How to learn to use magic very quickly. Fire magic rituals

Even in ancient times, people learned to understand and manage such natural elements as air and water. With their help, it was possible to heal or destroy a person, start or end a war. What opportunities do these elements carry?

Air and water belong to those elements that any person can master. This requires only a strong desire, and necessarily, a positive outcome of the plan.

How to master the magic of air and what can you achieve with it?

First you need to know, in order to master these elements, a person needs a positive attitude, in another way - purity of thoughts. Everything that a person would like to achieve should be good for people. And this is in everything: in words and thoughts. The main task of a person who wants to master the magic of air is to learn to always think and say only good things about everything - about people. about the state, about children, about work.

Positive thoughts always return to their owner, as well as negative ones. Only whether a person needs additional problems, the person himself chooses, sending these or other thoughts into the Universe. To begin with, you need to monitor your thoughts and words for several days, then it will automatically work out, and the person will no longer need to control himself.

At the same time, the quality and standard of living rises, problems are solved by themselves, money comes out of nowhere, people around become benevolent, and all this is only because a person has decided to think positively and do good deeds.

But you don’t need to think that it’s so easy, to learn and to continue a new level of thinking is work, some do not succeed the first time, some may “break off” - be rude, scold, gossip. But you need to take everything into your own hands, calm down and start all over again.

Some people are wondering how to master water magic at home.

As a child, they read fairy tales to children about living and dead water. with their help people and animals were healed and revived. And today you can prepare living and dead water yourself, while you can use special conspiracies for water. Water is an element with a very strong energy and should only be used for positive purposes.

If a person is tuned in to "good deeds", then the element of water is perfect for these purposes. It is necessary to find an open body of water. If this is not found, then you can use the bath in the apartment. Plunging into water, a person should think only positively, because those thoughts with which a person is in this environment, dissolving in water, go back to its owner. For this reason, it is not recommended to take a bath when the person is “out of sorts”. At the same time, the very process of taking a bath soothes, and nervousness increases.

How to master the magic of air at home and what goals you can use it. There are no unattainable goals in the world. A person's limitations are only in his head. If a person is ready to learn to achieve the assigned tasks, then the magic of air will help in this.

Many philosophers and thinkers of the previous century have repeatedly proved to themselves and the world around them that there are no incomprehensible goals and unsolved problems in this world. The person himself decides what to achieve. The magic of air and water can be attracted to help.

Before you set your sights on great things and wonder how to learn how to use magic at home, learn to master yourself first. As practice shows, this is a very difficult matter. And, to be honest, most of us have little control over our emotions. Ours owns us, and we slavishly obey him. Although, it should be the other way around. Ancient spiritual practices, as well as exercise complexes developed by modern psychologists, will help you take control of your feelings, emotions, experiences, and cleanse your consciousness of toxins. Now to the question of how you can learn magic on your own.

How you can learn magic - useful information on the Internet

There is a certain state of consciousness, let's call it witchcraft. This state can be reached spontaneously. The lever is triggered, and the entire nervous system switches to the perception of new vibrations. Here, everything is normal for a person, but here, a click, and he is in a trance. This usually happens to beginners. Fortunately, it rarely and quickly passes.

You can learn magic for free on your own, since now there is a lot of information on the Internet. On the witchcraft forums, you will find a lot of useful things for yourself - effective rituals, discussions, opinions, recommendations and just friendly advice from real magicians. And all this invaluable knowledge, mind you! you get completely free.

Besides, there are books on magic. A huge selection of magical literature will be offered to you by electronic libraries, where you can download any books you need on black or white magic for free. They can also be read online. In the books of famous authors, you will find what you are looking for - answers and practical advice. To learn practical magic for free, you will have to rely on your own strength. But, if the mastery of this great craft is really important for you, difficulties will not stop you.

Learning to master magic on your own - how to enter a state of trance

To tune your mind to perform witchcraft work, when all extraneous loses its meaning and fades into the background, you can use various magical techniques. You can listen to psychedelic trance music, accompanying the listening with dance - monotonous repetitive movements. Incense is great for getting into a trance.

Is it possible to learn to master magic for free without mastering the subtle art of visualization? Visualization is one of the pillars of the magical craft, the art of changing reality. So, develop your imagination, do the exercises daily, repeat as many times as necessary until you yourself create a place in the mental plane that is no different from the real one.

For example, if it is a seaside, there should be the roar of the surf, the sound of the wind and the cry of birds. Let the sun flood all space, or, conversely, let a ridge of heavy clouds go across the sky. The air must taste and smell, must be colored in the colors of the sea. The endless expanses of the sea surface extend beyond the horizon, rare vegetation slopes in the wind on wet black rocks. And your skin is cooled by the salty spray. These, for will, intention and imagination create new spaces and new events.

Or, how can one learn magic without owning a word?

There is tremendous power in the word. Using the words of a powerful magic spell, you can go into a trance before performing rituals, for example, by casting spells, or reading poetry with a certain semantic load. Artificial evocation of emotions is also an effective way of entering a witchcraft state of consciousness, when energies come and it becomes possible to accomplish what was planned.

How to become a magician and get the ability to witchcraft? Consider the recommendations for novice sorcerers and magicians of all elements, especially the initiation ritual.

In the article:

How to become a magician in real life

Magical abilities are a pipe dream. But joining the magicians is real. If initially a person does not have superpowers from ancestors, the path will be difficult. It is easier for people who have abilities from birth: children grow up in a magical environment, where they are taught to handle the gift.

If there are no magicians among the relatives, you should not despair - the situation is fixable. An ordinary person can and, and.

First you need to choose a patron - a certain element. The task is simple: you can choose the patron element of the zodiac sign.

If a person feels that that element is not suitable, you can stop the choice for any. To become a sorcerer, it is important to go through a rite of passage and turn to higher powers with a request to bestow power.

A real magician will need the required attributes:

  • notebook (recorded rituals, new spells and rituals);
  • black cape;
  • ritual knife (ideally, it should be made by hand, but any one with a black handle will do);
  • (selected by date of birth or the one to which a person will be drawn - magic stones have different properties, sometimes you will have to select different stones for rituals);
  • mirror (used in rituals where it is necessary to open the door to another world).

The magician needs a loyal companion, usually an animal. It is believed that the faithful assistant is a black cat (sometimes a snake or a toad), but this opinion is erroneous. Cats are able to sense the approach of danger and other negative influences. But the wizard's pet is a reflection of the wizard's nature. A pet is selected with which a person has an energetic connection.

To become a truly experienced and powerful magician, you need to work on yourself - to work every day. If you passively relate to classes and stop trying new practices or forget old ones, abilities will dissipate over time.

How to become a water mage at home

To become a water magician, you need absolute unity with the elements. A set of certain witchcraft attributes and desire are required. Water- a powerful element.

A magician who can communicate with spirits is bestowed with angelic patience, composure, calmness. Except for the people taking part in the ritual, no one should know about the ritual - this entails negative consequences.

Initiation ritual

The ceremony is carried out both independently and with outside help. You will need to come to the shore of a natural reservoir at exactly midnight. There shouldn't be a single soul around. The magician undresses and slowly plunges into the water with his head for no more than a few seconds.

In the water, a little liquid is collected in the dish. After the magician comes out of the water to the shore, places 13 candles in a circle, lights it, puts on a black cape and places a container with water in the center of the figure. The sorcerer stands in the center and says:

Spirits of water, come! Show up! Answer my call! Grant me calmness, peace, wisdom and strength. Temper my weapon (at this moment the ritual knife is lowered into a container of water), so that it protects and protects me from all misfortunes and strikes my enemies!

After the spell, the magician monitors the reaction of the candles. If the fire goes out, the spirits will not fulfill the request. If the candles are lit, the spirits are ready to become protectors and patrons.

You should thank them for the respect shown, dip your fingers into a container of water and draw a cross on your forehead. Then bow low to the spirits and leave the place of the ritual. In order to have a great connection with the chosen element, there must always be liquid in the house. Better to buy a fish tank.

Mages of the earth - firmness and power

To become an earth mage requires special perseverance. Not everyone is given art. Even after the initiation ceremony, one should not expect to be merciful in the coming days.

These forces do not forgive mistakes: in order to really join the magicians of the earth, you will have to arm yourself with stamina and perseverance. If the magician is not sure of the desire, it is better not to undertake the ritual, so as not to anger the behavior of the spirits, which will subsequently take revenge.

How to perform the ritual

To carry out the ceremony, they go at night to a plowed (better sown, but no shoots) field. The magician creates a protective barrier by placing seven candles in a circle. After that, a ritual knife is stabbed into the ground with a swing. Stretching out their hands to the ground, they say:

Mother, damp earth, I trust in you! Spirits of the earth, come to me, witness my becoming! Answer my call! Grant me firmness and confidence, fortitude and courage. Become my protectors and accomplices. Do not let stumble and deviate from the path of the chosen one!

Then they touch the ground with their hand and take a little in their hand. The collected earth is wrapped in a scarf - this is a magician's amulet that is carried around with him. It is better to leave some of this earth at home, and wrap the other half securely and carry in a bag.

After the call, spirits must come who will witness reincarnation. If the entities agree to help, the magician will feel an energetic flow.

How to become a fire mage yourself

Fire is the element of warriors. The magicians who chose this patron have incredible strength and are able to inflict powerful damage on enemies. Usually they are quite quick-tempered: if they get angry, they are able to destroy everything around to achieve the goal.

A person with a large supply of vitality and energy is capable of becoming a strong fire magician. The rituals carried out require a lot of energy and are not always available.

Rite of passage

To become a fire mage, a special ritual is performed. A place is being prepared in advance - deserted and large enough. When choosing a place, the need to draw a circle with chalk is taken into account (it is impossible in the field or in the forest). Collect three small piles of branches and hay, place them at an equal distance from each other in the form of an isosceles triangle.

A circle is drawn in the middle with chalk, the magician stands in the center, holding a large lighted candle (always in a cape). A ritual knife is taken in the left hand and heated over the flame. They raise the knife and say:

Spirits of fire, I conjure you, I call to myself! Come and witness my transformation. Grant me endurance, will and power. Grant me the power to destroy and build. Temper my weapons, so that all enemies could be slain with them! Be my protectors and patrons!

You need to say the text 3 times and watch the behavior of the candle. If the flame flutters and diminishes, the spirits have come. If the fire remains the same, the challenge is ignored.

When the ceremony is performed, the magician bows low to the spirits and thanks them for their appearance and protection. When the spirits leave (the candle flame becomes calm), you can leave the circle - before that, crossing the borders is prohibited.

Is it possible to be an air magician in reality

You can ask the air to become the protector and patron of the magician. The main advantage of the elements is the power to see the future. If the magician reaches the pinnacle of witchcraft, the future can be changed.

Conducting a ritual of initiation

For the ceremony, a vacant lot is needed. Exactly at midnight, the magician comes to the designated place, places five candles in a circle and lights them counterclockwise. Then the person stands in a circle, puts a ritual knife at his feet and raises his hands to the sky. The words of the spell are spoken loudly:

Spirits of the air! I call you! Come before me! Grant the power to see and know what others have not known. Grant strength and power! Become my patrons, protect and defend from enemies!

Do you want to become a magician? We will tell you how to learn magic at home, and even without the help of a mentor. You will learn what qualities a person practicing witchcraft should develop in himself. You need to know this before mastering magic and getting the opportunity to control powerful forces that can change your life and the fate of other people.

Have you ever wondered why the same magic rituals work for some people and do not help others at all? The point is that it is not enough to learn and mutter a couple of spells to achieve the desired effect. Like any other science, magic must be learned.

7 qualities of a true magician

You will definitely need to develop these character traits in yourself if you want to master magic at the professional level. Without these qualities, the magician will not be able to advance beyond simple love spells, damage, etc. By the way, it is the easiest way to learn "black" magic, evil spirits help a lot in such matters. If your ambitions go beyond the "village" magic, then be sure to develop the following abilities in yourself:

1. Strength of will... This is the foundation of practical magic. A magician without a strong will is not capable of any outstanding magical actions. To develop your willpower, start small. For example, try to do tedious but rewarding work on time. Give up sweets and starchy foods if you are addicted to these products and want to lose weight. Strictly fulfill your obligations, do not make excuses.

2. Ability to concentrate... If you are an absent-minded person, then in magic you will not get very far. You need to learn to fully concentrate on the work that you are doing. Fortunately, you can practice concentration anywhere and everywhere - when you are reading the morning newspaper, washing the dishes, doing housework. Try to focus on one thing, and don't let yourself get distracted. It will be difficult at first, but over time you will develop the ability to concentrate.

3. Courage... The magician, by the nature of his activity, has to interact with the other world, sometimes mystical things happen in his life. If the opportunity to see a ghost, come into contact with otherworldly forces, or even scares you to the point of shivering, then you better not practice magic. Alas, there are no exercises you can use to learn courage. But this quality can be "grown" in oneself.

4. Awareness of responsibility... Magical abilities are a huge responsibility! As you grow in strength, you will realize that you can make dramatic changes in your life and in the destinies of other people. The magician must not succumb to emotions. If an ordinary person, in the heat of a quarrel, throws to his opponent “so that you die!”, Then nothing terrible will happen. If the magician does this, then he can cause colossal harm to the opponent. We must always remember this and learn to take responsibility.

5. Experimental tendency... Of course, experimentation comes with a certain amount of risk. But if magicians of the past had never experimented, then magic would not exist at all! In short - if a conspiracy or ritual "does not work", then you can always try to slightly change it or use another ritual.

6. Ability to learn... A true magician never stops "improving his skills." Not a single sorcerer can say about himself that he has reached the heights of skill.

7. Sense of humor... Magic is a very serious science that requires a responsible attitude. A practicing sorcerer will very quickly exhaust his powers if he treats his activities like a sapper to a minefield. Plus, even a magician can be wrong. The best way to relieve stress is to learn to laugh at your failures. Work in yourself.

Listen to the world

The magician draws his strength from the elements of nature - fire, water, earth and air. An inhabitant of a modern metropolis is extremely limited in contact with nature. Unlike an ordinary city dweller, the magician must have a "natural nourishment". Take walks more often, get out of the city for a couple of days.

It would be just perfect if you can afford to walk in the woods at least once a month. The forest is a sacred place for any magician, it is here that unity with nature occurs in full. Trees and plants were worshiped by Celtic druids and Slavic magi, sorcerers of France and magicians of eastern countries.

Get out into nature whenever you have to perform an important magical ritual. Two to three days before the ceremony, try to keep communication with people to a minimum. Instead, connect with Mother Nature and ask her for help and support. Take a walk in the park, gaze at the stars, swim in the river, weather permitting, meditate.

Don't waste your energy!

Ordinary people waste their strength and energy on all sorts of things. More precisely, they "squander" them completely mediocre. Discussion of politics or the latest gossip, fuss about unimportant matters, squabbles with neighbors ... All these seemingly insignificant events deprive a person of the energy so necessary for performing magical ceremonies.

Needless to say that only the person who conserves his strength and does not exchange for such trifles will be able to master magic? First of all, you need to get rid of such negative qualities as envy, jealousy and resentment. A true magician has no one to envy, since he himself is the creator of his life. And by being angry with someone, you are wasting your energy. And then, if you really want to "annoy" your offender, then you can send damage to him.

Start with meditation

This exercise will help you to collect the universal energy of prana, which sorcerers use for rituals and ceremonies (and the most capable ones for telepathic communication). Sit comfortably, put your palms on the Manipura chakra - in the solar plexus area. Relax, try to free your mind from extraneous thoughts.

Begin to monitor your breathing, count each cycle of inhalation and exhalation. If you get confused or distracted, then start counting again. When you reach the number "100", you can proceed to the next stage.

Imagine that you are surrounded by a cloud of energy emanating from the universe. This energy is absorbed by every cell in your body and then travels to the solar plexus area. You can imagine energy-prana in the form of rays of light or, for example, in the form of running ants. After a while, you can actually feel the energy moving and its warmth. Continue to accumulate prana for 5-10 minutes and then finish the exercise.

The opinion that only a select few can become magicians is wrong, and if you wish and work hard you can reach certain heights. Thanks to supernatural abilities, a person will be able to improve his life, move up the career ladder, improve health, etc.

Is it possible to master magic?

To develop magical abilities in oneself, you will need to work hard, and develop the power of thought and. You need to start learning after cleansing both the physical and the spiritual body from vices. It is important that only a baptized person can practice white magic.

How to master white magic:

  1. First you need to understand the purpose of magical powers. During the week, every day before going to bed and after waking up, remember that you have decided to become a white magician.
  2. Then you need to analyze your life, find flaws and vices in it, for example, you can write them down on a piece of paper. Everything written down must be memorized. Afterwards, a ritual of deliverance is carried out. To do this, take a large sheet of paper and draw a black circle in the center, the size of which should be about the size of a coin. They sit on a chair at the table and, without taking their eyes off the black point, say: “With the help of a higher mind and of my own will, I cast out their vices from themselves: (list the words you learned earlier). Instead, I receive God's protection, love for all of humanity. My vices go away, my faith, my will, my inner strength ".

It is necessary to carry out such a ritual every day for 3 weeks.

After that, you can begin to study various rituals and ceremonies. It's worth starting with the simplest options.

You can master magic with the help of a mentor, since an experienced person will be a guide to a new unknown world. To get closer to It is necessary to pray to God and get his consent to practice magic daily, while it is important not to be distracted by anything. It is impossible to master magic without learning to concentrate, since this is an important component. To develop this skill, you can learn to focus on, for example, a candle flame. You need to free your head from other thoughts, not be distracted by anything and look only at the object. Then move on to other objects, improving your skills.

Many are interested in how to master black magic and, first of all, various love spells. First you have to learn all the basics of white magic, since this is the basis of everything. In addition, it must be remembered that various evil eyes and curses can have negative consequences, so you will have to make various protective amulets, as well as learn how to put an astral block.