Sowing in children garden. Creative meeting with parents "Russian gatherings

Galina Kokina
Sprinkle scenario Spring "Cheerful gatherings" in children's garden

Scenario Spring holiday

« Merry gatherings» in children's garden.

purpose: To educate love for folk creativity.


Continue to acquaint children with the customs and traditions of the Russian people;

Develop the aesthetic perception of folklore works;

Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe various nature of folk songs, dancing, games, dance;

Deliver joy to children.


Leading - Mistress


Spring - Nesmeyana - Girl

Holiday move

Children enter the hall to Russian folk music "Cutter", lined with a semicircle. The hostess meets them.

Hostess: On Zavalinka, in the light,

Il on brother

Collected sadders

Older and young.

At rauchin lee sat

Ile under the light sky -

They spoke, sang songs

And drove the dance.

And played like! In the burner!

In short, these sadders

Were holiday soul.

Life of people marked in century

Changed the old world

Today we are all "SUSEKAM"

Personal cottages or apartments.

Our leisure time sometimes chalk

And what to say there,

Boring live without sowel,

They should be revived.

Hostess: Milicia I ask guests expensive. Guests are called, desirable. Take the places where who likes. Make yourself at home.

Boy: Do not worry, the hostess, we are not at home, and do not stand.

Hostess: I have for everyone there is also place, and word.

Boy: Guests - People are subane, where they will rise, there and sit.

Hostess: A rare guest is never in a burden.

Girl: To sit at home - do not sit down anything. We decided to look at people, yes to show yourself.

Hostess: I have long been waiting for you - I will wait holiday without you. Come out of honest people, get into the dance.

Horticulture "With the bias I go"

Hostess: Good Russian rounds, and proverbs are no worse.

The proverb said - that the berry ripped.


Motherland beloved - that mother is rim.

With the sun - warm, with the mother - good.

To live - only smoke the sky.

Want, there are Kalachi - do not sit on the furnace.

Labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

Self-killer himself, and comrades will cut out.

Earth count - she gives a crop.

Hostess: And now complicate the task. I'm starting the proverb, and you finish:

Wolves are afraid ... spice in a bag ...

Made a business ... without difficulty ...

Case time ... Forest cabin ...

Hostess: And here's another proverb - Motherland's beloved - that mother is rim. There is nothing more painful than our homeland. Each person remembers the places where he was born, and even fighters about it.

Song about Motherland

Hostess: Case time - fun hour.

Well, girls, rather come out,

On the handkerchief each take,

Show your dance.

Horticulture "RUSSIA"

Hostess: And now we will listen to good wellms. Here they are, what kind of combat, noses up the trembling and the chastushki sank.

Chastushki boys.

1. pass, honest people, not dust path,

Good are well done, walk a little.

2. Walked the village - Girls slept,

Played in the harmonica - got up.

Stood - awakened, the windows opened.

3. Our river is not deep, pebbles are visible at the bottom.

Our girls do not walk - signed up in grandmothers.

Girls ( "Agregate" Hands in Boki).

What are we grandmothers?

We will show you now.

Chastushki girls.

1. I am a combat girl, the fighting remains.

Bad will be a guy who I got.

2. I have Kosolapi Rooshoes on Sarafan.

I am not a closer, groom clips.

3. In the village I went and saw Vanya.

Under the bush sat and cried: "Chicken offended"

4. How boys will disperse, no one is to take them.

And as soon as they go away, they do not raise them by anyone.

5. On the grief of melon, melon, under the mountain of watermelon.

Nizhny Novgorod guys, exactly ducts.

Hostess: And now, guys, guess the ka riddle.

She comes with teacher and with its fairytale.

Magic wand wave -

In the forest, the snowdrock will bloom.

Children. Spring.

Hostess: I gathered with you today not only to get to

joke and laugh, but also with Spring will meet.

So the first flowers appeared on the clearing - snowdrops.

Girl. Spring, spring red,

Come spring, happy, with great grace,

Breads are abundant, with rains strong.

(A whistle is heard, a kimor appears)

Kimair. What's that noise? Do not figure out, maybe I still sleep? I hear music fun... What is the entertainment here?

Hostess: We have merry gatherings. Yes, actually we Spring creek. And who are you?

Kimair. I am Kikimora-Shisimor! Do not be afraid,

Today I am kind, Smirny.

I live in the forest one lonely,

And my girlfriends - leeches and frogs, very strict.

Forced in the mornings to wash, hairstyles. Yearning!

Hostess: If you want, we are let's cheer up. I have one game, you are going, the defortion! Do not pushe, do not rush, get enough in the circle.

(Kimikor plays with children in the game "Gori, Gori clearly"!)

Kimair. Wow, you have been granted me to glory!

Hostess: And tell us, Kimor, you did not meet in the forest Spring-red?

Kimair. How, saw! Are you here have fun, but Spring does not eat, does not drink, only the tears of bitter pours. She began to horror as stubborn. Her name is one - Spring Nesmeyana. Hostess: Zovi rather unmeasured, we combine.

(Kimikora leads Spring, that crying)

Hostess: Oh, guys! Who came to visit holiday to us? Young girl, so what is an elegant, beautiful! Just why does she cry all the time? What does all of this mean?

Spring. Oh, trouble, oh, trouble, in the garden of the Swan.

I'm a princess - nonsense, I can't cut down.

I live in my hut on the gland from the edge,

And what I do not want - IMIG, I'll get it.

What should I wish now? I will cry again!

Hostess: What, Spring, do you pour tears? And you do not eat, and do not drink?

Kimair. I have a magic potion, cook myself, Leshego to fly, and you, Spring Caple.

Spring. And what do you cook your potion?

Kimair. From leeches and tailings,

I add amymanarov, and birch sheets,

And bugs and leeches, mixing with grass.

I bring everything to a boiling, it is better than jam!

Spring(wrinkled). The potion is stinking!

I will be better crying, tears pour forth (crying)

Hostess. Not, Springso not suitable.

Look, the beauty-maiden is going,

With her boyfriend, well done, they want to sing the song.

Song pro spring

Hostess: (carries a bucket of non-vessels). Here you have fun fresh on the chap.

He will dilute your salted stream.

Spring: I don't want to drink tea, I'd rather sink here.

Boy: Go around at least the entire planet,

Better Russian dance is not!

Balalaika and Harmonic

Fire in us.

Girl: Distribute, the people, my dance takes,

I'll go sleep, I will see people.

Parry dance

Spring: No, I can't dance, Topne with a foot - and getting tired.

Hostess: Our dances, songs, laughter - divide equally on everyone!

Do not be sad, but smile, together with the kikimor you have fun.

Dance of Kimors with girls

Kimair. Ogonek merry flashed in your eyes!

Tears did not happen, and a smile on the lips!

It means that there is nothing more to do here, I will go frogs and your leeches. (Kikimora leaves)

Hostess: Well, guys, take Spring to play with you?

And for a start, Spring, guess a riddle.

In White Sarafan began in the glade.

They flew tit, sat on the brass!

Spring: Birch!

Hostess: Do you know if you are some poem about birch?

Spring: I love birch Russian,

Then light, then sad,

In Belen Sarafanchik,

With handkerchiefs in a pocket

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings!

Hostess: Thank you, Spring, for good poems. Our guys know a lot of poems about spring, now they will read them them.

Poems O. Spring

Hostess: We are on festival Light about birch satellite. Where the song is poured there fun living.

Horticulture "Land in Chernozem"

Spring: It's time for us first messengers spring call.

Hostess: Now many birds return to their native places, soon and swallows will fly. We sing a song about them.

Song "Swallow"

Spring: Well, how good have fun? Isxtari. conducted In Russia, the stove pies and guests treat. So I want to treat you patties. (Shows basket with pies). Look here - here are them how much! I treat you with pies, I wish all health (gives the basket of the hostess).

Hostess: Well, guys, how wonderful we spent time. Let's say spring Thank you! Be healthy, be happy, live without misfortune for many years. And I will wait for you to visit you.

Autumn sites visiting Domotenka Kuzki for a mixed group of children 3-5 years old and their parents

The holiday takes place in a group decorated in a folk style under Russian hut. Children and adults are dressed in Russian folk costumes: Pope and boys in space, mothers and daughters in Sundars, Kokoshniki, ribbons. Everyone is included in the group, greet the hostess tutor, pass on the pre-negotiated places. Everyone chooses a job as a soul: who knits who embroiders who are hiding who is spoons cut out, and someone paint toys. Children are sitting next to their parents, they have rag dolls in their hands, straws of threads, colorful books, whistles-clayanka. The folk melody sounds a quiet background (to choose a music leader).

Mistress: In the old days, when the crop has already been collected in the fall, they came to holidays, on merry gatherings. Here we are with you today and Songs will sing, and wept, and our work will complete. Oh, who is rustling for my back?

Drying, coating, appears next to the mistress of the doll - Domunok Kuzka, happily looks back, grumbling (the tutor controls the doll).

Kuzka.: Oh, the people in the hut, the people. Where did you just watch-pon? And the hostess was all put on the table, all reserves laid out. And what will we eat in winter?

Hostess: Do not be so greedy, Kuzka!

Kuzka.: I'm not greedy, I am home. Winter long, spring hungry. Cousin until summer does not reach, removed and dying. Here I say something!

Hostess: Do not worry so, until the summer reserves are enough. Better go and keep hello to guests.

Kuzka.: Family! They are with a lot of them, and I have such one. Hey, you all there! Kuzka I! Clear? House we. We help people in the farm, we guard the house, we teach cats, the hostess is magnify.

Hostess: Wrongly, you greet, cousin. And you are not wrong, it is not necessary.

Kuzka.: So how should it be? I do not know, I do not know how.

Mistress: Let's guys, let's teach Kuzku correctly greet and call yourself. Who will show? Masha, that's a great man.

Masha: Hello, Kuzma Ivanovich. My name is Masha Petrov. I am 4 years old. But my mother Olya.

Mother Olya: Hello, cousin! My name is Olga Mikhailovna.

All adults and children in turn are represented and greeting with the domain.

Kuzka: Wow, how cool! It turns out that I now know everyone. So be, stay. Listen to my fairy tales and riddles. I've got plenty of them. Here for quite small. Try to guess.

A red maiden is sitting in a dungeon, and a spit on the street. (Carrot)

Sits on the garden of the grandfather, he dresses a hundred coats, who undresses him - that tears sheds. (Onion)

One hundred clothes and everything without fasteners. (Cabbage)

Mistress: These are the great, although small, and all the riddles guess. And for you, Kuzka, they are singing about these vegetables. It is called "Garden-Horovodnaya".

Children stage the "Garden-Horovodnaya" song (Muz. B. Mozhevelova, Sl. A. Passova).

Kuzka: Wonderful guys. I really liked it. And I can tell the fairy tale with the help of gloves and different vegetables and fruit.

Hostess: Yes, how is it, Cousin?

Kuzka.: Sew, hostess, your old gloves, and from this basket - vegetables. Look: from the carrot will be fired sister, and from the beetroke - grey Wolf. We will make the frog from the cucumber, and the mouse is made of radishes. Here is a potato, like a bear head. I already made a bunny from the pear, the ears cut out. Cockerel - from the apple and carrots. But shirma on which the terme teremok is drawn. The curtain opens, the fairy tale begins.

Adults show the tale of "teremok" (Characters of the puppet glove theater). At the end of the fairy tales, the Russian People's Dance "from-under oak, is, from under Vyaz, sounds in gramzapsy. At the dance Kuzka invites all guests, they dance, as they can. But here in the stove stirped the coils (the second tutor works with this toy).

Kolobok: And about me who will tell a fairy tale?

Kuzka.: And indeed, the hostess, tell about the bun for a fairy tale.

HOME:And I will not tell one, the guys will help me. Grandma and grandfather we have real. This car Grandma Maria Ivanovna and Sashin Grandfather Stepan Vasilyevich. Will you help me tell me a fairy tale? Then begin.

The fairy tale "Kolobok" play children and adults. The hostess reads the text. Children put on caps of characters, and they utter replicas of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Kolobok: Lisa did not eat me, regretted the hostess brought me to the hut.

A fox: Because, while Kolobok rolled, he turned into a worn tender. And me, Fox Patrikeevna, sorry sorry for his teeth. Better I will go to the farm and catch myself a gossiya fat.

Children and adults show the staging of the song "Lisa-Plutovka" (German People's Melody).

Mistress: What do you have there, Kuzka, in the bodywork?

Kuzka: For children, beautiful handkerchiefs.

Mistress: We take boils and again dance will go.

Children are dancing with handkerchiefs to the music of "Ah you, Birch" (Russian People's Melody). On the first part of the music with handkerchiefs go on the hut, the second part perform the "spring", they go to the music again and spin on the second part, hide behind the handkerchief. The game "Hires with a handkerchief" (Children are hiding behind the handkerchiefs - the hostess is looking for them).


Where are our kids? There is no soul here!

I'll go take a walk, I'll catch everyone now.

I walk around the room and I do not find the guys.

Where are my guys? Do not play with me in hide and seek!

Children: We are here!

Dance and game are repeated again.

Kuzka: What are the well done! And what, the hostess, the samovar squint? Maybe there is a seagull?

Mistress:We ask for mercy, guests are expensive!

Tea party at the table.

Parties with parents help children, parents and teachers are good to know each other, bring together children and adults and successfully cooperate with each other.

The purpose of such events is to strengthen family relationships, Communication with your child's peers and other parents. Exchange of the experience of each

each other.

In kindergartens undergo thematic weeks that allow "Immerse yourself" In one or another topic more deeply. For example, at the National Week, real Russian gatherings can be organized. Parents provide Russian cuisine, talk about Russian culture, recall Russian proverbs and sayings. Also play Russian songs and chastushki.

Entertainment Scenario "Russian gatherings" .

Objectives of the event:

  1. Form elementary views On the life, the traditions of the Russian people.
  2. Learning to develop cognitive interest in the history of the Motherland.
  3. Railing patriotism, respect for Russian traditions, culture.

Preliminary work:

Heading with children and parents sayings, chastushki, Russian folk songs, making dishes to the table.

Acting faces: a crochet, a Russian girl.

The hall includes a crocheor and a Russian maiden.

Maiden: Welcome, guests are called and welcome! We invite everyone to our hut, we meet mentally! Do not confuse, feel free to get comfortable!

Skomorokh: We are glad to see you at your guest! Here for you, for guests expensive - party, according to the custom of the old "Sowing" called.

Maiden: We invited you, the marsh of the maiden and goodness are well done to tell about the customs of ancient, talk about Russian fun. In the old days, a custom was in Russia: how finished the peasants all the work on the fields, they gathered together at the gatherings so that the evenings would pass long to pass, to see people to show themselves. After working, the guys and girls drove round dance, played fun folk Games, sang songs, told noby. Have fun from the soul.

Skomoroch: Here we suggest today you will have fun from the soul.

Well, harmonica, improve - ka,
Merry Play - ka,
You play and do not break
For guests you try!

We fell in fatigue,
To better we died,
To boredoms left!

Maiden: Our guests, go out, break with us together! Guys, invite moms and dads on the merry dance!

Children and parents perform a dance under the Russian folk song "Kalinka" .

Maiden: Russian people not only play and dance, they love to sing. And what songs are in Russia - sowing, broach, because the Russian soul is wide, like a separate songs and fields ...

Fulfillment of Russian folk songs.

Skomorokh: People were sitting after working work at the tables, sang songs, and the hostesses had slept the guests.

The maiden offers parents to present their dishes. Parents take turns represent dishes, treat those present.

Maiden: Sell, Guests are expensive, and we will stay you - we sing a fun song!

The maiden and the crude fulfill the Russian folk song.

Crude: Case - Time, Fun - Hour. Who wants to play?

The buckle helps those present to divide into two commands, to choose a well-known fairy tale and show it using gestures. Commands in turn perform the task.

Maiden: And what are the gatherings without a self-friendly, hot, invigorating!


We are glad we all invite
Weigh in the tea!
Pour tea
Do not be shy.

In the meantime, we drink everything,
We are proverbs read.

Children and parents tell proverbs about labor, rest, samovar.


Who said - Chastushki like
Nowadays no longer in fashion?
Yes, and is it in fashion,
If they love them in the people!


We do not miss tea
We have a chastushki.
Now the chastushki is presido
Then you get a seagull!

"Sowing in the Russian hut"

Open exercise on the patriotic education of children with the participation of employees of the Poltava Museum

Purpose:to form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian elevation and traditions of the Russian people


Introduce children with the inner decoration of the Russian hut;

Become acquainted with the traditions of the Russian people;

To acquaint children with new Russian proverbs and sayings about labor;

Develop a steady interest in Russian folk art: proverbs, sayings, mysteries;

Enrich vocabulary new and diminutive words;

Summarize the knowledge of children about folk fishers;

Bring up respect, interest in the customs of the antiquity, to Russian folklore;

Preliminary work:

Conversations to familiarize themselves with others: "The objects of Russian old", « Russian hut ";

Reading Russians folk fairy tales, epics;

View illustrations;

Hearing Russian folk songs, lullabies, fairy tales;

Organization and holding with children of Russian folk games;

Learning of sayings and proverbs about labor; Heading teases, Russian folk songs.

Methods and techniques:

Game (the emergence of the interior of the Russian hut);

Visual (presentation on the topic: "Sowing in the Russian hut", showing the objects of antiquity);

Practical (salty dough modeling);

Verbal (conversation, talence story);

Musical (Russian folk song "In the village, it was in Olkhovka", Game: "Calyat; Hadacks; Kalachi");

Type of classes:combined;
Form organization class:group;
Material:blue, casket, cards with proverbs, household items and utensils of Russian antiquity, presentation on the topic: "Sowing in the Russian hut", beads, salty dough, dish, tray, chopping boards (by the number of children), 2 more advanced.

Travel course:
Q: - Hello good well done and red maiden! Select more comfortable. (Children sit on chairs)

Q: - Guys, do you know why the rus is called wooden? Long ago in Russia, people built themselves dwellings from logs. What did such houses called? (Izba). Right!
Q: - Now we will fall at the time when your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers lived and find out how previous people lived than they did, how they were entertained. To do this, we will take hands, closing your eyes. The transformation begins.
Music (magic)
- Where did you get it? (in Russian hut). Certainly guys, before in the hut there was no light, and we used Lucina in the old days (here's such a wand), ignored it, and she covered the hut and thanks to this adults could be engaged in their craft. And what craft they could do?

D: Q: Right.
Q: - Look at the decoration of the Russian hut. It was always decorated and still remains the red corner - this is the place where the icons stand, an embroidered towel covers them from dust, there is a lamp where the candle in the festive and sorrowful days for family. In the same corner there was always big tablewhere the whole family could immediately accommodate. Near the table stood bend. In the center of horses - the Russian oven, in which not only prepared, but also slept on it. Folk wisdom reads: "Do not rub in the corners, but red cakes." All this economy in the furnace was called Babi Kut. It was all that she needs to prepare lunch and feed pets. And I had to prepare a lot, because families were big.

Then bakes pancakes,
That shows dreams. (stove) What is it?

D: Bake


1st Child: The stove was called - the furnace-Mother. The furnace was folded out of the brick, and on top of the clay. The furnace firing is birch, Olkhov. She served for heating huts and in the stove prepared food: soup, porridge, baked pies

Book of narrow, top is wide
Not a saucepan ... (cast iron)
- Show me, please, and where in our hut casting stands.

The 2nd child: cast-iron - it is a dishes in which they were cooked and porridge, potatoes, batted turnips. Food prepared in the cast-iron in the Russian oven was very tasty.

Q: And here is the next riddle
Horns, yes not a bull,
Enough, but not full
People give up
And himself goes on vacation. (grasp)
- And let's see where we are grasp in the hut? (Children show)

3rd Child: Gipping is a stick with a metal slingshot on it. It was needed to move the cast-iron in the furnace.

Hostess: Then cast iron from food on the table and all the cooked food.

Small draw

Red cap.

Three times a day taken

And again put on the spot.

(Viewing wooden spoons.)

4th Child: Wooden spoons and bowls - dishes, which people did with her own trees. She used during meals.

Q: Well done, guess, what is it for the subject?

Host is bull

Opening a barrel.

Hits and boils,

All the tea addressed to drink. (samovar)

Tell us ..................... How did you use a samovar

5th Child: Samovar - with the help of coal boiled water for tea in it. Water was tasty, with a smoke. In the evenings, the whole family gathered at Samovar.

Q: And even evenings, women were going and hungry yarn on this subject and led conversations

Q: Tell us ...............................

6th Child: Spinning - this is the subject on which Russian women have been strained, and clothes knitted out of yarn. (pitchflowers view)

Well done guys guess the riddles well, and tell about the subjects of the life of the Russian hut.

Oh, look at what beautiful box. Let's see what's in it . (in

Master's business is afraid.

Q: - And what proverbs you know?
-Well done boys!
- Adults in the old days worked, and the children talked to work since 5 years. How do you now. Children helped adults: lacc covered products, painted, girls gave little strands and taught them to spin, and the boys learned nails to score. Look at this dish. What is it made from? (from wood and clay). That's right, before all the dishes were wooden and clay. And tell me which painting is this dishes painted? Well done!

In the old days, children not only helped adults, but also loved to play. Let's play and we will play.

Well done guys sit on chairs

- That's how "the whole world" is Cornly the time for long winter evenings at work, conversations, cheerful joke, different fairy tales. Do you know any jokes-teases? (Yes). Tell them.
We have an Arina little
A little higher than Valenka
In the pitcher arms,

Fuss fell in the pitch,
Crushed the frog
Asked a little mouse
And three pigs. (..................... ..)
. Deceived simple
For four fists
On short and pillow
On a green frog. (.....................)
Kohl, Kohl, Nikolay,
Sit at home, do not walk,
Clever potatoes
Eat a bit. (................)
Plaks, Vaca,
Grown pancake. (.................. ..)
- Well done. But the guys and girls on the gatherings not only worked, but also sang songs.

Let us and we will sing a Russian folk song -

"In the village, it was in Olkhovka."
- Ay yes well done! And now, the marsh of the maiden and the goodness of Well done I invite you to the table. (Children sit at the table).
Q: - When I was small, my grandmother always said - " Skillful hands Do not know boredom. " Do you know why? I always helped her in everything. Let's and you will help me to knead the dough, but Kalachi bake in our stove. And before the dough knead you need to flood, firewood in the furnace put, yes better birch, they are roasting! . In order for the work to be aroused, you need to say a sentence, and you guys help me .

I Kolya, Kolya Firewood,
Kohl Firewood on Chmochki -
Gorge fire in the cookie!
Burn, burn hot, oven,
There will be Dunya Pyshki oven.

- Ah, yes, well done, our oven broke out, now it is possible to knead the dough.
I sit on quasher
Five I drive
Mesh, mesh dough,
There is a place in the oven.

Under the watery roof
Mice gathered,
Hare, squirrel, toad. DAC!

Q: That and the dough seized,
You need to take us for a business.
Let's go merchand to everyone together.
Q: - We take a piece of the dough roll up his sausage, like this and we connect in a circle, it turns out to have such a ram, and put it on a baking sheet. So we stood up with you to Kalach, now we will put them in the stove. And while Kalachi bake, I will tell you one story.

- What do you think, what kind of girls became an adult? Why? .

- Well, what guys "case time, and fun time", let's play the game of Kalachi

Bai, Kachi, Kachi, Kachi, we baked Calachi, with heat with heat from the furnace

All blunders, hot. Flames here, the ruchies praised Kalachi.

Here are our Kalachi. Beautiful ruddy, no wonder we tried with you. Well done! And now pass to the table to drink tea from the samovar, as our grandmothers did.

Music (magic)

- Did you like the journey? (Yes).
- What is the name of the dwelling from the logs, which were built in Russia? (Russian hut)
- What covered the hut when it got dark? (rays)
- What craft did people in the old days do?
- What was the event called when the guys and girls were going to some hut for work and entertainment? (Sowing)
- What was the main decoration of the hut? (Red angle, stove).
- Well done boys!



"Sowing in the Russian hut"

Prepared: Educator MBDOU

"Poltavsky" DS. "Rodnichok" Wagner E.I.


Open exercise on the patriotic education of children with the participation of employees of the Poltava Museum

Purpose: to form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian elevation and traditions of the Russian people


Introduce children with the inner decoration of the Russian hut;

Become acquainted with the traditions of the Russian people;

To acquaint children with new Russian proverbs and sayings about labor;

Develop a steady interest in Russian folk art: proverbs, sayings, mysteries;

Enrich vocabulary with new and diminutive words;

Summarize the knowledge of children about folk fishers;

Bring up respect, interest in the customs of the antiquity, to Russian folklore;

Preliminary work:

Conversations to familiarize themselves with others: "The objects of Russian old","Russian hut";

Reading Russian folk fairy tales, epic;

View illustrations;

Hearing Russian folk songs, lullabies, fairy tales;

Organization and holding with children of Russian folk games;

Learning of sayings and proverbs about labor; Heading teases, Russian folk songs.

Methods and techniques:

Game (the emergence of the interior of the Russian hut);

Visual (presentation on the topic: "Sowing in the Russian hut", showing the objects of antiquity);

Practical (salty dough modeling);

Verbal (conversation, talence story);

Musical (Russian folk song "In the village, it was in Olkhovka", Game: "Calyat; Hadacks; Kalachi");

Type of classes: combined;
Form organization class:group;
Material: blue, casket, cards with proverbs, household items and utensils of Russian antiquity, presentation on the topic: "Sowing in the Russian hut", beads, salty dough, dish, tray, chopping boards (by the number of children), 2 more advanced.

Travel course:
IN : - Hello good men and red maiden! Select more comfortable.(Children sit on chairs). In the old days, meeting the guests, they always said: "Give God who in our house so that everything is good: and live, and be, and healthy."
Rus wooden - the edges of the expensive.
Here, Russian people have long been living.
They glorify the homes of relatives,
Round Russian songs sing.
IN: - Guys, and you know why Rus is called wooden? Long ago in Russia, people built themselves dwellings from logs. What did such houses called?(Izba). Right!
IN: - Now we will fall at the time when your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers lived and find out how previous people lived, what they did, how they were entertained. To do this, we will take hands, closing your eyes. The transformation begins.(Children become a circle, take hands, reveal the curtains and the scenery of the Russian hut open.)
Music (magic)
- Where did you get it?
(in Russian hut). Certainly guys, before in the hut there was no light, and we used Lucina in the old days (here's such a wand), ignored it, and she covered the hut and thanks to this adults could be engaged in their craft. And what craft they could do?

D: (sew, knit, embroider, straighten yarn, nap to spit, sculpt toys).Q: Right.
IN: - Look at the decoration of the Russian hut. It was always decorated and still remains the red corner - this is the place where the icons stand, an embroidered towel covers them from dust, there is a lamp where the candle in the festive and sorrowful days for family. In the same corner there was always a large table where the whole family could immediately accommodate. Near the table stood bend. In the center of horses - the Russian oven, in which not only prepared, but also slept on it. Folk wisdom reads: "Do not rub in the corners, but red cakes." All this economy in the furnace was called Babi Kut. It was all that she needs to prepare lunch and feed pets. And I had to prepare a lot, because families were big.

Now I will make you riddles on the subjects of life, and you try to guess them.
Then bakes pancakes,
That shows dreams.(stove) What is it?

D: oven

IN: Why did she serve and what was done from?

1st child: The stove was called - the furnace-Mother. The furnace was folded out of the brick, and on top of the clay. The furnace firing is birch, Olkhov. She served for heating huts and in the stove prepared food: soup, porridge, baked pies

IN: Well done, listen further

Book of narrow, top is wide
Not a saucepan ...(cast iron)
- Show me, please, and where in our hut casting stands.
(Children show). Tell me about him

2nd child: Castle - it is a dishes in which they were cooked soup and porridge, potatoes, batted turnips. Food prepared in the cast-iron in the Russian oven was very tasty.

IN: And here is the next riddle
Horns, yes not a bull,
Enough, but not full
People give up
And himself goes on vacation.
- And let's see where we are grasp in the hut?
(Children show)

Tell me what a grasp and what did he serve?

3rd child: Gipping is a stick with a metal slingshot on it. It was needed to move the cast-iron in the furnace.

Hostess: Then cast iron from food on the table and all the cooked food.

Small draw

Red cap.

Three times a day taken

And again put on the spot.

(Viewing wooden spoons.)

4th child: Wooden spoons and bowls - dishes that people made from wood with their own hands. She used during meals.

IN: Well done, guess, what is it for the subject?

Host is bull

Opening a barrel.

Hits and boils,

All the tea addressed to drink. (samovar)

Tell us ..................... How did you use a samovar

5th child: Samovar - with the help of coal boiled water in it for tea. Water was tasty, with a smoke. In the evenings, the whole family gathered at Samovar.

IN: And even in the evenings, women were going and hungry yarn here on this subject and led conversations

Q: Tell us ...............................

6th child: The spreader is a subject on which Russian women have been strained, and clothes knitted out of yarn. (pitchflowers view)

Well done guys guess the riddles well, and tell about the subjects of the life of the Russian hut.

Oh, look at what beautiful box. Let's see what's in it. (in casket Proverbs and sayings about labor).

Red Bird is superior, and a person is reduced.
Whoever works is afraid, he dances, and sings.
Master's business is afraid.
Top twice makes one thing.
IN: - And what proverbs you know?(Children tell proverbs).
1. Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry.()
2. You can easily endure and fish from the pond.()
3. Case - time, fun - hour.()
4. Made the case - Goulai boldly.()
5. Seven times will die - once a rejection.()
6. Patience and work, everything is pulled.()
-Well done boys!
- Adults in the old days worked, and the children talked to work since 5 years. How do you now. Children helped adults: lacc covered products, painted, girls gave little strands and taught them to spin, and the boys learned nails to score.
(In the course of the story, the teacher shows the children with painted dishes, spread). Look at this dish. What is it made from? (from wood and clay). That's right, before all the dishes were wooden and clay. And tell me which painting is this dishes painted?(Khokhloma and Gorodetskaya painting).Well done!

In the old days, children not only helped adults, but also loved to play. Let's play and we will play.

The game:


Well done guys sit on chairs. (Children sit on chairs).
- In the old days in each village, sat down at each village. Guys and girls - gathered in some hut, to show themselves, to look at others, to transfer the chastism, sort in fun and fun. At the gatherings came after labor day. Sowing were a holiday. But young people did not always leave parents. It was necessary to work well at home to earn it. Yes, if they let go - be sure to give the work: Telly yarn from wool, tie lace. The young men of the Napty spill, made a box, Tuesca.
- That's how "the whole world" is Cornly the time for long winter evenings at work, conversations, cheerful joke, different fairy tales. Do you know any jokes-teases?
(Yes) . Tell them.
We have an Arina little
A little higher than Valenka
In the pitcher arms,
As a bubble inflates. (....................)
Fuss fell in the pitch,
Crushed the frog
Asked a little mouse
And three pigs. (..................... ..)
. Deceived simple
For four fists
On short and pillow
On a green frog. (.....................)
Kohl, Kohl, Nikolay,
Sit at home, do not walk,
Clever potatoes
Eat a bit. (................)
Plaks, Vaca,
Grown pancake. (.................. ..)
- Well done. But the guys and girls on the gatherings not only worked, but also sang songs.

Let us and we will sing a Russian folk song -

"In the village, it was in Olkhovka."(Sing the song, showing the scene).
- Ay yes well done! And now, the marsh of the maiden and the goodness of Well done I invite you to the table.(Children sit at the table).
IN: "When I was a little, my grandmother always said -" skillful hands do not know boredom. " Do you know why? I always helped her in everything. Let's and you will help me to knead the dough, but Kalachi bake in our stove. And before the dough knead you need to flood, firewood in the furnace put, yes better birch, they are roasting!(The tutor puts firewood into the stove). In order for the work to be aroused, you need to say a sentence, and you guys help me.

(Fingering gymnastics - "I Kolya, Kolya Firewood ...").
I Kolya, Kolya Firewood,
Kohl Firewood on Chmochki -
Gorge fire in the cookie!
Burn, burn hot, oven,
There will be Dunya Pyshki oven.

- Ah, yes, well done, our oven broke out, now it is possible to knead the dough.(The tutor takes a dish with a dough begins to mix the dough). In order for the dough to be tastier, in the old days, when he was kneaded, they sentenced him:
I sit on quasher
Five I drive
Mesh, mesh dough,
There is a place in the oven.
- That's the dough kneading, and while it comes out, we will play guys in the "Ass."
The game is being played. Children get up in a circle. Driving pulls hand down hand down. Each player puts his forefinger under the palm of water. Everyone says words:
Under the watery roof
Mice gathered,
Hare, squirrel, toad. DAC!
In the last word, everyone should quickly remove the fingers. Whose finger is captured by the lead, he drops out of the game.
IN: That's the dough seized,
You need to take us for a business.
Let's go merchand to everyone together.
(The educator distributes to children has already been cooked dough, all shaking fires together make them on the baking sheet, put in the stove)
IN: - We take a piece of the dough roll it with a sausage, like it and we connect in a circle, it turns out that there is such a ram, and put it on the tray. So we stood up with you to Kalach, now we will put them in the stove. And while Kalachi bake, I will tell you one story.
"Two girls, Nastya and Alyonushka lived in one village. Nastya loved to dress up his mother's things, wear beads, shoes and everyone says "I have already become an adult! " Alyonushka at the same time cleaned the toys, swept the floor in the hut and also said: "I have already become an adult! "
- What do you think, what kind of girls became an adult? Why?
(Alyonushka became big because she helps mom. And Nastya only, loves to dress up).
So the guys, they say "do not judge, do not judge, on business."
- Well, that the guys "case time, and the fun hour", let's play in
game of Kalachi

Bai, Kachi, Kachi, Kachi, we baked Calachi, with heat with heat from the furnace

All blunders, hot. Flames here, the ruchies praised Kalachi.

Here are our Kalachi. Beautiful ruddy, no wonder we tried with you. Well done! And now pass to the table to drink tea from the samovar, as our grandmothers did.(The educator gets from Kalachi oven).

Music (magic)
Well, the guys came to return to us from the old days in our time and in our kindergarten. Let's take up your hands, close your eyes, and let's say differently two or three home fall.
- Did you like the journey?
- What is the name of the dwelling from the logs, which were built in Russia?
(Russian hut)
- What covered the hut when it got dark?
- What craft did people in the old days do?
(sewed, knitted, cliff Napty, straight yarn).
- What was the event called when the guys and girls were going to some hut for work and entertainment?
- What was the main decoration of the hut?
(Red angle, stove).
- Well done boys!

purpose: Education of patriotism, the acquisition of children to the origins of folk culture and spirituality based on Siberian folklore.



· Education of love for native edge, acquaintance of children with characteristic features Siberian folklore;


· Education moral qualities Child's personality: kindness, justice, truthfulness, pride for their land;


· Development creative abilities Children: Skills, actingMusicalities based on different genres of Siberian folklore.



Folk Holiday "Siberian Sowing"

purpose : Education of patriotism, the acquisition of children to the origins of folk culture and spirituality based on Siberian folklore.



  • Education of love for the native land, the acquaintance of children with the characteristic features of the Siberian folklore;


  • Education of the moral qualities of the child's personality: kindness, justice, truthfulness, pride for their land;


  • The development of the creative abilities of children: singing skills, acting, musicality based on different genres of Siberian folklore.

Merry music sounds. Overwhelmed.

Skomoroch: Hello guests expensive, sought! I will tell you a fairy tale is a simple, simple! And you listen, yes remember!

In some kingdom

Belovsky State,

Standing terchers,

Children's kindergarten "Spark"!

Everything is good in it, beautifully,

So cozy and so cute!

Baby kids

Do not want to go home!

Maiden's girls serve there,

Vera, the plausible children serve.

And also knit, sew,

In a word - handicrafts are engaged!

Songs are ringing

And folklore are fond of!

The crude runs away. Gas light. Russian folk music sounds. The mistress includes, lights a candle, preparing for the meeting of the guests (folds up the handle, corrects his suit). The owner includes, sits on the bench and rifts the basket. The light is lit.


On the dumps, in the berski il on the logs of which

Collected squatings of older and young.

During Luchin Lee, Ile was sitting under the light sky

They spoke, sang songs and drove dance.

And played as in Siberia! Oh, how games are good!

In short, these gatherings were the holiday of the soul!

Russian folk music sounds. Consider 2 girls

Mistress: Hello guests dear! Go around, be at home!

1 Tower: Do not worry the hostess, we are not lying at home, but at a party do not stand!

The hostess seats girls on the bench. Girls take needlework. There are 3 more girls.

Master: Comerate beauties! We have for everyone there is a place, and a word!

2 Girl : Guests - People are undermineum, where they will rise, there and sit down!

The owner escorts girls on the bench, they get the needlework. There are 3 more girls.

Mistress: Pass guests expensive! Guest - Honor, Host - Honor.

3 Girl: There are pigeons there, where they are brought.

Master: For a long time we are waiting for you - we will wait for you, the gatherings are not starting without you.

Mistress: We passed for you for any taste for you: to whom knitting, who is embroidery, to whom a fairy tale, who is the truth to whom the songs whom the dances.

All sing the song "On the grief of Kalina."

On the grief of Kalina,
Under the mountain of raspberry.
Well, who is a matter, Kalina!
Well, who is what business, raspberry!

There girls walked,
There are red walked.
Well, who is a matter, walked!
Well, who, what business, walked!

Kalinushka broke,
Kalinushka broke,
Well, who, who matches, broke!
Well, to whom what business, broke!

In the beam knitted,
In the beam knitted.
Well, who is the case, knit!
Well, who, what business, knit!

The track was thrown
The track was thrown
Well, who the matter, threw!
Well, who, what business, threw!


Already in Siberia goes so that the talented people

Himself and Shvets, and the reaper, and on the pitcher, the play.

And he browsing the flea, the good house will erect

Utensils all home will firmly

The bowl of the full house will be!

Master: Now we will be convinced of the skill and dexterity of our beauties. After all, you will not learn from childhood, all my life will come true! Who wants to show your ability?

The game "Who will replete the tangle?"

After the game, Russian folk music sounds. 8 boys come in.

1 boy:

Hey, Girls come out, raise dance!

2 . After all, the Siberian people are deftly dancing and sings!

3. Guys here masters, deftly rule all things!

4 . Yes, and the girls under the one, they will not give up!

Horovodel "And we have sowed"


Foosyitsa in faces are sitting in Teremakh - Svetlitsy,

Click nuts, yes crews

Nor short nor long

And such that just just like me to you!

Guests are talking to unprecedented

1 .Between heaven and earth
Piggy rummary
And inadvertently tail
To the sky clusted.

2 . On the fence of Chepukha
Roasted jam,
Kuras ate a rooster
On Sunday.

3. A village past a man,
And from under the dog, the gate is lated:
"Karaul, Village,guys are burning!
Baba Sarafan want to pour. "

4. Timoshka in Lukoshkadrove along the track.
The dog on the skip is mowed,
Bear on the chain is rummaged.
Agafon on the furnace is extinguished.

5. Agafonova wife lived on the road
Kalachi baked.
How these kalachi
All day hot.


We are walking down the street, choosing dances.

Where the fun people - here and will be the dance

Horovoode "Teter"


On the right hand guy lies the right hand of the girl. With his left hand he wraps her waist, she keeps her left hand. On the first phrase "Oh, I!" The guy is circling the girl under his right hand. In the words "I found a taste, when the girl turned face to a guy, he left She serves the girl to the left of himself, she left her hand - a guy to the left of herself.
Further all the time during the chorus change partners, granting it right, then left hand.
I lived at the father,
I am an amell gravel.
Oh, I, I am a getter
Oh, I'm on the green meadow,
Oh, I, I did not catch the Tetya,
Oh, I, just pulled the feather.
Oh I, I'm with this aunt
Oh, I, I'll do a Duda,
Oh, I'm already, my twink,
Oh me, my cheerful
Oh me having fun
Oh me on someone else's side
Oh, I, with a big family.
Oh, I, and the family is three sons,
Oh, I grab one horses,
Oh, I, another lapti weave,
Oh, I, the third sits on the pebble,
Oh, I hold the goat on Vseazuchka,
Oh me!
On the last phrase "on someone else's side" with the new partner becomes the first position and go in a circle to the chorus.


Look in the window

Skomorokhov there is full!

In dulls play,

People convene!

Merry music sounds. Included a burglar with a bear.

Skomorokh : Hello the people are honest! My name is the screamer Timoshka - the jokes are full of Lukoshko!

And this is my boyfriend shaggy.

Well, Bear, Topney Peta!

I will play on the balalaika

And my target will dance!

The buckle plays. Bear dancing. All clap.


Bear, Teddy bear! Do not be lazy, good people worship.

We continue to play each other to amaze.

Bears, show how small children cry!

And how laugh? How do soldiers walk?

How are the mouses from the cat run away?

How does Dunysha dance and handkerchief?

And now Misha show, like the girls in the forest on the mushrooms and berries go.

Bear shows.

Skomoroch: I see yourself you learned! And in such a game you played?

Movable game "Bear in Bor"

Skomoroch: We have fun to know more nicely, it's time to know. Let's go beggar on, around the villages, by city. Show yourself, yes to watch people!

The burst and bear bow and go.

Mistress: Well done, Mikhail, good people pleased! Good way to you, come to us yet!


As is known to all girlfriends

Master Sing Chastushki.

And you guys do not yaw

And help girls!

Siberian chastushki "Christmas trees - pines"

1. The Christmas tree - pines

Thin twigs

We are Siberian girls,

We are all like candy

2. Girls - Belynushki,

Sitted on the nurse.

On my kaurushka,

Rather on the downhow.

3. I wanted to pour

Length to the skirt to donate.

My Mishutka Kosolapoye

Stepped on the skirt of the paw.

4. As Siberian Girls

Do not know how to dance.

All sites, the same speeches -

"Smolki let him chew."

5. Good harmonic plays

Once here and there.

We are Siberian girls,

Well lives to us.

6. Here in Belovo I live

Songs about Siberia I sing

And I will come to Altai,

I will not forget my native land.

7.Ah, gray Taiga,

What do you challenged?

Cedars over the rook

Yes, power is powerful.

Someone let say.

I ask others to be silent!


Well, say your patter.

We repeat it,

What a mosquito to word!

Fight twit between guests and owners.

Mistress: I see that you wanted to play. I have Siberian games for you.

Horovoic game "Zainka" (choice with a bow)

The dance will lead, holding hands and raising a high-headed one, form "windows", which are trying to jump out "Zainka". In the other side of the dance, where the "bunny" rushes, sharply lower his hands, interfering with him.

Zainka Serious,
White Zainka,
Nowhere to jump bunny,
Nowhere to jumped gray.
There are cities Turkish,
There are German locks.

Attempts are usually unsuccessful, the dance stops, everyone claps his hands:

Well, bunny, sideways
In front of our dance,
Well, bunny, not benazy,
Who do you like, worship.

The one who is bouncing "Zainka" goes into a circle. Begin first. If the "bunny" pops into the circle enter two who released.

Wards, wind and frost

Playing get up with couple face to each other. Clap your hands, sentencing:

Cold ice

Transparent ice

Sparkle, ring

Dzin, Jin ...

Make cotton for each word: first in their hands, then in your hands with a friend. They clap into your hands and say Jin, Dzin until he is heard the "Wind!" Signal. Wildlife kids run in different directions. On the signal "Frost!" Everyone lined up in a circle and take hands.


There are many dances in the world

We love them to dance

And on these gatherings

We would like to steal!

Horovoode "Eight-Rod"

This figure is formed from two circles standing nearby. Circles are moving on different sides. IN certain moment the leading at the same time tear the circles, and the participants are moving through one from one circle to another, their general move Forms a drawing similar to the number "8". Circles, as it were, transfix one to another. Hands break only at the time of transition from one circle to another. The number of participants or steam in each circle should be the same. The "eight" is best done by a simple or variable step.

Master: Games, yes, you will not be satisfied with dats! Our Siberian people are famous for hospitality, yes treative!


Hot tea - our power, table decoration.

From tea Loaho does not happen! " - So people say!

Tea - health, everyone knows

Pey, at least 5 hours in a row!

Master: We invite you to tea

And the task is appointed

Guess, guests are expensive

What we pour tea with you!

The game "Detected on the Taste"

The tray is brewing teapots, in which herbal, berry tea is brewed.

Boy: We sat, have fun, it's time and at home!

Girl: Thanks the owner and the hostess, for fun and for treat!

Guests are bowed and go. Sounds Russian lullaby music. The hostess lights a candle. Gas light.

Mistress: Outside the evening comes,

Dream is on us.

Master: And that's right, sat, have fun, it's time for peace.

The hostess and the owner are blowing on the candle and go. Merry music sounds. Increases a crochet.


That's all our tale! We pleased you?

Strict us you do not judge

And more often go to our light!

The bogged down and leaves.