides and vying, overtaking each other, trying to jump to the opposite end of the place designated for the game.
Which of the children is the first to reach the designated place in this way is considered the winner, and the one who stumbles along the road is punished by excluding him from the number of players. This simple game gives children great pleasure and develops their physical strength.

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten number 48 of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Card file

"Russian folk games"

for preschool children.

Compiled by the teacherElena A. Lebedeva


Russian folk outdoor games should not be forgotten. They will give positive results when they fulfill their main purpose - they will bring pleasure and joy to children, and will not be an educational activity.

Funny outdoor games are our childhood. Who does not remember the invariable hide-and-seek, blind man's buff, catch-ups, salochki?

When did these games begin? Who invented them? Probably, there is no exact answer to these questions. These games, like songs and tales, were created by the people. They perfectly temper the body and soul.

These games make you move a lot and require resourcefulness, ingenuity, dexterity and perseverance. They are usually held outdoors in an open area.

The world of childhood cannot be without play. Playing in a child's life is moments of joy, fun, competition; it leads the child through life. Children's games are diverse, these are games with toys, games with movements, competition games, games with a ball and other sports equipment. At preschool age, children play constantly - this is their natural need, this is a way of knowing the environment.

Target: Physical activity as a factor affecting healthy image life.


  • Develop different kinds memory.
  • Develop communication skills and emotional sphere of the child.
  • Develop mental operations through play.
  • Develop imagination.
  • Learn to relieve emotional stress through play.


Two people are selected for the game: one is a "cat", the other is a "mouse". In some cases, the number of "cats" and "mice" is even more. This is done in order to bring the game to life.

All other players stand in a circle, holding hands, and form a "gate". The task of the "cat" is to catch up with the "mouse" (that is, to touch it with your hand). In this case, the "mouse" and "cat" can run inside the circle and outside.

Those standing in the circle sympathize with the "mouse" and help her as much as they can. For example: by passing the “mouse” through the “gate” into a circle, they can close it for the “cat”. Or, if the "mouse" runs out of the "house", the "cat" can be locked up there, that is, lower your hands, having closed all the "gates".

This game is not easy, especially for the "cat". Let the "cat" show both the ability to run, and its cunning, and dexterity. When the "cat" catches the "mouse", a new pair is selected from among the players.


The game takes place on a small, limited area with no dangerous obstacles. The driver is blindfolded, or he simply closes his eyes. He must, with his eyes closed, resent one of the players..

The players run away from the driver, but at the same time do not go outside the site and always give a voice - they call the driver by name or shout: "I am here." The salted player changes roles with the driver.


On the site, two lines are drawn at a distance of 6-8 meters from one another. Behind one line is the driver - the "bear", behind the other is the "house" in which the children live. Children leave the "house" in the "forest" to pick mushrooms and berries.
They approach the bear den with the words:

The bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
And the bear does not sleep
Everyone is looking at us.

On the last words, the "bear" jumps out of the "den" and tries to grease the children who run away to their home. A player who has been hardened by a "bear" becomes a "bear".


On the site at a distance of 10-15 meters, two lines are drawn - two "houses". In one there are geese, in the other their owner.
Between the "houses", "under the mountain", lives the "wolf" - the driver.
The "owner" and the "geese" are engaged in a dialogue known to everyone from early childhood:

- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- So fly!
- We can not. The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!

After these words, the "geese" try to run over to the "owner", and the "wolf" catches them. The caught player becomes a "wolf".


The plot of the game is very simple: one driver is selected, who must catch up and shower the players who have fled around the court.

But this game has several options that complicate it.

  • The salted player becomes the driver, while he must run, holding on to the part of the body for which he was shocked.
    The first player that the driver touches becomes the driver himself.
  • The seized player stops, stretches out his arms to the sides and shouts: "Tea-tea-help out". He is "bewitched."

Other players can "disenchant" him by touching his hand. The driver must "enchant" everyone. To do this faster, there may be two or three drivers.


The basic rules are as follows: one person drives, while others hide.
The driver must find all the players and kill them before they have time to hide "at home". The driver, selected with the help of a counting device, stands in the appointed place with his eyes closed. This place is called "kon".

While the driver counts loudly to 20-30, all the players are hiding in a certain area. After the end of the count, the driver opens his eyes and goes in search of those who have hidden. If he sees any of the hiding players, he loudly calls his name and runs to the stake. As a sign that a player has been found, one must knock on a wall or a tree at stake. If the found player reaches the horse and knocks there before the driver, then he is not considered caught. He steps aside and waits for the game to end. The driver must "catch" as many of the hidden players as possible.

Next time, the player who was found and “caught” last (or, according to the decision of the players, the first) becomes the driver.

Every time the driver moves away from the horse, hidden players can sneak up on the horse and knock. In this case, they will not be considered detected.


The players line up in a column in pairs, holding hands. The driver stands in front of the column a few steps away, with his back to the players. He says:

Burn, burn, clear
In order not to go out.
And one, and two, and three.
Last couple run!

On the word "run", the last couple should quickly run around the column and stand in front. And the driver seeks to get ahead of them and take one of the places of the first pair. The one who did not have enough space becomes the driver.

Instead of the words "last pair", the driver can say: "Fourth pair" or "Second pair". In this case, all players need to be very careful and remember how they stand in the column.

Alyonushka and ivanushka

They choose Alyonushka and Ivanushka, blindfold them. They are inside the circle. The players stand in a circle and join hands. Ivanushka must catch Alyonushka. To do this, he can call her: "Alyonushka!" Alyonushka must answer: "I am here, Ivanushka!"

The motions of the drivers are comical and sometimes unexpected. It happens that Ivanushka takes someone standing nearby for Alyonushka and rather grabs onto him. The mistake is explained to him.

As soon as Ivanushka caught Alyonushka, other guys take their place and the game starts over.


The driver is chosen - "monk" and the leader - "seller". All the rest of the players guess the colors of the paints in secret from the "monk". Colors should not be repeated.

The game begins with the fact that the driver comes to the "store" and says: "I, a monk in blue pants, came to you for a paint." Seller: "For what?" A monk names any color, for example, "For blue." If there is no such paint, then the seller says: "Go along the blue path, you will find blue boots, diarrhea and bring back!" "Monk" starts the game from the beginning.

If there is such a paint, then the player who made this color tries to escape from the "monk", and he catches up with him. If he caught up, then the "paint" becomes the driver, if not, then the colors are made up again and the game is repeated.


The players are divided into two groups. One depicts Cossacks, the other - robbers.
The Cossacks have their own house, where the watchman is during the game. His duties include guarding captured robbers.

The game begins with the fact that the Cossacks, remaining in their house, give the robbers an opportunity to hide. In this case, the robbers must leave traces: arrows, conventional signs or a note indicating the location of the next mark. Traces can be false, in order to intimidate the Cossacks. After 10-15 minutes, the Cossacks begin their search.

The game ends when all the robbers are caught, and the one whom the Cossacks saw is considered caught. It is better to play the game on a large territory, but limited by any signs. At the end of the game, the Cossacks and robbers change roles.


A fishing rod is a skipping rope. One end of it is in the hand of the "fisherman" - the driver.
All players stand around the "fisherman" no further than the length of the rope. The “fisherman” begins to spin the “fishing rod”, trying to hit the players with it on the legs. The "fishes" must protect themselves from the "fishing rod", jump over it. So that the "fish" do not interfere with each other, there should be a distance of about half a meter between them. The "fishes" should not leave their seats.
If the "fisherman" managed to catch the "fish", that is, touch the "fishing rod", then the "fisherman" is taken by the caught "fish".

It is necessary to observe the following condition: the rope can be twisted in any direction, but it must not be lifted from the ground higher than 10–20 centimeters.

Quiet ride

The driver and the players are on opposite sides of two lines, which are drawn at a distance of 5-6 meters from each other. The task of the players is to reach the driver as quickly as possible and touch him. The one who did this becomes the driver. But getting to the driver is not easy.

The players move only under the words of the driver: “The quieter you go, the further you will be. Stop!" At the word "stop" all the players freeze.

The driver, who had previously stood with his back to the players, turns and looks. If at this moment one of the players moves, and the driver notices this, then this player will have to go back, beyond the line. The driver can make the frozen guys laugh. Whoever laughs also goes back beyond the line. And then the game continues.


The players are divided into two teams and stand, holding hands, facing the opposing team, at a distance of 5–7 meters.

One of the teams starts the game with the words: "Ali Baba!" The second team answers in unison: "What about, servant?" The first team speaks again, calling the name of one of the players of the opposing team, for example: "Fifth, tenth, Sasha is here for us!"

The named player leaves his team and runs to the opposing team, trying to break the chain with a running start, that is, to disengage the players' hands.

If he succeeds, he takes the player who has disengaged his hands to his team. If the chain is not broken, then he remains in the opposing team. The teams start the game in turn. The winner is the team in which after a certain time there will be more players.


This game is the opposite of hide and seek. Players close their eyes and count to 10 while the host runs and hides..

After a while, one of the players goes in search of the leader, and if he does not find him in one minute, he is eliminated from the game. If he found the leader, then he hides with him. Next, the next participant goes in search of the leader, and if he finds him, he hides, if not, he leaves.

The game continues until the last person leaves the game or until everyone hides together with the presenter, like herring in a barrel. The main thing is not to laugh!


This game is familiar to everyone, as a rule, two people play it. Each of the players, on the count of "three", depicts a figure with his hand - a stone (clenched fist), paper (open palm) or scissors (two fingers extended by a letter).

The winner is determined as follows: the scissors will cut the paper, the paper will wrap the stone, the stone will blunt the scissors. For each victory, the participant receives one point, the one who scored the most points wins.


Traditionally, real potatoes have been used in the game, but can be substituted for a tennis ball or volleyball.

Children sit in a circle, the leader is in the center. He throws a "potato" to one of the players and immediately closes his eyes. Children throw it to each other, wanting to get rid of it as quickly as possible (as if it were a natural hot potato). Suddenly the host commands: "Hot potatoes!" Anyone who has a "hot potato" in their hands at the moment is out of the game.

When only one person remains in the circle, the game is over and that player is considered the winner.


Keeping their hands behind their backs, the players stand shoulder to shoulder in a circle. One of them has an invisible hat in his hands - a cocked hat folded from a sheet of paper. The driver is in the middle of the circle.

At the signal, the participants in the game begin to pass the hat to each other behind their backs, trying to do it so that the driver does not know who has it. The driver walks in a circle and vigilantly follows the movements of the players. From time to time he stops and, pointing at one of the players, says loudly: "Hands!" The one to whom the driver is addressing must immediately stretch his arms forward. If at the same time the player has a hat, he replaces the driver. In a moment of danger, you must not throw your hat on the floor. Anyone who violates this rule is out of the game. Any participant in the game, when a hat gets to him, can put it on his head, unless the driver pays attention to him or is not very close. After showing off for a second in a hat, you need to take it off and let it go around. If the driver gets stained when the hat is on his head, he will have to give up his place to him and drive himself.


There are many variations of this game.

Give the children five playing cards, nuts in shells, straws for drinking water, etc. and ask them to hit the hat with these objects, standing at a certain distance from the target.


Children sit in a circle. One of the players receives a piece of paper with a sentence written on it, or one of the adults speaks to him of this sentence in his ear (in case the child cannot read). Next, the player whispers in the ear of a neighbor what he heard or read, he - to the next, and so on, in a circle. The last player says the sentence out loud, and then you read the original one. What the kids do is usually very different from your version!


The game is intended for toddlers, it is best to play it outdoors, where there is a lot of space.

Children choose a leader. His task is to come up with and perform such actions that would be difficult for the rest of the players to repeat, for example, jump over something, jump 50 times on one leg, etc. ...

You can also introduce the rule that children take turns, then no one gets out of the game, everyone plays just for fun.


Children choose the leader, he leaves the room for one minute, and at this time the children appoint the "leader". When the leader returns, at his command, the "leader" begins to make various movements, for example, shaking his head or stamping his foot, and the children must repeat these movements after the "leader". They should do this in such a way that the presenter does not guess who comes up with these actions.

The leader's task is to try to quickly guess who is the “boss”, and if he succeeds, then the “chief” becomes the leader in the next round.


This is a relay race, it is similar to the game "Collect the box".

Children are divided into two or more teams, each team is given a plastic cup of water. A large pot or bucket is placed at a certain distance from the start. At the signal, the participants of both teams begin the relay race. They run with a glass of water in their hands to a saucepan and pour water into it. Then the players run to their teams as quickly as possible and pass the cups to the next participant. The glass is filled with water from a hose or other source (both teams use the same hose for more fun) and the player runs to the pot again.

The first team to fill the bucket with water wins.


This is a fairly old game, it traditionally uses an object that children may have never seen before.

You can replace the clothespin with a coin, candy, or other small item. Children take turns kneeling on a chair and trying to throw a small object (which you choose to play) into a box or basket. Whoever was able to place the most items in the basket wins.

If candy is used in the game, the child at the end of the game takes whatever is in the basket as a prize.


A large bowl of water is required to play.

Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it out of the water.

Since children will almost certainly splash water and splash themselves while playing, it is best to spend it outdoors and dress the children in something that does not fade or get wet.


This game is also a good test of attentiveness. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain.

With your right hand, point to the floor and say, "Paul."
Then point to the nose (it will be better if you touch it), say: "Nose", and then raise your hand up and say: "Ceiling." Do this slowly. Let the guys show with you, and you will call.

Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: "Nose", and show yourself at this time at the ceiling. Guys should listen carefully and show correctly. Well, if you can cheerfully comment on what is happening: “I see someone's nose fell to the floor and lies there. Let's help find the fallen off nose. "

The game can be repeated many times at a faster pace.
At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of "the world's tallest nose" to the stage.


The game is played in an open space.

Of all the players, one hunter is chosen, all the rest represent hares, trying to jump on two legs. The task of the hunter is to catch the most agile hare by shoveling it with his hand. But there is one important condition in the game, the hunter has no right to catch a hare if it is on a "tree". In the context of this game, a tree will be any sliver or stump. This condition greatly complicates the life of the hunter, which often makes him indignant during the game. However, as soon as one of the hares can be killed, he immediately becomes a hunter, taking on the unenviable duty of catching hares.


All children who participate in this game are divided into 2 equal in the number of team members. One person is invited from each team. There is a meter stick in the center of the site. The participants who come out grab the stick, each from their side and, on command, begin to pull the stick, each in his own direction. The winner is the one who pulls the opponent to his side. Further, the following team members go to the center of the site. The team with the most individual victories wins.


This game will require "wolves", no more than 2, 3 people, and all other children are assigned "hares". In the center of the site, a corridor with a width of about 1 meter (ditch) is drawn. "Wolves" occupy the space inside the corridor (ditch). The task of the "hares" is to jump over the moat and not be greedy by one of the "wolves". If the "bunny" is nailed and he comes across, he should leave the game. If during the jump the "hare" stepped into the territory of the moat, then he fell through and also leaves the game.


Children gather in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room, squat, hands on their sides and vying, overtaking each other, trying to jump to the opposite end of the place designated for the game.

Which of the children is the first to reach the designated place in this way is considered the winner, and the one who stumbles along the road is punished by excluding him from the number of players. This simple game gives children great pleasure and develops their physical strength.


Children stand in a circle, at a distance of one step from each other and begin to throw the ball, naming the person who should catch the ball by name. The ball is tossed until someone drops it. The one who dropped the ball stands in the center of the circle and, as instructed by the players, performs 1-2 exercises with the ball.


On one side of the site, a line is drawn - this is the city where all the players are located. The space outside the city is a playing field.

Children get up to the line and roll the balls towards the field. Whose ball rolls farther, the one to drive. The driver takes the ball and waits for the players to go out for the balls, and he tries to shower everyone who crosses the city line with the ball.

When the driver misses, he catches up with the ball, and the players try to take their balls and run over the line. Salted to become a driver.


Children are divided into pairs and stand at a distance of 3-5 steps from each other.

Couples depict fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. Anyone who loses balance and stands on the ground with two feet is out of the game.


The players stand in a circle, choose the driver with a counting-rhyme.

Starting the game, he runs past the players, spots one of them and continues to run further in a circle. The stained one runs to the other side of the driver. Who of them is the first to reach an empty seat in the circle, he takes it, and the latecomer becomes the driver.


The players choose the hostess and the cockerel, all the other hens.

The cockerel leads the chickens for a walk. The hostess comes out and asks: "Cockerel, cockerel, have you seen my chicken?" "And what is yours." "Raggedy, and the tail is black." "No, I haven't." The hostess claps her hands and shouts: "Kshsh, kshsh!" the chickens run into the house, and the hostess catches them, the cock protects the chickens. The hostess takes all the chickens caught into the house.


The players are divided into two groups: bears and bees.

Bees, most of the children, are housed on a bench (hive), bears are on the side. At the signal of the educator, the bees fly away for honey, and the bears climb into the hive (bench) and feast on honey.

The bees return home and sting (catch) the bears.