Odessa expressions, catch phrases. Odessa humor

How is Izya?

- I saw two girls swimming here yesterday on the beach! Taki completely naked!
- I beg you, in such a cold ... Walruses, probably!
- Well, the one that is older is like a walrus, and the second one, nothing, is pretty ...

Moishe, is it true that you are only marrying Sarah because of hers?
- Abrasha, and you believed what these people speak for me ?! Lies! I’m marrying her because I don’t have a penny.

A 100-year-old Jew fell ill. An old 105-year-old friend comes to him and asks:
- What's the matter with you, Abram, how do you feel?
- Azokhn vey, Izya ... Probably, you will have to appear before God!
- Abram, then I have a small request for you. If he asks you: “How is Izya? What's Izya? " - you, after all, did not see me, did not hear, and you do not know anything about me.

An airport customs official asks an old Jew:
- Where did you come from?
- What profits are you? These are some losses ...

Rose, my darling, finish with the dishes. You, not the dishwasher. Go wash the floor!

In an atheism lesson at school, a teacher gives an assignment to children:
- Children, shout to the sky - "There is no God!", - all together begin to shout "There is no God!"
And then she notices that one Jewish boy is standing in silence. She asks him:
- Yasha, why are you silent?
To which Yasha replies:
- Still, if there is no one there, then why shout? And if there is someone there, then why spoil the relationship?

So you can come to Israel and have your own guide?
- It is not necessary to have a guide, he will tell everything about the country anyway!

Rabinovich, remember, last year you borrowed a hundred rubles from me?
- Young man, anyone can tell you for my phenomenal memory. I remember everything perfectly, and what?
- And if you remember, tell me, when will I get them back?
- How do I know? I still sho you, prophet?

Father - daughters:
- Marry Abram. He certainly loves you.
- Are you sure, Dad?
- Absolutely! For six months now I have been borrowing money from him, but he still continues to visit us.

Moishe died of a broken heart while playing cards. It is necessary to inform his wife, but no one dares to do it. The choice fell on Aaron, who was the calmest. He comes to the house of the deceased, knocks on the door:
- I'm from Katsman.
- Is it from who my hubby is all the time sticking out, playing cards?
- Yes.
- And plays?
- Yes.
- And, probably, as always, loses?
- Exactly, it loses.
- Schaub he's dead, you bastard!
- That's it already!

Rabinovich, will you come in for some tea?
- Why not?
- Well, no, so no.

Conversation between two Jews:
- Monya! Do you play clarinet?
- Not.
- And your brother?
- Yes!
- What "yes"?
- Also no.

Buyer in Abram's store:
- Tell me, do you have a yellow cloth?
Abram shows a roll of cloth. Buyer with a smile:
- So it's black.
Abram takes out two more rolls from the warehouse. Customer:
- Excellent quality, it's a pity that one roll is red and the other is blue !!
- You know, so that it is completely yellow, still not.

Moishe, where are you in such a hurry?
- To the bus stop ...
- Shaw, are you going somewhere? Are you already late?
- No, Aunt Tsilya makes me a jacket, asked me to collect buttons ...

Sarochka, I beg you, do not go out, I am worried about your health.
- And what is it?
- Yesterday in the pharmacy I heard that a maniac appeared in Odessa, who still kills prostitutes ...
- Do not fool me, Rose, and what have I to do with it ?!
- You didn’t listen to me - and bl @ dey too.

Two Jews meet. One says to the other:
- Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I listened to the Beatles live, I absolutely didn’t like it. They're fake, lisp, horror!
- And where did you listen to them?
- I did, Moishe sang.

Do you remember Moishe who lived opposite the prison?
- Yes, and sho?
- Now he lives opposite the house ...

More funny and funny jokes for Jews, Odessa and? So we have them.

"Odessa language" has long been famous for its flavor and capacity. Photo - diary.ru



While in the cities of the country regional languages ​​are approved after the adoption of the corresponding law, "In the city" invites you to learn some Odessa dialect.

In the opinion of many, he could well be competing for the title of a separate language.

After all, colorful expressions are often understandable only to the indigenous people, and young people and tourists are at a loss when they hear something like "cirly" or "get sick on the nerves."

These expressions have been accumulating for more than a dozen years. The multinational population of the south, which brought something of its own into the dialect, served the development of the "Odessa language".

In our time, the famous writer Valery Smirnov came up with the idea of ​​creating a "Semi-explanatory dictionary of the Odessa language", where he tried to cite and explain the most popular local words and phrases.

In his opinion, the "Odessa language" is the easiest to learn from all existing in the world. It functions without any rules and there is practically no obscenity in it. So far, the inhabitant of Odessa has collected expressions as much as 4 volumes.

Below are the most popular slang variations, you can learn more by buying a dictionary in the store or

ADIET(Adya, adivot, diet) is an idiot.

AMBAL- a person with great physical strength.


ANTON- in thug jargon long ago meant "janitor". In the Odessa language it has a completely different meaning. Among the inhabitants of Odessa at one time there were people with the names Huna and Srul, but not Anton.

BAKLAN- raise your voice; talk nonsense, speak out of business. The expression originates from the demeanor of the seagull's closest relative, the cormorant, which rarely closes its mouth. The once famous company "Balkan - tourist" was called "Baklan - tourist" in Odessa.

MESS- brothel; mess; disregard for the case.

Balabol- An extremely dangerous person, although outwardly B.'s behavior is not much different from the manner of behaving, like those who are called by the more widespread term - balabolka. B. - a shirt-guy, a soul to plow, always ready to help in difficult times, a sea of ​​charm, a smile of thirty-two teeth. In a word, as it was sung in one old song, "he utters toasts better than anyone, and even wears costumes better than anyone. He is friendly, radiant, at any table he is his own. He is such a good guy, just a world guy." The verbal waterfall, which brings down balabol on others, is caused by one and only circumstance - B. seeks to ensure that he is not taken seriously. But when a convenient time comes, B. easily and naturally, at best, steals from those who already fully trust him. There is no trace of a somewhat cowardly and ingratiating behavior, the smile turns into a wolf's grin, followed by no less pleasant metamorphoses.

One of these figures was B., nicknamed Chicha, whose photograph has been decorating the premises of the regional tax service for several years. He managed to become famous far beyond the borders of Odessa, having robbed not only many reputable firms, but also clearly poor ones, like the St. Petersburg Society of Disabled People. Although B. Chicha successfully fled abroad a couple of years ago, his behavior, which significantly tarnished the business reputation of his hometown, received a worthy assessment, so that the tax authorities can already safely draw a black frame on the portrait of this laureate of the international wanted list.

BANDERSHA- keeper of a brothel.

BENIN'S MOM- the mother of a certain Beni, who lives at the same time on different streets of Odessa. In other cities, instead of Beni's mother, people send each other to some anonymous mother, not much different from other women.

SLUT- the distorted word "shiksa", which has acquired a slightly different meaning (see SHMARA).

BINDYUZHNIK- a man who was once engaged in cargo transportation on a parokonny cart. Currently B. is synonymous with a rude, uneducated person.

BLACKS- the word has a completely different meaning in Odessa than it is interpreted in many dictionaries. On the aforementioned dance floor "Lights of the Lighthouse", which at the same time replaced in the old years a brothel and an advertising page of the mass media, except for whores they also went and fought. In the end, lovers of multidimensional thrills danced to such an extent that this place was closed once and for all.

BODEGA- an institution called in Russia a tavern, in Ukraine - a tavern, as well as "vomiting", "wine", "nalivayka", "bar".

HURT- overpriced; loss in the transaction; synonymous with "yen bites".

SICK- a weirdo.


SICK ON THE WHOLE HEAD- a patient in the head, clearly escaped from an insane asylum.

VALIKHOVSKY LANE- a synonym for the morgue located in this alley. The proverb "The language will bring even to Kiev" in translation into Odessa language sounds like this: "A long language will bring not so much to Kiev as to Valikhovsky lane."

VERY INBER PEREULOK- a synonym for a date with a venereologist. In this alley there is an institution that has been called the Tripper Bar since time immemorial.

BACK-FORWARD- back and forth.

TAKE A RUN- do not budge.

SECOND SON- foolish man.

DROP IN THE SEDIMENT- to reach the state of "white heat".

I JUST BEGIN TO LIKE YOU!- everyone is already tired of your speeches.

WHERE ARE YOU?- you cannot make a worthy competition; you have nothing to do here.

GEMBEL- a major nuisance.

GESHEFT- a deal. If this word is used outside Odessa, it is exclusively in a negative sense.

ANTHEM OF IMPOTENTS- "International". Its first line: "Arise, branded with a curse." At one time G.I. was included in the repertoire of absolutely all veteran choirs, and even today it is performed mainly by elderly people.

BOLD- a massive gold ring.

GONYF- a bandit.

Typically Odessa look. Photo: informodessa.com

GIVE THE DOOLI TO THE GUYS- a favorite pastime of those who do not know how to do anything more worthwhile.

TWO NUCKLES IN THREE ROWS- a couple of idiots, equal to whom in idiocy in the world can not be found.

MAKE A PREGNANT HEAD- scandal-delegate to someone part of their problems.

MAKE FUEL- regularly act on the nerves of others with incorrect behavior from their point of view.

WOODEN MACINTOSH- coffin. An older expression is a wooden pea jacket.

HOLD MAZE- to observe someone's interests; protect.

DOLPHIN- a phenomenon often referred to as "snowdrop" in colder climates. A - a corpse, accidentally found in the water or floated up of its own accord.

BEFORE SHOOT KARI OCHI- an expression of absolute indifference.

JEWISH STREET- the street on which the KGB building is located, now the SBU.

WAIT FOR A KNOCK ON THE DOOR- take a lot of risk.

ZAMANUKHIS- a tempting offer (promise), the authenticity of which is difficult to doubt.

3УXTEP- informant; sexot; snitch.

GO THROW YOUR HEAD IN THE MANURE!- one of the most powerful insults. Translated into Russian it means: "It's time for you to return to where you come from, for there is nothing to do in this city like you."

HAVE- the most common term in the Odessa language. In colloquial speech, it should be used very carefully, since often the word I. is synonymous with the overly concretized concept of "live".

FRAME- the male; an individual who can be hooked up.

KENT- a person who observes the laws of thieves; a man in the prime of his strength and potential.

Throw an eyebrow on the forehead- be surprised.


SAUSAGE CIRCUITS- the expression is used when someone is accused of incompetence.

KOSHER- interesting; great; beautiful. Odessa is the only place in the world where you can buy kosher bacon.

BTW, ABOUT BIRDS- by the way, about anything except birds.

CATCH MY EARS- listen to me very carefully.

LIKE- grin.

RASPBERRIES- a place where people who conflict with the law gather or hide.

Bright courtyard. Photo: informodessa.com

LITTLE- the expression is often used when it is impossible to accurately determine the degree of the patient with the Odessa diagnosis. From M. originates the expression "MOLOHOL" - a little cold with a pale appearance.

MANECHKA- strange behavior. The expression came to life because of the demeanor of a certain Mani by the name of Zaskok. Her manner of shooting at the ceiling during the raid, in the complete absence of such a production need, gave rise to such an expression.

UTERUS- homemade nautical compass.

Mentality- regional department.

I HAVE BEEN IMMEDIATED TO LEAVE TO THE SORTING- I urgently need to go to the toilet. Sortirovochnaya is a large railway station near Odessa.

YOUNG MAN- appeal to a man of any age.

FISHING. In other settlements, husbands walk to the left to the best of their ability, Odessans only go fishing. By the way, a fishing rod in the slang of local fishermen is called a stick or a rod.

Nakhys- happiness.

NOT A FOUNTAIN- one of the most common Odessa terms in other languages. In contrast, in the language that gave rise to this term, the word Fountain is still capitalized. In ancient times, Odessa, like today, experienced an acute shortage of good drinking water.

The water from the Fontana was considered the best in those days, as one of the city's districts is called to this day. Very often, the binyuzhniki, who delivered drinking water in barrels, took it where necessary, but at the same time advertised that the water was delivered from the Fountain itself. The townspeople, tasting such water, shook their heads and said: "No, this is not a Fountain."

Since then, the phrase "not a Fountain" has gone beyond Odessa as a synonym for counterfeiting, low-quality goods, and in the city itself the quality of drinking water has become such that that old not Fountain today would pass for happiness.

TEA STICK- Cup of coffee. When inviting gentlemen to visit, ladies usually ask the question: "Will you come to my place for a cup of coffee?" True gentlemen, even intolerant of this drink, striving to please the lady, go to her exclusively for a stick of tea.

IRRIGATION FIELDS- a branch of the "dolphinarium", which is in special demand after the next disassembly, including for spare parts. The habitat of dolphins, in the category of which those who have been in the cemetery for a couple of years are often credited as truancy.

Slobodka- a synonym for an insane asylum located in this area of ​​the city.

DIED-SHMUMER, ONLY WOULD BE HEALTHY!- Please accept my deepest condolences.

KHALOYMYS- nonsense; poor quality product.

HIPES- robbery with the help of a beautiful woman of the easiest behavior.

Tsirly- fingers.

SHA!- Attention! quiet! be silent! One of the first private shops opened in Odessa at the beginning of the last decade of the twentieth century was called "Arkasha-SHA!"

SCHOOL- pampering with not very pleasant consequences for everyone.


SHOBLO- company.

NOW!- hold your pocket wider; you will wait a long time.

EXPRESSIONISM is an outdated concept. That was the name of the express "Odessa - Moscow", full of Zionists who were leaving their historical homeland forever, that is, the city where the founder of Zionism V. Zhabotinsky was born.

Odessa dialect and expressions are a unique phenomenon, formed under the influence of centuries-old history and different nationalities. Today the language, jokes and phrases of this region go far beyond the city limits. So in this article we will try to better understand and get to know these amazing and wonderful people - Odessa citizens.

Mix of cultures

In the south of wide Ukraine, near the shores of the beautiful Black Sea, the amazing Odessa is spread. This is a city, the hallmark of which are the 192 steps of the Primorsky Boulevard ensemble, the graceful monument to de Richelieu, the Privoz market and other architectural landmarks. But the real gem of the region is its sympathetic and good-natured people.

A strange and very colorful people live in this region. He is distinguished from other southerners by the breadth of his soul and the unobtrusive that is present in their language.

Odessa expressions, which are also called jargon, arose due to a mixture of peoples living in this territory. The 1790-1820s are considered the beginning of the formation of speech. Then, Ukrainians and Russians migrated en masse to these territories, where the indigenous inhabitants were Turks, Greeks and Italians. Subsequently, Poles and French migrated here. The Jewish diaspora especially strongly influenced the language and traditions of the city.

Independent flow

The city was and remains to this day the homeland of various ethnic groups, each of which had a significant impact on the formation of Odessa.

There is evidence that in the early 1930s the ethnic composition had the following figures: almost 40% - Russians, 37% - Jews, 18% - Ukrainians, then other nationalities. After emigration, the collapse and transformation of borders, the percentages changed, but there are still residents in the city who speak all languages.

There are even special linguistic groups studying spontaneous Odessa humor and language. Many scholars distinguish the dialect as a separate and independent movement. The writers also studied and repeatedly turned to a special dialect. In particular, a collection of stories by Isaac Babel is a real treasure of the living dialect. You can often hear amazing words in the movies.

New projects

Recently, the series "Liquidation" appeared on television screens. The plot tells about the post-war period. The main characters are fighting bandit formations. But most of all, the audience was struck by the fact that the actors reproduced the unique Odessa jargon. Replicas and dialogues were heard, full of jokes inherent only in this city. In order to recreate the events of 1946 as much as possible, the film was filmed in one of the most popular historical districts of the city, in Moldavanka.

Before writing the script, the author Aleksey Poyarkov lived in Odessa for several months. In addition to the fact that the person worked with literature, he traveled by public transport, went to Privoz and just talked with ordinary residents. Thus, the screenwriter tried to get to know the unique dialect as closely as possible.

The actors did not waste their time either. A linguist helped the artists adopt intonation. Some of them also had long conversations with the local population.

Pearls cinema

The series was not without colorful Odessa expressions. For example, one of the main characters - Fima - has answers to any questions. He is one of the most beloved characters in the audience. He owns the funniest jokes. In particular, in one scene, a man tells a friend that he is not a window in the women's bath and he does not need holes. He also used the famous phrase: "You want to do me badly." Odessa expressions of other characters are no less funny for the viewer. For example, I used the now popular phrase: "Don't make me nervous."

The series again popularized the unusual dialect. This language was also encountered in such projects as "The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik". It should be noted that the script was written based on the works of the same Isaac Babel. The success of these projects is largely due to the unique humor that the public loves so much.

Favorite melody

Often, slang songs are used in films, which subsequently exist independently of the cinema. This happened with the composition that sounded in the film "Two Soldiers". One of the main characters, a southerner by birth, sings "Scows full of mullets." Today, few people know the plot of the tape, but almost everyone knows the melody, text and Odessa expressions of this song.

The history of this work is interesting. The director of the film asked the musician to write a composition for one of the scenes. The author did not work long and compiled his masterpiece "Dark Night". But events developed in such a way that the melody became popular even before the film adaptation. Therefore, the composer was forced to create again. This time, the director asked to write a song where the living language will be used. For a native Leningrader who was unfamiliar with the folklore of this city, the task seemed unrealistic.

Interpretation of the text

But the author was creative in his work. He posted an ad in the newspaper asking those who are familiar with Odessa jargon to come to the film studio. The composer did not expect such an abundance of people. For several days the man wrote down everything that the guests sang and said. So he soon composed a completely independent work.

Subsequently, the authorities reprimanded the maestro, since, in the party's opinion, the song did not correspond to the image of the hero who performed it. But the people were delighted with the composition.

Those who have ever heard this melody will be interested to know what this or that word means. For example, a scow and a longboat are a boat with sails and a self-propelled vessel. Mullet is a type of fish. Bindyuzhniki - people who work as loaders in the port. And "Kazbek" is a brand of cigarettes. Famous districts of the city such as Fontan, French Boulevard, Moldavanka, Peresyp are also mentioned in the song.

Odessa expressions and intonation are the soul of this composition.

Simple and intelligent world

A separate topic is anecdotes. The humor of this region has been popular at all times. Funny, light and interesting stories fascinate many. But in order to understand dialect, subtle sarcasm or irony, you need at least know Ukrainian or Russian speech. Native Southerner conversations are a mixture of different dialects. Phrases and concepts are mixed, so many words have arisen from the combination of different languages. For example, such a common phrase for Odessans as "And what do you think to yourself" refers to Ukrainianism.

In addition to the fact that a person must be a polyglot, one must also have a sense of humor and be intellectually developed. The turnover is often unpredictable and illogical. Their essence is hidden in concepts. You never know how not only the conversation will end, but the proposal of the Odessa citizen.

It should be noted that native speakers themselves do not notice anything special or funny in their dialogues. What is ordinary conversation for them is a real holiday for the guests of the city.

Odessa expressions and phrases are pouring from the screen today. This region has presented dozens of famous comedians to the domestic show business.

Dictionary dialog

One of the most popular satirists of our time - His works ridicule the shortcomings of an individual and society as a whole. The man spent his childhood and youth in Odessa. Here he wrote his first works. Today the whole world understands them. Despite the fact that the satirist has been touring for years, he has not lost his native accent and sense of humor. The language of this author is simple and accessible, but a dictionary is often needed for other expressions.

For example, the phrase “I have a couple of questions to ask” is translated as “I have several questions for you”. The word "me" should be understood as "me". But most of the turns depend on intonation, and you can understand their essence only in dialogue.

But there are proposals that are absolutely incomprehensible to the visitor of the city. These include words such as "shlimazl" (translated from Yiddish as "unlucky person") or "in a crowd" (from Greek - "crowd"). Odessa expressions and phrases with such words are often unfamiliar even to the inhabitants of the region.

Even Mikhail Zhvanetsky himself noted that this people speaks every language incorrectly.

Best Shows

Many other comedians and musicians have popularized the dialect. Leonid Utyosov more than once used unusual phrases and words in his songs. This was done by both Arkady Raikin and Klara Novikova.

There was also a speech at the games of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. The Odessa Gentlemen team even managed to win prizes. Subsequently, the young people organized their own show, which was very popular. There, the viewer could hear both old humoresques, for example: “Shob vi lived as you are poor,” and new anecdotes.

Even now, speech goes beyond the territory of the region. The unique dialect is famous for the company of young and promising southerners. "Odessa Mans" started their career in 2011. With light and warm jokes, the team immediately won the love of the public. One of the main tasks that the guys set for themselves was to please their hometown, the viewer, which is very demanding on the remarks about Privoz and Duke. Very soon the team got into the Higher League of KVN.

Element of the company

The name "mansy" is also purely Odessa. The team members never gave a precise interpretation of the word. In general, it means a strange situation, incomprehensible to others. Therefore, from the residents of the city you can often hear the phrase: "Shaw is this for Mans?"

The captain usually begins the performance with a greeting: "Well, hello, dear audience." The show ends with the words "Schaub, you were healthy for us." It should be noted that for television works the guy uses the name Kostya, most likely in honor of the hero of the Bogoslovsky composition.

The team perfectly represents their city at various competitions and festivals. The visiting card of a cheerful company, of course, is the accent on "sho" typical for the city.

Odessa humor is their element. The team successfully copes with the main task - to organize high-quality and interesting performances.

Dream edge

Many people go to the resort town not only because of the beautiful architecture and the warm sea. Most of the guests want to get acquainted with an unusual color, dive into another world. Even the residents of Odessa themselves note that they live in a multinational small country.

Every visitor wants to be convinced if it is true that residents always answer a question with a question. For example, the following dialogue is quite possible:

Sarochka, are you happy?

Do I have a choice?

Most of the anecdotes are based on real events. Therefore, it is not surprising why everyone tries, if not to enter into a conversation with an Odessite, then at least to overhear how he communicates with others. The phrase is invaluable: "Schaub, I lived the way you are glad to me." And apparently every visitor to the city wants to come to the famous "Privoz", go to the seller and ask: "Can you tell me how much it costs?" And in response to hear: “Why won't I tell you ?! Have we really quarreled? "

Nowadays, the characteristic phrases are being supplanted by the literary Russian and Ukrainian languages. Today the main task is to preserve the unique Odessa dialect and expressions. After all, in no other city you will hear so much good-natured humor!

Ah, Odessa

For a wonderful dictionary - thanks to Ela Myers (I don't know who the author is, but I found it from her)

Yes!(as a statement), Taki yes ?, Taki yes!(as negation) - a universal phrase, the meaning depends on the intonation of pronunciation
Let me pass! - Let the steam go!
(by the way, a well-known trick to pass through the crowd hysterically screaming: "be careful with boiling water" or something like that
Not the same - Two big differences
Watch out! - Legs!!!
Note! - Moment!
Take it please - Here you are!
Sad facial expression - Lemon muzzle
Drunk - Gassed
Knife - Rezhik)) (I like it the most)
Well, you turned the price down !!! - Won't you vomit?
Is free - On the ball
Expression of surprise - " Hello to you! "
Don't consider me a sucker - Do not hold me for a fraer!
Shut up! - Breathe through your nose!
Disagree - "Why yes?"
Stop doing that! - Finish these things for me !!!
You weren't in line! - You weren’t standing here!
Stop telling me! - Get off the wheel !!!
I am a participant in the Orange Revolution - I was on the Maidan
What do I have to do with this?! - No need to beat questions to mine!
Yes, I won't even budge! - Right now, I will stroke only the laces on the slippers !!!
I'm a little tired of you - I just start to like you!
Stop talking! - Close your mouth, the seals will fly out!
Sorry! - I apologize wildly!
Taxi - Headlight
Zaporozhets - Charlick
Customer - A patient
Listen - Hear here!
Problem - Gambel
How much is - Loads of money?
I do not understand! - At least shoot me in the head!
Microphone - Matyugalnik
Are you the smartest to climb forward of all ?! - Make way, sea, shit floats
What's the matter? - And what is it?
Holy simplicity - Blue naive

A is the first letter of the alphabet, which often becomes the last in Odessa ...
Bora, get out of the pestilence! (I mean, from the sea)
Also, the letter<<А>> often begins phrases with a negative connotation.
Ah, the weather! (bad)
HOOT IS NOT GOOD? -<<Больше ты ничего не хочешь?>>
And SHO is the most convincing argument in the dispute.
ADIOT is an idiot, short form is ADYA.
And ITZIN'S TRACTOR - she imagined.
ANTON (aka APPARATUS) is a male reproductive organ.
ARTEL<<НАПРАСНЫЙ ТРУД>> - the work performed by the team of Sisyphus.

BANANA (same as Anton see)
BANAN VAM - a delicate form of expression<<Банан тебе в грызло>>
PREGNANT HEAD - Swollen from unnecessary conversations.
TAKE AN EXAMPLE FOR ME - instruction.
BLADS - not what you thought, but 1) dance evening; 2) date.

YOU WERE NOT STANDING HERE - a polite warning of a possible conflict.
SEA VIEW AND BACK - depends on intonation: either bad or good.
VITAMIN DE - money
VITAMIN CE - products: salce, pivce, vinse, meat, etc.
TAKE EYES IN HANDS - look more closely.
GIVE ALL - THE BED WILL BREAK - a saying, like<<самому мало>>.
Torn out YEARS - chores.

GAVRIK is a subordinate.
GAZ-URAGAN - the strongest intoxication.
HELEMTER-YOUNG - clumsy, whose hands do not grow from there ...
GESHEFT - a deal, a deal. GESHEFTMAKHER is a businessman.
GEC is a hot-tempered person.

YES - with Odessa intonation, rather not.
TWO NUCKLES IN THREE ROWS - a couple of idiots who are not equal in idiocy
TWO RUBLES? YOU WANT WELL! - a dispute in the bazaar.
MAKING ANYONE FUN is causing trouble.
DOLPHIN is a corpse found at sea.
BEFORE SHOOT KARI OCHI - complete indifference.

JEWISH HAPPINESS is the opposite of happiness.
Hedgehog, SAME F - the same.
RIDE - the traditional readiness of Odessa citizens.

ZAY A MENSH -<<будь человеком>> (Spanish -<<будьте любезны>>, <<прошу Вас>>)
SILENCE YOUR MOUTH - stop talking.
LEAVE - Borrow.

FROM -<<из>>, but maybe<<с>>…
OR - otherwise!
HAD HAVE - a delicate form of mat.
YOKALAMENE - among cultured people it is used when you want to say
specific words, but you have to be content with only individual letters.

KABYZDOH is a popular nickname for pets.
EVERYONE - anyone.
HOW DO YOU LIKE IT - what do you say to that?
JUST THAT CASE - you will wait a long time.
SAUSAGE TRIMS - a reproach for professional unsuitability.
RUN CIRCLE - in the end.
TO TURN THE BUTTONS - to be headstrong.

LEMON MOUTH - sour mine.
CATCH GAV - yawn.
PEOPLE! - a cry from the heart, designed for everyone.

BENIN'S MOTHER is a hospitable woman who can accept and warm everyone
they send to her.
DEAD BJOLI DO NOT FOOT - equiv.<<тяжелое алкогольное опьянение 3-й тяжести>>
the state.
YOUNG MAN - an appeal to a man between the ages of 18 and 70.

ON MEDICINES - a threat.
FOR A MINUTE -<<ничего себе!>>
OUR MAN is a Jew.
DO NOT THROW EYEBROWS ON THE BROWN! - do not be surprised.
DON'T SEE TICKETS! - pay the fare.
DO NOT COLLECT INTO COMPOTE - THE TOMATOES WILL SURROUND - don’t dig a hole for another, you’ll fail yourself.
WELL! -<<и вы мне еще об этом рассказываете?>>

O! - one of the most Odessa words, can include almost any
feeling and experience.
WHAT WE SEE ABOUT is the result of life observations.
OYTS is a tragedy in life.
OTSYM-POTSYM (OTsN-POTSN) - inappropriate, all of a sudden. Expression indicating
extreme annoyance.
OTSYM-POTSYM, TWENTY-EIGHT - the next, stronger degree otsym-potsym.

STOP SAYING - and don't say; don't be silly.
UNDER IT THE FLOOR RISES UP - he can barely keep on his feet.
LOST (AYA) - a rude curse.

WORKING FOR A UNITAZ is a job, the earnings from which are only enough for food.
To smear porridge - to say a lot in vain.
CRANKS - shrimps.
ROGOMET is a native of the village.

SAM is one.
FREE EARS - a grateful listener.
SIT-RIDE - approximately,<<расслабься, и не мешай серьезным людям заниматься
business! >>
TITS AND PITS - Meat pies or pasties, for the manufacture of which
minced meat was used from beef selected for these purposes.
SLIP THE WATER! - stop unnecessary conversation.
SPECIALIST - a portch.
ASKED QUESTION - the question arises.
AMONG HERE - in this place. Opposite. - AMONG THERE.

SO ON SO - for no reason.
TAKI is an amplifying particle.
GOODS TO THE HOME - return things.
VICK ON NERVES - pronounce.
THIRD TOAST - trad.<<за тех, кто в море>>.

KILL WITH A BROOM! - pleasant surprise.
ALREADY OR STILL - a traditional question in the bazaar means: you have already dropped the price,
it is taken into account that the day is ending, or the product costs the same as
in the morning.

FITTING MONEY - wasting.
A pound of raisins is a unique measure of measurement.

HA - you will tell me.
COLD PHOTOGRAPHER - taking pictures in the street.
GOOD LITERATE - smart, business-like.
GOOD WANT - To desire too much.

CENTRAL LAUNDRY - there you can send any complaint, bypassing the authorities
structures, the result is the same.
CIRCUS - funny on the one hand, and sad on the other.

THROUGH WHY - because of what?
WHAT WILL I HAVE WITH IT? - the main question of philosophy.
WHAT YOU KNOW - hack into your nose.
FOR YOU TO DIE - a universal Odessa wish.
SO YES, SO NO - not really.

SHA! - quiet!
SHAMIL TO CATCH - to drink to the squirrel.
SHANETS - a chance, but a small one.
IS THIS? - what is the noise, but there is no fight?
NECK WASHED - readiness No.1.
SHOB I KNEW AS I DON'T KNOW - I have no idea.

NOW! -<<разбежался!>>…

Y is a letter that many Odessans cannot pronounce.

EXPRESSIONISM - express train Odessa-Moscow, on which<<сионисты>> went to
the capital of Russia to fly from there to Israel.
a big man, but in Odessa ...

I PLEASE YOU - 1) do not worry; 2) there would be something to talk about (iron.)
I COUNTED YOU - I learned everything about you
I KNOW? - I find it difficult to answer.

Odessa is the capital of a rather peculiar humor. Odessa is saturated with emotions and charm of its inhabitants. The main language of the inhabitants of Odessa is Russian. But this Russian is unusual, it is quite colorful and intricate, it is also called "Odessa jargon". There are many cool phrases and expressions in Odessa speech. Odessa humor always causes only admiration and delight among visitors!

In a completely incomprehensible way, the inhabitants of Odessa construct funny expressions and phrases. Funny Odessa expressions and funny phrases are known far beyond its borders.

The existing Odessa speech, as we see it today, appeared many years ago. This happened due to the cohabitation of many nationalities. Thanks to this, the "Odessa language" appeared, and with it the Odessa humor. You can listen to such a language for hours, discovering new Odessa words, cool phrases and expressions about Odessa!

Odessa dialect and funny jokes about Odessa

Let's remember the great Odessa comedians Zhvanetsky, Kartsev and Ilyichenko. With their Odessa dialect, jokes and jokes about Odessa, they conquered the whole country. Many listened to their jokes and jokes about Odessa with bated breath.

You can fully understand such a unique gift of Odessa residents only after visiting Odessa and hearing jokes and jokes from Odessa residents. Only after hearing the unique Odessa dialect, Odessa jokes and jokes, it is possible to feel the real atmosphere of Odessa.

Odessa jokes and gags are born completely spontaneously on the famous "Privoz", old Odessa streets, in everyday life, but anywhere! Real Odessans know laughter better than others.

Funny Odessa and jokes from the life of the city, show the whole essence of Odessa speech and imagery of thoughts of Odessa citizens. Jokes and jokes of Odessa are an integral part of a little strange, but at the same time accessible and understandable to everyone Odessa speech.

If for Odessans such a language and manner of communication is the norm, for visitors the jokes and gags of Odessa are a treasure of Odessa charm and subtle humor. Listening to and admiring the Odessa dialect, jokes and gags of Odessa is undoubtedly a rare pleasure!

Jokes, funny phrases and funny expressions of Odessa

Odessa is a truly unique city and Odessa humor is proof of this. In which city in the world can you still hear something like this:

  • So will you buy or will I forget you forever ?!
  • Oh, no need to persuade me, I will agree anyway!
  • Well, you lived as you are poor!
  • Shaw are you making eyes at me? - And sho, should I build a cooperative for you?
  • Senya, don't run so fast, otherwise, God forbid, you will catch up with your heart attack.
  • Schaub I saw you on one leg, and you me with one eye!
  • Let's go visit each other. You are at our name day, and we are at your funeral!
  • Thank God, are you leaving or are you staying, God forbid?
  • Is it true that you are marrying your Simochka? -Of course, we give out ... a little bit
  • Senya, eat borscht, you're dead, you have to get better !!!
  • You drive mom into the coffin and even deeper!
  • Sarochka is not about you and turn off the radio altogether ...
  • Do you need to go to Deribasovskaya? And you yourself will be from somewhere, not from Mariupol, it's a pity, it's somewhere over there or over there, go wherever you want, gradually you will find where she will go!
  • Where is this boy's crazy mother? He is still here, she - no one knows where, but he will grow up and leave, and where can she return all this to her?
  • Are you sick? - Why? - So the dentist Schwartz left you in the morning. - Oh, my God, you look at her, Colonel Kumanovich leaves you in a day, so tomorrow is the war ?!

The peculiarities of the Odessa dialect are known almost all over the world. Even those who have never been to Odessa know funny Odessa phrases and expressions. Odessans often love for the holidays. Many cool phrases and expressions of Odessa became winged. Odessans carefully preserve their culture of life, betraying the famous cool expressions and phrases of Odessa from generation to generation. Sometimes one gets the impression that the inhabitants of Odessa have a completely different, peculiar way of thinking.