How to master magic in real life. Earth magic rituals

Why is fire magic important?

Fire is one of the basic elements that is present in all philosophical and magical systems. It permeates literally the entire Universe, and even life itself can be considered as some form of it - even those scientists who completely deny the very possibility of the existence of any magic absolutely agree with this.

But such knowledge is older than any exact science, and it contains the vast experience of tens of thousands of generations of people. And powerful magicians, possessing secret knowledge, could always influence not only human destinies, but even the forces of nature itself.

If you have thought once in your life, how to learn the magic of fire, and you are interested in this topic - you have come to the right place.

How to learn fire magic? Can you learn to control the elements?

Fire has a surprisingly powerful attractive force, and very many of those who are just starting to master the basics of this business ask themselves the desired question. But then a counter question immediately arises - is it necessary to rush? After all, this art is an amazingly beautiful science, comprehending which each person can better understand, first of all, himself. It is an incomparable pleasure. And understanding the question "How to learn the magic of fire" and how to manage this element will come gradually, and will remain with you forever.

Do I need to study fire magic?

It is necessary, but not for everyone. This question is closely related to another, no less important - "is the study of this direction suitable for me, or should I give preference to another element?" Indeed, it can be very difficult for beginners to make a choice. This task is difficult in itself, in addition, the opinions of various skeptics complicate the situation. But our school provides auxiliary consultations, during which all doubts are resolved, and the correct choice of the element or several elements at once is carried out. We can say that these consultations serve as the Sorting Hat from the world of Harry Potter, which determined which of the Hogwarts faculties each of the recruits should be sent to.

How to learn to control fire magic?

It should be said right away that there is no simple answer to this question. This species has the highest activity, and in order to understand its nature, you need the will to win, concentration and perseverance. But the reward will be really amazing. After all, one of the main areas of this direction is, as you might guess, love and sexuality. It takes no effort to learn how to put things in order in these areas. Video lessons and face-to-face consultations will help in this matter, explaining all aspects in as much detail and clear as possible, starting from the very basics.

How to learn fire magic at home?

Homework can also be helpful in mastering fire magic. To do this, you will definitely need a source of fire - a fire, a fireplace, or at least a candle.

During independent studies, you will have to peer into the flame for a long time (at least half an hour every day) and try to delve into its nature, imagine how it penetrates into your own essence and merges with it. The fact that you are making progress will be evidenced by the developing ability to guess how the flame will behave in the next second: what its brightness and color will be, where the fiery tongues will be directed, what form they will have, etc. Having mastered just the basics of the topic “magic fire training at home ”, you will get the opportunity to ask the candle questions, and she will answer them.

But you shouldn't get too carried away with independent studies without an experienced leader, and here's why. Each person has deep wells in his soul, where hidden passions and forbidden desires are hidden. This type of magic is the element of passion, it will try to get to the secret places of your soul (the existence of which, most likely, you yourself do not even suspect), and start a real fire - after all, this is its nature. When a person is engaged with a mentor, then this hidden energy will be transformed into a creative one, with the help of which you can even better master the magic of fire. But with independent studies, you are left with fire one on one.

You should immediately give a friendly advice: if during intensive independent studies (without a leader) you suddenly began to feel anxiety, or you have completely unusual and obsessive desires, this means that the “flame” is trying to take over you. In this case, a consultation with a professional magician on the topic “how to use fire magic truly training” becomes simply necessary.

How to learn the magic of fire - you can learn at our school

This exciting and dangerous art is best practiced with experienced teachers. In our school you can find out how to learn fire magic beginners, and comprehend this wonderful science, starting from the basics, ending with the heights of this skill.

Lessons can be held both face-to-face and remotely - their effectiveness is the same. Check out the distance course Fire Magic.

Well. Fire Magic. The basics

2 semester 4 courses of the main program

A course on the basics of Fire Magic. Particular attention is paid to elemental summoning technologies.

  • The concept of the element of Fire. The element of Fire and the energy parameter of the world.
  • Displacement into the element of Fire in the qualities of the channels of the lower astral.
  • General technology of displacement into the element of Fire. The way of working with energies.
  • Clan of Fire Mages. The main work of the mages of the clan. Energy interactions.
  • Deuce of Fire. The ability to see energies.
  • Three of Fire. Energy management capability.
  • Four of Fire. Arbitrary work with energies.
  • Five of Fire. Contact with objects of the boundary Universe of Fire. Fire Elementals, energy concentrators.
  • Six of Fire. Passing the border of the world.
  • Creation of a portal of Fire as an inexhaustible source of energy.
  • Using the source of Fire.
  • Seven of Fire. Mastering the source of Fire. Create energy management spells.
  • Eight of Fire. Fixing the power of the Elements in artifacts. Creation of the sword of Fire.
  • Using an inexhaustible source of energy in complex artifacts.
  • Create golems.
  • Nine of Fire. Immersion of consciousness in the Element.
  • Ten of Fire. The process of ascension by Fire.
  • The concept of Jacks, Knights, Ladies, Kings and Aces of Fire.

The duration of the course is 3 lessons, 2 hours each. A total of 6 hours of targeted information on all the details of fire magic. Video / Audio format. These materials are from the correspondence department program.

Every person has hidden supernatural abilities. They are sometimes called psychic. It is easier for someone to develop them, for someone it is more difficult. If there is a desire to do magic, then first of all you need to study the theory of the subject. Understand that this is a long and hard work that requires complete self-denial. We must learn to believe in ourselves, in the success of our desires and actions. Without such faith, it’s not even worth starting. The second aspect is the power of thought. The magician must be able to create in his imagination what he wants to achieve and, apart from his goal, no longer feel anything in the world. The very performance of the ceremony is a set of memorized actions and rituals. The main thing is imagination, concentration and sending energy. But the magician is a dangerous and insidious business and one must be very careful with it. And the question is not how to master magic, but - why, why and why it is needed.

But if a person is confident in his mind, strength and abilities, you can start studying literature. Magic is of different kinds. There are healers, battle mages, elemental mages. It is necessary to understand for yourself which species the student needs. First, meditations are conducted that teach contemplation, concentration of thought, observation and intuition. If the direction has already been chosen, then most of all you need to work in the area you like. Water is a strange entity. Experienced magicians are often asked by adepts: how to master the magic of water at home? There are many conspiracies associated with water in old healer books. If the student can already visualize the desire and make an energetic message, then it is enough to read the required conspiracy to do everything right. all people came out of the water and it is much easier to contact with it than, for example, with fire.

Every person who wants to become a magician must develop witchcraft will and strength. A very good exercise for this is observing a burning candle. This is done at a time when the observer will not be distracted. You need to focus on the flame of the candle, look at it without blinking and convince yourself that there is nothing in the world except this little fire now. Mastering magic begins with a similar concentration of attention. Subsequently, you can focus on any small subject. After that, attention is transferred to moving and living objects. This is already more difficult. You need to imagine everything that is inside the object. If it is an animal or a person - internal organs. car - location of engine parts. As a result, the student must learn to focus his attention instantly. The next step is to create certain emotions. Feeling of rage, joy, peace of your own accord. This is also necessary for witchcraft.

When a person begins to seriously master the basics of magic and is sure that he wants to know more than the books give him, inevitably there will be a Teacher. At first glance, this will happen by accident, but in such cases there are no coincidences. It may also be possible to attend magic schools. At this stage, a novice wizard needs a mentor, otherwise he may break into madness, consider himself omnipotent and do a lot of mischief. Of course, you can run into a charlatan, who is primarily interested in tuition fees for several tricks. But one who has already learned concentration can easily feel the falsehood and refuse the services of a false guru in time. The real Teacher will guide you on the true path and will conduct initiation in full accordance with the laws of magic. A good mentor is hard to find, but sooner or later one will be found.

Sometimes people come to magic because of despair, when everything in life is so bad that at least climb the wall. True, in such a situation it is better not to try to conjure yourself. It is more effective to turn to an experienced magician. Now more and more often in the media they write and talk about various occult sciences, secret knowledge. The future belongs not to those people who have money and power, but to those who can master their hidden abilities. There is such a thing as esotericism. This is a collection of all areas of magic, as well as hypnosis, psychology, religion. In principle, occult studies allow a person to know his inner world, and through it - his abilities. Then, by studying magic and occultism more deeply, the adept will be able to influence nature, the actions of other people. It will be able to protect itself from negative influences.

Magic is not as terrible as many people think of it. In fact, it is just the ability to manage energy. And in what direction you direct it, and for what purposes - your business. And on your conscience. Practical magic for domestic and medical purposes, which does no harm to anyone, should not cause bewilderment or rejection. Unless, of course, this is contrary to your religious preferences. Let's find out how to learn magic on your own.

What a practitioner needs to be able to do

So, let's take a look at everything that is needed for magic in order:

  1. Concentration. For such cases, you need to be able to focus on something for a sufficiently long time, without being distracted by extraneous external influences and your own thoughts. This requires patience.
  2. Visualization. Yes, a good magician has a good imagination! There is no way without imagination in this matter. Otherwise, how to present in all details the desired result of your actions?
  3. Belief in the result. If you don't seriously believe what you are trying to do, it will either fail, or the result may be the opposite. Or generally unpredictable. Decided to do magic - do it seriously.

How to master white magic

No training is complete without books. For any such case, appropriate literature is needed. The conspiracies found on the Internet are not always correct, and some of them are generally amateurish. Having done even one ritual wrong, you can turn everything upside down and ruin it. And why should it be wrong to study in the first place?

To do everything right, be sure to purchase books. But buying everything would also be strange. Ask for advice from someone you trust in this matter. As a last resort, look through what is in the store and choose the best option.

Do not take books with titles like "How You Can Master Magic for Dummies" - this is clearly not written by a professional. Such publications will be no better than online advice. Another point: at the time when you have already chosen the ritual, be sure to prepare everything for it in advance, so that it is at hand, and do everything strictly according to the instructions, not leaving a half step aside. In magic, every little thing matters.

How to master black magic

Everyone, of course, has his own reasons why this is necessary and everyone will justify this by the importance of circumstances. However, remember: for any wrong action, everything can turn out to be deplorable for the magician. And there will always be retribution for their actions. Often black magicians pay with their health or personal life for the opportunity to dispose of dark forces.

It is important not to forget that black magic is not only energy management, it is also help from creatures with negative energy, who can take away human strength, if not "clean up" after themselves.

Do you want to turn your apartment into a burial ground, where it will be uncomfortable to live, scared to sleep, and your health will fade away? Then, before practice, firmly study the theory and make sure that you remember everything correctly, get advice from an experienced magician.

Is it possible to become a magician on your own?

So is it possible to learn all this yourself, without teachers and a secret power transmitted from a great-grandmother? Can. Everyone has the power, the main thing is to be able to wake it up and begin to skillfully use it. And knowledge is generally available to everyone. It already depends on perseverance, willpower and the degree of interest that makes you move on in this direction, without giving up halfway. What every magician needs, be it white or black:

  • Knowledge, literature. As we have already found out, without the right actions, not only will it fail, but magic can also bring harm.
  • Conspiracies, rituals. You can't think of them out of your head - you need to find out somewhere, and the sources must be verified.
  • Attributes. What a magician without paraphernalia? It's like an artist without brushes and paints. Pick up what attracts you. Consider your zodiac sign when choosing, personal preferences, the direction of magic.
  • Amulets. If you do not want to receive "kickbacks" from your rituals and pay large fees for small achievements using magical actions, as well as become the target of other magicians who consider you a competitor, be sure to get as many powerful amulets as possible and perform rituals to protect your home ... For the sake of such a business, you can make a long trip and spend money. This is a very important point. The fact that you become a magician does not mean your invulnerability, rather the opposite. Especially dark magicians need to take care of protection in advance, so that instead of helping from the dark forces, they do not give them everything at once.

In general, the best way to learn magic is to find yourself a good, experienced teacher. To do this, you need to plunge into the atmosphere of magic, go to relevant seminars, attend master classes, travel to different sacred places where people of such a circle often gather, and look for a society of their own kind.

Remember, finding a gift in yourself and not using it can hurt yourself even more. Try to feel with all your heart what kind of magic the soul lies with.

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Magic contains a large-scale human wisdom, which has been obtained empirically for more than one thousand years. Even in ancient times, there were magicians, sorcerers and wizards who used various ceremonies and rituals to influence the fate of people and natural phenomena.

What it is?

Nature itself was actively involved in all magical processes and even controls some of them. There is a whole section of magic called elemental magic. According to the provisions of this magic, our entire world consists of a combination of elements - Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Spirit.

Magic must study their interaction with each other and the influence on human destiny in order to know how to apply them for their practical purposes.

The magic of the elements is capable not only of changing weather conditions - causing rain, wind, managing thunderstorms, etc., it can help humanity in solving personal problems. Today, this type of magic is used to energetically cleanse fields, charge amulets and talismans for good luck, attract business success, engage in healing, and much more.

Can the elements be controlled?

Many novice magicians ask themselves the question: "How to master the magic of the elements?" In fact, every person living on our planet is a form of combination of the four main elements - earth, air, water, fire. All non-material objects and natural phenomena also, to one degree or another, are composed of elements. In order to learn how to control the element, you need to understand it well, you need to concentrate on it, highlight its main properties and draw parallels with yourself.

First you need to coordinate these properties in yourself and learn how to control them, and then proceed to magical rituals associated with the elements. First, you need to go through meditation practice in order to learn how to clearly visualize the necessary phenomena. To do this, put your arms outstretched in front of you in your palms, unclench your palms a little and imagine that you are holding a ball between us. The color of the ball will depend on the choice of the element:

  • Element Air - blue color.
  • Element Earth - brown.
  • Element Fire - orange color.
  • Element Water - blue color.

Gradually join your palms and let in everything that is contained in this ball. The moment the palms touch each other, take a deep breath. In parallel with this, imagine the situation that you planned to influence.

Management of different elements must be constantly developed. Start with this little practice and continue your exciting journey into the world of magic. By diligently practicing, you will certainly be able to master the magic of all the elements.


We all live on Earth, this is our home, our foundation, this is our firmament under our feet. It is not surprising that the element Earth is the main one among all other elements. Nothing can exist without the earth, it is our Mother, the creator and the main creator. In the magical sphere, the element Earth is responsible for everything material and financial. So, the magic of the earth will help you if you need to solve career problems, run a successful business that brings a stable income, increase the fertility of your garden or garden.

To conduct rituals, direct contact with the ground is most often necessary, you need to bury an object, take a walk in an open area, etc. Earth magic is powerful enough, but in order to use its powers, you first need to establish a connection. To do this, find an open area, ideally if it will be a field or a small forest, but you can work both in the park and in the yard of your summer cottage. Take off your shoes and stand with bare feet on the ground.

Deprive your head of all thoughts, relax as much as possible. Feel the earth and concentrate on the information that it will send you. Now go back to the house and stand with bare feet on the bare floor. Imagine that all the information received passes through your feet and goes down an invisible cable, deep into the ground.


Fire is a bright, living element. Fire magic is the most active of all, because the whole essence of its activity is based on change. The dominant sphere in the magic of this element is love affairs. Fire is able to kindle passion, return old feelings, develop sexuality, make a person more attractive. Magicians and people with extrasensory abilities use fire magic in order to carry out rituals to develop energy, improve the sexual sphere of the object's life, destroy the fetters of conventions and habits, to cure diseases and generally cleanse the body.

Mastering the magic of this element is not easy, you need to make a lot of efforts to understand the very nature of fire. To do this, you need a source of fire, it is best if it is a fire, but as a last resort, a candle will do. Look carefully at the flame, feel it, take it into yourself, imagine that the fire penetrates your body. Watching the fire, try to guess the behavior of the flame, think about where its tongues will be directed at a certain point in time.

Gently try to influence the fire. Do these practices until you feel a connection with fire.


Water is constantly flowing, constantly changing, it is able to cleanse and absorb all problems. The magic of water is necessary when you need to strengthen your marriage, build relationships within your family, learn to enjoy life, learn to fully relax and rest, and recover from ailments. Often water magic uses rituals of throwing objects into water or pouring. The main sphere of influence of this element is getting rid of the body from diseases and healing the soul from problems that come from our subconscious mind.

How to learn the magic of water? To do this, of course, you need to plunge into the natural environment. Use a natural body of water - sea, lake, river, etc. Submerge yourself in the water to cover your entire body except your face. Concentrate on good memories, because water is a great conductor of emotions and is able to remember how you felt. Feel how you become inseparable from the water, how it absorbs you. It washes away all negativity from your body and fills you with energy, strength and life.

The magic of water will be available to you if you repeat this exercise several times and will be able to establish contact with the water element.


The magic of air is pure and transparent, it guides the sphere of a person's spirituality, is able to influence his mind and mental abilities. The Release of Air is a powerful, unified stream that can lead to a solution to a problem, dispel longing and visualize your future. Most often, air magic is used by magicians when it is necessary to reveal a lie, to carry out spells or rituals for travel, to strengthen the intellect, cleanse the body and relieve it of ailments, etc.

If you want to master the magic of air, then start your acquaintance with the element with a little exercise. Find an area where the wind will blow well, wait for windy weather. Take off as much of your clothing as possible and stand in the wind. Feel how he caresses your face and body, how he walks through your soul, blowing all the bad out of it. It relieves your body of ailments, weaknesses, diseases.

The clean warm wind is pleasant and kind, it helps you. Remember these feelings and return to the house. Indoors, remember the touch of the wind and imagine that it blows all over your body. Feel the wind inside you, feel how it develops your hair and takes away all the negativity from the soul and body.

Earth magic rituals

Once you feel that you have established a connection with the earth, you can try to perform your first rituals.

  • Getting rid of the disease. Take a piece of potato, attach it to the affected area of ​​the body. Think about your illness, imagine it, vigorously rub the affected part of the body and very quickly run into the yard to bury the potato in the ground. As a vegetable rots in the ground, your disease will go away. Do this ritual only after you have turned to doctors for help, because a magical ritual can only become an addition to conservative treatment.
  • Getting rid of difficulties. Take a handful of earth in your hand, talk to her, tell her about your problems and how you want to get rid of them. Throw a handful behind your back and leave this place.
  • Protect children. If your child needs to go somewhere without you, perform a protective ritual. When he leaves the house, throw a small handful of earth at his trail. Make it so that no one can see.

Fire magic rituals

Using fire magic, you can solve many of your problems.

For instance:

  1. Cleanse yourself of the evil eye. Light a purple candle and touch the flame with your palms so that it burns you. Say the words seven times: “Help me, spirit of the flame, take this hated evil eye from me, cleanse me of human corruption. May my body and my soul be cleansed, and the evil spell will leave me forever. " Collect the remains of the burned out candle and bury it in the ground in some wasteland.
  2. Love spell. Take 2 candles (preferably red), use a pin to scribble your name and the name of your loved one on them. After that, say the following words: “These candles are burning, they will unite us with you, let the more they light up, the more our hearts are filled with love. The candles will be together, and you are forever and ever with me. "

Air magic rituals

The magic of Air is the best cleansing of negativity, but it can also bring back a loved one. To do this, use a spell to the wind, which acts over long distances. You need to wait for windy weather and think about your loved one. Go out into the street and say: "The wind is strong, the wind is violent, you quickly fly to it, bring me my happiness, I cannot live without it."

If you need to cleanse your home of negativity, then the magic of air will do an excellent job with this task. After the general cleaning, arrange a draft in the apartment and say: "Wind, wind, breeze, help, take away all sorrows and losses as soon as possible."

Using the magic of the elements, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from all troubles and misfortunes.

Water magic rituals

The magic of water is actively used by magicians in amorous affairs. They are especially popular if you need to return your husband to your family without any negative consequences.

We suggest using an effective love spell, the magic of water will do its job. Prepare a drink (as long as it does not contain alcohol) and pour it into a cup. Looking at the cup, you should see your reflection in the liquid. Say, “My beloved (name), I miss you so much. Let my longing come to your head, reign in your eyes, settle on your black eyebrows, kiss your scarlet lips, fall right into your red blood, sting in your heart, so that you yearn the same until you return to me. "

One way or another, magic is present in the world around us and in people themselves. Therefore, with a great desire and perseverance, you can learn to use magic. What needs to be done in order to master magic?

  • The best place to start is with a theoretical background. There are a large number of books that will help you master white, black or other types of magic. Recently, video tutorials on some magical techniques have begun to appear, as well as courses, by signing up for which, you can learn a lot. And all this under the guidance of an experienced magician.
  • By the way, a great way is to become a student of some magician. The method of transferring magical knowledge from teacher to student is not only the most ancient, but also the most effective.
  • To become a magician requires dedication and a strong belief in your success.
  • In addition, you need to train concentration skills and willpower. The best way to do this is to start with meditation.

One of the most interesting areas of magic is elemental magic. In order to master the magic of the elements, you need to immerse yourself in the chosen element, become a part of it.

How to master the magic of water?

Water is a truly magical substance that can bring both life and death. Try to understand water. Enter it, relax, let it flow through you, become water. Now that you feel like water, you can build up your strength: imagine yourself as a stormy river or waterfall. Remember this feeling and learn how to evoke it. Now you can start exercising to cause ripples on the surface of the water or change its temperature.

How to master ice magic?

Ice is frozen water. If you have succeeded in mastering the magic of water, then the magic of ice is the next step. Concentrate your energies on changing the temperature of the water, clear your head of extraneous thoughts, calm down.

How to master the magic of fire?

At the first stage, it is important to feel your unity with the flame. A large fire in a secluded area works well for this. Look at the fire, absorb it into yourself, immerse yourself in it. When you realize that you have completely dissolved in it, imagine how long tongues of flame rise from the fire. Try to control them, extinguish the fire, or vice versa, kindle it. After the fire, you can practice with a candle, and soon the flame will appear out of nowhere at your will. The main thing is perseverance and faith in yourself.

How to master the magic of air?

Air magic is beautiful, free and very powerful. Air surrounds us everywhere, it is life itself.

To begin with, you need to learn how to breathe correctly, consciously, feeling every molecule of air and realizing its power and importance. Learn to feel the wind, to perceive any movement of the air as the movement of a living being. Try to induce the sensation of wind in enclosed spaces and gradually direct it in the direction you want.

Remember that there are spells and spells that will help you speed up the process of subjugating the elements. For more helpful tips on how to master magic, read these articles.