Cream cheese for sushi at home. How to make Philadelphia cheese from milk and kefir

How often it happens that you read a recipe and see an ingredient in it that bites at a price, and there is nothing to replace it with. One of these products is Philadelphia cream cheese - it's not that it's hard to find a replacement for it, and it's not always possible to buy it. In many stores, you will not find soft Philadelphia cream cheese in the assortment. Well, do not give up now culinary creativity! It is quite possible to cook Philadelphia cheese at home, even if it will have a slightly different taste, but few people know what the real taste of this product is. So, no one will find the substitution and the recipe for the dish you like is not put aside. But first, we will make Philadelphia cheese with our own hands, and then we will add it to our favorites or.

How to make Philadelphia cheese?

For those who have never tried real soft Philadelphia cheese, we suggest that it tastes sweet. Well, hostesses, what comes to mind? That's right - the most common dairy products. Cottage cheese, cream, sour cream plus a little sugar and protein. Many people find a substitute for Philadelphia cheese in soft processed cheeses, but we want to get as close as possible to the real taste of the product, so we will spend a little time and prepare Philadelphia cheese at home, especially since it is quite simple to make it.

Philadelphia cream cheese

The recipe we offer you will only take you about 30 minutes. Then you can put the cheese in a jar and store it in the refrigerator, although we are not sure that the product will last for a long time. It can be wonderfully spread on morning toast and served with tea.


  • milk - 1 l;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.


Pour milk into a saucepan and set over medium heat. Add sugar, salt and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the milk boils, add kefir and stir the mass, preventing it from curdling. Then we put it on cheesecloth and hang it over the sink for 15 minutes so that the serum is glass. Beat the egg with citric acid, add cottage cheese to it, which we got from milk and kefir, and beat the mass again until a fluffy homogeneous consistency is obtained. That's the whole process of making Philadelphia cheese at home. Now you can use it to prepare your favorite meals.

Philadelphia curd cheese

Of course, soft Philadelphia cream cheese can be used for more than just sweet dishes. If you add finely chopped herbs or spices to the ingredients, then you can successfully use it for sandwiches, snacks, sushi, salmon baskets. In this recipe, we will tell you how to make Philadelphia cheese at home from cottage cheese. It is closest to the original taste of the product. It is best if the curd you bought has a creamy consistency.



Beat the cream until thick, then gradually add sour cream, cottage cheese and a little salt. Optionally, you can add finely chopped greens. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and let stand at room temperature for 24 hours. In the refrigerator, homemade Philadelphia cheese can be stored for up to a week.

1. Philadelphia cheese

2. Available cheeses

3. Buko

4. Ricotta

5. The choice is yours.

Japanese cuisine is gradually becoming more and more popular in our country. Her dishes are distinguished by their unusual taste and nutritional value. Unfortunately, people often face the problem of finding the necessary ingredients, among which cream cheese for rolls occupies a special place. It is not so easy to pick it up. In this article, you will find out what kind of cheese you need to use to make delicious rolls. Read how to cook in a special article.

Soft cheese for rolls is an essential ingredient in this dish. At the moment, almost every sushi recipe includes cream cheese. It is very soft, pleasant to the taste, and has a plastic consistency. The most popular option is Philadelphia cream cheese for sushi. It is named after the city where it is produced. But there are also quality analogues, which in their composition and taste are in no way inferior to the advertised Philadelphia.

Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia cream cheese for sushi is imported to the territory of the Russian Federation from European countries. The need for supplier accreditation, complex logistics and the quality of the product itself are factors that directly affect the cost of the product. This cheese cannot be classified as cheap.

Due to its plastic structure, it is very convenient to use such cheese for making rolls. The characteristic sweetish taste is ideally combined with fish, rice, seaweed and other essential ingredients of Japanese sushi.

Since 2013, the situation has changed dramatically. Philadelphia cheese was included in the sanctions lists, and therefore is not supplied to Russia at the moment. This forced people to look for other options. You can find cheese sauce for sushi in stores now, but it has nothing to do with cream cheese.

Available cheeses

For the preparation of rolls, you can use not only cream, but also curd cheese for sushi. The main thing here is the absence of a characteristic curd flavor. Its presence is not allowed, since it negatively affects the taste of the prepared dish. Read in our article to cook any kind of rolls and sushi at home.

There are a sufficient number of such cheeses that differ in a number of obvious advantages, for example, affordable cost, excellent, rich taste, lack of preservatives in the composition, ease of use, etc. You can buy high-quality cheese for sushi using our website. The site contains the best cream cheeses, which we propose to familiarize yourself with right now.

We suggest trying:

Differs in affordable price in all respects, balanced composition, pronounced taste and aroma. The slightly sour taste allows this cheese to be used for making rolls with sea fish, such as eel;

A quality product with a standard fat content of 60 percent for such cheeses. It has an unsurpassed taste, soft and plastic structure. This is very important in the process of making rolls, as the cheese does not fall out of them, and "sticks" other ingredients;

It has a delicate texture and rich creamy taste. Virtually serum free. It has an attractive appearance and high taste. It is he who is used by most of the sushi bars in Russia for 2018.


Buko cheese is also very popular. It has a creamy consistency, rich creamy taste, it is prepared according to a special recipe, but without the use of any specific technological processes. In this regard, Buko is very similar to the classic Philadelphia cheese.

But there is one thing - this is also a sanctioned cheese, and therefore today it is problematic to purchase it on the territory of the Russian Federation, to say the least. But there is a way out - you can try to cook Buko at home. Here's what to do:

Take a liter pack of kefir and put it in the freezer overnight. Kefir must be fresh;

In the morning we take it out of the freezer and process it with hot steam or boiling water. This is necessary for it to thaw a little. Kefir should not be allowed to completely melt;

We take a colander, below we lay clean gauze folded in several layers;

We spread the curd mass on cheesecloth in a colander, close it on top with another piece of cheesecloth;

We hang the colander in such a position that the whey flows freely. At the bottom, it is advisable to substitute some kind of container, since there can be a lot of serum;

We leave in this position until evening. Homemade cream cheese for rolls Buko is ready.

If you wish, you can add a little salt or even sugar to the resulting mass, as well as various spices, vegetables, fruits and other fillers designed to improve the taste of the product.


A number of home cooks who are fond of Japanese cuisine use the popular Italian ricotta cheese to prepare rolls and sushi. It is also very soft, delicate, airy, has a pleasant taste, similar to curd cheese.

The product contains many useful substances - trace elements and vitamins. It is characterized by a low calorie content, due to which such food is universally recommended for people adhering to a certain diet.

For all its advantages, ricotta cheese is completely unsuitable for rolls. It is known that cream and curd cheeses are made from milk or kefir, with the addition of cream. The main task of manufacturers and those who prepare such a product at home is to achieve complete removal of whey - the liquid flowing down from the curd mass. The whey makes the cheese loose, and there is also a characteristic aftertaste. Making a quality roll from such cheese is virtually unrealistic.

Ricotta is almost entirely whey. This is the main ingredient in its composition, cheese is made from it. Accordingly, it is strongly discouraged to use this type of cheese for making rolls.

The choice is yours

Which cheese to buy for rolls depends entirely on you. We told you exactly what parameters the product must meet in order to be able to use it to prepare traditional Japanese cuisine.

Given the fact that the most popular option, Philadelphia cheese, is not currently supplied to the domestic market, you will have to look for a worthy alternative. We suggest paying attention to high-quality curd and cream cheeses from well-known manufacturers, which you can buy at an acceptable cost for most consumer categories on our website.

Rolls are considered traditional dishes of Japanese cuisine, but not all recipes are invented by representatives of this country. A striking example is the Philadelphia rolls. The method of making original rolls was invented in the USA, after which it instantly gained popularity all over the world. The peculiarity of this type of rolls is the number of individual ingredients and the way they are combined. Salmon is usually used for fillings, but in this case, the tender meat of the fish acts as a shell. Due to this feature, these rolls are often called "inside out rolls" or "uramaki rolls".

Ingredients for making Philadelphia rolls

To prepare Philadelphia rolls, you will need a lot of ingredients. In advance, you will have to cook special rice, stock up on compressed nori seaweed sheets, prepare fresh cucumber, avocado, Philadelphia cheese, lemon, tobiko caviar, wasabi, soy sauce, and fresh or slightly salted salmon. The main device for making rolls is a metal or bamboo mat.

The process of making rolls seems complicated only at first glance. In fact, the main nuance in this case is the understanding of the individual stages and the specifics of processing some products. The main ingredient in the dish is rice. Not only the taste, but also the appearance of the final rolls depends on the consistency and correctness of its preparation.

For rice

For the manufacture of rolls, you must prepare a special rice in advance. A common product is not always suitable for Japanese cuisine. Rice in this case should resemble a sticky mass. A crumbly product will be impossible to roll into a tight roll, and the consistency of the porridge will spoil the appearance of the rolls. The best option is rice intended for sushi and rolls, which is available for sale in specialized sections of grocery stores.

Rice is prepared in several stages. As additional ingredients, you need to prepare sugar, salt and rice vinegar in advance. For 200 grams of the main product, you will need one teaspoon of salt, one and a half tsp. sugar and that much rice vinegar. Beforehand, the rice is thoroughly washed until the water stops changing its color and becomes completely transparent.

The washed rice is filled with water. The amount of liquid should be identical to the cereal. Using too much water is not recommended. The rice should be sticky and thick. First, the workpiece is put on a strong fire, and after the water boils, it is gradually reduced. The total cooking time for rice is 10-15 minutes. After bringing it to readiness, remove the saucepan from the heat and wait for the mixture to cool. Hot rice is not recommended. After the food has cooled, stir in the salt, sugar and rice vinegar thoroughly.

Filling and other products

Traditional filling for Philadelphia rolls is cucumber, avocado, nori seaweed, tobiko caviar and Philadelphia cheese. However, this option is not the only one. There are several options for combining products. The main difference between this type of rolls is the top layer of salmon. Eel is often used as additional ingredients for fillings, fresh cucumbers are replaced with pickled cucumbers, and Philadelphia cheese is replaced with other types of cheeses.

Common options for toppings for salmon rolls:

  • avocado, cucumber, Philadelphia cheese, nori seaweed, tobiko caviar;
  • cucumber, Philadelphia cheese, smoked eel, nori seaweed;
  • avocado, Philadelphia cheese, nori seaweed;
  • Philadelphia cheese, nori seaweed;
  • nori seaweed, eel, Philadelia cheese.

Combining filling products gives you the opportunity to express your culinary imagination. Some sushi men use their own secrets of making rolls. For example, to add a rich aroma and taste to a dish, it is recommended to add a few leaves of nori seaweed to the water while cooking rice. Before the liquid boils, the ingredient is removed from the pan.

Particular attention should be paid to the other ingredient for making rolls - fish fillets. Salmon is traditionally used in Philadelphia, but trout is often substituted for this type of fish. There is no significant difference in this case, but the degree of freshness of the fillet is much more important. Salmon rolls are used lightly salted or fresh. If you prefer a product without preliminary processing, then you should remember a few rules.

Rules for choosing fresh salmon:

  • Fish fillets should be fresh and not frozen.
  • Fresh frozen fish is highly discouraged.
  • If the salmon fillet has a bright orange hue, then this indicates the presence of dyes.
  • At the slightest suspicion of insufficient freshness of the product, its use should be discarded.

Avocado is an ingredient that is also essential in this variety of rolls. The freshness of the fruit is also of particular importance. It is not recommended to use too ripe avocados for rolls. Their pulp quickly becomes too soft, which will disrupt the overall appearance of the dish. It is recommended to cut off the avocado peel.

What can replace Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia cheese is considered an essential ingredient for rolls of the same name. If desired, this product is replaced by other types of cheeses. The main nuance in this case is that the cheese should have a soft consistency and be a little sweet. Processed varieties are not used for Philadelphia rolls. The taste of the final dish after such an experiment will change.

Optimal Philadelphia Cheese Substitutes:

  • cottage cheese;
  • feta cheese;
  • fetaki;
  • cream cheese brands "Cream Bonjour", "Viola" or "Almette".

It is possible to prepare an analogue of Philadelphia cheese at home. For this culinary trick, you only need two ingredients - cottage cheese and any cream cheese. Mix these products in equal proportions, and turn the final mixture into a thick mass of uniform consistency. The taste of such a product will practically not differ from the original cheese.

Step-by-step recipe for making rolls with a photo

The first step in the roll making process is to cook the rice. The consistency of the product after cooking is of particular importance. The ingredients for the filling should be cut into strips, and the salmon should be cut into slices. The roll cutter must be sharp. In a separate container, prepare a small amount of rice vinegar to wet the blade while slicing. Such a nuance will not only make the edges of the rolls even, but also save you from sticking cream cheese to the knife.

Step-by-step preparation of rolls:

Calorie content and nutritional value of the dish

The calorie content of any dish directly depends on the composition of the products from which it is prepared. Philadelphia rolls are considered one of the lowest calorie foods. Ingredients such as eel are capable of changing these indicators. When using this additional component, the calorie content of the rolls will increase significantly. If you follow the rules of diets, then Philadelphia cheese is also recommended to be replaced with lower-calorie varieties of this product.

Traditional Philadelphia Rolls (100 g) contain:

  • proteins 9.7 g;
  • fats 6.7 g;

Many have already come to love such a dish as sushi and rolls. Their integral part is not only seafood, but also cheese.

Japanese cuisine involves the careful selection of the required ingredients. Roll cheese is no exception.

Sushi masters use soft cream cheese, which has a delicate texture, sweetish and distinct taste. Cream cheese goes well with fish products and vegetables. By adding it to the rolls, you will get a rich and special taste.

Best cheese for rolls

One of the most suitable cheese rolls is Philadelphia. The dish that contains this cheese has the same name. Due to the creamy and soft consistency, the rolls have a specific, delicate taste.

How to replace Philadelphia cheese?

Since “Philadelphia” is not always possible to find in a store, and the price is not available to everyone, housewives are always looking for an alternative. For the preparation of rolls at home, cream cheese "Buko", "Natura", "Almete" is used. Processed curds are added to the rolls much less often. Many people prefer to cook rolls with unsalted feta cheese or feta cheese.

However, if you are still an adherent of real rolls, then use creamy soft cheeses.

How to make cream cheese rolls

To prepare rolls you will need:

  • noria sheets
  • Philadelphia cheese"
  • salmon
  • cucumber and avocado

Spread the rice evenly over the entire surface on the sheets of noria, about 1 cm high.

Turn the noria upside down and place the cheese in the middle, about 2 cm wide.

Cut the avocado, salmon and cucumber into thin strips and place alongside the cheese lengthwise.

When all the ingredients are stacked, start rolling the roll using the mat.

Cut the roll into several pieces with a dampened knife. A simple, but at the same time, unusual dish is ready!

Philadelphia soft cheese comes from mysterious France. It is known for its delicate creamy taste, the sophistication of which has earned worldwide respect and esteem. First, it was warmly received by the French, then the British and later the Americans began mass production, which is now being handled by Kraft Foods. If the recipe specifies this light and soft cream cheese, but it is not at home, you can replace with other cream cheeses or make Philadelphia yourself.

What kind of cheese is Philadelphia?

Philadelphia cheese has a creamy taste. Its consistency is dense, but pliable and melting. It can be smoothly spread on cakes, waffles or a slice of freshly baked bread. Butter cream is made from it. The cheese goes well with oily fish - salmon or eel - and is therefore ideal in traditional Japanese rolls. It goes well with strawberries and cocoa beans and is the main ingredient in cheesecakes. Philadelphia cheese is versatile and suitable for sweet or savory dishes, creating unexpected combinations. Philadelphia belongs to the category of gourmet cheeses, which cannot but affect its value.

What is the composition of the product

It is important to remember that Philadelphia and other cream cheeses are not a dietary product at all. In addition to vitamins K, A, B, E and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, iron, fluorine, potassium, selenium), it contains about half of the fat mass. The composition of soft cheese includes premium milk (skim and pasteurized), heavy cream and the necessary starter cultures. There are varieties of Philadelphia that are cooked only with cream, no milk.

The peculiarity of Philadelphia cheese is that, like other creamy cheeses, for example, Mascarpone or Bursen, it does not require a long ripening.

What is the technology for making soft cheese?

To begin with, the milk goes through a pasteurization process. It consists of the following sequential actions:

  • the heating;
  • homogenization (intensive mechanical stirring);
  • cooling;
  • reheating with the addition of sourdough, so that the fermentation process takes place - lactic acid fermentation;
  • separation of whey (after folding the milk protein, a cheese curd is formed and whey is released);
  • giving the remaining curd mass the desired structure;
  • adding the necessary stabilizers and salt.

Before packing, add herbs, garlic, spices or fruits and berries to the cream cheese. Other soft cheeses differ from Philadelphia in ingredients and preparation techniques. For example, in the manufacture of Mascarpone cream cheese, lactic acid cultures (starter cultures) are not used, and more salt is added to Bursen.

What can replace Philadelphia in cheesecakes, cream, sushi?

The true Philadelphia is not sold in all stores, and the price of this cheese is quite high, so a natural question arises - what can be used to replace it? There are several options:

  • Mascarpone, although this cheese is in about the same price range with Philadelphia;
  • budget substitutes - other cream cheeses, feta, as well as feta cheese mixed with sour cream in equal proportions.

You can also cook Philadelphia yourself.

Feta cheese goes well in rolls, sushi and soups, unsalted feta cheese goes to Greek salads and canapes. Many culinary experts recognize Buko's cream cheese as a good substitute for Philadelphia and argue that the difference is completely imperceptible: it has the same creamy structure, and the shelf life is longer, which allows you to use this cheese not all at once, but in several steps.

Instead of Philadelphia, fatty fine-grained cottage cheese mixed with any other cream cheese or cottage cheese with sour cream or heavy cream is added to baked goods. For sushi, this option, due to its fat content and more liquid consistency than Philadelphia, is not suitable.

Processed cheese is not the best substitute for Philadelphia. They give a completely different taste, they have more salt and they are not so soft and tender. The maximum that you can cook with them is budget rolls.

Philadelphia Substitutes - gallery

Creamy Mascarpone cheese is used to make Cremette cake cream - a budget substitute for Philadelphia Buco's creamy texture makes this cheese the perfect substitute for Philadelphia rolls
Bursen cheese has a delicate salty taste Brynza is used instead of Philadelphia in Feta salads suitable for making rolls and sushi

Video: Philadelphia and Its Substitutes - Other Cream Cheese

Mascarpone is the perfect substitute in buttercream

Mascarpone is a successful substitute for Philadelphia in the manufacture of butter cream for cakes and pastries, cheesecakes, tiramisu. The taste of the products remains the same soft and delicate. This is a fatty and unsalted butter cream with a soft and plastic consistency. To prepare the cream, various additives are used - sour cream, eggs, chocolate, cream, condensed milk, etc. The classic cream recipe includes cream.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 350-400 g;
  • cream - 300-350 g;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • vanillin to taste.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Whisk the cream and sugar for 3-5 minutes. To prevent the cream from flaking, you cannot whip for longer!
  2. Divide the cheese into small portions and gently add cream into each portion, stirring slowly with a whisk. The mass should become pliable, uniform and viscous.

Homemade Philadelphia Cheese

Homemade Philadelphia is used in cheesecake, sushi and buttercream recipes. There are several ways to prepare it.

Quick recipe

This recipe will only take half an hour to make cheese.


  • milk - 1 l;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.


  • put milk on medium heat, add salt and sugar;
  • bring the mixture to a boil, then pour in kefir and stir;
  • continue to heat and stir until the mass curdles;
  • put the resulting cheese in cheesecloth and hang for half an hour - this will drain unnecessary whey;
  • in a separate bowl, whisk the chicken egg and citric acid with a whisk, combine with the cheese and beat until fluffy.

Video: a quick way to cook Philadelphia at home

Enzyme and Sourdough Recipe

A more complicated way of making Philadelphia at home is to use a ready-made starter culture (Vivo, GoodFood) and enzymes (ExtraA, Hobbe Cheese).


  • homemade milk - 3 l;
  • ferment and enzyme - 1 sachet;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking procedure:

  • heat and bring milk to a boil, then cool to room temperature;
  • add one sachet of starter and enzyme;
  • leave milk with enzymes for 12 hours;
  • the resulting mass is poured into cheesecloth, suspended for 2-3 hours;
  • put the cheesecloth in a shallow container and put it under a press in the refrigerator for 3 hours;
  • remove the cheesecloth and salt the ready-made cheese.

Recipe with sour cream and cottage cheese

In this way, a high-calorie and delicate butter cream is obtained.


  • 1/2 kg of fatty cottage cheese (preferably one that does not have a strong specific smell);
  • a glass of fat sour cream (25%);
  • a glass of cream;
  • salt to taste.


  1. At the maximum speed of the mixer, beat the cottage cheese, cream, sour cream and salt.
  2. Leave the whipped mass for 24 hours.
  3. Put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  4. Soft cream cheese is ready.

Homemade yogurt and sour cream cheese recipe

Delicious cream cheese is made from natural yoghurt and sour cream. Homemade cream cheese is a great alternative to expensive Philadelphia. In addition, you will know for sure that it is made from natural products.